Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OJilAll-A DAILY BMK:1'1TMSDAV : , HAH011 10. 181)1 )
Til 10
c 10K
K \TI-
l Sunday , Ont > \ < -nr ! in ( M
MX tnniitln . f > 00
'I liriMimiilli . 3 W
Hmiln.X Itii , UUP Vi-Ht * )
\\i-okly IJn.Oiii' Vc r I 00
in ILS-
Omalm , Tin
s < mth ni , , Him. CotnurN nnOauit iriK
r < it < nrtt Hind3 | IVml snrrpt.
( I'llli ' o. III ? t'liniiil otof OommefiOi
York Itionnl3tlnni1 liTrttjimi ) Itultitlng
' ntli > tiei'l
coiiti ! > i > xiiFStT
AllrnmnumloalloiiH relnlliist to ne < Mill
Mlltorltit urn i trr should in * iiililrcttoil to tlie
1 illlnrliil Pt'imrtment.
m-MNi < I.I/ITII : :
Allbnsttii'ss It'llt't-H mill n mill mi osshoulil
IIP ti > I lie llii < PuliiNhliigCoiiipiitiy ,
I'liinliii. ' llr ifUs i IUM K tinil | M > intll | > iMiiduri
to I't'lnuili'piiyiblr to tin1 nnli-r nf tliu emu-
Tlio BCD Fnblislg Company , ProDrielors
ni i : 111:1 : HI n in NII
Mnli'nf > i > liinhk.i , I
( oiitit ) nf Houclin f s
( ' Trsiliiifit , MTiilnrynf Tilt lln
I ulillslilii ; t'tiiup tlij , iliiit ' < > li mill V Rvvonr
Hint tlu mtimlilii'tiliitloii nf Tin DAIIV Hn
r it. n/s-riirru.
Swnin tiibpfoip inn mid MII > M ill cil In my
Iircsiuco lliNTthiluvaf Mmeli A M ) ' ' !
> I' I'ur.
Nonrv Public.
Ftnlcof ? ii > l > rn < kn. I
( IIIIIIH tif Honshu i
Gtorsi' II Triclitirk l > 'lnR iluly s\Mirn. del -
l oS n nil s.i ys Unit In Is HUM t nvof tinHi l
riiWMiiui ; eon IMIIV , Hint llnnitiuil iit'inuc
iliillv i tiiiiliitlnii ot I li I > MM III K ( or thn
iiKintli of Mircli , ! > ' , xvH'Jixb I'npli'ij fur
Aiirll. l-'M , .1).V4 ) iMipltx ; for M iv , | v l'i l , > . Is )
roplps ; for .Mini' , IMO , .1'.OI ' ioiM | ; for Jill )
UtXI , I1).l ) ii'iiipli'i ; foi Viiem ! , Isno , Ul.TMioplrsi
for ' i-pti ml or. hit ) . vi-TO uiplcs , fin Urtohor
1MW iS''iV ' ! nip i for Nnuiiitiir , is' > L'-J.ll )
i-oplpt ; for DtTiinlii f , 1MM171 t-oplis : fir
.In nun ry Nil. ! MII > uinlrs fur lilirunrv I I'll ' ,
U.i.ilniili : | > . ( iK < niiv II r/ " III CK
lo I'oforn me nniltnlisi rllu > il In rny
o. tlilB. tth il.i ) of I vlirn.iry. \ I ) *
N I' . IVir ,
Notirv I'ublk- .
mmUio st'ttcMiion ut LliR'olu
want to sift the sifting
" \Vii.\T\vill \ it uiolit lln > foiniiuinity if
its siifplii ! ) Mc.ilth { jtitliors rust in the
bnnlc vaults ?
IT is ] M in ful to ob-i-i o thnt tlio Nc-
brnska house of ropio enUtivos has
lutuncil the liul t ilelt
TIM : In 'h luiildiiij ; imnia in Chk-ago
is si-uailin | < in proportion to the growth
nndilonslty otlho tiinopy of sinoko and
NlSW VOIIK pajiors now say "facU
with tlifiiclothps olT , " instead of the
niiKcd tmth. Anthony t'oitistook should
O\ Una enough and to spare of
jnstlcoH of tlio Doaeo. llvety schoino to
inoiuuso their nuniber is an imposition
on litigants.
Ti 1) . 11. Iln.r..mts to bo president
liowill bo asked togivon bond tori'iijii
the sonatorslnp in ease of elwtion The
line must bo drawn soniohoio. .
Tllll North D ikota loyt > > ltitui-o con-
eluded nslxtj-day session at the com
paratively trilling expcrwo of $100,000 to
thostato The bills .ippro\oil \ by the
go\drnor ruprosont an actual io-t of
$1 ,500 , each.
Wiuv Cm tor Hani-oil and Prank
T nttloi- - thomuniii-
.i pirofoileidoisMp , -
pal rcfuria uvoinnii'iii in Chicago
reached a delightfully piotui
Koform without fuinlv , tnd Carter
hollow mooUoi v.
l\"ii\ ! { daj oinpliusi/os the nciosity
of the coiinHl taking stops to iiiauguriito
puhlie- works ntul stimnlato the omplo\- \
moat of nllo labor. The opportunity for
doliifi wido.sproail pi-actic-al peed wa&
iiovor more toiaitliiH : or pre iny.
Tins Now York oloutt-iu lifirht com
panies want ? 1,00U)00 ( ) dimagcs fioin the
citv for the distrnction of then- poles by
thenuthoritii's. Tlnu-itj mi > | htwithoqiul
propriotj and inoio ju tiei3 mo the com-
pnnio- . for double the amount to com-
poibiito the uly for dam i o , ind nutio-
aiuo tobiishu'ss and loss of life.
.li'S'iiu : and public order ilotnind the
repeal of the l\\o-imlo limit clnu-.o of the
lii'oiito law. The fact that itbonoli -
claries are lobbying to prevent ropcai li
a strong argument in iN f.uor. Tliuii-
onjoyiiu'iit of priMli'szes and immunity
from the lironso which other siloon-
kcoporsaro ininpolled to pnj is contraiy
to the intent of the lu\ : . It is u div
crimination that should bo pioinptly
wiped out. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
A I'Aiirv of political iTii ailurs , ineltid-
Ing Simpson and PotTer , asvoll \ , ii fv.\lo
ot South Dakota , hns gonooust to con-
veil the consor\ativo beathon to the
breezy oeonomic dootnnoH of Kansas.
They H.IJ itill \ boa campaiga of educa
tion. Lot us bopo so. The jjentloinen
from Knnsas need a sound education on
the subject of ohoip mono.\ and inlional
pawnshops , and the people in the east
can teach tnoiu tlio lesson if tJioy \\ill
taKe tbc time.
