Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1891, Image 9

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    Pages 9 to 12. "HE OMAHA DAILY Pages 9 to 12 ,
X .
" ' <
i.ftn.t : n t.
Atliiiitn i (
Little liaudn , vvhosi1 work Is o'fr ;
Tired hands thut toll nomote ,
Tiiidorllttlelinndi that lest
I'olili'd o'ei tbo sinless uroait
IK'iide'do'i'f them nnotlar stands
Kisses still tboso little hands
God -Ho ovei knows the best
I'oldul them and bade them rest ,
AVoulii Ho now thoselimids condemn
Wlthn , inotl'er'sklss ' on tliiini
Vhi-ii Ihov tench the shining ; ImdsJ
Mother lovid tlioso little bands 1
Mnthoi loved them In the past ,
MotliCi's kiss vns on them list ;
Little bunds heneith the sod ,
Take a inollior'sklss tuoil ( } !
\\ilft \ \ tto'i'ftt.e shillings mils. .
Little , stum whiteangil i
ui u' i.
Dnn Miters VMIS oipocinlly dtunlc. 'I > y
this 1 mean that an other man in the
village of Cuno Hill might Invvo boon
( liuitic anil Indeed other IIHMI of lliaL
if > mtivtiiblo oominunlt.v liul Vioou know it
toinlnl o too lii'nitily In diinlc but
that Dnn MilorM , huliig the aclitiovv-
led ul diunUtiid o ( thu place , was es-
poi-iiilly and particulmly intiixic.iteel.
IIo VMIS u mnn n ( aoknowledgeil bcnso.
Ho hid , jjosip said , as a pioludo to
boinulisHf.iliit | { , ' statomoiit eoncoinlntr
his weakness , larrieil olTtlio honois at
u w-oll-ktiuwti school. Ono tiling wits
certain. 1I > 3 expressed litmsolliu bettor
liingimgotlmiiovuH tlio county jud o
could hope to employ , und thN , at Onuo
Hill , wiisio auleil .u u loiivinoing as-
bortion of a higher rdiicntlon.
Dan luirt lii'slcomo to the \tlhtKO \ as
the iiKuutof a nurboii ; not t hit boit of
ti nii'ser.wltieli . would illsprovo the do-
claratiott tlmt marrlnyo , ainontj the
pool , ut leist la a futlttru to inrpotuato
liutnnu inlsory , hut in the aj'ont of a
company who had fruit trees for alo.
lie did not thoioiifjlily succeed 1 run
ning the ( jautitlot of villiio ( curiosity ,
for villagers aio critical of appearances ,
anil a la/\ \ lounger who sits all tin ) at
the sloi-o , tthllo his wife is Ukitij ; in
waahinn ; the uttoily worthies follow
\vliowould rallior wallow in the mire
n ith a black falsehood than to icclino on
a -velvet couch with a bright truth ;
vv how a iilthy shirt in d one "bed-
tiok" svispcmlor ; who chows thar-
Lty tohncco nnd spits at a Knot
hole which , lie think * In the viylit ot
hiaown jollovblitno \ , ho has ino-eiuptod
tlmt fellow will eritidso the dollies. .
and fac-ial UN piessioii of i strantror.
Dan > vas ciltic-isod , not only btlie \
worthlo--s loafer , but by tlio niorolmi t ,
niul even by the faded uoinnn who hnd
Hlijiped in to eve taiifre a fevagffi [ or a
fitnull piece of calico. Thin declared
that Dan' * nair wus tooted , and thai
thete Aveio too linn. ) fieeKles on his
f.ifo ; and it wat > agiced that he did not
dross as a gentleman should. The
woilhlo-'rf loifor eqairted at his pro-
emple-tl Knot-liolo nnd loiuai-Kod :
"Now jou'io { jittiit' right down to the
6q\iar' fm-ts. ' "
That was along time apo. Dan was
absorbed into tlio eoiiimimit ) 's ' ooial
b.vhtotn , and became lolobiuted as the
vilh o drunkard 1'iovioiis to hib
ni'liloveinont of lliis distimtion , the
frame lud bolonyed to one 1'olor 3J
Uvisli , and il appeared that ho could
aevor heiohlied of the loputntloit which
ho had laboriously acquit ed , but after n
few > oats o ! close c < ml"t > t , Peter B
Ituih's vdirnift admireis vveto forced to
acknowledge that the palm belonged to
Dan Mitoi s. Whnt a hand ) man wa
Mitor-j v\lion \ a coiiipjirison needed ,
\Vhat an oiic-ouiMKouient to iiinoMition.
A man , In socaklnp ol some ono who
washtupidlv ItilUiencod liy liquorvais no
loncer tindei the necessity of biyitty
that lie w lib us drunlv as tlio disreputa
ble canine Jis'oi'iato of the Iiddlei , but
simply fultillcd all doininuls l > \ allhiiiiiif ;
that ho with lib drunk as Dan \Iitei" \ .
Seriously , aim unfoitiiiiatdy wo are
all compelled to bo orious at tunes , tlio
man of twenty-live w hose education had
not been notjloctod. was , at forty-five , a
hopeless vagabond , with e ery hope
trnmpleil inlo the mud , awai dov\u \ the
road behind him Ho did odd jobs ,
cleaned out celltusand cut liw-wood foi
bcolditi'wonion. }
Onodii ) . when ho appoatcil to bo so-
boier than usual , tlio inaj 01 of tlio village -
lago thus addie--seHl him :
"lanl , would like toluiovv somethinf ;
about your life. "
" I ' ' Dan "would
"And , sir , replied ,
like to Know Hmietliir.jj about in )
death. "
"Vou are a funn\ \ fellow , 1)m. ) "
"No doubt of It , sh. A corpse has
been Iviiown to ( rrin. "
"Como , don't tnlk that way. You
} i\\o been lieio now about twontj ) cati >
and none of us know whoio jou were
bom. "
"And do you rcall ) want to kno\\ \ \
wlioro 1 was born ? "
"Vo'i , I'd lilco to know. ' '
" \Vell , sir , I was born in tlio night. "
"Theio vou go again , biy , do you
know that ifououldbraeoup \ \ there is
jot titno foi yoj to accomplibhsotno-
' 'VesV But j-ou ha\e tried , and what
have you accompllshedi1"
"Why , 1 own a good house and lot I
nin married and have a family of intoi-
Cbtlng children. "
"Is that all ? "
"But Isn t that enough ? "
"Iltuillj' , forjou havonot tmglit j'our
children not to fool , nnd until ) ou do
thh > your nunringo stands as a wrong
Atout n j ear ago ono of your bojslosl
an arm at a taw-mill. Weren't ou the
prltimr ) cau o of his sulloilutj and Is
not a piimai ) eau&o the ineinobtof all
catisehj" '
"I won't tallc lo jou , " the mayor
declared. "Thoiois no leason in jour
argument and no hutnanlly lu your con
clusions But eomo , " ho milled in a
softened voiee , "why don't jou ninUe un
ellort to keep sober ; " '
" 1 don't want lo Keopboboi. "
" A ml why not V"
"Because fcobtloty is the uiothor of
thought , "
"And you doil't wantto think Is thut
it ? "
"Yes , "
"Andhy \ don't you want to think ?
