Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1891, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16

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Note IheGi ve-Away See the Goods ancK
Prices be /
For To-Morrow. Level Headed.
L , D , LOEVY & GO. , Proprietors , Cor. IStli and Howard ,
Dress Goods \aul.
Stockinet jackets
In Rll the Latest Shades ancl Popular Prices , $2.68.
YARD. PBISTS Sintlo ) hremtocl coot bnoU , ron&
sk'ovus bound with mohnip nl *
25 PIECES 36 INCH 75 HECKS , | o PIECES FINE In StripoK ami I'luuK Fain \ Spring gilt brnicl , or cord nncl tussle In-
hUlos , iinil iiT Ini'hi1s iilo. worth $ O.OO , elioico
Gros Grain SERGES English German At C toiiors nl $2.05. ; your k
Imported Sateens Yard , MAIL OKDHRS F1LLKD ,
Mohair Novelty
SILKS Reefer Jackets
A beautiful line of new and BttllLIAITlSES I Pmincj hullo dllU ] C 185 Pieces 9O Cents.
handsome plaids and stripes , YARD. Yard. 1GO roofer jackets , rni
perfect imitation of fine wool .T2 inches wide inul newest designs , sleeves , newest
plaids that sell at 500 to 75C. 33c 48c STANDARD
These goods make up just as 65 riliCHS IiU'GAXT
PER YARD handsomely and cost you only YARD
i 2l/2 cents. 52 inches wide , silk luster , Dress Goods CHECKED CAPE
Worth $1.25 ; 19 inches \viclc black and colors , good value at In newest spring shades ,
and warranted to wear. worth 75c.
35 INCH PURE WOOL 750. Our price tomorrow 330. $2.99.
Habit Cloth 20 PIECES C 1BO of tlicm , clegnntly trimmccv >
nncl imported especially for us
China , Japanese 20 PIECES Silk Finish Black . C These gnrmonts range in vnluo
YARD. . .
In 9 different shades from $3.0O to $ IO. Your cholco
SO iuclics wide , in plain colorssttipo < j At $2.90.
and Surah English nuil plaids. These * . arc a bargain at llrje. Van ] .
minis To-morrow Oc vnrd.
SILKS Very soft finish , in plain and Call nncl inspect- the bcirg > nst
hnve advertised. All of the
fancy black , 38 , 40 , 42 and 46
140 HECKS FANCY floods nre new and tnsty bn
CLOTH inches wide , your choice at foi1 tins season's trade nncl innny
BRILLIANTINES of thorn cannot bo marmfciuuiecl
nt the price.
150 AT 1 20 Pieces 15-huli AT
c L. D. LOEVY & CO.
C C Hambur
AVoith I0c niul 'He
All the latest shades , 36 52 inches wide , and would They arc worth goc , $ i and O Your i hok'o ut " 10.
Warranted all silk and in inches wide. A special drive be cheap at 6oc. Our price $1.25 a yard. Come early and AND -
all the new shades. at 28c , well worth 500. tomorrow secure a choice pattern. Inserlings , YARD. Only Htirds customer to oat'li Y / A . _ rx LJ _ OMAHA.
All Wool Suits , I'.mts.ind Vest tollable < 4 < M > d t . ( , it , i' > , . . } II lns | yeirs of ucoorlli fron } 700t <
BOYS' CHEVIOT SUITS Boys' * lu in i.i | win L 1 tin m
, , To-morrow for $4.70 a Suit ,
Jackets nncl Pnnts , for the ages of 4 to 1O years old ; all new desirable Jackets ancl Pants in plain and checked material , worth $ .1.00 , AND AX EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS FREE WITH EACH SIZE.
patterns , which would bo considered n bargain nt one of the fi e-
Qtient bankrupt snles in this city ut $1.78 , but wo will sell them
. .
TO-MORROW AT $1.25 , \\olth l.0n i a n.
