THE OMAHA DAILY REE : SUNDAY , IMAHOIt 15. 18 < ) L-SI XT KENT PAGES. BENN1SOX BROTHERS , The Prices for Monday Arc Away Down Lower tkn Bankrupt Stocks Gnu Bo Sold. llond i\cry : Itrin Can-rully nial Don't 1'orget to ( ' ( ini.c In Monday ami Secure a tlnr ulii 'lliatln a 2.5 pieces Scotch plnlds , fultnblo for children's divMCs and woiIh loi1 ; tlioy go Monduy at oc yard : I bale ulibletiched inntlln Mondnv 'tie yard ; l ! ca'-es 30-ln. bleached niuilln , a rattlinj , ' gooil one , ( ! o yard ! 1 ea o Itarker ; i-ln. ( ! bleached mus lin , 11J ! yards for $1.00. This is a bettor muslin than l-Yuil of Loom ; ronieinbor Monday only. I'Jj.\nrds for Sl.OO. fibales 'iti-liu'li line unbleached mm- lltr , in jardsfor jl.OO. W ) pieces HiMncli ; ' . , "Ic yard , worth Ifie. 12(1 ( pieces HU-inHi solid black tenaiiK < i , worth ISe , fro Monday at So yard. UK ) do/en children's fa'st black hose , all hizes , SJc pair. 100 do/.en ladles' fast black hose , very line ( jan o-regular fiUo Btocldtijyou can lay in u supply , Mon day and Monday 'only , at "He pair. 1,000 jdeivtf all silk ribbons , in num bers 5) ) and 1" , at oo yard. fiO do/.en ladies' jersey ribbed vests , lOc each. Indies'fast black litlo vestH , r > 0i' each. 1011 white crochet bed spreads Monday OHcoach , worth $1.00. 100 white bed uproadH , Imga si/.e , Monday OSo each , worth $ l. " > 0. liOO colored ttiblo coverti in 8-1 and 10-1 worth Wk-and $1.12. " ) , you can take your nick Monday at flOc each ; get one. they are a harpaln. 100 pieces ' 10 inch silk plushes "ic yard. A lot of striped velvets go Mon day at li"c yard. Ladies' line kid gloves at "lie pair , formerly sold from $1.50 to 82.60. A lot oi oinb'roldorles at ic ! yard , worth from 7e to Ifie. Ladies' hem fetlteh fancy border handlterchlefs go Monday at lie each. ' SI'KC'l'AL CLOAK SALIC MONDAY. Infants' long cashmere cloaks in cream and tan , silk embroidered collar , Mon day only $1.60 each ; infants' long cashmere - more cloaks in cream and tan , bilk em broidered collar and skirts al only 12.00 amll.60 ! each worth $1.00 and $5.00. Got the babys a cloak during this salo. Children's surah silk fancy striped cloaks In 1. , ! 1 , Iand6 years only $ " > .60 oauli , worth $10.00. Ladles' iill wool black jackets , tailor made , Monday SU.U8 each , worth $1.00 ; Indies' line ehoviot and cork t-crow jackets with vest front and rolling collar , Monday $ .100 each , worth $8.00. Wo are showing nu olo- giint line of ladles' tine jackets la reef ers and bla/ers in black and light colors at $0.00 , $8.00 and $10.00 , they are Imrgnlns. Misses jaekotsin greatva'rioty nt $ 1.9Seach. Special muslin underwear sale Monday ; ladies , Mother Ilnbbard nightgowns tucked yoke full sizes only 41c each ; Indies' innslin drawers , four tuelcs , Monday , 121e pair ; 1,000 pairs children's muslin drawers , worked but ton holes , 12 to 7 years , all sizes , only l ( > o pair. Special : Monday wo place on sale 1,000 Indies' $1.00 quality summer corset at only \ price , for Monday 5c. ( ) BASKMKNTHAUC.AINS bXW MON DAY. Copper bottom wish boilers , .We ; mit- inog graters , le each ; enko patties , Ic ; brass bird cage springs , le ; clot-ot hooks , le ; milk skiinmoi-H , Ic ; wire coat hang ers , lei carpet tacks , le ; nio tins , Ic ; popper boxes , lo ; lamp cnimnoys , 'ic ; toilet japer , Cu roll : bct-ub brushes , lie ; pint-tin cups , 12o ; bird seed , 1 Ib. paek- jiKp , 7e ; cut glass salts and poppers , fie ; clothes lines , 60 ; Sanford's black ink , Ho ; padlocks , Cc' , chopping knlvon , 6c ; slate pencils , Oforlc ; 1,000 pintbottlesamonia , lOc ; Dover egg boaters , 10c ; curry combs , lOc ; 112 marbles for Ic ; Hour Biftors ; lOe ; llro shovels , , r > e ; pot covers , Ce ; copper bottom tea kettles , i ! . > c ; liua- Uled stow pans , lOc , llle and ISc each ; largo dish pans , 12. " > e ; painted cuspidors , Gc. decorated slop pails , ! iOc each ; 8 hole gem nans , "c ; porcelain lined kettles , 'We ; holid copper tea ket tles , $1.2-1. worth $ U.7o ; Bolid connor boilers $ i.lo ! ! , worth $ .00 ; tea and cotToo pots lOc each ; wash tubs -15c ; two- hoop pails lOc ; clothes wringer $1.75 ; clothes pins ( i do/en for oc ; folding iron boards Slo ) ; clothes bars f > 0e ; largo iron nxlo wagons 69c each ; willow doll bug gies lillc ; 1,000 red painted two-wheel carts lOo each ; children's high chairs COc ; child's rockers 2"oand Hoc ; Ansonia nickel clocks 5Uc each ; oil stoves ! ) Sc ; kid body dolls , bisque head , natural hair , 18c each ; hand lamps complete loc ; 0 piece trlass cream sot lc ! ) bet. NOTIUK Do you need wall paper ? If you do , wo are headquarters hi Omaha. Wo bayo just received 2 solid ear loads , and it is now'on sale at ono-quartor reg ular retail prices.UENKISON UENKISON BROS. AT TI1K FA lit. Bpoclnl Sales if Spring Wraps , Con- nUtlu ol' lUa/.ei-H , Jaekett ) and Capes. Wo just received 1600 garments of all dofccriptions , which our eastern buyer has bought at about one-half of the real value , which enables us to bell them at about the above margin. 