Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    THIS OM MIA WF1 > XS1)A.Y ] ) , MAUC1I 11 , 181)1. )
IIPI II IV 'IMII > fllX'TI'l's 1' ' fII'I O
1'ELS ' liHIE \ lOMhbl CMS ,
Rival Reports Frepured for Submission to
the ilotue Today.
Illlln I'nMctl liy llniiMO mill Senate
IVainrpMi ) ! ' Proposed IIIIWN
.Municipal HiiirrilKO
I-.tMot \ N'ob , March M 'Special to 'I'nr.
HrK. | When Shrador Introduced Dm Mil
appropriating $ .Kir.r ( ) to pav the cxpeusesof
Ilio mutest , itiiludfni'ir > tiip- > ' ! ,000 attmnojs1
foes , ho fiilceil Unit lie bill ho referrclto tliu
lommltteoon judlelnr } , uf which hot * chair-
liniti , ntul lila request was irianti'd.
A spd-H hill iippuipriatlng * 1.,0 < W to jny
the stenoi-raphers uinl notnrias In the
wa-slntroilueoilby Mod io nnd left-md to the
committeoon Ihmneoaiul vviiNsiwd means
Hoth of lliuso bills eamo up for nitloti to
day. Vigorous opposition xvixs math ) to tliu
big- fees dimandod bv the hi\\ers ) , nml tlio
ludlelnry roiiiinlttou In sheer disgust eame
vor.v near ruttliiif tlioin off vvlthout o\cu
the | inV Tblnl shillttii !
The bill as llnnll ) approved anil will bo
prosfntcil to tlic homo rends u- > follows :
Attorney 3 for ( lovoinor Hoytl $1,000 $ 00
Attorney fur John II Powers . . 1,000 ft )
Attorney ! for other rout orient * . . . 1,000 , 00
Attorneys for other coutesteos . . . 1,000 00
Stenographers ( n allrises 2,000 OH
Notmles . . . . . _ 2,10000 ,
I'riiitliiK liiloracto , .John/I / 1'ewers' ( ' > G7' > 0
Total { 1,007 Mi
The committee on Ihiiincouvs ntul ineitis
cave n hem lug to the stenographers viho
chinned tint tlioyveio in no.iv responsible
for tliu contest , mid had porfonncil ther ser
vices faithfully and well Tiny submitted
an ilctnlnd statement of their xvoili , xx'hleli
at Ippil rale- * looted up to iloutisuio ) (
' 1 his committee , ikfti'r ' honriiii , ' UIIM ) state ,
molds , \iiled to report .i till I nlloxving tliu
stenographers tiKl ! ) , ninl not at lit sSi/lX ) .
.An amendment to the bill uixlug iiiino .mil
amount allowed each stenogiiiphu will bo
prepired , niul .1 strong otTcrt made tn su bstl-
tuto this anundod ulli fur ibo oiuHucom-
inomled bythojudielary tomniltleo.
Tln M'n.ite.
LISCOI.Xo'i , ix-lnieh 11) ) | Special to Tun
llin.l 'Hie senate mot this inoinintc at 10
o'clock. A number of petitions hvoilnu
xx'onun siilTraBcMx'asiefeiieil to the commit
tee mi education.
Hi ports woio mniloon tlio follcm ing bills :
That hoiiso toll Is'o. * H , piovidiutf forthu
regulation of stock jniils niul lonimissloii for
sitlool' livestoilc , bo passed , senate hies Ko
IU , pruviillnir for the deposit , ot .stnto anil
county funds In bunks , \\itliout recoiniuonili
tion , No I.I rcnardinir thuiaroof insiiiu ; No
HI depositing state anil county fuiulsm banks" "
also , uml Xo f > > piovidmi ? , inil regulating
proiecdiu'K itigiiriilslitiuut ui ci 11 actions
\voic imUlluUch po > tponil (
j\nii uiininiiiltteo iopoit as n rccoin-
nienilatinn from thorominittcoim iimnielpil
all'nlr , reioiiuiicaillni ; that lllo I'D ' , authorl/-
liiKiitiosind vllhiKos to ; u > pniu-iiUn | mon.y !
to ( my incinoilil < liy expenses , oopasscil ,
also tlh ) 11' ) , ic iiuitinK huililin , loan .ma
Mi\lnK.H Institutions Committee on oihu.i-
tlon iiH'oiniuoiiiluil the pasMi oof the woiM's
fiihnppiopriiktloa hill Coiiiiniltuc on nin-ninl
Hchnol I'uoiniiicuddl for p.issiifjo lllo 'Jls ,
proUdhu' for a uoiinal school at Xoith
Platte. I'oniinlttoe inlsc'ellincous '
otk i'Oi | > -
rntloiiH itnortiil inilcllnitilv Dustponlup sui-
ntolllo No 1. " ) , relating lu iimiranco coni-
liunlcs ; l o Is'o. ' . " 0" ) , lolatlilK to thunppolnt-
niont of ft stuti ) coininissmneroC ininramo ,
tecniinnonilliiKtlie pissuio ; ot soiuktnlllo No
'J17 , rufNKtitiK the t-'ovirunuiit iisnlutlon
and wlnilliiK up of biiikliii ) ; nsiticiiitlont.
HIIN pissotl by ttiohouio % vcro ro.iJ for tlio
first tiino Sou'rnl bills were leailn second
time nml uifcticd.
Ilousomll No. Ill , cnnblhii * tlio mo of ra.i-
trkiilation and diploma fees furltbinry pur
poses in the iiaivirslty of the stale , was
I > US < LH | .
House loll No. 17 vns nNo pissed , as
wcro also soiinte tlio No llfl , piohililtliiKiinO
IikVHlhhktlii7 | inoi tir.i'i's ( upon houheliolil ooils
ami fiiinttuioniiti othui exempt piopoity ,
tinlosi slpaeil hj both hiisliuiidanit wile , mil
s into tiltfNo 175 , cuatillii ) ; thoi trdmsoi > of
seoil ( iriiln to mortgage the i-i-opt to ho irrown
'Ilio sriiato then \\ont Into eomuiittpo oftho
whole. toionslJur hilK on thi > penci il Illowd
reioiunicnileil for pbstiKO senate lilo No lv > ,
prinldint ; for inoriuil sihoulat 1'icuo , IS'el ) . ,
us ills o si'iiatu lllo No. lus , oiuunl/tiifj sinl-
taiilislilots \
A it't'O'.s ' till 2 o'clock as taken.
After uvess the presnioiit nniiounceil the
followiui ; si fillip uoiniiilttro : Messrs , Pouter -
tor , Kelper , Collins , Mooie , SwitJor ,
'Ilio Niimto wont Into eoimnltteo of the
whole on billion the tnnernl tile , Sumtur
I ojn ter In the chair fPhc much mies' lien 1 uv
\vmiiithlinltih postpoiiul boiiiitolllo till.
recarilini ; thofornntlonof stliuol ilistilcts ,
was rocoinmenilcil for p-issn o , Sen.kto llle
1 IS , rciiiirini ] ; ralhoads to Issue throiiRh
bills , wii liiiil over poniliiiB the absence of
Adjournec ! .
Livi 01 \ . IS'ob. , Mircti 10. | Siecial to Tirr.
Bu.l At the inoialnf ? sesson tlio house
tooK np WIN on third reiulliit ? and the follow
ing u era passed :
House roll K , , by Cuitis , providing tbnt
losal i > apers against a railroad uonip.iny may
bosorveil upon conductors in any county in
the state.
IloiihO toll 21(5 ( , by Johnson , requiring nil
railroads to establish and maintain a ih'pot
and hwllchPH within the limits of inorIn \ -
coiporatul % lllaijuoruityof tliusL'eoiid elas1-
ye i < , * , iwvs , I.
House toll JlvJ , bv t'axon , tequlritiR the
alenikturuof amajoiitv of nil the leptl voters
of a preilnetto a petition for uheenio tosoll
111(0x10.11111 ( } ; liquors outside of eitks anJ In-
corporateil villages yoni , 55mivs. , IS.
House roll -Ilia by Stclibins , ruqulring all
state wm rants , whin thoto Is no monuIn \
the treasury to lodoiiu tliein , to bo iuvestoil
in the sihool fund.
'Iho folhm inc failed to sennet no neee siry
votes on final pasMco nmlaslost House
roll ' . - ' , Snderintin , piot idini ; iorthosul-
inUslon to the voteis at eleition
in h'.fof thoiuiestioik of calliutj aioiibtltu-
tionikl convention ji-as , V ) ; nnvs , 41
Huti'.i ) roll No. ( i , by Ilcm e , iru\ltllng ) for
Kubiuittlni ; an ainonilineiit tr.insfc-iiiiiK
all line- , and licenses fioin the loul sihool
ftnid into the eounH oiluentlonnl fiinil , wns
called up , but \\asdlscovfieath.\tithail
not boon corm'tlyctiRrosM-d , and nfler alou r
\viiuiKlc bctveon HoxVo nml Stevens of 1'nr-
tiiU the bill viis roforrcd Inu'k to ttiocouiinit-
tee to bo re-en grossed , and the house ad
journed till Up in
At the alteinoon session the house took up
and passed house loll lirj by Stehbins , reiiilr- |
iii ( ! state , county and cltjnnantato boreij-
Ihtoreil by AuRtistlvithttioinaetln ( , ' clause.
'Iho house went into coinnilttra of. the
whole to consoler hills on { joneral lilo.
