Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1891, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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    TICK 03MJIA DAILY BEE : Sl Tl > AY , IFAKCIl 15 , 181)1.-SIXTEEN ) TAOES.
20 pieces black brilliantinc , 40-in , 5
\vicle 50 , Cents. V prinff Goods , jus
Reular Price , 75 cents ,
On MoncUiy we offer to our friends find cutomers some rare bargains in Ne-vv Spring Goods. A.t no time have v/e been able to exhibit such an assortment of choice , desirable
China Sillcs 78o. Cheviot at 60c and Black Henrietta at SBc.
sirable goods , and at popular prices. Special attention iscallecl to the at Suitings t
On Mondnj wo will otTer 10 picooa
Pi tntoil ( hum sllUs nt liV per yaiil
NoMitiiilfs nit unit only one dioss int-
toru to each c'ustoiuor.
New China Silks.
75c. 75c , 75c.
China Silks , in black , uhito and all
the now sprinir shnili's 7ou ; iojuhir
price eAorywhoro $1.00.
Black Faille Silk.
IllneU Trench 1'alllo Silk ut SOe ; icp-
ulnr value $1 10.
Hlack l-'roich Faille Silk at OOc ; ( , ' -
ului price $1 " 3.
Black Surah , 55c.
C pieces black All Silk Surn-hat 53c ;
regular price "Oc.
Is'ow I'rinted China SilK" . o\cluslvo
styles in NI'AV rifh coloiinfra , N1\V !
Crepes , XK\V Wash bilkriLtc.etc.
- N-
Black Grenadines
Turn 1'ranie Gienadino OOc , worth
Iron rnuiio Grciiitdinc , extra quality ,
$1 00 ; regular price $1 ! ! o.
Is'ovoltj Grenadines , in stripes , etc. ,
at $1 So ; would bo cheap at $12.
Now Ji'ovolty Grenadines , Dress Pat
terns , in stripes , pollca dots , plnldsetc ,
veri desirable and stjlibh , for this sale
$ U ) ; wouldtjood bo value at fU3.
Tbo Munleror of Moore , tbo Omabn Traveler ,
Prepared for Exeoutioa.
Tlio IVirllilo C'lliuo ItcPiiUrd , l'tl-
lo\icd by the Trial ami Coiulction
ol' tbo CriiiuuaU'-Oiio
Week of I.UV.
OTTWU , Til , March H fSpccial to Tun
Bri ] Iho record of ono of tlio most cele
brated murders as well ns of an cjicecdiiigly
son aUon.d case , will bo closed on Saturday
next , when Charles ronUvill bo hung In a
temporal'stiucturo beside tlio jail Inldeh
ho has been contlncd for the pastniiioinouths
On Saturdaj , .Hino 121 , btK ) , David Moore ,
a proiiiincnt UinahatraM'lln man , then rep-
rcj > oiititiKa lumber firm at McrilllVis ,
came to Ottawa and put up at the Clifton
hotel. OP Monday morning ho went to La
Sallo , sixteen miles vest of Ottawa , to
transact some business , but net hauii
ilnlsbcd hii work litre , lotuined
on Mouthy afternoon and was last seen on
that day' leiuiiipr the Clifton , af'er hmliip
catena light Mipperat about 8 o'clock iutho
ovcnliiR. On Tuesday inoriiinp his body ,
with the head crushed by a blunt instru
ment , was fouul blood-stained and cold , bo-
ncalh ono of the pie'at oalts of Allen park , on
tbo south sldo of the Illinois river 13e ltlc
the body was a rallroul coupling pin , tlio
bend of which was coveted with blood and
hall F'lirthoron vas a woman's poiH-otbook ,
containliiKiinsll\cr Tlio bed } wasldontitlecl
ns that of Moore , but as bo bad been seen In
the company of no one , it was surmised Hint
ho had boon alkinijiti the park and Hii
killed ly footpuls.
Shortlj after the discovery of the body
Ivato font , a dissolute } oung woman who
had been but two weeks previously married
to n tough man named C'liatles lord * , was
seen teailntr up a notebook and acting \erv
stnmpelj upon L.aSillcstreot just west of the
court house. She \as \ nrrcsteil , nnd when
La\ld ) \ Mc ros nnnio was found in the book
htie wns questioned so closely that
she at lengtn made a full confession. Slio
suoro tint she mot Moore on Mondiv nioia-
iiiRat tlio north end of tlio Illinois liver
brlilgo and , noticing that tie was elegantly
dressed anil had t ho nppoaranco of n man o'f
position , Ilirted with him ami succeeded in
nrnnping a nicotine for the same oveiilnc at
b o clock either at the south end of lliobrwpo
or la Allen park. She told her husbind
about It anu ho pioposed thit they
blackmail Mooro. She ut llrst demurred ,
but ho forced her to ncreo to
bis proposition. Her husband then went to
Minnlo Winte'rllnp , another dissolute VOUIIK
woman , and to Billv O'llrlen , his intinmtc ,
and liidueed tbem to go with himself and hls >
Knto sa'd ' that tbo four met at tlio corner
of LaSallo and Mala stieets and walked over
tbo bridge together. Moore followed ulotiK
l > cliliid , and ubon thov hud entered the pirk
they then loft her. She sat down uiulor ono
of the Kiant oaks , where tbo electric limits
from the factories across tl-o river made bor
conspicuous , and Moore SOBH Joined her ,
seating lilmsclf beside tier Her hus
band and the others were up on the hillsiclo
in a clump of bushes.