85 stockinet jackets , elegantly nvulo and the latest styles , wortli $ l.oO.Vo Boll them at OOo each. 120 jackets , pulled sleeves , all wool stockinet , regular price , $2.oO , for SI. 10 each tomorrow. " 00 blnxois , rlchlv trimmed , collar , Blcovos , worth anywhere SJ5.00 , at $1.1)0 ) each. 70 capes of all kinds of materials , richly trimmed , worth iU.50 to $1.00. You can take vour choice , $2.r)0. ) L. 1) . LBVY&CO. ( , 13th and Howard , The Fair. _ Mrs. C. A. Kiiiffor will bo pleased to meet her friends and patrons at Mrs. IJ. IJ. Utivies' , 111 South Fifteenth btrcot. Dinner SetH Cheap. Call nt Moody's and see our now din ner sots in all styles. Hoantlful hhapes and decorations. Something entirely now. Moody's China Store , 30:1 N. 10th btrcot. Tomorrow Of the Walnut Hill Clioral association nt the Proshytorltiu elinreh , Lowe avenue and Nicholns streets. All sin jj- ors given a cordial invitation. Prof. Lorriiij , Iiis > trnctor. Miss Sclmdell has returned from the east with a full line of t > prinr ( lints and bonnets which t-lio will bo pleased to show her customers ut 10 ± 2 Douglas "street , Omaha , Nob. A Youthful .Mail United States Attorney Bilker went to Pali-bury Friday and conducted n case before tuo UtiUeil States commissioner at that point. Aaron Koyso , a 17-year-olil boy , hail been arrested far tampering with Iho malls mm the testimony showed tuat ho bad iiurlolncil a letter from o lock box which had Iwcu carelessly left open una hail ab stracted a money oiilor from tlio letter. The order was forfJ , ami the boy , being Ignorant of the methods of tbo [ wstonlco department , rulsod the amount to ? X ) and in-evented ttio order for payment. Tlio postmaster's ' "advlco" showed the true state of ntTalrs and tliu boy was iinvstecl. He was tried und gn\-o 100 for bis appearance at tbo next term of court. Owing to his youth and in mi if os t lack of sense bo will ] > robauly not bo prosecuted for forgery. THE .BOSTON STORE , Dress Qojds Sale Exhausting tlio Ghofco of Entire. Auiericau nnil roroigu Markets , AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER NAMED , 'Hip DI-PSH fSooilp In Tills Sale Tomor row Comprise the Mont Varied Designs , hluuloH and Cniiiblna * tlons In Vntiliioii'H World. NO ATTUACTION CAN HK SO OKUAT NOUSALUSO 1MIOF1TAI1LE TO YOU AS THIS.VK PLACE THESE Kim AND ICLECJANT DUKSS GOODS KIGHT IN YOHlt HANDS AT FAMOUS BOSTON' STORE PRICES. A choice line of Angoni homespun suitings , in grays and tans at Oo a yard , ThobO umku ele'gant spring suits , look like n uOc material and giurautocd to wash. Extra wide hcnriotlas , in all now stripes ami plaids and plain to match , tit Sloe a yard. All wool summer tricots in grays and tuns nt ! ! oc. All wool shepherd-plaids and till wool camel's hair suitings , in now stripes , checks and plaids , all now shades , -I'Jc ' a yard. 18-inch till wool Freneh honnottas , in nil the newest colorings , < 57c. GlMneh all wool Imported foulo serge , In now rose , French grays , now tans and browns , "So a yard. 412-Inch line mohair brilllanlincs , all shades and black , regular 75e ; quality , at 3'Je. ' NE\V 15LACIC COODS. French serge batiste cloth , now this season , all pure wool , best i'arls dye , IWc a yard. IS-inch all wool silk finished honrl- ottaq , regular Sl.oO quality , at 75c a yard. 1'riobtley's tniniso cloth , all wool , -10 inches vide , a bargain at 75c a yd. All wool novelty stripes la black goods , ti largo variety of patterns , en tirely now tliis H'ttaon , a beautiful soft finished uoods , 7ne a yard. imiss : GOODS REMNKNTS. Hundreds of short lengths of the llnest grades Imported dress goods go in lots tomorrow at ii'ic , li'Jc ' , 50o and Tfic , Every yard of these goods guaranteed to bo worth two and three times the amount , NKW DRESS TRIMMINGS. Comp and see our display of now dress trimmings , everything now , everything artistic , everything at lower prices than can bo found elsewhere. Jet and tinsel narrow headings. In black and gold , black and silver , from Uoe to 7m ; a ya rd. 1'earl and gold and pearl and silver from -10c to $1.00. Silk and tinsel applifjuo embossed with canlille metal at $1.00 a yard. Colored French applique , with enn- tillo metal. In