THE OM.A11A DAILY MAIUM1. 10 , 1801 , Mv'llPPl'lTHTP ' MARKhlb , TLe WenlOpans Well in the Prices on All CcrcftU ANOTHER STRONG ADVANCE IN WHEAT , li Oops1 Slunv Nn Sl im il' I.ill' H I'ndcr l'mnrahliVciulici - A slight Dullness in I'l'OVl-ioiH. . - * . MuHi 0.-sQ'lal [ | TMosmn to TUB IIKK.1 Thoio wore Indication * of strung mill nt'tlvo inirkots oil clian-Jto when trndlin ! nun riHiinuM tlilMiiornlit : . Wheat strirlod at ll.Ol'ifnr May , or V up froniSiitnriliiy's price. Dnrlirj the llcst hour tliu prior dropped to 11.00 Y mill oil u ilMUKnilvmii'ii toitehoiHI.O''iS. ( -'urn started stonily for May at 5lUc , mul snM til 59Ue lit ilia sinn * thin * . OiU nualn moved up frnin I'JV lo.Vli1. I'rovMom ' Hero loss m1- llvo. ttlth May poll , tit Ju.ttJSi umUO.1174 , ami uril ituil rllu uiflmiiKcil. \Vlicnt trnilo ciii'iiuiilcri'd ; i lit ; linll tnnrlirt from llu < start tliU innriilii . 1 ts nclliin curly nas imllUutliat f Snturilay and fur tin'sumo r isom \ | . y opiiiii' I ui > "iu fro n Su tiinhiy at tl.UO'i nnolllii' ' . I'luiscd liy iliu MX roorlpts In tlio iiiirlh\uii anil ut St. Louis. Tlu'ii tlm liny- liitf of tin1 ilny lii'Kiin , iitnl H'alpcrx. liulls mul lip.'irs nnd buy In. liy ronm > l < ! on linusrx , anil InrKopniri'Hiliiiiiil traders , run Icil lliu pileo up lic ! s-lralKlit from Jl.OJ'i In } I.O V Tlii'n1 \ : nn MttluilorltiK- from tlili price wlirii on tin * second end linlKuvltli Cuiluliv mul others i-iivcrlm , ' , the prli'u \\K\\I \ \ tn } l.0."i , tliu ourli call piU'o 11 H'eonil time. Si llliit ; asiilnit pilvllexi'i nnd fur u loactlDii cuiiM'd ast-tli.iilk toil.OI'i about midday. July at tin * sanin Ilia J suld at 07 'ii' ' , on" toluj'.c , to lls'iiloli7'Bi' ' , , Tim I'harai'ti'i1 of tlm mlvlcci was lltllo cliuii'il ) ! dniii lust nroU. I.I vcrpool open nn rulilt"'iUli'il | ( spit wlie.'kt up'id. ' and futures up lilisouiiml ualili's ipiiituilllui niarUctstrong niul ailviinciii ! ? . Dunn . * c rn , hu'l ' I'ri'iieh ml- ' .li-os siiylus that with perfi''l wiwthor llin whual llolilsshow no life. An Item was alloit uNo tliat HID diMiiiindsiif I'ranonlli lin ril-eil ; ( rnin 4D.tM0.UlJ ( -itllXIO.Ojn to I0),0)0,000nr ) ) I2\- ( OJ.Kialiisliels. ( ) Aui'iits hiTOiif fnrolxii Inter- ( its ncrti tin1 nxnl bullish peopl c on the Hour. On tliti otlior hand , the northwi'st nnd St. Iiouls soM hero. Minneapolis tun ) Du- Inlh had , * > sj carx. and St. l.ouls hml roi-clpls of 11:1,000 : bii'-hrls. An cnrly i tltnntu huro on the vlsibhs sunply \\.is but 100,010 bushuls , dcvroiisc. Tin ) .MllwuiiKeo esllinnlu was 200,000 InislivK derrciiso. Thosu lliuiruH wi ro buurlsh , ns u your ape It wni U&.OOi ) bushels. Onii'lal Urines when pintoil show a docroasu of lliO.dtiO buthols I'uiilrlilifu led the uarly sellliiK. uml iniiiiy of hU followers KM tlit'ieut tlie.sametlino lik'r ; they sciamlik'd for wheat at highertlKiiU'4. ' liliidlihioni anil Mltchull ere Kmv.liiiyorKe'irly. \ . Ttrb shorts bonplit 011 the up turn , anil later the buying was led liy llnkur , ( lodiles. Dunn & Co. , Jlotelcy , and ( illusr trons housos. lloforo 1 fi'olouk closing ( ' 011111111111111 oalilus canii ) In Stroir , ' , ami wlic.itsulil at the botl point of the tuHslun up to that hour , tuiiohliiK Jl.tW'i fur May. nnd'.iS'if ' ' fur .Inly. The liost si roiij-'lli ( if the diiy In wheat was ilnrlni ; tholiist linlf iinur.lion May ro o to ll.O'J'4 iind at Jl.0.\i. or'.V iipfortliu losslon. Other months weiu iviially | .strong , mil Mari'hvasciH | > U'il at } IU I'd ' On tha curl ) today puts on Muy wlienlvero fl.OIU. and calls not it Jl.UI'i. ' Tlm position of corn Is lltllo I'lian eil frnni last ui'oli. When prli'os niiivo up them Is no line hold L'lioimb to nlTcr eoru freely. NVIth the Inorunsod inoveinont , which oniisod an easier niarKot on Saturday , the Clilcatfo stoek of corn Ineroased but -l.OOJ liuOioli. The ro- coljits this iiiornlns were over the estlinatu at 441 I'ais , lint when the oslliiiato for tomorrow ( for fort y-nlj ; lit hours ) was given out ut 400 em's when soinethliu lll > o tlJO ears were e\- pocted , the iniirKot inuilo ipilto a bul c. Ao- tlon In leadln ; months up to tliu last half hour was as follows : Muy.AS'Uo to .V.Pje ; .luly , 5G7 c to Wii * . The \ hlhlo silply | showed a ( lo- eioiiso of IHI.OOO bushels nnd oven the bulls In tojiivoie surprised when tin ) market closed DII ihc bnlRo at Clo. The piodletlonsaiu thai the end In the advance Is not yet , Olhoi months closed as follows : March. 00 So ; April 10 " 4' c ; .lime. SU'c ' ; July , .IV ; Au iist. r.sijcj. Puts on May coin foi1 tomoriow woruMUo. and calls tl'J e. Outs for Muy dot1 very sold upto "il'jc ' , or o abo\u the previous hl'n'h piloo on this < 'ii > | i. riiuailvain.'o wasoanse 1 hy the stroiitli ! In corn and Inlying by the shorts , quito a num. bor ofliuni aio still out In the void. Tin niarKot was active , but t he trade win all of a bculplirx iiutuie. Tlmru nils u notlveuliiu ah- M'tu'c of lai o Iransaetlons , both buying and Kolllii ) ; buln-i well srutteiod. .May i old at III > , ( , Wif. nuo.M'BO. ' and closed 1'ie ' higher , at lie hid. .liine sold at 4H14fii.'iJ'.iO , and July at 4. > ' . < it4i'je. ( foiisldurlnj : the activity In UK Krnlu ninrkots , the dullness In provisions was veiy iiiurKod. This was owlnji tn tlie fact that the larjiw receipts of lions was axaln-t any ail- \ane ( > , and the strength In corn hold the mar ket from any hroak. Pucker- were Inclined to let the market uliuie. nnd outsider- , wen \ervhcaico. May pnrk Mild at i'.WJ'i an ( HI..I.'I. ' ' and then biraine very dull arnui. < fli.'A ' thocloslm : prloc of sa'urday. hard snii at $ .i..Haim ' ) t.v.rji , f)1. ) May , and J'.l. ' and fii.171' ' for .inly , and vas then neglected. Klbs dh not el UIIKI * : . " , i' from Mitiirdny. NVIth M.'iOO ' ) H > SS at tliu yarda. jirloos were 5c oil , and tin estimate for tomoi mw us 40WH ) lin s. Tin niiiKi ) and closns pilcos for all proiluut ap Iioar boow. ! riders AT CoM'liinm.l open. I lllL'h. I l.o . | L'linc' . | MUCKS AT ST. I.OIIIS. Noll's uml ( iossip. Minneapolis and Ihilntli , 5"ears. llerlln eablo luporls May wliuat I'i marks I'sthnated receipts of lie s at Chicago Tuis > lay. 40,000. Liverpool reports corn futures ! . ; d lower. Cldoaeo lecelpts : Cur lots Wlioat , f > 5cars ; corn , 442 ; onls , 102. 1'arls cabin says : Kulnlns In Kranco ; reac tion likely loiieenr. Northwest and M. I.ouls selling wheat be cause of the snow imrin. INllmatod ears at Chicago for Tuesday Vihcat 31 ; coin 4liO ; oats ' . ' .V ) . 1'arls nheni inuiket opened iiitet | but closed ttioni ; , lil hHr | irlcei looked for. Visible supply nf wlieiil ilccrca'o IIIS.UOO ; corn. deereiMi : ISO.UUO ; oat1. , deeieasc , M > , OHO. Hoard entile uiintes futures In wheat Id lilillit'r lliun s'atiirday. This accords with Ileerholnn. St. l.ouls rccclit | : Wni'iit. KI.OOO ; eorn , Ifki.