Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1891, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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    I 'I ? >
A Very Gratifying Showing for the Oinalin
National lianks ,
The iliibhlng Tnuli * XcciU Warmer
U I'lithci'lo 3tvi ( > ( ioods Sli-iiiii ;
I'rliM's ' I'or Country Pro-
luce tlrnin Illghcf ,
Money Is becoming comparatively easy hi
Omaha , nl least easy to xvhnt It wai thollrst
of tliu year. As n matter of fact tlicro Is
morn demand for good sceurltli'.s and lenders
uiv Inclined to ho particular on this score ,
which necessarily makes money scorn a llttlo
clone In Rome instances. Tliornln \ nil
claim tlint plenty of nunioy Is to bo had on
good iaior. |
The national banks of tlio city
have lieon mihllsliliiK tlu'ir statomcnts
during tlio past woi-k itnil thesis servo
to Minw morn rleaily Iliun anything
else the actual conditions prevailing hi local
llimneial circles. H will ho noticed from the
compilation nf those atatctm'utfl given Mow
tliut ( hero has boon a gain In ilopo.ilt.H since
tliu last statement , niailu tn December , al-
thmigh they nro not bai'k to xvhero they wens
in October last , before tinmrlod of strin-
genev set in. The low point has been reached
anil the people arc putting their tnonoy back
into tlio lunltH. The only ground
for anxiety at any thnn win as to
- lio\v \ far the depression would bo
carried but ai tlio limit bus been touched and
tlio process of recovery Is well under way
bankers feel much not terns to tlio outlook.
As a hanker rcmarkuil yesterday. It will ro-
Ciihi | > tiini' for the bun Us to gt > t back \vboro
thuy wen,1 in Oetobor , but tlino la a small
tnnttor as compared with the fact lliat there
is an actual linprovum nt In tlm right dircc-
tion. Uthor itoin.s in the statement will
prove of Interest m the cash on hnnil and in
luniks shows n total for the nine bunks of til
's lost $ i.Mi ! , < MXX > , or a gain of nearly $ ' .H)0X ) ( > 0
s compared with the December statement.
On the other Imiul , several of the hanks show
no rediscount * , anil those that do nvo very
fiinnll , which Indicates Unit tlio hmiks nrcno't
compelled to borrow but have money to loan.
J it the matter of loans mid dlseounts there
has been a very consldorablo rontractioii
siiico October' ! . A banker siiinnieil up hi"
romarUs on the statement liy saying that in
every nspoot it was a most uratifyuiK' show
ing for the banks , and better uvon than could
have oeoa expected at a tiaio whoa people
linve been complaining ? of poor trade. thht
iniiney nntl iliill times generally. Tlio follow
ing Is the compiled statement of the nluo
national hanks of Omaha :
. The following Is astiit'Mnontnf ' thocondltion
oftho national banks of this city atthocloseof
huslnoss on Kobruary ) , is'.il , also the totals
for the Hatno bunks as shown by the state
ments tiiiiilu on December 11) ) anil October U ,
Si i :
i mm
v f-i : H = iJgP
is I : Ssr.SS
* . r
eVi ss
c r ; b neccC7)p-ipi
gSS3HS'5S !
-j-io-iij ; I
_ Si-- ] . L
Ti Sl-iSS : S h
sSiBg *
es' iss
} ! *
IllvhU'nil.s uup.ild. tlneliute-i c.uli on band anil in
A goitd jobbing trade with such weather
nshu ; > prevailed daring the wceU past xvould
he something out of the ordinary. With the
temperature ranging around zero anil the
ground covered under a heavy tall of snoxv ,
no one can bo persuaded to buy spring goods ,
mill it U too Into in the season to sell any
thing in the xx-ay of winter goods. Thoerdd
weather hus boon of some little bonellt to
the retail trade , as it has enabled them to un
load n certain amount of winter goods , thus
reducing by just so much the slio of the
stocks which they will he compelled to
carry over. As a matter of course consider-
aula of tills trading has boon done at
low prices , the average retail dealer of the
st.ite being glad to sell winter goods even at
eo t , ifhe can get cash for them.
Two months ago , or in fact during the
whole of the early part oftho winter , the
Jobbers xx-ero sighing for just what they are
getting noxv , cold anil stormy weather. But
the xvuiits of the trade change xvlth the sea
sons and what they noxv most desire is warm
and spnug-liko xx'cather. In most llnea of
trailo a very light movement of goods is an
ticipated until the spring seems nearer ut
hand. Just at present , as n Jobber remarked ,
wo are between the txx'o seasons , It Is too
Into lo soil stoves aud too early for
ice cream freezers and fe-ardeti rakes ,
or as another remarked , you can't
cxjicct a merchant to lay Ina stock of light
spring clothing when the weather is so cold
that ho Is In danger of freezing to death , un
less tie hus on a bearskin overcoat.
lamoUllnosof Lusincis the market liasheon
almost featureless so far as change In prices
Is concerned , Values have ranged very evou
Uurln ; , ' tliu past ill days , aud what changes
have taken place Imvo bisen for the most part
light ntul of little Importance.
The outlook for noU Miniiiiur's crop In Ne-
linuhn nnd the trndi'of next siiiiiiuor nnd
fall , for tlio two fo together , hn < continued to
Improve , anil the nicrcbants of the state ,
both johhi-rs nnd n > taller , are i-itigratuliitlii | {
thoinsolviw over the brlcht outli > olc. Kach
additional snow tiorm. xvhilo It lcliiv the
opt'iilng of siirlinf twiliMiivos still further
assurance of yood erop.s and belter business
for the year toconio.
ioi NTIH I'Miit'i ' IM : .
The prices nt which coimtrv piixhico Is
selllni ; Diif-ht to bo and diuilitlews are very
k'ratlfyini } to slilnpetM. The supply of all
klnd < of country nroilneo tins hcn remark
ably light for soiaoveont \ past and prlci'.s '
have been i-raxvlliiK up until u point lias been
reacheil xxhiuh places this market considerably -
ably in advancn of other innrliets , on some
lines at least. These hl h prices have to a
certain extent limited comninntlon. but the
domain ! is fully equal to the receipts , nnd
everything that fs at all ilciti-able sells readily
on arrival. If tlierucati bo any exception to
thn nbovo general remarks It xvlll bo
noted In tlio case ot rtfga , which
are not particularly slroii ) , ' , nllhoiirth
thciirlco here Is mnslilcralily above otlier
inaikots. In fuel the Is partly duo
to the hlfih price \vlilch bat enubleil ipecula-
tor.s to Mldp In rci's twin other market points.
The prices paid the p.wt . xveek have ranged
from It'KulTc , though the latter price xus
hardly obtainable toward tlio close of the
llultcrwas an important featurein the
prodnco market last xv ; elc by ri-ason of Its
scarcity and extremely lilRl ) prlco. Country
rolls that xvori'iiiiv xvnys pnnA solii quickly
at 'Om ' J-Jc , and sales o'f small lots of o.xtra
Kooil were roportoil I cent , orevcji'J cotit-s ,
hlglirr. The lu\v graJcs. which nro not good
eiiuiiBli for the city rotnll trade , have not
shown much advance.
Prices on poultry have been
very Una for seine tinu luicl ; ,
nnd dealers hnx'o found no trouble in unload
ing their stocks , tiooit drossedchlckeinsold
rcnillly atHtx ! Hc , tuikcvs I''cr llc ! find jreese
and ducKi liiii ( lie. lliose prices , ol roiifhO ,
xvcre obtaiiieil for good stock , xvhilo niiytnlng
badly sraldeil or otlierxvibO undoblranlo had
to sell loxver.
Tr.ulo In wheat at C'hieiiL'o during the pnt
xveek has heon broader and more active than
lor alonn time. As prodlctcil tlio Injury to
the foreign crops and higher foreign markets
have at last tiad an effect upon our own mar-
hot anil xvheatslioxvs a ealn tor the xvcok of
Ic i > er bushel. The close win strong and
within lo of thu top. Hhrcxvu1 operators think
it lus not yet ro.lchod Its legitlnmto level and
that it xvlll go still higher in spite of the
organized efforts of Chicago and bt. Louis
I'ornvas strong nil the week on account
of the strength of tlio legitimate situation
and also oil account of rumors of Intended
manipulation of the May option , wliieli has
already caused weak shorts to cover and
forced May eorn us high ns the long talked of
Hoc. The mnrkot closed tame at about lo
below ton prices.
O.its worn comparatively active ana higher
on xvhispi'r. * o ( manipulation.
Provisions xverc dull and almost featiiriv
less , the lluctuations being narrow.
