Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1891, Part One, Image 1

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flcrniiny's PuUlc of tlio Opinion That Bat
tles Should BeFottgbt ou Land.
Its rullmo 1'riugs About lon'Iron-
llcVr ) ( VdiiCapllv lllnei - . U.-nist ;
t llu I'ooiroU by ( fovcin-
'I luealM ,
MAVie / rmlirxirlnlcil \ 1'irn. , March 7. Hy bin personal Influ
ence Urn I'lnporor siicccvded In preventing
the dcfcnl In the rolchstni ? of the govoriiiuent
nn the proposed addition to the nav ) , hut
tills has only been done by Inducing some ot
the inotnbeis to abstain from voting. 'Iho
ilebnto on the subject tllseloscd the fuel that
both center nnd freislnniKO pirtloi are
litrongly opposed to conceding the amounts
icciulretl for tlioconstrtictlon of the two or
three ) gunboats , one ironclad , and one dis
patch heal. The oucstlon , , thoiu'li not of
etriklng Import , became one of serious mo
incut for the government , when the two par-
tics combined to oppose the Increase of the
navy on general principles. The government's
domain ! was finally limited to two gunboats.
Today's division in the roiclistau gave the
government t'JI ngalnst ? " . The constitution
requiring that ouo-halt of the members must
vole , nnd there beinp ono short of thai num
ber , votliiR on the nuostUm will bo resumed
on Monday.
Since llio committee of the house heard
Adtnlrnl Ilollman's frank disclosures of the
admiralty's project to r.dsu ( to the
rank of a great naval power , the reichsUii |
has been thoroii'thly ' nlarmod , audit has been
dllllcult to peivtunilo that body to concede oven
reasonable doinanils. It wus painful to hoar
riinucellor Von Caprivl yesterday c\enlng
plead the necessity for two moro gunboats to
guard approaches to the Halite canal.
Dr. Wlndthorst , the coat list leader , con
tended Hint the cnnnl was not to be com
pleted before Is'.te ' , and that the buildings nnd
equipping of gun boats could well wait.
Chancellor Von Caprtvi asserted that the
canal would bo opened In IS'.fi , and hold that
Germany ouplit to huvo her vessels ready to
protect it , as it could nolbo protected bj land
fortifications alone.
The action of the house clearly declares
that iho national opinion is adverse to any
nttcmnt to make Germany a great nnvnl
power , nnd that any contest with foreign
power must Iw fought out on land , Emperor
William is very much disconcerted over the
defeat of his cherished Ido.i of a gianil navy.
His majesty hys the bl.imo for the defeat
upon the indiscretion of Admiral
Hollman in making his disclosures , , and
the chancellor's want of pinllamentary tact.
Admiral Hollinan has ottered to resign the
s-oeroturyshipof tlio admiralty. The position
of Caprivl is understood to bo critical. The
emperor has opanly taken \Valdersoo into
favor , but it is improbublo that he will sue-
ccx'd Caprlvi.
The emperor , it is bellovod , contemplates a
stronger foreign policy , together with a re
turn to the rigorous system of socialist re
pression practiced by Bismarck. Signs of
tboreadoptlonof Ihe. prince's method of gov-
eminent have gi von rlso toiepoits that the
emperor has opened communications with
The ministerial reaction against liberal
principles in dealing with the labor question
Is an undoubted fuel. The Uolchbati/uiger ,
in denouncing the dnmaml of the miners in
tbegovernnienl nits , warns the men if strikes
nro resumed , ttioy will bo vigorously re
pressed. The congress of mine owners'
delegate * , now in progress , today icsolved
unaniinoU'ly that it was impn.ssiblo to grant
the demands of the men , nnd that il
reprehensible to bring about a general strike.
Tlio congress furtLor declared Hint
the threats of the men to go
on n strike will not Induce Ihe
mine owners lo make any concession.
The attitude of the mine owners has the sup
port of the government. The authorities In
the mining districts of Westphalia and the
Ithlno provinces li.ivo boon ordered to con
sult with the directors of the miiiod , with a
view of the adoption of concerted measures
against the strikers.
A soml-otllclal note , published today in the
rieustoNnohriehton , announces that u nmni-
fcMo is hi course of preparation hy the gov
ernment , winch proclaims the displeasure of
the emperor with the minor's notation , as
in direct defiance of his plans for Ihe amel
ioration of the condition of tlio laboiing
- classes. The socialists are accepting the gage
f of battle thrown down by the mine owners ,
backed by the government , ami support tlio
miners , whoshowsignsof .surrender. Herreii ,
Bebel , Liubknccht and other le'idcrs will
siait ou n tour of the propaganda through tlio
disturbed districts ,
1'rlnco Hismurek's delay in responningto
the offer of the candidature for a seat in Iho
reichslag for (5ee ( > loimmdo strcnglhens the
electoral committee's belief that he will
anally accept the offer.
A telegram from Xico has been received in
Hcrlin announcing the arrival there to lay
from Cairo of Count Herbert Uismaivk. The
dispatch adds that , upon being que : > tloiiod
ns lo tlio chances of his father's reappear
ance in the reichstag , Count Herbert replied
-m * that it would not occur yet , anil that lie Know
of nothing which would tend lo alter his
father's former refusal. Count Herbert
sharivd In the "Hattlo ot Flowers' ' today nt
Vcntitnlglin. lie will ronnlii in Uivleva fern
n fortnight before ho returns homo.
Tlio DlstnarcUian Munich Allgemeino as
serts that the French cabiiiot is divided on
the question of forcing a war witli ( lermany.
MM. do Fre.iclnet , the French minister of
war , and L'ons.taiis , minister of the Interior ,
are urging the government lo sci/e iho eaili-
est cnanco to attack Germany , while Presi
dent Carnotaiul M. Hlbot , the rroncli minis
ter ol foreign affairs , advocate peace.
The Austro-CJormnn commercial
is expected , will bo concluded on the 1.1th In
stant. The decrease of a1 ; marks In the
duties on grain , granted to Austria ,
will bo the of the treaty. The
chamber of commerce of Vienna willshortly
Issue a statement , declaring that , in view of
the dangers which threaten the Austiiau
manufacturers from over production In lier-
inimy. the loss of tlio American market , and
the closing of the rrench market , togolher
with the decline la the premium on gold , In
creased facilities are required for the export
trade to Germany. In tlio event of a refusal
of thc-o demands the government , the cham
ber holds , ought to reject ( Jerinany's conces
sions to tlio Austrian agricultural Interests.
Another liiniiruenl Victory.
