e 'I'M UMAKA JAILY BEE , SUN JO AT. MARCH 15 , . L801-STXTEBN PAGES. fiosnmes of Reviews on the Oroat Religious Movement. JOHN WESLEY'S WONDERFUL V/ORK / , 1'roKfCiH Mnilo In I'lntiH for the I'rcn > ly tortnu 'I lirolonlonl Scinliinrjr -Nuilu In Utll Itonul Art Church Notes. In the Now York Independent of Mnrch 5 thcio nit | > cnrcil nory thorough nnd complete symposium ot nblo nrtlclet upon tlio flrst cenlurj of the religious inovcmoiil started by John Wosli' ) upon Methodism lu all Its various brnnrltoi. The artIi-Ici wore written by n score of nhlo ami eminent wrltort niul nro worth } of the attention of all itioughftil people and us- perinlh tlimo who lidoiijj to nny ono of the numerous brancliet of thu Mothoilltt churcli Soinu of the innro prominent contributors nro AirliiU'acoii Fiirrnr , Bishops Hurst , 1'orry , Vim-out , Huudrlx , Tnnnrr , llnrili nnd Holsoy , Profs. Vincent , Stearns nnd Jllrd , Urs' ( 'miimn , King , Hatci , Koberts , " \\onlcn nndViitti Hisliop lltiut loads off with n clonrnitnnil \or > muiiibl' nttlclo upon "TlittChnniutvr and \ \ < iilc of John Wesin " The writer snjs "Piinlnndnt the end of the eighteenth century was u plrturo of spiiltiml dosolu tloii ' And further on lie sujs "Thu UtiKltali nc'cd of aiphltuul ilo\ution was the fltst llum > 'ht wlilt'U mistoretl , lolm U'eslev on his cut ruico upon jiiiblio life ' The bishop follows the \\oik uf the K'U'iit lofoimer , touching the inoro piotiouiifcil features In Weslm s chiniutor and closing In the follow Ing \ \ ords 1 Us ' ( Jk.wlitiuss is next to ROI ! ilnoss , bus been svueinnp wxuy ttuulust mid cobwebs nil around the woiltl His hhivtrj Is Uio stun of all xilhvltilc , 'has been n hninmer for the pultorl/liiR of mnn- nclos on both hemispheres lliiVoild Is cn > parish , \ \ us the inoasuro of Ids faith ami of thouldoness of his charity. " Thin cry Kov P.V Pniror , I ) D. , writes ibout "Tliocslcjnu Monument and the Jhuri.li of I'tiKlaiid. " Ho savs that ovciy religious n\MiUtnjii of churches or nations lins n deep Interest of Its own , but in ovcrv religious msnluMiiiig lilstnn , repents itself Hovhnls aio usually the result of imo man's GlTottiit tlio llrst God tloi'siiotsootntostuo mon by communities or cleiical conferences SiKMililitK of the slnfiilness of the KiiKlish people \slien Wesley Ix-iian his work tlio nrohiloacoii sus "Tho iimusuinonts of tlio jieoplovoio for the must Dart grossly llcuntloii * SniUKuliiiK was unUersil on the BI-IX coast anil wrecking was loiumon CUibsof younjf moti , HUe the famous "Hell The cltlb"woro thusconesof honibloorjrics nnd llnsplirinies IJuelHnirVT tlenmmli'il by thocodoof honor lllep.ditj wis i iinpant In U\o jclns f > 0OOU iioiaons wetoioinictodof , and lift\-tuo uuininalseio Imngul lu ono jcarnt J'jbtnn ulono 'Jho wrlui thuii speaks of tbollerco lODiignnncii \vlth w hit. h the church of ttnirliuid and the ungodly pcoplo outside of the church mot the Wcslo.x movement. The nitlclo closes b > .1 quotation tioin ( irocu's history of I'.nglaml , which roads ns follows : " 1'ho noblest work of UioioliKlous revival WHS the steady at- tonipt , which Ins never ceased fioin that day to this , to iciucdv tlio Riult , tlio ignotamu , the physliMl sufleiinir , the soei.il dcgredatlon of the protllKutounii the poor " Next i-onics n discussion or ' 'Tho Influence of Methodism on Culvinlstio Hodlcs. " by 1'rof. Mnuin It Vincent , 1) D. The writer UncLS the good effects of U'o-slm 'b loUvnlof Aiininl.inlsin ns opposed to Wliltelltld's Cal- x In ism , and shows that Wesley purMioil n Justifiablecont'o and prated th it Aiminlnn NlethodlsiiMMi'i capable of dux eloping Into a. purniancnt and nuguillcent oiKiinlzatloii , whith bus Vindicated its il.iim to bo ono of the leading factors of C'liu&tiandoui 1'iof Vliieont closes in thcsooids "ijOnpsinio wi teased to look upon each othri ns antaRoidsta Shatno to us lioth that it win over thus ! Our mutual iccognitlon mid our inntunl rosncct mo henstx and genu ine The ( . 'ah luistio chnrchos lojoko in the ulirioss of Mothoilisin Mhoold Issue between Calvlnist 11 nd A i adman is cunthied to the theological seminar } Outside thoio nanow limits , in the lldd ol Chusti.inc\.uiclisin | ; , it ( toes not sliow its dead. The iross , in driw- li.K ns all Un\u\ls ; Itself , In inplilh making us forKftful of oui foinmlns Wo Join with our Iiithodlst bretluen in paving honors to tUo name of Wi'sloy. Ilo bulongs uot to them nlono , but to Cliiibtinndoin " Tlio ne\t aitldo is In 1'rof Lewis Sto.mis , D n.ui'on ' ' "Iho Intlucncc of Weslejanlsin on Calvinism " Ilosa.\s that mam chnnijeb have talien place in the Cnh'inlsticiloctuiirs Blnco Wcsloy's biitb , and soaio of the nuno linpoitnnt ones maj bo justlj aseubcd to the Inlliiciieool Wehlijanism Kut theiowoio othci ludois i < quallv iiniiortant In the tiaus- foiillation of Cahlnisui. The Rie.it ulal by Joatban Edwards In Northnmiiton it > u rcmindei of another gioat votk The intluoiuo of AVesleynnlbui on Ual- viuKin may bo scon lu modern meth ods of Christian \\oik notably in the mlsblonarv Held Calvinism recches its in spiration in that luipoitunt v.oilc from \Ves \ > - Unanibin Piof. Hlrd discusses "Tho Wesley's as hymnists ' in a three-column aiticlo \ \ hicli Is veij ititeiosthifr. Ho tkalb of coun > o , with Charles \Veslcy ana places him by the sldu of Or AVutts ns ono of thoKieutest hymn % \ liters the Jinglisb srioakiiig world has over Known " 1 no Methodist Kptscopal church" is dis cussed b.v Uishop J. H. Vincent , D I ) . , LUD. This Kre-it uody bns , iisl,150 members , with 14 , W traveling and 1-4,100 loeal preacher * . The u ritpi deals in facts and 11 Allies tvhich illtibttutc in n striking nianncr the powerful lutluoiue in the \\oild of this icliKious body. Hlshnp llondm , DD LIj. 1) , \\iitt-b about "Iho Methodist Uphcopal Church bouth. " Ho tinces the ciiu es and o\entb whlih led to the split in the ilmreh and ills- cusses the bla\er > iiucstlon at length. The rliuich has l,17J-i > 5 members , l.bbo preacher er- , and 11,707 chinches "The African Methodist Episcopal Chuioh" Is discussed by llishop Tanner , 1) . D Ho bogias bsaiiiK that the African Methodist Episcopal chinch was organl/ed laijrel > by Africans for Africans The organization UCB.III ns a inoaiib of relief from the unKlnd truitment of their white brethren. The col- oiid pcoplo of I'hlladoliihla stilted the move ment \\ldch led up to the oiganization. The bed > rmv numbers about half n million mom- beis with its buhops , pre.icliow , chuidios ana colleges 'llion follpw nrtlclos upon "Tho African Mithodist Episcopal /Ion Chuuh , " "Tho Aiotiiouist i'roiesianc wnurtn , " "tuo wos- lejan .Methodist Connection of Africa , " "llu-rieo Methodist Chinch , " "Tho Con- givgatiouul Mothocllbt Chuich , Caiindu , " " 'Iho Wesley an Methodist Church of Urcnt Britain , ' " 'Ilio AIotuodM New Connection , " "Iho Iltblo Christian Denomination , " 'Tho Pnnntivo Methodist Chuixh" and "Tho United Mothodlbt 1'ico Chinch " 1'ustors anil 'llioir People. Thoiv will bo special s > enicesal Trinity EpNfopal church o\cr > day this week. This is known us "Holyook , " and the sou Ices form u suit of "Lent within Lent. " Dean Gnulncr will bo assisted bj Kov Mr Llo. d nnd Kev Karris There will bo holy communion - munion at 7 o ra nntl mission scivleesatb \i in In the cuing the mush ; will bo congregational nud will bo lead by Mr. Trail klin Ktiiltb. Ulshoj ) Newman will pro.u'h at the Sow ard sheet Alethodlst church tnls morning and Llrs M i : liobcits of Unc-uln will till the pulpit In thoovomng. The ( JliU' Mission baud of the Seward street ihuuhKfuOR vorv i \\aolo ] enter- talnnicnt and supper last Thursday night. The people of the West Omaha Methodist church tendered Kev. N S U-xvIs a farewell at the church last Wednesday o\ening A Kenoral furowoll will be tendered Uo\ . Diivls nt the Flret Methodist church thU nftornonii nt f o'clock , ( o which nil Methodist nnd Christian people arc linlted IJov lu\ls -\UU lii\o this week for N'cwYork , and will Bull In about ton days for Ilulgaila , wheio ho nsnu'iPa the duties of huperlntcinjeut of The regular semi-month ) ) mectlnc pf the Vomnii's Chrlsthu association will beheld uc\t Tuewlnv nfteinoon at the Young Womau't. homo. The association Is meotl ng with pi cat success In conducting the "Old I.ui I s1 homo" and the "Young Woman's iome " The former Is intended as a plaio whore old I wllei who have 'no ono to attend to their wimtb may ua\o proper cnro and the comforts of a food homo. "The Yoime Lndloi' homo" Is not Intended iw a place ivltoro tUntltuto j ouns women mny hul a homo , hutaiatilnro where those who ire supxrliiii | ; themsohM ami ba\o no homo nay find congcnlnl comfort- * and good Chris- Inn BUrroundings at modorntn expense \ \ lioro tbolr earnlnps nro not ndcinuilo to > the regular rate for boatil and room Iho association nsMsts them Tlio In stitution Is nb olutelj uon sectarian , but It 1 < llitlnetly Christian As an Illintratlon of ihc above statement It n Interesting to know : lnt aniong the seventeen juung ladles in the homo one month ilurmi ; tlio full fourteen of thorn wuroOathollc. These JOUIIK ladles found the home a > comfor'ablo nnd eon penlal placo. nolulthstaudlng Iho fact that nil the members of ttio boird arc Protest- nuts. 'Iho ladles of the Methodist hospital mix lllnry board unit last Tunsdny at the Young Minis ( . 'hrlstlan association looms nnd poi- ftxteit their organization Mrs CA Clnllln was elected president , Mfs Kinulc Drown tioisnrer nnd Mn Prnnk Ihynntsecretary The following vleo iirtsldanti wcie elected Mrs J ,1 McLean , fur Trinity church , Mrs lloxlo , for Sowurd street church , Mrs Kov .lames Ilayncs , foi the I'lrst ctiuich. M - < .lolin I'lcisnn , for Nc mnn church , Mr < Klup , for llanscom 1'nrlt church , Mrs Jack xau , for the South Tenth slioutfhuroh , Miss Matllo Mason , for NVoslcy Mission , and Mrs Maronor for the Castellnr street church A mimaplng board of thirty-six was selected 'I lie boird will meet nt 'i : 0 tomoirow to pro ceed with the host.ltnl business Ilaii'com PailcMe-thodlHt churdi Is out of ikbt nnd tlio people of that pro'poroiu con- Kirgatlon are bappv 1'or a church only time jeais old the Hanscoin I'nik Mothodlst Kplscopal church Is n stnrdj Infant 1'ho spring term at Hclloviio colk'KO begins Marcli 17 The lollejjo has been crowded all ji'ir with students ' 1 ho Laillci' MUslonntv society of the Oav " teilnr stieetrresbjterlan church"gave n % ci\ successful entei talnrnont in the liiic-ii block- lit Sixteenth and Castcllar stieetslnslThuis- il.i ) p\enlnt ; for the benotlt of tlio building fund. A twenty ncro pond bubbled up out of the enith In Center county , Pa , recently , In twenty minutes. irji .IA.W J'oi r.it. firlght , vivacious nnd volitilo those ad jectives aptly tlesctibethe quilltles that ha\o made 1'attl Kosa the attr.ictho stnrsho Is A \vlniiliiK porsonalltv , tint lndocribablo sometlilny that for lack of a bettor name Is c illea personal inairnetlsm , and the jiocr to place herself In touch with the moods of her