- OdO ; oats 4D.iOO. ( Hiliiiiiuiitxi Wheat , .V.OOO ; coin , lUV-M'.i ; oits ; , ii)4' ; > . ClileiiRO reeelpH : Wheat. 4.V104 : corn,250.- SOi'i oal-s , I.V.KI ; . shipments : > S'lioat , a2,2si : ; corn , 10-VXKi ; nuts. lii.l.ii. ; Ileerliohin'sCuhle : C'nrKoes olT const wheat ntnl corn notlilni ; Mll'erlim. Mark l.une nlieat hi 111 , corn turn dearer. I'lonr strong. Mark l.iit.e No. 2 , club t'illlfoinlii. : iJs ( I'd ' : Kixxl cur- cnt" > . No. 1 C'allfornlu , 4Us i.ilti)4ls ; Aiibtral- Ian.s0shl : ; ( . 'lilllnn. : iss'.illVidla ; Walla. > sl > d ; No. I California to be slilimi'il , 40s ; nearly due , ( K M. W. Ii Mcrormlek A. Co. to 1" . C. Swartz A Co.- Oreat activity uml e\clten.eiit haM * eliarac- tcrUedour wficat iniirket today. The open- Ii.H cubli's uere slronit nt nn advance of a iienny In l.lvcrpnul and \\ero folloueil by later cables showing nn advance of nn addi tional penny and a half , the I.onrion inurket Improving In the siiinn > proportion with cvory oilier Knropc miirkct followliiK tn thcfr The result IKIH Icon u strong i market , wltlilur o bnvlni fur both loin ; and Miort acciHiiil.Thcniarlietolovs vurj'sironcal ubout tnniirlri . Tbo \ Mbli'snupb dec reused IM.OHO : Inislii'N. thlt bi'liiK about lint \vus o- peeled , So lontf ui foii'l n mlvli-is oontlniio htront ; wo most reni-w our udvlco to buy client at u Rood innnil protlt t'orn and oat > linvti been very aellvo anil stroiii ; , ihu bnlllhb feuinru bi'liu . llie tcvem snnwstorin all over the > \L"tl , which Ieail to Ilio belief tliul tliu ro * : clyts will full oiluu uccouutuf tliu bud con- lit on i-t inn r.iaiti'i > onnni't mH t c piir' t ll.iM M T"T 1,111. : , ' ' , , ,111 Sll ll .1 tllll Jl' ll \ VIi > i ! < iiinl. 1'iit v\.nul fni ini'lint'ii to h ni"iir rii'i.clH n.t b > sell i inMuy ili-nl sti.irt < m ilher n.iti ur oorn. l'roIslcns dull nnil in- id I vi' . l.oifan . < ; Co. , to Toncrny . * . llryntu stidiK fiiri'lzn ndvlciH iiiusril a higher UicllllU. \\lllrll , II xllllbt M't buck , Will int only iniilnltilniMl tnllii * eln-c. but the la t rndliu was nt a edit iiiiviiiicc In wln > ut fiuni huopenlnx lUurc Tln < I'toin'li were fpiorti | < il H lartic Inivorn In t'.illfiirnla niul tlii'i'e won' MIIIH * sali'H bulb hcri < niul .Now Vurk for evpoit. Iliu sliiiiitlnn iiliimiil fur llio | iii' i'iil ( ivor- shadow * I u nil * rwelpm nnd line piixpiM'ts fur he irnmliiKi'ioii In ihlicountry.nnd tbi'UiilN iivi > elenrlv tin'inlvaiiliitfi' . nnd me ine < sliu I. Should i Inrnlleil Klnieilon follow I hi * Into 'niittncntal IHIVIII : to any extent luenl condl- linns would lie lo t slclit of. Coin Ha-ntroiiij mil ebxeil nt top price" . II lieltiR rc orvM Milled Hill beshoHil toinori'iiw will liu linlil. \iiliiiiic of punMon trade resliloti'il , lint jiiinc advance In the market In sympathy \vllh Rriiln. KiMinett. Hopkins A Co. to Me\Vhnrtcr \ Co. Wheat advanced Inday on billllMi H'l'i'lls ' and In voine Inslanoe' Inllaintiiu- lorv inlxlei'S from nbrmid. II Is prnli- able tiKe that slmits were iiiixloiKtn cover In niiltelpallon of a hnlllsh repurt hvtbu cnvorn- luenl toinori'iiw on the tiiel n ( w heal In funn els' liiimN. It UtlioiiBht ibis will u No show from 4 : > .oooHlito ( .Vi.noiiHlnnlielsle ) ( ) H I bun lu t jeiir , when II WIIH lwndniHi ( ) lm liols. Two jears IIKO It was ir.MM.0 ) ) 01 Mi hel ; I In * smallest amount reported for ( be pint i-Ulit jeii'sls : IliT.tKlO.OiHi hu.hoN , In l -ll. It would Mum thill the anticipated smaller stuck In IIrM liaiiiN bail Mlieiuly been bemlly ilNcounted. us May heil was > elllina year turn fnnn 7i'to Tiv. wllllcllls nnw ile hl'ilhel' . with sloi'lcs III sec- nnd hnnds nn Imlli oo.i-ls laiKer ( banu IIKO. Hlsn wild bull inai-lict and Wecan > ce no ! idci0ate | ean e for so much entliushtsin on tlm loin ; side. As to rorn mul onls thi'li ) wns no o 'enslon for thcsharp lionin In tlies-'Cralns bebluil IK "slty of jinrtM ! , It It pinbalile , Ihonjjb. I be receipts will Inetcaso cburtly nnd prices should nutiiriilly deellne Milne , hot Iheiu Ii so llt'.lu contract sin IV now In vviirehonses that It Is easy for the clique to woi l ( prices and force shot ts In. Apptehenslnn that the uoMTninent may H'poil very Il'jht slorl.s in fanners' liniiiNon the I-t Insi. may nlsn havestlmn- laled linvlni ; . l.nst year thn ipiantlly \\.is UTO.IKIO.IDO Ini-helH. or ' -.VI.WXI.OOO to : t.10.0H > lOIO morn than the uvcrnce for some ycirs pie- vlous. In NVI It was TSIWO.I OH bushels , and iVW.TT'.Wo Innliels In t'-x" . It Is ( jctiernlly ex pected Unit the ( | iinntlty will t ) conslilerably inialler than Iwoyoars itaonnd ninny bellinc II will be sinn Her I ha n tb rue ye IH IIKO. We think supplies will he snlllelenl to co aionnd. and shortness Is cnernlly ( Her esti mated , lint would icnew our eaiillon In keep niriheshoil side for tin * present. Provisions uerodnll nnil featureless until near the eiose , who n thov advanced on the li oinsth In t-'raln. llynii was n lai'je buyer of ribs. K\ports lust neck - howmull Inclease over cur respondlim' Huek last year. vii ic.ustt 1,1 n : s T March O.-lSpcclal Tclourain to Tin : llii-O.MTi.i : : ] : Ilnslncts was only fahly active , and Hie pitccs barely steady on steer Mock , whllo prime or oven KOOI ! tinlcheis * stock was scareoand Kenorally sold lililicr. ono bunch of fancy heifers , uvoriiB- liiK l.O''l pounds , Mild at tl. 11. equal toslccnof the same a\erase. Old caiiiiliii ? cows , how ever , showed no particular uhanie ; hi fact uvorythhiK. likoa lurgo iitimborof this class of slock , would send viilnos down touro , as the dcinand Is limited , to s.iy the least. The stocKer and feeder trade pioscnted no new foatinesas compared with tliu uloscnf last week. lloiirtTho trade wai rather slow , especially lowaid the close , wlii'ii eiiniiiion and light mixed hold n oml r > e lownr , whllo Kood to eholeo sold iibonl as on Saturday. Thn cen- di'al niarkel cld-nl rather week , with a Kond number of common and medium left. Kouu'h lots , MitlUt.lii : ; zood to best mt\cd. Hl"i' ; iirlme heavy and buleher vulghts , $ L.Vi'iJ J.i. ( " > ; light , ' ' Siw VOIIK. Maroh 0. lSpn'li < .l Tele.'ram to Tins ItKK.I STOCKS There was more than the usnnlntlendanco at the stock t railorV ru.-oits over Minday. and the popnlur belief as that then ) mast bo u talr lecovcry fioin the pre-cnt bicak down In tirlces. 1'roin the ( Minld huadiiiiiu'lers It was Kiven out that operators who A\CTO not ai'iinnd to tradostocks on Ihc weakness when congress ndjonrnc > i will MIOII Hu.l In- ( IticeinenH to buy , A pointer was out that In siders will take Lake Shore at all further con cessions. There was much talk about the Xoi'tliwistbutii ! { too hluh for other cruii ris. Trailing opt'neii with nj.irly uvory active stock In better prices , with Iliirllimton , Nottli- weslci p and St. 1'aul each at an advance of ! 