Your thoughts might amount to sonic-
thltifj. The greatest uuu ou know , Is
tlie greatest lliinker. "
"ho is the gtoatost MitTerci. "
"And then jou think you sutler , oh ? "
"Yes , and FO do all men. Co ! Into a
liliiarymid-look about jou. What do
VOlt SO',1)1" )
"Hooks , " Iho innjornnswcied. *
"And what are hoolvs ? "
[ 'Gifts ' from superior minds"
"No , ' 5iiidtho drunkard. "Thov nio
the records of human Hilloiitifr. Lvory
picat book Is an ache fiom n hcnit
mid u paln-lhrob from a bruin. But
what's the nae'ot all this talk'Vhat
coin orns tuo nio t nl jiro-ent Is wheio
ant 1 iroiiik' to ifet a ( h m\ii \ '
"You tion t need ailrinl : , Dan. "
' fliorojou go with j our dogma tl m.
Tlteto jou o , measuring : tlio ( 'raitis of
my unfit In , \ < im h.iH-bu liol. You don't
need a di iuU anil jou sa ) that I don't.
1 vMitild nut piisutno to f ly vvlint oilier
niiMi need , but H se'onis to bo Iho pun-
ine-oof allothci ttion to dlrttitu to me' .
Como , 1 tun growing lee sober , and
Blmll begin to tliinlv pi'etloon ) , \\on't
joti please help me outV Lot mo hitvo
lie tents ; \ou \ onii spue it A man who
doesn't chink lius but little real need for
money , unwa ) 1 ut me lm\o ! ! " > cents
and I'll ' doitn.Vsort of work you \vanl \ mo
lo. "
" \\'ill \ \ ) ou help ino UN up t lie adiliess
1'vogot todelher at that political gnlh-
urliiu : ' ' '
"Vos , I will.1' '
"And SUIMIjou'll novoi' toll that jou
heMpod nu'1' ' ' '
"Vet , I'll ' do that , too. ' "
"And jou will draw unit paper swoar-
liifj lhat'\nu \ didn't write theatldre s I
delheiedhtat month to the Oildfollows ?
I VMint you to do thlii for 1 ha\o heaiil it
liintc'd aiuuaU that \uu hud u hand in
it. "
"Yes , I'll do anj tiling. "
Dm wns about to turn away nftoi1 ro-
oeiUn tliu money , vvheti ho eaiight sljjht
of . i woman uiusblng thu eomt hutibo
"Mrs. IHtiklej- , the widow wo
have einpluj-e-d to teioh our heliool , " thes
ina\or \ answered.
" \Vlioio \ did ho come fiom ? "
"I'roinViNon \ county , 1 bolluvo. Did
j ou HV er moot her V
"I think not , ho said , and hastened
tov ud adoggeij' on the opposite &ido of
ciiAPiini n
On a hill a short illstanco from the vil
lage , a hill bliuk'd by ponlar tiee . vva
an old school house , origliiallj built of
like a pretense llitit oomos
in nn abound unors up noneoihorishod
moilesty , weathor-boariled and white
washed. The Widow Btu kloy had just
told the eliildien that the ) might j oout
and play until she called them , when the
door wa's darkened by a leddish appari
tion. Tlio vv iiluvv uttered a bolittitig little
tlo shriek and then , leali/lntr that there
was no t-eiious ctmso for ahum , said :
"Como in " ishe would not have o.\-
tondud this Invitation had she not
wanted to set an o.\ainploof coura < fo.
Dan Miters stopped into the mom Ilo
btooil foi a momentlooking at the widow ,
and Ihonsaiil * "Don't bo nfraid of me. 1
saw \ ouu tonhiv mid dld'nt ' know but
you"Is it po stbel" ! exclaimed Iho
" 1'hatU w1ut T was goi tig to n k , "
Dan replied , Boating hiinsolf on a bench.
"Twetitj jcai'Uiiaka a gieat ( halve in
appearances , even though heaits bome-
tlines remain the imo. "
"lliue\ou eomolioio to rcpionchincV
Children , " she added , turning to sev
eral \ oungsteti tint bhoweil a disposi
tion to loiter about the door , "tun along-
now and plaj. "
'iho dilution vanished , aiul the
widow , nftoi looking outtoaco if they
vow -within hearing , siid : "I have
f-ulfored too much to bear rcpioacb
now. "
"Hut don't vou think that ou aio deg -
g of remoaen ? " beiisk'd. '
'No. ' 1 acted as I thought best I
d to marrj jou nnd , while you
vv ere w ith me , ) on did e.xcrciwi o fettoiifr
an Inlluence Unit I thought Ilovedou ) ,
but when jou were gone , I knew that I
didn't 1 saw tint I was chinned by
jour mind , "but not vvaimod by jour
liciut. Another man came. Ho with
not bright , lie had man ) foolish words ,
but lee is o > vitesscd ) in words that ai o
foolish. Yoxiavvolio my ailmiiation ; ho
thulli'd tuj heait. Then I vuoto and
told jou not to think of mo again. S
wns Dm led in the loses of mj own hap
piness ; how umld I think of jiuiV * '
"And\ou ma i ri od that man ? ' '
"Ves. "
"And w ore j ou Imppyi"
'Tor , i lime. Then the dew fell oil
the llovvcr-s. What could the lloweia debut
but wit her ; ' \\re-\\ent \ to a distant town ,
and theio ho ilesurteil mo. "
"Is hu still living1' : '
"lie "
VMIS hanged
"Do vm lo\e \ his memory ? "
"No , for I lave le.irncd to think , and
thought U a iliKgoi to foolish love "
"Did ) oti Know- that T was I'ero ? "
"Xo ; Minio ono told mo that youwero
loH at bet. "
"Didou \ = 5otrow over the newb1
"iVo ; J did not love you. "
"Diel ) ou not hoar bomothing cite ? " '
"Not until a ) ear ago , and then I heard
tint j'ou woio alive und a hopeless
dumkatd. "
"Weicn't jou mqiod at that ? "
" 1 wasinovul vvitn pit ) . "
"And would your pilj1 sink deopei
into join heait it 1 weio to tell j-ou that
I .mi the moil hopuless of uUihunKurds ?
Tjook at me. Look ( ho opened bib coat , )
Iha\oglven mj old bliltt to a nopro
for a ilrinK Does jour pity sink
deouor ? '
' 'Oh , plenso go away , Gcorffo , go
awaj. Yrou illsti-oss menearl ) to death ,
M ) God , I have suffered enough. "
' 'Ah , but not foi inc. You have suf-
feied beoau-o j-oiii own heait has been
vMungou ; luvo not b\ifforetl because of
my degiedatlon nnd despair. Mury ,
you still hao it in jour power to save
mo. With jour liolp I can kill my ap
petite. I can do something fortibbotn.