audience these constitute the elements of success In her instance Her enga einc'iit at ilo.ul's opeia tiou-so beKlnnln toulcht has had liberal announeeuuuit. What nnj bo added is in the natuio of atrluutn to her ai- tlsllc worth nnd of nrosumoof such partic ulars us may bo of Inteicst In respect of her plays nnil her compam. Her ownwoikls essentially that of a comcd'onno ' Aside fiom Individnnl manners amt methods that aio in scp.itable from tbo stjlo of work to which bhu devotes herself and which foiinnn un mistakable charm to a laigo pciceniigouf iiimisementseekeis , she possesses thobroid aitUtlcgiaip tbit has led eminent cilties to nscnudto her Uionossibllltlcs tint hme bcin leali/ed bj Koslim Voltes. That she will line the nid of an nblo companj is gathered f i oin lollablo reports that ha\o preceded hci rirst In her companj comes George C Boni face , jr , known to bea cnpibloOUIIL' coniu- dlnn Scaicclv second Is HairjV Hicb , and others mo William N. ( irilllth , . .lohnV Dim no , Oerald Urlnith , Dlgar b IlnlstiHil , Kincstlno 1'loj-d , Margaret Hatch jnd Alice Irving Several new and tntch } soncjs will bo sung nnd the latest llirngan ali-s will bo heard for the first time here. "Imp" will bo played tonight and tomorrow night nnil "Almgoiy Daw" will bo given its onh iHoduction Tuesday o\cniiig. The Rpaiks companv will present Host's "A liunchof Kos" at the Gi and this OMH- Ing , for ono jicifoiiiianco onlj 'lld'eiy cle\er sntiio on hotel llfu bj Chailes It Ilojt. Is ono of the most successful of iinof the plajs that tint tie has wiittcn H seems never to glow old It was one of the first ot his dramitiocntuns , and It has hold Us high place in public f.ivni lisom the llrst. It has nuorbeeii pieenteil in Omnlii nt lesb limn regular tint class theater puces. Man ager Miner hiis made sueh gencious r duc- tlons In the price for tonight that the orchos- tia sealb will be placed at 75 and 50 cents , nnd nil the balcony at 1)3 ) cents Tlio box ofllco \ ill bo open for the advance sale of lesonud scuts after 10 o'clock this morning- . On St. Patrick's dav the very funny Iiish comedy , "McUlnty's Troubles , " will bo seen it thnCiiiind , matlneo and oveuinjr , at poim- ar pilces. Tlio Moline , 111. , Glebe says- ' Icdiiitj'a Troubles' is the name of this , \ceh's attiaction at the AVatrnoi , the Mahara brothers compiny boRrinnlng tholrcnpago- nent with n initinco jc-stoulny atteinoon. ' .Mct.latj's Tioubles , ' us might bo expctted fii in its nime , is ono of tboso noascnsKal iioiluitious ) , now so popular , which contain ust enough trace of plot to hold together a spai'ilinp succession of SOUKS , intcispciscd w ith goodly quantities of "spedaltii s ' The slut Is a line bamploof its kind Jim somrs mo catchy nnd cleorlinttoclucfd 'Iho [ ila\ made a decided hit \csttidaj * and was witnessed by crowded houses at both per- toimuuccs " 'Iho ivsoi\e sale will open to- moiiow morning The street piunde at noon tomoirow will attract general altenttou. Annie Ward Tiffany , a clover ihnncter nc-tross of lobust Iii h women , whoso J51dil > Konan was long a popular element of per formances of " 1'ho Slndows of a Great CH } , " will bo the attraction nt the IJoyd nc\t Wednesday and Thuisilay ovcning-s , lrcscnting hoi must successful creation of I'cgr-y Logan , the Irish nuiso , In L H Sliowell's American comedy diama , "Tho StopdauBhter. " This character of Pegpj Lop nn is said to fjho Miss TllTanv oppoituni- tics to o\cel her best work ns Hiddy Konan. Stio is thoccntial figure in several stiong slturtlons , and by her consummate nbllitj aetds not a llttlo to the strength of the power ful scenes. Mr. Shew ell has luitten an in- tcrcsttni ; piece in 'Tho Stepdaughter " Now anel again the ae-tion verges on seiibatlonal- ism , hut the moio startlmp ; situations onlv sei\e toarouso thocnttiusiaHiii of the aiutl- ence. I'.vory situation is raptuiouslj np plnuded , no doubt because the expoiiencoei author-actor know s Just how far to go In tbo direction of an interesting story , and un folds it lu accoidaiico with the bust dramatic lulo- . Scenery of moio thnn n\c-raj'o oleguico has been provided for The Stepdaughter" Af ter Annie Ward Tiffany the cast U a Aiabla nnd the Aiabs are always objects of Intoicst to Amoilcans. Their habits iitu : customs aio eagoilj lead and UnowliiK that a companj of those nomatic romantic people would interest the public' , Mmagor L inlet of the IMon Musco ! ms > secured u companj unilvill iirnseiit * An AiMhlaii AMlIauo tn the public this week For ngos past the Arabs huvo wandered fiom place to phico , li\lnir in tents and In the still ) night sllcntlj inoMiiK on , whuro no ono seeks to know They uro full of romnnco and poctiy. Their soms of love and bravo dceils are the most beautiful , their natho aiu and melodies touch the heart. This companv of Arabs mo bom musicians nnd those who have the good foituno to ieo them wil heai music ! ns no Aineiican can produce Their intivo dances uio curious , fantastln and full of KMIO. I.assnrd .V : Lucifer in Dr Hydes saiictuarj present H clc\or huKhablc faico that wil biiiig teats from laughter The Athei sisters tors uro clover and beautiful skin dancers nnd Taj lor and Williams , tlio duelists hu\o a national reputation ns slngon of ability. 