il\ _ 11. _ OUJL kTLu-VJL I'JJLIRI ' JL THESE rmtS AHE BRIGHT , Witty Sayings in Glass Rcoms ixnd on tbo Piny OroiiniU. TWO GOOD JOKES ON MAJOR CLARKSON. U'liat a l.nku Olrl 'I l.mi lit of A ( "ahM I < i ) hi IVrdltUm 'J licit tlio 'lYnulii-r I'nlnU'il. Whllo it Is poncrally remedied llmt tti ° children of Oiiiuhn , nut tie lirichUntlniti tlio youtij ! lioixifuU ot ollior cities , tlioy HOIIIO times | > oriclrnut | soinopuns ( hut , If published , Wonlil l > rljtiluu to n cruit extent tlio page * Of the boolw of the nlii'KiHl Jokers \\lio Invo won muni' * , fiuni * niul glory. .Almost nny ilny you oini hoar these bright Miylnxs If j ( in euro to llniror ulwut the school rooms oT llm prluinr ) KVIUIMhuro tliu little follows uio boliu : Htiirtutl In to leiifii the 1113t | irhiclluiof | ) buok unowloilKO. KNKW TUB MUOII Not Inuir IIKO thov had A llun nilshiir rxt Iho I'lirk srliwil. The teachers mid pupils UITU In their cIcnuMiN , and tlio rooms \\cro uaiul- llv tlL'oki'il out In lilies nml twilonnl color * . Major ClnrUsoii , who Is known us tinnr hot'M ) of iMttlotlc ( tiithurltitrs , VMIS | iiusiiit , litul In Hue style lot the Anicriiau o.i 'lo lunso for lullf an hour. 'lids jileiisiM thochili'icii. uiul Iho next duy otio of tintoiahors of inrl - lutirVKriuli ) eiili-t lulncd liir i > n | > iK byrolutiiitf an civil \\aratorio-i Finally ho vinliKl the exercises hy n < kltiK ( iiu-sllons. "Who was the Hist president ! " nikeil the tcnclier. Inust'iotul n dcvon llltlo hnmls went up nrul im iMiiml tmmbir of pairs of llttlo ojus spiuhlcd like so many drops of ilexv on u Jwy morning. "Vou inny toil us , Johnny , " said tliu teacher , nodding her hotul to n boy on the front sent. "Jlnjo * ( 'Hi-moil , " fulily ycllod the llltlo fellow. I.IMOI.N OV I llfST. Up in tlio I tike school n hust of Lincoln was presented to tbo pupils of the elirlith j-rado on Washington's blrthiiiiy. Tlo | innrhlo figure \vns viewed with admiration by tlio pupils of the primary Crudes , unit with plensum they listened to thostoriesof Unroln gohiK to tlio woods villh nn nxo o\er \ his shoulder nnd his tin dinner bucket in hi.s hand , wttoio nil daylong no npllt rails in the .swmiips of Illinois and aftcr- Wunls bee.nne tbo prcsiileut of tbo United States. I'ho story was totil niul tlio little DUOS wo-0 nloascd. The next day ono of the touchers askcil tbo pupils of her room \vliy tlio llgiiro was I'idlcil a bust. Tor u tliuo the room was us quiet , as tlio tomb. At Inst u llltlo Kill wboio pironts hnd recently 10- nuneil fioui thodistrletsof Missouri clovnted n hand. "Julia\on . may tell us,1' proudly reinnrked tbo teacher. "Ho busted rails when ho UIM n boy. " The tc.ichor smiled uiul .Inlli's associates remind bcr ns the smartest Kill on earth. Sirs IN I'KlltllTlON All I'VI. Ono of the small \\lioattondstho Cnss Reboot , upon returning homo the other nlKlit , inforinod Ids inolbcr Hint ho OKI not want to go to school anyinoio. "WhyI'1 sorrowfully nskod tlio mother. "Tho te.iL-lirr innkes us sit Innorilitiontho whole of the thy. " The inothrr was nstouniled , hut afterwards learned that the lad meant position , hut was mixed on tlio word. rue it : vinint i VINTI i > . In the heaven\\orth school there Is a tcuclirr of unieituhi ugo who in tlio future will ho very caiofnl about what promises nho makes her pnpiis. , Ono Monday morning not long ago she culled her Hock about her ami stud "Now if you \\ttl be good chiklron all tlio week , Friday nttornoon 1 will answer all the ques tions you can ask. " For IIvo days tbo pupils of this piauo uero on their host hobnvior , looldiw fouvaul to Friday afternoon ivitli iiiiinj foiul hopes. Friday nltoinoon eaino. the books \\oro put nway uiul llttv little boihes silt eieot in ns liinnv little seats. "Nowo \ are ready. " said the teacher In n ironn'iit Hfty little hands \\ero olo- vnteil , irdlcating that that m.iiiy ipiestlons were ready to bo llix\l at the wtilijlntc eney- clopediu "Vou nslt " s.dtl may n question , Cliarloy , the toucher , pointing to n boy of st\en ! siitu- moM on tlio tbinliowfronillio fivnt. "ronchcr , bow old nro vou i" iiukkly asked the lad. Tlio ctiildron IIIIVQ never boon able to un- dentnnd why tlio exeicNes were discon tinued ami they \ \ ere uiveu a half holiday. Thorp's ' iinothor hey In the Unko scliool who will iiiuko bis ininlc seine tiny , but ho bus 0110 bad habit , \\hiclii- , nothing lesb thun KlvhiK nwuy fiuniiy secrets , 'IIIIs boy brings his dinner nnd cats it nt tbo school lionso. A fo\v tlnys ago some bad boy stele the lunch , ImsUot and all. Thisdis- covery was reported to the toiuhor , and with tcnrs in his uretit blue oycs the little fellow " reported ht.s loss to tlio" teacher , t llu ! j her that his lunch consisted of two biscuits and a piccootiiio. 