Tltl'U HPIltniM1MI1 * l\PVtt Tl' llll'A ' HhDOCLDlllE PhMLu LuuiWnieii Oliango tbo Oost of Violating TLelr Ohlof Tratlo RuguUtion , DISCUSSING A DEALERS , A il ( of tlioDoli'KKtci lit Atu OolM't | /.I'l-'H I'lllM ' Illl l > l'llll < | IICIHS-\Vlllli. Ill' QTho Xcliranlm tjtunbor Donlor1 motlu animal session at the Hoard of trade rooms voiinrday afternoon. I 'resident Ijornn Clark of Albion occupied the chair and \V. C. Sundcrl'ind of Omnlu presided at the secretary's desk. Secretary Urown ofOmnha waaropiirlod side. Tlio following members wore pivnent ; ' II , N. .lewett , Ilowell lumber company. Oinahii , Neb.V. ; \ . II , Ilurrlsou , S. It. Howell t Co. , t'lilciiKO , III. ; O. t ) . Carnahan , North I'lnttii lumber timiinny. ( Iruud Island , Neb. : D. ( I. Siuindors , 1-1. P. I'uxvin lunibur eoin- pauy , KtiiHiis City , Mo , ; J.M. lleruardlii , Moore Aclluch.inan , ICainJS t'ity , Mo. ; M. 1j. Tresler , Lincoln , Neb. ; K. H. I.antur , Olalho. Kim. ; Oeorgo K.I'oi-d , C. It. l-'oid Ac Bon , ICe.irnoy , Neb , ; OswoUl Oliver , llast- inps. . Neb. ; John \V. i lorry , Kwlwer t Herrv , l''alrbury , N'oh.j P. U. 1'helps , AVahoo , Neb ; A , Powell , A. Powell t Co. , St. Hdivardi , 3 Neb. ; 'P. M. Brown , Orocloy Center , Nub. ; II. V. Cady , C.idy .t ( iray , Omaha , Neb. : L V. 1 . McCormU-U , Hortrand , Neb , ; 11.11. Sniltb , I. Smith vt Hon , OurtK Neb. ; ,1 , O. Brewer , Albion , Neh. ; J. IV Smith , Fuller. Kniltb A Puller , Scrltmer , Xob , ; J. Ii. Uakur , ttneoa AMolehorVest \ I'oint , Nnb. ; AV. ( - . Billiard , \V. ( . ' . Hulliird&o.McCoolc. ( Keb. ; AV. H. 1' . Seliostnlt , 1'apllllon , Neb , ; A. . Barnett , A. Ilariiott& IVeos , O'Neill , Neb. : Frank M. Osterhout , Ostorhout Ii Oeelfr , r avld City , Neb. ; 11. P. Knnpp. Ithaca , Nek ; Hi' , llradford , Nexvi-oin lunibcr com pany , Oninhn , Neb. ; Vt. .A , Wells , IiUl ) , City , Neo. ; J. 0. IIcilio. 1'reos.V Iledijc , Falrlii'ld , Noli. ; f 5.1' . KliiKsley , Noma , Neb. ; \V. II. ilussett , Teeumsi'h , Nib. ; .I.S. Wiito , CaJv ' t i iray , Omaha , Nob. : T. It.Yhit - take'r. Delta , N'ob. ; Hans Dlurks , merits JJrothors llroken liow. Nub. ; Ilenrv Hunker Ai PointNeb. : A. A. I' ' ere , II. C. Akeli'V lumber company , Jvlluneapolis , Minn. ; 13. 11. 1'ollock ' , Cliip | > c- wa Ininhor nml boom company , Cbipi ! > e\va KallKVls - . ; A. J. I'etlmud , Doatrico. Net ) . ; ' C. N. niels ! , Omaha , Neb. : A. I , . Clrich , ItU'o ijiiko lumber company , lllco l.nUo , WIs. : Victor White , ( J. N. DietA : Co. , Oiimlm. Keb. ; ( ii'orjjo Millard , HUM Uiiku lumber company , lilew L.alaVis. . ; ( . : . \V. While , N. T. ( Jhirk.t Co. , Mintioiiiilis | , Minn. ; ll.l'lav Cndy , U'aki'lleld lumber company , Omaliii , Nob. ; It , Soiiimnrlmlder , Stulmiuor , Nob. ; .1. II. Thompson , CliluuKn lumber cotiiiiti.v | , Omaha , Neb. ; B. 11. Ilailey , Broek lumber company , Broelc , Nob. : L1. It. Huston , CooK lumber company , Cuolc , Nob. ; II. [ ' * . llendeison. Osccola , Noli. ; Willitnn Fried , Is'yo & Snydcr Co. , Kromont , Neb. ; ] Louls llriul I'o'rd , Oinaba , Xeb , ; .1. II. Ilumu , .r. II. Tluino , Madison , Neb. ; T. K. Kullom , Fulloin i > c Son , Illuo Siu'inus , Kb. ; L1' . Colnet/ei1,1'lnrriKOlumb'M1 ' coinpanv , Oniidin. 2 ol > . ; Uonis Millohtodt , Norfnlic , Nol ) . ; II. T. I > cler , nureliestcr , Neb. ; ,1. , ) . Holland , 1'rluml. Nob. ; .1. KtiKcllmuM , Mllford , Nob. ; \V. ll. ( Iroonslit , Surprlso , Neb , ; A. Klotehor. IQzcolsloi' , Is'eli. ; J. 15.daun \ , Crowcll liiui- ber and jjralii company , Bluir , Is'ob. ; Coroll Uros. , 1'laliivlow , Nob. ; J. F. Kuppy , Curtis OJros. A Co. , Cllnlon , Neb. Tlio various tnido Jourmh wcro repro- sonlcil by tlio lollowinc ni'iitlonien : II. A. .lotiiiRon of thu I itmborTrade .lotirnal , C'hi- CiiRo ; I' , C. C'lmndlcr ' , Korthwostorn Uiiinber- 111:111 : , Clilciiiio ; .T. N. Nlnd , Mlsii.sslppl Vidloy Lumberman , Minneapolis ; W. 11. Met'liii- toclc , I.uniberniiiu , Cbicii oV. ; \ . 10 Uurn St. JLouis I.uinuenniui. So < : ntor.v Sundcrland presented n report slunvii'i ' ; thnt tlio association hnda nionil > ( . * r- sldp it'invscntliiK ! ! 00 yards in various parts of the stato. Tbo secretary ruportod non- ( end condition of prosperity In tliontTalrs of tlio association , lint iwoiiimondeil thnt the Vennlty for vlnlatlon of the rules of the asso ciation lOfrardliiKtho shinirfui ; of luniljer by \\linlositlprs Into the territory of nny ruluilor vho is : i member of thu nssocintlnti bo ru- ducud from iV ) toll ) per cunt of the invoice of thulnnibei'so shipped. Tlio sei-retary also made several other recommendations of n niiuor nature. The report of the treasurer , F. U' . Drown of Oimlin. showed the receipts to bo ; & : ,7'J'J.5l ) ; oxpcnillturci , $1S3. , ! ) Ill : bahuico on hand , SMI.07. The ehair then appointed the following conimlttoos , after which a recess was talcon for thirtv inlnuiesto give ttieeommlttecstinio to consult. Nominations William 1'ivid , Fremont ; Frank I'olix'tzcr , Omaha ; \ , Fiotclior , Hush- villo. Claims .T , l . Smith , Scrlbnor ; Oswcll OH- Ter lliwtings ; 11 , Dierks , Drolcon How , Resolutions Ij. Bradford , Omaha ; .A , Bur nett , O'Neill ; II. L. Hender > on , 0 < ceola. ICxuminini ; Uoolts of Treasurer and Soora- tary 11. Is'.Io\vett , Omaha ; W. H. Harrison , ( irand Island ; \V. H.'tt , Teenmseli. Constitution iiiidB.v-Iaws--Jolin\V. Hurry , Knlrbui'v ; .1 , D. Drowcr , Albion . J. L. Ilake'r , Vest i'oiiit. The coininlttco on nominations recoin- mended thoelection of the following ofllccrs for the onsnln year : I'ro.sident , LorantUurk of Atnion ; vh-onresidont , ( loorco II. Hoa- ; ; land ofOiiulin : dlrootors , Louis llradfont of Onuihii ; M. L. Tresterof Lincoln , and J. V , Smith if Ki'i-ibncr. The reiuiitvasadopted and tbo ( fentlemon named wore declaretl elected. Tlio secretary and treasurer will be elected by the boanl of director * . The committee appointed toexnmino tbo books of the secretary and treasurer reported that the work hud been completed and found correct. The constitution \vaianifindod by adopting the suggestion made by Secretary Sunder- land early In the session. Other amendments of an unimportant nature \\ero adopted. By a vote of the convention , the Nohraslia association decided to consolidate \vitb the United association , which will lold Its con vention In Chicago next May. Frank Colpotzer of Omaha moved tint whenever a wholesale dealer falls to pay his