Ttio following bills wwo rocoiiiincndeil fov
passnKO Ilouso toll 'J 1 1 by .Moan , llxini ; the
chtirnes for sleephik caw at ? l r > o for liwor
bcitiis and { 1.00 for upper : house loll M hv
Klley , piovIUiiiK foru renoul of the \\bolo
elnptei of the law rclatlntr tu inspection of
o\hM \ to' i. "
HtniMHollW by Schappel as amended ,
providing for thonssessauMU of piopetty at
its c wli value , v. is debited at length. An
ainonihmnit was proposed iuaVuctlng the as
sessor to deduct thohoncst debts oftho ounur
of all reil and personal propoity when listing
the same for taxation.
llofoio A vote was ronchoil on any amend
ment u motion to stiikc out tlui niuiitliiK
clause wns made nml piovnileu , 41 10 It )
The roininlttoo arose ami , pending the
adoption of the report to kill the bill bv btrik
ine out tlio Puncting clause , tl.o houbo aii-
joumen till 10 a , in , tomorrow
MDIIOJ I'nr Iliii l'nivi'i > lt j ,
Xeb. , March 10.Speclul , to I'm :
Urn. ] Housoroll No. 17 pissed thib
morning by tbo senate * nndlll \ now pi to
the covcrnoi for Ins slRiiatuiv TLU bill pro-
pees to tnKoad vautaffo of uu act ofeoniiv&s ; ,
which provides f or tneupj ) ! lotion of the pro
of the Mlns of public lands to the eiv-
d.iumoiit of iMlleun Uirthn bonollt of ? rl-
cull'iriiliuid nioi lumiciihirt-s
It apin | > pkliti's to this it.ito for ttio ttcnetlt
of 'ho nKricnlturnlrolli'io ? 1V"O ) forttieyoar
t'mlliijjJutie ' ID. l 'iO. ' ilD.lHKl lor the ) t-uv
cmlmnJiitu' HI , is'll ' , ami so un until the Mini
ol ? J V , ( li ) ishlll t o rencbed , utblch \ last
lumed Amount the eoinreHslonal. ; appreprin-
tlnn Hto ronuiln llxeil
No portion ot till * tt | > roptliktton Is to ho
UcNotedlo the pvmhase , nnttioii or pivser-
\ntlonof atn builJla n inil , If said money
ah ill twill minis tn'.l . or lost , II slnll ho re-
iiliced by tlif tcriltory ir sUite to which it
TtiolreaHUter of the 't.itohas nlrcailv ro-
ielVf > dfl."iXiii , the first tiiHtitlnteiit ol nioai-y
npiiroiirlntoduikilir th > < suldart of eongu-ss.
In ciiiisUliuitlonof these hct.s Ilio
nro aeioptedanil iititleil
tlio stile tivasuni to pu > o\irall tlio
In ) nun lecelu1 or have ivceUeil nndor the
national upiiroprlitlon to the .kuthorittes of
the liulustilil ciillive without fuitber ttur-
taut thin UomtJilniMi In thts act.
'rhebonnlof roii'iit.sof thonniMii'sitv nro
iiude tuistics of Iho collepo and they may
ili'slvnite a troasiimr to whom , on their
order , tbo stile tii'isinei shall pu > over all
mono , ) iiou In tholttttir's hiituls uiiitui' the
niitionil Kiviiit 01hlil \ , ho may honifter
ieioi\e hj \lituo of the nbove
ini'iitiflneil ad of it > niT ( > Hs. The boaul of
regent' mo anthori/eil to make siieh onlora
nnd ngultkllons for the seuirity , in tiiaKo-
muntaml dnlninoinent of sdil inmiojs as
< lmll siviu to them foi the best Interoils of
the college.
I leii li\w \ M.tmls.
Li NI UN , Neb , ManlilO.fSpcilnl to Pun
llr.i : . | Senate tlli ) N'o 'I , \\hil is known nt
tbo iiicchani 'i' lien law , cnmo upfor ; ilisotis.
slon Inthe hcniiteln roainiltteo of the whole ,
thli afieriioan. Us lonsidcrillon oceupied
si'\ord hotits , Unrliii ; which Soiutor Moore
of L.iinetiT niiulo stveral stronp speoehos
In fj\m * of the miMsuie. Ho said
lliat the ] mdiMit 'w \\as un-
lair end unjust , and lift poor i " > pie
Innount ol Its loiiuheiiicnts at the mi'rc.\
ol nsaliilalmeii , mil conipelleil 'In ' in to paj
i aeiond time fur the \\oik which tlu- }
onleiid , 'Hie ( iioposol lamivihi d the itti ;
terinl mail to tjl\e nntlcu to Hio piupci-tj
ownei Now no notice \\as Khen to the
uwiici If the ilibtasnot siiuslleil within
si\t jih > s , tbuii i.unotho Icin.
Si'iiiitor lllil , o ( IIiLstliiKa who had Intro
duct i1 the bill , H.ild tlut lie was siti.itleil to
ldloHie luv to leiiinlu as it 1 * on the sUtuto
bonks ami presented a rcmonstiaiieu from
tlio Cditrnlltboi union of Oinikhn ,
Senator Dysart s.ilil the bill was npoor
one It had not bctnfcotlon iniby the la
botoi.lmt i.itlur by the capitalist It was
not in the Intomt of tbo laborer , but of tlio
ton ti u tor , a sil ot ion tractors \\hichieiilil
go tea lumber \iinl and with spot lash mnUo
cnsj imrehves which would ilrno tlio poor
eon tractor nut of i'\istence.
Senator Collins said the effects of tlio no
lieo tothc owiK-rof tlio urupert \ by the ma
tt rial men \\lio \ uero tolling him stufl would
beto ixo to the latter a prior light , to the
exclusion oftheliboni
Senator Shiinmay said 'that when a \i\\\ \
thut en toned jrne satisfaction it wns
bettci to IOHO ttulone
Suintor Uornsdil U was patent , tint the
l.iw hid not bom asluxl bj tlio laborii and
be \\n-i satislletl \ \ Ith Iho old law
Senator Swit/ler io\ieuul the oM hill ,
slioucd how opposition hadoritrinitod to the
Dioposnl ono and detailed ILo features of his
own amendment
Seintor thristoffoison ilelivcied a Mroni !
speoih iiKilnst ttm .uuendinciit and in favor
of tlio old lull.
Aftirsou'iul quibbles and T > .irllanicntaiy
points , the \\asindolhiiteiy poslpouod.
An I mill-am. HHM-/P.
Li vent -sNToh. , Match I
Urn.-Heinle | lllo No l' > 'i was introdneed
by request bv Si'n.itorl'ysart The bill pro-
v Ides , anioiij' other things , that itshall not bo
l.ixx ful for any iihur.iiu'O ooimianj , orgnu/ed
midoi the luvs of the United Stitos. to take
nsks in this stite unlou possessed of
Senitor Mouro H.intol the moisuro
ikinonileil sods tonpph onlj to Ilio insurance
cot'ipmles Iloshowul that it woullhuit
matuil conipaiiics which , -while tlioy hi'l no
c ipitd , wen1 really ainoiiir the strongest in
( lie lifu business Tt wouhl nlso alTed Ma
sonie and otlur benelliial organisations
whlih , u-lien ileaths nLcurivil in their midst ,
assessed tlio men belonging to them.
Sen itorSwit/lcr spoke In thosamo strain ,
and turthei that \\onld bo a haiilship to , i
rnminny toexpoit it to deposit fi. , ( ) ( H ) with
the slate as .ilso 10 pei icntof tlielr i-ecpuits
Senator Dysait said ho wanted those com-
pinlcsto uu t up some money with the state
\Vhenthelnsuieil \ suilciud i loss , what
.intv hail they thi\\ would lw p.iiill
I'liosc emiip.mioj did not piy ono doll ir for
taxes Of whit DinetHhad the msiir.mce
loiiipiiiioibocnto the state4 Ifi Iv'i. ' vs
shown b > the auditoi's ' repoit , the st.ito had
paid to the insuranu ) companies jvio.diio
anil Ii ul ruei veil troia Llii-ni only § > 0)OW ) (
The coin p mies wore no godsend In'jCcljr.ijlu.
Thejeie siippln < r her funiulation.
Senator Shumwaj showed the bill
would Icnoik out all mutual fanner insur.into
Sei itor Dysait apain wintcd the compan
ies topn tni soiiiethinp
Sen.itor Dysait mo\cd the 1)111 ho in
definitely postponed and after a long parlia
mentary jangle tbo motion prevailed.
Tlie Warrant IlilK
r.ivt 01 \ Xcb , Mnreh 10 [ .Special to Tiir
BEI.J Two \ery Impoitant hills \vere
passed by tne hoiiso to daj Thov nruknovn
, ia house toll 40J and IOH , and both \\eiij in-
troilneetl by Mr 'itobblns of Huffalo. Hoiiso
roll 40J amends section : { . of chtnter 'il. ' of
thocoiiipileil statntesof Iss7 , entitled " \Vai-
runts" te rend as follow : *
"It shall be thoduh oferv ( sueh treasuiei
upon the presentation of any warrant for
payment. In presoncuof sucbpeiion , to enter
such wan nit in his \\urraut \ rugUtor for paj.
nientln the order of its piesentiktinn , mni
uponori-n wan uit so probated and ieilv
terrd ho shall piidoiso rpgistoud for jnn-
inent s\lth the date of such le urn ,
ano sluill sign such indoisoinent , pioviijui ,
that nil win rants ontstiiiuhnK at the time
thisaet takes uTout shall bu piesonted for
payment m ruglstrallon bj August 1 , Is'll ' ,
an 1 1 sluill nor di in Interest after siuli Unto
unless so presentnil. "
rriieictpro\ldc < i for the lepeal ot tritfinil
sei-thn .t , of chapter 'i ' I , and an omeiKemt ,
i'\ist , this act si all lake ilfect and bo in
forio from and aftei its p.nsauo
llonso toll JOI authori/os anil directs thn
state tioasuror to paj all stito warrants out
uf the permanent school fund and hold the
wan nit as an Investment In the fund when
theiois iioinonov onlianil ID piv tbovai -
rantorheu the fund uiTiilnsthluh \ it \ \ is
drmui hns been exhausted
I\li Stebbinsestinntes that tlieso nieiisurcs
will foroo the holdois of hunilieds of thou
sands of dollars Invested , in state , comity and
citj seeuiitiesnnd iiow dtiwiiiff 7 per cint
Interest to present the inio foi < pujnient ,
andhiis. tliniivilout an nmiuiil sd\hiK \ to the
state in interest of fioin f.l.'iOO to $5uKK ( ) .
