Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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T- - - I
Tt-'UMS Or M' II
nntlynml Sunday , Ono Your. . ! IO no
HU month" . ft l
Tldi'o ILIHIII | . ! 4 M
Hitiiln ) lie p. Out1 Vcnr . * W
\\Yckly llt-i' . Ono Vcnr . I txi
OtililiB , Tile lire 1 'il Ml 11 > f.
South Oiinhn. Corner N null Will StrcoK
Ciiiiiioll lllilITi , IS I'oiiH Slti'oli
Chicago ( Illli r.MIT Cliitiiln r of Cntiilill'lX'l'i
Nuw Virk. HIIIIIMM ii.ll : iniUVrrlbiiiieHulldliiii
Washington , MS l-'ourlcrnlh fir-cut.
Allrnmtiiunlotttliitii rchitltnr to now * ntiil
editorial lu.illor Nlinuld be nildro-sod to the
Kdllorlnl Di-p'irtmont.
ntlrilM-i-.S 1KTTKI1 .
Atlhmlno-ssloltors utid remittances lnmld
bi > ailitri's ! > iMl In Thr Urn Pu'Ml-Oilm ' ; Company ,
Oiiiiilin Prnfl" . t'hoi Us ami pnttiilll. e nnler-i
to do made payuble to tlu > order of tbu cum'
TlicBecFiililisliiiisCoiPiiiiy , ProBriclors
TUB nii : ; iini.niNi ! .
SIM" of Nc-hriisku , l
County of Doughm. ( „
flcoruc ll. TrsoliiloK. M-oielnry of Tur. HKK
I'lllillsblng rnnipnny , ili -s Milemnly vcar
that tboaotiialeiri'idiitlon of Tin : DAII.V HKK
for tlm WOUK i-ndlng Mnreli 7 , l-rJl , was IH
Hmiday. Miiroh 1 77.M
Miniiliiy , MniPli' ' -l.l- ' >
'l'iio ( iay. .MtiicliM " ' .l1-
" VtthirMlnv. Mnroli I ! StS.ll .
Tlinrsilnv. Mniill5 SI.7IH
Krldiiy. Mnreli li ai.7.-M
Hainrdiiy , Mutch T ' -'I.UOI
Avemgc UI.I-ISJ
Sworn to bofiiro mo mid siilisorll ud In my
presence thlsTth iluy or Muivli A. D. IM1I.
N. I' . ITU. .
Notary 1'ubllo.
tftntnnf Nuhnifikn , t
County of Honulas. f"
fieoryn II. T/m'linok. Iwlmtiliily nwnrn , no-
: OM'R inn ! snjs that lie IsseciPturyof Tins HKI :
] 'iitillHlnng ( 'oii'iiiiiv. ' that tin * iicinal uvcnmo
daily eln iiliiilon nf TIIK lUu.v HKK for tlm
iniiiith nf .Miueli , IV.H ) , WIIH.ll.M'i eoplos ; for
April. ! * H.D. . . ' ' ! ' ! cnplesi for.\liiy. l ! l , aij-m
- iilos | ; fnr June. IMO. : ) loples ; for July ,
1H 1. 'MJttl copies ; for Air-Mtst , -.O.'MlcopleH !
for Hepteinbof , IMm..M.KTO roploH ; fur October.
INK ) , "d.'ll ! cnp'its ' ; for IVovcmbfr , IW 0. M.l'
copli'i ; fnr December. l" ' . ' . ' 1,171 copies ; for
.limitary. 1MH , "c.JWi'ODlos ; for I'olirnury. IS'.U ,
< . ' . * , : il > .1 cnpli's. 111:11111:1 : ; II. T/srnrcu.
Httorn to before inc. nnd siibscrlliod In my
pieseiu-i * . -'Mlitayof ( l'elirniiry. A. D. . 1SUI ,
> >
Nolnry 1'nlillc ,
IT airrs inot-o tincl more. Chili for the
government lit Santiago.
Mil. I'AHNi'Lt , retains hi * vitality as
real homo rule lonilor. Ho cills : for
another fund.
Mom : ; * ! ( ! : \vorlc nnd loss wind
would maloriiilly improve public respect
for the couneil.
K ( inuiicial condition of Ai-Ronlino
tomls to show tlitit llatlhin iiiul
bnnkrupti'y uro iiiHopitrablo.
TIIK proHoiit iniintlo of the hcnutifiil
snow is worth its wolj lit in goldou ( jrnin
to the farinofs of Iowa , Kansas ami No-
ave u unit on two propositions : [ n-
creased rations niul opposition to ilia-
TIIKViidhington land fjrib : , coupled
with the 1'iorco piiuio fnko , tvndor tlio
fool-Uilloi * conspicuous by his absence in
these parts.
TIIK weekly bank sUiloniont shows
the rc.sorvo has decreased $2,710,0(10. (
1'ho ' banks now hold 810,881,000 in ox-
cuss of loyal requirements.
IT LOOKS an if this mtjjht bo Mr.
Streotor'rt day at Sp/lu liehl. If ho
fails to RO under the wire this time ho
will bo retired from the raee.
TIIK purmaiumey of Kurnpoiin peace
now hin os on a public exhibition of the
band witli whieh Hu laiurs heir ap
parent raked tlio pot in that baccarat
TIIK loiter carriers of the United
States will unveil a statue of Sunset
Cox in Now York on July . The event
will honor both the donors and the
subject. _ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tin : county attorney gives 289 reasons
nhy the hospital verdict should bo sol
fisdo. Tlio 0110 { jroat overshadowing
reason is that the verdlet is a travesty
on justice. _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ > _
TIIK coiisorviilivo inajoi-ity in the old
Canadian parliament was . " > ! . In the
now one it in less than HO. That Is the
signal of Sir John MuoDonald's preoari-
ous "victory. "
Tun Indian bureau objects to tlio dis
arming of the Sioux on the ground that
It will "deprive them of their chief
pleasure. " That is precisely iho idea.
The settlers no longer ciro : to pose as
tarffels for their very amusinjj pastime
of rlllo practice.
TIIK president has settled the Idaho
row by appointing Honlty to the judgeship -
ship , In spite of the fierce and pictur
esque rhetoric of Senator McConncll.
The senator , whoso brief fjlory bus now
faded with the expiration of his sixty-
day on'a.roinoiit ; } , will rvtiro to his ranch
to nuran tlio presidontlal snub as the
basis of u bo * > in for another term.