'Iho tu.ioher sympatlibed and nt last diied the te.irs with tno pioinise of bonio ciiiiily. In n few moments the little fellow bilijht- oncilupiiiid bis fnco was indimt with smiles , nml runnlnpr to tliotoacber said , "i am glad that bov stele my lunch. " "Whjl" WOTtisKeil. ' CniibO Pupa said tins inoniiiip : that those biscuits nonld kill a dog , niul I'll liot the boy who stele 'em \ \ ill bo doail before night. " r.oii IMIIN'T ioK The Dupont school is not a largo ouo , but thochiiiheu as bright as can bo loutid anv- wliero. Some time ngo ono of the regular teachers was on tl.c sielc list and a substitute , who is veiy short In stature , was sent to lill the phtco. Tno boys nml Kills were full of fun , as all children nro hen a now hadier mlcbover them. This te.iehcr wnntlid to impress thorn with n pi cat mural lesson , MI she said : "If you arc not seed children Cod ? will not love you nml you will not grow up to be ercat men uml women. " The toucher was terribly shocked when a litto girl of oitht yours ro- mnikcd'If : the peotilogrow biK wlion (3od ( lo\osthcm , llouo\er lo\cd \ you very much , 1 KUCSS. " THIS WVS VWFtl. There Is a principal in ono of the schools , but which ono it Mould not do to any , \\lio a few wciUs ago thought the infant class was not being properly Instructed In calesthenics , so she went down Into tlio room to do a little tlo tcachlnp accordinp to her own ideas. "Xow hands ' " said nut jour on jour 1'lps , she , "and draw in your breath like this. " The little things did asthoj were told , after which they \\ero instructed to breathe quick and hard. The teacher went thtougli the exercises with them , and as her uicathloft her body , a hot of false teeth fell to the lloor vtith n crash , \\hllotlioehlldrcn \ ran from the loom , crjlng , "Teacher is falling to pieces. CI.MIKMIN ANI1 LOU Mill S There Is another ono on Major Claikson , which comes from the Rirnnin school. Some months ago ho presented a flair to that school , making n line speech , wliichwas appreciated by toacuors ami pupilsahko , thus causing the little ones to think ho wus about thoouly mail on earth. A class of little fel lows weie redtingon the following Monday , and dmintr the the teacher was ex plaining the pretty s > tornbout Columbus coining to America , \\ntklngfroui the ship , stuck nllag staff In the ground and took possession of the countiy. Ono bright boy who had listened with marked attention , asked , "Did 1'obtijiastor Clarksou give him the Hag ! " A ruTt'iiB CITY orrinvi. In ono of the city schools there Is a boy who proposes to boa chip from the old block The other day , after studing hard , the teacher In this school thought to enteituiu her pupils by letting them tell the occupa tion they propofo to cheese after they become full tledgt-d men and women. All ol the tiadcs and callings were bolccted. Ono boy , whose nnmo might bo Johnny Green , but it Is not , was poiug to bo a councilman ol Omaha , the samons his fattier. "Pni ) tell why I" said the teacher. ' 'I'lirui la n councilman and ho lias passes on tlio railroads. 1 heard him tell mamma tuat ho made lots of monoy'cause when tie goes n\vny from homo U does not cost hiu anything to tide. " "Hut how would ho nmko money ! " askcc the teacher , who was becoming inquisitive , "Chnrgo tlio bill up to the city , " qulckl ) responded the young tinancier. ruoi'ii 01 IIIE > i'.i. Two younsgtcrs at Lalco school were Uav Ine nn nnlnuilM cllwisslon , which tholr ti . . hrr overhi.ird , tu.hliiK the i\o in ; .itur < nT tl.iir rxsecti\o | pn.v | ' Oi o of tin 1,1 Is the sr t of a ci .itily oniclal niul hi ) In .innouiifM In n tone \\hieh Indli .TtiM tiiat further urtiumcnt UIM useless ' Mv papi owns the court nouso Hut ItiooihortouiiK'tor was not a\u-d \ hy the nniKnineonipiit.itha \ contempt uom n I IT of pride ho tu rnrd uwny with tliu iv- innrh 'llint'Niiotlilii1. M ) yniid's n bigger Hum limn ( lod"and the I'lus bell ended tin ) The government Is about to establish n'l Indian school \Vadworth \ , Nov. The l obruary ciirolliuent of Iho tHontl- ono New \Vost eonuiilssion schools In L tali was IftM. 'riiocernus leturns show an Increase of ! per criit hi the school pnmilatloti of South Dakota. Theiuero \ II.IUS teachers onnilovcd last } our In tin * schools of Kansas. Tlio number of school houses Is S.