TUB OMA1TA DAILY HIS Mr FRIDAY. MA 110II l , J801 , THE SITOLAT1YE 11AMETS. Another Day of Unusual Transactions and , Higher Fricos , WHEAT STILL ON ITS UPWARD MARCH. C in IN < \ hinn'ln nt tlio Itiito of One rt'in n linjI'orU Is iiunrial. rmr\on , March II ( 'pcclnl TflfRrtim to Tnr Hi n. ] TlnM\uy In whli-h the spei'iilullvo murki'l ; * stilt-lid mi VliaiiRu today ImUentoil ( innlhiT dn > of iimisiinl ttaiiHiulluns nml hlcher pHons nt niii-u In all letulhiK urlli'loi nntl pmiliii'm. Wlu'iliilono wjsiv ttlllo enslur lit llrst , bieiiusoof l.lMTOol | cubit's but there wiu ii'biiiiiuliiiloltl | ) ol I cent or tnoro. ( urn wnstt ry HUhty. nnd poik van pcrli-lpi Iho inci-l sciisiuioiiiil iniulut on the floor The nails of the llrst hour \M > ri : \\lu'al \ , JIOI. to II o , , . toll < uv to 11 ttt : corn.CJV * , toiu'ii' ' . to 02 V null. M' ' | ( , toMc. loMVi imrU. * IO * < 7.i to til no ; 1 ml mill rlltsiro llltlo flmiKid Tlii'io tins ii pielty KOIH nl billi'f unions tlio wlio.it trmli this morning Hint tluru Is Mime iinli'l iniiiiliniliitloii on font Itlsono wi i k mill iniu day slneo tlm ptlci'otMuy iv In nt mined oiitll ) up pist Jioo. i\cry : iluy Mm i luis brought iiioro or loss bull nous from ubiond iiiul eti'n tlio itoxi'rnincnl it-port at IItsi looking tioir.sh unil bus liei'iiroiistriit'd , liolli hi-re unil uhroid , a'11 bullish diii'iinieiit \\llli a ( .ilr iiinotiiit oloxporl business mill with the prices ofthoiit \ ( mil Hour m.irlied ill ) I n in n 11) all l'iirou | in in irUoK ami nx all i' ' > to Htoi'l.s lar olj ik'i ri"ised with rorn Kolnt ! op tit tlio r.ito of lu per il ly .mil pinU IIDOMT tlm Ii. Ino or Hi n u d.iM. tliulii it in ii lift lias 1 en held fni fnui or IM'd ! lys pilni'lpill ) within n Pic i in o , l tli Muv. n 111111 his .if to r- IIIMIII , btlttorn } ! Ol'i ' mil il O."i 'IliUlet \ of tlio i uims stri'injlhi'iieil tin ) Idi > a Moil so mo Ilium use. loiu Hni' Is formliu mill tint the iniirUi't IsdlmmiriiKid \ery\lKoroiisopi'ii ' M > llln vhi'n It Is medi'd to liolil It down Tin' mtts tinliiv Has ugiilii Iniiily of a luilllsli cliaiiictn One bullish fentino early ttisthe T.lM'iiiciol pnlillu itilo iinnllii ; spot anil futures 'ill ' oir I'liN stui It'll tliu miikot iRMty illllllllll I.IJ1C | , > slll | Slll'S lit ? 1 Ol'l ' Ut Olll'l' TIllS \HIS till' ' 10 point fill llil > sess'011 ' .Tuly at tlio.11110 thin- sold .itus'io unil at lso ) Tlii'ri * wiis no otlici dlsi'onr.iKlni ; nous anil tin' i nnul hntlin : solil out pi leu lios.in to road , unil tliu tr.ulo lin'an ) to K t back tlio vlie.it. I'hi're tisii riilioiinil of Ic to Jl.nav ntul IP'ofm .Inly. Tin * 1'rlro Cm rent s linlllsli inliTpiiliitloiiot tlio UiishliMlon nop lopoit Imd ninth to ilo wltb tlio sharp alliance 'i'lii 11'\\ IH a M'coml dip In prlcis aliout It u'tiock toJl.oi" , for Mnyaml INV foi .lulj , unil on tlin soi'ond ImlKD to JI 01\ for M ly ami It'll' for July nlioiit inlild ly. 'Hits tins folloueil b ) , i reii'tlou of ' , o bifoio Iho lilc bnlito of thcilii ) , tthlih starled at about I'.J ) o'clock nnil carried tlio prk-es to SIOJ'i for JI ly anil liy'iifor July This last ad\anco wasonthroo Inlliicnics , the more pcneiiil bollef that ma- iillinl.itloa lii'l KOI a foot liolil. imoroKen cr.d Inforinatliiii nn tin : Pilio I'MI rent btuti- niinl , mil tliostioiiK unit liljlier iMintlliental caliles. rhoi'llni.ix w.i io.iihnd In uliuatnt n finrnliiiitis bi'foro thncloii' hen M lysolil at } l ( U't ' and closeil.it ilUt't lililInly rou-hiMl tliohlKli point at tl do1 , anil olo-etl at 11.00 Jlnieli H isiinotedat yia to IM C eiry ( , uul up tott nLclotliuiittlUO1 ! Thli win a iiotculn from tlii'clo-u j osleiday of P i % for May , unil ISc foi .lulj Nu .1. hud sprhUHhoit sold floin a speul.il bin lioro lodaj to nilllois.U tlio M.iy price , anil this n .is If unilor tlio puce at \\lilcli MliineipollscoiiM put tliu Minn uheiil ( Innn at After tlio close of biiilness today \V (1 MvPoiinluU > V Co li.ul I'ailicalilu ail- Aloes that tlio I'rutioli ilutj on uho.it noulit lll.ily bo roilucod. fatounor ni aK ini.nts fui AiiKiist and Scptoinburslilpinuut Nc\v \ Or- IO.IIIH vero iilso repot toil. On tlio curbHho.it ptli Ilexes for May sold ut II.02 for puts anil * 1 OI3a for calls. Tlio corn trade IICKIUI Duslnoss more llko a cjcloni ! thiui anything iNo. Tlio llrst attempt to do business In May uas at from Gcto C3'iC ' Very little was lioiiKlitiniler ( kc ! , and tlio pHco VM'iit bound Inn tolU'ic. Tlicro was reaction to fand ! a aln at 1 o'clock tlio Iirlco HIIS at lil'-iO Julv sold .it tlio saino tlino at r,0'L' to lifl'gC , b.uK tolrO c , .mil iiKaln at tW'iO. t liciols noniurki t on tliu Hour In H liloli tlii'iu Issuclia vv Ido illlUironiu of opinion as la coin. Man ) lielloio tli it It Is tliu lil s ilit , anil that Ilio inniKot has iiaelii'd f.inilno pikis inoi o on M'ntliiH'iil than a ii ) tiling i No Otln rs assert that coin Is tlio nulj thlni ; tint wo are out of and e innot KI t read- ll\ , \ \ lnluhe.it anil porK stoiks are uoimdant , and th.it to bnv lorn Is tlio only sensible thine- Ono tlilus ; became umiaient tnilai. and that Isthut tlio sliort hi- li'iest In fjotlliiKont of MJII K < > t Into aliololn July , and this iii'i-oiinti'd for t lie lenuiUalilo bn > Im of .Inly lite la the day Oiirliur the last tlfleeti nilnilles. wlille Ma.id \ . lined to ( klVc. or 'uc nndii the hlKli point earh , July iniieil uii iinil closed at lite , or 1'gi ' * oxer last nl ht. Maieli and .lulj ui rr tofelliert ! ( Jl V to ic\i ! * . top.M ( e at the close .Iiinu as U > ' , K todHge to tln > close August n asqiuitul at ' 4' ' under July I'ho iidMinco Has all the nioro rriiiuilabli' \ \ hi n the reeelnlswire iiuav oier the uslliniur at .UVeais , amUuii c.irs , > iiiiiitcii foi 1'rlilii ) Ma ) i orn puts \uiv iiiioted.it Ci' e. .mil ( . .ills at I'l i' . ' 1 he oats tiadea'jaliidlstliunlsliod Itself bv liieiibn ; up ulth tin1 inoMinints In otlier linirUiH , If Indeed It H.IS not onouf tlio lo.ul- iri ; 1 lie sliortsnntod nits so liad at tlio open in : Unit M.iy clnintii'il hands at 3ii > up from last liU'ht at " . ' ) ' , i' . and at once sold npto Mi1. L.iUM It oasoil to M1 to .mil eliisod .it M'- ! , or I3a0 lilKlier July sold at 47 o awl -ts e , closlne at ts'je. oi lo hlKher The sust'ilned ad\ nine In pnnlslons toilu oMii jiHteidav'i elosliu pik'os Has 7'iO for lud. l' < o fonlhs .uid . .iT'iifoi ' mess porK M iv iipi'in il \ \ ith the jiork tiadcrs niuch e\cltnl Tlio Hist pileuMIH llk'iip at JlUsT'j , and this Mas folloHtd li > a iMiuiul to ill 00 C'tlier nrod nuts dlil iiMfoilnu and the llootl of oIKi- liiKs frompicKirs anil othois sent the pike back loS-U ) , " ' . 