G THE 03MA1LA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY" , MAJtOH 1.1 , 1891 S1XTBMNT PAGES. TUB Ml All A UEli COUNCIL. H LUFFS. OPFICK : N'o. II ! 1T.AHI , STIIISKT. IVllvoml by Carrier In any part ol iho ( Illy. IIV. . TIlvrON . MANAUF.U. TKI.KPIIONLM : Huslr.m OAeo ! , No.I : ! . Nigh' ' KUitor. No.f. \ . JIIA01I .TlK N. Y. P. Co. Connrll muffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's ' rhntldl loans , ' .VI Sapp bloctr. ( ii-tiUnu Hook Spring wil. Thatcher , 10 Iil.ilti slreot , Itoi n-'I'o Mr. and Mr * . ) . H. Long , 1 17 AVastiin 'ton avenue , u daughter. J , \j. \ . .lohmonvivi lined (10.20 ( In pollco court ii'.itonlay nioriiliii ! forilrunltcnncsi. The ladles of Unity ( lullitwill k'lvo tholr r.nstor party Friday ovcuiug , .April 3 , in lliijjhw' hull , Miss r.tta. Maxwell , who Is employed Inthu ofllco ol the county clerk , in con lined to her liotno liy illness. Tliu funeral sorvlrus of the Into ! ' . S. > lon- tn will taUc place at MiIM o'cloc'U tills ntlor- noon from the ri'sldoniv , TU3 Klflh uvcnuo , IJcv. (1.V. . Crofts oMIiiilintf. I. . Kmilnll , yniilmiisU'r ' of the Milwaukee. uus clistrl billing cL'iirs yesterday on luvouiit ctn t\vclvo-.mi | tul boy Unit was born nt his lionio , ' 'li'i ' ScveiUicnth avonue. Kl rst class mo > aU at , Mnsoiilc ! tfinphi next Thursday , scrvoil by llio ladies oflho llrouil- way flmroh. There will bo a coed nniiU-nl ITOKtiiniiiiolii llio evening ; also sale of fnuoy Mary Thompsoiuvas arrested yesterday on u Information II led in Justice Pulton's court charging her with tlio luvony of a gold rlntf from ntruvellnir men mimed' It. Culm. She lad nlicnrltijjanihviis illHcliaruud for lack o ( evidence iif-amst her. ThooystcrMippcr hen hy the. ladles' AM nocletyof the C'hrlstitiii i-hnrcli atShubertv hall lint Thursdav oveiiln.ir was asuccess in every respect. 'l'ho ' iiltcitdinieo was Inrjje , thagrelrc.shinent.s excellent and the net pro- ceAls ever .fi , * > in eusli. Mi-s. Maix'nrot 10. Slent/ died yostcrday ftftuinioon nt the Woman's Christian asso ciation hosiillal , whore she has been taking treatment for several trucks past , She \vas eighty years old. Tlio funeral will take place tomorrow in fain-low cemetery. Thomiirrlaijo of U. II. Hudson and Miss HntUo Uuvol will taUophmi next Tuesday cvomni ! at the rcMilonceof tlio bride's futhur , I1. C. Devol , on Willow avenue. It will lo n very ijuioinlTiiir , none but the immediate relative. ! of the two families being present. Thoofllcoof tlio L-'iilelity Protective union has been n-.oi-od from .VM "Washington avenue to room -100 In the Hipp block , tlio dianjio hax'i lie been rendered necessary by the fact thut lit the ola stnnd there was no oiportu- | nlty for a vault , The newly elected presi dent imd sccrotitry of the oriranlzatioH urc JnnicsMo 'nu liton nnd L. . . I' . Huff. The Knights of Labor are mnltiiiR elabo rate preparations for nn open meeting , wliicli It to ho held in the O ranit Army hall , on i'earl street , on Wednesday ovcnlnc. Tlio two lodges of this city will lie present , and a * nnniher of members from Onmha are also ex pected to bo present. Some of tlio best speak ers of the dly huvo been engaged , and an in teresting iiioottiiB Is promised. The ewenil public is iiivlto.Ho oe present and enjoy tlic evening's entertainment. Thorolssoiiw tnllt ninoui ; tlio members of organizing a ladies' assembly. Some ol' the Indies are deeply in- tcresleil in the \vorlc of the order , nnd it Is thoupht. that much peed woulil he nivom- plislied by admitting them to mombtM-shlp. Kov. O. W. Crofts has received n beautiful specimen of pen drawing from the son of one of his former1 college mutes , u young innn named CJ. 0. I'mmusloiie , living at ( Iraiul Rid KO , 111. Several \\eelcs ago .Mr. Crofts re ceived a letter from the. yoimn man stating that howas somotlilii ) ; of a pen artist , and romicstliiKhlm towrite a IHXIIII snitahlo fur RII Uaster souvenir , vhlcli ho would embel lish with Ills pen , .Mr , Urofts complied with the request , but ho wan not prepared for any iuch exhibition of skill _ as tlio completed "ivo'rlt snoweTT 'fife ' woric was shown to com petent JudRos in tlio city , and their unani mous opinion was that it was equal to anything - thing that had ever been execute ! by Miss Jerome , the pen artiU who tias made her nanio famous all over the country bvhor ef- foils In that lino. Mr. Crofti prizes the souvenir very highly , The ease of AVolspyfc I-onp : \Vidcham Urothors ivas on trial In superior court yes- tcrday iiioniliiK , la winch the plaintllls "are trying to recover f 1'Jo for worK done by them In papering and painting the roorns'on the westsidoof thol'acllle house after the Sapp buildliiR bad been built. After lltovorlc liad been completed \Volscy A Lone presented their bill to 10. W. Ilaincs , the promlotor , who hnd hired them , and ho referred them to Wickhain Brotliers , saving that tliey jvcro the owners of the building and should imy for all repairs which wore- rendered neces sary by the tearing out of the end of the huilduiK.Vickham sent them to Sapp , claiming , that ho liadu bond signed bySnpp. In which bo agreed to stand good for all daniai'es. Sapp in turn passed thorn on to Martin Hughes & Son , \vlio built the Sapp building claiming that ho had a similar bond from them. .As everybody claimed that tlio bill should uo iiahl by souiconoolse , it vas decided to try the case at law and thus tlnd out who was in reality the proper person to pay the bill. No\v goods nro arriving by tlio car load at thoereat Installment house of Alandi > l .t Klein , JJ'JO Broadway , the only installment house in Council U lulls nnd tnolargcst in the west. Kvery ai'ticlo used about a household is included in the new goods , andyoumn uct them at tlio lowest prices and upon small weekly or monthly payments and enjoy the usoof the articles while paying for thorn. Do you want an express wagon or boy I RIIIK up tlio .A , 1) . T. Co. , telephone ITO. Xo. 11 Korth Main street. i'JEItSOMJL f.l IM GiU JP/M. Miss Oeorpla Bennett Is visiting Miss Dclllo NVatts In Ncola. 7ho Misses Kff a and N'ottio Louis return from their eastern trip this morning. Mrs. P , Leutzlngeris confined to her home on avenue E by uti attack of In grippe. I. B. liohrer , son of M. R Kohrcr , is sick v.