Itis lUrrinu lias wiitton u book and
piedlcts that it will stir up tlio
inoimgorio. Thoio can scaicoly bo any
doubt of that. Ho bus bad u long and
biny Uo ( , in the coin-so of whiohlie lias
boon on the Inside of almost every im
portant movement. "Wlioii to Ills great
knowletlcro and oxporicnco is added liU
plcture quastylound lo\o of a tight , it
Is pin in that hit. hook ought to bo ono of
tlio most interesting of the long series
wiitton by public men in the lust fcnv
A Finn : omplojinoiit nsreney , such ( is
is proposed by local labor ni-ganl/utions
is a commendable undertaking , Em
ployment bmoaus arc nriuitu Aontuw
conducted by por-ons hixvinj nothingln
common with tholr patrons , Tlioy mo
interobtod in the latter to the oxtout of
tlio fees o.\ncted , and not infrequently
are woiklngmon lobbed of their scanty
stores by false representations. An em
ployment bureau conducted by working-
inon would do away with Iho o\nctiom
now pructiccd , prevent inlsi-opi-osjonta-
tioti and work incalculable good fortboso
soaking employuioiit.
i nnwm'\r trnrn /
I'lir mwii iur of dux r. the llorM-J/V / 't ' (
] it : < * | } tl UH following decoy mK or-
11 Moment of it * ; uvtended iiinrvclous
ciiciilivtloa IHMIII :
lluVr olloU *
"I he u vinujr ilillv iln-tililliui of tni < ll'urM-
Itttahl tlinlnjt Jiuiii uy niul I eliru uy wan
an InotoKp nf fii pi r ot'iit uxcr tlio
inoiillis nf Imt vi'.ir 'Ihl3 lnerr-'i n
Ilit * lionrM iMrniliit inn nml ( liirlui thu
i llino ihnet cmli i-oci liits from citcu11-
In Ni'hra kft oin lie
nn uiuiil iiruu Hi JIM Injt tlio s.iiiii1 pol-iol
( ictiiilno bonost i-ii-culatloil Indeed !
\Vhal a monumental fr.uul ! If the ex
hibit of \\ondorfnl growth within tlio
punt your is correct , what d o it tlli-
ulo-i1 ? Wlu > n tin ) Ifiinltl inulVnihl \
wiriroiiiolhlntod the putrnns of th
"dimhlt'.lu'adeiuro nssunnl tint the
i-iiviilallon of that great daily oxcoudoii
10,000. From that day to tills the iiu-
pdiluro hus boon lu-ptup ill homo and
abnutil by bogus clainia and llclitlous
Stoadj tralnt were ropotlod , nhicli ,
i-omptitcil on thobmls of 10.000 fiinco
.Ixil ) , issiloiild give the IP.-// / , over
fiOIHX ) ciri-ul.itlon by this time. 1 iu
o\\n c\hlilt the ciivulatiim of OMHK ! , -
( MXIuhich the H'oild-tl i tld claluud on
.lul. * lo , I Ssn , had shrtinlv to a fi.u-tion
o\er 111,000 by Kebrtittrj , I .SOI ) . In other
wonK , if it is true that the "gonuino
honoit"i'ii < L-iiltitioii of the I-// ) , in Jan-
u.n.and . Kebrutuj , IS'11 ' , shows in in-
cidi'-o of 01 pincoiit ov'jr the sauio
months of last yoxr , ihon the mi r i'd ,
ciiiiultvtlon of paper duiin tliu lust
t\\o months of l.siiOvu l-.ii.1) ' ) i-opli's. in
l oliruary , IS'Jit ' , tlio publishers of the
IVuiltl-lli mid fuinisliotl u blntiMiiunt
"upon honor" for tliu ndvv-pipur direc-
lei ) of Ijtird > t Thomas that tlio honest ,
Koniiinocirculntio'i of its dally was II- ,
> ( ) ) . or with in Ho of l.OUO. .
Uy their own sbowliiK1 Hil' ' wius a
bi.i/on jiieco nf unpoituro Hut the
claim of ! ! ) , ' . ) ! ( ! daily ciu-ulatioii uui-ing
Januarj and l-'obiii.ii-y is as fraudulent
and niMuadnig as nU its pretencU-d ex
hibits. It inchului 70,000 NVxv Voai'a
edition p.ipi'is. . ofuhiihmoi'o tbin tvo-
tlilids are laying in Oiiuba binini'sa
hniHos and junk sliojis. It iwludes o\or
; ! 0IOO , ( ilailiosutjiit to I jlnooln in Junuai ) ,
of rthichIUO : ( copies uoro lotuinoil as
unsaleable and dumped with the enor
mous pile of unsold papers tint the
II'-If. nccunutlalu * fioin week to xveok
bj its Inflation policj , List , but not ,
least , it ropro onts the tempuiary do-
niand floated bj the Indian and po
litical uYcitumunt during the opening of
the lc'isla.ti\e { \ session.
This is btiikingly shown by compuii-
bon of Tin : Hun's ' circulation durrig
Jamiai } and Tobinary u-itb that during
the same months of tlio preceding year.
TUB IlKh's bUOU.N bTAimilAT.
181W Is'tl. '
Iiiiiuiry .injiVi J oiilar ) . . .23118
I'lbiuur ) luTil ) iLbiuiry . . . - ' > IU
: i < i in. auis
Avnrue . . . I'JliiS ' AVUIIKC . . . .StW'l '
Tin * iiorinnlavornyoclrtMil'itionof Tin :
I\ : es from 2i.,0)0 ( ) to 2. > , ( HHI ,
mil an } exo--- . slmph ropie'.oiits h > onio
timpoi.iry excitement or special demand
During the month of .lanuiuy , vhon the
excitement over the Indian outnroik
x\as at its bight , the Lli-uiilation of Tin :
lii ! : : moimted up as high as : > JOOU , on
t-e\ oral days ,
But the most Hiidiic-ioiH conlldoneo
jnino over plnjt-d upon cipiiulous
pitroni Is the Mtrld-Ifi'iuld claim of
giowthln loial cuunlation. On lanu.ny
1 , l.S'll , tint inonuiuontal fraud con
tained the following editorial :
The u-ar lii-tran an u\urne ; local ihlly
( iiculatlon of T , l.Vi foi Jtimiiiy ( Is'Kl ' ) , , md
closed with mi nvciaKo local diily cneulnlioti
of Id , . " ! ) . ' for DoLGinbor.
Now what are the fiotsV Tlio M'-// / .
elaim-a { ain of ' ! ,101 local subscrilwrs
in IS',10 , when infaotit lost over fifteen
hundred subscribers in the city of
Omaha in the months of November and
D'combor. This loss is not a nutter of
surmise. The leductlon of the local
subscription price by Tin : lii ! : : increased
its Omaha anil South Omalialistby o\or \
two thousand within two months boxen-
eighths of Hint inui-eiiso win taken away
fioin the -
In tlio faio of tliis marked falling olT
our bUmhmd eontomporaiv uliim&to
ln\e aitually im reaped its local elruul.i-
tion. Theio has boon no matkud in-
eioasoia Onvihas population and iioth-
imr has hajiponed to crcuto a ill-mind
Unit would olT-settlio dofoetion fioin ( lie
] \'ui'lil-lli \ ridd't > fciibscuption list. [ [ o\v
then \\a > . its local circulation inn cased ?
Simply bv printing thousand- cnplo-i
daily for piomiscuoiis distribution and
oM > rlouling dealor-i and no\v-bo\s \ with
thousands of papers that aio rotiu-nedns
unsold and deiiositcd in the dump. And
thib is how wo yiow and oroiv. '
The action of the Omihabuildors and
traders' exchange regarding the uln-
tloas of c.uplojoi-s , and omplojes , is
woi-tbj of more than pnbshig notloo.
