Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1891, Image 1

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s l\\\ \ t TAIlll' 1 //IMTSI > T
An Intent-tint : luter-Collogiato Event at
tlio University.
AuulilontiiUy Shot \Vhlli' Hnniliig
HUilon IMumlcr lt < jci vonil--l ) ho
11 , . .VM. . Kciliiflng K.\-
( looses Staio > 4 < w.-4.
LiN'tot.v , Nob. , March HI. - [ Special to Tin :
Hir : , ] Tlio Interest of all college students In
Nebraska centered In Lincoln tonight on the
ntur-colleglate oratorical contest for stnto
honors. Fl\e college.1-were ? represented -
the slate unlvorslty , Dorme collciri' . Cottier
university , ( ! ate eollogo and the \Vosloyan \
university. Over a hundred students from
Crete caiiio In on the afternoon trains to give
thu Donne orator the Inspiration of their
presence. A largo delegation also canm from
Noilgh. The visitors were mot at the depot
and escorted to the state university , whore
all preliminaries were arranged. Thin evenIng -
Ifll Ing the great content was held at Itohnnau's
hall , and the gieat auditorium was filled to
Mr. T. 1C. Chappell , the representative of
the state university , was the tlrst orator.
Ho spoke on the subject , "What
Shall He Done with the Nogrol" Mr.
C/h'iptioll has n deep , resonant voice , suited to
his deliberatestyle ] of speaking , and beheld
the attention of Iho audience from beginning
to end. Ho was followed by Mr. C. A. Holt
of ( iates college , -who spoke forcibly on "Tho
A'olco of the Majority. " Mr.V. . N. Cnsscli
of Doano spoke on "Tho Social Problem , "
and hnmlh'il It nicely. Ills delivery and
thought wore both excellent. Ilo was fol-
il lowottby Mr. J. 11. Uicknoll of Cotnernr.l-
versitA * , ' who spnl'o eloquently on " 1'lie
-.Modofii Ideal. " The last rtv.itor was Mr.
C. -Winter \Vesloynn , who delivered an
1 interesting t-iieoeh on the unique subject , "A
Lost t'ltUen. " The contest was a very close
one ami nearly every orator had frlonils who
would have awarded him tlrst place.
The llrst prize was awarded toIVUS. . " Chap-
pell of the Nebraska state unlversltv und the
second prize toC. K. Winters of the wesleyan
A Purger diuvlL'toil.
I'lATTSMiii'Tii , Neb. , March IS. [ Special
Telegram toTin : llii : : . ] In the district court
today the ttlnl of ( " ! . I. Smith , tor forgery ,
terminated In a verdict of guilty rendered bv
the Jury after being out over twenty-four
hours. Smith forged the nnnio of Itennett
Chrissweiser to an order on the Nchuwka
hank for $ ll.Ti , endorsing It with the nnnio
of D. L. Bclknupp. The cashier cashed the
order , but misgiving its genuineness Investi
gated the matter nnd found the signatures to
have been forged. Smith had In the mean
time decamped , but was subsequently up-
AciMdontally Shot.
WVMOUI : , Neb , , March IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Ilir.T'ho | news of a sad
accident reached this city this afternoon.
I'lnllip ' Wolfe , n young carpenter of this city ,
was out to his homo about seven miles south
west of hero and went hunting , accompanied
by a neighbor's bov. In soi..o way \Volfe fell
nnd the gun wns discharged , the charge tak
ing effect above his eyes. A messenger wns
scut to town for Dr. Clifford , who immedi
ately starto'l ' to his aid. "Woilo Is unconscious ,
nnd it Is feared ho will not recover.
Tbo Plunder Iteooveroil ,
U.Mivr.sTos. Keb. , March lit. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : 11in. ] The burglars who
seemed to think they had a bonanza on the
10th Inst. In their raid on the postoftlco at this
place found that money would be needed to
get to a place where their plunder could be
disposed of , nud for fear of Identification
placed the stolen property between two of
our business buildings , whore it was found
by Willie Timer and returned to thn post
master. l-Iver.vthing taken was found In
good order , as ihey were securely wrapped in
nu oil cloth wrapper. In all probabilities ar
rests will soon bo mado.
A Show of Appreciation.
XinuisKCiry : , JCeb. , March -Special [
Telegram to Tin : Hii : : . | t'ho 11. & M. rail
road today showed its appreciation of faith
ful service by letting out Joseph M. Hrown
the engineer who risked tils life In the com
pany's service during the strike. Five men
were also lot out ot the roundhouse and it is
said more are tn follow.
The Kvnnnolli'al Ct > nforine < > . : , Nob. , March -Special : [ Tele
gram to Tin : HKP. ] The evangelical confer
ence at Holdrcgo continues its work with in
creased Interest and atteiiilanci' , forty-two
members being present today. During the
day four ok'ers were received from othei
churches to this body. C.V . An
thony , presiding elder of Holdrcgo ills
trict , handed In his resit-nation. The
decision of the trial committee of July last h
the case of Hcv. .1. 1 * . Asti of Heavc'r Cross
ing , by whicli ho was suspended from tin
ministry , was sustained by this conference
and la addition to their verJIct Hov. Asl
was deposed iroin his olllco and expellee
from the church. Tonight Hov. I'atter
son of Nelson delivered a very able address
to n large congregation.
"Will Orgatil/.i- Now Lodge.
SIDNEY , Neb. , March -Special : [ Tele
gram toTim : | preparation ! ! an.
being made hero for the Institution of a lodge
of the Ancient Order of Unltod Workmei
next Tlinrsdnv night. ( Irand Master Work
man .1. ( ! . Tale of ( 'mini Island will person
ally superintend the work. The lodge wl
start with n niouibershlw ot thirty ot the
most prominent citUens of this city.
l'n t\lly \ Injured.
I'l.ATTsMorTii , Ji'eb. , March -fSpecia
Telegram to Tin' : llr.c.l-.Millnrd Ihlrd , time
keeper In Newell & I'arnielo's stone quarry
at Culloin , sustained a ruptuvoyestcrdav
and although medical attendance. was ob
tained without delay the afflicted parts
swelled rapidly and inflammation set in. Tin
unfortunate man died this afternoon.
Dentil ul'aii Old M-tller.
PATILMON , Neb , , March 111. [ Special Tolc-
pram to Tin : Hii : : . | Mrs. John lUtchlodted
at her homoln Papllllon today. She was the
wife of Colonel John Itltchle , otio of the old
est settlers of this county , having lived In
this county and in Omaha since IsoO. She
wns.iu her seventy-ninth year.
.Nominal In - Con \cnt inns.
Nnniasi ; vCiTV , Xeb. , March 13. f Special
Telegram to Tin : Ihi.l : The rouubllcan city
convention to nominate candidates for city
olllcorshas been called for no.xt Wednesday.
The democrats will nominate on Tuesday , v
Hard on Crap
N'xsiivn.i.c , Tcnn. , March It ) . ( Special
v . Telegram to Tin : BEI : . i The police last
ul ht raided the gambling rooms over the
Climax saloon and arrested twenty-live men.
