THE OALAHA DA DA' 1U3E : SATUKDAY. JtAHOII T , tSDl.-TWEliVlS 1'AOES. 8PEG1RL NOTICES , Am 1 IITIi-nil M'x for HM- I. oolmninivIM Ic taken until 12 p m for tnni'tinlng edition , mid unlit l ) p. in . for the morning Minion nntl St sno llrr- rpKUMSs-ruidi in " 1 ) ATI'S- * il i rrt l Hnont on lids pnso will ho * ( linmd fur nt th rnt < < of IS contspor \ word forlho llr t Insertion , mill I eetitpor word . for i-ru'li iilMtiiioiil | ln rtlnn , i ml II .V ) per line pi i n. until 7\o ndvirtlscnioiit taken for loss llmir.r , ients for tin- first Insertion. 3NITIAI.S. figures , BJ niloX etc. , count uich iii oiKMvoril riVUVl nd\trtlsrnirni mint rtin conwn- J I voli niul under no olrciimslnnco will the ) b < Inken or ( llMontliii oilli ) tcli'i'lionc. T > i\KTIl ! iiiliortWm : In tliiMirnhimmnnd J linv I nc tlii'lr niKMcrs < l In 11 "niitn- le-rul Idler ' In OH itof Fin HFK will rcu'lve ii ininiltod olKck tn onnlilo tin-in ti < K 't tholi lollirs Answers will In delivered only on prr ent.dlon of thN cluck I nolose answers In envelopes prnporly uihlMssui I.I , orllsottirnts under the lioail of A ' "Miidal Notion" nfi' In both tlio iimriilmr mid oMnlnui-dlt Inns of I'm * IU.K , tu ) < olro ilnt Ion nfliu li urtiri files nioM'lluin Co.flu ) nai ors d illy , mid elves the advertiser thob- nod not only nf tin1 lartffl olrriilnt ion of Tin ilooln Oniiilin , lint al-o itiConni'll lllntrs ,'roln HIM ) other onion mil timns In thi'M-st BRANCH OFFICES. for tlifs-f" < nlninns will h ( > ( iknn on IJKi iilnv < uindllloiis. it thcfoll lii Imsl- nosi liiniM-s who lire nut Iiiirl7 l to tnko sDiu'lul liollcos. ul tlicnaini niton us em 1 e h id .it the llllllll OllllO. SOI'Tll OMAHA IIKAM'lt Ul I'UT-No . .IWI J.tnit. . I.IMei llhifk _ _ ' ' 'TiillN'W. Ill 1,1. , I'lianiuclst.s.'oi-oiith ' Tenth J . ! i eel _ T IIASI A PPDV , Stationers and rrlntori. V. ' II. I Siiith ICtli street , r \ KNs ' IIIK ti ( el AV .1. IIt'iir.S. | riiarinaclst. < ! M North tfitli sin et. v I Hoith stnt't TJ fl I7.v | | | PIIAUMACV Vtth nnd I'm iinin. SITUATIONS WANTED. J'o ) iatc , ttr , Klni > iif Jiiit i- on Ilili | uir ( * ' ) OOI\krriiri { , \peil i with uornunts live J ' voars , loiomnii ndalloiis , wanU poxltlun Vvllli llrst elasi houio. Address I. ( A HenM.MI12 M.MI-12 * * t \rANTI -Position 1 hy dru ; ; clerk. Two > 1 yi'irs experhneo In tiivtn of mm thou sand. ll ) ronlsti'ii'd. t'ui Kite uuod refor- ciuis Addriss , Itox 'M , I'lilon , Neb iW ! 1'J * " \\rAM 1 Dlliintlon by joiimt loan In i whdUs.ih' hoii-.e. c'viiorleiicoil sh'iiplti ' clerk. Address C. C. II. , liTO ! ) PouKlas strict M .TO s * \\'ANiri > I'osltliui , m eolleetor ! 4 year " ' e\pi rlenoe In Oiii.ilin ; lofortnco/s pom 1 AddiessW. lir.'l No ' 'Ithst . ' 7 t dJITlJATION \ null < l Hy a llrst-d-iss vrnod- C > mi vor , inuilulluur Ail dies * KOI Dim el is st JU-G' \V\NTP1) ) iltu itlons for isooil lrls my Tf walllnn rooms ire nhvavi full fioia II a In to ( , | i in ( 'anidliin rninloyineiit olllre , nils S IMh Tolenhont SHI 'Ul WANTED-MALE HELP. l'nati > , rtr. tcftupuf tlxl mlumu oil f/ifi / | > < t/c "V\ rANll I > ' s i > \ town and "VTl / I 41 K I'll I III \iry lu II IIIKI Tl count v la the Unil'd ' Miles nutshlo of IKC ollles ; J.'i nil d-iy in id" by men and mien who aio willing tc canvass ( nun house in house , , M < have the fntost inonov-in ikhn ! HKi'iioy In the world Our now anil sabs me in idit at sl lit lloblis' Modlolno t'unipini ) , 4 l'i Dearborn si i eel , Cblc'iKo. Ill MIH ) 7' " \VAM'I I ) A responsible * party to take S TI jirinov for Ihlsclt } for too i.ipld selling sS household in tlc'lci Samples to HKintH at cost , r * I'lthor IV , loth 5"ic , In st.imps. llo\ 'i-i Mollue. Ill JUTi T * " \\r AN I' to soil IlKlilntnc rods , Tf e\ieilenied | Applj to I'd ward A. loy ACe Co L'l \ \ 4th streil , rinoliinitl , O. il.Oii \\rr. UITl'U ationts his money In oxoliislvo f teiiltorj Uur nuw jiati'tit sifessdlat pltlit In city in countiy. New agents Hist In field aelnnllv KuttliiK rhh One at'i'iit. In ono ilnj olc iri'il tMl. Soi''inou l'iil.doiuofice Alplno ivifo coinpinv , . K-I"I | : Chirk stiuot. ( Jlnehin HI , U ' ' \vimtod for llio Memoirs of flon- ACiI'M'lsvimtod einl\V 'I' shornnin , written hy himself 'VAo have In jiress in ontiroU now edition of this work. It will bo complete In ono law oet ivo Miluine , containing ne u lj ono tbou- Hand Juki's ptlntod on super ealendcii d li.ipei. lioiind In line cloth , and sold at the low i > rli > ofi pir cony. It will contain nddi flonil inliter hy Hon. .limes i ; Itlilno.brlni- Ini ; the oi k down to the piesentdato and phlnj ; i full .iceonnt of 'ho dc itb and fiineuil of the ( licensed Kencral. 'Ihlsls ( "ioneial bin rnian's Own Memoir" niul thoonlv liook Issued Inlilcli the f nollj of In mr il HIOIIII in ire In any w ij Inluest- ed ( . inv isstrs'onlllt sun to mv address for fiOioiits Address llio i.vlnslvo liublMiers Clu > I. \\elwtei ,1 CoU 1 , ibt loiutientb street , XeivoiK f'lty. "M 9 \\rA NTiIl-liUe : , oiioi/i tic nconts tn every TI loi.ditv west of the Ml-slsslppl to lundle r\i'liishe tinitoi ) for the automat Ii stock miltci , tliniisinds In actual use ; linnduds of testln onlals sannilo viltoi J.fiD.oi I fni * l ( ) J'or p.utlciil.ns iiddrobslth st.iiap look box 7.1 , Tails la Ms' _ _ _ _ _ " \\rAMM'O-A U'llable , onnrsotlc mm In ' oaib leading oily In NiluasUa outside Oinalia lo conduct hinull hon-o , luodianou foi rlihl pally ; Kood lefeienei and siualu-ap- lt.ii leiinlred , Aililrc.s.s linniedlatul ) Doug las bloik. Oniihn. 271 4 SAUI'sMP.N vvanlod to sell cooils to moi- vliants ti ) sample ; new floods ; btc piy for woiKurs , pornianenl si tint Ion. ch unco tobiithl a line tndo. Model Jlfg Co. , South llcud Ind 'M A5 * " \V"ANTKl-I ) > otiolives In ivory town la thu T > \vost. moil and laillth. to repiesont I'r.inl.s' Polictlve Aecnov Pnolo-o } " > for bulKo and conilnl'ulon , with refercnci s r , A. I'rinUs , inani&ur , box d74 , bait LaKoCItv , 1'tnh L'sS T \YrANTnn..Tra\oHiiBs.iiciiiioiioii special Tf ties worth * .Vpoi ) o.el to a hnstloi Al- llson A. Lo . i'l lle.iiboin st . I'hlc.igo. Ills m . j fiosio Address I. A. 