assessment , the secretary shall boycott such wholesaler by sending to each de.ilor of the association a'shect of black paper , with the iiamo of the -uholeaiUor printed iu white thereon. This motion was discussed at sonio length , inaiij'of the members arKiihitf tlint such a notice would conflict with the postal laws of the country. Pending the discussion of the question , tlio convention adjourned until ID o'clock tills morning. No ( ; rlplnR. no nausea , no pain \vhonDj Witt's 1-ittlo Burlr llsL'r { nro taltcti. Sinai pill. Safe ulll. Itcstpill. MAUlv hVUOX MCl VKS , Heath of n AVell KIIIIWII Nolirasliii Man. Mark Byron Is'eovcs , son of Hon. M. .M. Neeves , rOiVlverof the United fltaUis land ofllcoat Sidiioy , Neb. , died at the Clarkson hospital , this city , yesterday inomiiu at 2 o'clock. Mr. Noove.s was entered it tlio hospital to have a tumor removed from near the base of the spine , which operation was performed February 31. On last Friday erysipelas set in in the face , \vorkiug Its way finally down Into tlio tbrnut , causing stiuiiKulation , tils mother and other member * of the family were at oiico telegraphed for. .A lube was inserted la the neck connecting with thu air inssage , and thus w.J life sustained until the arrival of .Mrs. Neoves from the west , an hour before death onsued. Unnblo to speak the young man was , however , conscious tii the last and aole tocoininunicato In writing with his father and motlier and ether monibers of the family Just arrived. Ho know his mother wa coming in on a delayed - layed train. Ho must wait and live to bee and knoxv her for the last tlnio. Arrived at la. in. , the mother saw her son rally ami tlionidiik into death within an hour. The deceased hail every noudcduttcntlonnt X tlio hospital , nnd during the lust week of his Illness bis father was constantly with him. rv In accordance with his request , made before death , bis body was yesterday taken out to ( ioi.fvn , > 'eb , , for burlnl , the former hotr.o of Mr N'nAM' ' faintly Mr N'ecvesvi : luld * twonljT'elftlith > Mr. Hova < ugrn.luiito of the lo\v.i stale mil- vorlty , va * t-ourt reporter to Judge llemor of ttioTenth juillclnlitlHtrict , but wns test Known as a n w p | ier man and a.n ( orinerly publUherof tin' i > Kalnlln ( Neh. > llelleclor. llw \ \ taniiui ol exemplary liabits , his llfo had been lull of bright promise and upon Mm Ids family and frlendi hail counted umcli , IOI.ONMI. tii\itv"s : sr\its. How ( lie N'lnUi llnrie nnd l ( Com- Won tJInry. IUM ivcoinmended Unit Col onel ( ! uy V. Henry bo brevctloU A Koncrnl for g.illant and meiltorlous conduct during tbe nvenlcaiupiit'ii u alnst the Sioux , con sequent upon the outbruiiK at Pine Illdwe. The ltiixirtau | ! pail thiitC'oleni'l llonryand hU bruvocoloreil tronners of the N'lnth cav alry played in brlnitlnp the threatenlnjwar to a speedy close nn < been heralded from sea to sea , and it was the scries of remarlciblo iinddunKcrous nnuui'uvcM exeoutcil by the s.iblo riders during the hvcntv-foiir hours Immediately following tbobatlle of U'otindod Knee that von for their inipetuou3 coni- inander the. coti'teil stars , Colonel Henry battalions lay Idloat J'ino Illdijc for nearly two inonlbs , iiwiillhiK some overt demonstration on the part of the hoitdtsvlio , were hovering so suspiciously about the bad lands. Tnea they were sent to Intercept 1H Foot's ' warriors , -\vlio vere tuptxni'd to bo uiaklniT for Slitin Hutt's ' .stroiifjnold. For nearly a week they scouted along AVhlto rivi'r ' , nut the wily old chief eluded them. and while they wcro scouring the country along the Porcupine , be WIIH engaging Colont'l l-'ursvUio' * command at Wounded KIIOO. ln thcimy after the battle they inailotbolrlast ro.-omrohancclii the Uul lands , and found Shell Hull's camp deserted. 'J'lio ' conmiaud re turned to its olu I'litnii oil the Porciipinp , and the cvenlnir im'ul linil barely boon dls- posi'dofby ' the tired tnrapors when a scout dashed tip to Colonr-l Henry's ' tent with of ficial information of the battle of U'ounuod Knee , of tbo flight nf tlio , " > , ( MXKBiillilas ) from Pine Ridge and of the attack on the atiency. The iiiessenitcr uNo here an order from f tcueral llroolio for'heImmediateretuin ' of thu Ninth to Pine lildjro For tbo second time that day the bugles sounded "hoot * and saddles , " Tents wore struck nml nt to o'clock at nl lit thcconi- iiiuiiil S\M'I | ( out into the Inky darkness In thu face of a biting wind that sifted the newly fallen snow in tbe eyes of oWccrs nnd pri vates alike. Within twenty minutes from thotltnotliu order was ruculvotl the Niutb was marching for I'ino "Uid e , forty-llvo miles away. They reached thensroncy nt daylight and wcro warmly welcomed by tbo crippled Sev enth cavalry and the Second Infnntry from Fort Omaha. ThelrooiK'rs suffered terribly from the resistless pace ot that lurccd ride. Many of thoin wore asleep in their saddles from sheer enhaiiston , and otbon were at taoki'd with nausoii , induced by the jolting they h ml undergo no. There was no time for rest , however , as they liadscarculy alighted from their horses when n courier iillnpcd , into camp to an- IIDUIICO Unit thu Indians had attacked their wugon traliia , which had been imahlo to keep xip with the troopers , desjiito tbo vigorous exertions of thomulo-wliiickcrs. Tboro was an liroslsllble charRC , before which the snMi es Hud poll-inell for shelter. Tlio Imperiled train was rescued , but at ttio cost of ono trooper's lifoatul painful injuries to others. Tlds skirmish inllamcil the Og.illalni . and Hrtilw , and before the troopers could return to camp a column ofsmoko arose In the north , Hie inlisioti was burning , uiul again it was tlio colored troopawhoworo ordered to ttio attack. Human endurance , however , had reached its limit , Tliomoncouliltio lonirersit inthoir saddles , and even tlio horses lay down ns soon as they were tethered. Tlie troopers , who hud bee'n In their saddles for twenty-four hours , stretched themselves upon tlio ground to sleep. Colonel Henry UCKKCI ! for two liours' lost for Ids men. ( loneral llrooln granted it. The scarred bul revenue- fill Seventh hurried lo the north , where tlio Sioux wcro liindlinR llros and \vas soon iiirnin in actio.i. Tlie firing KWW heavier , and tlie bugles again sum moned the slcepin ? troopers. Three niinutiis later the weary ciivnlrincii ) and their Jaded horses were sweeping tip the \vagon trail , over the bridges nmljdovni tbo to mission. I'our miles wore covered when they renctiodn crest overlooking a valley whuro cij'ht companies of the .Seventh were liotly cncnp'dd. Innnotlior half hour ( . 