Kloven were playing stud poker and thir
teen craps. Judge nell said there wns some
excuse for men playing the seductive game
uf poker but none for craps and ho would
mnko tU < distinction by lining the poker
player * only fit ) and the crap players fiV
Hit : Shipments of Sug.ii- . .
NnwYoiiK , March 111. [ .Speciiil Telegraia
to Tin : 1H : : . I Immense shipments of .sugar
will bo made to the west before April 1 ,
when the section of the McKlnlcy bill abolishing
ishing the duty goes Into effect , The south
western railways and steamship associations
liavi * dei-ldeil to divide the sugar by per cent ,
as It Is fi-aivd the iinuMiallv big i-nntlgn-
incnt.s will lempt'iume nni' of tno ronils to
make very Inw ratetn tin' trust v\\
coiulitlon'that it Is iriven all the business.
A Hi'pnrli'-l Attempt tn lllow Up
1'coHn'H I Ig Distillery.
L'iii.t'io Orru i : or Tni'Jln : . )
Ciiiiif > ) , Mil roll Ui. f
A ilNpntch from fVi.ria says there was
considerable o.uMteniont In that city over n
rumor that an attempt had boon made tl >
blow up thu Moi.arch distillery , the largest
establishment of thu kind hi the world. The
rumor , however , coulii bu traco.l to no roll-
iiDlo source. The whisky trust otllclau make
the Monarch distillery their place of meeting
when not at the trust olllco nnd they have
been annoyed of late liy nartloa desiring to
look through tin ? great distillery.
They undoubtedly bollevo that these
parties nro detectives and aio seek
ing Iniofmutkm to ho used against
the trust. Kor this reason they have'placed
pickets iironml the entire property and a
party not connected with the distilleries or
property vouched for cannot gain admission
excepting bv a permit from the olllco of the
trust. This guard Is kept posted day and
night. *
WISTIIN : : ; I'noiM.n is nncvno.
Among the western people lu Chicago
today were the following :
At the ( ir-and Pacific -J. P. Stone , Iowa ;
W. T. White , Sioux City , la. * , I , . C. Hill ,
Omaha ; C. S. Wollis , Sioux City , la. ; ! ' . .1.
SutelltTo , Omaha ; J. W. Power , John M.
Thurston , Arthur A. Potter , I ) . II. 1'arson ,
Omaha ; U. J. Chnsc , Sioux City , la. ; C. 11-
bcrt A. 1'lcrco , Hlsmmrck , S. IX ; Jonn Sher
man , Dos Moines.
At \Vellingtoii-C. . M. Lawrence ,
At the Kichelicu-Colonel J. T. Urisbln
and wife , Fort Custer. S. D.
At the Auditorium . \V. McMllken , DCS
Moines ; H. J. Pearson , Omaha * J. F. Cook ,
Davenport. la.
At the Palmer L. WHev and wife , Slonx
City , la. ; J. K. UfdcgrolT , Salt hake City ,
Utah ; S. T. Coniinack , Charles Cotnmack ,
Marshnlltown , In. ; George Fairburn , DCS
At the Sherman W. T. ISIgby , Stanwood ,
la. ; J. M. Donovan , Sioux Knlls , S. D.
At the Auditorium- . CJallagher , W. It.
McCord , A. Sautulor and family , Omaha.
At the liriind Pacillc- . It. Hawkins , \V.
A. Webster , H. M. Pierce. Omaha.
At.tho \rejnont-Mlss C.ould , Omaha.
At the Sherman U' . Kosoman , Omuha.
At the Palmer J. R Mavel , Omaha ,
v rrruKu , r/f/f ir/-/f.s.
They Are Still Conllncil In .lull at
.Inmaiea , li. I.
Nr.w Yoiiic , March I ! ! . [ Special Telegram
toTin : Uni ! . ] The twelve Polish eloahnvak-
era , including their leader , Uarondess , are
still locked up at the town hall lu Jamaica , L.
I. The men are confined In live cells , there
belli ) . * only that number available in the jail.
The prisoners hoped to bo released on un
order from the snnromo court , but their
counsel did not succeed in obtaining a writ of
, . .
will come up forbearing before Justice lien-
drieks tomorrow morning.
Oreenbaum's house is still guarded by
three constables , ( jrecnbiinin's little son
Willie , who was burned with ttio vitriol
thrown by the llends , is still suffering much
pain. The vitriol ourned into one of the
child's ears so badly that a portion of-ttio ear
was eaten away and the child will lose his
hearing. Grcenbanin Is lilting tin his work
shop aL'ain and expects lo resume work next
Monday morning. The llrms In New York
for whom ho worked have guaranteed to
.glvo-lilm full protontipu and it Is not likely
the strikers will attempt to repeat the out
A rumor circulated last night that n party
of strikers from New York intended to como
to Jamaica and attempt to rescue the prison
ers , caused considerable uneasiness In town.
Citizens remained up till a late hour and
were prepared to give the strikers a warm
reception If they put in an appearance.
It.lKOT.l .IKII'.V.
.Votes iVoin Mlti'lii'llFatal Accident
to n Young ; Fan net" .
MiTcm.u. , S. I ) . , March ii.-Sreclal ; | Tele
gram to Tin : Hii : . | Mrs. John 1' . Yogel ,
who died In Omaha yesterday , is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ucorgo Anderson of this
place. The remains are on tbo way mid will
bo interred hero tomorrow.
II. L. Bras , county superintendent ol
schools , has decided soon to begin the publi
cation of a new educational Journal to be
called the School Journal.
John \ \ . Splnk was arrested nnd arraigned
today before Judge Abbey o-i complaint of
Detective Watson , chaired with stealing
coal from the Milwaukee railroad company.
Ho pleaded guilty and was lined , and In de
fault of payment he was committed to jail.
The west bound passenger train at 'J : - ! . " >
this inornhig struck a team near Emory ,
killing both horses. No person was with the
team nor could tlio owner bo found.
Killed by a Kalltiig Tree.
VKIIMIM.ION , S. IX , March 1' ! . fSpccIa
Telegram to Tin : Uir. : . | Will Harris , a
farmer thlrtv years old , while cutting tlmhci
four and oiio-haU miles Iroin this citv today ,
wns struck by a falling live anil Instantly
Killed. He was a hard-working young man
Ilo leaves a wife nnd one child.
\nii. \ itK.ii.r7x .1 K.I.VSM.V.
Ingalls Denies ( ! > < > Kcport That lit
Will Killer .Innrimlism ,
HO-.TOV , Mass. , March : | Tele
gram to Tin : Hii.jICxSenatm : : * Ingtills was
among the passengers on board tbo Haiti-
more steamer yesterday. Ho has ccmo to
Massachusetts to visit his aged parents , lu-
galls' attention was called to the report that
he proposed entering the Held of Journalism
In New York , but ho said : " 1 shall enterinto
no employment , however attractive or how
ever lucrative , that , will cause mete
to lose my citizenship. 1 am n Kansan -
san , and n Kansan 1 shall remain.