What llttlo activity there xvas heoineil
to hax'o been more In sympathy
with grain than on its own merits. The pres
ent price * of provisions are noxv relatively
beluxv the price of hogs , and hogs are Itoper
cent lower than the prlco of corn on which
they are fed. The cqimliiation between the
nixv material anil the product must adjust
itsell in tlmo , and for that reason feume oper
ators think purchases of provisions will ulti
mately bring ahiindsomoprolU.
The following table will slioxv the highest
and loxvcst prices paid on caclulnv of tlio past
week at Chicago and St. Louis , also the oi > oa-
ingauit closincpriees of the week :
O31AH < 1 I.H'i : STOCK.
- O.XIXIIA. March 7. 1S11.
Cirrr.E-EstniiiitPil rocolnts ot catilo 2.IWO as
cniniiiireil xvltli l.fll'j j-i > ti > iiliiy nnil Iti1 :
Saiurilrry of last week. Tlio ii'i-ulpts itiirlns
tliueok \ weruuboiit ll.fiit ! . ascoiuimi-i'il with
ID.uW lu-l xx-iMili. Tin' iiinrlii'l wns iii'tlw nun
-trmiK mi tin' ln > > t ( raiit'tnf li'i > xi-s nnil ui'tlx-o
nnil stonily on tliu int.-.t ilu..lnliiu railisnt
bnli'her xtneK anil iiiu'liiin eil on utlier .
l-'onlors weru niU'linnu'iMl.
Ilims Kttlin.itoil rneolins of hosWO. .
us I'liiniiariKl with ' .i. MM yi sl < iil.iy uiut 4.1'il
xitiinlay of list : wi-olv. Tin1 rc'i'lptdnr -
.iiitllii' vi'ok XM-IO iihiiiit \31W I us I'liiniiari'd
xx Illi aiii ) : last xvn < U. Tin ) npnii'il
slon mill loxrur , soon sotllliii ; In a full ftu uV-
clnni with It's , ilfjli-alilii lights 5 to 10t-
lowor.vluui tl.o market lit'i'iiiini actlrit iittho
iloi'llne. The raimo of inli-os jrilil Has fc'.u.lfft
II.M ) the hulk solllniiit * l.2Vi& : I'lts. SIAXii ,
3..lj ; HBlit-llBhtt. J..30'i6l.iKi ; Uulit. . ' . V5 { ; > . : o :
liouvy , UXMi5 ( : ( ) : nilxud. } 1.3Vi ( l.i.1. : The uv-
ruiit of the prk'i'S piilil was.3ii'i : ! ' ns roin-
yaioilxltli Si 31' ' yotorilay anil $ J.w : t-itnr-
< luy of lust .
SiiKBP-Kstimiitefl nx'olnts ot slict-p Wil as
coniparoil xvltli 2,135 jri'itelilay anil IIHIIL' Siitnr-
iliv : if last m ik. Tim ri'i olpt- . lust xxi'ok xiore ) . us compared with -.Ml tills \\cck . The
marKet wu.s art Ivc mill steaily. Natives.
} 3.75'it3. 10jTL < sti < rns. } 2.5O3f I.IH ) .
iM nnil ShipniiMitq.
Ilk-till roeeljiH ami MilptnenU
of cittle , lio. s anil sheep on tlio dates Inill-
IKtuT. i ciin7 . | ling-i. l sTTcepT"
FrlJ IJT , I-eh. 27 MRWi t.'i'l b'M
hinonlnjr , l'i > l > . < M \t \ ! ! > 4.4'U . . . .
.Miiiitlny. March ! 1,181 a.V.'T C.l'.l
TiH-iilay , .Xtiirrli ; i ! . ( ' - > i 7.B73 1S7
\Voilnesilay. Mnrrh < MM 5..VU } ; a
Tliursilnr , Marrh5 IIIM , fts.'n MI7
Frlil.ijr. Morrh n Mil' ' i'.XISl S.l'.i
Saliir.liy : , MnriJiJ , csl _ . ' . ' , : UU H.&ti } ! Ol
Koiirlli wi-i-k nf t'eli i W.ii'.Sl ; i | yfl i.sil
Tlilnl wi-eti of Fi-li Iiii77 Sl.0.17 2777
SiHMDil wivkof Ffli llKI7 ) .7s- > 3.V7U
Klnl wovkuf Fcb Il.lKi'i IKi.MI V.h7i ;
Ft-urtli Ti-i-k of Jan ! \.VM fit ) . : ) ! ' , ) j.KSi :
Tlilnl wt-i'k of Jnn 1I : , . " > < VJ r..taO'jui'j ;
fllll'.XIEMS ,
HATB.-T Tcaulo. I llom , | ahcoep7
Tliurnitny , Koli. M Clli l l
F'rl.lujr. . Kdi. S7 Ka ) . . . . sia
Snninlay , K 'l > . W W7
.Mnmlnr , Mnrch 2 1,018 111
Tiii'iilar.Miiri'lil ' l.l.'l'J ZM 630
WeilniiMiliir , Marcli I . . . . < SI M . . . .
Thuri < nijr..Mnrdi 5 Wi m 711 ;
Kniirtli wi-ok"of I'eb I bCfi lTii | 41W
Tlilnl oi-k of Fell I U773 lilt . . . .
Si-conil wi-ck of Fell W7II . . . . 1.537
FUil ei > k of Kul 7.5'A ) 1,011) ) l.iA . )
Fuutlli wi-i'k of Jnn D.VOil KM 2,1X1
Tlilnl vtot't of J u ) , ' , * iiH l.h''i Ml
I'revtiilliit ; TriecH.
Tliofollowln'U a tatilo of prices paid on
thUmarkct for the iradoof stock nicntluncil :
I'nney steers , IW to IIMJ ll > * f t.u OAK
Prime steers. liW toHTA Ihs @ 4.7r ,
( iMil ) steers. ll.V ) tn itV : ) Itis : i.Tl ) U.M
Hutehois'steets. luioto IMlbs. . . . U..V ) (31.15 (
1'iilr slecrs , ( KU to ll.V ) lljj : : CC-'l,7i
L' < ) iiiiiiont , * l to 13)0 ) Its 2.75 t'r.M )
Kulrto iood cows 1.00 bUOd
Uixd ) toeholeoeoxT * -W ( ttiJ
i fniit's * iww . . . . S 10
lll'Ifl-M 'J.0 >
Yt-nrllinH S.OO
IVi-ders 2.W
Slo 'Kii" 1'Jfi
( 'minors ' MK )
Hulls ,
llvon I.Tfi
. tna ; < 1,60
I'lltVI'l \M \
UVwlern eornfuil steen ' . ' .S'l '
> Xt'sti-rn sleeM I.W1 'l.M )
\Vesti-rn eows 1.00 'ilO
Stock llcoulpt * .
RttlmatiilTiMlnv. Olllelal *
rm tic. . ta' . cars , ' . ' .JW ) I'nttle. . . m oar * , l.fill
UOKS. . . . HI ! ears , bKW \\ct\n \ \ \ . Ill earn. U.SI *
Sheen a ears , f OI siierp . Bl cars K.ISfl
Hur iM . . . I ear , 2
| , oxvil. l.
. .
2.11.1 l.nxti'At D.OO
< 'i > niiiii'iih | ( c Tahli'i ,
The follntvliii ; table shows tlio ranso In
prlfosoti liujs ; :
Mmnliiy. Mnri'li3 . fll lOiWl M
Tuosiliiy , Miin-h : i . il l.VffM
\V \ inl HI-MI ay. March I . II ll > il t M
ThniMlnv , Miiri'liS . IlOiXSKl ta
Prliluy. Mnri'h 0
Sattinlay , Mareli 7 l M
Avoraijo I'rluo ol"HoiH.
Snowitip the nx-orairi ) nrlco paid forloaih
of hots on Iho iliiys Inilieateil In ISsS , ISs'J ' ,
| y.Hntul ) 1SH. !
; ol' Prli.'cs.
The followInj ; table shows the prices paid
for Mlipcp :
Prime fat sbecp
Hood flit SlllM-p
t'oiiiiiinn toiuedlilin sheep
\\esteia \
DNposltioa ol Slock.
Showing Iho nuniber of cattle , ho'i and
sht'i'p purchased on this market as reported
by tlinxvcldiiiiaitur of tlio Stoekyarih coin
pany for .March 7 :
HllSI'l-M. Nil.
Pwlft\IVi f- , ,
Tlied. II. llaiiitnonil company " . " >
The Cndaby iinckliiK eoniiiaiiy IDs
Oiunha iiui'Klu ' coiaiiany 'J '
l.i'o llnthsclilld 2M
I hi mill on A Stephen 7li
VimSant , V Carey l > l
Ni-ls.Morrls .117
Shippers anil forders MIS
It. , lli'ukur ' & Dvtfun 163
ThoCndahy nacliliiK company H.S70
Oinnliu paelmiKcuniiiany a.IW !
