Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1891, Part Two, Image 9

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I Jri I
In Colored Dress Goods Kisonmn car
ried ulartroandoll apsorlqd stock of
plain and fnney stripes , plaids and bro-
Ctulod novelties.
Compare present with former price" . .
UK-inch 1'nncj Dress CJoods Idc , liiso-
umit'H price Hoc.
English Ciibhiuoro and Bal/os lOc ,
I'iboinan'a price JfOc.
Oouhlo 1'old Dress Flannel , all \\ool ,
lllc , Hisonian'H price 27c.
7-8 Ctiblimoro 103c , Elsemaii's price
I-4 ! Serge SJc , nisoinim's price 2"e.
llcnriottas. lilt inch , best colo'-s-le. ,
Elseiiinn price Ue. )
Mohair. Alpaca and line Ue Beiges
51-inch Union Flannel lOc , 1'Jbe 1111111' ! )
price CiSu.
fill-Inch Dross Flannel lie , lUbomnn'b
price h"c. .
: { -4 Scotch I'laius lOc , r.Uoiniui's price
Fancy 1'laitls and Stiincs in every
ehade and style lit jirices less than half
their actual woith.
Silk Finish lloniicttas in ne\\ \ and
beautiful colois. liroadcloth in black
nnd colors. Screes and Mohairs in all
the most dcbiiablo styles of now dress
fabrics. A very linndMime nndory
Inryo line of Dro'-s Kobea at prices not
to e > ceed ono-tliird Eiscnian'a ' forinor
This derartmont has surpassed all
others in siilosnnd generous comments
It nrovcn , after all , thnt Silks , Salins
anil Velvets are spaiklinp jjems in the
flrv minds trade.
This d epa r t me n t Is bh owing a splendid
line of hijih-clats :
COLOKKl ) srilAHS ,
COLOK101) ) 1NDIAS ,
All the above to ho sold tit oOper cent of
Kiboinan's cost.
Plushes. Velvets.
Plushes in all colors 2Sc , nisomaii's
price 7oe.4iu phisdics In all colois $1 ,
Kincmiiii'b price .W.ol ) . VoUets in nil
eolois 4.5i\ ICisoaiaii's ' piieo il.iiU. Vel-
vett , black and colors b'c ! , Kisemati's
price $ Fancy vul vela $2 25 , EibO-
man's price $ h ,
The F.icoiniin dre s rr ° 0 ( ' stock sur-
A. passes all o.x pectalions , such siipi'ilutivo
f wears in Gorman , Fiench and Krtglish
novelties can only booldin hirfjo citio ? .
It is no wonder that the liiaeman's
failed in Ihoir uiidertal\ing.
KNoniuuS ilc Lii lish oaslinicro nt
. F ieiaan's1'Jln Kioncli
lOc. < - - - all wool
ji > , 1.3c , IScnnd SOc , Kisoiimn's price
hoc. To pieces nil \\ool I'rcnch hoiui-
ctln 4lo ) , Hi.-enian's jnico SSc. Ui-in
lionriottn , linest mndo , nil wool , ? 1 , Hise-
man's piico $2.15. Immense stock of
fancy wool plaids , stripes and fancy lif-
urosiit less than half Kisemnn's price to
lack Dress Goods
English Cashmere lOc ,
price 25e. . Cashmere lOc. Eisonmn's
price : i.Se.
Englibh Caslmiere "oc , Eiseman's
price 49e.
Fteneh Serge at eSc , Eiseman's price
French Serge alGoc , I isemnn's price
l''ionch Serge at73c , Kiseman's price
Mohairs at lOc , Kiseinnn'sprice Hoc.
Mohairs n.t2 * > c. lli&emairb prieo45e.
Mohairs at Jilic , I'isenian's price OSc
Mohairs at life , Iceman's price bSc.
Mohairs at ( Pic , KibOiunn's price $1.1' " ) .
French lienriotta al ll > e , EibetnanS
price Soc ,
French Ilenrielta al 47c , Eiscnmn's
price l > 5e.
French Ilenrieltn ill 55c , Etsoinan'b '
jirico 81.00.
French IlcniioUn at 5Se , Eisoman's '
French llcnriottn at G3c , Eisoman's '
rice * 1.23.
Silk " \Vnrp Ilonrlottus nt justono-hnlf
Eibonmn'b prices.
French Fancy "Weaves in figures and
stripes , now nnd desirable btyloa
4 Jc , Eibuinan't. price SI,00
Cluck and White Slripes. and Plnids-
S5c , Eisoman's price 75c.
