OMAHA DAILY T\VENTlErJ'll \ ' YMAR. OMAHA , Tt'ESDAT 3IOKNi\fi ( , JUAHCM ! 10 , 1801 , \ r FROM A C1CARE1TE , Gibson , Miller & Riclimlson's Big Prmtiug Uowo Destroyed ly Fire. BUILDING AND CONFENTS CONSUMED , 'JIlO UHMMII ICiMcliiMiiOlllill ( ) - ilird 'IlKiii-iiiiiil llnlliii'M uiul Is Unlj Part hilly Covi-ii'd lj liisiiraili't' ' . \\rnip | l In a winding shoot ofll.ime , stir- lounclcd by bin/Ing / piles of costly paper , \nluakloitiltsaiid loin of typo and other inliitlDB tinterlul , a clgaietto was Inelii- natcil la Omaha ycjtorihv. Its funeral pvro was ono \vhlch even n nibob might in Wilts oiid as ulorlous for n elgmottc- ns Its most ardent adtnhcr could liiuo wtshod. This morni'iB blackened walls , jlles of I'hnnod timbers , broken und twisted inaihlnory , and all the wreck thatinaiks the destruction of one of Oinalu's most c\tcn- Mvo Institutions the Gibson , Miller i Illchaidson printing and publishing liouso- fclniidsn monument to carelessness. Shortly before" o'clock jesteiday morn- lnf ( , and before the omplo\os \ of thoestnb llshmcnt hid anivol to begin the daj-'s work , n smell of sniolco was dotectcit bj MihtV.Uchmin ; Ilonry Qulnlaii. l"av ( Ilieolinnui Palhiisbeo had Just nnivcd Doubtas tothooiiglnof the snull Hid not long lingo r , for while the men still snltTcJ the air , a volumoof lluno anil smolco uishel up from the press room. All the inoncoull downs to save thoinsolvos. 'Ilion with a wonderful rapidity , the Uro spread from lloor to lloor , onn'orly feeding on the eostlv unit01 Ial solnindlly laid out for Its con m'tip lion. I'llosot piper , coinplotoly prmlol and waiting the binders' tliilshlns' touehos , other piles In course of pilutln , ; , find still others , virgin , awaltinr' the embrace of tlio jireas tooocomo pieirnatit with the burden of the tyjios , about the press loom. Then the oleaginous inks milled n frightful /est to th-5 fury of the ll.uncs. Tioiu lloor to lloor ilestriietion spreail , llndnig nothinj , almost , to ebeek it. Aftortho piper and jitossos wont the types , nnd stonesand the lihulon , onsi-.ivinjj and llthocniphiiiR ilepirtnicnts. NoelTortaof the IlixMiien could avail in a Held so fa\orable , and from the lh t the biltlo was only ono to bold the llanies Irom fpiomlinir toadjolninKtirop'-rty. OnH onofortminto uivuinstanco isiiot clln ronnei-tioii with tin Iho. Jfono of the hun- ilrcds who earned their lUelihood thuo had jet assumed the day's routine. This alone proveutod loss ot life. Iiii'ldoiits Connected with Ihc Itla/c Hrli'lly stated. The boys In IS'o : i cnino liouso had just 10 turnel from a tiio In Tom Murr r.'s liouso it Seventeenth and llainoy sheets , when tiny heard of llio big hro ThoMurny lire -\vas not expensive , hut was very fiiniij Tom lives about three iloois away Ho was In bid when ho hoard that one of Ids buildings Mis on lire , oil , and , aecordlnt. to a witness , ran some distance to ix trlophonc In his hue feet. 'Ih' ' loss In Ibis oiso was nom inal , tbo ihnmgo being caused by a defective Hue. Just how Iho flic oiign.itcd is not known The - ' " , Diossnirn and ti idesmen me not expected to report until 7 10 o'clocK 'Ihe bovs who Iced the ] uesse3 and are iippi-entlies conic later 'Ihen ' theio w is also Quudan , the niuht vv atihinan , ami I'alausbce the da ) chei kman , there cailv Qiilnl.mHOIIts all niulit ralansbeols supposed to anivoe.irly enough to cheek olT thelioui Unit the ill ) employes lomuto woilc. Uolh these men wore piescutvhcn the alarm of llio was u\\en \ 'Ihey were in the press loom , whUh is on tlio seiond lloor. A boy -vho cleans up , mil starts a heat in the loom hull ilso been in this apartment Mi ( iibson , the m.uwuoi , is of thoopiulon that the luo origlnnlod fiom tome iniplove strildiig a mntdi foi the puriiooof lighting n oieuetteor cigar. \Vlicn-tlio men reached the stieot fiom llio IHOM mom Iho Hro had guncd considerable headway and hid Illled llio buildimvutn smoke. 'Iho elevator shift , as usuil , fin nisned a Hue , and inaveij few seconds fiom the time the alii-ni was then all o\it fioin the Imildinir hi moans ol the si.ahvva.\ . ilevnlor hid been cut > fl. The fein iloois of the building \\oie nil Illled uith m-ali'inil in vauons conditions ( licit piles of inlnting and note paper , blank hook iimteiial , ink , tj pe , proves and the man ) kinds of machmon used in the busl- nessiot lliollrin Much of the eon tints vv is of aldghlv inllininnblo imttiie iindtlielne dpi end almost mstantlv. covering evil ) lloor niul part of the building Pleor alter lloor gave \\.iv and tno matu lid in eachdep.ntm nt fell tth a u.ish to the bisbinent onlj to bo r.ipullv i-onsiuueil The tint deiiiitnuit icspoiided piomptlv to thoahiiin of Hie and undo a greil light against be.ivodds The licit fnin the building intensonnd tbo siuoUo bliml- Ing. Chief CJnlhgan at u ciitieal mominl called his men fiom tlioir woi U on theist enl thuo minutes bofoio the Mail \\cnt down with a ci isli. The llnnii-s broke fiom the inlntlng house nnd began threiteniiiK VV .1 Uio.itehs haid- \vaii'store ' , next doni \ deteunincd cftoil was made to piotect Ibis imlidim : trom Uam- nuo but tbe Ii re broke tlirough the walls mid considerable dnnmuo nils done before it could ho cxtingulshid Mr llioatih places Ins lossil $ - ' > , W)0 ) which w.lo fully io\cicd by iu MI rmice. 1'liollroin llroitcli's ' stoio caught from the top lloor , where nothing but thy \voodini- chinciy is stoied I'ho u'llai in Jlio.itcn s stow was also Hooded by water and tils stock in Kcnoral hud to stand considerable of a bath. It was only after a stubborn light of three hours thnt Iho luov is I'nilly ' ciitirel ) under control nnd all risk from fuither loss n-- niou'd. The only fireman Injured wa. O'nailcs r.lliotot .No. 1 engine house , \\ho\vasstruik on the wrist b a pleiu of falling coinlce. Chief ( I illigm saved the lives of the inui who woik on the app.natus from No 5 cnglnehouso b ) absolute ] } drivingtheui a-vv iv Irom the west wall of the buildlnir just before it vvent down rnesheils of the Buutu Ironworks occupving the space between the burnt buildinganil the 1"I Steele building wore hm liedly torn . the llrcnion. The heat from the ihv wus so toirillc tl it it ailocted the current of the elecine motor nnd cars were stopped ruining on all the lines where the Spr.uue svsteiuis used. l-'rom tbo moment the tlio was discovered , Iheio vvasa crow