Do mj wife and ntono for the awful
VMcck jou hue mule jcaib ago. "
"Geo'ige , lluuo nlwnjs been true to
m-elf. } I don't lo\o \ j'ou. "
"Couldn't \ou learn-couldn't there
"Theio could bo progress , but that
si vvoulil botowaid hatiod. "
He looked at her in silence , Ilo tool
up his old hit vvhloh had been dtoppei
on the llooi a nil tinned It loum
ami lotnid in his Imnd. Ho looked dowi
at nis > hoo- > fiomvhieh \ his toes pro
tiudod. Ho got uplth \ a stnggor
fia/ed at hoi n m onion t , and then an ox
niessjon , not n smile * but an e.Npie sioi
like that which follows the swallowing
odibittur duiujrht , broke through the
rod stuublo about his mouth. "Mrs
I don t know jour name , "ho began
"but Mi . .Somebody , you aio the mob
nioit'ilov * ere iture that over lived. "
"Thoohildron bi ) I'tnkiml , "
"You have the spiiitof a vnnipiro. "
"Thocliililinn think 1 ha\o thospiri
of poiitloness "
"I hope j-ou ma ) die the most hoiriblo
ot nil deaths , I pray to Uoil thityoi
nny die of hulioiihobin I imnloto Cioi
tlmt a mud ilojf may burj- lila .tcoth il
2 > nur tin oat.
"lo ! " ' -lio answered. "
awaj" ' - . "Como
children , " -ho filed. "Go away fion
hcieou mon-tor1 I hiite you I "wish-
but 1 can't think of mi } thing hoiribl
enoii"-li Nmv yo "
The vllltifi ) was the scene of fear-in
bplretl formunt. A report tlmt a jiovvoi
ful imuldoj luul been eon in the neigh
borhooil hail been bi ought in by un excited
cited f aimer , The bru\cat \ ol men bhui
ilorod at the sight of a nvul doir. Men
int would light a pi//l ) boar tremble
hen thov see n mail doy I'.vcrj man
n the v illnjjo wi'tit alined Double fis-
iMiings weio imt on ovei v door. The
Vidinv llurkloy wius te-iror itilckoii.
ho lould not bo Imliiocd to loiuo her
ooin CJiuluallv the OM'iUnncnt died
wn ) Sihool was lesumud , but the
idntt was trcmuloti
The willow left Iho-I'honl hoti'.o very
nto one evening. Two lobellloim bojs
uid boon keipt In. When llbeiated the
loj's ran nvv.i ) . 'Tho widow tried to
{ ecu up with' them She could not.
Showas huirjliuj nloiifj the pith when
i man I'limo dnihlng past on u IIOIM * .
'Mud do/ , mini dog'ho ! \e > lled. The
vidiirt si-learned and looked biuk. The
ofj was bounding' townul bur. She
No ono had tlio com ago to look lor the
v Idow. I tile at night , almost a iiiaiiluc1 ,
ho knocked nt thu door of the hotibo
vlu'io shu boatiled.
Morning onnie. A stattliiiK i1i-e'O\orj'
vas iiuule. Dan and thomutl do were
on ml l > ltiT { tiL'ioss the path near the
ihuo vvliiMo the widow had fainted ,
'ho dog's tooth -M'lo bulled in Die's
hroiit. Dan's llngois were stilluiipd
ihout the ( log's neck Uoth wore dead.
Oiiul' . Ur.AD.
filfTS JTA LHiilTKll V * :
'Hip Sunn'Olil htory.
\Vnshington Stai : Mr. Younchus-
baiul ( to his wife ) Whole's tbo cook ?
Mis. Y. ( w lilmpeilng ) She'sgonooIT.
Mr. Y.-Wlmt H the matter ?
Mis. Y , I bundled hoi
didn't ' know bho was loaded.
lair \\liid.
Now Yoik AVcekl ) : 1'astein man I
bhould like j'ou to moot tny paitnor , but
lie is not hero toda ) . He has not boon
well since the hibt h'li//aul. I presume
jou know vvluila bli//ard is , oh.J
\Vostoin Man N-o ; I have not been
east long ,
Illiilit y Named.
Dudo&on Aw , I saywaihtnh , wbnt is
this dish hynh ?
" \Vaitei-Thnt , bir ? Macaroni nu
chaiie. ] ) | sir.
Diidesou MUCHvvonlnttChappie ? Ah
ah what's that , pway ?
"NVaitei Macaroni and calves' hiatus ,
He'll O t Promoted.
lllltltlt 1'Ult ( / l\l > l > lc.
"Johnny , t > i.\ from 9G05 , leaves how
man ) V"
"IHJj. "
" ( Jo to the bluck-board and show how
\ougot that icsult. "
" ) U0vvioto ) Jolmii ) . "Six out , "
rubbing nut the &ix , "leaCus 0-0 o , which
equals 003. "
Kn > ; llsi ! UM ijhe is Spoke.
tinmen ilk Join mil
Kficneh 1 don't -eo Mis1'lj'rto and
joiuiValtontogethor } muehhitelj ?
i'folhbud Xo.
J'fieneh What do jou undcrstanil to
jo the ttouljle anjtliiny berious ?
rtollibml Oh , no , only ho wooed ,
indbhe wuuldun't
3ll\iiidKCd His .Mail.
1 lici/riii/c / lllee ler.
Iv'uinber ono 'No gontloinanl' Take
, ho o vvoidb bid < , hirl
Cumber two ( lieiooly ) Sir , I never
tu ho back w hut 1 biuo baidl
Is'umbei one ( proud but diplomatic )
You don t ? Well. I am suio , 1 beg
joui paidon , then. I had no means of
vitott ing that.
An Incident.
rri n > dtizctlc.
Superintendent Vou uro late , what
de t lined jou ?
lielated Messenger 0 , just a little
Superintendent You bhould never lot
such a tiithny thing as an incident interfere -
fero with } our biibinuBb.
Uelated Messentror Hut this little
incident weighed just iiino and ono-half
pounds. _
! cliolail\
t/ic / ( ii/o I'l itiune ,
Iho pii/o ligbteis weio in their cor-
11011 , awaiting the call of time
"May the best man win ! " jolloil an
excited mini in the eiowd
'Iho lofereo , a man fiom Boitoa ,
raised his hand aulliorillvoly.
"Hold ! " lie exelaimod , in a voice of
thunder , " ! cannot permit tlhit to pass
uiHorreeted. .May the boltoi man win !
1'ioeced with the eoiitention. gentlemen.
The moment has aimed. "
Society Drama.
A drama in three nets. Act I. Mon
day , Jones ( a bore ) IsMisa Smith inV
Soivnnt ( lustiucted by Mibs Smith )
No , sir ; she's out. Aet II. Tuesday.
.lonob Ciin 1 bee Mi&s bmithj1 Seivaiit
( instructed ) bho'sbie-k , and wi&hos to
bo oxcu od. Act III. AVednebilaj' .
Jones How is Mi&s Smith toilnj-V Servant -
vant ( iiibtuieted ) bho biys she ih dead.
Joiieb How s.ull Can I sto the
. \l > | ) ri'ila ted Devotion.
Lhlcayi A'cim.
"Xo , George , our engagement must bo
broken. Fatlior Iris failed , vou know. "
"When didourfiithei ) fail ? I hadn't
heatd of it , " ho tuining pale.
"Ho failed ju&toidiiy nnd ih\ory \ much
prostrated in coubeijuunte. My whole
time must be givin to him now. lie
neuls m ) undivided care and attention ,
and though it maj break our hearts ,
George , wo must pirt foiover.
"Noblo girl , " thought George , s ho
hastolj griibiied hia hat and with his
btoken htart went out into thu night.
Wiuiletl l ( I5e > li icl.
Ho was a now omploj- tlio railway
anil was making inquiries as to homo of
the details of hib work , lie wab a very
btniirt joung man.
