News of the Great West. Cream of the News of the Noilhwost Is herewith presented In pen nn bio form. No other ptipor ivmkos this news n. leading fentuio. It isthe week's history of the fjrcnt north\vcst. \ Miul n Widow nntl Manioc ! Hot- . A toll , handsome , full-bcirded man , about forty y can of age , walked nrouml in Iho lob by of the Ocilou hotel , inn ! In tuo afternoon In company with n beautiful blonde liuly nbout thlity years oI ago ho took idilvo ftbnut l oiinell muffs sajs the Nonpareil. That ovo'dug they loft for .Montana. Ho was ti wealtln stockman of thnutato nml the Indv With him was his brldo Thereby hangs a torj uili'r tlngtalo of rotniitieo nml love. In 1-07 , during a tcrriblobtormofT the coast Of iMiilno , nn I'ngllshesscl was driu'ii nifnlust the rocks atul the ciptalu and n laigo nutnbor of passengers wen ; drowned Among those saved were two very pretty rhtldiin , the captain's daughters. Ono of thorn wns adopted bv Samuel Ward , n merchant of DoVer - Vor , N. II Tliu gitl had a good ed'icallon And ili'volopcd Into u hoautlful anil attractive jmiiig woman Itor ailmlrors were inatiy.luit tlu < fnvorod onoivus ( Ic-orge Il.irknessthosoii Ofalioston tailor , Mr U'nrd disliked tlio young tnnii , but Invu htiiw no b.mlors nml ono il ly thetovMi enjoyed n seit-ntlon when It wns lonruul the couple hitl eloped Waul would not fin glvo his adopted dnuuhtor , so llarkiiess limit hli wlfo to .lottoy Oty and loft her with an mint whllo ho went west to bicl < hh foitutio 11 m Itnois wound lip in CiiirlloldVnnou county , Pa , In August , ISM ( iiullolil was anew now oil town , In the center of tbo kaleid oscopic t liorry Urovnoll Hold , with the sewn of thooll coutitiy. Ono nioinhuj n. to.imslcr tlrh ing iloivn a street passed nn unfinished building , taw Ijliu ? on the porch of llio build ing la thograj morning light what upi > oaioil to bo the body of a munlcu'd num. Ilo drove up to tin' pori'h and saw Unit ills suspicions appealed to bocorroct , anil that the man was Ftotio do.iil A coroner's Jury was hastily empaneled , and nn iniucst | showed that the poehof the voting 111:111 : was biolton Foul play was suspected , but thuru was no evi dent o Implicating any pnilieulnr person , nml the Jury returned a voidlet of accidental duntli. No ami know win re the young nun raino fioin , ho had no friends to ditini the body , but papers found in Ills possession IdunUllud him us ( Jeorgo HarUncss. It was so\era ! weeks uflor this tint Mi * . UnrhniMs iccehcd from mi anonymous soiimo p loiter containing $ H > D The letter stated that the wilier hail boon Indiiectly iest > ousl- blo for the diMth of licr husband , and as long ns ho lived slio would not want liven month iif tor that sbo iccclved an anon vinous letter containing from & 0 to fllMK. Tlio let ters wcu' mulled lltst from Oarlielil , then thoj cnmo fioin Hradford. 1'a , tlion from 1'ittsbuig. then fioin Chicago , tlion from Council lllutls , nnd then for tluoo years tin1 } canio from Montann Jnlssstho younir widow ieioi\ed u Itttor mailed at Jir- fcoy Cltv , nnd , though she had not known blni , she felt tint her unknown guaidiau seen IIIM Then tbo lutturs eamo again trnin Mont.uia Finally about six months ago , the ivi itor of the anouj mous letters icquostcd nn Intelviov , w buh was nccorikd. The meet ing was a Htinngo one , but there are only two people wlio can ilosorlho it. The un- Icuuwn ptotoc'tor pioviul to boa hsndsom" limn of nbout thirty ci ht\\lio K.IVO hU name in James Henderson. To the widow of ( .lcoifo Harknoss bo explained the mystery of her hiistmnil's ti IKC ! death Ilo stated that llarltnoss was in a ( anibliiiKroonion the sooond lloor of the building \vbeio be had been killed , sitting in an open window. Dur- liiff the ovoniiifj a light ensued between Henderson nnd n stranpur , mid in the melee lloiulerson tliruw the strau or back ajcalnst ' the wall , knocking Harkncss out of the win dow , the fall In caking bis neck Henderson Bald that lie was in good circumstances , nnd that ho had tiled to atone for the accidental IdlbiiK of Hnrlcuess by koupini ? Ills widow from want. The rest of