it of people numboiing fio.n 10 105,000 staring at the burnit.gbuildliii. . ' , Vvhith Is a total loss Nctcss.iiily great streams of water \\cio turned into the building niul the ono adjoin- ing. The street was Hooded , nnd the police wow kcBl bus ) keeping the ciovvd biclc for fcartlial tbo front \vull would topple over. Gll'sou , Miller A Uhlmrdson will lose heavily In the lire. The Hun owned and op- cr.itul the oldest ami liugest printing and lithographing establlshnu t west of t'hicajo The llrm had at least SlO.iiOO worth of work in himit that \va nnitiull.or . lompletoly tin- ( shed , but not delivered 'Ibo insurance Will reach about fso.tXX ) . but the plant b bald to bo worth about $1\000 ' The building was owned by lieu Smith ami N as well Insured. The stock , \\hlch was ono of the largest In Omaha , is a total wicck. Them is a possibil ity thnl bomo of the pusses , which vvoroou the sti-ond lloor , inn ) be sivr-d. In the busc- inont there -was a largo stoclf of ho ivy and print papers. The noxl lloci wat. the count be row" , vvhicli uuo coiitamt-dcouslduta'jlu ' strn K. On the lloor nboe this are the presses and I'onsliU-nililo stock Tin printers \ork \ ii tln third lloor anil the lilinli-rv Is on the fiiinlh None of Iho einnloMs hal airlvcd piloi tolhotiiuo the Hie nrnkoout. The Him did wood and photo engraUntr , photo lltlioiniiphlntf. llthiigi iph ( iiurmlnc , hinullediill kinds of stntloneiv , did bltiitliiir , all soils nf printing , libel mamifactnilng , electrolvpltnr , and also made map * 'Ihero \\ns no dpouli'ith hnimrtuntuork on hand tint \\n li -.t. All the state work nndloeal public worlt hail forttnntuls bi-i'iideli\uod The I'mlll ' be Iho cause of tliroHlngnbout sientllvopeopleont \ \ ofemploment Hwas one of ihe bluest Itmtltutlons ol the kind in tbo west. Mr ( llbson was about the building all day , usslstiii ) ; In iirr\intr out wlntox rr books or pipers thatcouldbo iwcued from the busi ness ofl'CP ' A telegram win received finin Governor lloyil during tliu afternoon tindeilnp tbo use of Ids olllce , opposite the binned biilldlrtr. to Messrs ( ilbsou. Miller it Khlmnlson. The olforMS aoienU'd , and what few books and pipers that loulil bo rocoeixleio moved o > or to this ollk-o I'tio liiMiiance. Hwasnoxtto impossible to pet a complete list of the Insurance on the losses. liroiteb lll bodimiii'od by llroiuul watoi consider nbheipechlly ny the litter , as the Iheinon liivo Itopt conllnuil atieamsila\ | Inn all day long. Hro.itih's lellaris llllclwith water Ills stock on the top lloor valued at $10,000 \\iis \ moie or less bijrueilhcohr \ A \Vheeicr , insnraine agents , carried Hioatch for $17riiH , ) iiiMirious companies anil iniuldi- lion to this iliu stock \\.it fintbor insund. Thuilbson ( , \Klehndsonstockwas insured in so man ) companies tint it took nil da.\ for the agents totracotho work down 'llio Nebraska Tire Insurance company thiouili ! its dilTeient n ; ciides was eirryltur about $11,001) ) atone A Itoectlicr the liisuriiuceill agniogatoovcr fsOllOO. I'liolnsuranco by comnanius , so far as has b'on nscort lined , Is as follows : Nebraska TII. ' JlsS.'iO t'oinniei-i-nil I'liion . . . , , ' . l"iXI ( ( luiniloStmo L',0X ( ) Itojal a.i'OU ( 2rt ) ) I'ho Assncntion 1.VX ) I'ennsvlvatila l.fiJ ( ) Dulnwaio 2.01X1 I.lbertj ll.OtX ) Queen of Mnuland -I.OIHl Stand n il , K U ! 1,00 ( ) North Ameiican 1,00) ) O.ilclaml lloni" , Till 1.01H ) ( 2.O1HI American 1,000 .1 nn it it i it / , / : si'ti'J i > / : . I'oviMly anil llserj | j"n N an Old II an lo Tak- Ills 1,11V , * . N'rw Voi.u , Muvh ' ) | Spoi'iul Telegram toTm Hi i | Hoth mblns of .1 \r U'ateiburj , of the Houston street line , wcio iiowilcd whoa it stilted U-.u ) its \Vil- llainsburg slip at b JO o'clock this nioining. Men and women , forwho'ii theioMS not mom Inside , stool nn'der the shilter of the hinriiano ilick. In full sight of them 111 ohl man iiawleu down on theedgoof the boat w bore ono move would throw him into tin , lior Then be i ilseil Ids right hand , and men and \\onieii standing spell bound , saw an liory handled wnfi * was strapped to his wiist He examined llio slurp edge of the Undo ulth a aii for u moment nnd then , just as the twodciK hands plunged through the awed crowd to the gates , lie drew il across tils t tire it under the right eai and disappeared -under the water with a splash Almost t turned iitcly ho re ippcned striiR llling on the fiiirfiu-e The water for mam feet aiouml him was ihod led as the deck h nuts tu istcd their boat hooks into his rlothcs and Dually Ruci-ccdcil in pulling him out. As they brought him up out of the wa lor howas disr-oiered m.ikim ? frantic etforts still tosawawaj at his thioit Ho had two slishes across his chest The man turned out to be John HroHii , uCicrinin bmbor , slxt > - live je.u-s old I'ovoiti and iniscrvcviilcnth prompted him to hldi'aporito deed. Ho will die. in i in : it , i * j ; i ! > * Ac - . in OiliMilatlcm Iliat the Tli'i Mill lie ICi . uani/cd XL YOIIK Mu oh ' .I a , -Ucports wcro cm lent toda > that steps aio Uhu tilcon to re- oiganl/e the hrni ol ICIililcr , Pe.iliudj C'o bv cutting the Neiv Yoil ; oflico oft from the lloston house and ! ; new Ilrmhero Ills slated that tliu Isen Yoilc house will be composed of Thomas ll.irine anl Cieoigo C Morgim and their as--OLiatCi | anil bo U.own as n.ning , Mcdoun X Co Miouii ( ! when .isueil said "It is not in iloilnito enough shnpoto nuke any aniioiiiueiiicnt yet" In legaiiltolns connection with the Atihison loinpmy. he said thoihaiiKO in the title and memlK-ishipof the linn would not his ii'l.itions to the Atihison coinpmv in auj miy. It isundeistood thattlio incsont tirm of ICIdder , I'o.ibodv .1 Co will continue undei the same name and iiuludo those who an' no.utne in it. Including I'e.iboJy and Kiildu The llun is inoirini-nt.ill o\er tbo world ami is goneiallInukid \ upon as a Hoi ton house , lint its opo'i UIOIH in Now Voilt lmv KIOWII to sin h Impoit.incothat asopi tale ou'atiuation hero lii'i-aino A Ti-irildc IIi Xrn Vni.u , March it I'wunty-nio 01 hlrty Polish lUbivwswontto.l.inuici \ 1 , MI ly this morning to wreckviMij-eanco upon llernnn ( lieenbiuin , pi-opnctor of a clonk nmnufactuiy , who was em ploy inn' 11011 union people Thcvnivmol In the dnois anil pie ici'dcil to ilesti-o ) the stook I'lie prori-iutor and Ins \\ifo were kleicod and boatm and \ltriol \ thrown on tin ) inanufaitnri-rN foui- \earoldson \ buiinng him in a teiriblo man ner. I'l auk Kini/UGld llio man slid to ha\e tlnowii the vitilol , was ciptuied in New Yorktliin afternoon , 'llioihild i iniiot sm \ivo his injui ios ( lieenbium and his wife aio also both in a doetn > ' .s linids. A ii I'.n I piny IMS' Xaiii 1'islo. Kiicnr-rin. N V , March 1) ) . 