Swlfl&i'o . . . . . . : . 1.4W
The ( I. | | . Hammond packing company. . . ( ilO
bhlppers and feeders 'JjO'J '
sniai : .
Swift , t Co lot
The ( I , Iliiinmoiid iiiU'lilng company. . . . IM >
Shippers ana feedL-r ; , to
Cotinlry l'rolm'i ' .
The | iroil iioiuiiarket ye torilny was sleady
anil iiiu'luiiiL'i' of any iiiiMirtiiii | : > i > WHS tlevoj-
olit'il. ThfoK \ eloH'il lth slotknotl \
cleaned mi.
llt'TTKii- In1 supply nf liuitor
M-ry slioi t mill iirlci-H hluli , Vcvlerilny llm
heal count rv rollsmiltl quiti * ri'nillly at AtflSUr
mid a low sales of e\t rastoiUoui niiiilo nt
llAY-Tl-.ciniir krt winl
iinil bay wi-iit at K.MHIIXWI pirloii ,
I'on.TilV ( loud ehtrkons Mild lit
holci' inrUoyo I"ol4i' ? ; ni'ex > nuil < lucU IMl'Jc.
These iiiiotiilloiis er < - for pmd klneU.anv-
ol-c would li.iM1 . tnsell at
'Hit : liiipiiii'tMiH'ii t lt'iirl.
The following IlK'iiros give tliu total of real
estate IrausfeM , bullilhiK penults and 'bunk
clearings for the week :
itint. nsr.vru TitAN. nit3 : ,
Monday . I SI.7 !
Tliui'silay . 1l.n | ( |
Total . 531. OT
imtMiiN'n l'iuMit3 : ,
Monday . , . J I. TO
Tue dnv . -
Wcdnoylay . -
Thursday. . M.CXW
Total . . .VVT.-.J
1IA > K Cr.K\ltlNG3.
Moii.lay . } 70.W..W
Tuesday . Hll.i4i : ; lit
Wriliii'wliiy . .'IT.Tn ( '
Tlnn-Mlay . -ii'i.i , : ' > 0
I'lldn.v . ti'.notJT.dl
Saturday . (
Total . ! I.OtW , < 0 .ii ;
A docien i' of t"l percent fioiu tlio eorre-
week of last vcar.
) moinvAY noisitiiiY.
ACrouur'H Clerk ilolil Up by Three
TVliMi on 1'iirk AMMIUC.
A inoit niulacious hljiluvay mbbory wns
successfully cnrrieu out just ucfoii ) ilurk Irl -
day uvcnhigoa I'.irk uvcniea slirrt distance
south of Lcavowvorth , in ONO of the llnost
nnil most populous rosidoaco iimrlcrs ] of the
A Rrocer's clerk was heM \\\t \ by four tin-
known muu anil robbed of JIT.d" in broad
daylight on a much travclod thoronphfarc at
an hour when many people were passing , and
tlio Uarlajj hlghwiyincn escaped with their
booty without detection , '
Shortly after Jl o'clodt yostrrday aftcnionn
nwoll-ihvsscd straiiKOi1 entered the grocery
store of . .I.S.Villifinrt at the end nf the
Sixteenth street car line near lliinscoinpark
and asked if ho could have seine KooJs do-
llvcrod about II o'clock , as ho was coin down
town and would not return until that time.
Ho took ids departure utter rcceiviiic mi
aftlrniutivo answer and was SCLMI no more
until about O o'clock. Ho purchased
a bill of proceries' aniountiiii , ' to f..I ! : ) ,
nnil ho then directed that the deliv
ery clerk should ho given clun o
as ho had nothing uut aJ.'O bill at the house.
Tliu cleric , ( ! . A.Tilberg. WH ( 'lveii fit.(17 (
and then started out in the stranger's coin-
pany to deliver the iroods. Tlio aililress given
was" that of "Mr. U'oodbraad , fiU.'J 1'iirlt ave
nue , " and thither they drove , .lust ns they
reached Air. vvoollhread'.s resilience , the
strantor remarked , "I'tnadeainistako In the
number. It's that next houso. "
At this juncture , three men who had boon
standing on the sldowalk asked tlio driver to
Klve them a rule , uut hi ) replied that ho had
load enough ,
ilo was Instantly ami ui expcctodly as
saulted by his companion , and the three men
rushed into the street and covered him with
revolvers. The man In the wagon wont
turouch his pockets , taking the chaiiRoabovo
referred to , and the four then beat a hasty
retreat , keeping Tilbcri ? covered with their
revolvers until they wore half a block away.
Tillieii ; returned to the store and reported
the occurrence. Tlio police were at
once aotlliod , but t Ims far have
not apprehended the rolibers. A
good description01 the three confederates
could not be glvrn by Til berg , but both he
and Mi' . Williams furnished a minute de
scription oftho chief uctor in the robbery.
He is about twenty-four years of ngo.smoot It-
faced , Ims sandy complexion , rod balr cut
close behind aiul lontr in front , brown eyes ,
scar on side of jaw , is about six feet hltjh ,
weighs IM ) pounds , was very well dressed
and were stirt black hat.
Chief Sc-avuy iscontldcnt that the bold rob
ber is none oilier thnn Mansfield , alias
Kofjors , who recently walked out of the
jail , and wno wrote several lot'crs ' to the
authorities threateaini ; to come hack and
steal the town. The chief has an idea that
Manslield lus started out to carry his threat
into execution. Ho haws tills opinion partly
on thogonural description , hut principally on
the scar.
Mr. Williams has offered a rowavdofSlO
for the arrest and iiloiidlicatlon of the robber.
Williams is positive that the hold unknown
13 not a laboring man , as his hands were as
soft and whlto as a woman's , it is belloved
that tlio robbers tire professionals of the
moat llnlslied type.
Her I'ricmls Ireir : She Him Hi-en Mtir-
Thofi'ioiidsof Mrs. Anna Swoboda , who
resided on Hickory street , between Twenty-
buvcnth and Twenty-eighth are anxious to
learn her whereabouts.
The woman , who is a widow , lived alonoin
a little house that was left her by her hus
band , Phil Swoboda , who died three years
ago. Vosterday it was discovered
that tlio house was unoccupied , and upon ai
Imniiry among the neighbors it wa li'.irneii
that the woman had not been scon about the
promises since three weeks ago last Sunday.
The door of the house was forced open am
it was discovered that the fiirnituro and con
tents of thuhuildluK were In a condition in
dicating that the occupant had left with the
intention of boincr absent but a few mo
meats. Friends of tljowoman that she
has been murdered or niinittcd suicide.
All IM ail Aot Ouilty.
The followltiK named persons were ar-
ralgnea before JudKO Clarfoon , all cntcritif ,
' '
the plea of not guilty : ,
ol'at Ford , Jr. , assauJd .with Intent to kill ;
Ilcn Cohen , ivcolvlntT'ttwlon ' property ; Join
H. Clamnltt , luIllctliiH. reat bodily "injury
William Kodgora , forgery ; ( ieorgo II , liar
ris , John A. Selden , iluyoslng of mortgage
pronorty ; Henry Milloni , threiitonia to kill
Xell I'.vans , laivonyiiffroui person ; Taunj
Heriidon , larceny frowiperson ; Jou Dwyer
alias Scotty alhus Shocty , murder In the llrs1
doKreo ; Hlephua SUoii , fortrery ;
Crawford , assault. i >
Illsliop Acu-iii/id'H ltturr > .
Hishop N'owman wllljlbbturo In Trinity M
11. church , next Tu'iWaevening , on "j
Thousand Allies on HuVscbacic Through tn
Vulloy of the lOuphra'xjs. " This will utTon
a rare opportunity for many to hear this ills
tliiKulsiied divine , who&tands at the head o
pulnlt oratory in tliu Methodist church ,
1'latlo Hiver/'i > iilVr 'iii'o.
The I'latto Ulvci1 conference of the F.vai
gelical association \vin rcoruanlzed In tti
Knianucl church In thh city yesterday , at !
o'clock p.m. , hy lllshon Ksher of Chicago
Itov. J. V. was elected proslJIiif ; cldei
and also , asilolegato to the next geaoral cot
fcrenco at Indianapolis next fall.
AwscsnorsVlll t'oii for ,
There will bo a mooting of assessors Mare
17 at the county clerk's ollleo for tliu purpos
of arranging a more uniform sy.itoin o
assuismunts , The statutes nmko It obligator
for every assessor to attend this the tumua
iiieutlui ; ,
i iit' i'i\i'cni i I IITI it uin Tr *
111L SPliCUUllVL J1A11KE1S.
