Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 3)AllAr ) 11 , 185)1 ) ,
T"lio funcrnl of Mr. Thonm < M Van
Court \\lll In1 lulil at IUllu\uv tmlny
ut 11 oVloi'h.
Tim oily Inx li'-t levy of : tS
clM tiui'iioto * , iluiMnj f. \\n \ >
jcslci'ilnjilu'lnjf 11 inontli or niorucnillor
thnnlnbt join-
M' . .1 , Amlor'Oii ol tlio Ilurllni'lon
\ iviil"i'f > toiiln > plaiod von putty
lioiul stone oi or Iho uiavo of his llltlo
huiirhtur , Holly , nhoillLut lust sunimor
uiiil wus burled inrcMOit T/uvn ,
Snow was ippoitnl iilonp the line of
Iho I'-lkliiii-n nail in tlio llliu-U lIHUio-
( jinn Monihij nlKlil uiul yeitiM'clny. The
Jullvnn tciniHintivply | light , but the
plows ITO al once sent out to tluai *
nwnilrlllH. \ .
lllshoi | > vowinnn , linn. .1 , C. rowitiiiiul
( " . 1' Hiiilnniilill ilullvar mlilic cs tvt
un Piitcitiiitiinoitl to lie ( jlvon ut the
Pint I > ! ititisl i lunch mi Mat fh ln ! , unilor
siit tlio lc\v \ club ollho/lon
U \V Slim mm , liond rlork at the
1'nxlon Itolt'lvuiil8 to thimlc MIHIO ( fr-n-
tlcmuti , ho iloi. " ) nol Utiort who. Mr.
Shcrmnn u as till ) for iv t loljh ( ililo
la lovciiln . His lint-io AMIS iloil at Iho
Kourtounlh * lrcot siilo of Iho I'u.s.-
ton \\hctt \ \ ho oitino out nncl on-
ilciuoi'cd to unlilti-h Iho iinlmtil ,
it bccimo fi'ifrhlciiuil tit his
furroUnmudlu'olio loose. A Betitleiu-ui
cntht ( Iho lioi'ko biforo It luiil gone tv
blot'U , Imt ptssi'doii lioforoMr.
could shinv Ins npproilulion.
I ( MlMliV .NLV
ol tliu Oil ) Council on
.tlti nil i y MKII. !
Mayor Sloano ami till Council men cxoopt
Mr Alelihuivuia picsunt ut lliu
Couiiclliiinn IH'iltolll tii\cstlynto tlio do-
fcdho slito\\ill \ 3 In thoTlilulaul uiul 10
'llio llmiioci'ontflilttco nipiovcl ] n. hrRO
mnnborof bilH. Imtiii tliu clilni of llonliiiul
Acllraiiftird oft il'K ' ) foi lopilrlttK the \ \ > st
t'nilor tlio I .stroot xlailiirt , ilinun'cil lii n 11
Ni M c.iivis , lofuiod U.icli for tlio 13 i , M
comp.ui ) to piv
OuUimiifoiXo JVI lUliiRtlio cri u1oonHo\-
cnliuntli from .1 shoot to .Mhsouil aunuo ,
nml ct ii'il and yfll for LiyliigbldcttnllH
\\iio jnsscil
llu * H'si nitioin nf A V Millet from tlio
l > oinl of supurxbors inul JoscpliV Kipo
Tioni tlio Uo.llil uf H'Klsli.ition u 010 lU-irpteil ,
uiul Messrs l { A Cnrpcnlcr of the 1'irsl
\\aul nml .losppli Moiloi nml .lolin I )
IMciKhu of tlio Suoml win iluoro nppolntoil
nml oonl riiiiil on tlio lioaiilof icuistrition
Mho boilil olfKlstiutloii ( vlll bit the 1 Ith
timl liitli
iii : II Dotul's ' petition to lin cviessi\o
tuxes iclu inleil \ \ is unntad Tlio notltloii to
OIKII QMi-cotfiom liit'htuonth toMiictcuuth
Bluets uns lufoiinl
1 ! \V Ullnkoriiloffor's romintiiiipntlon in
iT'iril ( to kitpini ; the Union I'milliuioss
int. * at the foot of H stiat tic-
City 'hcnsuror lloctoi's ' upoitvns icail
nncl rofuri'il
City Atioinoy IMpoiton MIS ghon f" > to
piucuiovltncsr3 in the ( iililuest case
Jinlnst ( tlio city anil tlio proceedings , to open
3SM > street
City Attonipy nilgcitnn. ConiirilnionJnhti
Bton anil Mt-lilioi nnd ( Mtj HiiKinoci ICiiiR
x\cio appointed iiioniinlttobto report nt tlio
ni\t niciUnpou holdlnptho iiiunlclpal oloi ,
tlou miller the Australlin billet luv.
Miirilial Ilioniienillscotluit the \\txter
ccmp.un rejnlrs Mtssouii aicutio
'llio piuitinir foininitlio n ported Mint state
ments fiiuiMicO bj thaVoihl \ llcrild sliowoil
iti local e'i rciil.u ion to bo TT1ind I'm III i s
loinl I'liLiiliitioii toboli'l. Mr Iloiul ropie
bditoil Uitdiirt & , 1'oucis of llio 'I'lllmiio ,
bwiiK' tlio ollliiul piper of tlio cih , vis en
titled to publish i \i-liisi\elj tlio lueusonppll-
cation" Tlio iiiattur was l.ilil o clr till next
NoloM Alxml t tin
rroil Hailoj is i1o\vn itli the grippe
Mr. nml Mis IMwaiii ( Johilt's Httlosoiita
doMiitli \ tbo ineislos
A dniiKhtcr of Mr nml Mis.
