TUB CXMAILA DAILY BKB : SATt'KDAV. jMAHCMl U. 1R01TWKFiVR 1'AG'MS. \ \ News of the Great West. TUoCremvt or Llio Newsor tlte Nortlwvost i = hormvitli proseiitocl In ivndnhlo form. No otlio r paper mnkes tills ne\v n lend i mi fonturo. It Is the week's history ol' the great northwgst. j V "llnnilln" lii Call In ruin l 'u Kvi > r since tlio California legislature bopan Us iinwctil session nil main.or of charieH : litivo been uiadonunlntt its members. Stories Of "k > odlo" giving Him di'inandj for It Hnvo boon public scandals. An li\\Mttgitlon U now pending on tlio charge against Assem blyman KlwoodltruiiiT lliul ho trlod to sell u p'acilbti tlio Sail Knim-isco police ferro to nu r.Miinlnor rcpoiter forf-UM ) . Atlrr puttinc It olt Humor ii > : uloun explanation before the assembly. Thiils thf rcportof ( lint wo- croilitiff asglvoi , in llm Kximilncr : limner began by saying Unit n reporter ' niinii'il A. M. Lnwicnco' had been accused to t.lut ef blnckmnlllng. I'tiwrenco had nskod llilll If iH'llllll I'tOll SOlIIIlk' Ills IlltllietlCC to KOt men on tlio police force. On thH he de termined to entrap Ills enemies mid tincno - tnlesof his [ mrtv , but Invliut lie did not say. Holnii en mo to him and asked him to recom mend iiiiin for the i > olit o force , saying thcro was money ta It , but 1m diclined and did not toll liny ono about it. JDIIC.J then nuluilon him mid linked him to recommend n iiinn to tlio police force fof $100. of which # 1M ) win to KO to.lonoH , llol.ni and another , Ilo did not expect the pint ho was looking for to thicken RO 80011. Ilo Ilk'tVCd torlll' IlIO litter , Slid did write 11. lie gave tin1W. . borrowing t4) ) ( if the money fiimi I.e.il'o , to whom ho gave the check to cash , lie subsequently received tlu > bnlanooof tliochi'ck from l.c.iko uid , di'diiotiiiKtr > 0 for what ho had paid Jones , gave j''N ) to .lolinston , the stnto printer , liis dearest friend on earth , to keep for him. Such was Brnner's oxilnimtltin | , niul ho railed on an nltoruey named r'rntikllti r. Hull , who Instilled that A. M. l.ftw- ronro hail tried to blackmail him out of fUMMH ) on tlio I'onnolly claim. There urn somt ) things llrunor did not explain. Ho iliil not tell why , after he had written the letter - tor niul KOI thochuck , which Is all the evl- ilonco lie could have , lit ) paid out Slfifl to .limps , lln ilhl not ( 'villainvliv lie lilt ) not keep the ci'i'llllcato as ovliiencii If ho thought then * was n conspiracy instead of cashing it with Lonlio. It was Tuesday iilsht when tlio deed was iloiiii , nudliu did not O.N plain why ho illil not denounce Iho net \Vidnr.sday morning. The exposure was made on Thursday - day nt Sncraineiito uliout noon , yet 1 Junior did not explain why ho Iccpt his denunciation of this conspirators until Friday morning , wh.v ho turaoil palo when told of tin ) ex posure , mill why hoillil not tuko some iinpur- tial people into his confidence. Anil , more important thnnall. ho did not explain tluil it was m > t A. M. l/\\vronro ut all who inado the ox PS uro , .At thu first mooting of the imcstigatlng coinmitteo the managing editor and acting city editor of the ISxninincrcro culled and tolil how the Investigation came to bo nnido. A man named Jasper \vioto that Jones was soiling places on the force for $100. Charles Stillwoll , a reporter , was detailed to invos- tiiiti : > . lie found thai Jones tiul ; o lie rod places mid so niporteil. Ho was given S-ltMl anil told to con.sult a hanker about the \vay to lisolliu iiiniiey so that iuoulilbu traced. Un theailvlctiof'Mr. lirander , ex-iiiananer of the Nevada hank , bo boutrht a cortilleati1 of di'iHNlt on the L'ro lior-Woolwnrtli lianlt. Joui'H and Uclau took him to Brmier , \vlio ui'i'i'ptcd the Sill ) and wrote to the pollen commissioners reeoinmemUnKlilmfora place. Chief of Police I'rowley tpstllied that Still- well hail spoken toliini about the allowed sale of places. Tim chief had ex peeled Ilruner to call on him. lie hiiiil that a roi'oiiiiiioiul.Uloii from Itruaorwould have hadweifibt with the commission. The llireo polieo coniniissionora tesllllt'd that they did not know Ilruiier and had promised him nothing , but intimalcdthat nn apiilicatioii from such a .source would re ceive nltontlnn. J. M. Ward , nctlnn city odltor , I'xiilnltiod thai ho had tolo- grnphed to the Sacramento correspond- C'nts to ascertain if the inoiuliors of the lugislatwo claiuu'd any atiaro of the pUces thuy had created , llninor ad- inltteu Hint ho had received the SlUOnnil cashed It. 'J'ho two Jones were put on the .stand , lloth nrevarii-atcd freely , but both admitted every statement the reporter inado was true. IJ.miol Junes said he ; $ > 0 fi-oni iioliiti forxnkliifr the rejiorlor to him. Uouls .lonu.s Hidil that he sent the reporter to llulau jnst for tun. Ilo had been anpronched by tlnvo employes of the Mission street ro.ul tenet net them on" the police fon-o. Ilo did not ox- ulnia why men should to to nhn for such a purpose unless ho bud intimated that bo had ulluenco lo sell. Another Trans-Pout 111111 till Ijini' . It turns out that Captain Smith's llttlo line , known as thoCaliforniiut Nevada , has been bought by .1. \Villiunnon of the At lantic & i'aulfiu railroad , thodraut Hrothor.s , \vlio built a liir o portion of the Simla Fo , and other residents in the east. A hirtro force of men will bo put to worlc ( jetting the road Into shape , and trains will bo run daily. Contracts for the change of gunge and ad ditional irraditiK have already boon let. U'hen the Ruiitn Fo aciiulred the Colorado Ildland last fall the question was nskei wliv the company hail purchased n lini xvhleh runs to no p.irticular pluce. The explanation of tins deal is now very simple Vurvovs tiave been made irom liodioacross Ji'ovnda to i'iocln' , which is duo cast of San I'ranelsco. anil thence to Urund Junction on the Colorado Midland , and the place where tliat line strikes the Kio ( irnndo Western. A proliiiiinary survey has also been run from thu Monica valley out across the Sierra to lioilie. Ttio cry has been raised very often tluit nt l.Ht tliero Is to bo another line into San Francisco , says tlio Chronicle. The stativ tner.t that the name of the Cali fornia & Nevada will bo shortly changed to that of the California , Nevada & Santa Ko , and th.it there is a liomi lido intention to build the shortest am' ' nn almost stniii'ht line to Chicago , lumsius Cltv and the cast , will perhaps bo accoptei with doubt. Such , however , Is the tact. Not only is this line to bo built , but the line fren ( Ireat Hond to C'olorndo Springs is to U llnishcd , still further shortening the distance to the east , and \vhiio giving to the Santa I'o tlio yrcat' l sy lciu in the country it will al the same 11'no very materially help the de velopment of this state. The western end of the line. Unit is , the little portion purchased last fall , is nboul twenty miles in length and terminates at present at the entrance to tlio Moragn vnl ley. A very largo area , in fact almost the entire valley , was purchased two years ago by Messrs. Williamson and Kobiuson of the Santa l-'c , while Allen Manvol iindsov end others are materially Interested. Tlio rouuttv is almost in a vliv in state. Itlsvorj rich , is well wateivil and wooded and is looked lo as n largo contribution to the loca trade of the present line and to tlio transcon tinental in the future when it is well opoued up for general