The Ummtnl Unaitiess of Iho Tnil Tow
Pays is CoiitiuttDil.
Tlio lilvu Sloi'k Miukoi Also ShoWM
UpVi'll , With an liuM-casn
In tln < l'rliu of
Cm tic.
n , M.'iri-h ? . | 5pi'iMal Tolc ram to
TUB llnr.1 Allboaid of tiademarkeu stnrlisl
broid mid stinaur. It uai nppariMit nt the
stint t but thennu'timl linsiui'is of lln'past '
t hii'c dnys was to boeotillimivl to thi > close of
thowi-oK , on'iiodal | f 1,01 , run' to
Sl.nii , . hti.koloJl.OO'i. ' and roe.ivoreil . toJI.W.
In the tli t hour , Corn opi'iiod ijo up at M'n. * .
but hMt a fraction llh HIM broalc In \\liciit ,
May oatidroipod | liaek ( rum W > ie to W'c. (
I'ni-k mini nltio.n.t , anil tlO.Oi for May , with
other products I ! i-ii ,
Therowua abln trailo In wln'.it dnrlnv ; most
of Iho si'iilon , Nowtf wannt times M'liHiitlniial
anil I'onlllcl In , ' . Tin' ai-Uoii of the iniirkvt
wassharp anil welldlvldi'd ' atiovo and below
tin'I'loilni jnleuM of yesterday. The lines
weie drawn much tin1 Mime us mi preilmis
days. rorolKiiadvk'es urri * allnn Hie Midi'of
thnbnlK aiullds iiortliwistoin rccelplH win
aliont Ibt'otilyposltlvo iirgiiini'iit oftho bears
r'alile-4 UITO tliu main inlliienoeor the triidt * .
I lverpool wasquotnl at 'id ' to Id mi rarly.
amiebi-i'd ' with * id nd > ani'o. London radios
WOID M rene , unit rvili | > senti < l a lilg | IIINIII"-S. |
Tin1 Bi-eitost : Inteiost was slmwn In I'lencb
aides. Tails Unsiii ; ml v led were
0 to " 0 uoiillino ! ) up on vlii'iit.
mil t franc and ; i ) eeiitlinei up
Millour. rallfiiriiln dispatches report that
helViMipli were buyliiR Ilioro. Mlniioainlls |
cut dispatches tia , ( , w > retry bullMi on
Our , and the NorlliweMerii Miller KAVO a
Trul IniiirovtiiHMil In t hi'sltnatlonlast weok.
IraiNt reel's Kavo oxportsof vvheiit and lion r.
or both cousin , to ilutc at < K , flOO,000
1 ml latt year nlOU3Oiii ) ; two ye.irs ano ,
00 , The expoits at hot lii'oaMU for thewi'ok
irenqnal to l , , tt,0l ( ) hiisliuls ofvlieatj last
vrek. l.dHI.OOfl.and ayc-ar IIRII S.'Jlil.OOO. . KIIR-
ish fanners delivered fur Ilio weelc 74,000
mitoisat annvuriito iirleo of .I.NTd. Tlio
Cuw York bank statement , shnwlnn nesirl } a
'lOiH,000 deuiraso In ri'Mjrviis , caused some
( llliiK. No\vrloaim ! ) oloaruiIILVOnulaishcU to
herpnol. Atlantic purls iileurnd noliea t
o suouk of liiiluvbut N'oxvVork reportuil
welvo boat loads offrcilii-xjiiirt binlitess , of
vlileh live loads were for IJ.sliiin , Tin ) re
ceipts nt Minneapolis wrro liberal at HIT curs ,
mil thatpoliillii-i'dleteda derroasu of I(100 ' (
nnhi-ls In publli ; sloi'ks for Iho vock.
It was ( Miniated that tliu vMblo
" iipply will sbow a small decieusu
> n Monday. The host ntroiuth ilnrim the
lay was the earlyund low jirleo during Ilic
ast hour. Action In prlees was as follows ;
May opened at $1.01 , sold to fl.Ul'i , to JIJXHi
U'tl.OI , to Jl.OO'i , to Jl.dO7 , , to Jl.OO'i : it I
o'clock. , ltily > .old nt W'ie. ' to KT'.i1. to ftj'ic ' ,
oWJic , to 1IGV , toWJJaf , to OJ'ic. ' Tlio close
ii wheat wasoa a good ntlly , followIIIR the
> rvalc nil o'l'lork. May reeoxned fiotn tl.OO'u
to { l.014 ( ! , cloilm ; but V under Ust nlcht.
Inly was iimiU'd on tlio break as low ahikV'aC.
uidelosi'd atWi'sc. ' .Matchvaii noted at i'Oc ' ,
oll'totir'ic anil eloscil utSS .ie.
As was Inihi'iLtL'il ' ye turday. the bulls In
corn did not dare tn holt ! tlio nuiiknt at thu
top , because of tlio corn which would eomo
ui ] 011 thoin. Tins focllut ? was not Iccnbli
I'-'nlii fniin tliost.att this niorntiiK. Tlio Hist
prlco was nt 'Jp ' ailvaneo from luit nlKhl , and
afler a llttlu Dulw Lheio was an cu ln- oil
of tlio market to the chho. The action was ;
May opi'iiRil at Ki34C , ( .old to fi"o ami olt
to KI''HC.Inly sold at , ' ' , ; < ' at tin-e.Mremo
point cady. and yielded to .Mi'.iC at 1 o'clock ,
Tlio receipts weroi'UMt ' larKortlinntliu bli ; os
tlinatn at 'tai cur- . , and for Monday thciovai
the lurne I'stlmateof ears. This was tin
inllncnro ncilnot hljh prlen. t'ahlos were
line , ami Mvcrnool was 'id up nt Iho close.
New oileiiiisrloarcd 'J COO buslii > l for Mvi-r-
pool , The market for next welc will depend
on the xii'iit her and receipts. There xvai but
llttlo ii'fovery ' in corn ut the clii-o. May
closed 'tp ' bfltcr than the bet linn prleu at
tVH'ji' . nnil .Inly ' , iIroia th < > bottiini atSC' e.
This ropiesonti'ii ailecllni1 from the la-t tis-
nii' ye tordny of ' , e in May and lefor July.
The xvoaKno > .s in July was duo to thevury
heavy sollliijjln-t hat month bylUooni , Oenrne
Smith and others. March wa qnoled ushiKli
asTilV , nnil sold off to : > " ' > < ' , closlni ; at57'ac ;
April ! tl\u 1o fi'.llc' ' , in ri''ji' , to . ' Ve to the
clii-e ; .limp , fn'jc ' to . ' ' 'jc ' , to ST'ni1. to iii'ie ' to
thi'closc. AiiRii t wns 'Bc ' ID -'BC under the
July i > rli'0. JIny corn iimilruei sold ; it 3sBe
a ml Mi' | C.
Tino.iN market acted with coin , hut the
ri'i'rlnts w 'io not tno CHUM' . Tlio rreelpts
wno not up to thee-.tiniato at 1-1 ears , am )
for Monday Ilio otlmato is l l ears. May
stiirti-d ihont steady at M'ic , sold to.VCji' and
oil to J'J'ii' ' , CI | | IIK 5J { lower at 4't'.e. ' Juiii' '
al-odecllncil c from 4i'.e ! ' tol'l'ae ' ; July from
tO'ie ' to I'i'jc. and tul.V'sO at tlio oloso. Tlioro
was nut the iMial Interest III the market ,
'Iho iiiovlslim tinli ; ) has heon Induced to
hold that imirket linn foi n few dnyi past on
thooxtrcnie'idvance ingrain , o < pee tally in
corn. VVIu'ii corn weakened about I'Jc ' from
t he tonprlceitodny there was froc M-lIInc < > (
ptovlslon- . . Anot her cau > n < if si > lllin ; was tin1
ehllnialoof 40IK)0 ) to45lMHIbo sfor .Moiiday.aml
RftUHK ) forno.\t week , Tlie deellncs were not
hharp , lieu < < iir. ! and : tt Ilin elicit jiork uas oil'
from last nlslit 10o , lard ; ! ' /i ( < Pr , and ribs 5c.
May .sales xvt'ie ; 1'iirU , JIO.IT' ( ) to WWJi. olos-
ineat f'J.lC ' ) , sillers ; lard , fuu to WM , cli lm :
atj.l * ! ! iheller ; ribs W.Wi tnJI.8Tjto ( HM at
theelosi' ' ,
I'lllCl.S ' .XT ( IIICAGII.