JWi1 , Klseinan's price S7c.
lUc , 10l".oinan's price ii'ic.
Jic ! , ICiseinan'h price $1.10.
5oc , ICi einan'H piico il.:5 : ( ) .
Null's Veillnvr mill Crcpo in SditTer-
ent widths , and aio boinjr mid nt less
than onc-hiiH EiMonmn'n i > rices.
The Klsoiimn Itnnlmipb Stock in this
dcpirtnient is bcini bold lively.
All the tine Lawns , llfiured and plain ,
Kisoinan's price llJjo toLHJo , all iciluieil
to 7o } nrd.
Madras Suiting and Imitation of China
Sill ; , in line cotton fabrics , now at Llay-
dcn'b at We mid lliji * iiird.
lib-inch wide Arni'onian Series , lOc
J'nnoj Figured India Cashmeres 112e. !
Choicp of all the Eiboimm C'alitos ,
li-jlit or dark , Iio ? ynril.
Clohiiifj all the Doinostie Dross Ginjr-
hnm from the Ki cmin : stock , oc yard.
Such b.irfjiiiiis in Dross ( JiiiKhaincrc
no\er feou on anj uoiintor.
\Vo \ lmo the largest n ortiiiont of
\Viibh Dross dtiodi in thib sei'tion of the
country , "NVoaio solo a 'onth for \Viii.
Aiulort-on s wide Scotch Zopluif ? , the
bust Scotch Xcphyr made , and the
largest variety to boluct from at Ilny-
li'ii's.'o aio the only liouso in Omiiha
vlioro jou liml llio now w.wh f.ibrieM
mhos \ \ Id o , absolutely fabt colors , lleu-
ictta Hnisli , at 1 lie yard.
Wo show ull the latest st.\los in Out-
Flannel : ) at 5e , So , lOc , J2icand lie
Yard wide Dutch Blue Calico , 7 } c jd.
liest American Indijio Dine Calico , oc
Buautiful styles in Challis 5c , Oc , 7je ,
lOeand lUjeiird. .
KorahMoire. .
Wo aio the only house in Omaha
where you will liml the Korah-Moiro ,
-ho latest imported \\.isli fabric , now on
ate , nil now and rich fatjles. Ladies
\\lio wish to have t-olect stylus \\o would
nUisoto make tlioir bclootions at once.
Ask for Koruh-Moiroat Ilayden Bros' .
A full line of White Goods of every
stjlo and description , plain , stripes ,
eliecks , plaids and fancy novelties , in
yreatnrioly , at prices 'ranging fiom
iljc up to SOc.
Fast- Black
asli Dress Goods
Tli is style of Dross Goods will booi'5f
populnr this coining season.Ve have
tnKon creatcnro in our selection , nnd
feel confident in saxiny that wo have
largest line to scloet from , and the best
stylo-- , and quality to bo found in the
market , botli in plain and fancy weaves.
Particular attention is called to the
lines wo are ollerlng at lOo , 12io , Tie ,
Ibe and ilOojurd.
Hiseman cari'led the largest stock of
line white California Hlnnkots. Tad
trouble was they \vero too line nnd the
weather too warm for him to soil them.
\Vo have reduced the prices so that
they will not cost you mote than Ilast-
crn" Cotton Mixed lilankots , and at
tlicso low jirlccs all can alTord to buy
them , and put them aside until ucxtsoa-
sou ; such bargains in line California
lilankots , never was offered and you
may never liavo such a chance ajjain.
Wo nUo oiler you big bargains 111 line
lloi'so Blankets and Lap Robes. 'MO
pair of fine , very lino. Crib lilankots
fiom the Kiseman stock. * ome are
slightly soiled and aborted sl/.os , now , il.JW , iU.CaniH-10 ! : ; a pair ; less
than half their value.
\Voliuvo just received through Onmhn
Custom House , our spring importation
offinoCnRlish Shirtlntr Flannels.Vo
have llio latest slylos In them , also the
best , made in Silk , Wool and Cotton
mixtures nnd ivlhvool ; these llannolsnro
( jut'.ranteod lo us noi to bhrinlc. You
\\ill \ 11 ml them on sale in our now annex ,
on llannel counter.
Our new bilk liiubroidored Flnnnols
nro nUo on stile , All thoSllk
' orcd Flannels from the Hit-ointin > < lock
have been reduced to about one-half
their value.
\Vliito Shaker Flannelieard. , / \ .
Yard wide " \ VlntoVtiol Flannel , 2fc )
liird. The eheanost llannel ever sold
In Onmhn. Now bt\los \ In Onliii Plan-
nol : itficSe , lllc , llllo and 1 Icyaul.