'lister's old regiment wutild liavp buonsluiii to n muii , after which Iho victorious snvapreseould huvo liiidl'ino Rid u in Uf\\ia and dashed oft1 to the hills lilie \\hirl\\lnd. . But the black troop ers dismounted with a jell , and , deploying 'M slnrnmhers , swept the ridges \vitli ou'l > ino and pistol. The Hoventh seized tlio ground tlio Ninth had von for tlietn , and alter twenty minutes of desperate lonj ? riniRO tinlitins ! the savngcs tied through the eiinons to the north. The Seventh had been saved from annihi lation nnd Pine lildgo from destruction. Tbo white troopers realized It , and nflor tin1 bat tle black and white cavalrymen clasped each ether in the field. The Ninth had ridden 10J miles in twenty-four hours , turned defeat into victory and bronsht the war to a dose. It was for this that its colonel is to boa general. IIAIJYhOX AMI MXI-JVI2I1. Itlshop Ncwiiinn 'JL'alks of the Kntnoiis A nclcnt C iili'p ; . Hlshop.r. I1. Xowinan dolivorcd the fourth Iceturoof the course at Trinity Methodist Hinscopa. ! church last evening. His thcmo \vis "A Thousand Miles on Ho'sobacic Up tlioValjpy of the Euphrates. " 'J'he auiliouco \\i\ \ i much larcrer than find attended any of the previous lectures , the spacious edifice bemp nearly filled. The traveler fapolco of the different way sot reaching the Euphrates , and of the luxuriant tropical verdure. For the majoiity oftbo in- hauitants , ho hail apparently little use , but It vas the Turk on whom bo allowed thuhaii of bis keenest displeasure to fall , Said the reverend lecturer : " 1 have only reprobation for the Turk. Surround him with all tlio advantages of tlio Iilghost civilization , anJ he is still a harbnr- ian. Ho is by nature a robber , from the sul tan down to the humblest pasha. Blessed bo the man who delivers the fairest part of Ku- rope and Asia fro'ii ' the dominion uf tlio crm- cent. On thu other hand , I have only words ' of praise for the Saracens , who are'intolll- Kent and progressive. Another class are the Nesioiiaus , the followers of ISesturiusvlio was auathemat.i/ed by the church at IJorne , lieeasoho said tint Mary was not the motber ofCiod. butof thonian , Christ .lesus , They aio thcclenucst and thriftiest of fbo Inhabi tants of that famous valley , showing the cITocts of tbe Christian religion. The two pivotal points of the valley nro Miievah and Babylon. Babylon was n city forty miles in circumference , surrounded by n moat eighty feet \vhlo and equally as deep filled with water from the Tigris nnd Eu phrates. A wall eighty feet thick and l.V ) feet high encompassed the city , with : jo | tow ers for the soldiers. ThU was the work of the urnat rivil engineer , .Vebuehiulno/.ziir , who placed along the walls I JO gatosi of brass , "Tho bridge over tbe ISuphratos was a sus pension structure , 11 fly feet wldo unit , VK ) feet long. In front of it was an artificial mountain feet lucli , Up the sides rmo inarblo stops and at the top was a fountain sending up Its beautiful spray in the morning light. The builder devised a system of nils- iiiI ) water from the river to the top of that mountain nnd distributing It through con duits. All this planning and work was exe cuted by Ni'biu'hadne .ar for his wife. Talk of thoclvilu.i'ion of today ! Where Is the man iiiNcbrasknwhowould build a moun tain oven toplunso such a wife * "There is one thing that has surprised me , and that is the unbelief of Americans I met abroad touching sacred places , They ac knowledged the identity of points of intoroit , In Uome. but questioned the tower of Baud , I suppose it was duo to pride und vanity. Once Iho tower was a perfect square , si.ofxi feet insilzo. It u now a mammoth ruin , iSl feet high. "Tho prophet said 'tbe ' walls of Babylon shall bo utterly broken , ' How literally has thnt proven true. It Is Impossible lo'day to tell where they stood , The walls of Kliioveh , which wereso thick that three chariots could drive nbreast , are also broken , but not utterly , and I rode tulles upon them , Tlio waves have Indeed como upon Ilabvlon , and bent upon the Hearthstones of that once pow erful city. "Another prophecy Is thnt Habylon shall never DO rebuilt , It Is at the lieudwatonof navigation , Is iuavalloy famous for its fer tility and atthoceuterof commerce. Amrri- can ttotrolcuinlotilRht llpht * up the of IMc-n.lho rulus cl Unbylon and Klticvi'li , the loinbi of 1 : n ana EcUlol , and the occnes of Iho nnttvlty and wcoiislon. I low triio that America Is the light of the \vorld1 That nectlou H to to the nwrket of the world , aiidlhotliiiulsiio.irat hand when necessity will cause tb i construction of rail road hues to bring It In closer communica tion with the rlvllbed world ol today. "When once .U Nineveh you forgot the long tedious ride of aw miles up tne valley , It ban obliiugeltvfortvintles In tUe. There are the ruins of tlie pnlico ol S > ntmohorlb , covering i-ight ncrss I suppas ( I mu tcor- recta bltof lihtorv. Thelnstklng of Nineveh \vai not SardanaiMlus. Them never was such a nun iisSard.uiapalus. . Ho was a cre ation of the mind oCritlus. The last , kins of N inuveh was l.uriichus , "Tho time must eoino when lliatvalloy will ho n valley of glory , and from there will come the things to conllrnitlio uld book tbat we have been taught by our mothers to esteem the bible , " AMt'SKJIKXlS. "Miss Manning" with Kftle. Kllsler In the titular role vas given its tlrst presentation tit Omaha'ast ' evenlntr rtt the lloyd. This putative comedy is monumomly dreary , Illlod with long dra n out speeehes and little action. It Is H'ry ' reminiscent of seine of the Je.sts you rend In the newspapers from the alleged profoiilonidly funny men , nnd a din- gram is verv often needed by thu attentive to show what 'the author'.snioanlng Is. 