4. There was , however , very little of Interest In tliu market , only St. I'.inl , I.oulsvlllc , N'nsh- vlllc , liurlliigton A Qiilii'jy bolni ; really aethe , with a moderate biislness In Kook Islund and Lackiiwannn , while the remainder of this market was dull and fen lureloss , as usual of lain. The Improving tendency , however , disappeared UJwaid 10.1J : o'clock and pilces In most of the slocks were uKaln brought below ihosoof theuponln ; . This heavy feeling continue I up to midday , and Iho prices of moro active slocks lost about I percent from the best lliures early. New r.ii- landdroppcd toll 'i. ' llitrllnuton from ? " ' . , to Ti'-'s. l.ack.ivvanna from ni'J ' to IH'1'4 , nnd Un ion 1'acltlc from 44' ' , to 4l'i. Northwosterii held roinnrUalily firm at bctto- than tlio clos- JIIK price on Saturday. There was much Im proved feeling In slocks lalor In the il ly , an I pricerocou'iv I to abuut Iho best IlKurJs. un der Ihc lead of lliii'llir'ton. wlilcli elos. * 1 at i ' -i , or a 3i net Kaln. Other western slocks were ad vaneed In nronortlon. Kentiot-llopklns .t I'o. to McWhorter & Co. Today's "lock market has leen under the Inllnencc of ihelliianelal ojndltl'Jii ol alValrs in l.nndon nnd the operations fur London ne- roiint "n inir \cliiinio ? London has wom u inncli brighter face tndayln linanelnlniatters and the an\lely which was felt lliere llinnr'li- ont lust week iegariling llio Argentine situa tion menu to have given place to a innre hope ful Him In iilYulrs. Asa lesnlt sto.'ks of all kinds wciu stiong In l.nndon and consols niaoo rapid advance. It NalsoivK ] > tlcd that the forlnL'htly settlement , d iv after toinor- low , \\lll sliow a law slinrt lnturei.1 In Ihe inaiket. Not wltlistan Humour mnrket oiiened somewhat higher under tliu Inlliit'iiccnf I.nn- doniiiiot.itlonsiind London ii.irehasor-i , trader er- , were dUpe ed to ll' lil any advance and took the Initiative InI'llmi : the inaiket down. After selling a good many stockslimy began to npproelale that they were iihout the only sellers Ihero were In Iho mar ket anileie Kradnally Retting tliem- selM's In an unpleasant place , eoii cucntly | Ihey cen-ed suiiiin ; and do voted their cner- Kleilo covei'lni ; . The result wns the mnrket becnine much more active and very at long In the afleiiioon. While the advance In prices taking the. list throughout Is not material , the nnderloiio of strength thnl tlio market has e\hllilted Kdecldedly encouraging and no doubt If tin * London market comes In striniK Io morrow morning | n lees will miikea further imii'k advance. Seine onconrawment Is hehiK doilved liy believers In the value of slocks Horn tliu fact that hostile r.illwny legislation In the western states Is hanglni ; tire nnd Indi cations me that there will not hiunncli , If any , eiiiu'ted ihls winter. . Tills will put ( inlte a channel ! a.speet npnn analrs , hecan-o e.\pee- tallons for months have been that the cle ment whleh obtained control In a number of wi'ilurii states at the last election would coin all lengths In their hostile feeling towards liu * railways. The market Is ab.uilus professional as II can be , nnd a decided Imprnieiuent In either dhecllon docs not at the moment seem in-nimble , but the market has ninny friends wlui need but little enconritcineiit to eomo Into ll for a turn on the long side , nnd no doubt outsiders would take an Inteie-t ifthey saw the market had hlahlllly nnd was well Mippnrted. Money was easy at from Ii to 4 i.ercciit. Total .sales , 17.VK20. Tliu following arctho ehi'.tn ipiotatloiH : U. S. U n Titi-reTnTViwii Nnrfii7'rn I'ncltTeT. . . 2714 I' . S. 4i coupons . . . .I'JIUji ilu profcrrcil ,7' U.H 4SHri' , l t' ( , C.\N W 10 1. ' . S Is coupon ] IrJ ilo ( ex illvi. I'licltleOtof ' ' .ij Ill New Vork Central..lOI'l ' Ccnirnl I'nrlllc. . . . ' 'S I1. II \ I ! ! ! . . < ; flileniro A Alton'U \ ! Itock lilnnil C.MJ Clileu , o llurlliiKlon C1. , .M. A St. ! MV , Ai inncr 7"V < il tin prefer reil lo * . ) II. . I. A W l.tlHSI. , I'anl.V Omilm. . . . 21 Illinois IV'iitrnl . . . . ; i | ' ilniirefprri-il 75 I..II..VW Union I'adtlc 44V < Knnsns \ TOXIIH " W. . St. I , . , v t' h ( I.nki' huri' iln prefer roil 17 ! Mli'lilKiinlVntral. . . Western L'nlun bO Mlaionrl I'acIBi' . . . . .Mosiv-On : call , easy ; closed offered at : i ] > er cent , 1'IIIMK MBItCtNTII.I ! PAI'Ell 1)ttT POT C'Dllt. SiKlti.lMi i\ciiANdi : : ouiot and blcady ; sl.My-day bills , tl.KVt ; demand , fl.bSi. ! 'Mining Shai'es , NEW VOIIK , Mtir-li 0. -l ! > | iuaUl Telegram to Tnu UKK.I Tito followhii tire tha mlnln ; , ' sto.'k ( iiiolatloiH : A 1 ic ? . . . IIA : 'Ci.n ' CnlA v . h7.V Kuri'kn.Cnii . 0 lloiibl A furrr . ' 'IU llali * anil Norcn.K * . . IMI llninestake . h' ' . " > Hum -liver . an Mmlcan . V. J Miiiint Illaldo . 175 'Oplilr ' . as."i I'Duiontli . lul .alcrraNcv . 213 Vt'llow Jacket . I'.U ' I Tin * . NEW VOIIK. March 0. [ Special to TUB llr.t : . ] t'OKKKK-Opllons opened Irregular a points down to 10 up , closed sleaily at M-.5 down. Sales , .VS.TM bag4 , IneluilhiK March , . 1'it tut i * " / ; . CMirinci March o. i tu o vVlint. I'lriiit cinli. li.o . . ( ! n.d ' Muy , f.l ( ( n-Jiiti .Inly. I'.i'ic. ' t'orn Kir in ; on h , 0 vi MHV , OIoi July , Wr * . Hals I'lrini eii'h , oUci May , ril8ill i ) | J uly. - twvv. Hurley I'lftn id ? sc/l < iV. Prime Tliuolhv-Sendy ; 1I.773I53. I'la.x-StondVj II.SU. I'oH ; Vltnii oa h. lO.Wi May , JlO.OS'iUt ' O.P5 | Jitiy. iio.tT'i : ' > < tn.l ) . l.ard-gulct ; oi : h. iVTO : Mav. JAt tn | . Minrl Ulta-Quli'ti cash , Jl.Oft ; Mny , fliffla ftr. ! " . rioot-l'lrm ; wlntir ii.ilonti , } 4M ® . " > .0) ) ! Sl-llu | | ! ( liltiMlt * . JIOiOililDO. HulK Miits"Umililnr * . tf.IKll.Ul btioH clear. ll.'i.VitVl)3 ) ; nhort tills. JI.a-nJI.T5. Ilutter Mouilyi frcaiiiorji Jaa'Ui ? ! dairy , II'I 'KIC , CJiee o I'lrm : ( nil trotitn elirdtlnr * , lO'i'ib ' ' I0'c ' ; Hat.s. lou < ail'iei Voiuii ? America1' , 1116 II'i i * . I'ggi-rinn : froOi. l@tSo , Tut low I'nchaineil , , Hides-l.'nclianiCl. ! llooolpt * . PhlpiiiontJ. I'lonr tlUW WXK ) Wbenl , bit 4\OJO a2iOfl ( Coin.lill SoO.OOJ 10.1.000 Oats , bit Ite.OaJ 11J.OOO Tin : VUihli * Supply. ( 'lui'Ano , .March 9-TUo visible supply of unln. for Iho week ending March 7 , as compiled hv tin1 socrctury of Iho t'lileatjo hoard of trade , Is as follows ) Wheat K.7UI.WK ) Corn . . . . ' . ' . -.ST. ! * ) Oats 2.7H4.IXK ) Ilye : : iunm llarley ! . ooo N : w VOIIK , Marcli'.i.