'Ihiel , M. , Io-iph , Mo. J.K ) b' \\7AXTnil-Am coed salesmen can make f i oni $ - lto $7.1 per \\eok with our spot-la 1- < 1is. ( lood side line. ItiKersnll \ L'o , .d and : c Doarboi n struct , Chic iiro. 111. is ? fi' \\T AN rr.I-rirft-ela s tnllllnoi to v\or)7 ) at Ti K.ilrlieln liniiiodlalely. Address , st it Ing vvaues , Olllo Hoyd , llobron. > i b. J.I4-G * \y AMTD-Innnedlalely , two utrsons to r oeli'o Instructions lo keep hooks , u slluations. J. . hinlthai5 > uw York Life Ol'TTKUti and tillers Mnoty-llvo nut of evori ono hundred who attend the Cleve land emllnv : school ooiuo through the results o ( those house the A P. Kudo now method nf cnttnp ; J ] ' 'l7' _ " \ \ \NTri ) A silesiiian of experience lo t ? sdl on commission to the retail tru lo only. In Kansas and Jsebraska. our line of Unit o.ips. mittens lesKinux , etc etc Ad ilres- with n fi'rt-neo , 'Ibo IvInderhooK Knit. tln C'j , Klndi rbook , Cue Co. , N. \ . -\\rAM'KD"Moilianlcs , inlner-t. lumbermen \ \ c'lerks bookkeepers , snlisinin fnrniois laborois and men In all e-a p.ieltles to conio to Me > toin Orison and accent | osltlim at moie tli in llv Inn waiscs This Is aii.ut of thoivoild not only e < nul to , but e\ci-llnnr nny olhtr In nntuial \ \ Invlto eoi lespoud- emu from ail vvhonould fool any puh < : lblo In tcrist.ind a surevou th it all yon have to tin Is to Imcsils ite . wo inn prov o bev nnil iior- ndentnroof n doubt all that vie IHSOI i Ore- con l.oin * k Trust Co , l-t-'i ' riist st. . l'oit < land. Uiocon. Ml * m' " ' OEM'- wanted for the Manhattan I.lfi ) A ln To to represent In ill Inruo touusfn tlio stales of Notiruskiiiind lolorada Liberal contriuls eilTercd. Addriss No. liUOand J > s llee bnlldlni ; . lii'o. r Parish , sen , m'g'r for e- biaskannd I'olorudo. MT.'H T\I.rrC'TIVKS wnntnl In ovorj locality to jJ work umlor our liiBlriiotlous. n\perleneo not nocessar ) . Htiimp for nnrticnhiiash \ - liigton Doteitlvo Ageney , lloTe" , \V ishlnj- ton , lonn. M..X1 Mil lTAM'nil Men with Rood ji'foioiuo at l Mc'lropolltan M'f'gCo. , 1UW llowanlst. WTMJs' GOODS-WIGS , ETC. I'oi iiil , etc. , set top of firtt column uu f/ih page TJK. T line hair Rcxds In wostj hair dressing , JJwlusbvvltchos , bangs , lialr chillis , etc . a specially , liivlo * . hair iroods and inlllluer , y opposite poalolllce' . Ill 15th St. . ilnmlia W ! PATENT SOLICITORS. J\rrci' ) , rtc.i < toiio/Jlr l rotimii I/I ( , JATKNT lawyers and hollcllors.O W. Sue .V. JCo. . , lleo building , Omaha , llranoh olllcu at AVasblnston , t ) . C , Coimiltatlon free. OW WANTED FEMALE HELP l\imitti etc . tef tup nf Ant column ( til f/il p < ly < " \ VNITIisirl for coneral Innismork , T 1 Herman preferred H l PodKO ! M ) S * \\'AN1ii : ) Hood clrl for | ! omrnl lieu - , , ' ' ' ' wrk sin llnrnoj -'s--1' \VANTIH A Rood ttlrl for Boncral hou e T > w.rk Iniulre. ls | t orbv si. .1 * AA'AMPP-A cmid trlrl for ttoneral liouso. k lininlrc' of llr. IHv N. ' 'Ill Ciiinlne M. \\rANTii : > Clrl for Rcnorat housework > i ilooii n.iRos to rltfht party I' , our ! ! r > tliniid.loiiLH M'.MIS \VANirii-IMnlne riot" slrl- " | s" BIMxl klti hun Rlrl , MeUuekln hotel , So Onmlm ! 's4 li' A VN II' " l d ) audits.New iioods'J > > splendid Holllinr articles Cat ihmie free , l.adlosuiuilj Co , JS ? \ \\ntliliiuiiin , Chloairo FOR RENT-HOUSES. l-'ornttii.rtf . rrr < n | > i > f ( Irnl column on tliln l > i3" 1jKU Hl'\ 'olcirant ll-room houses , Nos M > 7 and 'J.IIO Douglass ! 1 nuiilrc of A A ( iliilstuni > I 110 UoiiKliisst. . or lllobu l.oin niul 'Print I'd. M',1 * ICtli st. t ) HI'NT l.nrcc iiiiiili'in IIOIIMiitl Ini- M inciiN. K < M | Uiln , fuucs snutli on I' f clllo MI . motor line mill | in\tiiniMit Will "H'l , fiiriiltuni If ilHlrd ( ( IHKO lot , ii-nt per tiionlli Amos Muni ito Agency , IV ) ? raraainsl _ IV yon H Ish to rent a bouse or store sec II P. t uli' , ( ontlnent d block | U 17011 * KKN'Imom liome , Kll onth SJnd J stioet , to family without chlldien SIM'AM lie iti'd lilts iH7uU S tcth , Thos. 1' Hall.Ill l'.i\loiiblook. | f ( M\t \ HKNI'-ronrO and 7-rooni Hats vvllli i ? hith , hot wiiMr. otes paiod slieol ; neu liimni'ssi nil liiiiiroM'ini'iitH : only ti" > pot mo. KitfiiMiios tcinilriil 'llio Jk'.itl InvL-ttnu'iit I'o.JI. Ik-u liiilldliu. Wi _ ipOR 11I.N P-NoHly iiinorol Hut niul " "ton- " , ' 11.10 N. lMh-.t. M-'iMO' _ HPN r-riut for rent and fiirnltuio tor IfOU . nut tlut lUlit , lilO LoiHi-nworUj. J/1OU 111 N'T S room IIIIIHP.C loom IIOUM > . .1 1 p iiuiton. 'iiiDi'iipitoi ii\i' . _ jro-ir $11 oii l or rout. 11 ID-room niodorn hoii'.r. with film no. bilh : ! , city waters no.u Piu ulru lit HOl'axtoii lilook. 2.W-7 * " " ) ItHNT-in nioiii LrloU Iniuso , Islfi DIK | O st. , film , ii o niul all inodorn Itnpriix LIIICIIIS. Iloul uiid . ullij . 1.1 , Hoard Ti iik . S > s UiVI-12-ro : ( > montr.illy ( Inonliil u".l- ilonci" < : all modem convenient iss tin1 II 1101 In tliu cltv. \ \ . U. Human , rooms ti mid 10 , rifii/t'fblK. M > Mia WP. think wo ln\o tlm lieu oyoii wish to lonU lluinly X C'o , IbllL'apltol a\o .110 M ? FOR RENT FURNISHEID ROOMS J'n intf.rtr , ccroii//iis ( | ( roll ! HIM ( ill f/if / imtff TjlOlt KI.M' Nlcoly fiiinUhud rooms. f > 50 JL1 outli l.tihsticot , tuma 1. l'- _ _ T ll UMMI I.I' looms , 101U C.ipltol uutuio. . "iroll IIHNT rninlslioil rooms ; tl o fi room- * - * fniulslieil AMU Hull funiitiiru on tlmi. I.IJ.'l'aiiitol .noiuic. M''lt-h * rp\\u or tlinoooniiiiiiulciitliiz rooms , nontly -1 fiunlslied MMOtid lloor. Ilistclnss bo inl. KiffroiuosfM.'lmiiitod. KMC.ipltid AM oor- ' ' * IILllltllst --H'-C _ , \ M'\T fiirnlsliud room for ii < nt with err - rultliout bo ml : stiutii liuat. Kofi lonoos. llI.NT-l'iiinlslii.d rooms 1C07 SMAJ.Iiroom , ITOlUnpltoI IOJ 'room vIth alcoio. cm tains , mantel , heat K.IS b it h. . ' clo-ets , foi 'J wnl h men erin in m and w Ifc1 , tin IK ) pur month ; ' "UT fe ilth ! st , ST CI.AIK nuropoia hotel , uith dlnlni ; room ; sieini heat la all looms. Kith and Dod o Special Lite's by week 01 month 'M ' "IjlOlt UP.N I' Furnished looms , gas bith and JL1 steam. 1' > 1'I ' llumiul. lU ' _ TJOOMs and board , 1 'J Chicago 1\ Mr.2-7 * JAHCK , olcnantiy furnished loom \try iei- : Jionalilu. ailfl Douglas ITa 7 * "IJIOIl UP.NT A line fiirnlslicd room In inod- J ern liomo roasonably. siiltihln for one or twosenlloinui Apply ( SB boulliKitli street.y . y n 1 I ANlsMPIY ) ( furnished front looms. II steim heat , gas , b.ith. 711 South Idtb.'d lloor. " jav TTIUU UiNT-runilshul room Dodge st X1 M7s | m , ll * IjlOlt l.r.NT 5 rooms , ono lloor , 11'J Jackhon X1 street. JIS10 "IIIOII KENT Nicely finnlslicd mom for two - - ( 'onlloineu or nririlod conplp , tl.'on. llat H Tdttuthst Call iiftirSp " ' J1471 Mil "NT KIV fnrntshen rooms , ill modern eon- 1N \ unloiifiUNlth. . .iOU .M7 * jlDIl KENT T outj-livo rooms In a brick block : peed locution , with 01 without fnr- o r Divio ivni iiiiiitii st 'i'ni.ti FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. lull tut" , etc , tef tni > nf fit tt raluiiinnn thta jiaye. TjlOK KPN I' Two south front rooms with JL1 Ilistilasboanl. . Applv 1S11 Dollop street. MJOJ-I "I ) DOM and board , il.CO. Uoutilasstrort M.'WI U < IjlliOM'room , with boardIn small fimlly ; J desirable home ; USD of pi mo ; loferoiucs exchanged. ' . ' 110 ll.irncy. JIS-.M- ? ' IjlOll KENT ulto rooinssiiltablo for KOII- - * tlonim and wife , KIIS , hot .mil cold watir boiril ItdesliL-d. 