"Supposeaeiicus goes over the load ; " '
Bind ho.
"That isn't veiy likely to concern
you , "
"But It might ; v\ouldit \ bo proper to
faeo that a chnrgo of excess baggage is
put agahibt the elephants , on account of
their trunks , ) ou Know ? "
Ho ibiiow legibtored at the emploj
muit agency. _
J MMI Up on Him.
Ihtiott t'ice J'ifsc ,
"You must loose a good innny dollars
a jour by that man , " wns reniarKed tea
a \Vood\\ardiuoauogroeor \ tm a clti/on"
went out aft/jr "picking" at giapes , flgb ,
ajiples and other things ,
"tt'oll , 1 duiino. "
"Ib ho ii gooileuslom-Ji ? "
"Xo ; u \ erv poor one. "
"Then all no eats is dead losb ? "
"Not altogether. Thoio aio ollbotfr. "
" \Voll , all the bojs aio onto him. In
the histear ) wo btolo tluoe umbiollaa
and two p.ilrs of gloves fiom him , and
j'ou bee lie has gene out und loft u
chk'kon In tint parcel , which we will
atone.0 proceed tocabbngo. If ho tliinUs
Jio is gottiug ahead ol us that'u all
right. ' >
I'T/llltl C f\1 % 1 ITT I P llPf\1\I Y *
SlORIhS 01 ( LHiLE PfcOPLE ,
Ohio Boy Born with Blue Sciles Like Those
of a Fish that Ho Sheds Every Yenr ,
SnjInjjN of Cliildtcii Showing
tluil Innocence ami Honesty Go
i Hon't Pool with
K i ll N.
.1 i.mi.i : innit TJ// .
AVir Tin'r ' Meituiu.
It'sstraiifTo him little bens' mothers
( 'an tniil It all out IH then do ,
If 11 follow dots iitijtliintf miugtity
Or suvs iinjtliliiK Unit's not tuio1
Tlio11 look ill ) on Jnst for 11 inoinciit ,
'Jilloiil . lionil in vou i1 uosoinswelh ,
Anil ttion thev Unovv all about It
1'ora'llttle Uul ttllsl
Now , vvlieio tlio little bird comes fem ,
Or xvlicto tlio llttl" bird noes ,
If lie's eovcicditli lionutllul iilutnngc ,
Or lil.iclt us Iho klnu of news ,
If his \oiio isns lio.uso us n rmcu's ,
Or eleir us the linpin ' bells
I know not , but tbts 1 am stuo of
A little bit d tolls , 1
Tlio moment vou think a thing wicked ,
'Ihe iiioinont jou ilo n thlnn bid ;
Oi nii't ) , 01- sullen , or Initoful ,
( ! ot iiKly , 01 stupid. or 'mil ;
Oi tease n , dear Uiotliw 01 sister
Hint iiistnnt jour sentence ho knell' ' ,
And the \ \ hole to in ininia in a minutu
That little bird tells I
You maj bo in tlio depths of tlui elosct ,
\Vhuio noboilv sees hut a mouse ;
Von tun ) ho all alone in atoliai ,
You mm boon top of tLo house ;
You mm bo in the dntk and in the silence ,
* Or out m tlu > \ \ noils ami the dells
Ko matter \Vheio\er I it happens ,
The little bird tolls !
And tlio only eontilvanco to stop him
Is just to bo sure what to sa
Sine of your facts ntul your fancies.
bine of your work and \our play ;
Bo honest , bo brave , und bo kindly ,
Ho nentlo und loving us well ,
And then j on can huijli at the slotics
The little birds tell I
Mu-rinan and the lliiimim-r Hoy.
Slierman no\cr forgot that little diiimmci
bov \ \ ho c.imo to him in the hot Hunt at the
i ear of VleUsbutir , and whin it came in his
power ho hud the youiiRstm appointed to the
unvnl acidemy at Annapolis. The troops
\\oto in the licit of the uijjaKCTioiit , when
Sherman licnul a shrill , childish voice call
itiR out to him that one of tlio regiments was
out of ammunition , and that the men would
ha\o to nb union their position unless liosont
lo llic'ir tclief. Ho looked down , and theio
by tlio side of his horse was a mlto of a bov ,
with the blood running from \\ound \ in the
"All tight , my boy , " s ii < l the pen
oral , "I'll semi them all the\ need , but as
jou seem to bo badlj taut you had
better no and find n surgeon and let him fix
you up "
Tlio boy sainted mid suited to the real ,
while bhcrmaii prepmed to plvo the
icquircd outer foi tun uec'led ' animii
nition Hut bo once mprehenid the piping
\oUo shouting back at Win : ' 'Gonoial , cali
ber fifty-eight. CaliKMUtv-eiglit. " Glauc-
Inp buck , he snw'tbe , Httlo icllov/ , all Uncon
scious of Ids wound , innning nqiiiti toward
him , to tell of the character of tlio nmmunl
tion needed , ns another size would tm\e been
of no u'-e and left tun inrn as badlj off as
hefoie. Sheiman never could spenk too
highly of the little fellow's plurlc ; bo asked
him his name complimented him , and
piomiscci to keep nn 0)0 upon him , winch he
did. (
Hov or Pisli ?
\\oinlcrful fiealcof natiiiohas been liv-
in hi Cleveland. O , for a number ofeais " ,
and it has been Mpt a secret until now. Ills
a uoy , seven voursold. that is in many tc
spoils a llsh. His faio is handsome , but tlio
beauty of the lioj extends only to the neck
Below tint the little fellow's ' body is litcr.ill }
eou'red with a solid coating of llsh scales.
'Iho boj's ' nuino is ilerman bthepler , and
tie lives , with tits parents and a brother and
sister on bt C'lait street He is an e\ci > ] > -
tionilly bright little fellow , and U one of the
most aptbcuolus in hi * clrtss"
Althoimh the boy is seven joars old , the
most intimate lncnds of the Sehupler fuiiiih
are not iiwaio of tlio fact that ho lu soteui
blj alllicted. His pitents ha\o taken e\ei\
m'ccaution to keep the child's Londition a
pioloundscciot , and it was only by nieio nc-
cidont that the fuels became known to a 10
poitor of a Cleuland pniiet
'Iho sciles moot a d.nlc blue color and
cover the bodv so thoroughly that not the
slightest loition ol sum bearing any som-
bl ince to that of a human being is visible-
Tlio scales do not seem to trouble him except
in the fall of the jear , when they laclo away
to a considerable extent and render bis body
quite iUh\
Mrs. Si hcplcr , after a deal of pci-
suation bmst Into tears ind admitted tint
hoi bov Imdbeui covered with the blue scales
at his biith.
" 1'ho only oause to whicli I can attribute it
is a little incident tint octutrcd one nfttt-
iioou blioitly bofoio Hermio was horn My
tuisbanil wns alwnvs n hand forllshinj , ' ,
and as wo lived close to the water , he very
fiequently wont out and fished for a few
liouii at a time On this pirtlcular occaiion
he bi ought in nliout n do/en or so of llsh , and
it benitf neailysupncrtimo , ho asked mo to
cook some of them for htm. 1 immediately
set about promt mir tlio llsh foi his supper ,
and the \eiy Hist one I took a hold ofu large ,
blue pike , being btillulivc , Jumped out of my
hand and frightened mo awfnllv I screamed
and almost swooned awny. Honulc was bom
within n few weeks of that time
"Hois Just w 11(1 ( for \\atoi. \ Whenever it rains
it is simply impossible to keen the poor little
follow inside. Ho will take off his hat and
run around the yard as though ho enjojedit
immensely , lie loves music nnd cau sing
nkely. "
Iluliy'H IlitnpIcM.
