Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1891, Image 1

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Y15AK OMAHA , F1UDAY MORtfJNCI , MARCH 13 , IS01. NU3U310H 205.
Bolm Sash mul Door Factory Totally De
stroyed Early Ltst Night.
N'n < Iinncc Inr ! 'n\lng the IliilhlliiK -
I'toilm't nnil .MarlilneillKc He-
Mtio ) Ml-Menu nl' the lilt-
Illt'llt'h IjlHt lluilllllM. |
Today onlj some blackened , crumbling
/ > ilck wnlls niul a iillo of tulns niuik thu i > ot
xvhcio jeMi'rday stood the Helm sish , door
nnil blind factory on Sliciuinn lucuuo niul
Clark atrcot.
.lust before So * clock last night Iho resi
dents In the tioi'thcin pirt of the city woio
Htnttlodby tliulauJ and prolonged whistling
oftho Odiotn oiiBlnos In the sxxltch jnnls
on the iioitticin bottoms riiltncs Issuing
from the Imcl ! otnlof the Helm fiutorj oc
casioned the whistling
Almost nt the snino momenta motor tr.iln
\VM tinning the tamer of Sixteenth nnd
Clnrk studs .1. I ) Hctiniiigham , n pis-
Hongor on thotinln , sn\\ the II lines Hunting
from tlio witn'ovx ' s of Iho building nnil ran to
the coiner l Klglitconth nnil Clnrk , niul
turned In an nlarm I'lilof Seavo } , who was
going liotuc , sw the 11 uncs us thov burst
through the lonf , and miming to the newest
telephone tried to luin In an alarm , but after
ilnglng for iho minutes gave un in disgust ,
being nniiblo to u'ut sun response from the
rentral ofllco The opcintor nflervvqith ox-
] ) lalni > il Unit she was busy and iliil not Know
tint it was a Iho cull.
In the mm tiino No 0 bail rcitlvod the
nlarm niul tlio oo s woio on tlio xvn > xx itl > ono
hnso ciut and a hooU anil ladder ti nek.
Hy this tiir.o the llumos bad gained such
headxxnv thnt thov woio beyond control and
n general alarm xx is tinned hi , which was
icspoiuleil tobv every lompnn.v in tlio city
In a sboit tlmo nlno streams woio phi ) Ing
upon the llatnes , which weio steadily creep
ing from tbo lusenicnt to the loof.
A few moments lilt or the ioof foil In xvith a
< * rash , nnd the grcit foikod tongues of Iho
liiincsshot sU > ward , lighting up the conn-
ti } foi miles.
1 ho winding , xxlileh vvis four stoiios hUh ,
was llllcd xxith drj lumber and manufne-
tmed doors , sish and blinds The inteiioi
binned laphllv , xxhllo the water xvas tmncil
to steam befoul it icuhcd the llamts A
few moments nftcr tbo ioof fell
in the i ear vail felllth n
clash , driving tnolc the Uiemuii , but
it \ \ us only for an Instant , as nmv lines of
hose xveto sluing , and the tight \\ent on
Again theio xv is u ei.ish. and the north
wall fill out , crushing tlio tvvo-stoi } bonso of
1M , Phillips situated n fo\v lect to tbonoitli ,
as though It hail been an egg shell This
added fuel totbo Ihnues , nnd tbo voik , of do
btuictlon continiuil
At this tune thowost wull was the only ono
standing , unil the police , lonli/ingtho danger ,
stietoliLii aiopo nlonglho front and foie-eel
the ciowd to tbo otbci slilo of tlio sticot
'Ihoy weie noao too soon , foru inoiiientliitoi
this wall sx\ajedto and fro and fill out with
luloiuiliigicpoit , scnttormg , brltk , nioitiir
nnil telephone wires Into one promiscuous
" "Thobuilding was in ruins and the contents
were consumed , though lorsoveial boms the
Iho lontinued to burn in the basement ,
vvheiohoavv timhoi's nnd undressed lumber
was stoiecl
Tbe factor * , \vns occupied as follows Tbo
fust floor ns an engine loom and stoiage
place for material , the second lloor foi tlio
sterago of llnished in itorid , ihe tbiiil lloor
for thestoingo of finished Imibei , sash and
ilooisnwailing shipment , the fomtli tloor bv
the pimiiiR mills , lathes and ninclnnerj and
for n slot ago loom for manufactured goods
for the citv tiade
'I'ho main stiuctnro xx-as sUtv four feet
wide and Till fed long Uuilton to tbe leal
wus ufrainostoiige blicd the same xxidtb as >
tlio main structure ind sevontv feitloup
The stinctuie xxas erected In Isss and cost
nbout f.0,000. . 'Iho stock vvns valued at
nboutfsO.UOO x
Mr Helm carried $ J' > 0K ( ) insuitmeo onlho
building and about $4,0IK)0 ) on the stock. H
xvns Impossible for mm to state last night the
exact amount , for all his policies were In the
safe In the bin nlng ruins. Some of tlm leait
Ing companies in vv hiik be is insmou aie the
Ui.dtnv liters and I'hinix of liiookltn , the
Hiitish Ainerican , Cilcns Tails and the Mc-
ihanlis ot Milxxaukco
The Helm snshnmi door compiny consists
of Mr.V C ! Helm of Otnah i and his futhei ,
Coniad Helm , of MilwauKco. Tbo splcn
Old btiiictuio xxhlch went up In
mnoV.o and xvlthoicd Into ashes lust
night was used prineipill > as a stoiago house
The main faetorj ovxnccl b ) the compan.x is
located at Mllxx aukoo
.iMt f.\n/ > i\ZAf : ,
I'iekecl Dp During tinPin -
gross ol'lhe I laiiie .
iVli. W (1. ( Helm xvas at his homo at Poi-
tleth nud Sewmd stieets , when the 11 IB brolco
out. The Hie icpoiler , Mr Henid , vxtnl
after him and hoarihed at the scene in time
to see the west wall fall into tlie stteet Mi
Helm XXMS eonsulerablv disheai toned bv the
disaster , although ho exhibited no signs
of ncrv ousiiess Ho looked giiml } and sadl )
nt the tlaines , as tbov HcKul at Iho last piece
of timber tnut stood up thiough Ihe siiionlil
trine inins , and said
"If tli it had happened two ila\-s latei , 1
should have hadatleist $ r > , OiH mom stoik
In there It ib on the ears noxv most of it in
Iho v arils outtheie I hive been stocking
up piettv heavily , on account of the low
freight rates. I should have had moio iiihui-
nnce. and intended to , but was so busy 1 neg
lected it. "
"Do > uu think you xx ill rebuild ! " Tin. Hu
lonoilor rsked
' I dent know what wo shall do Iho
thing is so sudden and unexpected that I
can't sax what wevill ilo "
Mi Helm t.ald lie and the bookkeeper
nnd the inder clerk loft the building about
til.Uliev xvei-o the hist person ! , in the
hnilillng Tbo vxoiliinen emit at flo'clock ,
Ho could think of no xvav bj wliich the liio
could haxo ot'iglnateil 'llio onlj liio in the
building was in the oillce n ird coal stov o nnd
itvas not fwm that , foi the Iho was th-st
seen toxvanl the back pin t of the bniiuing.
tSomo one suijirested that it might have
been sttiiud ba \ spaiic from a passing en
gine , but those \xho saw it Hrst claim tint
the lire came from within , xvheieas a spuk
I from an engine would in nil probability bnvo
ignited the Mods at tlio real of the mam
Mlsfortuuo folloxx-s Mr Helm like a grim
phanlom , nnd this i * 110 thud tlmo that liU
eainlngs have been r.vxeptaxvn ) b } Ihe A
few joauago , when ho xvai engiged In the
same linoof business in Milwaukee , ho was
burned out , rebuilt mil burped out again ,
Just bofoie removing to Omaha
Uho wink of the tlio depirtinent was
Bxipcio. Tor a time It looiced as tlnugh the
pplimlUl fimr story btick building adjoining
onlho south , owned by II A Lcr > xcnxvoith
ainlii'cupied li ) T ( ! Zxoithxxall as a xx holu-
bale Implement xvnivhouse , xvoultl ceitainly
be swept avxuv , hut the lit emeu climbed
upon thu ioof anil , amid itoutls of smoke and
chewers uf spirks. succceued In holding the
11.lines in chccK
After the Hie had hccn almost subdued a
gleaming tongue of llama shot thiough the
\vnllof the Ueixeuwoith building xUieio iho
JoUt pi ejected Into the Bohn building , but a
fctieant was qulcklx turned upon it and the
llnincs fulled to gain access lo the Inteilor of
the Implement house * . The damage to the
L.cavenwirth ( building ill amount tosoxcial
thousand dollais.
