THIS OMAHA DAILY BWC : lilONT DAY. MATJCII fl , ism , 3 OMAHA. JUS 1C COUNCIL ULUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 11 ! I'KAUL , ST. trl\ft | < ii | y mrrlet in ut.y . iirt of the City IIV. . TI1.1UN. - MA.SAUi'.tt \ , NO IL Ktllliit. No SI K V 1 Co. Council Illurri Li'iuber To . cox' , . Cnifl'.H d.attd loan * . SiHSapp block. ( ioia-.lnoltockSpilag futd. Thuluher , 10 Malnstivit. roiiciemiimn.l It Heed has ititinnod from Washington. Mis. . .1.V Jacobs U seriously 111 sit liur homo , MWSoveath atomic , \V. U. llutler ol lli'il O.dc. District lomt icnoitor , was lathollhiih jcsterdn. The funeral c\onlsi > < t ot llu'latoMrs Pat lei sou will lie held this alt"i noun nl - o'c-loi. U Bt the Pn.siiyurl.inilimvh. Tlio Swlal iinhm of M.o I'icsbytcrlan ilmuh Mill inri't tomonnw c entiitf nt Hu ) resilience of > lli > s Anna I'utuison ' un l-'ourth nvenlio. A mcetliiK of tin'board ol tradu " 111 beheld tciuoiioI'viiiiiiitf fnr tiinpniHso | of niiklii | > further aitanmmenls tin tlio opening of iho new liotel P. U. lli.vdou , furmrilx of this city but now of Miirnv Isintbo ItlullH \ \ itli his fain lly fora few divt'liit wllb bis mother , Mrs L. C ilmden.on llnrrisua si not. MiiCf.'ioleI ( hen bleb dlul M-stoiiliy morn IIIK nt 'ticfamily resbtt-iu-o on Kiuhth street of mp'itln-ila , u ed four\cars llio Cimctal tel ( placeyestculaj iilliinoon at lo rlixk. A meetliif ; ot tlio school tmaidlll held on U'ednesihj afternoon it . " o'i loi'k nt tlie school house on the trstit for the purpose of o\.imlnlu < tlfi ; biilbllii ) ; pii'lluil nnrj to its aeteptaneu bj the board , Frank llailollct , wbo Is aiuinltiiK the Nn- tlonal Consorxn'ori nfbsic in Nexv York city npienivo | loci'iitly In a jrsiiil coin-oil in llnrbni Tlio selecllonis a tlio bj Hi ahins intltlid , ' I'be llunpirl.m Dmce ' Ilo wiilis tils fi lends hols niuili pleased xxlth his sari ( lundiu H in the uietiiiiiolls yielhliiTas ( ( tbooulirof thu diy jostoi ila There uai sipieat plenli of snow , the onlj neinK tlio imc\cnm-ss of Its iltsiilbullnn On lltoaihwix and Main slioet UIOHIIOnlows \\Lie nil. all Saturday nl ht nndSuuiliiy inornliijrsotliatthe loid att-aeli slitcof the truck \\.is hanked up with ano to a height of two feet 01 more. Tlio losnlt wsis that In seine iilaco'i the lo.ul was so hum that itxxas dinU'ult for llio sleighs to navl > : ate , xx-bllo in othiis the deep drifts had the N line elTct , oulj iiioro so. On the resldemii Htnets , howcxur , the sleiKliinn was much hotter , and eier.x one \\lio eoiihl bt-c , borrower or steal a il \.is out to enjoy tbu dilxlne Kvcij ll\cry \ stable in the c-ilj hail to lofiibi' eiistomcrs before 'J o'clock in tlio afternoon. Tor a peed ill Ivlnt ; horse nnd'sloiKh tall on thoOirdui llxcry , lri llroaibvay , tclepliono bU. SlelghhiK pintles nspeclaliy. SI llll Sale At the BOSTON' Srom , Cm v < u. Tltrri' , commeiidiiK Wednesdaj , the llth , ami con- tiiuihiK font days on'\ \ \\ateh \ the dailj paper for list and prices All om wool Iiosluiynnit undcnveai ninsl Koinoulerto make lonm for spiiiiB' noods. Sale com mences U'ednesd.iv , the lltli Hoston Stoic , Council UlulTij. rotliciiiigluun , Whiteliiw .S ; Co. ( | t Hi , ' ImproM nionts nt "Mnnuxui. There have lieon sonic < lc ils at l nko Manuxva xvltbin tbo hut few dii } . anit \\hllo but little infornntion bus been k'iMii out cnoiiKh bus boon iisecrtiuned to show lint seine vuy Important iniprou-inents au > under \\iiy. A Rooil of nox\ blood lii btrii iufusoil In tlio cntt-rprlse , and n peed many thousand dollar.- , will bo Invested in tlio contemplated chances for tlio coining season's ' business. Manhattan beach bus changed hands , mid is noxv held by a stock ooinpanx' , one ol tbo prominent iiit'inbors of xxhiehls MauirSloim of South Oinnh.i , nnd tlio rem.ilntlcT of tbo oompanj isin.ule up ot Onmhii , Sontb ( Jinnlia niul C'onncil BlufTs men. Tlic pi ice p lid for tlio heai'li propcity xxas SiVXXi. The transfers \\eroliled : i wick ago , but xvero brought into tlie rei-onltr's ultlio after l ) o'clock accompanied bj a 10- juest to keep thomnxs from thi'ic-portors Tliu imtuio of llioiniptoM-inents to bis made nro not ytt clearly nn lti stood , but it Is understood that theixorli ixill bo bntli c\- imisiM ) and Important Acontiirt has been let to the Mllxv.inla-o iniduo cotnp.inj of this city topllon foundation foi a IOIKO pivulioii , x\hieh \ \ ill extend into tliu lake c-iilitv fent nndlll hmo a like frontn o of ! > liiin- tlied fc-c-t. The plans nro said to also lontcmplato a jihoi t-cut to South Omalmaiul the .stabllsh- inentofa feiry across the ilx'or not far lioni the outlet ofthol.iko. 1 intwrtant chances are siNo to bo undo on tlio ninth side of tlio lake Hotel Maiinxx i isle lo te ) moved to seine other location , possiblx iicroHstho lake. U'ttl.ln tlio last lu\\ days a " Is'ieatdenl of material has been hauled "and ilcObltt-tl ( on buth sides of the lake 'llio uoikot driving piles on the south sldo has been lominenced , and an iinnicnso quantity cf liiicu limbcra nave .hem unlo.itled nroiinit the hotel for tlic purpose of moving it somo- x\bcre \ Is it frankly stated tliattlio now company is golntr to make M.iniix\ii moio than c\or popular as a metropolitan xxnterini * place , 'lliere wussanio veciot expressed \xlu-n it ns ninioiiiiced that the sti-ainor M V Kohier liail been sold and xx'ouM ho taken olT the luke , but tbo new company announce that they xvill haxo txxo more first-class steiiiueis ready for the season when it opens wliichxxillbo nincb liner in overj respect than the Itottrer and more suitable ) for the business. PinenashiK nud selling pooils on the in stallment plan is in aicordanio with the Kninilcht business principles. It 5s a blo-.s- hik' to the people of small means , for it ena bles them to hn\o all conifoits and luxuties la their homes. The great installment house of Miiadel A : Klein is the onlv one in western loxvaundone ol thelarKt-st sinjwhere. You can Ret every household article on want at lowest HHUH-S anil on easy paj meats. IlL'O Uiondivtij , Iho Ni > x\ \\'nj. Tomorrw la March 10 , tlio day upon \vliit-li nil tlio uloonticeiurs of the city mnstclthci "putnp or shut up " As the lujnm'tlon cases nio still