-MI. Thoiioinlnatloii of Dr Vllllntn Hnnh ton consulship Slcllv will i.iuso a vacancy In tin * pre.slciincy of the South Dakota univoi- alty , located at Mitchell. S'alo was represented In Uio list congress hv jnoro giaduates thin mi ) other sintilo col lege , luivinir six niiiinnl in the sum to and sK In the house of ieprc cntatlvos. it is said to l > o as good as settled \V. \ lloyt Mill not again bo president of the \VvoinIiigstiitcuniverilty Prof .1. 1) ) Con- ley In miMitlnnt'd for the place. The historic pile which for seventy years hns shelteied the unlu'ivsity of the c'tv ' of Now York mu't snceumi ) to the in.uchof liupixivemeat. Anothef location will bo se lected Mr. Standlne , assistant suncrlntondent of the I'arllslo Indian school , who has Just iv- turned fioui the I'mo Itidgoagenev , sms that only unol'aillslogrudimtoaseonneoteil with tbo outbreak. The gnu in nut l inado OM rtiitrs tothcco ] p'o ' of Hlg I'ine , line county , Cal. , to pur chase the sohool hou'o there and turn It into an Indian school At a mielinuof the town people \\iiMilccitliil to nccopt Iho proposi tion , The returns from tlio recent civil servlco examination in S.m Krnnelsco shows ngreatcr dcgieo of coinpctoncy nulling the females than the males Tiiciu wcie tilty-iiino nialo npplkauts for postal clorhshlps nml llfty-tho fen.alos. Of the men twelve failed and of the women live. Plans for a new hnlldlin ; for the Cornell law sdiool will soon ho submitted to tin * trus tees The action of the exocutoro of the rajeiwu.itlier estate in regard to their portion tion ns residuary legatees will nn doubt came a speedj settlement ot the ostite. and , us Cornell undo ? tlm \ \ ill receives & . ' ( Hlk1p ) , the larger pan of that sum will prohabU bo ev- pcnded in Hie construttionof the now build ing. experimental station , the finest educational station In New Mexico , Is located \\ltliin tun mid onehiilf mllosof t'rnces. Although in Its Hist j oar tlio pio- pro smadoiii the n/iiculturiil dcpailment- uinlei thoiimmu.'cment of I'rof. Itlount , for1 moth of the upiienltmal college of Colorado , \\nithyof mention Thocolleijo fniia Is so located thnt it takes Insovcial dUlcreot kinds of soli and Is admirably adapted for e\perl- mental fanning. IIOM : v i on 'i in : r < Ai > tji. : A now silk ciepe is very crinkly in length wise folds Spots on over ) thing nro to bo the "proper cajK1 ! " this season. Satin is used in Paris as puffed brims and draped crowns of bonnets , An odd garter Imciilo in sllvoi represents a broul leaf with a frog upon it. Violet , lose mid oratigo blossoms nrefro7cn in ice creams of uelleate llavoiy. Leather Moweis innppiiiUu | voile arc used on the basques ol cloth dresses. Klil gloves \ \ ill bo eenor.dly soM this spring In longer lentrths than formerv. ! A hook murk Is in the form of a mason's tiowel , of silver , with tin Ivory handle. The iiiniiiituiu is being employed to orna- irwoit ftn IT 111 it ( d tie titiil li iinf > l t M.i .r"ia The imported hats sliou many Knots tnil loops ot Miivctilbuon in Hack .ind tclovs I lie pauye will bo a popular artiilo , either plain or painted , and many \iith l.iee tO)3. ) tO)3.A small ilnfr affords a Kicat of for not .stiictl.vcdifjintf talk just about tills time. If it weie not for the ciedit system thai * would not bo soiiiiinj sumptuously appai-cllod women. A mat-tied woman's visitinp card-is rntlicr large , not quite squaio , very MilT ami ileid white. Amntmthc nobbiest ladies' paimtMits i-lo > e- llttlug side-bund cabbimoies will timitih Uio iiiatenal The osnich fentiuV fans in black and ntty , chielly , or lace \\ithpoarl sticks , will bo tlie proper stjlus. Vilvetbasqnines liaviuc Pinluoideied satin vo.sts aroworii wittisllk sltirtt , In ihcl'.u-islaii woild of fashion. One of the ncatost patterns In the printed silks lias simile long-stummed violets on u croiini or black ground. .A mantllle liai capo of black velvet and ovcr-sloo\ of peauoo sole , 'llio bodyultli oversleevo aio cmbroiilerod in silk , ind peiiils. AVIiito and motnl lime-ados of hmdsomo quality aio seen in the dressy I.ouis ( tiin/o jncitots , is dei'p as vosls , and hornet lines "i.c noquot Ophcllo" is the name pii-on tea a i-apoto coniDOsed of u single iliodniiciidion , ci-usliod into shape nnd held with coquettish knots ofolvet. . Clowns of l.ulies'hats for the spi-mir sea- son will bo hnver tliuii ustial-tho lidU snl- wajs wear tbeir lowest frowned lints after tno theater so.isuii cloo.i. . Dirk silk , plaid niul loHf-thwiso stupe stoikincs arc worn , that lilac stocllntjs nio onilii'olUeieititli oicliilsniulSpaiibh stock- itiKs nro all h paneled with ( , 'old i\eninK ; weddings hnvo i-omplptcly gene out of fashion. 