THE CWLAUA DAILY BEJB : JMIDA * , MAKC'll JW , 181)1 ) , Til 1:1 : CITY. rami.\ Trust was u" tt > n1n.v nppmntoil Ailinlnlfitratrlx of tlio t'-luto of t Im-rles I'rus , dofcnst'tl , 'I'liu Morse di'tfooils roinv'inyot 'i'- ilny iini'i'lm-fil the untlro lloyiiinii iV Deli-lies Much. The jii'loo jMiltlMW < ai.KK ( ) . The funorjil nf Mr * . A mmVolili , the mntlioi * of Prior A. WolMi , the rllv im-iil limpi'i-lor , took plnco al lOoVloi'K ji-xtpi'iliij ft 11111 SI. 1'otor'i church. Intor- ini-nl ul Holy Snpuluhro ronii'lorj Low llllition tnct > l\ ( < cl n tplt'urnm from ChltMtfoV < ilm'-iliiv niinoiiiH'hii ? the ( li'itthof his fnt ho r. Ilo loft at once for that iiliu'o. The tolpRrnm also oonliitiietl the Informulioii thai the remains will ho fir\Mifdpil ( to Itimhxillo , Intl. , for luloi- im-nton IViilny. The ffilliming iii'llclcs ] ias pil Ilio PHI- tnni linu n vomortlny : Sovi > ncnsc' nf qnl- iniii' from ( lormnnj , for the UUMmnUoii drujr rnmpam ; olio MHO of Hiivuiia t Straw for Max Mur ; ono riislc of beer from ( ! . rmtim , for Mn.Innsoli , Kro- iiiont ; ono fui'luiul of lo.i for 1 'uxlun & Cure for Croup -Uso Dr. 'Phnmni1 Hlt'tv ttlf Oil ncrnnlliiK to dltvctluns It Is Ilio U-st mined } for nil swliion nttmUs of colils , luiliiniul liilliunirmtlon , unit Injuries. IVllSjU illllll I.llH'H. Dining curs. The extension of the I'ullnmnilliiltig cur MM'vIra on the I 'onnsjlviuiia linns 1 1 mis tnuirtl ptnrliiif tlio facilities of nil of the ( rront tliroutrh trilnson the saino lovol. Dining curs uro run on the trains that loa\o Clilcn o for the east dally at lOrHOu. in , H.lrt p in. , fi p. in. and Jl10 : ! p ill. Tlio pi uvNlniis , uil sU\ | ice tire of hifjh Btamhirtl , allording o.\ecllont balls- faction. i'os t ci : NOIIS. TOIIH of I'npi'r Mall llnim finIn - ( 'IM'.lHIMl I'U'II it l-4 , PoitmnUor Cliiiksou statml josteiil.iy Hint some Uleu of tlicninount of mull mutter handled by tliuOinnlm olllro nil lit bo gained by eoiisitL't.ition of the fad thatlliooiitsnltitf p.incr mnll for Wotliiesdaj wugl.eil over six and onc-Ii.ilf tons. This \VM exclusive of letter mnll imil ropio- rcnteil about six tliiuiiuitl import , \vlikli Au'io I'Ciiuliod to lie liuudleil sqiuutch. Asli'.o fiom till1 * onu lU'i.i one Hun alone brought In IO , < HM elirulniH to bi ! imiilsHi Dur ing thu pistoe ! { the clcrKs h.i\o h.iiulloil at 15UK)0 ( ) dirulirs , nsitlo fiom the togulnr niiiount of lotU'r niul piper. .1. W. Alustcn , thonssibtnut Rfcucial sunor- liitciulontuf tlie railway mill service , ami b. I A Tioy , supo'liilonilunt of the sixth division of tlio mail scriifo , h.ivo boon looulni ; o\or the pnslofilco nt this point tlurinjr tlio ] int ftnvilnys and both expressed gicnt surprise nt ttio the niiiount of business trntis.iulctl in the in-osont ciMinpptl qu.utors and uithtlio utteily Inaik'tiuiito foi ft * fthjor. rinrksim H of Ilio opinion that an ofllccrwlll bo sent hero from Washington soon to look the sltnutioii ever niul in iKo sonic iceomincmliiUim with ulev to relieving tlio present in ess wo. The rooms In the li.isomout of the federal building , formeily occupied In UK customs collector for wnoronms , aio still viicatit , but Postmaster ClnrUson hns hesitated about nuiKiiiK .1113 rmoiiinicnaatliinsicKaidiiiK tluwo rooms for mailing looms on account of tlie poor ll lit \uutilatlun juu posiiimsini' HtniL's umi incro neon for an itaioiiso In tlio can lor foieoimil ho has liopcs tbut nn IIICILMSO will bo inaik1 in tlio futuio The jirosont foivo Is cnthcly liiiulpiliinto to supply tlio suburb * with tno f roe iloliuT.v to which tliuy tire entitled mid rojiuiUudicijui'btb luivo mot \\ltli ucioplj roll THH ril'UINOM OTA rlcaiiHUH anil All I'ultits Houtli. Tiilco Ilio Wabasli , the boat Jinil qtilolt- cstrouto. Onl.IS . ( liouia to the Hot Spring * , 10 to I\ow Orleans , A'Jto .Inclc- Boinilio , OI > to T.unpa , with corrcspotul- ln fiibt tlino to all imiiits t-otith. Ilo- elinin chair tttul ljulliiiuti bulTut blcop- hi curson all trains , itouiul ti'lji tirUots now on Ralo at { ji'oatly roilncod s Kot * tiolcut * ! .mil full inform ition call at the Wiib.ibh tioKot olllco , 1")02 rtifii.tiu street 01 * wrllo G. X Ci. K.YIOX , Ajjont ? ut. itu\GA.V.I Misroitruxi : . IIoV s TutiuliiMl Tor UN Watch In u llu to Itrsoii. boine of the members of the big Omnhn syndicate that Is lovolutionl/liifj tlio re il es tate atul street \aih\ay bushier out in Unite Mont. , li.uo boon hi\iiig n good deal o : tioulile. Jloinbors ol the syndicate \\lio were notec dining their leslik'iico in Omnhn for their plctv anil high iiioinl ilmrnctor , have fallen vlitlinsto the baleful inDuctices of the Hut to council lobb.anil . have bcciio\peiloncing no cnil of trouble. Partkulurs are ( 'h en of the most leccnt cs caiiulo of seine nu'iubeis of the * jiKlicato ii the following soeunl from Butte : lloIiiK'StriuiKersniid pilgrims , thoukkod ncss > o\iitiiiKiii tlmlo\UT poitlonof thocit.