Killed AMtli a (
r.iiotNeb , Mnuh -fSpouial tu Tin.
HII i - Tlio.onito this aftetnooa considcitd
somto lile Xo. I'i'.i ' , Intruiiiiuul by Mi K.m-
dall , b.ieiuesl . |
This is tlio bill providing for tao MititiKof
woiiieii in cit\ unit village olutions , and to
n hub Alls Billon bi'iidor has been devotiin ;
a fjteat deal ol nttonllnn. It ro.uls as follows
"In aiij election hcieaftcr held In mv rllv
or villanofor the oletlloii of cit\ \ orilln'o
ottiters. or for any piuposoauthon/eil by law
loniernini ; theu'oveinnienl , inainU'iianci' or i
linpioveineat ofritiesor UlUui's , tint light of
aii.eltien . tooto shall not ho denied or
abrnlgett on account of sex , and women nnv
\ oto ut siuh olei lions the s une as men , under
lilce lestiations and iiialitiealions.
"This act shall talijetTecl and bo In fono I
from and if tor its pusuuo.wil auproMil " I
htnatot Shumwaj inovea that Iho bill do
Immediately , Senator Mittes Jumped to his
feet mil moved that the bill lie liuiulniuh
postponed Scnatoi Kelpn anil half a do/on
otheiseioiiileil the motion , wlileh pmvailed
with the follox\iin | sole.
Yeas -IleeU , t'hrhUiftois.oii. l ullins , Uoiil-
tor , ! ) > , KoiH | r , Jl.Utes , Moore , Saiulus ,
Scliram , Stnitn , SnlKler , Thomas , Turner ,
Van llottca 1 , * > .
KaysD.sail , Hill , lima. Mlehener , lim-
dall , Shut'uva ) , StaibuckVllllams , \VoiMs
II took two inlnutin by tbo cloek.
Mfti ry l\ir ItfiitnuUj I'nul I Tin ins
Un is\in K , K'y. , MnrchlO. JudKOThomp-
sontoda ) ducidud that { > eel runmR could not
ooiloscd , Hi they \\cru doiitn a lawful buii-
Ho Uolils Tint llo is ( v Cltizau of the
Unite , ! States.
He HUH Itrikiiimcod Allejjlinoi' to All
I'nrcUn l'i > \\i'ii unit Suom to
Vplinld the ( onstll
'Jliaj 01
I.INCOIV , Neb , Jluvh 10Spedll | 'Uilo-
ir tiiin to I'nr Her. ] Ttie folltmliii ! ( inswir
win llh il by the attorneys of ( nernor Uind
in the TluyiM * lloyilqno varranto case in the
su pi erne ron rt this morn hit ;
Ami now comes the itiiinndnit , .lanuwi : .
Hojd , and tiihnlls tint tbo nttorney (
of this alato vefilseslo piosoctito this action ,
and protests and insists and a\ers the fact to
be that the iiifniinatloii hueitils itisiilllclont
in liw to icqulio l to respondent to iniko it does not show thit
HulililnlniM. Tl'iei'liasans ' ii 'tit ortitleto
thesnlttoftlco of icovernor of Nobnixlcn , or
tint ho Ins am rlxhl , tlllo or authorit ) to
inslltnto , iniklnlaiii or pioseoute tins nctlon ,
nml for that said mfoi million does not Mate
fads suftUlenUoc'oiislitutoa tiiuii" of nction.
I'urthii nnsvvoriiu reiponilont inlnilts tbo
allegations of Mm Hist , iieoml , thiril , fointh
uiiilllfthnirMfi.iphs ! ot Ibo liifornutlon ex
cept us heii-iiiafter shown
nut tut answering saltl rcsponilciit shows
tolbe i onrt tliat sald.lohn M. Thajer V.H ,
at the reuulai state eli-ctlon hold iiilne slate
of XehiisUa , In November , A. P , lss > % ,
uhvteil to theolllco of Koxornoi'of this slate
lei thoteini tluiuo i'iiiiiinonclni ; inJ.iiUMiv ,
I.NVI , and thai iipontho can.iss of the \otus at sild e'ei ' tionho Mas duly lUvliirivl to
beso rkited , that the lirm ol "fildottlce Is
lixi'd l j ibis i-eiiHtitntioii toconinieino on the
tiisl ThniNdaj nftei the Hist 'liu-sil iv In , hn-
uan suiu'etiniK the eloitinii and lontitnies
foi Iho periiulofteoais u ml until tils siif-
cessor shill ln'clocteil andnunlllleil
'Iho ' rtsprmdiiit finthei si.s . , thattbo li s
of tlio state of Nebtisicii , ill said llm s 10-
H lined Unit the person eloetml to sild olllio
should on thi ) 111 st lluirsiiu utter the llrst
Tnesihu In tlanuarv succicdiii ) ' , the elocllon
qmllf.N bj taking 'he oath of onleo tuitl t\e-
cullnir unit tiliiiu' forrecoid an ollli-ial bond in
the sum ot ? - - > illK > < i , londitlotioilfor the faith
ful porloiinanio ot the dutiesof the otllie ,
and that If an ) person elected to slid olllie
should neglect to ha\o \ his nfllrlal bond exe
cuted aiiilnppiovodos ptnvklcd by m\v. and
lilcd fonecoid within the time llinltod by
law , his said ollice shou'd thereupon , Ipso
latlo , bttome vacant
And tlio respondent fuithcr says that tbo
laws of Xchiaslta , nt all the tiniis heiiin
niintioned , fnrthei prnviilnd that It and
whoni".er the incumbent of in olllio hold
o\cr r > j leason of the non-election or 11011-
appoliitnient ot ii sutcessur. ho shall ijualllv
anew \\ltbliiton > Ja\s f-om thi' whli h
hissui'icssor , if cloeted , should ha\e \ unali-
thd , by taking the slid oith of ofllio ikiiili'c-
eentin and having uppioveJ anil tiled for
record his ollkial bond in the sum of sJCiiijTiii ) .
conditioned toi the faithful norfoimaiito of
the duties of Ibo ollice , as In iiw reiinril |
Id'spondent further sals that tliesaiil .lulin
1M Thiuer his IIOMI , SIIUL . .lniuar\ , A 1) .
Is'll ' , qualitlediiiicw as funernni ot the stito
of Nebraska , that he has not since sild ihte
taken 01 lilcd his oftlcnl oath rcqnlrtilby
law , nor has hohailliis oflliial boiul ixecutpil ,
orappiovi'il 01 Hied for leeord , us ti\ lti10 \ -
qulii'd , to ( junlifv him line \v. if in truth ho
\vis ontitleil to hold said olllio of povciuur
J'nini nnd afur .lanuarv \ as boalleges lubis
Infoimatlon , but \vhieh tespomlciit ilenii-s
Ansverinntho sKth pu.iirnph nfsaid in-
foi niatlon , ithe respondent nil mils tint , after
hispleitlm tolhosiid ollte and annvussot
theiotuins , nnd after ho bail been decnred
elutcdtosaid ollko by tuc spculccr of the
hoiiso of represent itK cs la thenresdiceoi u
nianritj ] of Ijoth houses of the Icislltuiv , as
required uv hw , In on .linuan s , is'ii ' , tooU
the oath of ofllcu nnd exetuteil amlllled his
olllelal bond anil did all other IK t-s uml things
required by law of him to bo tlono to quality
and e' him to inter Into the
use and t'n jo.Mnout of siiil oltice mul to dls-
chirKotbo diitlos thereof ; the respondent
denies that bo hasimixned 01 invaded the
said olllie , onmlaafulh attemotcd at any
time to hold siid nllleo and perform the du
ties thereof , lint aid's tlio fact to ho that at
and lium the romnencemi.nt of the
ti'iin of his said otllre , fioni .Imuaiv s.