1'lien theio asu slo roem- oiy , ulileheai rli'd the nrko toIIO.lti'i ' befnro tlio last hour , l.xcltii.ient at the chiM1 , vlicn tlio grain in irUets closed on tlio hiilcc , suit the prlec of pork to $11 ' ' . " > , and the elnsoasat fll 4'Mils last lliury stuilul the other nioducts , mid .May laid Meat from M.'I'J' , to S < 1 ' . ' . " > en ly , and rivoxciod to J < 1 : iTl , nml clostd utf < > .l.V .Inly closed at M M ) . M.i > illis Hint from } " > " . ' > to fVJOiMrly , and then up to fSW'i ' at the close. The sellla ; of poik on the early ImlKonas by Italihvln , llatily , Kaj inoiid and tlio brokers foi packers. 1 hero was bujlnn by corn traders and the slioits.Voolf. . Login It I'o. and l'KKl < ston cte peed Inn er I lie lat ( < aiHaneo was the losnlt of a llltlo sc.no wlileli iiiude tlio lon s tind bhorls anvlous to get btnir. riurts AT CHICAGO ri > tlMDDIT\ llliih. I TIIICUS AT ST. I.Otlf. I'D I Ilkll | I/OW IClQ.10 | WllKtT .Mny. . . . 1 03 Jill ) . . . . wv , Coits- CoitsMnj. . . . . OATI.- OATI.Muy. . . . M Kt ta mi Nlltl'N 1111(1 ( iOShi | ) . liiR oiiblo- . ( U'L'Idi'illy easier. u'lpts ut Minneapolis and Duliitli : 3S Kansas City u-coliits : AMiuut , 37 c.irs ; coin 86 ; oats , -.M. C-.tliniitoil ri'i'i'lts | of hogs nt ClilciiRO to rrliluy , : i4uoo. M. Louis icoi'ipts : Wheat , ol.OOO ; cuiii.OTi , OtiO ; oits , : sooo IXliiititul cars forC'hlcago I'rlday : Wheat 44 ; corn. 400 ; outs , IN ) ClilciiKOtcioluls. CHI lots , wliont.PO , LTNo ; com , : , ' . ' . ' , 10 No. - ' : 6uts. 171 , NJ .So ' . ' 1'arls c.ililo si\s : "Woi'siiniato iliiintipo to rrop K "Prlntf wliL'iit turns out \\ell duiii - t ( SS IKTCL'llt. " Tlicro Ims liocn o\cr IPfl.OdO No. 2nd whoa liounlit to coiiiu to St. Units toil.iy. iuo > tly from lllinuK Clik'JiifO , ri'i.'i'lit | iVliont. . 57,0-vi ; corn , IV. . Wl : on Is , in , 171 .shipmentsluai , SUM 4 c'orn , 14'M * * ; " .IIS. itV.U- . CliHhiK Idvoipool ciiliUi nnlft. stonilj' , buy pr > uiiil M > | | iia niiarl Tlio In t po-tnl men 11 the export tnult- sum to think foreign luur kt'tbiiru ' loppy. llrurliuhin'o wibio Caru-oos elf coist. wlion iiollilni : olluilnir CiirKou on pii s. uu nml fu fcliliiincnt , vlient quiet but llr'ni 1 reia'l country markets btiady.Vuutbcr m LugUuU ronl 1 ltrrpi > o > w lie it | nt ) firm lltorpool ' Ni' Ist.inihiril , i .ilifornl.i x brut per cental M l l.ltt rponi Untliinllu wheat , ( HIT ecntid 7 II ill , Ann ili'iui red Hi'slim tylnlcr ttlunl , | n r cenliil M 1'idi ' l.ltcrpoiil Nu. 1 llotiiliii ) \tli"iil \ , per untal't ll'iil. Anolhrr o iblo from 1'nrls mis "Pmnoo bimslit steiimer .hliiitii'iil * fur August itinl scptembtr tt boil in NowOi.cnn * Iherii Is u riiinor tli.il the duty mi ttluiittlll lie 10- llili'ld. " Tlio tlirinrlnl lioiiblo In the oclrtc of ilo IMislls In I'm l i knixkcil Ihi' lioursn mid the London inurktt tlili morning. Ihn I'm ' Is bourse pnctleiiili suspended l > iiMiu > s mill It is nut osltlM' Unit Hit ) cum ovn n 111 to carried , , I'lt. tiiTfiMirny.llrjnn - Tlio market again oicniil | lotier on c.iilcr i but iii tliu longs ito urelty ttt-ll old out then' ' ttus nut iiiinli piesinre to * .cll nnd on Into rrenili culilos milling in lilglu r the bull eruHil lu-ilii took mi Ihi-lr t > hoil nml tlio nnif- Uuielosul tron utlho top prlic of tbo ihiy. Tlinfort'lgii illuiitlini Is the only bullish fuc- Inr unit HI > lullt'te prlu-s me hli ; ! ) onouitli Corn nml o it" iniitliiiic sinn ulth the bulls in iniitrol , but ttc nollccd slmisof a dt-slro to iniitki't Iniitf corn on bind spots lodiiy spco- nlallon his turncil lo theprmlsldii inurki t as the lottesl tiling on the ll t and todii ) the lnilin ; niis good and gencrnl. git Ing us n In Mill iniirKtt and stiniiK CIIKC I'ruxlsloits hate lind n small ndt utiie In lomp nNon ttllh criliis mid % t u look foi lh > tMiteof tpeciiliilton to i-irrj llii'in lilielier Vi tl. McCoimni'k . Co lo 1" ( ' . "Snurt/ \C'i > . llnnhciit niiirki't tins bion ttiy miii'li oti'tti'd I'he ti'iuliiii ) at the opnn- Ing HUH to put nrli'os ilott n , the only ri'.i- "nil lu'lnnf Ihal eiiliiis t\t ic tiiotcil | dci'ldeilly ijnltt iillliDiinhslionli'tr ' no miti'ilil diellnt' 'I be boars tt i-ie -sl-tnl hy ni'Us of sirlous llniiii'lnl Ironhli's In I'ails nnd ( iMlitnl ) c\- IM lid thitnsL'ltis to tin full i'Mont to hninmcr pi lies , llm tin n in tlu > inailti't i .nun \tlu'ii the Iliiiinilil nrtss frnlii Klllnili ) stall d the t loiiblcsiif the I'arls lunU itoul I prohiilil ) bo tlili * t ntcr lij a st mlii1 ito nnd I'lthli's Merc melt eil statlni ! th.it If I'M'ii till ) lit nit In ; of spnn. ulu-nt n ; i suuessfnl t ho I n ncli i top ttiinlil he short 'JO In'J'i pt-rient Tin'trade has liccn In 1 11 unit tin1 inaikiit nt I1 nn s t d ) CM It I'd Hi ei Ipls at i let i n piltuat v points I'oiitliuie la w.l oliiK on I Mtrj ) linshuls corn and o its hae lii'rn ttlioin : ami n't he ul- tlniuuh Ihi'tf was tti\ little lieunechi d to nlbet I'lthi'rof thisi articles Tin1 business 11 ins ictiiiislarii' ! and t\c not t'eonslde ta ble hnjlin ; iiiiiiiii. Iill- " Ileus li.ixn IICIMI cliiliniiu that in o t islons tt eii di'iid nnd in list 1:1 nlnalli Hlnk lo bitter pihcs They will ciinfesH liitlii ) Hint It Is thi < ll\ elli st coilise tint tlin h.neeters on 'I'he t arly inalUcI \t is riitlicr iulit | and lonKid as If tin1 In 11m of ti SUM day \\nnld \ ho follott i'd by a ic n't Ion A hunt noon tic iniukcl took nn- othei linn and nnili l hi.it y lui > Infer both short and long aecoiints , adt meed so ripldly tint It H is often Impossible tn till otiltis al unttt hue IIKe market limits. The i lootii ; \ ert stioini nnd tlio KIC ilest excitement pie- tailed Ind h ut Ions 1110 for i higher nun \tl toinomnt. Kennett. llopl.lns .V Co t > A \\hoiter On tin t'lisli i ciihles this morning theie tt as ngeneril disposition lo sclltvheit and the hnu'st pi It e of tin'i.in , * l Ol'i ' foi May , was in nlo ( llti'rt 1) ifti r ( lie hell t ippid Insplto otfreo si'llln' the inail.ct llrnii'd up and tt as lather sluing the must of the day. 