TOE OMAITA DAITjY BEE : SUNDAVaiAUOH 15 , 1801-STXT.EE PAGES , OM\n\N \ < K.Tun. i2d , 1R9I. I have lioon a sufferer from UIIHTMATISM ! nnil 1N'1 > HK.STION ! fifteen sonis , mill like otlior unfortunates , tried o\ory rcmoily pod- Bible , nnd some ot Ihu host phjsleiiuifl , nnd they illil 1110 nopootl , For the jui t few weaUrt 1 Imvo boon doctorntr ! with 1)1 ! . C. G131 ! % \O , niul now linn fully cural , havingtv splendid nppettlte , anil rliouiimtism entirely pono. [ Signed ] THOMAS COUGHS , llth and Htiriioy Sts. I Imvo aufforoil it loiifj Hmo with SICIC HISADArilK AND STOMACH TItOUHLKS. I was run down , ; ami sickly all the timo. I thought , perhaps. I must milVur all time. Seine of my friends tuhlsud 1110 to trj OH. ( J. ( ! KK\S'Otiiid , to-diy 1 wti pruto- fmh nj iluil liim perfectly ni roil after only two months treatment 1 huvo ll\i'd hero iHtoon years ami amvoll iu' < iualntudimd I will lie ylail tosoo anyone I know of my frionda who lira sick. [ Signed ] Mils. . 'JN. ' ilflth St. For the last fdvv years I Imvo boon a victltnof chronic sickness olao\pi-al kinds. My trouble begun with UHKUMA'PHM , then HKMMltHAH ( ! OP Til K IAJNiS ( , anil Jlimtly , 1IUMIT DlSIIASIl coinploloh wrecked mo. 1 told my property nntl wont to Kurono I spoilt mint of my money tfjlnj ; to n it well. At last I returned to Oiimlm JUKI bi'ifim to doctor with TIIIC CIII JCnSKDOCTOlt. Ho 1ms entirely cured mo , niul to-day I am ratoful in attesting to his fklll. 1 \\lll nilvlso 111130110 BiitVorliifj us I did to too 1)11. ) ( . ' . G1X WO. l Mus. W. A. NICHOLSON' , 007 Eighteenth St. \VhotnUMav Concern : U. C. ( JBK WO ontlroly cured mo of cmiUAL DEIIIUTY"nnd WKAKNHSS IN KIDN'KYS , from whii'h 1 sulTorcd off and on for several months. Iuu \ induced tJ plnco myself uiiilor the treatment of tlio Chinese Doctor , and I ma Rrntoful to-day to boa perfectly cured mannbloto , do most any thing. I will bo willing to epoak to nilvlio nu.v wish mo to testify his skill. [ Signed ] JOHN LINN. lililO Fainain Street. POKTSMOUTH , Nllb. I \VIVH sluk and rundown , somotlmosvttli IJACKACIIL ! , and OKKKUALLY NllttVOUS. I cannot exactly oxuUlii myno , bat that It was a , whole lot at ono timo. I was unable to worlc , and was a continual source of trouble to my family and friends. I mn now plad to ssiy that I nin in every way cured , and will bo glad enough to see anjono troubled the same as iny elf , [ Signed ] JOSUL'II FOCJUL , Portsmouth , Neb. OMAHA. Nob. . Aug. 7 , isoo. To "Whom It May Concern : I sulTorod for six months with weak limps uiuliis tlireatunoil with consumption. I was contiimnlly potting wur o. Tried many doctors without doing ino any ijood , until 1 was prevailed upon to glvo Dr. U. rice AVe n trial. I can now trul ) say I never was bettor in my life. I can sleep well and fool strong ami hearty. Flo has done wonder.- ) for mo. [ Signed ] AUGUST ANDtiUIlS , IStU North ISth Street. OMAUA , Nob.Juno2 , 1890. NoVhomIt May Concern : I deslrotosay in favor of Dr. C. Goo Wolhitt 1 Imvo sufTorocl for joars with general debility nnd loss of vigor , and almost despaired of over eretthi } , ' cured. I tried many of the loading phvrfiomnsof my locality , hilt got no bettor in fact , was constantly lonng ground until I was advised of Dr. C. Goo \Voth Chinese-physician , I called on him and recoiled the pleasing news that my case wns not hopeless , and that no could euro ino in a short space of ilmo. I took his medicine and was cured. I can heartily omlorsoliiin an aBkilldil phvsiciiui. Yours tiuly , [ Signed ] JAS. X. CHUUCIT , ! H5 N. IWd St. . Omaha , Nob. rorcpaugh of St. Paul , is expcctcdto return this week. Mr Kinest lilnll , who was In Chic-aero the fore pail of the iveok , returned on Thurs day. day.Mrs. . entries Downy and Miss Pinvoynro expected to return today Irom tliclr visit to tlio south Mn C 1C. Coutnnt has returned from New- York , where aim was called bj the Jealli of her father rrr > Mr ami Mrs GujGruton. who Imvo boon spending some time in the liermuths , return to Omaha this \\eelt. Miss Stewart of Council Illuffs and her puostMisi 13each of Now York , uill leave for California this ncelc. F W. Drown , vtco prmlilont of the Henry ft Coolesnortli lumber company , is conflned to the house vlth InRnppc. Miss MnuU Woolworth of Stouv City is thotniest of Mrs. Hairy liollins , Twenty- fourth and Howard streets. IShs. Ailolph Mover's inanj friends will bo pleased to team that she Is rapidly coimles.