. . lQtio.ii , Maivh 7.-The congress party
it [ f * palni-d a great victory tnls morning over the
government trooj .s under command of Col
onel Hoblcsat , near I'o/oalmonto. All the
province of Tarapaca Is no\v under the rule
of the opposition party. Tears of u nvi
bombardment of itivlqul Intvo subsided i
Xinnqulllly uas been icstoieJ. inns.i. \ . M > r IIINIII\ ,
llojd't I'rlciuls Cliiini flint Holll
\'oluutarll.i . Vacate.
I.iv oi N. Noli. , March 7 l peelnl to Tin :
Hu.l .V number of the moil iiilinnlo
frlenili of Governor Hovd are not at ill
pleased with the Insinuation In an Omaha
dally piH'r | that ho would probu'dy resign
Ills position as chief executive of the slale.
They claim that his past puhllo record stiows
that be is no pollinon and will n t give up in
tin'middle of u fight , it is genor.ilI.v known
thai many persons bavo aihlscd the governor
toroslgn'fioin a business standpoint nlnnc ,
as tlio various contests in ido agnlust
him : ue cosllni ; more than his salary
\\lll amount to. It Is also alleged
that persons on whom he lias rolled us friends
have proved otherwise , but this has had no
effect on the governor ns far us his present
iwsitlon or fulnri ! action in regard to the po
litical situation Is conceraeJ.
Governor Hovd was soon personally , but
declined to say anything except -that the
things published concerning hl probiblo
resignation wore a snrprtsu to him , that ho
was nciti/en ami that lie tli.l not propose to
ilesortwhile under lire. ' 'If the sutnoino
court sees ill lo put me out , " says he , "I will
ncccpt the edict , but 1 propose to stay hero
until then. "
: \'is co\i-'in.
Jlioy Are DNnUslUclVltli tlio
up of Hie Siniiiij ( "oininltleo.
LIVIOI.N , Neb , March T. iSneclnl Tele-
grain to Tin : BIT. 1 The Independent
members of the lower liouse to the
number of twenty held a pro
longed conference tonight. Tlio radical
clement Is illssntislled witli the makeup ot
the Hitting committee nnd wants toaddsov-
cial independent leaders , including Hhrader.
They also discussed the advisability of ap
pointing a special fonimitteo to investigate
tlio rumors afloat concerning Speaker Elder.
Doth of these mallow will likely bo sprung
on llio house Monday.
JfIt It'S 1 , .INT HO I'K.
All Appllciit Ion Made For n Stay of
OTMWI , III. , March . fSpeclnl Telegram
loTnr Bip. : ] The last strugulo for life on
the part of Charlie Ford was made today
when Ids attorneys entered a motion for n
stay of execution In the supreme court hero.
They alleged in tlieir allldavits thai Ford Is a
poor person ; that the writing up of the rec
ord ot the twenty-four days' trial would bo a
matter of fiOO espouses ; that it will require
two mouths to secure a copy of the record ns
noted by them , anil that tlio record is full of
errors. The court said that they were una-
able Jo take nny action without the ivcord.
The attorneys then offered a portion of
the iccord , made up from their notes ,
which the court s\ld : they would look nycr ,
but ntlho same time strongly inlimaling that
the uiopcr authority to grant a stay of execu
tion is either llio governor or the circuit
court. Ford's chances of eseapo from death
are hopeless , _
.tLltllXCK llttW I.V Tll.VAS.
Two Factions ol' tliu Orguiii/ution at
RT. Lorn , March 7. [ Spechl Telegram to
Till : Ilr.i : . ] Dispatches from Texas announce
that the farmers' alliance of the state is in a
badly demoralized condition. Dr. McCunc ,
the noted alliance loader , is nt Dallas and
will remain there a month or six weeks.
McC'uue's presence created no little surprise ,
ns many members of the alliance had
threatened 'to mobMilm if v'hd entered the
slate. The truth is that all is not harmonv
.n the alliance camp. There are two factions ,
each trying to ilown the other one. The
remnant of Iho old grange organi/alion ,
headed by Farmer Hill Shaw of Texas , favors
a railway commission , wiioso members shall be
appointive. The other wing , headed by the
Mercury crowd , want the commissioners
elective nnd Mate bonds invested in railroad
bonds. It is understood McCuno is here lo
patch up a treaty of'O beiweea the fac-
The alliance members of the legislature
have isucd , \ circular denouncing Colemnn ,
ouilorof the Mcrcuiy , as a nonhorn importa
tion sent to Texas to dictate to the people.
Colonial ! says : "Tho majority of the demo
crats of Texas belong to the farmers' alli
ance. We propose to have something to say
in ilictating llio policy of the p'iper or the
bigcest political row In the history of Texas
politics will take place. "
McCuno will lecture in every count v in the
cinr.i inrs Titonti , iso.n i : r. t\.ti.
An Address to the I'nlillo liy the
Sanitary ( 'iiiniiiKslonei's.
Gnu voo , March 7. An important step was
taken today by tlio trustees of the Chicago
sanitary district. The board adopted an ad
dress to the people of ttie illilricl , declariiiL'
In effect Ihat the waterway provided for in
the drainage law -a channel fourteen feet
deep through earth and eighteen teut deep bv
Kit ) feet \\iilo through rook -cannot bo con
structed for less than ? : ! liU'JtOl)0. ' ) ) Such a
channel would give a flow of water of over
7. > llXlt , ) cubic feet per minute , whereas the
theory of llio law is that a How ol ; ! 00OiH )
culilc foot . per minute is ample ,
according to the statement of the board , for
all nurposes of sanitation and dilution , anil
will afford a channel for navigation , which
will probably not DO met at its southern
terminus ( at or near Jolict ) bj n similar
channel during Ibis gunuration , and possibly
never that is , us long as present conditions
continue. The board says by reducing tlio
channel to about a ten-foot depth the expenditure
penditure- would be reduced approximately
about tlOJlHi ( ) ( ) ) ) . The How of : iiiK ) ) > ( ) cubic
feet per ininuio is not required to bo in-
crowd until the Uniteu Slates government
make * n channel in the Disnlninos or Illi
nois ri\ 'is of a capacity to receive CiOO.OOO
cubic feet.
As the general government has not yet
taken ilalinito action toward this , it does not
scorn proper to thobqaid to plan and exe
cute sucn nn extensive work without ad
vising the people. If in the future the ri\ era
should bo so deepened as to require this largo
channel , let the people of that lime cnlargo
anil pay for it.
The board suggests to the cltl/cns that
they have the law amended in such particu
lars hs will enable Ihe trustees to execute It
In the most practical and economical way.
The address says , in closing : "This rec
ommendation In no wise trenchjs upon llio
rights of n commercial waterway through
iho Illinois river valley. On iho contrary ,
Its adoption villl do two things : Tirst , there
will result a channel tolollel much greater
for the purpose ot a commercial waterway
than Ihe lIlinpN river ; second , tlio construc
tion of this will iiiMinolc projects so far as
depends on federal legislation1
Saved tlio llondlo.