'lovtard noon caliles i ime In still c.islet I'lii * export cli'iiances MI le i ither ll ht and Non S orU n poi tnl iiollilnt , ' Inlun for export. 'I'hU st irteil M'llliiL' iinili'l ulih Ii prli cs fell oil' fioin Jli'-"a ' InM HI'1 , , bill the \H\ikm > ssilil ! not last loni ; and MM ) Neon pi his \MH upnaiil i uin ' 1 liu course of this inh iiieo \ \ as u injsieiy CM-n to Hit * lilKcsl hulls MIIIIIN ofuhoni Irid "nlil out'uul tune' ' liort foi a ifine. The short Interests had oAlilentlv bien Ini'io.ised nnd , hcliiK iry nervous iif-hod lnloco\ei I'lnil- Intfotttrln s ll lit Incii'.isiil tin di-tt riiiln i- tlnu loRt't Inanil the 11 irUel .uh.uiccl lap- Idly in ir tliu close , wliklias .it aliout. toil prhes 'I'he mniUt Is pioliihiy qiillo Well CM HIM ! up. and allhoiiKh there mat l > e astronK opinlni ; toniurnitt on fin lln r t.illiiis linoulil sii in priidenl to t.ikti piolllsoii iiiu ttheit nnd null sliort for l Inin There appeals to be too in mil strain nn tol.ist I lie umr-eof tlio iniiKd In mm and oils toilai ttoulil she that linldetsiiri- s.iimnini of , i fill tin r : nl- \ nice it iii ( cnt Tlii'in \\.isijiillt' fnt'ull - liiK of h nil stilll vtlih hslioils did not bid for so o.Kelly as hi'i olufoi r. The iimaik- aldo stionvth of whe.it lind pie \hliius f.illiil to stlnuil.ito oats and cnrn It Is llld-iv tlm shod Inti'iost his In I'D lintel ) ellinlnatiil .mil unless .1 fnsh oiio Iseieatid loin' foiced li\ tin cllijue It Is prob iblo pt his w 111 ilei-lliie shoi 11) 'I hu prot Islnti in ilk'I has been eM'llc I ind.it times wild , mil iinlh it o shorts lieen fr iiitle hiiers but HUM e ttas .1 In i\y Imi'slnienl hiiyliu as well flic tlili * b.is turned bo.irs Into liei onii'bulls and there Is mmh talk tint tin'iidt.uico lias lint just liemm The ( MIDI minis sliu'Ks 'lie fur tinmonuiit lost slsht of or It Is s ihl thot atou.islly u.inludlf wldrlj ilistilbntul CI11CK1O l.lVll STOCK 31.\RKKt , CHICAOO , March I1. . l poclil Tolenrim to TIIK. lliK.l OAITIK Anj thlnn desirable In cltburdrusscit boot or thu shipping line of steers solil strong , and to oxon bettor ad- tintajo than early visloidny niornln ? . Vevr re illy rlpo beovcs noio on silo , mil so strong tt.is tliuconipotltlon tli it .inillty not quite up to the mark tt.ts substituted , it thu ton prices riun coinnion nnd medium sleets sold well , 'Ilio inirkot was stroiij wltli jiu iul\aiicuof I'litlOcovci list wceU on the Kdieral innof decent stock , Hxportcri woio also forced to pty lilk'her tl nriM , though \torkln-4 li.ird to till out their ordeis with a 'iadu that would cost no nioro thin l.istwetlc. lliecott and lulfor brniuh of thctrido eontlnno to Uicu cllinhliii ; In prke , with soiuu fancy bulfiis Hllliunp lo $4. , > thisnioriiliiK. In a Kcncril way , [ ill ( DKiHiil btcirtuu se-lllnu foi HMVJQ .100 ; iholco to uxtiii , t."i.'VA' ' > "ill Mini'lhliu fancy would piobablj fitih l"i.T. > . Choke heifer'N UOiU 'fl , prime fit uows. JJWX&.I. ? , and cinniiu'C'iivts JI * & 2" Huns Hrlu'ht.irlsp loin \\oalhor. fi\oii- lilo In ( lie picking lull list-- , ioiiplednli i Rood eisKia shlpp iu deiiianil iiilliiriii'iil fin thor Iniproiiuntlii IKV values , and in ulvaiH'O of 5c.n easily obtained ht sulos- 111111. lln. ' inirKot ilosliu Mionx with the pins iniptj KOI U Isl mil i irly nas the stiuii''t'it of tlino dnlilons Silis MCIO l ir elj lit $170 KIT. ) foi prime liu IN t , and bntihcis iinning from fl d.v t.Lso foi fall lo chilli o lie iy , a ft e\lra iiiaKlnc f IH'i. I'loklni ; ft .nU" > snlil at .1 r.umoof * . ! Mt.t.7with ( tbi InilK iiounil flC' , © 170 Sold'tcd iiiodluni uol.lits I'oiniii inilr I lenlll ) J.I'VMM ) , stionj ? vclitlit IlKht sorts , K7lKi . ? ft , and ooil 11'ht. IUK&I70. auorillii to weight .mil iii | lilt \ , l.l.'ht-ll.'ht stull u.is i ithtr slim at Mii Uu , and lilit-llclit | slmpts , I.I Wii-l (0. ( Mhud bo s sold ( Miior.illv liom'l. "i if < f .IV > for llclit mlM'il nnl flkl70 ( ) ! for utavy mixed. Hulk of mixed , * l.coa.t.oi. OIIK , SI ireli I.1 Lapeclal Tokprain to nn : lite. ] AlthoiiKli tlio stni'K maiUetopened steady , It was not loiu until theio was a feel- IIIR of weakness ( Unelopoil 'IIlls w is unex pected , us tin ) talk lust night wasof a liuMiful | nature , 'lids w.is biscdon bettei oxpectii- tlons from ahio id , as thorutrofun fonl u ordorsthls mottling and I'.irls , nl \ kcseiu bonrlsli In ulTeU The we-t stirteil In to sol' Krnniiers , and iirofcsulonals were selleis gen erally , 'llioro was no animation outsldoof the grauRcrs and J.oulstlllo , t Naslnlllo , which weio UL'ulii heavy to weak , thoiiKli seorliu only sin ill losses. St. 1'uul , ItiirlliiKlon and Ijackiiwanna leadlac with 'i pel cent o.ii'li. The last named bceamo tliu featuio of lulu ilo.illiu.s , joInliiK m-tltu stocks and stirtlnc : : ( r illy wlileh tlftnl the list up to tliuopcnliiK prices aRiln , while It rove I per cent Itsulf , ibot o Its lo.w est flcun * . The stroni ; point In i.irly dc.illiigs , howini-r , was ii.itloii.il lord a'e , whkh rose from 7.V , to 70'J on llglit tr.insictloiis. An hour to noon broiiRht llttlo eliailiu from 11 o'clock prkes , \\lilloUioloiiuof I'ails lliiinul.il nowsbceamo even w oi o. The slncie market was a light iitlalriluiliu the clo-ln < . > lioura. and tthllo Chli.iKO Qas .uid Laclx.utanna wciu up 't eruiiKi'rs weio nenei illy 'i ' to \ lower. Ateh- IMIII and Ilnrllneton weic not ilimiFod fron tlio close } istunliiy , lln. sales tteio llniltud to NlOOO sliiios The follow In ; are the closing ( | uotitlonii MONKV ON t\ii. Ki y , elosi.il otKrcd .US' poi icnt. 1'iiisii : M'liiMNTm I'.Ml u .1'(2T ' ( per cent. Mini i Ml I'Mii Mir lv > iilet and stiady Bl\t-iia ) ) bills , ? 4 * ) ' , ! ili'iiiunil.M.bi'.i. ' Qiiiiliiliiins. Xiw 'I'oitK , March U. Special TrlcRram to Tnv llM-l Tlm follow hig aio the ii.lnlnt , btoik nuotatlons , : ' The Collt'ti Market. Ntw YOUK , March IS. l poelal Tiloiram to Till. Ilui 1 Coi IT KI-Options opeutil bircly btoiuly and unoliaiijril to0 points ( lowmini closid buri'ly stonily and 'M points dow n. 