Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OM1LAA DAILY HJEE : SATURDAY-irAKl'll 1-1 , 181)1 ) TW KM * l 3 1'AdRS. '
OI-M-'ICH : No. 1U I'l'.AHI. ' STUKKT.
/Vllveied bj I'n vi lor In niij purl of tlioCltf.
II \ \ * . Til. ION MANAUKII.
TKl.RlM10NiS : :
lhislno i Oflkv , Xo. a.
MKhtKdllor. No. aa
jii.\int Mi :
N. Y 1' . Co.
Council UltilTs t.uinlxT Co , coal.
I'ralt's chattel loans , ' , ' 04 K.ipp Wool' ,
Ccialno Hock Spring coal , 'llmtelicr , 10
Mnlu slreiH ,
Judge 'riiornoll yosterdayrondeiod tuU'ereo
ofdlvoivo-lo Nc-phl Oiiron from hi * xvlfe ,
Surah On von ,
A nut-rhino lu-enso was IsMied yesterday lo
Mnrtln 10. lliimbllu iiml .roscntilnu Mollttcr ,
loth ofthlsrity.
ThooiloroTIiomon nml Ml Mijli ! Krodo ,
both f th M connlvxrro married yesterday
nlteriiomt liy .tnstlco lluinint'r.
'I'lio 111 ! li t Hovpfoiul tt'llllnm Stevens
IVrry , I ) I ) , will vtsli St. Paul's church 011
Monday , Mnivli . ' .I , fortho purpose. of con-
II n inlloi. .
ThoniM-aEiiltist Owen MeOuIre which has
lict'ii pending In dis trlil court was continued
jiMoiday utiltl tliu next term by agreement
of the parties.
Aiulre\v 0 Ham dledof 1.1 grippe yostcr-
< luv nt St. Hoi-nurd's hosnllnl , iiRtni fmtv-llvo
M'nrs. Tin1 dot cased was lalc-ly nf tin" It lark
Hills 'I'ho ilnto of the has not jut
been sot.
Special cnininumcntloii nf Kxrelslor loilRO
No vl.V.1 , Anelcnt , Knoiitid Aiipled , ' Masons ,
llns I'l-unlng. U'oilt In llrst decteo. All
Masons In peed standing conluuH invited.
ll > order of thu \ \ . M.
ill. M. Kisley , thn darhev xx-ho assaulted a
man niuiutl Ahl'iidden on Washington n\e- \
wii sovural months ajjo , has inado nrriuic- |
mi'iits to plead entity whun Ills c.i.vo comes tip
for ttlal in illstilcl final.
\ sllru Coin's dei-lilcd the larceny cates
> rstidiiy ( which lia\o boon up iinroiu'lilin 111
uhith thoilrfomhinH won ) Kli liroun uinl.l.
11 KnUlcn/i l > . \ binding thi'ia over to the
p-aml jurj in tlio sum ot f.W i.ieli.
\V A. Hnssol and l-Yntdc I.OIIK Imvo pur-
rbasid tlic Model i o on lY'.irl slieot
nnd u 111 lake possession nloiico They will
nvolho place ,1 tlinioiili ( ! retiovaliiiK , anil
pioinl&Q to inil ( { > it a llrst class rostauiunt in
in cry paitlcnlnr.
Tlio Indict of thn Hroadxvay Mothmllst
rluinh will l\cu dinner , sapper anil ba/uar
In Masonic ti'inplo Thursday , .March HI. All
art ides for tholm/iar , sliouhl bo left with
Mrs Orcult. 'it * Oakland a vomit1 , us early as
Monday , March Hi.
\Villlain Daihtior , who keeps a Rrocoij .it
51' ) Kast Itro.ulwaj lost u line hoiso Tlmrs-
itny. lli < sonwusilrivliiir along Jhoiuhvny
neiii tlio ( iciso propei tyliou the horse tnok
fright at a passing motor anil headlong
do\\n the Imnlt. xxlilch at that plaro isery
Moon , break ! ni ; its lot ; hy tlio foicu of the
fall. It wi'.s sli it to put It out of its misery.
The boy was uniiijnicil.
Herman Kodi-tibern lias filed a potitlcn in
tlio supoi lor court , niiitist thuC.'hic.iio , Mll-
XMinkoo .VSt. I'.iul lailw.iy oonipnin , asliiiiK
for $ .1011 danmjU'M on urruunt of injniies
which lie iL'ii'UuilUiilo tr.ivdliiK. Ho left
I'lilciiKo ' for this oil ) on IVlmiary ; \ navl
for a 11 iM oluss ticlii'tVliou near Vnti
Hoin , tills stall1 , nn mvidinit occurred , in
which he I'oioivi'il injuries which laid him
no for .soino tinii' anil . ( impelled him to pay
out ijuitoa sum for iiioilii'ine anil nurses.
The ua > .o of Maria Jnrksoii the Council
lilmlh ami Onmhii liilduu raiUvay company
\vns iir > ; iicd in the suponnr lourt yostrnhiy
b.iho . attorneys in tlio caso. llarlu ic Mc-
I'nlio fortho | ilaintin anilVriflit ; .t Hahhviii
for tlio ilcfi'ns' . 'I lie subject of tin1 contro-
voisy is the payment of the bill for paving
between Iho tiaoltsof thu motor lino. I'ho
company claims that this buiUliiiK under the
chin tor of the Council IllulTs rnilixay com-
puny , which was nr.iutod Knit ( hetoio it
over supposcil that Council Hluffs would ever
luuo impnvcd streets , und opera tlni ; nndor
the chaiturvliloh was given to tliu Omaha
and L'onncil lllulTa company , in bM ) . The
plalntitT claims that the company is operating
under ono or the other of the ihartors , nml
that under \\liicliuver It miv IKS It must aa-
Bumo tbe responsibilities which that charter
Instciis upon it. The ease was taken under
to Iho death of a. sister who was
with Hov AlOMimlcr , pastor of the
Trinity Metliodist Kpiscopal church , the
1'caU Sisters'concert ho postponed till a
futuio date. Tickets purchased will bu rec-
of'tilic < l then.
Tor sale , restaurant nml fixtures , For par-
ticiilars iiuiuire at ; ! ( ) , " > West I'lerco street.
I , j"i K.l K.I I'llS ,
T. A. Shaver is a victim of tlio grip.
Mr. and Mrs. S.'W. Cl.irk returned
from Dnlutli , Minn.
Mrs. Francis Murphy Is in the city for a
visit of a week with f rieiuls.
( ! . A. I.OKan of Hed Oalc , sheriff of Mont-
fjomery county , vas in the city ytstenlay.
Mrs. Oraco il'Urro has leturned frotH. a
visit of boveiul months In Kuiope.
Mrs. John Davis of La Cross , \Vis , is in
the city vUltliiB her father , II. II. Oher-
Mrs. John C. Lee ht.s returned from Chi-
c.i'o ( , \\herobhe his : been visiting friends for
several months past.
Cltv Clerk A. ,1. Stcphcnson was out yes
terday for the lirbt time , niter a ten diivs' '
btru Klo with hi pnppe.
( ! eoiio Oliver has returned from Kvans-
villo , liul. , where ho has been for tlio last
two years , eniplojed on the Courier.
Miss Minnie. Suitor has gone to Illinois fern
n visit of .several months. She will spend
borne time iu Chicago and in Ficeport , her
former home.
U. V. Smith , \\lio has been connected with
the llrm of David Bradley & Co for several
jears past , will leave next Monday fora visit
to uis old homo In 1'ennsylviiuia.