scttlonii'iit. Surveys of the valley have been ma.de , town sites have ueen laid out along the pro- iwsed line of rails and the oullyiui. liuuis Iiavo been subdivided for small farms , 'J'ho tlolngs of the owners of the line have been kept very nulet and it has boon dinlcult lo obtain until uo\v any information as to tueir liitcntlons. Held Up liy n I ono Itohbi-r. The Keddiiif ; ami Weavervillo stage was Btopjied by a lonohiguwayman n few aiulits ngo near what is known as the Double S , two miles out from Uedding , Cal. The driver , I'd Uratinui , was called to a halt and ho reined unhis team Immodiatcly. The ma > Ued robber c.illed out : "Drive up a llttlo farther. " The team was started and then pullca up a little farther. The robber , shouted : " you , I'll slioot , " Mesiongcr Wnrd raised tils KUII , and as I'O ' did so the hlKtuvnyman , who was stundlnpr on n four-foot embankment alxrjt on a level with the driver's scat and but a few fcot distant , 11 ml his revolver at the driver , the ball taking effect in the right side miner the arm , ranging round nnd lodKinK near the rliiht nlpplo. The messenger's gun snaripod and ho dropped it " into the road , " ' I his turolver and blazed" away over the lop of the I'oucli , A second shot was llrcd by the robber , but without i rteet. Hy this iimo tlio frmhteiiod btano team was at n dead run , mid It is not known whether Messenger Ward's shot took effect or not , It is supposed that the highwayman la veil ucuaiutcd in the neighborhood and know that it was the ' 'treasure trip" night , but \vas unprepared for resist unco. There wore four passengers aboard , and the exception of the driver no one was Injured , nlthoui'li the stage-was considerably diunaiTiHl by llm wild run of the horses. ( Irabntn's wound , whllo not nocessntlly . fatal , Is fif n serious nature , and he probably owes UU llfo lo tlioiimntltv ) of thick clothIng - Ing I" which ho waseiivi'lopod. One of the passengers says lie pot a good view of thn rubber and believes from llio way ho acted and moved bo was Hurt. linhhod of an I iihcHtmx'c. A fatnllj by the mitno of Church some years n go settled among the lilll4 * between Walsuivillo ti-.d Castrovlllo , Cal. , which nro sparsely inhabited. Nowseuinoto thu fam ily Unit Tuconm , Wash. , had grown to be a cltv. Mrs. Church hail lived there with a former hu.Minml , who at his death loft con siderable property to his wife , \vlio went nwny from that city and soon married n Mr. Church. An unscrupulous real estate dealer from Tacoma appeared at the homo of tbo Churches and onoreil to buy the property for ? H)0 ) , winch was accepted. Tbo Churches soon heard Unit their property In Tacoma In stead of being worth f KM ) wns worth $ < UHN ) ( ) . This pii-co of information sent Mrs. Church in great hnsto to her old home in Tuconm. She began proceedings tn recover her property , which she had signed uwnv through misrepresentations. After spending a year in trying to recover her property , she rotnrnod home to her husband nnd four children. Tlio whole family , save a girl eleven year * old , wassuildenlystrlcken down with In grippe , from which they liecnmo de lirious. The lillloirirl nursed them ns best she could , until a khfd neighbor dropped in nnd found tbo unfortunate family nt death'sdnor with virulent la grlnpo and pneumonia. Mi's. Honora Church died and was burled at Cns- troville , and the remainder of tlio family re covered. Hut llttlo hope now remains to the survivors of being suddenly lifted from hum bio llfo to tbo possession of ? 00,000 , winch really belongs to thorn. Killed HIM \VIIV For llr. A. J. Lawrence , charged with the murder of hiswlfo on October S , has just ! > ocn convicud of miinslnnphtor , nt Santa Harbiira , t5nl. 'J'ho cnsu had been on trial since I'abruary 10 , and the Jury was out twenty hours before they agreed on n ver dict. It appears that for a month before ttio crlnio was committed the doctor had been at Ids mountain homo , u lanch about thirty miles from l.os Olives , whcro ho lived with Ids wife , and where they had a store and the postolllco ; nn the evening uf October She returned. Ho claims she was intoxicated , and at any rate they had iiu altercation. She weighed ninety pounds ami ho about ir.d. Un claiins she stabbed him in the hiiiiil , after which she broke his finger with a hammer , and in at tempting to lalo : the hanimiT from her she dropped the hammer and grabbed him by thu wbislters , when lie uielied her on the legs below the knees. She walked homo from tlio store , returned to the s > turo and went home auain after this light and was about for sev eral days , but tlio woumUi from tlio kicks rapidly grow worse. Tlio llvsh dropped elf and blood poisoning set in and she < llcd in November. Tiioy had been married since liJJ and tuul lived a rather peaceful life until the'hist two or three ywirs , during which period they seem to have had pretty much o ( n monkey and n.irrot time. They had no children and their property was in her namo. Stealing IJovoriiinciil 'I'iinlii'r , In a short time the results of nn inves tigation now being conducted by special agents of the government to unearth hind frauds nnd unlawful cutting of timber on tlio public lands In Colorado will bo made public , and a number of hithoito very respectable citizens will llnd themselves in the clutches of the lav. Hundreds of thousands of acres of land have been lost to the government and inmnncranlo acres of timber cut without 1 cent of recompense to iho government. In ono instance 01)0,0(10 ) ( feet of timber was cut on the public domain without authority and the government Is now suing in the United States court in Denver to recover the value ot the timber. Ilumlrcils of men are engaged li. these frauds. One manner of obtaining lands is by tiling claims for ficti tious persons. Several living in Trinidad , ono an odHor , Mill bo prosecuted against crlminallv in connection with these and local land fr.utds. A number of lumber firms In Denver anil a llrm at ( icorgotown vero made defendants in the United States supreme court In a suit by tlio government to recover damages for cut ting timber from the public lands near Coorgciown. Graham & Co. , owners of the mill hi which this lumbar was cut up for use , sold it to the llrms wtucli are made party de fendants. The amount sued for is something over ono million feet of lumber at J15 per 1.00U feet. Tried Mis ICiill'e on n FYiiMid. A story of a horrible eri mo comes from San Qiiontln , I.i0wor California. Jose Mtiir , a half- breed , made an attempt on the life of Filino. Snnelies , who was lying asleep on the side walk in front of ti saloon. Muir came along , about half diunk , and tried to awaken the sleeping man. Falling , lie opened the shirt of Saiuhes and , drawing a knife , inado a motion to disembowel 1,1m. Ho found the job could not be done with n dull knife , for , after feeling of the edge of the blade , he stepped to the InsiJo and sharpened it quite deliberately on a stone , try ing it occasionally on his dampened finger , and then smiling at the bystanders , who thought liini jesting. Ho llnally seemed tlio proper edge , niul , kneeling by the side of S.mehes , plunged the blade in the sleeping man's abdomen. He then partially withdrew it , ran it over against the hip bono , turned the knife and forced It upward as far us the ribs would allow it to go. Mulr then pulled the shirt back over the horrible gap , straightened up , smilingly i.oddcdto the persons around him , licked the hloou from thu blade on ono side nnd placed the itnifo back in the scabbard by his side. Hewas soircd by those \vlio witnessed the crime mid placed in custody. Sanehes was alive at last accounts. Uoferring to his crime Muir says ho was a good friend of Handles , but wanted to try hia now knife. Ho is now in Jail ut Knsuncdn. Slav ) ( Jirl. No little Interest is taken by the oftlcors of the Presbytorlnn homo and mission nnd other like societies of San Francisco in tlio application of a Chinese named Kuni Mali to oust .Miss Culbertson from her guardianship over Iho girl Woou Tsin , ngcd eleven years. \Voonwassold \ when an infant by her father lo Kuin Mali in payment of a debt , und lias since been hold as a slnvo and employed lo run errands lo disreputable places pending the tlmo when she should iJo placed in n Chinese brothel by her owner , and the strug gle made for her possession is on accounlof her cash value in the slave market of China town , which is something like $1,000. The case , which at first attracted attention when Kum't. irttornuy tried to browbeat .Miss Cul- bertbon and ask her insulting questions , waste to have conio to trial lust \\cek \ , but was con tinued upon motion of the atlo rnny for Kuin Mali , much to the disappointment ot the charitahlo ladles interested. Kuin will try to procure the appointment of a Chinese w unmu us guardian. Mining Deal. An important mining deal has Just been closed for properly in i'ark City , Utah. For several months M. It. KvnnsVllllatii M. Curtis and A. A. Smith have been negotiat ing with the principal stockholders of the Massachusetts mining company to oatain the control of that property , and at a meeting of the directors of the company the proposition of these gentlemen was accepted. M , it. Kvnns of Sail LSI Ho hus secured iho con trol oi two-thirds of the stock , and it is this liiontion to develop the property as soon as roads and wealher will permit. Mr. Kvnns is known as n man who has nindo the mining industry a study und who has boon successful In almost evorythingho ha undertaken. The shaft , which is now down uboul ( UHJ foot , will bo sunk to 1,000 feet , when drifting for the veiu will bo started , All the machinery necessary for that purpose is on the ground , auU but llttlo delay will bo occasioned , Mill- him M. Curtis , Into suiierlntcndont of the Anchor , and who had rhnrgo of the Masin- clniM'tUt when last operated , will bo placed In charge of the \iork. llHoou-ri'd n " .Vow Ore. " Wliu In this vestern countrv knows ttoorgo A. Clariir , of Host on I lie claims t lint ho mod to sell hardware out hero soiiioivlirra. Hut , according to Iho Hoston Cllobe , this same Mr. ClurUo , who" Is a iiilddli'-nged man , professes to have discov ered n "now ore'1 In llio Itocky mountains. The exact location of llio now llnd is kept se cret for the present. More n the story as told hy Mr. Clarke who Is reported to bo llv- ingnow on Holllsutreot In Boston : " ; 1 dis covered the ore about eight months. Whcro } Well , in n section of the liocky mountains. I took about llfty pounds away for the purpose of experiment. I submitted it to tests In Chicago , Cincinnati. I'hllndelphla midHostou. I Iimo every reason lo believe Unit I havodis- ccvcred amiiier.il ororo that has not lieen known to assay , and one which I have proved by a series of careful experiments may bo of great value in manufacturing. 1 am iiu ex perienced iron-woiker , and have had quite nn extensive practical experi ence in the foundries. In the treatment of Iron with only 1 percent of this now ere the former's tensile strength \\as \ Increased from 10 to 'i. > per cent. With steel my pi i > oriment.s have been equally successful , and with copper oven more satis factory. Using only half of 1 per cent of this ore in a mixture witti copper , I found that it gavethomolala greali-r density ami a great inrroase-frninUU to KM ) per cent of tensile strength. The resulting metal , too. Is capable of n high polish. 1 found that the ore in- eressed the tensile slivngth find the fluidity under heat of both these metals , nnd makes them both of liner griiln. It Is non-corrosive. " The ore looks llko a vorv line sandstone , save that It is black. Mr. Clarke declares that It may bemined for $1 aton. and sajs : "When I lound thisoro last year my llrst ex periments were natnrallv with Iron and steel. 1 found tnnl its melting ; point was MIX)0. ) " Mr. L'larko claims that the Hold whcro this "new oro" Is found Is exposed over the space of an acre. Ilo doesn't own the landnordoos ho know who does , but Intimates that when ho gets liishnpeho will try to control the property before giving away Ids secret. I'nld forTlicii" < ! all. Amos II. carpenter , a Stockton attorney , with his client , D. M. Vance , were lined J''OO each in tlio superior court at Sacramento , Cnl. , a few days ago for contempt of court and refused to pay. They wore accordingly sent to Jail. The contempt for which Car penter and Vnnco were adjudged milty was the violation of an injunction issued by .luilgo Armstrong in the WHO of James C. I'ennlo vs Nlscbor et nl. This ease involved a portion r.f the estate of Charles Mclaughlin , who was killed byJoromoB. Cox. Mcl.aughlin , who was a contractor , had graded u portion of what was then Iho Western L'ucllJc rail road and received hi payment large tracts of land which tlio railroad bad received from the government as a grant. A number of persons settled upon some of those lands nnd much litigation ensued. Thocontest became very bitter , lives were lost in the struggle and troops camped for days upon the grant. Finally the suit was Drought beioro the su perior court In Sacramento nnd , 'udgo Arm strong grunted an Injunction restraining the defendants from in any way interfering with the lands. Vance violated the injunction , and Carpenter , In a written letter , advised its violation , It was for this that they are now in Jail. Carpenter Hied articles of Im peachment agiiliit , Judge C'utlln with Speaker Coombs of the assembly. An incident oc curred n few days ago al the court housotbal does not place Carpenter in an eiivlnblollght. Ho asked permission to bo allowed to copy the Judgment which had been found against him. Deputy County Clerk Wachhort pro duced the pnper. Carpenter began copying it ami Wnchhort retired from the room for a few ininu'os. When ho returned Carpenter hud gone and the original document was missing. .A. letter was written to Carpenter tdimcoand the document was returned. It is believed tluit Vnneo and Carpenter will at tempt tosoeuro a writ of habeas corpus from tlio supreme court. The assembly judliiarv coinmitteo helit a meeting to consider thulnipeaehmeiit charges against .fudge Catlin. The articles sot forth that the Jud'o ; willfully , corruptly and ma liciously used his power as a Judge to im prison llio complainants , Carpenter and Vance , without warrant of law. The com mittee recommended that tlio assembly take no action , as the charges did not warrant any investigation. Carpenter and Vance , who were present in churgo of llio sheriff , were then takou back tojnll. i llnllwiy Improvement. Vice President Clou gh of tlio dreat North ern railway last -week completed all details of the transfer of the Knirhn\en \ & Southern and Fall-Unveil & Northern roads to his com pany. A. .1. llorio , formerly connected with different lines in .Montana , was appointed .su perintendent of the consolidated svstem , nnd J. .1. Donovan , also well Known In Montana as a constructing engineer , chief of construc tion. They will also have clmreo of the con struction nml operation of the main line , which Is being pushed eastward from Fair- haven , Wash. , to Assinabolno and St. Paul , .Mr. Clouglilins arranged for the immediate construction uf .seventy miles of telegraph along the completed muls north and east of Fairhaven , and for the erection of n grand union depot-tho linest north of San Francis- eo. This will ho used Jointly bv the Great Northern lines already in operation , nnd the Northern I'ai-ilic , which runs trains into I'air&avon from Tni-onm and Seattle , The ( ireat Northern ocean dock Is ho'ng ' enlarged to afford facilities for HID rapidly increasing trulHc. The dock is a very substantial one and cost ? 