THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : OMOND/VX / MAROH 0 , 1801. OEillOM'S ' PROMISED LAND , cs by Hundreds Swarming Into tlio Now Territory of Lato. HORRIBLE BATH OF A TACOMA MAN , \ tMl lu Molt on rjlclnl-'l Iilrsl of a Homer .Itiror IMirtitit WiM'perM Ktmn a Union The r.iuo ( incsllon li nsimnlni ! n serious Vlinno In Oklahoma tcultoiy , utul tlin con tunica limitation \\hleh thoiubjocl ! * rsiMtii ? l morn l linn UUcly to lesnli In n collision be- livn tlio whites utul blinks. When thin territory was thrown upon to Ulament n largo iiiinil'or ' of neirrocH settled In Ctiithile , but thi'lr presence oxrltad no serious remon- Mriuuii During the last slwccln , however , ( leRroi'i from the south ha\o suatnicil into OUlnliiinm by tlio luimUvdi In lesponso to Indiiioiiiorits thrown out In u Kllttorint , ' pro- jiectii , which was scattered liioiuic.iHt In settled "lil.u-m. " commiinitli" * tlikltly by The main innvcr In tliH I'olotil/.ition scheme l-t wld to bo I' , 11. MeOne , ox . null- tor of tli < * ituto of Kaiisni , iti conjunction \\ltb lvoidto men Ono lumdrcil and Mxtj newt of wound wore puutmseil iiim' Julius north or ( juluilo ntida injltucal town laid out. ( tlowuifriloscrlptlotisof I/iiiKston Cit ) woio industriously cin.nlntc'il tiv uaiil riculh rolniod picmi'h'Ts ' , .nut thu iitt.nrnnt bluclii in Arkansas anil Aliliama uiul Texas cn L-ils iinostcil thulr small saUnirs in thu "proimsoil land " .A p'ntletinin from ( tilth- Ho ijc set then tlio situation Hitio i\3 some thing pltilul. Tlio ne UM's , ho sniil , nio nr- lu niK I'.v ' hundreds anil in A condition that U li little ! wet 10 th.iu destitute. They nio cu aliont thoSantit ! ' donot and tlirir Iroin the ti'cont cold weather , In addition tnlho pin KM of liuupjr , arc intenso. but tnc wuist features mid the p irllciilur one that li , 11 urousoii tlio ( iiithrie newspapers lo n roall/ntlon of the Hlumtion li Ihu fuel tint tlio nu\v niiiviils huvo inotisht small pox \\itti tlmin Tlio people ot Uuthlio nt Ihst sup jiresii'd the fact Unit tlio illseiiso existed , lor tlio town would bo Injured , but since it is found thai the smallpox is spro.ul- liiR1 , the newspapers Imvi' coiuo out ami open ly ilorlixrnl in fn\or of coiibtitutluj ; a quat- butlno against the blacks. It.illioil lit .Molten .Aletul. .lohn Adams of Taioiuu works In tbo Ryan ftuoltov on tbo nlnht shift. It was only IhroiiKb Hieat prcsonco of miiui that hoas not bnrneil to death. A fo\v days n o by ponin misstep bo lost his balance mid started \o \ full bu.ullmiK Into an iinuienso pot of nwl- ton mi'tiii Asho fellho i.mKbt tbc niu of tbi3 put. and nlthoupli hoaa iinmersod almost to Ills aunpits ho drew hinmtlf out ntul uith an almost snpt tlminnn effort threw lilnisrlf into an adjoliiitiK l t lillea with cold \vatci Sdino of his fellow worlcnien saw biiu fast himself into the second pot , iml rushing to Ills nssistnnre , rescnt'd him 1 is luxndi \voio ti.idly bniiuvl , but otht-nu-u ho bid hardly u scar on him 1'ho secret of his os- cupo wns ttuil ho had on heavy wool uniler- \voarnnd outer dothltjir , ami befot-o It hint boon limned tlaough Adams was in the pot Of cold \\atcr. . MlssiMl Ills IlltterM. AH linpoitixnt suit anahist the Tarmers' Hi h Ulno compuny Involving sonio knotty I > oiiit.s in legjivd to iul ixtlon resulted in n protracted trial in Denver. On the way to dinner ono day ono of the jurors asked Hall- fr Ire htono why ho couldn't drop Into n saloon nnttct ( a drink. Ho bad boon kept ou nothIng - Ing hut \\ater for tovoeks "If you can gutuwuy without my seeing you , " said Cliatlio , " 11 will bo all ritfliv " Jnn li > \ \ momonta tbo thirsty man , in a Very artful timnnor. IJCLMII toslidooiT onu Ride. Slum ? lut him Ret u bttlo ways , niul tlioii pounced upon him like a Ilisb anil put a pair of bracelets upon him. .Incite lientloj- jnslttitl upon having tbo Jury spend another pijjlit n lion the case and the' juror had tu go thiisty. Strnntie Aci'litcnt. Denver iV Ulollr.mdo fioi bt englno No. 15(5 ( , narrow Ktiajrc , ran into a lock slide five niiles cast of Grand .1 unction , Cole , in the canon of the lower Ouiiiusoti Tbo online was completely derailed and rolled down the embankment , a distance of twenty feet. I'.u- ginocr \ \ illiain D.ivls was seriously Injuicd In the region of the left hip. Ills llroinaa Jumped. Imuling in the swift curronl of the Onniuson , tint iuiraeulon-.l . > escaped injuiy. Only ono height cai loft the tiaek. lloiisokccpci-ft' Union. A number of Udiesot 1'uubloheld a meet ing lost week to tike action ou Uio servant girl question. General lucompetency and Unixliability nro the complaints made , Mrs. Frank Wilson was elected president , ami pcnd n paper advocating the foimatlon of a Union of housekeepers to aeenro good ser vants and IK schedules of rapacity and of rates of WIIKOS. This is tbo llrst society of. the kind o\er formcd'ln Colorado. A Well That. C. Coltoifs well , situated a mile and u half cast of Stawvood , Wash. , still continues FtioUinp in air and then blowing it out nu'.iln. For i day at a time It u ill stick in air , anil ntul perhaps the no\t ihy It will blow It out tigaln with considerable force. It is . .1eiy B trance fio.ik of unturo , and the people in the clv cannot account fur it. The well is eighty-six feet deep anil was dug last sum mer. _ liullaiiH Iliiild a Tort. The \Vlnto 1'mo ( N'ev. ) Is'ows sajs there are -II'/O Indians at I'ancnlio mountain bullit- lnit'oit , and as many nioro are COIIKIO- pated at Duclcuaternnil several hundred are ntohl roitKuhy. 'Ihcso ' inoveinents of the Indians at this season of the aiu nat- Ui-ally looked upon with suspicion. Ml H'SOK1lltfKfiT , Nebraska. A Business Men's nnd Farmers' association Jias been orminlzcd at Valparaiso. llev. .lohn Sehorer hiu > loft Crete to take charge ot a new church nt AVOID , la. llev Dr Gooilaloand have retuined to C'oliiiimi3 ! from their winter trip through The tlim of l-VrRUSon & Eddy , flour and fceil dealers of Norfolk. 