Lieutenant H. ( ! . Ciallaiihero \ has been
visitinc his father-in-law , Henry I'usckel. for
some time jiast , loturns to Ills post at Fort
Niobium , > ieb. , this morniiiL" . His wlfo will
iciimin in the city a uhilnyot , as Mr. ( ialla-
( -lier Is about to ivceivoapioinotioii to the po
sition of tir : > t lieutenant , and as a eonse
quence lie may have to leave his present head-
Dr. T. II. Cleland , former pastor of the
l'rct.btcrian church in this city , will deliver
his lecture on "Trmcls Abroad , " Monday
evening , March 10 , nt tbo I'rcsbyierian
church , Admission cents.
Stiupnrt & Co , carry largest MOCK of bulk
field , garden and llouer sieas In the west.
Catalogue and s > amilcs } by mall.
A Pri'o Kldo ii ml 11 Proo Hotel.
AI Blnek was n ( lasscnijii * on tlio Hock
Isliiiul frclRht train \lik-h nrrlvrd in tbo city
at n bout midnight uitHt bofoio lust. Ho
boarded the train ut N'ool.i , and when usUeil
by Conductor Ciso to contributu Ills mlto
toward keopitii'the Kock Island void run-
idnp , ho refused , Ho was thereupon put oiT.
Nottilii daunted , ho momitcil tliu ciibooso
Hiul blillni ; behind tlio lookout ho succeeded
In cvndlnK tlio wintry blasts nnd the eyes of
the trainmon. When the train reached tlio
niuflfhovMs dlscorcioj by tbe conductor ,
nnd imuiu to nlluht As ho came duwn ho
was civon a Klik by Case , to which ho ru-
tpntuled liy u sonndliiK blow ovoitlio
with a vallso ho can led. OlllcorVuJeelc hap-
nenodto bothero , und ni rested the pugilistic
ilcndbcat. Ho wis : nssesscit n line of $15TO
m police couitestoiilny iiioraliiK.
\ AVorlliy Cluiivc.
J. J , McConncll , superintendent of tbo
Atlantic puldlc schools , was appointed to the
chair of didactics In the stnto university nt
Iowa City nt the lust mooting of the regents ,
which has Just .been hold In connection with
the commenco'iient exercises of the medical
department. 1'iof. McConuell U well known
in tlio Hlulls , ho having been t'tipiKcJ la edu
cational work Iu this part of the country ever
since his graduation from the Mnto unlvt rslty
In IMS , nnd having nsslsted In Iho teachers'
Institutes n number of ttnioj. Ills many
friends liero will unite In wishing tbo utmost
prosperity in his now fluid.
quickly relieved bv HroxMi's llroaclilnl Tro-
elies , A simple nml elTeotual rciiicdysupeiior
to nil other articles fortho same purpose.
KolUouly lu boxed.
How Phillip MtTgen Tooled A Bncc of
1 Uigtu Ohock Workers ,
Death of Mr * , StMbrook Itf'tily I'm1
tlic I''li lit--.t liiiiiinol ) Uopu-
tivlloiiVlii'ri > U us thu
.Money ?
Phillip MerRcn , proprli'tor of the
liotol on South Mnln street , IMS tlio
newspapers eoiniilcrably durlni1 theeonno
of his llfo , nml has he.ird of how bold , D.ul
IHPII occasionally Imlaco uinophlitleated
people to checks whIcli aronnuloont by
fomo otlior men llmii the \\hosuwiinoH
sluaed. Tlinl is the le.ison why no N Just
J'.iM ' ) ilchor today than lie would ha\o been
Iiml ho not read tbo pipi'i-s Two men enni'i
to his hotel yesterday noon and atodliiii > 'r.
After they hud illned , they wont to the ofllre
and ono of them proxentud a check for * l on
Ihi-First National bank , out of which ho
wntiteil Mr. MC.IKCII to lake the cost for tlio
meals unit 'lvo him the chaii o.
Mr MOTO-II nt Hiiro bothouKUt hint of tlio
stories ho hail he.ird and \\isoly told the mm
that lie diil not h.ivo money enough In the
pliico to cash the ctieoU , but ho was ( ? OIIK | up
to tlio b.uik mid would talto Ills uuest
nlonc That seemed lo bo satisfactory and
Iho tile started out for thu banl < When
they ai-rhed at tlio door of the Citizens'
Stnte bank tbo man who bid tbo clieek to ho
cajiju'd bt-naii fiel'.iiRln Ills poeket for the
precious pleci * of paper. Ho Minlilonly tinned
to Mr. Mermen and said , " 1'vo lost llie >
eboi'l ! ! ' ' niid staiti-d o > . the run down Hist
aviMino , followed by his companion nnd a mo
ment later liy Mr SlerK % ii
At the corner the two ttirnod and ran up
VIrsl avenue , anilheii Mer cn rcai'lied the
corner they bail Doth disaiipc.ued Moreen
nindo n seaicb for them , hut lulled to run
either of thorn down , lie then i onirnoil to
his home to iiH'ililnto upon how miuh belter
It w.ij to bo out of pocket 50 cents than > 10.
TlioMaiiliiittan , siiortiiiK hc.iJiiuartors. N.
The N'ew Paclllo is the most ccutially
located hotel in Council lllulVs.
. Ililiilnu'i ( AHsailant Fountl
Cullly urAsM.uill and Idittery.
In the ilistrii t court yo'terdny the trl.d of
Henry H offer tuolc place- , the elmrKO ii alnst
him bchiK assault vltb Intent to do great
oodlly injury , and his victim Mrs. liobiiintr ,
who Ijeepi u bilsory on Lower HroaUway.
Since his coiiliucineiit I lelTer lias been found
to ho an assumed name , Ids name beln
Henry Orrell When not in jail ho lives at
Shelby , where ho follows the occupation of n
Mis. liohiitni ! was put upon the stand nnd
testillcd to the fncttliat IIofTer boat her and
rather \\ltb a kni fo about iK-rhcadand f.ieo.
.Minnie llohiiini. . tlio daughter of tliu injincd
woman , corroborated her 'mother' btoiy In
every i > inticulir.
Onicei Uovlo tcstilli-d that ho asontho
shortly after tbcofT"iicuiis com
mitted , and i.iw the wounds upon Mrs.
nolinliiK's ' bead anil f.ieoliich had been
maile by tlio Unilc.
HonVrwtis placed upon tbo stand to testify
la bis own behalf. Uo hud a vciy clever
stoiy i-oncocteil , and if ho had not been cmss-
px.imiue.l ho would la nil probability luvo
been acquitted , but unfortunately lie became.
badly inked on the i-ross-examinatlon , and
the story he told showed aji to very poor ad
vantage Both the attorney waved their
ndiiicsbcs to tlio jury , and the ease was sub
mitted at about 1 1 o'clock. Diirinptho after
noon tbo jurj retmned i vordlct of Kiiiltv of
tboeriinoof assault and battery Instead of
assault with Intent to commit pi-eat bodily
injury , us ciinrccd m tbo indictaicnt. JudK-
iiient will bo pronounced on the defendant
IlCXl- IIL"U1. > .
HolTerhas had experience In criminal trials
before. It Is stated tbat bo on tilal in
tliodistiict court at lliulaa not lon aRO , on
a charge of bui-Blary. lloffer , it Is said , was
found ItliiKOiil in the rear of n dull * : store ,
deid duiiilt. with a can of alcohol lylnc oy
his side , which XMIS idciitllleil as ono which
until tbo niKlit before had been msido the
stoie. A witness was brought in wliosworo
that lie had seen llolTor around the building
tbonijiht ooforo , trying to pot in , but other
witnesses \\ero inlroduced by tlio defense
who s\\oro that the tit-st ivltness could not bo
bellox-ed iion oath , and on tbat testimony
the Jury brought In a verdict ot mquittnl.