Throoroi)0sitions [ ) ) , liiing tbt > banction
of the national association of builders ,
were submitted i\nd \ appiovod Tlioy
emboiU pi-iiipiplcs , xvhich. If put in iiric-
the , will < o far lo\vaiil pi-montlng inju-
iiotis controveisioH In the buidlny !
trades and olosito the standard of mc-
lirielly the o recommendation- :
Separate orgaiibation of builders and
umtiMi'toi-s in tlieir roipjetno lino- , ;
the icltleniont of nil dllloroncasbutxuon
lontractors and inechnniis by arbitra
tion , -mil the establish ment of a ttado
school in Omaha.
Tne s-iuntioii of nibitratlon by both
national and locil associations ha , reeog-
nitionof tbospiritof tlio times Arbitra
nitionisthoonofilr and honorable me ins
of so tiling disputes a nd preen ting strikes
dlsasiioiis alike to pntiea involved and
tlie community at largo. Theio ought
to be no dill -ulty I In bringing unions
of builders mil mechanics to a perman
ent nmlorMimtllng on the Insis of uibl-
tratinn. The rights of both are equally
] iiotoeted. 12 von though the demand- .
of either side aio not conceded , the los
Is inilirnitlmiit ioaiu-ud ] ) with the dis
tress and hardship and blttornoss which
Invariably follow a prolonged lontest.
The reasons ndvunvud for the ostab-
llsninent of a ttado school are worth } of
consideration. Trade unions generally
oppose the Idea , fearing It would o\or- \
iitoclv Iho mnrket foi-Hklllod mechanics.
The assumption is enonoous. As a imit-
tor of fiu-t education is tlio greatest ally
of trade unions. To education Is duo
tlio nlmoMl orgnnl ittlon of
kllltil labor A school training in the
eli'tni nttirj in-inclples of niccbnnlsiu w ill
not onlj fo-tor the principles of union-
inn , bul materially nld in eloxaling the
slnmluid of worl < inan hip
Thoactidii of Hie oxolnnnols a prat
ifying I'vldcnoe of the growing Mcntl-
niLiit against labor rontuivoi'tlc-s and
Iho recognition of Iho light * of oin-
ploiesnhich contractors ivi-o prone to
ignore ,
rsr/MM7' Hit Ml , A .Ml.t/JIfO.l/l /
Thooppoiiuntinf a nsurj luxhtvvocon -
stantlviitined tti Impress ( he public n it li
tlxi notion that N'obrnka I * proposing
to otitoi- upon a new nnd dungoi-oiii ex-
P'rimniit in puttliiir a llmll to llu legal
rile of interest an 1 IKiuga SOUM-O pen
alty for x iulatio'i of tlio lnw. I'or this
HM OII It fa worth x\hilo lo c-oniiilor the
rostrietlon-iiipoii usury ostnhlished bj
other slates.
Business In tlio itatoof Xoxv York
iv ts upon .is ( inn a bwlMiw in any < late
of the union Money Is aliunilint there
for Icgitininto ontorpriw and good
lom . 'PliQ law of Ni w York in.iKos fl
| wr cent tlio maximum rate of Interest
and no more is allow oil upon contiauin
'Iho iimmll } of usury ii forfoltnru of
pilnclpil and interest. This lias boon
the law of New York for jears , and yet
that state is not ICIIOA n lo ha xo suffered
llnancld stringi'iicy by the exodus of
capital to loenlith'whiiliput no restric
tions upon its gieocl ,
Oregon makes S per cunt tlio legal
idle , but alloxvo 10 per cent ouiontiacts ,
Us penalty for usury Is "foi foituro of in-
Iciest , principal and costs " The devel
opment of Oregon has nolboon rctatded
by this law , but doubtless , her people
hive iivi'dn vast ainount of mono } thnt
would otherwise haxo gene to the usurer -
uror and Invo nKo boon kept froinbor-
nnving money for iceklLss ciitfrprlsos
and puiiign eiiishing pileo foi tliopriv-
in ArUiuisat tlio usurer forfeits jiiint'l1
pal and inlotusl ; in ( "Joorfjia nnd Xow
Ilninpshu'e , tliieo times tlio oxees-sof in-
torosl , in iN'ni-t b L'aiolina ilonblo tlio in-
torusl , in Alabinia. I'lorula , Idibo , Illi
nois , Indiana , Iowa , Kaims , Reiituckj ,
Louiaiana , Maijlatid , , ISIinno-
beta , Mississippi , Montana , N'ow , Ioi-
bey , Koi tb Dakota , Ohio , i'erin-
sylvania , South C'aroliin , riouth Da-
liota , Tonnuh.oo , 'Poxns , Voimont ,
Virginia , West Virginia and Wisconsin
there iiroiestrictive laws , xu-ying in
character , but all aiming to prevent or
punisli u-siiry , by tlio forfelluie of all tbo
intoust , or so mucliof it us is in excess
of the legal rate. In vioiv of those fuc-ts ,
lb not the current talk about "wild and
d'ingeious" u ury legislation in Ne
braska ontirelj idle ?
Tbo law of Oregon and so\eral \ ollior
states , provides that the immcj foifeitcd
by the usuier shall bo pihl bj the hot-
lower into the school fund. This is a
wise provision , It eliminates the possi
bility of dchtou nppe iling to tlio usur\ , \
laxvs to esiiipu the ] iiyiiunt of principal
anil Interest , which has boon the strong
point in tlio aigumcnt of the opponents
of stiingent Icgiblution in NebiasKa. It
provides sox-oro punishment for tbo
usuior , but does not exempt the bor-
loxver from the pajnient of liis honuit
debts with legal interest.
There is no good gionnd foi'tbo foir ;
that any eonsuleiable amount of de-
nil-able capital will ho driven from the
tale by the proposed laws -ig.iinst
nsurj. A'ory llttloof the eastern cipital
Invosied in Nebraska eirns more than
10 pi r cent for its ownois. Most of It
uii'iis loss than 7 tier cent. A\hen \ boi-
lowers pnv moio tlnn 10 percent thoj
pay an exorbitant price for tlio sou-ices
of the middlemen , and the } will con-
tmuo to do bo until a stringent st'ito Ian
ni.ikes it dangerous foi men too > ciiii
such terms. The mrostmont in bonds ,
htato and national , is pimcipilly lioino
capital , ifavlng all itslntciosts bore
there is no danger that it xvill jixo\e \ on !
of the state because the law forbids the
collection of mate of interest that the
ivverjge legitimate business cannot earn.