-lth measles nt his home , ! SJO Vine street , Mr. and Mrs.O. II. P. Mlkes-oll of Cambria , Cnl. , are the guests ot Mr. amt Mrs. P.O. Mlkesoll. Mrs. Marshall of Cincinnati Is the guest of her daughter , Mrs.J. B , Long , onVivshiiiK - ton avenue. Mr , and Mrs. Shepard of North Plattoaro visiting the family ot V. I ) , Gardiner of Strcotsvlllo. Mrs. C , L. . Chapman , who has licen vlslt- ine her daughter , Mrs , . David Btubbs of this city , has returned to her home. C.V. . Boh warts , assistant secretary of the Youne Men's Christian association , has gone to Xanesvllle , 0. , whore ho was culled by the death of an uncle. W. T. Swan of DM Molnes Is in the city in the Interest * of the now Council Illufis and Pottawattainlo county directory , which is ntwut to bo compiled by the Council Bluffs directory company. Mr. Swan has had con siderable experience in worlt of this kind , nnd ho iiromises to make the nsxt directory by far the best that Council Lluffa has cve'r had. Another Uiinuttir ; > lix"cl Oflluinl , Attorney General S to no received a letter yesterday from tlio president of tbo school board at Hull , In. , stating that u case had arisen in that town almost exactly like that which is now agitating the minds of Ne braska politicians , excepting that His not on so largo a scale. Samuel Koxvons elected totho office of school director , but after the votes had been counted and ho had been de clared duly elected , it was learned that ho was not a cltl/cn , ho lutvlng been born in Canada , nnd having neglected to take out his second naturalization pupors. The nilvlco of the attorney cenenil was nsUcd as to what should bo done in the case. In reply Mr. Stone quoted the law that provides that when in any way there 1s n failure to elect an of- tlccr. the present Incumbent shall hold over until his successor shall bo appointed , lie did not ex press an opinion , however , a * to whether In iirnsoof tliatkinja new election should bo hud , Call on D. J , Hutchlnson * Co. for choice bargains In lots in U'llson Terrace , Special ludueemcuta ( or tbo licit fo\v duys , X0VS Fllffll COCSCU BLOFFS. ArrtBt of the Kissdls for Slcixllng Mrs. Jewell's ' Costly Jewelry. THEIR SISTER'S ' CONFESSION IS PROOF. Story of tlio Crlmo In Detroit-Court \O\MI Ilurliil til * nu I'nkiK.vvri ' BI.III Hi ; IH nu 01- llolnl. I'rcd nnd Georso ICIssell were ixrrcstod at a Into hour 1'rid.iy nWit on un inforiiintioii fharj-lnR them with hiving stolen a lot of jewelry from Mrs. Jowell , wlfoof one oflho proprietors of the ( Jruiul liotel. They \\ero \ taken atoni'o to the county Jail , xvnero they are still In confinement , having been unable to i-lvu bonds. 'Phc theft occurred a vcck UKO hist Thursday , but it was Uent n pro found secret , nottiliii ; having been known of it hy any but those most closely interested , until thu arrest hud been made and the fel lees who are siipmcd | to have committed thocrinw had been safely landed behind the bars. bars.On On the afternoon of the robbery Mrs. lewell left her rooiiH for a short tlmo. The rooms are located in tno Hats In thowostcnd of tbu building , one-half of which is occu pied Uy Mr. Jewell and family and the oilier by Mrs. CYusjIu , the other proprietor of the place. Owing to the fact thut Mrs. Cru lii's iiiirtments | were so eloio at hand , Mrs. lewclt took no particular iireiMtitionsapainst bnrijlara , UioncU she took the trouhlo to lock the front door. When she retuniod she found that her rooms liad been ransacked mul her Jewel case robbed of its cjatt-nts . Kntriuire luulevidcntly been elTected through the liaclt door , audit wnUhoiiKht that some one In ( lie house had connived at the en trance unit let the lliluvm In. A sister oflho KIssollsluiH been employed in tbo hotel for sonio time pint , anil ntono tlino hnd tlio full conlldcneo of her employer. A few days no , however , she wascaimlit in n somewhat iniestlonnblu transaction and since that timosliohas heoti closely watched. Showwlu thebullilliiRat the time tha rob bery took plnra and \vas therefore suspected of kno\vln something about it. She wmput tliroii-h a severe pumiiliii ; process by the elilof of police , in the woeess of which she admitted she had been Implicated in it , nnd tint the other parties totho conspiracy wore Her two brothers , Fred and Gooi-no. Shond- iniltod that UuriiiK Mrs. , ID well's absence she hadlothor brothers into the hotel 'and that they hml tnlwu the mliHliiK property. She also said that the moil had threatened her life in case she RHVO the thing away. The stolen property is thought to bo worth between ? .SUu and 51 , IKX ) and consists of two vatchm , two pairs of bracelets , three gold chains , a locket , a gold thimble , diamond rings nnd nlso a lot of silvir articles. Do- tectlve-i have been \vorliinn on tno case , but a yet they have not succeeded in locatln K any of the stolen articles. IIOSTON 9TO11IO. Council niuCTM , Inwa. PAST DL.VCK B'ATKICNS. The flncst display of fast black sateens ever shown any vhoro Is to ho found attho Jioston Store , Council IIUiiTs. The prices come vlthintlie n'aeh of all. A. homtiful Ruaraii- teed fast black sateen for I2'e ' ; a hotter for lite ; u better still for S3e and IlOc , and a beauty , llnest lionrletta linhb , nt X'.t : . The lliuandUc. quulity is well worthy of special notice , a line French sateen henriclta finish at lllc. The latest in dross bliidiiii ; unit fnciiiRis the bias velveteen , wears "much lonnerand don't , destroy the shoes , to bo had at t hellos ton Store , ( 'ouncil iiluffs , In. Calanthe assonibly f-lvo their social U'od- - ' I119Jl " - . . . . - rt , . . . . , .il.l\.ll 1 , aij JV , . ( 1'ythias hall for the bcnolltof the homo for the Iricndlcss. .Admission 25 cents. Snupart A.Co. carry largest stock of bulk Held , garden nnd llower sccas in the west , Catalogue and samples bmall. . A full corns of trimmer.1 * bcjriti work at the Louis'Monday ' ; evening , March 10. Spnnp season onciiaMarch 10 attho Louis' ' millinery house , Masonic block. The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. U , O'Bilen. r The N'ew Paclllo is the most centrally located hotel in Council BluHs. District Cniirt Neivs. In district court yesterday G , A. Henry was on trial on the rhar o of making ma licious threats against the life of Charles Mitchell u conductor on the Milwaukee rend , The trial cccupioiltho entire day. ViceorJ- Ing to the story to'd by Mitehell , IIe"iy hoarded the train with a companion ntCoun- cil Bluffs ono day iluriiiff last January and wanted to ride.VhoaMitchcll approached thu pair anduskcd thflm orthoirfare.IIetiry paid without trouble , VuvTjw companion stiid ho had no money and ho wanted to ride free. Mitchell iiifonno d him that , the IJihvaiikco was not run on these principles , and that bo mint pay if bo roilc , At this juncture Henry appeared on the scone and waving a revolver In the air in dangerous pro.xlmit.v to the conductor's nose told him to let his friend ride or ho would blow hi in full of leait or full of holes , the conductor could not tell whlcn. Hither was bad rnoupb , however , and ho old not press the matter , AtWeston ho telegraphed ahead to Ncola for police. When tlio train reached Neoia the police were there and Henry vos taken In clmrpo. iio was put In the lockup , but as tno lockup at Keola is not a very heavy affair ho sureceded In nuking his es cape during thought , On the following day hova recaptured and broupht to the Bluffs' , where ho has occupied a buuk hi the county Jail ever since. A. number of witnesses were put upon the stand and corroborated the testimony of Mitchell. At the hour of ad journment the testimony had all been taken In and the attorneys \vcro rcudv to make their arguments. This part of the pro gramme was postponed until Monday morn- Inn on account of the lateness of the hour. After this case is completed there is an other trial In store for Henry , the charge in the lattorcaso hoingassault with intent to murder. It is stated that the attorneys for the defence h.ive . nerved to iilead ( 'uilty in the second case , provided the ilrst uroes against them , M the second ca-o