- cinfr from tier recent illness. ] \ lrY R. Moihlo tins his nsl- demo fiom No. StMIl Hainoy street to No. 51 { North Twenty-second street. ailss ( iiTctibow of Charleston , W. Va , a Bister of Mrs Cieoigu W IJoino , arrived in Omaha on Thursday on a visit to the latter .Miss lynn Curtis has been conllneil to the house tlil week bj reason of a severe cold , w'hlch nt ono time threatened pneumonia Dr.V 11 Ilanchett and liiafatuity hnio all been sitk with In grippe , out fortunately they are much Improved. Mrs. John Ilorb.wh , accompanied by her BOH , Mr I'aul HorlMch , lott for Cuba last Sunday to begone for several months. Friday oveniiiK an Impromptu dnnchiR pmty AMIS Ri\en nttho assembly room , Fort Oinahn , by the ofllcors of thoRiirrison. Dr. and Mrs. Victor Coffmau haie thosyin * pathy nftho nholdrouiinunity in the loss of jaclr bcautif ill Httlo daughter on Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. C , S. Hayniond entertained the "Nameless club" Tuesday evening at their beautiful homo on uuncrPutnam streot. A fnnor OrosH club for ehlldien will be elvou at the Metropolitan club on tho'&tn lust , to be followed by a ball for the old Mr. and 3Irs. William Gyper celebrated tlio former's birtnJay Monday evcnlnf ? by in- vitinjr In a few friends to join in the celebra tion. i'ridai ovcnliiK tlio Dundee hlfih-avo club was verj npieeably enlcitained at the house of Mr and Mrs. A. M. Weir , oa Farnani StlOCt Mrs KrankE. iloores , llss Moores niul Xlarry K Moorcs roturneil from the Hot Splines last week. Mr. Kjibort Keller re- uiaius in Arkansas Mr. nnd Mrs.Villlatn Brnnch give an In- onnal party Tuesday ovonlujj in honor of lieir niece. Miss Brnneh , nnd Miss draco Knight of Texas. Mr Klchaid L. Horlln , in order to keep In touch with the latest tad of society. K.IVO n iutch ) lunch to a number of friends on AVeilnosday eveulnp. Mrs. IV I ) Donald , nt the HUlsUlo , gave a pleasant parly Tuesday evening in honor cf Wrs. lllmalreich , her ilstor , and Mk > 3 Made- Jon Taj lor of St. Louis. Mr. David Harrlo entertained a few friends at the t'axton last Sunday , the cuests boliiR Wessw , Nctherton II nil , .lanics How , Charles Wilson and Charles 11111. MIssDuntly entortalned a few friends in formally at her homo on Leavonworth street mid Georgia avoilue inhouorof Miss Orchard juid her cucst , Miss Nelson , of St Louis. Mrs. Morrow , wife of the late ( tcneral Henry A. Morrow , U S. A , lias taken up her residence with her son , Mr Henry M , Morrow , at 501 South Twenty-eighth streot. Ml : s Bertie Jordan , who has been \lstting her bister , Mrs. J. J , Dickey , Meat to Lin coln last evening to spend Sunday as the puost of Miss Lcli.i Shears at the Hotel Lin coln. coln.Mr. Mr. C. E > % 'antlanil , formerly connected with the Union i'ncillo system with head- nuarti'M in Omaha but nown resident of Salt Lake , has ) utt returned to the latter city from a bridal tour. Miss Knight of Texas returned to her liomo UNI Friilay , having uuulo a Rrcai sue- ress 'durinn the bcason In Omaha , Slio was the ( rural of Mr. and Mrs. 0 , 1C. Coutnnt dur- jig the winter. ilr. aud Irs. Udo Erachvogoe , who uaticl- latcil Piitcrtainlnj , ' Mhs Ihnma lerlsit to this city , uro ilihiippomteil in the act that MissInch will noi pl.iy anenirage- noiil In Oinalni this season. Mr ClurlosVilson \ , foitncrly conaceted with the Omuhi National baiiU , and after u oiiKHolouin in the oust , lias returned , ni.d willassoil.tto hinisolf with 3Ur. TN'uthoiton Hall in the llrolnsiii.iuco busiiicbs. Hnn. J M. Bishop of Quincy , lllaue\- inajor of tliat iil.ioo , has t.ikou up Ins icsl- ( lonii ! in this city and will bo associated \\ith : iis biotht'i-in-luv , Mr.V. \ . F. Allen , in tlio mnniKoincnt ot the Mutual life insurance company , Miss Mind Mnyiurd of Los Anpeleslio been the ( jiu'st of Mis. Daniel for California l > idahliownsncfninpaiiled \ by her cousin , MiWlikio ICdwards , who 10- turns to California to enter the new Leland .Stanford , jr. , unlvcislty. lr Riiil es shows little sijjns of eonvalcs- eint ; , audit is thought will IMVO to take a comsoof trealmentin New York before ho rec-ovorj the use ot his cjes. lie hn retired fOrtho tlmo Dcmtr troni the piactico of his profession , his place being taken by Dr. II II. Kdity ilondaj ovcnluc the aninial meeting of "Tlio club" will occur attho Lininga ( 'allerv , atuhich time a p.tpor on "U'eslojanlsin" will bo bj Dr Towne The election of ollliors for the onsuiiiKjoar\\ill also tiiko plate , and ns usual on annual meetings le- froshmcnts will b > served. Miss rredcilelcaVessolls , ( laughter of Mr aud Mrs Francis \V. U'cssells , colc- brated her twelfth lilrtlnl.iv on Satimhiy. List by giving n luncheon to twenty of her little fcchoolmites. The tnblos woiv most artisti cally decorated with quantities of la franco t-osos , hyacinths and bon-bons , Among the ucreealilo l.idioi who have lent their names to Washington soeioU thisst'ii- son is Mi's. Kautife of ( U-neral August V. Kant ; of the United States iniuy , who was stationed at Toil Niobrarn , suys the I'hlladeliihia Times Mrs. Kautis a lino- lookinfj woman , with dark ejos nnd buiwn hair , and Is ( julto a favoiito in arm ) ciiclcs. OenornlniUl .Mrs. Kant ? , have been spending seine time at the Klsmcro , 'l no second ol a herios or musical cntnr- talninunts , ftfiiVen by Oinuha lodge , No is , Ancient Order United \Vorkiuon , will beheld held in the Ancient Order United Workmen hall , Fifteenth and Fauinm , on Thursday oven in tr , March 1 1' ' , at 8 o'clock. The commit tee la charge have prepared an interesting piocranmio of music ami leciUtiom , nnd It is anticipated that a most onoablu ] owning will bo spent , as some of the Det local talent will take pan In the prograninio. A