Moore bud scarce boon scaled when 1'ord
cRtiiodoun , closely foi lowed by O'llrlen , and
demanded W , sujlnir with an oath that
Mooio was leadingslfo astray.
Moore nnswcieel , "Your wIfe is anybody's
wife , " and then Tord struck him onlho
breast. Hill 0 Hrlenio \ was armed with
a coupling pin , picked up whllo cross I lie the
railroad trucki , then stiuclc .Moore , tbo Mo\\
falling upon the templo. Moore fell nuc
I-'ord then piciod up the pin , which bad been
propped by O'Brlcu , aud begau beatmc
Black Novelty Dress Goods Sti all tlio
latest ollcc'ts ,
du' . rofrular price S5c.
T5hck Novelty Uiohs ( leeds in polka
dot , blacks , stiipes , oto , ,
76u , iojtiliir { price 0)0. )
Black Novelty Uioss Goods in solcct
new btylcs ,
l)0c ) , re ulnr price $1,15.
Bhck all wnol KUIIB' Voillng1 , oxtia
value , worth inr ,
For this pale , OOc.
Pionoli Twill , 48 Inches \\kle , refjn-
hir jiricoH. 15 ,
For this sale , 80c.
Black Henrietta.
Sills I'inibhcd Henrietta,46 , inches
wide ,
.At Soc , regular price $1.
Silk Fini&hed IlenriotUv , 115 Inches
wide ,
At $1 , roffuhr puce 41.25.
Black IVorch Sorpc. all wool , 10
iucbos wide ,
fiOc , usual price 7. > c.
Black Silk Warp Henrietta , n. splen
did cloth , would be ooil value tit $1.1)3 ) ,
Sale j rlce fl.lo.
Blick and \\hito \ Sliephofd ehc.oks , 44
in olios wide ,
6o ( ) , icguliir prleo Sic.
Black and white plaids , 4- Inches
wide ,
C0c % , rcgfuhr puce S'ie.
\Voshowvoiyselcct styles in now
blixvlc and white etteets , in btripcs und
plaid s ,
At"oc,8jc and $1 peryiird ,
rte prostnto nnn about tlio heivl Mrs Ford
mlMtnnle Wititorllug sereainc'il , but were
itislicti up by tliotiioiiwlioiobbiiUhocorpso.
'lion she mil her liutbniid crossed o\ur the
nllio.itl IniilgoiihiloMltinlo ran out of the
xirkand .iciosstho puhlicbrldw.
Koul , O'DrioiiaiiUMiiinlo Wliitorltiig were
n tbo ImuJ * ol tlio police In a few hours ,
iavnR ! maJo no attempt to escape , us tlicv
lad supposed tint their tucks were too well
covcietl to pt'imit of dlscovciv. Minnlo
WinterlniK fcnfcssnl also when she
vas toW tint Kato 1'ord lua innilo
i statement Her confession vat
hat Tord told her In the afternoon of tip
duyof tlieinuiiler that he hud a job on hnnd
anil mis afraid his \\lfo would fail him. h > ho
Mrioboratc'd Mis Foul incvorjtliiiiK''iv 'W
o thostilkhiKof tliollrstlilolththo pin ,
btatlnt ; tint Foul llrst struck Moore \Uth the
ion , and that 0'13ilen llnlsl.vil the woik
"orJand U'Dilcn ileniotlnll IciiowlcdKCOf
the murder iinddonkil heing with thu women
on the iiisbt of the murder , 'llieycro \ as
cool and unconcerned us Icebergs , untl fa\o
10 U'ii ofovei'itiv liiirthe slightest eoibideu-
ion to tbocbario ; ntialnst them.
The imttdor ana the capture of tno mur-
lorer ercnteil an iiitciibo cxritcinont , anil an
iniiietlintotri.iland limning win
Dn oulor of Juildo Uhiiicb.ud a special grand
ttrjas convened niul biouKht Indlctiacnti
ignlnst the four. The court then ar-
iiniKed foi a special August session In
order to hasten the work of justice.
HillO'Bilen HIM brought to trnl. Ho
rofu ctl to KO upon thoBtaiidand to innko
my stntciueut whatever. Kato ForJ told
; ier story to the jury and cUtlenco wai Introduced -
ducod by moil uno saw tlio four crossing the
tirulgo OUincii sceinoil to have ocen con-
sideicd a second man by the Juiy , and MX
weeks after the murder was gi\en a llto sen-
tcneo in Joliet penitentiary instead of the
death pcinlty.