the stoij can bo told Inn line , .lames Hcndenon nnd Mrs. Hnrk- ness woio married last week at Jersey City. Opcnini ; tlio i'uynllup The Pujallup resorvatlon commissioners have finished their labois and aroon their way Inek to Washington. They will llio their repoit there about March 10. AccordIng - Ing to mi net of congress , the president np pointed Charles D Drake of Washington , George 11 IClnkead of Levlngton , ICy. , mid B. T. Harness of Kokotno , Ind , ns metnbnis of tbo commission. Ono of the ie < iulie- jncnts was a visit to tha I'uyalhlp Iniliau reservation , which borders on tno citj of Tacoina nnd restricts tuo boundary ilistiiets of that npidly growing town. Tiioreseiva- tion embiacoa 100 ) } acroi of line hind. Tno eastern bouniHry Is the western limit of Tnconm , n place of 10,001) ) population The city has already extended around , a poitlon of the reservation and theio are active , groning towns adjacont. The reservation \vnssotauart , to the Indians under n treaty \vith thorn signed in Kit , and they have been in iKJSsossion of the lands over slnco. Slnro then and until now onlj 1,800 acics , or ono tenth of the entire icservatlon , has been under cultivation. The rest remains in its natural condition and ninor has been cloaiod. At present tbcro are ( ill Indians residing on the ls)0 ( ) nurcs cultntcd ! It Is this occupied jioitlon that i needed for citv pmposes by Tncomu. In the hands of whlto men thcs'o lands aw ostlmatuU to bo woitb. as high .is $0HH ( ) nn auio. bhoulil the reservation bo oponcil or par- tiallj bo , by tbo go\ernmont \ , which is more than pioh.ihle , the Indians 1,111 dispose of their lauds tlitinscho-i as .soon as the restric tions are lomoved , says the Sin Tranchco Chronielo Under the patents by which these lands weio allotted In scvoialtyto the l'u\ nllup I dl ins n clause was inseitcd prohibit ing alicnatioii or release beyond u term of two.veni' . The commission rtcvotoil upward of a month to a full and thorough im estimation of all the questions submitted to it , declined to give the slightest information as to what its report would bo , but It is hardly possible that it can bo other than fnvoiablo to Taeoma , nnJ it will prob inly suggest throwing open that poitlon of the resointioa that is so necessary tor the future of that citj. ? Ioro I'owcrfnl Thau Dynamite. Dm ing tno fall of IbOO Consul Coney , iop- rcsentltij ; the republic of Mexico In Sau Francisco , apprised President Diaof tbo ex- Istcnco of a new Oiplosho that had been in vented by a Uussian chemist resident in that city. It wns called terronto , and the method of mixing the component parts of the now ox.- plosho was kept as a well guarded t > eeiet. At President Diaz' invitation the chemist went to .Mexico Citj , nnd there manufactured a quantity of the torronto for experimental purposes From n in-tailed ofllcial account ol tbo trials of the explosive the following were the ipsults obtained : By order of the minister - tor of vuir a board cointmed , consisting ol General Pe o , chief of artillery , Colonel Velasquez , director of the national poudoi factory , and Ciiptaia MontniKon of the engi neers. The shells used in tbo experiments were or dinary ones , such as would bo utilized with powder charges , and wore fitted with Ameri can and rionch fuses Hoforo the Mexicans ventuied to loid the cnnnon with shells filled with tor- rorlto the shells weio subjected ton se\oro test in order to determine their insensibility to shock , Then six shells with concussion fuses wi'to fired from n muzjslo-londiair how- Itzer.and nine shells wore tired fiom a French breeeb-londiiiR steel nun Tluoo shells fired from the gun were without fuses and bur rowed into the Ki'ouiul , without exploding imii uuinlurod The other six shells smashet hgllnst the various tnrgct * of wood , oaith- \voik , cianitoand cast and wrought Iron , de- niollshinp them into small fragments. Tor- i-orlto is smokeless , and the Jiloxican ofllcers determined that its relative strength is from four to sis times mom powerful than ordinary dynntulto , and that shells tilled with It can bo Jlrcd from an