3ro\vn\\cn ! \ U quito suit
A dauplitcr tns been bora unto Mr anil
ills. Dttijjlit Voimn of CJilmoro
lov ! C. n.i\isoii Is Iti Norfolk this \\cck
tissisting iiuondactiiiciuNlxnl mcetiiiRs.
Ilcnmii Xilioi Imtl 1'ctcr McClosltioro
nnoslcil on tlio eliir oor lorglngn fJ
MninRor IM-A ml A C'uilihy of the
luukini ; ) liiibconotothollot
Tliollpuoitli I.CIKUO is niiiltint , ' prepan
tlons toui\o.i sciios of literal ) onteitain
Mumper . N Itibcoclc of thelTnion
etoekiriis , aftei , i fedajs1 \ abacucols bnclt
Tboquostlpn oflsstilnpr tbo $ .10,000 pnvm ?
lioudswill bo votcil on nt tbo regular spilii ) , '
ilection Tncsilm , A pi 11 ( i.
At ,1 pi nmry caucus hold Rundny c\cninp
In thol'irst wnul usolved fosuppott
Kiulolpli Unitfoi council
Mrs Daniel Sitlll\iti ol Miirolu Is In tbo
rlty , i tilled lioiobv tbo ciltlcal roiulltion of
lier suit fatber , tlioicuciiblo Xicbolus Do
ntnil Stiatiss , one of the popnhr ofllttals of
tlic Ciu'alu ' paikiiifr coiiipinv , aftoi a sK
vpolts' Jainit thioiiKli tlioobtcinatid 1'aciflo
ttixtos , has lotuined
Mis Daniel , Mlfo ofCliirlcs II Daniel , anil
Mr. timl Mis I ) mill's ttuoo cliildien. are
nil cloun sick. Mr Diniel thinks bo is run-
iiinpr uhttlo hospital.
The Holiiniianouni ; Inilios1 club will Ho
ne'iillio ball foi the bcniMlt ol HIL > Soltol , tlio
Ilohoinl.iii Tiirticis , i' V.vtiouallnll , livont- )
fuurtli and 1 streets , bituul.iv c\culiiir ,
April I
The first annlv-pisiry bill of tlie Soiitli
Onialn I'httductsoliei vcieiiiill \ boheldm
lliu nis hall , Tweut ) sKth and X streets ,
h.luiiliy CMMiinpinil \ I Messn l nnlc
HuuiK'rtVillinn | T Diuci and , la < ol >
MoupiKon linvo boon npimiuted .1 comiiiitteo
on un inijt""cnts
Mis Huth MoDo-mUl , ntied sutr-clplit
) car ! , , niotlior ofV 1 ! Menonilit , dioil sud-
ili'til ) it 11 o'clock Situ id ly ni ht nt Mr.
McDounlil s homo , 'l\\cnt-sc\eiitli nudl
stieets 'llio sorMiolll \ b held in
the lliptist chutih ut lo'eloe-lc this afternoon.
Iiitounciit In Liurolllill cemetery.
. . - IVitt's t-ittlo Thirty Itlscrs , onij pill to
euro tick hcadaelio .mil ululate the bo\\oU.
Inviiliuitiu-y Ma-iii | < M.iiIiiiL " , of a Hey
IttMIt 1)11 lit ) Illl ing.
Snmucl Sharon is. itcujcar olii ituhvho at
tends school nl the sistoii of Mcrcj eomcnt
on Soutli i'ourtrotith strict Ills fathci Is
dead nml Ins mollit'i IIM-S in boiith DaKota.
so liols ltd ciittwlN unilci the Jurisdiction of
the sisters Simuolts not contoiititli \ tlio
ni rnngiMKCiitt at tlnuoinont , nml lias been In
the hibit of niniiing nwnv c\or \ $ tlino ho
cox.ldosc-nno To picvoiit his porioillial ilo-
iinrtures the pooil sistc'rs lm\eulrossocl him
in Bills' clothes , thiiUliiKthat tlio hilouul
be usliiuiii'il to iioraintiul.Uo in feminine cub.
In this they ncro mistakc-n , bo\\e\oi , for
jcstcielaj llio boy i in ava ) in his rottuinoof
shiitiiunlapion Ho fouml Ills \v.ij to the
Wobbler sticct depot , \ \ hcio lie vis taKoii
iiitocustcHlv li ) the depot policeman mid
sent to tliepollie station
The uov ls > n rujruej , ruilely ehilJ nml is
nbout as giaccful in girls' clotlios as n Tevus
stuirwould belli a IOK ! cart It was \crv
caste ilctoit tlio fact tint ho was not
dieted In UiocustonuirImbillaincnts of nls
loxiind ho felt vcn much clm iliccihon
pccusud nlinnsijuciailiiig In glrls's clotlies
UO\MIS ii'turnut to the convent in ,11 mnltent
Hate of iiilud.