\ lias a peculiar fii iination foi them , as foi al lltitto's vUltoi-s. I nst niijlit ouiioiity prompted thorn to cntet ono or t\\o \ ot tin concert halls on lower Main hticot. Tlio music or something eKe uausul then to foiijot then usuut c.iutinn. am they mKod moro iioelv with the ' boa'uHiiK school Kill' ' tint entertain visitors nt those lesoits linn his been their custom ITmalU thoj loncluiled they had seen onou l nud htuitcd for their rooms. It was then thu one of the ) > arU , Mi Keairau , missed hi witi'h anil in NobiasUaKtiKl'-'h ' KIIVO vent to his feelings ami also eMii.-ssed the belief that ono of the nlliuiiii ; beauties \ \ \ > o r.irilci beei in the Dew Diop was the pei-on , that bail despoiled spoiled him of his time piece This.of eourio > \ as only Mr He.ifj.urh oninlon and was no substantiated by any proof at his eoniinand cense < iuentlj lie \ \ is po.verless to ilo anv tblnpr inoio than to "iea.r \ olf" on vUitini concert balls 'I "rolulilon Drhatlni ; Sjitclj. The Croiyhton IIIK bocioty , at Us rot ; uhr \ \ ceUly meeting Wciincsiluy nlgut , wa treated to avert iutciostiug and ablj con ducted dcbato on the question . "Ucsolveil th it the president of the United Slates sliouli be elected bj direct popular vote. " Messrs Martin Ii Murraj and U'illia'ii E Dairy presented the alarm itlvo side of the question , wlillo tlio noiatlvo ; side was mciici b > Messrs. William P. Ply nn and l . Dolan. Mr Murray opened the dcbatoith avorj nblo niKinnoiit , In xvhlth hoilenily set Jorti the rielit of the people to a direct exprosblui of opinion on so Impoitaiit nn i sue , anil in btani'od nianv of tlie nenolUinl resiiltt > whlcl \\oulil How fiom the adoptiun of tlio elm u go \\nii'h no aihocated. The lavativo as then piesentcd bj Mr Dolan la a vorj .itttieti\o manner Ilo traced the history of the electoral law fro'i tlio foundation of our lepubllc down to th present day , and mentioned some of the in fciiiniouninblo obstacles in tlio way of the dl icct exercise of iliispowcr bj the people Hoas \ followed by Mr. Harry , the closing speaUer of the ufllrmntUo. In hU vigoiou I nrpuiiieiit ) io pointed out that tlio pirsen sj stem was designed to tit a stnte of affairs \\lilcl < no loiiKor existed The system ahvu\ imil its most ardent supporters nmoiitf the re pro3entati\os of the slave holdinc classes mid was fuitliured by the K' ' orul distiust o the people which our sntoaiiicn felt u the early > enrs of the government Mr riynii then elo < o < l the debate In a speed teamliiK with poetiy and logic. Ills r.rnu inent of common consent was well put as wa nis showing of thoenoimous expense nnd th stilfolf elections weje traiibferiea trom the two or rathci tlueo Oouhtfiil states to Uie J.'iO.OcW precincts in tlio country , nuj ono of vltlch miilil turn the balaiico In nn election The debate rcllccted great crcalt on the members paillclintlncln It.and the debating society is to bo congratulated on its Nourish- Inn condition , _ Do Witt's Little Early Ulser ? Best ilttlo pill ever made. Cure constitution c\ery Uino. None ifjual. Use them uow. mx'ivp ' IIP tni v P/H > nni'/pp 'AilM , DhARLi I'OR PRIZhS , jivjly Scramble for Birgains at n Silo of Unclaimed Fn-iglit. BURGLARS MAKE A BIG SHOE HAUL , /iinilrr A tliuiK' Sioio Intnilril 1 > J | jn li' > . < Sockijrs A Her I'ootwcnr Somoilmi' Dui'lnu tlienlclu's ol Wcdnoi-ilay Ni The ducllon snlo of nnolalmod frolsht nt lie- Union I'nrllli'stornBP huiidlnij , ooinor of S'lntli nnd .Innos , c.illutl for the attention atnl nosoiiro of a heloro0'onoous collootlon of jiddori yostcrdny Shottly nflnr tlie row Tom Mnrrnj drove by in UN one IIOMO shav. Unit Is , tie \\.is dilvlup by when Im sc'Piitcd the odor of n .m'saln or two , mid teluerlnc hU dy poptle stood to a teleprnpli polo tool : his plin-o in the \nn of the Imruc of spw nlatora. It wim a ( jri'iit sale , mid cvorythlnp wont , nlthoimh trunks and boxes of household Cnodi had tin' pall It w as I IIP sceoud sale of ; ho kind over lu-ld hoic. Tlio law pioviilc- * that freluht unclaimed for a ; becomes the property of tin ) rail ioad compin ) , out tliostntl disposed of today Hid Inuu iiiitiinul itnii ; for iidi-cailo. 