ordinary cannon w 1th n powdet charge without any danper to the cuu. The Mexiciin government has ncqulieil the right to manufacture and use the new explosive for the purposes ot wnrfaio. Ono Way to S Charles D. Uowan nnd It. D. Hobb worn business partners In La Junta , Cal Tnoy lliarrelcdwlicn trj'li'S to maUo a seUlomout and the mailer formed the basis of a suit In the co mtj court The case was trh'd.Vhcn It was over Uowiui went out into the hall ami iiwiiited the appearance of Itobb The lattir foon eauioout , nivompanii'il by his attorney. Mr Spoiior of Punblo Hnwan then pulled his involxer- Hobb run In fiont uf Spomi'r anil llnalh took iefuio ; beblnd a mini b > tbo naiuu of 1) . VV Weedmanvlio happened to bo In the hall. UowanMS oliwo behind with his gun. As ho came up with U'ocilumn tbo litter caught hold of tbo ie- \olvcrandpolntcd ttioiuti/rle down the front stairway A shot was llred nnd tbo bull wont through n lar ! ii oik post mid nftrr striking the unll foil in the ( 'i-ound Hobb might hold of the rovohor with his loft hand ami at the sanio moiuint stinck Koxvnu ovei the bead with a heavj cano ho tariled In lib right hand. About the Kami ) instant tlio soioiid shot was Ihcd This ball uru/oil the left arm of Uowan , iniklnii ! slight llosli wound. It also barked tlio unil of the torellncir of Uobbs loft hmd and then bulled Itself In the paitl- tlon wall Sp\eial more blows fiom the cano were sent down on the hold of Itownn. At this Juncture they \\ero paitod. The Justice bound both parties oor to await tbo action of the grand Juiv in tlio sum of (501) ( ) each. 'I hat Mormon rxudiix. The nlr Ins forsomo tltno been lull of tu mors ivgaiillngii coming' evodus of Moriiions to Movlco. From iiiformatlou by the Hilt Lake Tilbuno It Is learned Hint nl- ro.uly a Inrco colony from Utah Is noIn \ \ the land of the cactus nnd the ban ilciillo "living their lollglon. " T'.oseat ' of this Now Tom tom on on th is the state of Chihuahua , nnd Is about ono hundred and twentv-lUo mlles in length and varies from three to fifteen miles tu width. It Is a beautiful valley , fuif- uint with flowers of the sonil tropical dl- in.ito , tbo soft winds fan the check and the \ery laiidsc.ipo Is a poem In fact , It is Just such a place as would he cho sen by him who desires a ciatllkatlon of the sensual passions While tbo Moimons of course would s.n nothing icgaiilliiR the nnt- ter , theTiibuiiolnus ltl > int . .JohnV Voting solccted the spot , anil that bo made n yood eholco of location Is oUlent. \ . It Is stated on Moimon aiithoilty Unit as soon ns the next senil-aunual conference Is endeil and the pi losthood has adjusted matters - tors that tno carloads of the oleit will leave 1'rnvo for Moxleo and will take up tluir iboilo with thoao gone bofoic. Tnoy are , of ( oursc. like these people iiicntloiioil by St. 1' ml In Ins noted ndvocacn of n lllnev , jet giving to tcrtain ones lca\e to enter the nnt- liiiionnl stito rather than suffer unplensmt nltorantivos. The same authority siys that befoio next fall over IWM ) families will have gotten awiy from the vii lmco of the oillcci's of the law mill gonu to the southland Dcnth Valley . C.ooil ino're- ( has been made by the scion- title expedition that Is exploring the famous Death valley in California and No\ada. It will divide into two pirtics to facilitate ) the woilf One ( ; oisIth a pack train up llio \mnrgosa to Ash meadows , where It joins the other parU , who go vU Paliruiil valley. 'rom this point the expedition will go to Col"l ! Mountain peak , when , after a short sta % , it icturns to llcath nnd I'animental ' - eys O\cr Iho liimdrcd miles hn\o \ been coveted by the expedition anil much Impott- mt work has btuii done In the botanical and ornithological divisions , although the season s too early lor the work of the botanist. The weather Ims biun oxcosshely cold , the hormomotor registering as lowas 14 = abo\o \ /oro in Dejthalloy anil S3 above on the .Mo- nvo desert. All the mountain ranges of tlio o ion arocovered with snow. Somotaiii his fallen. 