Jtn'ucdUtcly south of the Lca\cnxxcilh
niildlnx stnintsW T Seaman's old ctirliiKn
in tot \ , xx liU h IH used ixt picscnt as a stor
ige house for cnriluges Hwasiiiukly | n *
lexed of all the cinrliige * at the time xxheti
he entile bbicl < was thicateniMl The strut
Was soon filled v\lth v'.lrriilires , but xv hi'li the
Ire wus subdued the1 } vvcie wheeled biuk
without damage
In the upper storv of the Dentil in building
the film U } of I U. l.oellif nslile There
vviisllvel } 'nistling toget their household ef-
foots out ef the wax , mid the goods xveio car-
lied Into the street.
Tlio frame building on tlio tioilli. owned b }
lal Phillips was valued at ? .MiHi ) The loss
s cninnletoand fullx eoxeied It } iiwirauec
This builillng was occupied as a boinllng
inusnbx Mi- * ( hrlstlortensen hci son nnil
iliiughter Her loss she utiimtes at ' . ( H.K ) ,
whiih Inchides household goods , tuiniture
mid dotnlng , tvildesjioo In cash , xvlileh was
in n trunk Shehad no insuraiue.
The fmiiltmexxhuli x\n < ciuiied from the
dx * elllngs and dumped Into tbo stieet xvas
eaiefully giiaiiled bv tlm extra tic till t of
police sent lo the scene b } t'hlef Seavey
Although the greatest ciro and pieeautlon
xx us overt Ucd bv Chief tJalbgan to pi-ox eut
accidents , fem of the liiemen xx'ii-o milto
sevnely injiuvd t'asshhx' , of hose trim
No I , bml one hand bun i ' . , "ij badlv 'Iho
Hleln nil peeled off the buk ot the injuied
Iinnd as he pulled off his bin ning glove * .
.lamc-3 Slbh-sof hook and ladder team N'o
11 xvas sexeielx burned on the side of tlio
head , and li I' Anderson of boso teini No 1
hud ono mint uully aeoii licit
t iptain Miup'iv has a Iminol hand today
as a it'sull of bis olToits nt the Iho
In oidi i that It might not hitcrfcio xvith
the wont of tbe Iliemon , Iho electric t'tiiieiit
on the Sherman iivenuo c ir line xx as shut olT
as soon ns the lire was dlsooveied , and all
fiiu woio held until aftei H ) ocloe-k
People visited tnesccnoof the Hi c from all
pints of the iltv.
Mi II ai I man nnd M > - Smith of the lire ind
pollioeonmiission xxcio theio.
When tin * xxest xxall xxent down it cauled
with it till of the telephone xvlies , thus cut
ting olT ill communication xxith the northern
pail of the clt )
'IIm stieets nljnci'nt and the sxvltch } nnls
on the bottoms bcloxv weie thronged with
people Pull v fifteen Ihous ind people vv utchcd
the Hie got In its destructive worlc.
At the time the Helm building w is belli 15
elected an acildont occiiued that cost thiee
men Iheh hx esoiUnien XM ic engaged In
exiixnting foi the bisement when the built
caved In , clashing lo death Unco of them
Iho fnctor } furnished eniploxiiieiit to foity
men and a number of uovs , besides the cleiks ,
hookkeepois and diivcis
'Ihe loss xx ill foot up over SlilO.QflO on the
Helm piopeit ) , xxith about $ * } > , UtK ) itisiiimico
in itjc i Tinx iit I'ici s.
Ihe Xevx (7taiid Ai my Hall at Tair-
hni'.x PiHinallv Opeiii'il.
rviitiu iiv , Xeb , Maich -Speiial [ Tele
gram to Tin Iln ] Uho new ( .iiml Ann. .
of the Itepub'ie ' h ill vv is dedicated tolaj.
Theio vv is a big ciowd in attend mcc , all
nuhjhboilng posts being repiesentcd. The
nftctnoon seivices weio held at Steele's hall
and consisted of addiesses bj C'olonol C .1
IVills , Attorney V H Hinshuv , Mustering
Oniecr Walivei of Olnoxx i , and inusie De
p.ntinont Commander .I Teetoi of Lincoln , .1
J Hiiehanan of Hastings , and Coloiicl Kus-
iellofSeliuxler , auiveilon the 4 o'clocktiain
and ailihesbcd the ex cuing meeting At J
o'cloe-k this afteinoon n piocesslon was
foimect and the main stieets weio paiaded
This xx as led bv the Dimd , fulloxxed b } coin-
pan } O , Second icgnnent , scht.iski National
guaitls , Colonel Coils c imp No. 11 , ' , Sons ol
Veterans , and scores of citizens
'Jhe-Jpost owiib the hall and it is a credit to
thecit }
' 1 lie IM.itto lilt or Conl'iMCiM o ,
Hoi.nuror , N'ob , Maich Iv ) LBpcchilTele-
pram toTnn Uni.J The I'lntto river confer-
enio of the Uv nngnllcal assoelitlon began its
eleventh annual session In this city today.
As tlio church is nt present without a
bishop Kev U O Kiplinor of Hold
rego was chosen foi chalrnuu. Pex
Klplinger is nn nblo pailiamentirian and
piomiscs to siicecssfull } lead the eonfeienco
in its dcllbei itions A full icpreientuilioii of
all the membiiship is in attenilanco and this
session piomlsos to bo one of the most suc
cessful evei held This bodlefuscd to
iceognl/c in nny x\a } the so called reorgani
/ illon of the I'iatto i ixer eonfeienco by ex
liishop I'shcr and a fexv of his aelhcients.
and pioceoels as if no such occaiionco had
taken plaev. _
111. VTiiie i. , Neb , March I'J [ Special Tele
gram to Tm Hn ] At a meeting ted i } of
Ho Hi no hoisomen tbo following pirtiil pie
giainmo of i.ices was deemed on for the
meeting dm ing the llr t week in Scptcmhei
Two guaiantced puisesof ? IOU ( ) each for tbo
J . ' " > and Jli classes , the entnes to close on
.lime 1. There xvlll also bo four stnuo i.icus
foi foils of Issr , isss , iss'i ' andlsilO 'Ibo
tu train o fee for veirlings xvill bojio and tbe
other tluee ilnsses $10 , $100 being added to
eich i .UP Ihe meeting heio follows the ono
at Hastings anil piecedes tno state fail meet
lo Kelmilil.
II xuv VKO , N'eb , Match 1 J [ Special to Tin
Hir ] S C SloitanilT II Bounott , whoso
tiuildings bullied Moinhy morning , are pie
piling to rebuild , and if satisfactory an.ingc
ments c m bo undo with Miss lltison sub
stintnl Oiie'ks x\ill \ occup } llio site befoio
rbeiorinin ( V.vixngellcal church members
icceixed a car of aid corn and seed vx licit
from a congiegatlon of the tame denomma
lion In loxxaTuenlay.
II ( Is for 1'lninhing.
Ill unie i Neb , Much U [ Special Tolo-
grim to Tm Bu | 'Iho bids foi plumbing
and belting the now court house woioopenei !
todav Theie xxeio live bidders Daughcitj
Ihotheis of Kmibab City. "i , l ( l , Alf Me
Million of Heat ike. xl.s'ij ' , p A Kiosinexei
of I imoln , $" ) , ,1 U It.nnaclo of Unialii
i,5" ) , 1' , Hard iv of llcatiieo , -ps'K , ) Tim
eontrut xv is awiiedcd to Daiiulieitv Hioi
of KutiMib City.Voik w til be'iii at once.