'Ihoroare some bright things In tbo play winch -stand out In strong relief from the background of coinnionplaeo , hut In order to mnke "Miss Miinnlnir" anywnero noarui > to the standard of t la1 other plays in Miss KUs. h-r's repertory , the priming kittle must bo uscil with a will. In Miss Mimuitij ' , . Miss Kllslor has iiotevcn aniijipfiitnnin to show her ability as a com- medlenne , which she Indlcales by repression tli rang bout the three nets. The role roiidres | bo little ability that tbo clever llttlo woiniin iidiU nollilngio her reputation iisonoofour most delightful acttesHcs. Mr. l-'rati U U'eston has a strong character in thu bay fever MitVorcr , Mr. Kneezer , and heplavsit reimirluldy well , so well Indeed that homadutbo genuine hit of the evcnlm ; . Mr .lulin A. Kllsler , as the forgetful uncle , I awronee Mininiiig , was lit his bust and ( javo a pleasing pmtraituro. The rest of the company were ordinary. orKJ'Kltl.l > AM ) XAJIICl ) . iif tlie New Oimxlia Ir-sly Iprinn Si'ininary. The board of diiectorsof the Presbyterian seminary met yesterday afternoon In tlio Klrst Presbyterian church tor the purpose of perfecting Iho oi'irnitUatiou and ? lceting u fac'ilty. There were about twenty of the directuw present , Dr. K. C. Kay of Topeka , Kan. , culled the meeting1 to order anil the Hrst business taken up wis the oiection of two honorary members of the board. The gentlemen elected wcro Hev. \ \ , \V. Ilarsha , U. 1) . , of Tccumsch , and VJcv. Joslah Milligau of Omaha. Dr. Stephen I'helps ' of Council Hl'jll\ liobort iNrcConaiigny of Vork and Uov. ,1. Id. \Vllson of Omaha wore appointed to select names for officers to bo elected. The com mittee repotted the following' , who were elected as officers of tlio boat-it of directors : Dr. Stephen L'heips , prchldent , Uov , W. II. Li. Fife , Fre mont , vice president ; liev. W. K.Henderson , secretary. In the absence of Kev. Henderson , Hov. J.M. Wilson acted. There were three vacancies on the board of forty originally elected at tbo February meeting , and Dr. .1. T. Haird of I'lattsinoutb , Hon. S. P. David- sou of Tecumseh nnd lion. Warren Swltzlcr of Omaha were elected to till the vacancies. The following gentlemen were ap pointed ns a committee to pre pare a constitution and by-luws : Dr , IS. C. Jiay , Topeka ; Or.T. L. Hoxtou. Howard : Dr. John Cordon. Omaha ; \V. F. Milroy , M. JJ. , Oinnha ; , T. H. AVescott , Council llluIts. A motion was passed deciding that a ma jority of the trustees shall tie members of the I'resbytnrlun clinrcli. l ollowuiK aru tlio trustees elected : Col , J.IJ. Kinlny , Itlttimiiig. Pa. ; IJr. C.eorRe I , . Allllor. Oinalm ; Hon.S. 1' . Davidson , Te- cunison ; David Jamison , Omaha : Thomas Oflk-er , Council lllutrs ; J L. Kennedy , Rev , John Cordon , U.I ) , , Hcv. H , M. Ware , Uov. Jobiah Million , Omaha. An execulivo committee was elected , con- slsthiKof Dr. Stephen I'ltelps of Council JllutTs , Kov.V. . J. Ilarslni of Omaha , Itcv. K. H. Curth of f-incoln , Kov. " , . II. ( j , I'ifo of fremont , Jr. ) J. C. Denls.o of Omnhit , Dr. Robert JlcConaiiirliy of Vork , nnd Hon. Warren Swit/.ler of Omnha. The selection of a faculty was then taken up and tbo following professors were elected : Dr.i. . "W Harshu of Tccunisph , pro fessor of didactic and polemic theol ogy : Or. John Gordon , professor of biblical and ecclesiastical history , nnd Dr. Stephen 1helps professor of honilletlcs nml pastoral theology. 'J'ho election of a presi dent was deferred until seine future meeting. It is tbo intention , so far as possible , to have the faculty conduct tbo instruction dur ing tbo first year in connection with its reg ular pastoral work. Kov. K. V. Atklsson , Dr. fieorgo T- . Miller and Her. Joslah Miillgaii were appointed as a finance committee. Active steps will bottilccn toward securing endowment for the seminary , and it istmdcr- ( stood Unit the faculty of McCormick semi- IP narv In C'hlcago will lend valuable assistance in Oils direction , KfTortswill boinado to se cure the nucleus of : i great theological library atoncc. It was decided to name tbo institution "Tho Onmh.i Theological Somiiiry : of the Presbyterian Church. " The school will bo opened in .Ser tomber next. Suitable rooms will bo secured and furnished and the prospects are that ngood sl/.ed ciass will ente rat tueopenmg t'Tin. ' Thoboanlvillmcet again on April lat this same place. Following nro the prominent pastors nnd church workers present at vesviilay'j mii't- in ? ; Uev. Stephen I'helps , UP. , Council lllufft , : Uobert McConnughy , M. D , Vork ; liev. M. H. C ! . Fife , b'remont ; Kev. K. C. Hay. 1)11. , Tepolcn. Kim. : J. II. Uarl- ' ine'r , Ti ) ! ck.ri ; Itev. 1 , . ll Ivcrr , Hellevuo ; ItoV.V. \ . i1. Ulnghmd , 15. P. , Hastings ; .1.11. Westeott , ( Joiined IHufls ; Itov.V. \ . W. Marsha , U.D. , Teciiinseh ; Kev. T. L. Sexton , D.D. , Howard ; Uov. J. M.Vilson , W. P. Mllrov , M , D. ; Kov. Jehu Cordon , D.D. , llev. .losmhMllllgiui , Uov , U. V. .Alldsson , Oiuala. - I'i'oiiii iien i .MrinpliiH lufxvyoi' Shot , MtMl'iit" , Teiin. , March 10. Davidll. 1'os- ton , n prominent lawyer ot this city , vas shot and mortally wounded today by Colonel H. Clay King , also ti member of the Memphis .bar. Tlio tragedy occurred on May street , opposite the court square , nnd occasioned creat excitement oil tlio crowded thorough fare. Tlio causes which led to tlio shooting have Pioir origin in unotrd law suit which has become celebrated in both Tennessee and Arkansas judicial annals and to which II. Clay ICIn and Mrs. ( UdeonJ. 1'illowof ' Fort Pillow faino were the principals. Ueeldod Against Hie Itock Island , IC.\\ ' A'C'rrv. ' . Mo. , March 10-ludo ( ; Cald- woll. In the Ur.ited States circuit court , to day filed n decision In tlo suit begun last Juno by tboltock Island railway company to enjoin the Denver It KioCirando from ex cluding its cara that nro run over tbo Union 1'acille railway from Denver terminals in Denver. .ludgeCaldivoll decides against the Itoclj Island , which will take the cuso to tlio supreme court. _ Tim Tin t-M to Ho liiv N w VOIIK , JIarclilO. Considerable pub licity has been given the statement that a fund of S7.'i,0H ( ) was raised by the police force of this city to oil the wheels of legislation nnd seen re nearly 1,000,000 in additional pay for patrolmen. The board of police commis sioners today ordered the superintendent of police to miijcea rigid examination and that the guilty members ot thnforcobo punished. ( living to Slack Truilo. MorxT C.VIIMI : ! . . 