will in all probability be decided the same as the lirst. For sale , restaurant anil lixtui'es. For par- ticuhirs inquire at : ) . ' > West I'ierco street , J.C. Blxby , steam luvuinsr , sinitarv en- Blueer , 2CJ Morrlum block , Council Hums Dr , T. II , Clcland , former pastor of the I'rcsbyterlan church In this city , will deliver hislecturo on "Travels Abroad , " Monday evening' , .March II ) , at the I'rcsbyteilan church. Admission S5 cents. " \Vlll Trade for Farm. J. Q. Anderson will trade for farm or aero property near Council Hhilts , hli dwelling at Shutiiindoau , In. , ap- prnised ntJT. OO. Call at the oftlco of the Council IHufCi Insurance company for fur ther particulars. J. n. Atkins , western agent for IloPmv's ' plate-glass company , will plvo estimates on plato delivery hi Iowa and Nebraska. Tlio Unknown Pond. The funeral of Andrew O'Hara tools place from tlio undertaking establishment of Messrs. I.unklcy t 1'ortcr yesterday inora- liiL'plho remains being Interred in the Cath olic cometcry. Who OMIarrn Is or whether ho bas any friends Is unknown. The only thhi ) ; that is known about him is that ho camoto this city from Deadwood , Dak. On his person after hU death \vas found one article that it was thought mi flit prlmt > snid in Identifying him. It was u pa per reading an follows : "IlKAiiwoon , Fob , 12. To who'ii it may coucorni This is to certify that F. Cary has worked for tno ou tlio grade ut Buld wouu- livlu nndM n peed hand , but lias been sick for some tlmo. I had station work there. II. Md'iiii.UNY" ThU pnpcr was HIP only thing that was found on him that would show anything as to his Identity. The Clly ClcrU'K Ilrport , The city clerk haa completed his nttminl report , giving a.iutniuarvof the amounts re ceived and disbursed by him from thc'JOthof last March to the 1st of the present month. \Vhcn Mr. Stoplienson assumed the duties of the oftlco there was JITO. ! * ! turned over to Id in by the former clerk. The total receipts of t be ofJlco for the little less than n jear have bceiifl7''J'it.10which ) includes the Iticonio from the superior court imvoll as from the city business. Of thu amount ll i.llT.TS con sisted of Judgments , which wcro thvrced in superior court , anil a the money sattsfjlng ; these Juilgiuontsvas paid out at once to the parties who were entitled to it , It never en tered the treasury , and properly forms no part of the i-lty property. Tlio total ex ncnso for the year wiii-tT,0.'U. > ( , i , leaving n balance of SO.YM ; ) . Ono peculiar feature of the report Is the croat excess of the nveipli over ttuwo of the last year , Aecordinit totho report of last year's clerk , the receiptsweroonly | I3,11.VIS , or about n quarter of whit they have been since Mr. Stepheiison's tern : commenced. ThelnciTaso Is.supposed to bo c.uiscd partly by the increase in the business which has been done hy the superior court , and partly by the Increase In the amounts of the flues nnd liromes. .Another Interesting thing Is the Jlg-.ires slmwing the amountwhich has been paid out to the cilv marshal. According to the report ttuMimrshal has received In foes $ : , " ' - ( . - | In addition to hisrepular salary. It only takes a slight examination of tins report to .show why there are always so li'iitiy who are will- Inulo sncrllicotlieniielves for the good ol their country when the olllco of city marshal is about to become vacant , IN I'Ains. Tlie Coming Salon mill the Itii' Oiiiiilm'N Kcprescntntloii , Mr. .1. ( t. IlorRluin , n jirotcgo of lion. Oeorco W. r-.lnliiKer , representing Omaha in the artists' colony In Paris , has written his patron a very Interesting letter about art in the old and new vorld , which is here repro duced : I'ntis , Kob.0 ' , 1S01. Dear Mr. Llninger : How nwfnl Is this flight of time. 1 can scarcely believe that 1 have been hero six months , u full half-year la the art center of the world , and I am Just getting1 to work , It seems , although 1 have covered a good deal of canvas and paper , and been busy tlio en tire time. The winter has been gloomy , wet and gen erally unpleasant.Vo both'lone so mueh for spring mid freedom. It Is so dlniciilt to live in I'nrisnad not do us the IVeiiclnnan does , tied upas hols in the four walls of n studio for months at n tlmo with apparent contentment. I shall also bo glad when the salon Is over , and in some Wiiysbejzrudgo every moment 1 spend working for It. Nearly everybody ca ters to the notions of its "Jury. " tie iibout 1'nns totho studios of the younger men and you will bo surprised nt the luHuenco it has on their subjects , their way of painting and oven their ideas , \Vo will never have an American art until American studems can live at home , and that vill not be until their pictures will bo bought as readily out of an American gallorvns they now are from the over-estimated French salon by their own homo patrons. It Is high time American collectors bo nti toshowu little of tlieir real American feel ings in patronizing Americans at home. Ttiis would uo more toward the establishing ol an American school than anything elio. There is little doubt that wo would huvo one of the most vigorous and interesting schools of art when ouco left to our resources losolvc our selves in our own way. Time would jirovo , as it has in landscapes , that the Americans can bo the best. Our best artists abroad show a decided tendency to follow the best old and modem masters , such aa Vuln&qucs , Kcgnnult , Kembramlt , Lo Page , etc. Sueh n lor which these masters are noted. Should this continue it would lead our nation to a position In art that would bo the envy of the world. ' It is not Improbable- that a country so young and vigorous in every other pursuit should show the > > ame feeling In art. Good times arc certainly coming. I read in tbo American papers that T m > , ( ) < M ) Is to bo ap propriated for the art building at tbo world's lair , to bo located on tbo lalio front and to bo Verinnncnt , and ihis sum will undoubtedly bo added to , What n Iltio beginning , and right in the heart of the country , tool vVnut an excellent plnco for a future American salon ! I cannot help thinking how fortunate it was for the "s'.ates" that tlio great exposi tion was located west of Now York ; for while It could not give New York much that it has not , it will carry refinement and ciil- turo westward and by Us nucleus of marvels form an appropriate center around which wo can all , with equal advantage , gat tier , T-ct m hope that this will bo thu birth of art in America ; that it will appeal to the hearts of overv American , young or old , and stir the mind to its utmost in the production of sonv work of art for this opportunity of shoiViiM not only to our own but to sister tuitions that our day has dawned , and gloriously. Woaro a young im on unit everything Is new , wo have plenty of subject imitterMrith- out Having to avoid what has in other coun tries become huclmoycd. Howl must tell you of n conversation 1 had with Mr , Dinting , tlio great Norwegian sculptor , who is by no means a man of old or convi'Titloiinl iileus. as his work snows and as you may guess when you know that ho is an ofllcer of the Legion of Honor , and at the Paris cxno tion