1ms failed \vith lia bilities § 1,000 and assets fOliO. Malicious persons hrotie the glass and badly mutilated the casings of the vindows on the new insidoncoof Uov Mr Jncobus ot JJelta. ills KeirinnDurr , an early settler in Otoo coiintv , illecl lecontly nt the homo of her dmiKhtur near Nebraska City , aged seventy- i\\o. An offoit is being made to establish a camp Of Sons of Veterans at Uluo Sprintrs. Thcro nro forty VOUUK men there eligible to nicin- Mr. niul Mrs. Daniel PavicJson of Osccola , rclebrntctl their KOlilon neilding anniversary lust \\eclt They have lived in ebra' ' kn twenty-live cars. The York Oddfellows have decided to make an effort to secure the auuuiil review of the state Patriarchs Militant for York. The l-c\low occurs in tlio latter pait of April Thieves forced open the front door of the hard ware store of 1 ; Cojitrlt-ht at Milford and succeeded In making off \\lth about flUU Worth of KUIIS n-voUers and knives. Xo Clue has been found , Jnines Craii ? , un inmnto of the incurable Insane asjluin ut Hustings , ulod recently and his remains A\cro sent to Kdpar for burial. C'rnighad boon an In in a to of the i - , ptate institution for thirteen years. The horses stolen front Farmer Gllmoro of Custer county were found by tbo shcrift the other dny in the ixissesHion of Thomas Cutlln , \vho hail tmclcd for them The thieves , two youtitf men , liavo not beeu illbooverod 'Iho iinnuul session of the 1'latto lllver con- Jereneo of the .Evangelical association will convene lu Holdrctfo at tbo KvaiiKehcal chuich , beginning March 12. Hov U. Dubs , D. U. , LL. D. , of CUicaco will bo In attend ance. Dan Porter , the escaped murderer who Committed suicide the ether dny near Fair mont , Mo. , to avoid recauturoVM to bavo lump nl QutncIII , MnrohSO Hln Mctiiu wnn l.Juinl ) Smltli , at one time n readout of > 'cbnnkn I'ilr. j Iho fomilj of .1 Itosford of Arnnhoo | ere \ery nearly 'hlliod by coal Kin a few cnliiRs lnco. The < tovo piKS | was forced o for Into tbo ehlraney tbnt tlio R.H vvn forced out Into tbo room 'When it un * found out Mrs lto < - fnnl mid her diiUKhtor were ncnrlj bcjond .lohn bam niul T. It. Miller each claim Ho right to oxcltnlvo | w < t > s lon of ft seitlou of lutulllirooii'llci west of I'rete Tlio op- jiosliiK fori'i i , to tin1 number of ol'ht ( or ton men , tinned with mms mid rovolvgrs.iUspulod jitme iloti for thno duji ln t week , but Mtl- Icrlliiullj aii'w oil Ids forces in K ° ° d older nfter being v > i veil wit li a writ of Injunction at the HIM mice of l.aiihain , who now holds JIOlSL'SslOU. U'llliani Ol Hit lias Iven nrrnstcit at Vnl- inrnlsocliiirml breiHiiiK Into the Inira- \\.irastoroofl. M Hurtt anil stiMllnir r > - \olvers and pooltot knives , llo u the sttiie inrty clmifjed wlllt stoalliiR IIOKS with Ivos .Ujison and liU son Jotin sonic tinio nin anil WM itlcascHl by tMtlfjhitf on belnlf of the stulo tiBaiiislJeiison. "it is very llUi-l > that more arrests \\ili \ follow , us there sucms to I'O music In the nlr. _ lou.i. The wutlicin Iowa sjieott circuit has been f 01 mod. Sehnllcr allernien draw : x yearly salary of $1 each A homo for the old ucnplcof liremcr county will bo cstnlllshcil at Win-oily. I'ltini huvo boon nor feet oil for tlio lioliltii ; ? ol a blifciinip tnectlntj at CM ear Ualio August tito 17. A < toclf company has been formed at Nor way tnciiKngo in the gialu buslnesi. .Ancle- \alor l < lioing built A pai pocket w.w found bv wol ) borers near Altu ntii doptli of JW feet , uut in a fu\v hours it disappcamd. .I U IIow ird has loslnned tlio suiwrln- tcndeury of the Dnhuiiuo UM li bt company , which position lioluui held for twcntj llvu jcars. ( ' . 1' Hlakii has suoil the Dulniquo street i iihvti ) company for { 5,000 , for injuries sus tained by him in a collision ou their line last summer The Oddfellow * of tbo Ninety ninth and Ono Huttilteilth ilistilcts will celebrate the sovonty-second annlveisiirj of the ouler ut Hock HnpuU AinlU'4. Jerry Wllllnnu niul Ch.uloy loss ! , two tiiKhiiMiieiivlin robbed n mill imined Davis near Albh a short tinio HKO , liavo beun Riven ponltetitiaty bcntenics of two jcars each. A baiul of Indians of the Miisqiialci tribe , fioin the Tamil reservation , nro gUlni entoi'- 1,1111 n , cuts throughout the state , presenting the Rbost dineo. Thoio tire se\eial wiuu\\s and pajioosos with them. iiaincs Oilell , UVUIL ' , nonr L niraput , has made a success of fanning in Iowa. Five jc.ii'siiLto ho diiln't liavo * l. and at tlio present linioho owns nvnluible firm of "Oil ncros , hub $ (1,001) ( woi'th of cattle mid is out of debt. debt.Mrs Mrs C'oia Uuy has been sentenced to 0110 jcar In the peiillintiaiy from Uccatur conn- tv Ueforosho was initried she and n sister wcio anestcd lei buipl.irbintr n house , and the tilil hat just been conilndod No other w0111:111 : has e\er been seiitencecl to the peni tent iniy fi-om county. Two farmers near Miuslmlltown named Daiin and Yetloy are nut of pocket over fi > ( X ) , Hie pilcu of t\vo car lo.iils of potatoes , and C. I1 HloilRctt , the purchaser , is tlout or sight" and hrarini ; The potatoes were bought and shipped to Kansas ( . .MtKcbiuarj H. Hlod- Kelt KIIVO Dann and Vutley two drafts cover ing the value of the purclinst * , drawn upon HlodRctt Hrotucis , orM. Williams , Ivan- sasCltj. 'iho faimcis oncloi-bod the drafts ami the Coinmeiclnl bink of Jlarshnlltown cuaheil them. Belnp forwaided to Kansas City for collection ttiej weio returned with tbo notation , "No such parties here. " Ulod- Kelt thuu explained that the drafts \vcio drawn upon ttio wronf.'bank and designated another Again the paper was jnotosted and Oaniiand Yetloy had to refund the money anil pay the piotest fees Blodfjott is a vctrotablo ] eel urat ainrshalltoun anil this Isn't the llrst transaction that looked crooked. Ills whereabouts is unknown. Fiitcen jcarj ntro a little girl namoil Puckcttas kiilnnpcil fiom her parents' ' homo in Carroll county and her where abouts re 111 ilnccl a iujstory until a few weeks ago. A iiewspipor clipping pHliiffiin ac- eoiintof the llnillnp of a girl in Aikihsas ans\\eriiiptbe description was published in the C'nrroH Sentinel. An uncle rend it and sturtcil ut once for Arkansas. After some little tiincj ho found tbo object of his search working on a boit , employed in cleaning lish for some ilsherinen. 