1'a. , Muich 10 , The Mount Cai'tnol ' colliery bin suspended Indefi nitely owing- the depressed condition of the coal trade , Ono thousand hands are thrown out of employment. ITnlcss trade brightens up thousands of other hands will lose work in this valley soon. ( .Jcislur'sAInglo I leadiichoVnfors , Cures all UeudneUes In 20 minute : . . At all THE BIC B11ITBU BLIZ2111D , Oomplcto Elocknda of Traffic on Railways ami Country Roads. A HURRICANE ACCOMPANIES THE STORM , Utility Train * ttnrli'il in Snow Drills and liisMMiri4M | ; HuHot1 TcrriMy 'llu * M'cnilujr Jllltli-r in I l.oxno.v , March 10 Tlie bllimrtlln the smith of UiiRland continues , tliouiili the watlicrlu London is tnildur , The hurricane. \vhioti nt'oonipanled tliu im\v storm piled snow rlflfta on all 'Ides stojipliig nlllriillle. on riulwi ; > s mill upon counliy roads. Two trains full ef ptiMciigeru . | u the midland * \vciuano\vciluplnit night ninl th | ut on- RCH were not rosi-ucil vinlll tlil ? inuriiing , Tliu roscuf < liooiiWH | iltorutltiH-rlbly Iron ) tlio coM tlurluir tlio night. A train on the North ICont rnlHvay liouiul for thii city \Vii \ * snovvcil up last ui lit itnd still vnittiiiiis In tlio nillrojil cut xvbi'ro It \vi\s \ stopuotl l > y tlio dtlft. A niiinbor of on- Klnoi sent to tlio scout ] wuruutinblo to move tin11 rnln. Tlio SlicoritCAs mall Iniiii c.itniot bufouiul. AsL > rai'liliiKiiu't.VSOIlto : nftor tlio mlsMiug mall ciin'iLM'i'oscuoil tlioc'iiiiiii ! > i' of tlio lent engine , who \vixs \ foiitul hint frozen in n ilrlfl. Kcports sliDivcJ thnt tlio Wianl pi'cvuiled from St. CiL'orjro'si'hannol to tlioNorlh ca. One effot-tof tliosovcro stoi'in has lieou tlio slnipugi | < of the SoutliViU'.s Iron worln. \ll ro-iil traltlc Is stopped iiiul tnlus are < lc- layud. lu Somoi'M'tMlili'i1 , Doi-soMiiiv , Itiiinpshlro nml vJloui'ustiu'sliIro llu'ro uro SIIOM' ilrlfls cvory lioro , lauiiy fcoldoop , roiiilorinu lidd A\orlc impossible. In tlu-so cniiutlos the iiinil hcrvluo is i'oiiipleiol ' > Mopicil | ami farmers hUlTorlinuiciiso lo amoii enltlo and slipcn. Anolhcr liistiini'o of abiiow hlockncled tram is upon a tuul fimlllnr , to Americans \vlio cross the oliiiuncllo snu ! from tlio continent. Tlio patbunger train \vhk-h left the Clinrlni ; Cross railroad station at mUni M forFollie- stone mis c'liiiKh' ' " ' alilijh snowiliiftoutslilo J''oll ostono. The tiassongers wcro not rescnuil xintU s This inoriiiiiij. wlicu inniiy of them wcro sonouslj1 ill , holnc neurly fro/en. The passengers hail noitlier Joinl tier Unlit from tlietimo when they wcro imprisoned in thosnow-bouiid t'iiM. On the Uoncloi ] , ( . 'hnlliani& Hover railroad twins were iluln.ved for limirs. Malilstono. Kliuurnoss and SlttUifiUourno \ cut olT J'roin coinuiuiiiealioii with the. surrounding country. hi addition to the ilixiiiapo ilonoby the slormllself Iho 'I'liiiituM i-omiiionced to rise u dangerously rapiihimiim. ' ! * anil alromly immdales the low lylnn ilistticts borderini ; the river from UleUinoiut down. Towns on the cliimnol islands have : iho been cutolTby snow I rot n nil eoiiimunialioti wltli each other. At LydOn small scapoil towi of Kent , vhllo tlie roast guiinl lifeboat was goinnto the rescue of thocrowof 1111 eiulaii oretl ves sel the lifclrout cii | > sl/ed and several ol its oivupaiits were drownou. N'uiirlluhtiiifjs. . Sussex county , llvoflslilni ; smaelHvcro wreekcil anil three tlshornieii ilrowneil , the others barely oscupcd with thuir lives. Atone perl oil of the storm , It xvni snid , n mail boat plying between Dover and Calais anil cu ber way to the hitter port had foun dered. The report turned out to le Incor- leet , the mall boat having reached Oulaislu safety , but lu n terribly luttered condition and after bcinjj eigtiteeu hours uuriftin the channc ! . In adtlltion to tlio liloelcajeil trains already referred to several were snowed up at differ ent places alotifi various roads. In all ca < cs tlio passengers li.ivo . siitroicd severely. SUV- CM ! are reported as tnisslngnndlt is bulioved Inivo found death in snow drifts uhllo on- dcavoriiiK' to reach plates of shelter. Thisnficuioonoiily meagre ) telegrams have boon received from various Darts of Kn land and AVules. Ml lines , according to thoi > o dlsiiatches , are generally blocked. A dispatch from Ilaryvick brings informa tion that the yacht Snnphiie , owned by Maelarr of tilasgo\v , was uriven iishoru tlieru during the galo. Maclarr was washed over board and drowned. Information xvas received fromCadlff this altcrnoon to tlio effect much daniat'o wa . done liv the storm. Added to the list of lives lost Is that of a man found frozen to d"atb hi Surrev. Natlonid Kcdcratioii Convoiillon , DfiiLiv , March 10-Tho national federa tion convention opened in this city today , Justin McCarthy presiding. A letter from Archbishop \VaMi was rend , In which the archbishop said that four-fifths of his con stituencies wore roailv to follow the lead of Kilkunny. I'nrnell's policy involVes the de struction of the work of thu last ten years. I.ottcTh of approval of the course adopted by the McUarlhyites were received from Arcti- hishop Croko mid most of the bishops in Ireland. Sir Thomas Kamonde , secretary of the convention , stated that 115 orRs'ini/.ations had sent delegates. Letters lud tarn received iroin iiinoty others , statui that thcbo organisations would sup port IMeCnrlhy. Tlio latter said the lciiuuliiid , allowed itself to bo captured iu a. recreant way by the "crowbar brigade. " Tlio federation , lie dcrliuvd , was \\cllridof Hie national longuo. Itvas thoutrht by s > onn' persons tint holiulvuitcdtoo ; \ IOIIK for tlio IwiK-iK's to take action , but they had felt bound to hold on in this hope the party would remain united , Thomas Sexton , member of parliament. made n statement to tlio effect that dining the lloiilopio negotiations ropiesoutativcs of the majority of the Irish parlianumtary party olTered to leave tbe cliairiiiiinship of tb'o party OJIPH for a year If i'arnell would retire tomiwrarily from that position. The inro- Ihitions proceeded on thii basis. "I'nr- ' nell's " ho salil "is leadership , , no longer within the range of practical in u Slat n < > r Hiic. . T oxi > o > , March 10 , The besiegers of the house nt Clitheroe , where L' . if. Jackson took his \vlfo nfter liavimrabrluctod her , still roinain at their posts. Jackson maintains his residence In n barrlradcd condition and tlio police remain oil watch to prevent n serums collision. Jackson lias telephoned that Ida vlfo during the day yestt'rday had been obstinate and helpless. Towards even ing she conimencod to talk and there wore signs of a reconciliation between husband nad wife. The police olllcials advise Jai'k- soti to surroiitler to the authorities , the law permitting forcible untr.mco . into his resi dence tomorrow. _ Ireland's I'olnto Crop Failure , Ki HI. IN , March 10. Tlio Iiishlocal govern ment bonrd has issued its rejiort on the fuil- uro of the potato crop. H t > tatos that the districts in wlileli the mseaso appeared com- prisoaboutlinlfof Ireland imtl Hint the disease Is duo to planting old ( . 