received the urand gold medal. Ilowas showing me his work for this year's salon entitled , "Two lieings. " whcn'lio remarKCd that "it was lard to avoid the conventional , for every subject sccmedto bo exhausted ; mythology is now thread bare , nun lltllo else is doiioexeept portraits. " fortunately this death of subjects will not bo our trouble. In reference to what I liavo written about the future of American art , it all depends , or at any rate largely , on the action picture buyers tako. Students arc as plentiful over here as alliance - lianco men In Nebraska , and you might tlnd vour.'elf saying : "M'hen those young fel lows succeed wo will have art In our own country , too , as well Knotn little butter because - cause It is American , " but wo forget that they will not succeed , not moro than one In every thousand willgot a national reputa tion , not moro than one in twenty-five will follow art , that Is not moro than forty out of a thousand , I donot think more , but am sim ply guessing by what 1 have seen , to speak moderately , say lifted ! t alto up illustrating , tlioy will rotutn homo , ( or this beautiful branch of art has reached a higher point in America , Another ton will becoaio sculptors , not raoro than two of these , how ever , will return homo , . for Americans will not support them whllo there. Thorcmain- inir lifteeiuvo will call jihlntcrs. Some of them may even become artists. If they wish to succeed at home they must iiamt port-alts or take up some specialty , but In bulk they remain abroad , sign tlieir pictures "Paris , " "Munich" or "Koine , " the glory of which goes to 1'orelgii nations , nud .America loses her nrtlsts , , all reputation for art , and her money actually to support nrt clsowliore. ' The only remedy for this Is for .American purchasers to huy in A uierica and holdout inducements for artists totemnln home. It has lieen necessary for mo to give up the painting of the subject I had intended for the salon on account of the expense of models. It is Impossible to got ngood model for less than is francs a week , or nearly fin , but If 1 get U with what I have 1 will not make a bad showing. A great cliango has been nindo In the salon this year. Tlio pictures have boon cut down to only 1,300 , and with thoexistlng rules there ca"n bo but little chance for for eigners. .My wifols painting a dog from life , ns she has taken up thn study of animals , which is qultoim undertaking , butslio isgettlnu along well She Is more than delighted with tbo medal forstlll-life , nud would huvo written you a personal loiter at first , thanking you for exhibiting your pictures , but waited for mo to wrlui this letter , which I have tried to do over since 1 received the newspaper clip pings and the medal. In fact I commenced this letter two wcoto ago , but I am working day and night , many days do not leave the house for days at a time. Bl have received a very llattorlng letter from Mr. Stanford acknowledging the receipt of the picture , and how well ho liUcdtiu * pose and the subject ! liuttho money hut not yet arrived. Ilopoto HCO you early In thaispring , hot mo linow when to oxiioct you. My wife encloses n few lines , \\ltti \ lilnd regards to you and your family , yours truly , J. 0 , rmsr. Cluno < il' the A hi ii ton Tnurnnniriit nml SrUt.Miivttt "I * HiiuotH. The anintnirilx-d.ty ! ! blcyc'oraco ' catno to n dene lint ovciiltitr.lho nltond.inco iK'uiKfaU" Thu races wow ummiallv eloso nnd Interest- hip. I'luschor , thji winner of the tlrst prize , a handsome diamond incilal , eitahlhhos the liiili'piitnblo fact fti.iUhols onoof tin ) oonihiK amateur ndors of tin' eoinitrv , for during tlio week lie rode ngutmt some very speedy mon and never Instance , IClcven strniijlit rui'es Is an en viable rocQia'for ' any man. 1'lxloy , llio wlnuonof the second ( irl/.e , has nothing tube luhritiiiM of. Ilomiulon plucky IlKhl and went downline tlio I'utiiberluiiil ( of navnl history ) , with colors Jlylntr. Mcnrs.tho wlimor of tbu third , inmlo a RocMshuwltiKiWinnlni ; nhio v.uvs . and hnltiR two. Helms n "builod" crank , however , to thank for his vletoiy , as in his lunt race with \VcrU ttio hitter's \vhcd went hack on him.Vorl7. \ won fouilli , anil Gross , who also made a nmo light throughout the \veck , 11 fih. I-'ollo\vliiK Httie result ol the unlit : 1'ixlov heat 1 lolton , lli.Vt ; Fluscher bent Unw , ( > : IW ; Seaivli bunt Munterfwlntf , Ii : Id ! Potter bo.lt . Oiboriic , 5W : : Schnellbent U'alker , 0t8 : : ; Moars beat Wertz , 11:51 : ; Kloschor bent I'lxluv , tl-JS : ; tiross beat Muiili-rferliifj , ll-Uj : ) Stsureh beat l'otterTM : ( ; Srbnell beat Osborne , Tali. Mcsehcr nvi'lve.1 a < UH ) diamond medal. I'Uloy nf.'iO nold watch\loaisa $ iCiiliaiiiond ring , Weila wr > silver \valch and Gross a $10 umbrella. 1'lm SOH-O for thou-eek Is as follows : lllilei-5. \Vnii imt | liiiti'M. Umil.ost lI , I"y m | | ft'iini'll ' 4 7 Meats 8 s I I'm tor il H Miliilurfi'iliiK ' .4 7ValKer | t IO } \r' \ ' * * "i 4 I SiMiri-li 4 7 t'sliiirtie 4 7 I Iliiltiin 0 II Mt-'sehor II o | \\erty \ ti U Tlu y Will I'l.iy . l'ho members of tlio Young Men's Chris tian association club mot nt the association rooms last night to outline- the plans for the coming season. It wnsdecided blouse-and ilt up thogrotiniis at Twenty-third and Ilnr- noy streets , erect a building suitable for baths and dressln rooms , The grounds will be enclosed by a high board fence and will contain nvo courts , one of which will bo ex clusively for the use of llio Indies. It was de cided to reject tlio proposition to join the state league. The present membershi p of the tennis association is thirty , and It Is proposed to dou bio this before the season opens. llogert Ithodes of Avoi-.i , la. , and J. 11. Kr- hart of Council UlulTs lought aiiluo round mill at Lalco Mamiwu hut night. Khodcs was awarded the light at the end of the ninth round. Secure * ! Atiiilli < > r Flyer. Nat Drown of Omaha has purchased the well known seven-year-old stallion lunis Kntuus. The horde has a record ofM : , 'L'he price- paid waslo,000. , Shot llpvord llroken. HANOMJU , N. II. , March. H , Attho Dart- moutli Athletic association meeting today G ny George of Mcrldon put the shot thirty- six feet eleven and one-half Inches , breaking the record , vhich sUiod at tlilrty-slx feet. A Ilhiir Tliiit llti < Trai Inil. fc'iot-.x CITY , la. , March 14. ISpoelal Tele- grain to Tin : Bur. ] The Sioux City Base Ball association thisevenlngemphatically refused - fused to sub ml t to the throats ot the Ameri can association. Van Dyke and Khobock will not bo released , in ) matter If the American does boycott the Western association. Fllzslmiiinns 1'nstHa K > tT < - it. Ciiu KIOlixrcli 14.