'lliore wns so nnich jiv over the restoration to homo and fiieiuls that no thought of pie > ocutlou entered the minds of either of them , and uncle and niece stirted ntpnio for t'urroll county. They arrived in Glidden Tlmrsda\ The girl was four 5ears old at the time sbo was kidnaped and is therefore now nineteen. Stu1 lias hail a var ied experience' , but lias occn unable to loam nor parents' whereabouts , partly because her father has kept nioUtifr about Ho spent several j > eais in uniivillltiK se.irch and tin- ally drifted to Montana , whoio ho now is , I'ho girl \\a not quite sure of herimmo , call ing herself Duckctt. Colorjulo. The IcHlslaturo his been potltionoil to es tablish a sjstomof clearinghouses. M'rluidnd has Inereanod the ci y limits con- sidci'iblv bj tukint ? in half ado/en additions. SiK students wcio expelled from the Honl- dor unlvoulty for tearing' up budfjes , bido- svallts , etc Many cattle nre reported dying from star vation mnr HiurCitj anil east of that point on Third creek. A W. Kinc of Denver is to establish a commtiy toopeiato oil and gas veils between 1'uoblo anil Denver. \V A. Tiiounu'.is found dead In his cabin at Duena Vlstn , having died during theniKht from u paialy tie stroke. Kttorts .110 Ueliij ; mule to liavo the old Foil Cravford iiulitaiy reservation nbovo Alont- rose turneil into a miners' hospital. Governor Koutt lias issued the iiocessmy proclamation , unit Our.iy is dorlarccl a citj. Thus is the town's ambition pratillcd Prof. S 1' WinJet tuts lesigned his posi tion as principal of tno Silver Cliff school. Prof. T. T Hradsbav ; succeeded him The interest in the Clli/ens' hospital nt Aspen is beitiff revived and it is now pie posed to complcto the buililbifr ntoneo Dave Halt , a Pueblo boy. murilciou.sly assaulted another boy nnnieil Tom Duke aim was .sent to the loform school fortUreo\onn , The Case Wilson stone nuuriy at lloulder , one of the beat wluto sanustono ( inanies in the state , has been bold to a Denver syndi cate A great strike is reported In the Paymaster mine near honton. A solid body of ere Is said to hmo been eiicountetou in the breast of tno mam tunnel. Neil lioocHvin , on his way from the Porte- ous ranch to Bjei's , found on the prairie the dead bodj of a man , which evidently had been Ij ing there for some time. Tlio citj council of Dueim Visti prantod a frmuliiso to the Buenii Vista cloctrui light eoinpuiv to buihl a railroad fiom the Midland depot to theJottoiu\ood ( HotSpiin 'i The Leadv lllo city council presented Sanity McCit-itck witli a tioli ! medal in appreciation of hi * reaih COUIMIJO In stopping a runaway ladder truck on Hnrr'son ' avenuoa month erse so since. .lamps York and Oeorgo Clatln stole the recent Iv built house of Phvslciaii Fan ton from bis lanch near Uocky Koul and moved It tooue of their claims. The men have been in-rested. There is a schema on foot In Canon City to bring the water ot the Aikansas ihor , by means of ditches , to Canon City to bo used for iriltfiitinf ; and to furnish power for man ufactories Henry Adsmond. a prominent ranchman at Hocky Fold and owner of a tbicsbing outllt , caught hit tlKl't ' urni In u michlno and It VMS terribly lacerated. UK mm wui amputated at tbo olbinv. CicoriroV \ Ilavnlo , tbo slxteen-yoar-olil sou of Mr and Mrs. btnuluy Ilaynie , ulod at Pueblo -without over having hail knowledge of his own existence. The poor creature was born Idiotic , ulind and deaf nnd dumb. A Puohlo man sent 25 ccntsj In reuly to im aclvcrtlseracnt In a Ren ver pa per which prom ised bun Information how to make $ . " > ( ) a week nt homo ou n capital of { 1. Ho received a printed slip boiuliifj these words ! "Fish for fools as I do. " Thomas Uobion , a well-known Lciulvlllo meicbimt , narrowly missed bclntf Icllled by Aldeimun Hayburst , who tired two shots at him. Ten days n o Huyburst inadonn as signment to Thouius liohsou and J , C. Stll- well. Siuco that tiaio tbeio Ua bccu bad b' iflil , which was followed by the shooting niTrnr Itnybnnt win arrested , Notnn , tltuntcd at the hcftd of Built creek , In Kiujlo countv. and utnn altltudaof t\K * , ) feet , is attracting considerable nttottllon from Asmn | nnd ndvlllo men. rifticn com- panles are oporntitn ; thorn , ntnl a stamp mill for the tie.Uiuuiit of gold ere will soon be put tn. I'.ward Mcllrlde wns rngaoed tn plcklnc out n shot of giant powder In tlio No .1 level to the owtnt the Kalrvu-w mluo sltuatoil six miles nortli of Pltkln , when the powder ex- ploilod ami fcaifullv mmiglod his face and lK > dy. 'lids occurred about 7 o'clock and at 3 ho tiled. At I vnnhoo , a station on the Midland uvul Hriven miles west of I-eiulvlllc , ,1. l' , Fullon , station ngont for tbo company , died from the effects of poiion mlinliiWercil by liltniclf. The \onug man luul been reprlnniuled by the dtspiitchorn few dnjs before ( or some reason , but tictond thnt notliliiR Is known as the cause of the rash net. Munio Ituliiliniitt , living near the sindter at Pueblo , started to visit a neighbor about S o'clock , one night list WCOK , walking alone the tiaek ot the Santa Po road. She WHS soiH'il bv n burly tramp , \\lio can led l 'r iiowii tbo enilunkincnt Her loud cries oftener tenor bioujjht UMiituncc , nnd the vlllilti inmlo lilscscnpo in the darkness. It Is said tint the icocnt visit of tin1 C'nion I'ac'illc pcoplo lo Trlnldnil was for thu pur pose of looking over thegiound preparatory to establishing u lar a gcneul ami repair Hliops there , it Is both a passenger and frclirht Jhlslon point , and , as n great nnny endues aio crippled coming oicr the nioiiu- talu , It Is thought necessary to have shorn In that vicinity. Charles llolili'ii. recently arrested by Cat tle InspectoisVatt and Hill Thompson upon the chnrirc' of killing range cattle , has hinlu preliminary cxuiiiiiintion and held to answer at the next term of thodistilct court nt Springfield. Several hides , heads , etc. , wen1 found in a well not far from the de fendant s re.sUUncc , which is the southeast ern part of the county. .lohn I.DO , cmplouvl at the nusk-Ivnnhoo Uinnol near T.Cidvllh' . vas latally hurt A round of holes was tlroil , and after solnp a\\nv r en returned before his partner. Onu of the IIOIPS had hrld II round exploded IM ha was within n fi'\v Tcct of It. hit in thoiiKhtsictobv the lljlnp look Several riln weu broken and hU batlt injuied. He was taken to ht , Vincent's hospital Two men \\Q\O \ atiestodat Pueblo on the chaifjo of robbing C I1" * . Kendall's store at La .1 untn nnd taken tbeio t'hev were sent lo jail In dofiiultofH ) bull. ' 1'hov give tholr u ami's as Oeorgo Klllott and .Fames Murphv. On the way to the Jill thov attacked Sheriff ( Sentry who hid them in charge , and tricil to Ket his ivvahor , but ho sncceoded lu plachiK both of them behind the bars again. Tbo Pueblo boaid of trade udopinl a roso- lutuui to bo sent to the state le lslatuio to thectfoit tli.itovpeilnicnU hid boc.ii made under tlio diiection of the board u ith the buct sugir imlusti" , nnd tint tbo experi ments hid bciMi most s itisfictori' , cleinon- strntingtlmttlio Mignr beet could bo suc.