TIIK rule adopted by the board of pub
lic works excluding from competition
contractors \vlio have "at any time failed
to enter into or properly perform and ex
ecute any contract with the city , " lb de
signed for public I'lTect rather than en
forcement. If rigidly put in practice
four-tlfths of the contractors of public
works would bo without an occupation in
this citv.
TIIK retiring statesmen of South Da
kota ctTccted the passage of a law dnr-
Inu the closing hours of congress , the
result of which will bo of permanent
benefit to the educational interests o
the state. The law was intended to
compensate the state for the loss of
fiO.OOO acres of school land , but its pro
visions are of far greater Importance.
The state is privileged to Holtct fron
any unreserved land in the state , or
which may bo thrown open tosottlernen
in the future , indemnity land to tli
amount ol double tlio original grant , til
lows the selection of 020,000 acres fo
school endowments , and duaatcs to tlv
II state the Slssoton mllltiry reservation
comprising 104,000 acres. These jjenor-
ous additions to Iho state's patrimony
will go far toward making the schools
self-supporting and form a splendid trl-
buto to the zeal of the state' * llrst repre
sentatives in congress.
rut' nuim ir/o.v / nut , . \
The irriga'lonbill ' will.wo aronssuu'd , '
bo ' ivp.n-lod l .v tlio sifting commit n , I
anil 1 tln'iv l-xnorj roa on to bi'Uvo I
it i will m.'i-t with the favors of a tiujor-
Ity ill both liraii < * lto < i > ( the lixlslnlure.
Hueh objections a * have boon nrjjod
ntiaiiiHltho Mil nny lur 'ly foundi'd on
niiiapprohi'iisioti.Onoof ' them l that
it Is purely for the benefit nf tin * western
purl of the state and that It will 1m In-
jurloitxto the ivistiM-ii half. This objection -
tion is based on a very narrow view of
tin1 ITW. When several of the western
counties sutiered do.itltuthm as the result
of the drouth , the injury was not limited
to thorn. The * whole state of Neiirusliii
was put before tlio country in tin iinfav-
ur.iblu Ik'bt ami taxed In ooinnion to
also means to moot the emergency.
The Injurious olVecU of such a calamity
'nil with equal force on till parts of I lie
stile. And in the sumo way all p-irti
, vill altiiro the prosperity which will
omo to tlio h-rul-ariil region umlaf a
, vlsn system of Irt'igation. The eastern
lalf of the state has , therefore , a very
vital int M'cst in putting tbo countiod
west of tlio ICOlli moi'idlan boyoitd tlio
reach of the drouth.
Under the provisions of the bill si sys
tem applicable to tlio ontlro length and
broadtli of tbo btute. from tbo Missouri
river to tlio boundary of Wyoming , Is
tihli : < < hi d upon bnnd foiindatmiH. It
would ho folly to begin with a .systom of
patchworkXo one can toll how far or
t tin * interest in Irrigation willtravnl ,
nor when the waters of the Missouri
will be in as great dniniiml a * tbo waters
of Iho N'orth I'lntte.
For Instance , the latest spontan-ous
convention was held S-it'irdayatO'N'elll ' ,
in Holt county , which is fur east of
the 100th meridian. The ( Usp.itoho *
state : "Kvorybody was onthiiblaiitic
and anxious to see some scheme in-
aiiguratod to give the county a
nysteinof irrigation. " Ani'issconvention '
lias been called to ineet.on the 17th. This
in a surprise to the friends of the move
ment , though * It is a very welcome sur
prise. It demonstrates how Hhort-sighted
policy it would Iw at this time , when Irri
gation bids fair to brseome the most im
portant development in western agri-
cult uro , to attempt to limit the opeiu-
lions of a benilleentlaw-to ono small sec
tion of the stale. The bill divides the
whole of Nebraska into water districts
and provides a system of administration
to bee that the law is impartially enforced -
forced , but as all local ollicors are paid
by the day no oxpcnso will attach to the
system in tlio eastern counties until they
begin to make use of it. It is manifestly
wise , however , to make provision at , this
time for their possible demands.
The only other the onai't-
nipnt of the splendid law submitted to
the legislature by the recent state and
district conventions comes from the cattle -
tlo men. / Their objection is purely
M-llihh. They want the western half of
the state to again become the cowboy's
empire. The battle is today , as it has
boon for a do/en years , between the
homesteader and the cowboy. The
homesteader has built ids house o1'cabin
on almost every quarter section west of
the rain bolt. Ho has enriched tbo laud
with thu labor of himself and family
through years of hardnhin and
sacrifice. The arid homestead
represents his total wealth and pros-
pacts. IIo now asks for laws that will
insure the development of , irrigation
and bring the powerful arm of capital to
his assistance. IIo is a xvh'iro ' tbo
cattleman is but a small company. Tlio
greatest good of the greatest number
demands that the prayer of the home
steader bo granted.
The friends of the irrigation bill are
ready to discuss it with all comers , but
they have full contidenco that the legis
lature will make it the law of the land.
The preliminaries for tbo survey of the
proposed international railway to con
nect the United States and South Amor-
lea have be-on arranged , and as soon tin
Iho surveying parties can bo organized
they will Mart out upon their important
tusk. There will be tbreo surveying
parties , including the milit-iry party al
ready assigned to the Central Amor'i.tu '
state- . , and the two to ho organi/.od will
work respectively north and south from
i central point in Colombia.
According to a report submitted hut
year by a board of oxpart engineers ,
which was unanimously favorable to the
project , the proposed international route
ll bo by steamship from Tampa , Fin. ,
to Cartagena , Colombia , a dist'inco
f a,7 ( ) miles , whieh is but half the dis
tance by way of Mexico. From Carta
gena a railroad 1,000 miles in length is
proposed , running up the valley of the
Magdalena , crodslng tlio Cordilleras ,
through a gap of only 0,000fuel elevation
in a range 1-1,000 feet in height. Thence
the proposed route runs to the valley of
the Ama/onia which it crosses , and then
traverses the western \vator-iho.l \ of that
river and its tributaries at an avoratro
elevation of 1,100 feet. Ily this
route tlio' territory of Colombia ,
Kouador and IVrn would bo traversed
and llollvia entered. The greatest dilll-
cully anticipated in the fiirvny iscroasing
the Andes in Colombia , and it isostimat-
ed Unit it will lake a year and a half to
complete the survey with the force now
arranged to bo sent into the Held. The
proposed route will traverse a healthful
country , and at all points within a short
distance of the greatest gold and silver
bearing region of the world , from which
tlies-o metals to the value of ilOftilOQt , .