'Jhreo , or nt the latest , i o'clock. Is the nearest atipioachtothooloseof theiuyllght hours which Is pcrniitted. A strilmip cors > aueh inado of undressed kid , The sleeves and collar aio of hl.iclrel - vet Around IhoaUt isn conelot of piss- eiiienlorlo thickly unibrolduruil \ Jet. .Among the high novelties in black gar ments Is a shawl innntlllo of Sicilenue silk enihroiderod hi lustious colorcil silk ( lowers \vith pearls between. I'rint'Cb border the innntilto. Knitjroldorcd fichus are In dcmauilln the 1'arls mail.ct , and these eoods will ho popular hi this count ry through the ontlro suinmor. Caix > , lieudcd and crochet , mo loolied upon TAlth pivut favor. Silver hrooches and vinaigrettes decorated in inanieluronow shown. The shipes nio penerallj pl.iin , and in no wise odd or stifle- ing , but the enameled designs arc very prcHy and sometimes oven elaborate. In blade Kuunents , .slioit silk innntles with cape sleeves , the sleeves wholly or paitly peniled or trimmed with roloied pearls or stones , nro iioliicable. 'Iho sleeves nro nKo half dull trimmed In silk-stitch embroidery aud pearls. A richtrimmliiR isofVulols tnscrlionsof pnssoniciitorioeinUiiiideted with jet. Tlioiu- soitlou is iuo\nhlo mid ! > worn over u llt'ht coloied iliess It may also bo of geM lice anil peails. The inner side of the collar is trimmed with feathers. Old buckles , nnd now buckles modeled on old designs , nro to bo eioatly In demand in the spring. Metal and p.sto : pluy an all Im- portiint part In Krenoh inillincrv , just ns no biocndo would seem to be coniploto without tin Interwoven bow In the ( ] osi'ii. ( As latest novelties from PiuU , capos with lace voluntH nro nicntioneil. A capo hns lice rtieho at the neck nnd a shoulder CIMHJ ofjieuu dosoio , tiitnined with baut'ersof piarl. Tlio capo it-self reaches down in crispy folds. These capes have nonilU llnliifr. Some now fichus arc composed of ribbon and laco. The ribtou and Into arc , bowc\cr. \ not Joined longthwlso , but iiloiig their width. Ono Helm hns , in front , ilbbon ends arranged in double so that the satin faconndtho falhu back of the ribbon shows alternately , Many dress bonnets huvo open crowns which stow the hnlr tlirouKh asmnllspacoin tlio center. A bonnet vllh such a crown of rut Jot Imi n brim of vel\ot \ , over \\hlch a jot frhiKo fulls in front. Small blaek and whlto wings unit a Jet butter/lj / ornnmont the fiont. A stylish Jaekot Is produced In light fnwn- colored cloth of a new u Uo lsli tint. The hlfrh sleuve.s and collar nwnpiuopriately deco rated witli llao onilioidery in brown and the now almost on.nipiciontcold icrd , which In this case IH sparingly used. The largo buttons uio Irideacoul pcuil , sUonlnt ; golden lighu , mr A \ HIP \TifW \ ) \v\viTn \ , \\ri\\ \ \ \ \ the Proposed Lnlor Building bo Erected. * SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE , llulltilUlcm' I'oHliliui nn tlio Convict 1 uilior QiU'stlim-loxvi's H. ol'li , Song ! ' tlio Swltc-h I. ahor Stock In the proposed lubor piiliU'O Isholnu iiibsfiiticd at a rapid rate , and tliu liufloa- : lwis now jiclnt to tUo carlj constfiictlou of tliu building Already enough stock ha < been subsulbcd : o assure the hnildliiK of tlio sttucture ; so the onlj question that roiiinlns \vlieio and \\lieti \ the building shall notip. The centlo lieu nt the liondof the onterpilso h.ivo no lesltanev in sajliiK Hint \\oi-k \ will bi' in soon after spiliiv : opens Tlio saino neiitlo- men nro somuwliat unvious reu.irdin ) ; the iiiestlon | of location. Ttvo orthieo avallnlilu sites h.ivo teen oflereit , bulwhcio thuliiein- hers ot the committee- having this matter in t'liarnowill nut st.ite. The plans for tlio build ini ; aivnowbeitiR ptciiaied ami as fur as llu'j luive onoslu > w Unit the stiuetuio will ho aueaiitj 'Ihu in tention now Is to ha\e lai'RO unscinbU hulls on tbo second , third and fuinth lloors. niul as the bullilliii ! will OOMT noarlv a qiiartoi'- tiloek. It Is hlio\cil ; hull fiicllltii' ho fur- tiNhoil for nil of the labor societies In the cllv. In adilllinn it is tliu intention to pro \lilo several lilnary rooim , besides hath rooms and n suitililo mom for the I'ltiplo.v- niuiit Imieau that It is piopusua toliin In con- iieetlon. ctni l < -t li i tint' . IMclmrd Smith , A. Seliull and ,1. .l.Jnlist , who icpresented the huildeis' nnd traders ( -\chaiiL-o in the national convention held in York , I'ebrnary'.i ' , have iniilo their re port to the Oin.ihu exchange and the same hns been adopted. At that coinentlon oin of the most iiiit'Ort- mil resolutions \\.is that by Mr. Smith of this cltv lelatiiiK'to convict liibur. The lesolu tlon isns follows "Whereas , The labor of convicts