-U'hoat KpoolpN , IS/iOO bushels , ' ' . < ' higher , ; exports , none ; spot I'titI ! but dull : No. ' 'led , il.ll' ' , In elevnlnr ; } l l iilloal ; ll.iilH.Hi' : ( , ( . . b ; options ailvnneed V'-S'4i'nn cable" , a ml closed st rung at IViMo higher ; No. ' , ' red. March , closing at Jill's. CoinKecelpK f > r > , ! UJ lushes | ; i'\iiort . U > 0 bushels ; snot tlrin ; N'o. ' . ' , l 'i'iltMio In cle- vutor : c.iiifTc | , ( ( ) ; miirriulcd inKed , IM ( i'Tni * ; options opened weak. cloM'd .sluing , Iii Wl ' . < ; Maich clnsiugat tis'c. ' Oals-Uccelpli , Tl.oiKlbosliels : evports. none : spot , llriner ; fin , 'J white , .Vli iiAO'ai' ; nilM'd ttcstein. . 'ilA.1) ! * : white wt-sjei'ii , ritKttO''c ; options. Ntionger ; May elo-od at Wi'ni1. SugarHawsteady ; falriclliilng. fl'ic ' : cen- tilfunals , UU test , fi' e : inusc-ovailo , M teat i'nC. ' relroliMini t'nlledcloscil , A pill , 70C. ? Kggs-l''lim : western , n 'c. l'ork--ririii ; new mess , fi.riO(3ll. | ) ( " . ' > 1/iinl Opened Uc.ik , tut closed steady ; western steam. iil.OT'i. ' Holler I'lrnii western dairy , IJ'ii'JSc ' ; vest- em t'li'iimcry. * . ' "WUioi Klgln. ' Clitcbu--itruiigi skims. ST. Louts , March fl. Wheut Strong and highi'i ; cash.'il.OI'i :'i : ; , liily _ , IM.'iC. < OaH-lllKherJeash ! inc ; May,31Ue. I'oili Steady at sftol'J'i , l.nnl Steady at } 5.iin. \VliNUy-SleadyatJl.l4. Hiittor I'lrni ; orciinuiy sotKinxtor stock , 3ir TiOci ilalry , ' . 'OT" ' . , March \Vbont-Mnrket dnll : low grades heavy and bard to move ; Closinu' : No. than ) , Nluicli , tlXim ( ; trauk , fl.Olj No. I noMlici'ii , Maich and April. We ; .May. W.ic ; on track , ! fV ; Nn nortliurn March , Uuc ; on truek , ! > CKiisTc. IVANIAS CITV. Match 0.Vlicnt \ Ptcaily : No. 2 haul. cn h mid March , b"e hid ; .No. i : icd.''c Mil. Corn Slcuily. No.3 , ciisli , 411 0 hid. Oats tcadyi No. ' . ' , easb anil Muicli , (5'je ( ' hid. _ M ll.WAtlKKK. March I ) . Wheat Firm ; No. 2 spring , cash , IK'U'J May , H7'ic. I'om l''lrni ; No. H.-W-o. Oats -Steady ; No. S white , r,0'e ' ( , I'l'ovlslons ijulet. 1'ork iO.W. Cixi'iN.NVri , March 0. Wlioat Strong ! No. 2 red , il..1. fem -Higher : No. 2 mhed. SOQCOi . Onls- Sluing ; N\i. ; lulM-il , . " > 0'io. ' WhlsUy-J.ll. ! i. . March I ) IVhoat PtiotiBi de mand fair ; holders ofl'er sparingly. Coin Stead v. demand fair ; mixed western , . "is l d pel cental. CinrAOO. March ft-t'alllo Hocelpls. 11.000 ; nriikel fairly active but steady ; natives , } .l. 15 ® : ) ; stnckeis , $ .llif ( l.'i ; ; cows , bulls anil inlM'd. * l.i > ' .I..W. Hogs liecolum , 4.'i,000 ; rough. RlUXiXIO ; ml.M'd. J.UjftXV ) ; prlmo heavy : ind butcher w.-liibts , M.\Vru ; llu'ht. J.'l.'J' Slii-Pli KeeelpN. W.OOO ; market steady ; na tives , W.SKfrO.OOj westeriH , if. > .O.ya."j.UJ ; 'I exans , tl.OJQI.70i liunlis , . .Vxau.lD. ST. Lotus , March 0. t'littlo-ltpcclpts. 1.400 lienil ; shipments. L'Ol ; marke'L strong ; fair to fancy natives , Jusua5.50i stockers and feed ers. f.40ai.iO. : ( Hogs Uccui'its : i,000heid : ; slilpmcnts. 1,200 ; in tii net steady ; heavy , UMit'W ) ; mixed , if.i.X'O fcj..Vi ! : ; light , S' KINSAS CITV. .March 9. Catlle-Kccelpts. , : . ( henl : : shipments , none : niarKnt Htm ; sti'cr- , * ; ; cows , J MiVSs-l.lX ) ; stockers and feeders. fiMGtt.m. lings Uecelpts. 2.COO head ; shipments , ' . ' .000 bead ; market htotidy ; all grades , tl.UJWl.TU , O.M.I.1ZI'W tiTOCK. O.MUIA , March 0. 1301. C\TTl.E-Estlniiitodroeclptsof cattle ITOO as coiiiDiireil with I'.y ? Sntnnhiy and 1.1st Monday of lust , week. HeslmUlc Kfailes of both beeves and butcher slock were active iiiuISc to lUc higher , others steady , rieder.s slon and unchanged. lions Kstlniated roof In tt of hogs : INOO , as comnarod with f-.iUI Satmd.iy and . ' .7' . ' ? Monday of last week. The market was active and sti'iiily. All sold. The raiigo of price- , palilwus.l.lKiai.lO } ( : Ihu hulk scllim ; at l-.v < s H..T ) . IMgs , tl.WJMHirhtllBlits , t'.Wft.w. light. * ; i.lli ® ; > .40 : heavy. } .l.iWi.i ; : ( ) ; mixed. JIl.uVi < iij.iThe : : average of the pilees puhl was f.'t.-UU. ascomiiared wllli.l.4'J } Monday of last week. SiiKKr I'st bunted receipts of sheep 1,611 as coinparcdwithriOl Saturday aniUUU , Monday of last week. Thn mnntct was active and steady , Natives , } . ' .75 : i.lO ; westerns.'i. Disposition of Stock. Showing the number of entile , hogs and sheep purchased on Ibis niarkel as reported liy Iho wclghinaster of tliu sjluokyards com pany for March U ; CATTI.S. Hnyers. No. Swift Jfet'o ' . 740 Thud. II. Hammond company . 14:1 : ThcCud.iby p.iclilin ; eoiapany . J ° , l Omaha pacKln ; eoinpany . 8 Kee Kolhschlld . 2SS Ilnnilllon .VSlephcn . yi K.lleckcr .t Degen . f , Nels. Morris . ; no Shippers nnd feeders . air , Vim tin nt & Carey . . 2 nor. ' ! . ThoCudahy naeklns company . 1,514 Omaha packhik'eoinpany . I''fS SwKutt'u . otn Tlioli. II. liammonil packing company. . . 47s Shippers and ( votlurs . 541 8iut.i' : . The Cudahy paeklnn com puny . 2T2 ' 1'huU. II , llauiiniiiiil jiaeklnu company , . IbJ Iti'pi'c.sentatlvo Sal H , 18. . WK ) 3 M COWS. 85 MO 1 40 1. . (110 ( ' . ' M S. . P40 2 IX ) 1. . SSI ) 1 50 14. . SS.'I 2 CO B. . 77(1 ( ' . ' Itt l. . IK ) l 7ri : i..inu'i ; yea T..IO.V , : iou o. . 7ui ; itr i2..ioW 270 i..ioco : i 10 1. . ( , ! K ) 2 00 7. . IM 2 70 1..1I7U 'I 15 i . leo 2 03 i. .1100 i ! 70 ; i nn ; uss i . sto : 2 to ; : : 2 70 i . . < iiai , : iio : 1.1150 2 ( U 1. . IMS' ' ) 275 h..ll5'.l ' II . ' 15 1.1050 2 OJ n..ll'JH 275 1. .IIU ) ai5 : 1 .10150 200 ! ) 1040 2 V5 l.V.IOK : i 115 1..10IH 2 15 I . 7 ! J 2 SO 5. . 1112 :14 : ( ) H. . SI7 2 'J5 11 . S 'JI 2 SO S..I1IK II 10 : i..iiis7 2 : r s too 2 so I..I.MO : i5o 4 lltt'J 245 'J . 7'J.I 2 S5 2. . 1.150 U.M ) 1. . 710 200 1..11WII I IK ) 7..III71) ) 4 1 lllM.l.s. 2 1510 2.15 1 .Kill ) 250 I..1SOO HIM ) J . ii7.'l : 2i5 : 1. , iiX.'ll : 255 1..KWH 1140 1..1MH ) 'J.'l-'i 2 1570 ' 'SO 4 lli'.r,1 II 40 I 14s. : ) 2 40 8 1:1.11) : ) 2 Itt 1 I7IW II r.O 1..I570 250 1 .lVs ( ( ) II | fl 1..140U U CO mocKHis AMI I-IIIIIHK : : , 7. . 400 1 40 1. . 51(1 ( 2 00 ( ft 70T II 10 i . 1,00 2 no s. . : i7i 2 : i5 , ' ) . . tKh ) : i 10 i . ( no 2 oi 8. . rui 2 m t , . 71-J : t ir , I , . S70 2 10 11) ) , b7l : t 00 5..0 73 U 15 MII.Kr.IIS ANUSIU.NdKItS , 1 milker . } * 2 00 1 bi.rlni.vr . tan no 1 cow and ealf . , . f..i 00 UAI.YKS. i , . 120 a fa U. . llllO 1 G5 1 .CLVJ U 00 tT.MW. 1 , , CIO 8 00 MUMU- . No. A v. 1'r. ' ino western' , cues 10 ? $1 TO IWI vesti-riis , owes KViI 7(1 ( 1 ? ' vest urns uves 10 j -t IU MJ/.lff.l iri/0/l.S.IM : .11.1 HHKl'N. ' ( I IIUCI'leH. CiitFiM : Oreen Kin , 'J'Jiil''lo ! Java , STo : Miiclin. ! . ' ( " . ItnasiiMlAilo"n. . "t ! t-IOe : Me- l.auililiii , \ \ \ \ . y 1-iiVi Uuiiiiln. W l-ll > e : ' erniaii. Vi ; ' ' i' ; Hllvviiiiir.M. ' . ' , " 10 ; l.hui , Utl 1-1(1 ( ; forthnlu.ii 1Me ; Mneha. Illc ; o. ( i .l.iva , ' . " .V ; t'oll'ce esvcuoo lt KHI. boxes , SKlVttl.SO ; chlo- ( ii V , 7' ' GtS'C. ' S.M.T--H.ilrv ' . 