'JOOl hurt st .Til-t * GOOD board and room for two , J" > 00 per vviek ' 'ill.l lliirney stuet. M O-IO 1IEOANTIA' fninlsliod rooms ; modern Im- liioM-ments Mist ol-iss table boanl Terms reasonable Li ) " X Isth st HO 1) ) " North rUh. lloonis with bo ird. Mrs. II 411 A. Cliuiohlll. Ml'lL'r ' * 1DH UI'.N T rnrnlshod room with modem Improvements , with or wlthon bond. Kill DotiKiasbt ? ( 7 * V HT1.V furnished room , with bondill : ( -L > DoiiKlai M l l ? * 1J1OK 1HZNT I.nily wishes roommate , with J-1 bo.uU. Maienpoit st. 70Mi' l > OOMb Xbo iid.reasonablo plUes.l'rrJ ' Dodco IX linti * "IJ1OK HHN P-A I irRO , fluoly fiunlslied room -i- with boaid , ton man and wife ' 1 he most pleasant part of elty nnd private fiinill ) : no other boarders ; icforeiieos Address 1147 , llio. " FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED l\in \ utti , etc trctnpaf flint tiiluinn on thlt jxij/c I f'K ' llBlit liousi-Kooiihu. two float rooms In -L llat on motor lluo , muikin uiiivutlcn is. J1V , N JT.thst. 'MOC , * | ) MK ) 1SKM' . ) looms , unfurnished , fet J. hoii ekecpln. ; , 'JOS N , Uth t. , pilco < V ) . FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. . HI'NT Desk loom ; 1510 rtirnuiii : JL1 ground lloor. MJtW U' I'm Kidn , etc , * cctn } > of fist cnlfinn nn thin \Mijf. \ T\l. " > K room for tent nt loom WJ ) New York . ! - / life. M31J-7 . . IinM' A corner s-toie , line location for Kioeoiy. hardware or dt IIK stoio ; nut lei- T C Ittiiiiner , room \\aro 1 block 201) ) 7 s : s nt 70"i " . Iflth ; steam . rhoinns I' . Mall , ail l'a\ton block. KM _ "If OK HKNT-Tho l-siorybriekbulldinjwlth J or without power.forniorly occupied iiy the llio I'ulilishlii. I'o , DIG I'arnnm st , The build- in , : has a Hupioof cement basementcomplete btcnm heating liMiircs.wiiteroii all the lloors. Cas. ote Applj ut the otllco of The lice. 015 1J1OH UHNT A line cormr loom , aEiMxllo- -1 cation for n liquor hiloon , rent verv cheaj ) . X. n Apple , room \\nrobloc-k. 1 \ \ . 'J09 7 171OK ItKNTOr sale , my building on Jones I3t , bet. 10th A. llth. U.A.UndriuUtlUlU& l.'ilb.Ul7 Ul7 l- iv HCNT Ilrlck warehouse , two htorles idiih ; b.iscionnt , hvdraullo oloMitor , track age ; bcdt location In city. A. C. Powell. 91' ) "I71OK Hl'IsT Moro room , M\77. ) In nuw Clou- ' JrylmlldliiK on ChlcuKo btnet , Just west of 1 lit li street , t. > 0.00 per month lneliidfiu toun : licit and city watur : also liisvincnt mltntlo for xhop , on corner 10th and Chicago stiooU , * .V,00 per month , llobcrts , 10'J North Ifith. If OK KKN'-1'.irt of business building 1.IOS -L rarimin htreot , ( onslstlni : of Moro and upper lloor with olllcu rooms. Inr.ulto of John U , K. Lchmunn , Wl S. 17th btrouU JIIOO STORAQt. I-'i'rrattt , rtt * trti > itn/IHft minimi ( HUM * pdtff. " IUAIM : .srmnfbosistorftRO'"for ' furniture \\olKllll _ I'arimmnt. l | J HKMT trni'kiiKP nnd KtoraRO bulldlmr In Uinnlni. I'nln-d Stnlos KiivuriuiiPiit bonded warehouse Ilinneliobl KOIMN Htorrd and oared for UiweM intu Kiinranti'ud. W M. Hn h- iniin , 101,1-101 % l.onvonworth I'M WAN1ED-TU RENT. I'oi rttltt.rtri > cttn ) > Jflr t foliinui Tx/AS'l ni-lliHiin ) and bond for fiontlontin > ' and v lfo : must bo pleasant location ! best ( if roft'iemo RUtMi. Addresji , ntnllUK lorms , box liH elty. _ M-"HJ ! ! \\7ANTIll-.VIionsi ) of about ton rooms. M well linlit. modern IniiirovctneiitS dinlr- nbly loe-itod with a Inwn ; not In a low , Anyone ono Inn Ini ! neh u hou o to rent iiddri's Hooin 1" , I'h.imber I onitnoito. _ l-l-'i \\TAN"l'ril- I'o rent bvApilll , ftorsroom ' house , modern Address aii'i Oodtfo. DENTAL AGtNCY. ft l n/f / . rle , fee Mp ol Ilift celionil on l/i / ( | > li/f. Jl I'yonr hou es to ell or uat vvllli t ) , 1' Jllaril-oii tUJ N V Life. 1 > H _ Ul'M'Alj Auenl-ni'ri .1. I'inil , IIWD I'tirn im striel , tnnUos BIII il.ilty of rentliiK honiesj sloios , Lie , nnd udloitliiK lents MV)7 ) \ \ r lit ) has houses and stoios to rent ? 1 h iv o ' * lots of eiistiimeis ,1.11 I'nnotlo's Ken- ti < Aiitie > Ibl h .mil Police. bTllM-V ) II I. COI , I. , tuntal iiKoney.Conllnon'al hlk. PERSONALS. J'or Kifr * . rlr , fa ( up o//iul nitnmii on \\rli | | sumo Kind Kdith man help a Indv' Address r.,7. llee. M. i | l. 13riMAlWanted to Know the nddrosiof I s , \ \ . Uo eiilicru who Is smiposod to bo In Um. ih i. I'lcase i ill al the nlHto of the Hi e S.II-C * J'm inlr < , etc , iccto ) t'if ff ; < t fo/mnli / on Hit * jrtflc JO r Small do . sluiRKy hair , hlneK nnd Jtui , voi ) llbunl n.'uaid ' Hcturii lJI7Noilh 17th. ! . ; . ) li" _ 1 ( ) > r llor < n. Iniel.skln lolnr ; I front foot Public. 1 uliltn stripe on foioho id , Dl-ioK mnnennd I ill. A Junson , bliuksmltli shop. . ' . ' ' . ' ' ' . * Jl. N 'Ithst. L' < J t. _ FOR SALE FURNirUFETrc57 . V < iatctetti > rrtni } < ifflift column on l/ih / jdic. ; I71OU ' ALl' rnrnltnre In 7-room honso ; -1 house for rent ; opp Hanscom p irk , north. All modern convenlonees. laiiudro l-oo \ Nloliol , iMIi nnd I.e.ivinworth JNU EI.l'OAM' nnn fiirnltiiro of 7 room llat ohe.ip. i : 0 , loc ! > olllco. IbO 8J ' AI.Il-At private fiile. furniture nnd stoics ! MJUH. .Mary's n\onnc. _ lll-s * FOR SALE HOTRS"ES WAGOlNS ETC7 J'oi idlfj ) , etc , tee toil nf fnul codiinii oil/ifji ) / payc. I I Oilers and mules , cash or e ny jiavments. 1 Vail or .nldicss lluivKojo lnCo. . , room ,1,1. DoilKlix bloeU , Oninh.i , Noli ll" > ( > IJA line llanildelonl. in .1-year-old cell next May , well hroko sink'lo 01 double , with line reid catt. harness , blankets , itc. l.VJ DiuiKlas st. 2B-li 1 0115VI.H riieiip , W.IKOII and double work 1 harness.orlll ovi banco foi ImcKboird. ilso peed side b.ii luiRKy , ibeap 11 , 1 tolo. t'oiitlnont.ilbulldliiK , U4J _ ) Jn head horses for s do or e\oh iujjo for Rood JOin din icil est ito in-ire-i and Reldin s one jo ir old and up ; hot ( I contains \\estein m.iros with eiosses from Impoitid pereheron stallions , nlso rrossos fioni trotting , coieli and riiniiln , ' sliiLU. lor Unus and putleu- lirsapplvtj K , U. Klmlull. 