000 have been taken. The road will
cross and connect 'JO.uUO miles of naviga
ble waters , and the building of 2" > 0 miles
In Ijolivia , Argentine Kupublio and
Chill will connect 11,000 miles of road al
ready built. The estimates of the cost
of tlio project range between SIOJ.OIH,000 )
and $ 00,000,000.
In order to appreciate tlio magnitude
of this enterprise ono must make a care
ful study of the map of the territory
trough which it is proposed to conduct
it and learn the many and great dilllcul-
ties to bo overcome. The crossing of
the Andes , if tbo chlof of these , is but
ono of many , the least of which might
have dismayed the engineering skill
of half a century ago , but none of
which has any terrors for that of today ,
The question Is not as to the practic
ability of building the road , because the
highest expert opinion has settled that.
I the road is wanted It can bo coa
struH 1 , urd Iho oiil.\ question thoro-
fort * \\hollKi I * tlu b'lsimss ' posslbUllli' *
of co nif > t tin enterprise are such in to '
wii'-rant capital in Investing In It. Tbo j
rejecters of course profess to believe
h and the of-tlu-sc * -
3y aro. judgment - priu-
ical men mu.t command respectful ron-
idi'i-atlon. but the test of coiindi-iicf
ivill I'omo whenever the capital is culled
'or. ' With regard to the Importance-
uch u road as a moans of establishing
and perpetuating more inllmnU ) coin-
nercial relations between thu United
states and the countries of Central and
South America , there c.m bj no diver
sity of opinion. It would bo a connect-
ng International lliiU that would develop
the strongest ami most enduring mutual
lite-rests , whieh stc-adily expanding
would ultimately bring about a complete
, 'onimerolul union bi'twcon the republics
if the northern and southern contin
ents ns substantial nnd lasting as that
between the stales of this country.
f.V M.'H/M.S'K.I. /
The legislative committee on appor
tionment has perfected its bill providing
for an UUTOUMJ in this branch of the ju
diciary and for a now arrangement of
districts. An tbo bill has boon placed at
the head of the IUUIM * calendar it is
probabl. * that early action will bo taken
upon it and that , the needed improve
ment in this department will bo ob-
The bill Increases the number of
judges frmn 1M lolimnd of districts from
12 to M. The Douglas county district ,
which includes also the counliesnf Hurl ,
Snrpy \Vashlngton , will have throe
new judires , or a total of seven , Klght
wore asked for , but It is probable that
the number granted by Iho now arrange
ment will furnish Iho needed relief.
Lancaster County is separated from Cass
and Otoo and constituted the Third
district , with three judges , a gain of
ono. The remainder of the bill is de
voted to the rearrangement of old dis
tricts or improved geographical lines
and the division of those which have
formerly had more than one judge , with
tlio exception of the First. By this
means three new judges are gained.
Among the territory now under the
care of two judges , which is divided into
separate districts by the now bill , are
the old Sni-ond , Fourth , Seventh and
Tenth districts. The old Ninth , pre
sided ovur by Judges ll'irrison and Tif
fany , becomes the ne v Kleventh and re
mains a double district , with : ttl its old
counties and the addition of Hooker ,
Sherman ami Grant. The Tenth dis
trict becomes the Twelfth and Thir
teenth. Judge Hamcr retains the for
mer , with liiilTalo , Ctistor and Dawson
for his jurisdiction , and Judge Church
has the now district , composed of the
remote and sparsely settled western
Tlio apportionment appears to bo a
good one. It recognizes the demand of
the larger counties for improved judicial
facilities , but keeps the increased expense -
ponso down to a low figure. The four
now courts will involve an expanse by no
moans out of proportion to tlio benefits'
to bo gained by litigants. Tbo geographical -
graphical division is a great improve
ment and will materially assist in the
prompt dispatch of business.
The new judge ? will bo named by the
governor , but as the people will be called
upon next full to rovi < o the list them-
Delves there is small motive for an un
seemly scramble over the short-lived
.IX IMl'HllT.lXT ( AHH.
Suit has boon instituted in the courts
of Minnesota in behalf of tbo Omaha
holders of shares in the American Build
ing and TiOAn association to ro.'ovor
$1,21 ! ) . This sum represents the total
payments on ! ! ( ) ! ) shares whieh tbo asso
ciation confiscated because the Omaha
stockholders ceased to nvike their
monthly payments since the exposure of
its reckless business by the state auditor
last year.
The ciso isnn important ono and con
cerns hundreds of persons in Nebraska
and the west. The Atnoricm is the
parent of national building and lo.m as
sociations. It Ims.beon rated us a model
institution , and has thoroughly scoured
the west for shareholders. In le-is than
three years It worked up a business of
overa million ayo'ir , enriching its man-
igois without returning , as far as
cnown , ono cent of profit to outside in
vestor. * . The Omaha shareholder/ / )
nsa drop in the osoan of dupes taken in
byitsglittering pronusesof huge profits.
Tbo methods of the Minneapolis concern -
corn embody the main principles of all
intional building and loan assoc intions.
Organized by unscrupulous pnrsons , they
take ndvantago of the popularity and
successor local co-operativeassociations
to tloeco the public. The total hick of
restrictive laws aided their mushroom
growth and give them a strong financial
standing baforo the public became thor
oughly acquainted with their misrepre
sentations and tlishoiiost business meth
ods. Kvory legitimate institution pro
hibits agouti from securing business on
false pretense , knowing that in law they
are held responsible for the a'i'ts of
agents , No so with tlto nationals. The
agent , collects his commission in advance
from the subscriber. Ho is responsible
to no ono , and does not scruple to resort
to disreputable means to secure his foos.
Tlio subscriber finds ; when his money is
paid that ho invested in "a pig in a
poke , " for not only are the acts of the
agents repudiated , but the certificate of
stock stipulates that the agent acted not
for the association but for Iho sub
National associations depend on for
feitures for success. The stockholder is
tied down by rule- , and regulations , iviil
failure to meet his payments results in
confiscation of the amount already paid
n. No withdrawals are allowed during
the llrst two years , and in most cases
the limit is llvo years. Tno fact that
shareholders are sought mainly among
the wage-earning clas-e.i inalces thulr
method- , the more roprahoimble , for n
comparatively small pur cent of this
class of investors can afford to keep up
their payments continuously for llvo
years and support a horde of high sal
aried olllcers. The forfeitures are t here-
fore enormous and go to swell thoeollora
of the managers.