1MI , ho has hetn ami now is tbo duly
elictodniul quililicit oMiiior of Hie state
of XfiJiasU.i , tn the quiet , loirnl nnd ao-
tml possession aniUMijojinent of slid oflico
and disihiiryinir Its duties , tint be has ken
ri'iosrni/iil soto boliv allof theaopirtinents
and ortliers of the tat ' ( , 'nvoiuii'eiit
Anil the reipondiiit fnrthei ivors the fact
to bo tint the said .InhiiM 'Iliiyci ceased to
ho tholneninbentof saldnniit'ln luv and m
net \vlth thoc\plution of the Mh da of
Jniiuaiy , A. I ) lVi | , and prior to tliu toin-
iiiiiicement.iif this apticn
AiisweihiRthe ei 'lit hpu-avrapliof sailin-
foiniatlon ttioicspondentiliMiles alltheille-
Ritionsthorcof , oxirpt that ho was horn m
Ireland of alien paieTtsin theyeai of Ml ,
that ho was brou pht to this eoiinlry when
about uu yens of i e liv his fither , .losejih
llojit , who seltlcdabout the \ear 1SI ( m
llelinont county , Ohio , \\hoioho lesnlcd for
several \eais , and thcienfter roinoveil to
Xmi'sxlllo. .Miiskintruin county , Ohio , \\bpro
ho has ever slnco resided
UespoiulontalsuadmiK thit hisfiitheron
01 about Mnnh . " > . IH | ' , whenrespondeiilwas
nliout fourteen years of ate , dccl.ind his in
tention to become a citl/eii of the Unllod
States ana icnouiire and nbjiiio forovur all
nllejjiume and lldi'lity tooveivforeijn piinre ,
potentate , state and sovereignty whativer.
and putleiiliily thoiiueea of ( Bnt.dii
and I nl unl , rind Ihiit tlio alleged oxoinphll-
latlon of theiecorl theienf , copied in sind
inforniitlon , lespondeiit belli\us \ , is a hue
coin *
Answeringtho ci litb of
inlornntioii , lospomleiit sa.vs ho ndinitstho
facts thereinalleKc'd , except ,11 in tiinainm-r
nihervlso iiMtrod , but diniistho louclusloiis
of lu\v and fut therein stited
lJesHiiilent | fuitliur avers Unit Ids father
for loil\-t\\o \ x-ciis last i > a < t , hu onjujetl
.mil oxeii'ised all of the ritbls , iinniunltiLis
.mil puvili-ais , .inildisiliirtulidl ! Iho dutlos
of a citi/oii of thel'niUd Stitps and of Iho
stito of Ohio , and was , in all respects , rid
to.dl intents and purposes iciti/en of the
I'liltedSUitiHandol thestatnuf Ohio , at all
times discl.uimiiK mil ahjurini ; alL' iiiiice to
every fur < iliii ; pnni-e , potentito , stuto or
soveriliruty , tnnl all of ald tinio sail.lo-
seph llovd helinvid us .1 man of gooil moral
thaiMtflLi' , attauhol to the pilnciples o | the
loiistitiitionof the Unltod Stitos and well
disposid to tlu ) jjnod older and huipiness of
the s.lino ; tint % vhon the .sdil .loM-ph l > oyd
sPttloil In the state of Ohio n nfores ild. it
was his buna tide intontiun to nrilic the
United S tales his peim.inuit ii'sidenee ,
tint at that time , lw did In fact disclaim , rc-
nouiieeaud alijuionll alluvium o and llucditx
tothequeon of ( HI'.it. Ill i tain nnd Ire ! mil ,
and to every other foroliii ; pilnce , potent ito ,
itato anil soveiei iili , and has , ever
since about forty venu a o , billovod Ibat
ho was such in l.iw ami in fu',4kiil ' foro-jr belief , nil said lime
oxurclsiiin Uio ilivtivo Iranehisi' vvillio U
qiicstliin orchallintre , votiiifjfor all olllu-rs
o'tho state anil fulei il tfuvernnionts , the
s line OH n mtive born illl'oii ol the L'nltoii
Suites and ol the slate of Ohio
Uespoiiilent fiirther suvs Unit about ihe
j en r isTil said Joseph Ihyit win electcl to
the ulilce ol Jiistiii ) of the peace iiiniud Mus-j
klnifiuii eotintv , Ohio , and tliLMMiipiu too' ' { an
ottli tofiiiiiport thoi ciiiitiiutl ui oltlio Uniii'd j
States mul uf the state of Olih , and foi sev ycnrs held aaldollleo , aviclsiiig all the
rin'ht.s , frandilses po\\ei- > nnd dille | of oiid
\ ollli-e , and Ins for ye.m last past held ufileo
niiilorlho constitiitinn mil laws ol Ohio , t' ) . i
wit , vvtiuhniastorln thi'eitj /.nifsviHc , I
[ whichnlllcolio now holls.
Itospondiint fmtliur sis Unit liovu in
formed by his father in 11,11 Iv as tlw veil Is.'i
that lie , thos.dd .liixeph IJimlv n a eltl/en t
I of the Unittd stales .me ! vtntliliMl hi law nnd '
! in fuel to all tlio ilnhti , prhllu nt and im '
nnmilles ol aeiti/cu uf the L'nitul Slnt 's ,
and oflho slate of Ohio , an I th itnvei slnof
suld time this responileiit | IM > M > bill ivodand '
nieepttd tin1 fact so tube , ind never he.ird I
the lint chnlluiiKid or qiiustloned III ! .liter ho '
was ilci'todlo tnoollho oj Koveinor uftliii
state in Ih'M. ' llisjiindeiit fiuther ,
say.s that ho did , ' upon univiiii ; nt
the nuu of tweiitv ono yt < ar , PM.-I.
nso tlieoleitlon fraiu'lilst iiuiiiUMiisKliiKuui
loniitv , Ohio , in tbu full of b"i.
Thoi .sioiidciitfurlhiirnlli ) > 'ns. on Informu i
tlnn mid belief , Unit , pilot * lo Ottubtti , Is'd
hi i fallior did infaet lonipleU'Uiin.Uur.iU..a
llou hi htrht aci'niJaiuo with tin nets uf i tin
Bless , litiovui as the n.itu'Mllf.ition laws , su
As to ndmil ftiiil ( onstlluto him n full iltlen
of the I nilod'HKtt lhcniiiider , ho liivtnif
cxercl < ed tlioi'iyhO ) of cltlftiishlpheiein tie
jeilbidiindnt * ald time In formed tesk ndeii !
thil snehvas tiiofact. that whin his fat inr
appliid In U'rc ' isli-relln Ob I o In Ddoticr ,
IS'HI ' , under n new law. he was requited to
| ito.lnc'i hlseit fronshlnpupiis , and belnu in
tiblu to II ml anthoioof , lieappuiieil uotoii )
jnld t'oiirt of coiiiinon plenof Muskhiiruni the tlrtmior term lhoi"of , is'M.aiul '
( lie piiMoeilliiLr > . , iUsi'ilbcil In the ninth para
Itntphof tholiitiMnatlou hill as therein
n't out , but lesneindent avu tlio fail lo IK\
on information anil belief , that , In the mat
ter of said iviw i etllnt"s , nlil Joseph llo\il
nctodimmhlsedh .and Ipuoiantlv , tlw sail
last uiini'il itrW'I'dint's bdujr In Ihnt event
Kespondint fnithet says Unit In the yeir
IS.M ; , at the IIKO of t \ ventvtwo , ho left his
fathir'i ' home , in Ohio , In the Him bellof that
In1 , risKiiideut. | v\iis \ null ! A ? : , of the Lniti'd
States in Iiw and in fact , to establish him-
i'lf In life , that lie \\ent tolho Mate id loxvi ,
whom he resided for a few months ,
I n the month of August , I'd * ! , lesiuuident
ivmovtd to the territorv of Xehiaska , vvhidi
wilt * thin ton huge extent i wibliriieis , and
setthd In PiiiiKlas county , whole lie iishltd
for twoyo.morltitiiit" | ! Ids trade as u cm-
penti i , and In is'iV ho xvns eleeted eounlv
dork of s.ild county , and tiiolc anoith to sup
| H.irt the constitution of the I'uitod St.ites and
Iho piovislons otthe orputiK nctuiidei whiih
Ihe tmltotv of N'ebi bltti was mated lie.
sDonilnit nnio\ed to what Is now lliilTnld
routitv , nonr old l ort Keiinej , whhh \ \ is
then npuii Ih" extretno frontier , In the fall of
NV * . vv-hoio ho intuited In thu business of
fiiriiiinif intlio midst of irreit penis ttonihcu
tile Indians , sxiiliiiuuveaijof uxlroino liaid
ship , In lsi , | , at the tlineofthe Indlin outbreak -
break In said \ hlnitvlien ) the lives and
proputy of HitilctMNCID tlcstroud or
iiidaiict'it'd , when maiiv settlers vveremassi-
iiedvvluMihostilo Iinliiuis hi I led c.illle before -
fore tlio door uf tbn homo of his
fiin.ih , bo xoluntti'i'od bis st'i'Mtps as
i soldier of the Uiiitid blites , whiiheio
ac'coiiled tij tlniUintiil hliitesKOVcinnient ,
be Maw : swoin into its mililarv servbo
b.v older of lieiiual It U. Mitchell ; that ho
served us asoldh'i of tbo United States , with
oat tonipensitina or lesvaul , to prolect the
men , women and cliildieii ol thcfionllir and
to maintain the uiithoillj- , benin and
llntf of ( no Uuiticl Stales Kovcinmoiit
In Ilio veil1 1 Mid , rcspoiuliiilVls olceteda
nieniher of tlio housi of roprisentalives of
Nebiaslca to ropiesonl the run titles of Unf
f.ilonnd Hill ; that lie served as suchnfUui
In the follovxliiu session ot Hie legislatin-e , to
whlih was submitted the piupositiouof the
( OiiKiess uf the United St.ilPs lo acapt the
llrstioiiHtltiitionof this stale \\dli thecondl
lions linpmoil In thu ict of confess , known
as tlpeiiiibliiiK-iet below inineil , that be foi o
cntuiliii ; upon the duties of sild oftko he
toolt the oath required bv Iiw and sworoto
support tin constitution of the fidtod States
and the provisions of tbo oitfanlu ait imdet
whuh thotcrritorv ofXehiasUavvas cicatel
In istis lespoiulont removed to llou rhs
conntv , \ > hero lie has siiuorosiiled In the
jojiilsri luspoiiiiont wns elected , by the
electois of s iidioiinlj , a inenibu of tbu con
\eiitlon oftho people of Iho state of : \e-
braslta to form a state constitution , niul.afkr
t.iknn'thi'oitli icqinieiJ bj law to support
tlio ( ( institutions of the United States and
state of NcbriLski. i ifactseivcd as a mem
ber of snidcotiuntiiui
rntbii year Is" , tln'iespondontwaseioctel
by the electors ol sail county inienibpr uf
tin convention ol the people of tlio st itn of
Xobi iskato fouu a. loiistitution , ivhlili con
vention dlseh.UKeil duty 111 the xeir
lsrr > , which resullcit In foimiiifftlio constitu
tion undoi whuh the govern incut of tills
stattihas slncoi'Mstvd , respondent after t.ik
nip Uio oath roipm l by Iiw tosuppmt the
constitutions ol Ihe United States and of this
state , in I nt seived as a incmbu of slid con
Inlsso lospoiideiitvvas ileetcd and acted is
president of thonLj louiud ol the pit v of
Inlssl aspondeut was elei.tcd im.vor of
the eitj ofOmilu and served la said'otlice
for two ycirs. Ui lsi" > rcspniulcit was ajriin
cloi-teil to slid oflico of mivor and served
for twoyeais , and ! > tforo tu.uitfthe uftlcoof
niaxoreaih of siid tlmn ? , icspondont tociUan
oath to buppoit , tbo constltiitlnns ot the
United Stites and 07 thostutoof Nehraski
Kespondint furtlirrs.iystbat durinq- said
period ol' ever thfrtj jo.irsbo ins eiercisid
the dec tivo fraichisiin Mid tciritorv and
statoof Nebraska ftml oiijoyud all thoiiubts ,
privileiresuiul nnnvnm'tes of nclti/enof the
united Hides and ofsiiil territorv and state.