'I h halts Mire 4il,7. > o lines , ineliuiliu March JIT MM'HI ; Api II , tflTJOttlTWi .May. * I7.a : 641755 : June. 17.tK ai7. , July , August , 110.40210.45 , Sl'IiU'lilUr , Oi tel or | | \ " itt. % v" . , DcepiiiWr , tl .spul Itlii , quilt and Bleiulj , fair l.v on , .No. 7. llMui'i. ' i' it in n ci : . Cilirtoo. Mireh I'i ( lospWhent I'lrmi i\ li } t ni'511 ' OP4 : Mny. } i ai'4.hih. JI.OO Corn --li'inlyi ensli. ( l.'ei Ma ) . tilU Oils I irm , cash , 5''ci MIIJ , W\c. 70.fTv. lla\ -fl Is- - , 'lltnollij JlS7H. ( ' . " ' . \\ldsUt-ll \ l\ VorkVxclted : cn h. IOV ( ) ! Mny. ! ll IV lard \elleils I rath , MI'i ; Mny. H3.V short Itlhi r\illiil | cash. fMKTi May , 5421 } , 1 -rncliinncili winter intjiits. tl'Mty .ffll KpllliK palentf. fl.liOitUO. . Hulk Ment * > linutili'i > < . tMMtlSO ; fcliort loir.'VUri Hi short lib * , frjHtUU. lliittor L'iK'hiiitul ! : | ori'ntacry , lalry. l it.'ili > . Hides -i'nclmiced. 'I illotvrneliaiie ( ! I. Cheese * > tininci full eiotiiu obeilimi . 0'4e. Hats , li ) > ii llri Yoiini ! Ameilcas , 1 > 4C IJ 'shieady ; fnsh , r.JflOe. llocilpl" . 'lour . t-ooo Stflfl Miciit. hu . . . ! .OK ) 1 , Cto urn. Im . n.i.nw m.ooi i.iis , bn . . . ii'i.ooo ' i , ow Xr.w VOUK. March I. ' . Wheat Ucrvlpts .100 lin . | ii'ls : export" . . .VO bushels ! spot l' ' ® 'e i lithei ; No. a nil. In elotator , JI Kili ; No. .lied , Jllis'f ' ; uiiBi.iiled led. Usiic JI.I'i : opltons loM'il llrni and hl lici ! .No. " led , Mnteh clos- Inn ut il IV , . Cinn-Ki'celpls , ; 14,00) ) tmsliols ; exports Oil basin Is ; snot hlijlier , N'o ' . ' ? "irt7.V' III oil'- aloi . niiKiaiiiil mixed , r-'if7f > ' options stiong uul hl 'lirr ; M iv i Iniliii , ' at H-'ii' . Oils - Iteieipts r.s.ooOi o\orts. | ) HOO : spot N'o - ' while. ' ' , ' I'K' ' . mlM'il tti'stein 'uT'i > "c'l s lilt ii western , ' > Si&i > le ; options Him and hlKbei ; la cliisliii ; at , " > sie txiKiii-U.itt , aetlte : ni.irl.et firm and nn- IIIIIKI d , inusiot ado , ( . ) ! ccntilfnn il" , w ! test , iVtinleiim-rnileil closed. April , 72c. 1 ire * \\eslirn. lve. I'oik lllBlicr : old mess. J10 U'iat0.75i ( new iiie s. ill 7r < f ! , " . . ' . > . I lid Illu'lioi ; western steun.W 4" > . llultir I lioli'e fri'sh , ttoiiK ; we-tein , dtilry , ; , . ' . , wesiirn cii.iniiit , I.Mi < ? -l.u'i l.l lnIIU1. . ClicosuMluiiKi skim * . ti'i44lOc. MISM * i'iiis | , Match U Whont "tionp. " loslu : M.uih } l ( M ; on traek. JUNII , ; .No 1 million ) M n. vj'ic ' ; on trick. I't'jc ; No i ! iiirthcriiMiiroh , ! i c ; nn tinek , IKC. ' K \ss\s CiTt. Mo. Mill eh 12 Wheat Quit t : No - ' liiril. , , isli anil .Maieht < o hid ; No. . ' ml , cash , oie hid ( oiii-lllBlioi ; No. 8 , casli nml Maruli.ril'S © o'us lll her. > o. ' . * , cash , 47 e < SlT'iC ' ; Maieli , Mil w VTKI I . WIs . Mareh \Vlical-rii inj r\o ! ! snliiK. | c.ish.'lT'ic ' ' ; M.iy , OaV > lot n I'u mi No .1. > I'.c. ' O its-l'liin ; No ' . ' while , file. ' ' . til 00. I'lovlslons-l'lrnii pork , .May , "T I.nrio , Maieli IS. Wheat -IIiKher ; cash , $ | iili.rl.r. ( " , , Maj , II.M'i. foi n Illnher ; e isn , viu bid : May. nn.OM'Jc. D.ils UUher ; etsh. 'il'.u ; Mn > ,5k . I'ork-lllKlicr ; . , 1. iid-IIU'lii'ii H7 : > . Whisky II 15 Hutlir Uiii'liuiRLMl : creimcrv , choice to fancy dahy , 2i > ' 8iIUc , CisdNNATi , Match I.1. Whe.it ctronz , No.S nil , tlO. ' . Corn -strou j ; No 8 mixed , ( > ? c. t ) its stiniii : No U mixed. 54u. Whisk ) -II 1\ Iiivmroni. Maich 12 Wheat "toady. Corn steady ; mixed western , 5fe sd. i , in : ii , March 12. ( ittle Kocol pts , in.O'X ) : niarkit stt oiii and h Klicr ; stecis choice to t'Mia * 5 > iift5T"i ! fall to Kooil , f I lilrru'iOO ; ilioli-o beifiis. fl 10 140 ; tows , JI.'iOftoTJ , slni'Ueisr'lhtC / ) ! I'i llo s Iteu lits.fs | 000s market llrnier ! pack ers and ship ) uis Jir : > WI 70 ; pi line bcttv and bnlcliei woL'hts tl 7'J'iiil.s'i ' , skips and ns- binleil llKhi ; * MHW I7o. shoip Ucu'lpts , ! iiiiO , ( : in nkel letter ! wcst- eins. ? " > , " , > 70 limbs , j' , . iVtto no ; n.itltis , - > OOf < j'iL""t ' , 1'cxans. 81 i.- > KAVSI.S CITV , Mo . Mil h -C'nttlp Uc- eelpts I r > ) Hioad , shipments , I ( K ) ) head ; m ir- ket Kii lilKlur ; stitis. JJ'.Vifidlj stocl l is mill ficilors ti.TOftl Ol llojUtcclpts , 7.000 , sliipmi'iils , 100 ; mir- lat UK. hl hei : bulk. " br l.oris , Maieli 1. . Cattle llueclpts. OM\IM , March II , OATTM : Estimated rocoluts of e ittlu l.hoo as comunrcd wltb U.lii. ' jeslerdiiv and 1.40) lliuisd i > of last week. Maiktl notltc and llrni un all Kiadis , etoiytlnm ; beliiK' In du iniiiiil llotli shippers and kllliis weio free buyers. 1'ilcos ttviu not qiiombly hi ttei. al- tlioiiKb thedenianil forcattloof ill kinds and Kr.uUs wasKOod and .in L.irlv elcaiaacc w.is ill ecti d. lions Hstlmateil roi'clnts of hogs .Ifiio , as comnared with U.17 > jesteid.iy and , " > , h' > s lluirsil.iv of last week Iho m uket was ae- Iho and lUc hlclior All sold Tlio i . of pikes pikl w is } I. loft ) 00 the Im Ik selllni * at M : .V3I4" > . Closlnir slL'.uly I'lcs , 1 1 7V'D."iii ! . , . $ I40 < 3.I'0 | : mixed .1 lVtC.1 riO Tlio atcnifii' of tliu juices p ihl w is $1.40 as compart il tvlth * l. lO'iyeslLida ) and JJ. il'6 ' 1'hursdaj of last wiek hlUKl' rstlmntcd reeolpts of sbenp IIR7 us compired with I'Jl ' vesterd ly and NI7 Thurs day iitlnst week The m 11 k"t Is Til1 lowei than Mondiy. Natitis , f7j1f > 0j ; wtblernsirKhn , J4 fcr > . . 10 ra.i a oo MI\ID. : 2i 002 4 40 I ni7 a oo 2 . ino 4 oo 1 .110 a 25 a io : > 4 oo B. . 115 4 UO STMI- . S. 1145 2 23 2 y > 0 8 40 1. l&OD 3 55 II I.I 1 1 UN 2 cos a 03 i. . uou a 40 o.\rs. 1.1IU 8 33 MIIKI.US AM ) 1 cntr and calf . . I If TO 1 cow uud cult 1'J CO I'lOS AM ) IKirilll. 41 . . . .80 - a (0 ( 2(5 ( . . UJ 225 o.w.ii.i II'JMS.I ti : .tr iititir s Country t'rmluuf. Thelr.uledld not dnielop any \ei > inilleo- nlile fe it n us j i hie Ida ) , lint the lecii sunn liiinjies uhlilillllii' notk'idln the quoin lions KlM'ii below llaj tool , a jump up , H hllo I'KSeio | ttu.il. Diul-s , KUSO anil tinl > ejs linitiKliter \ stioii priu s. Kdiis-A few siiles ot sin ill lots \\oro ro- lioiloilat lOi1 , lint aer > l.iw piopoitlim of Ilie sales \\tio at l. > 'je. t-anie sold as low as Tit' . I'otll.Tltv-Tho ehleKen niarliit rpiiulns aliout stead ) at'KillOc foi oholi ediissed stnel. luio sitlni | ; ehlcKcnslmiu htfdOiper dodi'i'so and ilueUs noiesi iieeanil snlif nt \\di \ IS'ii1 foi eholic htouki while deslialile mo- dliini slrcil tiukes hiuujrlit IWl" > e HlMTl.lt I lie nnikit eoiitlaueserj linn. iHln ; ; lo the lln'litiiss of aiill.ils. Best Hiiidesot loantiy loll sell at a ( S'ilc. Anj- Ililn that does not eonio up to the st unlaid Ins tn sell i mishit 1. 