All Wool Flannel Skirt I'alteins re
duced to We , M enuii'b price 1..10.
40-Inch wide All Wool Skill Flannel
20c , iisoinim"s ; pi ice OOc.
Linen Dcpt.
All the Towels from the ICisemnn
i stock reduced to Ce , tOc and ISoetich.
In the Tie lot jou will find seine lurye
buck and fun cy striped Turltlsli Towels
n the lOclot jou vilL find liuulc , crepe
Turkish and knotted fringe Towels. Hut
the Ifie Towels boat anj tovol c\er of
fered in Omaha , and should bo seen l > v
ovciy housoUeoper.Tlioro arcpurlups LO
or 125 diflerun tstj los to coloi't from and
of homo btjles tboro are but a few left.
Cotton Huck Crash induced to ISc
' lir own Linen Crash , Co , 7c.8
nd lllc yard.
Barnslj Ulcachccl Toweliiij,10c ! ; Hi e.
man's price was IKc.
Bleached Scotch Toweling , . " > clic , , 7e
and ho yard.
rnrprains ? in fringed Napkins , from
tbo nisoiiiuii < itor ] { , tit iic cauh. Ihso-
man'snrleo Idcto lee ; all the odds and
ends , 5c uacli.
All the fine ! > -4 Dinner Napkins at
ureatly reduced prices.
On special snlo tomorrow , nil tlio fine
white Hed.S ] > ionds , onio ofvnich sue
slightly soiled. In this lot , you will
Hilda fiieat many odd spreads , I to ! !
of a kind , \vo propo-o to clown them out
lit about 40c on the dollar.
Domestics- -
\\'o are cloa.'invr all the odiU and ends
in nmstiiis from the ICiseiuan stock at
. " * c , Ic-lie and . "ic yard. Good lotton
Iliiiine , ! ! yaid. Douhle fncud cotton
llannel. nil colors , l"c jnrd ; ICibcnian'i '
price loo. Ciotoiines llc ( , 1-le and Me
yard. Kvtra Jicavy cotton Ihuino ! Ifle
vai'd. Lock wood bheotiii"1 , S-l , Ibc ; ! ) ! ,
20c ; 10-4 , ! ! 2c. Double width pillow
ca e muslin. Bleached or nnhleaeliod ,
lc ( ) and 1'JJe vaid. Lon dale muslin
OJc jni'd.Vanisutta lUu' . Xew Veil :
MillslOc. Utlcti IDe. Lnn don . 1) ) .
Uc. Mubonvillo Sjc , You will h.ue to
pay more for those iirs > t clii'-s nuiilins
when thcso aio sold. Itillb blc.U'ncd
muslin 71c j.ird. Diiirhton L L He
yard. Stra\v ticking1 oc. Feithcr ticK-
inn'12ic and Mo yaul. Cottonades and
jeans lOc , 1UU1 , 1'n1 , I'So and iMo yai'.l . ,
JJoM cambric skir4 linings ! lc. } \ooil !
.Silesia lUcyaid. Cheesecloth :5c : yard.
Xitn's bunting in woam and bleached
bunlinpr , reduced to.r > e Mird.Ve carry
all the leading liraixK in double width
sheetiny. Comjiiuo our prices.
Laics'anilCliiklffiii's ' Hosiery
In this denartment will be inado tlio
deepest cut of nil On one tabloall the
odds nnd ends comprising Silk , C'aih-
more and Colton Ilosioiy for Lidies'and
Children , at one-fourth regular prices.
Kl iman's stook of ItnyV llcuvjVoulUlliUit \
lUojdo HiKL1M"lh VI. ludiueil lo l.r > e.
L ullo- , ' limy Wool llose.only lfc ! puir ; oilh
inc.tMillil ron's I'ift IJI u'k Cntton lloso , ilouljlo
kiuis , oiilv'-L't'i ii'du ' IM | fnini lUf ,
All HID fast llluoK llosu for l.iulUs uoith
4 ii1 , led need tu Jlc per pair
All of RIsoniiin'H I'liiny Ijlslii an l Cotton
lloso for IiillosioiItKuil tniS'ie ixrpulr
lollies'linn llillirlMnn llosc. I'xtru sl/n anil
evtia lonir. woitli 11 , n < diuoil to 4lc.
ICNi'inaii's Kast Itlai k I lend foi I ulli > . , Harmless -
loss dye.ortlidlc , reiliu-cd to X < e pci pair.