new designs. SI.Ho a yd. NEW DHESS HUTTONS. Latest Parisian novelties in. dress but tons ; gold , silver , steel , jewels , etc. , from lOe to $1.00 a do/.on. BLACK AND WIIITU HMBROID- EKED SKIRTINGS-A TTUNDHED 1)1 KF13HENT DESIGNS. At 50c a yd.Vo toll you an elegant black embroidered , blurting , -1G Indies wide , very handsomely wonted and hemstitched. This line cannot bo dupli cated for leas than SI.So. At "oc , OSo and" ) wo show the most ciogant lines of hemstitched black embroidered skirtings that were brought to the city. \VIHTK SWISS SKIRTINGS. At IWe 15-inch heavy embroidered hemstitched flouncing. All now pat terns ; regular "ins goods. At r)0o , Toe and $1.00 ; 15 and UO-inch double hemstitched Van Dyke and point olTect in embroid ery. Nothing liner to bo shown any- whoro. 127-inch ilnunclngs at 29c , 35c and -Iflc , all wol'th double. TIIK BOSTON STORE , 111 South IGth Street. O. O. I ) . Ilpcl'H Grocery. Cutting prices on canned goods ami groceries. 3 cans 15 pounds aolid tomatoes , 25c. ! ! cans li pounds hiigar corn , "oc. One can marrowfat peas , 5c. One can BonUod corn , Tic. One can blueberries , So. One pie | > uinpkin , lOc. One can gallon apnles , 85c. One can gallon soap tomtitocs , 27c. One can gallon solid packed tomatoes 30c. 30c.One dozen oranges , lOc. Two bats good laundry soap , 5c. Eight bars best laundry soap , " 5c. Pine country smoked shoulders , 5o per pound. Best XXX soda crackers , Oc. Best soda oroyster crackers , ! > e by box. A line 20-pound bucket of jolly , 70c ; same as others sell for SI.00. 0. O. IX HEEL'S. Grocer , o ± ! N. Kith. Tel. 1'Jo. ' Phillip Miller , Into of Merchants' bar ber shop , has bought the Continental harbor shop , corner Kith and Douglas. Holll bo pleased to have all his friends call mid see him. The shop will bo .re fitted throughout and none but the best of workmen employed. Have secured the borvicesof Mr. Frank Hayes of Chicago cage , an expert ladies' hairdre-sor , who will make calls at residences if desired ; will do up hair in any manner u anted. Attention , ( I. A. U. Portraits of Generals Sherman , Porter ter , Sheridan and otlior prominent olli- cors for wile at A. Hospy , jr. , 1513 Doug las street. Sco to it that your name and address gets in the now city directory now in press. J. Al. Wolfe .V Co. , 510 1'axton block. Now Hnriioss Store. Why pn.v high prices when you can go to H. E. Westgnto's and buy harness , paddles , bridles ami all things pertain- , lng to horse goods tit extremely low prices. H. E. "Westgato will hell honest goods at sti ictly bottom prices. Also dealer in job lot goods , Hour , feed , etc. . Uall and see him at 113 and 117 N. 15th street , city. Dr. DcSiui. Clairvoyant and counsellor. atft22 North Sixteenth street , lias the respect of the ladles anil public wherever HIO appears. Consult her on all atTairs of life. "Ves , sir , " remarked a well known young nmti yesterday , "a follow gets re markably courteous treatment and elegant goods nt that now store of Stephens & Smith's , 1U-5 N. 10th street. " Chas. Shlvorick & Co. , 1200-1203-1210 Ftirnnir. strcot. McCormick & Lund , fine pcrfumoa. Dr. Gllmoro'sonlco removed to Bush man block , N. E. cor. Iflth and Douyla * $125 Oi-iaM ftir ? J 5 , On easy ptiyinonts , walnut case , 0 feet high , eleven stops , two knee swells , French walnut panels. Go anil BOO it tit A , Hoepo's , 1513 Douglas btrcoU Spcclalt Tor Mondn.r. Why buy old and shomun-n goods when new goods are o ( To roil at the same lyurcs. Note our array of bnrgiihiH. DUI'.SS GOODS. Now sprint' iilnlda worth 75o , Monday Now spring serges wortli O.'o , now oOo. Nowsprlnij cashnioro worth Ooc , epo- cial f > 0c. A full line of plain colored cashmeres it 25c. A full line of now spring plaids at 00 yard. Also n largo assortment of line wool goods In novelties fiom home and foreign narlets. LADIES' 1IOSIEHV. Ladles' onyx dye black cotton hose 2. " > o per pair , worth lOc. Ladles * colored pin striped cotton lioso 2le per ) > alr , actual valno ! ir o per pair. Ladles' line French lisle thread lioso it f)0c ) , at cr c per pair , worth 7Ue and MJ. Children's ' heavy fast black ribbed cotton hose , all sizes , 2oc per pair. MEN'S KUHNISHINGS. Men's heavy Oxford sox TJjc per pair. Men's fancy striped nogllgoo ahlrts OSc , regular § 1,50 goods. Men's fancy trimmed nlyht shirts at 18c each. Special cut on gents' ' handkerchiefs ; fancy bordered cotton for Sic. Fine pure linen for 12jc. Plain white , extra line quality , for 20c ; wortli ! l5o to 50o. LIN EN DEPARTMENT. Gigantic bargains in genuine Mtir- fceilles bed sprctids. 