1.)0,0)0 ( ) , At present cloven boats nro plying daily between Fnirbnvoa ami Soat- llo and Tacoma and two on the I'orllandlino , Two entire trains of Great Northern equip ments arrived ut Fail-haven last \\epkand will -servo to Improve both freight and pns- scngor service , ns the Fairlmven lines have liltheito been badly crippled for want of en gines and cars. Kml ill" ; > l ! < ; inarkallc ) Case , In April , IsssV. \ . T. C. Klliott killed John P. White , Ids wife's uncle , near UiulMno , Inyo county , Cnl. Ho was triodnt Independ ence in July , l.-iV , convicted of murder nnd sentenced to . hanged. The case was ap pealed to the supreme court , which reversed tbo Judgment of the lower court and ordered u IIUAY trial for tlio defendant. 'J'ho vemto was changed ami Klliott was tried at Halters- Held , Kern county , Cal. , in May , 1MK ) . Tbo Jury disngieed. eight Doing for acquittal and four for conviction. A third trial of thocaio look place at Uakersileld lasi I Jccomber , the Jury disagreeing ns before , eight being lor iiciiuilliil. Ulliott was then discharged from custody upon his own rocognl/aiieo and re cently , on the motion of tlio dlstnut attorney of Jnyo county iho case was dismissed. JuilgoHayden of Keno and John H. Klttrell , formerly attorney general ot Nevada , de- tended Elliott from iioginnlng tu eiul r.lliolt was well known In Is'evadaand in Houpy ralio Valley , flnl , nnd resided for Itono for so'no years , having located there after tlio Whlto 1'ino excitement. Ho ac quired the sou brnjuet of "Hough" by reason of his being an oftlcor of a company at Hough and Heady , Gal. , in early days. with Ivlernlty. Paul Walsh , u shoemaker of Walla U'aIJa , Wash. , attempted to kill himself three times In oneday , Ilo tied one end of asmnll plccu of rope around his neck nnd fnstcnod the other end to a hut hook iiudtriodto hang hlin- kolf. His wlfo came to tils rescue and cut him down. After ho had recovered Walsh ran out doors and' jumped In nn old well In tlu yard about six feet deep. IIU wlfo raited an alarm which brought several neighbors to the scene , who pulled him out. Mrs , Walsh llnally induced her husband to go Into the house. When ho entered ho picked up a razor and tried to cut his throat , ills wife Interfered again , but was not quick enough , and ho succeeded in cutting1 a gush tlireo long on tlid right sldo of Ids i lniil been ilrilikliiK hcaMly for several nontli * Several dtyv ago Ids wlfo began an action for divorce ofiithe ground of fnlluro to imvlilo for her mid iho children. It is nun- NMi'd that broodln over his trouble ' .vltb bis vlfeand drink caused him to btvomo tem- insiuie. / Murderer Itfcnklnu Down MnliU'lil nillim. in Jail nt Suit Lake ng a hearing for , Uio murder ot Harry Mltcln'll , Iho lurteu'der. In the Hi-doin hotel nt Ogden. denied his In-other the oilier day , at Dillon , now of Hut to , MI Interview when 10 called. The bmthi rs were buslnoss p.irt- ii'i-snl Hawlhi' , Wvo..tlve yeurs ago. .Mala- hl's wlfo wasu sllpof u girl nbnrcr thiuigo md more the style of Pal , nnd these two be- amo intimate. Om1 uav Maliichi llred tbreo shots nt i'ut. In front of the opera bouse. ) ne bullet inado a crlpplo of the target for he hotter part of nyear. Miilachl wns nrvor be .same man after this. Ilo took lo drink , md when sprecing would reler to this niTutr md work himself into nn Insane fury. Their 'atlicr ' died of n broken heart nweelt after the shiMititiij , and ono of the boys was kepi nwny iincriifto avoid a killing over the collln. In ds cheerless cell at Suit Lake , Dillon's lioughts iii-o Killing him. Highbinders Still , it u. lObb Kec , n Monirolinn , iteeps a small es- atillshmcnt in the Chinese iiunrtor In K.icru- nento , L'al. Saturday monihiK between , "i audO o'cloplc lirco Chinamen broke Into the nparlmunt vhero he was sleeping. When Keo nwoko ) noCTilnnman was standing over him with a Irawn knife while another held a pistol at ds bend. The victim was Informed that ho would bo murdered Instantly if he durod to liter a word. Ho was ordered to point out .ho whereabouts of some money that the rob- mrsseoinod to know he hud concealed In tl.o oom. Kee complied under t lie circumstances and the scoundrels walked away with SKX ! ) In coin. coin.Ho reported the robbery to tlio police as soon as lie could get out of tiie house. Chief Drew nnd Captain I.co bellovothnt : ho robbery was the work of some of the Highbinders recently driven out of San 1'Vanoisco. These outcasts propose to establish n lodge in Sacramento , but tbo police will USD axes and stodges if necessary to brc.Uc into the fastnesses of the high hinders. Old IjtunlninNc Ooini ; , Another old landmark of Han Francisco must give way to the march of improve ments. The old dilapidated wharf at the foot of Powell street known as Meiggs wharf will soon bo a thing of tlio past. The rav ages of tlmo have played havoc with the old structure , every storm that blow lately UiK- Ing nwny pieces of it. What Is loft of It will ho torn 'down in n few days lo make way for the now section of the sea wall which is ad vancing with rapid strides. For somoyoars the wharf has only been used by boatmen to ham ; their boats on. Meiggs wharf was built by Harry Meigs , and was llnishei' in 1S > J. In early days it was a great resort lor young people , especially on n Sunduv , ono of the attractions being a menagerie kept tliero by "Old Warner. " The lirsl ship that ever docked there was the ij.ippcr snip Andrew Jackson In KVJ. The llrst steamer that docked there was the California , whoso ad vent inaugurated "steamer day. " P.irt of the old wharf was washed away m IVHl. It was repaired , nnd ferry boats lauded tboro until lh"l. lliiriied to it Crisp. As Guy rvlcCuno of Victor , Mont. , blew out n light before retiring for the night the lamp exploded , terribly burning him and set ting lire to tlio fpruUuro. His wife , wbo was in bed , seized tbelr baby and attempted to escape , but was overcome by tlio smoke and Humes. McCuno dragged his wlfo and child out of doors , extinguished the 11 am us In the snow and wont for help. Ho mot people ple coming to the rescue , who took the mi for tunate family to a neighbor's house. The furniture and $ ! . " > ( ) in mnnoy were destroyed. llr. Mills of Missouln was telegraphed for and went up nnd found the three in a very critical condition. Their injuries arc doubly serious because of exposure to tlio cold. Mr. McCuno's face , ears and nock nro burned ton crisp ; his eyes are swollen shut mm the sight perhaps c