iiink-utdcd nnd ns tbo iiuthoilttus ba\e no dcsliu to lot the ( Moons run fne , ft new sxstemliml to bo ilovhcil for collcftini ; the lines The way it Is tobo done iK-rcuftcr tsto servo a xxuirant on the sMoonkci'iiiis , notlfjlntr tboin to appear before .Ind o Mt-dco on Mtiu-li 10 nnd defend tiRitnst tin * c-lmi-po of ketplnp ilts- orclt-rly houses Tlie snloon Itcoporxx-ill tboii roino niul ilt-posit his atipcirniiro money. When tlic time for conies bo uill not ho thoui , mill tlio Jo , ' 10ill bo tli dm oJfoi'fcUetl by itefnult In Hits xxny the city xlll gel ttio bonclit of tlio line inonin , xxhllo the iiuthori- tlesttlll In no nay nut tliciiibdx'cs nt a ills advantage in tlio suits which .ire to come up for a hearing this ixcuk. Piof James McXaiiKhton has retmneil from Mnivillo , Oak , xvboi-o ho lias been teaching in the state not nml ichool Helms mot uith pee l success in his xiorlc. Ho xx'ill spoiM boxcrul months in tbo tlnlT--roluiiiIii ! to IMayx'lllo in .Inly for the pinposo of holdIng - Ing ttio summer institute A x'lsit to Drs. U'oojburj'o nc\x' dental rooms xx-ill bo pleasant as xx'oll as nrotitable rtiust and iuot complete ilental rooms In till ! Wl'ht. _ E\ans \ Uaunilry Co , 5M Tout troot. Tote- phone SDO. ( Joocls called for und acllx'oieJ. J. H. Atkins , western OBOIU for Uol'uxx-'s. pinto plasb foirpanj , xvill ii\\o \ \ oillniatis on plato delivery in lo\vn \ and Nebraska , .1,0. nixny , stoitn bontln ? , sanitary en. giuccr , 'M ) Murriain block , Council lilults IDo you \x-ant an oxtireis x\af-on or boyl IlitiL'up the j1) . T. Co , tclciiUoua 179 , ? so , 11 Xorth.Maliibtrcct. I'lll' l'lHt. > 1U Till' Htl'I'I'O lilt Mi\\S \ \ IS lllli DLLH'S ' , Tcliool Election Teday Protiiisos to Absorb n Qrwt l ) xl cf Interest , BLAXSIN WILL HAVE A HARD ROW TO HOE. \Vlij lie Is Vapopiilnr-lti't. Mr. Cliull oil Mtlilitilii < Mxenam-c Iniprou1- iniMit In I'liiitciiiplnlliiii I'm * . Miuiliiitian llciieli. The t'lcetlou of sihool director * takes place toi'iy ' , nud t licit ) an * Indication * tlmt a inueli fuller \oto will b'pollid tluiu Isnsuall ) ' tlirt case on similar occasions On thu lepubllcan ticket tlio candidates are \V ( . ' Klacy and L M Slmheit , wbllu the democratic eamlldatcs nroV. . ,1 .lamt-soniiml lleoigo Hlnnlm 'Iberels tint ininh ln-lliiK maulfestid on either s < lilo toward any of thoe.milldatei Itli theexeeptlonof lll.ixslm Tlmt gentleinaa has niaiioncimcs who will eadea\ortodo\\u \ hlmnt imoU , anil these Kcntloinen me not all conllm-d to tin * opposing puty bj nnj ine.mi. Time me inaiij' democrats \vbo baxc toiio on htm , some of them on account of the illsimsiltxlilib thej claim Hlixsim bus innnlfesti'd toward tlio pnt.\nnd otheis on ( ' piIndple" , their tdei being that the \\ulfateof the seliools demnuds that all thepiesent nieinbi-is of the board be alloxvcd toi.'tiio fro-n public llfo ns laU as their teim-4 of olllce p\iiie In order to net lid of the discordant elements \xldch lmo bein elaslilng \lKoiousljforthoiiist j ear or mme. lint whatc\er \ the pause of the pjipodtion mi ) is ceitidn that the o | position ex ists anilvillcometo the Irout today. In tlie bivird Mr liiaxslm evidently been too in- ilipendQiit and outspoken to uH some of tlio leidersof Ills ox\u psittx , and tlicj noi\ seem lie-lit on pnnisliliiK him for acts which timny silllio time high I ) loinmemlcd. U'ltb the cittici ciiiidulatcs there Is not lilii-Iy to Ijo nun h of a llk'bt made for of siddnst imj of them I'lio i-itl/ensof lie \u-sttMii p.iit of the cltv Imubctu clamorini ; for rt'piesentationon tlio school hoard over since Hie two no\\ wards xveio made , and inuo Mr Sclaibeit luiuvly on that account. An t-lTort U lii'ing nude bj some of the and Illixsimites to work up a ol t inns' ticket bc-arinjt tlie names of Stiu-y and .lameson 'I he polls X' 111 open this moiainu'at ' .t o'clock ami fluso in the eu'iilng all ! 'Iho following ing Is a list of tlio polling places rirst Waidesteia \ house , Upper Hioad xxi.x. Second \Vaut Dolisiuy's old opui.i house , liijsintstrci-t riilul \ ' lld'J'l'r ' ' llroadivav rointhiinl Kinkbatn stieet. rifth U'suil Cbarks Slilclds's ' 110J Fifth nxonuc bixlli Waul -'J.'O ' Iboadw.iy. Tlio.Manhattan , spotting lie.ulqiinilers. N. O'Urkn. ' C.dlon Sdimv-Sniilli ( Jo for ibattcl loans nud real estate. Ill lA-arl st. The N'cxx I'.ultic is tlio most untrally loiatt-d bold m t'omuil Ulufts. SA lilt XIII A Sin ill Ami lenoe l.istctiK to si hcriiiuii on ( lit * SnliiM-l. | UeNl \ C.iult , of Hlant'liiiid , H , Is in llio citv , and ycsterdaj occiipn-il the pulpit of the I'resln ton in thnrch Jlr ( lault is tlioxestein secu-tsirj of tlio Xational Ite- fonn assocjilion , .m oiganbationho e ob ject is to 'jniiK abontamoie ticrfoet observ ance of luoS iblntli tlirniih'hout the lountix It xvns In tin- Interest of this assoeiatlon Mr ( i.udtappened in the Hlulis Owing to Iho inclemcncx of theueatber , tboi owns but a small ainttonce prosmt to hear liiin Ilo took foi his text the followlat ; "Speak them also unto the children of Krael , sa > inj ( , Verilj inSabbiths shall vc keep for U Is a sign hetxvcea mo and jou throughout jour geiienition ' Kxoilus , xx\l , ii. : Thospeiker beRiin by ijuotiugllio English histoilan. I'londo , nho s.dd that liat Ibis ace demands is moio pi caching ami moio practice silotip llie line of the ten command- nients. " ( ! od knexv , ' ho said , "what dime-al lies men Mould encounter In the framing of constitutions .nul in the building of govern ments , and in ills niticy ho framed a consti tution and made a nation , the tlrst republic- tin1 x\oild over MXV Tlio ton commandments , xxhick compose dod's constitution , are tlio foundation of all andthoyaro ucopuUud as such bj all Juri&ts It was Judge Coolcj of Michigan who slid that the only jierficl law in the xsorld is tbat of the tea commandments , and otliei laws are per fect onlj In proportion as tlioj coincide with tlieirgie.H pattcin Tlieio is a xvide-spicad crroi in renard to Mix ts Some chim thatlti- \ / publlL- sentiment public sentiment urn nn moio neato law than it can cieateaoilcl Lnis the xvill of ( iod , and man laimoU hniigo it any more than tie can change the liuvs of giaxltation or bx sriei e. "llio