1 have rucelved a great many otVers of vari
ous kinds since my successor has been elected
and huvJ declined them all , but after a short
rest I shall return to my own state and en
gage hi some employment. As far us Journal
ism Is concerned , I have always been , you
know , a I'uusi-uowspapur man , 'and iieu-spa
per men have always been my warm friends ,
lint It Is untrue that I am to attach myscll
to any newspaper in New York. "
.V.I Itltl.t tiK HI' ) liti , CIHUtSKI.I.
Itoi'kelt'ller's Mnlhrr-ln-ljaw Taken
I'nto llci'sclf a Hni-liaiKl.
Tirriv , O. , March il.-Special : [ Telegram
to THE Hr.r.On ) Wednesday evening at
the residence of the bride in this city oc
curred the marriage ceremony uniting Mrs.
Kdnu L. Ctoodsell and John I , . Stolgor. This
union Is of more than local interest , for the
reason that thu bride 1the ; mother-in-law
of John V. Hockefeller , the Standard ol
magnate , although the family relatlonshli
has not been rocognlicd for years. Mrs
Steiger Is nearly seventy years of aio am
the possessor of a competence , while hei
newly wedded husband Is scarcely forty
Many years ago Mrs. Stoiger wns married to
n man by the name of Johnson , nnd alter his
de.itli she became t'.io wife of 'Squire Good
sell ; who was the father of the present wife
of John D. Hockofeller. For buvcral years
previous to his death Good sell lived apar
from his wife , making his homo with his
daughter , Mrs. Kockofeller , in Cleveland.
An Aliseondi'p H < > | xiruMl Caught.
LOUISVII.I.K , Ky. , March li ) . -It is reportei
hero tluit W. 11. Pope , former teller of the
Citv National bank , who disappeared a yen
a > * o with fTO.lXKI of the bank's ' funds , tin
been caught aud part of tlio money recovered
obn W. Foster nml Jnmos G. Elaine , Jr. ,
Sail on mi Important Mission.
t ol'liliilio Ool
li > .Valco a Strong l-'lght fur the
Sent Claimed l > y I'l-otl
W.\' Tun HIT , )
Mil r-'oiMirr.cvrii STUCKr , >
W.AsiiiNoiov , I ) . C. , March. 111. i
It Is understood that the mission ot Messrs.
John \ \ ' , Foster nnd James t. . Hlaine , Jr. ,
who sailed for Kuropo yesterday , Is to nego
tiate a treaty with Snain for the opening of
Cuban nmtkct.s to American products. Mr.
Fester negotiated with Spain while United
States minister at Madrid under President
Arthur , which failed of ratification. He has
been Mr. Htnlno's principal adviser In all ne
gotiations with South American republic *
and Is better posted tn such matters than any
other man In America. Spain Is anxious for
a treaty since-tho passage of the McKlnloy
bill , and It is predicted that the forthcoming
treaty will In consequence bo very much
111010 favorable to the United States than any
previous treaty.
. , ' Drums'
wit.i I'oxTCMT SKVT ,
Senator Claggctt , who Is Xo.I of the Idaho
delegation tor the upper house , Is in Wash
ington looking after his case and preparing
to place himself in a proper light before the
senate committee on privileges and elections ,
lie proposes to make a very strong light for
the sent to which Proil Dubols claims to have
been fairly elected. lr. Claggett said today
that ho has the law , the equities and the
morals on his sUle , nnd ho added : "There
wns a general understanding In the stnto
that the northern half , which Is entirely cut
oft from the southern end , should have ono
representatlvo In the senate. At our con
vention , " salil Mr. Claugott , "tbe proposition
was made to give ono senator to cnch
section , and after three or four days' debate
the resolution was carried. It wns then
innde a plunk In the platform , and It was sup
posed there would bo no more dllllculty about
It , hut when the legislature mot Mr. Dubois
nnd Mr. Shoup got up n combination to se
cure the election of throe senators instead of
two , and they got Mr McC'onnell into it ,
their plan being to let Mr. Shoup nnd Mr.
McConnolldraw for the terms , short or long ,
but regardless of the result of their drawing
to insure Mr. Dubols the full six years' term
beginning after March-I. They wonted mete
to go Into the combination Instead of Mr.
McC'onnell , but 1 would not agree to the
violation of the platform and the sacrifice of
the Interests of my section of the state. I
told them that the only proper thing to do
was to elect the two senators to which the
now state wns , entitled and when they had
taken their ' possession In the senate and
drawn for their terms , If the short term fell
to tlio southern senator , to elect a man from
that section of the state to succeed him , hut
If the short term fell to the northern senator ,
lo elect a man from the northern part of the
state to succeed him. In this way each
section would have a scnntor. This Is what
was contemplated in our platform , and
with that understanding the northern part
of the state had yielded till the local otlicos
to tlio south except that of lieutenant gov
ernor. Hut Mr. bnhols wants tlio six-year
term and the combination was lixed to ac
complish what hu desired. McConncll was
elected for north Idaho and Shoup from
south Idaho , and it was arranged that their
election should be followed by the election of
Uubois to succeed whichever one ( rot the
term expiring on Alarch I. The elections
wore Ill-Id under two provisions of law one
of the general law admitting the state nnd
the other under tlio constitution of the stato.
Under the constitution of the stnto the Onl-
loting for the two senators was
begun within ten days nftcr the first
meeting of the legislature. That being
done , the election of n successor to
cither of these senators was regulated fcy the
general law providing for the election , the
balloting beginning on the second Tuesday
after tlin meeting of the legislature. It was
proposed by the combination to elect Mr.
Dubois after the. second Tuesday , but ho dis
covered that it would bo impossible to hold
the combination together that long , the men
having been deceived into it nnd becominu
discontented as they began to anpreciatu ttio
deception. Thuroforo Mr. Duhois decided
not to wait until tlio lawful time for holding
the election , but to have himself elcctod
immediately , which ho did. The leg
islature was composed of irood men ,
but there wore only two lawyers in
the whole body , ono in the senate
and oiio In tlio house , so that they were easily
deceived as to the law. Hut when the second
end Tuesday after the meeting of the legis
lature hail arrived and the election could
legally bo held , they had come to im nniter-
stamllng of the situation. They balloted for
senator In tlio lawful manner , and I wus
elected to succeed Mr. McConnell , the sena
tor from north Idaho , who got tlio short
term. "
Tin ) contest promises to be an exceedingly
Interesting one , but the general opinion is
that Dubois will get the scut.
TIIK rnist iiio.uisrrin.s : rou i wnNi : > .
The tlrst requisition for a refund of the
direct taxes was receive. ! at tlio treasury de
partment today from Governor Hill of'Now
York. The Kmplro state gets . and
Ills umlorstood that anelTurt will bo inailo to
have the legislatures set apart this sum as the
nucleus of a fund to bullil roads , which is ono
of the governor's fads.
ri.vrr ivs IT'S ii.iuiiisnx ,
A local naiier tonight reports that It has
received information unit ex-Henator T. ( ; .
1'latto of Now York o.\prossos his entire con
fidence in the renoniinatloa of President
Harrison. The same paper also ( motes H. II.
IClltius , who was In town today , as entertain
ing thobcntlments of Mr. 1'latto.