bus hoen fiotiuently utlli/cd In Mich amainur tint the lesnlt of thesiiinols iinnij-ht into competi tion \\itli theiesu't ' ofliboiof citl/en-iof vn llous cities icprcsciitcd in this louventioii , mid. mid."Whereas "Whereas , Manv indviiltii ! meinborsof af- llllntini ; bodies ot this , issinl.itiivi are coin pelletl to uotnpotea ainst suth labor , there- fine lie it "lit'solveil , 'J'hilt the Nat innnl association ol Inilhli'js demand that wtien sinh l.ilor Is used , the pileo of tlii % result , whether c\- piessid in nmtenil 01 othciwise , .sli.ill lie iKoil by the authorities ooiitioll hit'tho same al tlie current pi lies of the marlict ; and , "Hcsolved , That thoofllcciiof nssoeiiitloti ho andiiro lieioliy diiceteil to con- M < y this rate to the iittuitiun of the logisli- tiiicsof nil tliu states rotncsontcd in tins body. " tow.k's K. < ! \i. \ At ameetiiKT of tliostivto nsscmhly of the KnlKhts of Lauor of Iowa , held nl Ucs Moines , In. , last week , the ( olllcois weio elected for Hit * oibiilii jL-ai : Slate Master AVorkni in ,1 K Sovctoien , lies Alolncs State Worthy 1'oroinan Dr. C * . T. fJndlov , Diivonpurt. State Kecnrdini ; Socictan and 'I'rcnsliry - 1Q. . I.ce , Wobstcr City. State 10xceiitioI5oirdWnlterll. . Ilutlei , Uest Union , ,1. W. Cliff , Nowton. .lanes A t'nrtl , Sioux City DeloKiitoto the Cicncrnl Assembly J. It Kovoieiini. Altenmte-W. H. Kobb , Creiton. > o 1'olliics in ThoAtncilciui I'udeiiitionnf Lihor 1ms de cided against ( 'imif ? Into politics. Samuel ( lumpers , the president , has isii.ocl a innnf- festo hi which liriulviius tle memboisof Ills faction not to p.iy any aUcnlloii lo the IvniKhN ot Labor circular ( Minn ; , ' lor. i i-nu- feren-oto oi'Kimizo u third iiolitlral party. Vice I'n hid out I'Mi'Iiiiin'is * Ullel Ion. J'bo futiuuil sciv ! < 'C3 over tbo loimlns of Mrs. Mtir.ndelinnn . 'xerc conducted from Trinitj church Woilnesdaj nlteiiioon. The auilitoiiutn was well tilled ami tlio ( loi'.il tiilmti" , weie fhliuiMUi 'Iho icinaiiis wiw laid to rest at i'urest La\\n ci'ini'ten. 'J ho pall be.iri'is weiu Mcssis. Sol Ituclilcl. K I'arnej. .John Hieen , lon Ctatnor , .lohn Lamb nnd .lames Morton. Mr. ICdelinun is a well Unown orr'ini/ei aiiion ' the laborni ) ; cliisos How viio preii- ilcnt of thoIMasterois' union anil a delegate fiom his union to the Central Labor union His \ \ \ iimost estim.iblo ladv , anil ainoiiK tbeaeitniiiiitanies she had formed in Omaha diiiin-r tin- last thn-e jean wcio many who will iiooply inouiii her loss , 'diiK i r ( he Snitch , John /'dill llnlirmh. WithlhiRCis wc'ary anil woiu , \Vithoyclids heavy and uil , A si nnhiMn satin bis tunnel cub .Sviitchitu ; Iho ttaiiis alieid , bwitih , switch , swltili A binnleslip ui the wrist A lajM ) of the o\e , and death would lly tunnel's soot and mist. Switch , suitc.h , switch. At just twelvcdollars , \ \Vhiletiains \ Mash past , thiouijh this noisome ditch I ikospcities in the1 rook. Twcions well | * rhapsto - > lave Alld.iy fora birbainus Turlc As losit on the hiinUof this yawning gr.m At this corporation work , Worlt , woilf , woik , Tilltlie hiaiti lie-ins to s\nn ! Switih , s\\tch | , switdi , f Till the ejo mows heavy and dim ! Lovoi , , switclt- TUKers and telephones , Should nn uuldiifT nerve for an Instant swene , A trash and llamonnd fe'roans ! \ \ lij Not Orj-iini/.o' . ' To the nun who does not holieio inor nnl- Zillion wo want to say a few words.Vhcii jou talk \\ith him howill tell you that nuuh could bo done to bettor thorondltion of tlio working classes , but ho does not look upon organisation nb a material factor , .says the Potters' .lorn-mil Iliw hois wrong , and ho should lie willing to h'ivo the tiiuo and the study necessary to tlie nnderstaudini ; ot tlio question. Helll not do this , lu > says hn knows , and thotefore all therostof the world isviuiin. . Ilo\\e\ernftertho omani/ed men of the country , throuch orKanl/cil c-lTcii , hiun won some ( rrciitbiiieiit for the woikinirelassen this man eon es nroiind iindlielpslo LMther up thcfiuitsotidory llodoes not beiiuvcln or nni/ntlon , anil lends no aid to the woik thnt Is put firwind , hut is willing to accept Iho seed aceomplishcd Hodocsnothintr liiin- self to inereaso tils clmnees , but is iuli-k | to tiikoailvnntafjo of the opportunities willed otlu-is liiuo created. In tills way ho inodiues notlili't ? , but iM-ooiiiPs n grutly consumer nnd does lint little ( " 'Oil ' as ho ( 'oos IhtoiiKh llfo. U'o pity the man who does not heliovo in or- ( ! iiiil/ation-hu Is an IKIIOIIIIIIUS Ho furely does not read nnd cannot know much of whit Is olnn on in the world around him. l.ct him tnko up nnj paper ho pleases today nnd ho will see discussed some questions pir- tninine 'jothc intorobtof \vorltiinjmen. . lialxir Notes. ft Ono week from tomorrow night tlio mem bers of the Oniuhn retail In.ti'heis' uuluii will elect oflipon for the romliifj j'ear. 