Thoie is a class of monoj shniks li
Xohiaska , as ex-eij ulicro else , whc
cliaigo alllhowa > from2 to ! i per cent
a month for Hindi loans on elultel seem
ity. Jf the law drives them out it wil
confei a buiielit on tbo general pub
lie , but espoualli upon that poi-tioi
of it that is now so imfoitunntoa-to bor
roxv mono } on such suicidal terms ,
riih A/ir fVJi/f/'s'
The law pioviding for ciicuit conils
of appeal reqniros that lhtbo \ organ
1/ed on the third Tnesdaj of next June
or if in Jiny case theio .should be a fall
uro to organise at that llnu > , on astibsn
rjiiunl da } to bo ilosignatod by tbo cbie
justice or an } juslico of tlio supreme
couit a-.signed to such ciieuit , T/hlsxxIl
siitale tlie appoliitmeiitof the nine
judges some ttino within the ensu
ing throe months , and the fpmslion ins
arisen , and appeals to In receiving very
earnest consideration at AVaHhlngtou ,
whether It xvill bo nocessiirtto ( onvono
the siUJ'ito in special se.s.sion to con
firm tbo appointments. It appuaia
that the \iowtakenof this question
by the uluiinistiation that the
president could make the apoiiitiiit'iits ) )
under Ills aiilliorily tu till vacancies
thatnuiy happen ( luring the recess of
the senate , but it Is the opinion of mom-
burs of the semite judiciary committee ,
among them Mr. IMmumls , that tlio new
judge- , must bo confirmed Iwfoio the }
can net , and therefore that uspedal ses
sion of tbo semite xxlll be ncues-iui } .
This opinion la based onthofaet that the
judge-ships to bo lllled art ) noxv olllios
nnd cannot bo considered vacancies
within tbo morning of the con
stitutional pi-oxislon xxhich con
fers tlio power on tlio presi
dent to make appointments to ostab-
linbod otllcos when tlio tonato is not in
session. Thlxcloaily nppeais to be the
eoriect viexv , The anlhorlty to lill
vacancies dining the reiess of thosonato
eannot jiossibly bo Intel pro ted as appli
cable to nowl } erc.itod olllce , and it lb
singular that any mosllon lOiould liaio
been raised as to ' .ho neiesslly ofluvx-ing
the "nihiio nnd con-onlof tliu bonato"
in the appointment of the nexv circuit
judges. It ishardlv to bo ihmbtol that
the view xvill llniill.v ni-Q\all , If it ban
not already been accepted by tbo presi
dent , in whi 'h cat-o a npeeial session of
the bonato will probibly bo called In
Meanwhile this question of requiring
I'OtlllrniV'rin ' of the new j < ldges befiti'o
thin c in iii't IH uoUlu'onl > ono of inter-
si In comiiM'ium with Mils ilop.irluro in
> ur judicial s"tom 11 iu st itod tint
lu'eonstltutlonnlll } of the l.i isjiravely
questloncd b ) oino of the ublot liuv-
en , andtliatthojustiiesof Iho supreme
oiirt aietakliiy n very actlvo Interest
n tlio subject. OfVotirso none of the o
I.-H e > ci | cssed nny'opinlon rogardliiK1 Iho
nw bi end si } ing that it would alien !
great relief to tboanpremo court , hut It
H iiiuleistood that.the question of Iho
ulldit ) of the ni't xvill ho coiisld-
Ted bj the uuproino court , though
list how It x\lll reich the nnttoi-ts jot
, obo clelorinlneil , It Isposslhlo tint the
nitlatho inllio proeeedlngniuy bo taken
> y tbo president or by llu nttorimy gen- , but tliis is nut absolutely nocos-
sni } . If the supieme court should be of
bo opinion Unit the effect of the law
xvould bo to Impair its jurisdiction under
ho constitution it imdoublodh nny
take inillatoiy aetion and plnrotlio liw
under icvicw. it is well known that
tbo judiciary committee of the somto
XXMS not iinmnnous logardlng the con-
zJtllutionillt ) r > f the law , nnd that
the minority hid with thorn able
awyors in Inth houses. The
ob.uu-es are , however , tint the luw
xxill blind , thougli it is alread ) sug
gested Unit It will lia\o to bo Homoxxlmt
iiiodltiid bofoio it can entirely fulfil Its
purpose , I-'xperiinent , bowovor. will lie
mcessary todemonstrito Mhotlur there
is any soundness In this objection.
nnvin / / OK tin : t.nnin :
Tlio honest frlinils of the soxoral io- _
foim ine.isuies now before tholegisliv-
tmo sboulcl bexx--uo of tbo traps and pll-
fnlls-set for them by tbo lobh ) sit Lin
coln. There are various xx.iys ofdefeit-
ing popular muumros and tbo most
deadly is f ruiniuPtly not tlul of opomip-
pn.ilI ion.
This fact Is stulcinifly lllusti.itcd by
tlio present altitude of the usur ) ques
tion. The senate his p hsod one bill
and the house , another The bills are
the same inessential principles and dif-
feiont only In details. The lobbj H
against both , but it would not dare to
opcalj commit It-elf to that attitude.
Hence it puts its sonants at work in
vigorously advocating the ri\nl bills
in the two houses with the hojiii of getting -
ting the bomto and house at logirecheids
and thus defeating all lourislatiou on tlio
subject To defeat a measure by ilhid
ing itsupporters : * is a groit cloal better
than sir light opposition.
Aiiothor ellecltvb tiiok of tholobbt is
.sliown in its eiilhushstic support of a
railroad bill so pdpably umoasoiuvblons
toinsine thodcfiut of its own ends. In
tlieso list ( Vivri of the legislature the
men who nonestl ) desire tbo successor
the reforms to which all parties x\cro \
committed in thftir platforms should
look out for tbo trapso sluoxvcllv otfor
The lobby knows its liusmesq , but it is
si } "devilish sly. "
A aw'.l IlLl ! VIlhft.llK fT ,
A sbort time ago there was a collision
in a railroad tunnel in Now York city
x\hichcaused \ the do itli of sex-oral por-
HOIIS. The coroner mido a careful inves
tigation , = uminoning to bib assibtnmo n.
jury eninjiosed of intelligent and respon
sible eiti/.cns. Ibis jury letnrned a\er-
ditt llndingtho Now Yorlf , New II ivon
.I Haitford r.vilroad eonipiny , its olll-
eers and diicctoii to be inunudlatol ) re
sponsible for the deaths of the \ictiinsof
the collision , beciuse of their failuio to
piovido nilcqiiuto sifoguu-ds , They
found tbut by leason of the want of
piopet proUslon for llgliting the tuimol
the condition of tlie atmophcro was
such that the engineer of the iHssongor
tiain could not eleail } BCD the signal ,
! inu they did not fix tlio bluno upon him ,
but upon his supariomhoro , it justly
Proceeding upon this vouliet , the cor
oner piomptly issued wariants for tbo
arrest of the ollleials Tand diicctois ol
the railroad , chin-gin * th cm , in aecord-
iineo with the stitutesappllcable in biiuli
cises , with homicide , Thcso men , } ) iom-
inont citizens , oipitallsts , and some of
them not unknown in politics , niipon-oil
beforotbo iiironer and ir < uo } > ail each in
thosnin of * 25,000. Some of them nnni-
fc'bted displeasure at hax-ing thoii
mines oonnected with so serious a
charge , and some objected to the lirgo
amount of bul leipiii-ed. but tbo eo roue r
informed them that ho propoied to do
hh duty under Iho law , and ho should
pursue it witho'it fear or favor , ICiory
0110 of those ollkials will luxe to satisfy
si grand jui\ \ tint the } am not lespoiibl-
blo for lliedisafttoiinoidor touicapu m-
dletmont for homicide , and in xiuw o
what is s.iid regarding the neglect o
the ollleiulsof the i-aihoad conipiii im-
mo'liatoly loncernod , If the giaud jur.j
hhall have Iho iiitolligoncoimd couriire
of the mon who eornpoiorl the coronor"- .