31VSIC.lE < l * inrit.l.W ITtC. The Cailct"n opera comnnnjolay a sum mer season ai the Htai theater , HutTalo , be ginning Juno - ' „ ' Agues lluutington will return to Lon don , whetohor tncatio is beln built , after the present sc.ison. The Itostonlans slnR an engacremont of five weeks nt the Stimlatil thuator , New York , beginning beptombor SS Tour lending 1'hlliulclphia theaters will hi\\o opera rompaulcs this summer , W II Crane has accepted a four-act com- edj of American llfo bj Clinton Stuart Hu Is also at woik on n newdrama lor Uftio Klls- lor , the scenario of which was received la t w eek KIclmrd Maiiblleld will undoubtedly play s summer season at the Harden theater. Now York , opening about May IS and continuing ui til the mlddlo of October , A tour ot "ThoTwo Orphans , " with ICata Claxtim and Mr * . Mclvce Itnnklii in their original roles , Is buliu'niiiuiged. Sims lleeves will sing hU last song In pub- Ho In l/Diidon on May II. Jamoa E. Eoyd closed a contract this \ > o9k for a duplicate of the Audltorhitii , ojwru ulmlra for his new homo now nciiring comtilntlon TheMer-xoers i ro thus assured of comfort \\luto cnjojlug n plnj nt DojdM thontor AI Hi ) man was In the city on Wednesday onroutoto H i Kranclsra. AupiHtlii Daljlins secured the Atncrlcan rlglitn to Sniilou and Orlsiifaullos l iirlslnn success , "Ilotol ( iodelot. " A company tn Teuis Is plalng "Hamlot" with an Introduced tank scene inhlch Ophelia drowns herself 1' .1 Huckloy's now comedv drainn , "Tha Major , " Is shottlv to bo iiroducod in Now Yoilt Clt\ for tUo Ili-st tlmo on nnj stage 1'iuiiine 1 , Allemntul Is ongntred fornslx- wink's suininnr se'ason of grand ojn-ra In Kugllsh , wtilch logins May US nt the ( hand ojiein uouso , N'ow York The Australian tnnll stunner which left San Francisco last Snturcin ) aflernoou took away a number of professionals. K Klco of "Uvangellno" fnino , Oooriro roitcsoue his wife nnd daughter , Yin'liiia U ink' , LIU Him Halt nnd Agnes I'cvirl being nmuiig them Thex are under cugngcinout to the MaeMahon llrothers if Melbourne John A Lllslor , father of Ulllo lUlstor , Is ul\lj-iilnu jeara of age. "Tho Couiitj * 1'alr" comiiany , while pla- Ing in I'hllailelphla , was augmented bj a null calf Unit was bora on the stage , Ills mother being the cow that was emploj ud lu the bain sc ono. The calf has boon naiiioel Sooner Butt. Butt.Willlim Willlim Archer , a dlstlngulshcl writer on the drama , in ike'.s an appeal for tboestah llihnieat in London of im uiiconiniurclal thfitor , sometiiingllito the Theater Llbi-o lu 1'arU that was founded bj M Antolnc , oiuo a clerk .In a gas coinpauj u olllco on $ JtW a jenr. The piutoinpic , "Lft l nfnnt I'lTiillgite , ' produced at IUU s New Yoilc llicatci lust week , was afalluio. Mr OluiilM Kiuhmiii has ontaged all of his present stock coinpuu now appciuiiig In "Menand ' ' Twout-third onion' at Proctor's ) - slteotthunter.Now Yorkforiie\tscason Ml. SjdneDiutv , who was cngugeil dnilug the pist week , will tniko an additional inainbcr of thoorgntili-atioii Tlio e'oinpjinj' will end Its stuin that cltv on Iho Jsth lust. , and on l.astci Momliij will begin nine inonlhs' tour of the country The lompmj'will rctutn to Now York In October for tlio winter. Sol Smith Kussoll will pioscnt next season adiniiiiti/atlon of Mmk TxMiln's no\ul , "A Yankee at the Court of IClng Aithur. " Mr Thomas \V Kecne , the tragedian , will not act nnj more this -icason , . At present hols icstliig at his Home , Castletou Four Coiners , S I. Ilo sajs ho Is in again perfect K'nlth anil wilt hii\o a batter route nv\t season. "Mr U'llldiuon's Widow. " Mr. William illlets now comedv , will bo ineseiitoel at 'loetoi'b Trtuntj-tliitdbticct theater on the llthinst. Its east will bo made up of Mr losejph Holland , MJ Prodcrielc Hond , Mr Ihomas Hums , Mr ( .Jeorgo Thonipson , Mr lliomas Wise , Mis. ThoindvUo Houclcault , Miss lienriottn Ci-ossman , Miss Maud White mil Miss Maud Wilson. LMwln II Pine writes1 1 hive lencwod eontr.icl with MissClariMonisand shall IIH e the honor of managing her another sea son 1 tliinh she is the worn in of our stage , nud I am pioud of hint happy in mj'assocli- tion with her. I never met n more aunnblo. ovnblo w omaii off the stage nor a more con scientious ui list on it Horatio Algor , Jr , whoso bonks for bos aio 'ainous , has wiitten a play for Klslo Leslie n which the millUii ) element will have a imminent place. A I'teiichnmn who 1ms boon moved bjSar - lou's "Thcrmidor" to Inqniio Into the real state of affairs hi Franco unelei the Uoboi- iiioriciegimo llnds ttiat5OOJpeople woieshot mil guillotined in I'aris and J. > , OJO cUowhcio in Franco during tbo leign of terror. The Widow Houcicmlt will pily tlio leid- Ing character in "Mr Wilkinson's Widow , " William Glllctt's new play which Charles riohumn is soon to moUuio. Onlv a small poitcntage of Bornhanlt's imdlence understand her lunruago. nnd still she holds all spLll-bound. Bliu mukcs them lead her mind mid thus piepaics tbein forher movements whllo bho elcctrilies bj her In tensltv A physklan who \lslted George S Knight In the sanitarium where hols undorfromp tieatment , icpoits tnat his phjslcnl health Is good , but that his mental disordei is progiossmg to the Inevitable end in cases of jnresis. Miss Annie Lewis , who is announced to star ne\t season , is ono of tw o or three do/on farce comodjsoubiottcs who aio going to essaj thu same hopeless taslc. Not is MlsH Lewis ono of tlio most talented of the lot. Ida ICMn Is to be ono of the sopranos with the Abbe\-jran \ ( operatic companj nuc sea son She Is the voung lady wlioso hair was pulled bj' Lili Lohmaim for slugingfalso up in Hailom She has since boon studing to get oer it. \V S Cleveland has engaged for nest sea son "Ouda tlio Marvel" whoso sensational noilnl KMmuistlc performances will bo fea- tuied with onoot Manager Cleveland's many miiibtiel cntuipiiscs This uot Is stud to bo a wondoifiil success In I'ans , It is now seen nightlj nt the Hippodrome. Mile Potiesquo , n youn t nnd beautiful sensational eiiuilibiist , now the lonming sen sation of London , where she has completely the "cu " has boon captivated ippies , engaged bjW. . H Cle\ eland , tbo minstrel magnet , anil , notwithstanding her HCX , will bo a featuio of one of his ninncious minstiel com panies next seison Her snlaij' Is sanl to equal tint he p ijs the ( JraKKs , and , if Lon don press opinions aio a uitorioii , slm is woith It Goveuior Bo.