Altiieheil lor
NrnnvsKi CITI , Neb , Mi'cih 1. iSpociil
Teleginm to Tin Hi t | - SlicutTYlllhntn
list evoninicutt u bed n poition of the stock
of 1C S Ilaw'o } , dealer in ngricultui il nn
elements , to sccuio the pajniont ot ? l" > 0 ol
ilelinmient personal lav. The writ vxas
Issued bx the eountv tieisnici anil is tin
out grim tli of the fiiilino of the Lawrence
implement eoinninx of Lincoln , Mr. Ilnvvlov
being a member of that linn
shipping Cattle to < 7ei niiuij .
Sri \HT , Xeb , Maich U - [ Spool il Tele-
glim to Tin Hi i ] - I'lciilicn Hiother- . , old
nnd piomincnt i inch men of Holt county , left
heio today vvltha special tiainof cattle for
Hanover , ( icununy 'I ho.x " 0 bv rail to Hal-
tlinoioaiul sdl in tlio steimor Ilounann on
the isth The } will leuch their ilcstiuatlon
about Apill 1.
A liiii' ( .iiig-'it ,
nrnii'fr Neb , Much -Spechl [ Tele-
gi.imto Tin. I3n.l-i : C Wheelhouio xvas
appre lion clod l.nt , night while In the act of
burghiizlmr the groecr.x stoio of D. C. Uood-
win , at the coiner of Ninth and ( Joint
streets. 'Iho culpi It xv us lodged in Jail mid
vlll bo gixeu a preliminary hc.uimr tqmoriow
moinliig. _ _
Hi vTiiur , Neb , Man-h I.1. [ Spcchl Tele
gram to Tin Bn I .lames Ladd , Jr. , ol this
cltj toda } sold toV P. MfC'uoiy , 11v < ll
known turf man of lltistuig , Ilo foui-ycar-
old trotting hois Cieorgo Monday , b.v Pilot
Medium , for $ -ti H ) . .vlondiv has a two- } car
old breeders meeting iccoid of J.s. !
Illeil op I'.lsVouiuls. .
Dnow.vvii i.u , Xob , Miuch IU. [ Spt-elal
Telegnun to Tun ifts. -Uhns I ICaulTmin ,
wliovvas shot In the anUlo xvhllo duik hunt
ing lait Thursilji } , died lu-t iilylit at r.'W.
Colored Troops of tlio District of Columbia
Pawn Their Faranbornalia.
raiiiilmr | 'llilnl.s the
.Ship siilmlilj Mill Ulll lie Cut
Into I'll II I'uri-e l > y the
I'list of Jill ) .
Wvsniviros Mi nrvt Tun Til r , 1
fill Kiniurirn Sriti'i.r
WxsmviKiN , D C.Mirch ru r
Yesterday General Ordivay , coimniudoi-
n-chtef of the Nitionil guild of the Ulstilct
of Columhhonleiod , the illsb itidmonlof two
'all comp inles of colored ti oops \\lio hn\o
loretoforo noon nt tithed to the
kniud. The older natural ! } ereited i very
grout utli In loloreil cirelos , but it wns not
mniciliaUl } I'omptloliili , us tbo troops
fulled to turn ever their euni > inoiits and .10-
coutieinonts us dirocteil by the o.llcl il order.
1'odii ) an inspector \\.is tllioctol to iniko u
exaiiiinatlon to Hml out \\liy tt was
[ hat the inoneity of the United St.Uts lud
not been tinned ovoi , as ordoicd. Ito dis-
lovueil that not less than eighty full mil-
forms atndi nnmltor of oxcieoats , asoll as
agicit deilof other paiaphenalla. beluiiKhiK
to the goxciniiicnt , but in use b > tbo coloieit
tioops of tbo national guard , hail been
"soaked1 by the thrifty JOUIIB men , anil now
the sentiment Is inpldlx tinning In f.ivor of
lioncrnl Oulwabouiuso \ thl-i nlono'would
biviisuflklent icason for tlio abindonment of
the cntiio bed } .
mi siin > stiisiiix inn.
CoiiRrcs'timn Knniuh.u , who is xhtunlly
the f.itberof the so called subsiilj bill , o\-
pio'.ses the belief tint the tneasuio will bo
put Into full effect by July 1 , and tint by the
cmlj fall tt will bo poisiulo to Jndgo of Its
effects. He , II 1C. Thurher a-ula numuoi of
Kontlumun inteiosted in building ill ) a lucai
trailo n itli Hinoj > o , South America and Aus-
tr.illi ha\o been In consuUitiou with the
postmaster ( roiiornl for a day or two , anil
it is o\pcct < .d thit tlio itsnlt will bo
bonellulnl , not only in the rnittor ot
ilisDitebing nial's ' , but in buildini : up the
Aniciican men limit inniiao. Alreidyoid
lias been lecolved hero of iiewnetixitj in the
shipping jaula of the count rv , and It uill Do
but.i shoit tiino bufoio a giout in.inj millions
of ilollars aio Invested in Anieiican shipping ,
win. su rui M.W sii iii.i via.
It vv ill bo rcmuinbcicd that some tiino ago
Mi Meiritt of Co'oi ulo bewail a suit against
the seei ttar.v of the treisnr } to compel him
to icccpl.1 voitiln Mlvoi liar without seign-
101 igo. I his suit was to hav e LOIIIO up in the
supieinncomtof the di tuct In the item fu-
tme 1'iop.u ituiiis had been in ulo bj Seuo-
taijVimlom to detend it in piopur foiin
Ilibilo.ith , of ( ouise , settled the suit , and now
Mciiitthas tal.on the riecessaiy pieliminarj
stops to uoKin suit against HocietaiI'oiter ,
\v ho declines to issnino the position of de
fendant In this suit , vac itcil by tbo death of
AVliUo eontoiiiling aspliauts arc firing all
soils of iinottj uustions at the picsldent in
bis elToits to select good men for moio than a
dozen important Judicial positions , the aver
age ieiubliem [ politician should not foipet
that in these selections , above all others ,
thcro is u voiv high oxceutho duty to por-
loun. Tlio president ; nin ) selectmen for any
other class ofoflko with a single ojo upon
the political effect Iho appointments may
have , but ho must oxeiciso a dual Juilg-
mcnt In tilling the biMiches of the federal
eouits Up to this time the moat diaaii
pointed aspnant 01 the bitterest democrat
lias nc\cr been hcaid to ciitieiso the
judleiaiappointinents of I'lesident Ilarriion
A Hist cliss laujei himself , he knows n jurist
01 in advocate whin ho sees ono Uoildos
this , when I'lesldent Hairison letiios fiom
his proient position ho intends to re ontei the
jiraetieu of the law at hull inapolis , and ho
does not want to be eonbonted In any part of
the countrv with ono of his own appointees
who will biing the blush of sbimo to his
face , viewed from any standpoint Ho wants
toicfer to the eveiciso of his own Judgment
in the inittei of " i/ingup' lavvjeisvlth a
dogioo of ii ido.
'llieio huvebeon bitter lights in.ulo upon a
few I'losiut'tit lluiiisons
verj 01 nomina
tions in the senate Df mocrats haxo lemided
some of his selections as pirtlMin Repub
lic1 us have looked upon some nominations us
peisonal , but not ono of the nomiimtlons for
thtndiciar.v ] has failed to receUo aunniilinous
lenott fiom thosenato committee on Jinlkiirv.
conmoscil ot the bc t livvveis in conuicss , u
bodj luigolj composed of lawjorsof e pe ll
once in piactlce bctoio fedeial eouits This
U a icimuUiiblo iccoid It has not been
equaled hv nuny , if anv , picsiilenls.