- oessfulij ( jrown In the Aikaiisai valley. Thc'teforo the lij.iid potltlnnod the nsseiubly to pass tlio 1 cent bounU bill. 'I lie I nlon Piiuillc OVMIS the toll road be- Kliiniiigai the mouth ofltoulilor cuion.con tliiniiiKUp tbo cation to the foot of Magnolia lilllniid ui ) that hill to nhele Hawk , has stopped taking toll nt tlio crate near Boulder. The road wns not In good icimlr , and suit was in ought to iloclmo the frunchUofor- feiloil. An agicement miclo byuicli the r.nlioad eomp my is to pivu the toll toad to the conntj frbo trnnsler has not yet been made , but soon will bo. At the I'hlcaKo mine , a few mlles bolo\v C'niiio , a miner named William Hccklin ut- tcinpted to thaw out seven sticks ol giant powdct in a blacksmith's ' foigo. In a few moment * n terrible explosion occimed. The building was completelv demolished and lifty feet from its site ileeklln was found Ijinp. His loll baud bud been blown otT nt the wrist and both oj os were out A ftairmcnt of the fljinn dobrls had him siiuura In the loiehead and there was a largo depicssion in his skull. A land patent , signed by the president of tbo Ui'lted Slates and Issued to tbo Union Pad tic rail rend company , was filed for record lust week \vith tbo clerk of Arapauoo county , covering U,4tl ) acies ot land lying iiiuncdi- atclv east of Domer. 'ibis ' patent includes the section on\ % Inch the Presbytoiian collotrc is to bo built , also nil ofColfax ffnidctis , and ijuito nniunbcr of other valuable tracts of land in the saino neighborhood. It will not affci't existing conditions , howo\cr , as it is nioio of the nature of a mtillcation than of tin original deed. AVj > inline- M .1 Wnlsh vas cinslicd la thn mines at Dana. Ho died at Hock Cicok while buinq taken to the Union Puilllc hospitil at Deti- \ei Hoports from till parti of Uinta county nro unanimous that t tieieiill boin abundance of water this sunnncrfor hrigathi nil the land under chteh Union Pacllic niakonian Murphy of Lira- inlovas run over bv a fieitcht train at Dana station He is b.ullv injured and bis clnnccs for recovery mo slight .lust at the roar of the State insino asjlutn in Uvanston is a sulphur spring1. The water is excellent tlu'year mound Tliure Is t.illt of DiDing the water down to the bottom of ' tho'hill during the spring. A tluht with baio knuckles was arranged to lake place llock Springs Fobru.uyJl. Ono of the combntants did not appear , and thi foifeit money was paid to the other. Xo\v > 'o 1 sues torecom1 tbo foifeit. The Union Pacific is improving its rondbod nloiiLr the line near Hvanston A foico ot inun has been at work Illllntr unsomoiiLrly wore made within the citj limits when the reid \ \ is lint built. Mr. Amoiclti , vim has the contract foi supplying beef to the Indians on the She Miono icservatioii , has boon informed bj the dfp.irtment that ho \ \ ill be called on to fiu- nisli jloOU , ( ) pounds aclditional to tlio ouginnl Ui)0l)0 ) ( ) , us piovided by the teims of his c'on 'nic't. For tills additional amount Mr. Amor- ettl is to toeeho * I.10 per bundled. The price for the mam part of the contract wsis l.'J'i. ' l.'J'i.V \V * . T Gregory , n northern Wyoming eat tleuian , and Mr. t ussier , a momlnciit stockman - man of Miles Citv. Mont.eio in Chojenno last week iieiotiiitiiiLr for the jiiiiehaso ol l0i , ) head ot steers , two and tbroe-yoar-okls , for which thov pioposo to pay SH poi hoail nil around. Thu tiausaction Is notublo foi thu inciciisod priiootTcicd and fiom the facl tint it Is tbolirst time laivo bu\or ; , have come to southern Wyoming In the past year to look for cattlo. No griping , no nausea , no pnm wlirnDo Witt's Little Kaily Risers are taken. Snml pill. Safe will , liest pill. ice orjii iiANa' Ills Dniiikcmicss Itiiidsito Hh Dotuo- tinii iisu Horse Tlilol' Fred Oliphant Is a victim of eircumstini'os nnd to this fact nioduobls brilliant proiiit'ets , fora term in the penitentiary. Fred got drunk , like m.iny another mortal , and , but for that indulgence , it is not proba ble tint ho would now bo in duress. When arrested Saturday evoiimi ; nt the union depot ho had iiiildo hU clothes a small nmonntof cash , alai'KOjaK iind a ticket foi Denver TIe was booked at the polioo statioi as an ordinary drunk , and as such romamot until morning , when iMr Hall , n llvoryman , put in an aopouranco and told a little storv the essence ot which \vas that ho had Ouoi robbed of a horse nnd bu try by u man namei Oltphant. When be saw the 110.1110 cm the po lice register , he wanted to sou the owner o it Oliphant was trotted out for Ids impec tlon , and was promptly uud positively Iduntl fled as the guilty party It hceins that Oliphant hired a horionni buRgy at Hall's liable several days a o , an i Instead of taking it back us agreed , mort- gacted It to a chattel loan agent to the extou of-IO Ho then hied himself awavtotho stable of Councilman Mlko Lee , on Leav- cnworth street , nnd sold the horse for fiM Ho disposed of the buggy ton Sw'udo iminci Peterson for lO It wns ttkile eoiiratulnt { lug himself on his successful financial van turo that ho accumulated the malodorous load that led to his arrest. IIo admitted taking the team , bat snld thn bis brother had it nnd ho could get it in lull an hour if im otllccr would gu out with him IIoaa accordingly hand cuffed and .son out , but after driving around for an hour ho admitted that ho had sold the rig , and tob where It was HU intention of escaping fron tbo oftlcur was not realized , and ho wasiiRuli locked up. Do Witt's Little Early Risers : only pill to cuiosk'k bcaducho anil regulate tbo bowels Mrs ! Atlicrton's ' Ejthiulcal Effusion Stirs SoToral Traveling Mon to Inj , SHE DOES NOT KNOW THEM AS A CLASS , \ CuurtrniiM Komi 1'roiii One uiul a Copious Qiiotiiiion Kiont Au- ollieiIn Det'oimu of tlio "Iriiniiner"HnmpluH. . Ocrtruilo Atlierton has stirred up tbo com- meiclal tiavelcrs bv her poem putilistied In tbo travelers , ' corner of Tim Iln : last week. CJcrtrudo was a little rough on tills urcit beniti'd class , and the reseiitnniit o ( her In sinuations has found veut In several \erv snlcy coumiuiilcatUnis from knights of the grip , twoof which are published herewith. Mill. UIIIIIITOSMSSIOV \ , OMVII \ , Neb March M To the cditorof Tin. Hni : , Following the calling of a onin- uicidal tiavehr , commonlj yclept a "diuin- mei" by persons who are toml ef using slang , I w is slightly surpilscd to find anyone ) claini- " liiKlho title otn lad } attempting "to ci itlilse that mlsii'presented class , rifjtit to thnt of a gentleman , tit thu same' time1 uslntj such iv- llned wouls and plu.isos . "rounds with tbo oys , " "" "brim botmil chcuk,1' "on the niish , " uud designnllntr food sus "liusli , " and niMiig ; gone so far. why coiiipromlsti i.V saying "slicol " Smely hv the time hat little wonl wn used , the vnnt of refinement ami temitiiiiity bowed so plainly , that it was hnrdlr worth vhlli1 to hesitnto tonsotnegoodold fishloncit vord llesldcs woluivo a precedent and mthorit ) for that in the sciiptuic's ( of which i trivcling man is supposid to bo Ignorant ) and \Vehster's , uut foi such phtisec and lung as Instanced before , we hi\o none ex- opt It betbo llmveiv , ornla l'i\o Points m Vow Yoilt , and being , scllish , 1111- hiintnbio , ctnllsh and ungentliMiianlr as wo uro , as aelait , desciiboit to be , vet I .should eauolv suppoiO that to be the fount for any ucU to Koto for herbispit itioiis. 1 have not the pleasure of Mis. Mherton's icquihiUiiCD , iiclthci do Uleslio it , as I like i woman to bo feminine hereto ovcrytlilnff. mil by iislii } ? such 1 indulge uud sliutr tbo vriter is onl3F making heiself as bad , if not vofto , th m tlio class she appears to la\e such an .uor lon to But te give her tb" > oueflt of the doubt , If the description she written U frnm henisnv , or drawn fiom leroverheated Ininein.ition , slio should nt east bo Just , bj mnltliiff ccitaln she has de- bcrlbcd the rule or the oxioption IMrs. j\lhoi-tnn should tnvo occu inthocliur c-aronu nijlitlist weekloming from Cidar taplds to DiiS Molncs , tiul a bittiily ( olil liulit it was , and seen a seillsh Ir.ivcllnn nntiUikoan cxpt > n lvo mcreoit and mnko a > edof itupon the lloor for a poor little cry- nitlnfant , mil trjliifi to boiiow another to seno as , i pillow Iroin other men in the tiaiu md lefusul until ho came across an other bclllih brute in the > imo line of busi- loss , And thO'O aio the men whom Mrs A. .nes to tiaduce men \vlio lead the life of slmesorkingvith onlj a icinembiaiuoof tholr wives , inotheis , uhililren , and slsteis to cheer them alimg , iclatiM- , whom they only see from four to six weolts in thoyeir They it Iho leist believe In and respeeta woman is loner ns she respects herself and niuety- line out of every hundred would be the llrst o come to the assistance .iii-l protect any wo nan who was insultcil , bo It by any nun , 10 matter what liU business or mnv bo In conclusion , I think If wo were written up by any woman \\lio iimlcrstindsus IjcttPr : ban Mrs Atborton does , we would not bo so lurdly used. At the sumo tinio if she only stopped to tulnk tlntv there aio many ot her ou n soc follow inpr oir voi it ion , and \\lio if is lied their opinion of ttich malocoii fries , would onlj bodoiighted to state that thov : ia\o hud in my little attentions to think Lhcm for , things suiill in theiuselve- . , jet : iow pleased aid thankful a woman Is tolind i man , sulllilently lit'entlcmuii , to relieve hot of them. Trusting iTint when Mrs. Atli erton iiet ; Hies into print she will more tlio r- oiiL'tily underst md her subject , ami w rite for iiihtiuction and not for notoriety is tlio wish of YOUM sincerely , A Tu \\i.t.i\n M vv. Quoti'H I'ontiy m Her. OMUM , March l ! To the Uditor of Tun BIF Although ftom boyhood a caieful reader of the daily jupor , yet I have rev or contributed a Hue foi nuDlicatioti , but in spite of my total laek of experience I tinst you will give mo u little spice in the column which you devote to the "commercial Havelcr , " as Ilsli to ttiko ex ceptions to thoiioem ( ( i by Mrs."Gerund' ! Atliertonvhiih appears lu tonight's ' issue of Tin I3i.c I have to confess I do not know ttie lady , but she i * evidently Igiiniint of the subject which imoicod her mu- orsidly lacking In that "charity which thlnkoth no evil " Tlrst , let nio say I am not and no\or was a commei'iil traveler , but hive , however , duimg the past liftoen jears hcen pernnttea to know Intin.ately hundreds of the "knights of the grip , " and I am proud of their acquaintance and friendship. I have found them as a iiilo well Infoimcd eni'ittetlc Ljontk'iiian in the most coinpic- hcnilvosonaoof the word , < iulck tohe.uthe crj of dlitrcisiiiidi'iiunlly iiulfk to miiiKter tothe needs of suftcrliiR buiiiiiuty In "the fiooil old days , " for which writers who affect the' holier'than tbou" stj lo , in which her urtlclu is written , nftcn aigb , there was ntypo of men In all this western country who were loud mouthed , njrgresshe uittl.i'is 'Ihov were to b" found in iwcrv town \\est of the Mississippi nr , but they lu\o \ disipi > cired. Tliocoinmorcnl trau'lerof tint penod cimo constiiiitlv in cont.ut with the-.o n.en. bmull wonder , then , that thejpirtook tosomoex.