1.JU.IS , th : ne . Uiiiulia. Neb. 17'i S' _ FOR SAUTE COWS. J'i lalct.etc , tcetnioffli ) < tenliiinn oil l/ifs / jidyr IjlOIt sAI.I'or Piadu A lot of o\lri fiosh i- milk co s at "Jth .ind l.c-avunwoith si. 1J101 ! SAI.n-MIlk cows , r , head of line fresh L1 milk COMS at ni ) y.ud'itliand Unit si I" S.,1 ester. it o * TjlOU bIdT , \ iTid mllUi cow. j7iT lu- Jinont , , > l > IJ li if lyetto avenue. I < U'D FOR SALE IVIIbCELLANECUS. I'lii'iatcf , cc. ( , crclon o//ii < rofionii onlijuiyc. / ( . HIjACK oarrl.-iRo team , victoria , harness , complete ; hoi so , saddle or b irness. Kiul- \ \ IKOII ( Siiniison'fl ) . Piano ilvlinbaH's ) Milch COIN I ash , ohe.ip. M ilot Duller , 1 oitOmnha , or I'h irles llntler , Wl riiinain. M.WI-0' 1.000.000 liIck tin sale by M. IliU'hes . . gun. L Council llliilN. Mlll-14 Jjlull t-ALI' A st indard in.iko iiirl'ht ] pi mo , but llttli ) used , at a sicrllleo. Must bo sold at once. Call ntUllJ L'aidwoll U'l llir. brlci , .00 per thousand. C. I ) Wood- vvoith , lil.1 Douglas st. oo " " J710K SAM : Phino. H\- \ > ; "oTirliiln desk , W. -L' and boelis. I'i2l hei-mnii ave 4 s WANTED TO BUY. I'm t die * , dr. , fit'lnjtni III ! > t column on thin A \7 AXTI Dllolli rtop desk , cheap , at once _ Jl' ' ' ' v > 'rth'1"t'"t'.l. ' ' ' ' . MW5-7 1711 TlN ITi'iE : lMiiBht ) , sold , itoied. Wells -L1 1111 rarnamst. _ Ulli \ \ ANTr.n-.ioi7Tol or small H t ok o f v"al 1 ' paper. AddresaV , McichantV Hole ! , i\otei : , Nob. 1'17-h * \ \ 7ANTr.DAnvthlim. . mdsc , fuinltuie. hoises bustles Will buy iinythlmi you have foi s do or soil It for you. liobeit 1 niton Auction and ( . 'oinmUsloii Co , 1111) ) , Douglas .Street. Om.ihii 171 W ANTIID-s'mJh' , llat top slttln , ' disk. I'lill Hliniuul. UII Jones .Mill MISCELLANtOUS. /'or inff-ietc. , ) > r < : fopo//isicolumn / on l/its pryr. MA sAOi : tic'atinent.oloctro-thorinnl baths , si dp .mil hill lieitmcnt , iniinleuru ind ihliopodisl Mis. PosWl'l'/jMSth.WlthnellblU ' ' iU7 MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. I'ddJw , ftc , Kcetnpnfflint column onM.s ( ) idjc. ; BKI'OKr. bii hiK a nlano examine Hut new scale Klmlmll piano A.llosnol5lt DoiiKlat , . GI'O. P. ( iollenbeek. te.ichor of the banjo , uith llospe , l.M.I - ) ' ) IIIAVl'a tu\\ new pianos for sale awfully chiap , as I have uono out of the piano busi ness. ; Jonason , rainain and llth slh. W 'f FINANCIAL. IjllH&T A. second moi leases on vacant \ Im- Jiiiincd i.'lti IIIOD t ounty vraiiantsboiiu'ht. Money on hand I' . AI. KIc-h ucl.soii.8ia N Y.I.Ife MONEY TOLOAN RAL ESTATE I'tinatc * , etc , HCLtnji nfJiiKtcnlinnu onii ( / ( pnyc MO.NKY lo lo.m Un leal ustato , Installinont inoitKiiKo ; nuvv plan ; o sj monthly piv- inonts I'm full particulars call on 01 uil- diess rmteil Males Loan , V Investment Co , rooms ( Xl ) and dOJ lleo building , Um.ihi , Neb.D M'jy ; All _ _ MONKV to In in on Omaha property , ridel- lt > Titist company , lull 1 arnam 3K1VATH money to loan. J , 1).lule , UII N. V. Life. pj'i _ B inTrrMNO joaTTs , tlto 7 per cunts no addl- tlyiial Lhar ux foreominlssloaoratloiiiov 't , feus.V. \ . 1) ) Molklf , 1'lrat National hunk bld' . Ifi I _ _ _ _ _ _ KHA tt Kstnto Loans Cash on baud , ( dnho l.o in iindTinst t'o . ItOTS. IHtbst Nodilny , no extra. ( .b'liHus. Houses lo rent , Rood Ibt Or A. C M. Anthony.IIHN. Y Mfo hulldms. It ml money on fiirms la oholco uoiintlosln Nuhraska nnd Iowa , nlsoon 3001) ) Onmlm K > M- deni'u proportyj loivest rales ; host tornisi no ilolaj : money icady. Titles and valued iwssod on iiere. DM M ON HY to loan on Improved city property atourrent rules ; funds on blind : no de- lay . Gco , r llliibt A. Co.M ItnniKobld'tr. U5I EAbTKHN moneyOllt edged Inslilo loans wanted. Phlliidulphlii MortKauo nnd TiuslCo.l. W. P. ( ' Tlloarduf Trade _ 7KAL Hstntn Louiu-M , 0. Macleoil. UN X. tYl.lfobullilliiit. 701 MSU MO.MY : to lonu on rml eat'itu ; loivuit ruta U J. C'jswell , Hlfl.N. V. l.lfo LM-M DUS I U A II Llf foani plucod without uiiy trouble. A , K. lllloy , roomll , block. M7M ui'-'l MONEYTO _ LO/JJN-CHATrEt.S / , for ntc * , ttf. , ttt Joj > ofli t column on thIt piicff. MONT , Yon hind to loan on Impniiod orini- Improu'd properly Uhatlos \ \ Hnlnoy. Omnlm Nsllon il bftiiklibh ; M as-ia * MOSr.Yto loin by U l'r.Mn tors onolnttol and c'olla t oral si'iu rules for any II mo from 1 to 7 mouths , In uny amount to salt bor- rovM'i Loans made on household poods. plamH or- Kan , her es , nudes , housr * . loii es , warobimso rooolptsot < < . .iitlho lowest possible rules Milli on ! publicity or removal of pnniert\ . M ) loans are so arranged thai > oncan mnko .1 payment of any amount at 11115 time and re duce both priiiilpal and Interest. Ifyonowo n balance on vonr proportv or haven loin yon \\iiiilohmuoil I will pay it olT and cart ) It for.vou. If > ou tlnd it inotocon- vonhnt. call up tolcphonn No iiiJl and Jour business Mill lie arnuutodat homo. Money alwason band.odelay , Nopub- lloltj. Lowest rates II I' . Masters. ItiHim4 , Wlthnell blk. , 13th and llarne ) Ms. HAT I HI , buil. . H' ' | , i , loms money C oiuhaltolsol loll.itoial at HMSOII ibk rites BUblNEbS CHANCES. bnslne s location neir "S" street , v. * s'diHli Oinalia. llutchlnson A.cad. \ . JI107-0 IHI ( K vaid. ground and modern macbln- I * cry. llnttliliiMin A.ead \ , I5'l Poiiclns. | KI Jl.sus o 'PitNSITU line for silo. forTiTshTilo tlio 1-highest bidder , at 10thind V streets , Lin coln , Neb , March'-'I , I1-1) ) ! , at Up m , 1 will sell a oomiilelo transfer line , , is ninles nnd horses. .Odrijs .mil ( oal nKons. I now furnltnio vans , 1 lieu fr.imo bun. IH\ ) | . ' Hiife iiiiulnu iniichlnory , harness and olhor ullcies. 1' 11. I'loi-on , iccolvir Ssrt JO * " 1.11) ) IT I , for silo or trade w Ith ptidd pahon- J 1 lure , lee iled In M > ntho-isiorii Neb Ulll sell for put ensh nnd bidonio on easy piv- nienls 01 \ > lll tiado for stin | < of iieneial mdso , driiKsoi ImproM'd land In Ihlsimtof the slat' , s-end for photo. Adihuss , ilov 111. " uNeb. . KMT "ITIOIt SALP.-A milk d.ilrv on 4lh ) ( St. , and * I'nloiiavo.iii.Aiiihisiin ' \ iNt-i'j * $ MO will buy i coed pajlmi restaurant and oliop house. llMnroH anil furniture and ono year s le'ise. on prim Iplo luislmss street Kent } . ' . > Addioss P IM. lleo Jl ii,8-s , * $4(00slool ( > of bools and shoos for s lie or trulelll \ ( 'lvo a libel il discount for e ish. llobcit 1'nlton.t I'o. Ill1' ' DoiiBlisst 561-11 t-AIJ-larber : ] Khoji ili.'T. 1 Ith st. st.r.7 r.