'Iho uninufiietuicrs of this elti bine issued a manifesto tclntlro to the labor tionblcs They leferto the action of the Knights of L.iboi , wheso leadfis la Koilie.stei , they sai. woronot selecti 1 from roildonts , bui irom persons bioiigtit tlu-rofor the tiiuposi-of | pro motini ; tho' peculiar tualsof that oivaul/a tlon. " They n\lto threats , inlorfciuncc , etc. . siy tude lias men diverted and their business injured until the umditlons aio un bearable and tlio ; tnuo ileteiinined to throw olT this tviainiy and pioido siifeguiuds fui the future An A ATfiii oiCnn , , March ( -Spscial i [ Tele irranito Tin. Hi i | \V T. Ilramh has been elected assignee of the Security Investment coinptny ofta\\kcr city , Kan . which failed a shoit tinio a't > riainis amounting to } l.vjr > 0Xio ( were leporied at the inoetuij. ' The ihiiins nro mostly guarinteed moitgages hold in Malno and nthui New l-'m , ! mil states Mam of the inoit avros uro on Atihison eilj propel t > , uvecittcil dining bst , the \aluo of which has ii ice groatl ) deprociatuil. | - ; | | A ulv.ils. AtN'ow York tlio steamer beivin , from Liverpool At ltolf.m Herd CVNoii , from Baltimore , At Uottudam-Chleiso , fiom Ilaltimoro. At London Moordland anil buovia , from Now York At Southimptoa - U'orr.i , from N'ow York. A n ins ralr. SFniMi io , Cal , March 9 [ Special Tclogiain to 'J'ni : llii.J : - - The Southern Pacillo eitius fair opt-ns at Los Angeles toinonow U is estimated tnat a million oranges will bo used in the dlspl ij b. Siriioiisand .Hinrrs lUsiiiiiiVoilc , PiTTsiiiiio , Pcnn. , MurctiO. Six thousand mlncis in the Monontaliola valley icsumcd w ork this mornlnp at ttio Increased ute of \ \ atr < .s coiucded tuetu , t P I M IVI1I'POf I HTIII'ir Is 'A1AI ' , RtSLLlb 01AYRbiU. \ . Cnjiucet Nelson Itiatnntly Killcl iu a Collision Neat Oxford , THREE MEN BITTEN BV A RABID DOG. l > t".lrm live Pli-eat Iliu-vnid Arrcstoil I'oi Kitblilii a llnlliMMil - Vii Ann ) Ui'sei'tcr < 'niiiht } Stale .Sows. Ovroiin. Neb , March --IRpoi'lil 1 Telo- gr.nn to 'I'm ' : ! : | Train No. T'J ' , the west bomnl freight was paitlall ) wreckoil ten miles east of hero list night , with fatal results - sults to tlio ciiKhieir , Srtim Nelson In de scending Iho sloop incline ncir Mascot the train was out into thieo sections UriUos \veio otTivtiuilly applied lo the cms but thosccond notion wont sweeping IO\MI ! the hill , eraOdni ; into the cncnio with tenltle forie. and hulling the engineer out of theeab \ vlndoI I Us dentil is supposed toll ivobien instantaneous The rcmdns woie brought heio andscnttoNilsonsMiomciit McCookthls moiiitni ; The detd mini linves : i \ \ i found fem children The accident resulted in con siderable dainigo to rolling stock. Itlllfii ba Mad D.ig. Nrmnkix \ l'ir % , N'ob , Mai < h 'J-Spccial [ Telegram to lin : III i : 1 About 1 oclochtlns tnorniiiL'ii iiiiddo ' ran avenue bltlnir , snapping and frothing it the inoutli. Ulihard ( .ti-ws , I'l.uilt D.uls. n Western Union tilegrmh bo > , and John \Veir , a 1'a- cille expiess diivei , weio bitten theani- - innl \ \ i-ii-'s wounds mo soilous. Ids lurht timid being tm-rihlv totn. Aftei biting a mimhei of other ileus the rabid i.inino os- eaped into the country. The dtv Is gieatlj osclted , and an indlscriniiirato slaugliter of dogs will follow. IJOSSIM ll ) Kin * . IlvmiiP , Neb , Mauli U.-fSpeelal Telo- giain to Tin Ilri ] lli-e , picsunubly fioin eombustlon , was iliseoveiod In C. I ) Moore's diug store , near the oil loom , by II II Ger main about loVioilc this morning , and had gained such headwiy beforotho cnplno could bcKottin Intosorvlie , tint thepostonicohuilil iiiK and Gernnin's lostiurant adjoining wcro totally burned with almost their entiio eon- tents before contiol could bo legal ed b ) the lltcmon and citizens , who thought at onetime time itwouldwoik acioss the stieet The Kie.itoi pirtof the glass in the fionts of the bmliiinps opposite beiiiKcr.itkod and broken as It was. The losses nio m follows CD Moore , ilrujf stock , fi.iHJl ) , and insured forSl.TiK ) , Miss Iluson , $ l,5Hl ( , insnraiKO * ! , - OlHi , ( J U . M irtin , nostimister , SIO ) , Insur ance , } .IJi ( ; Maiiln iV Stoim , books , about SVK ) , Si bloat buillinir , Jl.tlliisiiiaiifo ( ) ( ) fV)0 ) , T II llonnclt , bulhlitif , ' , * -70ll , Insnianco'i0l } : ) , Workmen and \VooJmen lode ( ? paiaphreunlia about * 'HO , with noliisuiance A Oosi'fli LIVCOIN , Koh. , March I ) . [ Special toTiii IlH.J A telegram wasiecciied by Mu-slral Melielclist evening from thoihlofof pollLO of L.cavenworth thatljticas , who deserted from Company 1 1 , rourtcoiith Infantry , at Port l iavotmortliln December last , was at pres ent sojourn ing in Lincoln and inclojinga de scription. llio telogrim also stated that I icas was at present going under the name of Ill-own , and that his wife would arrive hcio at S . ' ! ( ) last cvenlni ! over the Missouri 1'acillc Her dcscilption was given and precaution caution taken for her ncoption. Later In tbo evening the ofllcers piid a visit to bis boirding house and called the Inndloidout Hoassuiul them tint the man , \ \ liocnt under the niitiio of O'Clorman , boirded there , but bad iono ? to Ilistin s to bo back tomorrow- The olllcors next paid the Burlington olllces u visit lyucis vas enrolled - rolled there is a bi.ikomin , hut two dajs before fore hnd secured n throe dajs lav off. I'ho oflli'i'is tolcgriipluil linens' doscnptioii tothoiltv inarslnl of Hastings , and this afternoon received i teleirr.un that the man uis in custody. Walter Mcllckili gonftoi him tonight The military authoiities wired tohon him heivih , as ho is a haul man to handle and will try to escape Units is " about tvonteight \" old and bib wife is ai.ithei prettj yomg woman ICiilibini : tin * Pin VON r , Neb , Mauh ' . ' - [ Special Telo glim to TIIK 13n | Dctcuivo 1'inneo of Oimihahas hoon diligently engaged hoio dur- iiiK the past weekln uneirthliig tlio thieves \\lio ln\e been lobbinir thecaraof the I lk- lioia roul foi mo-libs piit. Tlio lound up of his labors