coidial imitation Is extended to all Ancient Order United Workmen lodges and their friends to be present and have a ically good timo. As there w ill be no clnrge for admission , it Is hoped Ibo mom- uers will turn out in largo number * . Lovers of aquarelles will lind on exhibition attho art store of A IIospo a beautiful col lection of water colors , from the biush of ono oflho promising piinicra of this country , Jules Uuoriii of Chicago There is ji Ineath of treatment in the pieces on exhibition which shows a genius for light and shade that cannot help but bring the joung artist fame. The aillst is during ; in the use or a blue pray tone , but so delightfully transmiont nro the subjects that ono forgets the color in the elaboration of the studies. Mr. Guerln is n follower largely of tholmpieasionist school , his "High Is'oon. " a wainf bit of color , boiiiK distinctly that class of work "A Windy Day on the Marsh" Is exquisitely handled , the scene of the artist seemingly having gene out In its piinting. His most elaborate canvas , en titled "Uetura of the Flock , Normandy , Franco , " ia a . gem nnd aught to uunnlu in Omaha Mr Oiieiin paints nil pluses well , nnd art lovers will tindlnthis collection something to great ! ) udmlrc , K 'ln\\tiiii. Customs change ns society advances ; olii observances are considered to bo methods ol n smaller mind and society has chosen to rev. olutionlzo the season of Lent , which was formerly passed , If notwlth liuulity , at least with a certain denreo of abstinence from social amusements Untcitninmcnts of a mild nature wore sometimes Indulged in foruicrlj. theater going was oUm [ a pleasure sacrificed , bill wedding ccremonloa wore out of thoijuos tlon. Now , howc\or , things nio dilTerent , nud to eat , diluU and bo merry Is thoordei of the Jay. The quietude of the i 'notcntial season was DOCTOR C. GE OSTHOFF BLOCK , . North 16th St. W"hn To TTo ? THE EFFICIENT AND EXPERIENCED W IIO Ib XLtJl , CHINESE DOCTOR. Cuted Hundreds of Chronic and other Diseases _ VTTI j TT TT l \ tj W lX t u llBS ) Xl6 U OH6 1 ffivon up by other physicians as an incurable in other words to die. HOW THESE TESTIMONIALS SPEAK POU THEMSELVES. the grand and exceptional llo\v \ inanv luiiulivils arc happy tunitics that and nwkMiliM , with healthy children - ron , will hi1 only too n'lad to ; ic- DR C. GEE WO , . kno\vk\l L' has hail lor the deu'lopmcnt of DR , C. GEE WO his knowledge amnnn ; the mil lions in China enables him to < , nc as the kind help. his opinion on sight in all case * , h not a happy home abundant lie has watched with true medi reparation for the half-hcaitcd- cal foiensity the ilevcloinnent of nos in which they came ? human frame from childhood Why. vcs ! and youth to manhood and old age. Hadi period has been made a special study. Just inorinc the thousands among the six hundred millions pic- destined to be the subject ? of medical skill and piactice. Chinese physicians , physiologists , astrono mers , and , in fact , all scientists , sluue exactly the same views as their American and European fellow - low men. Why , then , should not a man entrust his case with a thoroughly practical and scientific physician , laying aside all picjudiccs as to nation ality ? Does it seem proper ? Certainly not. Arc not the people of China attacked with precisely the same diseases , precisely the same mala lies ? Aie not the symptom- and results overcome at home ? Do they not have to undergo operations incases of diie necessity ? Common sense would say , of course. Think fora momenta reason within yourself. Docs not the ski 11 and-sience : of China merit a tiial at ail ? Hundreds and- hundreds \vill be only too glad to ivc their opinion and experience about the marvelous cures of the ClflXJISEDOCTOR. | Ho hasb3on tiwiiiffwith itroivt sucoo s , ca8 3 of LA GRIPPS , MENTAL TBOJBLBS , LO3T MAN HOOD , EHBUJVIVriSM , OONSUPMTION , HBA.K11 DISEASE , HBADAOHE3 , INDIOBTIO > > T , KIDNEY TROUBLES , BILIOUSNESS , in short , nil cl sea 03 DR. C. GEE WO , c y lirolfn U'ruluv ovonlncr liv IMIss Willi.tinsUio pivo un itiiuoniitii | cnloiliiitiiiict't nl thu reslilunruof IICT inr- enls , Mr. nncl MrL. . U \ VllliiuisJill ) Doiu'Iiih sliopl 'J'lw quests \\cMi' fe\v In liliiubei- , bit tlinso ] > ics ( < nt fciunil it M'rvo.isy to iniluljJTO in just u lilllc1 d.Micitii , ' in iKlilitiou to ploasniil tctt'.i tolls. Kortcsliini'iitsttfiCbci'Mil tluniiK tlio ilc- liirhlful tHrn-ioi ) , thoovoiHiii .slippnit' uuiy : all too soon There \\era urosont Mr nnd Mrs lamest Kiall , Mr. .md Mrs Oscar \Villiunn , MUs Yost , . .MissVonlMiilh of Suiux Cilv , iMUs Slniip. Messrs. I' Hiinultnii. U 1C. lir- ) ton , \ \ illV \ > HUM , Lullim DraKu A I'liMiiiiiiit Uoili'o I'nrtj , Tlmisdiw iiftcrnoon u fc\v of Mr-i. Clinilos M 't/s inliiuatosi'io ( li'll hltulh cntcr- taiiini at the pietty homo of the liosless , 51. > Virginia IIM'IIIIO , it colToo pirtv bolnif tnic'tlon. , \ . dolli-ious repast , pioculcd the colTiv , and until late in the afteinoon ttm ( 'UOsts leniiuiH'ditti the hostess , wlioio oll'oits in inU'itnlnini ; won * eiilhusla'tiully .iplilauclfil liy iho latlli'H invseiit. Alosilaini's ( iy cr , 1' J l.aiim1 , Mhs Kmina TH-inult , Airs ProilMutMirt AllioUumlt , Mis- , Ida I'otn ) , i\llss Ann.i I'oiiiy. ( AA II It 1,1 I.ITir.S. Alirion Smith , njouiif ? mini onlv twcnty- ono \carsof \ npe , w.ii taK"ii to ( ! icun\\ooii , ArK , wlieio no \\lll bo trlnl foi bigamy. Ontccr Dyer.holudSniilli in cluii o , said the ei ht nivc's \voulil nil uo on hniul to moot till' llUslllltl. ) A leccntly in in ictl yoiincr.fuuncr , livhif ; at ( ii-cnbu li , near Slioboyunn , .Midi , ha. hit upon a nuvol iinti uiiililK-vtlvi'biliL'tnolur KeltniK hl < wife out of bid in the moi'iilncr. Ho fills thuhtovoith dump t > liivinib , lights thorn niul Ihon shiiti IhoiUiniper in tlio ] > i | > u. By tlio tlire lie machos Iho b.iru sbo U oBet1- itinlly smoke clout. Andrew . lliillionvas granted 1111 iibw- lutodivorco in tin" lirooldvii citv court fiom his wife , Annlo M. Uullioii. Tlio dofcnd.uiL did not nut in any dofeiiiu. 'I'liu c-nrcsjiond- ent is a Innitur in chaifro ol a rou of Hats. The aliened offoncoivcio romntlttucl last year , and Mr. niul Mrs. lUilliou luvo aluoo been living npirt. In the sensational lilooinilold divorce case nt Wluto ljlalns , X. Y , a hotel iiropriotur tostlllcd that Turner nnd u younj' man named Clallln called .U hn hotel and roomed over ulrht. ; Turner s.iid Hint Chilllii u'asbicUand had to bo watched The wit ness took a KOOI ! looli at Mis. lllooinlli'Ul and lilontllltd licr as the "youiiK iiinii Chilllii. " 'Jhls created a great sciiiiUiou in the court room. Last month In Htauhopo , N . [ . , \ VllliuinV. . ICinj. , a tcleciaph oponilorho was t'liK.i . 'i'ti to Miss Sadie Jones , disapjicaied \ < Milho time tirilviHl for their inairinco to take | lac-i\ lie was not heard of in Stanhope a ain until labt wi'i'U. when ho roturuoil Muf.illiii on Miss Jones , bepguil purdon for his ahitnuu , and Iho couple MUH > inaribd. Within an hour nfter Iho ceremony lio. ( UK.uu .urn iius not ucuii neaitioi since. Jinth paved lliowny to a tnnrrlago In [ n- diana not loiitf a o Ko.lamos ( ! ( Jump- bell , a iMcthoillst pieachcrnt\Vestl.afajetti- \ , was eiiciiRed to bo marrlcil to MlssVloi-a Darter of CrawlorJsvllle , tlio divorced wito of A. P. Luse , a CJIilcnK" ty po-i'oundor. The discipline of tlio Methodist diuri'h auvs that n minister of tliut chinch shall not many a dhorccd worn inhllo the forinor husband lives. Iho death of Mr , J-uio , not lonj ; acjo , pcnnltlcil Uio nmnliL'L' ; , \\mill \ took puiee. Miirv I' Hader brought suit fordlvorco nrooUljn , N ' \ , airainsthor husband. Kdwln S. Halter llu toM this story : "rilio was ultt.iys Innijini ; for snmebocly else. Kho wuj not suthHuil. About ten yoais aftci liernmr- ria 'o she went to n forluno idler , who told her that 1 \\us Ki > i'ifr ' to clio nnd she \\ould many an old l > c > au named Hoard. 1 wns op posed to tipping taulos and teilltiu' foitunos with cards nt my house , as 1 Old not waiit any sucli superstition about my clilldrcn , " t hevfial weeks ugo the wife ot Oijituln A. ,1. .Mi Kain of I'lttslmrt , ' , I'.i. , prosecuted him fur abducting their ilve-yonr-olil daiiKlitcr The Rrand Jury ignored the bill ami placed th costs on the prosociitrlv. 'In licr love tor the child and to recover its possession Mrs , Melvain went bo fore tlio ] ur ) and stated that MelCaln was not tlio father of ttio child , Six years ain [ , slio said , whllo Her luisLiund waa atwoiit , she lived with another nmn. The cliilil Is blonde , wlillo the mother nnd McICnlti ma dark , Thu jury , however , UU not audit licr btory. The woman has passed throtiyli ; exactly the same stages as inin ; , but has to hi1 observed ; is to the effects of maiTia e , childbirth and mattiinity especially. This he has taken extreme caie to do. lie has brought his knowledge to good in many cans of sterility and womb diseases , and various troubles peculiar to the gentler sex. DR. C. Glili WO dispenses entirely with the inconvenient and embarrassing cioss-e.vainination in such cases , and his long experience gives his opinion on sight , as it were. Think of thousands of pamphlets and papers scattered all over this conntiy in which are em bodied advices to mothers , diiections as to ccitain diets , riff id rules and injunctions only superflu ous. What good does it do the writers in distrih- utniff them if they arc not writing the outcome of their own abilities and uood. ; Ladies \vlio have hcaid of the Chinese Doctor have made a call as they would every c'ay. ' They were all satisfied and deliulitel with his novel aigumi'iiK In such cases he follows his own nat ural inclinations ol politeness , and not with a view of an "ax to grind. " If you or any of yojr children nro sick DO NOT FAIL TO GIVE THE CHINESE DO .TOR , A TRIAL. Ho has oursd oilmen of FEMALE WEAKNESS , NSRVOUd nBBILITY.WOM 1 DISEASES , GENER AL DB JII.ITY , SI01C HEADACHE- all forma of f mnlo 3lcliioa3. STHO FF NORTH 10TH ST. MEN OF SIGNS AXD SYMBOLS- Propose , ! JIasi Mectiuq of Frakraal Insur ance Societies. AN ir/PBE S.VE . FUNERAL CEREKONY. 