All of r.lsi'inaiis hlouk of Ohllili on's ' t-olinul
IIosovoith l rK't ri * < tturd to h < * pi'i'Dulr. '
Clilldii'ii's ' lll.ifk Klieeod Lined 11 use , woith
TiOc. ruducid tu 1'n1.
Your I'hnlro of Klwmnn's ' entire stock uf
Lailli's' Ioiiio-.tlr ) Iliiilnrv fur loopcr | iilr.
Infants' line Wool llosu only lOo per pair ,
wiirtli iio ;
KlM'innii's MiwK of Ijsitllis" Una Llslo IIoso ,
wottli Sl.'j , locluteit tu ( j'Jo.
r.isinan's entire stock of corsets must
he closed out nt once. No finer goods
inado than are to bo found in this stock.
Everyone of the following1 makes ( jo on
sale Monday morning1.
1' . D. 'JoI'M ) 13.
W. C. C. Corsets ,
I. C. Corsets ,
S , C. Corsets.
Jr. ) "Warner's ,
3) ) : . Hall's ,
Dr. Schillings ,
JIad. Warren's ,
1'orris Waists ,
Lisenian's SOo Corsets reduced lo lOe.
llisonian's "tie Corsets , reduced to ! 19i > .
I'.lsoman's II. Corsets , reduced lo SOc.
r.lsomim'a tl.50 C'orsolsreduced to 75c
lllsonian's J2 Corsotsreduced , lol.
lllseniiin's J3.60 Corsets , reduced lo
$ 2.25.
Ladies' Kid Gloves ,
In this dijp'irtniiMit F.isonian carried
an immense stock , com prising all the
very licit brands. RUoh as real Aloxtm-
, Trofou p , Fosters nnd Josephine
, anil othiM' line makes. This
clinnco nuiy not occur iifTtilti to buy line
fzlovosat half their Actual value.
Alluf risi'iimn's ? r ' ( JloU's ii'diu-ril lo.JOcp ill
All ii f I Isi'iii.m's . tlllloMs it'diifffl In . " > ) ( pi I r
All i.l I No in in s , * ) . ' ' . r ! lines KdiU'cd to Tn'ir. |
Alltlf I 1st-Illlll't ? l V > < i lllH'S 10(1 ( HIM ( I t < > M' | ) P.
All of I'i I \ man s ? J ( llous r.'diicoil tu ? ! . ' ' . ] > r.
l.Nt'tn IM'H stni-l. of I.iilli's' anil ( hllilii'u's
\\iiolcn \ Mlttins al ili'onls mi tindollar. .
This was the linosl stock of nny car
ried by Kiseman , AVe \\ill ntaco this
entire slock on * ale Jlon Jay morn ing at
pni'oo lo move it and ino\o \ it qnii'lc.
Do not fail to liny nil the ( ients'Un-
laundiled Shirts you want to-morrow.
They will bo sold for Iq&s than the price
of the muslin.
I ill.iiini ! rlul Milrts , : i.V P.lvoiiiin' < prlfOOf.
t iilaiintlrliil Milrts.44e ; UKoinaii's | irlii > ( ' . " > < .
I'liliiuiid rlnl S hills , rrtii ! ; K Ki iiiuii'i prlci' T..c.
rnlniinili ltd MilrK.T.'Mi LIscinati'MirKi'tl - ' . " >
In ( lit'r-lilils ' I Isi'tnan c-iiiili-d tin * llni-.l
tiu'lv In tin * Ni' , t. rotnprislii iiK1 * . I ii'iH'li
riiiin is , > "itiii tripes rsmty Miii'iis SID ,
Mili' | ) , lli.u ( h\lots , InllruinU Minis.
Iliii nc Ii In : ill jri ados. Phis li t \ \ III lie v | il or
liis Hi in t In pi iff lo in ik * ' .
In I Ills -tin kv III bi * tiiuntl 100 < lii/cn ( iiiils'
ItrliKli Half Host. Itony . i tl line piu/e ,
vnitli IV poi pali ii'rtiiutl U. . I t1.
M-uniiin's tl OO SiisiKinlors inluiotl to rOc.
r.lsi'inan's ' WV susimiflcisilowM to . ' " . llo > s'
t-ii-punJois i5o , sMispoiim is itilui-cil to ICc pt'r
pill Ml of I"i-iiiiaii a'io ) ) ? _ ' ; l'iiler uai
r ( tin < Mil to V tMi i'li , sill its or ill.i w is
lIKi- n'uf..oo ( fiov > s ti'iliiii'il t I'lV. ' s tl W ) d o , < > srnluiul toT'ii1.