law of the hibbnth is binding upon the church , and it is the djurth to winch xvo must look inainl ) for its enfoicciiiont Tlio state bus no tight to command that its. citi- 7insitteml chinch or perform sinj othei re- " HKIOUS duller. Tlu'io is no book in"tliooild so ojiposcd to the union of chinch and state as tliobitilo. MIH. king of Isratl , tried to couple his civil antliorltj with eecl siastlcal by offering ssuiitlces and tlio ii-sult ; vas tbat ( lOdtold him tint his kingdom wns xvnsted frou him and Knen to David. The only thing the state can do in the \ \ ny of enforc ing the law of the Snbbatli is co command the coiising : lioni all labor whatever other enfoicenicat of it that tiny be made must bo made by the church " The s'lxiilioi1 then wont on to pi\o certain reasons xUiy the Subbath should bo observed , llenoticcd tlieertect thsit ceaseless lalioi has upon the phvsicsil orcaalsm of men , and liKcned him ton set en di ) clock , vldehmust bo wound up everj seven lajs in order to keep it uianlni ; Ho noticed tlio law of dlvino ] ) iovulcuco. imdenvhicli the Israelites net-lecteil the Sabbith for fem hundred and nimt.x years , .mil had to innlto up for It bj seniinr out s captlxlty of soxfiity jears ilo ox't-n xvent so far as to sav tlmt all stnkes , liots , llns , and neatly c\ cry thing else in the xvsu of olamltles were the clitcct result of Sabbath breaking. Ho "aid that the man xvho pulls down the shutters of his place of busae- ! oa Simclin pnlNuowa upon himself thociirscsof ( iod Ho managed to get in a peed xvoul foi piolnbitioa , and denounced in wholesale teims the citizens wlio beliexctlmt \otingto icgulato the li < iuor traflte thox are helping to pre\ont \ whiskej from becom ing free as ivatcr rinullv ho landed on tlio subject of the Sunday nowspiper , branding it ns onoof the greitest cnrscs , tlio country lias eor seen M tliuclostfof hli adilress a collection xvsis taken tois-iit Mr Clanlt in hU work in other cities in the stito. Call on D. .1 Hutiiilnsnii < v Co. for choice barg.iinsin lots in Wilson Teir.ue. bpeeiul Incluceincnts for tlio neU fedius \ , , \ . Co cairy hrgest stocit of bulk Held , jjauton and llower seeds in the \\est Catalogue and samples by mail. . 'Masonic. llegnlar meeting of Kxuelslor I.oitgo Xo J.V.i , A. I' , iiiui A M , this ( Mondan ovcnitii ; Viilting brothrcn cotdiall ) ' imltecl , Uj order of the \V. \ M , Itelter 'Iliauaii Alarm. A'l II I'mIt'tlUT / 'Can ' I sell xou i buular alarsn' ' " hoasued of a boUM'holiler la the luighboibood x\liero a number of houses hai ) been en- teied. ' "No ; 1 have no usofor anything nf that kiiiit. .Mj daughtir Just become ei apcd , and thojoun 'nan calls ox-cry oxening" liossler's . \laRieIleadiche Wafers. Cures all headLches in JO minutes At all MOUOAN-Mi * . Liittlo Morgan , rpllet of the lite I.'Hi Inigtiu and mother nf Mrs Till \ \ litti'and1K ' \ - \orah Muigitn , fornuily o ( Nuvitila , la , iiKid.V. > c-ins. 1'uiuTiil Mimda ) at - I ) p.m. from family ribldeiic'cl.VKi .luckionstret-t , to l.aiiul III11 -'ry. .Nevada nud Oluu\\oud \ copy. It III. I The liulios ol Ihi'Otmhii lurincrt In aiocoinplttlnjmmnijoincuts ( or nitm * > l < l > : ill , In hijriu'ii at ( lOininnla ball on Sniiirtlix ou'titni * . MnivhI At tlil-i bnll only ehllilton xxlll Hike p.irt In dnnciii ) , ' . Dt1. llnrslni. pastor of llio I'h'sl 1'n-s- bxti'fiati oliurcli xvjn ttiUi-n 111 vi"loiilni tiinl xx ns iittnhio lot'oiuUii'l sonlct'sitt 111- * iMmt'fli , Dr. Keri * of Holloxuo uill ' i > pii-iiolicil in the inoiniiiKmid thoio % xa Tholadies of the I'liiteil Piebjlorlin i-lmreh held a inlt t < mir.meitinj'at ! \ the I'uitrnl Valted I'lesl U'riati t-lmrcli , Sexentet'iitlt siml Dodjii ) streets lint uuMilni ; . Intuiestiit ) * roportsxveiomndo of the wotU tlmt IH holnij done h1 , the various hraiiclu-M of Hie society Missionniy leed\ ! held an Intou'stliiff sei-xiceat the eouiiti % ho | Unl jo lordnj aftermimi nt l10lot'k. : ! . The serioos vore lUtf-tii-d to xvlth marKed Interest hj all of tin1 iiiintilos many of whom c-c- pies-cda ill-sire to lia\ -\lr. Ilt'i'dj t-ou- duet H'trular serx iocs at iho hospital. Hood s Sarsadarlllals on the Hood tide ol of podulrin.xxhlch podtlonlt has rein-bed by Its oxxii intiiiisk' , nndoubti-d mcilt. .1 1 , r.t it i < . * / / 1 * ' //s. \ . . ) Weed of Cbicajo , is at tlio Millaivl \V II Kllot of llostoa is nt the Mm ray T L Daxlsof Vorli wasat the Casey list night. ( leoigo IVlloy I of Norfolk ts at the C'usoj1 T. I" Siiundcrs of Su Josuph is at Iho Casey. rhsiues .A Hinko of Lincoln Is at the Mcr- i hunts T V. Cole of Chtcigo Is u'Klitoreil nt tbo 1'ax ' ton A A linlslcj of Xoxx- Orleans Is at ( bo .Murriiv ,1 A Campbell of Soxvsud is in the city , at the Casey. Peter Nin of Tcmpleton Is rcglstotca at the Merchants U'lllliun r Coiidoflt'ipllCiU ' , S. 1) ) . , is at the I'.ixtou , U W. Hussellof Cldesmols in the cltj , at the Millanl i : II miss of N'exYoik \ xvas at tlio Pax- tun last iik'ht. John 1 . U'ay of St Lo-iis - xvus at the Mur- ii.X last night. F M SlevensofSt f oulsas .Uthe Mil- laid last night , . I' . M Lemon and wife of bidne ) sue at the MCI chints. IX \Vllson of Cliiomont xxas at tbo Mor- chaiits last ai lit . .1.V \ Hawkins of Joliet , 111 , was at the Millard last night. Thomas II.Vtdto of Hiltituoro is In the city , it thcMunay. i : . \V. .Allen of Cincinnati , O. , Is icgls- leicdat the Millard , II. S. Tajlor of Detroit xvas registered at the Murrnj last night. 11 II. Wide of Dcadwood , H U.lsin ttio cily , tefflstered at the Casey. \V T. Winters of KaiamieVyo , , xvas in the tity last n-ht ! sit thol'ax'on. \VallacoHheiman of > 'ew York is in the city xisttinu his son , K U * . bhcriu.iu , head clerk at the Pa-don - \V T. Vane-ton , gonruil passenger and ticket auent of the ( Trunk nilxviv , is In tbeeit ) Ah N'niiotoii is located sit Lon don , Out. _ "Does jour mother Know you're out , " said a boj to bis little biotliei "Yes , she doe- . . ' ' xx sis the answer , "for ono bottle ot Dr. Hull's Coiiuli Si nip has Imocliul nij- cold into a cocked npt , yoi bet " A foiv applications of Siilxntion Oil xvill Inst.mtly ielie\e stitliuts in the neck and joints. t'i ! cents. I1 n nil c I'M Stiiiiiltl i ; vpi-fi iiicii t. It would piovo a most scrloib I'lUfor- tutio if the tmiltipliesitloii nf e.