'xi ' lls In bills bulk , f.MO ; hest , pr.ides , iiU.'is. # ai | : best grado. 10'Kls. ' t. . ' > 0 ; hest ( rade. ' .N IO- . f'.lll ; roi'l ; sail. cru hcd. t.1. 1(1. ( CANMMI Vi : < iKT.\tiii.s : ToiiiiilncsH ; | ) . JI.IO SM.l.'i. Corn -Very line , f l..Wi.l.'ij ' 1-lh snjar , Jl.l'i : ' . ' Hi Htaniliitd brands , i\\d. \ \ Miishiooins- French , ovtra line , 'J'JTiiV ; l-lli Trench. Hue. IsiW-Vi 1-lh I'l-enc'li. oidl- nurv. HVif.l > e. I'OIIH 'MO early Juno. } ! . : . ' . ; 5-11) Maii'iuslaiidard brands , ft. Id : --Hi soaKed , 70o. rrench peas -nercasenf 100 ,'ifiC..tK'iicr ' ilo/ . Sir 1 in ; hen us 4J-I | > high crude , lKui"-ll ) > wux beans. s. > e ; 2-lbslrlni ( beans , he. ( ) l.lina beans " -lh soaked. N'IC. Jlo ton baked heaiis 'l-lb , { l.irnll.'M. : Sweet potatoes-ll-Ih Now Jersey , } l.r > ( l ; ll-lb ( lUruaiul tomatoes , i l.fii ; : i-lh oKra , JI.03 ; aspaiairus , : i-lh , J'.K.Vii : ) . ? . " ! ; rhubarb , ; i-lb , 11.40 : siii'ciitash , JI.Kitl.s.\ . SODA I'iickaKcs ' , 00 Ibs to box , .V cj ! > ( ' ( . ' * , 4ltO. II ( KINO l' ( ) loy ! ul , ( II me cans P < * r ' 1o/ , USe : ' i-l b cans. } > j ii-1 beans , f.MVi ; 1-1 b cans. $ .VJ'i : Price's. > 4-llo.ins. Jl.ti : ; 'i-lh cans , tt.Ml ; 1-lluMiiH. ( I.T.'ii olhur kinds 1-11) ) cans , per do/ , Soda. Co ; oyster , fi'ie : ereani , f'ie ; dinner s-naps , 8J4c ; 10 porceiilon" on 10- bo.x hits. \VIIAIMMNO I'Ai'i'.H-l'i-f 11) ) . be t straw , ix to II.\4I , ISio ; dry itnods < 3io : e\t ra ipiallty , inaiillla. r > 'ic ' ; nianllla ton , l-\h , 1'c ' ; dark rir- , 1 1 u til w me , " ' .to. Ni'TS I'er lh Almonds , ISc : HriiIN. Sic ; ( llbi'ils , We : peeanx ITfiHe : walnuts , l.'ic ; pea nuts , fancy white. DC ; roa-lod. lue. Dli.s l.'iUnrlnie white. Ve ; 1J water white. Il"sC ; heaillltcld , iic : ; 74 ( 'asollno. ll'ic. ' 1)11 ) onus I Kill , ii.0iii.'i.v : ( , y nal , Jl..Vu.n.Wi r. gal , if ; i. . .Tit : ! , oo. . . . . . . ol her makes , uinxl. tS. , % ) ( Jis VJ. lll.U'UIMi : iilnIn box , II'OT.V : Indies' shoe " : hto\o polish , ner uios" , . lll.l'lNilIJiiulil. . 4m. TJiInz In Ijo 8 o/ , : ilnIn bos , SL.'iOii.'j ; Uiy , siniill. 'i' > c itiKe. , " , . Si'li'iis-l'onpi'r Plmaioro. | sifted , IMICo ; shut , - . -'c.j allsploi' , lOc ; cloves , I'enaii,1. } ki'- lucted , li'irilUo ' ; ea-sla , t'lilnii , 4-lb mats , lie ; nntiuoKs , No. I , T'e ; niai'iibsoi' , ( J.'c ; plokllu spices , lii-lb linxcH , 'J'ie. CiiocoiiATr. KTC. I'-lb boxes W.'iTio : ( ler- liiau sweet , - ' J'ii.-'lc ' ; eneo.i , IKV IOi'i Illonio , l'c. ! t'ui'OAXiir- ( 'uses , )4 ) and'i-lb p.icUnKt'S per Ib. ItH'JT"bulk : , l.'iHi palls. : ! ' > o. CJl.tx'KS " ( Jnaits , per doHM ; ntiitM , per do/ , f..Vi ; hull- , per uul. $1.20. $ Ollvo oil , ii plnls. i.1 dopereae. . ll. . " > J0.V-0. MAl'l.KSfii * lt - I'er 11) 5e o.ilies , : iO-lb biixcs. ic : ( ; It io caki'iiu-Hi ; hexes l--ic ; 1-lb bricks' , III ! Ibs In bo\ , pine , 1 to llnooM'i-ri-tlo pallor , J3.0J ; 4-tlo , tt.TS : ll-tlo. $2.Vi ! K-tle. plain , ft.vjj warehouse , J.1.00 ; toy , Jl.a : whiskJl.tKKS.t.M. . Sotp Castile , mottled , per 11) ) , I0c : dolilto , porlb. He ; laundry soiii ] , jier 10(1 ( bats , W.\Yut \ 5.00 ; shuvln Siiap. 'Vi.7. > i' per dotollot suap , ; i cakes per box' , . > OeU-'J. > . ' , l.VB Lewis' Doi'funiod , ! ! . . " ( ) ; led ! ( 'loss.fl.l1 , ' ! ; American. it.'i"i : ; Saponlllcr , $ , i" > ; Merry War , fJ..Ki ' : Star. siTiibhliiK , Jl.7. " > ; lilllrtt'.i jiow- deied. H' ' : . . " . , , . . > IATCIIKS I'iirlor , ' 'oo and ItOOpor ho\ , 1.70 ; Milplnir. f i.i."i < ; : C\NIV Mi.xed , ; ) - ! ! ) palls , S'lfflF'jc : stick. 'Je ; twist stick , tie ; Pro nch mixed , ri'c ' ; Imar- II < MIIII | stli'k. s'tc ' ; liirand ea e uandle.s , ri-Ih boxes. lW'lc ; extra lincxnods . ' > 5 . ' , V. IliirsitKS Hhoe.Jper def l.2.vrrl.iO : ; diiiibers 75ciiiil.UO ; scrub binshes. dOu'i/i..liO. lliitti SiiiMIril : : bird , l-lli packagei , fie ; eannry. 4'-c ' ; hemp , 4'se ; anise. l.i * . CANIM.KS 40 Ibs to box , 0'ic ' ; mining , IO ® 10'c ' ; wax , lie. IOUACCO I'lne cut , peril ) . 2.vft' > ? e : pine-2 rtiTsc ; smoklnc , .121)1 ) ; fancy brands. We ) < tf , tl.SO. tl.SO.Mni.AS' lN--1i hlls N. 0. fnnev. per jrid , 111 ® 4se ; choice. 4l'ul5cKcod-s'ii.t'e ( ; ' ! ' ; Cuhii. linking , . ' .ViiiiOe : Dlnek-trap. Ixii22c ; syrup , N ) Kindo , hbls"lie ; 1J ( bhl , ' > c ; 4-gal ke 's. Jl.-'l ; 2 jjal kits , Ci7c. Vi.vnoMi Applcelder , 10c ; double elder. 12o ; white lnc. I''e ; trli.Ie s-.tren th , lUc. h-TAltcil I'er II ) . f/Sc. ! I'ICKI.KS-Medlnni , bills J .OO ; small , J10.00 : Clioikins , 111.0) ) ; lloiton inl\er. tl'.OU. Itici : .lava.Gc ; elio.ce , lie ; fancy , rc , ; head , ' iVnKll-1'or bhl. rellned , Jfi.51 ; half bbl , U50. TWISI.S. C'oitmoi : . I > n'-Cotton Iwlno "lllbb , " very line , ' , -lh bale" , ' . " 'c ; cotton I wine XX hriind. > i-ll ) hales , 1-c ; hemp twine , h-Hi hales. Iv ; sail'Oc ; eandlo wick. y.'e : 40-foot cotton clothes line. i40 \ ; ID-foot cotton clothes line , ; fiO-foot sisal lines , $ l.7"i ; Co-foot Into. il.i5 ; wool twines , 'jc. Ma nilla rene -All si/is from7-10 ID 1 In. t-'c ; sisal rope , nil sixes fioni7-ll > to 1 In.M1 ; "new pro cesses. " all sl/rs from 7-IG to 1 In. 7'ic ' ; cotton rope , ' .i In , I Be. Cini > n ! ' . ( ' , twin Hats , per Ib , ll'sc ' ; P. C. Voiiii'4 Amerlean , IJiJc ; ilomestle Swiss , 15'/jei ' brick. He : Kilam , In foil , each , f 1.00. IVooiiKNW MII : IVr do/en Tubs , No , 1$7.5T ; No. 2. t.M ] ; No. : t , t'iMi keeler , oak iiraln , 'i-iii , Desl , * I."iO ; white cedar. 4-ln. lii'st , J125 ; palls , It-lump , oak Drained , $1 T.'i ; " -Imiip , 41. ' > 0 ; aynip , ! ; dowcll1.75 ; paper , metal hoop , (2.5D ; eedar , : i lira si hoops , No. I. all icd.J.UiO ; ecdar , : i hrass hoops , No. 2 ted , JJ.OO ; cedar. : i brasi hoops. No. l strlpod , f5.xi ( ; cedar , : t hrass hoops , No. 2 striped , tl,50 ; hor-e. extra heavy. No. I , $27 , " , ; veil Imeketi. J.1.2.1. liutti'rvdiri * Tntis nsli , ll-lni'li. jier ne t , 70c ; ash. 2-lni'h. ' - lar e sl/e. per nesl , 45e ; hlittcr ladles , hard wood , 70e ; butter paddles or spade" . TUc. Wiish- C'lolliespiiisuross lioxes. tire. SriJAK tirannlalCd , 7e ; enhes , T'ji'j ' cut loaf , 7V1 : powdered. Mnndard. " c ; \\.XX pow dered. 7'ic ' : yi'llowt" ' , 5i4e ; canary , .V'8oj IlKht extra t'.VnfiMle ' : coiifeclloneis , A , ( i e , C\N.MII : 1'itrrrs Callfnrnla Apricots. } 2.5.'i ffl'.Wi ; peaches , K'-ViCilKl ; pears , W.r > iU2.7l ( ; Krapes , Jl.h.vrn.i.lO ; cbeirles , white. $ ! .Wli.'fi\ \ I'ln-rrlBi. hlaek. J2.2.ti2.