The evil has grown to proportions do-
nmndiutr legal restriction. Many east
ern btales request duposlts of funds as a
gimruiteo and also provide for olllclal
n and , fuipcrvlsum , It isostl-
inated citl.tiiB ( of Nournnka IHIAO In-
Vffll'l fiOONM' ! ( 111 tbt'H * . HplVUliltlVO COIl- I
ciM-tis. and their Interests call for such j
loial ; restraliiU as will protect thoiu !
from con II sent 0.11 and robbery. Slulo
ivuulatinn and restriction is nocess.iry
to protect the people from Iriv.spoiialhlo
coiirorii * whltm thrive on misrepresenta
tion and fni
Till' ' . fuostlon | of disarming tlio Indians
appears to lwvt Iwo sides. The concen
sus of public ttplnlnn undoubtedly is that
they ought to be disarmed , and in this
the military nuthoritU * * * . ? o far ns they
have made known their view. * , ngroe.
Hut Indian Commissioner Morgan holds
a different opinion , and has nrcsciitod
his reasons therefor in a communication
to the secretary of the Interior. They
ire not convincing. The fact that an
Indian enjoys thu possession of a gun Is
not n satisfactory argument in favor of
allowing him to have ono , tiny more
than ll would bo In the case of an Irre
sponsible white man who should desire
to go around with a plslol in ills hip
pocket , which tbo law of all wull organ
ised communities properly prohibit ? .
The assumption that the life and prop
erly of tlio Indians would bo in jeopardy
if they wore deprived of llroarms cannot
be accepted , unless it bo admitted that
the government Is incapable of protecting iii'ople. As to making u distinc
tion between tho. < e who engaged in hos
tilities and these who remained loyal , It
would obviously bo unwise to do so. All
nuist bo treated alike. Disarming the
Indians is very gptier.illy behoved to l > o
a necessary precaution against a recur
rence of trouble with them , nnd the assurance -
suranco of Commissioner Morgan that
there is no danger of further dillteulty
will nol remove tlio apprehension of
these who nsk for Iho .security which dis
armament would certainly glvo. Tin :
HKK has heretofore expressed sympathy
with this dcmnml , ami while It agrees
with Commissioner Morgan that the In
dians .should be treated justly and kindly ,
it cannot concede that allowing them to
have lirearms is essential to such treat
ONK of the most interesting bulletins
issued by the census bureau is that which
shows the trend of population westward.
The accompanying map marks the center -
tor of population every decade from 1701) )
to ISOO. In ! " ! ) ( ) the center was in tlio
immediate vicinity of OaHiinoro. In IHilO
ills midway between Cincinnati and Ir-
dianapoliH. A significant feature of the
record is the regularity of the move
ment along the ; tOth par.illel. Only in
two instances did the center move south
of tlio linos. F.-om . KS70 to 1SSO tlio
movement was slightly southwest , in
the past decade the center shifted to the
northwosl , in response to the tide of
immigration in that direction. The
vusl : area of undeveloped country in the
west , tlio limitless resources nctliig as a
magnet for industry and thrift and unequalled -
equalled advantages which tlio western
half of tlio continent oll'cr to enterprise
and energy Insure a continuance of the
march of empire until the Mississippi is
Now that the Hcatrico board of trade
has pronounced against maximum rates ,
: iny reasonable request from tbo mem
bers should bo honored by the corpora-
I'lnji'd ( he Limit.
'll * > lll > g > < > ll "imf.
Congress pushed tbo adjournment button
and the people s.rn * the rest.
Slip on the < iiaHS-ii'nwn .Streets.
The Intent comic song published in Phila
delphia Is : "What's the Matter With Your
1-Vot f"
'Muii < > ! '
Ainfrlettn ,
The legislature of Oregon has passed an act
lirnhiDltlnK profanity. Unitilm U in Oregon.
\Vo hope it can bo enforced.
1C lie Don't Irrlnuto.
Whoever plucks the fruit of his own good
work is a good follow. Ingci'soll.
Something , too , limy be said of tlio chnp
who happens to ilio before his is ripe.
Iliid'Ioi ) . null
Si in l-'rttnriirii
A TopcUa man who deals in municipal
bonds writes an Aichisoa intui that Kansas
bonds cannot bo sold in tin ) cast. Kansas
municipalities have placed too many bonds
on tbo mailtet.
Other [ Older * 'think Mkcwiic.
AlrhtKin ( i'1'ilif. .
Speaker KIdur ot the Kansas legislature
was In a bait huinur tlio utUer morning and ,
looking around for tlio chaplain , who usually
opens the .session with pravor , ho sukl :
"Whcio Is that preacher ! ' '
; i < > iijrcHSiiiti. (
/ llMtJllIT.I.1. / . .
The congressmen who loaded up with Pa-
cillc Mail stock nro in a hole than these
who went into the silver pool. Tlio silver
speculators were smmt enough to sco that
free cninuKO woulil not bo roalucd , while tlio
chances of the subsidy steal were thought to
uosuro. j\ll of which goes to show that IPS-
hlator.i make Just us good Kimbs in the stock
market as these who tire on tlio outside.
ICx-Uovernor Murray 1'or Senutor.
ll'iu/u'/iy/mi / / / ' < ( .
It is the Impression of many friends of ex-
( iovernor .Murray of California that ho will
be thu successor of tlio tata Senator lloarat.
liovernor Murray Is a ICentuclilan by birth ,
anil served in Ihc federal nrinv Uurlni ; tbo ro-
hellion , reaching the rank of bnjjadier-icn- at the iii0 of twenty-one. Mo was
United Status marshal in Kentucky nmlcr
lirant , und governor of Utah unilur President
Aithur , llolni ; free from fractional connec
tions in California , his fricmU consider him a
compromlso. candidate.
A llurrnli I'orOllicc.
Alia ' ( 'iilifiiriittt.
It Is proposed nj Oakland , which furnishes
mnru peanut issue's | n politiei tliun any other
town in the statu , iliut an "laspi'ctor of hov-
era c.4" ba upiolnloil [ to test and examine
the liquors sobl by the retail dealers. Who
would inspect the inspectori There is a
atronjr probitlnlity that h < > would nead mnro
looklnir ufler th.m tlio bavui-.ijus. Hut the
oftico would IH ) onu of Ijotiiiilloss posblbllitlos ,
imd tlio very stnrmwtion of Its cru.itlon has
sturlrd upnseortxif ( 'aiullilate.s , It is tlllll-
full to toll whether delirium tremens or dls-
hiiausty would pruJotnlnato in the boldar.
i III ) It.-iu.