jurx , none of them will c csipo indict
This proceeding in ikes a notable pro-
ceilent , xvlilch < le3oi-\os tlio xxidost pub
lieitV I veforringto the vouliet , the
N'oxv York Ti ifium jsajs : "Iiu uests afloi
lailroul disastuis generally icsiiltin a
\orilitl\vliich lias unreal value 01 sig
nifu-anco and eaiisos no inconvcnlonio ii
any < | iinrler. Occasionally a Miboidi
nati * in thosorxuo | of a coiuji.iin islieh
guilt ) and subnoquontl ) indicted fj
munsluigbtor. lull e\on then
are that tbo case , xvill no\or be b rough
to trhl. This inquiry Is rcmariuiblo
for the fa el that lire jurj looked bojonc
llie pilinai ) agent or agents of dostrin-
lion and conileuuiud tbo ollicials o
the lallrnul , fiorrt whom train baud
take their orile-ts. " Hut the un
usual character | ( } f tlioorillel \ is no
mofo notable than the exceptional ae
tlon of the coioner , who , rogircllusi o
the woiilth and soclil staiullng of tin
lailioad ollieials , xvont ) foiwari
in the perform nice of hi sillily , if thuso
men had nogleeted to piovido for the
nafot ) of the public , if they had cao -
les ! , ! } or iceklossl filled tosiipplj Nlfo-
guanU fortbo protedion of those who
entrusted thoii hvosto their i-uo , us Iho
evidence a ] > peirod to shoxv tho.x had ,
this coroner xeiy ptoporlj proposed tliat
the law should tuko notice of thylr de
linquency , nnd 1m inomptl } ordered thoii
arrohtnpononoiif thugi-a\est of chnrgoh.
It Isbarlly to be ox-peeled tint nXoxv
YorK jury will eunx let mof \ tluise rill-
loadolllcliilb. In tin-event of thc.iibomg
IndictoJ. It ih more probiblo that their
f HI swill not men bo allow od to po to a
grand jur ) Hut wlmtoior tlio future
proi i'edtnN ( nm ho the proeodonl os-
ibll < hii l b ) this New York xcrdictand
lie iictlivi of the coroner will not bo
Ithout viilno. It isnn cxumplo othoic
ity and coin-ago in locating n'spoiisl-
illit ) , which , iiltlioiiijh It may full lo be
oil owed b ) nu'iltoilpuni'ihim'iiti convoys
los-on tint will not bo wholly fruitless
f good results , It was once wlttlljnig -
ested tint If oven railroad train ear-
led a ilirector cated on the front of the
oeomotno llieio xvould btilittlo ilmgei-
f ncclileiits. let railioiil oIllcinLs mi-
erstnnd Unit they will b bold rosponsl-
ilo under tin * luvs for hns of Hfo duo to
heir neglect ami tluno xvill no fowu1
Isastci-s us tlie oonsi'qiwiico of linule-
[ imto i > recautlons.
Till ! report of a th-up between the
Cnighls of l dior and Independent * to
ofeittho Onulin ( barter intho legis-
aturois niellectionon their Intelligent. ! !
nil common s\mso. Tbo prosperity of
\orKliigmen isln jnopoitlon to the pros-
lorit } of the oil ) . Tbo Interests of both
u-o Insopinible. A blow at one injures
bo ( itliiM1 , Tbo pn-'iigoof the charter
t absolutely meossary to the entry ing
Mil of for enhrged public works ,
or park projicts and o'lior improve-
nt tits xxhieli dlreelly t'oiii'oin tlio xx-ol-
nro of Iho xvoiking classes. Kinely no
ii'gani atloii of xx-nrkingnioiiwoulil "oca
) artj to aconsplraiy to i hock thojn-og-
essof thecit.vand Injtiro its numhois
nercly to gratify tlio solllsh ambition of
bomoaspiiant ( or ollieo.
TIM : verdict of tbo c-oionoi's ' jury on
tbo eiuiso of tbo ilt'titli of the woman
Williamson , Is i-emarKnblo for whit
it omits. l > i'nlto tbo I'loar ami oni-
phatlo tt-stiniony ofv \ ituess 's , tliojurj ,
either putpnscly or through ifjnoiancc ,
fulled to plat-otbo stamp of 'i eow.u-dlj
et-inie vx-liero it proporlj belong Tbo
dialautur of tlie iloioti eil ia nut in ques
tion , nor must it be niults n shield for
brulility and murder. Tlio failure of
tbo jur.x to nronuiiniron voidiut in ae-
eordincoviitb tbo cviclence nialcosit tlio
dutj of tbo county iiltnrnev tovlfjtn-
ousljirnsc'culo \ tlio ca-so , to the end tint
adequate puiiislimcnt nny bo mvlcil out
to the suitbor of tlie or me.
MoviMYX/blirstlegislatuio closed IH
career xvltb aiocoidof 150 bills passed
mda resolution of tlianks toLioutonaiit
Governor HicKiirds. IJiiritig tbo liiht
session Itiekaids achiexed republican 10-
sped and democratic piunit ) by Intro-
hieing Tom Heed's method of seeing a
quorum. In fact ho xvas the oilgiml
quoiuin counter of the northwest. Yet ,
in letiring from olliee , tlie democratic
incnibofii wet-ens anxious to honor liU
couiago and nbilitjns they xvoi-e voluble
of denunciation at the outset , The in-
eiilcnt illiwtrntos the difference between
thewestem and touthorn democi-aclos.
TUB civil service commission at
Wa'liingloii apponis to be on the brink
of ilisorgmi/Uion C'liiirnim Lvm in
hasbecome unpopular and C'ominissioner
Koosox-olt unhappy , 'either feels thnt
thoto is n chance tomaivo much ofi : suc
cess of tlio institution. It is ilitllcnlt to
lit the square pegs of partisuisliip into
Iho tound holes of civil service loform
Both Lvman and Uoo-evelt woio thor
oughly committed to the loform and
baxo tried haul to on force it. If thev
haxo failed the result must bo regarded
as discouraging to tlio friends of tlio
X 1ms another i ice piobhm
an impending lonilict betvxecn the
vx'hitos and Blacks Oklahoma begin
life with ; i race problem to see xx lie
should Hist get into the promised land.
A Monument in 1
Kx C'onjrossima C union xxauts the new
public building xvbicn lie secured for his
homo city ( Danville , III. , ) to bo constructed
of inuble , for the rcisoii , as ho explained to
the siipanHin a architect thU week , that , "it
xx-ill be lib political tomb stone. "
AMicxx !
.In imnilii ( liif. / . ) > ' ( i > liiJ. (
.An Iristmeo In cinnmous rise in viluea in
Butte Citj is com minted on at the rountv
ult'ik's onico. A month ortvx-oiLro icertun
mining piopert ) vx-us meoidod .is transfuiiod
forJIV ) . Oul.v a fiw weeks there.liter tbo
s.inieproiieitj was Ijcmtlod for JT.VJO.OOO. .
l * Mils til ( 'iilnrailii.