100 full sized Marseilles lied spreads at $1.08 , worth &J.OO. 100 full sized Marseilles bed spreads at $2.2o , worth $3.75. 100 full sized Marseilles bed spreads at $2.7o , worth 31.00. Special bargains at $3.00 , $3.50 up to $10.00 each. Sco our now bed spread at $1.50. This is the cheapest and best spread ever peon in Omaha at the price. Special prices on our damask sets all this week. \7ibit our linen department for bar gains this week. DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. Special 200 odd shades , 7 feet long , on Ilorlshorn rollers , all for I5c ! each. Lace curtains , 31 yards long , 7Sc per pair. pair.Lace Lace curtains , 3 } yards long , $1.10 per pair. Chenille" curtains , 31 yards long , with border , $1.1)8 ) pair. Plain chenille curtains , 3J long , with fringe top and bottom , all colors , for $5.00 pair. Store closes at C p. m. , inclu'ding Sat urday. N. B. FALCONER. J lrn. It. H. Davli-H Leaves Monday for Now York City , where bho will procure till the latest novelties in millinery. It Al\\iiy.s that patrons of the Chicago ti North western invariably testify their satisfac tion at the service gi\cn. This can hardly fail to bo the cuso in view of tlio splonuid passenger equipment in daily use on. that line especially the now sleepers , dining cars and parlor chair cars. In addition to this , tlio conven ient hours of departure of the eastern limited trains , ! : . ' ! ( ) p.m. and 0:80 : p.m. , daily and tlio fact that these trains ar rive atanddopnrl direct from tlio U. P. depot in Omaha , makes the Chicago & Northwestern most emphatically the favorite line to Chicago and eastern points. City ollico , M01 Farnam street. o. oi is. . Vesta Chapter No. 0 , Order of the EnstorStnr , will givoa progressive high live parly Saturday evening , March 21 , at Muboiiic hull , All masons and their friends cordially invited , A Card ot 'I hanks. Mrs. John IL lUitler desires to return thanks to the ollleors and inemhors of State Ledge No. 10 , I. 0. 0. P. , and Triangle Lodpo ISTo. oi , 1C. of 1' . , for their resolutions of sympathy and con dolence , and to all friends of the family , for their kind attention to them during their recent berovemont. MHS. JOHN if. IHTMH : , 270. ) Davon port street. Milllnnrv nnrnltins jirrlvlni * ilnllvnt. ' Mine. Iliubman's , Iill South Kith St. . Omaha ice company has about 10.000 ! tons of linost ice over put up. It will bo to the interest of customers to see them before making contracts for the summer. "DOIH3" DAVIS * 1H VOUCH. .Another IVature ol' it Aired District i'ourt NolfH. "Dous" I.ivib' ) ' illvorco scuiidil was given another nlrlnp bofnro JuilcoVuUoluy yesterday. Tills time It was on application of Davis for nn order restraining his ex-wife from coinlnc to see Iicr children any more. About a year ago DoiiKliri A. D.ivis pro cured a divorce from his wife on tno ground of adultery. In granting tlio decree , Judtfo \VnUeloy \ entered a proviso that Mrs. Davis should bo nlloweil to sea her two children , one live and the other ei lit years old , every two wcelts , D.ivis now IUIOKOS that the woman's ' Inlluenco over ttio children , oven by scolni ; them every two weeks is had. Mrs. Davis answers that Mr. Davis' mother inaUes nil the trouble by Heating her shame fully , etc. Jiult'o Walceloy tooic tiio case umluriul visciuont. Meinboi-s of the bar were sururlscil nt not hearing decisions ID some of tlio several Important eases submitted some- tlmo ngo. In private , tlio court explained that it had' been altogether too busy to Had timu to o.vimino the cases bofora it. In lianipo vs'llartlctt the motion to dismiss on appeal was today sustained on the ground of having been Hied out ottltno. Robert Sims pleaded guilty to forgery and Judge ( Jlnrksou sentenced him to ouo year in ttio penitentiary. Those nro nobby "Windsors at 105 N. lOthbtreet. Stephens & ainlth , _ Shorui.nriS : McConnell , proscrlptlonlbts und family chcmibts , 151i ! Dod o , A Not able Feature. The Burlington route is the only line from Onmha to < Milcago and the east and south whobo fcolid trains depart from the Union depot , thus avoiding the incon venience and annoyance of transfers. Fiuo carriages , Swrnuu's repository THE BOSTOKSTORE-2D FLOOR Bo on Our Second Floor Tomorrow Morn ing aii 8 O'clock. ' 'llio Oi-ontost or All ol' Itomimnts/AVIilto ( lOiiilHi \\nsli ( 'iiltiuM unit Muslins , u ( 11 I't-notloti of Value. TOMOIWOAV AND AUVAVS , TIIK HOSTOX STOUK TIIKMOST : 1'UO- LII'MC llAUOALN STOUi : IN AMKISU'A. At 8011 yard , worth 2f > e , thousands ol remnants of llio flnost fradosof white ( 'oodss French salines I'lirlshin pattern IH'iwiitfH , w ido inurqnlso I'loth , exact Im