\ierinien- | tsil farm stsitloiib should result in farmers geiicrsill coiibinj , ' to comluct eaiefnlex- perimontb of thoii ox\n ssijb the Ameri can I'nltlxsitor. To take kiioxxlodgo sit het-ond Imml Is oflontimes necessary , hut it should ho levisul in the liyht of jier- son'd experienee , and thus digested it becomes valuable. Xo oxDeiiiniatsil btsition ean .sitisfj tholoi-sil eoaditiim of ux'eii fanner. Tlie lesiiltsof eaeh day are onlj vulimhlo as hiiK'g'estions to ' farmers' whereby thny can per sonally conduct . o-cpeiimonts if successful or si\oid those \\hieh have been otllclallj diti-redlted. It Is this use of oxperiint-iitsil Htsitions that inaUes them impoitant aids to 'ooil farinintr , sesiicel.x lo&sf-o , smd xvith tao Mimolimi tations as the oxporienuo of fsinners repelled - polled in sigiieultursil novpsiiiei-h. In one enso fmmeis sue experiment- injjalltho time.Vliat are tailed old rutsaroprsictiees1 ivhieh long' oxpeiiuneu hsid shown to bo sit least bsifo. Often , under now conditions , farmers may vsirj from the > o beaten path" , and is > part of the lui-lness of o.xnei-iinent stations to show xxhoro this may bo done. But ' fnliners who study tlie'lr work are con stantly , Undincf noxv sugKestioiis x\liic-li \ sirowoll woith tiialet \ are not liLolj to occur to scientists who from tholr lab oratories piepvro ; tlio subteets' for the experiments to bo made. In such eases si letter from the farmer to the experi mental farms in his Mate may often suy- tfeht experiments of { le.itostalue , xvhich In homo tf ) their ii&poets the- fur in- er is not himself able to conduct. U'hsit ho can do is to .show the practical work- iiij ; of the experiment in lobsoniny : or i n- ort.isinjf the crop , tind xvhcthor the hit- tei be doneat jnolit or loss. Tlio .stition csm tfixo him ehcmical analytos of foi- till/orsand crops thnt xvill thioxv suldl- tional linlit on what tlio faimoi hsis jraeticilly done. Msinj importmit discoveries have been made 'in tholr husineso by praotienl fauneis. More will bo if tlio olloits of { joxernment to it id them are sicutijitod as siids rsithertlitinas Mibstltutes for indi vidual thought and elloit. hoinellmes indeed , the piaetieal Lonelusioiis of fsiiinois , hsi\o proved rifjht , c\en when for a tlmo contrsidleted bx the o uf seientiliioxporls. . It is noxv conceded as fsnmeis huxo lony maintained that eei tain crops , sis elo\or siml pcsin , lisixo the power of taking nitrogen from the sitmrspliero. On the other hand , a common idea ( it farmeis , tnat strsix\\ \ \ ineasmes furnished In their decomposi tion earbon throiiiifli the mots of plants isiioxx uenciallj abandoned. Tlio vsiluo of csubonii' su-iil gas in the soil is tint disputed , hut ills ba ed nti its power lu maUiiii ; plant food siMiilnblo in the soil. The carbon of plants it is now frenorallj conceded is absothed from tlio silr tin ouch tholr leaver , rsithor limn taken through their ioot . Thofjreat ad\iuitiif \ > o In malting oxpcr- imnntbon the farm Is that when hiu-cess- fid the f armor imikinp them imdoitttsinds the foiniuhi and how to conduct it to a successful 1-suo , > o matter hoxpinln \ the direction \\en \ , the fannerxlio has done the tiling Uim-e-lf 1ms more conll- doiieein ropoallug It than he csm hn\o fiom Iho expeiloncoof anotlier. Ho can silho xentino conlldentlxon silnrL'osesilo. that it is adiijiled to his soil siml cnndilioiiM , It would be hotter if fanners in oat'li htuto xxould keep clo > \\aich of sit lenst sill thouxpcrinicnts Hint In their \lu\x- promise itiecebs IIH made sit the sta tions , and repeat them on tholr own land. In this wax tlioy would tint onlj lecoho bunollt , huttho worK of the Hit- tlons would bo wldelj recogiil/ed as nu- thoritativo , and thus the eoniBO of lin- moved fsirminu methods xvould imiko far more rapid proj iosb Uian would bo othoiwisooa"lblo | ) , Dr , Birnoy cures catm-rn , Hco bldg. Do Witt' * Little Karly llisors Host llltlo pill c\cr made Xjuio lonstip.ittou cxcry time. None equal. Uao them noxv. "I'lio Cou rnw. " * u itonu'stlc i-otniilv ilr.umi , which niTois.1' link' llllsloi1 ntuplo iiopo tor tin1 ihspl.iy of IlroMc inuilltlos whlih plat-oil her In tin ) front iitnU of An.i'Hi-m iiilu'ves , XMI- * glum lint c-u-nlngnt the lUijil to an iiveriiiff si/oil iiuillt'ittM Thriv Is little In the sM > nnf "Tho 0ov- ! rrnosV' tint tlit'sltunllnns nri skillfully mill iliiiin.itlfulli wnmphl nut , ulillolho Is ( UMIk'lit ful to n degree. Tinplot ) htiiKi-s uix'ti ' tlio self s disposition of u\\onnn Nlliii rutlior tl.iui ill iilloxv hoi- tub ) to itiowtipto xx-oniuihiDil \\lththu \ \ taint of n fnlhor's crlmo upon htr , li-nxi-s lifi' to tM < c.iro of ae.lthx \ \ Hltlow mill iittiwai-iN bt'comostho governess - ess toiler o\su child. Arouiul this xcr.v slenilorthiTiil a roittniiro Is \ vovonlncli \ tomtit's tlio linirt niut ai- ) pt'.ilslo ail Unit Is ( , 'uotl nud nolilo In ones nnttitc ; u ttorx of lounjril'votlonhlclio.iu ' only llnd a c-oimtorinrt iimnm-tho nmrtjts who died forttuMi bellt'fs in thuiifontlnit ) In AinihVariUn.Miss \ t'.llsli'rlius npartli-u- lirlvi'xnctlnir rolo. Tlio hole ( 'iiiinit of the nffi'i-lloiiH Is tone-hodupon , Its Inti'i-pietntlim ii'ilulrlnK fur uioio tlinii tni'riiKonbllUv lulls ili > l Incut ion , Tluii' IH no nap trait iiliout Miss r.llslu's work .tlit'iv ) is IH ) stilvliiB fori'f- ft'i't except through legitimate i-timmols utiil llllOM' llll slltlllH till ) l-OIHCiOlltiOUS WOl'K Ot tlu > piinst.iKltiKin-tlstu The i-omp.iin Hiitipurtliifr this excellent Aiiuilmti slur inrluilcs Mi Ki ink U'ostoii , n voiv tfood nilof. L'lltToid Dc-inpsey , .Mm A I'llslci , Iho futlicr of iho star , Ailolplio U'stliu. .Inu'pli Whitloi'k , Jr. , Miss Lillltn Diillov mid n roinnmubl * . bright I'lilM ctiuis , Utile HOMO. 'I'Iic I'niposltiitn l ! < -li'i'i't'il. l'll\ I I IM > . 