Knnmo Cal. March 7.--The
, , - - stage WH
held up tonight n few miles from hoie by a
lone highwayman. Express Messenger Ward
raised his gun , but I' mUsctl tiro. The robber
then shot , seriousli wounding Messenger
liralmm. The messenger then shot at the
robber and the stage horses teen fright and
ran away. There was a lurgo amount of
treasurocn board. Ills not known whether
the lobber was woundett or not.
Steamship ArrivaR
At Xew York-Tho Clly of Chicago from
Brow ii u1'nsscu , tao Aurnula from New
York for Liverpool.
At Qufen.slown Anlved and proceeded ,
the Ohio from Philadelphia for Liverpool.
Hlaiimn an Olil .Map.
J yisvtu.r , Pa. , Marcu 7.--Tho long
looked for coroner's verdict on the recent
mine accident , attributes It to an incorrect
map of the mini's , made bouictlmu In iho
history of the olu workings.
Ooniiuisaiouor Morgan Sits Down on the
Disarming of the Sioux.
\Votihl I.cnvo the Indians Smarting
fuller a Sonsc or Wrong anil
lor VeniviMiioo
, March 7.Kccontiy General
Aiorgan , connnisslonor of Indian nffalw , was
romie.sied by the secretary of the Interior to
give an expression of his views upon the
communication of the governor of South
Pakotn , urging the dlsarmlm ; of the Indians
In Hurt state. In reply General Morgan
states the reasons for disarming Indians are
obvious , and weighty , vie. : To prevent them
from going on the warpath , and to quiet the
Icars of the white settlcrw in that vicinity.
"If 1 thought there was redly serious dan
ger of any considerable number of Indians
going upon the warpath , " says the commis
sioner , "or that the surest way of preventing
nny Indians fiom becoming hostile was to
dlsiirm nil , 1 should be very slow lo Interpose
any objection to the measure , If 1 felt the
white settlers were In serious danger ot at
tack by Indians , and was convinced that tlieir
safety demanded the action above suggested ,
1 could not well resist it.
"Hut , so fur as my knowledge o.xtcnds , I can
hardly believe there Is now any serious
danger of an Indian uprising. I believe Iho
Indians to he , for the most part , Inclined to
peace and averse to war. They are sufllci-
ently intelligent to understand at what a
fearful disadvantage they would bo in a war
with the United States , They know our va t
resources and are conscious of their own
"Moreover , many reasons which nnvo ex
isted among them for discontent can be , nnd
bv congressional action jusl had , will bo re
moved. The settlers in the vicinity of the
reservation have boon frightened , and not
without reason , ami yet during all the ex
citement nnd In spite of the Ditter provoca
tion , the Indians huvo attacked no white people
ple In their homos , nor , so far as Iknow.lmvo
they seriously threatened their pc.ieo. These
who have been or tire really
hostile should unquestionably bo
disarmed and their leaders severely pun
ished. Hut during the late irouhlo In Uakola
the great body of the Sioux were friendly ,
and Iho innocent should not sutler with the
guilty. To make no distinction Inthotroal-
incnt of Indians who took part in the hos
tilities and those who icinnlnod loyal , many
of whom suffered for their loyalty , would bo
nn act of injustice which tlio Indian is us
quick to recognize and resent as the white
mini."It would bo n great hardship lo those In
dians lo lose tlieir arms , which they greatly
pri/o. 'J hey use them In sl.uighterlng . their
cuttle , in hunting nnd in sport. It
is with some hesitation that I sny ,
and 1 say it only after careful
deliberation , and with sincere sorrow that it
must be said , that I greatly fear the Indians
would not Do safe , either in their persons erin
in their property , if it were known they were
entirely without means of self defense.
' The recent sad events in Dakota , where ,
it Is said , women nnd little children were
shot down by soldiers of the United Slates
army , nnd others were ambushed nnd slain
wjlhout provocation .by citizens , have shown
us how pitlfnlly defenseless these' poor
creatures might bo if wholly unarmed and
unable to protect themselves To disarm the
Indians Rcnerally , and to leave the whole
body of the Sioux smailing under a seiifeo of
helplessness nnd wrong , would tend to pro
duce among them a widespread
feeling of Irritation , unrest and
distrust , disastrous not only to
the peace and prosperity of the Indians ,
but liable in Itself to bring about the very
danger which the disarming is Intended to
prevent , l-'or , should tlio arms they now
possess , bo forcibly laken from thorn , there
is nothing either in the law or the habits of
the people surrounding them to prevent them
from nrmlng themselves anew , at Ihe earliest
opportunity , by purchasing from the whites ,
"for the prevention of further
seems to mo necessary to treat them Justly
and kindly. Miilntain among them a well
disciplined , suitably paid vigilant Indian
police force , and , lastly , keep at exposed
points a small garrison of troops , sufllciont ,
in case of great emergency , to aid in main
taining order and protecting both Indians
nnd whites , "
KnllNting Indian Soldiers.
W \siiiXdios , March . A general order
issued by Secretary Proctor in regard to tlio
enlistment of L',000 Indians in the army is us
follows :
"Tho following named companies , now
bkolotoul/.cd , namely , troop b of each of the
cavalry regiments ( except the Ninth and
Tenth ) , and jompany I of each of the in
fantry regiments ( except Sixth , Eleventh ,
Fifteenth , Nineteenth , Twenty-fourth and
Twcnty-lHth ) , will bo recruited uv the on-
lislmenlof Indians totho numberof Ilfty-llvo
lor each troop and company , Whenever
practicable the enlistments for each regi
ment will bo made within the de
partment In which the regimental head
quarters are lo.-MtJU. O.IU'ors , m
making such enlistments , will bo governed
by existing laws and regulations , but com
petent knowledge of the Hugllah language
need not be considered an essential qualilicu-
llon , and married men , not exceeding Ion for
each troop or company , may ho cnlislcd ,
with approval of department commander * .
1'lCnlistme.l.s : of Indians under the pro
visions of this order will bo distinguished
from the enlistments of Indian scouts ,
"Uegimontnl commanders nny , with ap
proval from the proper departmental com
mander , temporarily nltnch lo Indian com
panies such oftlcers ns are especially lilted
for the service therewith. Ultimately noncom -
com missioned olllcera for those companies
will bo supplied by the appointment of In
dians in the munnor indicated bv Iho regula
tions ; but until this is practicable , available
non-commUsloned officers of either of
iho skololon companies of the regiment may
bo utill/ed , or If necessary non-commis-
sloncd olllcers from oipanie"d companies of
the regiment may oo temporarily detailed.