'L'c-.llinnul.ils i'rtun Ilonolulti - \ < ICH | /MMOII till- I'llllll'lll Moo MUM I anil liic Y\ nod in 11 nl' Ihu \Voihl I Tlioro h a inoveincn on loot , to nrr.iiiKO for a muss nucttiiK of llio incinbtiia mid frit'iiils ol the V.IUUUS Irutcinul InsuiMiicosooit'liui of Oiniha 1'iruulir Icllor is Lelni ; nui > , iroil wlildi will bo cent lo c\ery loJ o .uskln ' itsto- opoiailiiii The iriPtHriKill piobabl.v no holil at the Coliseum ( MI 1in Mnninl iiiomi- nont sjuMliors of tuo various ortiiji-'itiuii-i ! Ulli IU ) JHSL'lt Throbjict sought for IH two-fold. 1. A closer union of tlio fi'.iU 111:11 : bOLiutius and an vxi'haiiKu of view * a * to tlinbest im.uis to in ) miDlini'il lo nuioiisiO tlio nouJ ilronJy " . To ( 'ciuoiiblratollio ' Ktrongtli niul UOMIM- hi'ltv ' cif fiMtiinnl co-oi'r.ition ] to seium prok'Ltion for iu > | ) in tinios of bli'Unuss and to their f.unilici In case of Ucatli , TliN.11 . 1 > " the I'rit ' nioctlii ! , ' of Its kind OVIM hold in Oinilin , Imt if ttiu result- ; nro , is KouJ ns they have been in other Uio ( itlll pi'ob'iblv not bo tlio lust. > i in i ni . Cir.uul Muster ( Jobin , of Urn Knights 'J'cin- inikniL'.i tour \isitation unions the cotiimaudiuioalii tlio princiii il citlos of tlio south At Monlpliis , MontKunicry and Nnsh- villo llio Tom pla rs lunit'il out \ory largely to honor thu ilistlnBuliliuil guustaiul tciniihir bniiiitsauU. { | lucuptionsvoiollio orclirof thooeutisloiis. 'Jho SDttisli rite Mnsons of Washington , O. C , \entlv pel formed a luiviuonv that has beoi'porfoiinutl hut throi tlin s boloio m this ( on nil v. It was the ( lurtuiiiiui w of the burial r.L'ivk-0 of the Knights of Kutlosn or thiitlothdo it'o M.ISOIIH , ami oiour d at "lo\v _ ' , " ( innliii ht Thu i iyttisli ute > iilioJial w w dm ] od in black , and } lie iMthudial itself win m darkness , oxuffit a ft'iv lights that \soio iiruii i-d nroinui Iho rciu.iuiK aihoy Uiv In stnto In the toiitur ot ii'iilltoiluin , 'J'lio Hoof wns licnvily , iivi'ied ( with lilatflj ( . loth and padiled t4)iu | > ( .nt thosound of foot- stoiH At osactly inl-lnulit a soli-inn pio- coMlnn of twenty ouu.kul litsln hlaik nibcs lllkil the i-athuiiril , ojcli bo.iuii n HuliUil tacr ) , nml rouniHl tiionud the oaslat. ACtor thuopumni ; words of till linpiessho son leu nt'oiK'e.ilud choir ( ImiiUil "Do Pnifundis.1' acciiuipa ileil liy the OHMII Thu fuinalnsKdru llioso of r.dwanl Fitidlio lind att.iiiiod tlio thlrty-thinl decroe. At ono stage in llio t'iomnn.llio ( . liilof Iho cailu't was ivinou'd niul shoucd the bony of the dead Unlirlit with his f.ot bound with coul , n laurel ihuplet alouV his head and a bundle - dlo ofiolels and n Uv-ivily jcwelod cold cross Ijini ? on his bfcvit. Tlictu s.inbols . wno nil removed , ono 1'V ' one , during the SUIVICOM , niul at ono tiuiu all the llihu ; > uero oxtliiKulsheil except the taper curi led bj the i talding oriker , leaving the C i almost total darkness The solemn services was conducted by a selected coips ol prominent Masons , ( iuioial Albert 1'ilte , thu supreme head of the Amiont mid Actepled Seottlsh rite of the southern Jurisdiction Ini3 been eonlliied so hU bed for several inonths. and In tlio ojdiilon of his medlcnl aihisor.s Is slowly pnsslniriwnv III * willpower is sonu'thliiK maivelous , liouever , anil , ultliougli Hciucoly in a condition to u'O his liiuuls nt nil , ho per sists \mtiutr \ , and Ls'niaUiii ) ; rapid i > rogio- In Mulshing Inipoitant work. Colonel U llliam Kiluaulb , 11. C. of f Johlcii O.ito coinmandory , No. ID , ICnlRbts Ti'inplur , of Han Pnuieiseo , has itcelved b > tlio hands of Sir ICiilKht O. U' . McLean , purior of the steamship /.onlutulln , a luiiKuillcDutly en- sot of resolutions neeorded < ioldon Ciato coininaiiilury , ndontod nt n called itisom- blyof Honolulu uominnudery , No , I , ICnl hti Teuinlnrof Honolulu , H. I. , on Sundiiy , I'eb- luury t ) last ( .A , U , 7TI ; , In unpruulatlouof the UnUhtlj couuusitM nnd fratetnnl follow- sluji disilaied ] to Sir Kni lit , tlio late Kali li.uiii , u past einint'iit loinmandoi The res > Itition , me si ncil nv \l ClniLiiiHWil.lor Aslilonl , 1' K. r ai.d H C of tlio rommaial- crv. aad utt-sied nv 'J'liomas IJ \\u\\ \ \ , ie- ( order Tlie K snlatioiis will bo apin'opimtcU liairol ami luitnj in the asvluin ot ( toition ( late iDintiinulrn ICcntiu ! Maquis have the honor of liav inu' oslatiliihed Hie lir t boino for tlio e.noof tltoiridois and orph ins. Tim house is lo- ( .it citnt Louis v illo and K lariro enough foro\er 'JIM inmatei Tin1 pi in includoi se\ i-ral bhops , in which supplies , forthe iniiinii-3 aio iniidu. 'I lu MiisonlL * Homo .Uiiiraal is printed In the 1 iiiluinjr , and nl o other mattois iclatli.f ; to the eider The lns and 11104lioarotho I bi'iit.Ileliiilu-1 of the institution do most of the work , and the \mniKor ones arc jjlvon in- slruUlons m various tlades The cost of iho homo is auout JUKI a jear for each inmate. \V. 0.V. . Dr ISaUir of IJonvcr lias composed music for thn oiies nf the Woodmen of the UV'hl that is said to bo very melodious. , V new c-iini ) is IH-IIIK oi ( > uni/ed at Lincoln , also one at \ \ aliuo. Xo asbcsbinciits luvo been called by the Woodmen of t''o ' ' World lor three months , and its munhiis aio naturally foeliiif , ' goad na- lured about i * , . 