II/iil > ei' Viiuna I'fujilc.
Love goes playing hlilo-nnd-scok
"Mid the loses on.theiclieek.
With a little imp of Laughter
Wlio , the wliilo ho follows after ,\es tlie footpilirts that we tiaco
All about the lussiugrplucu.
AVorlccjI His tVii ) .
A twelve year old hoy'hns ' Just walked all
the wa % fiom Htidccuort , Conn , to bpung-
iield , O. , to visit his uncle.
Paid for Ilia run.
ThirU } eats ago theco was at Springfield ,
O , a mischio\ous boy mimed hauler Ho-
ccntly n number of old citizens of tint pluio
ha\o reteived sums of nionev ngeregntlng
fT > ( H f i om Ur Lattlor of Huffalo topaj for
propel tj destiojed in tiidbovUu pranks
How Colil \ VntciAftootod Him.
tlficldiui l'l < itntlenlr.
A llttln Sitlov h'treot boy caught n very severe -
vere eoldwbiluhls in \\asoutofthoiity ,
and on her return rushed up to her , caner
for her sympathy , and throwing his arms
around her cried : "Oh , iniimnm , both of my
o\es is lalniu' ' and ono of my nosus won't
I'luuieil it Out ,
ltdxtnn TrniiKitjit ,
Little six-year old Jumoslt * , of Boston , nnd
his Now Yoik cousin were lmMIL' a dlsimto
ns to wtilch of tholr cities wio the larger
( Quotations fiom the census rather staggeied
the joung Hublno at tiist , but tbisotio
soon brushed asldo with tbo renmik. "Will ,
1 11 hot JIT Hoston's'tuo tlggo&t if \ er takt in
all the hubbubs 1"
meicfiil ,
A bright little Aubuin t'lil , n pupil lu the
Wi list er pi aminar oh lol , asked her mother
to help her upon 11 gUm ulijivt ivc-onth
She siu ilow n to wilto. and het mot Inn hoitun
to dhtiito tln > inniXHltion | us I' should go.
"Unit's not \\lmt I want ut all , ' she e\-
clnlini'd tmpalieutl"You gl\o mo the
fiuts nnd J will iMiibi'llisli I belli '
Sin1 IvilI'M.
Frjiir < ; < n It , ;
Mr nillcloilc ( to piviooloui little uiil- )
Youaiouvot ) nice little gill , jou Until bo
inv wife when vou pot lilp
i.lttloUld-iN'o. thank you ; I don't wa nt
to get mmUd , imt sister does , '
bend .vou sav so , didn't MIII , sUtorl
lliind spiings of ilisiuiu' iiy sister.
' Coud Ki'inon.
IMltor ( to oillco bov ) Ilow dojou Midi
"t-iutolocv ! "
Ollleu boy ( piviiipth1 ) ilon't spell It at
IMltor ( aiiRiily-\Vlnt ) did jou go to
school foi ( '
Oillco Hey ( sadly ) Hefuiso I had to.
\ \ tint a < ! r iM4 U Idow Iv ,
Two ( hlldreiioio pla\ln \ r on the sidewalk
and a lud\ passed thuni
" . she's u gnss widow , " said ono.
"U'liut's u ( 'iassIdo \ \ \ ' " asKed the other
'Oratiousl Don t jou Unow thill' " snul
theothei scoinfulh "U'hj , her husbuut
died of liny fuer '
illH no\7' " mi * Hi- .
Hixdili / ' / iicllir
"I wish , " snld a tti'll manneied clilld , "that
I lad boon tltoigo U'ushlngton. "
" \Vhjf" asked the lather.
"Hocaiiso urn saho never told a Ho. So
when I \isitingwlthmunini , and n luiy
asked mo If 1 would like another picco f
pie 1 would always saj'Yes ' and not 'No ' , '
as mamma snjs I tnust'bn polite. "
( Id' UlMhOII ,
Theio is n little eako anil candy shop oppo
site a huge gnunmir school in the stibmbsot
Hoston , and the k < epor of it told mo ictuitlv
that on school di\s ho t.ikos in about $ ( ) u
day , mostly in pennies , su\s tlioTru\cler.
Ho bajs that the most cuilous thing about
his iiistomcrs is that the poorer clad the
chlldien the moro pennies tliey seem to luvo
for candj. One d ly ho asked a sh.ioby little
girl how It wns that she had .so many pennies
for candy. " 0 " "Minn
, leplied sue , says
dad don't ever iivo her enough money to
buy us clothes , and wo might as well ha\o
what she does get to spuid "
ApplpH < iac Him a Orlp.
The millioniire , John II Statin , of Now
Yoik , was a poor boy The that pair of boots
hoes or owned ho tt'oro only in the vilMiro ,
c.urjinp them on his shouldeis whllo going
to and f 10 , so ns not to wear them out. Ilo
now oui.s n line estatu of 1.100 ucics in
Montgomery countj' , New Yoik , neai his
bhlhplneo "I boiigtit that jihec/'ho wutos ,
"because of the line flavor of the apples that
glow in n certain oich.ird where I usul to
hook them , when Iwisa baiehcadcd. buo-
footed boj iua pail of cut down tiouseis held
on by ono suspender stiaji 1 used to sn\ that
fc\er I got iich I'dow u that oichaulandnow ,
1 do own it. "
The Iiiiio Alust ! > < Drawn.
rlilliln nn I I in nt'liir.
When evening sldi ts ire not made plain ,
Hutllllod with IlowLIS and things ;
\Vlientioiibers \ niouiuliiU Lieistd ,
vVhcn bands mo decked with lings ,
Wtieu full diobs t'loes uro spotted or
Betray the sliRhtctt sign
That they've been woin before , w by , then ,
It's time to draw tbo line.
When people will persist , in spite
Of everything that's said
In ncarlng butterfly neckties
AI night \vlngsoutspiead ;
When colhus with btqi ladder Miipes ,
Monstrosities in line ,
Aic seen around the.1 necks of men ,
It's time to diaw tbo line ,
When ulstcis and silk hats aio worn
With neckties rend } made ,
When diamond scarf pins aio upon
Tlio foui in-hand disphucd.
When patent leather shoes are seen
Mujbc , befoieit'b nine
When things like this aio donowhy , then
It's time to Ui iw the line.
Hard I.uric.
Arctic whalebone has gone up to the unpre
cedented pure of * " > 10 i pound , nnd is still
advancing Whnt is the impecunious dude
going to do for spring eoracts , if this thing
keeps on (
Grauntically Coy.
No , Mr Van Dascn , slid the pround joung
Uostoubcautv as she flashed her gloi ion's oibs
upon him , I sh llue\ei allow no man to hug
me' '
And Mr. A'an Dusen piomptly folded her to
Ids aims.
'Jo Heat the Chatty'It irber.
I'lillnMiilili llccnil.
A down town nnn has imented n machine
which he calls n iciderscope It reflects tlio
contents of daily pipeii upon the ceilings of
bii her shops , so that the man in thu Limit
cin tlio now a as lioiocllnu.3.