Olnrliorordcamo to trial at the Novem
ber term of the circuit court before JudRO
Btipl ) , .IiulRO llhnchird h.ulnn pieslilcd over
the dial of O' Hilen. Tbo probccntion wns la
n much bettoi condition to pioscnt a c.iio
against 1'ord tlian they hud been
able to Bather up In the 0'IJrien '
LMSO. Foul's trinl losted twenty-four
days , not Including Sundays. The
jurnsout but ft few hours and returned a
vcnliet of guilty , giving roixl tbo death
.luugo Stippthe , presiding Judgeshortly
after tbo cloo of tbo trial , manifested a very le condition of mini ! , and popular ex
citement ran high over was considered
tils Insanity. ' 1 lie public demand for ford's '
Ininieillatoexecution for tliomtiidor of Moore
was supplemented bv the fuitber argu
ment tbat ho \\as also rcbiioiisiblo
foitlin inilinhiiolnL' of .1 uduo Stinn's
ininil , hut , for'umtoly for tbo state ,
tbo juelKOiaflliction wna nothing naoio seri
ous tban j severe alt ick of nenous prostra
tion , from which ho rcrovcrcd about Pobm-
ary 1 IIo then hoard ovlnustho arguments
for a new trial , and , overruling the motion ,
sonteucccl Tord , on Tebruaiy - . " , to bo bulged
The excitement In the cltv and in central
IlliiioK which bad its birth upon the
day of the disco\ery of the murder ,
has never waued. It has been tbo topic
of coiiversUlonat all times and upon all oc
casions. Tlio ncoplodemanded the hanging
of 1'ord , O'llrieii and Mis. Ford , btitsinco
the tlo-,0 of Ford's trnl ills cleuly seea tbat
he and not lu wlfoas \ \ the plotter and exe
cutioner of tbo robbery and murder , and tint
tbo o'liciswcw ' his tools. Ho has maintained
a ronmrUablo showing of ucr.vennd solf-pos-
session duiingtho past i lno months , seeming
to c.iro neither for himself nor any one eKe
on rattli. He has nor iiskcd toscoany ono
save Uean ICiMttng and his attorneys , and
will undojutedl ) go to bis death AUIU the
true stoij of his cihae locked within his
owu breast.
Tim IClks Annual Ilcnellt.
Arrnngemouts are procrosslng f.noratly
for tbo annual'bcnclll of Oinnhi loaijo , > To ,
31' , Iloiicrolcnt Protoctho OrJrr of Klks ,
which Avlll bo held next Saturday oACnlngat
oHra | ) house. The programme proin-
bean unusual one , ns PattI Husa nud
her company \sill appear la an act each of
Imp" aud " largerDaw. . " 'Ibe members
Genuine Imported Chctlot Suitings.
Cheviot. Cheviot ,
"Worth 8 5o ; in fn\vn \ , tan , blown ,
gray , nt
nt5Oc. . 50c. 50c ,
Castor Cloth.
Fiiio guininor buittug in lipht
niul dnrlc summer slunles , 61
inches wide , worth $1 50 ,
$1. $1. $1.
Plaids. Plaids ,
See the handsome 11-inch Plaids
that we reduce horn TGcfor to
morrow \ to
5Oc. 50c. 50c ,
Sheppard Plaids ,
Fine goodsall colorsworth , 73o
aim soc , now
60cand 75c ,
French Foule Mixtures
AYe olTcf for to-morrow only
regular $1 00 I'oulo Mixtures ,
42 inches vide
85c. 85c. 85c.
Merino Cashmere.
Ml colors , To-morrow "a price ,
50c. 50c , 50c ,
fool Btalfe 19 G
75 pieces Now "Wool Challis , splen
did stjles , 1'Jc ; cheap at"3c.
New stripes n , Sc-oteii
Now noNcltica in 1'ionch Zephyr
Now French Chtillios , the \ery latest
of tlio company will bo seen in
specialties la addition to a number of
tlio leiding people who will appear next
week at the Kdcn Museo by permission of
Manager Trawler.
A delegation from tlio Kllis willoftichto as
ushers , tholoclKoappfarlnplii a body on the
stairc at the close of the peiformunco toassist
In tboslntring of "Auid Liiing Syne. "
Seats for tbo bcnetltwill bo sold at asocial
session to bo Ki\cn tlio nnlo tncmb"is of
1'atti ' Itosa " ' Troubled"
anu "McOlnty's com
panies next Tuesday e\oiiing. \
Till : IjIM-3.
Distinct ion Itetu cen Count } mid Citj
PutieiitHti ) lie ICh.tallisbc < I.
The main featuio at the mcctlatr of the
board of county commissioner * was haimonj ,
which prevailed loan imustnl oMcnt.
The regular batch of appropriation sheets
was taken up and passed.
T. A Mcgeath asked permission to appoint
another deputy icgister of deeds IIo sajs
tno business of the ofllco require * the serv
ices oftliib min. lie wants to appoint tbls
depu tj from the present ofllco force.
John Huff inadcMi proposition to compound
tlio pioscriptlonsfor the county. IIo aslts
tliat the county furnish tbo drugs and pay
blm asaly of $50 per month.