Unfortunatelv the oulk of name ! , presented
for Judicial appointments under all adminis
ti.itlonsaio selected bv the sponsors with
loieioiuo to geom ipbical location or political
qu ilitliutioiib Uiss.ifo to pi edict that in
nuking the tv.eUoor llfteor iiDpolntincnts to
the benches which 1'icslilent Harrison will
iniKo ho \ \ ill huvo duo icgaid to tbo goo
giiphlcil location of the men i named ami
their politics , but ho will liisthavo repaid to
their nbilitj , as it lias been tested , and not in
the piospeetivo Republic ins will bo sip-
pintcd to judicial asvoll \ as othei places
'This is .not the deinociatio season It is a
htiange proieoiling for the ilemociats , who
lie avvako o' nights to desttoj the republican
piuy aim eairj their piejnilices to the
juuiciai } inclTintsto nnnultho lonstltution
and camel the lights of mt.ii , should expect
a ii'Diiblican to appoint men to the bench
for life fiom the deinoci itic party simply be-
cui 10 Ihuir district 01 liicnlt lies In demo
( ratiestioneholds AdimouatU pteslilent
w'onldnot besei/ed xx-lth this nng'ianhiiitx
I\CMI : .MuL-\\iHii [ ) Domociat Llovelind did not
follow a line of thought Wo haxo
lecentlj bail somec\p < 'iienio vIth democrats
on tlio bench in the south. Tlio housowould
hav o impeached .hiilge lioatm in of l.oulsiiuiii
hul it had the time lie was artulgncd uudei
xauoiiM counts of indictment , clinge < i with
the ptatticalanimlbncnt of the fedeial eon-
stitution. U will bo lofieshing ; to get some
icpublieansoa the bench in the south , vvhete
the fedeial iQiistitutlon , above nil othei
places , should be inlint lined
Another tiling should bo lemcmhored bj
the tluoiu' seeking places on the fedural
hcneh Tin so appointments ate made lot
lifo It thucfoio beiomes a xciv seilous
thing ; to iiiini ) a nun to occnpj such a
icsponslble position dniinif a life time. It
becomes neie-.suj for the piesidcnt to not
only look into a m m's ability as tested , but
Ills antecedents. Ono iniij lor a period of
veara eoxei his natin d inillmitionsbat
is ho going to evoho into' What ate bis
possibilities ! Ihcso uro logitinuto ( pies
tions the appointing power must consider. It
Is easiir to make Uvo ilo en ] ) olltlciil niipolnt-
me i its , as such places aio ordnuiiily to-
g.uded , than it is to select a nun for the
United States coin t. PHIIU fc > limn.
I'lCMiilcnt I'ollv'n V'icivs.
WxsiiiM.ros , March U-President 1'olk
of the niitional alliance declined to ixpress
his x lows on the election of Palmetto the
senate The alliance , ho thought , had fought
nun fully for lib mlnclptcs , and thought tliej
Imil not been xletoiluiis in sondlni ; a farm-
els'nlllanco in in to the senate , ho beileviil
( icneial Palmer's election would geneially bo
regarded with mote favor than that of mi }
othoi umctidiite
Atlicrti ctl lor I'liipnsals ,
\VV III\OTON , Mai eh 12. The navy dopait-
menttodaj adveitlsud for proposals for the
construction of a protected steel cruiser of
7iK ! ! ) tons displacement , special ! } piovided
for in the naval appropriation net umuovid
Maxell 2 , Ib'Jl. '
Ciiihln-il Ili'txxeon the IIum | > i'iH.
HUWATIII , Kan. , March 12. [ Special Tel-
to TUL UKB J- Joe Millercoloied , cook
nt the Wheeler homo In thlseltv xx-ns killed
hetvveen tvxo fiolght ears .vslio xv is crossing
the ralliouil ti.u'ki nboilt midnight lust night
lie xv as rot in ning homo from b mil prietlce
with two < ohnvil i'iiiiKinloiH. | who pismM
over the track , mid in ho got between ttu >
IHIIIIIHIS lie wai cniKhlhy a bucking engine
nnd instivntU killed.
mi : r.i miit r < J.OA / ; / , < : 11. j ;
lie \ Vnsell Know n In rinnni'lnl niul
I'olitli'ul Cinles.
Cinc'itioOri nroi'Titr Hi r. I
UIIK tno , March 1:1 : f
Colonel Cl lie , an account of xxhoso sansa-
tlonnl snlcliio at Sioux Citj win printed in
I'm Hi n this moillug ) , is wlilel ) Known m
Ihiiniclil and polillcal circles boie. Colonel
( ! ilo was fora shoit tlmo a prominent mi tu-
her of the bond of trade , noted for his icclc-
less specuhtlons and loollsh Investments.
Several prominent boaul men said this
morning tint ( i.ilo wnt umloiibteilly of un
balanced mind Said one : "Tlio Colonel , as
he xvns c died , to Chicago in lxH ) from
Canton , la , vvbiiD ) he hail bema
a successful lnnltcr Ho sold bis
inteiests theio anil cmno heio with the Inten
lion of 'doing tno bond , ' ns bo fi * ( | uenth
snlil. Ho put luge sums of mono } In the
hinds of unielhililo hrolars , who lellovcd
him of SlO.OUi ) err , < Mi > bofoio bis ex es vveie
opencil Hut this did not seem to illseouiago
him In the least for ho doubled his losses b )
operating on his own iiccoiint He xxas
through all a hnppv-go lucky lellovv , and as
good nutuieil as Hob Ihly. "
v luuiuit iv oiirir 11 IK
Ij. , T Kamps , n Iniclxxaro inereliint of
I'ittsburg , is In tha cltx looking for his
nephew , Chilstlm Jlnffiirtn , xxhohas become
heir tornXU. , ( ) I'ho astute lo bo dixldcd Is
nil old Cieimiiii ono and valued at about
f)0ill)0 ) ) HotTarth , wHio Is onU eighteen
) caisold , was ahirber's appienllco in 1'ltts
uurg anil eight months ago started for Chi
cago. Hlnco he loft homo no communication
has lieon had vxlth hinj , built is-mpnoseil ho
is xvoiltlng In some shop in this tit } .
Mr Millaul nnd Mr. Maikel hive recently
purchased txvo thirds Intciest In the watei-
woilcs now In course of construction nt Cies-
ton , ! a , and are here placing thn bonds. It
is tno intention to push the xvoik as iiipidly
as possible ns soon as spring fniily opcn > .
xvi STILUS i'iori.i : IN cnic vcio.
Among the xx'estoru people in Chicago to
day were the following :
Attho Anditorinin-W. II McCoid , Hen-
jinnlii ( Jallighei , Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Viun-
der , Omaha , H It King , LincolnV. ; . S
Hut rows , Aland in , S. I )
Attho Klcheliou Nick Mahci , Covlugton ,
At tbo Palmer JijyiInlln , Spottel
Hoiso , Mont , A O. Smndors , Sioux Citv ,
In ; dipt lin A. Ivrainert and fainllv , Koit
Hohinson , NobV. . H Millnrd. .1 i , M ir-
kcl , Oiniihi , .1 .1V. . Hovvell , t'aptain U I'
Prouty , ChirleslIovvltt.'Des Moines , A. K
Tnlbot , Lincoln , U.V. . Oltx-er , Keirnoj ,
At the ( Jrand 1'aoillc1 J AV. Spolltnin ,
Lincoln ; W A Webster , W It Iliwkins ,
K M I'll ice , Omaha ; Jj L Stewart , Uoun-
eil HlufTs. H i : Ankeiiqy , Ues Moines , 0
C. Tolerton , Sioux Cily.'C.V. . West , Emer
son , la
At the Sherman--AVIlliam Hosennn.
Omiha , Mr and Mis. C.V Pitts , H M
\Voikniiin , Mr and Ms. . U H. Skinner ,
bloux Citv
At the riomont MKsjGould , Miss Cole ,
Omiha 4'
At the Goto Mr. an'VMrs. ' S 1 } . Spiague ,
Om ihi. \i
At the Windsor Mr * and Mis G 11. Kl-
roy , Lincoln. ,
Attho biratoga IXsekor , Omaha.
At the Utevooit x > .7pjd , Omaha.
At the MeCoj D. t vam bridge , Omaha ,
At the Clifton M't ' * ' IJaysdalo , Council
IHuHs. „ _ . ATKINSON.
A A yt TIC vi ' .s s y v.i it in , i : .