Bo Witt's T.lltlo r/irlj Uism : oest llttlo
pills for d ) i > epjia , sour stomach , bad breath.
lion't ' I'liul
Is'otNvlthsttitiiliii' , ' all riiniorj to the
c-ontrar.v , the ChicM o , Milw.iviKno A. St ,
Paul I's ( ' no\v stoain lio.ited palne-o
fleoping cars , \\ith "olcctrlo lighU in
every hoi th , " btill loa\os \ the Union depot -
pot , Onmha nt 0:10 : p. in. dallv , uirlv-
iiiRiit Clilcago nt O : > iO a. m. , In ample
tiinu to inako all ousteirn coiincotlons.
TicKet ollico , 1501 Kuinain su
J , R I'UKSTDN , i1 , A. NASH ,
C. 1'ubs. Agt. Con. AjrU
Till ? \PC1C1MVTC \ \ 1)1VP1)VT ) ? \ )
lllh AwIMAMb Alih AMilli.
War In the Tcachcn' ' Onmp Orcr the Sujwr-
mtcniloiit's ' llcccnt Order ,
I'loiiiolliHis nml I'liiiNliiiiciHs Inli'r-
( M ( IIIK A i ill ) ( Itci'H : ii 1'i-csiMit-
'Ill' llhoiilt Tumt
I'p ( Jiiililin Dill.
.Aftor tlio close of thopioscnt term of the
public * sihools , Superintendent James pro
poses lo know itioio about tboassistmt tciub-
ors than over bofoio
'lo carry out this outort ho Ins Iml Diluted
ft list of ipiostlotm , which liuvo boon soul to
tbo principals , that the\ may ropoil upon the
teachers who \\orkliicuiidci1 them. Tlio
name of the tencher , tlio ( U'ulo she teaclien ,
her natlM'st.itehit cducntloii she hiis ro-
cciMMl , wiiei-oancl ho\v lonp she Ins taught
\villbo tbo bids of the icpoit
llnlitps thin thepriiiclpils will icport upon
the tcaelici-B and their nblllt ) hi tlio follou--
int ;
Disclpline-Abllltv to inalntiiln unlet in
school , .ililliu to iniko pupils sit nnd stuitl
piopi'rh poiur tooMiimuul nncl bold ntte'ii-
tion , aiiillU touudrrstnncl clilldroM'sdiipoiU
lions. tut iciouiiosi for ineotinp dinii'til-
tics , tcndeiu\ do overthliiith ) sstuin
and In older , aluliU to socino neatness of
pupils nml pieiiilses , abllitv to in no u llui'
lilipo.iiin st.liiiol ; Hot in chcclciiiK Inciplont
disoider , llrinnoss strength ol \\lll ; v itch-
fMlnossof i.on rodtintr pupils , \\atchfnltiess
of pupils outsidii tbo school loom , abllitv to
soiuio pioinptaiid rofiulir nttuudmee , abtl-
itto seuiro tbo sinpath\ ) and coopiM ition
ofpiients , tcndeiu ) tuthoroughness in ills
Instiuetloii-Pippiriilion of Icisons hoforo
tcichini'them , directness of jiiosciitatlou of
usulijoit , fliMtuess ( jf tnescntutlon , tlbillt\
to arouse interest in stud ) , iiiKc'iitilt ) in
phimuiiirilosiu'H , ability to Loop lion lecit-
inirpupili busninlitv to u.uh liulh i Inuls
\\llleiiistruitinir Iho eliss , nbilltj lo Inter
est the elms \vlnlo tcichini ; iiulU idiills ,
tcndonn to econoini/o time movement ,
tLiidene ) to U tch tlio pupils ratliei than the
subject toiuli'iic * , to thoioiiHhiiess in laliiKh
stindaid , quilltof bliickbo irdoilt , in
rtsiootto | acqimliitiiicii with methods of in
stiue'tion , stieciss In teiichintr lead-
iiiK , lun uiio and composition , aiilh-
ine ic or nuinbcis , peninansliip , diMnltif * ; ,
suue-'slii teiiliiiipinnsli and otliei studios ,
slides' ) in niiklnt ; intelligent and btioiif , '
bp'u it md temper of the tciclier Ainlibil
itj of dUposition , foadno-s for chi'dion ' and
sjmpatliMtli thoin , hriflittiess ; of man
tici \ 1iclt \ ) , self contiol , pntlcnco , con
sclentlousness , punctuillty todut ) , olToit to
piopaio lessens ; iiinbitlon to excel , success
in ehar.tttei ImiUlinp ; In rcspoct to liiendU
rclilionsvitli nssoi into teachers , in icidl
ness toio opei ite with the puneip il , in ro
sped to piofcssioi il entliuslHin ; in ivspi'cl
Lou'iidinoss to nnpiohen eiitlciscil , us n
i cndcr of education il lltcnituiu , as u UMclui
of pcMici il liter.ituie.
doi el il Impicssion liclliicmcnt of mind
and heirt , pcisninil appeaiMiito ittiiv , etc ,
dienit * , of beirini ! ininueis , quickness ol
appielieusion , entluisiism and limo. In respect
spect tosociil staiuhnt , ' in the ooiiiinunlt. % ,
in iiispett to iifroi. iblcness as a ii > onto bo
nssoci itcdlth , tovlnt m ute is she best
To sn tint a I.URO iiiiinboi of the assistant
to iclioi i nro ills pie ised uitli the now ordoi
\\nildlio pultini ; things In their mildest
foun I liov s.iv th it the "ui ute v. ill \voili
apioat liiirdship upon miuj of tliu teuheis
as itM I allow the pilncii/ib to help their
pet te.uhcrsio keep their pines , uhilo those
vho atonotso fortuiuuo will bo tbesalterors
rito.Monoxs AM ) iiMsimivri. ;
Ami } Ciic-lei Iiilcie ti'd ( ) \er
Ordirs nnd Ili'u-ulai ionn.