'Iho Intliuiient wcathei has letardud the work of the expedition to some extent A poitlon of the expedition mailo tlio ascent of Charleston peak , situated in Lincoln county , Nevada , \vhero a laii'o quautitj of valuiblo specimens woio secured by the botanists Charleston peak has an clov.itlon of 11,000 , feet , and is ono of the few moun tains of the icgion upon \\hlchtlmbcrib found. Animal and vegetable life of thodesoitis much moio oxtonsho tlnn is nopululy be- llevul. Over six hundred specimens of ani mals have been seemed lu the Death valley country. Twenty-thieo speciebof biids alone w ere found at Saratoga springs , \\ntennp place lu Death vallcj * . AM the members of the expedition are w oil. Professor Palmer. who is ably directing tbo movements and woik of the expedition , expresses himself siitistiod with the woilc already accom plished. _ Couldn't niiss I 'in Clilckrus. One nicht last week the Rutto ( Mont. ) police - lice laidod QUO of the notorious "coon dives" that Infest that plaeo and anested "Kelly the Coon" anil his consort , Minnie Gibbs. Kelly f m nibbed much amusement to the couit ottlcors and crowd of idlers piescntby thoiUiiintnossof | his ronnrki > , Ilo insisted that his woman had boon arrested because of the strain of Knglish blood in her yolns , say ing the police were prejudiced against heron account. "I'sohalf hlsh , " he dcclnrod with all solcninity lo Clerk tiilUgan , "caso my fadder ho was Irishman. " " ( iotout , you rascal , " lepliod Mr. Gilh- gnn " 1'oro Ood'ssike , MnssiGilllLMiiI'so half Irish , anil I ain't ashamed of it nuthcr , " pel ilstod KelH , as ho was hustled down stalls , being unable to Hi\e bonds lor his ap- puuranco . .lust as ho was polng out ho said he wnnteii to sprak to tho"jodr'o , " and was permittee : to return to the room. "Sny , Jlnssn Jedire , I'so got a conplo ol chklteiib ilown to do house dat I would like to oat , " cilled out the irrepressihlo IColly "Well , you go down ami eat thohO chickens and como rlKbt back , " icnliodtho court Kelly ictuined , hnyinglm had oaten "dom chickens , " and nnuouucvd hisieadinoss to bo locked up. _ Blnrtler Will Out. OnoofthoLako count } , California , whlto caps has confessed to Ills part In the killltif ot Mrs. Hiche , and told the story on the wit ness stand. The min is .lolm Archer , Iho partner and cabinmato of II. F. Stnloy , who has boon convicted of nuiidor In tbo seconi degree for bis part in tbo crime , On the night of October 10 , lost , a bind of elc\ei \ men , disguised and masked , iiisheil into the saloon , near tbo Bradford mine , Kept by the Kiehos. Accoiding to the testimony of Ithlio who wns himself shot in the side , ono of the men held Mis Uicho while another shot nor. During the stiugplo Mrs Kicho suntchcd the mask trom ono of the raWors. rredlJcniiott , thoHichcs' llnntiiiK man , rococrni/ed the un masked raldei as Henry Arkmio , ono ot tbi Urailford niineis , Aikano was nnosted and confessed , giving thu names of these who woio with him , but denied that he was in the house Two others of the crowd , OsLood ; and Uvnns , auo lonfesseil. McCiiilio , who led the raldois , was loft dond on the porch of thoCanuwrV Hotreat. On the trinlof Stoloy all of tboso who had confessed weio put on the witness stand , but absolutely lefuscil to testify. Opium An attempt to land opium from thostcamor Belgic wis frustrntcit in' Francisco last Saturday mornlnir Deputy Hurvojor Var- noy Oabhill and a posse of searchers pro ceeded In the government steamer to inter cept the steamer Information had been ro- cel\ed nt the olnco of the smveyor of the poit thntcontiaband opium smuiriflori were in tuo habit of dropping the drug In the hay an the way to the wharf , from w hich It was taken by boatmen in thoomiiloj of confcritos In this citv. The "pointer" proml Hue. Once the steamer was boarded u thorough search was commented , but without roiult until tt was bupgested to oxploio the bliiro There -JIM Hve-tael Iwxesof prepared opium , valued at not less than f 1,000 , were found in the lllthj water , linch tin wns carefully sowed up In canvass , the better to protect it from tbo water , The tins weio only half full of opium , so that they were nil bonjniitnnd