The 'cas.o asahut tl , A. Henry , cbirced
with niaUiiiK malicious threats tbo
life of ( Jinnies Mitchell , a conductor on tbo
.Milwaukee load , was tno next on the assign
ment. but xvliea It was called for tilul it was
found that no plea had over been enteied bj
the prisoner The attorney for tlio defense
neeooJhiRly demanded the statutory three
davs in which to plead , which granted.
Iloth parties were ready for the trial of the
case au.ilns-t the same il'efcndant for assault
and battery , but the county attorney pro-
feired to try the other llrst , and It x\as de
cided to adjourn court until this inornliiL .
Call on D. . ' . Ilutcbinson & Co , for choice
bai-Riilns in lots in Wilson Terrace. Special
Inducements for tlio next few
Do ) ou want mi express wa ou or boy I
ItniK up tbo A. IX T. Co. , telephone Ii9 , No.
11 North Main bucct.
Senliro.iU Dcnd.
After na Illness of little more than a week
from malignant ilipthtliorin , Mrs. ( iraco I-es-
ter Seabrook , xvifo of Paul K. Seabrook , esi | , ,
died at 'J o'clock yesterday inonilnf , ' at her
icsldence , HIS IClovonth street.
Mrs , Seaurool ; was a lovely nnd loveable
woman , Justin the full bloom of womanhood ,
scarcely thirty-one years old , and although
she bal been a resident of the city but llttlo
move than ono year she was knownloa larco
circle of friends and loved by all who knew
her. A week aqosho was stricken with the
disease , anil for several days her symptoms
were not alnriiihiK to her friends and physi
cian. Later In the week the disease became
complicated with other tru-oat tioubloi ,
and the mobt tender nnd constant cam
and the best medical skill could not
save hur. Thutsdny atternooa she realized
that she con ul not ieco\er , nndhilo she
bore her surteiin s bra\elv and seconded
ovcrv effort inailo for her leliof , she piepared
her mends Jor the partini * that was so soon
to como. The llnal hours \\oro almost wholly
fieo from pain , and when the end came she
dropped iisleey as iicacctully ns an infant In
Its cub.
Mis. Seabrook was a sister of Mrs. E. 13.
Harknoss , and was married In HIiiKliampton ,
N. Y , November 7 , Wi. linmcillately afler
her innrritipo .she returned with her
to this city , nnd this has been her homo since.
Yo-terd'ay afternoon at I o'clock the body
of the beautiful yoijnp vlfo was laid to lest
\Valiuit IltlU cemetery , Only buot ser
vices wore held nt the residence. Tlio day
was windy and cold , but n laixo num
ber accompanied tlio casket to tno cem
etery. Hcv (1. "XV. Ciofts of the Con-
preKational church conducted the sorx-Iccs
bcsiilo the open j-rave. His icniarkb were
full of tender sympathy and cucouriigoincnt
for the beieax'ed Iriends.
Ainontr these present wore Mrs. Lester ,
mother of the deceased , who was summoned
from her homo In UliiRhampton by telegraph
on Thursday. It xvas tlio earnest hope of
Mrs Senbreok that bho could llvo until her
mother arrived , bat she was disappointed ,
Mrs , Lester only belni ? able to reach the city
several hours alter the death uf her daughter.
Mr Scabrookls prostrated with Kilof and
is contlned to bis bed by Illness. Ho luw the
heaitlust sympathy of all who knew what a
beautiful and lovable wife bo lost.
.1.0. nixbv , steam ncatln ? , > anitary ea-
glneer0J Mori law block , Council Illulls
I'lxiiii ; llln Itepiitiillnn ,
'lllIam Wltberall bewail suit jcstorday
afternoon la district court against 10nla |
Alexander for fr > , WH ) d images \viilcb ho
claims bis reputation sufforoil by reason of
something tbat Afcxander said about him a
ween ago yesterday iu the ofilco of Justice
llamnicr The caw of Alexander \Vlthor
nliWiHoii tilul , in nhii'li a lol of hav that
bnd been taken bj Wlltierall was tbo object
o ( controvcrsv. Alexander claimed Unit
\Vllberall had taxen ( Morth o ( bay from
his premises , whllo Witlicrnll comcnilod that
the \-nluo of the linv was fur below tbnl
nniount Tlio ca o wn not brought to atrlal ,
the pirtloi comingto nn agreement
before the rime had been benlili. While
the terms * ol the compromise worebeliiR
apreed uiion , a dispute arose as totbo amount
Wltbeiell oiibt ( lo pay , tbo illtTeiouce beliiR
Just 70 eent A rather peppery conversation
followed , in the course of which , it Is id-
leci'd , Alovander'alil of Wettioriill :
' .Hostolomy buy ; luit eUo do you call It
but Htcallii ) * ! It looks to ino like stealing' "
Thexo are Ilio words which the pl.nntlfT In
the present Milt for damages says ha\o eter
nal ! v blasted his reputation 11111011) ) , ' hit
foriner friends. Tlio blast.he thinks , is worth
In tha neighborhood of K'.IHHI , mm bo thorn-
fete units for damages In that sum. I'olonel
I ) . II. Din ley Is the attorney lor the plilntltT.
\ VliiMi'Vns lln.Miincy ?
Mention was inado In Tin : llni : sovcinl
days iujo of the ic-arren of Ira Cadwnlhuier ,
ho bmmg been Klven up by bit bondsman
several dnjs ago. Since Unit time ho Inn
been In conllnument In the rliy lall , servinp
out the line which was unpaid Yesterday
thoiathorof t'necaptae appoaivd upon the
scene nml created qulto aseinallon by an-
noiincing thnt ho bail palil tbe line money
last suiiiincr to a ceilnlaell Unown lawyer
nt the time the line was levied , and both ho
and bis son suppo-ictt it linil been paid to the
city cli-rk , tinnllotnej to whom It wns given
liuvini ; promised tbat \\o1ildseolbattho \
ciso was llxed up. Mr. t'adwalinder inter-
\lowed the deputy cit\ \ clerk and found that
the mono ! Imd never been paid and then
went to tlio oflico of the well known at
torney and interviewed him. U' took
llaco'duriii ( * tholntoivlexv is not known , but
at am ratn.Mr Uadw.illaderandtno attorney
went to the cleik of tin1 superior court yis-
tordav nioinlng togolhor nndheti they left
Mie line h.ul been | > ald. Young CiiUwallnilcr
was thuivnpon released.
, f. H. Atkins , western a ent for llel'a\\'s
plato class company , will plvo estimates on
plate delivery in Iowa and Nobiuskn.
> lian < iing Venue ,
l-'ivo sulti xvhlch were begun sonio time
niro iijaiist the llrm of II. LOhoman xCo ,
la district couit were dismissed yesterday
morning by their attorneys , In order to
allow .similar s.ults to bo brought in superior
couit. The reason for this procedure Is tlmt
several days ate Jmlcmontscro rendered
by JinlL'u.Mcf ! eo in favor of n number of Iho
creditors of tbe llrm who bad biought their
suits licfoio lilm , whllo those \\lio coin-
in cnrcil nrocpcdlngs In tbo district court
have not jet hadatiial , and mo not llkelj to
Imvo for some time to como. The plaintiffs
In the cases xvhlch ate to bo tlms removed
aru Simmons , Mischo .1 , Co , , Tunics Mi I' rear y
it C'o , VOIIIIK. KlehUVt Co. , U llullprln As
Co.H. Ulankenberf , ' .
Stdlt- Ills I'm lier'n
Bert I'oland war ai rested yesterday morn
ing on an In format ion which xvas lileu against
him in. Justice Pulton's court , charging- him
with the larceny of $00 fiom his father , Tal-
bert I'olanJ , who lives at Iho coiner of
Twentieth street and Avenue ( ! . The money
wash ) payment of a pension anil was re
ceived on Monday last. That night young
Poland went to the house of his father unit
sta\ed all night. When ho loft In tlio inora-
Ing the inonoy was gone and has not boon
Iieaul ol since. The j oung man has been out
of ic.ioh ever .since that time , but his father
lias boon a'.vaitinur bis return with considera
ble impnticnro. Yesterday ho rotmnod and
was arrested by Ofllcor liosxvlclc. ills bear
ing is sot for this morninu , but it is thought
his father will not prosecute him.