- tent of their charu'tcustics All tins inis ehaiiKod , and with \ar $ few c"cceptlous the co'nmeiual ' tiaveler of ted ay lias no nioio of the Vices than the associates of MH.thor - tou possess -nay less , for the drummer pos- sCics ton less di'sicu thin anj otbfr class ot men ofhom I lm\o liny knowledfjo that most despicable of all vices , hypocii- . His \lrs. Athtnlon e\er \ thouyht whit a lifo the "cirinuiner'tinsto loiul1 'JVn mouths of each juar deprived of the EucioU ot wife , children and lady filench , obliged to siiend hK ovciiinu's in his room or in tholobbyof iho hotel. althouuMi by instiiicl and cultivation n gentleman , chivalrous and lojal to her sex , yet by ladies like Mi's. At h- eiton denlod uU soilal r 'ognltion , In spite of the tact that a majority of them would appeal to much better advantage in the pulor tliati tbo "society inun" who are bidden I wonlt bespeak from all the knurhtsof the grip than prayers for a woman so lost to e\cry Chris- tim itraco as would consUu any class of gou Ucnien lus a whole "don to toind .sheol ' E1U Mheolur Wllcox whoiii purity otllfu and devotion to family cannot bo gainsaid , in spite of the narrow , bigotol attacks made upon her wiltltiKs by those wnoso souu tire sodwaifed that tboy tiu never undor-itmd her or reieh the heighten \\lueh she stands , has drawn the b < st character of a driiminor tint I have over seen. I quote fiom mem ory , not having reid ib for voars , but tnj ob- seivatlon is Hint thu piture | , is a correct and faithful likencis. I'liil inllic' crowded car 14 be tu offer 1'lils ' Ir.ivilliis manOniilioiuirul mil un- sinu i Tlio siMl be pild fni to siiiuc WDinuii. yoiin ) iilil and nilnKU'd. I'irsl Is ho tn piotrcr fciiiui't lihin" , atrltlu ( romlits s iniiihsiii ijlio , 1'u ploiso thu fancy of Jlio cij Ins baby Hi'llf ' tstlio window and lie drops thoctirtim I'nr iiiiut'uiisloiiiiil hiuyU. lie tali's lihrino And tn.iliiis aim SIIT fora ebllil , tint ceili'ii Hut Us miiiiiinii in ly finn'it him In llin fuc-o 'I'lio amluusly siinni uouh'ii su'k fnriLiiuiT Inoxcry roiii teens aclfiunieveiy sti uwoi \\oll vuijinl Ishu In .ill UIO-.D wiys londiii'lvo To c'omfortvhoro least comfort cm bo found. IIo linns I Ini sen I imnsliiM , yet iinohtriuhe ; UU many acts of tliiiu < litf iiliiDssiiliouiul. IIosKlul to uluasuyon or to lnvo ) ou please him , Vet takes Itury calmly If yon try tofietvo him. Ilnsinoulhs th .fovp-llkit frown of Ibo ( illk'lal liy pajliif ? ( , ire fur ono who can nut pni ) True iiindesty ho knowsfiom irillldal ; U'lll Illrt lit eoiirsy. If you're ' Indlneil tli at wny , And. If you nro , liasuro that ho delects ) ou And If yon'ii ) not , bumirothut ho ruspocts ynii. Tim sorrows t t homo \lng world dMiubS Id mi lli < iihuiysMinkiIn luhd wlmt aldliu em ; Tun Iliniiiainl hearts a nay ba\o euusu to bliss him , This uliusiil " ' " niiioli "cnniniori'lnl man. 1 do not Msek to ca t a linlo riiiiiid him Hut speak of hlinpit'clsi'ly us I'viifonnd lihiL I endorse the ubovo la every particular , InuonovcrkuoiMi n raoro faithful , solf-sncrl- flsinu , unscltlsh nnisf , oven bv Iho bfdshlo of HtratiKW , tlmu these "sliool deiorvltnr druinmors" nw Hs tliuo tocill Inlt 'and give these "educators of the unssos" credit for thegood that's in them , Veins forlimlloc. .1.6. n. In the "Soyou wont to thu theater last night , " sntdono drum tier toanothor "Yes , but I illdirtstny lontt. " "How did you llko what \ou siw 1" Tirst ntr * . < ! "What was It llkcl" "Well , It was 11 gray felt with a beaver crown , dead loids o' ' pluimis nnd clusteisof iiunuof the prettiest No. I'J satin edge iiwlro ribbons you ever beheld. Al\\n ) s Doing Cood. A plensmi yet voij singular circumslanco occtured r.t the Turk hotel , Atlmtle , In. . IVl- ilu5' iiuu-iiliig. Mr. Starr , a I'ommordil mm , picked ui ) n pencil In the lull , on the end of whim was a rubber stamp with the name U. Anderson 011 the stamp Ho took the pencil 0 thuoftUo and asked tlw proprietor who ho slam D and pencil belonged to. Iho pro- irictor , point tin. to agoiillenmn In the ofllie , dd that was O Anderson , Mi. Stu-r landed the gentleman the pcndl , remarking- 'I louiul > our pencil niul slainiiln the hull " Mr. Anderson lookeil at the iiimu on tlio tamp ri'imrklng tint was his n imo In full , nit that It was not his pmpertv. A third inrtv hemlntr HioeonNersiitiouuitnoforwiid , 1 in mod the nnmu anil pencil , and the two ) nvld Amlcrsans faced eacli other Hie jeiitlenmn who clnlincd the pencil hcr mot its mic'le , D.ivll Aiiilci'snii , aflor whom he vas named 'lliolr list inoctiinvas ; at lcl- ! ast , Ireland , yeii-s ago. It is useless to add but the meet tug was a nleasant surprise to loth and ttio grlpnik and tr.ido was u miitti'i for an bnnr oi H\o. samples , Apand rallj of tiivcliiig nun an ) rorei- ion will ho held at the Vomurlons I'hils- lan iissoilatinn rooms , 111 Smith Tenth itrctl , Lincoln , Nib , Satuulay evonlntr , klanli H All traveling1 men wlio may be n Lincoln next hiiturilnv evening are eor- lliUly imltcd to bo piusent Hairy I'.itridgt * , trnvcllng1 salesman for ) olan , Dewoj t Co , wholes lie groccis , Vtrhlson , Ivnn , Is mile tnbo nhuit Ho lias loen beciildden at the l.epiti hotel In Ihst- ngs for nearly two months. Kr sinelasls in ugly antagonist , hut Mr. Patridije cmio out llrst best. Apnln ho stcp < tortli a the buys , with whom he is u favoute. Tlio drummer from Hoaton Ins just \vlt- \ ic-sH'd ' a Ijiiching beoin At I/on i. Ills nerves were still quivering fiom the inspection ) l sniiiirellnod an exhibition. Uut as the viuhinir pirty appioiehul he stcppnl up to he two \\lio \ li id t nken the moU active pirt n tin : affair "Oentli'iiicn , " ho said , " \ou \ ire the best ptilrof siispuiulers 1 lnvo seuu 'or along time" Miss Ucssie 11 Bnllooof liuiliinton. Vt , had a disease ot thcs _ > uli | winch c-uisc'd her liairto become \crj harsh aiuldi'nnd to fall so lii'C'l v she si.ircolv daii'il ooinb it Ajor's Hair \ vifrmg.uo iiir a he * ililiv snip , and imulo the hair btautlfull tldelt am I glossy. iVn\riii ) Ollleet-Considers Tiiciii Very t'n lorm nutc. "Seerotiry 1'ioutor h.n eeiMiuh made a mistiko m ordeungttie iilschai o of liidiaa scouts , " slid un army ofllwrCit'rlay , com- inenting upon the general ordir juit issued by the wa-oUry and found in TIIE linn's dispatches Sunday morninir. "Theso scouts -wero enlisted onlv about live weeks ago1 continued tlu oflicor , who is a gentleman well posted on the suujcct. "They were enlisted tor six : months. Most of them pcibaps all of thoinwent deeplv in debt for ponies , etc , in order to eijnip thcmsehe' 1m st-ning , ) , scouts. 'Ihey tncuired lliis indclU'dni'ss _ ) coimtins upon six months' piy to liipiidnta it. And no\vtho Koveintnent goes str.iiKlit an I completely hack upon tliepleilpe and up and discharges them butotc a twellth of tliolr tinio isut ) , Ica'iliK them with what to the in U u icry bit ; debt on tneir hinds , witlunit any dunce to settle It. 