. .YenVi.ili > 'IIH.
Client Vou havenn item in your bill "Ad
vices , January S , i. " That was a day before -
fore I rotalned you.
Lawyer kiiiiw it. Hut don't you reniRm-
ber. on the sth I tolil you you'd hotter lut urn
ta'.cotho ' ruhu lor you I
Lawyer Woil , that's
Ah , " said tbo fortune teller , poor-
Inir Into the eves of the vouni ? iniin , "I mo
nothing lint trounlo nhin > l ol you bli'lter
inns ( luarrcM and onmlttn * " Ami sure
oiiniiKh , tlu < next week theyoutijr 111:111 : ilitnod
n year's contract to slnn In u church choir.
New York Her.ilil Totii'ildli'tOld Dr.
Kortlily < tlck to liU text tmlnv Sm.vthol
Smvthu You bet liu did ! None of thoeim-
i had n Hmoll of It.
\VnHbliiKtoii \ I'O'ft ; Koonomy Is nxurdcd as
a wirt of .H
Sunday School Te.tcboi1 Who w.w tlio old-
es" " . tutiiil
Tom myMlijab. .
Tciielier Why , how is Klijah tlie oldest
man J
Tommy Well , lie was born 1,000 yean 111:0 ,
nnd nci-erillntf to till aivount.s ho ain't dead
vet !
Lowell Courier : Itlsnboutas hnnl for n
.11:111 : to collect a bill In January as It Is fnr a
woman to collect bur senses nt Iho sight of u
mouse. .
I'tick : Ilnponftomtlsippolpts ns ; but this
is natural , as the pools iloscrlbJ her as : t fair
Washington Ktnr : Humanity and wonuui-
Ity are pretty closely allied , oven If some of
do waiit to vuto ami wear - .
AtebUon ( Hobo : lOvery time a woman ill.
Iroats her husband , she pleads the cause of
some other woman.
When n man Is uencrotu to a fault , tbo
fault ho Is KLMiorous to is usually one of bis
" ( 'holly's laid up with n horrible oolil. "
said (5us ( Do Jay to one of his friends. "How
did ho ralch III" "Ho chanced too suddenly
from a puff scawf to a four-ln-htmil , don't
you know I"
Tim rii'n-riiisT ,
St. Joseph N'evvs : " 'I' Iacltainlth"o
said St. Aicdoro ' ? , as tie slood watchinR tbj
artisan ntvorit at his forge , "reminds mo o
Mls-t llardly's futhor. '
"In what' way I"
"Ho makoj the sparks llv. "
ODI : TO A ins MVM.
Life would bo worth living , sir ,
If von would onlv try
To wive us KUI that's ( jooil enough
To read the pas bills by.
A certain man saved 10 cents from a small
boy who really wanted the job , by shoveling
the snow on" his own jvivcment , nnd lost a $ -1
fountain poi : whieh bo hail latclv hud ro-
pointed nt a cost of .11) ) rents. Stnlo the net
ve.sulthof the ei-onoiiiy to the saving man's
THAT OLD oumit.
Old guitar , oh , guitar ,
Voiceless thoti art. yet from afar
'I lieu brlngc'.t baek ttio nljjht I strayed
To Mabel's pitu , unit soltly played.
"U'on'lyou conic outtonijjht , lovol" Oht
Her father came -tho rest you know !
Now York Herald : Knloon ICeepcr .Tusltre
The bar of Justice Is ditl'crenl from the sa
loon bar.
( Jltl/oa Certainly.
R. 1C. J. Yes. At the bar of justice people
want every thing straight.
Philadcliliia | Itecord : No ono will object.
if a small portion of the postal subsidy Is
used to purchase some last , coloring for the S
cent stamps.
"iUihold sir " and did ho
tno , , boldly cry ;
"An agricultural agitator , 1. "
"Hut you're no politician , this I'll vow. "
"iViiy , nay ; I only agitate a plough. "
Washington Post : A man who declares
that ho has vainly pursued a career of in
tegrity , says that ho is a virtue-owe-so in
noon roit I'miixni.
U'vifiiiul'ust. [ | / ( ! ( .
Alas , who 1ms not known the pnlncd regret-
That comes to these alHlctod with forgetful-
The aneedoto or jest that yon forgot
Is , over.v time , the choicest of the lot.
Minneapolis Journal : Financiering Mr.
.tiison I htivo half a notion to sell that corner
liouso. I can't make it bring mere than li per
cent to save me. Mrs. .ftv > on Why don't
you cut the prieo of it down one-half ( Then
it would bring in U pur cent.
Life : SoinoKestilts. Bishop Onllem-I am
delimited to lourn that Japan is fjoiiiv to adopt
Chrislhniitr. Allss 1'euelopo 1'enchhlow
Indeed ! U'cll , if it is of the Unitea Kutcs
innd thoy'll liavo to enhirtro their jails and
maintain an cniclcnt corps of bank inspeotoi-s.
Now York Herald ; Murderer Sweet
lady , will you briny mo a bouquet of these
same ( lowers on the dav of my execution !
Murderer worsldner You shall hnvo it
unless the species has become extinct by that
narruiulla dead and turned to clay.
May make u dot U ) keep the wolf away.
Ho was a cratty Eskimo lubber ,
Who owned not a thing save clotbcs nnd
health ,
And ho married a maid who could weep and
blubber ,
For in that Northland blubber is wealth.
Rrooxlyn Lifo : Ilu t don't think the
world is' exactly fair to mo n. She Why
noU Ho Well , the man who has a head , lor
instance , gets ahead , while the man who
hasn't 0110 iloesn't.
Boston Transcrlnt : llisn llttln singular
that the woman your wife particularly dis
likes is the woman you are most likely to fall
In love with.
. BluolterMy : dear , you look
beautiful in your winter outtifc ! " "O , yes , 1
notice 1 alwavs look well to yon in
the old styles just about the time the new
season's fusiiions are coming in. "
Philadelphia Uccoril : Tlio tclcgraphlu
tale of tin Iowa well-digger h.\vo struck a
vein of natural cheese is evidently an at
tempt to swap the center of population.