0 . .Mirell S | SpllMll Tlll'- Knunto Tin Hi r. ] The leienc muotliiK wns proloiiBotl | n Noxx * York Ikvaini ) of tlio fid that a proposition from A Li. Johnson to sell out win wider discussion. The amount mldul by Mr .lolm- son Is not Htitt-il , but It was u eoiisltliia- lilo sum and tlio leaguetiki not ileotn It tuUls- ubloto pav it , nee-ami ! ht-i-mildi'lvo no f > imr- niitoii that the otlior Inollioiliood ititousts woukl bo settled atn fail prim. Tlio Noxx- Voil' , Plltsbiiii ; mill C'lili-iiirii IntiiesU ill ( 'iiulninitl nroioiitrolloilli.v vlio loiijiuo , but It demanded nssii mines ( bit tlio I'rineo and Wanner intorostsinlu'lit lo st > tll-d ( with oiiun ens\ basis This could not bo nlvon , and tlio matter \xu : then loft In lliu hands of MC-MI-S Abil , Hobinsoii ami Oin-ill. Out-ill is In Cloxchiinl tonU'ht , imil tlio picstiinptioii Is that Im Ins coino to nuiUpsoniu dicker. Vnliial > HOINO Sulil. SFiuNtbco , Mnrui s. [ Special Tele gram to'I'm. Iln . ] - MaintirinoVlll.os , son of ( Ituat Coorio ! M'llUes bx I.ulv Clirlsmnn xx ns Iciioekcd do\\u at auction ycstcrd.ij in Oakland fur $ .ltOO. , : Oil ! Circuit Itliloi * I-nil. Ucv. liobort Hopkins , I ) D , said to have been thooldest Methodist Episcopal oleigy- iiuuilu I'eiinsjlvanln , died at SoxvicUlo } , Al legheny county , IIowoulil hmu been niimty- tlncc ycirs ofngo In April mid was one of the last links connecting tlio pnsontMth \ thoearlj days of Motboillsin O\cr \ sl\tv- llvejoau ape he Joined the I'ittslmrn L-OII- ferinfu mid \\.is tbelastof tlio otiliuil | ; i-oin- bors of that Iwdv. Iniyllho nns , iieninst Ills wishes , named for INhop nnd Mine within one votu of lit'inc ctioscn lie was for mneuen * icai * a pro > lilliiK t-ldci , sat as .idoloiratoln fi\ogonciril ronfoiiiices , was nt one time scirotary of tlio Seaman's ' Friend soiletv nnd for \ears \ rontrlbutcd to the chuH-h imblieitions Of liicirU stuiKglo lios.iiii iccoiitl.v : ' 'Thn llrst rircult 1 es'or ] > iouhcilon lovoittl u illstuiuu of SIM ) miles It was the ( _ ! i.mi. il\or ciivnir and requited one month toti.ivcl L | ui5.nhc l e\ory \ day The mcctiiiKs were hold In little lof ; lints Mcolle.iguo \ was a marricil nun Whou theeolk-ctioii wnstnkou up ho cot nil the i-nsli , as Itvns thought tlmt I , boini ? xininar riod , did not require niuiic ) Some of the undo ineinbois inndo me a present of a Dear- noin w > i'on. | \vasiiftoiH.inlj deiluetod f icm mj salary , 'iho TOIIIIHgirls cavn mo a pair oT soclesimd i iiutk scarf 'Ibis , with SfSliu niono , was injsulaij for the ilrst thtec years of my ministry. " Miss HcssioII. ] lcalocof IHirlliiKton , Vt , hail a disease of the scalp , \\lilchianstil her han to become very harsh ami ilr\ and to fall solri-ch shoscarrelv dirod eonib it. Ajor's llnir Vljror eave bor a hcilthy scalp , and made the lialt bc.'iutifulh thklc and glossy. Ai'tin tin * Cloak : Itooin. \\'llrhi \ \ ( ll < m Still Senator \Voleott-I iay , I'luinb ' , whit do you think of the pioposltioti to paj $ tJ."iiHl , ) ) lot the llvoHiorstadts in the executive mansion ! honator I'luinb ( Jumping upGreat .It1- hosaplntt1 l'u ' > Rot ptnuino Ilolstoins and .Itiscvsnn my taim in Kansis tint I'll sell 'em for'l.V ) .ipioce , andRivoi pedigree with cat h one' ' hixty-llvo ttioiisnnil dollars 'Good ' 1 .01 d 1 _ Didn't .V-i > ( l It. I'lulttilrliilili Times. "Buvn inouso tuipj" "Don't need it.1 1 to siy you're without mlco at your hoinei" "Amounts to the saino thing. Kxorj tinio ono puts in : in apnoiranco the wam \ \ wife scioams frightens It todoath. " II U'on n Ilox. AV iVir ) , tlfialil. Unrij TO ) you win a prize at tlio ciirlno party list nlliti ) , lnck Vos , I InouRbtliomoti i 'lovo box. HarrjViis it my ( rood i JneU-No ; ! otlt lei kiting tlie ( jirl I home. " \Vhite ( "zip On tiane. AVii' Vntlc llmilil. Porlmiut ITa\o jou lioaul of the latest While Cap oiitrafjo ? Van f etr Is'o ; vliat nlioutlt ? I'urliiiiinVliy Kilkim wns | iio\onttil fioin Liitt3iliifr hlb own lieu o oiu'ly this morning. Van Loot- Did huicco ui/Q the mis- I'oitiniin Yes ; tlioyoro his \\ciUlcil \ \\ife \ ami his mother-ln-liuv. - - roil Tin ; si'iuxis OC ArhiumiiN nnd All 1'oinls Rnntli , Tsilxo the Wiihtihh , the boht find innclt- est route. Only H8 hours to tlio I lot Spring , -Ifl to XowOrleans , iVJ to.laok- sonvillo , ( jto ) 'J'uinpalth \ i-oirosponil > iii fust time to nil points ( .outli , Ho- olltiini * ; cliittt * ami I'ullmati hulTet bloop- iny : iMib on all trains. Itoimil trip tifKots now on wlo nt Uroatly roiltii'cil iat fl. I'oi * tloUets jiml full Infoimiitinn ctll at the AVuha- tleket ollico , 1602 Fatiiain street or write ( J. N. L'L.VTON' \ , Agent. Hard or H > ll Pood. l-'xpei-icnco sho\\s tlmt hard fooil In bottei1 than heft food for poultry , not Hint it contains inoio nutrition , lutt fin * the ID.ISOII tlmt when heft foul is ( jiveil tlio hoiih arc toniptud to cat a lurgor propoftion dhoulil bo the case , siiy tlio 1'iu'ni und Fli-ciMo. Thojilvinjj of t-oft fooil le.ulft toovt-rfuoilliifr and Im- luiirHtliuili' oitloii. ItalhOMipplk-h llio Hunts of tlio fowl inci'o roiulilj thtin hind food , and HO i-oinplotoly hatlnfio-ilt that tlio inducement to work and siMMtoh ( so essential to lunlth anil the thrift of the fowl ) is lessoned. Thou there Is tlio fact Unit \ \ lion tfivinj , ' heft loud the poultry nmn , by mixing so\- eral klinlh , IK liahlo to ho moro of ono kind than in.ij ho nieilotllillo with liaul grains the fowls huvo a. Creator tii'iilo jo nf scloctlon nt tlmt \\hieh \ tlioy pit'foi ; but \ \ ilh inhud mft food tlioj must oat ovoij thlnjr of wlili-h it iM'oiniHioil till or iinno ainlllioreby hiii'folt tlioniMilvu-i , 11 Is piopoi'to jrlvo bof t food , ho us to fi-oil hoinn uot'ileil cuh- htanios , but uo liiilio\u tlnoo timea week huli'itiit. ! ! ! ( llvo nholo fri'iiln , and t-i'.ittoi * it far and \\ido \ \ , or mix itilh \ litter , t hns t'liiiipollinyciu'li hen to hunt nudhiTiitch for alh'lio rooulvub , whli-h will keep liur la iiuiltli and jiroinulo oj.'tT production. KtijiiiM ) niMsiir , ro is o'riiintH , Sturj of a llrnvo Man In Monlatu\ ' l a nmn ever jnstilloil In InUlai * hU imn llfoV. A * < 1 ( t'atil iiu'stlnnof | the ftn\ lirtivo nun vlio mo left ol the Htlli > liatul that \\onl \ out iijton tlio tt-anle Yil- linvslmio iixpoilllloii of Ml ! ) , anil then ii U llii'tn If blwilas oM'f ninro nolily > liotl lluinhon \ Henry 'P. C > oery pliu'i-d his pistol to his tcni pin and soitt liN own mill Into etornlly , tlmt ho mlyht buy ai'hniii'o of safil.