came last night when 1'inneo , assisted bv the Promont police , cap lined two wnpoii lo ids of stolen iiierchmdise upon the premises ol 1'otor Heck and Henri ( iieonslip , Ihin m the e.istera pirt of the city , neir the Kllthoin % aids. These two men \\TIO airestcd , also Xels Cliiistenscn , a step son of lloek's , and ono A Peterson , who lived with Orei'iislip Cliiisti > nson nnd Peterson aio o'llv young boys The llrst naini'dof thobovshas made a pu-lialcon fission , in which he implicates a half do/on other turtles , who v\ dim all prob.ibilitv be anobtul tonight Theie is a goal deil of oxcltoment ever those do\clopinonts The lallroad people h i\o \ b"en lodiig largo ( man titlns of coal il'Jim. thi > cold \\eithci and some of the thieves implle.itiil by tbo bov are siiil to hive hauled away * coil , coin and oats bj tlio wagon load Amputated II is hog. I'l MTsMdiiii , r\'eb , .March ! ) iSpociilTel- OKi.initoTni Bu ] Al lihoJen.ono of the men reiontl ) injured bj the bursting of a bu/7 saw on the farm of Robert NichoU , near this cfty. tmderwent today the ntup ttition of his leg ThelimbuastaUenofr just below the Unco and thopatiint is on a fair n-ay to recovery Orting to lus peculiar ! ) nenous systen the admiiiUterni } ! of ehloiofonavis attended \vlth considuablo ilanuer , the off -els almost piovini ; fatal , but by k-ieat care anil piompt altentloii the physicians pallcu him tlnotigli Prank \looic , the othci victim , is felting along well. In reciprocation of the good % v ill recently shown by the cltUons of Louisville toward this citv in the county court hoaso affair , I'lattsmoutti to a man Is woiklngln In-half of their enterprising noluhboi to secure the os tnlillsliinontof the Inteiinodlito penltentiarj , proposed in Kepreientitlvo Sliriock's bill at that jilaec. C ; rn in I .Inrv HiTBII : r.Xob , March D- [ Special Tele- Biam to Tin BI-L ] The guild jury for Iho piesont term of com I inado its lonort this morning and was disihaived. Inilictmonts \vcio leturned as follows Ihvo Lilly , nun- ilor In the Hut den'i-co , caused by vv reilting a L'ulon I'acillc pasiongei tr.lln , C II. Martin nna .1 nines \lor < , otnbi//l < > nient mid forgery , William llinihes , sell lug mottfragcdpropeity , William . \IiKinncy , C' II. Houles and Kd Johnson , burglary Indictment * weio also icturned.gainst a number of prominent tropoity-o\vnei\s ) for not having piovided suit able Ihe-esupos , to buildings , nail of nliirh were u nteil for sleeping npartmonts con- tinry to a statute covering thosumo Ar rests hivoheon undo of all pu-ties under the Indlctnionts oxccpt ( ' II Maitln. v\lios operations und subsequent ( light fiom the loiinti ) was dcicribed in these aispatches two \\iekb ogo. Awaiting Ilic llesu ( POM v , > 'eb . March -Special [ to Tin IliK.J-l'onca people iinxlously await the terinination , In the supiome court tomorrow , of the action taken bv County Clerk T. J , hhelbley of this pliuu , asking for n per cmptory wilt of maud nuns , compelling the school board to reinstate lu thuschwl his daughter Annie , \vho , rofusliig to pmstio the preiiribed COUMCI.vns oxpollid foi Insnb- irdlnitlon 1'ublle opinion us to the out OHIO of this laso Isprt'iUU divided lloth tlalnlKT and dofundstits feel suroof victoij. 'lo AdviTllHi- a Slli . IluTiinr , Nib , Mnn-h 9 [ Speclil Tele gram to Tin : ll : i Instractloiis were IH- elved from Scirotan of IhcTieisutv Poster this niornliiR to Uihertlso at once for pro- losals fora suitable sltofor t lid now iiuiillo iiilldlnp In this cltj ljronosnls will bo 10- ceiM'it unlll April T. A lira ! K \ piitod. . I'osc-x , Xob , March ' ) Spjclal to Tin : nrt'I ] ho Knights of IMhias of this city announce thnt they will piny puhllclv the colebiated "liltual of the Ainlent Older of Ileiculcs" in the Opera house , onPrldiy evening , March U7 The loilKO is maldng great prcpirations foi tho.ilTalr , and the people ple lire expectant ol a goigeous heat , LtrotXeb , . M irch Ii | Special to 'Inr Hir | Mastirhi-lliniu'iry Shafer of the ITnllcd States cottl'tof Omaha was in Lincoln todav , and sold property in forcclosuio in the cnsoof Cieorpe Albott vs Nnncv X ( 'aider This pioport.v \ as bought lu b ) IO. I ) . l-'ellovvs for * JOOi .Mr. Slmfcr alsosolil the property over which H S Moscioy niul J IL Irwln aiedlsiiutlng The IMilcigo , ICansis Sc Nebraska railroad romp in v Is In tries ted In this case through Its light of w.i ) . 'lliis property sold foi ยง .1,000. , TinHonilN llli' al. 1'ovcA , Neb , Manh 'A [ Special to Tnr HI.I ] In their laudable olToits to procuio watei works for I'onr.i the major mid oouti- ciiinen seem to inOU with much ndvorsily. Onsondiiig the bonds to the stito auditor for his signature , word was iccelved from him that the notice c ill Ing foi nn elcctmn had not been published a Mifllcicnt iiumuer of times and consequently i\as void 'Jims tliocntlio jiroi cod Ings of calling another election , ite , will have to bo lepnteil , but this will bo liu mcdlatol ) done and Ponea will ) ct h.ivo water. A Now IfJiliAsd LoriCnv , Xoh , M.ncli 'I [ Special to Tin HI.ITho ] Agricultural Pair associa tion of Klierrnm cQuntv hive lllod urtlclosof- iiiioipoiation and eicctid the following ofll- eois for the ensuing year C ! . L Drake presi dent , Iv .1 Xihtiiinlo ( ; ( ; lint % ko president , , .F. M Sinder second vice prcililont , Ii J. Siott scciotaiy , and Phillip .Tacgor ticustiicr. The assodation stalls out with vorj Hatter - ingprospecU , as theshaio.s hive been taken bj tbo best business men and fanncisof Sherman county , nnd vlll hive mono ) In their tieasui ) nftprintrilinsliiir the old fair groniul site , vhlch Hnltrulv muipped with buildings nnd a good half mile race tuck. \\as 1'nt Oir the 'lialn. List oiNeb. . , iNllrch 9 [ Special to 'Inr. HM J Kilts J Miller wants ? V)00 ) daimgcs from the Chicago , Buvllugton A , Qulncy i.iil- road cotnpmj bcoausq ho was put olT a car near Atihison , Kan Jvliller claims that ho and a Irlond boucht two ttikets to cirry them to Jaoksonviile , Fla , andietuiii. 'Hint at Iho point above uientlonul they were foulbl > ejected froil the train Mr. Miller further ilninisthat after being put off the cats , in order to got transnoitition ho was compelled to pivvn hl watch and personal effects to obtain money to contlnnn his journey. From the ' -tposuro Inclined fioni being Ii ted from the ears Mr. Milltr olalnis that ho cnntraitod the cjernointing mainly known ns rheumatisnw and that ho is thciehy permanently iujurul $ o,000 worth lie al leges that this disease waj caused bj tbo in- clomoiit weather cxlrtitig at the time ho was lired from the train. ix iH jr/ . The Sad End of a I'ciseontecl Russian Pun.nn.pnn , March ! ) . [ Spcchl Tele gram to Tnr Urn.