-C'corgo ! U. 01 ark , baclterof Bob Pitzsiiinnons , has deposited ' with City Kditor 11 illurd of the Intor-Oeean n check for S'iOJ : to post us n forfeit for ITitzsiimnonsto bind him in a tlnlsli contest with .Ili'i Hall , the lattor's ' reprcscntativo to cover this with a like amount. Cliirk ii > s the San Xntoulnartiutio" club has ofU'rcd ' ipujsJT / ixM tot 1 1 nil and l'lUalinuioiist , ti nutltig for FiUsim- J nj o. < H'HU ' _ aoLs | thoolTer. The only stipulation ho makes Is thai Hall and Ifiu- Simmons shall incut under the same condi tions \vhlch tvoruotitnlnod In the IDcmpsey- l'M/siinnion' > contest at New Orleans. ItAll.KUAl ) KOTKH. Conference With 'JYainneii-Go ! slj > of thoOllluers. Assistant General Manager Holcomh 10- tum.Ml from Denver last , night and will hold a consultation with a committee of conduc tors and brakemen from thol'ucillc division of the Union Pavillu. The following gentlemen constitute the oommitteo : K J , Palmer , Spokane Falls ; 1. O , Thomas , Portland ; Frank Tracey , The DallesV. ; . II , Crosby. Porlland ; , f. A. Mi-Atoll. I afirande ; 0. L , , Jeffries , Spokane Tails ; W. H. Gcndcning , l ortliuidU. ; M. Dunlup , L. M. Turpinatid ( icortio ( jwensley , 'I'opoha ; C. I ) . Downer , Walla Walla ; lL CoyUendall , La ( Irando. The committee have 110 particular grievance , mil will seek to ad just several mutters about which there Is s mo slight misunderstanding. * " ( icnoral Manager Clark has gone to New York , afconipanlcd bvTrallle Manager Mel- len , tocoiisult with Jay < ! ould on matters pertaining to the Union Pacific road. Commencing- tomorrow the mon at the Union Pacific shops \\ill \ work until I ) p. in. live nays in the week , They will work Illty- Uvo hours each \vcekas at present , but will huvo n half holiday on Saturday Instead of a Quarter day , A mcotinir to orpanlw a barbers' union will bo held at ( irecn's ' hall Tuesday night , Ono minor permit for 100 was issued by the superinteiiUcnt of buildings yestcnlay , Unity church-Hov. J ' , . IS1. Maim will preach in the morning , Subject : "Concern- lug 1'robatton. " Mailm Walsh , a clerk In the Union Pa- clllc froiuht olllee , died nt St. Joseph's hos pital Friday night. The funeral \\lll \ UKe ulaco from Ilcnfey & llcafoy'i this after noon. Bishop Newman will pleach ntSeward street Methodist church this niorniiii ; . This ovenlni ? Mrs. M , 1C. Itoberts of Lincoln will incnk at the sutne place on the work of the Woman's IlomoMisslonary society. .Suspicion. Pranit Hylund , a grocer In Ilenson place , died suddenly at an early hour yesterday morning , and the coroner wns notified. I was reported that the deceased had made a late call to seu a physician regarding his daughter , who was sick , and being some what fatigued had been given adosoof some kind to bruce him up. U'hls was alleged to have been but a fowl hours before his death. Tiio coroner ordered the remains taken to Ilcafcy A Heafejy where nn autopsy was held last evening : ' Nothlmr suspicious was discovered , although the brain anil stomach were preserved and turned over tothocor- onor. Tlio deceasea leuyes a wife and.two chil dren. A New < 'lnl > . The Commercial rlub , most of thomomhors of which am Elks , will hereafter bo asopnrato organization , but will coutiimo tousotho Hik's club rooms fora tinn ut least. Arti cles ot incorporation have been Hied with the followIiiKeciitliMuevns incornorutors : CJoorgo T , Mills , \V. \ F. IfecK'l , C. 1C. Collins , Fran cis Dana , II. I , , llueil , Ci. Kiim Uogers , O , S. 1'otter and P. I1. tJridloy , host IliH Ititll , A man named Hilaids untered a laundry nl Twenty-sixtn anil N streets , South Omaha , nst night , llolaid a pocketbook containing fl'.iO lit cash , besides notes ami valuable pa | : < 'is , on the counter and went away with out H. OnroturiiinKthopocKi'tbooKlmdvan- ' lihol , anduven a search iv a rr.mt fullea to dlscloso lUwhcreatiouts. H'i ! ? lf , The meeting of the Douglas County Horti cultural society at room ID , M'aro block , last evening , was not largely attended , and an adjournment wm tnlion until next Saturday uvinlutr , whonim effort will bo made to re vive ttio organl/atlim nnd arrange tot regular nu etlngsln the future. Thn sale of HID collection of Itraytonlvus was concluded yesterday nf tornooii In Now Vork , 'llio umouiit of the day'ssaluwas f -iT\M nnd the Kfand total for the entire col- Icctlou of curios Is jlOO/JltJ , CHRISrOMROCOlOWSClTY. Qotwa imtl Us Iiitorostltig Attractions to Tourists. MARK TWAIN'S ' "INNOCENTS ABROAD , " 1 low tlio TIIWII cr > lni ; Oiiinlta Oh-l I'lio I 'our llniulii'd tli Aiinlvt-rHiivy of , Italy , February 22.-fSpoc'lalCor- ro < | ioiideneo of TniHiij ! : liiwrltlng of this busy Italian seaport , It I * a question to my mind whli'h of the t\vo men , Columbus or Mark Twain , has made ( Union famous.Vho \ cares especially If the great discoverer was born hew or elsewhere ! It Is enough for us thai he wns born nt all , and that wo .Amorl- nans might not have been discovered hnd ho notcomoIn tlio nick oftlmon'ul ' brought us to Unlit. Vet , today , no ambitious sightseer would so fnr forgot hlnisilf in to leave tii'imn out of his travels. Why is this sol Is It a city rich In art amle/alli'i'losf / Xo ! Are there catheiirals to enchant the rye of the architect who Is soolcini ; for the pure in gothle or the Krncefnl arches of the twelfth nnd fourteenth centuries * Nol Are there museiiins in which nro tn-asiirod the spoils ot war and sinful No ! Tlion , I ink , what in It that induces 0110 to ronuln ever In the city I Tlio answer Is hero : In ttio statue of Coinmbus which our countryman and humor ist has rendered famous In his widely road book. Tlio monument appeals singularly to our sense of the humorous. Ills impossible to look upon itwltiiout recalling tholauKhnulo experience -which Mnrn Twain had with the vivacious guide. Wo forgot to study Iti merits ni a worlt of art , Wo roniomher on ly thoditllculty of the dcsnnlrlnic cleerouo to m.ike . his patty of Innocents understand who "Cllristoforo Colombo" was. llio monument Is made of Carrara nlarblo and is Imposing. 'L'he explon-r Isi shown standing , with ono hniut leaning unon tin anchor , tlio other wised above the head of a femaletlRuro Americ.ibendingat his feet. At the bnso ure four allegorical figures , rap- resunthiR Ceogrnphy , Strength , Kellgion and Wlsuom. and a series of has reliefs of scenes from his llio. The whole Is the com bined oHortof several of the most eminent Cicnocso sculptors. It is proposed to hold here , next year , an exposition , with the co-npcratloii ot the United States , nt which titno all the manu scripts and memoirs , preserved of Columbus , will b given much prominence. Kuchan ex position would glvo new life to trade , und im prove the linaiicinl conditions of the people , who here , ns elsewhere In Italy.stand In need of money. The Italians today are undeniably poor.Viillo \ they are as industrious m their neighbors , taxation for the extensive army which the triple alliance compels them to keep , impoverished Uiom. Crispi's fall and tliu Muninis di Kudnl's ' new regime , mav bring about a now order ot things. lot us hope this may be so , for the kind nature of the Italian deserves a lighter load than ho bill been carryint-durlnKCrhpi'sadminlstra- lion. lion.The The exposition to commemorate the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of .America i > y the ( lenoveso , is in the hands of the MarquisDorio.onoof thoinoit prominent men here , but hnand the various committees have many serious obstacles to overcome. Foremost among these , Is thu question of a bite , iionou , as everyone who Iris visit -d this city Know * , Is hemmed