cstroycd. His hands and arms are ono solid blister. Mrs.McCuno and the baby are badly burned about the head , breast nnd arms. McC\nc's recovery is extremely doubtful. Icllowitnnu 1'nrlt. In Yellowstone Park is a Inko thirty miles long and twenty miles wide , tbo largest body of water at an iittiludo ot over 8,000 fcot in tbo world. On this Inko is a steamboat which was built in six sections nnd trans ported by rail to a point llfty miles from the lako. It was then carried by picconiCid over the mountains by 1'JO horses. Ten days' time was required as'in many places roads had to bo made. It took all last summer to put the Doat together aii'l build docks , nnd this year , for the llrbt time , the mountains will 'echo with the shriek of the steam whistle. The park had SOO moro visitors last summer than during the previous year. The season does not begin until Juno 1 and lasts four months. During tlio other eight months the park is buried deep in snow. This year an appropriation of STfi.OOO has been made for building roads , and this will make the country moro accessible. What Is needed , however , is an appropriation for building cor rals for tlio antelope , door , elk and buffalo , so that tourists can see them in summer and llio animals can bo cared for In winter , instead of being allowed to die from starvation. Stoek Thieving. For-soino time ranchmen around Denver bavo complained of the loss of their ralvos from cattle thieves. The Colorado Cnllle Growers * association have taken the matter in band and employed detectives to hunt up the thieves. The detectives claim that they have located the culprits nnd will soon have them under arrest. It is said that the plan adopted bv the thloves was this : They knocked the calves on the head with a ham mer , hog-dres < od thorn that is , cut off their feet and heads so that they could not bo idcn- tilled nnd hauled them to a warehouse sit uated in ttio brush on the Pluttn river bqt- toms in the vicinity of bang's brewery. Then they would market thorn to Deliver. It is said tbo thloves have succeeded in getting away with some two hundred calves. An O d I lim , IJoiioiii M. Iludspeth died of cholera in Sacramento in K'iO. At the time of Insdcatli there was due him from the govern men nearly $1'JK ( ) for services rendered as a mem her of Fremont's exploring expedition , and stops nro Just now being taken by friends to hnvo the claim allowed to the old pioneer's sistccr , Mrs. N. W. Wood , who Is at the present time a resident of Najin county. Among the documents that will bo forwarded to Washington to establish tlio Justness of the claim and tbo Identity of the original claimant is a commission signed by ( lovornor John C. Kromont under date ol April' ' , IS IT , and by which liononi M. Iludspeth was ap pointed captain In the California battalion. No l'n < 4H Over Tliai Wedding. Judge Muldoon of Ilutto married n couple last Saturday in shoit order this wise : "Is this your Iruonaino ! " he asked of the groom. "Yes. " "Is this your true natno ! " the bride was asked. "Yes. " 'Join hands. Do you want to marry this woman < " "Yes. " ' IJo you want to marrv this maul" " "Yes" " "Then by virtue of tlio nulhorily vested in mo by tbo laws of the state of Montana ns a Justice of the pence in and for Kilvor How county ot suid stiito , I nronounco youtiUBband and wlfo. " lfglHlnlorVept Ibr His Hill. Koproscntatlvo I'nrcell of King county , Oregon , is a ooal miner employed in tbo Franklin mines , and was elected to represent the laboring element He iulroducud n bil at the recent session of the legislature pro viding for tbo pay of laborers with cash at stated periods , In advocating hU meustiro 1'arcoll , while not a fluent talker by any means , displayed great earnestness , Finally ho went to pieces completely , and sank into his gent overcome , After silently weening- for a few moments ho again took the lloor and fought against tbo bill going back to tbo conunlttoo on labor and labor statistics. claiming tiioy wi-ro trjmg to Kill 11 The speaker's earnestness won for hin bill several friends and It was ultlmiitclv referred to the Judiciary commit too. Set i linn ( Inllakolns' ACOUIUUK. In tlio Mlniiphidin National Imnk nt SloiiK Falls , S. L ) . , I * } l'JT > , OiH ) on deposit that Is subject to the holders of uupiild territorial warrants , in the settlement of the South with North Dakota , South Dakota agreed to issue Jl.Mi.WO worth of bonds In her own name to tnko up the territorial warrants out standing against both stales. Or.ly fl'J.'i.OiX ) worth uf the bonds were mild , and these to J. M. llnllev , Jr. , who charged aiommlsstoci ot f'.lsT for the sulo. This commission was the cause of some excitement In the legisla ture , resulting In the appointment of an In vestigating I'oinmitteo , which In the course of time reported , justifying Mr. Hnllc-y in nil Ids acts. The Srj.-i.tMU bus been on deposit In Slouv Kails for Hourly two weeks subject to the order of the American loan company of New York , for which a receiver was recently appointed. Torrlbln Fall. An accident occurred at llio Mammoth mine , near Tintlc , I'tnh , which may result in tlio death of C'liptnln Tom Cho | > o , an old and respected hiiiicr of the district. Together with another minor lu > \\-ns \ \ being lowered , ami when ' 'OO feet from the lioltotn tbo cnpl- neer lostccmtrcd of tbo engiiioiuid tbo CIIKO went to the bottom with terrible speed. Mr. Chope's companion caught the crossbar and took thn shock on Ids arms , escaping Injury , but MiI'bope win not so fortunate , ills right leg was broken in four places below the knco anil HID ankle was fractured. The left leg was broken once below the unco. The extent of his internal Injuries Is yet un known. I'lltHIIIII'll till' Three girls at ( j rand Forks , B. IX , daugh ters of Mrs. l.lstoe , came near meeting their death by poison. A dish of beans hud been prcpnreit for soup and placed over night on n lower shelf In the cupboard , A nettle of tincture of liclladnpnn bud been loft on an up per shelf ; Its con tents became fro/on during the night , causing Hie buttle to break , mid Its contents leaked out , running down Into the dish of hcans. Tlio soup was prepared , of widen the clrls partook freely , not know ing that there was deadly poison In it. The frco use of n stomach pump saved their lives. Naliirli/.cd Iiiti : In Ijilc. Mrs. Mary ICanc , eighty-six years old , np- pent-oil before tlio cloik of the circuit court nt Dutto county , S. 1) . , recently , to muUa homestead iiroof upon n iiunrtor section of land lying tlnvo miles west of Minncsula , but not having taken out her final iiatiirli/iition papers she could not make proof on the dale , and will bo obliged to re-advertise and in the meantime become naturali/eil. Mrs. Kuno declared tier intentions and inado n home stead entry at the ago of oighty-ono years. She Is llio oldest women ever tiling nn entry anil appearing to make proof in Iho United States. ( 'ocxl Dug to Have Around. Kdwin Hi-own of 13c.ssomor , Coin. , lins n largo Newfoundland doe which has n great deal of good souse and discretion , aim a keen appreciation of the illness of things. Drown has two small boys , who got into n quarrel the other day. The larger boy was getting the best of it , when the dog. whicli is heavier than either boy , came to the rescue at a very appropriate tlmo. Standing on bis land feet ho parted tbo belligerents with his