An election Which May Settle the
, Conn , Miuch IS [ Special
Telegram to Tin BLC J Co\-ciiior ! llullccloy
has oriloied a special election in the Dan bury
prob-ito district to iill thexncancy whioli the
cleatli of Judge Taxlor caused The order
has boon duly serx'cd and the election will bo
heldTliuisday , Maich Id. The demoeiats
can easilv elect their candidate , hut if they
vote nt the election they xiituillj iocognio
Uulltoloi's ( authority , so they wnl stay away
liom the noilsmil the icpublieins will have
the Hold to tbomsclves. The domociats will
appeal to the courts to have the lepubjican
jiidgo icsti lined fiom taking pos
session of the ofllce on the ground
t > > at bis election Is inx-alld nnd of
eoui-o that xvill involve a decision as to
Unlkolej's authoritj to.nulcr . the election
Hoth niirties aie detciiirjlned to light the case
In the meantime a democratic Jndgo fiom
another town will conduct Uanburj's pie
bate business.
Two AtteinptH in Ono Night to Dllch
a Train.
Koiiwn n , Conn , March -Special [ Tclo-
giam to I'm lhr : ] Tixo mnro attempts to
vxieek thu New York-,1 New Ilavon lail-
rou ! train were made at 1'ast Norw ilk last
night , but neither wore successful. An cist-
bound nccommoilatioii going at giqat speed
dashed into a huuopiloof ties winch had
been plaiod acioss the track anil thiuvv them
In overj Uiicction , but the engine and cats
did not leivo the rails 1'ortions of the loco
motive , however , weio bioken or twisted
'Iho second attempt was made an hour
later 'iho Hoston express , vvbiih pisses
through here at llo'eloik , stiucU a siimlai
pili ) of ties nc-ar the east end of the hoiith
Not walk draw bridu'o , nut the tialn pio-
cceiled on the wav to NcwYoik after some
slight dimngoto tholoe'omotivo wasiopilrud
nro scaichmg foi tlioeilmlnalb.
.Slept l\ir I2i ht . "
Hxi in , Mich , March 1 J. [ Special
Telegram to'J in Hi r. ] Ilium McUonney
of Spiingpoit , Jackson c'ounU , has been last
slcena for eiglit months List.lul } ho lost
the poxver of speech , xvas taken sick , xvent to
bed and has notpokun or opened his eves
since Katniday night blood began to lloxv
fiom his bead nnd vait > , ami snddcnl } ho
canio to his senses Tbo doctors are dumb
founded by the phenomenon and explain il
bv tlio supposition thai some blcod became
clotted In his Inain whlth piexontcd It fiom
being active Ho loine.nbeiou nothing since
be went into the sound sleep , hut ran ici all
en < ui thing inovious'tci the time Dm ing tbo
eight months the functions ot tlio bodre
miined iiuiescent , thp man neither opening
his e.xes noi spciiking awonl MtConiiey is
n mariied in in anil luuof latohe > en gmnted a
pension for seivicolu tliowniof lsj | , and his
wife Ins inado application lei her hush mil's
I fusion Today the JuJgo was to have decided
cided , but the unlooked for nvv aliening lateen
on Salurdiix night of ikConitov liasciusoil
a suspension of the pniLOOihngs for a week
Snlii ol'TriHtlu Sli > i ! .
Nl w YOIIK , Miueli U' | Special Telegram
to Tin Hi i I The bOioml annual sale ol
Kancbodel I'aso Hotting stock , the pioport )
of J. H Hivgin , was begun this morning
'Iho crowd was the tuggist of tbo week , am
the pi lies it'.UUed xvero good. A bn > colt
foiled ApiII , IVW , bv Albeit W , out of
Hllila Standard , was soiil toV Lnglemai
for $ i.W A buy tilly. foaled Maich , Ib'.W '
b.v Albeit \V , out of Mibel Standard , xvas
sold to.I S i'olgnson of New Yoik forf-tiOI
rifteen other nninudb i > old nt prices
from ? ! " >
Killed by n Itnller Kvph Niini ,
HUISOIUM , HI , March 12 [ Special Tola
giam to Tim Hi r ] IJurnoy Itccknmn
( ieorgo Hileii ami u mini named \Voifenbucl \
weio killed by the explosion of n boiler li
llccktnan's smv mill , olght miles southeast o
this i-lty. The boulas of iCIlers and \Voifen
bacti were blown a distance of toitv feet.
AllVTlH ) i,1 i\r i i\v HUM i ni u'f
jjilxlUlvh OrCOAJlMiAl BUSS ,
The Peculiar Position of n Too Muchly
An Ijxoltlng scciic In tlie Clitimbor
) l DeputliM in Uniiu > A ilonr-
nej ri-tim I'lirls to
et > xtin
nitt iit. , Mnuh I'J [ Snclal | Cablegram
to Tin lln ] A wealtliv resident and pi emi
nent soi-ioU man of this ell v , \l Antolne ,
Ins just been t'omliMiuiei ! by tlio coi'rcrtuinnl
tribunil to one jo n's Imprisonment as tlio
lesult of , i peculiar mixture of cenjugal
bliss M Antohi' ' ) is popularly known In
socletv us the "etnpeior of hunch lucks , "
not on account of HI } physicil deformllv , but
slinpl.v hoc mie lin Is piesidcnt ofaciowd nf
gay } oung blooU whoso moinboiM attiio
Ihemsihes as pollcholles on on nival
ilijs. Some little time ago he
lignicd as a lespoiidfnt in a divot co
tout t , nnd when his xxife seemed n decieo ho
lost no tiino m in n tying bis mistiess Hav
ing omo secured the tlghtful possession of
his n line , howo\er \ , this stinngo enciture ,
who piex-louslv had been a net feet angel ,
ihangcil into a veiitablo vh igo. and after a
few months ot anj thing but blissful wed
Ionic , M Anlolno lied ficinhls pilatial hoino
and once more took up his homo xxilh his
foimcr xxife , xv bo huving regiotled her nil
peal to the courts , was leuly and willing
to extend him sjmpath ) anil sheltci
Tor u fp\v month' ! his lifo xxas
again a gnden of roses , but by tlio
Hid of detectives his inUtrcss anil
picsent wife , leiinol of his whereabouts ,
mid ono da ) lust month a couple of genii
aimosswooped dow n upon his abiding nlace
anil csioi ted him to tbo detentio.i pilsnn
Upon Ins tiial ho was bitterlv demounted b\
his seiond wife and te.nfull.x defended bv
his Hist , but the pleadings of tlio lattci could
not s iv o him from thu hotivv sentence The
cx-mlstiessantl wiO No J novx proposes tenet
net uillx'ouo , niul vxilo Xo 1 vows tint she
will ln.irij him ngdn in soon as his toun
l.nbor Issues In Cieat lltitiln.
LONDON , Miuui 1'iSpci | i U CihlegiMiii to
Tin. Hi i ) .lolm Tim us , the vvoikingmen's
Iculei , in an article on the new lalnr com
mission , s-ns Its composition ought to bo sit
isfactory to all hborus 'Iho now piincipils
and methods of iction adopted bv the trade
unions have fonod the government to ontei
upon nn Inqmn. l'ivo thoiisind stiiUcii
within txxo veais have widened the gulf be
tweenltiboi andcapltil U'urlcingiiicii pel
mealed xvith sondUin are moxmir towaid a
Imppict iiulnstiiil life wbii i the ) uiu hound
to h , for now thcv hive hocomo
a politic-il fonn Hurl Deibv his sig
nilied liis xvillniKiiess to buomo ctulr
man of the commission It is stntut
on the aiithont ) of a member that the com
mission will report before tbeelosool iho
present xear Legislation will then bo
adopted innccoiihitici * xx itli its recommonda
lions , nnd then the goveminent will bo pro
paied to goto the eountr.v on thostixngUi of
that legislation it h cei tiln that time is no
intention of dissolving p.ullament until the
coHseivatlves huvo acted upon the hbor is
sues uoxv hefoio the tountiy ,
An nvoltlns 4it > enp at Koine.