--7 * iI' stoeknf croceiles and llvturoa , liberal discount ( ? lvtn for e.Hi. .limes Whclnn SOS N. Wtli st , M.'IT 7 * 1" > ANIC stoi'Ks for sale , O. II. ltimo\vs. > NoirolK Nob. ' 'OS FOR EXCHANGE. fV > ; 'iiiraffr. ( , frcto ) > vj first column on thltpngt. ] .J"AVn treed lots nnd fnuns lo o\chanr'o- 1 good boiscs or inulOrt &co mo at once Itoom 41'l , Hue bulldbiK. MHO-7 * 1 JO acres line farm land , idolnlni | ; coed Ne- hriskn town ; no.iily cji u lliO aoi tsllnolv Improved Kind 2'J miles from count ) seit In N'obrisk.i ; lUhlly encumbered lM acres need land In Nebraska , 5ndlesfiom count v siat : JW inhabitants .mil lot m town In ; clear. lot In plod Ni > hin k i limn. 4-inom house and lot , bun. violl nnd cistern. IfJthstu ( t. Um ilia , Mlghtlr encumbered , will trade foi Omaha property and assiimeoncum- brMnoos. II. i : Cole , C-ohtlnontal block. IWO Oil \'CIIAN I < : iT-A c' < iupl.iof . very choice lots , jfith , ivo and Undue- for llrst-clnss clear Iowa farm HO KS & Ulll , llUsl'arn tin st C10OI ) family hoisc , for piano. Addiessbox < JJ7. , , .1)7 ) 1.1 * " \\rAVini- To trade for .1 stock of eh mrs T > Hot , dt < . city. , , id' ' ) TOOK TilOi : IM-acrJ ) farm near Rood Ne * -L' in.isUn town.U10lcir ortiadeeiiulty ; a bar/aln ; havo'i out Address , K ft.1 t.uc lloi" T7H J. inopeily i for ohiirJ6wa ) and mstom Ne braska f.ums ; clear lulu , , liorsts ami c.ittlo foi stocks of nn robandlsu.V. . IL Homaii , rooms 8 and 10 , Preiuer blk ( Cfl Ml OR SALE REAL ESTATE. I'oi iicfr. ( . , ecc fop ( i/yim ( tofnmn on thli jiiri/r C1I.LAK farms In Holt , lioel. . llrovvn and ' ICoyn Pah i counties forsde ; oed homes reads for.i living. Hooin 411) , lleo buildIIIK .Mil 1-7 * ) llores l ) near rioronce , $2OJO ; ( .0 acres 11 -J miles southwest , ifJ-'lK ) Iliiuhlnson A. , ri'1 DoiiKlns MulHJ-'l ' $ lvn cash and flM)0 ) on live \eais' tlnid at 7 pel cent will buy a line faun of Id' ' aires In noillio islern Iowa , mostly under cultivation ihiil-lhe aeies seeded to tlinoth ) : rilsod ijl.ofll ) worth of ui i In last u > u . four miles from line rallio id villain , w llhln four hourildi , by i.illroul. of DnhiKiuo. 1'lno diliy and iiiln : eonnti ) A KIO.U hin.iln This ad will not appiai iin-aln K. I ) . ( Jhassoll , Lc- Mais , la. M.'i'i ' 7 JT OUALK HiO aetes Rood land V ) bioke J- house IIVJO ; KOOI ! giovo. runnliid w.itoi , must he sold MMIII licInK In h.iuds nf reielvei Addicsst' II Novlllo , UolKliton , tti I ) 17 1)11 ) h-\LK-C IIIMP hiiTso ? , S Tooins , new , -1 noai eliotile inotoi , , Hth stnet. neai I.eav- onworlh , cnsv ( onus. UiuiJO \ \ . P. loites lop 7 , Ilo lid Trade. M'-'O-I-U | 7UU SALi : { ltiUOone-half Its value , now-ri- -1- loom eult.i.'e ullli good lot neailicet c-ais , easy toims. must bo sold.oMiioi loav- liiKelty N. Mielton , Kill rarnaii'st. M'Jfi HI'.NT HoMral irood houses , in and II iflOlv 1 looms , on lilph sehonl hill , All iiioiloin ( onienlcne-s and In llrst-class coudlllon Th O. I' Davis Comp my. 'JK-ll S I'P.ClAIj lliiin'iiln Lar/e lot , UlvP > T foot , 4 blocks f i oni l.owe n vu and Cum litest , lays splindld ; } l.i > U , nail c isb , or will undo foi farm. Addu-ss K. li , Men 111. l.'d and Casssts FOKi-imthOi-.ahapropoity buslno-.sliaok- IIKOOI leshlenee L'O to the h.acllnn u il es- tatedoal rs In South Oiiiiih i , Kd Johnson A Co. , loi. th mill N sts. M7H FOK SM.II-t'hiMii. 'Iho nsldoiieo at ' . ' .110 I'leidi striet. it a Ini .iln foi u felavs onh Iho Npb , IStoam liiundo , Kith anil Howard stiouts ( Mil A II , \v intlny farms ; tioniellmnlo. \ . in irKets and soil. Addiess ( J , K. I.amlUIneland N. .1. MIT. A'J' "ITIHU s-AhH Illoel , of twolvo. Miuth fionl -L ; lots , HMO block of imitot , ovvmd lij non- teslilont , foudl sale. His bargain.S ilahl .1 I.asbniy , li > Jt llounid. _ MI'U-'J ' ' FOU SALK 7-room house and lot ; : \\-n \ \ It- loom house and lot , at a birualn , Inoulrn owni _ r , aiUMroy , ! _ 1)71 ) M'-7 * , 1 n ( ) N I U ( , t7- 01 I ) room hoii o and fjill corner lot , W.TO.OO , monthly p lyinont , 01 ujlf liailu farmer or uniahn lots Aildie > a IJio uwntu at 4.'d and Cass htnots , U ( J MerrJIL _ JsT Foil * - \ Mitr : : i li.triiilii C'holco M\U'i , with Inilldliiz : rontA JIOO.W IK r mo : ono blnil. finm newl' . O. l/.l / > . ( neen , K. J-.l llui- loL'k . " _ _ _ . pr-UOOM bouse , lo' IUx' f ? l,7nn ; nlso d-rooiii 'Jlmiiso , lot .11' , xS.1 , s ci' ' ( > or. lltb and \ Inton st.t..iKHi Ilrlilc hmiMi lot'JlMj ) . n. o coi Uith and Uousl ia , S.W.OOJ MH'Mtuhliiiiiii ' , Sl'JI b llth rornif < , ffr. , f-fijiii/yiMliroliiiiii ouf/ifo / jiiii/ ' . * f\l \ ( know yom fnturqigt ) to Mrs Stover. 4M ( JL N.101listu et..ld UOQM .M I H h * _ MAhfrAOK .Mailiuii 71iIUlor | , ovcrdin i1 1 Ith M Itil-Ad' _ _ _ _ _ _ 'J > _ \\rAN rr.D-AU hhouffiAuow .Mrs , llr. De ft , s in , the lady mlndiioador | and foiliine teller : tells pibt and futuio ; him N the host evoi heiu ; Isispiclill } lUophi all iiintilmo- nul all alls and mjslorlons ( llsaiiicai | , IIH'S ! , don't Inn , hell or KO on n journey until you unisnll linr ; she eiin uan forlull Its roHidts ; I- tiiithfnl and relialilo ; perfict h illafuctlon un iiantiod by mall ; soiiil two stamps for II- InsliatL-d cliculiu , , UJ North loth si. . Umahii Nob. IS1-I1J _ MIEN NniinloV. Wai nn , olali \ ojunt. Iranco speaMn/ , wilting nnd tulliiblo linslnosi iiiL-illum , foui } ears In Omaha , HUN , luth. H.'i MI18. POUT , palmist fortune teller la the ( lypsy way from the lintof the hand ; fee , ii ; hullna only MJ h. ICtli st. 455 in 13 * " \ IKsWAM.AOi : , olalrvoynnt ; naturally -If I nlfted ; tells past and futmu.loui troubles , ubsont frlonds , change's , tni\ol , buklucsi. IMS I-'ainaiu slieut. _ } jt.Vl h * PAWNBROK'ERS I'oi i titis etc. , tec tojtvfflnt column on till * ] TJIItr.1) Mohlo loam monoy.cor. rurnaiu&lltli DRESSMAKING. rorratrttle.tttnimfAi'l roluinti on f/iliuii / | ; ? . -ITVVOAOrMKNTsMododriMsiiiakhi * 1TJ Illes solicited. Miss Murd ) , ailii llnrney street MSi | | _ _ _ "i\l US. II C. MOSTH , the funnm lreet dress- iMinaker , No 'J-JCW f.I.MI. % MISS 1lrndyrronch dic smnklmsittoiii , U. Jll , Mieelyblk.MillolH pill niiiiice of the Ins - " ' s rojsoiuible'.satlsriutloiiKilaranteod NKI-m-l.-i MASbAGIi , BATHS Km > att'ttf.rt fojioflint / rodinui mli ( / ( < piiM' | MASsAii ( : MaiT u IH'izioi over PIU nTlTli M I6l-Ad A 1 ASSAdi ; linth nt Miiilnino finllli's parlors IT 1,1.1 Hour. 4.M N 1.1th ( . UJJ l.c _ " " FOR ENT MISCEULANEOUS. J'oi inlittte.MftHi > of fit t roluinti ( i ( /ifciiiuc / | , T/m fsX 1 1 , n-.Cn'TT "lire p"i ooTsTf7T lTnliiii7ro * - nt llotloii Moro 1 > I1 . . - of tlriiK iionll \ - lines slum OHM'el < - , 1 * . O box ,17' ' I'll " 'llll-j IUO\lt'V .llAKKCr. I NsTKPMOTf. placed uti record March 0 , 1Is'JI ' , IIEK1H. O P Itorlrandnnd wlfo to M S Palmer. lot , \l , st.w irt I'l ii-o U- . " > 0 W II I'riry tel < Dim UK , nnd ' 4 lots 4 toS , hlk J. Mel oimlcU i.'d add 2,500 lleltlo lt oilier to t C.l.iv.lot II , blk 0 , ( oilier I'liuK . . . . . . A Dl'iapsoi in r Plliaih.o 4) ) feel of w M fi ul of lot 7. blk - ' . Unit llos s of a , line 1 is foots of n line said lot , Or- ohaul Mill . . " .000 Josephine lllt-ehslelu to Ksthor I Iso- ninn. li 10 fiel lot 14 , blk I , lluii-oom I'lneo . I.T50 U ( I lloock to ABIHH H lloocli nits land II to II blU I , Hoiii-k's sob . 