-i ) ; | : lilnck- berries. f2.'J.'i ; iM iilterrli-s , W : slniwlieirh" . . S'.MIJ ; currants. iSi.2l ( ; Koo-cbeirlcs. W'5 : nlinos , i-KKM. JLh-ViiMCii plum" , ciecn | faKis , Sl.N'i'itl..r ' , . Kastcrn canned fruit I't'iichi-s , ; appleih. : | . tl.'J.'i ; cnl , ' do/ In case , fi.7."i : ; Kiiii ( < berrles. llaltlniore stun- diird.Hi. . f l.ld ; Mrawhcrrirs , f l.iL'i : raspber ries , HM ; blnobciiles , ( l.0 : ! ; ted inspbi'irles , JI.M : hlaekherrleK , : ebeirlos , f I.Sjru > l.l j ] ) lni'apples. sliced. } | .S.Vn-.40. IliiiKti l''nt'rr - Turkish primus less than hhds. | ! i , ti' ' , c ; aiiples. ovapuratcil , new rlns choleu. l.'ic ; iiprlcntK. fancy , In sacks , Sue : blaeUlierrlos , now. ! ) c ; rasplierrlet. ' . ' " > UN to IHIV. : rjc ; entrants , noxv , ri'ic ' ; Votl//l ciirriintN extra. In biixe . li'ie ' ; iieaches Cala. , eholce , 17'ic ' ; Callfoinla dried grapes , In him- , lie : seedless Sultniius , sucks , Kc ) ; muscatels , l\cj ! new Valencia. * > o ; Dndnra. layer , lie ; II ; ; * . lay ers Ufo'-Me ; citron , I.exhurn"o ; lemon peel 15o. I'rox ImoiiN. I'linsii MIUTS1'rotli hams , so llw. avg 7'ji'i ' fresh hams. Hi Hiav > r. 7'tc ; fiesh hams , 1 Is avi ; . 7J4i" flesh blioiililer4'ic ' ; piirK loins. 0'ic ' ; junk tendorlnliih , l'"tc ; loaf lard , not ri n- ( leiod , 7e : spare lllis , . " ' . . . . , per bids. , fliui ) ; pilun' iin-ss pork. ) ' . i " > ( ' ; i xtni inline iiork.h.riOu'lear ' hack perk , heaxy.tll 7.'i , clear nack porli , inodlnm , < ll.-'i ! nhoit i III clear pink , tlO.Oll ; pit ; pink , ill.'ii llecf Nen exlril mes-s beef , t < I.S.'i ; cxt ri , plale beef , is 'J.'i , lilale hecf , Jl.ntli rolled boneless lieof , tn."iO , liniirli'ks rumpj.r > ' ) ; khuuldi'i' cluds , .fs.r'i liitv .SALT Mivrs : Pat back- * . : , ' ' , lean backs , 'I'HC ' ; extra bliort deal1 * . . ' ; bellies. 10 to'.t ) IhavK.'Hue ; short ribs. .V ; ohuil lours. ' > ' > c ; IDIIK' clears , ftc ; thoulilers , i'nOi ' foster baol.H , 4 , c. SMOKCII MCATHDry Salt Cured llnron , loni , ' clours , VIL , bhort clears , 5" i , ox tmsboil p'lnri. ' fi ji' bolMei 'leir Mrl | , ( V hclhi' < I'li'.ir ld ' , Iii i sli'H ' iiliq , , ie . sliolilib < . 4 , ( 'i fill luieks. ( V , Ii 01 h.ii'Us , liili * . SMOKKK.D SliMis | * suitnr Cured llnin < . i'Vir llKhtt ) | , . in i'i. ' . , nvt'iiui * . .i'4 * . liislit. II In I''llw. n cr.'ine. s'n- ' ; medium , ll In 15 lb . iiM'raite , Mje : lirax v. "Mil 2J Ih1 * averlitc'ie ' ; ( \trahca\y.ll lo25 llx. iixeraae' e : klinird llcliik' . is in an Hit. nieriU'e. .s > | i-i rnljfornlii hains. 1 , ! ' ! Ne\v Vork ihonlin'r" , sliouhlcrs. Ole ' ' ii : .r.U'\HD erecs'iejtirte ' * . ie : half harreli. O c , I'fiii ! I.\iin Tlorccs Co ; bttriel ! ' , C'C ' ! half hairels ( i'je. Hr.KCTii.Mit'in-Sxvi'cl ph'khvd. < iiiciircured llarieN. .M ib.s , , $ i > , it ; ) | half b.utuls 100 IK. Jll."tO , I'tniKTiiMirinSwrot li'kleil utiiriMiri'd - -Swrot | ) , : Half linricls , loiIbs..fiO ) } ? ; iiiiiuter banels 60 Ills. . Jl.Ot ) . 1.MIIS' Toxdffx-Sueot plelileil.suiarouied Half hairels , IOJ llw , JT.tnl ; iiiiarter barieN , Mlbs , SIMI'KII HoNittss : : I'm- ' * ' HOCKS t'ooUrd Half barrels , s.ilbs. , (1.70 ( ; ( inurler b.niels 10 Hit. , ( ' . ' .ft' : elKhth biitieN. Juhi.t. , Jl.fOi 1 > 1K IS Ibs. , ( Ltd , Si-irKii I'KIH' ToNifi-5-fool.ed ( : Half har- rcls , so liw. , Jll.M ) ; iiiiarler liuirels. 40 His , } . ( hi ; elj-ldh InnroN.'i ) Ibs , , W.tOi kits \ > > Hi" . . IS..MI. Sriiiin lit.Miis'T iMiris : t'ooliedllnlf har- ii'ls , so HH , Jii.v ) * ; ( | iiarler barrels 40 lb . . JVfjOj elulnh buricls , w Ibs. , JS.xV kits ! . " His. "iMrKi.KiiTiiii'i : llartels , see | h < . . JI..Vi : half bartels , so Ibs. , I'iutij niinrter harrels 41) llis. , 91.DO : eluhili lui-fi.lx. L'o Ilix. . C.Oikits. : . I. . Ibs. . Me. l' ( : Pios1 ril.T : IhrroK SOOlho , JiUM ; half harreN , Mllhs. , tS.i. ! > ; ( iiiutter barri40 ! Ibs.- } ! ; , ; viKlitli baneis , w Ibs. , 05e : kits , ir. Ibs..Vic. S.M's.Miii-lldliiKnu. Ie ; finiiUfitrti or xxeln- erxvnists , 7c ; tongue. 7'.c ' ] hloud. 4'ie ' ; liver. I'ie ' ; lii'ail ehei" < ( ' . 4'ic ' ; poll-li , ? < ; siliinner siiiisaite , ISc ; pork sansnBo , links , ic ; poiu sniiniiKi' meat. In tin palls Mil * . Dil.s. 'I'AI.I.DW AMI STIMIIIM1'nio.neiil ; s- foot nil. Mil1 per gal ; mil t * iirut' foot oil. llvt- Kill e.ins. , uc per tf.ili Al tallow , 'ic pir ll > ; sitourlne , fit1 per Ib. Country I'riidut'c , The week opened \vUhoiit niucli chanso in tin * market forcuimliy pruduce. I'tlecs MOID ahiiul steady nn mo t everything' 11 AV-Tliu market as strotii ; at $7.7. $ > < il.00 for laiod liny uiM owliiK tit tliu hcai-clty sales were reported as hluh as } < , ' . ' . " > . ICiins'I'lie marliel wns weak at I0 > dl. > io , lll'Tl'Kit The supjily of butler cent Inili" * very shoit anil prices IdKh. Vestridtiy Iliu best ' rolls hold readily at . * ' " ' ( ( iiinlry qulto r. - - ' nnilafexy hales o ; extra stock wore made at evi'ii a hU'hor ll nio , 1'ODi.Tiiy ( ioiul chlckena sold at IvaiPo : ebolco liukcys issfcl I ; KOISU and diu'ks li.WiI''c. Thusi ! iiiotalliiis | were for uond stoeK ; anj- tliiiiK olho would lime to M'llat inoney. PIK PLANT C'holeo stock , pei do7'ic. . VKIKTAIII.U oys-rKits Per dofiOe. . POTATOES Tlm tnnrkiit eontlniio.s yery hlch nnd slocks are only niodciatcly larKe. I'ul- nradi ) stock. } I.IOiII ( , " . * > lier bu ; lonu stock , hacked , JI.OI pcrbu. ( . 'I'CU.xiLKits Southern Mock , per doI.M Ct.i.citv-t'liuli'u HtouK , IJc ; Uiillfurnla stock. fl.Hpordi/ ) . t'Auiiri.n\VRii I'onlnr ! > 0. SX\KKT \ rtTATii ( ) : I'llllll-l ) loWil Stock , JltT 1)1)1. Jl.- . UiniMiiKs I'er do ? , luincbos. tl.'c. SPIN Afii-l'i > r bin. i..oo. ' Kirn't'E : Choleu stock. I I'AiisNii'S-lVrbbl , W.WJ. . . Kl'fAHAiiAS Mlehlk'an sloclf , per bu , COo , Ur.i'.TsIVr 1m. * IOr'I.Si. ) ( . < ) MONSKiislei'ii slnek , Ji.M per bill. OAKIIOTS Poi bbl , ! ; ' . ' - . - . Ki-ts h limits. OIIASOIIS NavaN. $ I.O ll.M ) ; 1'iorlila bilpht. ? : t.-iOiii.7.-ii : russets. ii.S.Vii..VI. : ( : I.os Anyelcs , } S."iO : inoiinlain fruit. W 7.V. Ai'i'i.r.s-ThehUpply Isery 'iKht and prices eoriespondhmly hl li. ( .inoil stuck l lii'ld ut J.VOl ! i..Vj , mid aoiuu fancy apples as hljili a > - Jll.dO. I.KMONS 1'uiiey. JI.OO. MU.MH tin.M'lls I'er bhl. JlOdOvr I'J.OO. \MiKltltits-Uood Capo Coil , per bbl. JI'.MJO. Ijixii : . C'Kxtr.NT , -inhoiirilearsat ( Onrihi : Per bbl Ash ( imvo lime , lOc ; Clmiiiplim lime , K'u' ! yuincy white. NIC ; l-diilsvlllecfiiicnl , JI."iO ; Milwaukee eoiiient , jl 4. > ; 1'tlca Cfineiit. JI.4H ; I'.ii''llsh Portland eoment. Jl.l.'i ; New \ < uk uliister , } S.S.i ; Michigan pla-ler. ! ' . ' .oi ; Knit Dodci * plnstcr , JI.7S ! white sand. P. P. balr. perhalu. tl.00. t'ovi , On boaiil cars : itmaha ( ) Anthra-lto. -Chestnut , raiiKe and ei. % f , * > .S.per ton ; ( .Mate , -s.tiil. Soft coal -Ohio. W.7."i ; Soul hern Illliad- . M. .M ) : Walnut hlock , JI.U.V , lena lump , Hl.'i ; Iowa nut , I-.CM , Ilinus I'ro/en hides. 