Kispotiilcnt further snvs tha't for over
thiiU two jeais last past hn hns been In fart
nnd in law a citl/cn of thernited Stiles and
of slid tentor. } im.l state , that ticitbor the
United States nor the torrltorv or st.ito of
XohrasUahis ever < Inllensed hU citi/pnshlp
or soiifihtto oust liiinof the fiinehiso actu
ally cnjojTd mul exerelsod by him to ho a clt-
i/enof thel'iiited Stilus and tint ills not
lOinpftentfor this ixlitoi'ko to do Ibat If
Ins alid ihjht and pilvileircof boinj ? nriti/cn
of tin IJniled hUtcs is subject to ohillenBe ,
it issolelv for the I'nlted States , In its sour
eisu capacity , torhallen > : ' the suno.
And ho further avers that ho wisnt the
time of the election in quistionauu for moie
than two veau prior thereto eligible to IK. '
Pleetecl to and tu noUl said oflleuof governor
lorlhi'tcini inquosllon
HisKinlent | fnithir says that In ls0it | MIS
his liou.i Ihle luu nt ion to IMI atlti/i'ii of Inn
United SI itos , anil that he then rtnoiinud
nniliiujuiid foiever nh allitfianioaiullklolity
to evcrv foician pimro , potenl He , state or
sovireijrnH vvlntovn. mil p.nticulailv tin-
ipieru ot ( Ircat Brilun and helaml , tint
ilvitinK all the time slneo he has behaved as a
man of oed moral thir.utcr , iittachul to the
priiicipiesof the constitution of the United
States and ucll clUposrd to lln > KODI ! onler
aiulliip'jiioa.s of the same , and all Mid tune
has absolutely rotiimnccil and abjured .ill
alien ! mco nnd llddlty tu ivorv forcl-n
prime , piitentatp , stito'nr sovotoifrntnnd
parlienlaily the queen of ( Jreit liritaiii mil
Kuithcr answpriu , ' tliii lesnoudent shows
to the com t thit , nllor hisiid oleclion as
k'ovciuor and iftor ho Ind h lined for tlio
ilrst time tint his citi/eii'ihip Ind been
qui'stioiuil. and on Dti ember 111 , IVfl ,
lie wont befoio the distrit louil ot the
United States for the distilet ol
Velu.iska , for the purpose of icmnvla ; ? nil
douhts tint ml.'lit auto thereafiir iiiresjxi-t
thcieof , and bj pi-tilion lo sail couit repu-
sentod tourt this iacts neeessirv tube
Iciioivn in that behalf tomliiiif ; las sild Ids
torv niuicitl/ensliipnf the United Stites , m"
sistlni ; Im UMami . had iiecr or"
moiHthan two iu\t ineeedini ; hi s
cli ) lion tothoolUceof fjovernoi in .Noxein-
bei , | s < ) ( ) , ,1 1'iti/cn of the I nltiil States , and
aisaittpiisiMitlnir tosii i court lliat a ijiica-
t ion hail been l-aiscdas mlds said fit/eiiship ,
whcicJiipon s.ild conit , hv its inil iinnt ,
found , ditirmlned nud .idjudued that he w is
in flit and lav a lull uti/en of the I'nlled
Stales , and , i-espondnit avers , that hois , ami
formally vearslast pist Ins been , adti/enol
thuUnitcil States vuthmtiio tin iniiu.uitl in-
il ulienienU ot thu actj of confess of the
United htitcs
liospnnilont IIMIIIH thd nllealio'is oflbe
ninth , tenth and eleventh iiiir.igi.iphs ol said
iiiloiniatlon txiept that he re.fu-.e- . tosuiien-
dei siui oillcoof pi trnorto sild rehtor mil
all olhorallcj alioti of nul infoimatioii nnt
luMiiii-boloro alinitied 01 pecidlj aisxvcied
\\liercf \ uspArtili'iit pi.ivs lo l > hueo
disinissoil with Ins U.its in this b"lnlf must
wio'iprmlv I'Mieinlulandfnr sin-h other and
nttlier nhef ut 111114 nit Just and propi'r
Short n aftu thi > . ilmitfof tln > answer the
attorneys for ( lovufunr 'Jluvi i Illedademur-
rorto tlioollcil tikinthouiis\\n didnot o
I'aiU , sulllui'Ul irt Wiistilnti' .idi'ieiisc tolho
in fin illation "ihrA ' Iho i.uts \ \ le insiii'JUipiit
to juslifv UiKil in exeivisliu' the
ilnllcs uf L'dOfiaor , " tint ho was
imlllllbli ) tu i j rllcj on November
1 . 1S' . , 0hifaeU ( , show tlnl liuvd
wat not lojnll ) _ s | ! .ioil , and that he had
nevei u 'on a ilti/ yiijii-ior to lloeoinlor , IVili.
'I'lio relater lhiij ! ifi > ; i > pi lyed jnil.'inont of
'I lie ininniieni on tliu demurer will lake
pliuv 'J'bui > d iv ( il a in
nt I'A Mi ah l''nviir.
'N , > . 'oj , Mirchll ) . iSp'-rlil Tide
to I'nr. llci ; I- 'I'lio honti uriitnlttuti
on linmli.'iiit ion consulorod t tinbill Introdnec-d
at tlio icquest ot II T flirUo of Oiin'ia ' ,
piovldi'iit forthe aiipuiiitmunlof a eonrnis-
sunor of tniilL't'i n > 'i , A imjorlt,1 of tliu
cdunnltteo lavored uideilnit MI > > tnaonu' | it.
hut the lill I \ \ n ll-.nlly icfoi rol h ip't ' u ithuut
roi'imiiiiiMi iatlu i
N : n i 'ii \i iii'l. '
l.iMiilv , Net ) , Mtro'i'lil fnle-
frum to 'I'll r HMII Tlia inihuenlcatrt I'nld
anothc reonfei'Diic.oUnlj'it ID coiuiditv Iho
advisability of api , > lntlnr. ; a m ntnlttuo to hi-
voill ale rnnir. mu-Mi'nn * tip 'iilicr P.llu
Tliujv'riidlvldo.i In oiilui in It H niatiiiiU , >
that a I'.i.iilull ) i on th js > it J wt wlllbiiMiiuim
illtllK lllllsO tlllOl ' ,
Sin riil \ i u i , W , i i
lug , is M i
Coiisiderod Almoit Cortaiti of Eloftiott by
Iho Illinois LogMatwi )
Coelvit'll null .MniM-p I--UU' u Matt-niiMit
l > i''hiiliiK ( lht lr Inli'iit luu of
Vt > llui ; Im1 ( lit * hVitm *
I'llltll' C illlll lllltl , % .