AVIll Trade for Farm.J. . Q. Anderson will
trailo for farm or ncto pinpoity near Council
Blurts , his duelling at Hholianiloah , In. , np-
prulsed at $7,200. Cull at the ollleo of the
Uouiicil DIiiiTs insurance company lor fur-
Ueady fur tin
Cltv Engineer Tostovin has lioea busy pre
paring the maps xvhlch are to bo used in tlio
trial of the ( Jut-Off island ease which is now
penning m inu supiuiiiu cuavt 01 inu unuuu
Status. It has been no small Job todivoawny
down into the records ot the past and Had
just what tbo course of the tickle Missouri
has oecn at each stage of its career , but the
citv engineer lias had It to do. nnd ho has
done It , the work being completed yesteiday.
There aio live of th < xo maps , nil of xihlch
aio to bo used as exnlbits In con
nection with the coming tiial. Tlio
first of th''so ' Is Intended to shoxv
the relative positions of the corporate limits
of the two cities in case the suit should bo
decided according iO tbo claims of the plain -
till m the case , ia other words the state of
Nebraska The second shows tlio boundaries
nccordinc to the surveys of ls" > l and I's.'li , the
old channel of the river and the new , and the
results of tbo eroding power of thu stream.
Tim other maps show substantially the same
things from ililTerent standpoints. Tne work
has been done by the dnectloii of the city
council and Ills thought the answer with the
exhibit attached will bo ready for tiling in
court by the loth of this month. Tbo city
attorney will bo assisted in the defense by
Attorney General Stone ,
Sinek on liih Sluipp ,
"Do you oe that man btunclinj , ' in the
editor of thu carV" bald u conductor on
thu Columbus a\onuo line to a Boston
Herald reporter thu other day while on
adoxvnward trip about , 10 o'clock in the ! .
"Yes ; : in\thing unusual about him ? "
"Onlj that hois .stucU on himself. "
" 1 Tow does ho show it ? "
"By ilodinini , ' to takoa scat when a
psseiiffer leaves. 1 have been x\atc-h-
nir { , him now for three or four weeks.
Ifthum aio a nuniboi * of ladies in the
ear xvlion ho entiu-s ho insists on stand-
in , notwithstaiidsii } ; the amount of va
cant space at his disposal. Ki-om his
actions onn would believe he did not see
it , and freqiiontly it happen : ? that jomo
Idiul-lioartcd old fronUonmn wlio never
loses an opportunity to lie of service to
Ilia fellow-iimn , will poke Mr. Vanity in
the b.u'lc with Ills cane and direct his at
tention to n seat , lie always meet a
solicitation of this nature with 'No ,
thank you ; 1 in'ofoistanding - , aa I in
tend cottiiiL' out shortly. '
' If there la a pretty prirl in tlio car lie
innniitK"'lo fjotiis iitfiir lior s posMhlo ,
to that xvlion tlio ear sways in inking a
curvoho can jostle against her and { jo
Ilii / iurlt 1ti < k t.t t'rtitf. jHit * ittlriititttrt f\ ( lift.
iif Ills hat und bo glhtr hoiiulon. | : .
"If ho onloi-sii cur that is spuooly oe-
eupiod , und no liullub nro p-osont , lie
tiiku.s a hont an close to the door as lie
ran , in onlor to bu the first 0110 tn rise
when ii liuly does euino. 'J'ho 'thank
you' ho receives for Ills di jcuisud com1-
tostyho intoi-protH us u rocognllioii of
his ] Mi'hOiwl titlriictlvoness , anil his no
tlons for the roinaindoi- tlio trip are
hahod on this ] ircsiimiion. | ! If tliu lady
bhoulil by uhanco hnppon to look tow-
aril H hi in it adds stivnglh to his fuKu
supposition anil iidditionul hol th to his
mountiiin of coiuoitVhon t < ho louvos
the ciiiho follow * her with liUoyus until
blio Ib out of hitjlit , with the hoe | ) that
she will turn nml yi\o him t.oiuo hiyn ; of
"It inakori llttlo dilforoiu-o to mon of
tlil.srlianiotor how often they ai-o inado
to fool the stlnj ; of their own uoixult , iii
It is without upparout olToot. "
Ojionoil tluj.Iin'k-l'ot nml \ llciul ,
A lii'isU { jaiiio of poker was in
iu I'hllaiU'lpliin , bi'twou'ii Kandoplli An-
iloixm and Snmuul DIMICOII. .VII wont
smoothly until Doai-on said Andor.son
wad L'hoatint , ' and inado a j ? rah for tlio
jaok-pot , Aniloi-hon tht'ii htnii'k Deacon
on the head with a hutchot. The wiol-
dutof the hatchet was hold for fui'tlioi-
hourlnt ; uiulor $ .rW. (
No trriiilnp. no iinuscn , no ILIIIIhnnDo
\V ill's Ulttlo Karly Ulsurs in-o inUon ,
pill. Hafu Dill. Host pill.
13o Witt's ' I-lttlo Karly Ulsors ; uost llttlo
pllh for OysiK'i ia , sour stonmcli , baj breath.
At the Boston Stow , Oontil | ( Bluffs , to Make
Room for Spring niul Biinuuor Goods.
In Our Hosiery and I'mlrrucur
* >
DcpartiiUMit lli'iul tin * I'lli-oi
H will pay yon to lay In your supply for
nevt winter. You will save from J > 0 to To
per cent ; a better In vestment you will never
Todnv , Wednesday , Tlmr.siiay , I'rlduy and
Ladles' all wool blacll hose , seamless , with
illibed top , former pilco i'i and IWc , salu
price , lUc.
Ladles' extra ciinllty | all wool seamless
liose , former prhe , il.'c ; sale price , ' TC.
Children's nil \\ool seamless hose , sl/es r > \
toll'4. former prlie.Ti and into , sale price , l c
Children's all wool , niul misses' worsted
ilhlied hose In blacks , seamless , sii 0 to 'j ' ,
former price , Jill to lc ( ) ; sale mice , We.
IK(11NIS. ? ( !'gliijslii nil wool , blnclc , former price ,
IWc , l.-ic and > e ; sale price , .Tie , ! Uo and IlVc.
CiN"I'S' ! ; UNDKHWIi.Mt.
Cionls' heavy gray .shlits , former price ,
' .Tic ; sr.le piiie , I'J'je. '
( tents' extra quality heavy gray shirts ,
former price , ir > c ; sale price , ' . ' 'ic.
CJents' hiiper naturnl uruj and sheep'sijray ,
former price , , 'iOeand IMC ; sain pi ice , : t'ic. '
( .touts' heavy gray mixed , foimcr price ,
" > e , sale price , W'c. '
( tents' .scarletill wool shirts and di.iwers ,
former price , Nlc ; sale price , 'Oc.
Ctcntb' extra qnaliU all wool gray shiits
ij.ii and . drawers , , lormer price , $1.00 ; sale pi ice ,
( Scut's heavy scailct nml uray all wool ,
former price SI.M ( andl.V"i ! , salu price tic.
Ctent's until nil wool gray , former price f l.'J" )
and si.f > u , sale ) iuco me.
Indies' white all wool libbed vests , for
mer price Jl.flU. sale price ' .I'ic.
Undies' gray all wool vests , former price
$1. J. > , sale price il'Jc. '
I Dailies'gray nil wool and scarlet nil wool ,
former price jl..1. " ) and t\.M \ , sale pricell''e. '
Undies' gray all wool vests , French neclt ,
$1.50 and $1 vj ( | iiallty , salopricofl 00.