\d's ' Grand InauguralMmch" has just been Issued , composed bj Mr. .lames r.ililieldauthor of the , \ell known "Ilnus- e.om 1'utkValt7 , " and published bj the noted Hun , White , Smith & Co , Bosion , Mass , is a siitlicknt guarantee that us a musical composition It will take rank aicoiifj the ! most noted cientlons of the seasQii. The controlling interest in .lulia MnrloAO's tbeatiieal tours toi the balance of thin and thofouriars , has been put chased by Mr. btinson , whj Uofoic assuming the manage ment ol the Marlowo oignnUntion piloted Madame Modjcsiui tlnough nniijsuccoasful touts The deal was coiisuininated last wool ; by Uobett Cl. Ingciaoll at bis office in N'ew Yoik , and oiuls Juno 1 , b'J."i. Kcgnndd doICoveu and Hniiy | H Smith , authors ol "Kobin Hood , " ha\o sunplied De Wolf Hopper witha now opera bnuffe , which the comedian thinks will nlToid him special advantages. The carbonic acid In Cook's Hxtia Dij Ims neiial Chiitnnagno is ono of the best icmuiie- rorcolleor diniluua , CURES COLDS IN THE HEAD , by one application , CATARRH , in a very short time. HAY PEVER , iu fiom 3 to C days , EARACHE , instantly. FIFTY Or NTS A liOTTLE. rou s.\i.n in AU , ma I'lL'piH'il ' only by tliu MUIII IM : co. Iliilkor lllook , Oiniilm. U. < A , for Illmlrated jfainlly paper on in.niiluns | ii | 'on ' tuuiorii OMulti , plluurl coi elo , liydtocc Im brCM i , uppl ! fur flufurinllUiii ulfu ( unil doillUI booK fin inui , osiilalnlnslil _ _ _ .jounniiiliruniiutgi't mrudcf pnpolalprl aPr\t.\ti , chronic dim a en. HI mlu l ( vookn , li "of niiinliraid , Klict , > | | IH. | | | unuatuml IUNI . uf iiliu u tirexiu MCMvtilrh nnflt all for inur Kr , linppliuvt or llfe'n ilntln Jlr. I.lclil 'i \ \ iiiidrrliil ( > ( > riuiu | lu % Itnniliir < iln nil pn lu mi-run , ( Trial liuillo BUI ! frci I > r. i-iiiit .V : ( . . . .anMuth itrtcl , Kaiimi t > tty , Uto. Cftl O A pnBltive rrinetly fur tha AHITA diB * m > > ) l > ill uw tliouiamli nf cum c > ( Ihii nuret kind and i f Iniif itanditiK liuTelioen runil * Intlt il HO ntnni ; IH in ) faith Inltsefliciic ) , that I lll wn ITWOHOTTILB vr.ivilh kVAIUAlUKTKPVTIHionlhMtll : uataiiiiyiii ( . lent bo III wuil me ttifir l.ipiiM ami I'.O.ul Irt M , T. A. aiocain , 31. Q. , Ihl I't-iirl Hi. , .N. Y. onipncoq Uuc'lnitr invd ) for nil ( ha unnnluiAl dlnhurKts un4 nttHlinuaitanf men A certnlurnrK for tlirdflilll * Mttomin. - Iprc > rrllioltnn < 1fcelnnf9 ITHtEvimCHfUitu P,3 In riniinmeudlui ; It lu Tg ull > un"irtr ! [ TJ 8TONER , Mp.QtCHtmjIu , PlOI * * * 'V WHAT CUTICU I Baby One Solid Sore. Trlod Every thug Without Rotlof. No Rest Nlifht or Day. Cured by Outicurn Uomodlos. My hnlij nlcn twomnnthi nlil Imrt Alir llli whnt tlii > itoilor cnllnl tHtPinii HIT liouil nruu , ftit uid liunh KOTO vndi olio mild torn 1 ttlnl every III hiit bu tncll tier the iloiti > m not iinytUliin ohi'illil lie'r un ) KOIU ! We oouM Kit no rot I'ny ot iiliihl wllli her In mjr v\- truultr 1 trloil tlio ( I'll- c i UIMViui < < liutl ion ft 111 ml no fnllti In tin-in , fort linil noTor KI'IMI them tilirt 'loiny kri'iil nriil | e mono work H lliuo nllir In' Klnnliiff la mo tlio (111 ( I HA 1DMI nittlio MHO wire well but 1 lOMtliiiircl to itm llio HtHOnv..sT fur n Illtlo nlilln nnitnnnilieN ng fut nluihy n ymiuuuM llki'tono nut un iiiiuln n dollar 1 believe mj bnhy noiilit hnvo tllul If 1 linil nnl trlfl Ci Hi trii\ HKMI-mix I write this Hint onry inolhorwltlii liil'T Illcnilncnin fie'l ooiilUlciilllinl tluru lunnuol llelno that u III euro Uio won't ccziMim , niul thai nioill * Inu Is thu i uTiriTiu HK.MHIII i Mil ! ) HH'tJlU JllltlvM It I.ockliurl luvn Cuticura Remedies Cum urorj liumor iif thonklli nml < ii1p of Infnnry niul ulilMhool , "liolher lurturlMu illiflcnrliiK Itoli Inu tniniliiK wuly ciuatcil pimply or I'lutiliy , with lo < t oflnlr , nnUuvc'D lniiurlty | < it tliuliluoil vhi'thrr ulniplu ux > fiiloil' , or lirrivlllnry whu. i the lust phy sic limn unit nil otliir rcniollos fill I'-iri'nU bitto toiir < .hllilroiifcnriiif ) mciiUil mil i lijslcal Hiiltcrliik' lli'Kln non Curu * niiiilu la clilklhuud lire I'crmn- fiolil ovorynlioro I'rlco , II Till UA , Uio arenl bkln ( uro ' c OITICI in SOAP nn oxiiulillcf kin 1'url- llir mil lloiiullllor ! ic. Cl TiriniA Hrtii\tM tlu > ne\r lllooi riirltlcr , $1 rreiuireil liy tinI'OTTIII IIKUO AM > OnllrI CdlllOIMTKIN , llotoll. . 