forcnaws , and then urngged thu larger boy away with out in the slightest degree injuring him or showing any ill temper. Intinhering on tin ; Coast. Tbo Pacific Coast Wood and Iron , a San Francisco Journal , has collected statistics re garding the output of lumber in Oregon , Washington and California for the year I SOU As this is the llrst time that the actual out put of every mill engaged in business has been obtained , n comparison with tlio cut ol former years cannot bo acciirntolr ' made , but the output of last year is kuown'to bo much larger than previous venrs. Washington pro duced 10,1T5,000 : ! feet , Oregon 81it , 'iM,0i ) ( ) ] fcot. California bT4.Ml)0 ( ) ) ( ) feet , making a lotnl outmit for tbo throe Pacific coast states of n.v"jirooiu : feet. lier Story l.uriil , Too. Tlio Logan County ( Colo. ) Advocate gives this as the main sensational item of the week in Sterling : "A very loud red-headed girl from Nebraska passed through on the wesl- boimd train Wednesday morning. She ro- iated a pitiful story of starvation in Ne braska and was on her way to Denver , hav ing heard that there was a bic demand for ' her complexion in tl'ie mountain biindots. Her hair was so howling red that no lights were used in the coach in which she rode , and a sheet of zinc was placed between her and the side of the car. " A youiif ! man named Watts was in the police dock In O.ikhmd . , Cal , charged with being drunk. When asked to slate his plea , he said : ' 'Your honor , 1 came down from Sacramento and got a llttlo full. I suppose 1 am guilty , but I would like lo asii for a sus pension of judgment. I am a railroul man and 1 would like lo go back lo work.1 "Ilavo you got any papers to show that you nro n railroad man ! ' ' asked .ImlgoOgilon. "No , I have not. but I have got a wooden leg , " replied the defendant. This seamed to bo conclusive evidence to the court and Judgment was suspended. Caught : i Devil Fish. Two fishermen trolling forsnlmoa in I'ugct Sound nindo a novel capture at Tacoma , When opposite the fishing company's wharf sudden and strong pull on the line brought their boat to an abrupt stop. With consid erable difllculty they got their boat to the wharf , and alter many trials succeeded In landing tlioir capture , whiili proved u > bo a lingo devil fish. The octopus measured eight icot in diameter , and hail eight , arms. Many people viewed Iho monster , which was hint on the dock and exhibited during thu entire afternoon. yirciis With n Itull. Andrew Miller of Hye , 1'uoblo county , C'o'o. ' , donned u rod shirt nnd started to lead Joseph Mooro'sbull to the village. Tlio nm- inn' ' being well bred did not begin to take on very seriously until the bright red young man got funnv and attempted to riilo it. The cir cus is ono that picturesque Mr. Miller will remember until tbo day his collln pinto is ordered. Hv the courage and skill ot a good samiiritnn Milter's llfo was saved and lie now knows mure , though ho isn't as handsome as lie was. _ AiTi'stod Cor HtiMilinn- 1 1 IN Own Wood. A man named Maiioa lives on the island opposite Pierre. Some * ono cut a load of wood on th" island , but did not take it away , nnd Marlon used it. Ho was arrested and lined by a Fort Pierre Justice for stealing his own wood. Clarion secured Ids release by habeas corpus prncccdings niul Is looking fur the 111:111 : who cut the wood iincl caused him so much trouble. An Dili JlanN ( Vimo. % V. R. Manning of South Hivorsldo , Cnl. , was arrested for assault on Mrs. J. W. ICorr , wife of the principal of the South Ulvor.shlo school. Manning was bound over to the superior court under $ ' . ' , ono bonds. He is sixty years old and completely broken down. Ilo says If ho committed the assault ho knows nothing about it. Insaiilty will prob ably bo the defense. ( tare I'VnthiMMMl | ' ' ! II < | H , .A hunlrr on the lido Hats at Tncoinn , Wash. , hilled nlliio specimen of the Califor niu gonoy , a species of the albatross , measur ing seven foot night Inches from tip to tip o ! Its wings. It was the first sm-dmen of this rnrubird found in Urn t latitude , Its hniiio lioi.ig in warmer clinmtos. Taxidermists wil mount it. A nollier ruru bird known as the sea p.irrot wus captured ut Olympia recently nn'lv.'ill also bo mounted. Cnllli.i-nlii. Orange growers nro walling for Inn Im priivement in prices be I ere picking tbuli crops. A'Culifornlnvultnro was caught noarl'o inonu , and Its wings spread eleven feel nine Inches. Thuro is a boom In the grain market In Sat FiMiiclsoooii nvi\u ) iof ne\n \ ofiulvaucos hi Knglaiul. A deposit of rlnnabar ere was found ncnr Santa Ann ny u farmer who waslookliig fora MoiuMiiiury. { . ' . K. 1'tipper of SoiioniiUPUt near loud of carp to t Im ( 'Hy of Mo\loo last week to stock a large pend. Tin ) Arrovo ( Irruulrt Hiw'.ct says f 10.000 will lie sH'id | this year la extending Iho I'oi'l ' 1 larford bivnkwat'er. \Vllllnm II. Soars , collector of IntoriiM ivvt'iiuo fortlioSnii I'ramlsco dMrlct , tiled In that oily of Ilrigtit's dlsoaso. ' 1'ho Chlneso lilghhliHleriof San Franr-lsco nro throiitiMilng each other nnd an extra squad of pollcels massed In t'lilniito\Mi. l.os AngcluM n phimdtn. for n great toll'- sropout Mount Wilson. 'Ilioy w.v It will lie larger than the fun HUH Ulck in.Mninii'id. \MlllnniS. l.mio wi oonvloti'd of murderIng - Ing William ( 'ntitloltl nt Sswyor by n h'rono Jury , who Used the pcnnlly at life Imprison- inent. A rich strike of gohl has boon mndo In the Carbonate mine at Orotlramlc , near Sm , Hernai-dino. Tbo vein is nix inches whlu and nssnys verv high. falllornla will cxhlltll at Hdtingo the widest plank In the world. It h sixteen fcot wldi'iinills now altlio depot tit lliimboldl luvmtlng shipment. A new cable wad company lins boon orn.in- l/edliiSan l-'rancisco to build a line from Mason nnd Mnrkot sli-eols through the west ern district of the city. A reservoir has Just been completed sown miles west of Sail Fernando that will bold wntcrenouuh to irrigate HKK , ( ) ncres of land. Tliedatu fs Uflj-llvu foot higli. 'ood\Mird'sardiMis. ( ) for innnv years San Francisco's fnvorltoniitdoiii" pleasure roMiit , will be > l.uilion up und thn iniuwtis distrib uted to tlio heirs of \Ynodward ostikto. A very Interesting sight can bo seen at the California warehouse at 1'ort ( . 'ostn. Dii llin top lloor , which in s 0 foot long , thorn arc 75OiXi sacks of wheat dumped up live high. 