1 1 > 1) below tho-o pi lies , as tlio Ion grades IIIIM * nut aihnneod In the s into piopoitlon .IH the In st quality. KAIIIIIIH - llotli ( ' and siippl ) were llL'ht.liut a few small niliblts sold ut llOOpoi do/ , and jaeKs at JJV ; ) . II'I ho market took a lilt ; lump ) estor- d tv , nuliiK lo the inuiUit lu tin ; hue anil coed h.ij sold at } VitlO)0ier ) ( ( ) | ton Asllioso pilots vero hroiiKlit ulxnil 1)a tL'inpoi.iiy sinelt ) II would not do to anticipate o\ei Js'iiU'i.oo ' on Iniinedl.ile - - | . ' and only that In case nit lime inoilei ale. Vc etaliles. Vl ( II TAIII i CM sn us-l'or doWo , ( \ | I II i ovthii l'i i ilof.'iO. . ' IMMI II I'l r Ijhl. if''th ) . l.hlTl'.i - ( hohc stock. IOi34V. Kt itiiAdAs Mlflilcan sloi'k , peruu , Me. n is | 'u ' bii Jio r/23 | OMDSS 1 ast trn stiii.k.i'i'iO put bhl. O\niiois-l'o | Mil , tJ."i. I'dTVroi s ( Jooil stoek coniiiiaiids lilsh iniees Iliiine monn stoek fioiii stole hi ' in ill lots Is helil , il | 10 Colorado stotk il.J' ' 6l 'J'i fi.i nnMlehlKin stoek , iOfoirm , C.illfuuili in i do/ . ? l 00 swin l'oT\Tols ( lioleo stoek Is luld at $1 Oiftj I VI per hhl. K MIISIIM I'ri doiiiinelns , 15o. I'MisMi's I'ei hhl . no I. 1'icsli Prults. Oin\ni.s-N'a\.ils , 81 00 ® 4 M ) ; riorliln li It.VXiM i. * > ; ni'-sils. i.liViC.t'0. I.os \ntolts ; , J . ' . ( ! ; nioiintalii fiult. ? , ' 7" > . IjKMONs ( hold' , $4.110 , fllliry , f ) r > \ Ai'i'i ts The Mipuly Is very I M and prices nn 1 1 Sionillupl3 | liU'll Good stoU < Is held at } > 0-XJti r > J , and soint ) fanoy apples as hl h as id DO. DO.MM * oOiiM'f IVrbbl , $10 ( Oin.'fW. CuMii.iiiin s liootl U.ipo Col , i > ir Util , Jl..OO. I'lltsii MtT . rit-sh hams , 20 His. ; i\g. 7' C ! flesh hams 11 , 11) ) > . avp 7'ii'i fn sh hams , U Us aK7au ( ' , flesh shonlilors , 4'sej pork loins , " , 'ie ' , pin k 1 1 ndurlolns , l-'ji'i leaf l.uil , not n n- ileieii , 7e ; sp.no rlh"e. . 1'OHUMlltl.l.I lUllllKI.I.H ) Nltt MUSS pork , pel Jihls , illllO , pi line mess poik , fl.VJ , e\lri iirlinouoik. } x M : clear haeknnrk. lieiivi.tl 1.7' > : fit at li.uk pork , iiieilluni , fll'i ' ; short cot elearpoik tlO ( Kl , pis poik. Jll M Iteif Ni i \tiii mess hoof , Jti''i ; e\lia pinto lituf , $ S'"i ; jil.uii bet f , K 00 ; mill d horn-It ss hoof , . . ' ,0 , , uoiii > li.ss i niiip , js VJ ; sliouhli i eloils , } V ) . Dill ' -All Ml * Ts rat lucks , , ' , ; lein liut'ks " . 'HI- , o\lra short i Ii ir"x. . ; billli10 ID Jo Hi a\.f. , r > Vi' , shoit ilhs * > cslioit ; clears , ' , 'ne ' ; IOIIK ele.ns , Se ; slionldeis , 4'uL1 ' , fostn line' ' , 4 , i" MIUUI D Mi\rs-Drv alt C'nrcil Iliicun. loii ilo.us . " > 'jc , hhoil eleais , "I'sL1 , e\tl t shoit oleais .VL' , bellies , eloai strips ( , e ; liclllis clem wlde.Oe ; short rll s fi'ic ' ; shouldcis , 4\c ; fat bie s tie ; It'iii b.u Us , ii'4e. > Miivkhi > Mi-Ars Host Siu-.ir Cinoit-llains , UMI illKht.U tolOlhx a\era-'e. 8Ve. luht , II to l.'lhs uvei.iRe , fc'ic ' ; niidliini , It to IA Ibs , ii\cr.me , s'ic ; hi i\ \'i ) to His nvci lire ke , ( \tra lie.n ) , S.ltoS.'i lbai r.vat1 ? " * ' ' : skiiiniil slIcliiK. lh In SU Ibs atir-UK' * . ' i ! t-'allfoml i hams , .I'll' ; Nov Vork shonldeili'iO ! Iti stun shonlileisd | o S | hs. .i\oriK < ' 5'tc ' ; Imnoless ham. 7'je ; siiicul hoiule-s mils.7Jio ; hii'.iU- fasijbacoii icle.il ) . , "i Io7 Ihs sti Ips , 7'ii' , lui'ak- fast b icon ( III ) ' , 7c ; beef tongues , ll'ji' ; dildl hi of hainsc-i'is ) 7'ae ' ; rt'Kiil ir , Oogc'luU , > \ < : ; faney li'nn hacks , ( j'c Pi in' I.i u I.Ann Heroes G'Si'jbamls.UV ; half b.u n K. l > V. 1'iiiu. laiii-riorce , Co : haruH , fi'ie ' ; half bairels. ( , i4i' . ItinTi , \ ( , ins Sweet phkled.siijjari uri d llainls. 'M ibs , f\W \ lulf Ii iliels , 1UO Ibs. , J I > ( ) I'OIIK Tosjiri's S ect plekleil.siiRai euud - Half Illinois. 100 Ihs , J7.r > 0j quartet b.irioK , r > 0 lhs.tl.no IAMIIS' I'oxdi rs ' rot iiloklcil.sii iirennd Ilidf h irrols , 100 Ibb , t'.iw ; ( l ai tor bamls , ; . ) Ihs. J4U.I. Ir-llihli llostirss I'KJs' HOIKS C'ookod Half ham Is , aj Ihs. , } 4 70 ; quarter liinels , 4(1 ( Ihs. . Via ; ulKltlli bairols'JOlDs.jfl.rMj kits , 15 Ihs , J1.05. M'K hi ) 1'tos' Tosnns-'ookid : Half hu- rels , W ) Ihs. , Ill.W ; quaitei barrels 40 Ihs. , Jii.lh ) ; ulKlith liairels40 Ibs , * .I.UO , kits , 15 Ihs. . J..rO. J..rO.M'ltrn I\MIIS' Tovji'i.s f'ooUed Half lur- rols , PO Ihs , } | 0.o ; ( | iiarler hirinls 40 lh , $ . 'a ; elKbth hariols , yo Ihs , Ub'i , kits , 15 ll-s , , " " "l"iiKi.nri'iili'i-ll.iiiols. 200 lb . Jir > : half haiiels , Ml Ihs , fj DO ; iiiiiuUi haiu'ls. 40 Ihs. , 1100 ! olKlilh baiitls , SU Ibs. , COoj kits , 15 Ibs. fiue. I'll ' Klin IMfis' Trvrli.irrol * 200 Ihs. $ fi0 ; half harrils , Mllbs. , } ' , ' .O , iiuailor birn'h , 40 lhsiseighth ; hanuis SO lb , or c ; kits , ir > Ibs .r > re. t-Al'\m. llolojjna , 4o ; finiikfuits oruln - orwiusts , 7e ; loiiKiie. 7'se ; lihuuli 4't ' ( : llici , 4'je ' , henl tlliicsi ; " 4r5c ; polish , 7o ; suniiuer sansaije , I2e ; poikiaiisiiie , links , tej pork sansano meat , In tin palls , 5'te ' , ( Jii.s , 'I \ i.ui.M > STJ IUIM : 1'iiie noat's- fout oil , We poi Kill ; uuio ne.it's-fool oil , llvo Kal eans , V > o pi r K-ili Al tallow , Oo per Ih ; bttailiie , Co pet Ib. ait.ilt . , I , jui. v.iM , ! . . , , * , , . . .i' ( . . . . . . .it. j- iilnni , 'iOe , No , 1 , hiiKill , I'MSUiink , iiiurow si ripe , cased , No , 1 , lairft' , 40e ; Nn t , inoillnin. S5e > knnk , broad sttlpo , eased , No 1 , lingo , ' I ooioss , darlt. No , I. ' ' ' IIIIKB. Wli" No. I , iiiidluin .Uc ; No 1. sioull , ' 'Oe \\oll , nioiintalii. > o I , iaue , l.'WI ; No 1 me- ( Hum. il''V. No 1 hiunll , ; ' ; No. S , illU. \\u\t \ \ iir.uile. So 1 larKe.il UO ; No. 1 uuilltim , TV ; So 1 snnill , Mk < ; No y , 4Ui' Iliinei prime , per skin. No. I larRe. t7o. ) ; No I iiiidluiii.fi.OOi No 1 small , i.i .Vi Itc.iMT , No 2 , per i-UIn , No 1 lurce , t.(0 ( ; No 1 nn ilium. * U' > : No. 1 small $101 ( Hti t , No 1 lir o. 17(0 ; No 1 ineilliini S.'iO ) ; No 1 small , iiuo , No ' . ' , t.'Wi. ljn\No 1 IIIIKO , ( 'do , No. 1 medium , f ! , ' " > ; No I si , mil 7Vj No. S , iKXl.Slldeat No. llarn'i' , Me , No. 1 iiiidluin , ' ! 