'I'homostimposlnp p n-lut'os illsposnl of \\oio \ a do/on huso tnso * of pint tor pant niodalllons nnd they biought from , ' 5 cents to Jl.'fi tier ease The u rode of what \vns \ once a io\s liig ma- ihlnefnniulnn owner for 10 cents A uoofNtainintd horse anil cattle food wns linoi'lied down to a Uohcmtan hotil keopei for Jl r > 0 That lanillord has an e > o to ' Iniblnoss , inul tlmsloi'lc , stiiny liointers' ho will tuin out v.Ill bo the envy of the up town Ilonif ILL'S. Tom Muu.iy.cUuoeil his serious Intention mid nioalt/lnt ; seiisouf tliotiina ofeir liy Invostlntt ID cents in a tHo-lnwhol sack of incumlier seeds Tlun nftcrunnls tnrncil out to belong to the umsk melon breed , and Tom's niiuNh ) ? nt HUM squandering Ills money was mote than to feet thick. A neitl.N boxnl wairoti biiiho was Imochod down to a m in wlio bid 75 cents mule than ho know \\lmt to do with. Somebody with bO coats and a loiul volio invested both in .1 sack of lye Ho Inul an liuil tin Uloi thnt the rain was lanliiinld stntoniiil Kicked \\hon it cuino time tesottle Thieo empty heor ueni chaiifeil owners fern n uiikel The pun baser aiiplied his nose to the hiuiKholc and iculizod bigr inteiostoii his Invobtiuont. A \Milknif \ , ' ll.loost . bought a ioil of screen n I round patted with tl 0. > in cnrroacj in so iloiiitr. A South Omnlii inditiduil whoso looks in dicated that his Uiindiy bill was in niioais invested )0 ) eenls In a Job lot ot wash hoards. Tom Mutiny uokounand tot In his woik three timra in i iptd sneeession. tlo took In .1 7ine bank SIKH for K ) tents , a couple of blankets and a lot of old clothes for -tl ) cents , and Invested another I dimes in a mattress that would make a man's bat k itch to think of sleepinc on il An nren gratliiR found a p,0 cent bnjer in n fellow \\lio couldn't tell foi a dollar the dif ference between a business block and a ej limler tse.ipemcut. A bov who aspires to bo touch bought a band of lenient tor " " > eints. Ho lll nt eonient Biiddloi.ikes totnoiioxv morning and oe the luiulust man in tlie land. A couple of do/on quart bottle of sj ruii of tar unitlld cheriy , put ui ) o.xchtsueU for Iowa trade , bronchtSii > "i Tom Mnnay lhoutlit tlio stnlToalil do to paint houses"anil sta\ed Iti until 11 rnimt. > tltnr Inil Sfci rnnls. \\hr > ti tin coiuluded not to do an > palntinp tills jear Tlioioasascramblo for a hif ? Snato a , but i man \\itli a J.J bill coined off the pri/e About fifteen huiidicds nounds of old st\lo hydrants \\ill be sold to the foundry Inn man with tonf ? ItiuKy uhlslceis and a ( jl.iss eye \\lio Kavo iiji > "D for the nriviloKe. A birrcl loaded with stiaw and Uibhos Mas turned loose forSJ.IW A couple ot cultivator wheels vcio ap praised at'10 lents by a Juvenile bicyclist who depoiited the cash nnd went a\Miy haiinv. A case of antiiiuo nnptllsh valnuts on the half shell will mnuo oandy iiuuuifietnreri swoir when tno\iuiclnihcr trios to got his.lO cents biulc A "bell beef leid typo oncotirapoil a hid of SO cents fiom an induidual whoso looks are a libil if be ev 01 h.iw a no\\&p.ipcr , to s ly nothing of a pilntiiiR onlce. A-O-noutul box of \\iio mills went for . " > 0 cents. 'Ili.itas another case whcro Tom Murinao \ . loft , hut lie ictitoved nis fortune the xorj next minute , wlien ho took in Unco seieen doors ntlO cents per seieeu. A , VH-pound ) castini ; broiiKht Is'j ' cents per 100 Murr.ij wanted seine u inter doors to 'natch his summer ones and put up . "iOionts apicco for three IIP.IVJ one- . , but lofuicd to raise a 10 cent bid on u Vcent easel A MeCormick lenpcr cirrier was sold for " . " > louts , but the lnw.\or roluiod to take it when he fn mil that It wouldn't carry coal or saw wood A sheepskin lia.illv found a Vcont bidder , and t\vo \ \ nutnlighu , 'JOxlb inches , wholc- bidid for 7.1 cents. Aeoln Tliouus wasn't in it. 1luoobib.ihaiib . extiaeted 10 cents fiom a fcllou who won't bo mainod in a thousand yea is 'IhoSontli Omaha conthiRont consented to pait with $1 , ' 5 to bocuio possession of a 13eero lister. A broken cook sto\o sold for SI after beinj ) condemned by a uoinaii with a I K bustle. nu : small tint , who obtained sweet revenue b.v pa\hif ; 00 cents for three broken rattan chairs. A case of summer hats , on wnich Tom Mnir.iy lefusid to bid , sold for 1 cents it spite o'f thnt lact A bidder fiom Tloienco knocked out i Chinaman nnd seemed a w.iu'on iv.ieli , side boaul and siijn ot the 1'alaco liundry foi sr cents. A boxof finnaco i-emont couldn't raise a bid , but wiib jobbed oil \\lth a b.n ; of wool foi 'JO coats Another consignment of Iowa rough cmo toitmed n do/en piospectixo owners as tin piho slowly mounted Irom 10 cents to SI A bov ot ink nas