To-morrow at $6,50 ,
And an Extra Pair of Pants Gratis. And an EXTRA Pair of PANTS FREE OXE PAIR OF PANTS GRATIS WITH EACH SUIL
PLEASE T'TTTSl ' "F1 A f l'F * These are not fire damaged goods , nor joh lots , nor a bankrupt stock , but are all new , standard qoods , tailor made in Chicago and Rochester , and arc the
. . . . . . .
J. J.J.JLKJ J. J .W J. acmc of prevailingstyles. .
TT ( T ) T ? 1 I-O T ? GIVEN prompt and careful attention , and in case 'e arc sold out of the goods ) on may send for , we
JJ -L J * 1A J _ \ _
* -A substitute unless instructed
- * - - - - - immediately return your money , asc never so ,
OR ir
Ooiioludiug Paper oa This Subject by Rev ,
Father McCarthy.
of tlio Work's DDlncH In
tlic CliuroliPH nf OnmliaVoite
oC X'astorH and tlio
The jinrT * on ' 'lo ' mns , contributed by
rixthu McCniUiy 01' St. I'Uilomcnn i-atho-
flral , nio utiiactlnR a gi cut dual of ntteutlou
Irom cluirch incmbors of sill denominations.
The fourth piper of tuo sciics Is hcio\\ith
The priest Itepln * * nuss l > v i-ocitlnR Psilm
xlil : "Juueo mo , O ( jocl. " Then lie makes n
RLiiunil confcibUm of his own ilns and the
sins of tlio people Ho then ascends the altar
and kpius the "lutroit " While mounting
the nltnr steps hoiccltcs this prajer : "TnKo
nuy ftotn use \ beseech thce , O LonK our
slus.'thu with imro minds \\o in.iy bowoi-ihy
to enter the holj of holies , through CluUt ,
our Lord , A men. " Tl.o "lulrolt" Is so
called beonuso it usoJ to bo sunp by thu cliolr
ns the celelirfiut wns pnterlnp : tlio bnnctumy.
It eomo fiom thol.ntlu word "entw. " The
wri'diof the "Iiitioit" aio taltcu fiom the
Old Testnmen' , except on C'hrlsmus , 1'ento-
cost , the feast of St Peter , uud n few others.
It recalls the ili siie > > niid iiroycn of the holy
cues of the Old Testament ns they engeily
\\atrhodforthnioinlnsoftho Saior. . Tbo
\cit > o follow b tlio "Jiitrolt" niul U maJo tin of
words talii'a from the 1'salins 'llio
"lutroit" is read ut tlio left or l.plstlo
sldo of the nltar When ho has.
finished the Introit , the priest coos to the
inlddloof the altar whore ho iccitos alter-
nntclj with his minister the "Minor Litany , "
or Kjrio clelson " The "Kvrio cloisoii" and
the "rhrlstoolclson"nro two Greek oxpies-
nous meamug' , "Lord ha > o mercy ou us , "
" ' "ho 'Kvuo
"Christ have inenv on us
eU'ison" is iccitcit th'co times in honor of
( ioil , the Father , the ' I'll fist e cleison" tuieo
times In honor of ( ! od , the Son , anil tlio
"Kyile cleison" Is lepcatcd ttnoo tlnii's in
honor of Coit , tno Iloh ( lliost Thcio is u
\eiy ancient anil beautiful ttaditlnn that
when Our I.oul nsiendeil into hr > a\uti ho
tiirrieilonoilav ltb each of the nine choirs
of Illinois befoul bo iciiehed the cck'stiil
thionc U is said by-oino that the "IC.M'ie"
is i o peat oil nmo tinios in memory of tbeso
\isits The custom of rci-itlnn tbo"K.Mio
eleison" was in Roneial u-o Ix'ioio the ho ln
nlni ? of the sixth Cliristhii centuiy.