0e ; No Ismail inc. Opossum , No I laiKo , U'c : No. 1 i-mall. fie. Hadcer. Nn 1 Inu'e. We ; No 1 miillnin. 4VNo ; 1 Miiull , lee \\olM'rlne , No 1 IIIIL-C , jl ml ; No. 1 medliim fUll ; No. I nui ; II , f . ' ( K ) . Ite.ii. Uhick , .No. 1 Inu-e , i.i ) 0 ; No. I iiiedluni , illlOO ; .No I MM ill JIM llenr , sn//l ) , No I lau'i' , $ UUH ) ; No ineilliini , f 0i ) , No 1 small , JI ( W Ki ir , brown No 1 Inriie. line ; No 1 medium. t ! ' < i No. hiuall. JI 00. Hear. eubs. No 1 law , il 00 ; No 1 lili'dliim , f.'Mi ; No Ihliliill.tlUO. MalH'li.No 1 largo , t.'OO ; No. 1 medliim , flOO , No 1 Mimll .W. I'Mior , No I Intae. fitw , No. I medium $110 : No. 1 Mnnll , J.'AI. lliii'ksl.ln. Iniiiai drtssuil , per Ib , No 1 largo , . ' ! ) ' ' to ' ' lor ) suiiiiiiei , peril ) . . No. 1 larKt1 , .Vo tii" > c. Deer rail , peril ) , , No 1 JUFKU , To toJuo Hour , nln tn , li tr Ib , , N'o , 1 largu , I''o lo lie , Ucci , united | icr plivo Not luii1 ! 3V In 7.V Ante- opp , peril ) No. I Inrco. Uo to I.V' 1 H per h . No llarjtc , < e to fGi. Mn kriit 111 . \ \ N , a.lnler. . > o I latiso. Ifi1. winter N'o I mo- Hum. I4i'i ( ail , No I lari'e. llei fall No. Ime- lliiiu , Ih , ilninaneil.vtu'Uiril orshol.Oc Musk- at southwestern and teiiltorv'lntor , N'o larire. Ho , vlnti r. No I ineidiini , lie ; fall , N'o 1 latiie. lli < ; fall. N'o I iniiUtitii , So ; ( linn- d. sin uuiior shot 7o. I.lMf , Ci MKNT I'TI' Unhotirilcarsftt Oinnhn - I'tr lihl-Ash Uroui Ilino. t'lc ; Cliaiiiplou Ime.We ( .liilni' ) \\lillo.sv , l.onlsx Illoeoiiiciit , I.M , Mlluiiukio etmeiit } 1 45 , I'tli'ii eiMiient , I 10 ; riiullsh I'orllind loiutnt , J.IH ; Now VurK plinlei , J.'s.'i , MKIiltiin plaster. f.Mtl ; ort Doilce ulisicr , * l.7.-i , whllo M.iinl. I' . 1' . lair , porbilo.il no l MM.On lioinl cirs al Oni'ilnnthrielto t host mil , i IIIKO and vft , < s''lp ( . | | nnitt ilo , Him Soft foil Ohio. Jo 7' . , Niul hern Illinois , 4 'idi \ \ aliiul block , $ .l.Si , I on u Iilnni. M IA ; IOMII nut. * 'J ( ft Illlujs I'lo/en lildi's , V , N'o I irricu silted ilhs , A iTRi * . No Snieon saiti-il hldiis. iV. No Kri'i'ii siuv , | | ild s-i tot i Ihs. V4 < ilik , N'o i.1 CHIMI stilled Miles..1' , tn 10 I In , 4iil ( < te : No I \oiloalf s loll Itis 7e : No.eal c ilr "lol'i Its , fMNo ! I ill v Hint hliles , ; iit7'ti , No J di v lint hides , : uCVc , Nu I ill ) salted hldos , 9 Wn. Moot. If tins it , Nebriska unil I'ei rlttirv rnwisbid I ini > iiu'iimn I.'tn O , I'lioli'c II to 1(5 ( ; medium iitciiiii- IH to Sll ehtilio a. " lo 'Is iiiirti | > i hloodiiM'i IKO tilo'JO , eholio .M lo-J , co ni > atoi.iuo 1.1 lo ll > , i holi'c Hi to 2s ; eotts and niiiKli uMMKt' I- ' to II , eholie 11 lo r > , soul ) orbnrij i'i to 11 ; lilai'k l" > to 17 , bin Us and tt'iy lit'.iu line 10 to U' I lltt nsln d eotnh- Ini ! nml delaine I liu > delaine Ateimollto Id , i linlie 10 to Is , me Itiini tltl.ilno ntiiiui'2il to.'l. ' ( hulec 2i to ' . " . ' ; nn dliini iiiinlilim ati i.i e. a > ) lo'Jl ; ipmiiei lilimd ionililtii ( iiteia o 17 to lsi liohe IH to'.li ; toirso loinliltn ; IUIM lie l"i to 17 , I'liii'ei' ' 17 lo | s ; hinld at iM.ui'12 to II t'linld * 11 to Hi Tub wii'lit'il ( holeo ' . " < to M , IlM lam 2.1 lo , " ; cense .Miii 2 > HOM-.SIN foi | , om OMA Pry bull a In. PIT ton , f H500iilsi | | ; ( if ) I'diiati ) , hlcichid , IM r lon.t i.tWctl ( in , ( limp and mi'it j , per ion. * s ( HKiOIOOi ) . Tlie-o prloi'sino for bonus \\iljhuil anddutltt'ioil In l lilea'n'o liiiuibcr. ( . 'iintalloiis ' uro foi ear lots on bo ml ears nt Oni i tin' > > . ' .M , sis , je ; Muoli well tubing. II 'V UMlboi.JilOl , ulikuts. II A. It Hat , SJJVJ ; I ) . t II. { , ' . ' , " spi no. > 0. 1'IMIMIo. . 1 Gin I. and 14 ft I f $10 CO ; No t l > In , Hi ft. f I i.OO ; 4 In. fl'MHI ; No. 1 , Gin ISand llfl.rf , * I4 DO. 4 111 , * llKl ( ; No Sl. In. Pi ft im.H ( ) ; 4 In ? IOi ( < > ; No .1. liln U and II ft. fl UO ; 4 In , ( UM ) ; No. .1 , Ii In. Ih fl , il.l.OJ , I In * | ! 00. hllill-A ( Ii 14 and If , ft , | iiOO , C' . $17Mj 11 , IS 14 and 1 ( > fl t-'OVi ; I ) , fll..M lloMins No 1 loin , IhfiUjNn S , com , { 15 00 ; No .1 , ( .mo. JilVl ; No 4.ioin.ill AO * Ttifk Ho Aims A. tain , sis Jls.OO ; H , I" In , ls t4A(0 ( , C.tlOO , H. iJ'iOO ; No. I eotnmim. U in , sis , 10 u and IS ft , M 00 ; No S tlfii ; No I common , IS In sis , 14 fl , f.'OOO ; No. S , $17."iO ; Nn I ( iimuum. 1. ' In. sis. 10 ft.ll'i',0 ' , No ' . ' , ilTOO ; No. 1 Lomiiio-i , IS In , sl',2 fl.W.OO , No S.JIKAO ' MUM 41-N'o t plain , 8 and 10 In fl'ioi ) ; No J. ill ! 00 , No 1,0.11 , Hln , * I'MK ' ) ; Nc _ ' , tit , j ) ; M In , urooN i d roiilhi - , I. ' , 14 and Id ft. tl i < ) I iM in.N-lHl and Sd el . 1 In. s ; , f IIMK ) ; I'l 1't ' and" In. il'loo ' , .11 eli.ir. I In s"s * IIHI , ! ' , 1 'i ' and 1 ! In. } I7H ( ) , A , sk , t , | h , , s's , fdim Ii , , l'i iiiiii'J in , ir > oo , n sdict. i in , s.'s , f.iido , is l'i ' anil Sin , fm 01 , l.1. si.ki.t , 1 In s.'s ' , t7'ij ; p , l'i ' Mini.1 In. il'iOU A HoiUsi'lict ill Ki-fool tl OOitri -on mi UN Vi i tow I'IM 1st .mil Sd cla.il tlooi In ; , l.l-liislar. f.'l IK ) , 1.1-lii.ir'll ' ) : romnion Hum In. . 1.11' ' , trilio , rift lieu. tt-H , , J.'i'd ' Isl anil Sd ileir , i , i I'llln i4 ! - > l. 1st and "il kip. iL'ellloj. jl'i'.O ' , 1st mil Sil clc.ii , coll- iiiL' iJiiO ; 1st anil ' . 'il I'loar , llnlsli , s.'s , from I Inili. JJ7WI , M and Sd de.ir. llnlsli s.S. fioinP , Im h. illO , ) ; M and -'il ' dial , tinlsh s.'s. fiom l' ' : and - ' Ineh , > mil , 1st aiidJd ik'iu , ) p i ismcs tnoo : lnso.flo.oii I'tii'i tu I.UMHU. s-liu'h ami up 1st and Sd i le ir , 1-lnuli s.'s. JIKll , s-ln > h anil n ; > , 1st anil Sil clo.u. > , bah pinel.fJ-MMi S\SM DOOIIX , Fii Tai bond l r.l ; s ish. V , pu el : doois , 51 PIT it ; blinds M ) pi r < t , inoiildliu , 1) ) per ( I t.uidl felt , pel cwt , if..IO ; straw ho.ud tl.11 ri.oimisn-A ( i-lncli whitplno. . JTSPO ; 0' , 5.HIM ) ; IIIneh. ( . liili'iino. | } li)0 ) , D. $010 , I , fi-lnch , nhlto pinu < sclf-foiiflii < , $17.00 ; diop slillim , Ve ) | iirM ouia SHIVII.KS , IATM-i\ti.i : "A. " pine , $ JM , standaiil "A , " JS.4' ) , eili.i A , " cedar , J-.M ; ( i-lnulielcarplnc , JI..K ) ; oluar rodwooil. tl.il , lilli. iloo. I'OSTS-Whlto ( .idari-Inch. ( 'is , lie ; < Mncli ( | is. lie ; while ctd.n , 'I'j-lnc'h ' , ' .s , tie ; i < - ( ( jrs , oej hlto cod ir , 4-tncli iniiiiil , ! " > ' ; spill o ik , be , TonnossiL rod lod.ir , split , 1 lo MAN'S ' OKK.IN.MJ nun. Trying to I'inil Out U'h'clhcr Ad in \M\s C'oloi'tMl or I'ljiin. The sciontilic world is otiilouslj awnitinyr tlio icbitlts of tin o\pui'iincnt no\v buitijr intulo by Dr. John l o of iyb uio rimnuoipiiiii If siiCL'cissfiil , Ii' ) . ] I o o\peeU to ac- toinplisli the miracle of turning tlio negro white anil tlio white man foliirU. Iloill also ostahlish nt the sumo time tlio oiiginal color of mankind The pin- ccbs of which tliisonoorful \ \ evolution in elitiiriiir ! } { tlio color of the skins of the hunum fiitiiilj is to bo biought about is b } hKln gilifting , nn onoratiun which hii been Known and poi formed thtough- otit the ciMllodorlil for ages , but \\liicli \ Ji' . liyo , by his oxpjiimonts , liopciimdoxpuolb to'vorj inuturmlly tid- MlllCO. it is a voll Kno\\n fad that there ; no two ( llstiiut molhoils of Hkin gniftlng- the Kovoiduis iintl ThiiM.'li. Tli ( > forinor method Is the cutting-uf minute patti- clob of bUIn with a ii.iirof soih-oii.wliili- the hitter provides for the tibo of any shatp inbtrumciit similnr ton ra/or , mill in that way taking luigcr uluucb. Tin th"st motliod is consideied the belter by some of Iho inodicnl piofos'-ion for iilil ulroitf , wliilo tlio latter is ptoloi.ililo in now iioridonts like scalping and bcnld- Ing- . Jiut while tlio methods of skin irraftintj lire not now to the iiiodicjil profession not to li. ) ligolio lius iiiin ] sovuial former oi-c.vsions lioalcd dillii'ult sores by means of grafting the skin of a healthy iniin into \\ountls.tlio inattor of liiturinlxint ; the thins of the dllloront lacea of the human family , and the Inpo and expectation thut the ingrtiftod sKin , logaidlosH ohat ( its color may htuo boon originallj111 assume the hue of the body to which it has boon trans plantedK whut ho is bendingo\cry ullott to accomplish. lie lias boon treiting for some time .lool Saul , a jottng man. who for o\or two \oais htii boun troubled with an oh- btintto uli or , involvinij almost the entire - tire lowci pot tlon of the left leg , AH a lustiuboit toolloeta pcimanent cute lie decided upon grafllntr a now bkin upon the sore lug. Having obtained from Mr , Saul poimission to graft the sKln of a colored man , it opened up to him an op- nortimit ) for expoiinu'iit which ho had long been looking for , and ho at once ontoied Into the piojoct with a spirit and /eat boi n of a dotet initiation to ad vance the cattbo of bcionuo if possible. After coiisidetabloollort , ho linally , l > \ the aid of money , seemed two healthy negroes of cbon > black , who oon-ontc'd to pai t with n coittitn portion of their shins , and the proiessof giafting , uiiiior both of the ptobeiihed methods , \\asac- coinplihlied. To ii\\ait \ tlio lesultH of the .opoiation , and to watch for any ehango in the color of the black s > kin , was ut- 1 tonilodlth' uonsidoiublo an\iotj on hibpart ; and when , alter a few dajri ol patient watching , ho was icwanlfd by obborving that tliohUin of the him \ \ was grmluallj bulbiiicly turniiiL' white , heat at ( ineo notoimined'to further puiMiuhin iiuchligalion , and ascertain if it v < as jiossiblo to change the hkia of the C'uii- ciihian toeoirespond with that of the Kthloplan. AcL'oidlngly , ho soured .Tamos Low Is a health negro of thirtj-llvo yonih , \\lio consented to undergo tlio opoiation for Iho bonotlt of bcioneo. The doctor lined a largo knife resembling the blade of a ra/or , and cut baio on the nugioV mm a opnuo two Inehes by tlu'co-quartois o an Incb , In thin place ho planted t\\elvi piei-oH of bKIn from his own arm and twmity-llvo pieeea from the mm of ai intimate friend. The wound wab UMIIU incd jostordaj for the Iliot tlino blnco OMAHA DIRECTORY. "blLLIAHDS. | B1OYOLE3. The BnuiRwick-Ualko A , H. Perrigo&Co. Oollcndor Oo. All Mke . .Ml I'rlin , All Hnlooii flituri I'tiiK (07 ( 4 ( s lOlliitroJt , dumb i ISli Doitn'Strrct. POOK HINDBI19 & STATlONimS. OnhUin Rupublicnn Printing Oo , , Inw tiled , bank i i'lli' | | . niul I'vcr/llilni ; In the | irtiitliin lltui ICIli nil I UOIK.III Mirocti Ackerumiiti Broi , & lluintzo , Pdntcr' , liliulfrs , c-livtr itTl > pr , Hink book iimim- fnilnrrr * , llinilovrnrl Kir.dniihi ! Uulbert & Blum , ' | P. n. Malionoy & .Oo , Otilnlunip HwkHprlim , , . , _ . . ' IHril Coil , fott. nzraMor. WBliuit I > 1 > < . p I nut nnthrnclto. omrm R13 \ lIHh nmt cor 'ith , t I Km. ami nolens M , . American Fuel Oo , Howell & Oo , , thtppct * nml itPBl n tn anttirncltu anil bltii * ! 17S Ilthhtrcot , niliiom coil Onmtin Nl-b 2ir > b lutliDlrmn Nebraska Fuel Oj. , Johnson Bros. , ' IHFnrnnm street , 213B ntlntreot , Omnlin , Neb Orantn Nob. Mount & Griffin , 0. B , Havens & Co. , J13S Htlutroot , 1 ! 3 Fnrnnm itrcct , Omilin , Nob. A Onmhn. CORNICE3 ELEOTBIOAL SUPPLIE33. Wolf Electrical Oo. llluntrntod Cntilo rue free 1C14 Clip Uul Avcnnn. FARM MACHINERY , BTO. Parlin , OrendorfF & T. G. Northwall , Martin Oo , , General western HKen Corner Jonoa and ! ) th sis tknnilla Plo < rCo , Omntii Nt h ir 43 loot Sliornun avo. FLOUR. Broken Bow Roller E. T. Davis Mill Oo. , Milling Oo. . 0 O Unlorwood , OfTlconnd warolioiin Mnnaircr t Oimlin. 101. N HUi stroot. Cor 8th nnl Jnckion t 8. F. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp , Mil , of roiily to rnha 1011 N' ICtli tro3t blnp Jack Monl tlneil cakt's In thuvtirM P. K. lllack , - Mnnmor l.M7l.'liaMill Ucct FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewcy & Stone Furniture - Ohaa. Sbiverick & Oo. nituro Oo , , Fiirnltiiro and Carpoti Furniture nnd cnrpflU , 1115-1119 Knniam trcot , lWil.1210 r'arnara Bt. Beele & Ettnyan Furniture - nituro Co , suei ofci tn r \ iiot'ijo .Vo ( Once nnd 1 tli ° ti Total Ifsuos of CITIES. COUNTIES , SCHOOL DISTRICTS , WATER COM PAN I E8.DT. R.R. COMPANIES , etc. Corn 3i > omli m ( eoilcitnl N.W.HARRIS &COMPANY.Bankers , 103-165 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 15 Wall Street , NEW YORK. 70 Stata St. . BOSTON. . the oKM'itiiii | , nnd ii iihotoi-nipli tnlion. The - > ' > < than itifji-nftoil < kinnpini'ol\\hiti ] ) \ i lii'foio , i > oilh ) boontrnst , nnd it will ivcjiilfo probably four or llvo III\H lun or to ( lutt rail no u hat I ho i I'M ill u ill ho. Should Ilio color cluiiiijo lo i-oni'-vraml w.t't ' tin * lilin It's 'lUin , tliu ( loitiu- will p iisiio lii invo-ti iitioii'.till furtlior.iiiul the iiitoi-iiiiMiit , ' of thcfkins of thCiiu - casian a'nl Mongolian 1m his nu.xl at tempt. Dr. lOuosajh : "If thi-i wlilto Inpfaftoil H | . in I'oniiniit'd to thrown n d lonuihilnt s on tliu Mark nian'rtanii itill & | io\v tlio coitstanry of the white ntco asoll as tlio orij.'iiuilii.