'liamplon .seed. C'onllnuiug the report says tlio corn crop Is mostly good and 1ho other resources of the far'iiers nro nhout up to the average. Uridlly tlio report goes to shoivJhnt smull farmers are in good circumstances , but confronted \vltliiiscMivityofpcitutoeH which has been unprecedented In thirty years , causing the deepest distress hi the cpifge.sted districts , Orthodoxy , ST , l irKit-iiru ; , March 10. Since the London- Mansion Iloufco mooting , which ex pressed sympathy for the Hebrews and re sulted in MHiulni ; a memorial to the c/.ar. the severity ol the anti-Jowish. | > ciinl laws have redoubled In vlpor. In view of these pcrso- nitioiiH about liKl.OlWof the poorer classc ! , of Jews have embraced the Kusslim orthodoxy. Seven I'etmlo KillotI , Gt tsc.nw , March 10. A condenser used In the manufacture of ammonia at Ouou's iron works in tills city exploded ( today , Tnroo mmiKlod bodies have been recovered from the ruliijanilloiirottioi's , iiuludini ; that of the mnniiser of the works , are still burled In the debris. In t lie Commons. Toxi , > nv , March 10 In the commons today I > r. Fit/.Ke.iald raised the ( mention in regard to the case of Mi's. Ciitlicnrt , a wealthy lady who it h alleged WIIH conllned iiuiii Insiiuo asylum at ttio instignUonuf her hnshand. Mattbuivs , homo sooretary , In replying said nil th li' nlre < i\ilr \ > niNit.s of humpy nets bil been fulfilled , uiidhosmv no nusou lo Inlor- fcro In lUo matUr. A rreol'l lit alnlt\ay. ( ! O KH\AY , Mnrch 10. A free tight took pUeo today nt u mooting In UaUvii ) of the to n voiniiilMloii , Tliu cli.ilrm.iav.u . thrown to ( liolhwr , mid the I'lunolUto * preuMU clo.iroil the hull of llielrnpnoni'iitiiind p.iahedtt luttonto present mi addrojs of roiilMoiivO In I'lxriu'll. ' A K uilnliit | XViirtied. I'.ui'sitM , Miuvh 10. - | olil ! Ciib'-egiam to'l'ni ! UKIduesbdi1 : ) , Iho liinoits : French socialist , vlio hni been In thii il'y for sonic time past nrriinitlni ; plans for Iho Mny dav iTlobi'iilloii , lias boon warned la UMVO llol- glutiiat hlsenrllest ixuslhlo convenlenco. I'liMNed tlio Sunilny KCHI Illll. Hi iu-1'r.jtii , March 10.The clumber of tiujtintis ; has jusHi-il the Sunday rest bill , wliiehdoilne * Hundaj as extending from tlio close of Suliirdm toiiu. in. Monday , Clnlin the lllsliiiis | DriiMN , March 10.The 1 'i-eenuiti's Jour nal toilay Miys ( bat "If a few liishops Mllh- ilru w from tlio | Utictl contest in Ireland the Hold \\unldhe \ \ iitiieted in a wodt. " J'iis.snl llieKiiuiif lluu nllcM Illll , I'AIIH , March lu.The rh umber of depu ties lu ) paised the sugar bounties bill. jint'.i's ttn. A'i'v .1 f Slate < "oii vi'iil ion Noiv In Olhor Iliivkoyo iUallet-4. OI : < M I\K- < , la. , Jlaivli --Special ( Tele gram to Tim HIT. I Tlio State association of county auditors met in this oily todav. AtnosHrsumt of I'olk county is president , \ \ ' . II. .lohnsonof Muscatlno secretary , ind C , U. Winterblcof O'llrien ' county rorrcHiK > ii > liiif ; secretary and treasurer. About forty audi tors nro in attendance. I'crmuiiont ' or anua- tlon was effected today and c-onnniltoos up- piuntcd. The convent ion continues tomorrow. Ques tions pertaining to the busine.ssof the county auditors1 oftlce will lie dUrussod , and an en- ilcavor will bo made to re.ich . a uniform plan of keeping the records of tlio ofllee , to llKliteti Iho burdens of the auditor and increase the sorvli'o to the /V I'lycr CliaiiyeH Iliti : < l < . DrillQIT , la , March 10. ( Spoelal Tele gram to Tin : Uii : . 1 ICenoF , the phenomenal young trotte * , oivncd byl' . Olilugcrof this city , was soUl today to Kverett 1 . Smith of Iloston , Mass. , for i. OOO. I lo was sired by J.lttloMoak , and is MS vim years old. Mr. Ollinper hoiijjht him three yuars atjo of Hnyne.s l arlin of Sininior , la. , fur $ V > ( ) . Ills ivcordof 2:17 : was made List year ill Roches ter , y. V. , and duplicated In CJliluago. TCIII i > era uer 'on vein i on. DB MDIXKS , In. , March 10. ( Special Tele gram to Tin : llii.J : : The state tuinporanco alliance began a two days' ' so.-i.slon inthlsrity this evening- . There Is u largo nltendanco from all over tlio state , which will Illcoly bo InertMsed tonioirow. President , ! . A , Ilurnoy delivered the annual address and committees wcroappointe.l. A Xew Trntt ing CJIrciiil , rinti.ixmoN- . , March H ) . | Spocinl Tele gram to TIIK Uii.I : : The Iowa-Missouri trotting- circuit , pinliracing n number of tlio principal citU's in both states , has beoii formed. The meeting will run through July. Cure for Croup.L'sq Dr. Thomas1 Elec tric Oil according to directions. It is the biibtremedy forali sudden attacks of colds , paltiand Inllainination , and injuries , /I "IH.L FAll.VKE. Collapse ol" thf Second I.iarfj < mst House 111 , \I1K-CI. | | 1 BOSTON , Mass , , March 10. The falluro of Dudley , Hall A Co. was announced today. The firm , which is com nosed of Dudley C. Hall and Dudley Hall , for many years car ried on an ex tunsivc tea importing business and also dealt quite largely In sucar. The endotscincnL of paper by tlie senior member of tlio firm for the accommodation of personal friends proved too much for the firm. The liabilities of the firm itsell are $100,000 , u lurRC partof vulcli Is .scrured by convoy- nncosof real cit.itoand property anddcposits of collateral securities. The linn's assets consist largely of anilities nnd rral estate. Theothcr available .issetsot the linn consist I'hiolly in stock and bills receivable , amount- In in value tofr > titKX ) orfiit ) , ( D. If tlio as signces em secure time to dispose ot the IUTKO interestslu real estate held by tlio linn and the members individually to the beit ad vantauc the creditors , ills thought , willulti mately receive a laiye dividend. The linn is the second largest tea house in the United States , doing a business of over : ? 1,0)0 , < IOO a your. 