The demitincnt , board appointed Is r\-
ammo applicants for promotion , is now In
session at Toil Onialn
Seventeen n phaatb lor promotion ha\o
been notillcd to piesent tlienihchcs for ex
The board consists of the following olllc is
Gciiei \Vheito" , Major liicon , Mujoi Bon
him. Di Ilattsuff , JJr Spencer anil Heeordei
\Variini :
I'tioiocont order issued President Hin-
u on , in compliance \\itli a bill pissed b ) the
list lonm'ess , speclfjIiiLr Iho penaltto bo
applied forePit.iin violitions of uinj lofrnli
tioas , Is bclie\ed to bo n vuj silutai )
measure b ) pioniineat olllciils of lliu
department of the I'litto Me-ieto
foio the dcvreo of punhhincnt fin
inisdoinoiinois not piitiKhnblo \ \ \ \ is
left enttieh to the judgment of tlio coint-
mirtial tnina the case 'llus c.uisul
a vldo.irinnco ot punishment fet
tlio sanio otTuiihc , as all ton its-
murtlil do not look nt matters
tliroiiRh tha same glasses. The icccnt order
is a sou of statutory re ulition , llxlnt ; tlio
punishincnland lea\lne ; tbo nutter ot cM-
donco enl ) to the coint. 'Iho couit-
nurtlil ilcteriiiines , by n earelul
search after the facts , crinio
the mm ins eominitteil and them by turning
to the tecont eider it Is easto iniioiinco the
punishment , foi it is pioscubed for all tiimei
\\liuh.ire piinbhabln b\ death in tinuof
war , but bj something less severe during
tunes of pi iwC.
'J'hi 10 is another chinpo made by the ic-
ectit older which both olllicrs and > -olilicis
lull \\itll inueh sitisfiLlion J'oiuml )
wheni soldier lonnnitted mi ) offtnso , no
matter limv sliirht , bo \ \ n iiniiic-
dlixtLH thrust into the Kiiud house
to av , ut timl It ftcquenlU lnppened thit
hiKlih lospee-tablo anilery i loinpliiy sol
diers \\eiedlsiirici'd by be'lncarieste'd for
somo'.MM'j tuvhl ottenbo and tlutist into n
Under tlio new lORiilation soldiers w .11 not
be placed In tboguunl house until theh.uo
boon iieforo the couit inailiil
mil fouiuliruim of the diaii.'os nitfeueil.
'ilio ) will lie. auestoilatid kept In theit qtiit-
tors until tin1 court martiil his html the
iharges prod lied a'd his decided
tlio matter At piesent a iiimv
\orj esempl.ny suielieis aio aitesteil.
thrown in the pi ird house by seine petnltnt
supeiior , ind vJiin tbo court-mirtiii bcu- .
the ihii'Kes the ) arodisnilssoil Ituttho men
Imvobceniompelledtn enter t ho truard house
and assoeiite for ,1 tune with the tas.'tiir
and bum c'cmeui ' of the \\holo girrtson Ono
of tlio oDH-c-rs said to a icpuitei" for
Tin Hi i'Tint is in excellent orcki anil it
will en. ito satKf.u tlon u lining
the ranks of the piiuitos Our
roKulitions haMi been shaniofulU liokint. ' In
\ \ tint jou miKlit eull stiuutorv sp rlllc.itioi s ,
and tlio lucent ouloi from tlio proslilont is
soineihing that \\o ln\o been bopini ; foi In
the at in j for n lon time
liL'YlMJ 111 1C Kim T\ .
Tlic lliNUiiit Trust M.I I. es Ad illtlons to
The American biscuit and
coinpiny of ChlcaijojPstciiUij tiled foi leioul
la this county
estate toseeniiobonds amounting to $ " > 45000 ,
\\hlchrunfort\vent \ ) yeai-s fioin August 1 ,
IsOO , at tl per cent interest
The Jennings trust coinpinn of Chicago is
nained nstinsteo foi thoboiulliulders
Iho deed is for the pmpose of piinc for
the loal estate , " explained one of Iho stoik-
holdeis , "t\liicli ttio eompiiiv bus purchased
m Omahi St. Louis , Vlchiti , fc > t .losenli ,
Ivansis L'itA , Uiuoln , Cedar Ivaplds.