"f'vo this to say , " sighed tbo aged tramp ,
' Though. . I have tried for many a day ;
No inuii who over wanted a job
Can claim thai I slood in his way. "
Globe : It is said of nn Alchison mnn who
was ut homo sioit half a day recently , that his
wife. aslcd him thlrty-throo times if "liu was
not fueling A little bit hotter. "
There isatrroat deal of the lion In nil of us ;
wo cackle so loud when wo do a thing that
wo do not hear that ether hens uro cnllhiK at
tention to the fact that they have accom
plished thosnmo thing ,
St. Joseph News : The ether place may bo
a llttln feveriili in It's tompi'ratnre , but ,
pr.uso fate , there will bo neither .snow nor
mud there.
A I a mo Hcenril ,
J\Vii > Vurlt lltiakl.
An ox-dnnnmor boy for n pension applied ,
Witli an agent to further his claim ;
ilul , strange though it scums , ttiu poor man
wus doiiieil
His caslifor tils record was lame.
' 1'ho 10111 missloiiiT fouiitt , to hU wrath and
That the drummer had drummed but for
sutlers' supplies.
\r \ < iitlilinit n 1'n't.
" 1 11 have to iiak faiiiforhhn , ma'nm , " said
the coniiuutor as bo wont throtmh the rail
way train.
"Tint little fellow ! "
"Viw'in. "
"Why , ho is In tbo childhood , sir. "
" ) ihe ( " inquired the conductor , thouglit-
fully. "Fir t or second , niu'aml"
A Itciuiiidor.
llmton Ciiui'lci' ,
On the frontier.
Captain -Tho .sound of these rifles from
t h ; skirmish line rt'mlnd.s mo ot tlio day I
madu my sweutheart happy.
Sergeant How Is that !
Captain Why , it ban an oiij-Mgomont rlni ; .
Tivo Oollcgw Will Bo RiH'refleiitoil ' At Lincoln
on Friday.
l'ltlllM'Viilnli Aiiinl-4 | | Ills Oj | e to tin *
lil't --Tn | Mnjiiralty T'lglit.
u ( ( lit : Capllnl t.'lly
Noli" * .
ftscot.NNi > b. , March -Spoclal ( to Tin :
llr.K.j The iniiiiiAl state inter rolUvlulo
oratorical content will bo hold In llobnniiir.s
bull next r'riday uvuiiing. l-'ivo orators will
coinpeto for honors this yar , holng a lartter
number than over before appoiuvd. The
orators and their orations art ! us follows :
Mr. Cinupjn.Httit.i . university , "What Shall
He Donu With the Nt'gro ! " ; Mr. Molt ,
( .Jntus cello < e , "Tbo Yoli'O ' of the Majority" ;
.Mr. Castle , DOIMIO college * , "Tho Social
I'roblem" ; Mr. Ilicknull , Cotner , "A Modern
Ideal" ; Mr. Winters , Wesb-yati , " \ host
C'itlzenshlp. " Tlio winiiine or.itor will ro -
reient the state of Nebraska at the next
inler-stiito conlest , wlileh will ho lirld in
IJe.s Mollies tills umler the - auspices of
Drake unlversitv. Tliu orator wimiliiK
seconil place will gj in of thu ilolc-
pitlon which will n-prou-nt NobiMsUu rol-
leiro at that mooting.
The annual business nieotlng will bo held
In the afternoon in the diupei of the state
unlversitv. From present Indications u
lively meeting will oo ovpurionced. The
outronid of tlio present intensely hitter
struggle between the two faction : ! atVes \ -
levaa university will be determined at
this meetlliK. At pru-u'iil Iwo sots of dole-
liitts have lioon chosen to represent the
Wesleyan at the liusiuess meet I nt ; . One dele-
Kiition'cliilni ! ) that tlm acts of the other were
unconstitutional , and that mob rule prevailed
while ik-U'jriUi's were bellitr chosen. Hosides
this there are otncr iiiiittci's which will hrliiK
out sharp discussion , aniotuj which are sumo
proposeil ibaiigu > > In markings.
Tlio Stntct Athletic association will nlso
meei next KiUlny aftenioou nnd ureparo for
inU'r-uolli'Kiato uthlctio work durhii ; tbo
coming year. The second annual Held day
will ion provided for , iitul probably a base
bail circuit among the colleges nrrnngud.
Utirgo delegations from ( iatcs and Dnano
colleges will tiiku in the coutest , and lively
times nro expected.
Tiir MHI.I'.Ir : wrsi.nv w rxivniisnv.
Conslilctlnir the ill-feellnt , ' . bitterness ,
plagiarism , recrimination , despair , nplto and
iimultltudo of other uniniiiily actions thai
are prompted by collegiate oratorical contests
iniiny p.itiitn of colleges are becoming dis-
Kusled uitli tin-so apples of dhiconl and tire
inclmeil to do away with them entirely. In
thucollogos of Nebraska , ns wellm In other
states , every year briiu's out some disgrace-
fill netions on the part nf eollego slndonts In
connection with t liu oratorical contests. Last
May , i'Vrgusiui , the rcpresentntlvo for No-
tira'ikn , was fotind guilty of plagiarism anil
was peremptorily llred from the Interstate
This year tbo students of Wesluynn uui
versity are guilty of iinuiullgnitird and dis-
unicefn ! llKht over the trilling matter as to
who shall represent that institution as ilelo-
pates in the convention in connection with
the contest Friday. At a mooting held re
cently J. Circcr , president of ttio Wesley mi
ussociat'on ' , following the jireeedt'iit ot last
year , announced tlio livpileletmtcp that had
Locn clio cn last year , A lot of kickers , \\lio
wanted to sc-rvo ns delegates , raised a howl ,
but the action of ( Jrcor was sustained by a
majority of the students. The followingduy
tlio kickers managed to secure a meeting of
tlio association mid attempted to undue tbo
work of the day bolorc. * They were
outwitted. however. by the su
perior parliamentary lno\vlcdfa ; of
Mr. ( Jreer's supiiorters. Tlio Uickoi-.s
then got angry ana n frco-for-ull llpht en
sued , in which chairs \\era used as weapons.
Homo of iho students were badly bruised ,
but no bones were broken. Tlio kickers wcro
finally llred bv physical force and the ass-oci.i-
tlon proceeded with its business. Tbo deic-
gates appointed by the executive committee
and rntllted by the association , are J. L. .
Sleeper , P. U. Winter , . ! . J. Uoberts , C. L.
flyers nnd K. S. i'helps.
n \i AiM'i ( : TO run roir.