The bid [ of the Offleo specialty manufac
tuihiKcoiiipiny for furnishing vaults for the
oftlecsof therefjlster of deeds and treasurer
was declared to bo tbo lowest , and to this
company the contract was awarded. The
puce airioed upon is Jllb7."id and a bond of
ftOJ for the performance of the ork will bo
The bill of Sheriff. Doyd for the month of
Tebiuary , amounting to $ I,090.'JO ' , \ > as al
The f. > 12.90 bill of lj T azarus for clean ing
cesspools at the countj hospital was allowed
at ? l.0 , the balance being rejected
In order to bo on filondly terms with the
city Air , Timmo offered the following resolu
tion :
HosoUcd.TliJitnhllono sick person ipply-
liu for IK ! iiiK'-ioiilo tlio hosiiltaldeparliuoiit
ut tbtnoiiiit ) noorfnrm was ever refused on
a loolmleal point of bcliiK ; i city nitlt'iit , and
topruicnt any unnovis < ' < irr iiniueassinlness
lietwooii the city mil tlio county authorities
In tholtit tire , thcruforclio it
liesol\i > ( l , rimt tlii > uiiuity attoriioy be re-
miesttd to confer wllli thooltyntturnoy to
draw Iho line bttut-cn fll ; andet > iintv pa-
I'cnti ' mil report lo Ihohtmril , In ordoiMliiit It
may nuUu sueli lejulatloiiu as may bonueus-
siry.Mr. . Timine mo\ed the adoption of the res-
Mr. Iterlln thousht the commissioners had
been Ignored by the council and saw no ( rea
son foi such a resolution. Said ho : ' 'rtio '
council takes e\cry \ advantafro of us , and
there is no reason why \\o t > liould confer
witti that body in this matter. "
Mu. Tlinino wanted the opinion for his own
satisfaction , If for nothing else.
Mi * , liorlia sail tbo statute do fines tlio
Upon a vote the resolution was adopted.
> or sinviMsn viar.
Octree of MoXniiioo'H Orlino Still nn
Opi'ii QiicHtliin.
County Attorney Mabonoy and Will Gur-
ley , attorney for U'homas IP , McNamco
ursucii the question as to vhotbcr Mc.Vamca
should bo held for inumlnughtor or for ami
der ycstorthy afternoon in police court Tlio
speeches \\cro very onincstand occupied two
hours JudRti Ilelsloytook tbo inattoruudcr
advisement until .Monday at : ! p. m.
lilt * lUllllS ,
Thocontract fcrteailii down the valla o
the ljulldini ? formerly occupied by Gibson
Miller & lilchnrdson has been avvuruud to
Robert Llvcsov , and tlio worlc Is proKrossini ,
rapidly , acallolJs ha\o \ been erected anil rtio
nulls are beniK torn down , brlclt bv brlclc , Ii
order to sa\o \ anj nntorial which may no
have been completely destroyed , A lone
has boon built around tlio ruins to keep
lodestrlunsout of the way of the tottering
walls ,
Hln.dc bla/ers in Ihiiincl. Cheviot ,
dl.iVoinl and broadcloth nt special
prices , * .D ) , Sot7.fiO , , $10 , $12 uutUlO.
Hlack rooller jackets in cheviot , llan-
nol , linfjllsh worsteds and diagonal : } ivt
$3 , S7.W ) , 89 , SlluudJlG.
Our line of light anil dark tan jack
ets inndo ol llnobroadoloth , handsomely
briiicloil anil Hnishud In tinsel , tire OH-
pccitillv worthy of your uttotition.
Prices , $0 , $11.60 $ , $11.50 and $15.
Comulotolinoof jackets with adjust-
a bio \ests in cheviots nut ] diagonal
clothsat , JlLfiOSill , Sloandup toiil.
Those uro very useful gariuonts for
spring wetir.
Novelties In
Black and Colored
Passementeries >
Gold , siher and steel .illoona , black ,
blaclc and gold , uluclc and silver galleons -
loons ; silver and ( jold braids and cords ;
embroidered gnuvd Ralloona ; black
hand crochet silk { jimpsetc.otc.
All at the Lowest Possible Puces
Nebraska's ' Present Legislature Promises to
Spend Money Liberally ,
'llir-HC Art5 Onlj a I'ortiim > f tin' Hx-
pCIKlll tllCH-SoiIU ! ! ' tilll tg-
u res Explained Tlio
I.ivcmv. TCcb. , March H. [ Special to Tnr
Bir.l The house coininittco 01 lliiance ,
ways and inoant , Ins lomplctcd the general
appioprlition hill , pro\ldingfor tlio cxtraor-
dlna.jnpnroprtatlons for the , coining blon
nil ! period. A comparison of the items with
tbo apmoprntions made two years npo bj
tbo republican lefjislaturo is herb" given
18S1. 1S01
Kxnrnscs Bovcrnor'soflUo. . . . $ unoil J r , O" )
Ailjutant Bi'iier.vl . , . . . . 20,7K ( ) f , ( 00
C'liuuiilstloiicrnf lulior U'lK ) J.OOJ
SitrutJirj tf stutt1 ss"iO L'.Kil
Auditor of public iiceountH . , 4'JO ' , l , ! 0
Tieasiuc'r of stuto . . . , J.wo 1,05) )
Superintendent of public In
struction pm nno :
Attnniiy Koneral .W ' . ' , 'JOO
C'diiinilssloiicT of public lands
mil Imllillnt's DU ) : i,7fM )
Itoird iiuUlleKinds and build-
lnn's 48,200 ai,300
lliurtl educnlloiial lands : iiul
funds 13 TM K.OOO
lloird opunhnsoiintl ( supnllcs HO 400
Siiiioi | o court 20,810 5S50'i
Dt'li.trtmciitoHianUng lr > U1
Stntu llbr.iry 0W ) 1,100
Niirmal school . . 10mO USOJ
llosultalllisaiKi ( Lincoln ) l.M.NM inIJJ
Hhp.t.illiisano ( ( .Norfolk ) , . . . 10HIV ) U7t)0 : ( )
I lailtjlllis.iuo | ( I lusting ) . . . . 80'OJ I5S.OOO
Inihistrlil behool ( Kuaiiier ) HOTS UT.r.ts
Stitu peiiltoiitlar > Mlli& , 1.JI8 !