IJubiKiuo mil Ton du Lai When the loin-
paii ) bought the various fiutoiles which it
nooi > trates In these iltios it had the
onllm of either le.i-iin the real o.t'ito upon
. Jonilipifion Aid } DIJ
Correcfs Acidify Nafurcj
OMAHA tall in
w Inch tlie pi iintvenj
tlio : uiu'0iiti-lk'lit. put , incut for suili
tu'iMo luMiiHeli'tii ' il | Mr font tx.cntliar
boiuh of Iho com punt Iho iluitl of tru .t tit
( Hit'Uloti covers oiilv the r aliHt.iilc < so t > tir-
c'trKul It loi'i noli over the ? mom , uinruln-
eri 01 jM'rsoiial property
I\ervtl \ < Mieof tlirlioth ovn\ tonne mixi'lo
niiilnrfjiin , Is mil IcMtronpr uml mntihoiilth
fl.lbV tliCllsonf line I'M S ir-t ipirilll
UMIIIIISC : tr ( ? HlljiV1T. | .
Tlic l'leliU' < > Mnmli M''i CUMI'
-fiiillt Ante's ,
'I ho trial \VarliIiiRloM , the funnl'ml
younjf ftllovv ttlin ilmi ij ( l tint J'soiioll
1'UiiitliiK , was cloiltetoil fenji'stoiihi } , luit
County ' ' Iho
Utoi'imy Milionej p'spliltioil to
cowl th it Piwiilont Pntrlek ot the art \mr \ > -
elnllon , mid other \iltno Miero sick ninl
nslicil tint the ti-iiil bn p 'pmnl for 0110
\vcilt 'I IIP iwstpoiimicnt , ( rrnntoil
'Ilio Jur.v in the owe of.Mltii.lo tiiion. tiUvl
foi grand liii'icm liiMonlliiK uiliniiumcl voitli
SI A' ' . ' otiniH'ilavoulle t ufi'tnm 'llmvom.ui
Is iilil to luiM ) niiiiu wciltlu loliilKps , who
will ilotriy the ovpcMibO of lning the uiso
t liu-lci OollitlO | ; < \ ftnwoil wlthii'cictlntr
thoiliiummel stolen hy Minnie Cileen , uas
pvit on trill lufom Judge I'liukson
Ho win cmijrhtllh Iho iMnmniul
In his iiiuutli 11 shoitvlillo utter .Mlimioliiul
nippeil It
Id1. lliiiH'j cume.ilai'Hi , IltH ) bid's.
SI ATI ! VI , I l < ; III N. \
A lliiHlni'ss Merlin t ; nl't lie A4iiii > inil ( > ii
flio rs'ibraski Viturimiy Mcilionl aswla-
tinn met jcMcrcln nflirnmm at the Mor-
chnnts hotel The pent'cmi'ii present \\oio \
) Nolilo of Illair proslilcntof the assoe-iii-
tion , Pi Rannc'cMolll nfOniilinlco piesl-
ill nt li Casfordof Uncolii , sociclm1 * . Dr
Vouinr of Oiiinh i triisnnr , Di Kolimd
Uoill of l.liuolii. III. Ubbott , Dr. Illa.'lmoll
of Onialn , Ur Steward of Cimiiril lllnlls
Di Uoicl iiesenteil a papet on antiseptic
sniger. %
Di Stewaul diHiissoil the mo liml ipinli-
tici and useiot minibus Indlcusor Indliin
Dillsonof Ilnrolnv.w ndinlttod as n
mimbei of tlionssoilution
'Iho nisoei.illonlll \ \ niiet next ttmo at Lin-
poll tunl the session will pi obiblj bonlloil
in September
Ag.itohoming si ilc-s , cotToomills vitli foot
poiM'r , pte'ocis rpfiljjiMntors , but toi ( onlers ,
Catalogue ol HerOin A : Sdloilt Co , t'hii itjo
'Iho A11 ( MI il in \ Si nil I. ofthoie-il cstito o\.i 1nu rn
\\fie pusuiitit tboiegulii1 incotiiigjosteida
A special mooting \vnshelil this iftcrnoon
todevisou-a\s iindino.ins to Inoiiiso the at
toniliuuo ut tliu uiietings anil also to tuko
action im inattois of ieucnil Inteiest to tlio
Iho follcmlnp listltii s\\oroioportoii \
. ' block ( l , Ouli.ud Hill , lOO *
1 W | 1 9Cl" '
I'irtof lot' , block ' .i , Capittl aeldltlon , M1\
1.1. ' , thicestort bile-k uinlcHnir. stores nml
Hats , nuts , $1 too per joir , ,000
Siles\\eroiopoitcd .is follows :
hot II , bloik l , Pottu Cobb'-sailditlon to
South Oman i
Aero proudly In i'uvnco oouiitv , : $ JO
lies. * r'lH , )
'Iho tnenilicis of the ipal ostntonxtliititrc
\\lio 1ml tlno to lna\otheli plans c > f bus
nns jcstordu nip | ut ilio cMliaiun rooms . , t
1 ocloelfaiiil discussed the sitiin
ilio books of tlicecliinposliothatthoio \
me iiiininembeis x.Mmuuo frnni5sto . ' )
onili Althnuili scciotuy Uilsoi has in.ido
ieH | > .itcil ollnrts , ho his bom iniihlo to col
lut tlicso amounts Jhu o\ihaiionon | pio-
poses to call In tlio peni' puUie and has
aiinoumed .iina-ime < > tliiKt for Saturd.n
'I lie [ rnicipil object ol this meeting \ \ ill
no to i uiso n f uiul for tliu puiDOii ) ofadvur-
tislUK1 Ollllllll
jvonoiio\\lio ; Ins oneo used Dr. Hull's '
Coughs } rim Inviiiablj resoils to it iR.iin
" \Vhon\icepto\nili \ anil impious men bear
sn.iy , "
When cuts , spiilnslirnibcs torment-all tlio
ihj ;
'llica eiso fioin jnln fionnaro anil liuit aio
Hy great bdvatlon Oil , the staniluul linl
i.ioi'nsi ; i
Tlie folloiUni ? m irrn'o n 11 :
sued je'steidiv :
Nuinoana a hires *
t Uasiniis .linsoii Oin in i 10
I \iuili Nelson , ( Iniuiit |
III.iml' . l.irson Dm ill i i. !