Iti I Moitnlitlii / / mil
Oio cannot bo too c.uefut uo\v after tliU
trci.ientlous stoun tn monkeying with snow-
slidLS. 'Ihoy au dent rij > ou-t ] noxx-so don't
think for a moment that j ou hold the best
hamiaiulgo to"uicoiiiii ; ; ' vx-ith them , foi if
you tin the ) xx-ill walk olT with join water
melon uvcry time , and if you should oo a
firceu pumpkiinoti would lu a ripe squiuh
when the ) gotllirotiRh xvlth you
( Jixe Pciitei- Slum * .
Uho CUriiiont Advance infoims itsroadeis
tliat , as i matter of fict , Secret ir > Foster 'is
one of these plulocrits thit xvoulil ileny the
fui inert , the ptiviloseof inoileiu cook stoves ,
e.niiota or even glass \\niilows In tilth-
. " The Adx-anco ' t
houses. oiife'litn to siy sinh
thinns , lorthojare not so Ills not tiecoi-
sni ) to tnck boms , hoofs and i foilie.l till
otiloox-c'tj innn of dilloieut politicsTlieso
memords aio sahl of 1'ot.tei inciely bo-
causehulba upubluui.
Tlie I'it nilis Over. |
. .xfiinililtfcdl / in ( fiirfniititL riniitiii-icKiIfiti
the iiuiuxviiiup p.iper-i liy tocoiistruo
reiiibliun | suicessin thi'munld-
pal elcclioiiH lu New Yorlc to me in t > 2ttj-
pc'isonalspitout Co\ernor ! \ Hill-rosentnii'iit
about the boldlnn of two ofllces-robulco for
a liul appointment they are tissi nlin ; atiln-
insofor an ox-cnt. 'Iho
ekitioiis slum tint th > ciu iuit isal-
xvllli theiopublleans , thoplcnii is over ,
the fiolii lit aiicnd and pliiu bnsinoii uiulur
pnnslilei ition The measures lurvhleli Iho
u tspctiullv teli-biatetl are llml-
pu-sciitly will bu ponnlar , and
thn and anarchists procliiin
tlulr illiuloni , iul expose their ineap.ulty
save for the cxlreinos of folly-anil they eui
tloiinthiiif ; c-lsu xx-itli thtnhousi1 iho tnoio
c-eililnl.v tht'V atiK'neiit ' the1 abounding ele
ments of lopnbl.can triumph
' ' ' ' ! ' . '
MiKIIry | ' " " > lini'
lliiMfnii / nurrO' '
Set'ini , ' in bis iiudloiiceiit oiu time a well
Unoivn ilertrynnii ( if tbo lluptht ilouonilna
tion , ho left his pulpit , nml , p miuydovx n tli.i
ulslo to tlio new xvli 1.1 the rcvereml trcniiL'-
iniii vx-ii'so.itul , imltetl him lo oivupy llio
pulpit xvltli himself aiul inuko the upi'i.ln
piajor Tin1 visitini ; prcacborileclinoJ , uiv
iv. a reason tbua t'nltailin 1ml occupied the
puliilt thu Siiudav bofoio I'athei Tajlor
xvisnotthei nun tti wn. tn time or words ou
sjih material M > . Imstilj tuunnx nbout , be
HtioJo liuiricdlj back tu tliu pulpit , unit on
nld "Lotiwpmy 0 torl , do
Iher us from Id jotrj mid Iml rum' Thou
kuowo-st vvlilih Isworsi' ' I don't , Anton "
u : Old
Aru1'inh \ 1 1 Hum- .
Tlio ri'eonl dcdiratlon of our
CVlonollVlloiv-H , thnt thiriKlil'O scrvotl In the
coiifeilciiilo may ho aliviiv foil that lie wai
altiiltei unit that If h < i bn I Icon cnuxhl ho
iloservcd to im hnuited , but excited Ibo wratli
ofiuiiih ) soiilhein | tnu'i | < , mid they aw lu
dnitrSoii'ly in aKivl in cilllnit the colonel x-a
i-loti1 * bil naiuo-i. TlioSu-nnuiih Novvi prob
nol ) oxpruan tho/iiuithura v low of it when
it says It was n pity the colonel unsn't
Trhl IM iliii\ \ .
Aril 1 < ui 1 1 il'iinf.
The Color ulo Juror xvho xvoild not ajieo ? to
avenllet boi'iuso he thought tho'iitvx' tmd M
vhleh the suit XX-.H liMiiir'it ) H-.IS uiiconstitu-
tliiual , I'.ul ii queer Men et hlnluty Ho
-should hive iloeMed the case nocorilliig to
thoeviileiu-e , iusteul of staitlnn tut to spccu-
Inlo onqnostloiisor law. No xvomler that
tlio cloven Jurors who did try to dccldo upon
the fi\i Ls of tlio case wer imK > 7 it luring
tlieir time \vnstotl The Juror who knows too
much mixuftor nil , In us unsatisfactory a
jinyniui as the nun xvho icuow-s too little
Lot Hit- ( at ( Int.
lctillr < \ ( ( liiji i/ili /
The western congress to lie held In IVnvor
In Ma ) means mom to t'oloi uti > thin pirhapi
isitouoi illx-lmovxii It moans thai a enliven-
tiii of sou them ami western stales xvill eon-
MHO in u reneseiiliiti\i | ) capicH.x to illscuss
letipt-ocily , deep wit ci for Texas nnd other nuittcu of iniituil iiiteteatto tlie
south mil west. Colorado ou bt to hefullv
icprescntO'l , i\t the nnldlj ilovuloplns'coin ndx-mtaeiM to Tevas fioui deepwntcr
liiuion xx-ill be reined also to a lessor-extent
b ) ( 'olor.uio The union of tlio south and
v\ost \ is also nocostiry to secure fire
IM.SSI Aft . / t.
PliouendelUaoltor : nxpcnsix-o-Khofaftcr
tlio bath ) My cleir. I feel in if I hud been
bom auexv. llo-Iti ho.ixen's imino' Two
blithdiya :
Puck Sheepskin-Shall jou sontl vour
son tOollc ef Ihi-dup No , I ciuiiolufford
it , but i'vu bought him a ciijio oxiieoat
Teaiher Protldy , how is the earth divid
ed ) 1'iodtlj IJctvvuoiithoin that's ' KOI It unil
them that \\.uit.sll.
ox ins i.uxvr
\ \ ben winter dies wo tilu niph o'er
The surly foe ot sniinv hours ;
Hut spritn. , foriflvniK. ( m hh grave
\Vith laxhii hand stiovx-ssweetest llowors.
N'ovv Vorlc llci.iltl Kth l ( cutliuslistl-
. -Uon'l ' - lo\-e Iloxxellsf
c.illyUon'l ) x-oii \
Muinl ( indlRiinntly-No ) ; jou know I'm
to mother man
rxMr ron souiiovx- .
He hoivod asofi-ovvf ilsiKh ,
A xxrapfultearho xvpt.
Ills loio hail bidden him "fjoodbjr"
And all his presents kept.