Combination suits in white only , $1.00 qual
ity , sale piico (
f/l'hihlrens'white nitrino vests and pant' ,
size 1(1 ( and is , former price 15c nml 17c , sale
price He ; si/e 'JO and " ' , ' , former price J-c ami
We , sale piico Itic ; slni4e ! and 'iV > e , former
prico'J-e and : ie ( ) , sale prico21c ! ; sbo " and
HO , forinrr price Itlic nnd ! ! .V , sale price 'Jie ( ,
sl/o iW and .i4 , former unco U e and -Idc , sale
price II le.
Chlldrens' nil wool vests and pants In
pra\s , si/o 1(5 ( and H , former piicoITcand J2c ,
sale price 15c ; si/to 'JO and ' . ' , ' , former price 'JTc
and . 'l.'c , sale pricot.lo ; si/o'1 and'JtJ , former
priee.'ITc and I''c , sale pricoillc ; si/o ' > and
; > , former price l e and Ti''c , bale piico : We ,
hl/eiM and ill , former price fiTe and O.V , sale
price ITe.
Chlldrens extra qimllt } scarlet and Ki ° i'
natural wool in vests and Mnts.
Si/o 1 ( > \I\ former prico'5o mid JiOc , sale
Si/o'JOx'JJ , former price : i. " > o andIDo , sale
Si/o llx2i ! > , loniior prieo l.lo and Me , sale
prieo.'rie : . >
Si/o J'ix ! 0 , former price , ' ) "c and COc , sale
price Hie.
Sie Jt'JxSI , former price ( MO and 70e , sale
pricor > lc.
FotheringhaniVhiteliuv Co. ,
Council lilulTs , Iowa.
Only a DinVroucc in Color.
Two Immense , jct-blncl : women in por-
tfooiio ylnitl ilrobseH , rodutulbluq and jcl-
low bonnelH and imitaliuu monkey hair
bhouUlcrcapc" , hoarded a streetcar the
other day , oaeh.with a huge market IMK-
Icut on lioi1 arm , says Hits Detroit Kreo
] Jross.
Dropping into their scatswitli the lus-
kots at their feet , one of them said to
the other in a wearv tone :
"La , Mis' Winliihboltom , how ti'ccl I
is oh all dis heah bahaioty. IVo jess
boon on do lone nil wintaii. IVo nluiu
sick of it ! "
"I is , lee , Mis' Snow. IVo joss been
' dis nn' ilat do
a-gnlloiin' | to rnein tor
hull otuloorin' time. An' I nobbali cared
fo'suhsluty , nohow. "
"Nor 1. I ain't ' no wish tcr bo u
paliiioty piibbon , hut hit joss seems like
0110 trot tor ( 'o or ols > o 'fond one's fren's.
1 nulibah did care fo' salihietv. Oh co'&o
1 like ter .see my fron's , hut wlion hit
omo-i tcr dis roy'liir ' fash'iiiiblo sahhioty
I been in nil wintaii I don't go much an
hit/ '
"Now yo's talkin' EOIIKO , Iis' Snow ,
yo'joss ' air. Dis is do laV wintiih I'ho
f win ter frovv invso'f rifjhl into sihsiety
lilo IVo been doin. ' KI I say , [ been
on do lope all wintah tor ( lit , pahty nn'
todat 'eoption , lUt ) 1'so { jwino tor break
oil from hit nil next wintaii. "
"So's I. l' o f een an' heerd all I keors
to of line silihiety mi oh , ib ills jour
" '
street ;
" . See de .Facie-
"Voh ; gooil-byo. you at -
bin's pahty tonOjIitV
Andctho careworn "buhsiotj' ' ladio
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the best
of all remedies forchildrai tecthiiif. 5 cents
a bottle.
Illack C'alN : IN Railroad llonitoon.
The Madif-on hraneli of 1' . , C. , C.
& St. L. sports what is if led by the
railroiul boys Iho "Black C. ' train.
Homo time over a month ujjo ilio train ,
in cliarpo of Conductor "Wliocilon ,
piilled out from Columbus , and ju&t l > o-
yond that city the trainmen observed
t\\o blnok cats erossintf the truck ahead
of the locomotive , says the Louisville
Times. It was jokiiiL'ly roinnrkod that
tliisMIS a MUM of ill luck , nnd sure
enough the trniuMIS wrecked n few
moments after. Fortunately nobody was
hurt. Since then the trainmen claim to
Imvo fcoon ono or both black eats cross-
Jnir , the track ahead of the train so\oral
times , and some mishap always followed ,
before last the blnek cat crossed
In front ol tno tram ii iun , and sure
oiuumh thtfun inu brolco lior 'Vaddlo" a
few miles below Columbus. This is the
last piece of ill luek credited to the
liliiok eat. Itihnaid Ijluit the trainmen
are becomitif-r nervous over the pei'hiat-
oni'o of the oboiiy-hued foil no , und next
time they MO 11 cr a before the train
will turn hack for ; \ Ipcih atari at the
iibk ot
" \Vliee/y Ivato , " so nailed from n f-orl
otchionic bitoo/o bho has , is qiiucm of
the female crookb in l.onilon. ICate is a
well educated j'lrl andean talk From-li-
Spanish nnd Italian like a native ,
i'.vor.y hoatiim nlio viHts some of the fash-
lonalilo watorint ; places on the KrenHt
coast , such as Trouville , Deauvillo and
Uloiipo ; and jnil liif , ' from appearnnces
hho nmtuiKos to pay lior way. She is a
hplondld vlolinlot , and would race any
concert Mage , but hho never aiiiioars
there. She bin a' much better plan.
At llri hloii or MIIIIO otlior fashioiiablo
I'Onort , hho appeal * in thoovoiiinj * ; , after
dinner , bolnro ono of Ilio lily hotolb ,
heavily veiled hut neatly and taalofully
( Iruhhed : and very wioa every man din-
lii - \\ill \ buln thu crowd btaiidlii nround
her and lUoiilntf to thu ina lc tones ( if
liernlmoht bpenkinf ; violin. Ills needloB-i
to say that also in thu crowd will bo her
fiunotw brother or homo other nf
the lifjht-tliiHorod fraternity , who
will rullovo tlio diiiors of llieli * wutches
or hupoi'lluoiifl ctiHh. " * \Vhi'o/.y Kato1'
hoinellniCH asHumoa the part for which
aho is well Bulled iu looks of u Uirtou
Nothing Else
finals Aji'r'41'llls tor siiimil.iiiitK a I
liur , ltc' < llietilii | : ( llgi' < tloli , niul . . „ „ -
l.itinn Hie aellnit ol Ilio lmucl < The ) con-
lain no i-ulumrl. nor nnv oilier Injiiriom
ilniK , lint ariM'imipast'd nl thcnrtlxepiliu'i.
MI'S of Hie hot Nt'Ki'latilorathiiilli-s.
"I \\.ua snlleriM IDI xi'.irs frnni < lj < poi > Aii
nnd llur troiililcs.ami ( oinui i u peimuuMit
rillef inilll 1 ( 'oimni'necill.iku.u A > ci < I'illi ,
They lia\e ( ITeetuI a mmpii'io cnic.-
tlcorui'.Moonoy.dlii . \Villa\V. T.
" \\liun-xcrl am ( toutled ullh t'onstlpv
lion , or snlTer from loss uf nppi'tiic , AJCI'J
Tills set me ilKlit again. " A.J. Hliei , , li. ,
Itwk llnnso , Vn.
'Kortlie cure ol he.iil.irhi > , Ajct's 0 .
r cr used. " I ! , K , liinoi , lionhoster .
"Two bonci of , Ui-i s I'llli cured mo of
jiou'ichcndnrhp. finm\\Mrli I\\nsloiiRa \ \ suf.