l Mil n I'fti ion i DIM.ill i . . . . jj
Jt i l ( , Itiimii.Onifiln . . . >
( Aimlli t- \i Ism Oi ih i ; |
l jlviiinsl \\nliott Oniilu . a
iMidleA. l > lili > nmiM > . Oiniilii . . . U
Tbosoftglowof tlic tea ioso is . . . . . .
b\ ladies \\ho vi-el'oAOiii'sL'oniilo.xion I
dor. lij it
A t I n'imi / ollluv ,
At the postollko a fo\v cliaiifjcs took plaio
\catonliy. John \V Hoej , ' .vlio his been
employed in ttioollieofor a long time1 , Ins
bei'ii ptoniolod to thoi illMmill sruico
Thomas IJaiiittab promoted fiom
stiuii | r 'omiiilinc i-lulf
Cbarlos U'lll < M\n pioniotcil fioin
A ila/on 01 nioio til tlio ctnploves in the
ofllco no sulTr > iinn' liom tlic
Mrs \ \Viiflov\ SiolUiniSlup is the lust
of all i enio lies tot chllilr Mtuotbiiijj. 'ifunis '
u bottle.
hi Mrinnit i r | | IKIIII Clm ksm- .
A spec-ill Uclil at Jrinltv
rithcilitil Mstenliy , n trilmto tothoinoinoiy
. .miliiik \ uf thcUtu IIKhoUi.iikson |
Honirc-sv oroiondii toO bv 3hion ! | U'oilli-
lii 'toii , assisted by ( , u clmr .mil Canon
\Vhitniai-5li \
'J'hoBr.HOof tinhto bUliophnhis just
south ol the cUlicdiil , \ \ icox \\itli
lloutis lloviti ; , ' h.inUb at the close of tbo
u oinotijl l
Dr , Biiitoy nii-ostinaii-n I3uo bldij.
Mrs ( manaiicu ol t I\IKO | a sistei of
Mr 1 A Dillon , is xUitini ; in tlio cilj
taea la Wiltons ct Homes
10 Kara the Standard
intolKl Hl nd
llr'fliml unlOnljKi iiiilnr ,
" ' m'l ' aVlY / ll'l '
if fj K\m"j'll In lli'rt ( . M
) u. il l itihllua in n lnl.o >
lloolllfrffuMj J'rou NtitKM.
Itati auHmttall Hi A lirutrn ! or fn4 lo.
i IIKRIII lur cwllft , in Ii tin iilblt till
ItrltiriW liai. "i , ( m i , > nluri
Mult IH.IIIIII | r > l nol nil \ * , r
I .HT * Qliolcill 1 u luai.ou * iU r < ' ,
uggliu 1 lilludn , ru *
i > nl > irillif ) llku" Jir , IMeru H Mi nills l.Unllo
' 1 run. ' Ith.isrurfilllniuxiiiiitH ! II MIIu.intllni
III i | lilrt
Co. , bun I ruuilicu , taJL
English Remedy
In tmnj'lnwn1ttr \ I1 U \ \ i K rinl nu li nu h \ < ? lieon tntrolnceil and pivcn V/
nfui trill , ill is iholi In d t'u ' tiiinl > ni li me di , t. iiul lii'ii liinulsuttiiiitit ( ]
line-nun tenths < f tinir Uiiuy i mplnit- . i u uli it t i lniniinit.iml \\liiiiilK
cisicfinonlli. . .ml > ir .ni-tUii 11 in \ t < l i i ] ilh.itul m T dt d i ) , it H lit
vniuli rfnl tliitl5iiili.ini- ills sh nl < l in iintim llii ir iiKmmlce1icil ; i pulnily m { > )
Ixilh lunn-j hue > r.j'p [ | > I'OSt iHtl.'i i < " ' 'll ( , .illhoi li tin' J nnciliil i\ J > \
jiri'-sion ill nn tlic v. tn ! il i tli ittln \ in MU'itli i n iimi. a a 1' \ " I r in trullivy
mil I KIN ill ultc.iitUK ! 31 c. tin. nicilib i I M\HH ; nun. tliau 0111 , guinea in elottots'.S
VvA > v
"ARE ( 1
A Wogiderfial ( 1i i
Bilious & lervois Sisoiders
9. I '
_ ( S
Sick ° 4 ( }
ss of Appetit 4
! > rrp.iri--cl onlv tiTllfl ) . IMK'HMI , St.Iclcns ! I Ancisliin I"i.lin | < l It. I.II.1IN ( 0 ,
Silc Aimts i r t'nitcil Si us ih mil it 7 Cm il SI % eiv\otK \ % I ( if ) ur Om M does
n tlvccilliciiiu | ) ill mill lice h n t 1'ills . nrncntof | c. ' . immirc lirst.