PKIIKV S. Ilr.tTii.
Nebraska mid Iowa
WAsmxfiTON , March ij. : [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.r. . | Pensions were granted
today to the following N'obraskans : Original
-Charles R Thorp , Uilman D.Villoy \ ,
Henry It. Wilson , Amos llUsett , .lames S.
White.Sylvester I' . Willis , George. W.
Weaver , Kandolpli Waters , William Oliver
Williams , .lohn A. Stevens , Daniel X. Smith ,
UoberLJ. Terry , William H. Snllenbcrger ,
Alfred H. Wilson. Additional Arthur IConip ,
Amos Illssctt. Original widows , etc. Minors
of Daniel W. Case ; Sarah A. Ilallcr , former
widow of I ) . Case ; Ur.ico , widow of Kobcrt
Johnson ,
Iowa ; Original invalid-- William II. Seo-
her , Christopher Schntt , William llrennan ,
.lohn Warner , Jeremiah Snydur , Charles H.
Wilson , JJradloy Stuart , Charles W. Stew
art , William It Shophnrd , Wlllmm P. Tlnk-
ham , Phliieas ( i. Shoroy , Kugeno Sullivan ,
.Miami nauingarton , John I ) . Vnncleavc ,
tt intonVaddoll , Molvln U. Wilkins , Jere
miah II. Warltald , ( ieorgu Weir , Jesse O.
llurgcss. Aiiain II. W.lson , James Vnnscoy ,
Ilenrj A. Standlsh , Ailchael Ungoror , Thomas
U. Ware , IawivnroValsli , Thomas A.
Sloanc , Cioorgo W. Swallow , Ucnjamin P.
Siicer. Increuso John Ijcatherinan , Allen
Thompson , ICH Taylor , .Insepli Wunl. Ko-
Issue-William A. Klllot , tlcnry Stowatt.
Original widows babel , widow of John
Mnllcllu on Viticulture.
Alurch l.'l. The census bu
reau bulletin iijioii viticulture shows the
total nroa of vlneyivrds in l ! > s , ( ) to have been
I01 , fil acres , of which ! ! 07vrr > acres wore In
bearing. The total product of hs'j was
! i7 > , liH ) tons , of which UOT/JTl tons were table
grapes and i 10IMl tons were used for pro-
ducliig wine , iiiaklng'JlKViH'i ! ( ) gallons , -\\\M \ \ \
tons lor raisin limiting , 1I,1M ; boxes of'JO
pounds each and'JM.III.'i tens lor dried grapes
uud purposes other tuuu'iublu fruit. The
product of California for tljo. season of
win MV.tUXH ( ) gnllons nf wiho nnd l. : WMi
boxes of raisins. The product of ls'.H ' ) is esti
mated ill UMX1.000 Ri'llotW of wine and
J , l r , UVI boxes of ralwns , with young raisin
vineyards enough lo Incroa o the vli-lii of
raisins within the next Jlyo jears to ! , ( KiO,000
or 10,0011,000 boxes.
S.niIKItMtilMKIt. .
' 1'lie Special ! " | HI Agent uC t lie COIIHUM
Iliironu t ill ( ; liivcstlgnled.
WASIIISOTOV , Alftrch til.1'rof. . Smiley ,
special agent of the eleventh census in charge
of the division of llsli uml llshorio.s , has been
temporarily relieved I'roin duty , the work of
his division stopped nndgcnts ( recalled from
thn Held pending an Investigation Into the
charges preferred aga.nst him. The charges
that Prof. Smiley used his oftlrlnl position
mid influence to discredit nnd embarrass the
United States llsli commlHslon , nnd In conse-
qucnco of his linvln ? thus nccupled n largo
part of his time nnd that of his special anont.'t
the value of the work of Ills division has
been seriously Impalrod. Prof. Smiley makes
tt positive denial.
Him Will SlJiiry iiT'omit.
Wii.MixtiTov , Del. , Aluivh 111. [ Special
Telegram to Tin ; UM : . ] The wedding of
Ailss Mannlo Hayanl , youngest daughter of
cx-Secrotary of Stnlo Uaynrd , to Count
I.ewcnhaupt , Is nnnounced to take place early
In Ajn-il In this city. Count hewoiihauptls the
oldest sou and heir of the extensive ojtato of
thoLcwenhnupt family In Sweden. Tlio groom-
elect's father is prominent In the political
affairs of Sweden nud stands near the king.
Ilo Is an o.xtonslvo nhlp builder. The son
c.nno to America to .study methods of ship
building and Is nt present with the Harlnn &
Hollingsworth company of this city. Through
the Swedish consul ho met the llayurd fam
ily and the engagement with the youngest
daughter followed. U'bo count and countess
will rcsldo In Stockholm.
Houston .SII.VH He iHii't. Mild.
WAmiiNOTOx , March lit. Treasurer Hous
ton returned tins afternoon from n visit to
his homo in Indiana nnd assumed his duties
at the treasury department. Ho did not
know how long ho would retain his present
ofllco. Ho tendered1 his resignation to the
president February 84 In order that his suc
cessor might bo appointed during the session
of the scniitc , and has not heard from the
president ono way 6r the other since , llu
said , however , that ho wanted It understood
that he had not resigned in a "pet , " nnd had
only friendliest feeling for the president.
PoMl III lilt ( M-H ,
WASHINGTON- , March 11) ) . The records of
th. ' postofllco department show that during
the two jearaoftho present administration
ended .March there were ' , ' , 75 1 appointments
made of presidential postmasters. Of this
number -ITS were made "upon resignations ,
! KM upon expiration of commission , TTs upon
removals , 7-1 were made to fill vacancies
caused by death nnd W.I wciv madn nt olllces
whiih were raised from tlio fourth totho
presidential class during 'the two years. At
li'.K ' ) presidential oftlcos no changes have yet
been made.
PnuiiCRi'oto ConlV-rs With Itlalno.
WASHINGTON' , March III. Sir Julian
Puuncofoto , the iJritisti minister , had a con
ference with Secretary IHaino this after
noon. It related prln'c.ipally , so it is said , to
an arrangement of th'p 'preliminaries for the
subnii.sslon to arbltritlon of the various
questlpusat Issuoin iogir3 ; to the Uohring
sen litilicries , on thfl fasis sugcoslod by
Hluini ) and acceptofl by . 'Salisbury , with cer
tain modifications. |
Suyti IK ? Jn thb t * "m"r. '
" \V\sntxnTOX , March 13. Attorney Gen
eral Miller has rendered a.n opinion that the
president has power to appoint the nine cir
cuit court judges created by the hist con
gress , diirlnir the recess of congress. The
president has not indicated whether ho will
follow the opinion of his legal advisor or not.
The I'rcHJdent KctuniH ,
\V.\"IIIXOTOX , March 1 ! ) . The president
and party returned to Washington this after
11 U.I ItKX'S mXUKAXt'K.
lie Follows His t-lsi ( > r's lictniycr nntl
Calmly Kills Him.