'Iho election \\lll behold In ( Jieou's hull on Var- naiii street. The coal wagon diivers arc the lmi > plost lot of men In tlio city. Ouln to the lecent eold snap , man ) of them li.ivo been enabled to put in doublotimoin eider tokcopup with the uorlc. H , K. Thomas , n local wealthy Mormon moichani of Salt Lake , Ims contracted to bullil twelve coltiiRCs , the labor to DO paid In orders on his s > toio. The nudes' ' unions fall to .sco the beauty of this , and will nuke war on Illdor 'lliotun. 'Iho two union * of the painters and decora tors huvo consolidated. The pressmen , steieotjpors unci electro- typcrs union , No. Ill , bus been admitted to Labor Union. Do Witt's ' Ulltlo Karly Uisors ; only pill to uud reguluto thubowcU. : 7 i HELLMAN - SPRINGS to the FRONT WITH A SPRING SALE ; . The old "c'oektindbull" stories of "Smith , who busted , " "Jones , who burned out" and "Olo OX son's stock that got lost i n the shutTlo. " will not bo pa lined oft'on our patrons this year. W o linve the good sand it matters not hov vvo got thorn. Wo soil them so che.'ip that seine sarcastic * people ivuiy think \vcstolc them , but that matters not ; wo luivo thorn nncl you " T B K HMSVMMWnvMVM MMMBWVHMCMBi KMMWWM WavfeBMMaBMavVW MBBMIM - i MaMai BMiWtW W a WfcM B ia lWlrt * " * " ' " " " * " * * ' * " " " " * " " * " " * ' * " " " * 1 " ' * " ' * " * " can have thorn , too , for less money thnn nn y other liousc in the west rin ; lurnish thorn to you \Ve \ have them for $ \ , if yon want 'cm ; understand , though , that they arc not $10 coals , but they aic cyc-opcncrs for i. However , we have a 56. 50 and $7.50 Oveicoat , in four different shades of Mel tons , \vith silk facing and silk sleeve lin ings , that needs onlv to be looked at to be appreciated. We have the very latest style of half box , 5 lows of stitching , silk sleeve Ihv injjs , and in cveiy respect a complete Gentleman's Spring Overcoat , atio. And if you want to be : way tip in tone , wo have Suits to match them. To the young man who wants to sec a few novelties sweeter than the first rose of summer , we say conic in ; our Over coats are on exhibition , and we will be glacl to show them to you. It is ecnoi il'.y the cisc tint "in picielKT ' . 'si . ot i.'DD ' u'iei\o- \\lio uoiU" for 3 il.irj ajuar > iiUnit.dl . hols wmi'i. ' If Ciln . eon tiblo to ficctiro n Uu.vcr , tlio iiist vonhut of'not K iUv"ou't \ ! proln- My liiuo lici'ii ftnwded in the bible. OliiiUus You siiri'ly do not doubt the truth of tlic Apo.tolicn.irr.Ulvo' ' t ' .MIII-US- \\oll \ , most of tliL'iosllcsorolHhoimun : ] \ A iojiluXfil to cou'ain books , iiui .id- ilivsswl to a iniiihti-r o ( tlw K' ' 1H > 1 In Mun- t.ina wus pMiiiilncil hy cuito'in iiispi'c-tcrs anil lounil to loiitaln ninety -six iiound.of opium , vnluoil alin-'r * 1 , KM ) " hiv to have a ] > lush cir > hiin uiuii-iniMr liiui wi'ii tic uoi's tii iiiunli < ti ih htodiUr't , vill boirv luolvhu put scttiit oi.i will ol ) KU.IIII | iii- | in iloswtcl bimo ljo , \\oii \ ( lecleliWo . ' 11 s hit duo' ' rA 1'icsbjteriuii mimsu ref Oswouo , K an , admitted n'uilmvd frill to fi > llnvliii \ | In bi , ihurohvilhuut porniittiiiK tlio loiiKitvutuui to vole unon the ( | iicstion. Suih ii low his In en stirs-olup liv Itisucttoi ttial hu hisboui foieodto i-islcrii Ins p.istonUo Old style , \uljpnnMil I'luivyiiion who best the diKoutnf tlio pulpil cusluoi and pau < i % the silo lights to nitlloaro tlio ovcoiition 111 thuso mow "nuii'tly fiirciblo" d.ivs. I unc power no lonic rp > ist.os forclotpieiico , uoi. ' do doudsof itibL mike omvcils. lU-abiiiinisin offi-rs ti ) tlio bollcvornti Ira- inouso nssniliiioiil ot ioilsfionittlilih ; to so- iu't nftvoilto iluinitit Ins a litmilulmost , n BOI OOIIS , ts , i Clui .linn * liilk't .mil Us doinis , nrx".o iuiini.Tniis tint thi'i ' .irnoit con- \crt ii'i ! iltilhoniutliniK now to bollmo ovwj A hcnsutlnn % u * c-airc-1 in uivlcb by Miss , the pretty mil- ti.iltoof ttiol'oloiod Iliti | > t clwivli , ill-fill- iiiK Moinsti-r ILirris , the instor , of liiivin ? loil hvr.ibrtiv. MNs AriniMi-ail Is the so sin KIT In th'1 ' chdr Slio hibotn Inprini ; tbttv forovc-ra voir now , mid hy her s\vi'ot \ voice Inn mitlo ( jiiito A loul iL'DUtatioii TliocuiiKiuKathu suu dhlduil In tlioil-npininns nftho O.HO oinonf thoiti .il icadvopiMily cl < nminci * Mliilitcr IliiriH asiui uinnitl iU'l si- .Ircl , whili ) others duel no ill. adi-hl ) ritoplup on the vomit : won- nit's , pirt to o\ toil blaikinnil or'to lil.u-lii'ii . Iho ymiiiK iiiiuistcr's UiaiMctor purcli out of person il spite. Do Witt'iUttMj ICmly Hisors Best lit'lo ' pill nut1 in.uli' Uiuo Miistiirtlioi oviry time ; . Xonuuquil. LSe ihoni now. ri ; ins. I.VlfC lillllM'l. ' "Orrn , nml only once , anJ foi-Ono only.1' ' Drowning , Witli fotVur thov ml cued , "Woonv.