2,000 r. 1. Maxims tub Dlloward , lot d. blk 7 , ( In-hard Ulll . 1,000 Ci I ) MilreiiM and wlfo lo riilladolldila HUH tc iL'innd trust lompitiy , lot ' . * U mil s ( I feet hit a I , blk I , Mayno 1'lieo ' .sOl Mercer A\OIIIIO ItnlldliiK association to I ) \ -lioli s , lot M blk .i \ \ alniil 11111 6,000 J II Uoessli ; nnd vslfn to Aunos II lloock , bits Imil I - ' blk - . ' . lloock s sub . 00 D It shannon nnd wife to f A II u rls , lot n , blk l > , Highland 1'laulots U' , .11 nnd s'J ' lot U. Slowait I'ltue , lot' ' , blk IP , I'opplolon ' I'.uk ' . . . 10,000 Mnriaut Sptllman to ( ! s lion iwa , n ! lil feet lot IS luidsIWfeet lot IT blk "I' , " llorhaUi'ssuhof llorhieh's 1st add . . 8,500 .M M sloinan 1,1 1) V hholis , lot 11 , blk I , \\alnntlllll 3,000 li M 1 alnitiKonnd nlfotol ) Vsholo" . lot blk 1 , .Maine's ' 'd add . . . SBO ! ! 1'olor A Tukiy and wlfo to K \ \ Koir , lot P ) . blk 7 , * llllon Ulll . . . 5,150 John Wilson mid wlfetoUNS J , } man. lot 'b Mlllnrd , vt"s , idd. . . M MatildaIIson and hushiiul to 911110. st , lot 17. lilk 8. Ilihldeio , and lot . ' . , blk lri. Iled foul I'l no . S.I .John Wilson nnd wlfo to samo. s't lot IB , blk'J , llclvldoro add . U5 griT-tt.\iM iums : , N NTilw nils to I ) 1 ! l.dwnids lots to 10 , blk.llioxM ! add . . . 1 IIPKIl-t. S P Jloyd , shorllT , toV II ( 'ran loH I to ? , blk 5 , MLtornikUs''l.idd . . fi 000 Total amount ol transfers . . JV > .N > . . ' "IHPUOVElIliNTTHEORDIliroltliB'AGE1 Has featiiros wbloli arc rnp'dly i fulrlii | ! ; fo It the wumest apnroval of those who hive hail ( \poilomo In t v pe-w i Itlas. The illtin- indit Is perfect , and for speo J dnrililllty and uasoof operation It o innot booxeellod ( * om- ii'irlson ind test hi\o shown It to Ijo Iho best In the inatkut The Smitli Premier TypB-Writcr Co , , P. . 11. MAYIIiMANAGIU : Olllce , 1000'j ' Fnrnam Streo , Omaha , Ne ITYPEWRITERS RR1LWRYT1MECRRD CHlCAt.O , HI UIIMMLKN &Q. Arrho * Om lm Dt'put 10th nml Miisun strootd Oiuthi K"l . n i j .v t n I situ * . . I > opot10tli ' _ ini-1 Vlasijn itrceti | _ tmalin ) 'KnniivsT'Uy Dnr Kipruss . | (110 in J41J1 mjK O vlitl I' Train ( ' .15 m 1 UNION 1'ACIKK I Arrlvni Depot 10th iinil Vlnrcy Hlreeti 1 ( Jnmlii iritjKxpross . . r.'O'inni Denver 1 nru . . ,1 Vi p in Ovirliiml Hyor . . HUTi 11 m I'aclllo llxpruas 1 1 4 * < a u Icuvua "ClIlGACU. ft I .V 1'lCfHC , Ounlm. U 1' depot. lOlb ami Jlircy st Dtniibn ( MO p ra' . Mfcht Kj ircsa 11)05 ) a in 005 iv in . Allnullo IrprO's . . . , ( ilUpiii * JLi' ! nl . . _ Vt-mimilu Umltol _ . . . IJU IS _ l"cf\o < I PloUV cirY\I'AIFKV ! ( I Arrive * Omnlin | U. 1' ilopol lOlb anil Jl-irrj ; StJ I ( JniKb i l Sliini City I'maeiigcr , "Mir , x f. , . . . . Qnidliu. lU 1 * depot , lotli niul Marcy Ms I OranVrn 10 p nT' . C'hlcnifOi : | irim . . . 'i lift m ta u m . .1 IIILJXO l.xproii. . . l ) iWu m Limn l OMAHC.VSI i OLIS I Arrlvi- Oninhn. | Ur _ depot IPth anil Jlorsjstn _ | Omaha 400 pmj St LounijCaniion Hall [ 12.10 | > in ToTivni I P. li"t MT VACi.Kl T . \rrl\--s Oiuuhn Ocpiit l.'illi mid \Vetialnr Bit \ O.nnhii \ > uu a ml " Illncli llllli i l p in V(0 ( n iu | ilnitliK Kxp ( Kx Hunrtuy ) | i m 510 p in vVhtiooll.lncola 1'imoi Huail' ) ) II J5 a in ID p m Norfulk ( ni Bunilii ) ! iiUV > n m 0 hT Arrlvoi n Uniabn I ) pt IMh nnil U'ebatcr 81 Onmlm HID rv ra Bloili Olr Acrommotl itlon UO.S p m 1 00 p m HlouiCIt ) Kipnus ( ax bum lay ! ) 13(0 p ni HIO p rn fcl I'nnl Limited - . ' % iv in 6.15 ii m tlancoft l'n iiouior IOK Hinuliiy ) H 15 11 in I'Ani'li " Onmlm Dopnt ISIIiunU Wi'bslor Htn _ Onitibn io"iO fi u- Bt I.diils \ K I 1C i iron * f , ifl i > in -JI5 p nn I.oavug I ClilT'ACiO H I .OTAI'IKIU , TArrlvni " Truiufoi ] Union lo- ii I'niini-ll Illiitl * . _ | Trnnif " _ r l AMI yea CIIIOAil ) U I \ IMt'lI'lt1rrlvni , 1 rnnalt-r tliiloii lciol | , Couiii'll lllulH I'lriiinlcr ( ill ) " p in . , r.Nmlit l.xprem . IVJiliviii .id' , n m . Allnnlle Dxpren I iVi u m ! < .W p 111 Ve.lltmlo l.lmllnl 1010 a m IXMVOS ICF1K AUD * Mill ! IIIV hil'KHN I ArrlMu Triumfcrl Union llupot iniinoll niiuii ITrnnnfir V 10 11 in ( hlniKoYipreil ii 00 Ini Ml ) p rn . .Vostltnilu Llmlliiil 9 ) 11 in 10Un p ro , ! : a tnrn Fl ) r 300 p m 1 W ) P m TAIIantlo.Mnll 7 SO n in tiV ) p lujlowii Acooiiiiiioilntlnii ( j. ' ejiinJ.fl.10 p in i v'oTrcmrAoo HIT A Rf fnCAirTArrlvHt I'riunfi'fl Union 11 , i il ( oiinoll lllnni , rlmmf" ' „ p m . .rhlcnun Hxprt'n t V II n ,8U , ji in . . C'liliiikQ Kipren . . _ S .IS p n K C.SI'POIJAC1 II TArrlroi Trixnifor tJn'.nn IHpot. Connell IllnlH iTrmmfif "lUin a niT .rfan . Union DoiHil. ( oiuicli lllurli. Oil p m "ST loulii ( nnnu Hull Union UeiMit. Ouuacll lllufTi U40 n m 1000 p in , Chicago liiprrii u. 706 p ni ir.ivii-ti.V : 'tS" < n . l. . . itu Tr linn for 715 o ra . .Bloui Cltr AcramuiodBllon t < 0 n 01 t)05p ) m , , tit. I'aul Uiprcii , 10CO p ui rirt : Tire n i itor.t N , Yoiut factory tnlkoil of In Slotu r.tll , Mnrtln county IHW n potttilutloH of seven souls 1'iukslon hn lot n rontnu't for n four Incli ni-tosliiii neil , \\ork to biK'ltt nt oiuv A now I'ntliolli' I'hnivli wlllwwti bo built ut ( liirrotvui , 'JUMliuul ' W foot hl lt. 'llio lloinov IVnk ooiiip.\uy will hvillil u liu o tin uitll noiir Hill Cltv this spilng. Ai soon us the stone iimirli" | * ut ( iuni'lson open un 'iH ) men will tic nhi'ii t'ui)1oinoiit | 'llilrtoi'ii thousand noroJ of i'hool laud \\lll bootToix'd fornalo nt Votmillion Mnrch vW 'l'rooi | A of North D.ikrttu'i iiillltlii ois'iiit- l/cil at Puuleltb with loity ntnu iiioiulu'ii A train load of I.OiH ) sheet ) iiissed thtoiiKlt \\c-uliiton ( ; ivcontlv , lioiind for the rosuvn- tlon It Is unlawful to Mtolj llsh lit South Oa- koli lu Urn mouths of IVliruuty , Mnrcli nnil A pi 11. 'Iho'I' mlull Hour mill will sink an olRltt- hull artesian \\ull \ for i > o\vor puriKisi.- * this sprlii ) , ' Tlio alieni ) disease In l.iMouro nnil Klddor counties Is said to bo not half ivs liul us 10- imited Dm hit ; tlio month nf IVhrimry Ilioro wits not u cinouofoio the Slous. llls ixillco unit- istiato. Trallli'oii tlio ncnihvood CVntial has Iwon sn poiiiU'd iiu.iltinn the at rival of n new online. St. riiottias is to have n.iUnniil binlc with a eipltulof ? siiUH)0 ) , anil a state baulc with f 10,000. It is i-lalitiod tltala lliulof Rood coal h.ts boon uiailoontho LonurHrululniU.m ( , ' ' ' > ' none 1'iLiio. YanUtoii collopo no\v his n duo tioup - rlulit pintio , thu jjlftof Coum'ctjatloniil Indies of VanUton. 