'ihe Indians eii'lstoifat ' I'me linlgu weu ) the best lighting men , the most roll iblo and almost the most intlu- cntial of the Ogallalis. "It dons beat all what bluii lors the people in the cast will make 'Ihov Jji-otlcnow the [ luhtiiis , do not know lioiv li'i'v ' fii't- know little if an ) tiling utall ri'g.inii'ig . them. This liiUstniistikoc.innotlielphiit piovcinew and great cnusii of li.toiiio client i factiun ainontr the id re uly cnticillv conditionea reds at I'inp Kid o .ipcnci It Is srx-ikmn advisedly to siv thnt nil ll'o oIllL'ou will wurct the is- suancf" of tliomcloi , nnd tuoru nirtiiuluily at Just this time , when the iiiilllarv stationed th-io ha\o succeeded in gotlin so huge u number ol the best Inclims at ftm jgoniv in so excellent a conditioii in the cnpacit ) of scnnts , mnt seitled duwn to duty perfectly satisticd " "In the sumo gcnc-ial eider , " uddeJ tae sneaker , "thcsecrct.irv limits the number ot m. irt led Indians enlisted m the futuic to ton tooioh tiooj > or coniiinI'crioiis ) ) \ wlmaro posted rcga dini ! Indiana know that oiglit out ofe\ery \ ten , whin they amvo ataiiann- bcaunagc , get imrrieil It will ho siniplv impossible to enfoixo the seciotury s order in thiscioniiec'tion In the initainoof tbo scouts loicntly cnlistol , ana now to bo ilM-hniged. thu propnition of inirrlcd men ! > men gmatc-i than oiulit in ton And tluuilc , again , will provo another new c'liuso of dissatisfaction . ft will also gtvntH hnuass tlio it-cruitini ; oftirers In their efforts to Ket the biM In dians to enlist " _ 'Ihcrcis nolhliiKllIco lr ) 'Jlmmni Klectric Oil to ipiiekl ) curea cold or lelii'vo i bouse- ness Wiittcn bv.Mrs. M .1 Pelloiva , Ilurr Oak , St Joseph Co , MiJi. \\Iljli IMUU UCIJ ! i V\V. \ C4)iigi' ) < " < < uiaii Cimiii'll Sajs He Is Per- in mt'iitly Out ill' I'olities. Hon.\V .1. Oouiit'll. who has just closed hi s career m congress in m trjin t'ndUtrict ' , returned turned hoin'jyejtcraay.nnd in co.ivorsitlo n with a icporter said1 "lamo'it nl politics , and s'nll now ssttlo clown and en L'igo In tiie practioj of liw. Bo foioloarlngVaimgtou ! I Ind rojitu en gaged intlic Now York Life biitdin ? . s.o y , > i see that 1 do not pioposu to lose any time ii iiumi getluitjdown to work. " 'iho exctiiigiubsuianiows with consider able satisfaction thowoikoflho session jus closed , mid speaks with much enthusiasm rugirding the laws passed alTc'Cting this sec tinn of tliu countrt Koardli'g tlio new for I'nrt Ciook It will bo one of the lines military posts 111 the country. ni the work will bo commented niul rimed on on tno basU of an expenditure of $ lii)1,0i ) ) ) ( ) , \\lncl \ \ amount will he ovcntuallj expended in its construction Tbo eight-hour labor lull , which Mr. Coiv- the last session sion , would hive becoinua law uut foi tin vast amount of woik before the senate. Thi bill he leg.irds as just , and is of tlm oniiiioi that til the next sission It will hoeumu a l.iw nslt is gcntrilly looked upon with niiif ! fnor b many of thu senators In .suikiiiL'nf | ) the binlLju bills that wer ribbed In duiiiitf the Kilter Ui\b of tha term I he thinks thov should hui'o pissed , IIIK probably would If they could have beoi reached , m > tUthhtiiiidlng the fuct that ther was soiao opposition fiom the inteistat bridge company IIo thlnlcs both of tlu-so bildtjo bills will piss at the ne\t session "In legurd to tbo p'istoltlce , " s.iid M i C'onnoli , ' 'then ) is nothing to say that in no ahead } known bj m'oplo here In Omiihn Senator M.iiidcrsan unit myself iniclo ever etloit to gel tbe additional IUOMapprupr ( ) ! atlon tothe fl.'J < WiK , ) ( ) . hut itwtis imposbibl toget thli amount put Into tlio simdr > eivi bill , invint : to the fact Ihut ( oiiKi'Ois hal nl readv appropriated largo nmdiiiils for sucti buildings nt other points. Theic was in other icason , loo. If wo hndgotour iimoiin I included rSt 1'iuil. and half a cloven otlu cities would have made similar duniiinds , tun tbo coinmittci ) simply'shut down on tlio inn teriind served ns all alike. However , nft pajiutr for the silo wollnd MHi , ) avallnbl tor iniildinK purpihos , and thuio h no icuso why work upon the new tiuUdlugsltoiila no begin ntnu early date. " Mrs.Vins \ > lo\v'sSootliliiK Sjrupls thi ) bm of all remedies toi children teething , t,1.'ecu Is a bottlo. Oosslpiui ; Auny he i' 1)1 ) n im > nds. U win oil a Htrout i"ir. Two liulj frlunds WCMO cliiitti'rlny iiway as onlj Plijskiiins , Surgeons and Spuliilhls , -'l IIMIV OMAIUv M-U Tlio most wlilclv in < l fivorsiWv linow n'pof ! . ( .lists luttie I ililol til.-i Their lon-c e- - | ) erl tieo ri'imikulilc skill iml iiiuieisal suc cess In Ihc lint im nt uul rino of Nortoim C'liiniile md Mnnlcil lll-e.i-ii , entltlo tliesii eminent pliv li'l UK lo tin- full conlldeni e of the illlliti'd i'icryvilipr ' Thi-j ituir uilro- A I'HU'MN AM ) 1'OSI | | VK CriiR for Ihc M\ fill etTu'U ofo irlj vice u nil the inimci- oiiHi'vllsllivtfolli > In Hi I r.iln. rillVArn. lU.Hl ) ) AM ) ' KIN IIISTV-KS pn'illlOMinli'tcU mil IIITIU inonllv lined rsruvnr nriuuTYANii * i\tJ \i , DI > - OliiJ-\lelil ( | ) ; readily to their skillful tieat/- " ' ' 'Hl'.KM'IMfr.A AND KITTAf , TU'IUH cu ir intu'd i-in nlltlioiit \ pilu oruo" niiciii flVl"vVlVrKln ! ( ) ANO VARHOrri.K p ruin nently mil smce-tsfnllv cureil In i'\eri IMHO , nVrillLlrOiUllr.A. ( ( : . ( iUlii' : . fcuor- nuitnrrlid. Stniliinl \ \ o.iliies , Io- Munliood Mslit I'liilssliiia. Pec-i : > id 1 lenities , runiale \V ( ilciitm mid .ill ili'lle.ilo UMH | ( Ii'iH peculiar toclthei seposltHely eiiiul. usell us all f n notion il dlMirdenthiit resiiitfnim j outhfnl f < illles DI tlio ixi-essnf in it uri'OIIH c -l'l ) Ifri ruij ( liiiriintuod iiennin ent 1 J 0 llvlVjt U Ivl cMiicd , coniiilol o \\ltlioiitriittlii3.CHiisUonr illl.itallnn. l'iirn < ollicled nt Inline by pitieiil wltliuut a nio- nicnt's jinn orannin.iiice TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN A TiPl < riTU'U I'10 ' nvfiii ctTocis ot rVOUlUj vU l\l/etiily vim \lik'h biinci or.'inle iM'ultin'ss , ( li"-trovlri. licitli mind and tuxly. > % lth all its ilrojdecl Ills , permanently cured. 11 ) li ll''l'r ! < Adilrc's thn.p wliohn\e \ Im- s iyl\O. DI Ll.J pilieil HieniselM'-i ty lin- jirouor IndnlRoiicu md s > lit < irv habits , which 1 iiln both ininil niul lioil ) . unllttliM thun for bii > lnes < stinlv or mat rlise. 