\ color. hhouldhito bUin thuInuiaftod i-hiinpro to bliu-k , si-l- ontitits could nririio th it blitokia the oi-i inal color of inimUiml. " \i < uro Ant 'niiHlil'i In AIIIOIIII | , ls true that Amoiioan iu' 'too > , uro uiimn the book nrltoiH of this fount rv , MI id a lourncd nc 'ro in the Now " \ ( irk Sun , ] haui mitilo 11 rolh-i- tion of book * , by Aiiiorli'iui tu-trro wrlturs and thiin * limy bo a ( jroat many nioro tliaii I huvo ( , 'ot. Homo of them are jjnud liookn , too. Aniont ; tlioitt arc \\iirkw of poetry ttiul Noltinios of Minima , boililcH novolH , A t'fctit many IIDHI'OCK aio now well odiiiMtod and nioro of llioin are Hotting' I" bo.Vo have no i'o iiro- fi'ssoi-H mid doi'tois and udllorn , ami wo Inuo ul\Mi\h had | ilonty of nnyio piviu'h- i MM. 1 lirliMi that hi'foio it hunili'iM \ cirs fiuiii nou tlio \iin cli'iiii ni'uroili dulus uliaruof thuiUini , ' in the world , FUR , WOOL , HIDES , TALLOW , Goo. Obonui & Oj , , J , SSmith ft. Oi ) . , M3 H I.Uii Mrrot , ll Hll t.o.iicnnutth > fc Oninhl IRON \VOUKS. fr Viurliiig Oiunlia Sflfo & Iron Iron NVork" ) , Works , \Vroiiklit niul cl t trnii I iilltllii2 urnrli , iiiKliii , Mnmtl'i" nrnnnit Mniitn | I ra nork iii * n , r i\ I | r , Mi"i r i vnnll < Jnlj fi'iimlrr inmliliio nn I < i ik Iron flail tori nnj llnokitiillli mirk U I * tin * iM'iipiM il \u * II ; miilinh tl ilrcciitllti k.tucliioiiiiK Aciuo Iron niul A Drake , Wnrkf , M f K mini lit Mini rtr tron Iri nntt brn s n ki IUIY lolli'M tnnki ota tU H Ii tli "Iti'ct Y I'oulil ' , - 1'roprlt'tor. I'lorifimit IIUli altcot * . Rees Printing Co. I.lllioarnihltur , Prlntliit niul Illaiik Monk * Illh mil lloniml MU LIQUORS Her & Oo , , "William lliniir | Mrnliinti Ullll' ! l.lqlllir * UllU Cl < III j Itnriii'j lrc'I win Mnnnfnitiir rnKnntii'ly'a 1.list IIItill IUIUM',1 HIT InrimniSt Omihi R. K. Grotto , Prank Dollono k Co/ / nml tohbur of Importer t ' lilliMnlli | ) ! lil'liilllll ) W lni'4nnd 1 liimr | < 10u : nml lu.'J tarimni t. I'tliu Hill nn ai'pllunltOii L. K soht& Go , A , Frick fit Oo. , \Minlr nli'l. ln.uiirl > cii'r ! U liolfiik-1 l'iuorl ' > c Ierl li ) l I irinin siri'K. Sll POSH lOtli t. LUMUBR G , \V. Douglas } & Oo. John A. Wnkoliuld , lii't'orln ! Ainirli nn I * , rt Ilnnlirooit lumber , ImiiKViiii'iil.Mllimikoi lit ilnoilu I'nn nl itiii 1110 North Kill -Mri-st. x'nliii ) \\lilti * 1 Inn' Oharle1 ? U , Lot1 , Wyatt- Billiard Luui Hunt no nl himlii > r. wo CMrpch nml I'lNiuel borOo. lloorlnc TOtbnnil Itnril Slicot * , Dlhnitil Doiik'1.19 Oadj & Gray. Louis BradforJf f.lmo , Couont , Htc , K I.uinbrr , llinc rcincnt.cM Cor 'HI , nml Dmulu MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stouohill , I. Oborfelder & Co. , Nllllncrr , Notions Iniporlirn nn < l Jobber * la Ilo iki , K'.o Millinery ajs/jioiiiHi 2U south nth 1IC-11S1 Iltli3t , , Onmlm MUSICAL INSTRUJMSNTS , BTO Mai Meyer * Bro. Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. , Jl'f'c Ji nplpr < rlcnters In I'lnnm , Orgim , ArllstV uiUHlcnl In-ltilinc'iitJ , MntorluK Kle etc , Knrnim nnd intb CEME3NT AND LIMB. J , J. Johnson & Co , JIBS' 13th utroot , Onmlin , Nob. OILS. OYSTEES. Oonsoliilntcd Tauk A. Booth Pnckmg Oo , , Line Oo. Oysters , tlili mill cunnol > , Iteflnol nml Inlirlcitlrn oiN. nxlt * krcnit * ole 1303 A. Ii llli > tiu | > , Mnm < or i PA.PDR. | PLATINO. Carpenter Paper Oo. , Western Plating WkJ Carry a full Block of Golil Kltvor nmt nlc'Vtl priming , wrapping and plnllntr on nil runtall ; InblcHiire olc ri > | , tucii writing paper , carJ pu I'ulhhlM/lirim t rer , etc PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Eibbel & Suiitb , Schroeder & Oo. , Dcnlcri In roinitrjprod nnli Inniri liutlor nnl ( uco , IrultsuKi.latIO5 , , -Kk < nil I iii'noril c.iavi elf IJUTlIownrliitrrct , 4O bo li lltliilreot 0 , Rosso & Co. , E. B , Branch & Co. , Forclsn , Cillfiriilunit I'rO'tiiro ' ( nilti of ull ttoplcnl fruits klniH o ) tpra , 1213lluvtaril utrcot. lill ! ! ' , ir.l slreoc. Porter Bros. Oo. , Robert Purvis , Californln , Morldt nnj 1I7 ! Itnitiril "Ireet. Implcil fruits \Vrllo for prlroi on bnU Pdl-tll .liiiios nircot. let I'KV p ' u Ilry nnj 0 U Hulls , - Miniitur Kirschbraua & Sons , Olnrk & 0) . , lluttcr CK'KJniht poullrjr Hutlir. cliousc osri\ | , uiltry .iml niino 1209IIowird ntr cl arihoiitliUlhitrout , Bites & Oo , "Williams & Gross , Coiinlrjr pnil ire friilti ' 't' ctiililot yrncor-i1 I'rocluronni ! fralt % frptifl illloti'n , spl < > ui etc. 4I7-4US UtliSU 1211 Ilnrnoy Hreot. RUBBER GOODS. ETC ) . Ornaha EubberOo. , .MnnufirtnrliK nnl Jib buiHiill klnlt rubbur Uilli'U ' 1003 Knrmni Htrojt. SEEDS. Emorsai Seel Oo , , Sool urowor * ( lailon 1 11145 1 iuii th 15th SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , EFO. M. A , Disbrow & Oo , Bolm Sash & Door Oo. Maniifarliiror of push Mii'iufaottireri * of m uU * do urn. M In Mi niul I IC < , Lllinli. cloorj , etc tlLi > l.'tli nml Iinrl nil Kill nnilll irk > trocli SYRUPS. STOVES. Tamil & Oompiuy , DulFy-Trowbridgi Whdlrialn minfwtiron Stova Minti fao'g Oo.r vlntvar- * , 217-l.lHi > nlli Sth HI ivn plpi 1211 U15 ' U'lvt'iiirorllnt. TEA , COFFEE , SPIOES , OIQARS. Consolidated Ooflfos Company , K14nnil llll Hnrnoy < L Uiii.itia Neb STEAM A/ND "WA-THB SUPPL.IE3 U. S. Wind Engiuofc A.L. Strxuj & Song , Pump Oo , llnlllilHywInilmllM SB 1 ( > JM03I Kuriuin Btreot. mil V ! Jiini.H < t d K I Ituim nitlnic IIIIIIIIIKIT Ounliii. Neb. TOYS. | TYPE-WRITERS II. Hardy & Oo. , Type-writers , Toj , ilolln. iilbunK.f.ircr umils , Ii3ii i > riunlliliu llinmlfM All I'irrtz4 KiHiilK. chlMri'in car- vt" " | " rui' * ' rliixiM IIIU turnninit 1.115 Hi itkii-trict , SOUTH OMA.HA. . UNION STOCKYARDS CO , - LIMTED. LIVE SPOOK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Co M-yj Kiclmnue II n I Mia. , houlh Ouiilio. S. J , Oofi'iimn , Sinilov Ihiuter 4 Green , N ' > U l.ulmnjo | UuulU Oui U . boutU <