'llio ll.i/leton poHtTlloc ! , Mllcholl , 1ms hoea dlsioiitinueil because no ono \\ill nit in postmaster 'lhosalnr\ tlio county auditors lias been redtu-oil fioni ? iUOJ In countlos ot y over to jlr > 00. An imlepoiulont pier ] \\lll \ bent nt WosHln tea Springs h > the fiirtnuis of lornuld nullity. Inlcv of Voimillioii's roroiit nmil dojr scate tlirinajor hirtordciuil nil ilogs in Hint town iiui7/lotlor shot. lit own county has f.iO.000 In the treasury and no bonds out , jet county warrants mo ut a discount of.'i porcont. In Hpinlc county nine iirtpslnn xvclls niu Honing or In ptiM'i'M of boihiij. The will vvntcr s.OOO . ucios of liiiul , Sioux Palls win i Is tin ! llrcinou'1 lourim- inciit nnil the Press says tlioy will doubtless ' sctiiro U if $ J,000 l su'hscilbuil. llolotto county fuimor-i have boon shtppiup their own and having the luiildlein.iu's prolit of 5 or 0 < outs per bushel. Auditor Kniitli oshiunlos that Mt-Pherson comity will need ,1,000 , busliols of scad in OACOSS of what is now on hind The Mclntosli Uopubliean , publisheil nt O.Oilov , Is pilntod one-half In the ICncllstinnd thuollici in the CUrtiiiin liintiuafjo. AcconliniT to tlio No\vs of Townor , Mc- Henrj couiiU , n car lo.ul of lioi'sus waa shipped from there to Atlanta , ( .in. AI. 11 Dnv of Unnid City roeently pur- cliased in CJIilcniro fs.ooil worth of ICentuckv llesli , all lejrlstcrod t i'ntor Atnohl , a St 1'niil man , stepped at n rsioiix l-'ulls liotol Wednesday ni ht and blew out the K > ts. A doctor ( nought him haelc I' , Itoilimniin died nt Dciulood Thursiluy. iiRiul slxty-sc-xon jcais Mo h.ul bu'n ai\oll ImsiiiL-ss man of Ue.ulwood slnco ISTO. 'Iho Sioux Tails "Committee of Ono llun- dt H ! " hiis In process of ptepar.ition n lurgo nnmhorof injunctions ngiiiistsaloonkocpors. Duiini ; ten days of Folmiary the Xoitlioin I'll llio niilroad compiuy paid nearly $ lOOiWK ) ) in personal taxes. In Notth UftKotu. The t.ixpajcrs of llinwti county held a ID.ISS meeting : and appointed a conmiitUo to nueatipito alleged * illegal actions of the count j bo.ini. " Hot SpriiiRs w ill havoa now court houso. The iiiiLation of bonding the couutj in the sum of ? 2. > , iW ) for that ptupoau eairiod bi : i in ijoi itj of 'JOO. The postiihistor at Spottswooa pot lone some sti > inK out on the praliionlono and tlnuw up' Ills JoU. The lixtuies wote moved tottio Donill.i ofllco. Hishop Hnio 1ms tendered a farewell rf- ception ul Sioux Kails pilotto his dopmturc foi San Francibco tind .lupaii. Ilo will bo ub-ent six months 'Ihonm Wnlkins of niaclcfoot , Idaho , after seuiiiR tivo vc.irs in the Sioux Tails tontlar.v as u United States ptisoncr on the cliai ( jo ol poljgamj , wni discharged Monday. Tlio executive committee of the South Da kota Sunday school convention has Ilxod tlio time for the next coinontion for Juno " , ' Positively cured by { these Little Tills. ' CARTER'S They al = io relieve Dis tress froml'jsix'psla , In- ! ITTLE discstlon nnd Too Heart } I Kalliiff. A perfect rom-f cdyforDlzzhiess Ni Drowsiness , ind TnstcJ In tlio iloutli , Coatcdjj Tongue , I'aln In the Sldo.B TOUI'ID LIVKIt. TheyJ lie cls. Pimly Vegetable. SHALL PILL SMtLLDOSE. SMftLLPBlCE. ] BROWN STOCKlARM 1891. STALLION SEASON. 1891 MONWOOD 11212. Hired liy Monon. l > \ .S 1st dam I'lef ire , hi I'amost . ' 'ljj. "dilani Anthem , 1) ) > ( ujloi 10' ' : idd.iiuiuiisti li > Uv-MlvU's ItollfiiuniUr Ith iliini Dolly Millhj MM loj's Ainirli uii ta Slio TO Brood Marcs , Cells and Fillies For Sale lueliulliiK tHobv the.Meit ItbukIIUi \ - - , , sh of \ \ lnloUllUt - , -J 14 als.i . a fishiomibi tned - \ \\IIkis stallion i nodoiu cnd for siR' , 01 bi-ttii eoim anil so tin in M. P. BROWN , - - Papil ion , Neb DON'T BE BUNCOED - hy dealers vvho tij to i-ell jun worlhk-ss | mioi plas turswhlih | ia > them mou piolit thin tlio Kcnnlnt III'.NSON s , vvhlih iiit > In- ilojMil li ) tlio voluiitnn toitlmnnlils of O\LI M K phnnniK Ms nnd ) h > sl 11 Fins UK the best Tiik- ' nothlnu' hut li'D .Audits to soil Iho Pinion - " , l-l , | . . , ,10 , ( ) | ( LH. | imy , line over Invented that holds the clothes with out ulni. a pet foot MICIOSS ; | iilont iiiienlly Issnidj sold only by asinls , to whom the o\- olusKorlKhl is Kivon llnioi tint of iioenls wu v > lll si ml a s nnulo line by muil , ulso clu-u- IIIIN , price liit and loims to twin Seiiiie your ti rrltoiy at onoe Address II1H 1'IN ll > s ll.OTIII. ! > 1.1M. CU. 17 Ilumnn ht \\on-estoi Mis * Guitars.Mandolins&zilhers . , . " Tolumo and ( io Jilj nt tone are Iho Iii-Nt In i IIP vim Id. Wamntod to re r In oni cllmnle. NnlJ hy alllrail. but ilvalurj. lloauuiully Illuttratnl il . vM'.ssaiTArl r . LYON&HEALY.CHICAQO. STHMA CUREDV BchlOioann'i Aithraa Oiiro n vcr/ji/i / 10 giro uta lnlu/ ibj ortt wts Iciurri coo. iU p | cfffcti curet b ro llcth i ( ill A "tlr" " " TOM | fLrt > tal. 1'rlco. ( Ojl , tnJ , cf DrMjIiHor tr mill RtmrU FuCKfir DR-rffBOniFfilAJmBt"P.n\.Klnn. nd I. Tlio jit too of liohittiB lll hi ) nnmo Her Wo iimnv applU'iitlotH Inivo IHICII tveolvod iltondy nt llriwldn n i colleen that will bolinpoMlhloto noi'onnnndato nil the tudimus nt the c'olli'co dnrliiK' tlifl coinllifj Ol'tll , Hin\cll of hnlio iiniuty. Inn icon nb-iiMit from the house onjnUnit Ids uiiieuiio.ui Sumo njiniMlliotti1 filond ilivo- nteil hlsi'hnlr vvlth'n llfe-slyod ulcttifo of 'upld 'I'hK Itl Tool hntid of Indians \\hlch \ nr- ivivl nt I'orl lli'nuolt lust \\oelc oonslsM of WI < | M < iiu'ii niul H\\ | | four women , nnd they iiiiitfiilitht niul day Indiums \\llh \ tholi Iii 1011111110111. A hill IIH pntsod ( lie li'iiNlntiu-o tlxlli Iho 'oos ' of i-oininlssiniier of school nnd public iiiuU nnd hns lieoonii1 n law l\ii'ii lonso 7"i ents is dinrKcil , forlamls piirihasod $1 and or u patent fi ' . ' . 