I si'in ui"sil 0(1 ( CiltiM srriluii'ii toSOo.
U'sWi . * GliiM's to'J"iO.
' Shirt AVaists.
Boys' . .
To lho o biivintr bovBtoproi.ide lor in
this line , von can buy wnibts on Monthly
for less money than you can purchase
material. Now is a ( itiauce to lay in a
block. ICiseman catried a Inrgo line ,
compiising Star Waists , Mother' ! ,
I'nonil , tind other well-known malice.
All ( if HUcniiin'i noniiit I'lanial.iKt - ,
win 111 H'r , I'cilucu I In Itli
All of MlMMiiiiiis Piiin-y 1'ere.ilo AV.iKt1- ,
Vnl tit TOi' . 1 ulllc oil toJ.'i'
All of KKtniiin'sl uiicy lic-il I'cieiloVilsts ,
\\oitlt \ 7V , it'ihiiM-dio . . ! ! .
All of Kl fiiiiiii's SimVilst , luintlrlfd , ,
win th il.OO. toil Hi-oil to , ' ( le.
All of ICIsiinan'i Ittiin HecrsuoLcr.iNts. \ .
win Hi . .Jo . , i idiic't d lo IVw
All of ] ! iseinan' ' & yarns will bo
sltiufjht'ired on Mommy. It will i > : i. >
.Mm to lay in a .stock for nc\l seiison.
All ot IMseman's best quality of Kactory
StocUintj Yarn goes at 5c a skein. Host
quality /Zephyr , Ic per ounce. All of
I'.iseman's Gorman Knitting Yarns ,
wortli "oc , goes Kt loc , Ilioeman's very
host quiilit ) of Gorman Knitting Yarns ,
snKl ut floe , rciluco'J to DC per sKoin.
rUeniin'aw'oiiorii Saxony , notliinfr bet
ter made , only lie. Uiseimn's bust qual
ity of ( icrmnntov.n Yarns , beautiful col
ors , lait o two-ounce skeins , only lOc :
led need from Uic.
Ribbon Sale.
The Eisernan Bank
rupt Stock.
A full jino of shades and widths to se
lect fiom.
Ribbons \\orth \ oc,7c anil 9c , all at 'Jo
Kibbons north Do to ItJc.all at c jurd ,
Ribbons \\ortli 1-c , loc , 17c mid lOe ,
all atlc.Mird. ( )
Iiiiinonsobtocl ; Uhick Velvet Ribbons
in all widtl , alone-third usual prico-s ,
I'Mno Millinc'ij and Fancy Hibbons in
ciicllosb vanoty ,
Ladies' fancy border Cotton Handker
chiefs , I5c , fie and 7c ) Kisomnn's prices
7c , lOc and 15c ,
Ladies' Sheer Llnon lloinstUohed
llandkorcliiofs , 8c , lOc , lee , IToand lioc ;
lllboinnn 's price ISc to Jflc.
Lailios'Sheer l inniijllenistltehed Km-
broiilored Ilandkoiohiofs , Iflc , loc , 17c
mid 2"ie ; Klbotnan's pricoL'oc lei > l.
LaOiob' Japiiiioso Silk Handkerchiefs ,
in allgi'HUos and si/es.
1 GO styles in Uuchlngs , Tlio gradest
display of all at very Ipw prices.
The Stationery and
Book Departments
nro four times the former sl/.o. This
department carries the best stationery
niadont one-half book store prices ,
The Eiseman stock of Art
Needlework material and fine
Stamped Linen will be closed
out at any sacrifice. Now is
the time to buy ,
Bankrupt Stock ,
Cloaks ,
The Kiboimius wore spcciallv celebrated
brated for tlioir s-plondul Cloaknnd bui
llai'Kiiius is a tfiino evprcsbion forthi
Tbo entire stock on sale at one-third
Kremlin's ctnt.
4H ( ) hurties1 Newmarkets at $1.05.
12iilinii'iprice 11 to W.
filit ) Ladies' ' Nownurkets at $ L',05 ;
ICikoinan b pneo Is to Id.
M" ) Ladies' Is'inv murk els at $1,115 ;
1 omiiu'b niiro 1111 to Ho.
Ladies and Misses..Tackots ' ill $1.08 ;
IDi onian's price i't.
Ladies' .laclcots , in all the latent
st\lob \ at i-T.oO ; llibonian's price $10 , J17
and Wl.
Chililri-Mi'srio.iks. 4 to 12 years , from
li > up to iJJ.1) ) ) .