CI IMODITX" . ' O.'UIl. . ' jtIW. | I'loiO. | Vl'S'y
rillCES AT ST. I.DI.'IS.
COUMOimr I i i ) . J Yci'y
May 1.02 Hi 1 .001. , 1. 01 Hil.oa
July W Hi 01 l 2H
JIny W-M
Mnr. . . . MX Ptt M
\ot < > s anil ( lossip.
Mlniirapi > lUiiiil : Diilulli riHTtpti'7 : ; ! ears.
Last rablo-i.say riiKlUli niarkot C l lo Mil up.
Clih-acii loiTlpts : Wlii'al , OOearii cornlull !
0111.1 , 101 ,
Kniisint'lly rei'djits ; Wlical , fill coin , ( X ) ;
onls , 17 ; bran,2.
M. l.onls ii' ( ' -lits | : Wlieat , 47.S74 ; corn ,
TD.ra ; out.II.S20. .
Dsllniiitril of liOKiforOlilfiigo Muniay40,000 ) ,
nnil3uOdO.I foriioxtwiM'l , ,
IMInntod oiir.s in Clili'iiii ; ) for Mnnilay ,
whi'iit. W ; man , 4ai ; oat , 17.1.
liupoiloil t nlvu Liirliiil ) ! nf xxu | > at taken
foi' e.\i irt toSpain iiiul I'ortiual. '
A ealili' fniin Oilossii Just n-oolveil s.n
"Tiniifivluallou oltliullliiuKsi'ti NnptM
lilt rieclptsofxheiit are vi-ry small. "
| lpiTliilini' ) enlili't Oil entist wheat nnil
( urn iiolliliiitiitl'iM-i'il. On pusvi ) Hi I tn
to lid lilk'l T. i-oni stiinii , ' . I'l-i'iii'li inurkcis
vciy linn , lilvi'rimiil xxlinit , k | > t hlnini ! , I'orn
sli'iuly. Nii.U'ullfnuilii , Hs MtViillu Wiilla ,
Tsll'iil ' ; llotiibiiy. 'Mi'iili ' rorn.r.s . 7'iil. '
Ioiaiivt r . to Ton-ray S : Ilryan-Tlionlii'iit
niarUi'l uiiL-iinl tliU niornliiu xvltli i-nnslilor-
nlilii oxclliuiiriil. The II i it ( iilco fur Mav wns
Sl.ii4. ( | unlit nl J I."I1 , u-i'l ' ri'Dniiii Ird lo il.ul' , .
At tlilxiKdiilboiiioruiiII/liii ; looU iilacii ami
Iliu Hulling lu > ; ivy. with fi'XV Imyliin < > | -
drrs. ItKrailnally bolil oil' until tl.OU'i ' ami
Sl.Wi't was rcnrhiMl. At this Iliori' wa < i COIM !
buy 11 u ! but ll lit oir 'rlniS anil Uut nini-kot
MiiiiU'iily went iiiititfl.KlVf ( Tim furi'lKinusxvi
from the t'liltoil nlni ; < loMi ami tin' ronllni'iil
iHHtriiiiK. Uur oxMiealilc "eiinllrnn tlnuliun.
ak'ii to Iliu I' ii'ni'li crops , " hut Htlilx , ' 'vx'u think
UN oxiii-'Kimiteil. Tlio laaikuts HID lilK'lirr
anil i-M'lluil from Hpi'i'iilatlnn. " The latest
oiilili > snotinniulvanon ( | of I marks nn < l Till
vi'iitttiKiton ' Hour In Hcrlln. This lirslliiiutuil
at ahoiita ci'nts DIT bnslu'l. Oar ni'xx > is ooil
fur the u'roxvliiK ITIIIami | receipt 8urn lltioral.
Tlio OIlMl tllMUUIKlhll Illlll'll IITl'lllMl to uixiH'Oll-
llili'iifiitii tlil ailxiiiic4' anil the nri'ii'iit lu-lce
iisllll uaniliiK. Ah DIHI | ; ( > ' .I report xxlll lie
lulled on 'Inrsihj- next unit Isllki-lytouf-
fir ! niiirUiiliof iillfi'ri'iils rnilli'iilly.xviiKouliI
ailvlso liavlnu fo ( ipon traili" , until ( hut U
Uninvntilioulil liU ri'purt hlutvfsmall / rn-
ticrveu bicU ; a largo aitvineo , might bo
In nonr liy inoiilln by NliorH wlio xvouM ro-
I'olxii pH l nvOitanci' ( nun lln < linnji , wlilln
tlmliuitfor fiitnri's Illio , lnlv mlKlil takn u
ildli'k tninhli'im lilicunllrhiiillnii nt the line
rnuilltloii nnil Komi \ onnt > of tin' Ktiiv
xvhi-nt. Corn niciii-il in WiO , nlil nil to
ut MSr. Tliu loallrlliit In M
hi-av.x ami soiui' of our Im-uH opi'Milnrs WI-M )
( roiXHelli'is ' of , lulvi'iiii lim xxc.iUui' " in May.
Hali ill-live. Tim priix islun I railo xxai lu-ax h r
thnn forMiiiii'tline. I'aoM'rs were fri-o i-ll-
i > rt
\V. K , McCormli'U A to. , to V. ' .
Sxvurt ? , V Co.The wheat iiuirKi-t for
tin ) xvi'i'K nliuli up xxllh n ylloiiK
tiiiilc'ttoni' In spit ( > of iiortlstiMit liiunnii'iliiK '
liynnr liu'nl ' si'.itpi'iH xxliu sconi unanlmoiiMiy
heiirlsh. roriitt | | ! i'iihU < 4 roiitlimo lo n-lnirt
M'llmis I'hip ilamaiiri nnil ( Itlixllsini'ii UIIIM-
t rah' ihi'ir ln'llof In it by luiltlng liimlnti
prli'ot of No. I California to NMlunil llxi < r-
jn > ol to > < 4 hi. thi > lilKlii'tt prli'i'i ri-iu'lii'il ilur-
Ini ; many jr.its. Tint tioari uri'liilliii'tu'i'il
hyinir o'n nuiKiiltli'oiili'ittp proHnie | .s , but
xv Illi only tiuiili'iati' niooki tn HIM cuunlrv anil
x cry small OIIIM utiro , ul tin' foii'liru I'rop ilam-
aui'lsllki'ly tn lviMH Mlnlu'l | il h'r < li'lli ! ln > -
foio tin' ' ninx ciiip Is ux iillibli\ , It
iniiHl ho ri'iiii'iiiliiTiMl that oxi'n nno-
fonilh ilatiui > ! i' to the I'l-cnrli ftn | ) alinio
iiii'iuiH so.iMi.iHiJHlunlntfi' . llrailtltiM'l's roimrts
i'\iorts | from luith I'oiult'.nik ) bmlu-ls
nitiiliiNt lr > M.M ( > last xxri'U ' lli'i'i > liiut | | prl-
iiinrv points tmlny WITO X'.M.IXI linln'N. Uur
roiri'spoiiili'iit at Dili'ssa i-ahlcs nt ; "Nnx-
lKtill n of Black MM oprn atinln ,
hut ri't'i'liiU from Intnrlor xory
small , " ulih'li ' gl\i > s l'iiruH'aii | niarKi'l.s
hill llltli'liopi'iif rrlh'f from Hint iUurler |
Toilay's I'tixo IhuN prli'i'H | irniMli'.illv uu-
oliiuiKiul froinyi'stt'rilay , with onrloi'al hulls
Kt'iirrally hnvlni ; I ihl nut tlu'lr xvlu-nt.
Torn anil i.ils--lntli ) | lln'so nuitkiits Imvo
shoHii toilny tin1 oIliTl of mi oxti'iidnl Ilipililn-
t Ion nnil I'vi'iilni ; up ln'lurcu the hnr ( < imil
lonitH. Tln ailvance In liotli mllrli's has
hi'i'ii ' M'ry sharp ami nonlil mlnr-
a liy InitiiiM' tlm | I > IIIH to mrrpt
thi < prollli xv I Hi xv 1 1 Ich llii'.v liaxrhri'ii faMMi'il ,
'I'lii'ii' XMIS no Molruui Hi ) triiillnu loilny tn
I'lthiT pit.Vliut llir I'liiii'MMif Inn mailii'ts
xvlll lionoM i' 'K In ( Illllrult to ti'll. a" xx'i-
eiiinlilcr hnili : il HIM' ' a li'tflt bunt n
prh'i' . I'roxl loim xvi'ii' fiilrly sloaily
iliiilim Ilio early part of tliu Nt'vOnn.
lint u cnl.i'neil lntiT on Iliiuliliiilon Nali' ' < liy
loin. < anil somr soiling on ni'i-iiiint'of paokrr.s.