Drnko's llai a/ino : The divine ripht of
chlelly tlio biuhriglit in i' , s. and tl
' Vork Sun "Did tiiloi-
N'ew you got ) our -
limit1 Jickut" '
' No Mi husb.ind siid ifl xvoulil povvith
cut ituntil April he'd pvo up smoking for
Lent "
"Sort of a aonhl ot sackcloth and ushcs , 1
should say "
Boston Trmsciipt : Ilir-ks T hear a
deal of possip about Swis > sleljnr ) They
cuse liim offverjthitif ; tliat's ' bail
\ Vick1 know , but a put He ion
lias bu'ti oiJcroil and Svx-isslubiuy uatur.illj
feels very happj ovei It 'I hero vvus danger
of un explosion , hut of cotiuo the inx'cstiga-
tlon VMll coieicvorythlni ; up
Life Mis. U This is disgraceful'You'll
hive no ono to thank 1ml yourself , t'vo
warncl you of ton enough hou- you areslioit-
inintj vour d.ivs
Mr U Vos , mv clcn ; but you don't seem
to realize long nights I'm ' hiving
Ariel The Squire-Good morning , Miss
Violet IJent on an euintlof incicyJ
Miss Violet ( tinroUor's il.iu.'bU'i , mod
estly i-Oh , no' I am just lalcinf a few lit tie
pies of my own making aiound to the cot-
Drake's Jli a/lue : U'henevei the budo's
mother L'.JCS to live uitli thu newlv tniiricd
louple , the manure nuij bo truly slid to
hix'o been
Hpoib : Prosperous lawyer " \Vhat U
iu-tloo ' '
vour | ) inoitly
Starvuij'laxx'jir "llconoiny. "
Weekly Count l.o
'Mam/elle , tuke/e rniB and /.e feud loafe I
geofujuu. YM diamoat "
MaiiHollespaiiut : ' 'I'.iste' ' Paste' 'lnety
liinti ( entsaucl ileir attliat"
Count ToCas ! o : " /.ouiuls ! I'cs zo biid
\ou \ bljoutitr : '
Phllahelphia Upholster : She was so cool
In rojictini ; tinii that vv lien ho flimlh with
dioxxtlioie , xx as aetuilly a fiieze arounct tlia
Blraira ( ! a/ctte : N'otJVitlistindiiiK tbo
dearth of dtunoitles , vvaittiig inaiiN , those of
tvveiit.v-iiinaandupxviril , aio easj to yet.
Oil City ih//iid ! : It is iHttlo clnllj v t ,
hut rret rtitly nevertheless to put in nioio
lilacs un tli it gulden than four Mich yirueni
me xvoitti.
I'uiU. iierculcIloxojou , , vill von be
OinpbnleVi'i , butou ) must give up vour
Vorlt I lei aid A clos ' mouth calls
lor afew nssesiinou timid pijt , bigdixidends.
Phllulolplu.i rphoKlerer The man xx-ho
tiiudtoouie iii&vvifo's toinpei- his given It
up nan b.ul job Ilesi\s It costs too much
to re piper tbo walls , iml mend the furuituio
Ilochestcr Po > t 'Ihoro niu no tnnup In
Cliim I'l.un ps object to chop-stkks.
Leulei lino's .ueiniikablo
( iso Tneothei ilayii vx-agoninaker xvho has
been dumb lor picked up u hub nml
'jutw.i star M i JIA' .
jXiil Tinllfthl. / \ \ .
'Iho lucli wind bloxvs ,
And as It fines
Its xUkl , loud -voice is crying ;
I' leh in lid It moots
t'pon the streets
Herdo.iUunU skirts go living.
' wlntls'
lini'e Vitwhy
ill truth should I
IV.nvou , oil bbistinlnj brvcro !
I've ' tlnluty fiot
And : uikle ni > at -
lltovv Unnliis tj'iryou pleiso.
WITH "Xovv nn ! , . .
hprnigconittli now with U.IITCMov
U'lthsinilo-i buK'niUiiK , bland ;
Hut t.timuuit hcuiiis tnseo her coinu
Vt ilh snowballs In C.K.II h.nul.
x PI r x .
Sweet spirit of Spring , m-.i ) scuu us some
As soon as tbo Inokhaiic of winter is hrokcn
it r/n : c\i'fi \ 11 , cir\ .
\ \Vrll lllgKor nnd u Met > o il I'uml
Mini ( > ti to dim .
fiisc'oiv. Net ) , M itvn -SpoolU 1 [ to Inn
lUi.j 'llit iilteullou of .luiU-e I'lelilnnl v
jnn w iw tiild'n npnll inornlnirllh av < > r
nioiiotonouM cuouhcreln Wlliiiun Piitiuun ,
a well dlgKt'l , r.nd lnlih { | f ? Illumeiillii ! A
MOiMinl liiiitt furnlliiro mail , \xoro i i >
tivi'ly pliilntliT ami tlefendunt Himt t i
and I'uliiiiincnttMul into a eontriiclbx wli U
t lie la tier xv . to OIK acKleiu for the fnun. c ,
tu letuiii for whl ill hevas \ lo wet [ iirniim
1 'ntiui-.n's ' tleihv for Interior hoiiin tl 11
t Inn vx < 10 rather voluptuous , nnd vh n
ciiiue tocounl up he oxv d lllumoiilU il t\
ttwlt a rhiittcl iiioitciixoon his jromls. I'
nntn aflerxx inl dltcoxrieit Unit n uil > i
heordt'ieil to ln of polished oak \XM < \
ash mid Im ii'fiiHCil to piv t be balance. v\h n
npun t liofhnltel nnrtiiiito was foiotlit *
and Pulunin had nn fuiiiltuie lloHiinlih , i
forf 'M , llu > vnlue of Ins lubiir on ill un i
bole In the groiinit. lltuiiicntlnl r. i u t
tbal theristeiu leikivl , and thni I'uti i i
cllncheil mnllers bv niovitiifthutwatci u > .
tnrnetl in when tlie t-lsli'rn WT * ( neon > <
trirv to Instruct tons I lie Jiuy are sir , .
Klbig xvltb the tnlehtv iiro'il m
M'lil iidcriionii llie t-be of 0 S U'nrili
10 I' , ttlttf , . ! . ! ' Hair and .I. I' U I Mn
isnn. U'avd in u inmiifaituriM of pit -M
clnllifsdrx IMS , hnl iintl coat i iclis , ami u x i >
i-lplv ofo'lurirooiN and iippoln ted \Vilk > u
Ills tiRoiil ut Counnl lUnlTs. the other tw > t-
rciiiliinh pxiditini'ii Inntl that llii'v ivnuiil
see Wliln paiil fuihitlii ; got from nliiuit nT
\\ltto \ never puiil , hnwevt'i , and xxliiu do
owed S.'VI ' rVaiil ( ) \ shut olt lilsire.lit n d
now xx.mis tlio other filloxx-sto xxh.u-k up i r
Hindu object * to pivliit ; Aniilu
tliet'.i.ijilit" Jury awarded her us ihn f i
peisoti il injuilos sustained , nnd has illn it t
motion for unoxxliinl and to sot libido u
x tnlictof the Jur )
xvi \ r i xnin
SliiM-lffMctlivv.tiy hlstlopittv , OV H..MO . ,
this attiMnoon took possusson ol the si.i , it
orootlslu ( | the bij ; xx-aieliouio on Tenth ai d
\Vstr .cH of HIP Lnxvnncu bnplcmntit n > in
piny , I1 I' , l.nxvrence , ni.inuit'i Tliorun-
piu ) hit l > Cii enured in the business of jn'i. '
bin ) , ' fnun inuhiiiiix and t uriuvt * . uiul tM
attac-hinent wus issued fionulist ilit oourt < il
the institiruof the IJiieiiln National bauli
ami xvas for $ liftt ( ) , vx-ith interest froin
IXhreh J , Is'll ' 'ihe C'ontineutalltvnmi \
piny hiouuht suit in lounty court npm t
Uecoinpini for SPil s.1 , on an acieptt'ililiafi
His understood ( lie fiilluro was iliuu
slow cnliectlfliis , and the fmthcr fnct thai i
bushiest mnii foimcrlj cijnnoet 'd with Hi"
ostahmhitionl ht1 ! nut" iliHsnlisllcd xx-illi tl i
imiiiiKemuntof alTiiIrs mil pirsitited Invviil
iltiivvini ; M he failure1 WIIH not ntli'xpiM ted in
tinanciil circles.
sr\Ti uoisn NOTI- " .