ROMP , March I'J A most exciting occur
icncotooK place hist evening In the chamber
of Veputlos. felgnoi Imlninni , exiitcd b )
some leimius , should to the Ciispi group
"You nro sonants CAustria" To this
taunt Signor I'uspi leplioil "Scrvmts , no
but friends' ' Iinbilinl his
good rcpciteil 10-
inaijc "Vou 110 soivants of Austru " To
this Cusp1 lotoitcd with a pioss insult in-
tundiHl foi Imbiinni Tholattei called upon
Ciispi to xvithdiaxv the lenmilt , but the o\-
picinicr lefnsi-J to do so , saying thitxxliile
ho held the position of ml ustci of state ho
had been forced to endnie theaunovances of
Sinnoi linbiiani ' Hut now , " angrily ciied
Signor Ciispi , "tarn no longer bound to dose
so as I _ am enl ) a di putv In mv pocket 1
haxo a'rovolxcf , if Signor linbiiani nnnovs
me. lot him biMxnined. " A scene of c"ctitb-
inent and confusion followed the utterance *
of these tliiciitciiinn' vvoids.
Mi n 1st or IMi > lps Dlnrd.
Bun IN , Match 12 [ Special Cablegram to
Tiir I ln ] Herr Hottonbmg , xvho was
under secretary in the onlceof tlio clnn-
eellor of the oinplio dining the regime of
Prince lllsm.uek , KIIXO n dinner put } todnj
to Willi mi 'aiur Pbclp- , , the Anieiican
minister Heir Kottonbuig's object in giv
ing the dinner was to coun tenet whatever
influence the fro'.shinigo party miy hive
gained thiough the dinner givenbv Herr
linith , the leader of the fieisinnlgo pirtv , to
Mi I 'helps anil the deputies of thntpnitv in
tbo iciclistag on Kebruan Jl list. The Ger
man guests at the dinnei todav weio chiellx
cnuseix-nlivos , and Includect fount Donboff-
IxindoolT , the' Icailet of theielcl sp.utie , Heir
Hnrkofski , a prominent inoinhor of the i ou
ter p.utv. Union Vou lleiicpiih , I'liisslan
ininUtei of coinnierce , ( > ener.U Von Veiaon ,
Heir Holmliolt/ and Heir S'on ( iiuist
'J'oasts weio imoatedly given to .Mi I'lielns
and the lountr ) he lepreiouts
A ilouiney mi ht
I'liii" , Maicli IS [ Special t'i\l > lo iMm to
1m IJu ] nvlx-aln IJ'Urnon startoil from
PI ue dola ConcoiiU ) tins iiioiinng to xvalk to
Moscoxx on stilts Ho expects to amvo In
the ICusjian cipitil in time to witness the
opening of tno Prcnch exhibition thoie A
huge and c'liiiousciowd collected to see M.
D'Ot non set foi th and clueroil Instil } as ho
stalked nivay Ilundiodsot nooplo lollow d
him thiough the stieets to tlio eit ) hnineis
and there were frciMient cihs of "Vivo la
Hnssle. " Thoudxcnluious xoimg man , after
st iv ing a w bill ! in Moscow , will lotnin to
Piuis , ti imping the \ \ hole vvaj bade on stilts
Tlio instilments honsosaro similir in con-
struetion to those hahltunll.x used bv tlio in
habitant' ) ot the Andes In tuvcrshig sands
and lagoons on the coast
llux tlio Oinllilont'u of the K
Hi in IN , M lich U - [ Special C ilojjram to
Tin Bit | llv ei ) bed ) is talking about the
new rohlions of mtiimcy and contldouco
l > etvv oen the kal&cr and Count U'ahleuco
The opinion is oxpiessed tbit tbo enipn-or ,
on looking mound ills list of effective gen
oials , his come to the conclusion thnt Coun' '
\Vahlciseo is the best mm foi hit. lioutennin
in the event of xv.u 'Hie fnvoi of the count
also extends to the Countess Wnldciseo who
upon nci visits to Hei lin , is shoxveiod vvitl
attention by the impoiiil family.
Resulted in n DcllcliMii'.v .
LONDON , Maich -Speilnl [ Cililegiam to
Tin nn ) Iho livisbexpendltntea of Chic
bcuotar } Hilfoin in i aiilngouttho pceuliai
inithodsef the real liMi coastabular ) have
icsiiltocl in n cletlcieticy of iir > OIK)0 ) to bo
Hindi ) up from tbo Impirlnl exchequer , am
pulhuni'nt will be asUed to vote the amount
As thoionstntmlniv bas been tncd tor (1111 (
poses entirely distinct fiom the police bust
ness , the toques t for nn allowance vv ill , It is
expected , call outmuuii opposition and BOVOIO
Declined in .Nollco It.
Hi m iv , Maicn 12 | f pcclal Cablegintn to
'lin. UPP Aichlilshop Loguo in an inter
\lovv today In regaid to his letter to Mr. Par
ncll dated October 1ft says Mr. HarriiiKtoi
publishes in the rieeinun'H Join milt but Mr
I'arncll illtt not have the courtesy to iicltnoxvl
clgo u single line of that letter. Ho had Deoi
Informed that Mi Pninell , during tno Bern
oonforeiiio. hid niod the letter for his
own purpose , glx lug it n scope fill boumd
nu\ thing the bishop hndever Intended I'ho
iiihblshop di'clln.'tl to talco an ) notho of Mr.
lauinglon's attaUc
.1 i'.iiiis it n ; : iv 'iitot in.t\
It \ \ aH Obllgeil i 'all for Help <
l'i event llnnie.
l'vni , Mavih I'J I iocloto ties Depots
leCotnptes Cournnts c "J is illy is In n ultl-
c.ilt'oniillliin Tim sue suffered sovuely
lining the nivnt llniuii erlils In I.tnulnti
nul Hiienos A.VIVS and' * ' only Is.OJ.i.iMO
'lines en hand .h xxlneli to
ncet chlnib nmountlng tlsotKV'iM ' frim's.
1'lie minister of IlintiLo , < v was cilled iipmt
lot assistiince , I'omenod Hint ; of the ill-
rctloiM of the leullng ii'liil liouses of
I'nris ' to ondo.ix'oi tola about some nr-
iMiigomeut In wlilch house umld
lid Hived fiom collapse. 'I'ho moiling
igiccd to iiihanc'ii tbo inono le-
liiliod to tide over the ilillleultles
ot the soi iete The follow Ing Is the basis of
si'Uloimiit dei idid upon I'ho Itiinlc of
J'l nifondviiiicOH < iOOOiHiHl fiines to the SD-
tlile , which sum H guarante-cd n\ ' bills ntthu
soileto , and Iho SHI leto mils fiu'.li" ) fiancs
pn shnrci fuiiii Its shiuoliDlileiM , and Iho
Iliiniu'liil homes jointly gunranteo the sum of
niKHiMi ) ) f rim's to the' limit ot Prince I'ho
assets of thosnclclo will be assigned foi t bo
| V inent of the aduiiues It is umb-i'stiiod
the liabilities ot the sodete aio uiuler i > 0,00- , ( )
000 francs.
Pilncc Sttpiile-on's < 'mill illon.
I'xiux , Mniih t. ' [ Special I'ublegiM'n to
Tin Hi r | -M llcrtiiland , nn Intiniito filend
of Piince Xuioleon , and xvho Is at the bed
side of the d.v Ing prime , has wlied the fol
low ing jnesuge "Yoiloid.u evening there
was a w'oiidoiful Improtoincnt His iinnd is
stiongand ih'ir ami his will Is uiiHlialaiilo
Ihousoof imdictnes issioutid ' * The pull t
li il testament of l'i 11111 Xnpolion .u cording
to tbo papi'ts of this cildeilncs that
I'uince has foiexci tlnovvn ilovxn Ilionuni-
aiehy The piineedesiics tint tno tindltlons
of his name m ix- never bo meil Intbemter-
L'stsofa iiH'io djnist } lie le.ixisa sic UN !
Icgac } to I'linco'l.onis to uphold the ilema
( i.itiuempiie In a lodicil wi Itten tin his
sickbed Pi into ? \iipolo > ii e/xpiessi's tbo hope
Ih it l'i itico and Itul > will ever bosistci nn-
I'nciiKj 1'i'cli 111 ; In London.
LOMPOS , March U | Spi > ciai C'lblogiim to
Jin Hi iTlio i ] stoclc exchange xvas In a
state of uneisincss nnd dopioss'il at Iho ic-
potts which leailied heio from I'arisiare-
cud to the piccirioiis loiulltioii of the
Societo lies Depots do C'oinptos Com ants ,
and the u-sult of the dellneiations of the
I'leneli llnancien who nax'c been asked to
CDino to tlie iisilstnnce of the snciele , xvas
iinxieusl } awaltolln llnmeiil cinles lioio.