in. III. , March 10. I how up-
pears no doubt tonight tliat , tohn M Tahncr
xvlll bo elected to the United Stales sciinto
Aftu a IOIIR talk with ( U'neriil i'llmerthls '
allernoon l'eirc ' [ iiitnUves Moon1 and Cock-
nil Usiit-d aloniithv address to tl.olr party
( Ilio I'aimers' Mutual Itenellt associnlliin ,
settinu forth the elTorIs thev have mndo to
sepuretht1 IP eltdlou of an Indepindcnt enn
dldiito to tin1-senile , their ellorts with the
republican party and their Attempt to elect
Sireoter 'ihey | .ro on the nay that tlio ro-
pilblh'iim hive vrured fioni stuetei1 such
concessions and promises iis vvouM , if ciriied
out , entlrclj unlit him for ronsnoiitlously
icpresentiiiR the prinilplos of tin1 faiipers' '
pirty , KltidliiR' It absolutely iiupos lblo to
ileet uu imlepeinlent , thc.v lui\ofomluded
that tlielr ni'Xt duty Is to select annul who ,
vvhilo not inprc'MMitinir tlic pilneiplcs of
their onrani/ntion In lull , is in synunth }
with ininy of tilth' deinnnils nnd coniodes
the iiied of letlress in liclsiatloti whlih has
KIOWII tip unilcr tbu inlc of coipura-
lions imd monopolies The voice of
the people of the state should be
lespeitou in the choueof a senator and that
voice , so fai us express ! d in the list ehetion ,
was , siv C'lxkrolliinit MOOIP , nmpii'stionablj
In favor o flolm .M I'nlincr. "lieioiniiisat |
Islleil that we poulil not ilert a man who
would lull v repiesont our people , \ \ o today
iilledou Mi I'aimer in thp interest of our
people to ikscoitidn what assiinuccs and
hopes huvoiiltl jrlve us m it'K.iiil to Ids Inline -
line oftlctnl letioiiiPKiidlntr sui-h legislation
as oui people dciniiml 'I'hls inlinioivve ,
must . .iwas sails factory even be-
voiui our e\ppctations ( I'.ilnni has
parii'vl om - hi Ihe * -
icspm-t man 13 v\-iij
of conducting hisllKht this winter , In ipfus-
luir tonllo imviorpupt Iniluencoto oenscd
In hisbuhnlf Uliile he docs not fullv lep
resonl us , lie lias forced us to believe tint ho
is im liouost man While lids has been n
pioloiiKOit loutcste fcol that the elTtc't ii
peed : that It has foi red politicians to admit
that there Is something vvronio are
moro llrmlv fonvincod than over tint the
fntiiri'prospnrtt v mul Imiiplness of thccoun-
Irv dfiifiiilson tlipsunpss and i ioivtli of the
independent p.irlv An independent political
movement bv the tollini. inlllionsls the onlv
hope of the pr-iiple. In view of the fact's
abovestntPil we will toiaoriow cnstourvotes
for John AI Palmer and brlni ; this prolonged
ion test to nilose '
IJoinesentative 'raiibenpik , tbo othei
rurmeis * Mutual TUncilt associition man ,
has repeatedly stited that IID would novel
voltlor Pahnt-r
At aineellncr of the runners * Mutual Hone
lit association mul independent leiders fioin
all parts of the stnto this morning Stieotoi
inuluastroiu ; hut unsuccessful ittonipt to
alter their ilpt' rminntion and to once moro
( ometohis support. Coekiell. who lould
not be prevailed upon to entoi the 100111
wliorotlio m' lield sonta IUPSSHKO
that he would mi louder support the hide-
iitndent iMiiilni.ito and was determined to
hold no ftnther loiifuntico with Streeter 01
hn fiiciids
Stueter , in a buef soeech Insisted tint he
niadcno villl c oiniiiissloiiH to the icpii blie.ini
and he never pledged the rnllioadssupport of
their inonstiiei lit1 re id a new speech which
h" halpreiiarcd \\lilchioiitnincd \ none of
the objectlo'iable provisions which In the
hist speech had .uvaltined the opposition of
Moot u and Uoikroh , but Monie tefusi'd
alto ether to consider the speech or to longer
five expressions of lonlhluicciii Streetor
He said ho bad been instriulccj bj his con
stituinls and supporters to no longer suppoit
Streottr , but tovoti- for l ihner
Thei'onferencoendtejnt this Juncture with
out luithei action , but Intel in the afternoon
Mooie and Cochrell. in a nilcf conference , i o
Hi rated their decision to no longer \ntofor
Strei'ter. Thev docidcd tint tliov would in
the Joint asscmbltotliv rtfiain Irom
votlnir at all. but on tomorrow , nfler a
loiifeienco with ( ioneanl I'nlinii and fullj
ilotinhiLf their position to the public , they
would vote for ( leueral Palmer
In view of the startling determination of
tin1 I'lntH'i's' Mutual llonotlt iissoiliituui reii-
resent itivts , the lepublic.ins refrained frori
votiiii ; , ns did nisi ) the fanners.
After the one bundled aiiilllftj tlilrdbillol
the sessionadjouinod until tnmi'mow
The lepiibllcnns this nfteinoon ire ilKeuss
IDLT the advisability of votiiif tor Representa
tive Moore toniono\vas the onlv meins of
pievintlnptho ileetionof ( leneral Palnpr.
In ( he tonfoicnct1 of Cockrell.ind Mooio
with I'aliner thi > aftcinooii tlio Jhst ijuestlon
aslci'd him was bis position on the I'neitli1
riilroids. He slid he believed In tlio en
forcementof the rifrht" ol the ( rovornnifit ,
winch nrosimplj thospof anv olhor credit01
to take possession of the piopertv
It need bo His idn alwavs hail
lii-en that the Intent ot the loads
was to ulti'iiateiv ( heat the ( 'oveiiiinent
1 no utension of their debts foi sixty or
seventy yens ought not to UP KI mted u'uless
in.ido with a view ot outaiiiiafr liettirsecn
rity for the eoveinineiit. I'almer wns asked
if hovvas in favoi of tliu abolilioiof inlional
bank eircnlation , uml ipphui in Uio afllrma
tivo. On tlio ( iiipstiiiiinl inoiie > ho said tin )
Kovcrinnent should furnish all that \viis
nc-atoil as nijiuv lei nubile pin poses and
should contiu ! Us voliuno in the interests and
for tliu buielll of the people c\cliislvoli
Asicui it ho fa\oii > d a graded Incoiio ta\ ,
I'aliner said he had stated in a former con
vorsatlon lliat in adjusting the iivonnos of
tins ( ouiitij aiiiiicoine tax will hciflinu i
necessity. It should bo so iti.idud , huncvei ,
as not to leai'h libot ami the siihstLiicu of
tlic noople Coi-null then entered into a
RUI 'ial disLiissinn of the condition of tlio
inuntiv fioni thi' f.nmeis standpoint , niul
found his views m pi nccnnl to a larno
o\ti'iit with those ol 1'aimer The latter
s.iiil ho was ailviinceil in veats
neer I'xpectid to bo : i candidate
for senator nvilii. and would have bal
ono .iinbitlon \Vashiiijrton \ to do the best
bo could lorthepeonlp liitoniliisioii , Coclf
tell told I'.dmei ttintthcv adinlied him fin
hnvliiir stood as the repiesenlative of his
p.irtv , ni.ikliifr 10 concessions m ouViiiiKs lo
ti.idunr hitter
* 1 do mil tiifan to I'D to hell In waj of the
senate , * ' siid 1'aimer , and the conference w.ii
at an end
Mnio l n rrcc l''iyhl.
Tol'i-KA , Kan. Mnicli III. 'Ihero was ,1
seyno of uronl I'M'iteineni In the hoiiso to-
iil ht 'I IIP eommitiio on the iiivostlfnitioa
of the state hiinse uimmlssionns not beinu
leailv , Sjieiltor IJIder , who taiiiu thu
lloor , moveit that the coininiltco be allowed -
lowed to sit afti'i the adjournment of
the IpLjislitnro I ) nuililsH iropi , eoniplainnl
Hint prisons iindoi la\ estimation Ind not
been ulluumt to lie piesent at llni committee )
sittings , eithei b.V nerson or hv .Ulorni'V
Ho nnd oilier lepiiblicniH dinouiuiHl Iho
tonnnitti'i'iind ll.o farmers'alllmeo IClibr
lnHMino exeeetllnijly anjiiy and said th'
nllimeo was running the hoiiso and
the rcpnidiiMiis must hiibinli , wlietlui
ri ; bl orvioiitr Then the ( 'illorles
lnssc'ii , the allU"ce nii-n iheend
and tlio leim bile ins moninvl 'Ilio soi.-ivinl
al-ni ns nnd doulct'tpiir nlleiiiplod tu chMi
Iheirilluues and smi'ral llvcl.v eneounteis
to-ill plaiM Aiuni'iil ; lljht IIUMIDO Imini
in-ill , bullluallv lOlder Ksiimel the chah ,
mild Im ivas ash lined ot hit riMiniks ami ap
pe ilcd to all Din.i-n'to in ilntainorder ( Julet
watlliiJU lo.stuio 1 and Klder's motion vviu
I'nll ' ilh'K "i * i "ar I's hnrni'sMui1.
SvuixMi'N Di'ala , Mau-li 10 'Ibe lliat
b.illuL In thulite seiiuti1 fjp I'ldtod Stales
Kfinlor le-iiilltJil K tm lj \Hon l t ,
I > n Venn , ; I ; Osti'om'iiumi lt > . sruiU'iliin T.
In Uio aasuuiblv Do YUIIIIK Is , IMuol.l.
Illiiiu liiuil U. I'Vlton 0 , IJslimn ( dciii ) in ,
scalli'rini ; H > AH Ihcro was no ilioictilii
c-illni' nuiiich both liiiuues.will meet m joint
.CuilliU tlllUOllOVV.
'llm > -.niirl I li j NII | , ini > ,
Sr I .ui i . .Murcb III 'Ihe lower house of
tile ic-jjislituiv todav passed n bill rcipitimi * :
all loix'lRii corporations dt'tni ? husluoss In
tills stuto other than Insurance conipiulos lo
lllo artlcH of iisMorlatlon with Iho stvrelary
of stnto ami become Incorporated under Ilio
laws no\.cniiif ] | dotnesHoiorpoirttloiu ,
A Nil fiow I'scapc. < oi\ , Neb , Miueh III sncclnl to Tin :
( Ur | 'tln < Knxou Mil , reiiuitliu * ; the niinieH
of all theleiralotvis In u piivltnlto iietl-
tlons foi saloon llci nst > s In ln > loeinod initsldu
ofiltlesnnd llipiirpor.iteihllhik'es hud aer \
iMimnv esi-ape Whim the roll was verltled
onlv llftvotesliad been ivroitlptl in fnvorof
thi'iucasiiic. and the npcikor had lecolvotl
thi'otllclal taliv sheet , \\ln-n Slirvmk ( diMiit
of lass voted "avo , " irivlutf the hill the 1011-
stitntloinl ntimher of voles llm i-lmlr then
hotinn to HII.V "a eonstlltitlond inujorllj'
whin ho was by MtlCesson ( rep >
of lin easier , who diiuicurfroiii live to "no "
\Vhlle < deui ( uf ( . 'assthoni'iiniiMo tlmivsoin * ,
follovvedhy Kind of DmiKlns , both of whom
voted "mo , " nnd t lie bill uns si\od ,
.N thru ska I cut stall v i Not IN ,
I.IMOIS , Neb , MiivhlO.fspecidto Tin :
Un | 'llu > IVIker bill , niakmij II iiianda-
torv thut oiip-thlttl of Ihe sehoul bomls
of met riipollt an cities slnll bo women , was
passed bv tht'votoof Mi Heiliandof Hnili'-
las , Wllliout Ids siipnot I the bill would line
failed of passage ) b.1 , Just ono vote.