'J'lio "K\rio" is follow eil by tlm
"Gloiln , hi e celsis. " The first pail
of this beautiful hymn was composed
and suii by tbo impels when they cnino to
nnnouncu tno biitli tif the Savior It is not
known who composed the second and lamer
part of this hymn. It is ccitnln that it was
ri'dlpil word for \\onl ns it stands now he-
fnio tno council ot MicacaA 1) ) . . " > After
the ' tilori.i" tl c i > meis , aio said at the cor
ner of the altar UU the prajcrs of the old
law 'Tor Auton.hall pinv upon the tioins
thoroot " saitb the Lord ( ICxoilus \ , 111 )
The ptaycis beliiK linisbed , the priest reads
or sinus tno Cpistlo. The J pistlo Is goner-
idly taken from the cplstlos of the \\ritors ol
the Now Testament In tunes of penance U
n taken fioin the Olil Tcatiuneiit. It is said
lit the left bide of the nltar to signify that
fhvbt first came to the Jew * . Thn"C5rad-
unl" follows the Ilplitlo. ' Cir.iJual" is fiom
the Lntln word inuinhiR stops. It tells of
the trades or steps of vhtuo wo must
acitulio on our Journey through life
It eonios from the prnilual psalms
which were SUIIK on the stepof the toinplo
in fie times of the kln a of Imucl In limes
of penance a j > ieco called the "tract" fol
lows the "gradual " It signifies and calls
to our minds the times when for seventy
jeara the people of Israel dwelt in capti\lty
on llio ilveis of Assjila and wept for tno de
liverance of Israel. Hero the minister car-
lies the mass-book over to the riicht sldo of
the nltnr , and the priest propirea to read
the "gospel" by iccltiiif , ' the following prnjer
in the middle "May tbo Lord bo in my
heait imd my lips , that f mnv worthdv anil
ably iinuounco hi gospel " 'Jho people nil
stand Uuilnp tlio readhif of the posjol After -
tor the goi > pol the nlcenu creed Is leeited It
was composed A. 1) 'M. I'ollowinK the
creed couies the "oflcrtory , " TUc bread is
offertvl on the iiiton , or little golden plato
ulionOv doscilbud Tlien the wine and water
aio put into the chalice"and offered
Aftei the "Oiteilap" the relobiant washes
his hninllulo iroituiiMhc I'salm XXV from
\eisolitottiootul I'ollovinir the ' OlTer-
tor\"and its accoinjnnvini ; pra\ors comes
the " 1'ieface " At a low mass tlm 'I'lefaco"
Is said in a low lone U is called the " 1'ief-
aco" because it introduios the dilof pint of
the mass , the canon The use of the "I'rof-
aco' ' in the mass is , aicordintr to inan.\ au
thorities , of apostolic oiipin P'ormerlj theio
wnsalartro niunber of "Profaies " Them
\\as \ one for i'\eiy festival. Theioaiojet
extant ncaily thieo hundred. In the irntli
centiiu the number uas icduced to nine.
The " 1'refaco" nhvajs terinlnatesith the
words , "Holy , Holj , Holy , Koul God of
Hosts" ' [ ho 'Canon" is'tlio most sacred
ini t of the mass ns it contains the words of
lon-.ectution. 'Ihooul canon comes from
tlio Ciuolc and sl-nilics ( mule , for it Is the
rule Uj which this part of tlio mass isalwajs
mid. All admit that the canon is of great
It is not nno\\n who the author was It Is
certain that not a wont has been chunked In
It , adiiod to it , or taken fiom It , since the
early part of thosuveiith icntuiy I'opo Si ,
( irogory called It the "prajor , " by St Cpi } -
pi Inn It \\as called the "oration , " by St.
Ambloso the "ecclesiastical rule , " and by
llasil the "secret. " It was also called the
"action. " The "canon" is i celled seciotly.
It contains some very beautiful nrajers for
llio chinch and the state , for the spiritual
iincl the temporal rulers , for the llvini ; and
the dead , and begs the intei cession of the
blessed vinjin , Sts. Peter and 1'nul and the
other apostles and some of the early inattyn
The communion ends the essential part of the
mass It is followed by prayers called the
the communion and tbo post communion ,
rinnlly the priest blesses llio people and 10-
cites the last gospel. This is the e nd of the
The bread u cd at mass Is niivlo of wheat.