"Tho number of enlisted Indian scouts will
bo reduced without unnecessary delay to 1W ) ,
appointed as follows among the several do-
p.irtments : Dakota , u'o ; Piatlo , ' , ' ,1 ; Mis
souri , * " > ; Texas , 15 ; ArUonn , f > 'J ; Columoia ,
Imtost Appointments.
WA IIISOIOS , March 7. The president has
appointed .lame * II. liuatty of Idaho United
States district Judge for Idaho.
William Helm of Wisconsin has been ap
pointed assistant superintendent of the free
delivery service _
OtM'an Mail Service.
WASHINGTON , March 7.A now feature of
the postal service will go into operation on
April 1 next , when soi poitoftlcos will bo es
tablished on C.crman steamers plying ho-
Iween New York and Hamburg and Uromon.
TriuiHl'crriiig Ordnance.
W * iiiXiT ( N , March 7. The secretary of
war has dhected the abandonment of thoord- .
nance depot at Fort I.oavcnwoith , Kan. , and
llio transfer of ordnance stores nnd enlisted
men now there to tin Uock Island arsenal.
'ii Knnonil Train ,
WASHINGTON , March -Tho remains of
Senator Hearst left for California ever the
Pennsylvania road in a special train tonight ,
accompanied by the family and congressional
The Death Hull.
Vir.NX * . March 7. Prof. Fran/1. / Von Milt-
lossich , the well-known author and leader of
the pui : Mnvlits party ? died In this city today
fiimi brain fever , aged sost'iity-elirht vcnrs.
Wis-u , Man. , Mnrch 7. lion , ( filbert
MeMlckon died suddenly last night. Ho
played a prominent part in the enrly history
of the country , fifty years ago , hclnga com
mlsstonorottho Dominion police all through
the territory trouble.
Drvu'it. Col , Maivh -Kx-Sonator Chll-
cot of Colorado died yil St. Louis of Ilrlght's
N'iw : VOUK , March 7. The death was an
nounced at th" stoyk exchange of tJnstavus
A. Kolllns , who was the oldest member of
the exchange.
M \cov , Ca ) , Mnrcii 7. Colonel Thomas
Ilardnun , Jr. , for many years a prominent
llgtire in Ucorgln politics , and for several
terms a member of congress , died today.
Kor the I'onrlll Time At I ml on Sim *
tnliiH Heavy lioNtpN ,
MivniiX , N'ob. , March 7. ( Hpcclnt Tele
gram to Tin : Biu'.l l-'or the fourth lime in as
many months this city suffers serious loss In
her business Interests by lire. It started at
about half past 7 In the carriage and wind
mill establishment of .1 , II. Mnlono in a
wooden row , and In two hours aimnrlor of a
hlocu of business houses was In ashes. Four
of the victims were sulTorors by other fires.
The losses and Insurance are as follows :
F. C. Grablo , loss $ Jr > 00 insurance not
luiown ; .1. 11. Malone , loss StMinsurance \
$ IIKMC. ) ; 0. Spi-agnc. lossJI.CKM , insurance
gl.OOO ; Swan Unrscn , loss fl.otw , insurance
not known ; W. W. t'lmr , loss J-XD , and fully
insured. Losses on stocks : .1. II. Malone ,
$ IM)0 ) , InsuranceV > OJ , U. W. Marsh. $ > OJ ,
with no insurance ; \V. U. Doan , SIIKK ) , fully
insured ; A. ' .1. Craig , on stock , $ ' )0fl ) , no in
surance. ; Swan Larson , * < VX ) , Insurance not
known ; 10. ( > . Craig , $ .1)0 ) , insurance not
known ; W. H. Craig , $2XM ( , moving stock ,
fully insured ; Vf.f. . 1'har , $ . ' 0t ) , moving
stock , fully insured.
Fireman George Schmidt was overcome by
heat rnd smoke , and K. U. ( Sodfroy suffers
from a flesh \\oiind in his right arm from
falling glass , but it is nothing .serious.
Muuh SufTorliiKH IVuni Snow Antici
pated in Many Mining ( unips.
Di\viit : : , Cole , , March " . Heports from
tlio rian Juan country nnd the Conjos range
state the country is completely buried In
snow. Hailroads and toll roads are block
aded , all trail I c is suspended nnd cannot bo
resumed for weeks. The full of snow is tlio
heaviest for yours , nnc ( covers the ground in
immv places twelve fcft ) deep.
The towns of Silvertou , L.nko City and
several mining camps are entirely cut olt
from telegraphic communication with the
ontshlo world. Their provisions are running
low , and unless the bloetfnde Is soon raised ,
consulorahlo suffering will bo felt ,
Cyclone In 3llhgfHsippl.
Dt HINT , Miss. , March 7. News reached
hero of a cyclone which hiruck the region of
Newport , Attain , county this morniinj. In
formation Is meagre , but it is learned the
cyclone made a clean swciep of houses , barns
and trees , and two coluf-ert people a woman
and a boy were killed ,
\ Washington.
SEVTTI.I : , Wash. , March 7. A distinct
earthquauo shock was , elt in this city to
night. No damage resulted.
TACOMA , Wo-th , , March ! 7. A snvero earth
quake shock was fclttunlglit nt lillonsbnrg
and several other | > olnt&.t > u the Northern 1'a-
citlc. Three distinct -Shocks occurred. No
damage is reported. \ f
UK KETTLRvim russ.
. , r'U - * * " - '
Dr. Gnrr.lsou KII1S I r. Uitlril to ICniI n
Professional Komi.
Wncin.ivo , W. Va , 'March 7. [ Special
Telegram to Tin ; Ur.r. ] A tragedy which
has been long predicted occurred on
Klovcnlh slroot this morning , when Dr.
( leorge Bnird , one of the oldest physicians of
\Vheellngand a nrin very prominent in losil
politics and municipal povernmcnt matter.- .
was shot and killed by Dr. George I. O.url
on. The latter Is a member of the state
board of health , late heal in ofllccr oftho city
nd a man widely known over a largo soc
lion of country us an authority on matters-
Tne murder was the outgrowth , of n feud
of moro than a ynar'u standing , and the
crime created the wildest excitement Many
threats of lynching wuro made airalnst iho
murderer. .
This morn ing Iho jnen met at the Second
end ward market nnd had some words.
They separated , but about half past
It ) lr. Baird drove -past Dr. ( iuriiscn ,
who was standing at Tvljrket and Kloventh
streets. As Dr. Unlrd passed Or. Uarnson
sail to a friend ;
"There is going to ha trouble. "
Hothon walked up" Eleventh street and
stopped Ur. Balrd at the corner of im alloy.