'Jlio Heath Uoll. VAXC-ouvr.H , Wash. , March II ) . Captain S. 10. Xnson , Troop K , t'outtli cavalry , diedlasl iiiKht of IlriRlit's disease. \VASII i. rro\ , March 10. Secretary lilaino tonight received a cable mossafjo from Tnkio , Japan , nniiouncinKthedeath of United States MinlbtorJohn F. Smith. Oru MIVI , la. . March 10. A caUesram re ceived from United States C'onsul Simons , at Hone IVOIIJT , China , states that Senator 1' . ( i , Uallintrall , president of the coal julaco , died nt sen on March in. and was buried at Hong \\oi\g. \ \ ll.illiiigall is a well Icnown hotel man , Ottumwa is in mourniur. L.OI I.-VII.M * , ICy. . Muivli 10-\VilliamDab- noy Stratlier Tajlor , n ed ciglity-fivo , a lUMihow and the oldest surviving member of Ihe family of I'rohident Kacliary 'J'uylor , hiu died here. I've been a sufferer from rheumatism for years and bavo been unable to obtain any re- lie fat all. Salvation OH cuvemo tntirotelii'f nndI lii-aitiiy recommend it. Henry \Ylnkol , BaUiuiore , Md , SiilTocnted liyCoal Cias. 31nsTo.v , Mass. , Mareli Hi.-Tho family of GeorRe Potter , " consislinK of his % ifo and nvoehildren , weroovercomo by coal uas last nlHut. One .son. a od twenty , is dead , but thoothcrs are expected to recover. Each Season Has Its own peculiar malaily ; but with tlies Mood iiuiini.-uiiciliii astute uf uniform \igor nnd imrlty.hy tlicnst'of Aycr'a Sirsai : > : nllla. thu Hjsti'in leadlly ncijjits itself tochnngod coiKlftlon.s. ( . 'oini'iisiMloI ' tlie ) > estdtoiT : > tlvua and tonics , unit tieini ; higlily conccntntcd. Aycr'i Sanapaillla is the must etlectivcauii cconnmlual of all blood incilii'lucs. " l-'ni some yrais , at tin1 n-tiini nt .sjirlng , 1 bad st'nmis trouble wltli my Mdni-js. I vas iiiinlilf lo sleep HinhK and stillried fieatly witli pains In tlio Mn.ill of my haek. I was also alUii'led vltb Iiradache , loss of flplK'tlle , and inillnostlnn. Tlirs1 symptoms ueie iiuioli woihi' last sjiri nit , cswially | tlio trouMo with m > tiacU. A lilunil persiuilud me to use Ayi'i's saisiipanlla. 1 l > eiati t.ikini . ; U , and uij trouUes .ill disapiifaied. " Mis , ( ii'uexia liulanger , il llrlilgi ; dt. . I , Muss 's ' Sarsaparilla nv DR. J. C. AVER & CO , Lowell , Mass. Gold Ii ) l > rnvii u , ( l , > llf j. Wotthf j' liulllK. NEBRASKA. National Bank U. S , UKVOSITOUY , OMAHA. NRB. Capital , - . . . JMOO.OOO Surplus -Jnri. 1st. 18UO , - GiJ.BOO OIUct < r < > ni1 IHrncton llonry Vi. Vnloi , I'l'-nl'lont - ; I.onln S. Iti'ttil , Vluu-l'riiHiiliMil ' ; J.nnos \ Huva n. IV V.M-jrsc - , ,1'ihn S. C.illlni . , K f Cuillhli , J. N. U 1'iilllcK. W ll.H. Minima. c.nh.iT T1-1K 1ROM U/VNK , C'ornorii \ ( \ unit l < 'iiriiiiui sn A General lluiikln Ilimliuss rrui-iolol ; : : 'JOSEPH CILLOTT'S" ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIJ EXPOSITION , 1080 , THE MOST PERFECT OF PEHS. IIKLI'I ' Ulll.lMTHK IAIY ) VAISTS. " 'TIS ' tln > tnlnk of mii'.vo. 'Tin ' Ilic drililglit of n lirc.llll , 1'roin the liliiHiiini of liKtdth , To Hie puleiu-fU of ilnitli. " When sttilili'it faliitlii } ; ' .jielt * fonio ttjion a laily , you inny nhvayi mupeot iilcrltii1 dUtiirbnncesi1 ) ! tumble , < r some retit dlsonler iiitlii'elriMiliitlmuiiKl nvrve centvr * . A reiueily thil : IIIH always - ways provtul successful in wardliijroll'niul ri'inovliiff thu tendency lo a reiMtrriMiee ol fainting spells tliat'ri'iinives llueanso of lliein.oorieftrttlie elrculaiimiof hlooil , and jjlviu to the system that even run- iilnj ; f.ctvoiH oneriry MI e i'iitlal , h Or , l'ierce'8 Kiuorite ' I'lvt-riptloii , Tliu " Proscription'1 Ii ijinirantftd to f lve sjttlsl'uclloii In every eisc : , nr money r 'l'iimlctl. Votliinj. eKe does as inncli , 5LOii _ only pay for ( Inuoil you jet. Can you a > k more ? As n regulator nml promntor of tutu1- tloniil action , : it the crlllcal period ol eliatij o from gltHioml to womiiiiltood , "Fiuoiili1 ' ' " ' U I'roM'rii'tliin n perfectly sifo : reint'tlhl nircnl , mid can pmilin'c only good rc < nlt < . It is eipially H1ca- cious and valuable In Us olTects whi'ii tnkuii fur those disorders and di'iatim'1 meiits IlK-idetit to tlint later ami luosl crltiiil ; pciloil , known as "Tin1 pBettoets riiysicians , Silicons anil Specialists , 14OO 1JOU Glv A S'l H MblT OMAHA Mill The mnst widely nnd favor , il > lv known spec lallsts In Iho t'lillcd Slates , Tlii'Ir ' Ionic cx- pcrlunce , reinarkuhli < skill and universal sue- i-i'is In thu trcaliiient anil eiireof IServrim , t'liiiiuic1 : nil SiirKleal Ulsea > es. intltlo tlit'Mi eminent pliyslelans to Mm full miifldcnoMir thentllli'tiMl cvcrvwlicii' . ' 1'lmv mmriiiitri * : A IMIUT.MN "AND POslTl VH iTliB Mr Die awful olti-ets of o-nly vjpo utiil tlioniimcr * oniovlU tlintfnllow lulls lniln. 1'IMVATK ' , UIOOI > AM ) SKIN IllSEASES sjn'cd I lv. ( oiniiloti-l v ii nd pcriiiiLiirnt l.V on ivd. NKHVorSllKIIIMTV AND SKXUAI. HIS- OliPK Its yield readily to tlielr tUllful treat- pll ! . IIA AXD HKfTAIj TU'HIIS guaranteed enred without piln : or d ' ntlon flTl"viViOlJ"llXR { AND VAIilCOCri.F. p rma iH'iitly and iiei-ei-fiilly oini-d In ( > \ 'iy eiie : , SVI'lllMS , ( iONOKIillKA , ciKK'l' . Hper- nialorrhea. SeiniinilVrakni"s Lo-it Mnnhiiral. Nliihl Kiiifs-lniif4 , Hei-nji'd 1'iuMiltli'S. I umnlo Wi'iiknesand all del Irate dlMirders iieeullar toelthrr sc > v | -ltlvoly cilieil. us wtllnall fiinel limul iljiurili'M tliat result fnuu ioutlitiil folili ! > or the e.\ < -i'ss of unit mi' ' y ' .ups. CTI. * If'l'l 1K > K litinrantoivl petiiia ne n tly Ollxltl Ulxl oiireil , roinovid c nill < 'te. without cnttlnc. eiiustiaor illlatallon. . ' " flTi'eted at homo by patient vltbont uiu- mcnt'b | iiln : nr aiiiiovan' ' ! * . TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. ' The awful otli-els of A QT1IM ? riTI'U /\C UKl ! , lUKli early Uc wlili-h brings oriiiiiewealiii-i-i ! ! , destroy In ; : both mind and body , with nil Us d routed Ills , permanently T1P J lU TTQ Addiess those bo liavo Im- 1JI\.O. D.j 1 1 O piiiroil tln'insi'lvcrt liy Im- propcr Indulsencvi nnd solitary liillt : . which ruin both mind and Innly. iiiitittlnu Ilium fur bn-liu1 * " . Htmlv nr 111:11 : rlagu MA Mill ED MKN or thosi enter ng on that h.ippy life , aiMirodf jjliyslctd rtijlillltyiiilckly | llSSlsl ° " - OUR SUCCESS Tshnscd upon fads. rirst-Prui'tlral experi ence. fi'Ciind K\ei-y ciso : isapci'lally ' ladled. tlinfitiirtln ; ; rluht Thirdineillflmis nro propaitd In our laliondoiy exadlyto Mill eaeli eii'-o , thus I'lfri'tnis i-iues without Injiny- Drs. Bctts & Belts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET. - OMAHA , NEB DK , . J. S. McGrHliW , THE SPECIALIST. Ill Yp.irs' Kx PRIVATE DISEASES Cnrt l In .t tufi Utiyi wltliniil I lie lotnf nu limiTs'ilmn fruiii Imtinos1 * 'I'lio imut nbsuliito euro ( nr * - I.IIKT mill all iinnovnm ilKclinrefs OVIT known to mt'Mcul ( fieiici ) SVI'IMI.IS. u xvnrrnnlcil ruroln : tllti > .V'l.iy . Tbo iniHt iniKcrfid roinoly yol known fora prrnm- iion ttviin. aTKlCI'l'llllor ' piilnln rnllovliiBlUo lihi'l- iliT , ciili'il alhiiiiicILIioul lii < lnuiu'nH ; nil tniHInir , nu iiiiln , uo itllutln. I.UM of Maiilioml \Vunkness inislllvi'ly enroll : Insliint riillcf. > klli ll asci anil fi'mfiliHllaoiiitOtt iioriuani'iiUy curoO I > r MciriMV'H mri'OM In UIP ircntniLMil of Prlvnto l > > Imi Wfcrt'oon ' cqualloJ. ninllilH front iirnij' t tmtli'iitt rwK-lin from tlio Aiiiinllft.i tlio 1'iiclllr llo.iki nml Cliuiilnrn trcn li.lli'H : . liniii t { > I nitty. 