Wheat Is the only valid material that can bo
used The Latin elm rch uses unlcaoned
broad The Oriental churches , excepting
the Armenians and the Mammies use
leavened bread ' 1 ho hi cad , or host , used by
the priest , Is a circular wafer I'opo.ophy -
inins , A U U17 , calls It "n crown of asnhcil-
ral tlKiire ' Sovcrnt of Alexandria , In the
fouith centurj , calls it a "circle" 'llio
Greek bust U a Mjuaro Hyure , w bleu U tut
fiom a Iniye , round pleco and is called the
Holj Lamb The s.icnlleal wine , to bo valid ,
must bo the imio juice of the Kiapo In an
cient times two vorj cmious instriiiiients
weio used dining the nmss-tho holy fan and
tlio comb. Tor a long t line the iiistom pre-
\ailed in the western clniich , and still pic-
\ails m the oastein cbun'li , of nslnp a
fan from the "oITeiton" totho "comiminlon"
todrnc'awa ) Iliesaml otbei troublesome In
sects from the priest nncl the offerhiL's It
was tlio deacon's ofllco to hold the fan and Its
delivery to him nt his ouiinatlon was loiibid-
cred necessary and is t.o considered in the
e.istoin chinch to the present day. lloforo
tno emuipci -relifrlon some veiy line and
costly fans worn used in the ehuiilies of
llngland The record of the Salisbury cathe
dral In the thirteenth century mentioned a
f.iii of pine silver. The cathedral of Voile
iiosessoil n very precious fan. A bishop of
lee ( < ii > stoi' in the fomtconth century uiivo a
fan to his cathedral which was made of
picclous silk and wliuh had an itory hnncllo
The comb ns a liturgical Instiument is of
Kieat imtliiity. ( | It was used to keep the
| HH"-t's hair and bcaid in otclcrduiing the
service. These tombs weio made of
l\ory , silver and gold. The cat he-
dial ol Sens jet possesses n
comb that belunjrcd to St. Lupus , \\lio
was bishop of that church A 1) ) IVI'1. ' Tlio
cathedral of Sarmn , in Kiit'lnnd , possessed a
number nf these combs , \\hk'h were made of
l\orynnd beautifully llnished. Among the
things tanen fiom liladstonebury abbey In
the time of Henry VIII , there is mentioned
"a combo of goldo , gainlshedo with small
turciuases nncl othnr loursn stones " U'hei.
llio bishop was to oftleiato the deacon
sub deacon combed his hair as scton as his
sandals had be en put onYlicn a pi list
oftleUtod Ids hair was combed tlrst In the
sacristy and at stated times dm Ing the mass
At present the comb Is not used during mass
In the western church It is still used in
some chnichcs in the east , wheics
the clergy wear benids. Tlio writei
hopes tbfit thcso papers \\ill bo Inter
esting en en to those \\lio \ ma not of
Ins way of belle\intr In icllgton To thi/so
who liikonn mtcivst In stud\lng tlio man
ners and costumes ol the call ) Christians
the mass will afford a grcit amount of cur
lous Information The wilier lavs no claim
to unusual learning and icscaic.h Ho sun
jil\ n.ado . use of matter that had uticmu
been collecled uud iii-iungcd bi othcis , Ho
reprets that ho had not time and space to describe -
scribe the mass mote In detail
In I'eu and 1'ulpit.
Hr IJ II. Cmtlsof Lincoln will oxchanco
pulpits with Or ( lordon of \Vestminster
I'lesbvterian chinch toduj
Kev Sterling , founciu of I'lno Hideo
Agenc ) , but now pastoi of the U'nlmit Hill
Pic-ibUerian chinch , will conduct the sen--
Ices at his new c-haigo today.