The two talked for n moment , and Dr. Balrd
drove on about fifty fcot and alighted to sco
a patient. As Dr. CJarrison cnnio up ho hail
a rovolvi r In bis hand , and said ;
"Take that back , doctor , "
Dr. Balrd replied : "I don't have to take It
back "
Dr Garrison then tired , and as Dr. Baird
slowly turned SIUIUTT | | toward him , Harrison
tired a second time. The ball took effect ii
Hiiinl's ' left eye , the Ilrstshot having entered
the right ear.
Dr. liaird walked into a store and said that
Dr. ( iiirriscn had shot him , took ott his
gloves , and was dead In ton minutes. Dr.
Garrison walked doivu street , holding his re
volver until ho met a policeman , to whom lit.
surrendered hlmsoll.
The men wore on the best of terms untl
eighteen mouths apro , Garrison oven nnmitif ,
his son after Il.drd. When Garrison wa- >
elected health otllcer , Baird performed Hit
duties of the olllco. allowing ( JarrKon todrnu
the pay and atlend lectures In Hattimore. Oi
being elected to a second term , bout in ? Or
Kami's son , there was n falling out , and ( Jar
i ison had IJaird arrested for n violation o
the bo.dtli ordinance. This lea to a persona
encounter in tun city hall last August when
Ilaird was knocked down. Since then ( Jar
rise has threatened to .kill Buird.
Dr , Baml irr.ultiulod in James O. Bluino's
class at Washington college , Washington.
\Vontern People In Chicago.
CIIIOAOO , March 7. [ Special Telo'r.i'ii to
Tin : HBB.I Among .tlio western people ii
Chicago today woroOio following :
At the Auditorium II. 1 { . ( ! ould , Omaha
At tlio Grand Pnclll-j 13. L. I.omav , Oimhn.
At the Grand Pacjnr-A. II. Tutlle , DCS
Monies ; P. .1. Murphy . .Alnseallno , la. "
At the Loland-T f t. McCosh , Hurlincton ,
In. ; 0. AV Peabody , Cedar Itaplds ; H. K.
Douglas , FortYntos. N. D.
At the Audltorliiln'-A. II. Head , Salt
Lake City ; T. ( I. Barbbo , Boise C'ltv , Idaho.
At the Wellington-- Lake , hulepend-
enco , la. ; W. S Jewell , les ) IMoinos.
At thi ) Palmer -MM.1 S. 1C. Tracov , Hur-
llnglon , la. ; Martin Ca'soy. Oxden.
Atlho Sborinau Johu'Uoyce , Omaha ; 1 { .
H. Merrill , ICookul ; . ' '
- . - -
Suing Icllnimnt | SiibsurlbofH.
Cmcino , March 7. fKpoclal Telegram to
Tin : Uui : . | The wojld's fair ofllcl.ds . undo
good today Ihelr thrt.a of suing ddiuipjont
subscribers. Suits were brought against
about 100 subserjbfirj , who have failed to
inuko good their dell Icncics , and another list
containing HDD or move names will bo handed
to Jusllco Bradwell next week , wilh in
structions to procooii for the amounts ol the
tioveral snbscripuon't. now overdue ,
'llio WontlioiForoonst. .
For Omaha and .ricliilty' Snow or rain ,
followed by fair wenthcr ; ' stationary tem
For Nebraska -No change In temperature ,
variable winds.
For Iowa Snow ; no change in temper-
nture ; northerly winds.
For Kouth Daltol" F lr , sllghlly warmer ;
variable wiudi.
Annual Parade of the Washer WomouBringa
Out tlia Hoodlum Element.
Treatment of mi Amorl-
tiiii ( 'It I/ i'ii by li-illnn Ci
Kcciprocal Tar In ;
till liiiimr \ ( ifinlw I > rnn.1
I'AIIH , March 7. [ N'ow York Herald
Jublo Special to 'I'm : Uii : : . ] Tlio ml euromo
'otes ennions a godsend In the midst of the
lullLMt period that Pans 1ms known for
many year * . The foHlvitKs wore curried
out with iniu'li spirit. In tlio procession the
washer-women made an cveuso lor many
other trades to Join In. One thing revealed
was that amongst tlio wash ladles of Paris
ire many bountiful women. Tin * procession
ncludod knights mid huntsmen blowing
lorns. The contingent from the markets
made 11 very good show. The crowds wore
enormous , there being a complete jam bo-
; woon Madeline and the I'laoodo la Uopub-
Iciuo , the luttor being tlio pla ) where the
udgos' stand was erected. The barriers
wore broken down ami the mounted munici
pal guards were called to the rescue.
Jn the evening Iho wildcat scones onsnotl
n tlio streets. Tlio police scoineil to bo totally
iclplcss. Tlio worst class of rowdies , all
masked , had the streets entirely to thorn-
sulvci. Kcspectnblo people lied from public
However , the days' work did much good in
hringlng much money Into the city.
The great imestlon of the moment Is whit
will happen tomorrow at Autcull , when for
the first time betting will bo stopped. The
general opinion is that this move is only a
sort of ministry bluff. The ministry intends
to show what harm it can do in ease it wants
lo. Whatever Iiappons , there will bo bo.Uen
the record for attendance. Half the Parisians ,
who never othcrwisu attend MOO courses ,
ire going to bo present to sou the fun , Kvcry
preparation 1ms been tnado by the police ,
even to asking the assistance of the civil
American artists in Paris will probably
not exhibit in Herlin. D'Annot
speahimr on the subject , said the
French , having given tlio American artists
such it cordial welcome to Paris ho did not
think they could take a stop which , appar
ently , the French artists bad so strongly set
their Jaco ngalnst. A death blow was given
the affair when Chainc , who had undertaken
nil arrangements , decided ho would not go ,
M. Curlier , the French nrtlst wlio resides
In London , will , itis believed , ovpjso a portrait
trait of tlio prince of Wales in the full uni
form of the guards. The same artist has Just
shown a series of excellent portraits of his
highness entourage , which , on being brought
to Paris , have been photographed.
Among the big forthcoming sales on the
Chaplain pictures , of the Clcjro collection of
the late Phlllippo llarryoa , who was for youis
the greatest authorltv on Janinoio art and
father of hundreds of collections in
I'ttiis. .Tho aalo will assemble coniilsoures
froni all oVo'r tho"worltC and will
us the most important of its kind t'lrtt has
ever taUen place. The catalogue makes a ,
largo volume. Already several of his pic
tures and engravings have bjon sold. Of
the former Corot's "I'ont do CSreU , " n small
canvass , wont for 1I ( , . * > UO francs , and Monti-
cclli's Oxtravaganlly colored "Vennoniuns1'
for 8,059 francs. Harryc's water colors are
fashionable just now. A small one "La
Panthero Noir" fctctied 'JJOO francs. The
highest price for an encraving was for n
work , by Delacroix , 0fiOO francs.