- ] There died In Iho Philn delphta hospital yesterday a mm wtli nhis- tor ) Jlatthtw X.4leslovlo\ Uussi.m rcfuRoe IIo was born In Kostroma near Moscow V ) years niro , and enteilap the nriny rose rapidly until ho bccuno comnnndci of the bed ) ni ard of the tvai , tbcprescnt ruler's father. Ho then u igncd to undoitike coin mcrcial imrsuits , and soon became one of the lending ( 'iain morch ints of tlio Kussias und obtained much renown as a philanthropist. Thioughtho malignly of a discharged ser vant a ihargoof lolliiMOti with the nihilhts was brought against him , his hnnicnso obtatos weio conflsntcd nnd ho was thiovvii into prUou Ills excellent military record saved him fiom being sent to Slhoria , and after suffering- fouryc.iis of sohtanconllnonient hoescipod and made his way to Odessa. I'roni there ho \vascaiiiedin a sailing vessel to aMoiiiter- rane.m port and tlrsn undo bisvav to Lnn- u on , whcio foi a time he vorlcod as a la- boier I'l lends in this coimlr ) induced him to come tO'Amnilca and ho miivoil in Xcvv Voile in December last Thoiigoious \vintor piovul too iniuh fora brokea-dow n constitution Three weeks a.'o bo came to Philadoldiia | , and Ins ailment incie.ising he limillj ilufteil penniless anu hopeliss to tlio 1 'hllidolnlna hospital , vvlioro jobtetda ) lie died. A llj IIIK 3I.ln'h > SI iiMllajj Disi-Iosuie ol' a fYline. Tvi OMVnsh , Mnrdi D.-fSpecial Tclo- gnm to Tin Mil ] A Nonvogi.r. named I-.ns I'tJerseii made a confession onlds ileath bed hi this eit ) vesterda ) II o confessed that hu killed Lan llaUsmu In Sioux City in tlio spring of lss ( ) , in Ibo pcKing house , and cast his body atno-ig llio 10 000 circassos. The crime win not discovercl and the p o- plo tlieioeio ularmi'd o\er the inissiiig llaitsuni Telersou cano to this utv with luswilo and thov ha\o bo' > n living- here sime. In bis il\iii | , ' lionho loimrkinl "I am glail I told thib I can die In poieo. " 'I In- Death Koll. HOSTOV. Mass , March d-ltiRlit ] { ev. I3eiiniiiln ] 11. 1'.uldock , episcopal bishop of the diocese of Massachusetts , died tnl- . afternoon j C'liu mo. March 9. Joseph Oliver , miin- nteroftlio ; 1 'topic's theater , died today. MOMIIOMI iiv , Ala. , March ' > .losonh Moiso , ( lie riihost bimter In the state , died toliy of heatt disease ; Ho was In-gelj in- stiuincntal in building up Ulrmiiigbiun and developing the resources of ihlssoillon. Tu sos , Ail 7 , March ' ) Mijor Van Vliet , foi moily of the tenth tavalrv who was thrown fiom a wagon atllookets i inch , died today iiom Ills injuries. > Tlio U'onther I'or Oinuln and vicinity Pair , followed hv rain or snow : wnrnior. I'or N'obiasUa-Llgbt tain : Hllghtly vaimoi , oxiept iool < T by U'odnesday in \M'siorn portion , vaifablo winds. I'or South Dakota and IowaIncreasing cloudiness and Unlit -snow ; warmer , except cooler \Vcdnesi1iy in west Dalsot.i. houtli- oily winils. I'l Uh | l'nillt-4. Yoitit , Mnicli -Heforo l Iho committee liueMlfMlini : llio supir trust today , ( ! . S ICllls , an accountant , testlliud tint the trust Mini m.ilo nprulHof over f llHOO,0 < ) i ) 'llio Moel : holders hud been piid 10 per icnt of this , Thoreniilndcr is still in the hands of constituent companies. Call Corn III'N J ilcrt iim li\w. \ SumsiiMi ) , Cal , March U Tlio billet icformbill , a niodlllt-ation of llio Atisii illan law , has passcul bith housosand is now in conference. It will undoubtedly become a Imv. Itprovldoe a-nong other things th-it 1 U'sldontla ! i-lcctuis nny bu Noted for. IIAS5AS' ' PROHIBITORY LAW , An Interesting Report of the Investigating Oonr.nittc. , NO ATTEMPT IS MADE TO ENFORCE IT , ' 1VM IIIIOMJ Hidlittlil Out < ; lu-iii ( ; Mntdllitiis ol' Ihc liiixv \i > DeiMCiiHi1 In III llllkciini'SS 1111 VlOO , TOIIICV , ICau , Much 0. [ Specil ! Tele- grain to TIM : Hi i 1- 'Iho wiiunltleo ap- I'oinled bj tlio liouso lo itivestlgito the met- lopolltau police system Inthls stito his com pleted Its ispoil , vvhlili will bosubinltiotl to- moriow 11101 niii ? at ID o'clock The repot t consists of the testimony taken in the vail- mis iltles of the first class and concludes UK follows : "Your committee Ins hcird no testimony uhiih induces It to bello\olhat the prohib itory law has been enforced In any eit ) of the stile , through Iho agamy oftliomet- lopolltiui polieo or any otlur iniehlnciy of llio law , In nil of the ill los , lilies , or for feited recogai/inees , called lines , nro Im posed , and thoio is usuall ) no fudhor punish ment Indicted. Thomorovlgoious the olToit made to enforce prohibition In tlio titles , the motolrrosponslblo and dehisod uro the men who in o engaged In the tnfllc , Iho morede- coptlvo the devices and secluded ttulr places of business The authorities ofTom-kn hnvo made a tnoio ileterinlni'd elTort to enfono proliililUon laws than nnj cltv of Its olass As his ( xhc-ail.t boon statid , UICA are ox pend ing ( IVKM poi annum in ovoss of all tlio levenue of 'ho police department. The rr-poit coucluois with the suggestion thnt the Kovcrnoi boineinonall/cil not to up point any moro polite commission boaids. Thoiuaehlnory Is in the unit nil of the repub licans aiidio\einor Iluniplirc ) will pav no attention to thouieiiuiial Thoimestigitioiis of the committee hive boiMiu suiprisoto its alll moo members who tome from thoiountiv to Tojicka rilud pio- hibllloniiU. Ma > oi Nt'oh1) of LuiiACimorth , a inenibirof the committee insists that bo- foi ethe lOinmltti-i'lonld piop'ily icporton the bo.nds of poliio commissioners In the * ; illes of the llrsl class , it would bo necessarj for It to OMimhio witnesses who woieconmetontto tistih 111 regaid to Ihe cnforcomiut of the piohibltoiy law. Mr Diimbouldof l < von count ) , the chnliinan of the peop'e's puly toiitial committee , was made chairman of the Investlgitingtommit- tee and the cities of LoaM'.woith , Atcliison , \Vithita \ , Ivansis Cltv. Kim , mid i'oit Scott woic visited , llion tlio cotriinittco iimdo a llnalwiiidup in'I'opeka. It has alwavs bun admitted tint in the cities of Atchlson , l.o.ivonvoithViclutix \ and Kansas City , Ivan , Hie piolubitury luv Is opcnlviolited , but Topeltu his bien pointed teas a iltv In which the liw was liiriilly enforced It has been 11 cued If tin-law could bo on forced in TopcUalt could bo enforced in llio othorlirgo towns of the state The most seii'ationnl feituies , there fore , of Iho report Is Ihe following , taken from the testimony of S 11. Isonhirt , the nrosont cit ) attoinct ot T | icl\i MVhataie the substitutes for the saloon in TopelMi" "Well , the bootlcggois , the secret joint , and of course some of the drug stores sell a good Ucal , without iloubt , and also liquor is koptlu JURS and bottles inovciy conieivablo vva-v hi ofllcos , rooms amlpri\ato places , by privito jiorsom ami clubs. " "lo ) you believe there Is as much drinking la the city of Topeln as there was before the enactmentof the prohibitory laws 31' ' "I think thcro Is" Just M much whisky and" liquois of that kind drank as thcro ev or was. It limy bo that it his diminished somowlut the drinking ol beei , on account of its bilug very cumbersome to handle under llio pio- hibitory law. " "Do the poliio records show that houses of prostitution exist intlie illy ofTopckal" "Yes. " "Aro thov ' lined by thopolicoi" "Yes. " "Is gambling can led on to any great ex tent , as evldinced by the ucords of llio eotiitl" "U'hv , I think abou * asusun1" Mi Isinhartcoiuluilosliis testimony Into- sponso toqucstions bv dctailliu' tbo manner in whicht.imiilers ( and piostitutes aic lined In the police com t. On the strength ot this report , ulilehwill bo published with the tostimnnv fordistiibu- tlonto the members , a ditm-minod ellort will bo midc todefeit tliu cli'isc ' of theappropri- tlon bill whiih sets np.ut a fund for the po lice honrds in , the MIIOXIS citi"s It will bo ehaigcd that in thotity of Topeka the whole lioluo in.uhincry has been devoted to noth ing except an attempt toereuo thelmpres- aion that the pio'duitory ' hvv was being en forced , \vhilo intheother towns the commis sioner llicascd Joints and hoihes of illio- pute Speaker Hlder's fielghtratebill , proviiiinp for arediiitionof about JO poi lentln freiRlit rates , failed to pass the senate The house passed Iho seinto bill imldiitt citrl.t horns a woilc da ) foi state , county and iminitlnil emplnyos Tlio house pissed Iho iiig f5tHH ( ) foi the Kansas displiv at the vvoild's filr. Tin : Mi.i.t.\tnn s'M'iii'tnu.r : , A Split In the li.inScs iif Ilic r.irniTS' 'M ut u 111 llonellr As.ii ) > iatliin. , 111 , Mimh ' . ' 'Ihi-ro has been another inllcai cliuigo in the simntoiml sit tuition toniKlit , niul it looks very much as though Stiootei Is tlono for Seaatoi Kvans of Aurora , leader of the aiili-St.eotci 10- publicans , Is responsibleU seems that Stiietor la Ins list toufoiciico with ttio three Faimors' ' Mutual Henillt association men ga\o a foiec.islof the < paceh ho pro posed to make when elected soaalor. In it he nude vital conco sions to tlio lepublloaii pailv , sa.vtng ho Mould upon all question ? tothoptinciples of thol\irmcrs * Mutual Benolit associitlou pirty , vote with the lepublhans Slooro anil Cockroll ohoi-ted ] , mid Slrn'ter proinisodto amend his speech In accord mco with their wishes and toioncludo it with tlio iihsirtiontha'ho would lonsuli-r Himself in dependent and a tiuo repiosentatho of tlio Kaimer's Mutual llcnollt association puly Kointur Hvans , it is stated , liul a long 1-011- fonnco with tockiill iuLhiiiKO S.ituidiv. llostated to Coekrcll tint ho ilivans ) might ho forced to stippoit htrcetir , hut thnt it wfiuld bonnctu protest and hicixuso the in dependent candidate had matin ovoi ) conces sion to tlio lepiiblli.iu slceilug toninltti-o whiih had hem requested by even the mos raillcal iipublic.ins This mnlo Coikrell in- digiunl , and ho msmcd 1C\ ins Hint If ho would give him proof anl the exact natnio of the pledge Stieetcr hint inulo tno I it lor woultl no longer uceivo thosnjiport of Iho I' aimor's Mutual lli'iicllt asMioiation ileto- gatos. Kvnns pioiinsed to do Ibis at.imoitln hoio toiuorrovuiii'iiiiiig , HID stitonunt In bo mnlo in writing. At thisu-jnfcronto Moore is to bo piesont and ho uinl CocUiell me to pnpiro.ui ainiouniement to the piihlh , reciting citing loss of CDiititlomo in Sticotor mid stnting that on account ol Ids pledges -to the ivpubliems Iho rarmeis' .Mutual Mini'llt Association will 110 lonirer suppoit him for tbo United Stites senate Al a rotifoviiico this evening Tiiubencck rciniiuled Ids two collcagius thai several wuks ago .Sheekr had miiwed that hu woultl upon all questions not essontlil to the Fanners' ' Mutual Uenullt Assiocintlon patty vote with tlio ii'piiblliuis. out Mooie and L'oclnoll Insisted lint ho had r.iitto that tiinmiinilo additional loncos&lons whiihvoulillilndlils fuluro in lions "Vorj well , " sail Tinibeneut , "but I wnm you that II yoiidosut Slieetu now j on will ruin yonisel\ei in the I'annoM' Mutual Unix olitasoil.itlonmty. \ . " Code nil niul.Mooio n > lortoillhattlio.\ . competent to inro lor thi'insclvea and would bo ii'spoiisiijh'to ' their constituent ! 'Iho unduralimdiiit * uuis \ that utter a con- foroiicof "T'vans tomorrow Tmibonrilc i \\ill \ \ loatiimi 'oti' for tstii'i'ti'i or niu in m ' ho nnv si'lt't * i I tint l'inI.roll unit Mooio will Mlo ) for . ' UT , or slinpiv cast tlulr votes In tin h 5aslo siviiro Ids olivtlflii Thomas M. ' an , biolhor of llio lalo ( k'lu'iul .lelin i ' ijriui , und mi o\ soldier , fornii'ilv ma'01 Murili\sltoio | , bus hint llio follo ln > r t , fx > toSointors r.viiut , t'ra\\lortliiiul \ ll\ \ " 1 would nit her sutler dofi'it than suu it .1 saoilllfo of prlu- lile" Si'iiisi4iiii ii.HI , veil l > - Nothmc .is ilon lin < itin'r linisrt .uiluv and but 0110 bnllol uus tnlton In joint asM'inbh , Ai no niajoiity \otoil \ the BIS- ion adjourned 1-i 'ki ! tsi nt I'ltMti1. Piruni'.s1 'IVli-Kram to Tnr ) i | Tin1 fnnornlservices \ held o\or Senator C'lirk this inofiilni , ' under the nusplces ofliu > Kni | > htH ofI'ythlis , and the teninlnsi'io suit toliuuld Oitj lion ( Jeoi'tfoll. Hind of YnnUtoti , veil Known nllovors'outh Dakota , llos diin ei'- ouslnU \ Uat the loclo hotel Two sisters ol Keprosentiitlvo .lonos of l av , have boon taken with soailct finer and k'roat foanariMiitoitalnolla tlili city o\er \ the ( haiii-eiof i foveropidninic Klftv orsl\t > poriiins iiresirkla this illv \vlthOio Kilpp" and pnonnionii Tliu open wlnliT fiillnvvid t > ) the oxcLOilhij ; told weather is the eiuso Mnlni * > ln nlrl iinl ! ' . 