U ishop Bonacum still steadfastly refuses
to reinstate r'nibcrVnlsh , whom hoo.\ielleil )
from thu Catholic ministry for llvo years , and
the reverend father has appealed the case to
the pope at Home. Thu subject is being
freely discussnd lu Catholic circles. It will
bo remembered that thu reverend father Is an
important witness n uinst Mrs. Sheedy , tbo
woman awnitln trial on the churgo of iniir-
doring her husband. When Mrs. Hheedy
learned that Father Walsh was a witness
against her she swore vengeance on him.
She in-pi her vow by InformiiKr the bishop
that Kather Walsh had innilo improper pro-
nosubi to her. The bishop refused to believe
Father Walsh's denial and expelled him from
the church for flvo years. The remind
father is thereby left in an absolutely desti
tute condition.
Dave Kowo , tlio malinger of tlio Lincoln
baseball club , says that the members of the
hem ( ! loam willgjeport for duty March 1T > . On
April 4 the opening pnmo will bu played ,
Umaha crossln r bats with the Lincoln club.
Oanieswill nlso bo played with the Sioux
C'ity and Kansas 1'ity te.inis. and by that
tiino tlie clianipionship games will commence.
Mr. Kowo says : "I havu signed nil the men I
cxpoct to carry thus your Tr.ifiley , Itogov.s
nnii Wilson , catchers : O'Oay , lloacli ,
Stafford am ! Hart , pitchers ; Flanagan , Irwin ,
Tomnev and Haymond on the Dases , and
liurkett , I 'ill ton , Ulinoand myself in the out-
Held. I think that is the fastest club I over
handled , strongin batting nnd bnso running ,
peed Holders , strong pitulton and good catch
ers. That is the bet club Lincoln over hud ,
mid will , 1 think , bj always in Might of tlio
Hag. iie.sidc's , I have a lot of gentlemanly ,
temperate players who will always bo in con
dition to play. "
On March K the republican primaries will
ho held for the purposoi of selectlut ; dole-
gnton to the city convention. March til ,
when ninillilntes will liu solectud for the vari
ous city oflli'os that bocoino vacant this
spring. An tlio republican party Is stronu in
l.iiieoln , it is boliiived that a nomination on
that ticket is nlmnst equivalent to election.
The great light is over the position of inn.or. . .
Thereuro n number of gentlemen lining urged
for tills position , and tlio candidates thus fnr
of Importance are : Charles Danhich , .1. / .
Ilristw , John Hoollttlo. .lohu Fitzgerald , .1.
,1. Cillilan. U. li. ( li-ali.uu. Colonel . I. .1. Kol-
Iv , U. ( - ! . I'uoc. .It-rotno Si-hniiip , II. II , Slia-
bVrj , ' , A. II. Weir mid J. H. WriRfct.
tnuis AMI r.NiK.
Mr. H. C. Yeonums ol the State Iloloctivo
association returned Irom Ueatrico today ,
where ho assisted in tlio cnptiiro of John
Fit/Simmons , iillnn .lohii Uowci-s , who U
wanted ut Nebraska City for bi'o.ikii.g jail.
Fit/.slmmons has been in three diflereiit pen-
itiMiliaries , nnd is a dangerous nnd desperate
Charles \V. I.cnt ami Morris bailer of the
Capital bold are in Denver.
Ullleer A. W. Cantor says that the report
that ho was expelled from the police force
Tor his liuht with Bailout is a mistake ; that
ho voluntarily rosigaed rather tbaii bo laid
elf ton days.
_ _
Speaker Kldor and ir. ) AlJen , tlio member
from I'iorcu , cuino up from Lincoln yester
day afternoon , and after viewing the c'lt > for
a few hours rnturned homo on the uvening
train. Hoplvos It out cold that ho is proud
of Nubraslu's Metiv.polis. .
< ' .IM ruiMt.t i.v .1
I lio'Mlmplo ( Hti > "olMllerNoM , Toms ,
art n Moulder of I'nhllc Opinion.
Hts.loMi , CMIn. , 1-Vb. ! M. l'oclut ' to Tun
Hr.n.l Tlio storm which wepio\ Iti-si-onM
hist HnUinlny and Sunday win tv terror and
did much daniiigo whlon the pros.s dispatcher
from thliu-PKlou IH-O not likely to inenthii. '
In many hu-ulllles orchard * were oi-1oii ly .
Injured , ihe tires l > oln torn ui | by tlio runt i. , /
windmill * were blown down anil ) shade ttvos f
dostrovod Tlm null and romof the \\\\\-\S \ \ \ \
i-qimllcd nn nlil-ttnio Nohrn ilii ( snow stoni
and the win foil hi toirmilA Tlm sallini ?
ship Kll/aiieth wits beaten upon the rerun au.t
wroclU'd in on iitlcmpt to outer tbi > Sail
t > 'rniiilsii liai-linr Siilurdiiy iiflcrnoon , ami "
Momlav the ship Jassmnoiii ) would Irtvo
foumleVtM In the same vicinity If her com
nmmlor liad not acivded to thoilcniiiuiM of a
tug boat captain fvlJt X > , tlm tug attach
lug u hawser In Iho drifting ihlp when inn * *
latter \MIH but KM ) font from the IOI-UH
graphically iloserihod by tluiSan Prum-it )
i-opni'loi-.H ns tlio "hungry rooks. " Tlie . ' .in
tain of the .InsHoiiu'ii otT.'i-ed . ' ) to tli
i-ominiuulcr of tbo tug to bo lowed out of li -
dnm.'orouH po.illiou , hut the oiler win ti'fin- i
ami nvldciilly tha veisol would have lioi >
loft to its fate If thu-VHUdo.umiul ! hint " < '
been eomplied with , Lttllo liicldonts of ( In *
sortiii-iM-nleululed lo reslruiii IIIIO'H ouihii-o
asm In boasting of the limimiilhitf Inlhu-iiei-s
of civlli/allon.
Hut yet occasional snrliice indications of a
love lo'r Iho beamIful and rellned are so. . n Airiiiii0iiieiils nro now boiug Hindi ) to
import from tlio eastern ulntcs various m , 1
Miiiilrv sotitT blrd.H to tie turned loose , witli . \
view 'to populating I'nllfornln Holds an I
KroviM with biAts having a tondoiu-v t. >
whistle , wnrhlo and trill , the nntUi- t > r.U .
being dcllciciit In musical iiltahiinci.t- .