8W ' ciul for ' How tw Ouro fckln ll ) > en > i'3 * Cl luces , MIUmlr tlous lUidlW tuMlmuulob. Contractors' Supplies , Wheel Barrows , Shovels Scoops , Bars. llocs , Hose , Picks \Yiie and Manilla Rope , Tackle lllocks , Ml Kinds Twines Hutcliers * Tools , Carpcnteis' Tools , Cooieis' ) Tools , Machinists , Tools , Moulders' Tools , Buildeis' Ilardu-aic. AGINTS : FOII Yale & Townc Pine 15ion/c Goods Win. T , Wood & Co's , Ice Tools , JAS. MORTON & SON CO 10 JameS Morton & Son , 1511 Dodge Street , 'luleshoncitST. . A Scrofulous Boy. Running Sores Govorod IIio Body and Iloud. Bones AlVoctod , Out oil by Cnticuta UoiHCillos. Wlim nit inonllis all tlip loft hnnd of out llttlo Krmnli lillil lx'K n to Mtoll niul hml urrry ntiponr ann'of itlniKi'liill \\o \ iiuilllnM It lull nil In no Admit Nu m > iilli < nfti > r It Inrnnia run iilntt oiiro fnon oldur i > orc' ( orniivl llu llion hut Iwu of tliviii unoiioh Iminl mil hU iliiiul In M uio moio niul innro linpuro It took lit * tlmo for Hi.'in ID tironk out A BOIO in n i II tdo i liln bl'lie'.lth Hll' IIH lor lip which tvn veiv of Ui' 11 ! lioiul vrni ono rnllil nib illn ImrsliiK 11 in ml ilril IhN TTIK lila uMiillll HI nl Uti'lity Ino uiiintlm olit , nhpn 1 unlortoc kiln-inrn < > [ him liN mollior lm\ Inn ill < il XTUn | lie IMIH n iitiii in , ro limn a J < ! ilil i f eon miiiiiiin | | ( " < r , ful i of oourii' ) Ilo * oulil milk u lit tic hut loiilil nut Kit up If hi'fill iloun iinlioulil not iiimonlH nlii IHJI ! hnvlnii no uiiMif liln IntniN I niiniilliUi U iglinmiCMl nllh tlio I I lia UA ItFM HIM uilliK nil fnul ) Olio ni > ro nllui niiotlior ii illi il , iilnin in itti r f'inilliic In uicli mil ) of tlirio llM < de ) ' < | ioiit < ju t lifori. Icillnn which iriinlil tin \\\1 \ \ Ktot loov niul wen * tiiKi n out the'i ) they \rou ! l it'll rnpliHx line of lliu u Kly uimo fiirin itlmiH t in"i r\i > it AlKr t iklnir u ili i-n mill il h ilC lioltln ruinphtrljr ouri' < 3 , nn t l < nunnl thunKe < ot ell rcnri , n simile un I huiltliy clillil. MII * i : < < I > UH ; < ; , Gil K ( la ) nt , Uliioiulnclun , 111 Mny P 1W5 M > crnnit'oiircinnliu pprfu tlr irpll Vo jlnns of Hcnifulnniul nu jore'j Mils II y llltlliH ( tub ' HU llluoiiilnKtuu , 111 Cured for All Time Tlio irtovn 1 < ono uf ( liu most EintlfyliiRof the tliiiUHiindtnf curni nmiln h ) IhoCI'lirLllA I1I.MI Jiirsnudli conrliii < ho c'vlilenrfl Hint they not enly < uio the oi"t UIFIK tint euro Ihui'n for nil tlnir Hi ni i111 * not mirpil'lnc Hint mother ! anil children bins tliutl'iiau.v HLMLIIIES Mortar Spotted Skin. t i it i Govorod with Sctile. ( Awful Specta cle. Outod in'iFivo Weeks by ths Outlourallbmodles -Alout tlitlst of April fnt ! I nolleed nomp ml plmplis llko coinlne out nil over m > umlj , tut thonttlit iiotliln oflt iintimoriii'tltnii InU-ron when It huK'in ' 1U I4ok like Kpntiof inor tnr npotleit nn , nnd nhlch cnnipolf In lujcrs kciuiiipnnlud tj Itclili nl ouhl scmtili OVID iilnlit until I IMIH ruwj-Uiin ( lit ! ni'xt nlKhtllio njilo ioliiK' fornii" ! iiuinvNhlle Vic'ff jcrnHlfol olTikHln In rnln rtld I attinlfnll tli Uot fors Intho coiir.tr1 liril without nU After giving lip rtlrhopca of iccovpry , I ' , linppineil to tie .in ad % trtlictinmt In tht'iii'wniiipor | nliont ro r CUTR't'ltV UKJIi- : Dl h 3 nnd imrrlin'cd them from my ilrun.Ht nnd ohtnlned nlnoit lmm dlHto ri-lh f llOk'Mli to notlca Hint the scaly priipttons prndnally dropped off nnd dlHiinpe'.irudono lyorip , until Hind turn fully tureil I liud tlio illsi'tifO thirteen nmlitlu hpforo I bum tnklni ; tlioltl Mlllli : mil In four or flto wpiks wns I'tltliol ) ciinil .My dltica o win cc/omn and psoriasis I knowof u crpit ninny nho hnro tukon tlivllhMl Illl-x , and thank muforthi * kno rlpd.cot ( tliom cipulnlly niotlom wlio liavo bnblox with scaly eruptions on thi'lrlipiidi nnd brdliM I ruiiniit express my thnnki to you My body wn < cotcrul wllhu'iilcs nnd I wns .in nwf uUlnlitlo behold .Non my akin Is us clc-ni ns a Imby's OK ) lOTtn Merrill , \\Is Only Relief and Cure only iniircpof Innnedlilu lolltf nnd of hjccdy por- lunnent nniliroiionilcnldiio vfHPlii scnlpatid blood disease's , wlilcli linvo rendered IIfo aluiost ununiuir- iiblo b > rnjon otporBonal dlillBuremont and greut plijslcul Miffe'rln ; DH , J. E , McGREW , THE SPECIALIST. 1(1 ( VonV IX PRIVATE DISEASES Cum I In 3 to % dajrn wltliuiit Ilioloji of nn liourt'lliui ) fiiiiu liuilni's * Tlio most nluolutu i-titf ( ur dl.ii"l nndnll mmoylni ! Ulmliaritr * crur known to niillual rcli'iicu I'llll-lri uwnrrniilud cum lull toMilny * Thu moil ponvrful toinoj \ ) t known for n ( ornia mntciiio S'l IIKTI.'ltKor ' | uln InrtilluTlMKtlii ) liliiJ iler , curnl lit liuinii , ultlioutlnitruiiiunti no cutting no pa In no diluting l i-tiDf MnnlimnlurVeiknoti poilttvdy cured , InMiiut rfllof. hkln dlMiuioi unl fimnlodlii > n > ci | > urmin nllr cnrfil Ur Mrllruw ( iiicfon In Hi ? Irn nniont of 1'rhntn | ) l easci lint novnrbcen t'liuullod nnd hit uront iinnjrof iitlonli luu hi's Iiolu llio AtlantloUi llio I'lirltli Itooki nnl ( Ireulnri tree I.inlli * I ruin „ tu I uuir lull nnl Inninru itrtfcti OiLaliu , Ni'b. Uiilrnncj uu illliur itrvot. Baby's Face Was Raw. DIstro'B njr Itoliliifr Sldn Dlno Ourod In Ono Month by the Cutloimv Romodlos. \\lion \ nur l > oy wn lt vn-iV * old IIP 1ml n rnsli on lilt flu-pk It < | iri > n < lim iMilh die ki nnlililn llln fun' nn rn\\ I d.U' H.I uith mrl nu riiitmlli'i , but It uolno Iji'lli'r Mj IIHtlu'i ndtlncl inn 11 tr > tliu ( I'l'ii i n v | | i MI Dll.s Iu i > iltlionifiittli f4ll ntnl In niio ni'ok llio lot Iuio I lilt r In imp inuntli ho "ax ' niul now lie It tliroi' jro ir il 1 nnil no lliu ililld ivi : i-u bud I lindt Ilo lilinln | | ( CIKO mil | In lili hnnd * " _ > donn tlml li iiinltl nut prnlcli MM fm o c inni't | > i < ik ti i liljih nf tlio ( I net n A III 4 I tl O H11IIHMI I ( I III I III Mlioiio\irl can 1 wuulil hifptciiff t < > sco nnv enemy und t ilk to Ilium uf tlio K mil It ( in * my In J MIII i \ in Ciitollln , loill.eol1 O N .1 N II My liiKlmnil N insliliiit of the l'ro i | i Munllfmltll Inn riunimny i > niirktnrn | of tlio I'll- l > lci mil MtlplOT IMhiliiKniiililo hlintt < i , KI llrouiuc lii'Pt No inKillr Hi itMlki't iinlotlr able nutorloly but Is HtllliiK to innko ii rlllre" ) to I cnollt others niul " > ontilo tlili li'sllnionlul t > i n loiiriiKctho uio uf tl'ru i in , nil I linn toothurs Mothers Do You Realize , Jlonr jour llttlo ones miner wdi'ii their tpnihr nkliu atullUrully on llio nlth ItihliiKiiml IniriiliiK tcioinni unil other Iti'lilnf , Boul ) niul liloldi ) eklti nnlncnlii ilhra-ui' ' 'loknon Hint g tlnulo nppllcntlonof the ( I Tie IIU Iti.Mi'DHS will In the jri'nt innjirlt > of rnvM , nltoril liiMnnt unit loinplptori-llif poimltrost niul ntiop ninl point to n pn-mnncnt nnilptonomlcnl I In ci ; n BI'so iK | > i'il > ) euro unit not to ii i > 11 oniMill DIItn inouiont 9 il ln ; N In ho piUty of po lllui In Immntiltr I < on ntcr le't-iic ) citn ho hutowol upon .1 child than n nkln nlthuut blemish niul u body nourished with pure bluoil Aii Eczema 17 Years. Ourodln 8 Weeks. Onoof too Grsat- oat Cures Ever Forformod by the Cuticura Eomodlos. At tlienKoof Ilirpc months n rash ( which nftpr wnrd ] nnpilto tieoi/omiior suit rlipnni ) undo III upppiirniHO on ni > fnio l'hv lchii jifler phjnlrlnn called Itouu uftlmm did mo nnjr Rood at nil but iniido rae erse 'llio dH- ci o contlnupd iiimbitcd. It M > rc ul tn my ai irn nnd UKS till I mis I dd lipi ntlroly. nnd Ire m < nntlnuill > Blttlnv on tlic tluor on n illlou my limbs contrnctcd ro tint I lyslall control of Ilium nnd wns iiltcrl } hclple s M' nidtlicr would liito ) to lift mo out nnn Into led 11 oul I get nr- ounil llio lieu < c onmr liinds an I f < ot but I could not get my clotlica on nt nil nnd hid to sort of ilre InK Bonn M ) linlr Imd nil nint- tpd dovinorfillon off ninl my hcnd fine nnd t-art wcro nu srnb 1 ho dKCti o continued In thh mnnni.r until J mis screntPin juniKOld , nnd ono da ) In lunu- ar18 i I ri idnn nccoiint In tliu Trlliuno of your It I lit u \ Hi Mnmj Itdcicrllocl no c.iso o ox- nitl > III it 1 tlioiiKld UB n l t report , til tslvo Ilium irlulMion I llritnplillid tlioni I wa nil ru nnil blcodlni : froni cruahliijmy elf but I npnt nslccp nlinoitliuiiirillnti I ) suniotlilnul lind not done fur yeira the ( tli'ct wns so ( oc'lliliif In nbunt two ( pk Iconld InnitftriiUht Iml not wnlk Inns tn ttcnk but iny oroi ere nearly ell As ncir in 1 ( in judge lliu Cl nt I'lu KrMnnio ( urtd mo In ilout nlv todKbl iM.okxnnd up to tbttditud e , from Junuair 1H7J to Jinumry 1SS7) ) IbiNonot bun > Uk Inuny way orlmsolnil the least sltns of tlio Ul oii > crian'irlnt | | ou inc. \ \ .1 MrDONM.I ) , B7.-2 IKyxrliorn st ChlcnKn 111 Juno JO , " 87 Wonderful Cuticura I rturd tlio I t'rid lt\ lit MEDirs of inoro Inipcrt nnt nndlntrliBlc Tiiluo to tlio nurld limn any otlii'r- ucdlc ne now bcfoio tlic public HLV.M Clll'l I.MS Wurtliln Kton , J ! CO. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. ( \ \ 509 South 13th Street , - - Omaha , Neb. Scratched 28 Years. A Scaly , Itching Sklti Dlseaso , with Endless SufToriDg , Ourod by Cuticura Rmodios. Ifl liml kfiown of tliprt'Tirt'in nrMnnr'twon- t ) rlubl yi'iirn iii-o It Mould hnvo i\pd uiu 12X1 nnd linmonii.Miinotint of tuirterltu tT Ul cn"0 ( psoriasis ) coniitu need on my hoid Inn npnt notlnrpcrth ina cent H spread rnpUlly nil i vir my bed ) anil t-nt tindpr in ) n ill- 1 ho iuile H noillil drop off of mo nil the limp mil in ) anf ffrlnciTat ) tndlusb and without rclluf C'no Diouiind unllun noulilliot tempt inotolnvo this dl-cn > oovcraB iln I nm a poor nmn but fcrlrtclito liorollovcd 01 whit Bonig ot tbo doctors mid wis leprosy , Homo ringworm pioriini'i , ttc 1 rnnnot prnlco IIIOCLTICUIU III MHIILh too IllUCll Tlie-y llllTC Illllllo my skin na tie ir nnd fiO ( from bcih's am b iby's All lii ol of thora nas f > worlh If you liad brenlicro nnil sill \on would liato enrol mo for J.W you would lia e hi I the ironoy I lookmt llko the plcturo ( So 2 , pnuo 47) ) In > onr hook , IIoiv to Cnro taliln IlHii ) e' " but now Inm ii elo ir is nnr person oior us ThroiiKb force of Imblt I rub my liindsour in ) lirnn ind ! ijs ! torcrnlcli unco In t irlilli. Inu tone no pnriKiio 1 nm nil \\ill I lonttiliod M yru. .TIKI It M > t to bo u kind ol tOLouil nature lo tnu 1 tlnink you u llioifnud tlinn 1)1..SMS DOWNING , ite'ibur ) , VI Why Suffer One Moment I r mi OrtnrhiK and rHMf1iiirl n Pkln dlipiira wlinu n HnKlc nnnlle itloii uf the ( t TH I'll V 111 )11UH s nlll allord Initnritrolluf nml point to n ipcod ) , I < > rn i- nent nnd oconomlpil euro , nlion the ) best pbyalclaiis uuil iillotliurreinoJIcs fnIP "old ovcrynhcrc I'rlci1 C'l Tlct'H i HIP gtftklii Cult Wi1 ; CUTirc HA soil1 nu exiiuMto bkln 1'nrl Hit iindlliMiitlllor , Jjc , LlTictitA IlLSontsi tlio non Ilk oil I'niltlc-r ? 