'riireonlltiiii'il Inixu rei'i'lpts ' of lions Un-r-
tnlnly illvoiiraiiiin , ' to linll.s , lint no bi'llrx o
thai pirsiint nrk'e4 linxo illseonntuil Ihls
bearish liillui'iu'e.
Cmr.Mio , Mareli 7. ( Hpoelal Ti'lo ram to
Tin : llii.1 : f'ATTi.i-A : fu\v \ lols of ili-.slmblo
eattli' . ellhorRlciM or oowi , xxcre wild out at
thoimrly Inuiraiul at nsuooil priors ns at the
eltw of yi'stonlny. iiml ( lie Ri'iu-ral marUot
elo-i's rftrons at the 10 to l..e ailvnni'e noloil
lait wei'lt. As Is about always the cnso. It is
the medium anil uooil ineillinn Kti'orslhat
tiiaku tlio sharp advunco or dei'llni' , as the
casomay lo. ) Thli xveult the turn win on
steers that liix-o : been aollliiK at * l.2" > ti )
$1.70 , and nloiiK tln-io bl ' line ulcers ulwnys
"M'll tliuinsclvL's" us thosiiylnu'Kocs. Onado-
ellnliiK iiiurKi't ' Ilio bnrili'ii fulls on alivaysthi'
pli'iillfnl iiiuilliini sti'ors , half rationed and
seaively Imlf llnlsliod. Old ( . aimers anil com
mon eon's .slioxv llttlo or uo ailvanee , hut
prime eows ami lidfors Imvo sold higher. The
stiK'Kursiinil fi'i'ilurn trailo has been net Ivo.
and prh'iM sti'aily all xx-i-ek. The top nuiubors
\viM'i' : j5.iin to W.ikl for prime to extra sti'i'i-t. ;
44.75 to iJilK ) ftirKood to olioh-e ; } l.3. > to il.M for
nn'illiiin ; nlil cauiilni ? CIIHSf l.i'i to tl.K'i : fat
uows * . ' .5i ) to ta.3i : lielfi-rs , J.1.00 to JIUO ;
hliH'ki'r.s.f-.Trilu U.'i.
Iliuif-Thc pi'iioral market , ruled rather nn-
sntlsfai'lnry. llh inleesitronc ami a nlrKul
luwrr on ueailv cvi'iyt hint ; tixcopt perhaps a
fi > w loiiilsnf prlmo Initi-lii'i' xvululits. Allotlior
I'liissi" * sold lower , nail In tlm uorlliwi'ilrrn
illvMiina I u run ninnberwas I'arrli'd o\i'r. ' as
Is tlii > rule , and nt tlio lowest prlees for tin-
day. The shl | > plni : demand uas liberal , hut
pneki'rs held nir alldny. Itoimli and eonnnon ,
f-'l.l" . to &IL" : > ; Jiaekcrs a'tiil inlxeil. "f.l. l.'i loM. . ' > 5 ;
prime he.ixy anil lintolior weights , Sa.W to
* 'J.i5j ( llRlil. .fifK : ) to fl.150.
Nixr : Vonic. March 7. [ Hpeelal Telosrain to
Till ! IlKE. ] STOCK1 ! The week III stni'ks
ended Inkeelni | ) ; xxlth tliu business ami de-
miiinllx.'itlon of the few days past. The sharp
est declines xxero In thu same lines as on pre
vious days. During this llrst h.ilf hour Iliero
xvasaullve builnois trm aeted In criiimers ,'kiivranna , l.uuisvllleand Nor ) hern I'aellle
proferri'd , anil xx-hllo tin * Ki'iictnl list KIHO no
Inilleatlon of I'oiuhi ; enl of its rut of dullness
thu niilnint Ion in Ihu stocks mentioned Kiix-e
tin * ina i ket an appearance of uutivlty. II was
aualn xveak , liowover. and after the oiicninn
declines of from 'i ' to Jj per tout there were
further material ! ov > os sustained In nil tlio
loading slums. At the loxvest points ulilrli
were reaehed , ut about lOiIl ) , Illinois Central
was doHii 3 percent from Its last nlaht's ( l
iirr- . New 1'imlaiiil P pereent , haekuvaima
l'i per eeiil. St. I'anl. Lake Shorn and ( 'ana .a
Southern earn Cn nercenl. and North Ameri
can. I * ulna raelflc and liiinlsvlllo oaeh ' < per
cent and others Miiallci1 fr.ielloiH . , hardly
anything trading usenplm ; ( lie iinxvnwar d
motement. The deellnowns i'heel eil the last
hour and : i fnir rally louK idaee i.iisoiiie .
timely cnverliiK Iliionj-'hont Iho ll t. The
bunk statement shoixcil a lossofJI.MO. . Dl ) [ In
reserves and did nut haxe inneli etl'eet. At
t heelov lliirlliiKton xvi ; stonily at 715'j alter
toiiehiiiiii.'ilt. ItueK Island xvas up I1 , at W1 ; .
St. I'aul. Norlhxx estern and AtuliNiin slmwod
losses of'M to's , Ijiike Sliore toueliDd Ids mill
rallied l'i ' and l.tiekawanna xvus I percent
The following aie Ilio closing quntnt Inns :
U.S.4H nvi'tercil..l.'Osji.Noiihern failllc . . .
I" . * l. 4i fiiiipont 121 | < lii | iri'firr il 714
I * . S. m-HreKlhtoreU. . ! . ' il'.VN.W lm
! ' . > . Is rmiiHim Itl- tlopri' u > x illvi .1:1.1 :
I'iii-llk-rnuf 'Ui Ill New Vork Ceiilml. .lUiiU
Ci'iitrnl I'aellle i t I'.D.AK ITS
CMilniu' . * A Alton l'l .llnek Islnucl f.4'i
fliloni o llurllnctun C. V. A HI. 1 * W %
Aoimcy 7HS ! iln pri'fur ri'il. . . . IWIV < ,
l.l , . , \ . \ \ IIHs M l'inilDiniiliii. . . . . 21
Illinois iVntrnl lllsj ilu | iri > lirre ! < l "i.'i
Ij.M.XXV t'nloii 1'nelllc W <
ICmiMiH \ Texas ll'iiV' \ . . St. I. . , v I * \t\
LnkiiShnre lOs-if , ilo i.ri'fernil 17-X
.MIclilKiinlViitriil ' .iU ) , i U'eMtern Union . . . . 71H * ,
Ml imrl I'liclllc lii I .
Mo.NKV-l ii cull , easy ! closed oirerocl at : i
I'ni.MEMiincxyTii.K TAI-KII - ' 'iS7 per cent.
MKIII.IMI ixiiiANir.-tiilel ; : ( ( ) and sluadyi
sixty-day bills , $ l.8Vi ; ilemanil , * .M'i. '
\Veokly Hank Slat 'nil-lit.
Nlixx * VOIIK , March ? . [ Spuchl Telegram to
Tin : ItKK.l The weekly uaulc statument ahoxvs
thi'follottlnj ; ehan'es :
Reserve , deerenso . f 2.7W.iOO :
Loans , Inerease . UII.OOl
Siei-l | * . derrensp . S.Wl.'OO
Lejral lenders , deereaae . 'illtio :
Deposits , ilceiease . 1 , TO.1 , sou
Ulieiilatliin. Increase . 2V.XXI
The banU.s no\v hold * 10 > - > ( ) . 'J75 ' In ( ' \c-Cs- , of
t In-requlri - ini-iits - of the 25 pereent rule.
The oxpnrtsnf specie fnnn the pint of N'exv
Yolk last xveek anniiliited to ( > , * . ' . itnleli
i)0.Ml ! ) ) was iiiKoliI and KVU.r.'Jl . In sllxor. Tlm
liiipnrtsof spi'ele dnrin.'lhe week an.ininted
tofJIs.TO , ( ) ( whli-li Jl.ei.lisl was In gold and
The < 'oir < M' Slarkot.
NKXV VOHK. ManliSpecial [ Teloprani to
Tin : ltitR.I 1'nKi'KK Options opened sti-inlv ,
r > < t'-5 jxilnts deellne , elosed steady nt r > doxvji
tol5ii ) ) , Sales , -tlM ! bags. Including Mai eh ,
* IMUWIi.l.i : April , jrAVUT.Jliiy. ! ' . ! .
l7.Wi ! .Inne. * 17.MM7.Vi : ) July. } IIUHill7.2- , :
Annusl , ifKUlTiltflli ri : ScMilember , iin.UV > > .