fcoldlors' ami Bal'ors' ' homo
( drain ! Inland ) S3.0IO 70,000
Instltiilo foi deaf and dumb
( Oman 0 WO < 1RO < ]
Rtito boird truioportutlDii. . 4V | ) , l , ' > 0
I mtitiilo fin [ ii'blo luiniloil 70,175 H ) , ( > 7i
Imtltuto for blind ( .jNebr.isla ,
Uty ) 20TO r.,400
Thu llHliioimnlssIon 1.1 kX ) ll.T'0
Inilustrlil hiiiiiu ( Mllfurrti , . . IL''IU , mbuu
lliiinu ( urtlio frlcmllfbs ( I ln-
eulli ) 20000 5..rrfX )
Slate unUorslty 70,700 H'WiO '
OiniTalliilseellaiiuiiis S4ll.'tM ' ] S5.i W
Ulris' liilustrlilstlii ( ( ) > lcicno\ii ( ) . . , . luf > cw
These Items Include Only the Rcnoral run-
nlnK cxpeiibei , t'xect [ ) as hero indicated In
the expenses of tliOKOWruoi's otllie the con
tingent account of ? 5OflO allowed two jcara
ape Is entirely omltte'l tn the pciidlnc hill ,
U went } thousand dollars for the support of
the National ( -uanl has boon struokout of the
cjpenso of Iho adjutant general's olllco
Tliero Is a slight icductlon in the I'kponses ol
the auditor and state treasurer , hut a lar c
iiurea o in the olllio of the svpcrliiteiulent ol
public Instruction Tbo appirent reduction
of the appaient oxpoiiHoof tliohoardof public
lauds and buildings is tmscdby aiiallonaaco
in Ibb'J of fJl.OOl for paving around tbo
capltolgrounds , 'llio department of banking
vlilen as tiuhciirdof tno ycirs IIRO coinei
in foi a modest demand of 11,500 , ntilch hai
been ailo\ved ,
The liicreaso in Iho oxtionsei of Iho minno
hospital nt Hastings Is uxplaineil by tlio
btntomcnt lint "tho institution was only in
tended to accommodate 100 intienli , bnttlnit
oHlufjto Hie ovorciowilea condition of tlio
other asjluins they woio forced to euro for
1UI , amUlls.UOOof tlio amount Is ndiflciunov' . "
The inticasoiii the esllinatcs fortbo nforn
school ut Kcainoy Is iinitly caused by n di'll
clcncv of S.VK ( ) , " 'id ' an extra allowance o
l,0t)0 ) for "iinproiemeiits. "
The stuto punitcntiiiiy pels $ ( MXK1 ( for a
new "u'll room" whielimaUes tin tlio nppar
cut inueaso in tbo expenses ofthntnibti
T\vo\oarsaso \ the soldiers' and Hallois
homo uttirand Isliuil was allowedHfi.ttWfo
a hospital and iillceu cottages , and tbo cot
Ma ie
Homslltclied striped India linen , this
season's ' ntnolty , L'c
\Vhito apron iiovoltiei.10 inches
Aldo at lic , ISo , ) c and ' . ' ' ) e.
Very line \\hito Inilia percale for underwear -
dorwoar , tit " 2o.
All the season's nnroltica In ulnclc
orjjandy , in stripes , plaids and chocks ,
from ICoupto ! 5Jc uor jard.
Ijxtrcmo novelties in hlack liom-
stltched striped India linen \ory de-
sir.ibloat , Kc and 2So.
NOAV nrri\ala of dotted Sisa > , all
sued dota , trom"5c to Too.
HandkerGhiefs ,
100 do/en men's full B'IVO all linen un-
laundeied luindUetehictbortli \ if
laundered 25e , b.ilo price ICjc.
Hose ,
100 doen men's ' balbriggan half lioso
ineream , tan and tnodos , alsoasaoitud
stripes , sjt 5c , regular value o 3c.
2 cases extra fine ginghams , no\v
Btjlc8jood ( vuluo at 20c , price loc.
tape syslein Invtng proven n complete failure
these items are omitted.
An increase from 5 0,000 to fc'iO.OOO in
"nnlatcimnco and emplojes' .iios" makes
uilhe ) dirtermco In tlio allcm.tiico for the
feeble minded Institute at Beatrice.
The jump fiom SU',710 to $ .111,000 made bv
ttie Industrial home at Mllford was undo "all
along tlio lino. " 1'no average nuinbci of
adults last voar was only twenty eight , .mil
tlicy do not oxpeut auv ineicaso , j-otthcy , vslc
tint "boird and clothliiR" he Increased fiom
$ - ,000 to ,000. employesvnpes from ? , ' ,0i)0 )
tofl,0)0 ( ) , fuel mid lights tlics.imc , slitioncrj ,
telephone , pilntiiiotc ( , fioinfl,000to W.IXX ) .