Sliouhler Shawls from lOc to 50c ;
Kidman's nrico ! ! " > c tofl.
Ladioi' tolmwli from $1 up to 'fii.'J.j ,
Eiseman's price 12 up to S ) .
Liidios' Fine Sh.i\vlsSJ.50to : $7 ; JJiso-
mim's prlroW up to ? I5.
Ladies' ' House Jorsojs eSc ; Eisomau's
price ? ! - " > .
ladies' ' House .Jerseys SOc ; r.isoman'h
price "rl.'V. ' ) up to ! 2.
LadiLs' Wrajipors SOc ; Else man V
price $ ! .oO. t
"DO Ladies' Gliiftliani and Stitcoji
Dicsbosat ono-t bird former piicos.
Children's and Misso ' .lo ojs 25c ;
lCisoman'5 price ( > > u.
Ladies' hoiivy Skirts Sic and , JOe ;
Eiseman's price 7"c and 'rl. j.
Ladies' Plubh Cloaks $ ' ) ; lll-ciinn's
pi ice * ! S.
Ladies' 1'lush Cloaks $11 ; Ili-onun's
piioo t- " > .
Ladies' rhish Clo.iK-s , 118.73 ; Ut-c-
price WO.
Monday we open an entire
line new Spring Jackets , Blaz-
cis , Reefers and Vest Fronts ,
in all the latest and most ex
quisite Spring Novelties. Our
\vell-knowlo\v prices will be the
marked feature of this sale.
ti. M. Whijoler move men t In a ( fold
llllod , liuntini ; case watch , warranted
towoiirllOenrs \ , SIS ; worth $10 ,
tie nth' Hois , lillcd luiutiiif ; case \s-itch ,
with a full jeweled Ainoi'ii'.in move
ment , uuar.iutocd for time , "HO " 75\\orth ;
$ .
Ladies' ( , 'old filled hunting1 ease
witches , stem \\luder and sot , \vitli \ 101-
pfin , Spriii-'liold \Vnlthaiii niovoinoiit ,
\\.irrantod 2D years , tll.JiV , woilli $ . ! .
Ladies' IIK wild frold , stem wind
.itches , Illffln , Sprultrllold or Wal _
tli.nn . inovomont , WI.5UortliHO. ; .
( iontb1 heavy tolid ( , 'oltl initial rintfs ,
with hix tjenuiiio diamond &els , Jh.76 ;
jo ul-ji''s > urico ilS.
Ladins' solid { ( old ring's , beautifully
cliabod , 7-ji1.
Sol id cold baby pins , 9cortli ! ) ; $ ) .
Solid f old baby riiijs ( , loo.
Giltliiiirornaments , 60 each ; vorth
1C. )
Ladies' best rolled pinto dress liutt-
tonb , with chain attachment , Jiic ; worth
fJonU' bolhl ( 'old cull buttons , J2.05 ;
worth iS.
Ladles' solid pold pens svlth ivory
holders , l)5c ) , wortli 4.1. .
Kofiors' lunvcs or forks , triple plate ,
$1.1. ' a sot.
A beautiful bron/o eight day clock ,
$21)5 ) ; positively worth $7.ol ) .
Nickel clock , u'lo ' ; icpulnr price II ,
Gents' lirat rolled pluto lever cuff
buttons , lc ! ) to 3'c ' ) , worth "oc to $1,50.
Lace Curtains.praper-
ies and Portieres ,
Nottingham LnuoOurtnlns at5jcflic ,
7fie , up to $ U.t25 ; Eisomnu's price M.U" )
up to $ > .
Heal Swiss and Tambour Curtains ,
33 " 3 up to $ Ui ; Eisuma'ii'B price from
DID to JUS pair.
Chenille 1'ortioros * l.i up to $7.50 $ ;
Elsonian's price * 5 up to $17.r)0 ,
Dotted Swiss for Sish nnd Draperv
rurtains , 10o , llijc , loe17c , Uoj ; Kiso-
intvnS price 12'ie unto ( ! ( lc.
ArlCottonllcirc ( ) and 17c ; ICisomnn's
pritotiocto flic.
.lap-uieso Drapery Silks In plain and
fancy colors.
Splomlld as-ortment of IVlnRcs , 'J'as-
sels , C'ouls and Iliads Trimniinus.
Kino SVindinv Shades in endless vari
ety , mounted on ealf-iii'titii ' ! spring tel
ler.-from , IHoup to.jOe . ; positively worth
; ! . " > c up to i.'Jj.
Glassware ,
Cups and Saucers 2jocuch , worth Iflc.