would have floated had they been thnnvii overboaid , 'o arrests were made , as the smuggler * , whouvertuoy weie , kept silent duiltig in the Si iivo lluroly A In the California soimto ono night last. week a th > t light wai narrowly avcitod , sijs the San rian-'iseo Chronicle. \ ulll pre sented bj MiCJowau of llumbolt upptoprlnt- InglHH ) lopiiiiluise huiih adjventto Sau liHMitln pilson , was under consideration 'ainpbell , the bullet-beadi'd gonlloiunn from Solainlo \ Knlncil sonio tiotoiletyii few lys n 'o hi hl fiiilure to advoiiito his own nil lo stop pool-sollimr , wbfoh , bv the \av \ , was ilefe.ileil by tlio uw of Iliinn- ial arguments , denounioit Mctiowan's 111 as a \ Iclnus iiicusmo Mctlowaii piomptly I'toitpdthit the opposition of the Solano otintor DiMM-d the icnl worth of the bill 'unipbiUl Hushed up and Intimated tint Mo- ! i > \viin hud dodged u MI to on the hill nmUinc clOKiiipli lotniwnles common enrrleis by nlrhiB with Suiatoi lloieock It was a HK > 1 Inslntiition not boino out by nuy loll all on the lolebiato-il bill. Mcdownn la n hot-trnipered joung natho on , jiirfoclly capable of taking care ol tiini- elf. SprliiRlng to bis feet , his faeo Hushed vlth passion , MiCiowan shouted " 'Hint's u Irty.uilly Inslnuatloii " t'ampl , oil paled and then replied : "I U tnlto hat biek , but I will tell von moio later " Child Lost in Hit * Mountain" . A ncs 1'rnqnem , the live jear old daugliter f .1. Pr.imiero , wtio lives In Indian guldi , Marlposa coutitj , California , was left at homo bv her mother for half nn hour wlnlo slio \entoiit \ in the timber to llnd n co\v. Helm ; olayed In the search , she did not return for ver an hour , ami found no child. It was lien dark , nnd It is supposed the little" one uindeied nwn > from tbo house In soircli of icr inothoi The whole neinhbotliood turned nit , mid IIHI nun \\illi iloo , hiitoinu mid 01 dies distributed themselves over the noiintnlns It was lalnltiR bind nml con- inued to do so for forty -eljtht hours , and at bo expiration of that tiino the search was to onio extent nbiiidoned. Ail lilsh shcop gatheruiR his Innibs foiinil the child vlug on the gioiind , crying nml uinblo to novo Iloearrled her to his cabin and gave ler some soup , unit slio soon rallied nnd was ikon homo The spot whuo she was found s nt least ten miles ovci roimh mountains rom her lathei's houbo , and bow she sui- Hod during two and a hnlf dus ) is n injs- cry- _ Alison ) lull Sent lo , lull. A nice point of law has arisen in a C1-.0 \hlcheamoup before .Iudj0 ! Oil bur In thu Mnrysville , Ual. , police court. Joe Patterson and Charles Rlnrp were tried imJer the iciitil code for vagrancy. IJoth pleaded ; ulltj and the JudKOset the time , ptonoiinc- ng sentence against them. The couit pu- intteJ them to ( ro at hrgo without ball in tbo ncantlnio.Vlicn the time atrived they 'illcd ' to appear The judno postponed the ussiti of scntonco for six hours , nnd at/ ho expiration of the time , the defendants still not appealing , wcie sentenced to ninety lays each In tlio county Jill Tlio question uisca "flad the of the , court Jurisdiction per sons of thedefcndaiitstopionounco judgment ig.imst them of impiisoninent in their nb- sencol" Some lawyeis tlilnk there la no hw con- lorrint : such Jurisdiction on superior couits to pioiiounce Judpinent in the absence of the dolond.mts The pnllco will airost the de fendants on tlio committal it they turn up withlu the next twoho months. Couldn't Sec OlliriM Chailes Keofer , aged nineteen , In company with a crowd of joungmen , took advantage of the light snowfall to do sonio coasting in Vancouver , 13 C. , last week. An express man , Oeorge McICuy , anxious to put a stop to their fun , with doUlish wickedness drove his rig up and down the part of the reid xised for coasting , but no accident oicu vied until the electric liRht beeamo dim for a moment Then n sleigh , wltb Ketfer sittliig hi front , crashed into tlio expicss wagon. Kcofer was lucked up un- lonsilous. Ilo was taken Immediately to the hospital. He was conscious most of Ill's ni ht. butunibloto speak and there was great danger fiom the