in on tlircu sides by mountains und in front by the sea. Tlio streets areso.vorv narrow , and the bulldlg ! ! < " "liigh and compact. AVlthin the city limits there is no vacant ground to be devoted to ex position purposes. The only available space is outside the walls on the road to Campo Santo , where about twenty acres or mow could bo utilized , Butheroagain a new dif- tlcultypresents Itself. The ground as ills now lies low , and to 1111 it und put it in condi tion to hold the building , would retuiro ) more funds than the CJen- ovoso would bo llkiily to appropriate for this purpose. In any event , the manage ment who have the mutter in charge , are confident of an exposition , whether it be great or small , and are now busy with plans and specifications. A new opera has boon ordered composed for the occasionbearing thutltlo , "Colombo , " the words of which are being composed by Huron Franetiottt , and Verdi's now opera of ' 'Falstatl" will also bo heard then for the lirst time , Ttiis new departure into the coniie realm by the great composer , will bo anticipated by all lovers of opera with much eagerness. Verdi tells us Unit he has long desired to write a co'nlc opera , and this , his lirst venture , has afforded him great pleasure and amusement. We are living in what wns once an old inontMtorydatini ; from thu eleventh century. The building , which Is of stone and dark with ago , faces the .Mediterranean , but the entrance Is from ono of these narrow vias , characteristic ot the city. Above the main door is thopapnl crown uphold by two angels In white marble. Uroad marble steps lead one into along , vaulteil corridor , n.ived In alternated blocks of white and black nmrblu. At the extreme end of this isalreico of a soft Italian landscape , andabove , in n lunette of what was formerly thochaH , is a paint ing none on slate , so dark in tones as to bo scarcely discornable. Tlio tiny cells have been converted into larger rooms ; the grated windows h ; e given plucoto those of moro modern construction : the vellectory is now a dining-room for Jehu Hull and Hrother Jonathan , Thus docs time change nil things. The niouasitcrv is now an hotel , and eaten to the material , and not the spiritual wants of man. Genoa is essentially a commercial city , with Its busy trnfllo uy sea. Ships' from nil parts of the world como here , laden with the products of their country. The streets present an activity no where" else to bo mot within Italy. The people nro contented mid prosperous , and one encounters but few beg gars , 13ven the poorer olussos have soldi siif- llcicnt to treat themselves to fried lisa and polenta , a kind of mush made of a golden irrain resembling our uornmual , Around the docks nro many small open air kitchens , whore tiny white bait and sardines are smok- Injr In thoolivooil. These places nro much frequented by sailors nud llshor-follr , and while the s'jrvlng Is priinatlve , the cooking is equal to that of Hliiiion or Deliiionico. I speak from neisonal experience. 1 have lound thoculsino excellent , Ono is always sure of eating fresh oil here , which Is pure. The greater part of that shipped to America conies from this point and southern Franco. Along tlio Mediterranean coast , from Nk-o to ( lenoa , extensive oil vo groves are every where lo bo socn. It Is not considered neces sary to adulterate oil hero , for the homi mar ket , but that which Is sent to foreign parts is adulterated before shipment. Tlio women of Genoa have long been known for their beauty of face and ilguro , but , tomy liiiud , the Venltieniio is much moro lovnlv and graceful. Tlio dark eyes nnd hair and riehollvecomploxions show toadvantiigebe neath the soft folds of black lace mantilla worn upon the head , This dainty headdress is both pirr\iresiuoand | becoming , nnd wo'ild ' render a plainer face attractive. Vet 1 fail to tlnd that beauty which forced Mark Twain and Jack to hesitate about continuing tlieir travels on account of the great number of handsome women to bo seen here. Beauty , In Its simplest form , natural nnd unconven tional , Iti found on the KUI to nnd thu sunny riva. Nirni\V. : Coi.i.ixs. llcrlin Du'y ( 'oiiniilH-luiicd. R H. lletliii. yesterday received his coin- mlsbloii us a inomtKTof the Missouri river commission , mid fccli proud of the fact that it boars the name of 1'resldent Harrison and Secretary of Htato James U. lllaine , Hound to lluMMlm IJrli'k I'aii.AiiKi.i'iiiA , March 11. ( icorpo C ! . Mi-r- rlckof Denver today ng.iln iirosentcd his now fiimous hilvcr brick to Siipciinteiident Hosbyshi'll of the mint for roinago. This Koconil presentation was made necessary l > y theduathof Secretary Wlndoin , wi dcclilfil by the iiltorinty general , who suld that the suit tiuibt again bo Hied and llio sumo course followed as before.- To Aid Dfiiutli .Sum m. Ciin-Afio , March 14. Momners of thungrl- culiuralpivss who nre trying to ralso innimy to scud H'ed train to tno drouth MiiToms of Dakota , N'ohraika mid Knit MI held annther mcollngtodny Vlco I'rcsident Uaifo of llio l-'irst National bank was appointed treasurer oflho fluid nnd a loin ? list of pronillient oltl- siens was nominated to net as a eoinutltleo to dovlso pl.ins for raising llio money. .Amonit thoeoniuilttocinonare I1 , O. Armour , l-'ranh- lln MncVoiiKlt , .lud o ( Iresliam , John U. Wiiish nmlVllilaui I'enn Nixon. Unit nil' will ) a Mat oil. Two tramps oiitcwd the Horsnbahery on Sixtronlh street l.iU night ami eulloil for a pi ftVheu llio foreman , .loo ItillliiKM , who was In charge of the stion , went after llio plo ono of the trumps nibbed nilllugs' Kohl watch nud both ran , ( H'l'ltNI.H Morj-iiu DIIONII'I. Want t ' 1C Ih lllcH 'I'll Ul'll til lOlll'IMU'i Oiitr.uio , March Coiniulssioni > r of In dian j iInlM Morg.ui arrlvi'd bore from 'nshitigton today. Ho In Mrcnunusty op- poicd tothe plan of Ituff.ilo lllll. who has the consontof SiwMary N'oblc , to talto tin ) hot- tilcSioiix now In c'ltitlnciiH'iit al Port Shorl- dan nnd other Imhant to P.uropo wllh his WlilVcst show. 'I'lils aflvrnneii Morgan hold n consultation with Dr. Kadman , the Sioux , in rcirard to tinmatter. . "I lu-ver was itifavurof taking Indians fiom llm reserva tion , " .sitiil Morgan , "and I sill ! retain Unit idea. Of course I must be iiildi-d ; by th'j do- cWon of my .siin | < riiir . The r.ltuulion in the northwest is somewhat peculiar , but 1 don't ' nntlclputo IIM.V tiimblo. \Vhnt llltlo dlssutisfiu'tion i-xIsU- fulln-rod only by n very few. My reason for believ ing tliat they will r.mso nn trouble this spring , " he said , in nxphmalloii of tils belief that pence will reign. "Is bec.msotlio Indlnn agents , nuting undi-r special lustricllims tome mo every means to learn the true condition of things report wllboul OMvptlim thut not t tie slightest sign of nn uprising Is discerni ble. There Is , His true , a dissatisfaction prevailing among the redskins , but it Is tlio kind of dissatisfaction Hint bodes good. It Is the dissatisfaction of those who desire to im prove their lot cby peaceable tiicins. Tney want lands for farming and some assistance In getting the lands in wnrldmr order. You sec , they areso near the whites they eo how mtieti innn ; comfortably they live , nnd the Indiana want to do likewise. " Tlio commis sion lias ( 'reat faith in the education of the Indians , I'llrincr llriitillv ; Ironli'd. IVVNMS Cirv , Alo. , Mnrrh M.David Handy , a farmer living with his sons near I'ipor , sixteen miles northwest of tills city , came before the county nttornev at U'yiin- dottc. Kan. , last night and said that on Thursday night S. S. Darker , T. Cusliimin , H. Overtoil nnd T. , i. Swallow , all prominent farmers of that vicinity , came to his houso. chopped open the door , sei/ed himself ami sons , bollint them to a fence in tlieir night clothes and then wrecked thn ho'isn ' ami de stroyed the furniture. They left Handy nnd his oldest son tied to a fence , notwithstand ing the night was bitter cold , and , tailing thn youngest boy , made him walk barefooted in the snow half a mile , when fiey set him free. l'ho boy returned homo and released his father nnd brother. The men named by Handy have boon arrested. Tbo outrage Brow out of litigation between Handy and Cash man. \\III Not Coin I HIM * Opposition. no.