Icier.-Kni'iM Krje.s , lliili | > .itdstinCoiin.
Ayer's Pills ,
run \tiit > n Y
* < U. J. 0. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Musi.
Sold 1 > ) all IK.ik'ialu Mnllrllii'S.
On. Ill uriuiKtN Mf msnn'itU'iiillli-iilliniiit
f ( \rvfnllv iiriluircili'ri'Hirliillixiii ' usitl for unny
Tt'ikrrtlniirltato tuni lit iM\ll ! > HUH ( ' 8. < niul lin > M > r
Ihlrlv jearHUMCHl l > ) Ilio * < iv , | > l . 1 \ ry hnutli' ' po
clilt * hiiHiHftnl run1 f.r ( In * tlhcn o nnnu * ! .
tiio Spoollles iur > MlllUMit ilrii Kliih : piri-
rri'iliidiik' I lie * ) tiiii. nn < l lire In fn , I niul
medli nl tlieiirlil. .
I IYti-r il iitiKiitlnn , Inllnmtiintlin . , ' %
\\llflllN , XX 'Till I I'MT. XNlTlll Cl'lll ' .V. %
II ( rj 11 a' Culli.i'i In ililiiii | < r Infmu .V.'i
I Illiirilicii , if l hIMrinir Ailnlln . Sir
it ( fiolcru Al'ui l > ti . N'MiililiiK- ' ' "
7 CoiiKlH , i , | , llri'iii ' nllH * .k
S Vril rillt'lii , roollmi hi-.lniTnilu * , 'J. >
1 lli-iitliu h i-NiSlv kllriulailiiXullK'i , ' n
111 ll > HM'INlll | , 1111111111 SlKlliat-ll , "Ztt
I Mniiiri'Nxi-iliir I'lilnl'iil I'crluilH , 'J.t
- ' ' I'dlnil1 'J. %
\Vllllt'N , tun 1'rnflliti * *
: t ( i mi it , Coiihli , Dlilldill 1 rent liliii ; . . 'i. %
I hull Itlii'iiiu , rrjuijiclni , rriillnn' | < . ' - ! "
. " > Illii-illilil t Inin. IfliiiiinnlU I IIHH . . . . ' . "i
Hi i'l'vci-ntiil . \ UHIhlll , Miilnrln , .111
17 1'lli-N , Illlnilnr liliitlliik' . .Ml
III ( 'nluirli , Iiilliu urn , Ciil'lln ' tin llrntl . . "ill
'JO U | KMIIMI | | ; CilllU'll. Vlclr-il I 'illiH ' | AO
J I ( li'iiL-rnl Di'Mllt \ ,1 lo H ! ol \ \ nkni'M . .Ml
'J7 Klilnc'IIUi'ii > . | . . .Ml
'III IrllllllVVl'llUlll'8M. . Wittllmlli.l , . " . ! )
UV lll-tciiM-H olllif lira i-lCull lull.'til. < IO
SoM liy UniKKhiR , or urnt i Mi | > nl < l on tui'lpt
ofiirlu * . Hi ! lIiMpiiims' JhMAi | M4 IIHKCM )
rlefily bouml In rlolh nml KIIII ! , mnlli-il frix ) .
Cor , William and John Streets , New York.
§ P E OTF I O"S"
( , 'irl yraduiiti , , uid noes out usi s-n1.-
criu ss to ' oine swell hou-t wlicrc slu
curofullv filutllci the uajt of lln fuiiilj
and the vvlici'i'iiUouti of llu- fiiiiiiiv pl.iti-
client , \ \ ith a view to futuri1 Itui/l in
All this is well litinwn to tin- ] lirc. ( mt
with the exception of a hoit detent inn
oiK'o "on suspicion , " she , HKi' h'r '
brother , hus never yet been bohiiul tlic
haiH.Her niother K : xn old chanvoniiin niul
a .veil Known character almnt town in
diiyrtjjoneby. Thoitoryis that --he was
tlioufo of thocoloiiol of a swell cavalr * ,
ref iint'iit , and in lior voin1- runs tlu-
blueit blood in Kiifjlaml. Not only that ,
but people who aru Mipposed to Know sill
about it wiy that the icputi-d fntlior ol
Flash Charlioand Wheiv.y iviitons not
thu old burglar who has the reputation
of hclns : their ) > areiit , but tluit in theli
veins , too , runs the hi owl of the Vero do
Veres , mill that powerful inteiest is
brought to boar in portnin quai'tors tt
tliein the iiunuinitv they uti-
doubtedly ha\i ) from anr-st.
This i. , I think , rubbish. The old
mother was pointoil out to mo the other
day , and a inoru deyraili'd , { jln-socldeu
specimen of womanhood it has seldom
been my lot to look upon.
( Jctslcr's.Mciglc Headache ' .Vafors. Cures .ill
ticadaches In 0 nunutes. At .ill Oru gists.
Novel Chniity ,
A most unique or iini/ation is the one-
just formed at Sernnton by the n--iiullii-
tion of tlio thirteen "Keir fund" bonclic-
ial societies of the mining regions. In
ncaily all minlnir localities the-u crude
orj ani/utions exis-t , having for their ob-
jcettho relief of sh-U member * nnd to
aid the familiu'of doail ones. Tlio funut.
are do rived almost wholly from the sal i
of the old Ueffs in whii'h powder is
bhiipod | to the miners. One of the evils
of the present sy.slom ii that the miners
are wholly lit the mercy of tlio mine
bob o- , , through whom doalln s are ( 'iir-
riod on with the ] iowder eompanie.s and
who invariably i-lulms half the proceeds
as hih. Ono of the objects of thu nowor-
praiil/.ation \o \ ( do away with the fore
man and deal directly with tlio com
pany. I/irgo ' heiK will bo erected for
stoi'lnj. ? tlie ia > ( , rs.
ICiiii llcii
In ono rohpcet Ireland receives her
highest I'oco nitioii in Chili. Tlu > new
est iron-clad i * t ho t 'aptain Pratt , auotli-
er boiii } : thoO'Hi niiis , and another thu
Amiraiito Lyneh. TinOTllytrins is
named after I'ernardo O'llifjf.'lns , whoso
father , horn in a laborer's cottage in the
county \Vostmoath \ , eml iMlud to
outh Amciiua in tlieearlj pint of the
I at > t ciMitury and rose to distiiiftiou iu
dilloront puitt of that continent. The
father , Ambrose , was ono of the last
Sjvmisli vlcorojh of I'oru , und the son ,
Bernardo , wa the liist director of the
republic of ( . 'hill. ' Uomavilo ( ) ' ; ;
is Iho NViisliiiij toiiof his cotmtrj. lie it
was who was inuinly iiBtrumontiil in
winning the independence of I'lilli nl the
boL'inniuu of this * century , and tlio Kite-
fill country has { ; i veil hK name to n
province anil u war ship , siud has erect
ed a statue iu his honor iu its capital.
Miss licssioll. llcilloo , of HiirliiiKton , \ t ,
had u disease of the SM | | > which caused her
hull' to beeoniu very harsh anil drj und to tall
soltceb she scarcely daied ( niul ) it. Ajer's
Hair vlpir I.MVO her : i lu'ilthy scalp , anil
inailo the hair henutifullj tlilcli anil tlisy. .
. \ ( lii/zler Wlio XiMcr I'IIVH.