414'e to . "c ; No. 1 preen salted bides. V0 to 5'ic : No. 2 green sdtttl hides , 4ulo I'll1 ; No. 1 ure'ii ' salted hides ' 'r , to 40 UN , r > " , c to fi'jc : No. _ ' ciccn snltcil hides. .Ti to 4llbs ( , 4e 104UO ; No. Ivcalealf. i-tol.'i lb > - , 7e ; No. ' „ ' veal ealf. hto 1J Ibs , r.c ; No. 1 ilrv Hint bUle , 7ci7'ic ( ; No.drv Hint hides , .V3 : > ' jc ; No. 1 dry salted hides. .Vgae. TAM.OW AsntiiiKiSK Tiillow No. 1. 't e tt ) 4c ; tallow No. S , IP. M'sc'tease ; , xildto A. : i . ; TO-'i'ic ' ; uieiihe. white H. ItTill1. , ! " , rea'-e , yel'uw. S c ; Kreasc , ( Inric , S1 ! ! * ; old butter , USJU'iC , beeswax , prime , llXit 'Oo : lon.'h talloxv. 1 : ( I& l4e , IIONKSIN C.Ml LOTS Oxi.vI1ry bnllalo , pel ton , JKl.iiOTMc.iHi : < lry country , bleuebed , per ton , 1 1 o.WXiiL 1:1.110 : ; iiiuiip and meaty , per ton. fs.o ( rtio.oo. Those prices am for bones wulKliutl anil delivered In I'lilca o , WOOL Kan-as , Nebraska nnd Titrrltory - I'nwashcd l-'lno aicracu IS to I" * , choice 1" ) to 111 ; niodliiiii averaKe IN to'.M. ehok-n x'J to " 4 ; iUirlr | : blood avoratfe U to ' 'U. eholeo "Otu ' . " - * ! eoaiM- average 15 to 10. ebohe 10 to Is ; eotts anil roiiKh \crap1 I' . ' to 14. elioi.'e 14 to l.'i ; seedy or hurry IS to 14. black l.'i to 17 ; Ijiicks and verv lieuxr line 10 to IS. l'nxallied eonib- III , ' and delaine. I'lno dulalnii aveia e 14 to 111 , choice 10 to H ; medium delaine averaco " 0 to''I , choice Solo M. ' ; niedlnm cnnihln- xera e Si ) toSI ; quarter hloiul ciimbl 111 ; ax-cia e 17 to IK choice Is to SO ; enar-e e'linbluB nvcraKO l.'i to 17 , choice 17 10 Is ; lirulil aycrase IS to H , choleu 1'ito 1(1. ( Tub Washed. I'hoIcuSS to J10 ; uxerane'.Ti toi's ; co.nso liOto S.V SNKKl'l' ( Srcen salted , each. WeStLSri ; green snllodhcailium's isbnit xvtu.lcd eaily skln ) C'leb , IKi&Slli'i ' dry slii'irllin.'s ; islioil woolcd early skins ) Nn , 1 each. Sfn IPe ; dry shearllnss ( short xwuilod early skins ) No. S. each. .V : dry Hint Knnsas and Nebraska bnteber wool polls , per lh. al-tual x\eUbt. W t 14'ie ' ; ilry Hint Kansas and Ni hraska ninirain wool ) ) olts , jiorlii. netnul wolsht. MSJI-JC ; dry Hint Colnradobuti'lier xvnul pellpei Ib. actual wcL-lit , lO IS'te ' ; ( liy Hint Colorado niuirain xvool pelts , v.or It ) , actual weight. Iai0c * ; dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 7 < JWe. LKATIIDK.lloinlock sl'iugliter vole. SCffiSflo Iior II ) ; hemlock- dry hldo Nile , " lit'Mc : oak sole.KOrtVllo : I'rench kip skinHcT ! ( . | .lO ; l'ieneh calfskin Jl.'iVif..lin ; Aiueilciinoak calf , fiv ifl.l.'i ; Ainerleaii liemlooli ; Aniei- lean oak lip,7."i' * > ; Am rlrnti Hemlock kip tKV373c : shuepsK AOoQitLOO ; goat skins , per foot , SOffl'Uc. Ciirrciits ol' Commerce. J , W. Ilaythorn. In the grocery business al Almoria , bus been eloseil up. J. It. Mutton , Uiisbvllle , Neb. In the hard- waio and implement business , has , been closed up. up.The The Kail fruit company of Los AngolPs Pal. , writes under ( Lite of March " : Heavy rains and xvashoiils in southern I'allfninla have seriously Inteifored with Iheplcklnz. piicklnu oforanves since I'ebriiary h , ami shlpmciils of California era i ices liuyo been llu'bt lu con- .seiiiienee. tJrders have been accumulating at t Ins cud of the line. Los Anueles and mini u- t aln oraniios me higher and we will not bo surprised to sen K Ivors Ides scllln ldKhorsoon. It has recently been reported to the KOVITII- meat that oxteuslve dt'iiiisltsof banxiteexlsl in Arkansas lu lilcKidar patches. As tills mineral has only hllhcilo been found In small ipianlltles , and , xvlth the except Inn of a single bed In tieorgla. never hefoie In the I'liltcil istates , "Ihe'lnd ' K likely to jirovu a vjilnable one. " The crowlnt ; ilcniami for tin * better class of it'fractory crueibleH nnil tiles has caused an Incieascd us , , of Oils mineral , and us II is also emiiloyed Insoniu of the alumi num pinccsscs anil for the nianufuctiiio of alum anil alnndnalc of soda , the dlM-oxury In of Kieal eommciekil InU'icsl. The Hall Inline Sun ' ays that "the lonlh licorgla melon giowerV eoment Inn was helil In Albany , ( in. , rebrimrv h Tlm obect | of the meet Ing was thecoiislucr.illniinf increased ucioage In melons this your , and to iirovldo methods forlbii prnnipt hiindllnx and move ment of the eiop. ll Is IlimicliI Ilieuntbecrop of lieoipla x\lll be fully ilnuble that of I Ml' , ( icnrgla and Alabama had , ' ' 1.01,1 acres In melons last jear. This-cason then1 will be at least IO.UOO. S'outhl'arollii i showsau IniTca-e of nearly , " 0 per cent iner In r IMkli neies of IS'.O. ' The Louisville X Nns'ivnle and the Cin cinnati roads carried Anne cur I < > adsof nirluns last year.Vith .Win w fruit e.u slhuy expt'it to double thuioeord " SICK HE&D&OIIEI ' 1'osittvoly curt'il bye these I.ittlo JMIIs. I CARTER'S They also rclleo Dls- tns from Dysjicptila , ln-1 IT1LE dlKc.sllon anil Too Unarm IVEK Killing. A ] xrfec't ; rein-f ' ( lyforDI/ztiics-s NuusenJ PBLLS DrowHlucsH , Had Taster , In the Moiitli , CoaludP ! Twitfue I'atn In thoSldoi TOItl'II ) I.IYEH. Thoyp TCguluto tbo llowcLs. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE , ! OMAHA DIRECTORY. MILLIARDS. DIOYOLE9 , The'kc ' A , H. IVrrigo&Co. Oollcntlor Oo. lllltlsril OUT , hunlho. : ' M.MnVci. All rtk-n.AII . S.ilnon . ( liiuro * I'm U 407. * u S Mm Mrujt , Uin.ili.i. UP QIC DIND13R3 & BTATION13R3. Omaha HepuUican Printing Co. , I.ATT l > rluf , lunik nnpill | ( , niul evcr/thlm tn Iho l > rliitlinr tine. lOiluuiil I in u K ! n trivli. Ackornmiui Bros , k llcintzo , Printers t'liulers ' rlnrlrntriirr * , bhuk book iiinnil- fnitnrcM , IMGIIimnrl Mreft , Dunlin. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ohnrlcs A , Ooo & Oo , , Kirkontliill , Joiio * & 0o , Mnnufoctiircri niul Job- \Vlidlotnlii Miniifi"tur'i : Iwn. Ak'i'Ml" fur lliiMini Kill- , lei Slum i' , I Hi. . 1101 , 1IWI1. mir.I Mr.'ct. niul 11 Oil In rni'r St. ' s , Van Aor- W , V. Morse & Oo , , nnin k Ilnrto , Slmn Knrlory. Oirnnrlllli fuitl I > MiiKln-i l . Oni t * 1212 Hill iioy nlri'Ot , ' 1m Mt'U'lmtita linllLui Omalm , Ncli. Iii rail ( in it IM am I nil John L , Wilkio , Louis llellor , Oninliitimpor tmx fatorr , Itnlilicri' nnd PncVcr * ' 11171:11.1 : li. null ) . TonlH A Hni > | 'll ' < M. llot'f , li"tr X hei * | rnsln i Onlpr | ironii | lllil-UH Jni'kvjii l. OARHIAaBS , BUQQIB3 , ETO. Oolnmbin ' s , curti sulklui , Onrtlin'i l.nrto : < t Variety i-lr. O. II IMwimK MnnnKor. \VAllo.NS AND Ellil.South ; IClli. OA11PBTS. CLOTHING. Omaha Oarpet Oo , , Oilnioro & Rubl. Cnrpct , ol ! elotln , mil- Mnmifnrtnrnn A Wliolo- tint.1cnrt.iln uooiNtit3. KnlD Cliillileri. 