'I ImMntieijiin had a ( iiand binquct at In- diiiiipoli , < last ueeK , and tnc menibeis at Culuinbus , O. , ur jubilant our the selec tion ul State I . .ibrari in .lohn C Tuthill as weiolKii adviser lieutenant , thu second lilgli- os nitlo'ial olllce 'I'liu OM'rulho council of the Woohnon of tlioVoiln has he.'n increased to sixteen members bv the addition ot a 11 n ini'o eoia- tnittee. All its bubi'ies- ' transacted by the eon mil Alpha Uimji .No. 1 of Omaha , aiodisius-- hi the pioeunnir of an Uaboiatu outtlt for the exainililU'.ition | of tboumiilillodsoveri'i n di'fjiivsluoh \ will ho promulgated In a Jew weeks by Iho soverei'n ( eainp. fousul P. A. Pallcuiibnrc cf the I'a- cilie JurisJictiJti bus recently' a tour of llio states on thu wiblcrn coast , and loports sni.tantiu nro'ress houiK mado. IIo is la- Ire luciiiKtliu now ladles' ilo no of llio Mys tic I irclo successfully in these states , \ \ A. Kamplin of this city has been np- pointoa lonsul ot Outaiio , Canada , and left last ueok with sidopiities to liOKin work liv that eountry His heait- ( ) uaiters will booilablish at London. Hi ; took \\ith \ him a line ontlit of printed matter executed by Omaha punters , but will heie- afU'ihaM ) inuih of II tionu thoio on account of tlio taiitT Unties inereasintf the cost in ad dition to txprc-s i har es Tim head lamp will bo subordinate to the so\oreiiii lamp and eonliibuto to Its buupmt and dealli losses. Complcto outfits for r'fl camps Invo been CdiitiaeUd for dm inu the past week and a Keninitftim cabinet type \\riinifj outllt will ho placed m the olllco in Ibis dlv na\t weolt , anil a comimU'iit siuno rriipiiur tins IICIMI oa- pi ed In addition to the piescnt clerical force io top pam with tlio rapidly Increasing bus iness of iho national ofllco. The commissioner of insuraueo of tliOKtato of Nubr.isltu has Issued his ccrtlllcate of aulhoril } to Iho Woodmen of the World , ad- iniltlntf the HOiereliin depaitinent re ularlv Into his dopartmonl. The articles of incor- poiation have been tiled and thus a full compliance - plianco has been m.ido with the ln\\s of the state. This nl\es tlio miler easy admission intooveiy statn in the union and assures its perpetuity and legal standing. 'l'rtonty-so\en now camps have boon orfiiin- I .sod . and instituted ilming the just thlitj days. days.A A Imndsomo design for a now charter Una been sketched oy the sovereign consul uom manlier and sent to Now York by a promin ent Omaha Him to ho ( MiKravod. It lepro Bents a bamsonlan Woodtnan fulling a nion stei'treoln a forest , \\ith cant hooks , piki poles , beetle and wedpj artistically Kiwipoi near by to dispose of the IOK all emblems o the order , Another sccno ropicsenta a venerable orablo man on his death boil culling the at teiition of his three sons tondovonad ollvo branch and the motto of the order In a btu/ < of ( jlory soon tliroiiKh the casement. A nca viunottoof tlio Koddoss of foiluno In the lo gcmlnry wheel exteadliiK Rood lurk and 10 tkif to the Hick anil distressed sovereign , ar tlstlo decorations of ! OK I'hnlns , u utiinip , IOK and ciiiblcinallc .symbols ol thu older uio In lu\iNni"V \ , N'ob. I httvo anne roil with lUIK.rM ATISM and DKOl'SV for up\Mirit of ton .ycara , niul ontitoly uivvo up tlto lilca of o\or Ix-lnj ; curoili heard of DM. C. OKI' Wound lliounlit I woulil inaUo u last ulloi-t Aftur four nioiitlis'tri'utiiu'iit I am walking ami rimnlni ; as I liil wlmn : t uhllil , 1 will ho ( jluil to si > o any otto \\lio nitiy huvo boon nllllotoil llko in.vsulflio . tuny wish ino lo aullii'iitioato this wrllton Btntoincnt 1 Imvo tflvon out of pntitmlo lo tlio doctor. [ Signed ] PAUL THOMPSON , Irvlnutiin , Nub. This corlllltH Hint 1 linvo been unilor tlio trontiumit of OH. C , G11IOVO ( or HK'K lir.ADACHI' . ami CJL'N'HKAL UHUlLl'l'Y. Could not do mi ) tiling , i now fool , nflor two OOH' ! ( troatiuont , perfectly cured. I Imvo nrovlouHly tried all lilnds of inodluliios ntul chu'turH. Always rolloved onlj tor a timo. AiiybmlyisliliiK'lo sea ir.c , can sou tny healthy nppenrnnci ) l > y I'lilltn ; , ' at KiOi'rtlh ' stroot. [ Sln eil ] MHS. II. MJOK , IfiOUfith' Street , Two years n o Tvtis \ iitlncKodith \ a severe eolil which in inj belief led on to t'ON'Sl'MPTlON . 