Tlicy also\vniit a lulU > r house and laundry ,
nt a cost to tlio state of r > ,000 , und come in
fora dellciuniy of $ .1 , 00 .mil nnlco an extra
demand of S'J.iXX . ) for "clotliiiiK "
'Jlio Lincoln homo of tlio filondlcii a lcs
t\\lt us much as it rocehcd fiom tlio last
let-'lslaturo Two jeirs ape the oflkors did
noulesne any saluncs , but now they put hi a
demand ( Or the modest Mini of $ . " > . ( ) ID , which ,
lionovcr , was not allowed. The lutn of , < ) for ch.ipol and school building and
furnlsliini ; ttiosaiiionialionp apartof theiu-
crease and each Item has been slltjutly raised
in the entire Hit.
1'rotn present indications It does not look
as If the totnlappropriationsouldbcSlless
than they were two ve.irs ape , nnd they inav
b < ) much greater. Tbo special iippropr'ations '
for building'\\lnjjs \ \arioubstato Institu
tions ha\o not been acted on , and several
normal school bills are still pending. Tlio
house sifting committee Is holdlup : Inek these
bills , with the mnurciit ( lesion to lush them
without thorough niNcstli.iiloii ; la
tlioclosliiK dajs of the session.
Notwithstanding ttie proviso added to the
prrncral approptiatlon bill two jcariaio , that
tlicio sliould bonocxpoiullturoo'ccept inery
ox'romo cases , that would imolvo.i greater
expcasotban provided for , theio are sovcuil
cases of deficiency repoitod , and doubtless
others " covered up by Increased appropria
tions , The dollciencics reported nro as
follows :
UiniTnor'sofllco . J 7'fl 00
AiljutaiitL'ontr.irsnmoo . t-,000 UJ
I us lilt ) asylum ( II astliiKS ) . SS-'WO 00
Itoliirin school ( Koiirnny ) . ft.Slfl 00
Industrliil hoiniiMllfiird ( ) . . . . : I.M > no
Insult ) nsyliiinriorfiilu ( ) . -1101
' 1 here will bo an off oil made to attucb a
rider to the bills tint will have a more do-
cldod tcndoncj to ebcelt dcliclcnecs in tbo
Only ten dajs remain In winch to com-
plcto thowoikof the IcRislaturo Thi'sowill
liolnrK 'ly consumed in tbo eonsiuuiation of
the various approiirlation bills ,
( ' < nniti | ; >
'Iho llrst Jinn of eastern biowors to maUo
anv m vestments inOinahi anil.South Oniiliu
lim hecii tlio Schlltz nrawliiR company of
Milwaukee } , vim some tlmo Mneo IiistructPcl
tluir agents , the Ames reil estate agent * ) * , to
huleet n number of uvnilahlo loc.itioiii for the
companj's coiisiileratlou This \\iis Uono ,
niul tno president of the Hclilitcoinp injr , to
gether \\ltli ono of his nssouiitos. niilvcilln
Omaha early last \\eok in order tocompltto
IMIlc'hiisei of luoperty iimoiiiitlai * ; to about
SflW.lXIO in rush Tl'ls uuv possllilv bo fo > -
louoil tij the | mroll iso of n suitable silo on
which to erect a miunnioth brow err. Tlio
comiian's Kuncral ntjoiit In this city , Mr.
.Miiuiovcr , huihociiuncpisini ! in his tiiTorts
toinrinanunth intcrr-st thu Kihlltz cotnpny
inOinnhi 'Iho Amos mjoncv lui\o wltliln
tlio piist fun r months soUl to the Kiui * IIKHV-
iiiKconiiiuiy uiul Kchlitz hnnUiiKeoinpiny
ciM'i * SMXIK)0 ( worth of proport ) for sKt | c'.ish.
One of the Ames HKH'cj ' 's mosi enorttetlo
suliMin n , Mr Olto rileinsNtMi , nas devoted
inuili tinio unili'iii'iiiv In llio SehliU imr-
ohiso niul h ihoiouKhh fuiiilluirilh th
elms of projieity llic'y ncoii.
A suit has been t'oinnienccd In tbo United
States court by J .1. llartnell & Co. , con-
11 acton , of Tennessee , against John A.
O'KVcfe , U l' I'mliliijj nnd S. II Mallory ,
piiilnorsdoliii ; business under the linn nainu
ofJolinA U'Kecfo & Co. Ttio plalntills
claim damajfUD against tbo detcndauu in the
45-inch black clotted La
Tosca Pnipinjr Nets at jyc ;
worth 750.
5 beautiful nc\v designs in
black all si lie
/15-inch figured
and striped Draping Nets re
duced to $ i a yard , usually
sold at $ i.25 and $1.50.
46-inch black all silk Lace
Draping- Net , lovely ne\v de
signs at $1.75 ; value $ : and
42-inch black all silk Chan -
tilly and La Tosca Flouncings ,
5 new designs only $1.25 , re
duced from $ i. So and $1.75.
42-inch black all silk Chantilly -
tilly Flotincing's only $1.50 ,
cheap at $ i. 85
Finer grades proportionate
prices ,
r\ TT > i rri r > irsAT r n T p\
Torchon and Meclici
At S' C , 12J C , 15C and
25c & yard ; worth almost
double the price.