AccorihtiK loprodletianlii 'Im UK Iholnll
provldinc for i eonsUtutioiial lonvcnllonwas
dofededln tholmusp Jtutili lecelved M of
thoiiecossirvOO voles
Messiy Cramb and IJlllllini were Iho onlv
roptiblieans \ \ ho voted in fuvni of holding a
constiintlinial I'omentlon , aid Deekoi' of
Thi.ver the enl ) dfinocrat
A rU n MS us .So Inns Spran ,
I.trn i Km K , Ark , M ueh 10'IiiPtv WMS
a snmatlonnl IncidiMit in Hie liouso of repie-
.scntiiti\es this a flu noon diiiiiiK tbo dobttu
on the question of eallim ; a ponslltutloniil
convention llepiesiMitatlves Mitchell of
Benne and Head oMitlli > I 'It er had adls-
pulo 'Iho lie wns passeil and ink tamls ,
ciispldoiis ainlotlui articles uleiililed to do
tnjuiyvveio thiown throuuh tlw air Noono
was injuied , lint nil mi'inhnsvno well
spittc'i-i'ii with Ink and tobnuu jnlte 'I'lie
speaker ordeied t hesortremt at nriibto plaeo
thndistiiiitiTsuiidirnrrost \ \ thfiiuw
qniited down hnth repiesenlativ es nlTirt-d
atwloKies , which \ue neropted by Ibo house.
iiiode > Uland I'liihiDltioiilmM.
l'iioHUM i , It. I , Much 10. The state
l > iohihitlonists todav nominated this ticket
itev John il Tauv , governor ; .lostiun ( ' .
Hiown , lloutcnant pn\mioi , J'lmmi-s : H.
I'eibod ) , attornev Kctural : I'avid ' O 1'ir-
Kill secietan of stito. l.otiis I' i eiiilnglon.
iMitral tunisiiier
'Ihe rOMdutioas ili'c'laro that the present
tailir is impiopeih culled "prctetitlon to
American labor. " The commend then -
mnn's l hnstini Temper inee Union mid eill
fora tnoio thiiiDUKliunfuiioiiient of all laws
tint protu t the wink aj-iinst the
Here's n Sin t ! ol' 'linn K.I
AIIIVM , X V. , .Miivh III Ihe senate lias
been looked in the tbamlier since : i .W o' < 'loclc
this altprnoon under a call on a motion to
change the rules toievcnt | Ueutonuit ( ! ov
jinor .fo'ics ' fioin natiiliii , ' u vipsidini ? ofllier
foi two dajs nt u time dining lonos'al-
scnec. 1'assitt is | iri > sldoiit pro loin , and
wants topiosldnlien .Innes Is aw.iv Insleiit
if havint' a in Ilio chur. The ina-
| onldulnie that no Inishipss will he done
iintlF the matter is disposed of 'i ho senate
is still in session tit I a m
A Disilni'l l > inn | > | > i > iuliii - > at.
TOI-IIV , Kan , Mnicli 10 'Iho st.ito lepis-
lattue today dosed consider illon of n'Mi'ial
leuisli.tivo < neisuin and fiom now to ad
journment will cruisidei nothing but appro-
prntiou bills Thi' work of the .session has
hem a distinttdisiippoiiitiiientto tlicfarinei-s'
alllinco They ramp to Topehi intPiidiiii ; to
instltutP all sorts of icfornis , ainl return
\\ilhout havini , ' accomnllshcd the en.ietion ol
radical ones.
Island ( { i pulilica us Noun nale.
I'lioMiu N < i It I , M irh 10. The repub
lican stito convention today undo the follow
ing nominations : ( iovernor , II * v\ \ F-ad I ,
lieutenant frovornor , T vinan B. ( , olT ; at-
toiiKiy ncneral , IJaniel It Jillou ; seontiry
of state , ( icoifc'o Ilntter , treasurer , ts.nnuel
CM uk.
Idaho HUM the World's Kalr.
IloisrC'irt , Idaho , March 11) ) The legis
lature has eil t'ilVKK ) for a stnte
exhibit at the world's fait
Ill-mil riniii Ilii'on li a
NiVuith : , Manli 10 - Moie than one bun
dled d.ivs iipo Cautaiii r 1 Xoiloa sailed
for Europe with his family and rnnl on
a small steamer of the saino name ,
foi which heiialnied theiu.ility | of heiiiLMiii-
sinkahle by storm or tin id llo lias never
been seen sineo Now one of tlio
iiieiiibeis of his coinpnnv his heard
finm the Ill-l.Ued ciiift UiioiiKh a
IJlooUlvu siiluiahstlc | iiiediinn The medium
dtclarostliatCaptain Xnitoii died of staiva
tioiiheu LMrfhtv divs out , Horn thU port , Ins
\ \ ifiMindKlmecc lia.\mn died afewdijs
lufore The little ship , so tlio storv ' PIK S.
nut with n tembh ) i" , done and \va , 'dnvnn
fur to the south-A nil. with the loss of the
smoke stack nnd tle > elc house. At pipsent the
\Meck lies about 1000 miles enstof llia/il ,
mil hhiemcci Coulsoii vis the enl } sm-\ivor.
Is Well l'1-iMlihMir..r
XKVouii.Manli 1O | Speeial Tolcgr.itn
tol'nr III i- . I-P. T Slieiniauhas informed
thoSheiiranstaUio fund eoniniittio that the
general loft his famllvM \ proviiled for and
thoj leijiicsttluit the co'iunittCQ nliaiidon it.s
nitPiitiniof glviui ; n 11 } surplus of the fund
to the familj
lliiHliuiil mil vIIVKilled. .
\VII.MIM. \ ION Oel.Mnch 10 John ( Honor
ind his wife vvero killed todiv bv.i railioad
tiilu mil * Ilollv Oik
I'lillc Stiiriini Nil ( > H ,
I' T rinpir. win lives at Twentieth anil
Vinton streets , applied in police court for a
sen eh warrant .Mstordiy for the purpose ol
iciovermi ? a bull dun tint Ind In'on stolen
fiom him. Detective 1,111s took tbo soncb
\ \ uranl and DHH-ieiled inthutiousnof a man
named liroolts , neu Koit Oiniha , vvlieiti ttie
iMitino was found Kills took the dosr to tlio
piilli-o station 'lids , s a slairtilur | ) leco ot
voik , fin the ic.isoii tint a do Is not piop
ertv in the eve * of tlio livv
Kiifiinp Tower ineonipisseila quantity of
vllsiclast night nnd simibhoel a window in
a saloon nt tlm coinur of ICleveiilh and I'ar
limn sheets lie wns anested and chanrcil
vilh inilicions lfsaction | | of propeity
deoitro A ( oulter , snporintenilnit" of the
police Ilio ilium smiii' rt'ulvi'il i mi ssiii c
iesterdu stattii'that ( b's father had died in
, Xi > \ \ York
W.I.TII. ' tn' < n.t MI : .
Ho a Konliiok ) .linljre Iffi'l.U'Htt Itc-
Ltaril In Ilin-Mt1 Itmlnjc.
1 11111 % IIM * . IC\ , March 10. [ Hixvlal Iclo-
Ki-atii to TinHi r 1 .Ituls'o 'Ihompsen this
iiiornliiij ivndi'icd a ilciWon In the I'eh1-
bfatotl pool rtmni CUSPS 11 Is In the nature
of a spusiiUon. Hi' holds that horwo rai'liul is
not at'iime of iliauto and Unit pool reouis
cannot bo proseviitnl under thu ( iiinbllun ;
Inwi He. tliPi-cfoiv , illsinlsse.s ( ho de
ft'iidant.s , liicliidinK ( he proprietors of IKo
pool iiHims In this city. An nmienl w ill bo
made If the jiltiiiiii'iit hnldsln tbo blither
iiuiil , at li'ist u do/en now pool rooms will
bo stalled In the Midi' .
'I IIP ( "in n HIIN ! 'IS I n 1. 1 in1 ,
Sioi v. Cm , la , Mirch 10. | Kpe ml Tele
I'Hitnlo Till Un | rolloHlnis-l' a list of thu
Sioux fit } hull team as completed tf > di\
Catihers , Crossley , Kmle and Strauss ,
iiltolurs , Slcbil , Kitoiild , UoMidd and
I'xv.ver. ' Ural , Morrissey , second , Nliholmn ,
third , C'eictiran. shiiit , Sholbeck. anil out
Held , I'ODiimm , ( leiilns and Van Oyki1 'llns
Is undoubtedly the stron nst tciiintliat bin
nvei ivprt'scnted the t'oin I'aliifo illy , aini
vviHIm foniitl full } tipaiile tu kccpup wit i
tlio procession. _
-Miiltll.'UclK.I . Mill.
UIMON , Mass , Much 10. - | Spci'lnl 'li'l.
cram to Tun llm | t' l { . Davids of I u
i on in , N" . I ! , uml T. U' . llroxvn of Port Ian I
Mo , mhldlc\\ eights , fouj-ht twenty rmnni- *
In Ijvnn last nliht fora purse Hunvti was
idioiked out.