itation of China Hill < s , 1/iuneh uheviot shli'tlnys , all fo nt So a yard ; not any worth loss tliiin 'J.u * . AT Uje A YAHO. Thousands of ronnmnts of dobol o ( Ifcss yontln , line , \viiio , colored iMirtuiii ficrlm , shirting : ? , calicos , ote. , nil ( jo at " } eu yard. I-'INK SPUING CIIALL1SHo. . Two cases of the very bust quality of thono\M'st niul most c'leuant designs of now HpritiLT challis at Hi" a yard. YARD W1DK SHKKTINOHe. . H bales of the very best and llnost quality yard \vldo iiiinlciiuhod muslin , ro iilar 10i % quality at Ho a yard. This Is till sound and perfect , oxcupt ills be- Btnotvd with mud on edjjjes. LAIMKS' AND MKN'S I1OSIKRY 2c. 400 do/.on ladies' colored and fust blank hosiery and inon't ' ) bocks atJo ti pair. A 1)1 g lot of Indies' very line fast black hosiery , Co a pair. Our linost ( ji'iido of domestic hose , guaranteed fimt bltusk , lOoa juir. AVe plneo on snlo tomorrow on our second lloor nil limncaso lot of ladies' line hatilvorchiofi at \ < . \ * > e and lOe. MUSLIN UNDKWVKAK. f special counters of line g ratio ladios' iminlin underwear po tomorrow tit iioc , ! ic ! ) , o'Je , Too and DSo. NK\V srYUC NHLl-iIK 11LY CAPS. Tomorrow woolTor 1do.on line new style black and colored billc Nellie Uly caps at Me , worth $1. An olopnnt lot of Nelly Illy caps a 15c , worth , " > 0i' . GUKATSALE OF FLOWKKS , TCA.KLY SPUING MIL.LINiilV . : AND 1UHBONS. Wo nro now receiving the finest line of American and imported Mowers ever shown in this country. Wo will lace on sale tomorrow a few specialties. An oloyant bunch of rose ? , just the tiling1 to brighten up your hat , at lie. Imported bunch of velvet roses , all shades , lai'co spray of American beau ties , combination of hurts , roses and IOIIVCH , your choioo tomorrow at l ! . e. All new shanes in straw hats just re- colyod at le ! ) , IMa , oOo and SI.00. Your choice of 500 early spring hats already trimmed with llowors and sill : ribbon , tomorrow * Toe. Thousands oLiiieecij of the finest im ported fancy millinery ribbon oiibiiloat special prices tomorrow. THE BOSTON STORK , 111 South 10th St. W. T. Seaman , . wagons and carriages George Wilson mourns the loss of a $10 dress coat , n $10 chain and locket and $1 imilllcr , and wiinte Tom Clark arrested for appropriating ; the articles , Mii-sioniiry Koedy reports a cnso of destitution at Twon'ty-hovonth and Leiiv- worth. The members of the Miller fiunily are all sick. The husband is very low with consumption , while the wife and two small children are cou- llnod to their beds. Mrs. Ixosnliii Dlnmdt Yokel , n , rest- dent of this city forlhopastthirtv vein-h , died Fridav evening at the resilience of her son-in-law , C. II. Fitette , 1011 South Twonty-second street. The deceased hud been a eripplo and invalid for over twenty yeai-M , Notice of the funeral will ho Kiron later. Miss MnpfjioVest of Chicago , died last evening at the residoneo of her sis ter , Mrs. George Koveii , 1MSJ.5 Charles street , of consumption. The deceased hud Leon to tlio mountains and was on route homo. The remains will bo for warded to Chicago. Elegant furnishings. 103 N. IGth street. S. & S. 00 kinds of in in oral water by the bet , tlo or case. Sherman & McConnoll. ISlUDoUgo st , 2d door * v st of poslollice- ! J. K. Diotrickarchitect,000 X.Y.Life. Upright I'iniio for $ ! . " ( ) , On easy monthly payments , 7J- octavos , rosewood easu , stool and scarf. Great bargain. A. IIoMpo , lolIUJoujrlas street. Attontl Sons of Veterans' cornet band ball , Washington hall , Friday next. Dr. Holmei , honm'npathitit , successor to the late Dr. Dinsmoor , Douglas block. IUHIj\M > 'S .NATIONAL HOLIDAY' . Olllulnl INnttur. All members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians of Omaha and Houtli Omaha , and all mrl.ics desirous of accomnanviii'/ the A. 0. II. oxcui-hioa to Lincoln , on March 17 , are hereby requested to pur- chii e their tickets at tlio liurlington route ticket olllce , llil'1 , Farnam street. Excursion train will leave the Hurling- ton depot , corner Tenth and .Mason streets , at S15 ; a. m. , hhnrp , March 17 , Faro for thoronnd trip will bo ijL'.iiO , and tickets will bo t'ood on all passenger traliib of the Hurlington rout o going to and returning from Lincoln March 17 , Special oxi'lir-dinn train will leave Lin coln for Omaha- midnight. ilAUTIX MaKKXXA , ( J. 1) . A. O. IL Miss Jcsslo vVhitnov or NVorccstor. Mass is vislilng her unole. Mr. William Whitney of this city. Wra/IM. D , RILEA'S BUNION PROTECTOR. pcl n cav > of III jrru * ' Hlnncllne II nnie worn III UlU HtllllU Hl7U HlllUt. HlljlH nil Illllt Oil VTllll till ) Mncklim Hides un unhirtoil