] ( t.5 ! ; Oi'lolier , f l.r > .4Vii.l.'i.73 ; I'eeemher. ' } H.5Ki (
1.70. Spot Ulo , II rni mid ipi id i fair enrRoos ,
$1U.7 ; > ; No. 7. } H.i'i. ( !
CIIIC.AIIO. Mari'li 7. I'loso Wheat I'lrnii
en li , IH'ifatici ' ' Muy , $1.00 ; .Inly. iNl\p.
( 'oin aleailys oii > n , 5744c ; May" fn'iv ; July ,
" '
. - - ' , is ic : May , 40i@l9'c. !
llyti I'll in ul IHIc.
llarlcy Klrm at nTftslii * .
I'llnui Tlnintliv-iU'tW 2T.
Whisky 91.11.
Pork ( Jnli'li i-asli , J9.70 ! Mny , f'.l.M.
I.iiril-i.'iili-t ' ; ) : Mny. K.c 7tri.Wi } .
Hiort Illlis-linleti ensli , * 1.(15 ( ; .Mny , JI.OO ©
I'niur I'lrin ; xxlnter patrnts tl.iVl5.0 ) ! ;
spilni ; | iilinil ; > . Jt.Ol'U 10.
llullc Mrat-i-Sliinililvis - , il.O.'V'ni.lO ' ; short
clciir. $ l.VK."i.oo ' ; short rllii. if ! .iiv3U.G5.
llntii'r Sli-.nly 2a < '
; creamery , ii'Jlcj ilalry ,
t'lii-i'Ni I'lrin : full cri'tim chi'ihlaix , Iflij
10'icj lluls , lu Otl'ie ' ; Voting Anicrleas , ll < a
11JC. |
Tallow I'licliaiiid-il.
' Hneclpfi. Slilpnicnti ,
\Vliuit. : lm 2JlHi ) ) M.MI (
I'nrn , lil iiVOJi : ) V.l.OW
0it-bn : 10JOvK ) Di.O'J'J
NKXV VOIIK , Marcli7. Wlioal-Kecclpls,2 ,000
linslinls ; oxiinrit , , noiii'i spnt , hlclu-r : No. 3
roil , fl.l'J'i in I'lovatur ; } 1 ll'i ' utluiit ; | . : ,
( tul\ \ ' > ' t. ii. Ii ; onthMis rlo i-il htniiiK ami
hlKliur ; No. 2 led. Mikl-fll. elciilliK l tl.131 ! .
Corn Hoi'i'lptH. fft,70i ) linslu-hj oxuuria. . M
IniHlii'lsi HDIII trni | ; N . S. tli'iiieifcVi' ' In oli--
viitnr ; Ul'idfiOUi' iilliial : uiiirriuliut nilxoil , ii- > ' <
QCO'Hn ' > ; niuluiiuliMil linn : Mareli , ( > S'o.
( ) .it - - - - ( | ) , 41nHI ( biiuln-U ; lUiiiitls. 100
l > ilklinl i niiot , Ilruii No. 2 wlilt < > , Mi'jiiV'iTlii- ;
\vhllo. WiiUJu ; nptliinx , xM-aU ; Maicli elu.oil at
. e-
S -Haxvstendy : filr r < dliiln , r < livi !
t rltiiKiiU , l l test , fiil-liV ; retlned , Mime
lower ; I'lmfivilonors A.liViv ; itraunlutcd , (
CUlll'fsl'Sl' ' .
IViroleuiii--I'lilli'il closed , April , 70\c ,
) ! > . 1'irin : xvestern. IM. !
I'orn I'lrnii new mess , tio.WiMt.ill
I < nrd .steady wi-siorn btcani , M.U7 > > 't
llultorI'lrini xvcMiru dnlr.r.
erin'roiiinerv.'iht-l.Vi r'tnlti , .mo.
I'lii'OMi'-Hl ' roil ) ; ; klms.fli'iIOo. '
Hr. liiiriH. March 7.Vlmatl. \ . o\\er \ ;
tMnv \ ( : , Jl.iil'i.
Corn -Illnlu'l ! cn li , NV : May , Vi , < We ,
D.lls Irrennlar ; nixli , IV hldi MiiJ.MJO.
I'ork I'hniir at 110 ISViHO..V
I.ard rirmi-rat I.VW.
Vlilsky ,
llntier i.'uli'i mid uni-hinnti'it ; oronmofy
" cl'.natiirstoi'k. ' : it > itLV : dairy , 2ltirVJ.V' .
MlNMMl-oi.K. M.ireh T. - U'healMatlift
don. pmir urailes HiiH.illtfiii-lorX I leei'lptH.
: cmear-i "lilpiinmti , 7 , " cars , t'loslnn : No. i
hard , Mari'ii.ifi'i mi track. HVi Nn. I north-
ei'ii , Mnreli mid April , We ; May , U7 V 'l "ll
trark , HTuUiT'ii' ! Nix 3 iii'rllielii ' Mareli , PiO |
mi llaeli , llTu * . _ _ _
HINH vsl'n-v , Mari'li 7. ( VliMl Illghori No.
3 hard , eaih and Marelii'tei ! No. 3 led , cash ,
* .VIilil.
'urnnlet ( } , No. ' . ' , cadi anil March ,
No 5. mill and Match ,
Mtl.xv.xrMM1 , Muri'li 7.U heal -Illsliort No.
2 sin Ilic rush , IC.e ; Mnv. WV [ llill'o. '
rum I'n I r demand ; , M'e. '
OiilHiMIetiNo. . Sxvlille , WV ,
I'rox ' IslonsliusU'f. . I'oik .May , JiUi.1 ,
rwiNjiiTi. Mnreli 7.-\ \ Nl .
2 ri-il , * l.tti.
font -Strong ; No. 8 inlxcil. fi'XiirWie. '
O.ils Mriitn ' , ! Nil. 3 Inlxcil. 4'J'ti' ' ' .
Mlilslu-y nil.
I.ixr.iii-Dni. , Mareli 7Vlu \ < -il - SlnniRt
iiiiiuil fair ; lioMi'rsolViT siinrlnitly.
Com -I'lrin , iloinanil finr ; inlxoil xx'o * '
f > - ' | pcrronlal.
i.i tltsiorii ,
' March 7. 'iilllo--lteeelit < . 1000
C'liirxni ) . - - | i. ;
innrkot hlroni ; ! .stciMn. pilnii' to I'Xtra. I.VitO
< -t' < . : ' l' < : ini'illilin to clinlcc , JI.'iVrtil.M ; rilvx-M ,
Jl/iiifa.'JJi hcKcrs. fJ.r.W.25 ( ; , $ J.7.Ho
Iliiirsli'i'ci'lnis. . ! ! . - > .no ) ; tniirki-l - Inwer ;
ruinili nnil ioniiniiii. ! 'l.Vc'l.i'i ; ; pii-Ui'i'3 : nnil
inlxi-il , fuvtl..Y. : ; inliiii- IHI.IVV unit
- lliiliu .
Sheep l ( eelpts. 2,001) ) ; imirket iicllvo nnd
ilcher ; wrsti'rns , > v.V( % ; nntlxw ,
0.00 ; lamliH , '
Sr l.ons , Mnreli 7. Cut tlo-KooolpM. 100
heailiHliliiineiiti. < ii ( ) ; nuuket sliadyi fnlr lo
faiii-v tntlves } ; t.initr > . ' .M ; Btoi-kcr.s and feeil-
L'l'S , ti.'ftll-I.M ) .
Units Ili'celpU , I , SOU : vldpini'iitt. 700 ; ma'--
\veil : > ; In-avy , KI..ViitU.TUi mixed , } J.HVii : )
t'rrr. Jl.ireh 7.- Taltiolieeelpla. .
2.TO ) head : --hlpiiii'iil'i. 4M ) head ; maiuut
steady nnd hlirher ; steers. J.I.3.Vi(5.2"i ; i-invn ,
* I.lV > iOI.OO : stni-kcrs nnd fecdm. J2Wii..k : ' ) .
llnjslioeelpls. ; . 11.000 head ; olilpnn-iitH - , ! t,300
head : markul stonily and higher ; all
* : t.oiai.70. , :
Ciiiion Doherty will preach morning auil
i'iiiiiK Hi St. Matildas ,
Canon \Vhilnmrsh xvill piv.wlialll a. in. ,
In Soutli OinnlKi nnd atI p.m. In St. An-
ilroivs , Walnut Hill.
Castullar StivoL ProstiytorUn olnnvli , Six
teenth and ( ! , istelhr streets. lox' { . .1 , M.
Wilson , pastor. Services at ( ) : ! ! . in , and
T : . ' 10 p. in. Sunday school , ivinooo. V. P. S.