GUINNT.U , , la. . Alaroh 1 ! ! . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : liui : . ] A mtlo afternoon today
Edward , ! . Uiclier was'shot ana killed by Gil
Brniiou , formerly of Brooklyn , but recontlj-
from California.
The evidence before Coroner AlcOnin
showed that Hraden 'entered the oftlco of
Newby Si Parker's ' livery stable and ilred
two shots , ono passing through Kicker's
body from behind catting the artery near
the heart. The bullet 'yvas ' found in his cloth-
iiiR In front.
Kicker ran from UIQ ofllco Into the stable
nml fell among the iiorses , llrnden following
and firing again , hut missing , llrailcn ran
out to a lumberyard to tilde , was followed
and gnvo hlinsi > lt up , Ho surrendered n
largo -ll-ealibio revolver and n smaller one.
Ho admitted hohntl killed Kicker and had
come for that purpose , saying Kicker had
rulncci his sister live years before , and had
brought his mother almost to the grave.
That Clod had told him to kill Kicker. Ilo
meant to give Kicker the small revolver to
defend himself with had ho mot him in the
Hraden seemed cool , nnd expressed satis
faction nt hilling Kicker. lirndeu Is un
married , and his sister Is in a house of ill-
repute. Kicker leaves n wife and two
children , about live ami eight years old.
Will l ( < ! Hurled Together.
DAVKNTOHT , la. , March 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hnr.J Dr. , T. .1. Tompson , ono
of the oldest null most respected phvsleiuns
of the city , died yesterday of pneumonia ,
nged lifty-nlno. Only a few hours afterwards
his wifodled of the Bnnui disease , nged llfty-
four. There will bo a 'doublo funeral Sun
day. _ _
Died 'Ihroijgli Surgery.
Kr.OKfK , la. , March in. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Ilir.jL. : Irs. Klizanoth Him-
cock , living at Carthage , ,11' ' . , underwent an
operation for the oxtfrpatinn of an abdominal
tumor at St. Joseph's 'liospltnl hcto last
Wednesday. The operation consumed four
hours. The lady lilei ) from the effects of the
operation this morning. "
.1 7 , . .V/ >
Mono IjimdH Not. ( noverued liy .illn-
ei-al Ijantl IiawH.
S\ir LMii : , Utah , March la. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : Hin. : ] The register of tlio
land olllco hero has received a communication
from the general lanij ofllco at Washington to
the effect that In tho. future stone lands can
not bo entered under the mineral land laws.
The opinion Is u ix'.sult of an Inquiry on the
purt-of U. P. Cuhnurof this city , who took
up HiU acres under the provisions of the min
eral nut , which ho will ngt have to relinquish.
tlio Union 1'aollli.1.
Sax Li".iUtatt : , March lit. | Socld | ; Tele
gram to Tim HKK. I The jury In the case of
John \Vhlto , the man who was so brutally
maltreated by a Union Pncillc trainman , as
related In yesterday's Issue , brought In a ver
dict today for the plaintiff nud assessed his
VIOtllMH Ill'-llll ) A
SM.T Luu : , Utah , March Ki-Spcclal [ Telegram -
egram toTim llr.u.J John Lloyd , a small
boy , was run over by a street car this morn
ing and fatally injured. This makes the
third victim that "James U urd , the motor-
muii , Una caught this summer.
Qlntlstono Oonsultinu wi'h ' Mor'cy , uu1 llnr-
court Rug.inlitig Its Scofc.
Assured of ( Yrtiitii Stitioi- | ] ( lie Deems
-ir Ucinly in itemiine nud
I'or Ifeluixl ,
$ ! til/ . .Veill'iir > f .l' ) , ' /if / < .r IVMi.l
I.IIMKIN , Maivh -lladstono ! ( has been In
consiiltiitlbn with Morley , ITnivourl and
Trovelynii on the sconi' of the liberal oloc-
torn ! pjalforin and Is proparinc tn announce
it. It Is learned that homo rule , with , i doll-
nite exposition of the questions ol Irish rop-
mentation In the imperial p.irllament nnd
hind nnd police relations to tlio Irtsh j-nvern-
inunt continuo to hold the front rank. The
liberal lenders have been fortllloil with a de
termination to pursue the Irish policy by a
report prepared at electoral headquarters on
the probable results of the Parnull faction
light. Mr. Schmulhnrsfs forecast reduced
P.irnoll's following in the next p.irliuinent to
ten. Thus Gladstone , assured of the sup
port of an Irish plialanx of seventy-three
steady adherents , deems himself ready to
resume and comnlcto Icu'lsiatlou for Ire-
hnd. The next planks of the liberal platform
are "ono man , ono vote , " including
reform legislation , free elementary educa
tion , amendment of thu labor laws , with the
abolition of the law of conspiracy. ivMinliya-
tion of taxation , amendment of the factory
acts as affecting children and measures to as
sist rural laborers to acquire holdings.
It Is .sltrnillcant of thu earlv dissolution of
parliament to Hnd the conservatives sud
denly becoming warm ch.implons . of rural
The worst features of P.irnoll'.s ' fond with
tlio nationalists develops as the light becomes
fiercer. Ills attitude of partial respect
toward tbo clergy disappears and thinly
veiled insolence , sometimes open reviling ,
chnrncteri/es the speeches of the leaguers.
lit a letter published today Archbishop
Croke ridicules while denouncing the latest
I'arnellito attempt to blacken the blshnp In
Harrington's pseudo revelations through the
publication of Archbishop I.ogus' letter.
In an article in the l abnr World , appealIng -
Ing to Irish-Americans , Michael ll.ivltt. de
clares that the effrontery of 1'arnell is meas
ureless In asking American- ignore his
base betrayal of household virtues. Ilo does
not fear but that the Irish In America
will spurn his emissaries as the
servants'of a fnctioui-,1 traitor ,
who considers his inteiests above
homo ml'1 and Ids tarnished name alxne the
honor of their rac < \ I'lirncll solaces himself
amid the fever of combat by revisiting the
scenes of his old amours. The response of
Ireland to the political fund is a cause of
bitter disappointment to the I Mrncll faction.
The rreeman's Journal today shows that the
tfttrtl CI I , llcill.t It.lll fu f-ttllt * t' ? ' ) ? I't.l.lbC A tlll. _
lea subscribes generously Parncllisni is men
aced by death by exhaustion after the first
furious efforts of the campaign.
As the I'arnellUes continuo to spread the
report that Dlllun and O'Brien will lake
sides with them , Davlttsclml the occasional
a meeting of the national executive to state
that ns soon as Dillon and O'Drion were re
leased both were expected to Join the federa
tion committee.
With the apiKjaranco of the National Press
the waiting attitude of the McCarthyites has
been abandoned for encrgotlc action. The
general federation is receiving adherents in
every district In Ireland.
A largo proportion of the correspondence
of the American legation is devoted to the
subject of unclaimed estates in Knirland.