J'liit ' , unil nlvt-a in- btiiut rullof. Onmlubjr .1. A 1 CI.I.KU A TO. . Cor lltli nnd OMAHA K' llonor iMrint\V \ J IISHKII TELEQRAPHY , THE MORSE DRY GOODS CI ) , Entire lloyumu ( c Doichoa Stock on Sale Tomorrow , \Ve IVniK'it ' It All-N'nt a Dollar Sold to A\\y Otli'or Stiu-ij Count ICin-ly ( o Get ttiu Ctiolcn ol * llic'Ht ) \\ro ptirclmsoil this entire stock , dry goods , cloaks , suits. silk , dross goods lunlory , notions and \ind' > rwoar , For oUdonco of the fact that wo bought the stock entire we refer to Mr. Herman Kount/.o , president r' Ntitionnl bank , to Mes-sw. M'ix Meyer .t lli'other , Messrs. I toyman and Dolelu'H. and Dr. O. S. IIolTinan all of whom hold mort gages on the block and gave ua bills of pulo. TO COK11KC11 FALS1C IM 1'IIKSSION'S ' in the mind of tlio public regarding the disposition of the llojiminiSs Dciohes' stock we would sttvto in justice to Tlio Jiorso Dvy Goods company , \\lio pur chased the stock , that the entire amount of Infants' cloaks and shawls roplovined hy M. S. MnyorlioiT * t'o. . from Max Moyoi'iV llro. , tlio mortgagees , amounted to * loll Ho ; M. S , MoyoHiolV > t Co. do not nvunifacturo ladies' ' , misses'or eliildren's cloaks. They nro exeltisivomanufaettir- ers of children's ' anil infanta" cloaks iintl shawls. IIKYMA'N & DK1CI1KS. \Vo hnvo marked olT the block of China silks. Look out for the $1.00 and 91..j China silks for COc on Mondiiv. A lot of handsome rich fancy plushes and \elvols that II , & I ) , bold for $1.00 will ho sold foi'Jtuc , The dress goods at 10 , 12) ) , 15 and IGir cents arc all double \\ldth and worth three times thcso prices. One line of 60-cent plaids arc 2)c. ) The black goods , cashmera and Hen rietta stock was by far the largest in the city and \vo \ are slaughtering tlio pilcos from flOc a yaid upwards. No hiieh sale htis been a ttomptcd ilnco wo sold the Loyal L Smith stock. WAN'TIID. Compolent dry goods elorks , mon anil women , for Monday morning. THE MORSE DUV GOODS CO. i - Xyorc ! ) ! Ills Hoard. Mr. Joseph. Is'ycro statoj that an Injustice was done him by coupling Ills names with that of C. C. Bert , who left an unpaid lioard bill of tllO when ho departed from the boirdU IiiB bouse of .F. TO. Nixon , at ! ! 1U Doil o street ft few dn ) s URO. Mr. Nyoro lufi tlio nluce two months ago and is not inilobtcJ to his ex-laiullord Uoit liaibcrn loo.itoii , and as he has nt'ivnl to pay his bill tbo criminal liroccedlngs were dropped. SI illln cry Mrs. I { 11. Davles received n fitio line of early Froneli novel lies. Her trimmer arrived from Now "York last Thursday , and ij bu y making up Hnstcr bonnets. Stephens A Smith can fit anybody in shiits. Fat men , lean men1 , tall mon , short men. Long and short arm1' . Just come in and bee , 103 JJ. llilli street ClllilDIMlIU iM Pullman tourist sleeping ear excur sions to California and 1'acllic coa-it points leaveUhiCiifro every Tliuivday , ICiiiiHas City every FViday via the Santa Fo route. Ticket rate 'from Chicago $17oO , from Sioux City , Omaha. Lincoln orKunsis City t ; ? " , sleeping car rate from C Idea KO- ! per double berth , from Kansas City $ , ' ! per double berth. Kvory- furnhiied ex < 'eit meiiN. Tbosn excursions are personally conducted by oxiierienccd excursion managers who accompany parties to destination. For excursion folder eontsiining full particu lars and map folder anil time table of Santa L'o route and reserving of hlooninjf car berths , address S. M , o goocl , yon- oral agent , K. L , I'.ilmer , frcifrht and passon cr agent , A.T. c S. K railroad , I 1 1 X. Y. Life Bldtf. , Omaha , Nebraska , Twenty good salesmen and wiles- women , Apply tonight to Mr. liloom , muiiagt-r , on main lloor. Tllli lOHSK WHY GOODS CO. Take the Klkl'orii line for Doaihrood , ITot SpriiiKS South Dakota , Douglas Casper , Wyoming , HiiHtlii s , Harvard , Yoik , David City , Superior , ( Jeneva , Kxoter , Scward , Lincoln , " \Vahoo and Preinont. Millinery novelties aniving daily at Mine. Hickmaii'b-1 1 S. 10th bt. i The fovcnth annual ball of tuo Hroth- orhood of Locomotive Firemen will be held ul Exposition hull on Tuesday , March 17 , 1M)1. ) A cordial invitation 'is extended to all. The Musical Union orchohtravlll furnish the minio. Sow- enior proyrammes for every ladj in at tendance. A man la Missouri sues for itillvoiro from his \vilo beemiso Mio Mould not KO an ) whcio with hln ; , but In siitod on tils rcaialiliiij ( at homo to tulto euro of things , Nivonic ! nAM > toe sruitn oJ'tlui ClicNcii Ctilnn ( 'o , it Cur ul' Un'orntiul Dinner U'arc. Thcso foods were slilppi'd to tmelhor Omaha tlrm who refuse * tonnorpl , tlnuii ntul wo buy