'i. The mlllois ihronnhont North Dakota Imvo ) roinlscd to dotho Immitmno thlnt-to Imlp ho world's filr ooiiimUilon ' 1'hoy lll itrnlsh ( lour in all tlio mint nttiiu'tlvu Hliiipot or iiiakiiiK n jwod exhibit At Kodfetn , a sinnll ntnllon near Ulll City , Inborvr named 1'nt ' llallunlicr VMIS ihot liroiiKh the stomach nnd probabh fntnil ) votindodhy the socllon hois , Mlko Itoonoi , n nn nltcicatlnn nbotil vva es The sheep lalsiiitf liidusttv IH nttinc'tliiK n deil of intention In the vliliillv of li 'limoiv .1 Mines Mel ) o\\ \ ell , of the Union niul onico , ivd'ittU stooked Ids ranch near llclimoiu with WH ) Him sheep. Siinloi count ) wants thu law ivpealcd on volt Hcnlp bounties TliiUoountv has In'i-n > uvlnT ( bimntlui forsi-nlps bioin.'ht lu fiom ill OUT the losi't Mitlou and roall/os ho will m\o to nobrolto tinlosa aihanyo of the Hw s inndo. lion N itlon , head ihlof of thol.ovvci' llitllo mllaiis , lonoliided to lot.dn hishomcitcml on ho land desired l > > the Mietmiu Um-nsilen lorn rhainbeiliin , and the nrhon lius eonse inctitl I'msod c'onsloinntlon ) Ktoat nmnnn lioso pi-opio. Two l-'lnlmidcrs cio leforo n Deaihvood uslli'o Iho other dnn.dlher of whom could alii Himllsh. His honoi iiisilim-ied thorn nnd told tliom to fjo. but thev did not undei stand nnd hnd to ho ciiled outof court mdll > bj the marshal 'I ho board of supervisor- llli lun county ins npiiolnU'd n sheep insiwctor , whoso Xllilnl ilul ) is to cm ofullj Inspect nil Hheop iroiicht Into the comity , lomovent the Inlro- Itution of soul ) niul other diseases. The owners piy the oxpenso. The .Intnostortii iiivluui nrtoslnu we'll hiw sudilonlv enasod to llow. thus ciiili.irrasslmj the Institution very seriously. 'Iho nsjltim isoi about IXH ) liaiieU of water dully. The trustees do not know Just what to do about It mil iloulitloas llio li'Klshituu ) uill bo culled ipon to help out Tniuorcounty fiuiiNhot a vciy fjoid cattle ocoid On l-\'biuiuv . ' . * > , issn. u j-entloinan jy the nnmo of Ktoildnrd boUKhtncow forf t"i lusldo of the sK joais shohas i ilsod ten c'nUei tlu-co [ iilroftvins , and twlco HIO ! lias erected her ovMiertvith \ u pair iif t\vlns \ on Nc-w YOJI'S mot ninn Hanboin county bus n baby on its hnniU. Mi1 * Clnilos llearUk , vvhons up to n few liis iigocoiillnrd in Jml for poisoning her ! insbniid , recent Iv j'iu ' bhth ton chllu. Shu Is now friiaidod at n pilvulo house. S ( lisa- tional dc\olopniontAiiru expectid nt lior trial , which tiikos phi-o in Ma\ I' Illicit , u loan nnd insurnnco from Kri'enmn , IliiU-hinson loiinty , dlsip iH'.ired under snspiiions clrctiinstancos. lie iad consldernblo monovltlililin. . A notnii onsoinin is , s-iid to have loft at the .s.unu time , mid com luslons for linck'j wife to hear , ba\o boioinocommim gossip It is said that the prospects aio very pioil fora now tailioad through Tialll i niiiit.v thu coining summer U will bo a branch of Um Xoithorn I'ae-illc , nnd v\ill cioss the Uod iIvei nt Caledonia , run aiross tlio counttj , strike Mavville , and continue on iinithvvest Suiit'vois Imvo been at voile near Calodonui for sovoial dujs past locating thu IIUA line. Tur I3n. bnttirday Suiiploment is n now doimtuio. In all essentld features it Is n distinct issue , filled to tlio gu.ndsith : oa. densod news not"s and fiosli nnd attraitiva miscellany. Its space is devoted chloily tc Ncbiaslca and the pi oat \\cst \ \ Ko other mnv i paper covers this tmitoiy. Tin : 13n : S.U t day Supplement is n now newspaper ciea lion. It will not detract from the isbiio.s o ! miyothci day and will not in the least im pair tlio quality of TIIISi MIU HKF It will catch tbo wind in itsown sails , Kowsdc.dera nnd train boys e\oij where will Do fully sup plied. _ _ Weather I'i oliabililios lor ; > In roll. It Mat-oil comuHln HKo ii lion it will tra out hlto a hiinb , niul viuo voisn. Bui everyday in the month , lain or shine , the oloi'trie lltrhted , stciun hontodos - tibiilod limit d ti.ilns of the Cliic.i o , .Milwaukee , \ hi. I'nul ruilwny will run hi-uvtonmalii ( : and Chicago. The elec tric hcttli leading lumpin tlioiipalnca IOOIHIIK ( "it's arc llio Contest novolt } ol the > TicUot olllc'o , loOl F.iiniun bt , Omaha. Piml I'lnj roared. C'luof Seuvoy received a letter jcstcidnj from H A Conner of Ouatui , Ivan , a-skiun about bis son , w ho is liollev od to bu the man iv lie was conlidenccd out of n team of hor&ci la C'otinul Uliiffs last ncek , an account ol \vluch appeared exclusively in Tin Uin nt thotimo Thoold { rentlcnmn savs that ids son lias been awafium homo for about four months , ami Uo fuaw ho has met with foul It is quite probable ttiat you may need the soi vices of iiiihjsicliin Mime dav , but , vou can poslpono the time liidcllnitcly by keupliitr \oui blonO puioandour system isolated thiouKhtho use of Ajor'i saw ipai ilia. 1'ro- \ entioa Is better than cure. FOIl Tim SPKINGS OfAikniisas nnd All 1'olnm South. Tnko Iho Wabaah , the bo-,1 and quick est route. Only H8 horns to the Hot s , 10 to Now Orleans , , "ilto ! .Ijc-U- , ( > ; J to Tutni > n , with t'orri.'spDiid- i nc fast time , to all points south. l'r > - cliiiino ; chair mul I'lilliuiiu hullut sloop- ititr c-ai-s cm all train- ' . Kound triji tit'kots now on sale nt RTontlj roduuecl"s , For tiokotg ( itul full inm ( inition c ill at the \Vali\sh tic'Uot ollioe , loDU I'lirinun .stroot 01- wilto G. N' . C'l.VYiox , Ajfesiit. f lini eil \ \ illi I , a i cony as I la ! lee. A wmiai.t was issued jostonlny for the nr- rest of t hnrlcs liist upon conipluint of Ida Moore TlioOUIIK Indj alleges Unit Hist took bergold watch , ostenslblj for the | > ur- pose of having It u paired al the Jeweler's , but lie disposed of it and failed to ivo her an ) cmisidi ritidii whatever. Ilo is there fore charged with l.ircenj . us balleo , Ilo ssid " \1\ love 1 am sorrv to disap- dolnt von about Iho picnic , but my hotter has a I tine foot ' 'I's nolhiiii : ! We've not plent > of SilviitioiiOll. 'llio Detunt 1'roo Press Fiend 1ms boon pumdnnon Ir ) Hull's CoiiKb Hj rup. Ills is only irratltudo for all thinking men know its nieiits. IXcli. Don't INuil Notvvith-standintj all rninnn to the contrary , the Chlcatro , .Milwauuoo A St. Paul Uy's now steam huntoil n-ilaeo hleopinn ctirhvllh "oloctrio H'lit } < in o\ory bortli1 still lonvos the lTnliii do- til ) , Omaha at b:10 : p. in , daJh , arriv- Iiij ; at I'liic'a o at ' , l.H : ) a. m , , in ample time to innlto till eastern coiinculluns. Ticket ollk-o , l.r > ll Faimun st J. K. I'KKslON , lA. . N'ASII , t. I'.ibs. A ift. ( ion. A t Stolen hi Ik IteturiiiMl , Detect vo lliuo doliM'ied a pleeo o ( silk woitli Jj ; to llio city mnralinl of Pi-etnont M'stcrdyhlch wns found nt Hello llrau- don's ntnontj the Roods which Harry Mnns- II I'M slolo nnd stored with the woman. Tlio cit ) inmslml of I''ieiiiont furntshod proof thai the KOOiU had boon htolon from n l.uly In Pro- moat , nnd a- , ( hero wore no other claimants , the ijoojs wcie delivered to him. llnrs I'm il' * Achl IMiospliiUcs A lloillliful Tonic I'sod In phuo nf loiiions or lltno Jmco \vlll hiirmonl/ with such stlimihinls as nro nucessur ) to tnko