O. R , tlii : : ) .
llshoiVorthiiiRtou ! | xx-ill preach nt All
Saints at 11 a m. oininieiiL'iuija scries ofsor-
mons. Subject , ' ' .hi'l. . ! ) , the llclrayer. "
Canon \VhItnmrsli \ oniclato.s- daily ( except
Sundays ) at ! : ; ! ( ) p. in. , nnil on l-'riJays at 10
a. tn ,
llisliop.l. .1. Kslicr of Cliicairo jircaclioi in
the KiiKlisli liii'iino : ( in HiiMiiuul's cliureh ,
cornc-r Twenty-sixth ami Murey streets nt 10
a. in. and nvcnlntr at , 7 ji , m. . In iou'i1 olmreh
'I'xvent.v-llftli and t'alilwoll In tlio Ciennan
lniiUiiKC. | ! All are invited.
Soiitliwrstern T tilhoran ClinrcliTwenty -
sixth street , between Piiipleton | and Wool-
worlli aveaiKs. HoI.ntlicr M. Ixiihns nas.
tor. Services at 11 u. in. Subject : " 1'otii1
KefreshiiiK I'lilnKfi" uiul sorvleesat * : ! * ) p.
in. , suliji'ct , "Tho Kestful I'rcseuc-e. "
West mills tCl'PreshyU'i'ian elm roll , Twcaty-
nintli and Mason streets , Services a.s itsiml
at I0. : ) a. in. anil 7'l : ( ) p. in. Uev. 10. II.
Curtis , I'lrst 1'ro.sbytcM'ian church , l incoln ,
will conduct both services , bmulay seliool ut
iLJin. Meetlinrof V. P.H. C , H. atliMfip. m.
Trinity M. K. cliiireb , corner Twenty-fii'sj
and liiniicy.V. . K. Heans , pastor. Moriilnif
sofviuo I00 : : ! ; proarhin ' by Kov. Knlms.
ICveniiiKserviee , 7 : : > ; jiroachliiR hy < icorfjo
S. javis ) , noxvly appointed superintendent of
tlio liulpria mission. All aru cordially in
Tlio revival meetings at the South Tenth'
Street Methodist church Imvo ( H-CII of un
usual inlerost durinir the past \xrok. Full
houses Imvo pitliuruil tolioar Mr. HoopiiiKiir-
ner both preach and .sinir. A larpu iiinnhcr
liavo professptl conversion. Mr. llooiiniar-
iierxvillpreadi his farewell sermon Sunday
cvcnlu K.
Kirst t'liivcrsnlUt churcli , corner Nino-
tounth nnd Uatlirop streets , Ixount/u IMaco.
Q.H. Shlnn , ] > : istor. Services , 10:15 : a. m.
and 7w : : ] > . in. Sunday school tit 12 in.
Subjects Mnruiii ) ! , "S.ilvation Conditional ; "
ovcniiiK"Is Unbelief aSini" I cavu motors
on Slierman nvcnuo cr Saunilcrs SIICL- , tit
Clmri'lior the ( iood Slipulienl.cnrnor Nineteenth -
teenth nnd Lake. Rev. ,1. I * . I ) . Uxvyd. roc-
tor. Services at > nnd 11 a. in. , and 7iW : p.
in. Miiraiiih' snlijoct , "Orthodoxy and
I'liaracter ; " evening , "Tho Church Instinrt. "
All nro xx-elconio. Sunday school at Druid
Hill depot ut : i p. m.
1'irst C'oniire alioiial rhtirch , Xinotennth
and Davenport streets. Dr. d. T , Duryea ,
pastor. Similar innrnlni ; services nt HiO ) : :
n. in. , linmediately followed by Sunday
sc-hoid. Krenlni ; services atTM.'i. 1'niyer
and ] ) nHO ) nii'i'tiiiRsVeilnesiilay evening at
s. All aiv welcome.
Southwest I'resb.vtorlan church , corner of
Twentieth and l.eavenxvorth , lev. ! It. V.
Atkissnn , j > astor. Services at 1U0 : : ! a. in.
and T : ; 50p.m. Hul-jei't-s.inornini ; , "Tho Soxvor1
ovcninB"Cambliiii ! : . " Kuniiayschoolnt noon.
ICiuleavor society meets at (1:1.1 ( : p. in. SeaU
free and all are xveleonie.
At CJeiitt-pUJniteil l-'iv-sbytorinn cluircli , on
Seventeenth street lictxveon Doii o and
Capitol iivemio. Servlcns at 1HIO : ! tt. in.
Theme , ' 'Christ's Destructive \Vurk , " and
: : ! ( ) . in. tlio annual tliaulis olTennir.
ooiutuctod liy tlio Women's missionary
society. Sul'iutli school at 1'4 in. Yount ;
people's nicotine nti ( : : < 0.
First ( . 'hriituin church , corner Capitol
avenue nnd Twentieth street. Uev. T. K.
Crumble ! , pastor. I'rein'liinijat 11 a. in. , and
7 : : iO p. in. Suiidnv school atO-ir : > a. in. Y.
1' . H. C. K , iliilii p. in. Suhject of moniim ;
sennoii , "The Oospel of ( 'hour.1' ' Kveniiitf
sermon , "The Iotililo Minded Man. " Seats
free. All miulo welrotnu.
First.M 1C , church. Twentieth anil D.H'Hii-
port streets. Kev. I1. S. Merrill , ] iastor.
MurnliiKservice at 100 : : ! n. ni. Holy com-
miinion. Evening services. 7W ; ) p. in. :
subject : "UpriRlitnessttiiit I.iuht. " Sabhatli
school ' ! : : ! ( ) p. in. Y. 1' . S. C. K. Monday
T : : i ( ) p. in. All se.its free , and a cordial
welcome to the nubile to all of tlio above
services. ICspecial attention to , inurs.
SI. Mary's Avenue ( Jimgreuational chtircli ,
corner of Txventy-si'venth street. Kcv.Vil -
lard Scott , pastor. Services at lUUa. : : ) in.
andTWi. : : | m Sunday school at noon. I'Impels
at 11 o'clock. YOUIIK 1'eople's Society of Chris ,
tian lOndeaxor meeting at litt : : ) o'clock ,
The pastor xvill preach both inorniii ) ; and
eveninj : . In Iho evonlnir 'he third of the
Hruiiktlehl services xvlll bo ustil , entitled ,
"I'oaiteiiRo and Confession , " \vitti n short
sermon op tlio saitio topii1.
Sou ! h Tenth street M K. olinrch , corner
of Tenth and 1'inrco > t reels ( i\\-o \ blocks
south ol union depot ) . Kev. Alfred llodtfctts
iiastor. rinss meetiiiHr at 10:00 : u. in. 1'rcach-
iiil , ' ut 10iO : : , by the pasloi" Sunday school
nl 13 in Kpxvorth league ami ohl jK'oplo'i
pr.iyer meotiiiK at tlio. : : I'roaclilng 7I0. : !
Pare well sorinnni bv Kcv. M. U. 1 lee pen ( jar-
IH'I' . Altar .services li.uli inoriiing and oven-
inu. Tlie special revival services xvlll close
UvoryboJy xvclconio.
iii-rensi'd r . .ll I'er Cent.
Onvilia lias been not only steadily
in Its receiiits and slnuBhterliip ot
bogs , but Is ilistanoins all other packing
centers In the norcentnuoof Incrcntu. Of tlio
T.Wi.Olkl ho , ? packed this season CliU'NKO hat
paeUud'J.s.VViK ' ) , or : ! M i PIT cent ; Kansiu
City iMtfiMt ) , or II. Mi per cent , and South
< ) inahiirit ) > X ) , or' . : U percent. Hut in ! ho
penvntnito of incivase In lioir tiliniKhturiin
South Oninha slicw.s nn Incrensunf 55,111 , per
cv'iit , as I'omparnO xvith : ) " . ( > ! for Cliicnui ) and
. ' ' ( I. : ! ! } lor Kansas 1'ity. Chicago inrroascil
from vMT'.t.OOO ' to ' . ' .SMl.ODf , or HTl.tKKlhopi ,
qnal to J57.DI nor 'cent , Knn
sns City lncro.seil from f.S'J.Dii )
to'.iloiiHor'i"iStKH ' ( oiiinl ) to ( VM ! per cent ,
\\hllo SoiitliOmniia i in reused from K7lHH ! ( ) to
f > sOiHX ) , or 3i)7fHiu ) , o iual to .VI.HII iKr cant.
Kapidlv South OinaliuK forulni ; alicud and
noon will bticonitiitiUKWith Kuiisas City foi-
bcconil | daco.
The belliKercnt of men xvill coiuo tj
blows when ho has a cold in tlio uo.iil.