A \VllUesbarre , I'a. , piper thus describes -
scribes a local I'liaractiM1 : "Larrv Me-
Naiiiiuii.n is back once more. lie ha >
tlio uiilqui' reputation of haIn ; ; drank
more whisKy and boor at lossco-,1 than
any man intlio country. Ho has boon
fro'im o\ur \ u jour and a half. The daj
after ills arriva' ' lie re hn wiid. ' 1 ha\o
been away from \Vill > osbarre just nine
teen months and fourteen day- . Iu that
time I liavo vs'orkoil eiyhteiUet. I drank
all told , lh'ii ' : drinks , HIM ! I never paid ; i
cent for an ) of iliein. ' "
IMlnpll \ \ II t tl.O
Pooreat of the Poor
nil tn > tlfyni't ' only tulha
X'lrliu s of
The Great Remedy For Pain ,
buttoit3iupcrlwli\ nil other rciuullcs ,
( iirosi ] ! il thus :
It Cum Promptly , rennancnlly ;
whkh nuaim Hrletly , tbat Iho juilii strUuVa
eeok u prompt ullt-f wllh no rilurn ifllin
juiln , niul UIIH , they my , M , Juc iU Oil X > < U1
To advertise our 11 AT depart niLMitvc \ will
ilacc on sale Saturday morning , March Mlh
50 dozen stiff hats , in Dunlnp , Yoiunim and
Knox shapes , \vorth $2.50 , $2,75 and $3 , Your
choice $ r7.4S.
Lot No. 2. 50 do'/.cn Hats , in all the latest
styles ami shapes , worth $3. 50 and $ -1 , will bo
sold tomorrow only for JBl-QQ. -
KcnuMiiher the place. These are the great
est hanrains ever oflcred in Council Bluffs.
522 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. I
"Iii Darkest Africa , ' liy lliniry Altanlcy
'i MII M mil i ii i. ii'il t < IMU i.i irn y ti'iii
' " ' Hoas it ( iiii'o ' rut to a liir .mil
lilil : ili.ii ! \ ( Vnn hrof I nml v > itli tin
.iilihluii . nf .1 pint nf ( ml Inoth in uli
fioiiillii' t.iilmi i inii\u\im \ \ f l.itniil HI lint no
li'stoird 'ilm tolils srn-r > Vnl II luili-'is.
. WUl.lMiroN . y.l Arrhni
pniuha PyulllUli nml Mawn Hlrei-lH I Omiim
' ' ' '
. . . . . C"U p m
, lOOAft Ul
. . . . . .jtaoo m
"TiTIoi I K O..SI J , v > ' . II I Arn .
Oinahii. | Depot lUtli mil Maion Iript91 _ | Oinnli.i.
? .M a ni j T ICniip j Oily Day Kipri' < " . ] B 10 | - in
' .I 5 p in | K U. Nlubt K p jjn U 1 * Trim ) I U. C n in
UNION f'AriKK" Anlvi-
' " -mhii. Depot l > Uh nml Marcy > lrecn I Omulm
5.07 a'lu Kini iT TltT Knprnii li1 OS n in
U -M i in DemiT r\iri"n | . . .1 ! i"i | i m
2..VJ | ii oI'ti.niil HyiT . . ' . > U > | > iii
7.3U | > in I'uclllc Kxiru9 | . 11.45 a iu
l.e Tin"T"ail'vAJ < } U 1 , v 1'AflVlC rArrlt ,
> iniolui. 'U ' 1 * dipiit. IQlli und .Mnrey at * . i Omsliii
! ) - " . NTKlitTcxprt'i * . . 10 05 u n
OWnill ! . Atlnutlo Ki | > r * 9 . . II..W | i n
4 ; io p ni : _ \ stlbiilo l.lmUol _ _ . . _ . 10.45 a n
r.taVo ' fllOU.V CM t\ ' ( t'Sr-fFIC. I Arrives
Omsliu lU. 1Oopot. . luth jiml Mnri'jr hit i Cliuilm
Ts fTml . fcloux tltf IMim-niK r . . . I
* 30 | > ui | _ . . . . fct I'aul Kiprcss . . . . . . . 110.10 n ui
lxnTHi""j ? BlOl'X'oifV It \Clflfi. . I Arrives
Ornnlia. J Depot IStli anil Webster Sis I OmaU.i
d ( | i tnj t I I'liul 1.1ml 1 Ji U a w
l.cn7 * i7lllVurA.SOIUll\VKsri5IIN ! ArrlTL" !
Omibn. | jt I' . iloiot | , Kill nnd Miucy bK I Omaha
f > li'tt ra Clilca/o Kipre H.JO p ni
I Ji ) p m X'eBllluilc l.lniltinl P.W u ra
6 15 p iu Iowa AicotniDottat oil ( * ; \c bun ) 7 Ui p in
y.10 p tn Eailern Hyo- -M5 p in
Jl j5n jn HlJCKjl Kencj ( > lon' : '
"r.ea ? ( ' iClHC AfiO MT17 , v ft I l AtTL Arnos
Onmliiu IU 1 * d'pnt. IHHi nn'l Mury SU _ '
(1 10 p in . . . . ( 'lili'iuol'iprnn . . . . ' .i 1.5 n in
1 6i n in riilrio-o Lipros ) lj iU p in
" " "
IVivm T (1MA11\ ( al i.ULIS T Anv ! < -
Oinalm. JU P. ilcpi lUUi niul Mt ; } Sl | Omnhu
4 1)0 ) SI l. iil _ < "nnni > nT' ' ll . . | 1IO p in
' .Nfo VAl.T.Bi , "Airtr-js
o'ninliu. I nepul 15th nnd Wt'hstcr Bt
. < H > & tni . Illock Hills iiprc ; . . I\T1 p ra
yuinni IiD llne Rip iRx. bunilnr , 6'.1) ) p in
6 10 p m Wnbou&iaixoln 1'niiui hiinilfi ] . - . .
1U p ra Norfolk IDI humlay ) . .jll 8.S a ni
l.oav ei C , hP.1' , Jl .VO Arrival
in. I Pep it lilli nnfl Wubater Ktt | Omahu
8.10 n ml S'loux ' < tty AcJommudatliin C Oi 11 ni
I ( l ) p m Slum City Kiprsii ( at Huniliy ) 11 10 p ni
600 p m . ht I'uul I.lmllnl
tJS [ iuinaticofl _ rijieDfr | ( ( ci Buinla >
Dvput IJth an Webster till Ouinbo
miiuul > AKl Kiircia. 610 p 111
M Lou A K C. JIiiro s ( .so in
C1IICASI ) . K I \ I'ACIKU1" I ArrlTiM
Unlon'I Ml.iITi \'rr \ n'-
" ( iiif.\d ; u i , v I'M'irir" | Arrlvm
t Illllll lll'IUl | ( lllllll'll Ullllli Iruinfer
Niklit l\prot.a . . . . , Si JO n in
AllnutliKipn'Ht 5Vi u ni
Vi'.Htnili' | llil.iiim
| CIll'AiO.V ( MHU i I Airlviit
l U'nlon Depot , Ciiiincll Illnln rfriiimfir
940 fi m cut i < in
MX ) p m X'citlbiiUi l.tmltcit. I" " 10 it in
10 M p in hiikturn 1 lyur . : u > p in
' * ' 1 p in . . ' . Uliiollc Mull . . . T , < 0 u in
fiSOp mIowft [ locnminoilitliin ilCic San ) .
ft ST I Arnv , .