I ullowcd Hie Cie.isc.
ilntliici anit Fui nWir .
Clo\crton ror heaven's , sake , old man ,
what aio you doing in this put of town ?
Da-h way \ \ hen I stalled foi tboofllco
this mot mil'I ) didn't notice that the binned
tailor had ( .leased mj tiouserstong , and
I'v o w alUed four miles out of my w ay.
Proxy lor a Wlfo.
Uoston is to have a neclitio school wheio
joung men will bo taught to tlo ilielr scarfs
in the latest and most approved fashion , the
membership fee being J10 , with a small quar
terly assessment. Young Doston swells who
connotaffoid tholiixurv ofn vnlot ate jubi-
lint over the proposition , though but fe\v \ are
jet nw.ue of the scheme Theio uie justsuch
London and Paris ,
1 hiFiHlioi linn.
I'litbul l ) > liln Tlint # ,
Tbo flsliarman had got u bite ,
Ills hook was baited tine ,
And from the flask 'twas plain to sea
His breath was bated , too.
Couldn't stand It.
Detective Catibom How did jou c\ur get
a confession from Touch i'oblosj
Dcteeti\oJui7cin- ( 1 gave him a olpar , and
after liu'd s'noked it hu thought ho was goint'
to die and told mo nil ho ovci did.
'Ill is IN lNM'lllilll. ]
JCU ICI'H U'f/il/ / | / .
KggionoVoroWhen a fellah is engaged
ho should give the gill pwtsents , shouldn't
hoi Wealloy , now , whaw t does the voung
ewcuchu.v I'm ' betvvotlied to need besides thu
ring )
Severe old Man \ decent specimen of hu
mruiiu to present it
Wurno I'liiin u
Members of the Peni.svi\aula Icgislatuto
have been hnghlng heutilj ovei a story told
at tbo expense of ono of the city represent ! !
lives , snjs the I'hlludelphiii Noith Anuriean.
'lhci.oiiutrv members 8ii > that the storjof
the hajsced who blew out the gas w ill have
to ho lologatod to tbo iear in ttie face of this
new revelation It Is claimed that s-evi'rnl
mombeis vvoro discussing the govetuoi's ic
ccption when the legislator in question came
up und said :
"How about the rocoptioul '
"O it will bo full dress "
"What do vou mi'iinf"
"Why , it will bo btiictlj low neelc and
shoit sleovos. "
"You ilon't ' snj i"
Tlio next moment the legislator was In a
hai bet's cluli. and Knowing biuk his shiil
fiont liu exelaiinel :
"Hlnivo mj chest. I'm ' In a liuity , too , for
I'm ' golnir to tbo goveinnr's loi-eptlon. "
Thu luubceds aio lesiionsiulo for this
Vai ! ( > nl Mo
"Talk about the vunitj of women , " Mild u
fubhioimblo hatidioabur the other daj , ac
cording to tin1 Now Yoik 'lologiun. " h\ , It
duosn t oomiiaii1 wltli the \imltv of inon Mv
muli'i ustmiuTs mo fat iiinn1 pnitUuhn alioiit
thi'li iiiipiMiiiiuo than Iho ttninon iMiMomoi *
mo umi'iif them \io-ii1 \ bofnutlio gluss lei
noiothan fifteen inliiutos at a tltiu * , stnd\ \
IIIIT their heads to m-nlf ovitv hilr is in the
ilirht liliuv Then tbo attention tint thej
ghotliolr moiHtni liu U poltlvilv disgust
ing , oson lo ino When u nun moo jlclds to
bisimltv tlioies no tolling \\hitlo\tetit
It will eniij him "
'Ilio DICHS .suit.
C'lothlei mid I'm milior Tlio dioss suit IH
a ft oi nil the bulgi'of tlio geiitlimiiui 'I ho
bieodhiL ; ol u nun Is hi ought out In It , as no
otliei medium ulll ilisoUi-c At tlio coiuh-
mon's ' ball leniitlv those few line looking
specimens thut , In goijieous liven , gnat1 the
box sent that vvoie dnsa suits \utu \ the most
out of pliuo and 111 at ease limiting poiionn es
In tlio hull You niimot put n tad In a duss
suit und have him look like nnv thing but a
cad. This is a poruli ui'of thodiiss suit
mat to itsadiiptuhUlU alone , to the anatuiin
and gontllltj of the inon of tlio hlgtioi guide ,
does It use its sw.iv and linpiegniibililN
Look at Mulligan's loo1 I'hiM1 men mo
notois fiom tlio side sheets of tinme
tiopulls. I'hoj slilm In the obauie'til pulls
lllustiiiting t > pes of ( loth mi lifethi'j pi noii-
ilj , but iu tin u duss suits tin ) mo , In tlio
language of the plnvv iltfht , "not in it"
Ilnnlgiin himself dors not woiu Iboiegnli-
tlon ovi-nlng g.ub but siuh ucostunio wine
loloiod suIt colt with ijillted liiiels | of an
otlni liiioaiitl liiM'iuli'r liMiiscis , us the tall
ors' loiiMiitlou lile-d to foist upon nn unsus
pecting public , anil In w lik-h nnv ono would
look as the actor iiiithoi iiuends lo look the
embodiment of a bogus sixlal lion ,
J' I ItS .1 A It J\tNIIIO\ .
Thoctush lint Is tocoinohick
Tholatistiinklo Is to haveour tionsets
"Jioplial wdt'hts" Is the newest noincii-
clatnio foi summer goods.
The npua Imt passed out of the fashion-
ulilo pale because it VMIS o\or-appieciateel
The white pique vestof u season ago , while
not \\holl ) iinihi the ban , is not atlected lij1
A now fancj- for spilng ind suinmci is cnt-
ton half hose with woolen soles It is mi impelled
polled idci.
The now dross coal is a hni.dsomo garment
It has a faced shawl colliu , without a nick
and with a long and full lull.
The ultra fad In snspendeis Is the portnit
of one's best gill oinbioldeied in silicon the
webbiny near the hent of thu v\eater.
It ts safe to gamble , when a it ( cud ap
ptoiehes jou In the datimo ) wearing his
d less trousers as part of a mixed make up ,
that he is about to strike jon foi a loin
The latest novelty In men's hosioij is of a
lustrelul deep niivv blue , having a fnsl coloi
look , raid hold at a pi ice high enough to jus
tify thut the new sock is all thai ll seems
to be.
Clothier and rurnlsher If the sllh-billies
with a ci uing for the jeweli ) ot tlio feint
nine iciilni must resoit to In. inlets and ban
gles , vvhv not tatrj the idea still f miner and
put nmiinilcs upon them ;
Tlio Ciiven tan glove is D ) no moans as
pie\nlont as II was A shade similar , but
lighter , and not so dull In finish , wHh sell-
eoloied spent-heads upon the batlt , is the
ulli i vogue atpiescnl
A novel design tin a poiket loikscievv ap
peared inn Jowiloi's window Intel jVMien
eloped the in'-liumcnt pieheiiled thti appeui-
ancoot a ciab'9 claw , which opened on bolh
sides , disclosing the essential putt of the
The bell croun sillt Imt is not wonted , it
lacks the proper ting , as bell notes ate out of
favor , ninl it wab a mistake to issue it. snjs
the Hat lioviow. Light , small , nobuj shapes
are deniable and sell icidilj ; the takinir
dimcntions iiioli1 , xl'1 .