( Slightly iinpcrfoct ) , to close out the
balance of tills jjioat h.trcrnin lot with a
rush wo hiivo marked thotu all down to
lee onoli
For goods worth 3)C.
utnof $2VM , > 'or ' alleged \iolatlon of .1 con-
ract to docertiin i minion the Mississippi andnt'arCutliMi I'oint In Mississipni
The plaintiffs nlloj-o tliat by the filluro of
ho defendants to do the \\ork as agreed in
ho contract they , the plaintiffs , \\cro coin-
lulled to h ivo ltdonoat a greater cost than
hut provided in the contract.
Yiiolher of Omaha's IMoat'crs Sue-
Climbs tt ) I'lKMIIIlOlliu.
Phillip Von AUiidlielui , 0110 of tlio oldest
Itimis ofOm.iha , died yestordiy afternoon
after an illncis of only four days , llo was
attached with the fjnp , which soon assumed
ho form of jiucuinoni.i , resulting in lilbdeith.
MrVindlieini was born In Hatio\er , ( . ! er-
nany , Maj IS , Ih 'i , and immigrated to the
United States in 1S51 , settling first In
Ceoltuk , Ii , and afterwards soing to Chicago
cage In h-Vi hocamo toOmahi , locating at
hotorncrof Fourteenth and Dodge streets ,
vlicro ho remained about a > , aftci wards
omo\ing to SIO IKirnoy s > ticet , where ho
ived until his death.
He engaged in the business of house paini
ng and secured the contract foi painting the
section liousot , otc , on the Union PiiJIlo
when tliatro.ul was Licingconstiueted.
Mr Wlndliclin took an active p.nt in the
affairs of the village ol Onmh.i , and \v.w a
chaitcr incmtiornf the first hook anil ladder
company. Ho was also a charter member
and took an actho interest hi the OoncordU
sincinc society.
Tlio deceased was n prominent Mason niul
was ono of Iho earliest members of Uupitol
o Igo No y. Ho wa * also u niemhor of
Omaha chapter and Omaha council , Kojal
Arch Masons , and a member of Ml. Cah.iry
commander1 , Knights Tt > mplar.
A largo family Is left to mourn the sudden
donilso of a kind father anil indulgent hus
band , Mrs.Vlndheiia Ii confined to her
tied , sufTtnng fiom the same nmladv which
doprhod her of her lifo p.utner. There are
four boys and llvo gills in thofauiil.v , two of
the former and three of the latter bcinir mir-
ried All of the childicn mo living in
Omaha with the exception of Otis , \\lio lives
In Miles City , Mont
The funeral will take nlnco Tuesday at "
pm from the f.nnih residence , bit ) Ilainoy
street , and will bo under thu auspices of
Capitol lodge , Ancient , Pioo and Accepted
Masons. th" earned wish of the deceased
Unit Ills teniains bo iiomated , and in nccoid-
anc'tflth thu wish the boiU will bo for-
\\atduitothobt. touls crematory for inthi-
7 , I' I It I C./.M I'llS.
Miss l-OKixn las lettirneci from New YoiU
Dr J .1 Sa\illo lsslo\\ly recovering fiom
a , very se\eie attacltof la grippe.
loliii A C'roiKiiton and f.unlly started for
Chicago list nlulitla the HutlliiLjton ,
ICx-Seiiator Charles II. Van \\'vi'li \ was in
tboiltv list ONCIIIIIK nnd called upon Tin :
Hi. i. Ho says the Des Molnis ineethiK us
a tiunomlous succo&s.
Malor II. It Slovens of Cln\oland , O , an
miclu of Deputy I'iU t'lcik ( iiboihoiilslslt , -
IIIK thu latter. Mujni Stt\ciih ! u-prosents the
C'lu\eland sto\e company ,
Hev. I N 1'aideo , who for many M'nrsas
pastor of the lli bti't'iitli Sticicl Motlioilist
chuivb , and now is manager of the University
of the northwest at Sloiu City , Isisltint ; in
the city.
( 'nut rnt lor I'M , T Dreiiimu loft for ICansas
CltesleuliiN inoininjr to utteinl the uudu-
iitionoxi'rc'isi'siir the Kansas City Modiral
i'olle'i ) ) held laslnl lit 1IU tn'olHoi , 'I'hoiniis
1llii'hiian , liii\liiK llnisiiud Ins couue , uil
couio to Omaha to puu'tirc.
"Mr , KorUt'lolliM'
\Visioii , Neh , MiiiThll. To the Kdltor
of 'I'm : IliiVill NOU ph > a < o cl\o inuthonil
d toss of John I ) Koi'Uofi'IU'r ilho inilllniinlif
thinuKh the columns of ynur piiu'r. inn
a suhsinlic-r A II
[ Mr. Itoclcofcllor hna a residence at both
lOflilo/en ladlos' fast black
hosi thutttro bought to soil utlOo ,
fur a leader thm weuk wo will sull thuia
At 29c Pair ,
Just rei'ohc'il niiotlior case of our
rololiratod bins' liuuvy bleyulo hode
fust hlnolf , sl/ts 7 lo 10 ,
At 25c Pair.
L.nilii'H'Swiss ribboil vostn , it ) ociu.
bhio , pun ; and \vhlto. Silk tape la
nuuk. Worth "JOc.