111 \ IMIOII , Mo , M ui'h 0 Joseph \V \ Siuw ( iloinv ) s oloilei ; my ortoda ) At Holfast lion \V. \ I1 Thompson , late diMiioi'iMtle noni- llu'i'for Ko\crnor , 'ini'li'ited inivoi Anns 11 , M ( , Miivh ' .i. ,1 \V. Phw ( rep ) waseli'cled inuor. 'I'lioiiniialndor ol tlio tepiihlliMii ticket \\asnlso vnccessful. ltiiiiiiiniiii : , .Me , Mirt'li'i ' 'llio ileniocnts elected their full illy ticket and eonndl todaj. todaj.'I 'I lie I"iyliI Is ( iiMlln j U aim. H\v \ ri\N-ii-co , Ciil. , MIIIV'I ' 0-Special ( 'IVU'iMiiin to Tnr BirVord | \ comes fioin Kiu'innento toJiv tint thesi-inlorial llpht Is \ valnirviiin. . naeh eanlldato has deteit- ives w.itcbliiK toratrh theothci follows bin- Injjotcs , Thuo aieat Inst tin pih.ito de tci'tues nn tin ) s < oin % . 'onriussinnii ( Chillies Is' FV'lton still seems to bo in HIP lead. I ho Sin' iM- Stale 1'ii'piulii ; ID hiu * t'liclr Sinn. SiiitsTirii'i i > , 111. , Mutdi ' . .1.Tho prelim inary stops in an Impoiliat suit line been conipletoilbv Attorney CJineral limit ll is llio suit of the state of Illinois atj.iiiist the United Stitcs In \\ is lainlliarh known ns Ibo "two per cent " claims , the state ohinniiR t > e\eral \ hundred tbou- s.inu dollus bccnuso of non-fulllllinent ot contrndoii the p lit of tlio jroveriiniPiit In tno lonstiiiction of n national 10 id fioni tin- navit'iblowateis ihmhiK Into tbo Atlantic on the east to and tliiou b ttio state of Illi- noisto the Mississippi rt\cr Ibis lil hu.u was iciuuMi us die Cunilurliind loul nail \vas to bo a LTI it union , il high way , to 1)0 ) ( onstitiftod bv tin- United State" , In the nit nlmtttlnir llliiiiiis totl.o union I poi cent of tlu not jirociods of ttiosaloof all publn lands 111 the state weiii reset ved en sales alter .\ I , Isl'.i Similar inovlslons Hero ni.ulo ut tin1 tlnio of the adiiiiisloii of other sfitis anl in all cais ovcept Ohm , Indiana and Illinois the K'ovcinmenilias ic- counted in full to the state tho. imoinit of the icsened i pcriont The ease will coinu up In the court of claims at \ \ asliliifttou soon Thoaiuouiit aslcea IsJir-4,111. , .1 .s i.i r is nKxuit. : Hoii | % > ol' llio Callows Are , IlL , MurcuiO.Special [ . to TIIK nrp.T In denying tlio motio'i for a stay of execution of murderer Foul 111 tlio supreme court todaj Chief Justice Scholield said that the court coultl not consider a pir- tial lecord inado up fioni thr- notes of thoat- tornejs for the dofeasias It codd not cor- icctlj cri\c the testimony Tlioioint sta'ed that the proper plac-o lor seeuiniK a staof execution was , eitner tioin the circi it imrt or the KO\CIIIOI'S ' olllcii at Spiin.'lii'ld If a truoipconl of the testimony \\nttoiinp ttio ( ourl would tnen hear the casi upon a writ of onor , but could otheiwiso tuuo no fiction Isold's iliancesareiedined imtPrlalU , as ills sind the circuit juiliros ivi'l ' not KiMiitn stay and his List iluiin.0 it. liovcruor Fifir _ rii/.v7r ; Jti/'inrri'if intmi'Xii : . H iiiuui-cil Ijiiss ol'lhc stcninoi * linoKc ) < on I'um'l Sun nil , Surm , Wash. , Mureli'i ' It is ruinoied horetonicht tint the small steiinorlluckcxo wont IO\MI ! in the sound botucon IVUvards and Apple Tree co\o with twenty pissontrcrs lust night Tlio ru'iior eanaot hu con tl mud , as tbero is no telegraphic cotaminicitlon with ICilnards , and the pi no cmnot bo loadied tonif lit Thostoij istbat the cntitainof 'lio Huci ; eye Invited a putytofjoith In in on a tiip across tljo sound. About twenty accepted the invitation The boil had readied the middle of the sound when a storm i line ui > . KOI an hour 01 more theio ' . . -.isn heavy cile A Rrailer on the railroad near IM.nds ropoi ted hu sun a llpht bobbin. on the water for an hour or HO mil then disappear The did not rottnii to ICilw irds List ninht , and this nioiniiiK "car that place the shoio \ \ is covered with \\irt Ungc. 'I bib stoiyvn bioiii ht hoio bj the steamer Idaho , \\hifh touched nt IMwaMa lhiinoin - Aiuli'tj I VII Hn a SehooiiiM' . \ \ YciiiK.Marcli'.i.Anxictj is felt con- llio four-iinstod scliionor , William N'enlvhich his not Hem ho nd fio-n slnro thohtli. wheiisho rollidul with the schemer ClrcKory , both bolni ? bully damancd. Ills foaied tint sliohasgonoilown l'atlier. lol u-r anil Sun Killed LINMMI , Mich. , AlnicliW ) M. Mo- I aimbliu andson wcro Inst.iutlv killed and Mis Mel.uuuhlin fitalh injuied In a Cii.nul Trnnlt piiM'iKor ti dn neir Shaflsburutliis inoininir while timing homo Tlio woman cannot Inc. Vii llnisnl' the I lawiniiVic < ' ! c , In KSIImi , 111 , Mneh 1) ) Two of the passciiKUS injured in tlio.lnekisoiivillo iV , Southeastern wieck jestcrdaj ne.n lln\.ma \ h.iM ) sinui dud 'limy wore I'hailes Mul- haneof Strcctcr mid \ \ ' .liter Uonano of M.mltou Itinnoilliilc \ \ Diunlc. CIM iN\vn , 0. , March y Vichol is Vlti- conl , used foi t\ , \\.is found to 1 1\ in his , coliblors shop , fat.illv buniod Ho died on tl-oway to thohoipltal. It issuppnod that houpsottho limp whllolu a dtunuon sloop. 'lln-ocl Khcriiicii Iliuncil AinvN ) , N" V. , .March 9. - DivldCut bury , Hoin.uue Von Warmer and .locph Von NViirinor , ilsiicnneniro drowncil in thn I ludiou ilvor today bv the c.ip3i/.iii | ; of llioli boat ' ! ( ) HimiCstlMUHMVS | > < lsl. | | ASIII.\MI , Wis , Mnitli 'i ' YesteiMnv's bll/Mi'd was HID \\oistof the season Two homestcidorson tw | nortly oiuned land per- in the ttorin , 'I'lie Siilijoi i ol'Hi-am H-OM' . yYOIIK \ , Maivli ' . ) [ Spjchil I'olo/rnui to Tin : 111 i The NoYmk \ pieshjtoti hpont tvohotin anda lulf tmliy indohUluK thooveiturciiiir the'oneril ( assembly regard til ) ; the iiipointinoiilof | de loonossos , anilaftoi taklntr what sei > nu'd fora iiunii'iit to hn a dn i mlu > action in thiMioj.i' ' . v , U.epui . , tuu" - KIl Iho iiuittu i-'iiui , THE FLOOD AT NASHVILLE ; [ "iflciii " Unnilroil People lrivt ) i Prom TLciJ Hotucs by High \Vntor. GOODS IN WAREHOUSES DAMAGEDi \ Cj niul Kills l-'our Ncf nii'M 'I u11 Uolntcil I'l-oiii ( lie Onlsiilnnrul , > . titivtnr , Tenn , Maich 0 The r'se ' la ho tl\or \ lontiimos lletwceu Uftcea liiiu heilinul n thousand people lm\c been din en 10111 tlit-li homes and yoods In wniolunisoa mil cellars * hn\o sutleiod nuu-li luuniK'onorts from nil pulnti on the ilver dmw it is rlnmtf \or\n , \ In-ill and the fullness of llio Ohio uiul disslsslppllll piviont the ( 'ninbi-rlnnil mm limning down as lapldh nsitould lilVIMlollOlltlllM ) Thoiivereoiiilnues to ilso atllio ndof n ] ii tutor of nn Inch nn h'Uir , but II is e\u | > cti-d bat II will hoi > iii to loeodo this evoiing as epoils ivu'lvod from up river noluts slio\v hat the lilkli.itorsnio slowl.