1 l > otnii to tuKo pliysicliius1 ud- vk-o wbo yniil I could not last Bmonths. ! . Hovnral othois iigrootl with him. I liei'amo M > weak that I ipilt work. 1 litul homl about , tlio Chlnoso Doctor and his euros. Ho frunltly told mo that i | \\as only u matter of time nnd I woulil iot ; well. 1 toolc hin inodluiiui six inontliH. and now I am porfei'tlj well anil hearty. I urn working cvoi'v ( lay nnd foul purfectly curod. d ] 'II. H. VOlIN'G.irrifiX. Ulth Stroot. This is to certify that my wife was very side from the oflcut-s ol CHIMM'.IUTH , and tried nil the doctors in the Ht.ilo almost. A friend casnuilly told me about the jjood boiuir done by u UII 'CSIl DOCTOLv. I uctud iicconliny to his advieo and now , whonuvor I moot lit m ho pots my hearty tfrlp with thanks for his very kind ml- vire. Porlitipd the rondoM may draw thoirown conohisions. [ Signed ] I. K. UHAI ) , Con. , I'ne. Junction , I own. I ha\o boon troubled for aloiitf time with SICK IFKADACUK and IHLIjIOUSNKSS.iinil was completely rundown. Not loiif ( ago I heard Rome frlonds Ulkliij } about DOCTOR C. OUK UrO. 1 never baid n word hut tiiought In myself Hint I would try him. I did HO , and I fool happy to say that I am perfectly curod. I write this so my friends may sue it. ] Sif'ned ] Mus. T. n. PRY , OIW N. iillh Streot. souni on MIA. Oct. n , ison. Dr. C. Goo Wo Dour Sir : I fool very grateful to you for the d \ou huvo done for mo In the pist ; sovoa weeks. I tun leelini , ' well nnd Htronsj ujinln , after hoinu troato-i by some of the host phy sicians for eiprhtyours and rccoiving hut little honolit. I am willinfj Unit you bhnuld use my name in any \\iiy you may oo lit if itill beef of anV benelit to others. I shall always remoinbor you for the ( rood von liuvo clone mo , and shall alwii\s \ sonk ] a fjood word for you. [ SitfuouJ Mus. T. 0. HICK. Albright's Addition , South Omaha , Nob. OM MI v , Nob. , .Inno L' , 1890. To Whom It May Concern : For the past ix years I nave hcon a constant sullororvith heart disease , and saw neither punuo nor comfort Hince it lirst made its attacks upon my system. I hucnuto so completely worn out and um.ielnlod by its dreadful olToots that I imafiitied 1 imibtmion fall a victim to dire death , as I could lind no remedy to bonellt mo in the least. Mj btrenjjth and vitality hud disiipuoarcil and I w.ia loft a complete hkoloton. A friend spoke tome mo of Dr. C. CJeo Wo , and aihisod mo to call and hue him , promis ing me a cure if such a thin ; , ' was at nil possible. 1 called on the doctor , underwent a course of treatment , and in less than ninety days was completely restored to my former good health. I cannot Sdv too much in fin or of Dr. C. Gee \Vo. [ Signed ] C1IAS. PMTEIWON , < )17i ) S. 18thBlteet - . tiodiucd. making n beautiful design woithy of an claboiato framing. 51.V. . < > lA. . The membership of the Modern \Voodmen of Ameiiea is reported in organ on February 1 , as being IIMl. ) The mum- bor-hlp was about 47OiH ) lu No\ ember last , shows iiuito a lapse. Tin-1 olid lions for the lienollciar.v fund dining the month of Janu irj was * llt.'i ( ! ' > " > ( Ilium ; the month of I-Vbiuim , > IlMHiU , ( Bnlnnco in hands of head banker , s'M.i . ! . , , March 1. Deuth claims llled und unpaid up to Mauh 1 , ? < (7UUi ) . lleul Plnsiei.m Swallow reports 207 nppll- ciiions received during Februnry , and LOU- gratulales the older upon il.s progress. The boaul of directors have decided that one assessment must bo collected from the bonclin.irv of ikcoased members nftei death , this 1'verses the decision of the past head consul \ \ ho decided death completed tlio con tract I etwten the older und n deceased inoui- i'r and th it no assessment should bo paid by him upon Ids ouu de.itti. Thcio is eonsijciahlo dl&f ulsfudtnn in Modern Woodmen cnde * because its boatii of dlici'tois have mid > ! , " ) ( ) to 1' . L MeKinnie , who was removed by the old board from the olllco ot physician and Dr. ( ! . W I'londenen appointed In his pl.ue. McKlnniobiought Mill to loeou-rtluiollleoat the. time and was beaten. Now ho has been rueogni/od and pdd for soi vices lendercd by Clcndenen , and lorliicli Clondeiien wns paid aftortbo courts decided his appointment feiral and McKlnniu lawfully lomoved fiom ollleo .lunlor deputj head coasu' ' , DmleS Maltby of Omaha , commenced suit in the United States coiuts against the Modern Woodmen to enfoio his inntr.ict. uhich was made in IVil with him , mid which was con tinued by the head "amp , but H now ignored and lepndiated bv the new bonid of dliectors. He claims ? 7 , : > UO , and linsgarnisheed Iho head banUor. A sad coincidence occurred nt Lyons , la . last Sunday night. Lewis (5. lilaine. who = o porti.ilt nppe.u-s in ihn histoo of thu order as the oigiinbcr of the first ramp of Modern Woodmen and its second member , observed a man elimblng tluougb the win dow of a mnuUIno shop in w hluh Thomas L. Tnggoit , the who oiganl/ed the second camp of the order , was employed as night watchman , at Lyons Ulalno'called the thief of police , and logothor they called T.iggert and imiilea seaich of the piomisos for the fellow , bill did not hud him. This was r.bout ll p m. At 'J a. in tlnines weio seen buist- IIIK out of the openings and the property was completely destroyed. Taprgcit'a bodv was found In the ruins lajmg upon its face , burned so as lo ho tun illy teeogal/ablo. It Is believed that ho was imnderod byabuiglar and Iho bnilillin. tiled to cover thoctimo. Mr T.igpi'rt wab a prominent Templar imd wns a candidaln for state nonator InVhile - side county , Illinois , u jearngo on the pro hibition ticket. Ho was not a Woodman nt the time of his death 1. O. O. I- . The Oddfellows ol York nro preparing to make n milted etfoit to hcouro Iho annual re- \iowof the I'atriaicha Mllilaut. This re view takes place the latter p.ut of April anil Is patticliiated in by nil the cantons of the state. The Inhabitants of Voile also have their eye on tlto ptmiosed Oddfellows' home which \\ill probably bo located by the next grand lodge , and they uro determined to bring the advantages of their village to the attention of nil latuiontcd. Council HliilTs UeboUah ledge will visit t.oldon Link lodge tomorrow night. Omaha lodge , No. 2 , paid n very pleasant visit to Keystone lodge , No , 155 , last Tues day night , "iiToK i > . Portland , Ore. , Is to have a Pythian torn plo. A stock company Is about being organ guni7od there with a capital of tliHlKM ( , dl vlded Into Hhates of ? 