Plates 2c , vorth6u. ,
I'latos.'tcvorth8c. .
Flu tos fie , worth lOe eacli.
Square Napkins , 8-5 , Sc , " worth lOc ,
lee and 20c each.
Cream and Milk Pitchers ScnndSc
worth lOc and lot ; each.
Platters He , oc and lOu , vorth0c,20e !
atid oc each.
A'cRotable Dishes "c , .r > c and 7c. woith
lOc , loeiina lo ) each.
Soup I'latus . "ijo , woith 1 2c each.
Ojbtor and boup I3owls oje.Mrth ) lOc
AVnsh Howls and Pitchers 5Sc per set ,
woith sil.OO.
C'liiiinher 2jc , worth fi. > c.
So.ip Dishes ! > c , worth lOc.
S\ru.Iuys \ ) ) KJf , worth 'J-le.
Ghifeses 2c , worth "u1 each.
Halt ami 1'cppor ' Shakers lo , w
tc. wortli -
lUirneis 5o. worth -'M each.
LiiniiJhimno.\s.ii' , ( ! , woith Iflc each *
AViiioGlab'Ob c , worth Kle each.
C'alco Manila 1 Ic , wortli JiOnoach.
tllu b 1'ioklo Jtirs 7c , sold every where
for 2)C.
Ten nnd CotYec Pots 10- , worth 2"c
Tea Kettles loc , woith oOe each.
Covered Suueo I'ans'Jc ' , worth iJOo.
.Milk r.iu-i'.e , worth lOc.
I'm Pans "Icorth 5c.
Tin Cups 2c. hold all over for oc.
Milk Crocks : ? Jc each.
lippo''s ) ' oc , woith lOc.
AVnshliitf Miichines VI.-30 , woith $7.50.
AVri ncorh $1.7.1 , worth 'r.i ' 10.
Mrs. 1'otts' ' Patout flat Irons $1.35 ,
wortli W. ) .
AVasli Tubi lee , worth Ooc.
Six ilo/on Clotlies I'uis oe.
Clot In i Hira o'lc. '
Copper Tea Kettles. > "n. 1 I , copper
spun bottom. * 1.UV , worth } 2.7.1.
Toilet Sots M . . .1(1orth ( Jli.'oO ,
llnjrravodViro \ Sot8'J7c , worth i-11,00.
Scrub Hribheri iio.
liottloof the best Sperm Machine Oil ,
Twontv-four , sheets of Shelf 1'aporGc.
LainShades ) ) 6c.
Xutiuetf Clr.iteia Ic.
Tea .Strainers le.
Spoons Ic ,
Door Slops Ic.
het'oUriors \ Ic.
Sponges Ic.
Hiiiges Ic per pair.
, Tacks lc per box.
Sldinmera Ic.
lied Castori Ic.
Harness Snap * lo.
Terra Ootta ( Jihpadors , In all colors ,
lOc oacli.
Wiibli ilaslns l\c , \ , worth 2" > c.
Siiprar Bowolh oe , worth 2' > c.
lluttor DKhos 5e , worth llc. )
Spoon Iloldorfi'lo ' , worth 20c.
rinodocorntudcupd and faauccrs , OSc
per sot , woith il-IO.
And 100 piece \Vodj'OWOOil Decorated
China and Tea Sot at iril.'l.l ' ; worth $110 ,
in pencil blue , brown and neutral-
Wright's 5iir aparilla ole.
I'rinitoy'siSarsaparllla dlo. )
Cntieura lie olvont , 7oo ,
s. s. s. , iiirtfoi.n. , :
s , S. S. , small"oc , ,
Syrup of I'urs , Iurjo75o { , small tOj.
Seott's Kinulbioii. 7'io.
Konnody's Medical Discovery , $1,15.
Warnor'bKidnov mid I.Ivor Cure , 05o
Colffiito's Coltl Urcain 1-V.
Colgate'sCiitnplior Ii-o , l.rCt
Toilet Soap , -Icukos in n bo.s lie ,
Toilet Soap , H cakes in alio.\lic.
Colgalo's special 1'ansy Itlosboni , Ap-
pleBlo om and Ciiblimoro Bouquet , and
all other odors , ' 20o per o/ ,
1 Hi can Koyul Making L'o\vi1or , full
weight , TOc jtor can.
3-lb can Dr. l'rlco'8 Halting 1'owdor ,
lull wuif-lit , IIV' ; nny other irroeory Htora
willimk jon fiOu for the s'tmo baklnf *
podor. .