The very fntest capiicc of llcklo fashion in
connection wilh evening dress Is the collai
less double breasted U slnped vvlilto piQiio
waistcoat. With the Tuxedo suclt , upon
which the shawl collar is so pionounced a
featui jf the effect is especially en rappott
The English silk hat of tills season is in
maikeil deviation fiom the native article
There is a broider cut 1 to the brim that gives
to the wearer a mom pronounced appearance
of having on a lilo that is ilitTeient In slupo
fiom these geneiallj woin , and it is not so
' 1 be ci i/o lor "everj thing blick" lonp ago
sponl its foice Theio is still a fcetablo
demind for blick hoskrr ntul nnderweir
Tbo populuu/ing of this fad , howevoi , tended
townul cheapening the qmililv with this ic
suit , that the line trade ILLS turned its
thoughts to other ideas.
A novelty in cane heads has Just pi educed
by i New "I'oik jeweler. It is a perfeitlv
plain knob , which , on being opened , ills-
clo s the surface of a half dollir 'Ihe
coin , however , is onlv the outoi io\e'of a
seiies of leaves on which photogi iphs nnj
be placed Theio aie spices for eight poi-
1 1 aits
Mhooxtia width foiir-ln hand is tlio palest
scarf to bo woin with the highUacKed tuin-
o\ei collai s , csneciilly tho'u wlieie the but
tonholes aio low down on tlio band. Ilio
seal f may be Kept snngh up to tlio top of
thoiollai bj- pulling taut the flrslknotof
Iho "once over ' tie botoio following out the
f out in-hind inoveinents
Iho piopor thing in a full ilicsq shht is one
that is peifeetly plain , with Iho single stitch
ing down the cenlcr Theio aio a fe\\ who
wen Ibopuiue bosom and a fev who like a
nuuovv etnbioiuorj down the middle , but
the ) mo la the minoiitv. The plain bosom ,
witli two pHin studs of gold 01 white enamel ,
is tbo piopor tiling ,
Mho div of the big walking stick is past
Tlio most coveted cfloets just ut pie'ienl are
nntuial sticks of medium si/.o with modest
sihoi' tiitmiiings. Itold mounted uinesaro
ussd chlellj- eldulj * inon 01 incmbeis of
the sedate piofesslons The latest fad fcr
spiing Is a stick with a natnial tool , 011111-
inenied with a spiral sliver band.
' 1 lie neglef'o shirt , insteid of being made of
cotton , 01 some shtinkabla inutenal , as in Ihe
past , will , the coming season bo mndo ol pine
silk in fancy colors. The not oily will bo in
the bosom , lids will bo clniacteil/cd by
loose folds 'Iho inatoiids used in another
biimmei shltl will lie Madras cloth , cheviot
and Oxfoid. t'ollnis and cuffs w ill bo at
tached to the shirts The shiits will be iiuide
with regular puffed bosoms and aio designed
to bo vi 01 n w Itnout v ests , foi vv Inch put pose
thoshiit fionls atomailcof extia length
Ilic Ciiiul ) Pull.
You kin talk about 'r ' '
) op'ias , j'r germans ,
an1 all slch ,
Y'ralleinoon ' ' tliom
leceptlonsati' pleasures
o' tno licit ,
You kin feast upon y'r ' choo'lates an'j'r
cieanis in' leis full ,
Uul none o' thoin Is ckal to a good old cindy
pull ,
Toi iher' ' isn't any perfume like Iho 'lasses
on Uie flu1 ,
A Imhblln' an' ' a dancln' as it Keeps n ilsin'
hik'her ,
While the spoon goes slhiln.'sllrtin , ' till the
kiltie's oven full :
Is'o , I teely ttiluk thuro's , nothln' like a good
old candv pull.
It's true , v\e miss the n.usie , an' ' the ball-
loom's i tush an' hint ,
Uul thct' isn't an ) bitter tint stavs behind
the sweet ,
An' 1 think the woild'd bo better , an' its cup
o' Joy mote full ,
If wo enl ) had ino-i ) plensures like the good
old cuinlv pull.
Ill in mi , hii
No one succeeds so mroly in this life
ah a man \v illint , ' to irnll the vv 01 Id , MV. a
Iho Huston Homo .lounul. It ib the
doctor who olTem to porfoi in uiiiMclcs
vvlio heroines rich ; il Is the banker who
( illui-h to do the imposiblo that ots the
dopot-its , It Is the > nit'ii'hant who tilli rs
to h-oll things foi k'hs ihan thov costwlm
diavvh the crowd , and the pit ) of it is
thut this citnvd novoi lei > nm tlitu pliilnn-
thiooh ) IH not the law of life , and that
nil these hpei uhitoi h io hunt on tniikinjr
jiuuioy out of them. Talk about cspm-l-
cnio wh.tho . vvoild dues not uven
Iciun by that.
Hofrcshing Broizjs From the llralm ol
of lint mill Dill.
Iho llniso , Hod , DDK nnd < iiin
anil 'MNoollancoiis Spoil
ing ( ioswlp lo Tlrklo
Iho liooal I'atiN ,
Al Johnsiiii si\s \ the association will cot >
tnlnlv land on tup Ho moans on top of t
Trunk lliunoll quotin .Indgo Sindi is of
I'lovolmd. lo show Unit Kumiss' notion lu
signing with Cleveland waslogal
It now1 looks as If the Inn el of the ( run
was pointed theii wnj whin the assuilaliou
pulloilthetilggei Ron Mnlfoid
TlioL'ouiii r .louinnl lefois to "Mehlsto" |
Sp idling \Vhoiuipon.\lr \ Spaldlng will un <
douhtidlv at onooii'uso ' lo liioatho
"A more tiamp in b isu ball" Is Mlohaol
Angelo Lane s chaiaotii l/ntloii of thu imso <
iInt ion s i > iiiio on the unlv I'l.iul dlunond
1C mis is C'itv has decided uti h" i old eolorl
foi this vein lllue suit and vv hlto cap. bell
and stockings , anil vvblto suit and blink rai" ,
bolt and HtuiUinp.
TheassiKliition people do not seoin to bo
Inlhollghl A ubolliou without husllo IK >
hind it Is snio to l > o the llattesl kind of a
fuiliiie - 1 tank H itiuuoll
"Some ono ought to point out to tlioasso <
elation imumittus Iho bouutlos of that good
old biim , 'lllesscd is the Tlo thnl lliiiiU1
ohsenes the Cloveliindl'lain Dealer.
"NoUoinpiomlso is the lluttle Crv of tin
Assoelitiun , " is the siaie hind tlio St Louis
I'ost-Disiialih iml o\er \ its wm bulletins.
Has an v body hoard the luiguu crjlng foi
qimttei I
"Tho stinggli ) bolwocti Iho Iwo associa
Huns will not bo long lu Uoubt , IH lliolea ua
will utish Its livid in mucli quicker time than
It took to blot out tbo 1'lajcrs' le i tie " 0 ,
II Huno.
Time is ono verj' potent teason v\hv the
issoelition inagnatos alhgo that they
wouldn't tiv tosign kaguu star plaveis. 11
h beiause league star pla.vcrs wouldii'lgo to
tlio association. I'iUsimtgDispitch.