\ for hi' eomrmliH and friiMiil' . Ita \ \ n si-oiio that no mint can fit- tlnirh do < erile , tluil no man whnll - Ill's-Oll It I'.lll OUM' flll'yol , Sl\'ll ! lll'lollll i-oiMi-Hnondi'iit of tin.1 NIM Vorlc Tlnu's I'lfti-on - hraM' and ui-ll iirnml men liiul hlni'toil out frotii 1 > : m- naoli I'itj In Iho i-iu'h da\s \ of Apill to souivh for jjiild , and near Iho midillo of Mn.ith . \ tholr mimlu'H sull.\ : to- dnoi-1 l\\ ( loath from the arrows nud hul- li'tsnf liiiiliin ( oi > s , Iho1) ) hail only imo thoiiL'htto tl'ht ( Iholr way baoU to oi\- Hi/atlon in- die as Imlitled the liili | ; ondo of I'hlvalt.s iM'oyul/i'd liv tlic iilonoiis nf the XM'i't. Tlu\\ iiiijjlit liuvo iiiadea dash for it and out llioiivaj out b\ , \orj lililiit ) s , hut to liu\o itoiii * that would hi\o ; \ lit en tnubjimloti llonij Hell , who was foaifulljMiiinded , but ( or whom tlieio t\i't ruinaineil a hope. So ho \uis iil.u'oil upon a 1iorsi > iui l the 111- tlo eavali'iule nnui-d upon itsforloin \ \ aTin1 Italians wort-all aiiiiind them , waillii } for aeliaiii-o tornshin ami } , rht > the tlnislilnj , ' llo with the lon | io < dl- bloillltlJJOl1 totllOlllM'lM's. Tln-y had inovt-d t wctitj miles sinro ila hivau , hlo l > iili-Uint : their \ \ y ever Iho snow upon Iho mountains At I in the aftumonneii ry ml t'oM. Hii'y lialk-d tnjrivo Uoll nooik-d it-st nnd t prepare "impel1 , I'liUetsiro tlinnui out and the other IIHMI had hi'jrnn to ini- paclv , wlion one nun n.uiinl Vin-k m\o the ala mi that Iniliansoio \ : ipm'oai-li- int , ' Knt'h man spi au fur Ills rill < , whin Miildonlv a > hot was hoard in tlu-ir \oij niiiNl. A liiiii-o at ( Jiory told tlio stotj.Vltli uiluaill1 , pallor iiionils | ) fai'i1 , \\it1iheaileroit.lio--liio \ lloanln r upon llosuid1 ' 'Hoys , ! hue fool- ishlj iMitli-d my lid' . In Ids Iristo bo luiil'ifra-'pod h'is tillu li- , l he tmi//lo , tlio hammer luul oati ht In nblanUot and mil boon ( li-i ! n bit-Is , and the bill luul him in the breast , sliattoilnj. * ; Ins shonlilorand inaUln * n moitnl wouinl. Ills comrades holpul him ton sitting Hv.turo Ilo tlun t-i nl. > opened hl ihiitiiinl polntiiij ; to the xxonml Uiltl -lioni - that ho could haxo only afcnx loins to live , "lint is too lony for von to icinaiii hoiu , " lie aildod. "I'lio sun is { join doxvn mid tlio Indians \\ill \ jo upon yon , It would bo Imnibsihlo to lufuml joursolveMn this place. " Then 10 turnul his bi.ivo o.x es to f'a plain Stnn-t and Mid : " .Mm , toll the boy s I'm "atiilly woundi-d. ' His comrades FIXV what \vis in Ills iiinil anil IJC J-'L-I ! him to lake no thwufhts of them , ewpt to lot thc-ni ii.iKo him as comfortable : is thty initflil Itniiifl his final hou'.s. Hut all the uisworho in.ide wns to leueh for hi- . pistol , hold it llrinly in Ins hand , and ! r'no them xurmiu , ' that anj endeixoi- : olnko it from him would onlj hasten the inoutablcend. . Xn onu imido the ntlompt. but with in tlic-if ojos and ( tn- tttiiiir the daiitfeisheiliiiti } , ' thoin in , his i-nnii.nles attempted lo roa'-on with him , and to piiisiiailo him tint xvillihcl ] ) ho iniyht pull thioutrli , as Hull nils nli-ondy doiiiH' . Hill ho Know \\dlasthojthnltho end NX.IS amtitU'i * of a fun hours at tliu iiuibl. Tinniii } , ' a alii to Stuart , ho mired him to toll the Iwjb lioxv des- peratowas his nine , and "Capliin .llin , " \\itli tears in his oyc-s ami a i-holaiiL' voice , could onlj siy : "N'oxer mind , C.eoi-y , xvo will htaj" b x yon ; all the Indians ! in tlio voi'ld couldn't ilrlxo us n \\iiy. \ " The decision of thisplaiiifroiitioisinan xxas made , and nohoch conlil * linl < o his iKioit-ii-sohe. "I Knexvjon would all stay bj mo , ' hos.iid , "and die for mo ami remember 1 nm mil oniiimittin } , ' suic-ide. It is onlj for a bhort time , in any ra'-e. ' 1 am only slioiteninjj mown lifu by a few houis toprexont jou IIMIIJ , ' yniii's. ti < id knows I ilon't xvanl to die ; I fear death , but 1 liavoa hope bejond it. " Ilo licit ! the nm//iloof the weapon to his breast. "Uemoinborhoro \ I am binit-d this jjnrfje in the moiintnliis. Describe it to my fnonds if jou live to reach thoin < liil ) bless jou all ! 1 must die and in turn- for " x onto bury mo anil esiape before du-U/ ' nbontlo pull tlictri'iror-Alien ( the votc-o ol Sttiirt came fiomtho g'-onp of pa o-fiictd inenxvlio oonlil haxo lalinh f.uou iin thliit. but tills' "I'm- dod siUe , ( Jpoij , don't but if jou must don't hoot jooi'solf there. It xvill onlj pro jour ii 'onj. 1'lneooiir \ pUiol tt * ' jour tcinplu Thoi'lianuo XMIS mule. "Clod blcssyou all and take j our safety out of this , ' ' The men tinned and xvalked awaj , none nf them could fat o the Imiil H-ene. Tlio linger e.nno iloxrn ujion the tnc fi , tlio cap o\ptoded : , but theioxxns no shot , him T. lliiusei , aftcrxvaiil oxoinot * of Montanii , stopped forxxaid and s.iid ; " ( Jeoiy , for < ! oil's siUo desi-t , this i a w.irninir. " To this 1m moi-olj made answer - swor : "I don't krow to'lniiiK of it ; it noxor snapped before.Ljain L-i > cK- in } , ' the weapon , he ( .imaged amoumnt in ilont prajor , iiffalii pn-s-od hie linger and the dccid % xisdone. The men Ridlioieil mound hih dead body. Touts xxero in thoovesof all , and Mime could not spesiU for the sohi that sliook them. "Waitlnt * : some half hour , " ( iovLinor llsiihor , "sifli-r no hsul i hisliibt bivatholuued him as liu desired In liK toldior oveicoatVo liiul sciirtcly linislied his burial whtii the - that the Indisuis \\oro\\lthlntjinisliol \ \ \ , .jet no firinn. After our last sad duty was ( in- islu-d , Mini , ' dhoUed us topilolimb- , and blushes ontlio inxoand burn them , w as to ooneonl it fiom the Indians sind pi event tin in fiom ilifTKiny poorCJeeiv up for his s alp and flotlu < b.Vo then jtiithoriHl nur tlnnj/s tovellioi'as ; bo < t wo wmiil , and , psuKtiiK up , nunr-il on inn single Illoont of tlio t oiye , utmpliitr , or nithci * lildiiij , ' , in the ui ourtibli MUIIO " ' miles awsu 'J'lio s.K-i'iru-o wsis not m.'ido lit vsiln. The little psulj nude its \\.iy \ luck lo llnmmclc Citvitliout fui-tlior loss of life. . , IMr. Thiun JISOII'H Kt-liini , Slit-'s si'ood-li ( , > oMijtr , Icocn-oyid fjl'l ' of l.s , siiull shouliln't