sold a nickel , and the Miino pmchn er invested > 1 in four mowinj. machine bicklc ) to eut the nockb oil the hot ties As before slated , it was a sale al round , and about > > ( ) was iceeived tor slnl that migut h.ivo been lluatedears ago fo ten Unit's that llgiuo ituu(2ij.vics A noors. NorrisAViloo'H Slorc Hie Subject o 'lliotr At tent ions. llurglars ciiteicd the boot and shoo store of NoiusVileox , 1")1T Douglas stieo \VcdiiesdayniKhtand helped thenibehes too o\ cr00 \ \ \ 01 th of poods llatraiico was effected hj foicing the loci of the front door The inopnetorsstatotliat thlrtv-two pairs of shoes wcio taken The bmglaij must ha\o lieen committed before midnight , aa dibtilc * teloffiapli boy found i shoo that the burglars had dioppcd i.ear Six teenth street sliorilj bcfuro 1 Jo cloil : . The sheeN S ulentilled b > the proprietors as ono of thee stolen I.N TI1IJ COl'HIN. Oh II mill ( "i-lniltinl CII.'OM t'p for Monroe lias bn'iight suit In rlot court uliero slie asks that tlio nmtrl- nonlal ties tliat bind her to , lohn Monroe bu o\erod \ Minrulo allogej thnt showasnmr- Icd fourteen joars ago , since \vldch ( line ohn has ueen aiiyihltif ; but a klndhusbuid She fuithor alleges that only ten da\s iii ) ho sol/oil her by the tlnoat and thrcitenod to inilii' Inr HOO stars JiulBoCmiLson jpstoidny nftcriioon IsMiod the call of the criminal I'llondar fortbohnl- nn'o of this wceU iiinl nevt Todtu Cooper irid t'uigor will ho tiled on the I'hnrgc of liuvony from the poison. t'lds raselll bo followed bj ono against CharliM Fisher , wlio Is chnnred with liigh- \vav robbery Moiuiav lien Colin will exphin wliyhocon- ccaled aiiuanllU of stolen i > ivpcrty Tnosilaj .lolin II ( Jlampitt will ansuor to he rhnrijo of tissmlt wltb Intent to kill .aloi in the dny U'arliliuftoti will glveh's ' easoi.sfor the do tructlon of "Tho Ketnrii ofSprlutr" U'oiiuesda ; , IMdr Mat nicsnn , who is charged \\itli ( jraiid hi'1 on v , will Iw put on till ) , and BO will Heiitv Mlllor , who is chugcd with assnultliif , ' ono l.onisA. I'atts 'lliuisday HIP stnto mil lniiiiro | into the nmnci in wnich Neil Kvans nnnawd to Ili'h 510 fiom the person of WIliamTli tsont , i farmer from Woodbine , la Friday I iiiinle Ilenulon will bo put upon heiaok This woman Is charged with iob- jlng .lames Sthmon of fin while ho lln eii'd Mith lur at Klkhnin stiillon. On the snino laC. . II Coolc , who bought nTO cold \\ntcli fiom MiMvci nud then pa\\iod illn a 1'intli stiuot shop will hive n hunting. Yostmlav nf tin noon the case of tlio stnto iirnlnstc It ( Jook was ni ven to tlio Jury. Cook bought a gold \\atib from Mix Akner > V Hi other and p.UMitd it In n 'lentil stieet shop. As the tinicpioui Inul not been nld foi L'nok was promptly airested. .lames Crawford Is on tiial on u charco of issault with Intent to niiirdei' ono Aiultew .McAndie\\s In Jinlgo Doano's room the cnso of Jnsiah Unllig in against Hcnr\ San iiin niul others sontiinl. 'Ilio iilaiutllTls siiin to round1 ? IIOU , duo onu building lontiaet. MissHcssioII. Heilloe , of lliirllnitoii ; , Vt , nil n disease of the s.dlilch | i.iuscd her inr tohecoiiio voihnish and drj and to fall solri-eU shoscavcelv ilaied inmb It. Ajcr's Hair \Mgor \ gave Her a healthy scalp , nnd undo the hnir hcuiilil'ullj thick and glossy. IH.l'.MIOK X I Ire InHiiiancn Agency. Thouniloihlgiicd huvo ojioncd a fire insurntioo mjonej tit looms -lH-5 , ,1. .1. li ! own block , cor. lOlh mill Doujjlassts. AVe voprobent hiicholl K-mnvn old line coinpanios lib the I'htrnlx , Goimini- Amoiican , 1'oniisyhiinia , Coianieichil Union nnd Hoynl.Vo \\ill ho tflatl to see our friinds at our ollicos sit any tinio intl asstiro the puhlic that any business ciilrnstcd to our ujjcncy will 'lo honor- ibly. c.irofnlly and aceuratoly attended to. 'JUo phone i\o. 1502. I'ttmiL. ! , A 13 Cn.MIDI : , \\aiit ID Mini- MIL The Omann tin mining company with a capital stock of * . ! OD,000 has hloil ai tides of Ineorpotation in Ilio oflkoof the county clerk. 