D.MMI Onr . " > liat.
Hi mis , MiuchU' I'lio An/elger , the of
llclal pipei , lohn lopljing to a nuirhei of
compldnts leioived M to the lailure to nso
Ainoiiean silled meats in the Cciinan nax-.x ,
slid etnerieneo with these niuats hitherto
hul bc-eii veiv nnsatisfaetoi ) as the picking
was defective , tU > buiels vve.ikii'd liadlv
made and the me it too fat and ot Infeuui
qualit ) w hen compireJ [ with nuiopeanmcats
\ \ nlilet Nie VMtln j Iti.Miiiai-ck.
Bi mix , .Match UVultleisuu \ is xisitinc
Hisiinick it LMeclrichsrnlio Ihe confoi-
cneo lietxveen W ddorsce and ICmperniVil
Ham is roniembeioil as coullr.nlng the re
potts that the emperor XXMS eontomnliitlng
the leuloptlon of I'rinco Bismnrcc's niotbiM
of goveinmcnt .mil ( hat the cmpcior bad
opened comniunlcatioas with the ox-cliancel
I lie NVwAfjrnt Is Iteporlcd asVaiit -
in-4 "Moif I'miipy.
Pixr nniiii' , S D .March -Speiial [ to
I'm : Ih'r ] It is ropoitcd ntthoageni ) tint
there is some fi iction between tbo com
mandcr of the troops nnd thn inilitai.x agent
The latter , xvho has just nriixet ) , claims
ttoops arc needed hcie toi sexci d months
and wants more. pcihtt'is
as a militarv nlllcer ho should want , ill the
troops ho urn get , but the comininder of the
inilit uy does not ugieo with lihn ns to the
need of troops , vv bllo their piosenco gm > s
lifo to business and biings us inonov , is not
mpaient. As long as tbev are hero the In
dlans will bo in nn unsettlul condition \\o
believe in talcing thorn awa } , for tluir con
tinn inco speaKs of danger , and no settlers
will coino to Nebiaski as long is tbounccr
taint ) exists
Pixr Kliifii , S D , Much U | Spechl
to Tin Hi i ] The cold xvcithoi still coatiii
ues , It being below zcio list night
Pa ) master Hiker fiom Omalii eimo up
vesterdaj to na ) the tioopi and scouts He
had gieat tioublo getting hero , is his det.icli
mcnthad In placeto dig the roul out
The Indi.nis are as quiet as lambs The
ghost stiiit is too slight a garment lor this
- o
.1 a < n'iit if i ( ; int.
Pushing aVhcclb , uioxx * San
I'laiielsfo lo rsru nrU.
HVN KIIIXI i io , Cd , Miivhl. | SpeeIil
Telegiam to Till. Hi iVUIIun i ] Iliothu-
ton , a vonnij man , ins left Nipa for Now'
Yoil , , trundoling a wbeolbnrow 'Jlio tup
is the lesult of iwngci of JJOOion ) hii ability
to aceoniDllsh it within Mmint hi Two
} eaisagoho mule a similar Hip fiom I.os
Angela * lo Cincinnati In live month ; , ind two
Xfi I III ! I'l
An l.\tensi\o ( reheino of
Une.iilbetl bj Ihe < JlltoM. !
Nl w YmiK , March U. [ Spvial Icloirtin
to Tnr Hi i ] Ail extensixo scheme of
smuggling wasuneaithed b.v thocustom lii/ibo
authoiities at this poit c'onpldnt was
made todiv tothe in ting cxillector tint goods
impoiteil IroinCan uli mulsbippMl in bondi-d
cats via the Duftulo division of the IMaxv.uo
> x. Lackawann i laihoid to lloboueu to be ex.-
poiteil to ( iiiimanx by Himbmir steanu-rs ,
have been smreptltionsh lomovcd fiom the
caisnt Ilobnlicii No in foi million cm h 'ob
tained as to how long mil to what extent
thcbo alleged niegul n itlcs have been going
onVliilo the acting collector was engaged
In an iiivostlgillon this afteinoon , the spe
cial lieasjiy loinnilsslonirs suit tu him for
nil tillieu ami for witnesses 'Iho insnutiii
in ih.irgo of the bonded ens xvas also c-.ihled
to explain theiiiugu'nritles ' The uilroal Is
uiuler J"iiK,0lO ) ( bonds , ma the umoval of
goods xvllhoutti pei nut is a penii ollenso.
llii ) I'ainiiif In lii\x.i.
l'inn n > m.i , h , Maieh -Special [
to Tin : HIM ] N'oilhxvcsturn IOXXM is exper
iencing all tbo ngois of a hnv fainino As a
uuiihiisinle lommodltv liu.x Is just now an
unknown numility hi this vicinity Noulv
allot tlio fat met t bold thoh guiplu * * to b'o
shippeclto lllinuis eirl.v in the season I bo
nmisiiall ) lingo numhci of cattle wintenu
heio i onsunied tbo hiliinioxlth iiimxpoitet
r.ipiditj , nnd with the feeding season Md
fur fiom ended thomippl ) is about exluust
oil In this utx ? 2iior ) | ton his bom paid foi
a few In ids , but oven nuhat piiee little em
bo bought Stin U ov\ nets , wlio aio unfor-
tunatp cittnigli to bo caught short , nro con-
fiunted with tne necessiiv ot shipping In h iv
fiom long dUlunecs or selling tholi tattle
Stabhed l
) : MIIIXM , In , March -Special [ 1'elo-
Bum to Tnr lln.T ] , O. Mel'arlaml , n
brakonnii on the ( . 'hlcagci , St l'
Clt ) rind , was muulercusl.x nssaiilted by a
gang of toughs at his boirding house toi'fy.
lloiecclvod sov ei lUerl ins .slabs in tins thigh
and was lomoviiil to a ln.pilil Oii'i of his
assailants , v\uo \ dlj : iio j.Uld'ij' , vva ai-
) /l/Ml'J1 / //IV'/'PMM / / / '
JUdUS lOMhlu ,
The Rusjlng 13ii3inos3 DOIIO by n
Ooinp.niy ,
I'tie 'Mmd iinis
ol Keuluoli ) Vti'i'nuly IJtt'.lpc-s
! < } IK lihig-Aiiest oi'a Missouri
'ler in l.'tali.
Su r rHi \ , rtnh ; Man h I'J fSpe lal Tol-
'giiim to/l'ui / Hit | A limit u voai ago it ,
iiiiiolh tonirneil mid pipposscssliii ; ttiangir ,
ailing hln self Dnko V. nicummd , aiiixeil
leiv from Kos An rlos nnd eitnbllihed in
iniln | } Hunt nlllie , which lie sewn nfliivxaul
old nt n good ( Inure \Vlnle running llu * em-
) loincut iigoiii-v niimoiiil , vx lin xxmat ono
liiUU'onnrctoil with the U'esUtn insuiaiii'rt
onipinj of Di'iuor , comelved tbe Idea ot
cslabll hlng a mutnil nu'hlcMit iissnelntIon.
lotheiefoio oignni/eil tlie Sail LikennU
lent liisui.mie coinpinv , inmlo .him Me *
Cenguo piesidcnt , J ( ' . Trnlnoi xliopifsl-
lent aiidtieasniin * ami II Btmford mditor ,
Inmoiiilnnmlnntod himself sen ielar.uiul . lost ,
Ittleor no time in notiMnir the inoplo ot
his county Hint tlio Institution was Ihu
jnntest thing of Its lilnd In exlstninc * .
St.itloneij , i-liiulais , caiils nnil prosuctuso- | <
vcru printed In the thousmdsamt sialtcrcil
itoidenst throughout tbelind A 1111 nlnitl/
voided , nU C'ltlseinciit xxassontlo hiinilioU
of papon with institifUons to publish ami
send in Uui bill lillU : iinminlln > ; In hi'txxieii
* \m ( * and fii.OiW were received bv Dhuiiima
from ti mo to tlmo but It li not of round that
) iio xvas paid Agents wore appointed In
ox'uv section , libel il inducements bciiijj
nude to tin m In older to git thc'iu
o act Mho schmno x\oilc \ < * d to a
hum. for wilhiu Ihlilj dis the com *
mnv hnd over the liundud nnines on
.he toll , nnd within Ihri'o montlis Ills ' Ul
the loll li id Incieased tp over'cxenleon him *
lud I'ho hilt vvns tbe most teniillag | inei ?