'I'lu-ro are no good coal mines In Califor nia. This Important ntnple of comment ) Is nliipiifd from I'ngotsoniiilor Australia mid brings SJlil per ton in tlio California market. The bill appropriating JKMKXI for a monument ment in ( iolden ( ! : dotmrk to Ccnural Vallejo has been amended tolnclndo nliko appropri ation fora monument to Colonel K. 1) ) . linker. Work Is still beiiip carried on In develop ing the Itound Valjoy coal nilnas , but tbo main loop- has not y'ot been uncovered. A tiinnol bus hi'i'ii run In over six hliiidrod feet. A number of ladlc.s of San i'Yanc'sco ' are following tlio recent cxamploof ntliors In Oakland , and will establish n frco clinic when ; iii'sorvlng poor may receive madlcnl treatment , A San Francisco prospectorclaims to have discovered tbo fani'ius Hroyfogln mint ) in Death valley. The speolinciiH shown at Dag- gelt , San lloi'imrdlno county' , are covered wllh frco gold , The work of building lovoivs on Son nlor Jones' marsli lands In Sonoma county Is being pushed forward nt the rate of one mlle day. When finished thu senator will have I'J.WO . acira inclosed. Jniiies Morgan , ngod twenty-four , wus shot Dy "Indian Jack" near Vnllejo. The uvo were hunting rovotes , dnrkne.ss was coming cm , and Morgan's fur lint in tlio twilight was taken for u coyoto. One of the Icadingdalvymenof Santa Maria has lost more lliaii half his stock , mostly by some unknown diswso. The annuals rofu&o lo cat and literally starve to death. Hisloss already foots mi S'lpW- San Francisco is agitated over tin1 proposed sale of the city cemetery lo tlio government. Many platboUlers oppose , tlio transfer , but many others hold thai it Is required for a proper fortification of the city. An orange grove containing TOO acres will bo sot out in the Snn.liicMnto vnllej ; . Sun Jlogo county. This will bo the largest grove " n the world" . The largest one at present is n Pomona nnd covers -UK ) acres. A child of Charles Taylor of Orange went olns father's Btablo recently to scoahorse. \s be got n < > ur thoanirial it sc.1/.ed the child ijtbo clieouimd shook him nwirlv to death. The child will be markoit through llfo. A coinmitteo appointed by the state horti- ulttirnl society reports that inferior dried rults jive being sbippeu east inulortho name of tbo superior brand ) , and recommends state legislation declaring ; such , acts u mib- tcmcnnor. Tlie Del Korto Hcconl says : Tlio Maho stage company worlcs a team of hordes from 'atrick'3 creek to Creicent City , adistnnrc of .sixty-four miles , without change and with scarcely time for rest and feed while hi Cres cent City. Preparation * nro being tnadu for the cen tennial celebration of tlio founding of tbo nission of Santa crnA moinorlal will irobnblv bo built on thn spot where the lirst cioss w.is oivcted 100 j cars ago by the mis sion fathers. Strawberries are now fairly plenty at 15 cents per box. C rccn peas retail atl'J' _ , cents ) cr pound , and fresh tomatoes at.'iceut.s per raiiiul. Apples. : ito S cents per poiiiut. Lorn- ins , 2(1 ( cents per do/.en. Oranges , 10 to .10 cents per iloen. Captain .lack ttrcnr , one ol the old-time steamboat men , died at Stockton , aged seventy years. Ho haA been engaged in sicnmlioatiiiK thora tor upwards of thirty vcars. He was u Mexican war veteran and a Jalifoi'iiia pioneer , .hdius Drayfus , la ° t employed as a drum mer fora San Kraneisco clolhior , cominittotl suiciftent Susanvlllo by Hhooting himsplf with a is-riitil > ro llritish'bulldog pistol. Tlio cause was despondency over want of money and oinployinent. Abbott , a Los Angeles Kimblcr who tried to put up a Job on a friend in San Francisco to rot ) him nt n poker game , but wns himself victimized , lias been unublo to recover the diamonds ho wagorcil , the court deciding thut ho was not entitled to relief. Llewellyn II. 1'dwell hus been transferred to the county Jail at Koiuvood City from San Francisco. Ilo now awaits bis fourth trial for the killing of Knlph S. Smith. I'.iwoll . has changed much in appearance during the two years ho has been locked up. Two fruit dry Ing companies of Santa Clara county nro npgoli.iting with Kun Kninciswo ship owners to charter vessels to carryall their dnod fruits to New York around the Ilnrii. The moment a nlili ) is secured thu companies will load , OOU,0W ! pounds. Thotrii.lnf.lolm IX Smith forllio killing of Percy \Villuins ! is in progress at Fresno. Williams was t ho son of ( tiMicrnl Thonm 1 1. Williain * , who was during bis lifetime a well known and wealthy ranchman of San . ! oa < | uin county. The killing was caused by a quarrel over ag.'unoof cards. The boys of the t'OKZSwell high school in San Francisco "strucK" on the board of edu cation because "L , (5. lloiiirster , their ti-acher of languages , was removed and Prof. Noble assigned to the placo. Tbo boys said they would not go hack unless the old teacher was reinstated nnd thn board yielded. Largo quantities of potatoes are piled up on the wharves in Sun Fr wlsco and moiv are arriving dail.A . commission mcirchnnt unnblo to dispose of bis stock protltahly loaded up ten cars iat t week nnd sldppeil them to "Memphis , Tonn. , by special train decorated wllh bunting and otherwise , Charles II. Ackorson . nn olil resident tif San Francisco , escaped from the Pacilic hos pital at Stockton on February " 'J , and all tract ) of him was lot until last , week , when his body was found in tbo Stockton channel , about tivo miles from the city. Ho was chief longinecr of the San rnuicUoo tire de partment. Herman llorg , the wonlttdost man In Sut ler county , died of pneumonia , in Marysville , lifted thirty-six yenrs. 11 is linn owned sev eral tliuusiind acres of tbo hnestland in Sut ler countv , a half interest In IhoVosurn hotel nnu had largo land Interests in Teh.inia county. Ilo was a large , strung mini , and was sick only a few days. A tornado , nrwhirlwiml.slnrtcdta llrown's valley last week anil passed MaryHvillu and WhcMtlaml. It tore up < orytning In Us cour.M > , demolished tank IHHISIM , barns and fences , took foncu panels l.Ml yards Int'no air niul moved a l.fMM ) pound barley crusher twenty feet. It wont very slowly and in a course. No lives were Ion. Charles Morton , u.ipta In of the schooiio- Free Trade , coinmitU'd suiculo in Sim l-'run Cisco by cutting lila Ihroatuiid then Jumping into the bav. Norton cut the IIIU-K nl Ins baud and blood poisoning set in. Jli' unVivd iiitonsoly and ucoamo tlelrilous. Un w.is tblrty-nlnn years of age , a mitiveof Swe li'ii , nnil wns married on Pchruary 10 last , his wlfo li\lmr \ in San Francisco , A Frenchman named Chrmtlnn coinmitlcd suicide at the cream uf tartar works lu Sunn- Ishtmvn , Nupa county. Ilo used u doubh- bnrifled shiilgiin for the purpo.su pulling thi' trigger \\itb one of hu toes niter pointing the niu/zlo to ids throat ' 1 ho top of Ins hcud VMS lilotvn off Clirlstlan had bi ondrl.ildiir ( very frecij ol pn-cn wino for a woeli past Hotel mviMimuvlittliins In Sun rnuiclsoo b.ivo been taxotl to t tn ) ntiivist this semen All the lurgonut's nro pUnnlng to ent.irgo. IlnMwIn'i * lends the \\ny. \ \ I ; . ,1. Hulihvin bullghlii parcel of bind next hin holol nnd gets nnmiiilllonal frmitiigi'on Market ntivot of UK fcot nnd t\vcnty-llio on ICMIs Htrect. 'lhi < pdco | ' , ild with Iho coinmMloii wan jiro.omi A olmreh Invissllgat lull wllh clmi'd tlivirs. Involving vt ry sorlous charges agiilnst IJov. ; ( . ,1. l''lemliif ( , pnitor nftlii' Slolhmll.st olniivh nl Motile Vlsin , begun al the Simpson tnber- iniclo nt l.tvs AliKcles heforn a ( tiiiinlt.tco uf inlnist"rs selcctotl by tin ) privddlng older of the district. There Is aclmiTii of I'mbcwllng jiMHH ) In tvimiM'lionvllli the ( 'liiiutiniitiu | woiu nl ICciloiiilii. I'lciulnr Is a brlllkiui \oiuigiMiui nnd hnsmany friends. ' 1'hoollvo oil mill nl KlUvoml hiiH been kept ( ,1'lnt ' : night and duy , tint hits been unnblo to crush nil tnnoitves grown on thn mountains. It Is ostlmatcd that at least lii.dOOpnuuiU of olives \\TivwastOil \ \ tlds.uvir ln'camcof Insuf- tlcii'iil facihtb's for manufacturing. This ruprivents iibout liHW ) ( bottles tf oil , worth $1 $ n bolt o. In order total ; earn of this sur plus crop Austin llm no of Monlivlto IIIIH purchased machinery for an ulivo oil mill , niul will hnvo It In operation ! > } the tlmo next j cur's olive * nro ripo. < IlI'MMIto. ( JoorgctoMii will forinn miners' alliance. Port l.upton has mi opi-nlug for a flour mill. Manltou has a strongluburunion , recently organl/ctl. A largo foiouy of ( Scriiiiini will settle In tin' Ynmii valley this sprhif ; . Track laylnir on this Kio ( Irando SoutllPrii railroad Is in ho iv.sumed April 1. Washington county lias two chairmen ol tin' hoard of county commissioners. Much refuses to h.ick . down. A circular wns Issuotlhy tbostrlldng inlncri ' at C'lTstcd llntto asking' workmen to stay away from the town. Sagimcho county ranchmen nro agitating the in.itler of trout culture , Mnny streams have alivud ) been .itoclied. ( ! . II , Snillu of Steamboat Spring * slwl an Immensi' in.iuntnin lion about ono himitrod yards from his house recently. A crt-amery is to bo start oil nt Lninar which will COIIHUIIIO Sil , ( ) ( ) pnuntlj of nil It , i duy. Tbo plant will rust fTHK ( ) . Somebody has linen canting trouble in IluonaVlstiiby spreading false renortjiof thn dentil of n number of its prominent citizens. The Alornlmr Star mine irvners of Ward are about Input In a now hoisting plant un their property and will commence to .sink the shaft at onco. I'ViriiHsaiiltlng n schoolmate , n boy was punished by his teacher at Dan forth school , in Pueblo. It required the combined elTnrts of the teacher. Jmiitoraiul prhicip.il tu do it. According to the Ka.lunta'l'rlbuno , sheep men report that Hie total loss the past win ter among Hocks between there nnd Colorado Springs will not exceed U per cent. This small loss is duo to a mild winter , A report ( omes from Iromlnlo that arrange ments have boon madn for tbo cnmiolldat imr of the Kibler s'ovo works with n largo im plement manufactory which will luovo tlu-ru from the east. There Is also a fair prospoci thut n bltr .steel tiliuit will ho located there. Trinidad expects togot hcforo long auuion railway station In which the Sunta ! > , Denver - vor A lie ( inindo and Union I'acilicnro t.i . join in building and occupying. Tln > iirostsnl idansaro fora biilldlm , ' 1st ) font long hut it is suid that the doMgn coutomphilos u bmltlin ; ; ; ii)0 ) foot long. At the First Collgl o 'ntiolllll ohnn-h In IVn- vor was held the llrst of u soriotof Hundav meetings in behalf of thoSibi'rianoxllemovi'- nioiit. The gnlhcrliig was * ail'lroisetl by lov. ! Myron \V.leed.lnilgo { Melford , ( loorge La/.i- riilT , the escaped Uusslnn iilliillit , and .Mrs. HcoUSiixton. Similnr meetings will ho hold in tha future at the Central Prosbytorimi and First Baptist churches. The city election in Georgetown will beheld hold April ( > . A Hpociul rlectlon has bc''ii called for April Si to vote on the fiiosticn [ ot issuing bonds tntlio amount of ! . " > , UIK ) to pur- chnse iho system of waterworks now owned nnil controlled by the Clear Ureek water company. The vote will bo close , but the iv- suit , It Is anticipated , will bo in tbo negative The pcnplo arc moro in favor of putting in sewers llrst. U A wholesale slaughter of dogs isnowiii progress al Halt Crock , Pueblo county. \ dog affected with hydrophouiu bit a number of animals in llio vicinity several days np > . 5 ? A number of the cattlo.showed signs of m.i.l- nossana were killed and their cnnu- : < i partly burieii. Tbo rcinnlns were eaten liy llie dogs of Ihoiifighhorhonil. 'Ihesedogs in lurnnre mad. A cow wont mad aim Iwelvi ) men wererciiulied to corral her. C , H. M'rlghtnml a Pliiladolpldu syndicaln have purchased the Him * , svstL'in of railronOs in Washington for § .llii,0lill. ) ) Harry Kogori ofVlintcom Itlllod a : ! ' i- pound black hear roomily , but his favoriio dog was chewed to death by bruin. .lolm H. Umidolph , a colored man of Se attle , has fallen heir to a legacy of .jd.iiHl ( from the estate of an undo in New York Cit > . Lesllo 1) ) . Kills has been appointed by the ' mayor anil conllrmun by tlio council as' chief of police of Tacnnni , vice V..urchey , re signed. The senate refused by a vote of Id to li ( , to pass the resolution pnssod ny the house in- pfaching.iudgo Sachs of Port'Towiiscnd , the pokcr-pinying Juilire. ftTliPro is n proposition ! ( on foot in Sfnttlt'tu ostablihh therna [ ihint for drying thocodtisli caurbt in Aliu > \vatersand iraking SIMI- tlutho great ilKtrihutiiigpiint for lisli on the 1'acitic coast. The county commissioners of Lincoln oouiity have appropriated JV > 'M ' with whi.'li to buy strychnine , which is to lie distributed free among Uieiigriculluiid.sts In the hope that the country can bo fiveil from squirrels. Ills iinnnuiiiMil tbat on March ' , ' ) the Seut- tte , Lake Snore \ Mastern railroad \\illi-oin- plute its connertinn with the Ciuindlaii I'a- cillc. Thn mcAiis that tliero % vlll be , for llm lirst time , nn all-rail line from Mexico , clcur uthls | ) coast into Hritish Columbia. Several hundred codfish wore caught \\itn gill nets sunk to the botuuu of the sound near Tacoma recently. It is said to bo tbo llrst catch ot uvruUr eastern cod on the coast , imd the most singular thing about ll is tno fart that they nro found In no other part of llio sound. The ones taken weigh on annver.igo of eight pounds each. 1'nsil Dix , a fnivtuan of construction , was killed on llio I'airhavcn & tiouthorn iiiilrn.id. Ilo was riding on a Hat car in front of tlio oiiK'ino , and while nlloiiipting lo drive sunii' cattle Irom tbo track Iho air brake- , wore nut on and Iho sudden Jar threw him off and under the wheels of tbo train. One car r.ia liver nun , killing him in.staiilly. Ilo w.is thirty-tile ye.us old nid : loaves a wife ami family in Dakota. The contract for llftoou miles of the Ciivar Northern riglil-uf-wiiv comiiioncing at the trnbiitK of Pack river , Kootcuai countx. Itlnlio , mil extending westward , lias been let by 1C. L. Works .Sc Co. toUampboll , t Hnnvn , tno railroad win I ractors tif Sand Point , Ulibn 'J'ho contract also culls for laying down 'J'ni- UOlllies. They will bojiin WCIIK on Monday outlio ngbt-of-wav , Tlio coniracl is in bo romplolcd by , Inly 1. i'.dwln Tonkin , .city ticitot agent uf tli- Northern I'nclllo railway of Seattle , wa .ir- restotl cburgi',1 wllh ombe/itlomuiil. Ib n snld to bo $ . * ) ( inci ) slinrt In iicouunts , which lie lost in gambling. Cappers for So.ittlo trim bllng houses cultivated Tonkin's frleiuWiiii ami lured him to rum. The Northern I'anlu- intends iorcrig the g.imblini , ' hou < os toili-- gorge the monoy. Tonkin was ropoiiiiMlv trust 'd with laiye sums tif the cumpnn\'s mnnoy. K. \ \ Ilumiison , n [ "ndins ? butcher of Spokane FalU , who , with tl vii other men.WUH niTcstel Uvo months ago for eUonslvo cat ! ! o slciding , was found guilty. Tlio trial liMcil eleven days , duriiiB which savent.veight wit - nesses were put on the stand. The ahlt legal talent of the slate was ivprosuntoa in c.iso. . Tbootlior Uvo ineniborsof tliUKaiiii are ii'iw ' in ] ull and \ < 'lll all bo tried next wt llunmsoa has taken an appeal to the supiem- > court. On the last day of the second Ic Nluiis .session an immeaso number of bills \\n- p.ssed , iimung otlicra tbo sundry ilvll iiiirn | | priiitlon bill , to ; uipropiiato | over i'ir > o.uiKi ' . > l y theoxpcnsi s of t he slat-'government ' i ! ilu > next two yeirs. The loclslaliiiv , 1 iuurnod with a great amount or unllnWi I nii'-lnivss. Imlcod , the calomlar is so he.ix . 'y ' loaned limt tliero U serious talk of ane\ir.i MiHHion , but Acting ( lOYcrnor LotiKlilon IM I lively refiihos to call such a so.sHlon. Tbolato Senator Clark i- . said to have n . ( one f the wralthlost nn u In South U.lUo1 a , lie started liU life as n cowboy.