'Ilio oillcorsand iliiectors nio .V. .1 Whladon , CluUtian .Iniit cn , .1. W Tailor , \V. .1 Neil , \Villi im C'olf.iJw , riank Palmer , II K Kob- cits and JV \ KnuMiiln The business ollicn is to bo located in Onnli.i , but the mlninp operations will bo cauicd on in t'ubtoi touiitj , Houth Dakota Toiiiisls whether on pleasure bent or business , should tnuo on evuy tnpa bottle of svrup of UBS , as It acts most pleas mtlj and elTectually on the kldnt'js. li\er anil hovels , iiiiivontliiK fevers , headaches and oilier forms ot sickness For sale in , Vc ) ana $1.00 bottles by all leading diugglsts. Nnnu'd Tor Promotion. The promotion examinations at Tort Omaha aio proceeding satisfnitorilj. The following applicants luvo pissed the examination nil light and will bo promoted I-iieiitonant > W. Diy ot the Is'inth cavaln from lieutenant to captain. Lieutenant A T I'aimer of the Second infantr % ttoin second to ( list llonton- ant ; Lieutenant C K ( ! allairlier of the Sixth cavaliy from second tolirst lieutenant HIAOTJON ani'8 IN. Slinrp Ailvniifntln Price nn I'nckhi ) ; The gradual stiffening of prices on paeltlng home products during the last few days ciil- minuted jestonlay , in wasexpcited bj know- Inu mips , In a < harp ndMinco on an pxcltcd tnatkct. NotwItlisUiullng tlio unprecc- dented liberal picking of hogs dmlng the season , and the eaormons stocks on bond nt the leaning i outers , gi\ \\\f \ \ ovciy unroimtgo- mont to bear storlo.s nnd Intlticnco , tliero is tho\cry best grounds for the ndvanco undo nnd even n tniuli lurgrr one. Dating the last fotvdius Mm poikha ad- vniueit fullv ( I ; T > 0. two thirds ofnlrh ml- Mlin'C. has been during this week On SepteinbiT IS hist the average pilco jiatdfor hoes toadied f I : < 7 , im tuangeof * t K'v ' to $1 . * ( ) , sliitdtilih tme thedecllno lias boon almost continuous. At no time since tlie oomtnoiHomonl of the present packing season lias the * l line been icnehcd , while ? > I ( > , the lowest point leronled , was scoied IV'icinlicr is on a t ! . " > to $ JI III ranip Hlme that time JIM lias been i eai lied only once , while \lioa\oiiiRe has tjccn below § ,1.0 ( | n lie as often as it Ins txn n abov o Al II ) . 'lliercpoit of tboagriculliu il deplitn.dit show liJ."ioiniless ( hogs than a jiar njjo , while the packing Ins o\i coded last ye.n's b.\ moro limn 1MHUK ) ) . When It is recalled thnt hogs , now bung niiirkilcd , asoiago aloiit fottj pounds hss than the\ did a jiar ngo , nnd that laino sicllivis of drouth strltkoM lountn \\iil have nelthtr hogs to food nor corn to fatten tneni on till aftortho fail imps , tlie ling nop In sight Is lonmna- tlvclj veiy light. On tlieothei hand as usual on n declining nmikct , ii'luil nu-icliints , jnlibcis ainlmlddlo- inen ha\c bein canning only stoi-ks to meet iinniediaUMloiiiaiids Tills has been ag i.i- vn'ed 1 the late llnaiicid stringency , till thcie is not Milllriont pork in the hands of Johuers nnd local dealers to last inoto tbnu a few days ( Ann is scarce nnd high Provisions nio inbaiHing In pi ico. The spiing demands nroiomitiL' in witti e\ecllent prospectsof a large \oln \ me of business. 'Ilio immense stock of packing honso pioduct , now In stoiage , is niedoil all tilong the clnn- nolsof tiado. Ordus largo and numoimis are being receUod , and it looks now as if the stock in the hands of packers would soon lie reduced to its norm it level Hi rofiioni.oto the nnnuot icpoits iiinn- ether column It \\ill ho obsrmnl Hint the ) ) ackors have lalsoil their iiiotntloiis ] fiom ' .o to Ic per pound on nitiiustcvi'ijtliiiig In Loinersatlons this wiok with persons high up in packing imuso seciets it was con ceded tbat ttie piolnblo advance would not local paiklnc houses protlts of iuooUI,0KlUOO , ( or nioie. The people's leinedy lot thocnroof coughs , cohls , tibtht in , hoarseness , hroncb ills , cioup , inlluon/a , whooping onuih. ; Incipient cou- buiiiption , is lr ) Hull's Cough S.rnp , the old icliablo 1'rtco ' , ' . " > umts. To prompt ! } and pormauontly cmo ihcn- niatism ui ncuialgiauso Salvation Oil. 1'iico 5 cents. H'eatlior Pi olKilnliticH lor I\ \ If Munich comes In 111(0 ( a lion it will o out like a lamb , and \ ice versa. Hut every ilay in the month , inln or shlno , the electric litrhted , btoam licateilPS - tiliiilod limited tiiiins of tlio Chii'itiro , Milwaukee \ St. Paul latlwnyill \ run between Oinnha nnd Chicnjfo. The elec tric boith rouhti ) , ' lamps in their palace faloepiii ( , ' cnis tire the ( iioatost noxolty of thoitfjo. Ticket Qflluo , loOl Fninani si. , Oinnha. liiililieis Itnlil at AlliHglil. Three parnitlng lollbers went the rounds ot AllniglitVednesdav night They Hist made n mid on the colored Claistian church , but biing diseoveied thov tied. Ttioj nc\t\is- ited Prank II llarncs liome , liut Mr Bnrnes. Imppcning to ho up , discovoied them before getting In his house. Thov next visited John S Mullen's lesiilonuo , but theie mot no bet ter success tlnu at the otliei places As fai ns ktiouii notldngwas > seemed by tlio ttiie\es. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is' the best of all remedies lorchlldien uolhing. L'5 cents a bottle. The following mirriajo licanioj were is sued bvJudgq Shields jebtoiday : Nnmoamt aldresi. Ace. j I barlcs llul pr. Tnbor In . Si ! ( iMaiyh Marshall. In. . SI ilduard tniiiborK , ( Jin din . . : i ? I AniiuJoliiison , Uin iliu . : u POETS Do not have the beautiful budding season to themselves. Melodi ous as they are they do not attract as much attention as the tell-tale symptoms that make their appearance when the blood is impure and the system is in a state of disorder. The boils and eruptions that take advantage of the season to tell their story are dumb , but elo quent. Their meaning cannot be mistaken. Spring is not by any means a beautiful season to those whose systems have been neglect ed until the \urning comes in the shape of boils and eruptions. It is a season , however , that can be thoroughly enjoyed by those who are thoughtful enough to take time by the forelock. A bottle or two of the great tonic and blood purifier IMJ JMUJ MUJ % jjl w' " ac" complish wonders. Itdihes out and dej& IBJ isI strosaU ) humors of the blood. James L. 15ole , of l -3n * /ta ! | Atlanta , writes : " I had awful sores fcjjgj jj ] an ( ' pimples on my face , and after using two bottles of Ptff I was cured. " Triatlse on IIlooil anil Me In IUHCINCN IVIalli'il I'roo. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ca- V " Continual dropping wears away the stone. " e The continual breaking of lamp-chimneys costs a good deal in the course of a year. You can stop it. Get Mac beth * s " pearl top" or "pearl glass. " You will have no more trouble with breaking from heat. You will have clear glass instead of misty ; fine instead of rough ; right shape instead of wrong ; and uniform , one the same as another. You will pay a nickel a chim ney more ; and your dealer will gain in good-will what he loses in trade ; he will widen his trade by better service. rittsburi ? . ( iKO.A. MACIIPTII ' ' LlOOUiri : IS ALL IMF. WOULD THEREIS BUT ONECURE DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It ran lie ul * on In u cup of roll to ur It-u , or In ur * .Join of TOD" ! , without the knowledge ot Uit patient t ( ueoe sary It in absolutely liarralcbi and will eflect A permanent and ipeody euro , whether the patient u a rae erate drinker or an aloolaolio w reck 11 NKLK i All H. Jt operates DO quietly and mth iuch cer * tainiy that tbu patient uuUoreocs no tnoonvenienca. aud era he is aware , ton complete reiorjiPticn ! etleoted 4B naae hoe * of partloulnrt * frco To he Iiudol KUIIN < VCO. , IfithAf VouglnttA.te IMhAe CuiPinRBU P 'lrarto tupplleii by IIi * JvB CJIUUK A IO , aru OR. BAILEY ; Qracluats Dentist , A Hill vlt ff It'Ptll "I ! - llnlilitr fur HVEllui- -i A t * IAIK A jiorft'it lit BUnrnntPPil 'In-Ill oxmiflwl . ' imil ltlnnil iiiii 'kUuli < \\llliout imliir iiant'ui Co' ' ii"\\i < rk Uoth Bltlmut jilatis Ml " ' * OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK 1bTH AND FARNAM I nlrnnco llHh lrcct oloratnr Open cvt-iilnna until bo'ilmk OMAHA , il'nllon i r Mr "HW .1 II S1IKK - ' " " ' - SCHOOL OF-Xr r1'0"14- TELEGRA.PHT. \nt it-iiuiviJ [ K.J. SIMPSON 1409 and 1411 Dotlo ; St. , Omaha , Neb. IIITIMII IIS Ol- First Glass Carriages , The I onilliiu ' tyliui. 'I In I.iiwost 1'rii'Os. vouu v' Ko.I ( SOMCIIT.I ) HOTEL , DELI.ONE. Corner I'ltluind Caiulol AVOIIUJ. Just completed , Ins 100 rooms , thros stairwiys , irointlni top to Ihe bottom , Ins fmo elevator and'tUnning room sorvlop , is lire proot throughout , llnulnll.ii I roonw ami tin- ( most toilet rooms 111 the tity. Lar o Sample rooms. Suitojvitli bithAs'1 Co- llthand CanitolAvo Street cir horvico tu all U.roLt ions. Hates from $12.6J to $1 OO. NEBRASKA. National Bank u. s. DEPosirouy , OMA.IU Capital , - - - - S-'tOO.OOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 , - O'J.BOO Olllcir < nml IHriHtorn--llonry W Viitc ? l > n > iinnt | U-wlis. H ( > ol \ Ice I'ri'ii lent , J mint \ \ Mnnjo \ \ V Mori" ' , .him fliilllm U I' Cuihlllj J N II I'utrlckV II r < llimliti' i uliltr TI1U1 IliON U/X.NK , ' ( urnorUtli inul I'nriiiin M < A fil'ncril ItuiiUhu llinliK'iH Ir.ins u'lo I Winslow Wilkcs , The fastebt t-year-old paclus ( .tallion lu the "World , llpronlS 14 IS nt lo\liiktun Ivi 3il lioiil Ii ) Illnrk \Mlkii. \ iliini bjr Alinont III nniliu llu > Maiuli 1 1 IMU nllKJl Miilonilri'tt umulm , Neb fcl A > u100 MCUu.uulrttnru " COUUI'V MEN WHO Clothing to-cloy fui the clnss or pr opk who wear "fontly mtulo , " make n fat' cliffei cnt cluss or ( jooda from what they mndo lvvt'i\ty-fivo years n o. Thou pnnlsvoro cut with n hu//-smv , inatsvoro j' undo inn harness shop , vo = il 5 svoro st tnply n pnlrof nrtn holes with m-nnc cloth nt'oiiml , and it mrrl , r is if the whole suit was mmlo to sets how nutoli of a "fltiy"a innn could ho macio to look. Men .tflUJ/ \ rencly-imule stilt then only \vhon compelled to. Gi'nduully this has changed. People liked the iclcn ofbtiyfng n suit Saturday nnd wonrlii it Sunday. Manufacturers wore not slow about Inking in the situation. They employed bettor help , usocl bolter mntorlals , and tui-nod out bettor woi U yearalloi * yont' , To-dny there nro mnnulactttrers ol' rendy-nmcto clothing who employ the best workmen that cnn bo hired at any prlco. They buy the beat cloths thnt the mills nuiUc. They use the very heat U tin- , ninfls. There are clothing concerns to-day who nmUo up "rendy-mado" clothing in I'm1 bettor shape hnn the average niercluvnt tailor turns out "custom work. " Us about that sort of clothes we want to speak toKiy. 'We have bouolu a much larger a oitinent of extra fine suits and overcoats for this sjniny/s / trade than \vc \ have rvi-r before sliown , ( looiN it , lioltl their shape and would be taken lor" custom woik'on any man's back , and \vc \ ilon'l a jk"ciMoiii" iry | > riccs lor them , cither. JKfins OF STYLISH SPRING Ol'JIRCOATS in Meltons , Kerseys , Cassinicrcs Cheviots , 'IVccds , etc. , made up in elegant shape , jjooils that more than one store in Omaha yits sixteen and eighteen dollais for , at the nnilorm piice of MDS or srYL/Sfl SJWJXG SWTS \ \ \ liniKhwic goods , iii almost any color 3ml want. Suits that arc made i p by the best clothmq ; makcis in the Hast. Suits that make a man feel glad he's living when he's got one on. Suits that are worth way up to twenty dollars , all v the one uniform pi ice of COME AND LET THE GOODS TALK TO YOU FOR THEMSELVES. Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , OPEN TILL S P. M. [ _ : 1 SArURDAYS 10 P. M. Friday and Saturday , March 13 and 14 , " -.itllt ll.ll ) M It Midi. [ ! ; .H.PO S COMPANY , ' riciutotiitii * Irhli Dr.uiui , THE IVY LERP A tribute to tlio nrtli itf IM h clmrnrlor .1 Cllltllt Sldlfi I'lnilHttt'HI , 'llicUcat IiIt/i / JIu ftndllnl Dnnm * in li/i.rlcn yl fiCIIIIIHC / Wl / ' ( ) " ) . Syr the 1'nKlc H Illicit nn eniili * uirrli * n llvo < lill'l ' In UK tnlcni" Ilivirtlii * fniiiniiN lv > l.'Mif ' ( juirtu'li ) In choice ninth mt.f lil li imli tlt < " hiilc of M ats iti ( ns 1 liufotii ) nt ri iilur prlros BOITD'S.jniti K xjt.n i-r SUNDAY , ( COMEDIENNE I \likd bj fJi-cirr'i ! C' llonlf.icc , , Tr l\nrr\ \ llioli mill u Model C'omp my MOXIJAY MARGERY DM S.ilo opens " .ilurd.iy ut u pular prlr-c'9 "Vii ( ) M : ' rni i ? CM v Lll l-t I" 1\A > N. O\L\ SUNDA.Y , MARCH 15. 1IOTil iiiinlBit niul M i tiitco t fiiHJinciljr "A BITITCH OP KEYS , " OK , THE HOTEL. KMU\'iiuvi. i-vrmi i M \ \ 1 I NMKIt TIMS 1 M'H OrHicstn , " . "c Tin ! Sic llnlionj > .c llov Oilleo DIME MUSEE. Will I awlcr , MaiiapL'r Cor llth mil Purniiu \\KKK \ Oh "MAIU II 9 n Aquatic wnmlorx Cnpt lleirh Miuillih I.n illp Mrnnalil Miirrav niul Allin skilili Arll-t > Arni-lrciiik' Irl-h llrunn llros ( lux l.uiLi'iIliu Halls ( innlL I nriu 1 innllj 'Iliu Kuu'rnc'ii Tr-ipi'il-ai unit nconiiimy | of COHHM | | ins "Having Eyes , See Mot ; and Having Ears , Hear Not" Or , in otlierttnrils < siniilv | Oilsif , i man in lni-.iiK'ss uou C.IIIIMII uill liiiu .1 Imslnc"- . mill ; , nill close liK ttt .mil ' tup Ins c.irs In .ill nurluics in.ulc In linn fm niiluioiis , id \cuisinn , in ut\\ f tin proven fact , thai advertising is a necessary clement of cs- perous industry , tin cmi m iii.u nun's imsi. ness ii'ictr IHI > In spvllul \\illisc\iiiliturs F-A-I-L-U-R-E If , nn ( lie other li.nul. you .IK ! iliiliiii ( | ( ; Ilio \\n to Inner oiiuiliiiiilUs | | in linsliitss , .mil jour ejis .mil t.irs ,111 iipm fm nc s- | uicr | .iil\urlliiui > fictst vinii in pK.iHii In lilUllli \oii on , iii\ _ jioitils pcil.iinini ; ( u ne\\spiici | aihcilMM . tu help > mi spell Ilic > u > iin | iilanlMIII | vf SCMII lUUi- ' S-U-C-C-E-S-S The Iriiiiipcl-ciiil of our IKIIII \\ill u.uli tin C.ii nf the iiiUci'liMiii ; iliiirlnuiit | ot .in\ nc\\spi | > vi or in.muliu in tin \\mld , ALDEti & FAXON , Ncwhiwncr fldvortisiiuj MARK. CO & ( jll W Third Stieet CINCINNATI O HOTEL , 7/M' TfiilTffMi < < " ' ' 'Hi ' " " ' latinHHiHt HHli ttilltl < illll In-ii I'll Inlil.ic imllH I'liniilniIIHIII liiim-HH-lit lo i-iinf , .III tin1 fi'llllli/1 mat HIHII-H Un fil n-itl. .ttn-nti > * tin- / > / Iliiinil , niiil.iHtl It /Hi/1 ' * to lun-ii iiiilfl ; , I in'n in-H mitt /Iff iilni-iii * Ilit-intiilmiit tinlinlliHnii , .s/i > nin lnit , lint imil > lil n t > 'i' 'i ml Hiinnlilni- ci riM/ < " " ' 'liiblt'timni'iiiiHH \ > - < l "ltC > 'e > D. BILLO WAY , Prop GOODYEAR India Rubber Glove Co.'s RUBBER BOOTS and SHOES. Including their full line of Lawn Tennis S/Hh * . T/ny arc fhc handsomest and neatest Jilting Slioc itia < ft\ 1-OR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Omaha Rubber Co. Wholesale Western Agents , A COLD IS INFLAMMATION. POND'S EXTRACT REDUCES INFLAMMATION. Specific Directions. ii'.v C < M i > mi : iu\n : , nppiy I'onil'H Ix-tract ) iillluti'il our-IialO 1 > ) n iiawil Ii > nrlir , or nuiilf II ) or lajinrl/o II < i ur a lunii | niul Inliiilo Ihe fuiius Ilirons'i ' * l ° H"- II' IIOMlsi : , Kins1 ulth S'oiuf * I'.xlrart kpvt-ial tlnict lullj. ir TIII : THKO\T is om : nnd M : < 1C M'ltT , ruli the node 1horoii Iil > ultli 1'ond'w I.-.I i.irt , niul , on rotlrlns , titap III" n < M' c In uinolcii lniiHlii imini ulccl WAY \vllli I'niKl'it i\liail : , nnd pro- tec'lnl Ii ) ail outer \ \ iii ] > i > lu . . ir TJSI : ii M.S AII APPLY laUu u ti'iiNiooiituI | < if I'liniKN tract lour or 11 xo UIIICN < lnll > . ' ir TIII : Minis ACHI : .u i POND' ! < > rc , ruli llii'm v Ij nr < > u > .l ) ultU I'ouil'M I'.xtrai I. FOR CHILBLAINS , > > nlli ullli I'oml's ivtiuct : anil luiinln c ullli cloth Nitur.iUMl u Ith I'nnil'N I'.x.- TO trail. lie lilujj < | iil < 'lil ) Nluppiil. BUT ilo mil piirolinsr sunnln > ii [ wuliMltnti : anil otpi't I II lo ilo u lia PART I'onil'N IXtnifl uill , Hi1 xiiri-oil luuc yoiiiilui ) nrllc'lc , nia li > only 1'iiiiil'M Dvlrai'l , , > OAVoilc anil London. NO CUR.ELJ NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. eon ni s ( XDO i ii f \ i o ul ir t.rn lunli1 In n Ml l 111 ! II * llpl ' 111 II nll.JW IH il 1 III il Ik W th til klC.ll I sin . H- * III ! No \ II - ( lir it nn 1 l i\ ali ) | is < * \p i n iii.'tit 1'iirii it nt I i i r < nut rti U.I I I xlMuul. . .1 -ci , , a V\i-klH \ - . M.llt | in l n .1 * . On * . H f II 111 . I SKID nt ) I I n in > i * r KM N 11 1 cmi intvt'f f l f i \ . h ! Ul . ' I i Id k Mi.nn f . Mil' ol n 10 > unit L tllli. Il urn 11 > U > I I ) Jll It III t I KERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. "poclSo tnr Myiti > rln , Pljilnoia F'ti , I't-uralcria. Wuko fuln b , Ueniul tvpiitnlun.Uot.rninei ( tl < Hiam ro- mltoirf In unlt > .ill leading to iimorr 'loom u t UtfAlh Prtdnaturii olil Affi , ) l3rrnntii I un of I'owor tnuilliur pox Involuntary 1 anted , ami Hinrmntunl LI cauiu.1 lir uvirvivitlot lit Iliu train mlr I u u or ovir liiilulirfiicu rnchhoxcoMtalntuiiininnti ' trU incut tin luu < u KU lut I } ) , tent lir inriliirrt ul. > VIUi curli unlcr f < ir ix IMIIPH , mil cm I | > ur.hiik < ir iruarantcti tu riruiid riontv K ttiu IrtnltiHiit falil ( AJ niu tj jarp-iiteu UHUvU aiilKinu.iiu MiMvuly ir OOODMVN DUfi , I'O. , Ill' ' I minim Mlmt - liinitli t Ni h _ [ hiTi i..u niiir I ) t..r iilllJm iinimlunil < n lmrif. > niul liriintKi uin nf nun A inn in- fur Uu ill hill. < K v.c ii kilns i.utillitr tnuomin l . -v Irf | . ri. it MII | feelsafo I THltvmjCiltMifilCo in r.con iiiiiiilliu ; It lu 3 all Miiri-r.T k J STDMR. M D Orc.TiMii. NiiNI l > > SlriiULXlstM * l'lll 1 HI.CO. Ion lAi'iisosM l r l.i'Oiii'- I Hi il IMIi" ilii I'tiuli iiiurit ) n. t un UK uunirii.ii H\nit in in ( iliu uiiiit | t li n tiuiu uliiii'iin i iiite I'r. iu > itn Mil UU'Hill' Il till" ! | llll Ullllllllll till tllklll I 111 Int. i t-iiini- > \u > I'll lu It > ! ! > I'r | . - sin , i IT i linl In I.n HUH' til MUIIIIII > \ Mil in.IM | I ut.'i l I * l iinnhii ( K Mi'iiln. s , tti UuiJliu M 1' Llut Luuutil lllulli I ! ui j j rl-i. .vlANtJOOD RESTORED. SA.VAIHO. " . \\tiniU-iliil bjirniftv I ! ' l ul ) . In t ild Mllti ft toi ur. nil Vr , u > lilt M i ir > 1 nt llram I' ' i. Hi Klai IIP W tkiril'uMi lx tMan H . ill ) ilriilnn anil DoforoA After Uso. . I -i I | Ki ir t f the I'hotonr.pli l fr .n lift I rur ti\i Ormmi in i HI. i > x , raiiFiil t > r n > ir n rliuii , , tnhf , | irnlrii u tu us . r tin i \ < .i > a im ift.bilK. ' .pli . i r unit u ii. l'it ul"limrly li-alln Inormltt t > ukini i i nml IUMIIIII I'm un lu i n\i ul nt { rni t > inrr > ni tl > < Mhi ( HKki t Priio tl apu kui < i < r trf5 \ \ uli i M r > | % nli r wp KI o \ r It 11 u Kii.iriiitir In i u r in irriinil Hi iiioin-j. Si nt In mail i im ) aitdrto. cucuurrte. ! /Ii niliui ltil | i | r Ail In M , v MADRID CHEMICAL TO . Urum ti ( ifilrp for U. S. A. 417 Hi MlMirn strut llltl M'.H Ilk I OH SMI IS DM VII \ M.ll.UV Iviilin A , ( u i , i iiih f , * si , l \ I'uli i A i . i i in \ n uka > st I' ' I- i ' A < in > | l IUIT. I TOSEPHliLLOTT'I ' STEEL PEWS. GOLD MEDAL , I'Amj txros.Tios . , 1889. THE MOST > 'fcRFEOT ' OF PENS.