Secretary Mcl'orimck states that since
March , ISS'.I ' , over t\\o hundred American
claims to largo estates in Great Britain have
been received. Nouo of thu oases have
shown even the element of probability , and
there Is reason to believe that nearly all the
American claimants are deceived by English
The question of the position of American
Insurance companies in Knglniul was brought
up In the commons tonight by Try nslilng
( losrhon , chancellor of the exchequer , torn-
bate the income tax on insurers In American
companies. ( ioschcn replied that foreign
companies holding investments abroad had
thu advantage by having no income tax to
pay , therefore they could lay no Claims to re
mission hero. This reply settles the ionu
pending Ulspnto.
A blue book on the Newfoundland di jmto
with Franco Is about to Do issued. Arbitra
tion is limited to the disimto regarding the
lobster fisheries.
The queen's second "drawing room , " held
todav , was equally brilliant with the lir. t ,
held last week , although tin IM was a smaller
attendance today. It was of spec ! il inteu-st
owing to the larger number of Americans
present. Tlio United State ? minister and
Mrs. Lincoln , Miss Lincoln , Mr. and Mrs.
MeCormielc and Lieutenant and Mrs.
Kinory were In the diplomatic loJy. Mrs.
Lincoln , being in mourning , was dresned in
black velvet. Mrs. MrL'nrmlck wore a
gown of poppy red bro-ade , trimmed
with crepe and heavily embroidered with
gold and Jewels. Miss Medil'.o ' of Chicago ,
who was also present In the diplomatic cir
cle , wore a dress of pink satin with a cold
embroidered train of white satin , brou.uleil
with eirnatloiis , and carried a bouquet of
carnations and lilies. Miss Lincoln woie
n white satin gown ornamented
with silver embroidery. Mrs. Astor ,
who had made all nrrnngements
to be presented to the queen , was proven ted
from attending by a cnhlofiMin fram Phila
delphia announcing the death of her mother.
She Had a special costume designed in Paris
for the occasion. Mrs. Lincoln gave a draw
ing room tea after the court cerumony. Her
guests were the Americans and several of
the others who hail been presented to the
Mr. Ciosclicn , chancellor of the exchequer.
expects a surplus for the budget of
- '
Tennyson's "Cycle of Songs" was sung nt
St. .lames' hall tolght : : by the tenor HNhum ,
thu contralto SurntlowshI and the soprano
Carlutta IClliot. The cycle Includes four un
published poems. The music , by Lady
'lonnvsou , is original in character , but
rather overstrained in effect. The programme
was well received by a largo audience , which
Included Pilucoss Beatrice ntul the duke and
duchess ot L'omianght. The musical sittings
sliow Lady Tenn.vsou to bo a gifted musi
Only Three Survivor" .
LONDON , March 13.Tbo steamship which
was wrecked near Dartmouth Monday last ,
during the storm , was the Mil-ami of Liver
pool. When thostsamor .struck the reef the
crow toolc to the boats and endeavored to
reach the shore , Ono of the boats , eonUia-
ing the onlcers , was struck by a heavy sea
mid foundered , nil on board being drowned.
The second boat , in which the sailors were ,
was capsl/ed twice , and each time righted.
Kneh tlinon number of men were drowned.
Eventually four Swedish seamen rencliodthu
shore , hut one of them died from exhaustion
soon after.
Willlimi O'Hrli'ii llei-larctl n Hunk mpl.
Drill. IN , March 111. The court has adjudi
cated William O'Brien u bankrupt on pe
tition of Lord Salisbury , in the hitler's suit
to recover the sum of I'TOO , the costs in the
action for libel brought against him by
O'Hrlen , in which the latter was non-suited.
Herman Pnfitlonltch , father-in-law of
O'Hrlen ouVrml to discharge the dubt , but
O'Hrleu ik'clineJ.
Piirncll's Slriuigo AclloiiH.
LONDON , March lit.Parnoll's abienco
from the house of commons during Hul four's
speech on the distress in I rclnnd has caused
Intense surprise. 1'arnell mysteriously van
ished mi Wednesday. It Is learuod Unit bo
traveled to Jlriuiitou amlbtujcd al Wanting-
ham with Mrs. O'Shoil. lie "Z * nltuil
s'-tTotod until (1 o'clock Ighl ,
when ho iipiuMrcil In the c > ' ( out ,
hut after two hours r.'turn " * . to
Brighton A nnM ongor boy has o ' ut
the nnitniMis dally for Parm-ll's Ictto ft ml
in reply to Inniilrlos ili'olarcii thai - ' > .
O'Slioiisnnt him. Kven friends of 1' 11
declare that Ills continued negloi't of h\ t
will completely rnln his cause.
11 * n iit i : i s 7 n / ; N i : iirnr
4'lmiincl 'I nu" Scnrcliliig I'or ilio llni . -
Illll'gMlKMICllll l.llll'l * .
I.ONIION , March I'l.Tho Ilamhnrg-Ami'il-
can line steamship Servia , from Now York
Kebrum-y ill for Hamburg , which was re
ported yesterday disabled In the channel , has
not yet been found. Her chlof olllcer , who
ivnchod 1'lyinoulh Wednesday night , snys
the Inw pros iiro condensing engine
vulva wns found to bo broken when
the Servia I\vas oil tlio southernmost
point of Devonshire Monday. A strong
east gale was blowing and a heavy .sea run
ning. The Sr-rvla drifted down the clmnnc-1
and I'xiicrleiu'cd terrible weather all Monday
night nnd TucHil.iv I .ate on Tuesday her
signals of illst ress were responded to by a
small London sti < iiiin < r , which , however ,
would not nttninpt to low the inrgo vessel to
I'hnioulh i > r Diirtinoutli for fear of disaster
tnthi'smnll craft. 1'imillytho chief nlllcor
of thoServIa put oil" In a lifo boat , and after
rei'oivlng ' a terrilH'pdimdlng from the swa ,
met n pilot boat , which hiimght him to Ply
mouth. A powerful occan-irolng tug was
sent nut to search fi-r the Servia , but returned
last night without finding any trace of the
big liner. Another powerful channi'l tug wns
sent out from .Soutnnmpton this morning ,
I'lii'iH-ll's . \pii | al I'or.\Id.
LONDONMnrch -Parnell Issued Ids
manifesto to the Irish people of America to
day. Ilo refers to the pist : help received from
the Irish them and commends to them the
delegates now on their way to America , ex
pressing the liopo that they will receive a
favorable reception and hearing. Touching
on what ho calls the "hasty and meddlesome
Intorforenro of Kiigllth politicians In the
complex organirntlonof our party1 ho adds :
"It now becomes my task to restore this
unity and reconstruct our movement , lopping
olT nil unsound mateiinls and taking effectual
precnutions against the admission In the
future into onr army of any weak , treach
erous , flolf-seeklng elements. Korlnno 1ms
unveiled this danger anil given space for this
reconstruction before the general election ,
and the disclosure has brought a rcnll/.ation
of the iiisulllciency of tilndstono's proposed
solution of the .situation to secure the lib
erty , happlnes'i ' nnd prosperty of your
brothers ami .sisters in Ireland. "
The manifesto close * with mi appeal for
Help lo ussist Piirnoll In formln c an indu-
pendi'iit ' iwrliiiiniMitary parly , so that ono
more effort to win frojilom and jiroipority
for the nation might bo inailc.