Kev ( ieorgo H Ha\ls , formoily editor of
the Nebraska Adocatc1. . bus boon ttipoliitc | > cl
to take chai'KO of the Methodist missions in
Dulgaila Ho will lcau > with his family for
New York In a few weoUs , and sail as boon
as possible for Hulgaiiu
Kov ( ! eoi'o ( M Hi own Ins begun the pub
lication of a ned eight pigo paper
called the Ontial ( liantniiiiua Assombl )
It is to bo dmottil to the Cliantauitio | inter
ests in geneial and to the Intiicbtsol tlio
I'lomont I hautiriquu In paiticular 'llio
paper will doubtlesb boa Rieat help to Chau-
Hey M L HoopeiiKnrner , tbo ovangolM ,
is now oniMited maerj successful mcoting
nt South Tenth .stuet .MolbodKst ehnrtli
Moio than one' hiinclied peisons liavonlrc'ady
mcicnU'd thomsohcs at the altar and ha\o
iieen tonveited to the Chilstian life' Hex- .
Hoopengainer expects to continue tlio meet
ings for two or tlncooohi and then ho woes
totho lliimcom 1'urli.M. i : chineh to hold a
Theio will bo a Jubilee sei \ ice nt the I Ian
scoin I'.uk Methodist chuuli today at in .10
Itislioii.lohn I' .Newman will bo present and
deliver an address 'Iliei occanion is in ne-ono
of rejoicing oit llio fact that tlio debt w liu h
has stood iiKiilnst thu eh in ill evei sine oil was
en-clod has Ihially been \\ipe-d out , and the
eongiegation has H-.i on to fe-ol plud. Sboit
aildicsscH uill piobnbh b < > iniiilo bpruml -
nenl members of the longiegnllon.
Tin hoaid of director * of the I'H'sbvtoihn
thcolozlciil seminary will hold the tlrst nieot.
Ing m\t TuosdiiN at , ' p in. In tlm Kirst
I'lvblnteihm chuicli of this cltr. Letters
aio being iweUed from tlio members electe-d
when the orcaiil/atlim was alTected two
weeks ago , nncl in most Instances the gentle
men have in copied tlio otllco confened upui
thorn There will bo a few \acanru s huv > e\
er on urcounl of business inatte'is.
ul health aud Ihu like , u\er \ which
the gentlemen elected ha\o no c'ontiol. and
it mnboisjini * necessii v toelc'cta lew cliiec
IOIN lo lill tne.icancies when the benid
meets ,
The Hihlo ICclio. pnblUhed nt Melbonino
Austiaha , sa\s " \\eweio \ hlijlilv O'iatilied
to receive * on the 11th mst , a hnef but inter-
estinclcttei from Hiolhoi T. 11 Catcsof the
mis-ionarj ship 1'ilr.itrn The vessel lelt
San I'laiuisco Octolitr S'.i , and luaihed I'lt-
cann island Noxomliur ' 'V whoie the com-
liinv lemaincd ovci thic'o wu'hsVlnlo
there , Ihc-j e'lijoject excellent seasonsof bless
ing , llio hearts of the \isitors ancitsited
beinggrenth cliicred Kinlity-two weicj hip-
ll/ed , w hi eh inelndcd every adult on Hin
island , togiittioi w ill. some of the children A
chuichiif the simo nuiiiber uas oi , ini/eJ
Uc'aclmg maltc'i and other needed at titles
were supplied I'rom I'llcaint the vessel
piocitded to Tahiti , whom our letter was
ilateet December' ' ! . I'Uis vo\ago was undo
insi\da > s , a veiy pie peious one Itrother
( intcs n-poiis tlio ccimp.nn nil well , amlsa\s \ :
\Vo hops to it aeli Mmr island some liino in
llio near fuliite , hut 1 am notceium when ' "
church note's sunitny
A \ossel c'ldled the IMtcairn , sent out bj-
the Se\until Day Acl\entist fui tbo purpoio
of llndlng iuier Cndnoj , has been lieaicl
fiom , IClder C'ndney sailed fiom Honolulu
iioaih tbieo jears ago , Intendmir lo KO to
1'itc.Miin island , lint ho iiu\erreaeliod his ele , -
tination , nncl bits of the I'bciiio
Chapman , the MSSC > ! in which ho
sailed , have slnco been found in theI'.uliln ocean , showing
that the \essol must Inuomea with disaster
The I'ltc'iiiin stalled last f.dl from San Fian
ciscoand was under comiiiind of Key 1C H
dates of Cidoiado. L'nlil last \\ioli no
lldniKs hmo been be.nd fiom the 1'itcalni
and frusoio \ enteitainoil foi her sali'ty.