10 each , which ran bo paid at the rntu of $1 n month The building will bo sK atones high The upper lloor wil bo dovnted to drill and banquet looms , am the next Hoot below adapted for lodge roon purposes Tim bahmcoof the building wil boused for stores and olllcca. It is now generally conouded that Indian npolls lodge , No. fii ) , Indiana , is the largos nnd wiMlthlost lodge of the onlor In ihis country , lUashots nmount to nearly f' ' , > , .V > nnd its mombei'shij ) has loiiched I.MJ. lUsidu' It Is the leuding lodge of the order in poln of social status. Its members arc ninoiiR ( hi ) leading professional men and inerebant.s of the city. I 'ythian Journalism in this vleinlU has re. ccivod an addition in llio shapoof a monthly diibtwd "Our rrateiral .lonrnil" It is a four-paire piper and promises lo talte a de. rrniincd stand on nmttcis concerning thu idler lit l.nge. The tlrst ISSIKI is devoted na nl ) to the insurance question ns vns Heated by the supreme lodge .it Us last esbion. Adlspensation hns tieen issued lj Oi-and Chancellor t'lnik \V\oiniiiL' for a new odue at Latulir The new ledge is No HI ud starts In vtlMi a mo mbcrshlp of tucntj hrec. A. O. U. W. At the meeting of the maud ledge of Coin- nulo soveial important changes wcronmdo In ho laws , niul too following now section was ulded to the constitution "Any MilKJi'dhmtu lodge failiiiK to pny In ho grand lodge its per capita tax , or Ihu nnouiit duo the goncrnl fund of the grand edge , shall again bo notilled by iho tjr.iml cconlor. and if such returns ho not mada \ltliln tbiity duvs thoreafler , the said lodge shall stand suspended unlil said reluriibare nado " The Select iCnltrhts of the Colorado Juris diction hclit a dolomite meeting at the close ) f the grand lodge and transacted cansidcr.i- ) ' .j impoitant business. Radical ehanaus were made in the laws of the onlor. The C'oloiado Knights will hereafter have no illlllation with Select Knights of the Ancient Order ol Unitoil Woikinen of nn.v other juris diction. \\eioeleeteilandiustalled. . ( . . A. U. Rcoinmimd of Mary Hears Mellonry , nn- .lonal president Woman's Helief eoips , aux- ban lo the Army of the Republic , the charters ot all corps lliioughout the or- lor will bodrnpi'd In niourning for thiitv days , imd n time set apait by each corps for special services coninicmoratlvo of the li\os of Admirnl David lllxon 1'ortcr und Cenerul ! William Tcciun eh Shermui. The two posts and two i elief corps \\hlch won ) interested in the f.iirhold nt the coli seum , reali/ed about $100 o.ich as the pro ceeds of the M-ntiiro. They also acquired great chunks of wisdom and Inivi ) decided most emphatiiallj- the no\t fair they undertake - dortako will be IIIUIIKI'I | without the as sistance of foreign talent. tTunlon Pacific council will hold a social sometime In the near future. At the lust meeting of the ( Jmihi musical mutual protociivo union the following ofllcors weio olecled for Iho ensuing yeir : 0. A. Kcnton , president ; A Kohl's , vlco dpjil ; I1 W Lessentin , secrctiiiy ; James Hurt , treasurer. Kxccutlvu coinniltteo P. Kynor , M. Olson , 11 .Inekson , T. Wolfe , , r. Snuerwuln. Trustees I * I . .coder , bKam - meiliiiK. J. ( ireeu loloj .itos to coiitrnl labor union II. Jackson , L. Lecdcr , 1V. . Lcsscntln. Ilia CtM-t i u i-'ate. -T- I'harinatfiitlenl . v Once n cutter of the cutters Kept his pilces jammed light dowi > And his ads all loudlboasted ; " 1'vo the lowest place in town , For all medicines , proscriptions , Soda , toilets , mid so forth. Como and buy ot mo ; you'll ' nlivays Clot just twice jour monoy'.sorth. . Hut his fate cnmo surely , slowly ; for ono morn within his door A mast cunning , cutting traplct Ho fell Into , o'er and o'er , And they gathered up the frasmonU , UhoiiMcd by Hatulas ] ) la hits ; ' And thoj Inbolcil each : "This cuttoi' Has been given special ( Us. Korlio never was real happv Till ho'd made nil margins full " Now his tomhitonu piouulv tcllctht "Hero's the greatest cut of all. " The most popular gift now n-dn > is a rich piece of cut glass Dorlllngcr's Amoricnii t uKilass stands uniivaled in IxMuty nnd llnlsli. See that tholr Irado mark label is on every piece. Your dealer should she 3 It to you. you.A A loading member of the Chloaen board of trade , having reiently Joined n church , has gl\ea awny a $ | 0IK trotting mare to a worldl ) friend It Is not stated \\bat was the uiUter with the horse