An As-iiis > .lii > iliiii Allnlv ( > i-i.'U-y.
Lnxnov , March 13. | Sppninl ( Cablegram to
Tin : Hri- ] Today Is the olovoath aniiivor-
snry of the asslimtion of LVar Alexander II.
Hcpoits have been current forsome time that
the nihilists have lixed upon today for another
political c iiip and murder , but advices from
St. I'otorsbiirj-say that cvcrylldny has boon
quiet. .According to the current rumors
the blow which the nihilists intended to
strike was to Lo an assassination similar to
that of SellversUoff , on account of
which the police of the entire world may be
said to bo hunting for 1'adlewskl , who is MIS-
peeled of beini ; the murderer. It has been
known for.some time past that the liussinn
refugees in Bulgaria Imvo been preparing for
bonio kind of a plot , Over two months ago
the Russian police agents throughout Kuropo
and olsowh'tiru vvoro ordered ito oxorcispoxti * -
vigilance , nnd stringent Instructions" the
sumo effect were issued to the polioo of the
Russian empire
Hard lo s.-itisly.
Hiui.iv : , March 13. In the relchstag today
Vtwi Hoettlcher , vice pro'ident of the minis
try of the state , replying to liarth , said tha
now sanitary measures adopted hytho I'lilleil
States were lna < li'fiiale | and therefore the
government did not intend to rescind the pro
hibition placed upon the importation of
American hog products.
I * ori 114511 os p C'n 'itiit'Bii ISritish Si rant or.
LIIVDOV , March 13 A dispatch from Dur
ban , South Africa , snys it is rumored tha * a
Portuguese gnnbnat iittncked nnd captured
the British South African company's sto.iuir * ' ,
t'oimto-ss of ( . 'nrnavan , while ascending thu
Limpopo river with rilles and amniuniticn.
I'riiii'c Napoleon Sinluni- .
Id MI- , March ii. : I'rlnce Napoleon is sink
ing fast toniu'lit. It is stated that ho this
morning yielded to the entreaties made to
linn and confessed to .Mgr. Mermlllcd.
tUstnnrck Stay InArbilrator. .
HKIM.I : ; , .March 13. It is rumored that Bis
marck will bo asked to act as arbitrator in
the Uohrini'SCii question.
.M.J v iu-sinr nut
< liaplcau 'I hi'calcns ; i Split AIIKIM the
( 'jiiiiidian < onsi'rvallvi'x.
MONTIJKAI. , March 13. [ Spoolnl Telegram
to'l'in : Hr.i : . | The most important political
rumor of the day is that .1. A. Chaplcau ,
secretary of state , is about to break with Sir
.lohii .MacOonaldand form a coalition with
LutiHIT nnd Mercier , premier of ( Quebec.
Chaplcau is , next to Mr. Mercler , the most
influential Krcnchman in Canadian politics ,
vet ho has always occupied the
least Inlluential po-.t' In the cabinet ,
while Sir Hector Langcvin , mimstor of
public works , has been rcrugnlyod by Sir
,101111 .Miu-uonuui us iiKMuniiur ui nit11ri'iiin -
L'liiindhin conservative party. II is well
known that for many years a must bitter
rivalry has existed between the two l-'rench
chiefs and it was only smothered in the face
of thoconnmm iluiigcr duihigthe last elec-
tlnus. Chapk'an has several times come to
almost oieu ) war with Sirlohn , onci' notalil y
during the Idol rebellion , when ho was com
pelled , despite bis promise to his French
patriots that Kiel would go free , to'slgn tin
[ niter's death warrant us soi-tvlnry of state
and for this the French have since given bin
the title of "the huiiRinan. " ( 'hnploaii kickei
over the truces , too , tiMhc time the Canadiat
Pacific subsidies were gr.inliHl.
In the last elections'n.ipteaii was re'iirnei '
with n following of llftocn In ( , 'nebci ' ; . It was
his Influence that savml the piovlnco o
( Juebec to Sir.lohn. Langovin has onlv i
following nf four , sn CliaiUcnii , the time
being opportune , has derided to come to i
detliilte understanding with Sir , li > hn. To
satisfy him , it was agreed to divide Si
Hector Langevin's portfolio , and ho na
nromised knightliood on the coming ijueon' ' .
liirtliday. Should Cluipli'iiu desert with hi
fullimlngit would surely bring the downfa !
of the government , nnd ihe must strenuon
efforts will be made by the conservatives t
prevent him dulng so.
St'iiliMiceil for 'I'vcn Y 'ai"4.
MnNi-iim. . March l.t.--Nelllo Ilayos , alhi
Carr , ariested last nut mini with her partner ,
\V. T. llnyos , for stu.iling a dlnmoiul ring
from Harry llierl\.s .t i'o. , was today found
guilty and sentenced to seven years. Sen
tence wi's suspended over Hayes until his
father arrives. He was summoned by a lolo-
gram iiildr-'s-ed "IVorla , 111. , " nnd sinned
"TV. . 11. Ilcauregnrd. ' ' Nidllo Carr Is
thirty-two years old I'.nd was born in llroolt-
lyn , X. . The record of the pair is well
known in all Ameilcan cities.
Will Complain lo tin * I'opc ,
MuNTiii'Ai. , March UI. Premier Mercior of
Quebec and Mr Shehyn , provincial treas
urer , left this morning for Kurope , to secure
n provincial loan of jlo.OOO.WO. They will
have an Interview with the pope at Homo , to
whom , It Is rumored , Murder will niako for- complaint uf the zeal ol the hierarchy ,
dUplavcd In an attempt to defeat thu lliicrid
parly In the rcoont dominion > 'lcctiun.
M \ 111 P I IM P < .CHMM > TP I'l'npi n
jIAPLliLLAr ASShlUS IlSlill1 ,
Its Detnniuls Oatialng Coasloriiatioii Aniung
Its Ooniiioti'.jr ! ,
Im Lllii'i-al Oiler ol Hie ( 'anadlau
IMi'llhAn Important t'l'i-crili'iil
To Kuml it I'l
CniiHnn Mnreh 1U.- < clil .
, 1U.Spt ( Tclnsr.Tn to
'itt : I'.KU.I The I'lileago , St. Paul & Kansas
'ily sci'lod ItML-lf today In it wnv wldoh
ontn coM chill down the pines of Its SOUMI
ompi'tituis In thu s-unthwostern pool. It do-
iiuid.s the Immediate rc-niT.ingotncut of the
iroso'il proportions , tt now g.allngloss than
> per cent. Iti claim , as sent lo the chair-
mn of thu pool , Is as followHi
"This coinp.iny claliin that the amount
hey nro entitled lo should bi < IncreuU'il at
east three tlmos the pi-osent iiiircentagi I
onnnenclng Febrnury I. \\a consider the
lost equitable way Is to equally divide the
otal revenue among the eight cnmpanlrit
rlglnally signing the ngnumcnt , and wa
'iirthorinoro dcslro to bo phicn I on record as
siting a division of the business on that
msls. "
The business in unestion Is that original ,
ng In Kansas , Nebraska and the Indian
iMTltory , Hasinglts claim on mno.igo lij
hese states the Atchlsmi claims X > per cent
> f the tonnn.'u , biit has nnl.v iihtiilnu d 'JJ iici1
'out. Thu Chicago , St Paid & Kimsas City
las no mileage we-.t of the river uud lias just
omploted Its Kansas C'ity Inn' , hut it ran
mil says It will obtain a far larger perci-nt-
ge than hitherto. Tin ; Kansas Cltv's com-
ii-titors ileclnro its itemand is foidlsh , but
ulinli it 1ms tin * power tn inilto them lose
ur more than the ) would by giving It I1.'per
out. The situation is icgmlu : < J a.s a serious
one , it Ih'ingthi ! Intentlun to arraiigo the
\Vest"in Tr.ifll'.1 association divisions en the
> lnn of iho soutliwe.steni.