I'nrirxiionilentH lull i > lti i > imnlim III ! ( | \ | VIH 1111
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Ne"b.
oxfnti1 * ' ! ! yoirOAi ! crlinjt \ ronil ir t.rn Juali * In nu dit Inc ntdlp > in > MI-O v It < ttill Ire Ul 14 with
IIP ireiteiiit MUitc1 * * * * all \mou < lir ntt a til I't Int I ( > I l o i * V | i nu im t c-iirt * iyirarit \ \ o 1 ft r ( atnrrli
Siernmt irrhmi Ko > t M.inli > ti * ei l rial \ \ ikm s Ntyiit I tm i-t 1 ui | itonn * \ | M I * trlitiiio , itn 1 till IH-
Nin-4 nflho III o 1 Siln mil \ ilniiry Orj. inN II 1 ruir intu * HMf r < * art i o I uti lurttku an I f ill I >
cir < < nnsiilttiUoiifrte lIuukiMUrlos < I hi ft j-onl 1 OJ U lie tu-ur.i J u in ted p m tuml.iy 1U
u in to U in
Bee-Buildine : .
- S lo 10:30 : a , in.
Jinnci ) . 12 to 2 p. m ,
Siippfi - . C to .S p. in.
Best Table a" flo/c.
\ L iv GUI to at all
Uooni fur Jwinlie-i uloiu1 , 01 \ \ ithl'ontlo-
II. Ml slVi : . I'roinletor.
* * IC J/llll > Ntfu < ! . lltll IIIHl
Infill' tliuvt Miff it n 1 1 + 1111/11 rtnlit I'lli
t/titi'l llttliitliift III Oiimlm. > > 'iiiv < /
In-ill it 'n / < / . / ( < n fi'N ciiiiijnJKIIII /
Immnn'iit ttiitfol , I II tli i n-llliit/Niniil
ttunr * H \ > il uitJ , iHlii'HimIn' iinittj
Ifiiliiinml lit'It iminfiilhli tit Inii'ji
ijiild ; . I ii-t'iKi'tiiii'H nml / / < til < n HI v
tlninti/liaitt tin' linilil/ii'j. / * tt'iuii Iniit ,
ml folil iiuti'i' mill Nffiis/j/iii in
I'uiint , ttilili' iiiininiHiMitil unit *
Com r HUi mel Cipito' ' Aviiiu
Just coniiilstoJ , has 1OO room. , tliro i
ht.ilr\v.ijs , ironi tlio top lo tin bottom , h.ei
Unto . % ator ml iliutiiii , ! r < u n H-\ i , ts
Un | .i eel thtoUtjUoii * , tint * bnlu 1 rou n m l
tin Iinest tollut noun 111 tin city Jir ; )
Snmplu rooim Suitas with li it i V Cn
14th nnilC.uiUol AMJ. btrwttc rrviio ( tu
alleliro lions Rales Iroin si. & J tu i' , iU ,
" > , tiio
lUiinU ) . ls lil Miiha
\ \ illlfiidiiiiniiti-o
I , nn ull 'ir\ < ii D , * .
IUM ( puili nn.ak \
IVu r' lit a dai li i > ,
\S ul fuliiiu IxjttM in
ti.ti d N * r\uunit.Mt Ijis
Mtuili n'l ilrnlii niKl
1 ii-hif IHHIT < l llio
1 liotoprapli , It Ot tirratlM DI-KCCP , In
i Ittir M x laiiftil tiy
ovfroxerllm , j nthfiil lnil < cn tli iw or Ilu i \fin\c |
iimiif ti liiecii. ipliui irMiinnliiii whlili ul"mli ! ly
li ! Ute luDnnll ) I itj > iini | > tliii nncl Ii.Miuli ) lut up
In cum ul nt I nu tomrrv in tl un PUM t. 1'rli
tl n | u kne , orctnr 13 V > ilh i\ir > US < rl * MPIT C
n iultl < 'ii iru innitii'to i ur < 'in nfuinl tii < t
niiiii ( * > fri ut h > mail I , , ui ) uililrceu Circular tree
MADRJDCHEfc'ICALCOu ' Iirinrlinmrpfor U.S. A.
Ill linrli irn sirnt I1IIC U.'i III.
, . , IDH SUi : IS OMMIA. M.ll , lir
Ktiln ,1 ID , I ir IM1 > il DoiiihH * * \
J llnllr.VI C.irlltliVI ) iikhsbt )
A H 1 oi-iir .11 , , i uiiiil Illul'11
DR , BALEY | ,
Duitifet ,
\ I nil > > < t r lulli , n
lluiii r f r 1 l\i \ Ii. i
I MIS \ t III i u irnni * I 1 nil ) Mm. t il
U 111 1)1)1 ) | II Illlul nl \ % Itli. lit iiiuii ll it IIH
I.f II III I - I II till I k < nl I i s-l nn - Ililili. , nut
linn V ik l < nil itli ul | lul * > All \ > ik
\ % jiniiiil , I
I'lli iluatur Hill | tuning
. K
1 orllio SVlii i
' fit itiorin ) , . . < U ) i , ilmnilM ] pxci'n
HIT | irrnlin | , UK ! ) iniiiil , \ion.
ut At ) unfAllmj ; leitioil for nil
till nlTfitiiiiiM ntitl atiirr | ri tiMlt
II ) of Ull tut til * of bkllllllbl ailrt
ror.Sulolj Drufi-ialior ecct l > y mill , lilco Urt'nti
' i'll It loin Klldw lJ3ain llintj < nii ,
Ii'l ( > ' ' | ' ; > rn
U 111 l > II IIIISIII'
* , , , , , „ „ u > ! ! , , . , „ ail , ; n littlp , KI nni lihlt i ,111.M
( iurl I i 10 1,1 ll > oil f i , el .11 itr 1)1lie ,
J011.N 11. HOOIlll L'K V. Ilurnnloloi.- ) . !