-TOX , Mass. , March H.-TheOlobesavs : "Dr. Fox , the only member of the anti-1'nr- nellito party now bore , after repeated confer ences with prominent mon , has determined to address no meeting' * In furlhciMiiro of the anti-L'aniellilo party in this eountrv , and It is possible that on consultation with mon who have been always recognixcd as leaders on this side the i'arnellltes on their arrival may be induced to adopt a similar course.1 HHIeveil to Have Hern .Mnnlrrcil. ATMNTKCrrv , X. J. , .March 14. A mid dle-a ed inaldun lady iiatniul Laur.i Pur- : ; cll , ' , vlio has been living in a cottage on South Connecticut avenue wltti a small child for some time , \v.is found dead in the house today , navim ; undoubtedly been murdered. Neighbors know little of her connection ! ) . She came hero from Washington , and this child's name is Auburn ICilcn. . One-third of the 7ft ) students at the uni versity of Leipslcaro Americans. Louisiana Is the only state which has lost In school population within tbo past ten years. A third professor of Latin for Vale is re- ( ( Uirile. The chances are that I'rof. Morris of Williams college will receive tliu call. The great Baptist university of Chicago , winch is to open in 1MU , will have an endow ment of $10,000,000 , ana will be a model in stitution. Kitwin ConuntofVorcestor. . Mass. , Icftnn estate valued at ! ( MOU ) , ( ) . Harvard college Is made residuary legatee , anil it is estimated will receive about $ HJ,000 ) , which is to bo put into a now building to bear the testator's name Tuo executive committee of tno trustees of Cornell university nas completed the lormit- tion of the stall ( or thu new Susan Ulna Sago school of philosophy. The new school will begin Instruction on tbo tirst day of the next academic year. Ttio trustees and the dean expect to make this ono of the most import ant departments in tlio university and the most complete of its kind In America. Hrother Aznrias lectured in the school of ' iiRdngnrgy of the university of New Vork on I February 'Jl on tbo different methods ot teaching \\bich were in use from 15M to K'ol. The correspondent of the JJaltimoro Sun. commenting upon this fact , said : "This Is a signal honor , as he H the lirst Catholic pro fessor who bus boon invited as such to lec ture within the granite walls of the Imposing structure facing Washington square. " The Aincricnu academy of political and social science now has over sixtcon hundred members scattered through everv state in the union and in nil tbo leading foreign countries. The academy will shortly issue a translation of I'rof. Moil/en's irreat'work on statistics. At an early ihito will also bo Issued a translation of tno text of the Mexi can constitution , by I'rof. Moses of the Uni versity of California ; of the constitution of Franco , by I'rof. Cohu of Harvard univers ity ; of that of Belgium , by Francis H. Luo of Trenton , and that of Prussia. To aid the colored people in entering more \viucly tlio various pursuits ol the day the Tuskegeo normal and industrial institute at Tuskegoe , Ala. , will in soon as posslbln add to its regular course of instruction n number of post-graduate studies. These will Include for young men plane sumn-ing , civil engin eering and such other instruction in archi tecture as will lead to a tasteful and econom ical use of materials : for yfmng women , short-hand , typewriting and trumt'iliiur.ilng. Positions can be furnished such students as rapidly as they are llt'ed for them. Since Horace Havis resigned the presi dency of the California state university at lierlielcysninomonths ago , thu institution has been \\lttioiit a president. I'rof. Kellogg has been the noting president , and as he is thnuglit liy many to bo a suitable nun forthe IM-IMIIUII it is very probable that ho will bo doi'liM by llio hiiard of regents 1.0011 , though as vet no detlnlto acti.m has been t alien. Several eastern professors and university ai ul col I cue ulllrprs have been suggested for the iiDsiiiiiii , bu1 the IVRCIIti > seem tu tl.iul ; thut it should go to a California man. The salary is iii ) ) a mouth , and a good residence at IlcrUchj is aUo provided. S. ( ' , . .lovco Is in New Vork City this week. OG-DE3ST ROTEI. Tliu New O don Hotel , m Council UluH'4 , iifKiivniiiiilotHil refuriiisiio'.l an mo.l'a- ihrnuuliuut , and is no\v on t < i'th ( bjst holds in tfif Hlntu. It is lucat'jj ' in the Im ii- uustp.irtot t incltyaii Ith > oluatne miton liis : < thndoorevory I'our minutes. Fire m- oapcs and tin' nlarnis throu ja nit th > h ill l- iiij ; Sto.im beat , hot und < 'nlil v.Uor nail HiinshiiiHia MVIT.V num. Ta'ilu uniurn .su.l aiiywh . ! . Itiitos'i.00.i , iliy , GEO. \VHITN13Y , MamiRor. CITIZENS STJITEBAM or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . 3150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215,000 IIIIIKriw - ! A. Mlllur , ! ' I ) Olinsn i , II. lt HlMijurl.i : . K.ll.irl.J 1) Kdniuudsmi , I'lurlui C. lliuniii ; ; Tr.iiisiL't k'l'iier.il bunking hum. nt'ii l.ir/nst : i.Miiiiil | ; und iurplm o ( any liiinl. In Si > iiUiwu-turii low. i. TIMi DEPOSITS , TRAVELS BY LAND A ! Cabin Passage , Hallway Turcs , Hot D ! ECS , Guiilos , Kta , Prepaid nud Ouarantcotl six riiAsurt : EXCURSIONS IN AMERICA , 'iho Hot * ' * Mntohh'MH onVr to Hi IIHlllfN 1 M' KllllNIM > llll > | -N Id llH Hiiliilny nnd AVci-hly KdllloiiH , Arrrr.gotiicitft ! have ivr > n offodM by th pnhlU'iers of Tin : IIin which cnabliiis to niilo ; a novel and nttrai'tlvo offiM' to partlc.1 \\lio aw dtspiuud to devote their tim > and crgy toward proeiiruiKiioxv Riib < crihers for Tin : OniuVr.iiir : llii : : or Tin : Si NDAT HIT. between tills ilato and the loth day of Juno uo'.t. This ofiVrwlll hj open only to parties so- llcltlng sulxcrlbors In Nebraska , Iowa. South D.ikot.i and ICunms. A caref.il iword will ho kept of all sub scriptions lowardeil , nml the \vnrds will bo initilu v.'l'iinul . ' piirtlnlity. THK ICUKOIM-'AN TOl'U. To the pel run that will secure llio largest number of ra.th Biiiiscrlbprs lor TinOMAIU WI.CKI.I BI.K rr Tin : KI-.MIAX llr.t : tofi.ro . .lunn ID , ls'.l , will bo given rur.i : mi.sr . A imi-NII Tllll1 KI-'KII'KAN' Tlll'll Til M I' . 