lruii8ferJUiilim In ' , i nn il hlu3t
6.10 p ni Chliiu " T > in
,3 p ni. . . ( hli > u r > ,0 D U
li'.IVOl " K c sr JDK .v r i *
Traiuft'r I'nion _ licpm. t'i'iiiicll ' Illnili
IUU7 n m.KntiMiiii | Ity
1015 p mj _ . Kim n I II ; Mufil K | irun _ [ I JO it m
( ) MAll.X . \ h-1' lOl ! ( ' *
'IrniiKfcTi Union | iomt. rp'tni 11 hhilTii 'Irniiifor
I iTTi 'iiiI . . . b't l.'iuls I'Hnnn Hull _ II ! 16 r m
X S Vj'IMOV Arrtvi-i
Trin f r Union IKiml , li.iHioll JTniii'for
\ ) < u . - \ m . . ( lilc 11. . vb J m
10 M p in 11140 n in
70S p in iL' * ' " m
1.7ii\eJ I I Arntei
7nti'iforl JJnlonJ'cpot , ( oimcll lIluHn iTrnnifiT
71' : t m1 bloiiv ( It ) Arrfiiiiiiuiilrtiliiii .Til iiTa in
I liltAl.lOne hpi.ii of Clsili'siluli hoisi's ,
' sl\ Ji'.ils old Ui'L'hl. .MHh ) pniiiiils \\H1-
l.lin II I'uriliKi , Hiiith of Ihe iiisllliitenn 1'iiny
l/ol ! > \lK oi oM-lnini'o , a $ l..ioo ! in t. . , . . ,
l slin U u ( limits anil Mines bpli-tiillil loeu-
tlnii ; lll lil > it part e.ish nnd p'trt In cnnd
eli'iir i'liy ) ui lu\xi lands Dili , Is only
( ni n tru diij . .liilnibton tS. Van I'litleii ,
( oiiai'll Illutls.
l/'X UHM : tlu > ii-lclirated Mrl'liull plalins ;
I-J non sealo cimvn pinmis unduruans , Sitil
mi I'linj liajihi'iiN lij Mai llinirli'iiii , iniisio
teai'lier. Ill Stiilbtiiun slrri't , ( 'ouni-ll Illnlls ,
> A 1K A uiul liiu'n lut on easy
iMUauit. L ut 405 I'.uU '
\ll ; \ In mil * nml Inui'lul ( in easy
p.imc'iils | ulKM I'ail , a MIIIIO ,
I "inn II lllulN. In.
\ \ * .1 I , A t' 11UASMflTTiH : \ \ n.iI\LM . | hl9
.III > | IIIIIHI > fiiini , f."i llniiiilnuy In UJ
Ilin uli\ii\ w In ir hvlll Ket-ii nn li.iiul u linn
> .l < I , if fimi.uv II \ lull's.
l dlt-M , ! \t u sai-rliii-i-TTlHi-sn MiwstT-t
1 kiifo. | ii'ifi- I ciiiiilliu-a-J ; cilIU- , . ii | < sl < Hiiiul
i li.ilis. J hlnriliiioUi. . I Ijiijtn . sc.ilu IrucU ,
111 allllUllllM't. 'l-OIIIltlT Sl-lU'S. ! S SllMI lull"
ITS , I l.iui' pliiroini lloui sealvx. Kevlliiu A
I fll. I 7 Miln M.
U s4\l I' < i I'M-li iiici'.ii com ! block of ( Ton-
i nl i indl-o : \\lll tile a gniiil elimr
fn i in In MIII I lines ! i-tti Inn , i uri'leat I'll v | iloi |
I'Hy \iily | ) iitiiiu-i' liiJolinston A : Vaiil'ntti-n ,
( uiiih II llhilK
I lu'li'U with liascini'iit and ulovalor. J.V. .
in ir. in1 stiii't.
I i'K'AI.I. ' A l.uiK.iln ; niinoili'rn ! linnsu
\\itli nil lln * Inie hiipto\(3m 'iils. M'vca
rooms will sell on oisy piynu'iils ; lin-uteil on
till- I If ! Il IM lllll > IllutUIHllU. . 1) ) . J lllliOlllll-
siniiK _ III i.uljiay.
I dlAI ! I' riclit-rooin lin'i > , o uiul tvvu lots ,
< iii ll.iliisiin st , A minium liiiuso uiul 11
LIHIll llillhU I'lll , l | ) 1) J. HlllL'hlllsOII , 017
S vbE or Ittmt Oir Ion Iiml. witli
sui , by J It. Uioo. UJUlii it. , Ouuuoll
l"U : . KAIl NNK ( AMI
riiuoA'i i'ii m.tsr ,
Imilllll Illllll' In
AH .iu . ( .TiM < , ( iho rvi :
I All M-i : iin.lTllltllX I
tri'nli'il wi-li tliu ni
ftklll'inU run ) .
CA PA Illlll. AS
nml II \ V I iVMl : I
(111 ( iMiilncnt HUH , 's
M'lKilCAI.oriHlTIONS wlirro iu-Toiturr. 1'iiln-
U-8 ly | iirfnriiiul lih Ilin ntnunl ourn nn I skill , m-
unlnz lit-rri'iL roiiiln I'lNKSl' ( II.ASsI'aixur : *
nli-l ) priii rilH-il r > i roilltu H ri'tnictlvu trouble ,
ns Mupin llyivrnpla.inil AiUlk-lmllim , thin rua-
ilprlniriluhl o li ) I'li'ir nut ptlnlns-i CilllOVH )
NI'irilAIJIIA niiil sC | | IIKADVIIK , fitter ynin
of ti'rrllili. < uferliiir. no rulli'f. imllrc-ly cum I O.llo-v
UDIIIII 1. "liiifiil lllock. oior HOMO \ Co 'i utiiri
Council Illiiir-i. la
Finley Burke. Thos , E. Oasady.
iM'.Acrici : IN TIM : STVTIC AND niiuAr ) <
Ofllec ! , : J. J. IlioHii HullUIiu' . C'ounelllllnlU
The New Ojilen Hotel , ill Com il ,
h.ts been ( onipl.-fd rHturniiliu J inoJern- \ -
IZMI throughout , .mil l , now mi ol the best
holds in tlii > state. It is locit-jillu thj bu i-
nc'-s partol t ic city an I th oiertr.o inotorj
p ss HID iloor every lour inm'ites. Fire ei-
capos and lircnlirni-i tliroiijlvnit th 1 > nU-
ni ( ; . Strain heat , hot .iiul i ild w.T.t r nil I
sunshine in < very ri > > in Table uns.irn Sjl
wliTi' . Kites , $ * > .00 .idly.
GEO. M. WHITNEY , Mauagror.
Of Council Blufrs.
it1" I. A Mlllnr , I' O Oloasjn. I' fj.
Slnuarl , IK. . Hart , J 1) KiliniiniNoii. Uliuloi :
Ullanniii Trunnut Kcutiril UuiUIn ; hinl-
nrss Ii truest capital : unl uurpkn of uuy
liank In Soalhwestern loiva
O I'rF 1CER & PUSIiY ,
Tornor Main anl Ilro-xilway ,
Poalers In foreign ami ild.nostlo xii itiT *
Colluotloii lauilo anil luteroat iiild on tl 114
I cnrry n full line of Beekeeper *
, upplles , includlnq comb lovui-
sntion lionoy knives , smokers
cl ctions nnd nil su polios foi *
f ° npioiy. M. S. ROOP ,
11CUO K.i.t Hriidw.iy , Cmini'i ! Hlullw , U.
Ivi !
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
AaxmvAJii'ED , im.c. ii.juDi ) .
OOO Broadway , Cotuioll BlulTj , I.i
omen. ' ' ? .
- it l.iw. l > ra' .
ft. O. tli-u in Iho unto mil
courts. Hiioins .1 , t .ml j simian ,
' -'k , Cuiincll lllulli. lui. , .
flninliorQM rny nt l.uw , N > .1
, J , VlUllllala , | > i < ; ir | stri'i't. m or
null'ii hturc. Toli'plioiii ) Nn vl. Uiis in >
liouis. .s : i , in. to' ) ] > in. I'liiiiii'll Illiitl's. l > i
Medical and Surgical Institute.
OlmmIi'iHsi > ; iM > nf nil KliuU uiul drf-'i
ltlt ) bH | cliit ; ( . u > . ' 'U'l ' ami x-MJJ lr ! iU\i
COUIR'II IllUtl * . I * .