skull pressing on the til ill n nnd ciiising paralysis of that or- R.III. Mclv.iy's conduot Is strongly con- iloinncd Should Kecfer dlo a clnr oof iiiau- slaufhtorwill bo inndo against him. \\oiilln'r "Marry the Girl. Tames Wans was shot ana install tlv killed Suiuhv night by irooto Ilurofoui. Tno deceased - ceased "was the only son of Phillip Mans , a prominent Uinta county ( Wyo ) cattiounn. The famihos of Hereford and Mans Uvo on Ilemy's Fork , about lorty miles liom Toil llriilfer , and they aio the first settlers who came to this country. The difllculty grow out of a charge brought against voung Ala is that ho had seduced a sistoiof Iloroford. This charge was piof cried sc\ \ oral month1 } ago , w hen , to adjust matters , Maas airreecl to marry the girl , AVlieii the tlmo ciiuo for bun to fullUl his proinlso , for some reason , hi1 refused , 'ihon , aftei ofl'orts to tiring about n reconciliation , the fond giow out of It. uil- minatlng in the shooting- . The deceased was only twenty years of ago and regarded ns a \oumjinan \ of moro than ordmiry piomlse. ounit Ileieford will bo taken lo l austou and lonlincd in Jail. Insult ( D Injury. Hud Loikwooil , clalmitiKto boa member of tbo Urouln delccti\o agency of Cincinnati , wa- , list week taken to llio Albueiucniuo , X. M. , jail. Ho persuaded the wife of J.V. \ . Chuielull.ii respected old niiuer , to leivo her huhlnnd and take up her abode \\lth lihn. Uhuicbill wrote notes to his wife imploiing her to return to him and pludijing her acts of infldollty would be forgiven , 'llio wife showed the notes to T ockwood , who sentwoid to Churchill that bo would not ho allowed to see his \vifo and children , and that if ho continued in hisontieatiesho would ho killed , rearing for his life Churchill caused Loclnvood's ' surest. In default of fcl.OIX ) ho was sent to Jail Ilo is u tough character and it is said has killed bib man , AitotliPT Queer Sect. SK miles northwest of Las Cruces , N. M. , Is located the Shnlam colony , founded sevoial j eais ago by I3r , Tanner. Tbej are a soil of religious sect and ba\o \ a bible written by Dr. A. 31. Howland of Boston , the millionaire backer of the colony. Their bihlo is called Osple , nnd like tbo book of Mormon , is claimed to have been inspired They nio a poacefi.l and ludustilous pcoplo , attending btrictlj to their own affairs Thcj do not attempt to iniko now convciU , hut ha\o gathciod totjetbei' some liftoen or twenty babies , picked up at dilToient orphan asylum's through tlio country , and it is tnelr inteutlon to tiacb these youngsters thu piecojitsof Osplo , and in that way swell tliulr numbers. Muiderrd toninirv. James Ilouiington , arrostoil for thomuidor of J , T riott of Arthur , N , 1" ) , fobiuary 11 , has ron fcssod that on that night ho diovo across the country from Targo to Arthur at a tlmo when ho know that Flctt , who was a grain bmer0iild \ have conblderable mouoy on bl person. "I killed Flett to got money with which to be married , " aid Hemiugton coldly "I had engaged myself to wed an old schoolmate at Kilbourno City , 'ls. , and I had no nioiiov nor imy pie pect of getting It honestly * was forced to do this to kcop my woidgoo'd. " The ICilupuiiio City ghl was to have met Hetnlngton at LnCrosso. but was warned by detectives not to tonio , Uemlnttoii'h only regret seemed to bo that ho got only f.i.10. Tlinwed tbo I'owdcr. " \ Vorkmeneie getting leady for n blast in the Main street sewer In fiout of thu Colum bia hutol In Spokane Rills ono uiorulup hst week , Cllant powder was Ix'lng ; used and woikmon wore thawing It out by nllro. It thawed too deeply and exploded with torrlllc force , blotting three workmen down the em bankment , a distance of twenty Icet , Injur ing tlieiusovoicly. Pedestrians a block dis tant \ totho ground by ttie fou-o of the explosion , iiuuy of them iecoi\ln : bruUos. Kvory window in the Columbia hole1 ] was .shattered and guests in the ofllco foil to the floor Houses for nquuitor of a mile were juried aud shattered. No leas than flftv people haVcriCd ! killed or seriously woundeu liiSpokimo wltliin Iho pixst jonr by nvlcss handling