Bcnaliiui , a rapidly growing resort , is
where Lord .Salisbury is building his villa.
The road is splendid , passim/ around tlio pic
turesque natural harbor of Villo Francho.
whoio the simadron of evolution were at thi-
time last year.
The pigeon match took plnco at Can
nes during the past week , betweoa Comte
do Sainte Alejondo , a young and fast im
proving shot , and Mr. Tudor , u gentleman
well known in Cannes ns the win
ner of last year's ' Brand pvix
do spa stakes , for 100 louis a side.
There was but slight wind and tlio
birds flow well. At the fiftieth round a tie
was declared. At this point Alejondo settled
down to work nnd shot remarkably well. Ho
wen the match , killing eighty out of n hunl"
drcd , Tudor getting seventy. The match
was quite a social event. The ladies present
wore Vlcomtesso Salntc Alejondo , 1'rin-
cesso do la Rochefoucauld , Comtesso do
Llgne , Mrs. Meredith Howland , Mile ,
do Illoucourt , Mrs. 0. McAllister , Mine. Vail
and Mrs. and Miss Dav. Among the men
were ( irand Duke Michael of Uussiu , tlio
duke of Montrosc , I'rinco Carl Trout incr-
dorf , Prince Murocordato , Prince do Chiina.v , ,
Maniuis do Croix , Carol Livingston , Will-
lam Douglas Travis , VaiiBuron U. Colt and
tlio brothers Rutherford. In the sta'ids '
wore the Due do la Rochefoucauld Duchess"
do Liiynes , Marquis do Ilarvoy do Saint
Denis , Comtc and Comtcsso d'Ainpicrre ' , the
beautiful Adulo ( . .rant and her mother in
fact all tiio society of Cannes.
An American Clti/.cn Insulted.
KOMI : , March 7. [ Spoeial Cablegram to
Tin : Hii.J : : A case of outragous treatment
of an American citizen by Italian custom.- ,
ofllclals at the French frontier has just boon
reported to tlio American consulate hero.
Henry Kedwk'kVatts , an Ainerican , has re
sided for the past six years at Cuneo In
Prcdmont , near the frontier. Mr. Watt- , has
been in the habit of crossing and roc-rousing
the l''rcnch frontier at his convenience.
A few days ago while returning as usual
from a ilrivo Mr. Watts wus slopped by some
Italian custom oftlccrs nnd ordered to the
nearest customs imtvnu. Upon entering the
buioati an olliclal , after giving vent to a
tirade of abuse in Italian , soiled Mr. Watts
and shook him violently. Mr. Watts
asked the inclining of the outrage
but for u reply the olllccr simply
threatened to imprison him. Mr. Watts was
then searched * but nothing of a contraband
nature was found on Him. Ho was than re
leased. Mr. Watts , however , WHS not dis
posed to lot the matter pass without protest
Ho called upon the local authorities at ( . 'unco
and lodged u complaint against the custom
olllcors who had treated him in such an un
warranted immmT. To his surprise ho found
that the customs ofllciul who had .so roughly
bundled him had boun there luforo him and
had charged Mr. Watts with outrageously
insulting an officer In the discharge of his
duty. Upon this charge Mr.Vattt was duly
tried and was acquitted , when it was known
that the accusations brought by the custom
ollU'ers ngalnst the American were not
founded upon facts. Thogovernmentnuthorl-
tins at t'unuo not being content with
the decision of the local court * , made an ap
peal ugtitnsl it , nnd in self protection Mr
\Vntts , immediately upon hearing of this
movi' made in the Interests of the custom oftl-
cors who had insulted him , sought the ndvlco
of the United .States olliclal loprosontntlvo.
This , according to tradition , was Iho I'nltod
Suites consul at Turin , but Mr. Watts found
that this post was vacant , the successor of
; ht' Into t'nltcd States consul Micro having as
vet not been recognized bv the Italian gov
orninc'iit. t'onsciiuentlv Air Wiiltt was
compelled to continue lif.t Joiimny so far as
Itoinit , whore be Is now stopping Mr Watts
claim * theprolei'tlon of the I'nltod ' States
consul , Mr. A llouine , and lodsiv inmli' a
orn stalemeiit in to what tn U plnco lit
dines The mutter will bo fullv mvoitl-
gati'd by the failed StatiM ooniiihito.
l''mor n llcrlproi'iil 'I'ni'ill' .
PMIII , Mntvii 7. [ Special ( .i\bloxr.ini to
MI : Uii : : . | The grcMl turlll debate , opening
In tbiu'hiinitier of dcputios next week , \\lll
proli.ibly last until mldsumni'jr Among ilio
prominent politician' ) iniiu'i'luivn I * on tlio
French tariff was .lulos Forry. Paring n
long conversation on this subject M. l'Vrr.\
Bald : "We shall Impojo hiw unties on the
products of countries whmo tntltTs frtvor us ,
If the United Stitos iivlucos Its scale it will
bo the galnor 'n ' It.s trailo with 1'rance "
M. Turret ! , one of tbn ardent protectionist
deputies , remarked : "Franco Is lorced to
protect herself against foreign prohibition ,
and especially against tlio 1'nitod States.
Wn dn not wish to attack anybody. "
Or. Vigor , nnother protectionist ilunuty ,
expressed the view that "wo r.ilse our turilTs
becnuse the free trade regime of HH ) icdinvd
\\holosnlo prices of nur prcilucts without
n cot responding reduction In Iho retail prices.
The now tariff will not reducts the rnlllo du
ties , but \\u Intend lo remove the prohibition
placed upon American porUVe \ shall ask
in rolurn that the 1'nitod States .shall modify
the featuii-s of the Fulled States larift which
bear heavily on French exporters. "
M. I.eon Say , In di < cusslng the same sub
ject , among other things said. "No free
traders now exist In Franco , and there Is no
prospect of Iho adoption In Franco of free
trade principles during our time. "
.Ni. Molmarf , a leading free trader , in con
clusion suid that the reaction In I'Yaucn In
favor of protection is complete. Franco likes
to eat Us cake and vet have It. In other
words , Franco would liuo to got protection
against imports and free trade for her ex
In Paris the publishing and literary circles
welcome the United Stiilos copyright bill
with pruiic and with feolmgs of satislaction.
M. IMatalne , ex proMdont of the publishers'
union , in discussing the bill , said he would
not hive exhibited at the I'hlcago world's
lair If the bill had not. passed. So soon us ho
heard that Iho hill was signed ho cabled to
his filendsln the United Slates : "Happj to
hoar thu good MOWS : "To all In the Un'itcd
States I bend cordial felicitations. "
Want Oirdinal Kuinpolla Itcmovcd.