'lllll ticket wll ! liii'ludo llr.l-clais pissat'e from Now York in Kurnpo and ivlurn. This In- eludes also nil traveling , hold and sight seeIng - Ing expense * . Tliu trip will nu made , uth an excursion | nrty gotttMi up uy Mrs. M 1) ) . Kra/.lerof lloHton , and will lie In i-hnrgi ) of competent guides. Tlio traveler bus nn euros wlmti'u-r. Thiunur covers all llio nriiii-lpal countries of ICnropeKnglaml , ( ierumny , Switzerland , l raiR-e , Hclgiuin , Italy and tluilr principal dill's. Including Lomluii. Paris , llrussels , Ilerlin , Konto , Florenceeuice , Milan , licnoa , eta sr.VKNTi-iiincK DAVsornuiiT-srrivo. Tlio party starts from Now York .lime 29 nnd returns to Hint city by September 11 , Taken by tiny Individual alone , this KII.J ropcan trip would nivolvo an outlay of nH least # rK ( ) . 1 AMKUlCaN AND CANADIAN TOtMlS. For the second largest list of subscribers wo oiler a free ticket from Omaha to Han I'Vaiu'lsco and Los Aiiirclos and return. Magnificent mountain sconurv. tlio beautiful ( iiildi'ii litile , thu land of sunshine , fruits ami ( lowers. "Who has not seen California will not die happy. " Travel in nn educator , anil to properly appreciate the vastness of our great country ono must see Its best features. For the third largest list of sutHcribers to llioVFIKU : or .SUNDAY HII : : woolTcra ticket from Omaha to Quebec and return. What could bo grander than a trip down the boau- tlful St. 1-uiwroncu in mlil-suiinnerl To con template the beauty of Thousand Isles is de lightful. How much moro delightful to visit them when In verdure rind. And all this iiloasuro for Obtaining sub scribers to the WKKKI.V and Srvtuv HKK. Forthe fourtti largest listof subs , riber.s wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to New Vork , I'hiladelphhi. Washington ami return. There are no points on tins continent greater general Interest than these thr cities. An American citizen has not com- pli.ted his education until ho tins seen tlio -cat of government. The persons and points ol interest in Washington are inmimerablo and tn the intelligent observer a visit there Is full of interest. Now Vork and Philadelphia as the cottiuic-rclnl and tlnuneliil centers of tbo country arc always Interesting. All this sight seeing anil traveling given away for obtaining subscribers to thu WIIKI.V : : or Si MHV Dm : . Korthe Illth largest list of sub crlhers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Nlapira Falls and return. ICver slneo your childish wonder was aroused by the description in the old school renders of these wonderful falls you have desired to scu them. Hero is the op portunity. A most delightful exclusion aud ono without expense , given for securing sub scribers tothoVIII.KV : orSi'Nim lli.i ; . For the sixth largest list , ol subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Oin.iha to Salt Lake City and return. . The famous Mormon city is hist becoming a Gentile city , and will in time loMf much of interest. Now , this sum mer woulil ho a good time to visit the boom ing city. Uarllold Beach is of course ln eluded ni the trip. Ttiis summer resort oa the ! ako is n delightful place to pass a few of the hot MininuT days. Why not secure a number of subscribers for the \\I.IM.Y : or Si'Ninv Uii : : and talio the trip. For the seventh largest list of subscribers we oiler a Iree tiekctto Denver and Miinltou and return. Whllo n shorter trip tlrm any of the ottiors it combines many pleasant fea tures , Denver-tho queen eitv of the plains is always worth seeing while tlio health and sciujinerresorta of Mamtou are delightful indeed. Health-Hiving , insulting , restful amid sublime scenery what trip could bo more restful ! All this pleasure for securing subscribers to tliu SPNIMI orNVrcM.t HUB. CONDITIONS. Now what are the conditions upon wlileh these tickets are given away f Tlio securing nf the larirest list of subscribers to Tun WKI.KI.V or SIXDAYHKI : . No { newspaper in the west is so well nml favorably known and solicitors have alwajs found It an easy mat ter to secure subscribers. Tin : Hir.s : sub. scriptlon list has always kept pace with its reputation and It deisres to add now names to its long list of friends. Helng at all times a people's paper It makes friends with all classes. The subscription price of Tin ; WIKKI.V : Una is Sl.X ( ) per year postpaid to nnv place in this roiintr > or Canada , or W.OO if sent to a foreign country. Tin : Sivn\T Bin ; is ? , ' .00 per year , hut Omaha subscribers for Tun Si NUAY Hcu will not be eounted In tills competition. ( ! et up allst. Have your friends subscribe ; for the paper. Sample copies forwarded ft ee on request. Persons deoirlntr to compete for one of these prl/c * will please tay so when sending in their lirst orders. Hemittanco in full must accompany every order. Two six months subscriptions or four three months subscriptions will bo counted as one order. VOX WIN'IHAM--Oii ) Saturday at tC : > p in , , I'lilnlpoii Wlndhain , ii t'il io j riirv I'miurnl will take place from bis late resl- ilenc-e , flu Humey slrcot , I'lievlay ne\t al 2 u'clui'k. SPEOIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. = i "J'lOlt AI.I'-Uii spun of I lyilrsil.ilf li * , J- slyi'urs nlil ; wi' i , .ihi pDinn- . i- luin II l'arl u , soulhof thu inilltiileon I'uuy erei'K. l Olt SAI.K or oxehati ) ! ! ' , a H'.i IKI to Jl.i.iHK ) - thtiii'Knr hiMitsand sluies ; spli mlid IIH-U- tliiii ; \\lll tuliii part eusli unil n'.rl In k' < xl eleiir elty | inipi < rty nr Iowa lanil ; HIIi only fur n few days. Johnston X Van 1'iilti n , riiunell Illuir- . . l XA.MIXK tin. riTebratuil JlTT'lia I pi , in. T * J IHMsculi ) eiii n pliiinis nml nr.'iin- . S ld iiniii-\ ; | iiy ; iiu'iils by Mar. Hum I.MUnmsio ti'iii'hi-r. Ill Stiilsinaii stieiil. Ciiuin il ItlulN. Ij'OK SAI.I'-A | IIMI U amiurn \ > - \ > < "ii eimy L payiminls. linjiilro ut ID. ' , 1'arl. usrnuo , I'oiiia'll Illulls. la. " r .1. l\rTKltWASMTu M"as im.ved . his \Miii > liimo from : rr > llni.i < l u > lo IIX ) HIHH\VIIV : | , where tin will Kuun on hiuu ; u line hltii'li nf fin na' J/olt : M.KAt a siientlei. . I lar.-e M.i s - Mifi > , pi'ffea cimdlticu ; 'J nllli-i' di'-l.- and i'bnlr < , ' 'sioriitruoks , 1 lurao Inm si-aio inn-k , J lii'iitliu ; sto\es , L'counter M-aliM. ' . ' st.-i | init- < TI , 1 liirgi iilniform Hour seiilon. l\i- .1110 St 1'ell , lITMiiluSI. l/llt ) > AI.K ol' H\i'limj.'o. ; ll'onil tneU "fk'on- -1- cr.il meri'lumdlso : ulll take a K" > l < li-iii farm In Kouthut'Htern Inua ori'ii'ai ciiy iir.ip * i'ily. Aiily | | ut oneu to.loliiittun , V \ ; u > I'iiH 'M , OMIIIl'llllllllVH. I UK Itr.NT-Tho MeMuhTiii bl.i.'k. . > tOry * - lirieK , with basement and i < le\ii , < > r J \i > "I'lin1. ' MM I'earl strnuu I UKsAI.K-A burKaliii new nmili'in n . .no - ' with all thu lutn liiiprtu iMiifiiiH M > von riiiitns ; will cell ouiM y iiayini'iits. lo.itnl on the I'lfili avi'iiuo mutur lino. I ) . J ll i i.tn- sun , UK llM.ulnay. SAI.K r.luht-r om ln isi > unl I > \ . l.t mi llairUon si. A iimli'in limfx' mid : \ uiiiul hnino cheap. U. J. | jiitfliiu-.uii. OH . iduiiy. T/OKHVI..K or Kjtit-ttinMim land , wltti hiiuint , uy 1. IL lllu * , 19 < Matu iU , OouugU