\ you ThoL'iftut inakliijTHtirhnporfict hniiu ! " It sadiioiioil him His lonuly souldillil long Per pulse -not of thowuild not of Iho few , Of oulj Ono. 1 IIC l.\sT TIIIIK.HT. Of all tlio wofU. beloved , to tldnlc thoa nit not lino. And I am ( lyinsr. * * * Not Iliino the ftult. * * * I know , de.u- hoatt Taliu my Ust UinvtKt All pulii 1'vt'kuouii for our lovu's sake Was Joy , whuso lllju tlioholo \ \vido % voild rouldiiut inipuit , Mothers. In the pusl our Childicns Depart ment has been somewhat neglected , for the \vnnt of space to handle it properly. This has no\v all been changed.Yc have an ample and roomy Children's ' De partment in our stoic , and \vchavo put in one of the most ticmcnclous stoclcs of children's goods ever shown by any bouse in the city , We have over 5,000 , Children's ' Waists in stock this day. They are all the newest and latest designs. Our 350 waist is as good ns our 750 waist \vis ; last season. Our Childien's ' Suits start from 3 to i5 yeais old , iin ; in < in price from $2 to any reasonable price for a boy's suit. \Ve have paid special attention to suits for short and stout boys , so bringin your plump and f\t ; fellows and \vu'll fit cm. GATJLUK-EL Mioribo KlllorCur sCatirrJro Not lake Onrorl tarlt , 1 > t IlPitl th iv donor. tri < ntyy < Mi , M h i * u flMil UK ) hin llt fiutn UK' iiti | t nmilti-t < t lliril - Milter tliiin tnnn nil tin1 ri'iu U' < u i > I durl 11 ; Mil I I Mllir.ll ! liru.'aln Si lovuiih I 11 ou'r "ilil n it > iii > ilHi it t.'lu1 hiKt'r - ntlHt , illin III in'M I.r I kuv Uiul II i all cx < oili'lll. renii-ilT for pit irrli I. I ! 'CNh.MT lnuir.ln M .li.-op'i 'P. > my i > rruunl UnouluilLollc - oil KIMor < iuurt iilurrli , U ) ; 1 ll'iVLMi. .U l-tint I'.ittniii liT > l It sopli I snlT'Tvul ' from c1i rili tor tUlit M'nyeurit niiil UIIH Iri'ii'ol InIlio in -IJIIrcl l | h > sl IIMH 1 iolMI - n 'tin Mlli > r iml It lin tiuip'litH nio nioriMlun I'm ' i * ninls i I il ill i > i'xii Mill otl MM tinci r- \\M \ \ \\VI'-ii\ \ . Ibl.iipu-l > troil. t-t | IIHOII , | MU-rtlitt hlllei < uiil IIP ol n l .iiitttMit | ! u.-itirr'.i. II .1 Illivtl \ . < ! liivup i I Miii [ , > roil lor VI'IM f mi unn.'KfiuiteiluKQ , , (01- ( l n It I r-oiitil not tf ( t iiirt' Ilii'i loin ( riirv u'Hot Irijin ! iv sMiiri'v * u'lt.l ' 1 IH it Mlilu Ivlller s It. Ill 1 S.IT.I JoMJili Oiioc illn.idt Mpr > tiMM rtavo IIP * ijnlck rol i f fur i uirrli I IMI imvv tiilnln l \vi-ljlil i 'inl > lriiutli ISOIIIIU IMtll'i 1 II- ll Wirm-i ! Srvut.M l.oiili 1 h it , i linilp.tii't'i fin I'lclitni i j i us nit fur ln | > liiht tlu > > iurH t v i nut nit Inn t a t rrlhli'l i-ulnc'.i'J linn mm nl'loto ' him norl n > I ulil \\Iicii yuuu. lint nil Iriisn Hiu iiwul Mk-mliu ICiinr Mll- i : .1. H lT.ll ' 'IJ. \ , ii tn I'loii l .iM l.onH Mlrmlio UlIlT IIK iiiMiiMlt'i'il ' IIP M'ry nitith lor i.itarrli I'llAIII.II I Iliil'IIV. ' .M I N Tm < 'tili ' sun -t M l.ouK \MIITI' \ I'OII I. A It , K ( lltl I I Ml IHKK Till ; IHDAJ ! MICROBE WLLI.ll CO. , ST JOSEPH , MO. 1'itrMtc * InOiiiitiii I y Miernmnt < onnc II 1pli : II Him - < l. Kllllll MII . in it Mix Huh ! " .m ! ! JD OPTIGIRN - ' " " " "tin Hi "i oinilm. De 'ler in Artificial Eyes iut tin I . Who Said Hats ? AYhyvo clo , and there isn't ' man in town claios open his head , foi \\o ofTcr 1'inc fur stock of all the latest blocks from a one-inch brim to the si/e of * - Ouaker hat , in Dunlapand Knox Blocks For Only 9Sc , The same square crowned Kail road Hat that was so popular with us last year at $2.50 we have promised the manufacturer to sell at least 5,000 , of. There is but one way to clo that and that is to name a price we say 11.50 for That Hat. That may seem iuinosslblo , hut wo linvo iiro.r. iscil you no ' iwU-iuiil-lmll. " uiul will htiulc to it , thouf/ii it imiv t-otiio linrd , AVe von't hiiy iiuich nhout Poekot Huts uml Ctiish lltiti , but \vo litv\e iiioro of tlioin tliiui people huvo hay , and the nrioo will The long a L ° JL9JliLlsjJ ! ! 