1 1're-pirpd byl'oririi Diite ? AClllJiic\r Colii'oit- ATION lloston 5 ? " tend for "How to Cure Skin IHienoi , Cl pni-os , M Illustration ! ! und 1UO icstlinoulnla , Dreadful Psoriasis. Oovoititff nntlrj Dotly with \Vhlt * Sonloa. Sttn'or UK FonrfVil. Cttiod by Outlunrn. Mr illicmn ( | i iirln l > > ilrnt lirokn out on my lofl cdi'i K B | ii'nilliiii M nn my no o nn I nlnuisl nit ur * ln ni > Inn' II rnn Into IIIJT I'IM niul thi > | ihf k'liin ll 1 nuiiM UKII injr 11 crlnlit nllUKUllicr. II xpri'iiil nil n\ur my lu'iul , niul inr hull nil foil out unlll I nun on tlrrlrdill lii'nliMl II Ihpiilirolm t nt on mjr nriiii ninl BhotiliUirB unlll my nriutt ni ro ju t ono "ino It rnt < > n I my piillrn hoilf , my f.inliiil i\n I Khuuhlcrs holliK fhotxunl 'Iho trhltn nuiln foil ( nn tniilk from nn lii'nil , tlioiilil on niul nrnii lliu nVIll nullll thlrkpn niul ho roil nn I \ ory llctiy n n I uoull nnik niul dlrnl If , M mli lii'il A HIT | MIIIIU | ninnr luinlrpdiiiif ilillnrs I wus iniiiiniiiiiMl liu tiriililo I h < nr.l of Iho ( MH l n V III Ml HIM nn I lift IT lit ! nit tnu butler i i rni n \ III sin \f < r , I unil I ni'im < Innup iintl HUT 1 hml Inkiu four Inillloii t wni nl inixtinril iiiilnliin I hi ) UM'lilv billlm ( 'I'll i I liv Itiitn \ IM oin. tun ot 11 TII i u \ niut oin rnKi'of Cl 11 < i u \ Sou * I HIM uiroil of lliu ilinml fillillioiiiO flonl lilih I Ini I nu lit roil fur ll\iiOnM I innnol oipn i nlllin p MI wlinl I HiiRoitHl Imfnm n liu the 111.MI nn s 'I In y iu\ | my Hfo , niul I fui I It ni > ilul ) lo roiinnneiiil tliiMii M > hulr In ii'loii'l IH err unit n > IN nir ) t ) > ( Mlklit .Mils IUI.SA M-.I.I \ , ltoek ulllty , Kiwn Cuticura Resolvent Tlionow Illooil I'urlflfM Int.rnally ( to elunn o tli blooil of nil linMirlth | i niul polinnoim ch'mnntM , niul < ' 'tririintlio Krcntklti Cure unit rtiili'UHA SOAP nn cxqiiMtu hklii lloniitlllcr , e'xlornilly ( la olcir tli iikln ninl nojlp niul rcstDrn llio Imlrl , lm\n ciiri'it thmiKiinli uf CHIM nlurn the Mievldlntf nf rdilcH nioinlirnl n ipinrt ila I ) , tlio hkln crnt kcil , liholliik ' , hiirnlni : mil llrliliii : ulmoit bi' > uiulcntliir- n nn' linlr IIMi'tt cr nil KOIIO ntillirlio : IcrrltlJ \\liil other leiieillet lmo unulu ellLh UIIBS ! A Burning Sore Leg. Ulc3rs Foun. Hospital } nnd Docton Ua loss Ornzod with Puin. Cured by Cuticura Rornodios. po I irroto you from W'llkc ? tnrrc IM ilotcrlHni ; hovr jour neunlorliil rtmuuloi coinplcloly cund inoof n turrtblo cniouf ittcmnoi Billrlictim 1 limit nnw ti'll } ou wlmt Cl TICVIM KIM P.I. . us hive win ilono foi me Ontlio2.M of I mt Sip Urn- tor I Iml the mlMi rtitnoto bruUn ni ) IOK nnd I put nple coof stick- Ink plnstcronlt Inshluuf n neck I hml n ti rrlblo le'K My wlfo liu cinip frlKhUnfd nnrt lulriscil inn toio to n siirtfcon I uentJi _ ilict'iiol for two uiontlii hill ml Kood mit done rue , hCHhlon co t < IIIR mo hlK inoniiy My le hf tlili tlmo hml formol Into nn iilcor gnrt not worsooi erf day 1 oiluM iiotxtiiiil It any nffi niiJ mndo up my inltid to Kg to a lu ipltil ninl inIf I nnild ho lii'lpinJ. 1 wont n c\cinllicri ) III the illy In turn , but QonocouliliH IIKMUIV ( " > ' d 1 luil a terrible K > vlth nholi ) lull HI blu AH n dollar , an 1 pirtn tlint iiltnost ict ma crary Ijot ) i irevl about U , an I dolrnnlnM to Irj Cl'11- i I'll KFMHIUM 1 ohtulno 1 n ot niirtlnsllu of inn iriokaiuy lo ; wa * lioc'lo I up 111 wi II IIH Itpvcr ni , except Iho uirlblo.srtu It loll for n reminder of nh it wisontci terrible n > ro \ < at , 'Iht'no Hi.Jiiniis am north their vtlKht In Kold run. i , , : n i : u d stioot , NOW vorit Greatest Humor Remedies It l ono llihiK locHlmlo euro tlio'oRrciit shin mid blood dlsc'uic' but qulto niiiitlier tiling to iln It Nu rciuiMllo * o\cr cuiupoundia In the lit-tt ry t f nuitl- clne have porfotnuil td nuinlirfiil curoi dilly nuiilo by Uiol I TlfLll v IU MHHL-i nliichnro In truth tlio trcnti stskin cnrci hloud purlHors. imil litimiir reino- illen of inoilorn tlinoWu mrnostly dmlro tlioau who hive siilte'roU lonu nnd IiopeIo-Bly from tortur- liiB nut dlsllgiirlng Im morn und illHCn-us of the 'kin , scalpirnil bloo.l , uuil who have lout fiilth Inilodurj onil im ilk Ino to inuku utle.iatoiio trill of the c'UTi- CCUlU.MbDlUS. . I NO GUR.E1 ! MO F A.Y. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. ovpntion ypars oTporl < n"o A regular crnlnnto lu mpdlclne as dlplonmi iliow Is still troitlii ! ; with the ticnloatjuieeeDs nil Norton * . I lironlPiind rrhiitn Dho mi A ni'rnnni'nt euro uinrnntio t f ir i ntirrh Hpurm itorrhn n I o < t Mnnhond Suinlmili kiuia JsUht I oin s , Impel np > 'irphllh Mlrlrtiiro nnd nililla- i > -ioi nf the Illool Milnnnri Urlimry Orunni Nil I KUitranlc'o tMf irmorr cnso I imderUiku and fill t' ) dire ( . oil-til latlon free IJuok I.M ) stories of l.lfo ) aont free Olllcab.uri J u in lot ) p in suiuliy U u ui to 1. m YORK DENTML PMRLORS N.E. Cor. 14th and Farnam Sts. DR. FL. . BROWNR. \\r mi' now muUliiK n set of troth for flOO \ \ < also innUi tin' Morris T liln 1 luit i l''atp n s i aid liuiiil in iklint It tliu ploisiintPp1 ili' In ui'in anil \ \ ill Not Hltt.ik , In the inontli iilosi I'Mi irt Ion - IU our new motliod tuth mi' IV-tt\l | ) lUuululltliout \ 1'a'u or Dnn.'oi llolii Mlvu imdf'.ono Illlinijs I mm ! mid' \\Olkllt lurtUSt I.XUb Ullkc ( > | H n > M UIIIK ; , until & . , > ) Huiid.iy , U to ) The LisicoSn Co , NORTH PLATTE , NEBRASKA. 11 MI opeiM'il llio follow In , ; puixpN tnli > enntpplutl for durhu tin \nniinl Tulr t-ept I10 , 17 und b is'M ' , fur IMIISIS i llslblt.prll Nt totlio fullowliiK ilusiis , a-00 rL\SS THOTTING PUKSP : $7OU U 10 CLTHuTIINO. . PUKSE $500. 1 til nnio ft i 7 i | ) IT < out ] ) i ) il > ln is fiillous I ntr un n fi i 7' ' i pt r < i nt , p ijulili is fin.nu. . Jl.'Ajirll l-t ! U' > Ii > IMli JIJ Inly M , Jii | I1)ou ) April 1-.I. Sl'.Oi Mi ) IMli , * HIO | Stptimbuil Ih'll JlO Hipu nibor l'l 1 IU I | Hoist s iiiintMloii iliy iifhst pi ) t nnr ' ulis ripMnni ti msforiilila Mnnoy clhlileil SO , J5 , 1 % .UK ! 1U pel i miiui ik-in A socl.it Ion I nlcs IOKOM rn. \ VV 111 l.i ! ( : l'ru-lilcnt. \\\i. \ 1I1O\\N. ! Siprct iry. DEWEY &STONliFURNlTURE CO Draperies and Furniture. OLDEST AND LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WEST 1115-1U7 1'AUNAU ai'UKKT , OMAHA ,