If this pi-Dpositlon is carried outll will i >
ni'cossary , to limn its permanent suceest. t i
re.sirnin Ihe honiu of boys and young- min
who devasttitothi' coast every Mirinffcolli-i'
Ing birds'eggs by Hie tlmussimlH
Spoiudng of boys , Miss A'leliiiili ) MOM
the F-jiiKlNh a pissenieifm : ; -i
Snlt Lake , in thu .mine ear In which I i' .
cently ] iinriievrd westward from Oinilu
She proved t > be a very ontorliiliilng leiLnv
traveler and hail evidently found mueli. . i. .
joymeut in her Aiiiei-lcini tours. At on
tiino she wn.s visiting In bur private car a" n
stood on a slilo trade In a Texas town
where HIO | was billed to piny the "Lady .if .
Lvons" bj a small boy , who was cagort'i '
n'nilor IIUI-'HOUIU sorvli-o. A.s she had her
own servimt-s , however , she could not lit. 1
anything for him to do , but was oonsldt rahu
mystille.l . bv his ronutst to bo nllowrd t J
"load tliu llo'iis down to water. " As ho pus * , deut
out of tlio car ho hud some talk wnli
the colored coolt , and upon r * .u' .
ing tlio proiunl W.TJ Iiiinc-d by n
coiifodenilo lo whom lie expiiilned , with
every indication of disgust : "That woman
a fraud She calls lieriolf 'Tho Lady . f
Lions' but her bind ; man M\y * there ai-i't i
lion about tno establishment. "
It is MirprisliiK that California redwood
sollttlo npprochitod by eastern contractor' , a .
a miiterhil for inleiior'llmshiiig forcxpfimvo
dwellings. Ti-oatcil with oil It is suscr-mlti.
of a beautiful polish , and for f f.-por ttm i
sand lumber ran ho Imd here possessing tb < i
wavy , curly grain so much desire l for surl
worn , \vltile the rloli color of the wood is
specially suitable for dours , ca. in < . ' . ) , waun
scotllngs , etc.
This county , Santn Clara , Is the > > nnnr
fruit county of the stato. Last year's iirui.i
eruii was valued at-'t,00.00lnnd ( ) ( 111 ndditi. . . . .
there were tons by the Imndieds of nprli-i.t- .
peaches , pears , cherries , prapos , olc. , n < .1
thousands of ( .iillou.s of Wino pi-odiiceil. Hut
there is no let ui > In tlio xilunUng of II > M
oivhnrds and within tlio limits of tills ooun'y
largo ( ji-aiu rinuhe.s are now being plant. . I
out in fruit trues.
There is no lack of newspapers hero I
thiult there nro six dallies though the po'iu i
tion of Sau .loso and its immediate subur'- '
does uol exceed iVJOO. Lust year a tr n. .
who was not pluascii with the local .
ism chlerly on moral grounds [ believe
throw himself nnd u few hundred dollars lai > .
the breach and established" n new paper
cnlculated to supply eplcy want. IIo
christi-ned his journal "Tlio Onrdon Citv
ilulldor Up , " a neat , tidy nai.o
calculated to lusuro success oven if every
other n ] uisilo weru ladiiiif * : . But tlio ouli i
prise failed in a few months solely , I ttiini' .
because tlio proprietor , lacking a proper a -
preohition of tbevaluonf the nnim ? nf Ir
sheet , dropped the "Cianlcti Citv" part aft--i-
a low wuukrt. Failure , ignominious and cm
Ditto , followed ; ttio capital of ? . 'JM.rM wn
lost la the wreck and ono mew onthusi.iit-- .
elevator of tlio press retired from the d > " -
tlict with chastened spirit nnd ihittoi > 1
pocketboolr , but with a mind enriched byN. . -
In tliu meantime the Jimplecuto of . .TfiTc -
son. Tex. , continues to mold public opm. . . .
at the old aland. J. T. li.
A ' -trimuo Liquid.
h'/iiilni / ( liizetle.
In Kcntiiolty Kldcr Allen from Maln < '
You may brinp up t o bottles of Ap" .
linari- ; .
I'ortcr VPS , snhvilh or without , sail I
Kldcr Allen -with or without what !
I'ortcr Soap , sail.
Oil , my love , my passion can hear and sop , '
Over the garden wall ;
She is siching , and easting sheep's eyes at u. "
Over the garden wall !
Miss Canada muses look at her there ;
ISJy wouing and lulls ! she is bound to r.i : . ,
pare ,
And she pretty soon will to join nu prepare ,
Over the garden wall.
Over the garden wall ,
O sweetest t'h-lof ml !
CVimo alontr , do ! Vnu'll never rogrtt :
Wo were innilo formic another , you hot ;
"J'is time our lips in kisses nnt
Over the garden wall !
Your father will stamp and your father w..i
Over the garden wall ,
And Ilk" " * nn old mailman no doubt will b.'havo .
Over the garden wall ,
McKinley hr.s riled hint he's lost Ilia head ,
Mac's tariff is still , but if me you'll wed
I'll give reciprocity , dnrliniiiiMlesd ,
Over iho garden wall.
Over the garden wnll !
Mucilmmld is bound tn fall ,
'TIs MauiiKnlnst Mae , my Cnnndinn pet ,
And McKinley ia hound to win , you bet :
So Join me , tlonr : we'll bo happy yet ,
Over the garden wall !
Onu day vou'll Jump down on the other sMo ,
Over the eardou wall !
There's plenty of room , and my nrini .1.
wiiie ,
Over tlie garden wall.
Johnny may jibe , and Kir John may kick' '
I have an impression I'll lick thorn sllirk ;
So come , like n dai'lttiir , ami Join nio iiulclc -
Over the garden wall.
Over the garden wull ,
Dollars , dear , rule us all.
1'all-lot sentiment's pretty , : md yet
Interest swavs in Hie cud , you bell
Mercicr's right ; so , pop , my pet ,
Over the pardon wall.
Where there's a will Micro's ilivays a way ,
Over the garden wnll !
M'jcdonuld's a boss , but he's had his day.
Over the garden wall !
Tariffs tuko money , but wedillnps are chonp ,
So wait till old Jolinny is suoriii'i nleui | ,
Thou give him the slip , nnd to Jonathan
Over the garden wnll !
Over the garden wall !
Your " < ! rand Oht Man" may squall ,
And swear .Miss Canada's loyal yel ,
Hut loyalty bows to dollars you bet I
'Tis time our lips in union'met ,
Over ttie pardon wall !
Highest of all in Ltaveiiing Power. IT , S. Gov't Report , Aug. 17 , 1889.