1M1 Douulfis Rtreat. llftilnriiPT | Ht. CIQAES , \Vcat & Fritscuer , tnnufnrtiirers tlnocl ari lotiliprB of lenf tobnccoi. 1011 Knrnnm Mront. COAL , OOKB. ETO. Hulbert & Blum , 'T.II. Mahoney & 0o. . 3prtnn , . . . . , , Olilcilnnip.Uock i u f . Kid-Wor.Wnlnntbl.nV , ' HnrJ- Coal -Soft. forconeit nut , nnthraclto , onire SU N. ) lh nnJ cor. M'si'uh t. I ion , end no.,1. , .u. American Fuel Oo , Howell & Co. , s nn 1 di ntcr < la untilrnollc iinil bltu- 517S. t4tbitroot , inln-nn - coil. Neb. Oinnbn , JI.'iS. lith Hlri' t. Nebraska Fuel Oj , , Jobuson Bros. , 1)4 Knrnnm utroet. 213 S. 13th Rtrsit , Omnlin , Xeb. Ornnha , Neb. Mount & Griffin , 0. B. Havens & Oo. , 213 S. llth 3tr t , 1W2 Knrnnm street , Ornnhn , Neb. Oni nil a. CEMENT AND LIME. J , J. Jobuson & Co , S1SS. Utb etroau Onmh.'i , Xph. CORNICE. Eagle Cornice Work3 | T , Rueuipin ; Mannfnclnrersof fSrilran OnlvnnUod Iron cornlco , lze < l Iron Cornice. PoriDcr vrlnikiwn , door Windowrnpa. nn'tiillcikj- rnp' * , tlnlnli , otc. Tin llnhtM etc. HID nnil III * troiiind slfllo r < iofcr. UoilxoSt fll Knrnnm SI. DRY GOODS. M , E. Smith & Go , , Kilpntriok-Koob Dry Dry furnishing Goods Oo. , Dry . notions , zentV Cor. lltlinnil llownrd Jt > . Cornerlltli nnl Humpy ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ' ll"- Jlun.iit' | rtpurlliiK , pnwilcr Atlili lililii' l > lu iln..lllmllinii'i P .t < i' - I''IM Hiirlu'I niri-t'l. HARDWARE. Rector & Wilhulmy Oo LooOI.rkAudrooaen " ' ( b. , Cur , 10th an I Juoktuu > li llltj-1110 llnrm.vilroot , FUR , \VOOL , HIDE9TALLOW. Oco , Obcmo & Oa. , J , S. Smith it Oo , , t3 ! H. Mill ! . 1418-1 111 1e.iv imorlii\ | , IHONVOHK3 , Px ton ft Vicrling Omnlia Safe it Iron Iron Work' , Works , \Yriwht \ niul i'iil Iron liillMhiknrk , fimlni'i , M nnfr flro niul h liraM otk. k'Oiuiriil I'lonf ' until * , mult * lull foiiliilry. innclilnn mil nurk Irun nlnittorii nnJ I'lmHMiillli ' nutk U. I' . lire ni'iiim * ( I An * Itnnil Hill > t. ilrrrn.lllli.v Acuio Inm nnd Wire Wilson & Drake , Work ? , M'li tnlnil\r : iliiiM. flro Iron , win * nnil trii win t it ti"llor . Innki , eio. M4S I5th-.lli'.n. V. lljobl , t'roi'tlntor. 1'ierconnl LITHOGRAPHING. Rcos Printing Oo. Iiltliivriiplilnii , Print In | unit illnnk. IVmK < . lllliiiii.llliiiTnnl.Sl- > . LiqUtDltS. IlorAOo. , Willlun Ihrst , Uiuor | MITI 'r.nM \Vlni" , l.l'llun | uml 1 1- III : llntney slrrnt. k'nrJ. Miiiuilactur rn Ki'iuuviy's Hiitt linllii llllli'r.i. 1.111 rnrnini SI. . Oimh' - R. Ii. Grotto , Frank Dullono & Oo. , Importer niul .luhbiir of I.tiliuir ittiil iloniiUio No * Vines niul l.liiior | 10u unit [ V'l I'm mi m M. ' l0.'i fired. I'rtt'O llntn MI niilk'iitlOii | | 1 , Kiischt&Co. , A. Friok&Oo , , Vh ! r > nlell < iuurlonlcri ) \Vlmlrsnlc r.liinor I ) i' lcrs 40 ; Mul ( in y. 10th St. SOIKM H Will -si. LUMBER. G. V ? . Douglas ? & Oo. John A. WnkofiolJ , ' Importi'il.AiiH'r'inin I'urN Innil I'riniMil.Mllwiiuki'it ] lili ) iiulii' ( Vnii'iit mid ) lr.10 Xnrtli Idlli StroJl. giiluuy Whlli' l.tnio. Charles R. Lee , Wyixtt Bullar.l Luui- Hiirilnnml luitihor , wool bor Oo. . curttts | tiiul luntuut Hour I iii. RHIi nnJlinrdStreeti , fth mill Dotitflns. Ontlj & Gny. Louis Bradfonl , I. live , ( VMIIL'IH ttc. : , K" Lumber , llmoreniont.c . Tnr. nth nnil limi < lai MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. fl. A , Stonohill , I. Oberfulder & Oo. , Millinery , Nut loin Importer * nnd .lobltcri In CliKki , Ktc Milliner- ) 208,210 nnd 21V South llth 110-II9S. ICtli St , Omaha troit MUSICAL BTO Mc > : Mejer & Bro. Oo. A. Ilospe , Jr. , M'fVJi' < vp | ( > r , ( icslorsln I'lano . Or nn , ArtlsU' uiuslrnl Imlriiiut'iiti , MntrrlnK ICtr. , fie , Knrnuiu unilliith. ! lli : PuiiRlni strOft , OILS. | OYSTERS. Consolidated Tank A. Booth Packing ( Line Oo. slcr' , ll-li unit coliuod Komli llrftnpil nnil lubrleitlnt oilv nil , * KriM . cUi. 1303 Lciivcnwortli. . 11. lllnlmii , .M-vnaiior. PAPER. PLATING. Carpenter Paper Oo , , Western Plating W'ka ' Curry n full > tock of linlit , hllvrr nn < l iilclttf k 1'ilmtiiK ' , anil plnlltiu mi nil inotnli , Inlilcniire clr .rt'iilutCil. iiK l"'t > uri cartl pa- Piill.ililnu bni" A rlmn- jier , etc. dullcriTork till PEODUCB , COMMISSIOISr. Ribbcl & Smith , Scbrnoder & IH'nleri In eounlrr pro.l- C li liattor uri1 , frulta. vctt't'taljlej , .nn t etc iiiN.lun incrrhiiiiti. etcl'07 llownnl'treot. I. . ' ! Miuth lltli ilri''t. 0. Eoiso & 0o. , L B. Branch & Oo rorolRn , L'ntlfornln nnil I'roiliire. frulu nf all troiilonl frulti , klllilx , UJStlTI. 131J lluwnrilflrcut. 1211 lluwnnl str 'i t. Porter Bros. OJ.P Hobrt : Purvis , Ciillfiirnln. Florid * and troilcnl | frulti. . Wrlto fur | irlo > < on uub- MI-HII JmiLMMrnot tvr , vet * , imultry nid : O. W. Unit' , - M.inaser. Kirschbraun & Sons , Clark & 0j. , Ilutter fees nnil poultry. nutter. rlifH',0. ' poultry lent KI no. 1203 IlonnrilUrcot ON South mil striPt. Bates & Oo. , Williams & OroH , Country produce , fruit ? , Produce nnJ frult % * lo. 4i-VlU ; s'lltiPhu' ' 1211 llnrnortrojt EUBDER GOODS , ETO. Omaba Rubber Oo. , Mimnfurtnrln nn I J- U'r-iall kin l < riiLb- k'limli. lOOS KnrnniniitruoU SEEDS. Emarsoa See'l P 1 uriiworj , do iir ( < | ri arilt'ii , ur.ii4 , k'raln mil rtM s io I , . tl\-fi. \ South 15th. SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , E TO. M , A. Disbrow & Oo , , Boh a Sash & Door Oo. _ _ , Manufnctiirort * of , Mimufni'tiirorj of mouH. ( lin > r n. ti I I mil nnd him , blind , ilu ID , Mounting llrHiinliof- Ci'i' . r.'lli unit Iiiir.lsti. ICtli mul Clark * tron < . SYRUPS. I fiTOVES. Tarrell & Oompauy , D.ifTy-Trowbridjj \Vliolpnnlc minfactiiMn Stove Miuufao'5 ( b. , ifriiin , niolnKcs an ] Mimiif.i'Vir'it t TOi ml tl > VHl | | ) , 217-21' . ) South M\ - \ 1SH-I5I5 . . - l.i > .ivmiwnrthit. TEA , COFFEE , SPICES , OIQARa Consolidated OofFei Company , llUnmllllO Oiu.ibu. Neb STEAM AND WATEB SUPPLIES U. S. Wind Engine & ; A. L , String & Pump Oo. , llnllliln ; wliiilinlll , OH HXtt-lWt slruo ; niul y.M .luni'i t ii K. Omiilm , Neb. TOYS. | TYPE-\Vn ITER9 H. Hardy & Co. , m lypo-writers. Tor . < lolN , nllium-.fanor Jt tinHli > .lHii ) > c'nrnlililMj ( il.'ini | < l(20 ( A II IVrrl ; * liuuili , clillilrnii'ii cur-I V l'o. rMlaliipui-fioa. rluicui laiJKarnaiast. I WI4 IKiitgoIniO. . SOUTH OMA.HA. UNION STOCK YWDS CO , . LIMITED. * LIVE STOOIC COMMISSION. A. B , Boycr & Co Martin Bro ? . , 14-W nto lliiil.llMk- , . l. > t ll.llUO Omaha. 8. J. Cofinnn , Smiley Hunter & Qrouu , & io ! , , 20 Ki o HuiMlnf Suutli Otuulio. Mi'tiHlio intilai j.inj ; 111 tint ) i- , , . iii.ii i. ir XM'.ik ' , neiTiiiM hum any oain.- . n-iul at 1-1 co liu' tin ) Nvu' ( iiniiixtn w > 'ii > lluii > > I'm- , . , MiiiiiiiwiiUniiilrnK'i. ' Nin'lc , tile niiiiK'nsi' . I'drwin urt * tulhr ilcji , .Si.ihMl liiliirliialltin t\ni \ Aililroij Alblou 1'liuriuucy Co. , llujk Ut , , VlljoU.MIc | )