Uox\KIN , Maivh " . [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : liii : : . | A dispatch fivrn Uomo s.ivs
the ( leriiiau rcpre entativi'iit tlo Vatican is
blinking to bear : tll Iho Intluonea ho in
favor of the removal of Cardinal Kimpolla
from the ofllco of secretary of
stato. Cardinal Kmp.iHa is the pope's
second self in politic il affairs , and il is said
to bo largely duo to his inlluenco Unit the
pope voccntly ciimi' out as advising harmony
between Iho church and the French republic.
Kampollu Is strouglv oi [ ) ) s"d to the triplu
nlliiinco , chiefly boc.iuso JUily belongs to it.
and ho Iocs no occasion to make the papacy
fell in iOiiropenn politics. Hussia in this
matter is in "concert with . ( .Jermany , being
oftonilod because Cardinal Kiuupollu has stood
out against the Introduction of the Kussiaii
language in the Catholic litunry of Poland.
The c/ir : would like to sco In Hnmpolla's
Iilaco Cardinal Vannutelll , wlio attended at
the coronation of tlio czar and tliou made
many friends at the Unssmii court. What
the result of the Intrigues may bo is doubtful ,
as the pope Is anxious to please Giornuny
and is very much attached .tglUmyolla. ; *
The Uesiilt ol'jui Auoillcnt
" < ' '
tlo\ir ) > v , lafch'7. rSii'eeihl CriWojram to
Till' Bir. : J An inquest was held today on
the body of Mr. Ilohert Lindsay Antrobus ,
second son of Sir Kdmund Antrolma Jiart ,
nnd a junior partner in the well known bank
ing house of Coutts Ac Co. Ho was found
( load in his bed yesterday with a pUtol lying
by his side. From the ctldonro given by the
members of bis household it wiislenincd that
nothing unusual had been nollced in his
haliils recently. It nppears that
ho died nt between ( I and 1(1 ( o'clock in the
evening. Tlio fatal shot was heard by no
one In the house. The surgeon wlio was sum
moned when the body of Mr. Antrobus was
discovered , testified that in his opinion death
was duo to an accident , nnd happened while
bo was examining a new and curious con
structed pistol. A verdict was rendered in
accordance with tbcso facts.
Argentine Financial Sltiiiillun.
Lovivov , Marcu 7. ( Sp'olal to
Tin : Uii.j : ; Advices from Guenos Ayn- > say
thai a conference , which lasted alldiy , was
hold vcstoruav between tlio b.inkors and
merchants ami the Aivontino minister of
finance. The minister declared that if u
popular loan Is subscribed foi the provincial
and national banks those Institutions will bo
.ttuvod. If , however , such loan was not ar-
voiiged , Iho government would In forced to
fpi'ort to such measures as would proscrvo
I'A'erbanks , although at thecostof widespread
Jerome .Viipolecm' ' . Condition.
KOMI : , M'livli | Hpcinl Calile ram to
Till' Hr.i : . ] - Princess Clotilda , wile of Prince
.Ionium Xapoleon , is in ullond.inco upon her
husband , wlioio condition sho\V' no sinus of
KOMI : , Mnrch -Princo Jerome Napoleon
is in a eomatoio condition , ills doctors huvo
iiuaudoned all hopes.
tinsess ! it. MiMiit.
I'MIIS MnrchAll the belting booths
and stands at the Autouil race course have
boon removed , and lit ) , ) policemen and two
companies of infantry guard the nlaco.
Twenty prison vans are re.idy to carry to Iho
jails any person or persons guilty of 'u viola
tion of the ttiill-ganitilinp law.
_ _ _ - _
Pnrncll Crown VHiomonl.
DrnuN' , March 7. While speaking at
Droghcila station today , Parnell vchomcutly
threatened to drive the seceJors from his
ran'ts ' out of parliament and out of the coun-
Vi > llow .lack in Itra/.ll.
TjONpov. March -Olhcial Information re
ceived nt Iho foreign olllco shows that yellow
foyer Is lucro.islnglii lira/11.
The Itcsuli oCan Aci'idcni.
LOMIIIV , M.irch " . - fSpfcial Uibi jm-i to
TinHr.i.l-An : inquest was held to lay on
the body of Mr. liobort Lindsa.An'ribus . ,
.second bon of Sir ndniuml Antrobus , llari. ,
and a Junior partner In the well known ban Ic
ing house of Coutts & Co. Ho was found
dead In his bed yesterday with u pistol l.vinir
by his sldo From tlio evidence given bv the
members of his household It was learned thai
nothing unusual had been noticed in his
habits recently. It appears that ho died
between V ) and 111 o'clock in the evening. The
fatal shot , was heard by no one In the houso.
Tin ) surgeon who was summoned when the
body \\ns discovered testiili'd that In his
opinion death was due to mi accident and
happi-iicd while ho was examining a new and
curiously constructed pistol , \ordicl wus.
rendered in facts.
In tli ) > liilcroM ol * ftct'nrni
Cuu ( ho , March * -Special ( Telegram to
Tin : Hi i.Tlio ] Clilruiib' Columbian league ,
which was formed here a few weeks nio for
the purpose of securing n pure political ad
ministration of the city govern incut , hold n
mooting tonight , nnd nominated Funklm Mi'-
\ eagh , the millionaire merchant , for mayor ,
McVciiirli 'icrolvoil ever two-thirds ot the
votes cast. Such well known men us Kvinan
( ! ago and .lohiV It. Walsh wore present and
aie taking u.strong Interest In thu movement.
It Is said that .Indue ( iroslwm and some
equally prominent men will jwrmlt tlieir
mimes to bo used us cmuli-lntoi for ulilrrmon
on the loform ticket.
Liberals Divided on llio Subject of Ills Tit-
ness for rnrlinmout.
llg ( llO gilOstlllll III * Ills ( ill lit
A l''amlly ol' I'lginlex In be So *
cured H i' Iho World's
l-'nli- .