Van 1 Ionian's pure Miluhlu Cocoa , 1-lb
can 7lc ( , j-lb can Hit' , i-lb win l0e ! ; you
will pay $1 , 75o and oOo for the BIUIIO
Sweet Chocolate 5c.
I'lemiuni Cliocoliito 17c ; you cannot
buy 111 is for twice the money.
Sapolio Tie.
Gorman On1 Flop Yeast L'jc ; you will
pay twice the iiuinoy for thorn in any
other store except Harden Bros' .
Condensed MilU'JJe. '
French 1 'eas 15c.
Oil Sard'lie * So.
Very best Catsup 15c nor quart.
3 nip'orleil ZUixod I'icUos I5o per quart
imported Chow Chow lee per quurt.
Is tins not h-aunuyou money ?
1 ( , 'id Urn run A. | > piosj SAc.
JMbcnnCiillforiil'i ( JrocnGago Plums ,
: > -lb can California Samson PlumsITio.
: ? -lb can California ApricolH : ! 0e.
i-lb can Blueberries S o.
1Mb can Blackberries lOc.
1Mb can ( toosobcrries lOc ,
1Mb c.ui Preserved Str.wocrrlca In
heavy Sjrup , 17 } c : worth .1rC.
1Mb < " , iu I'rosorveil Raspberries , in
lionvy symp , 17-Jc , woith .He.
1Mb can solid packed Tomutoea lOc.
1Mb cnn best Sutjar Corn lOc. These
arc vor.y line jjooils.
Silmon llliciini ) IGcporcnn.
K.'iipoi'ivtod Raspberries 30c. worth
4oo ,
Emporatcd Blnelcberrics JOa , worth
- ' -
Imported Primes Sic per pound.
1'icnic ' IIamc , Oc.
Sugar Curort Hams 9c.
Dried Hoof llc. )
Breakfast Hncon 9c.
Uuuolcss Until hie.
llolognn S.iUbajjo 5c.
Head Choose - " > c.
Liver Sausage ! > e.
Domestic Soap 7 bats Ior23c.
Laee Soap I ! bars for U5c.
Sl-ir hua)5 ) 1-lb bar oc.
II. B. SoavT bars 11 jc.
Urahnin Flour il'ic.
Hnow 1'lako * H.
Minneapolis Betl Superlalive S1.83.
Davis Koyal No. 10$1. > 0.
liost S
Monday we boll a nice broken Ja\u fo
1'Jc.The very best broken Java and Mocha
and Uncla/.cd Rio 25c ,
Choioij Santas 27c to UOc.
I'euberry SOc.
Choice CJmiaimla I2. !
Tneory best Old Government Java
! 5.C.
1'uro Moclia 3-1c.
'I'lioeocotleos uro roasted fresh daily.
J\'ito ; Mixed Tea liGc.
lap SiftiiiRs 1 " ) C.
Sun Dried Jan 31.
Choice Uncolored Jap 40e , 50i3 , GOo.
llutrlisli liroakfasta very line one for
50c ; the itost 75c. '
Oolong , nice , 50o ; flno , GOc ; the beat
In opening more of the Klsoimin Stock
wo liml about fi cases more of ladies'
Muslin Uiiilorwcar , which wo sunposed
had uono on bale to make room for our
spring stock , \\hich arrives in ti few
dajb. Wo will on Monday , mnko bwoop-
ing reductions on Kisinan'b entire stock
of l .idies' and Chiltlron's Mublin
Under wear ; ronieinborco't cuts nollguro
in tliissalo , The { .roods will bo placed
on counters ! In lots na follow : * :
Lot 1 at25c Each ,
Compri&iii ) , ' } < ! it'ht ( . ! nwn . hklrts ,
Choinisen , Drauors , Cot-sot C'ovors ,
C'lnldren'sVlilto Dro i-s , Colored
Dresses , 1 n ( no t-s'Slips ' , C'nild ren's Dnnv-
ors , Dine Ic .lerM'y Corsol C'ovors , and
Aprons , In this'lot will IH > found goods
worth throe times the sale prico.
Lot 2 at39cEach.
Comprising the same urlichs . sabo\o
but much I'nor ' gomK , and cannot 1)0 )
bought in tin1 regular \va\ \ for twice the
sale piice.
Lot 3 at SOc Each.
In this lot will ho found the deonost
cutof all. r.vorj ailiclo inenlioncil in
the above lot \vill befoumi in this , and
you will miss it , if jou do not atlonil
tills , llio greatest Muslin I'mlenvoar ,
sale , over given ny r.nj hoibu in the
I'nitcd States. Silo commences at
8il : ; ) a , in.