Ihovhnlo lot for u IIIIMM potij , ' , .lust tlilnli of It , winy ill soil you line decorated dislioH choainjr than you can buy ( he plain uhiU < . Tlicso | irieo8 are for \toiutay only. nccornted pin jilatosvnrtli \ ISi1 feie ( , Dci'urnluil breakfast plalcw worth ir > e for Jv. Decorated illnnor plates worth -Do for lOe. Hocoraled MUipilatcrt | worth 'J'io for tOc , Divorated iauee dislict. worth HV for Ci- . Docoratcd individual butter chips worth Oo for Jjc. Oocoratod cups anil siuu'ers ' wortli Hot ! for 11 ! Jo. IJi'cornlod veLfclablo dishes wortli 'KV for IIIL\ Decorated moat plates worth oOc for i2LV. i2LV.Docoratod Decorated covered dishes \vorthll.00 for Illc. DeeoiMted oybter liowlavoith l Oo for lOu , Di'conitod bowls and pitchers worth $1.75 for $1.151. Decorated ptelilo dishes wotlhic for lliic , lion ftlono china cups and HUICCM : ! li' . Iron blonocliltii plates , V , lion slonechina SIHIJI plale-fic. lion stone china meat iilntosDc lion stone ( hliia \ \egotablodlHhert . lion blotto uh. mi bowls and pilchors Olc. ) SO.ID , LV. Soap.Sc. Soap , Uc , Sl'KCIAL. ' " \Vo \ will place on our counters between the hours of 1 ! and 5 o'clock 5,000 bars of elegant toilet toai > , the same that you buy for fie ; our price will boL'o. Come cailyifyou waul to get some of tlio Krcuteht bargains over filtered , and hear in uiiiitl youuiin buy , Monday only , deco - o ruled dishes just as cheap as you pay for the plain white. NJttV YOHK t AKD ICC ! STOHi : , 1M2N. lolli Street , Mu&otiij Bloclc. Tuko the "Old Shiuv City Konto" S. C. \ I'.H. 1 { , for Hloux Citv , Huron , Pierre , St. Paul , MiiineapoliH , Dululli and the entire north and noithwest. A I < * nut Mot-til Ivao\vluir. The Burlington is the only line run ning through L'ullmansU'opingcais from Oimiha to Deadvvcjod. Tr.iina leave Oinuhti daiiy at 10lii : a. in. , arri\lng at Dead wood at noon of the following day. Peacock coal , No soot , quick lire , \ % hito a = h. A. J. Mejer & Co. , opp. P. 0. N'on-Compact Iiisurjiiico AKCIIOJ- . The undersigned huvo opened a llro insurance agency tit rooms l01-o ! , .1. J. J3rown block , cor. llitli and Douglas Ms. \Vo represent such well known old line companies as the I'hieuix , CJortniin- Aniurk'tin ' , I'ennsylvania. Commercial Union and Royal.'o will lie glad to too our friends at our ofliccs at any time and ubsuro the piiblie that any business entrusted to our agency will 'bo honor ably. carefully anil accurately jiltonded to. Tele phone Ko. IStJ- . l-'uiiii r . ttrrnin , A , 1) ) Cit.vuui : , \Vontltcr 1'roliii.liillcics Itir Marcti , If March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb , and uco vorsn. Hut o\ery day in the mouth , rain or shine , the electric lighted , steam heated , ves- tllhiled limited trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway vill run between Omabii and Chicago. The elec tric berth lending lumps lii their nalaco sleeping cars mo tlio gieatest novelty of the age. Ticket ollico , 1501 bt. , Omaha. EOYD'3 ' , SUN DAY , MONDAY , TUES DA/ , TLIE Patti Rosa ( COMEDIENNE. ) AlduOby Cipor Bi' I'onlf.R'c. ' .Ir. llarrvV. . Kicli mil u Mi > iH'l'otnKinj' ( ] MOK1JAV DM Sale opens Saturday ut icKulur jirlcos , BOY'D'Si TWO NIGHTS ONLY wr.nxr AM ) TllUHsn\V mv , MAlVV.ll \ \ ] ? r10 \ \ 10 ft 1Q "Famous Bidily Hoiian of the Shadows of a Great City. " flnnie Ward Tiffanij In hcrltitc-t niul Krcite stsuc'ccs3 TlieStepdaiigtor Aniil WaidTlirniy as I'eitiv I.D UII Illio faithful I tKli nur.-e.i Excellent i'ast of ( 'lni.iclci- SpeolalSi-iMipry Jiul I'llofts. I'll 11 IJ - \uietlcaii \ I'lny. ' Scats on silo Tin Mday nt uvular juivos , l ) ' | ill-t : IIHMll , IIAIKJ.MN'K MOVDVV \ I.O'I'SNDIUtOK , IN' MIX1-N KISKM.VN HAN'KlU'l'I' ' KltOK. I'hllilfom' ruliliorn , hcols , tir.os 8 to lo at ! < ! > . I.J ! | M' line ruliboi'H , H/CH | lj ! to 7 , il'Jo tind 'We. LiulloH1 fliirt ilonL'olu bxitlon nhoo3 , SI.W , worth $ U.flO. IjtulifH1 line doti 'tiln liulton iliooa , $ i'JO ! , mid ! } l.Ho ! , lllsumnV , prlco < l.76 ! to I.a llo4' o.vtrjirtna IVonoli ilnuvolii hand turnoilHluvs , $ : i.7G , worth , cvin-jw hero , $ 1 50. C1I1IIUKN"SAX1) ) ) MISSUS' . Infaiit.s' line luimlUmied slioi-i , .sl/csl toT ) , FA' and 0/5i' / . Childton's line hand tiiriiiMl licol shoos , Rt/.cj I to7S5c , mid Mines' fitio st. L'catpat , lip , heel shoos , 111 to U. iUUi IIOYS AN' I11CN. I \ . Hoys' soliir til ) school shoe" , si/c M to * . l > ( ys" solid \ call shoes , lt to 5. . . lnjs' best quality rullior hoots 1 lo / > , tf , 10. Moil's best qn.ilitj rubber bouts , 0 to II , $ L'jo. Moil's liest 11 calf finjrtir.H niul lie ( > s , J 1 . 