Autlilor llcntoii and Kceretaiv of Kt itn
Allen hax-o letunicil fnun tin1 nation il > i
x-eutioiioi ullroul cniiiitii sloiieis at U i-l
ingtonainl upoita most InterostiiiK inn t
Int ; Ainom ; thfliesolutioiis piusscitvn im
teiviiiK the lixin ? of i.iiboad utes to the
commissioners of tbo v irious statis
II. A Monill nf Uousias connlv aikt Un ,
supioino cnurt for n maud unus to temp 1
Adam Suyder , ticasiuer of Uouclas tonuM ,
to paj-to Merrill i-"l0 , tbo icdompti. u
money paid bv Victor ( ! . I uitrx for the ii
citmpilon of lots 'lautliiin block lof Capu il
Hill addition to theeiti of
oiiiK. XMI IMH.
, T U iXlcC'lay. who xx-as sued byAltio
SloltinRiniU IVeko H. roekin , as suiety m
the bond of Henry VViiscnbeigailmiiilsti , i
tor of Iho estitn of I Ii Fceheu , cltci-usul , for
sevomlbundled ilollnis xvhlch they rliltnr I
xvis embe//led by Wissenbert ; , liled his
answer in inuiilj court today JlcC'lu
claims tliat Fetko I'tckcn xvis hlnisi if
suioty , and that the money for the cluitns
xv is paid tothen-attoiney. St I'atil Methoilist chuicb last evenuitf on iniiiik-ipu
Kovcriinian t , ilurnif , ' thecour < o of xx-bich lio'
took ottnsion to compliment tin * prosiut citv
iiJininlstration for the work It hns tlone and
the rood t hat xx-as projtctoj
IlclKiiaii post , ( ! i mil Annj of the Hep ib
Hi , vx-.isot umi/ed Saturday ex-cnliu ; nt I in
Misitj i'l.ite t > y a numhernf ( li.uicl Ai m\
men f loin this t-iiv 'Iho x-hltors c.unt near
not fjettiii ! . ' buck to tovx n , as tbn Si imlai I
company tailed to finnish n car ns aurio. u
and tlio bam men declined to no uiil Sun n-
inteiidentoolltvof tin1incoln line vns
telephoned to , and promptIj sent a at out
over the Rttlmnv Mei'hts lim > nnd
iho hovs in at ! i : M Sunday morning
i * ujrjtor r.ivf : ! . IHKS.
Hcmiltsoi * UK * llci-nbi1 ! in
anil Km Ii 11 calnHMiN.
I" viiiM.ncli i riie Kiguo asserts
four duthshnx-o occtined v\ithm \ llvedavs
as tbe lesnlt of tiansfusion ol blood auoril-
ing to tlii" met ho 1 of Dr. Ilernhcun The
Tigiirotlecliiiet. that this tieuttiient is nioiu
tlaiinoious than tliat of Koeli Ut-rnhi iiii ,
liovvcxei , iiiilntains that he bad success In
ciglit cisoi > ol tubcruulosis.
.Mxnuii > , .Manh It.-Tho medical comniis-
slon .ippoiiilul toiiivt'Migatotbo Ivoeli melhol
oftroatlnK consumutivcs leports in fiver of
the totil suspension of tint foi in of treat
ment , it having been fmiiul that not aslatjlo
cine has been effected here bj the method.
I'\ui , Nlarrh 1 Stets. the vsell kiioxx-u
lion tuner , was nttiilceil by ono of hU
Inrsjes toihy wlule going thronwli a ic
In irsnl Before he could bo rtsiuo < t ho xx as
so turtnbly heeralc-cl by tin ) SUV.IRO beast s
teith and tlivx s that lie is not expected to
i.x isir r/
A I'l-icst Icll of IliililenVealth Sear
I'itthtiin , I'a.
\Viikc > < H\itin \ , I'll. , March il The Pn i
Natioml bmk of 1'ittston has irunl i
letter horn a priest in S pun a
xast sum of money is buried in this vlrmm
'llie letter says ono of the courtier of tin
late Kliiu Alfonso was eix-en a luosiini of
11101103 ntiout the time of the death of the
latter The eouitier lied to thNiountn and
burictl bis treasure , but iplimuil to Spam
nnd xvns nriestcd on the tliir eof stealing
the tiuecn's Jexxils and put in luison vv lit 10
liedied I'hns of Uiop'uoc ' vv here the
mo xv is hiilileu were in .1 satcliol t.iKm trmu
the pnsoncr by the court. Iho priest , i > U
for tnoiioy enoiiL'b to pay tlie costs an I ub-
tnlii tlie satihel and tilaus.
T\xo I anioiH Will CJasc i Dcuidetl.
XLXV Yoiih , Mucli'l ' The F.uorxvuitli r
will contestInvs bounbrought to a suda u
cloio. The case has hen settled ana iho i' ' >
jectipm xvithdrawn. Siirio ate U.insoiii u
aiimittiiur the xx-lll to proba'e , s ilil tln > nl i
gallons of iiiiiliiolnllucnic x\cie \ not sustain , I
Surropito Uutisoin today fjavi judt'in , it
in t no note11 contort un tin xx-ill nf | { i > . i
ll.iv Hamilton b > r.vangeliuo I , Minn , n
vvlilclihu duVrtHl tint legillv llaiiu'i ' > i .
de.ul ami then udmitted thuv \ ill to u t i i *
Cotton riu-ttii ) in Trouble
I.irruHIKK , Aru , Mmch ' . ( iooi.-t
llufoid has been nppointol ivodxci of il
Ciliiinet cottnii ficton nt .Mitninotti Spun > ,
Alk. Tlio petit loners ussi'it that Ihe fui t.nv
liiiiortguReil for"iiiki ) ) and the debts of the
loncern arof 'UUU over ami nbo\o \ the moil-
" C Miliat'iiir- I ail ,
Cmui.o , Manh i . rne llcrxviittoi uinnu
factuiinu coinpanv , contr. cllujj I
Mill , door anil bllntl minufaetuius. asslpim ]
today Tlio usscts aio platctl nt tllii.duu , in
bilitios , f JiHK , ( ) . ThotioubloU to uj
only tunpoiary
Highest of all in luveiiiiig Power. U , S , Gov't Report , Aug. ij , 1889.