5I\UI1IKI ) MKN ni tliiM ) cntorlns on that li.ippv life , aiure of phjilL-ul debility. ( julcKly "BHMOtl DUE SUCCESS Islnsodnpon fa < * ts 1'lrat1'i.ietlcil export- eiue. Sii nilKuty ciiso I-ipoelullj -tiulleil tliu > st iitliu rlfrlit 'llilrd iiit > illi Inns me Iicpir > il In our hhoritm-y exactly in suit eucli i'i > B , thiHcniclliiKiurtiwItlioiit injury Drs. Belts & Betts , 14C9 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA NEB THE CHILIA.1T KEVOLUTION , Read Mil. TIII.UUOIIU CIIII.D'S art icle on Bti9i.O3 Ayres tlio Vrpfontino capital -in the March number of Harper's Magazine The now Cailiin giinbotvts are being imnnoil in the port of [ Uicnosvrcs \ , and that city i itaoHou the brink of a revolution. Mr. ( . 'II l M ) ' entito aciics of Soflll AMIIU'\N iifllc'les is most : : \ tinielj and important , in connection with tlio tlio present lUsturli'incee , HARPER'S MAGAZINE for March. REMEDY. liinlioiil rcMnri'il.IIHI | | , wik a oroiiis mlarjjiil lOniUxmiK , lui. . .anil in , rni'clnot rir-AliiKiior Kici'ss rnrnit No ir rotnrn-j. 1 will Kind I ; m > nil IM ilcul ) I'lt i'.l , to nllsiiirirers. nri'i'lpotliii t curetl HID Ot tllCSO tDllllP | < Alllr < > H.ftllll I'limp , ludlos MIL s.iysthci Detroit l-'ivc 1'ross. "Oh1 I into line -oino new diamonds , ! " siidilenlj oxelaiiiiod ono. "Is it possible1" "Yo ! \Iy \ liibbaud i's goiiij ; to inaKo $ 'o,0O ( ) all In a lump next wenU , and lie . n\8 \ I intij lui\o ! > JOO to put into clii- ' ' niiiiuK' "Hoar ino1 Is It n speculation olliiaV" "Yos Thore's it man \\lio\Mints to sell him a piece \Viiodward n\etiin > piopcity for $1S,0)0. ( ) and ho tan turn liK bir tiln over to. Mr. UUink for $ . " > , ( IOO.M "How nice- : " "Tlio - it Is ! " growled a 111:111 : 1 across the ui'-le below hi > bieuth. "ho it's hoi husband who isuftor my lot. anil 1m J-nii hell itto Ulankfor 8"i,0l)0iiiou' ) . Li.itlnu tjuoss not , old miin not this you1 ! I'll hnn oil and Until up Blank uiul luno 111- . option In half un hour. Dr. Illriioy euros citurrli. I5oo bid' ) , ' , Son. My little BOH , who looli'd from thoughtful cjes \nd moved and spolja in quiet. KIDWII up wise- , llavini ! my law the seventh tinio dlsoooyd , 1 struck him ami aisiulss'it him With In I'd words and uukisVd' Ills mother , \vhn\\as piticnt. ICIHL ) ; doad. 'Ihon , Icai-ing tint hU ttilef wuuld Hinder ileop. 1 visitea his hod , Ibll found him Hl With ilarknrdejellds , iii.dihuii laslics yet I'romhlh ' lalo solibiiiH wet , And I , wit Innonii , Kissing away hK tears , left others of my own. A M 1 NO sil iy J | itliuc' . H 8. The ri\oi-IU ) Aini'tli'iui Ae tress , EFF1E ELLSLER Allied liy her n\vn ( ninpniiv liidiiilliu M It I HAN h U iliiifollimli SstSIKV * M > MMIr.MMMIS ( ( TI 1 1 , CUJVKHN Tll D 1 I'VIMNO M1SH. . MANNING. WH > NK < II\V I \I.NI\d I IA.XKLA 7v IK 1C. llov slici't dii'n | Sitiiiilny iniiinlii , ' it ir ulnr I > rlu's. DIME EDEMr \MU K r , Mutiaitor Tor. Illti unl Pirn un WIKK OK MAIUII \qn \ IMitilor | ( it pt II' ' ni h M mtlih I n 4aH # Mirnuilil M nrifi > nixtMkn , * -ki t * h Ai tl K I tl Arni trniij : lrlli ( DIIO linn , llnnrii Ilros t Inj I > iini cr- * 1 lit1 11 M * < < ml ) 1 nf ( i' l ii mi It 'I 1m UmTiiL's 'I i in.Nlf | nntt iuuitiuuy | I * tttu l.tins . HJ , SIMPSON : : 1409and 1411 Dodsjo St.Onnha . , Neb. * 1IUI.UIIIS Ol- First Glass Carriages , The leadliu Styles. The Lowest I'nces. VOUU I'XTUUXAGI : "OMtll'KII. NEBRASKA National Bank U. S , DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB $4OOOOO Capital , - - - , Surplus Jan. 1st. 1890 , - Sli.BOO Olllf-t'H niul lilri'cton Ilonry W Valei I'roildoiil I otis t < llnfil Vlcu I'n-sidoat : .hino-4 V , s.ivueV V Murio John b lolllm II I ! Cuililiu , J .N II I'.ailck W 11 a lluclim. cntlilur Tl-LE IRON UA.\Tli. l omor I.Hi iiuJ I'nriuiu SH A Itinking lliistnoss Trin nelol Winslow ilkes , Tlio fastest i-yeir-oldp.xclns stallion la the World , Itmfinl Mil . ' nt Lexington ICv Id lient liy Mlnik \Mlki-H. ilnm liy Aliniiut .J williniikullii * i win "f IK" nt Iwl Vlnuin slri't-t Utii iliu.Nub . MnsS ! ' ) ) vrllli usual lut'irti ' pmlU'ius i IANMUVA : COI IOPV J-cirtlKitreiittiPiit r ( nil Oll'l " > M ( V M ) ' I Ill I ll- ) > i : V-I.S lr.ui ! < Vpi'llmrr ' r II furnillles ml Tinmen IliM rixllllii's \ | . | > antui nn l lleniiMliM for sin-re' " fill InitnuMit "t > i jr furni M ( ill i > mo loqiilrnu MoillPtl < ir " "nrKicil Iri'ilinintISI21i 1IUOMS 1OH I1 \ III..N li lloinl iinO MUiiiliiiiio lti > 4t Aiiuniiii itl tt loiiN tit \\riu \ * f'lr ' cli culm s on li ) foriiiitlO1 * nnil llrum 'Irusst" * Cluli I i-cl I'urM tiires o ( splai l'lo ( * < , liuiiori , < . iincer. CaUirrlt llront'l Illi Inliilnlhn Kln-trltltr I u Uyil , Kill- c'ysy Kliliion lllnil.ler . tja. I ir , klii uiul lllmil , mill all-iirylnil l. | , . | lUom \SIMIK\\OMI ; \ S impefl lti lli > ok in UNiiit's < if \ \ i incn I'rci * \\o \ luiict lately inlileil n Ijlrw In Di'inrtinont t \Voino i liiirln cnntliii'iniinl iSCrldly 1'rlv.itiM Only Ki > lli- lil Mt'illiHl IntlCuloMiking n &i > c\lalty of L'ltl \ VVK IIHASI > All Hhnil nto'ifti'i'iic-ipvirully trenti-1. Mwllclm ) or InHtfitiiionti wdit ly nmll ortri"M | Miciirily IMCki'd no mirks In Imlli .il cunlum or iimili'r linn punnnnl Interview iirefoncil ( ill ; uil cuniilU uiuriinil lil'lory of yiinr ram' nnrt n will mini III hln wrni | | > tniir IIUOK III MKN KIIKK upon I'rl- vtle. bpoclnlor Nurkuua IMKu laci , wit'iiviOlloli ' | Hit. Aiiarc 4iill UlleriUi Dp. A. T. McLnuglilln , President , till i and lluiioy btrvils , Oni.ili.i. 33R , . J. E. THE SPECIALIST. Ill Years' K\jwi Mi ( " . PBIVATE DISEASES Curcilln I to5i.iviwillicit tliiiloHioInu liour. iluui from luslnt is 'llio mo lnb-iulitto euro ford I. KKl' anil nlUiui'Olnt : illiflinriiot orcr known u nu-iiloil iileiin' .sM'llll.l.s nMirrnnlel curi'ln.iOliiM < l n tin. must lumnrtul ri'ineljyu Vnoxn ; i | vcrmi iiviitLiircv MIllCll UIvPinilnln rtilliiTtiuUin lilal ilei. enroll iitlu > nii i/ltlitiul lii truinnhl ! ! . itu oiillln > r tin Ixiln no illlutlnIOHH of Manlioml or Wo.iltiii'HH puKltlU'ly fiiri'il. HiHCunl ri'luf t-kui ill > ca inaiul ( c'liinli'ilMi'niK I'lrnmiu'iitly cur.'il Pr Mri > ro * a luii-t'iii In Hit ) Ircnliiu'iit of I'rlrnto UltumnifA In * iic\t rbt'cMi iijutilloil anilil | < * irront iiuiif uf imtii'iitf rc'ncliii from Ihu Allnnlli lo Dm I'mMlliH < iK < iml UrcnlirH I nitI.aillm. . trniu a lo I nnlr Mill nu.l hit limn elrvoti Umiilii , NoU Untranuu oil c-lllior Uriel Kcill I.AIIIM ) M.\ lir l.oJuc