711 ; KIsiMiian'sprUM. ! , $ l2."il . . Mt-ii's linn hand HOVCI ! ulioei , $ ; i lliMMiiiin'H price , $ l.7o. Men's lliu > I'orlf Hd'.o ' slioo , SH.70 ; IibuiiiiinH ! price , $ . 'i.OO. I1AYDKN UHOS , Uiy SpiliiRrarpotH , draper ics and fnrnl- ir < ; . Orchard's , Conllnui UK. , 15th mid Tlio members of Capital lodfjo , Xo. 3 , A. FV , A.M. , are requested to mod tit IVoumiiHons' hull : it 1 - n'l'liu-lc ' harp on Sunday , March 15th , tonltfiid tinfunoi i al ot our late brother , John Uopi. _ . Muster Musonsof Covert , hi. John siind Nobnislvii , No. 1 , suid Hijonniini ; biuLli , run sno fr.ilornnlly . invltod to nttoiul b ordur of the iniiBtoi- . JOHN" IlAMTOUI ) , SoiV. . , All Iho members of Omaha Icidtjo No. i ! , I. 0. O. Karo recpmstc'il to iiisomblo atl.O. 0. V. hull , lllh and 13odjo { stroels , on Sunday , March loth , at 11 n , in. hharp , lo nttond the funeral of out hito brother , John Lo'iin. Members ol slt > t ! i' lodges nro aNo rooiicstcd to at tend. By order o ( thclodne. \V"M. \ OsmniN , N. G. CJIAS. A. PATTliitKo.v , secretary. Don't ' Keel niiripirt N"otwiths < taiidinj ( all ruinoi-J to th contrary , tlio Chicago , Mihvatikoo k St , Paul ity's ' tiovv stotim heated inlaco sloujiin cars , with "uloctric llf hts in every huith , ' ' .still loaies the Union do- not , Oiiniha. : it 0H ; ) p. in. daily , nrriv- ; Ing-nl Chicago at 0 : , ' ! ! ) a. m. , In niiipls time to innlco all eastern ooimc'ctlotxa Ticket ollluo , 101 Farm-.mst. J. K. I'untjfON- , V. A. N'A&II , C. Pass. A fit. lion. . Luxurious The Eurliii'ton ( , train No. 2 , leaving Omaha : it4uO : j ) . m. and tirrivinc inrhl- cajjo the no.\t morning' at S o'clock , h the favoiito of tlio tlirou daily trilns , ii beiiiff a superbly appointed \cstibulod \ train of Pullman Palace slocpors , ro- clinln ; ; ehairunildining cirs. pittcrnod after tlie latest designs , fitted up in luxurious stile and fuinitoliod with ovoiy . - coinonicnco caleultituj to redound to tin ease and comfort of tluJ pajscnjjors. Train Xo. C leaves Oinahii atOlfl ] ) . m. and arrives in Chicago all p. in. nosl day , Hits tliroiirli | Pullman sleepers , chair cars and dining ear City ticket ollicc , lli'5 ! Parnatn THE GRA1TO SUNDAY , 1V1A.ROH 15. i Bunch \ of Keys OE , THE HOTEL. Funnier Thao Evtr ! = Evtrjlliin' ' Xcwl Tlio piny mndolt * niilln > r fniiimit OljkS IL < ImlKrciiB mirth ) r > tnk.liiLMin < l tlilu- tliti ; musical [ arc't'i'ouu'ly. ' ' See the Funny Hotel Seme- Sco tlie Working Passenger Elevator- YOl'SMlI.i ; ! YOU IjAUill ' 01 SlIlliAllJ lc c > rr l Giili Ortliostn'i.- 60i' . alllnilcciiy ? oiu , 'Me Hoi otlU'Copunnttorlu 11. m. THE TUESDAY , MARCH 17 , : ! ' . iii.-MP. M , 1.vr..MSi. S'll P.M. Tlio 1'ilnnlunlof Ml IrMi l'tniinllc < . jli ni STOllY.Mt'SIO. 'jN ' I SUNO''uri.\Nii ' : nm ma. t-oi'llllI'lTFa. Otlk-lnil Diilllu Town rtilf.rniiMt llunil iit.a Or- cl.cslru l' | ilco . liu slunt uiPfii.M.-iiiliy. DIME EDE Will Laiutrti ; Manager , Corner lilcvi nth and Farmwi Sti\cts } Omaha , KK Ot > " IMA.liC'11 IGlh. MERD , NOMMJIG , RQMRMT1G | , RMBS The .Arabian Vllhge A Quaint Roallstle Id < n of the Romantic Tlf Ted bytho Ar.ilHin. Thlf DrvD-J-rt Home. TlioQuotr Mystical FH'its oithnArililiu JuKulurs nra produced 'Iho Wizard and Sorrow , in Hl.iclc Art anJVitclicrilt , " " JtlSa'iUUul ot"BOJrpenVsP. PrlnresB.inUhi > r lantnstlo mtivedances.TlioVonaorful Arablin . . . . . . .v. , . , . their wienl uitiv.- airs , pliiynl on uativo mstmin"nt , AllthusBBo tomnkauponaoftha best and rae t wonderful oxlilbitlousot Arabian imnuors , customs , bo c | rtancoa and jwaoiicod over placed before thopeoplo. THE RGCRRRRRIS , DcmiirstratinE tinorrlnn " 'W ' ( iclynervca , unit ing b r jr o ry and * t -0111111 . 'lio. Sv.orts , Knives , Tomahawks. Fire Branfe 'I \ccaiMi-ls \ are Spanish ( J\jii.i | > s and thi'ir frills of lniiiliii | : ; aiv lia/i'nlniis , perilous , and ilillldi't. ' llicthrun dnid- li \\ctiiiiis \ \ ) iuth iirrrisliui : il npiilc in Iwiiln ( in i-iH'ii nlliiM's ' nlth iilicniy ciMilty s inl , and ] ilisli ut IUT oiul ( rful ( cats. Hie Ci'iinil ' TWorim , 'IInitct'iil anil ( nil ) . \T1MV ! SISTI'.RS , .N < n llikirt anil limp l.inri'is , intlia Inlrst nnd inn * ) cntraiii'lii slops. TAVLIIU mid UUIMIN. , ( ducllsx. inth lali'st ' ( uniotil M > ii"i | , l/.illinU / , tniil inolo * dies 1 > K , IIYIU''S SANCII'AIIV. A roririiit : . l.unlnblo lurco , n prrsi'ntdt b the LiKsarJ * E l.u 'ilur C .iiudy . Co A liar , rowing Sintoh , full ot oiM luipron. IIIITS und tunny iniieiuloi's. M1L.1J.U \\'AL.j3lt , tpocully sonfsan < 4 Now i.iul tittractlvu curloHitles. invutoi-b , iiaiutingb and so k > ot uru i ONEl DIME ! ADMITS OO ALL.