1 J 'XV , lUUbt. . > c v li
Toclnyvo plnco on sflo in our Men's Clothing - /
ing Depurtmcnl ou i1 advance ussortmcnl ol
Spring Suits. Wo are gralifiocl n t bciny able to
announce that this stock is on tiraly new. 11 is
not carried ovci1 IVom last year , as when wo
placed CLIP Fall stockonstilc in eighteen ninety ,
all the Spring suits \vo liud toft you could have
put in a wheelbarrow and still had room lov
passengers. Out' buyer has had a picnic buy
ing this stock. Nothing to worry him , no ic-
m em be ring \vhut we had packed up from last
ye or , nil plain sail ing , sim ply go ahead and buy
an entire no\v stock , and this Ino hns clone to
the "Queen's taste. " We neve r have shown so
many handsome styles in suits since vvo began
business asvo are sliOAvi ng to-day. Wehavc
them in every material. A'Vc ' have thorn , in
every sliapc and cut. We have them in the
handsomest assortment of shades and colors
thtit could be selected from the markets oT the
country. You'll not be confined to buying
goods made by any one concern , as our buyer
has selected the cream of dozens ol' lines oi
Suits , made by tlic very best manufacturers ,
We are going to make prices on suits this sea
son which even WE have never before mude.
Going to outdo ourselves , as it v/cre. From , the
workmgman's suit to the iinest imported Wor
sted , we will save you from. t\vo to ten full
grown dollars. We cordially invite you to call
and see the handsomest assortment of Spring
Suits you ever sa w in Omaha.
( Our Spring Catalogue Is ready Jor mailing. Write for i/ . .
tour Foni'tcciilli ' mid Douglas Slrccls.
Open till S P. M. Saturdays 1O O'
last wiliter's
siege , lie-
call how try
ing lo health
were the frcqucnl changes of the weather.Yhat \vas it that helped you win
the fight with disease , warded off pneumonia and possibly consumption ? Did
yoi/give clue credit to SCjDTrS _ MlJL8JCN of pure Norwegian Cod
Liver Oil and liypophosphites of Lime and Soda ? Did you proclaim the
victory ? Have you recommended this wonderful ally of health to your
friends ? And what will you do this winter ? Use Scott's Kmulsion.
as a preventive this time. Itvill fortify the system against Coughs , Colds ,
Cons'nuijliony Scrofula , Ge7wal Debility , and all Aiiowiic and IVast'mg
Diseases ( specialty in Children ) . Palatable as Milk.
SPFCIAI. Scntt'sl'niiilsionis non secret , iml 5 > irribcil tivllio Medical C M'TinVScott's .
< pre -Scott's rmuUnn Is put up In Mlmon colored \\rarppr 3.
ical Pmfi-sMoii . all < i\er . . the u orlil bn HIM UsiiiKrulii ills .in vi icntilinlly HeMiru .ind [ et the : ( , 'ciiuinc ] > i only liy Seull & liowne ,
cunibincci in t.uii ! a. m.iiinir as ( u gn.itlj miriusc thtir remedial \jlin. . Matiufacturniij Chcmisti , New YoiU. All Drn.i'iEti : (
Specific Directions ,
lij a imsiil il < iiu In , in- null It , or
.iiporUi' II < > \iru lam imiitl liilmlo
lllO f Illllfl flirilll ll lilt ) llltM.
II' 11OltSI" , K'T . .ollli Point' *
Ivlrncl Miml llincH dull ) .
IK mi , 'iiiiEovr is sour.
: uul M.C'K SIII'I' , rill ) tin link
Ihoroimlilltli I'nuipM Iviriut ,
uiul , on u tiring , u ra | > ( lu < HIM Ic
111 II \ \ OIlllMI iKIIIllll O Maillllilllll
Mill ) I'oiuI'N II Mi n ft , ami jiro-
liclcil l > > un iiitlor u riiiilni | | ; .
ii' nn : ii\s \ui : som : ,
IllllUll t IlKIKIIIII t III < > T 1'olUl'll I'T-
Irarl lour or lit o ( liiii'n ilull ) .
IK I'lII ! I.IUIts l < Hi : mul urn
MHO , riili limit tl iMiuixl )
I'llllll'K 1 Vll-Jlll.
1'ouil'n 1xl rill I u ml l > uiiiliiji
ilolli MIn ix- ;
tlixl ,
BUT n l put iliiiMi-
i n ml i-xii | i ( | | lit dele
xl rm I vlll. I lo mru } oia
liuxi artlili ) , lliulo
ECTED li ) I'uiiil'ii ' riilruil Co , , .N e\v Auric
mill l.oiulon ,
* > .