'Jho fnllowing will boie'iidwith ii'iich Inter
est In members of the chuuli u vslcli liuy.
Cluti's is mi ardent \\oiker
"Theisi hicinei I'ltcaiin airivcd at I'lte-ihn
N'cn e'.be'i' , ' . " > . lemaiiieel at llio island thieo
ueclis , oiKthj-two weio baptised , and a
clumhas eii ani/ed It thin sailed for
I'ahlti , aiilyini ; theio December ! > | . All
well and irond coura o I'.ldor HakKcdl ar-
ll\ed heio fiom New /.calami thu Kith. "
! * iiubun' ! i > ispa'i h Tlio cocin | > tti > hcs in
a fc I s | > aiadiM bm when ilic teailie fui
the fruit but , liuds hot huuds full uf
\VlionIthink on tlio happy dins
1 spout wi'yoii , my iloano ;
And now wlmt lands hetwooj. i , io ,
llowuiii 1 bo but terio ?
I Tow slow jo move , . \ eluMhouis , ,
\ - > jooro wao and weai'v !
It wns ni biioyoirHnleil by *
When I was wl' mi ik-arie.
Tlio Diirliiiiu Mcker.
Some of tlio weak lunt.rcil pipers ol
North ( 'aiolini aio prlntim ; stale n , . nta
to the effc-i-t that tlie Ulnbo haboy. .
c'litled } . '
, Al 1'airbiothei intl o
Durham iNT. I' I filolio.
"Wo lion to ho OVUMJII. Tlio ( ! li > o 13
not In t ho hoj foiling hislnes , . He. n mo
a fejw Idieitlc papois linvo been sti u kc n
fiom thf ( iloho'h list it doe- not f , . .11r
that tlio filcibn lias bojc-ottod nnlimly. .
\Ve ? nro willinif to u.\ ( > liinii-o paper wit'li
any dee-out nunspapor man , but we ire
not willini ; tOHund ihlh niipor to Miy
patent Bulled dreadful In the ci.uniiy. .
\Vc \ > lia\e e'ut some paperfiom tlu list ,
peihap Imlf a liuiuiied , nnd jno-
no-o to t-eo that tlioy mo Kept ficn. tbei
li-t uiiles tho\ remit the n-ial
pric'o ii ( a joar in athnnio Iho
crowd of ainntuur newspaper men may
iio-sibly anuiM ) tlium-clNos in pin.iiufr
their jiincrcnv ulieids , but thoan't
ainii-o ninny loiiKor woiKiny thoix-
cliaujjo rii'l\ot.
Inothoi woidrt , tlio Cllobo does nut pro
po-o to i-lvo something for m > tlimpr ,
And aboMi all things it will not hifmmil
aiclini , ' and aholtini ; tlioso countij b.i'd
hoaileil wilponf tlio vnlloy i o\te > rui > tj
moiui.v umlor falho pre < le > n o * .
And the t \\eiilj' odd pi ] > eri > \\ln L ttia
( ilolm Mit from Us ovliaiiuo list n.v ,
howl until Ihoy t , ' 't liietl. The de t
wants nntliiti ) , ' to do with them "I'hnp- /
follims towlmni wo hmo i-oanud to bend
our paper constitulo tlio blg obt i-rmul
of fhiiinps wlinuwir inipersimatod news.
li-ipei men Anil wo do not mio whut
anj of i hold lots timj b.ij about us.