ttoiidtr ifbho'iii stoiHi rsipher in HIIIIC lmsim- ! house In N'oVoik ; &ajs the Sun l'\o M.OII her come o\er on the I'aumia feiry siml takoa suburbia tiainnntho l-.ilo road sovoial times , and I always admliod thu imh-po' dint and tolf-ieliaut way In whlili fchu i-irrioi hoiholf , She isn't hold or brsi/on , lint bills iljjht ahmjf as if s'no hsul op i ti : In n rhis , and \\as \ liouiiil lomainlain tlu-m. Ono day lust neck as the left tbohoat si inidillo-si-eil ( - man of nleiisant featuies , who had fnl- loweil hci-over. fio\Miul hoi vith his elbow sind tinned and Miiilul and he .m an apology. Slits caught on like a lliinli. Ho had "pohid' her tocroato sin opimr- tunltv , ami if not dinnul thoieho would pOHlnr heisii'llin. . A do/.eii of us M\V and hosud what hippciu'd. Shoturni-d on him , extended lierlmmlfor a shalvo and artkssly o\olaini 'd : "WinMr. IMiotnpsoii , in tlutl jou ? \Vlij , Oio In ht I hoard of j on , jou had j to Ilo&ton with si tor\aiit ylrl , 30 Per Cail Served At HARCDS CLOTHING HOUSE /N MWSANO BOYS' CLOTHING , GENTS FUM/SU/N6 GOODS , HATS , CAPS , BOOTS AND SHOES , Conic Knily nnd sccurr lUi .xiiis. This Cut Pi ice sale will Last Only One Month. 'All Wintoi C.oods . Must lio. Ko- mcmbci 61 < am' ils Uioadwa.\ , Council UlunX and jour wlfo didn't caio a cent ! You must liaxi'iot bat-Id" I { had. I lo bad cot biieu so mneh that his fai-o Hied up , the woiils ho wanted t out UT stuck in his thrnat and ho made a iiUKtoilous di'-appoarain'o nluuil live seconds littor. "Kno\\ < hiMiiii/"obsi'iivi'ilu nun v.ho j was \\alKlnir \ \ heliind thouirl , I nii - ! " > liedhiMfi-iond. "slu-'ll 1 imikesoiuohodj a. staiti ( , ' peed \\lfe. ' ' Not I'p In l'\nlllfM , A will liiwwn 1'plHi'opnl di'iK\inxu ' \ nf l-.ll- nbotlnitteiiiled tlm l.ko elulii omert nvenllv the wuailiitc of low uivkoit dieses nuiib foinnuMit nnd lud Inn sot to ln- twoeii rhnl editors 'I'lnoloiirymm \\.H \\altlnp \ foi his wife mil si lulv fiinnd to ( jet londj for tlio i-onocit Ilcioinlnit tiii | > itii'iil , lie \\int. to Ins i\KoN loom and atUivl lu-r to In. enVlien hoop , aed llio d.wi' hosixv hln bettu halts frk-inl , and liei' am > t.ti ineo lid him to t liluU helind boon piilltv of uuviir- i.intubli ; lutriislon. llu liluslii-d and st im- niered , as hastily lotreited "J lies \irnr pardon , inidiiin , I tlioiiKhtMiuero du-ssi-d " A fo\v \ inhnites Inter the I ulv enno Into his nri'suico .ittired pie lsolas she \ \ . .nNhen no suv hoi be toil ! Sim but on a sleeveless and H-marlf.ihH low out nownhleti the iloinlnii1 nt Hist trl nice hail mistaken fin sx scsinty pail of her toilet. 'J'lio Moiy Kot "Ul. and now his brotlior ili-TKUiiou liiiMa poil ) l.iuuh at I is luno- eenuunnll noiiinee ofonooftli" pievailliir ( modes of fiiliioii.ilili'sooli-tv. lo Ilic WIIIIII-II'M ConxciH Inn. iVil ? I DIi .Silll , Jlill , voiceless voteis' And you do will topics * In porfoi-t stoim Aciinst thu boisted hattlcmcuta O ( misk'iii'loil ' man , MlKbt.\ inuiiiu-ss , Milcvolcnt in minlitrsitlon ! Sl\ thousand veins a o 'J'lio vine clad wsills of i'.don's Siueless Balden Heard jour \\eepful \ plaint. Untiring , pantluss , You hiuo since kept on Veateulu , today , for \tr \ " \\lll \ aee.Nou porsu\eriii ) ; .lust tbi-saiiio1 Hope , pit landed In man's sittiic , Ituostson your banners , You < lcir , dtludeililieamor.s , . \nil heioosts liinlil Hut faint not , falieit of the fair I All Is man's \etbujoiiis , It iiui % tiilio time , \\e , o\en \ t-teinit ) , Hut \\liat oltbat ! J\KO \ is ngt uo'iion iwint , And inkU'ssoxtiuvsiKineo of tune Islhuiolorotliu noblest rirluu of jour EOX . hneot \ oliolissntersl bweet votelisvoliersl ( ! u bi uely on in fiunuiic , With jour ilbnpled . 'hlns , 'I he thin iinpilD.iblo aluiosphcro \Vlik-hlilce u sponge insitl.ilo Absoiluthovinoof woinun's Wit and wisdom , AnO li ivcs but sullmeut Uf bOllOW tOlu'l'SC'L ! ( ! .i\ , ( 'olilen , Keep up1 laeo mi ' And \\lion \ jou gtt thtio Let us know ' Didn't Want ljo\o in Not loiij ( aton inturo spinster called upon Cliauncex M Uu pew and asked him to give her some infonnatioii sibout real cst.ite Ho said thcioveio t\\othitih" > ho knew nothing alwiit , and tlitv \ \ \\onienjnd \ estate 'J'lds replj anuisou hur ami she iislsoil him a iiiiibcr otiiuoitioni ib j it p jolijhasu ) fuy both ICIRW in common. After she inopounded the lollowmc raiestlons ntiout a stiiinuieiiiif , ' batliuloi she ajUed no snoic , but went her \\lu : " \VhuolsMr. llhn U , Mr. Dopoiv'1' "He ' " enl Chiun nm tliei'itj , repliuiltlie > cty 'Doci bo stammer as muoh as usual > . " "Obos I licltuvu"snidtliuui.itoi , \os , worse , , "Stiaugu hi1 HUM i 111,11 1 led ' "No , itvsisiiot stiiiinrc. den Isulv. Illnnk com tod. i loielv hl. Ilo told me about his eontshlp suMial jearh alter it occurred Ho pioposul this waj "l-d doaraan el , I llovnjou' " "Youneen not proceed fmtlier , Mr Itlaak , 1 do notCfirrto bo wooed on tlio mstsilbiient plm , ' said tlio pioud be.iutj Nohixl 3 Lari H. Cti > iihlll 3luatmf. A flcsirllj-wan little faee , ' A fioblo.'forloiii little smile , Poor fallen UK foot , Tint must pace tlulr bcit Poi mam and main n mile A star stcalinpout In the dusk ; A lamp ; luridlj lbire > . In the \\ide city's ubiil Just a iniaeless Kill Xobody i.nes I A desolate , donth-stnekea room , A plllou pusliLil up to tlio wall , A Micktrtliat shows A face In repose : Silence , and tint is all , Ha\e \ just 011 tliooe begone cheoU Tint looit such r.iiitnossve.ns , Tint 1 'bt oa iheuiou Ah who shall sav now , tares'1 ' A Imxsii it hot tied Midi a K iss , A shoit diitamo from Uebinon , * . , suit lor bittcivMsentcied , i"iinst ( mottici and son \ > y , i man Wiic-n the case tune up bufoio the Justice tit the R set tlcinont was mtulu by the mothci pacing the tests mil ( 'ivini ; the prosecutoi n Kits , nc- ( uritini * to bis proposition , ixiucli xx is inoinptlv nicopted , and satihf.ii.tory to both pii ties Not Man ) Clntlu-H , Killirr. She lot him HoimdiM along lliii > iih | ; his pie pnsul until IIP sulilsowetliliii ! about her bemj : his "household miRi'l tliiotin | Hfo. " Mhen she .iikctl "Alnnpfl's xv.iL'i's , "Ilois \ that" ' "Mno.iut and clothes That is all the - ' net , is it not"1 . > T.ii' IMe C'hmles da the lecoiition