At 25c.
fland fl
and oroara tahlo
oxt'iv he.ivy , now patterns ;
Vnco 05c
For this Sale 5Oc.
K\tra fine iliunnsk , now dosipns ,
si very yioat ; worth U5c ;
Sale Price 75c.
3-1 Najikins $3,75.
50 dozen fine satin damask
napkins at $3.75 ,
Regular price $4.75.
Bed Spreads 98c.
One case heavy crochet bed
spreads gSc ,
Regular Price $1.25.
Cleveland O , anil Now York city. A lotto
ddicssud to him at Cleveland v/ould reach
Jiiilecl M'orkinun Preparing Tor n Hlj ;
The wives and daughters of tbo members
f South Oinniiilodgo No 0(5 ( , Ancient Order
f United Worlunoti , will ( jive a reception ,
i.inquct and ball in Ancient Order of United
VoiKmen Hull , Twenty-sixth and N streets ,
'uesd.iy c\enliijj , April 17 Tlio following
omtuittcoon at ran Cements have hcen niadu :
Anantti'iiionts Mesdames .1 C ( ir.iham ,
Vilham 11 Stensloff , Henry Owens , 11. tj.
lilliUor , lUiryU Monofoo and John.1. ( Jor-
nan.Heteptiou Misses Minnlo Wilson and
Mat-'t'lo Ward niul Messrs , .lames M Uiilln-
( 'herand I'atnclt 1C. U'Suillvnn. '
Hefiesliinents Mr. and Mrs. C. M Mat-
cson , Mr anil Mrs Harry K. Monefuo , Mr
uitl Mis. IVnnlt I. Leo and Mr. and Mrs. A.
4 DeblnucT.
ProKiMinnio-Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Miller
ind Mr and Mis J C Giahiun.
Music-Messrs R. 0. IIlllikor , William II.
SteiislolT , .lacoh.faslcilek und Hour } Owens.
Kloor Messrs Cbarlea H. Leir , Andiow
M Ciidhmhcr aril 11 H Mono fee
The ladles huuntj the oatcitnimncnt la
charge in o maUliiK ulTorts to cclipso all pro-
ious fratciaal socials.
Notes About ( he City.
Mrs John .1. Uoriuin is listed amen * ; tbo
s"--'c- '
Kiln arc ! D. Munshaiv has gouo east on &
F Swift of Swift iV Co , Is hero from
Miss Maud Nowcomb has Rene to Polsora J
to visit f i lends
The young child of Mr. and Mu. A. H.
Sum or is sick
Michael Cudaliy , president of The Cudaliy
packing company , has returned to Chicago.
Ata mooting bold In the Fourth \\aul Tri
d ly iilpalJoha H.VulU > rs was noudnntcel
Mr ami Mrs Solomon ToIsh to e\tond
through Tin : Hi n thanks to friends \\lio
\\eri ) so kind and good in tbolr locoiit allllc-
.Ioi o Mick , day car inspector for tbo stock ,
> ards company , has resigned to nccopi aro-
"ponsllilo position under 1) ) tJ. MayatS\\ift
As Co's.
KoMoiian Howies , pistor of the Chils-
thin ileaoiiiliiation hold scrviroi In the
Swedish H.iptist i-hiircli at It o'clock la the
forenoon ami T I ) in the O
I-'rank , npetl four oar.s , Infant child of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Joseph T. Smith , died Friday
ni bt , Tbo ludy wn shipped josloidny
iifteiuoon to Villlsc.i , In. , for interment
Tlio concert anil dauco KIVOII bv tbo Tor-
estors' t iiint't Ii mil last infill In Niittonal
halldiiuva fair attonilnnco and \\ns one of
the most I'Mjo\.iDin soelals j.'i\ou in that
pleasure loiort during tlio scnson.
UMsion No H , Aiielunt Urdoi of Hlbor-
nianslllholdiiu niipoiUint ineotiiik in St.
Acini's' hall this nftcinoon at : i o'clock Final
iirr.iiiKcincntsill he made for tlio trip to
Lliiiiiln hi I'atile'K's day , Tuusilay , Match
1 * I'.M'ij uifiuber Is urxed to intend ,
loM-pli Vlci-k , aijod thirty six , died nt 8
o'clock Situnlu morning at Ids ivsldoneo ,
Seventeenth and I.J streets , of consumption.
Mr VlrcK w.Kn member of Star of hlbtrlv
lotion. No ll.'i , I' S 1' . S , and bill fl.iHW In-
suriniotn fiiMn-nf his ulfc The funeral
> viII tin under the direction of his ludito and
\ \ ill tulie. iiliii-o from the lolco rooms , Tweuty-
llftb an 1 N htui-ts , ut'j o'clock Sunday , lu-
teriueut ut St Mur > 's cemotcry.
Tlio fiini'ial of Mrs Kusalla Phundt Yokel
ulllliiUo ptiit'i ) at U o'clock tills aftenuon
from tlio lesuluiicti of t ! 11. Klscllo , 1U14
South Tvunt-second stieet.
Afresh nml healthy complexion Is ono o 1
ultimo H ihuU'iM IfU Sec uio It b.\
Spauibti Cuuit L'rcaui , for sale b all