1 llh nml rnnuim Ut'ita ! UimlKi , Neb , ICiitnuicu on I'ilhor tlruol W W M CURE S COLDS IU THE HEAD , by ono application. CATARRH , in a very short timo. HAY FEVER , in from 3 to 5 days , EARACHE , instantly. FIFTY CKNTS A HOT TLK. vMin : \i.i , I'll'IKircil Kitty liv lli 1'IIKNOUNi : SlhlHUM' CO llurKi'iItlw'U. ' ' . Onmlin. I Ifn I fn > u > the I'lli-ou ol juiilliful irnin * * nrlytiocftT , wfthtlnjf Meaknos % lot maulKMx ) , iu . I will M > II. . | n > trmulMi ( Mali'it ) nuiUilnliiH fulhiArtliMitnra for linino cun * , l'111'.l or rlmr i * .V fMilondlil-mtHllnil \ > ork i liouhllu ifivl l y rviTj mini vvlin U IHTVIHH nil.I dolilllliit > il. A lihvi * 1'n.r. . I'.c. M V'WKM KV1 v- > , BOYD'S , TVV irlK&WAv.MARCH 10 , lllil II. Tlii' l'iiv nlli Amorlriin Ai'ln-m ' , Alili'd liy In I- < ) ii n'mpinv. ' Im'liidlnjj MU. I'llAMi XM'HTO.N. In ilm r.Him . Inn pin- ) . : TrisiuKUMMI : : M 1 MA INN IN'Ci. A Nt > Aiiii'ilrutil'oiui'iU' ' \YKHMIIIAI I.VIMMI - drum ! u > \ of MlMir.lUlei'M I'mnom Mildl- Mill Squitl' : ( 'It'll I loll. KIA KlKlv. Its IIHIIIll. M'VI'INKK ' KOYHX it J .i. VJ O AND I'lVHN'tKf ) . " ' ' ' ONLY TWO ' ' I liirsiliy ! Midi 1 2. rKui > 'oi\iAM'Ks { ; \ , . \V , ir ? . ( MAKVKUAMIVrt i ; UK AT - Consolidated Minstrels CHID ( PIMM I I'U'lmlvi'lv of hli'llai rcleliritli"- Hilly Diiii'i-Min. llmni-y r.iiiiin. | , < y HitiuliiMh , l.iilu * N'luiiilrriin mill SliMiui llciii'illi'tn , ml i lii'idunlim M'liMiillnual lltHI'lt \ , H - TI i K ouar.H - ; ; I.UlliKir K > MIMS\ l\iil\ : \ I'lllVil MM I IK'N t Mls.s IT I'rli-ri It-it iilnr TI I ll' / ' ! > IVU ' M' ! 1TUI- ' < 1IM.\M | It I I 1 I'l ' I I IV 4'\i > 1) ) . ( PN\ | \ SUNDAY , MAHOH If ) IIOH' M tun nit"l anil Mowlhnri . lul r.iui . > iljr , "ABTIKTCH OP KETS , " on , rri iKiiriiisii : \ \ KN'mun.v M-\\ I t NMKII THAN I'JVril Dlflii'slMi. ; , KIlllil Me. lllllll'llt , , Lr llnWho ( npi'ii Niliinlnv DIIVEE EDEH B/IUSEE. / \\111 \ \ l.iiwh'r. M iiiiiim'r I'nr lltliand I'll 111:1111 : vvixu 01 MAin'ii i' ' Aqiiiitlr nun. . tun Curt ll.-irh MunlMlr l.ii Suit" . Mi'riiinlil .Mnrrny mill AIIIMI Sto'hli ' AilNtt * , K > l AriiiMtriiiit : . lrth iu ui'iliiin , lirnvn lrn ! t Clou ILiiit-w 'rim Hill's IIHIIII I ii i I'll l-Miiillv. 'Hut liiivi'riii1 TiiiU'M | mill n vtmp'iiiy . r ti iiii-illniiH 1 ll Is a iUPhtion | that daily probunls ilsi-if to hundreds nmi hundreds of tli(3 ( read ers of this | ii per. Man.vaiiioiiK this unity of Hii'U ' Mild RtilTcrlni ; oin-s litivu buuntin- fnrtnntito in soloctiny their piiysii'iuii. Many have been in sled , imposed upon , bwindlod and sire lisr : ( > M > KNT , 1)1 ) - ( ( jfiA ! < ; ii : ) and Siuf'ri'A : ( i , . Tlioy ilon't Uuow. wlio to < ! iiilny | ) nr wlncii way to turn to linil thu help they neml so tinii'h Nearly nil Imvo proiiably noticixl the nil vertisement ot 1)11. ) l-\ < j. UlLLINdS thnt has iippciireil in th is pa per dail\ . Very many have ruiul it euro fully , not ed tile uliiinis theroiii iiuide , iniif hue called for I'on.iultation or written a &lateinont of tlioir caso. Thobo iino almost invtirmbly bocmno patlent uiui are now liih t'rai.cfnl friends , 'i'lioro nro ninny others who know Unit such sin adverU vniont hiw appoured in the pu- licjr , but Imvo nrtvor read It , jircferriiif ; to sty : to tlicmsL'lvus : "O , pslm\v ! an other qiiaolc doctor. Ho etuinot oati-h inu ; I huvo Ijuen liunilinjr 'eil too tnaiiy times. "This cla s nro surely HfM- ' itLMKifXfi Tiu : > i > iiA'is : : for lli'oro are TIIOfSAXDS ofSHIN AND ffO.Mll.V ill the \VoMtwho KNOW that 1)K. LJlLLlNtJS is the JIOST srrcHssivi. , olllco prauti- tionor und of Chirn n Tlion there is another ulas-i of hulTerers who , reading the doetur's : iti- iioiiiiceinont , will siij1 : "Well , if I only KN-nv Unit 1)11. ) DlLMKliH could on WHA'f in : ( t.AiMs ho cjtti do hurc , [ would { jo anil try him nt onuo. " 'J'liUh it is tluit many nro prevented from ioek- inpr hull ) at the liuiuls of ono who is ( | unUlicd to nll'ord it. J'.vicitY CLAIM inudo liv Dr. Hillings is jos'i'xn.\ | MADK. Ho clous not treat aciitodisea--- ! , and if nslicd to treat u ent-o of Typlioi I [ over or Diphtheria he would rcfnso upon tlio plea of hu-lt of expcrienct1 in such uiisus. Hut the stubborn , iuy , uiinjjomus atul special i cnumor.tled in his advertisements ho trcnts with sitisfviii'unil often ASTON- isiiixcj src'i less. Till- ; ? ! ' , DIM'Asr ' * tuny liobrlolly named m IH.-'KASIlSor ' 'fill ' ; ltliOI ( ) , tin luilln zspi'i-i ( lo 111,1)01) ) POISON.l \ \ , NKIiVOI's 1)1.-- ) i\SI > . AM. IISKASKSANM\VJ'\K ) ) : > 'I > SI F1IO.M \ \VMKMSrM'ii.iill ) : nonlilcs ntri'i'tlii ' ! ! tliu DKiKSTION. ASSIMILATION undNl'TUITIo.S. nil Ciiliirilnd Tmnhli's. ' ail Uertiil rriiabli-s. all ( ionlln-rrlnary TionhltM anil nil illst'iiM" . nf a prlv.ito iiituii. ; Nl ) M1XKKAI. UltfOS lilVr.X. Mnlli-liii's uru ineptly piepari'd from roots , hark * . KUMIS , lu-ibs. slirnliH.i-tc. l'atli'iit-inrt > furnl-hi'd : di niodli'liii" , without o\trii I'tist. Constillat mil frc'i' . I'atlitnls siicri'-sfnlly tli'ati'd liy ciirii' ' . HinduiKV. 'K. ' Soulli l..tli st ii'iM. Oiiiiilia , Nt-l ) . TlieOriiii ! anil Geiuis ( WORCEOTERSMIRE ) Imparii the inott deliaoiis tusto unit zest to rhorrs , , Ofnl l.TTI.ltlmtn oMKHICMjiil-.N. TI.ij\N | nlMntt. n > , tolitu lirotlior I'ISII , at WDUCliBTEIt , Hay. Ml. HOT AT ( 'OKI ) "Toll M'.A J : I'l'ltlllNS' ' that their unuco ll hliflilj r tiHiinc < l in luilln.una ulnniy rpiiilon , the iiioa' \VMI.SII. \ l'al t.-iii' ! | , M well IIH uli.'ln ItAltriUTS , pome MIICO that la Beware of Imitations irtin BOO that you get Lea & Pemus1 PlirnntiimoiicTcry lottloor ( IrK-inal , < ; OvnunA JOHN' Dl'NCA.N'S l l .N&iM\V | \ VUIJU , K { STOMR , MO.OfatliB.ill , Sulit liy llrnuul I . Jt'Klt'I. tfl.IU.