The fact that J Karlo Wagnoi went to Al
lii-uehTliuiMlaj and told him that unless bis
team placed tlio spring exhibition KUIIIOS ho
would sue for iliimages , shows that ,1 l nrta
is a little sick of his bargain ,1 Kmlo xvas
one of the Hen esl "lire ealers" wlicn ' wah"
was ( Icclnied.
Columbus is ahead ) hemtlly sick of tha
w ir and Iho public sensibl ) uemiinds pe.ieo.
'Ihe Dispa'ih mikes asttong plea foi a c-cs.
salionot hostilllios Well , Is il anj woiuleil
So fm thej have lost Murk Haldwin , ( .htirlla
Ueillev und Ralph Johnson , and a general
stampede is tlueat'Mied.
Milwaukee has signed Kied O Smith , \vliO
jilayt d vv ith the J otedo club in l s i and Is'.K ' ) ,
ranking as one of the best pltehcio in thu ln
tciiiatlonnl league and Aineik-an association
in the lospecliM ) jeais. Smith pitcliul ( jeod
ball foi Iho Dos Moines duuuploiib in IbblJ
and is wellioinenibcicd In Omuhi
Will Spildint ; "Thiirnnnl/o" the court
when the legal bout forplujus bt iiif's
Ohio State .lomiml. It was onlj a moon erse
so ago vv hen j ou dwelt upon Mr Tbiiiinnn's
hav tiiK ( > ns IhoiiRh the ) ' wcio choicest honey
fiom the ruiost llesh pots of J'gj pi Ah ,
welladaj' , hcio today , tomonow a lunutla
asv luin , and then in Columbus Ule\eland. \
Loadci and Heiald.
Munngor C'ushman is in coricsiiondoncp
with the clubs of the National leaguu In the
expectation of sending the Mllwuiikees ou
the rounds for practice ( 'inies befoie the
\Vestein ehumplonship seison opens Ho
proposes to stall his pluvus out April 2 and
play K lines in the followini ; cities Cincin *
null , I'lttsbntg , Wheeling , I'liilndelphla ,
Now York , Urooklyn , lioston , Now Huven ,
Cleveland and Chicago
Thoclubsof the Western assojintlon are
KOing to he stronger this ) ear t'.an ' ever be
fore that is ceitain , sajsttie ICunsas ( Jity
.louinnl 'Iheio is not n team among the
eight but is hustling for the most availublo
phi j ci vv ith a view to stixngtbcning They
all have visions of cuptmiiif * the pennant ,
and from the pie-.ont outlook tlio Hluos will
have their liands full lo again eairj off Iho
honors 'Iho leant which will Lo the most
imptoved over last season , and width , bar
accidentis eoi tain to cut a wide swath in the
penmnt ime. is the Oinnhiteam On paper
Manager Shannon Ins ot together a stionir
team Foi pitchers ho has sinned
Phil Kill , Dad Ulaiko nnd Huel-
Jorg of list j ear's team , and to this
pair lie bus added Norman IlaUet.lito of
New at k , bhaiiotl , lite of tun New Vorli
National leiguc team , anil Larr ) Twite bell ,
who pluvul last season with the Columbus
team Hue ib sonic ) excellent box lalent
wliiih willgieatlj strengthen Oinaluwliero
it bns alwavb been weak Behind the bit
will bo Nevvnnn , Steii7c l and llalllpanon
tlio bisos Maiaulej , Hist baseman for the
1'hil ulclplil i le.isuo tenn list \cir. bliatinoa
it second , Joe Walsh at shoit and Jimmy
Donmlly. Iho ux-cowbovnt Ihlid In the
outfield -will bo Cunnv an , Willis and Twitchell
und Hailican altcrnalely. Vet 11) , the Ulatk
Sox will bear u lot of watching this season
.lolm M \ \ "id , the famous ball pi aver , has
gone to liuiope Uast bcasonVardwasla \
tlie Mesbiilt business Ho was the little
deit ) befoie whom all , or ncatl ) all , the star
ball plaj ew of the countrj woiihipiKjd. Ho
was the"in in who led the base bill ui inan at
Iho loinnieneeinent of IVK ) , the tlguies ot
whiihsoon changed to the wild nud weird ,
inoveinents of the ghost dimco.n dunce which
soon led nearly all of the boj s out of the na
tional aguenient agency to tlio bad lauds of
tliob'oihcihood , wheio most of them aio now
siibslslingon snowbills mid photographs of
worthless cheeks for snlny duo them from
men who almost wrecked the national Kamo.
Ward , who vv is sth'd Iho Napoleon ot the
biothertiood , has tmdo his wa ) to tlio
old reset valion. if Iho dispatches aiueortect.
and buctei-ded in gettiiiK in out of the wet by
placing his name to a contiact with the
Brooklvu National league club Ho will
captain and manage the team , anil for hia
soivicos iceoUe , so it has been stated ,
the sum of $7'iOO in ictuin fo
this Ihe club will hn\o hlssorvires
foi about Hit eo hours a di ) on an a\eiagool
five days each w eok for six monlhs 1 n the
ninojears from ishl to lssi ( Ward locoived
for plaj ing ball tbo sum of ? HiT , W ) , niul it waa
against the "si iv o" meluods of Iho 'nnstots"
who paid him this monc ) foi tholiborious
woik bo perfoimed during all ihoso xeira
thai lie ] ilunned and carried out the revolt
which has landed iimij of tlio men who fol
lowed his h'.id on a cold , unfwliiiK voild.
And now little .lohnnlo Is bae-k oiuo tnura
with tlio "old masters , " and tit a-saln.v , too ,
that will shock moio than ono of thuhiavci
who , uiiiki his leadership , all but wrecked
ttie national uastlnie ,
TiulIho imlU of Ilio busehiil goits nava
ground excoedlnglj line and slo\v this sea
son , and inunj of ttio men who h id an Idea
that theii grist would moie thin 1111 the liorn
of plentj will find that thej hive sown but
chart und will narncr nothing but $10 a week
( iltiiatloiis if they me luil.v What pleasant
foelliies must fill thelt MmUanci tingle the
blood courshiK' thiough their mini led nucl
knotty llngcts wlien the ) teadof XVard ns a
"si no" again it u silurj thut all but takes
their buntli uwav
Tlio Sluiri-lliiiriMt
The Auditbou club is trv IIIR to nmlcn n
matih botweeii Toininj NS'arrcu and Aba
Ilio bonetlt to Nillj O'Hlien's ' widow netted -
ted abonlf . ' , IXM. ( lioigo 1'raiKis Irani np-
pe.ned for Iho e"iuso
Muldoon is pettmi : Kihaln Into shape for
his Hgiit with dodfioy lie is ronlldoiit that
laid'v illw in bomool his lost liuu'ls
, lee ( iidilaid ) ind Mike Doolo ) , tlnAusti'n-
li.iu pugilists , ami Oarsman M- Loan i\ii <
nouiiii- that Uiej will sail foi this loimtrj tu
two weeks
Hilly .Mil'iiithj , the Australian midillo-
vvtiKht , who Mi'iuidi'dNlivii in hisilghtwlth
-McAulilto in 1 ugl.tml u telling Uu sp its ul
u that I'ctcr Juckiou will \\Ulu