iripii-lj'i ; ' ( tSUI liw .Amir * fJiir ( ill /l / il'l'tt.l
tjoMiitx , March 7 j.Vcw York llornUt
t'.ible Special to Tin : Hii : : . | Sir Chnrlei
PIlKo's change of front has thrown the lib
eral party Into onvnl'on.s. The llluicats lira
divided on the ipiostlon of bis Illness for par
liament. Some hold that hU position Is nn >
alogons to Piirnell's , and therefore ho should
bo hunted down on showing thosllgl test In-
I'llnntiou lo re-enter political life. Othori
maintain that the 1'aniell and DIlKo catos ura
lint pirallol , and that no ground oxht.s for
foiisldcrlnir Painoll Innocent , whilst there In
much doubt of Ddko's guilt. The moil viru <
lent opponent of Dinto ns of Parnoll , Is the
Pall Mall Ca/.ette. It belubori him without
ceasing. UilUo's p > sltlon , In the minds of
ninny , put In Mitchell by the election In Iho
I'oresl of Dean division. Ho inks : "Was
not Dilko dlsmUied from llio llrsi trial with
"Was not ho made a party to the second
trial' How do you arrive at the conclusion
that ho was branded by ttio Judicial division
as guilty of adultery )
"In what way could Ullko vindicate Ills
Uilko's opponents argno that ho was dis-
chinked nt the llst trial on technical groundi ,
but that It was obvio'H when Judge Henry
concluded tbnt Mrs. Crawford had cotmplt *
led adultery with Dilke. tint the hitter mult
also luivo commltled adull'iry ' with her , itnd
ho'was inor.illy guilty , though legally nc-
iUitted. ] No excuse , they hold. Dilko
now considers Sir Charles Itusscll
and Sir Henry .Inmci rong in advising
him ndt to bo n witness In the second trial
and that the Jury found him guilty ol
adultery with Mrs , Crawford , though the
question for its decision was , was MM. Craw
ford guilty of adultery with him only. Ono
way to prove his innocence , hh opponents
sny , was to projccuto Crawford for perjury ,
They consider his vindication by p imphlut ,
which describes nn invojtiiratlon by ivputa-
blu and well known pjrjons , unworthy of a
moment's thought by IntelllgJiit paoplo , yet
many Intelligent people aiv giving It mora
than a moment's ' thought without , perhaps ,
considering how n favorable conclusion will
insensibly etTect the ditllu'iUlui ' that
tlio liberal wirty Iras to contend with ,
oIng to its stnad on the 1'arnell
case , legally as well a morally. According
to the ovidencoit seems to mo Hut Dilko o >
cunle.s the sumo position as P.irnell , and the
liberal party can hardly hick ono and throw
ever ano'.her , however , and hero lies the
humor of the situation , There i < > no chance
for discovering for some time how Dilko
jiands in iho cblima'.lon ' of the clcclors of
Denn Pcixyt , nor can there be , only by. an
election thorp , and thniugh a decrease in tlia
votbfor tlib'slitlnir membor'J'GodfroySaiifuolt
son , nnd he InCorme.i mo today that ho had
no notion of re igulii ) , ' or dying.
SVho sns tboknglish are not cnterprMn ? .
They certainly believe In Inking time by the
forelock. This instanced by Mison Shu felt ,
who gees to Africa to secure a lamily of
pigmies for tlio world's fair. Mo leaves
London next Thursday /Cimlbar. .
Henry Irvine is the elector of Iho Mal-
borough club. The princoof Wales proposed
him as n person prc-eminonlly dlitinfe'ulshod
for public service.
i.v TIIK Ni'niri.\ < ; iroie// > .
Some Itoiiinrkablo lloiivy
l.iltinji MatclioH ' r
At\\ciii-.Tiit , N. II. , March . ( Special
Telegram to Tun Itii.J : : Louis Cyr , who
holds the championship nt heavy weight lift
ing , has aeiiin nroved ho is the strongest nun
In the \\orld by ueromplishini ; two unpre
cedented feats of strength. Ho lllterluith
Iho aid of a rope twr KVI-pound dumb bells
with n man balanced on tbuni , the
nggrogalo weight being .Mil pounds.
Ho raised the bolls nna ttie man
two feH from the Moor , lie accomplished
this wonderful feat with the index Ihucvoi
his nghl hand. He also beat the record for
the band and back lift bv raising a platform
weighing All jDiinds on which wore twcniy
men. The combined weigl.t was li.i'.K ' )
pounds. Cvr lifted this weii.-ht witli his
hands and back. Cyr hat Issue 1 a challenge
to S.mdow , and forwarded Will to Uieb.ird
1C. Pox as n fmfeit for a mutch for c-j.utx ) a
sldo to take place in America.
Kccoc ; ! Itcoaklng at Dot roll.
Di'.ruoiT , Mich. , March T.Tho six dnys'
bicycle race , eight hours per day , tcrmi-
nalod toalght. Ashingcr made ; : i'J miles and
1 hip , ami got a gold modal and ID per cent cf
the gate receipts. Reading ro.le Till ! mill's
and recohod ' , ' , " 1 per cent of the cato iccolpls.
Martin tr.i'-elcd ( i.V.l miles , rftio.'k OJ. > and
Clark I Jo. The tw-.i previous record for
foily-eight hours is I IT miles.
licfidcitly KnoeUoil Out.
New YOIIK , Maivh 7.l > illy Dacoy nnd
lack Hopper , well known Hunt weights , cnmg
together tonight at a Uoncll : giver a local
pugilist. After some bantering , they put on
the gloves , nnd stalled a veritable sluguing
mate i. In Iho third round Uticey landed n
slinver on Hopper , knocking him to tha
lloor unconscious. Il was tun minutes bclura
ho loyivcd.
A Matuh
Nr.w OKI.IVN : , Ia. , March " . -Special [
Telegram to Tin : Jii.l ! : : A nialeh lm bi > ? n
made belwecn Hilly Maber of Australia and
Andy Howen for f..OOO ' , lo eoni > oft before ,
Iho Ol > inple club April 15. The maiingciiient
of the Olympic Intends to match the winner
against .luclt McAulilTo.
The .Moj or-McAulilTo match b not much
talked of .
illiu Corliett in 'I IM'II ' ug.
SVN KUVM IMI > , Cal. , Marcli T. | Special
Telegram to Tin : MM,11m ] Coibett has
begun training for his match in May with
Peter Jackson. He Is now moro than t'vi'ntv-
two pounds over the weight at which he in
tends to light , out nntii'iptiU's no trouble iu
SI u ( > il the I'M-st Ituiltliii' ; .
I'liu.o ( , Maivh r.-Tho llrst bnlldiiiR ot
the world's Colnnibinn exposition was
.started al Jackson park today. U I * to boa
structure of two stories and in itConstruit > r.
Cicnerul Hurnham and his sinn will luvo
their oltlces l-'tw proof vaults will bo iun-
structed In which to keep the plans of tUa
which are valued at K > tKUOU. )
ltot > licil llio St'ito.
lassisd , Mioh. , Mar.-h -Thomas M.
i Hrookij , nged seventy-two , who for years ha *
| been a prominent tltruro In state polities and
1 for a long ' 111110 pasi u mutnbur of the state
anditiiiK board , wai arm-tod today chnnrod
' with the eiuboli'ment of Jl.'it . ) , ) , iuironcat-
ing rentiils pud to htm In p "suiii oo
' uUKcs ui nn old .slide Uiiildu j , ' .