\ \ \Vind mill Snn\v lei ) > Hi < iieat Deal of i " I ' * " ' " / ' " ' 'I' " " " ' " 1 llnwH 1 Ma-ch I ) | New \orli lleiakl 'able - Special to 'lin 111 r. | The \vors.t miott storm of the season swept over the . 'niled Kingdom todiIho wlnil \\iiiMit | > i fein fill M'locltN , dih'liiK the snow niuund n dilfts two and Ihici1 feildeep Tin stieeta iioileserted by both pedostiiaiisan. \chules I , \hilo \ railway eoiiiniunicittin withtlic suh < ubsot London is almost entireh cut off. I'eli'ifiaphic coininiinleatlon with tlio piov- ncosls suspended , lu thoivlns aredolu. . ill directions. Tlielloiild pilyatc wires to the continent uivobeon blouu a\\iy The London p.ipcis ottionow will pioscnt the unusual .ipin'.ir- ineeof being \\lthout a word lows Kiom nil puts of i'.iij.'land coino stories of destriiitlon by llio storm Ship * ihigsiilToiul heavily. 'J'lui l nilisli ; cliamicl is shnplj onoc\panso of Dolling , seothiiifj witor , tlio wives dashing ovoi the pier at Dover , \ \ nshlntfir \ tlimn iwaj Across ttio eliuiiiinl ste : > inecs nr l ncrn ing in port in abitteiol co'iditionitU he piiscti orsxory wet and their ficc-s of n , \i-llow hue to Ull the stoi > of their e\peii- cacej Theioisan oMiaordlniiry spiv' ado on the itrandvhcn the lln.iteisoie tinned out The \ery few cabs tint were about ttia , lar\e\i > , \\lio fined the stoiui , tuined up [ heir nuscs nt ainthing under < | ii idrupld faresonion \ in evening diris ll 'lit- . ng niralnst tlnM\ mil with then wi.ips llut- .oring in the btni'iii } hroe/o , 01 emilopcu la ; beh escoits' roits , wcrolo be seen In tlio shoals , il ready the list , of slupilnff llsastura Ins assumed f.ilr puporlions and omouowis sino tobiingfortbno\\sof many/ disasters. The naromctii is still fulling loniubt , and howarono siKiia ot an abitointut of tliq IMekiMix , Niw OIIIANLa. . Mincht'icayimo'3 ' ) I'ickcns , Miss , sarsVe : \ have been solnted since last Sitmday , when the last : nil n passed north. Continued rains since Thursday night have raised the vvatoi'in the Higlllackiivu'higlu i- thin over Irnoivii and t is still tisinpi.ipidl ) . Iho Illinois i.iilroitl liftud liodilv from its bed in < i ' ! tic < lted In the ditih lor miles bolovtf uul above hem and the embankment swept iwav Incalculable iliiniiiifo his been done by water A tvclone passed over this place Satuulay moining wit limit doll g - age , dropping over In Madison countv wliero it caused ilcstitictinn of life nut pioputy. I'assliig fiom then1 into Attali count\ . neap Newport , seveial houses weio blown ilinvu and four negroes killed. A I'lonvune ( Jnitmuin , Miss , spei ial sivs : i'ho nluiost unprecedented rainfall in this section t be past week bus caused ,1 general freslu-t ami a cissation ol the Ir.iItU mi lo ids 'Iho town of Kn lei prise Inundated , to a largo extent , the water llowiii''through , the streets with the veloiity of n uvor and , in inniy instamos loming into stoics 1'ho loss no p n.illel save in the im-inoi ililQ .voai IbSsT _ _ _ _ _ I'idjJE * " * uiul Tu riijtikcsYaslnI Vwiiy. Own ottMIss , Mnuli ' .i-Kipiits 10- ioi\cd show tint cioat duniua was dnno throughout , th t\i mtry bv the lloodi of snt- . iinliv and Su'idaj . Main bridge , nnrl tunif Dikes WTO waihod aw ay and i.ulioids dim * aged At Lo-Miigtor Miss , thostoim wasth& mostdostiuctivee\n known Paiiiani. ' op * orations no suspiMiditl and laud ; * badlv washed , d * hiIng plmtlii , ; A terrille slot in visseil within tlnoe mill of llimdii hislniglil , euryliirf d i'r ntn u in Us pith ! C\erv lioaso on Senitoi ) > , uild a piiuo w as blowi avviv < vnd his wife seriously mjuioif 'Iho liouso ot David \Vllsonw.isalso blown away anil ho and his invalid wife ) painfully h.juied 1'tio.v hail to remain uaD in the sitotm all night. Suinhi.'s . IJifj Si tins Cnuoo , March V IJlspitc hos fri in numerous points tliroiiKhout Minnesota , noithern Iowa , -ontral Illinois und southern Wisconsin report that the sevoii'st snow slormoftlio winter r.n'cd nil Ja ) Sumluy. Tr.ilus are iiinnlni ; lielunil ttmo ai I m limn ) pl.uos none nro moving 1'iavii un wagon 10ids at nunieions pouits is wh.'iiy hiispendi'd and In cities slicclcar ti illKm > iO or less diliyc'l ' Sevoi-oslorim are i.-poitnl from vnilous points iu TOMS Smu % and slcclhavo fallen audit Is feaied fnut tiuca arottimi'od. Southern Ki-nil < 'nips Da IIII < M | . Kivv GUI i vvs ijii , , Miiuh II Mho fiet/o on Pobiunry $ i did consldoiablf dimign lo thepi'Ojpct tivi fruit L-rips In tins st.ito Dn Saturdav aft-moon hail fell and Sixt inlay niKht niln foil in toiii-iits for hours , causing greater dunage by washouts and ovorllunmg lo\v lands than has boon done In iiiiuv v < irs Last night tnore was another fi.v/i tins time picceded by rain , which HnisluM of thfl jiea-'h blossoms nndvor\ few pMchcs ot an ) kind vv ill bo pioduceil tiiis season KiitielvuuoiimliMl | l > > \VnliT. Cm.i MIU s , Miss , March ' .i Tlus .it > u now entirely surrouudol by w.iloi Tin lmy lauds on ttio cist aide are covered foi soiuo distance and thoio bus been consid. . i ill o lossof c.ittlo Manx people h.ivo t hell homes and oomo hero The vitii * are s-till rising 'Ihorunro iudicatinns of a ln-ivy frost liimtriit , whii-h w ill greatlv iiijun ti its nndonrlv vocetables Mmtlar iviuris uuiio from bcveral ) u > ints along tbo Ti > ininsiii.o rner , which is rising rapidl ) lli-liso 1'on In Ne\\ lll Ni \ \ Yuitk , Maith UThis nftci n n a dense fi < i ; hastened twilight in this eit 1 i.u ricimid hay were shiouded in lni | iniia. bin mist Similar icnoits como from nl. n the coast At Ikllunuro nil IHUIU nim a btoppod and ut Cnpo lleni > u < ji ans.l \ \ paisi'd m or out today. All St i emus < > \ n Tiielr lliiiil.i Vk/oii t'ni , Miss , Miinli U i ; | > rt" ( from different pails of the count rv , i > ioj today , liuiitMto that Friday und SitnU\ ho.i\y rain bus proie.l disasliom to husi-i , niul biidxiu. Korti. . uu a s 1 1 > , | ill I'M liy n loiiilbiii"s ( , IUii , Mitixi'O.Thoclou liu.r i nf Situiday nU'htdid Imiiiiimo dii-n in to a , I iiinio id , i-iiicii.i ) . 'ho til ) aii\l itiiflii. i- - > ; > j pi udcu