9. _ lllg who can. Their journey will be rough and rugged. THE ( DLD RELIABLE and r amainJ Si Iilnrs SlioiiiiniiV hut visit coiht thti Ssui l-'iunMsi-o tn tliw , sa\s : rximlnoi' ' , theN . " ( ! . S. ( ' . ulil'iA'd tlio ( ippoititnlly by inviting lihii to wiluov , a loviinv uml sliiiiu bittlunt Suit id-it/ , 'J'lio yonoral conipliud ami \\iis \ nlTiililllty itfadt diii-lnj , ' the'ix'- , . Finully Ihu other Dig fjim , ( Turnhiill.nsked l\isoi > inlori of tlio m-in- cuvcrs of the fg Pb. " - ' ' Indoeil" "Very lu-ottj'-i-wy pi'otty , siilil the hurouf Allan ti : ; "lint vliutaro tho.otliiHU Kuntleinoiiiloiiiir noiv ? " " \Vliy Ihoy nro ( luil | ) jliiff iissldnnMi- er&'roiilli- llioeli.ijfrinuii ollkor.ou sue the tt-oopi tire about Roinj" into notion. ' ' "All , ImleeeiV' 9 < dd the collaifyuo nf Oi-ant , inn surprhoil tone. "Tliut'ti tlio iiloa , Is it ? "Yes , they look very well , Indeed \or.v uicvly. I wat > til\va.\s \ \ory fond of tahloiiux. " Ami tliocribhod ronmmnilor fell bick mid told tlio htiilV thatlm know lit tliu Iliuo Ihoyveiu making a font-f ul iiilntaUo in hiivitigbo much punch atlunoheoii , * Do Witt's ' LWlo KarlyHlsers ; lMt little [ nils for djspoi'shi , sour stoiuaili , bad hrcaili Thcro It temloncy to huvo tlio il assert eouiMis hi'i'voti Invhlto ( wrcelaln ooiri dccowtiou but u UunJ ur taouogiMin of RECEIVED NEW A lot uf \ * r > IlncJiiiiani-so ( uhllUli , I f , iffl.'J' ' . In porU'd llirlMoiinliiln < : uiiiii \\iriiintud I'ifHt t la- . . , " -IIIKI ' * ' . 0 1'iu-li , fu- ? i | , - , Jl > in Ii. 'liuiv ii 4 I'uiioU fionill.1.0 Ii doixl MiH'kliiKlilids , t'.OO uli iur \lrnuili \ C irdliulw , ja. t V TJ II no fii.tliiod | | o wlm llulltl.u f-'J.W. i-ISI FR Soutu lflth st- L lOLCn , OF OMAHA AESOLDrELI IHCANBESC1T Fta , ELECTRIC LIGHTS. PERPECT YENTILAM omcE IN THF RTTIinTHPr , Ir' NIGHT AND MY 18 TMm liKBBMG. SERVICE DIRECTORY OF OCCUPANTS : GROUND FLOOR : r. r XAifiu ; CU\II > A\V , Touvupii i'l.utnv . Titr.A.-ritru < 'i"-sTu" . l.iniilii'iHe. . i \HAUKAI , l-M'ATi : AM ) T1HJPTCO MTIK A liYI.OUli , Kelt Kstito. I Ml - PAfUANT J'lNCAIS. ! . ( riYroMI'TKOUIIU. | ,1. | l AM'IZS , ItoliiMlti C'Utu ' FIRST FLOOR : Till , UMAIIA lKi ; rolINTINr. liOOAI , Ad- AMhIMCVN WATHItYOU1S COMI'ANV. nnd bubsirlptlou llfjiiftincuts PAnisM' nr.i : DUIMIINU. SECOND KLOOR. TltP PATRICK \NIJ CO.Ml'ANV. OtMier , MAS.SAI'll'-rTrI ! > Ml'TUAI , Ml'U ur DuniUse I'lnc-u. ANd , COMI'ANV. TIII : KIJIMTAIIM : uirr. INSUUA.S-CLCO-.I. nn. 11. n , iui\nY ! , " ' I1 AM" OI'XI5\V \ VUlilC. ,1. II -I.NTGMI. . leil ! ; i'stntoand ! . < inm 1)11 CMIAIIM.O UOsl.WATi : ! ! , THIRD FLOOH. Dit.A SIAT'l'IIR * . I tMitl MANHATTAN I.Il'E IXSUUA.NCR I'oM- JOHN r.liAN'l , Conlrneloi forSti eetaiidSldo- 11A V. w.ilU I'.ivi'moiiH C1IU 1 1. 1 1 A. N "C'l i'.Xl IE AS-SOOl ATIOM. Oil. W.J. ( iAIilIKMTII , KOIir.llTXV. I'\T1R'K. ' ! , : 1 > 1 ! U.-CAi ; s lluri'.MAN . I'U ! ! U IIA Itll.- . ' EliM > l' UiAI.I. . lii'iil K > tatft l.v'l'l TY folIUT I10OM. .J-M. FOURTH FLOOR. NOIril\M ! > TI.UN Ml'TUAI , Mil : INS I * IS . ' .I , . 'K.nliniiBlnoer. . AM ri'OMI'AM' . r. M. KM.Is. . Arrhltout iM't ru-rr MfrrAL i.iri : ANt'l. CliMI'ANV Li ( ) ! , i\V.S.l-K-.1i-OMl'AN'V ; , Solicitors if ' l'vt nts. : IM.NN MITIAL 1.1 IT. INsl'IlAUT. TOM- I'ANV. i : KIM ! . Asont for llnltod Stnto.c ) uAUTt OHM urr. AMI ANM-ITV INSUK. ili'tit lusiiMiiee Cuiniiaiiy , \Nl P.roMI'ANV. T.I ! . KVAN > , Kst.ito. Mi\l : > INVI-M'MINT UIMI'ANY. OMAllACOAl , KM'ilANC-n , KUVAI , IT lIUMIINtJ COMPANY. : | ON iV.I I IMSlr LIMIT COMI'VXV. 1C. T. : ! , I'teseo I'alntor. A. II X.INNKIt , HnihT 111 T-li'iti lo ( Inoils TIKIS. I * . TLTTl.K , Silk-on Wall I'limtrr ' , \ \ I "I riiN C\l \ ! Si UVK'I. AS-01'I\T1N. ( ) 1I.A. t'lir.ltltv , ( , , MI. MunauiT bllleouN ui | K J I , \ eiiuvMinnviiiuKiiiiiiirs : 1'lnslci Msnifu. Co , FIFTH FLOOR. lirMX.M'AlMIMCr. . i' . ? . A11MV. Iii'\llT ) : Mr.M'or rur.i'i.ATn ' ! . I'AV MAST Kit. DI.I'A IJ1 M K.N I1DM \MIU. . . . - . * ' A J.-.1 ST A N T Q I A IIT Klt.M ASTI'.U. 1 .Nl'ViTOK : > MAll. . IN I'Kt U > 1 dl.M'.UAU ? AK.MSPUAOTlcn. .it iitit : t'lllF.l OK tJHD.NVNOl ! , rnnr : ( , i EMiiNii-uurriciic. : : : ( till. I' ( OMMl-S.\UV ! 01'bL'ltfl8JTnNCr. . MI luc SIXTH F-LOOH. IIAUTMAN COMJSS Mnniifiiclurors' ' I' , s. Ali.MY I'UINTt n OITIOKS. ' I'NlTr.ll STATKs I.MA.N A IN\T. \ ; P SMITH . . .t VANIM'NIIUKU , In. uml l.iiaiK. CO Ml'A ' NY , C. I. MUM'lilll'T , Ar-hltocl Altllll'l ! .luilNhOX , Cuiariicior. KDiToui.M , uooMs or TIII : mn : UI.ii : ) I'lilN'UNC ' ' , t'u. Ini ; . MLiiotiti ) > ln'auiMullliiR | runni SEVENTH Fl-OOn , Tin : OMAHA IMI > fi.rn , TIII. IUNTII\I. ; IVIST : i'UiiitsuiN ( , i-o I' Ol'bTATIO.NAUY iXIN-HRUS. : ( | I llAKIIIIIt bl A fc\v \ mo'-oelegjtnt ' office rooms may be liud by applying to R.V. . Bnker , Supcriiitendoiit , oll'icc on counting room lloor.