of iiowdrr " 1 ho worst ot iiloston uns liist Scpteinber , whoti llftorn neii ' ( Ore killed and M tunii ) mote wounded Slopped nu Kngliu' , Charles Ihtoniiin , aneioctrlclaii.whllo . mak- ng repairs to the mnrlunorj at a San I'rnn- il co plumbing cilnblljlnncnt , had an nlai tilIng - Ing experleiico. He Ml bet \\oi'ii n largo wheel mid a rapidly lovolUng belt , nroutnl which hewn * whlrli'd a IPOIO of tlnu's bo- ' 010 bi > was can ghl In wch n mniuor as to stop tliotwcUe horse jiowor ougliio. Whllo nnkliiK his evolution ov > ratilib of cloth ng wns totn from 111' boiU. Hi' oscauoil , hough , without any Injury save a few Alight irulscs nu lili mvk nnd sliottldors and n so \eronervousshoik Ihitomnn was t.uii'ii to lu % receiving hospital , hut on airlvluff thoio 10 xvas foundto luuo uvovoied from his shock stiniclent to allow him to dcput for ils homo without any medical attendance. ltnrTi'\ Cost LI IV. The tiinl of H .r. Ilovvltt , a wcnltln mer chant who killed Pedro dc Nliochel last "cptemhor. has ooeupliM tbo superior eomt u Sun DIoRO , Cal The Jui > , after being out learly seventeen IIOUH , brought In \otdM. of tnuidor lu the second degree Scnteiuo will bo pronounced March U. lunxitt ami lose Tt'li'ophcn got Into nu altercition In San laclntoovera lotof tutloj wbltli the mrr- ihantihdmecl the Xicochei boys hud stolen After some welds Josp N'lcoehea struck ilc'u-itt In the face , unoculng him buck Into the stieet. Ho Immediately drew a pistol ana lied , but the bullet , insttnil of striking bis nntngonlst , deft the heart of Josn's biother , ; 'edri ) , who had lushed up ostensibly to pio- xcnt further hostilities Hewitt's lawyers will inovo for a new tilal. Lost lilt Mil * forllirr > 4. Siherno 1'enedro lost his life lu n heroic effort to sa\o n number of Ainoilcnii women nnd cblldi-en who were in Imminent danger fiom the torrent at Tin Junna , Cal. lie sttrtcil for them , but the euirent was too stroiiR , and after b.ittlluc with the waters 'or n few minutes ho sink nnd bis body wns lug out of a pile of sand , where It had been nu led two or Unco feet deep by the Hood , i'ho women and childion wuo rescued by tbo nhl of a A. subscription has been started lu Sm Diego to bvuj thounfoituunto nnti and inovido for the inimcdlito wants of ids Inigo family , who were alike robbed of their bread-wimier and protector and every thing they possessed in the world , except the clothes they hod on , hj thoieuiorseless waters , Horseman's Aceiilont. Samuel Scott , proprietor of the Scott liousoot Doer old tliuorand a noted tioiseimn In Montana , met with an accident iceonthHo had Just had Ills yoiuiR stallion Montana , bj Bane Hero , at the blacksmith shoi > to lra\e hia feet tii'ii-uo 1 and WMS load ing him home. TUe horse , which had tbo llbcrt ) of alonglialtci , arow in the nlr and I'linu down with nil his inltjht upon Mr Scott , crushlnp him upon the ground Mr kott's right log was bacllj broken Just above the anklo. 'f he colt Is thieo years old ami weighs ly.0 pounds. At tlio tiino Mr Scott was not witching , although ho knew the colt was playful It will bo several months biforo ho w 111 bo nblo to handle any of his horsesngain. Proposed WoHlprn ( "oncrr'ss. W. K. Kobinsou of San Fiancisco is In Deiiver.uhocating a scheme forholdlnpa Joint convention of the states Ijlnsr between the IJocky Mountains and the Mississippi river. Ilo will try to have a resolution passed by the assembly declaring in favor of n comentlon of states for tbo puiposo of tak ing steps tosecuio the donation of alllrripa- bio public hnils to th various states to pro mote Irrigation. Thoiesolution calls atten tion to the fact that congress Is annually giving many thousands of dollars to rher anil harbor improvement for the benentof cistcin st.itos , and tint it would bo only just to grant these lands tb the western states for tbo pin pose proposed till n Woman's Hair. The residence of ITiank Hill , a well known railroader of Pueblo , Cole , was burglarized by two tramps ind ยง l" > iu money and consid erable wonting appaiol was taken Sundiy nlplit. Before dcpaitlng they cut oft Mis Hall's hail