> niied ton giillioli ! pubhe. Tor the snnll
niitlon fie of $ J nnd a pitmentor ? ! pei *
month the mimher\\iu gimiaiiteed an indoni *
nitv In else nf acud'iit i inglng fiom ? . ill lo
r.'O per week It nr.iso of you p ly tha
> 1 uiul VM'dothoitst Soon the innipiny
xx is eallcd upon to meet tlio ohlimitlonseiij
teicd into an 1 for aw hilu It piomuth paid all
ohims piesentoil Tlieii snvual | n > iiH'iitJ '
xxeie missed nnd its dupi's tji'gan to
xvithdraw and the iifllcors gtaJunllj follow oil
suit I'lesiili'tit ' McKiigno was th Ihstj
Lo surrender Then Tnlnor had linputtnnt )
business in tlio east , ami flnaliv Unufiu'il ic *
tned on. ) inn n v 1 Diamond huiigon , how-
evir , and xvlth th.-anl nf a couple of i lerk *
enntiniicil to lakn m i < mitt nines iltbuolcl
stind uiitil n couple of dajs ago i , hen ho
siultienlv vanished fiom viexx audit is nov/
leiined th it ho shipped his nflleo pn ipher *
n ilia to Senttlo , and b piobiblj henl on
xxoiklniMns si homes in a now llcld Ho
nude nieeoiil hcie thnt will not b > soon for
gotten h } thoii ) xvho hid bu ino .s dealings
xvlih him , as ho left rountless nnpild bills ,
and It is estimitod Hint ffjO.UOO
fiom his bogus insuianco conn in.
Dlanionil Is sniil to have swindled Inboiors
and toamsteis In Los Angchs out of several
thousand bv cngiging thorn tooik on tt
inUbiciltoll loacl Prom each be leceived ti
fee , nnJ when the tiino arrived for coinmenc- *
ing work IJKi nonil hail icmovcu to b ilt l.alco
City , llofoio leaviuij , hoxvovor , ho sold n
lulf intolcst in bis business ton man of
propelty , and that luckless Imlixidiial was
compelled to puj the dnbts conti it-toil by *
Diamond Ho ib also slid to haxo xx-orkecl
Kmsasand Dikolain much the same \ xv aa
ho did Los Angeles unit tins city.
Aires'eil tin Minder.
SXI.T LXKI , UtahMineh 1J [ Special i'cle-
giam to Tm Bn ] . .lohnVhito \ , a biicht
inison who his boon emiilojtil in this city
since list August , was inrestcil liiit night by
Deputy Mnishnl Cannon on a lequisition
fiom Iho gnvernni of \\omitu , cliniginfj
him xxilh tlieciimoof nmrtlci. ShoiitThit *
inoro of Sweotxvater couiitv , Wxoming nr
lived heie vestcidiv with the pipers hut
owing to eeitiin iiceulhr ciiiuniatincoacon *
ncetod with the eiso ( lovoinor Yliom.u has
instructed Mursb d Young , hi vx hose custody
White was placcel , lo holil the piKouoi until
furthci ordois. VVhlto is chareed vvitbi
hiving on .lulj C , isflj , pusbcil n
hrakennn In the oinplov of the Union
Pacific , mined Pit I'aggnt , fiom
n fi eight train on xvlncli ho xx ad
beating his xvaj The nlliir oieuried between
tween Itixvlms and Cieen Hiver an 1 uhen
iho biakonnn XXMS missed bv thetriin binds
\Vlut' \ ) was sci/-tl beaten over thehfM \\itli i
i rox-olvcr , kiekel nndeiitTel until tie vxo.3
unconscious unil then thinvn into the caJ
boose When ho cam" to hu souse ? a rope
was placed around his node , th other end.
attached to the loir pi it foi > n of tli caboose ,
mil while thi * ti iln was movini. at uhigti
late of specil While vx is pushed oft the plat >
foi in mil left to < lovvlj struu'U * to neiib.
Hv nn almost supjihuinmeitmn U'nito
Uiaspod tlie plitforni vvitli bis light hand
and with his loll succecdea In ox rii itmu
his heiit from the 1100.0. Ilo tin n stnte-et
for the mount ihib and xvas pjisiiod
hv the ti mi liaiuls , who IIroil
lix'o shots fiom ii'vcdxiis at him 1'vxoof thq
shots passrd tluoiii'h his ilotning and 01 u
through his light Ic-g Aliliost nn < onsi ions
mil bleeding fiom a ilo/e > n wounds , tlio mi
fortunito mm suceeeilc-d in chilling bii pui-
suoisimd found itifiig * in inouiinn
boxis lei pt until he h m nvov ori * I fi un lin
tiijuiies Oii.luiv l.t he XX'IH nrri'ite I hv tha
shuiilf of Swcetw liter lount } ai il t ilcen ta
Uminis On tbe I'.Hii hi * hul upu inuinaiy
I'xaniinatinn befoto a justice of thcixao
iiiul was ilisihaiged lie then i UIK tK'iv ,
and some montlis airo liled a suit lu tn ! > dis
ttict tonrtagitinst the Union I'uihu nilvxuy
pi-ajlug foi'diiniijes In the sum of Slmui fof
tlio Injinies iix'ixnl at tbo b mils ot
llio emplnvos of Iho rump my rti9
tiLil of tbo cMio will he } lit gun
in the district icmit todav and tlio nuion o (
thn p\tii-lor in rtttliboldii'g the e\
of the pn oner K for Ihe putposi of
him to tostlfv ' 1 ho scjcond m rot \ \ > a sur
ptisotohlto. . who protests bis mnni'ina
anil ns 'liiL'gait ncihlonlilly full bitweux
the xvhlle pissing over tlio tiain | MUV
Ing ones stit-x tint the arrest xx'ai ca IM J by
thi itilll-nv ffll'tlm unrti . nnf ilnrit.i I nnr rlii\
olloits BfVhiteto \ i > btahi damages
MoixrSu iiiixu , Ky' , Match 1. spe > hi
Toic'gi.un to 'I'm ' : lln : | \ mob l.ut niglit
camoueai lynchiiij , the Wiggtitun fanub ,
composed of .lohn 'Wigttliilon and Ins four
sons , for tlio polsonliu- \Villinin \ Kn'ii.on ,
and H UVntts. . his sou-inliw , imiiof
whom dictl , and Miss IJoyd , n grind 1 1 1 'btip
of I'ciRiison's , wbo is still In : i cillii-u c i di
tlou * 'I'lu1 NVitfifioton's xxi'ro suspc > i ii-J , anil
after the arrest the bo.vt. , tbo vouncestuf
whom is onlx ten yinrs old , o nitossi ! that ,
their father bought 10 cents xxoitli
of araculo mil sent txvo of
his sons to Porjjuson's hou > o Ono nl
tlieniKlliii'eil ' into the Ulluhc iv nnd put iu ! >
arsenic in the iotTeo pot after suppei Nixt
morning llio eolit colloi * xvas useti xxiili fitkli
e'olTi'O and the fainllv was pittont I Ihu
Wiga'lntons nnd Untts hnd iiuiod to
bacto toxethoi list .vear and llii'io xv ia dispute
puto hetvseen tliom about II ? of the pu > ee > ls.
On this ci count the U'igliilcus xxanlod to
_ _ _
An liul ! ' //l ( > r Ai'i'e > ttMl
Sn UMUtali March * nil M-
r , , 1JSpe [ -
ogiam toTui : Hi r ] Leslie I.oeUxvooel col
lecloi oi thu MisKourl , Kansas and .Nohniiltti
talcphono compiny vvas ii-roiled IHIK lm
chnrni'd xvllh ilio > 'Lbtj. ' ' . ' > ' ul cl
atbt Joseph , Mo.