IItiir\x , X. S , March 10.Sp | pnl ! 'It
lrain In 'Im Un.l l.anibtlofealeil Laitllmv
In a llx'omUe skutln iaco ntSt. Jotin I i t
for the clniuplc'iishlp '
I'tni ill I hi" t'ulisi'iim. '
There MIS nlliiu ciovx'd pioscnl lit the lo i
siMiinliii'.xi'lo tourmiineiit lust night iindthi-
spoil xviiHOiiial | tonuy Hint hns ever Im i
sooiuii tbp building Tlio uinitenrs me all
feeling HKp foui-yeoi ohh , are full of gini/i r
and di'teiinination , nnd the rivalry Increasi-s
Tleie xv as a iniioh larger mnnboi of Inil s
hi the rescued seats thiin usual , and the < u
thuslism nf the tali um'sox'ci thivli respi i
ti\'o f iv oiltt'H ntldeil much to the femoral mi
juyinoiil nf tin * occasion.
'The llrst event on the evpniiitfcaid xvas the
txvo mile dash bet ui \\lllIcIUllloStnnh \ \
nndO.ieinVulkcr , Seanli pelting ! IH ! pio-
bosils nnilcr the xvtie llrst hi O.It ) .
Then Meat's gnx o his inllatnmator ) pomp l
dour an e\t r.i brush anil trolled unaj liom
} oung Osborneiu shipe. Timoli.M'i
AI'intei'iTlng xx'tkvd .Allen iMislli , on ni-
( omit of ( lie hum s busted saddle liu.o
Mesehorund Mr I'ottor ( of Tc\ns ) miulc n
spiiili'd i hasc. but the soiitlietiier xvus In It
.it . the linlsh , and Kluh added nnotlicr iauivl
to his xvroith int'sM7
The tlinlllngex ent of the oxening v\'i 3 the
tilt betxvien Mons. llilliim Plxley and Deal
\Voil7 'Ihe Ink \\iie both toppil * , clad in
hliiD ti hl-11 and in noon Jorsies , autl they
vvhiili'd about the iltvuit liku a i on pic nf
uanvasbiiilc duilt xx'llh a load ol > 'n. . " > shut
hurllltiK In thf II rent 1'ixon in li.lS.
.Mi ( lioss , from tlio iiiumitalnn ot List
J'ennossoe nixehis inaacot oiillc a iocK uiul
ivout nftii- yomiKOsbornp , hut ho iiiwb .1 J
inisiie on Ids pi'daland the jouth beat him
i > iit hindsdoxvn Hv n ni.-isr.iblo ilceisien nf
the ] udn"s , hovvi-xer , the tunes limit vva-s
sprung on this ux cut , and thev ran it uvir ,
eJmss xvniidiif ? Tiii.o , ( i t'l '
VNnlkei outrnde Allen for Ihe lequisi'o
Ixvi'idy I ins nnd tunic his pliers among he
winners , rime , 7 ( i Don't Kuo\x xxhut be-
[ "uiii' ' of the time limit lixrht here , tiuli.s
lohnsnn ( jot itini\ed up with the iipasuil pic
mdtlie ejiKs
-\luntorliiini : , hj i bit nf slurp Jockj'ilnir ,
inn slim Mr. chneil into a liri'um-.taiH
slcinnim ; his none and coiiiubini ; his ln-lnn.- .
-.ex-eitly. Mtniturfiiinvx'iis a\Nucled tin'
iice TiniD (1 ( Is.
TheTexun n'im Ilished uthvvart Iho ti i ! > .
In his cciiiloiin unilurin and mounting ii - .
in.uhiuo Mice n xuiitablo .lunnilo Itobins .
vx'entaltuVeit . butliemlKht as well luv
nniliitalidi to i.itchu slice of the lefreslnn- ;
March wind , .to
Kollrmln , ; this cinio I'ivloj and "UiUi.
[ Jilhe vVlien they startul nut \Villlo Jl'lli
looked like n pieat hig mm , but at Ilio llni--li
In- was so far behind he lusombled a in -
fiuitoon the enl of jour tiiicer. I'ix In in
sverjthing o far. inikingtho txvo units u
: .OI
Asa iMiid-up l-'levcher , aftera hud tussle ,
IsentCluiillo Mi'nrs Ind in , and thene.unt t1 ii
' 1 his xxas ntinmusiiiK nox-eltv and o\ul > t d
sareains of applause It will be repented t < >
ui ht , the i-o'itestiiiits bolmr mount'M i
ikatps Uild Hill Store ; vx'on last nlirht
t'olonel.lackIxiistninii niak s nn txiill i t
starter and maUer of coic'inoiiies.while I i I
llnrou keeps the some mil time , and , m fi ' ,
.bout eveij thing he gets Ids Iniidsou.
< liiiin it is \ t a \
( _ 'IM tNXki i , 0 . .Match -Ameilciin \ i
'O. lihon mon , : fter I prnlriitred sissi ia
lodiy , asserted xx'ltti much pico that the
dieted IS'atioi.d lu.ifc'uo xiiimv is not n vu
torv , thit the puieliasp fron , lohii-on in
lounied jesteul.iy for I'.Oini ' is vvorlhli - - .
intl that Iho nssoi-iition still o\\'iis the rig I t
; o miry on its suhulule of games In ( 'uu 111
inti Thcxnx , thilr eiu'iilt will lie Dalti-
noie , Pin . .u 'da , Boston : . .ndYa hiiigtini
n tlio onstiiiiil. . louis , Louisville , t'limii
inti mid Loluinliiis hi the xxcst It is , is i
isserted th it thov Imx-o secuied thcservices
if Milce Kellj. Tha ipigne people , on the
ontinry say the association folks ute badU
'I hid Dims If One.
Down at South Omaha list night a | ( i . f
. .poitsero tickled almost to de ah bv thew ,
llarnoy I'u.xloiof tint place and Tom " \ViKh
) f Omaha handled each other vith lunj
rloves. Pix-o louuds xvpie contested , u 1
. .henVeKh wis too tired to proci-cd ' 1 ho
Irst throe rounds \veio lather tame , tint MI
.ho fourth and fifth the men hanimoivd at
null other as though -welkins b. > Uio plei i-
It was need ( mituroa contest , md niic-ht
uvM1 lasted longer If Welsh hud had his
i xx-ith him
\\pll Ilifil Ktiiiniiii ; Stock.
t-ivN lrnvx < isi o , ( 'ill , \lai\h 1O | Spot al
rckv'rainto 'I m : Hi i | One of Stiinfoul s
.ralners ilcclmed toliv thit th semitor'
nailouphis nihitl to go Into the o\U-iisi\
jrittliiignf tlnn on L'liljred ruiMiitiir ntock Mr
st.inlord lias nlvxaxs ( l.ilineil Unit the lar'i ( st
> relit and i redii lav in biei'dini ; trotters , and
using 1' i > . \lla l.irin his tiiintMl out nuth
iighut tiuttiMs ZSnvx , however , oipnil all. rt
lun w ill be paid ti > inntiiis
Ar > the In'st month * In tnpui if ) jour Mood's Sirsniirill i will euro , vv'bi'ii In tin
hlioil , fur it nuntlier seastni tloi'stho sj K'in piix\ir < > f'riifid.i silt ihenni.suroj ,
MI much in oil Hie .tlil uf aipliihlo nmlli hie bnlK , jdniplps , all hinnois , tlspp ) | > s.i | , Mllous-
HKe'lloiul's Sar ipnillli , asnoxx * . Diiiint ; ihi ui-ss , siik held u hi , liullgi'silnn , fciu-ral
IOIIK , euM lulu tin'bloodliri'iniies thin and iii'lilll ) > . Pit.inli , rhiiiniallsm , kldniy aini
hnme. | Un' In id ) In unit v\t \ ik , uul t ind , the llxi'ri'onililiits.iiitl | , ul diM IVCSDI anullons
an'ctltenii ' * , lolost II' Is Snsipaiilla Is aiblii ' fioni iniimu' tiiiiul orli > xxeoidllliin ) uf
punliaily ad illid ti > pulll > . 'iiilimnli ' tin the s ) stem.
hluiiil , to tic id a i : < ml ,1111 till * and to ox i'l- 'Ill tliespihi ) ! I ; tit Piiinplett'l ) i nil tloXMi.
cume thd tu i illt I coiilil nut f.Uur slu' | . . .md allllu' ilic'.id > J
llis.l l.irKlT Mil't bun mjollu'i MI sipilllll ( list isi > s of liftiMi'iiiul to luxe a nun
orl'biiiiliii ' | dli i and ill 111 n ist- : > lui > i > pnliitt ) | iiiysjsti-iii I luvc now liken two bullies of
PMIJ' > l ir , furlt is tin lili ilspltii | ; Mnilillll Ilimds Susaiuilla | and II.IMI i.tlniil ; ti
1 I hnvo for a Kmn lime lift ii ihiiig llnod s pounds. I'.m 'it.ialliliiKwithiin' It liurtlni ;
Kirsipnrlll > , and hdlcxo me , I tvtaild not In nitm > d ) | iosli | iiinlbilliiiisnosshaxo BOIII- .
xvllhoiitll Asa splint ; i mu io I in U isii\.iln I nivui Ml ticitiT In ni ) life ThiiHj two
alle" 1 A Itiiiilil's. | ja Onl.iiiu Mif i hotlles vvi'ie viiith $ lee lu HIP"V \ \
C'llllMglJ , 111. JlO bill U In I'll Kl lOXVH I lOl.N , 111
fl niilirf' rrcjiand
Aimiliiiar u , U t I MIMI liyl 1 IIOIII ) All ) . .S | jtlimrlwi , U.wtll M in ,
IOO Doses Ono Dollar i IOO Dosou Ono Dollar