I'o I'linil tlie Hoatlnir Delil.
Nr.w VOIIK , March -Special : | Telegram
o Tin : HIIH : : ] is rumoreil that the oflh-jrs
) f the Lnnir.vllle , Now Albany it Chicago
allroad are endeavoring to perfect ainingo-
ncnts with n syndicate which proposes to
nud the llonting debt which is now pressing
ho company pretty hard. It Is also smd
hat tills syndicate intcntta to oust Hreyfoylo
i'O'ii the prosldcncv nud put ( ii'iieral Thomas
n his place , and that as a result of tlio < lis-
ihicoineiit the mail will bo run In tin1 Inter-
; sts of Cnlvln S. llrice and ( Thomas ,
'resilient Ilroyfotrle. when aiked a limit the
natter , seemed disinclined tn tnllc at length ,
mil contented himself with .saying that tliero
vas no truth in the minor. Mr. lirlce also
lenicd emphatically that thu Kldinumd ter-
niiiiil people were after the Louisville St
New Albany.
An Important I'r.-'oodent.
I'm : HIT. | - Arbitrators Tucker , Uisitno and
Smith tiday established a very important
n-ecedont in assoeiAtion elhicIn the CMSO
of tlie Atchison. on an appeal irnm ( , 'liiiiriu.m
. liiley's ruling that it must sho.v to the
Westflrn l'assenior association what com-
nis.sion it paid on transcontinental emigrant
nislness , the arbitrator * decided as follows :
The Western I'asscnger association has
urisilletlon over transcontinental business
jotwceii Chicago and the Missouri river and
s entitled to nuch Informiition as pertains to
tralllo beuvuea such paints ; _ lu other , words ,
what eominlssions have liecn paid between
Chicago and the Missouri. "
Value Klxoit bv Arh.lratInn.
SITTIII-NVII.I.I : , O. , March W.Ttio nrbltra-
ors in the action of Robert Shoraril vs the
I'ittsnurg , Cincinnati , Chicago .t St. Louis
railway to fix tlio value of his stock in the
I'lttsburg , Cincinnati it St. Louis railway
company , has found that the actual value of
; ho stock Is J < 10 per share , and they award
Sherard flT7'JI ( ) on condition ho shall
I'etnrn to the company ! iir > U shares of stock
icld by him. The arliitr.itorr were.ippuinteil
under the act p. seil last winter nnthori/lni ;
stocliholilers in the propo-ied consolidation of
railway cDinpanies to withdraw and havutho
value of their stock lixed by arbitration.
The ( iraiul 'rrnnlc and I'olillcs.
MOSTIIU. : , March ID. jSpcctal Telegram -
gram to Tun Uii.j : : Some of the largest
Canadian shareholders have addressed a
communication lo L. .1. Sargeant , manager of
the ( irand Trunk , irotesting against the an
nexation views of Koevm , iho tralllc man
ager of tlio Chicago it ( Jrand Trnnlt and nd-
vlslng the orticers of tlio road in faiuro to a b-
stain from iiolltics. Many ( ! rand Trunk
shareholders hero have sold oirt , their huiil-
ingssineo licorea' .stiitement.
Seniors \Vniitrd.
1 CJil ! < 'voo. March ill.--Spocial ( " "olocfiMia to
Tun Ilr.K. I The Canadian i'acllii
adopted heroic measures for obtaining set
tlers , wnt Uin dominion government
emigration agent , Heeille , Into McPhcrson
county , Dakota , with un olTor of ifni acre ? of
land on the Cai.adliui I'acltlc. furnish trans-
pouatioii for families and furniture and ad
vance money for the first year'- , expense ; un
llftceii-yenr 7 per cent notes.
Against the I.elntli Valley ,
\ Vinxi.'ioN , March Ui.-The Intei-Mato
commerce conunUshin today decided against
theLchiili ; Valley in the complaint
ui L-UXO itros. , x.M , in inu uuiiuu01 mai
rates. The decision involves a consideiMtilo
reduction in rates Iroin the authradtoual
sj : tn'Tin : fj/i.v.vis\si-i' ;
The ilury .H * < ( nlln hlx. anil Ilisngrccs
on < he Otlii'iTlirio. .
Xi\v : Oiti.ri\s , La. , March ii.--Tho : Hen
nessey casettio trial of nlno Sicilians for
theassassination of Clilof of Police Hennes
sey last October- was concluded this after ,
noon , the jury bringing in a verdict of imt
guilty as tuhix of the accused M'ici-hoca.
the two Murehosls , Hagnctta , Incardo and
Matrangaami tailed to agree upon a verdict
us to tlio utho ; * tlueo--l'oli/70 , Monastrrn anil
ScalTedl. A.s the verdict wns read ciu h DIT-
son In the court room turned to the poi-sua
next to him and was an uiiilinleoxpiv.s-
slon of surprise ) nnd dissatisfaction , lu-pu-
ties , however , iinmediately',1 the
nolso and then Judge linker ordiMvil tbo jury
to be uUcluirccd and the prisoiuis tn Inre -
ir.uiid d , as there wns another I'hi.ivo against
them in connection with the MXIIIH case Ttio
Jurors refused to discuss with reporters what
had happened in the jury room.'lu n iho
jurymen reached the stivi't they wore ho.itea
ill by the crowd , which haJ already learned
of the verdict.
Indignation over the verdict Is gcuixrM.
There Is another Indictment again : . ! theai'-
cusi'il , hut It Is for a lesser ouVmo , and as it
concerns the wmio transaction thedistrii-t
attorney will have to cuter a nullo | roini. .
There has been n mass meeting ufcitueas
called for tomorrow morning and calls for
men to como prepared to carry out what j > is-
tlci ) fulled to do. The call Is signed by about ,
ono hundred loading cltl/cns.
The Italian seliuoner.s nnd loggers in port -
nnd they are numerous nro decorated , with.
Hags lu honor of tl.o verdict ,
The Wi'iillii'i' Koroimtt.
For Omuha and vicinity Pair ; shgl.ily
For Nebraska Pair ; warmer ; winds bo-
oomlng soiitheilv.
For Iowa-Pair ; wir.'inoi' by buinluy ;
winds booomliig soiilhwritorly.
For South l > akotaFair ; warmer , viudx
becoming southerly.