hall > Don't a mm to the earth \Vbore are. jou M > ib an lafeiaal IHIITN ' Adolphus-AttiT a sioplnlder Thoshoul- dors of Miss Hontntiiie's dioss li.ivo cauubt la thocliandolior , ami theio isn't ' a imn here tall oiiouijli to dlben .iKij tliein. llllp'TlllUMICC ltl-l > liked , Am I'ni/t / l'ljrr. The Judge -llmv lil liraon , mndiin ' \Vltness I ha\o \ * .opersonal Uno-Aled o ol my 111:0 , sind ho.iH.iy to tliuoay , I uiiileistsind , is "not accepted In I his com l TROFHSSOR KOCH. I'nliikl.atln ly rri'iniiiiicniN tin wndt n I'.i I li lt - iliiifhtsi fin all'ind iiiuuliit dUt-iH-s. Dr. Km Ii s ihl * * \ t oiuli ftn u nlili I ti U-tl inanj ol lit r niiillcliiivhlcliliid m.l tinll litiil i-ltiet , i-iion IM-CIIIIIC txticir niul hif in x > tnlliil ) ( IN iiii'iiic | | < l ' If jou an- sntliihm fiom ai-iiiikli. a ( old. ii lhiua lnnn- I' ! a Un i It , tit aii.s 11 mil li'.thoHoib-ii I'llllllC-s XNlll | ) Oilll\ Ij lflll\O Ulu-H all list- falls Oblnln tinKiMinlni liiipnilinl artli-le , xxhlc-h iiuist liaxiiHit'sln'iiuliiiti niul rti ( imn iinlallnii -IrMuilc'll .MauUciiiiu ulvhoicli L'ii1'rlco ' MJu ( iita. NOTICES. COUNCIL Di.UFFS. lMs ( | | \ I. ) l ) | | St M tlf ( hdlslhlll' lini-fT ' > six X < HIS .till \\t < | ilit. ! IIHHI pnllliili \\lll- lam II I'm Inn. mult h tit lastlttiU'im 1'i'iiy i-ic-i I , ! < \\VilM' Hit t-t-lt-liratnl Mtriiall pianos' * I- ' nt w si ilt-t inn n pliiiint nnd uruiiiii. ' old ( Ml i nil | > u Int'llts bt , Mai - - , nillHH ) ti iifln i III M nlMn an slict I , ( 'mined illiilli U'VNl'I'li ( llll Cm K'-ni-uil bnnst-HOiK. I-'I Illnllin 11 U * \N I I l .im 4 iiiiin-s In Cnnillv finHah6 hiiiisi > , i-nlnn IM nnd wlftItifni iiifisKlxinildusiM. . , Itiiot I'nsldti Hmm hot -ttn rii ! M iln , \\7\N IIP I wo in ttiniiriinil ' i-Mliilo > nitiiluimi" ! nf ibiiiil fOO I'm h \ \ rt. ( ' { ilipll ItlMlllll Ml t-t t ] < VH ! s \ | | - TIU,7 | , , , mull Inl on i i > INI 1111 ill. 1'iKinlre at K l ( Mini It Illnlt * . . In. IT xx nirlitiiiHi' fiom in Itiii.ithtny tutO'i ' IlKinl-Aiix Innlin will Imp tin liuiiil a line stoc-l. nf finnan ll\tuu" < I * t lU \ | | \ | u MCI Ilic r , I liii' | t > Mossli'p lift- . ] n l ft" I coiiilil Ion ; ' . ' nllli-i- ili Us.unl iliulr ' , store' liuotis I In ! ( . ( ' htm Kt-nli ) t ini-U. 'in itiiiK htnx t < ' . ' < -iiiiiiti > r si-alts y sti-i > lull- 1 ITI I liuuitil n fin in Hour sc-altM. luiMlno .Xi IVU , 117 MidnI. . " " " " KI'M" Mi-MalnTifhhi.- . . - , , , . | tii\r lult \\ltliliast-iiitin \ \ nud tit x uli r. .1 .1V. . siinlii- . till I't-ail MI nil HAItliAIN * " I'm liai aiiH In lii > n . Inl . fin ins ivntl K mil MS , and a 1 uv < - ll-l Inti * ItM't fnuii , call mi Inlimtnn \ Van 1'allcti , i\intt : lilm I , , t iiiiiidl Illults. * ( ! ! ' . \ bark'iiln , ni-\\ modem IIIIIISD \\llli ill Ilic- lulu linpitiM nit-ills -.i'\i'ii room'xx 111 sell on t isy | iiim ills ; Ini-atiilini ( In-1 Iftli ixt-iini-intitoi linn D .1 llilli'hlu- -oi ] 01 ? lli.iitdnay. . iPOU. AI.I" 1 ti > lit-rooin IIDIIM-mid I\MI lulu , IMI Iliiiilsini st. A iniidorii linii'canil iv irooil clu-ap D I llillulilii-on , ill ? llrtuilu ny nyALK ALK or Hunt Oir.lun l.inil , wltta * ' himiut , by J 11. llloo. IOJ Main it , UoiinoU Wluffi * ft i At Cole's ' Hardware Store , 48 iiiu Si. \\i * -i > l ) si < i > is In tiiilK. Yon i an stxi > iini . hsilf by tnix tnj In tlds xxny Oui - - ait utf fi < ili ; mil Ic-lul Nnu Is u piiitl tlun IDMIXT hlnciiiass ftu I.IIMIS 11 Vul' HM'l.t'T TO Itlltl \ Hit' xt-.ii Ilirtin- Mb uVeull the \hlor i ii-iliui | tiniKo Ilic Cilaut I'llc-t" ' . in. I tc-i mi t. Mill t\i iyc in- COLH& lOLIi , MIMRhlr , COUNCIL BLUFFS STEA11 DYCORKS \ \ ' All kinds nf Dyliu anil e'loiiilnn do iMntlui lllchi'stMy It ) nf I lie Art , Paduil and SIH- ) , , , , , ) [ l 1 , ihi Ic-sin.idi ) to loil. .n Komi us ntnv Work I iiro'iiptlv ' ( loiH'im 1 ( li-lht-iod In all nuts of tliuonntiy unilfor pilro IhL l' A XI x. ( HA.N 1'r. n , JOU Hio'idu.n. > cir Noi ihAi-stcru lui ) > i > ! ; nil MII. Ill ui i s IA M. H. CHAMBERLIN , IV1. D t'13 KAIl M > S | ; IN-I ) illllOATIM IIAl.lsl' , Ci.tinill llhtN In All Illlllll l3 lf UlO l"t I ? : AII Ml > l mil 1 IIIIDA . iniU-il H'-h Iho tri ito l eklllnnd euro t IAI'\llltll ASIIIMX ninl II.\\ I-I.M It in-iiul Wllll l-llllllC'llt KIKLtHJ I ltRAlII'KIUIIONs ( iuiiH iirr h b iicrlornel n Ilh lint utiuoil Pari-nn I ck'l'l , ni piirlns ( icrft'i I nutl ! < MSI si ( .1 X > s | ace ir- aid ) priHirllna ( * . rritliiK nil rcfmtlirlrnilt ( i , in M > dpi i ll'i-r.iln | | niul Asiu-lnalltui Unit n-n- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'MI'I'I in'.i xlmii S'I'I'K m.-vnVin . . - : , iricr > inn ( iMi-rrllilt. xiitliTlnir no relief ontircli our I DDIM , 'luinii -liui'irl I lllueU , o\ur llt-uu \ Lu t sloru , tuiucll lllullj la CITIZENS STATE BAM Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK 5150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . 215.000 lllitK TOiis-I A Mlllor. 1' O OloisMi U L Fhucart , i : T Ilirl , J I ) Cibnunds > n , l. Ii irloi C.It ami in Trans ict KOnoril buikln ; hml- ufis l.crcst and aurpliu of an/ liw.i. INTEREST UN TIM DEPOSITS , rmleyBurke.Geo.W. Howitt.Thos. E.OamJy Buikc , Hewitt &Casaly , Attorneys-at-Law ru.xr in i i\- inn STM ; > t i ( 01 III- * . OHlccs 1J Hroxvii llutlilliiK , lou 27 MMN ST11KKT oxt'i C 11 I.ioqiii uilii . \ > ( o 1 ( elrv WEW OGrBEN HOTEL The Ntw Oi'dnii Hotel , m Co.iu I lilufls , bis IJCHII nmplttiitl rt-tiirntslii'il .inri'clem- izt'ii throughout . .nullnoxv on ol the best butt K in tfisl.ilo It is liKMtoil m th t a i- ni sopirtol t 11 city an I tb ob-ptr.e motoro ] ) ss the door dx.rj lour nuiiutim. Kiro s- i ipt iu < I tire tin im throu/huut Hi t > uld- HKHteani heat , hot anil c-old xvater inil Hiiiishttixin every mom t'.i'ilc unbiirn is.od inyxvUi.r Kill * * . , $ L' OOatliy , GE3O.M. VVIllTNBV , BANKERS. Cnrner Mala an 1 Urn nlwtv COUNCIL ULUFFS , IOWA. n < -ilers In fornUn in 1 do iiottlo \ 11,17 * C'ollu tliin luailu iiiul intertill paid on U n-j tlupoilts " TO BEEKEEPERiS. leaii-y utcilllmool UioKtv > HM - supplies , inoUiflino ooml ) l ( ua rtotinn hoiioy knives , niokoi s , feeetlons niul nil svtpplios tup honplni'v M. S. HOOP , i.i ICait liroBcl\Miy , Council lilu lib , Ik.