dose to her bead , kicktnc nnd boating her shunefulh She \\as founct un- cousiious bhei husband. Hill otleis a big row-aid foi the an est of tlio miscreants In the hope of catching the bmglais , Chief O'C onnor oldoicd the nrrcat of all men fonml on the street and in the saloons that night af tor U o'clock. Foity anests were made , but the woman could not ioeoKiil/o her as sailants. All but three of the pusoueis were sent up for thiily dajs. CholcinuOtr a Kival. The Xoi thorn Pacific railroad com piny has filed suit In the superior court nt Tncomi against CJ. W. Hunt , a Washington railroad builder , toreco\er on three promisory notes for a total of SlC ! > , OOfl So\eral other suits were brought a few weeks ago ag.iln t Hunt by the Noilhein Pacific and others for sev eral hundied thousand dollars. The object of tbolitigition Is behoved to bo the crusti- ing of aho Hunt lailioul fiom eabtein Wash ington to ( Jraj'i ' Inibor , whitli has been prottj well under wry. Lai go gangs of graders weio at work last summer and fall almost the entire line surveyed. The Noith era Pacific recently put into opeiation a new line Horn Taeoma to Cimy's harbor anil Huiit'b road would pn.illcl it. Ills Kilo Spared , An accident occuiied in the Vulcan mlno nt 15utte. Mont , by which Cluis Swclt/or , a miner , had a clo o call for his life. Koitrer \ \ nnd another miner were worklnc in the bottom tom nf the shaft when a largo boulder pto- truding from tlio side of the shift some dis tance up became detached nnd frll 'Hie lock struck Swcit < ! cr on the shoulder , tin owing him on his back and then rolled onto his legs , brenkniK the left ono. Owing to the gioit weight of the rock considerable tiino elapsed before he could ho released and taken to the surface. S\\ oilier was removed to Ms home. In addition to the biokoii leg Knclt/cr is also badlj bruised about tha loft side and arm. iilowod to Pieces Jlidii't Know Tt. A shocking accident happened In the Daisy iiiino , on Illg cteok , In tlio Cour D'Alenes , Idaho KdByino , whllo smoking a pipe , stooped o\er a box of giant powder caps. A spaikuropped among them , cnusiii } ; an ox- plosion. When Hyrno icgainod consciousness - ness ho was tliiisty and tiled to pot n diink of water fiom a bucket near by , but was horilled tollud that uoth bauds weio ROIIO , that one ejo was blown out , and that ho bid three ton tblo wounds Ip trio abdomen. In spituof thoio injuites ho walked through four feet of snow to Ids ubin n mlle itis- tant Hoi' , now 1uiR at the point of death In a hospital at Osborno. Knilroador Killed. Fiiemnn Frank T O'Connor of tbo Den ver & KioGrando accidentally killed in the I'uoblo ymds last week. He was en gaged under the tank ot cngino 'J-'ii , putting on biako shoos , when some cms being switched on another Uuck struck the end of hi * train , which was not clear. It mood forward about fix o feet , nnd when O'Connor was pulled out hit neck was found lobo broken. The deceased was a young innn twentyfourcars of ago , nnd had boon om- plo\odthne about live j cars. Ills parents reside at Sioux City , In. New Wyoming Find. A new gold camp has been struck between ( iolcl hill and Klk mountain , about a dozen mlles fiom the u-tabllbhod camp. H is easy of au-oss. The rock is wbitu , cairlos iron nnd decomposed iriMiilto nnu is flamed with gold In the lion are found nuggets as big as peas. Thuro is a well defined deposit. The top aniioaianco was of the best and piv rock was dlscou'ied when tlio mass roots were displaced , Three I'cet I ? the width of tlioeiu. . This prospect N llio property of tno Allou Itrotheis , innchmi'ii. The lode U near their lunch on Lake crcou. tlio The census taking of tbo Ninajo Indiana In Xow Mexico \\lll I'ommoncQ Maieh 11 , Col onel Murmou of the siMJclnl agents says that the enumerators aio prevented from visiting the villages of the Indians by the told and dtsngroenblo wonllior The ro or j MilU'ii Is tviMirtcd to bo co\iroil witlisuow fiom su inches to two fwt dc-op , and Hint It lii * boni storming out there Mr woolis Major John Donnldsoii , the spivlul ngonl from Peiinsjlvniihi , Invs locutod himself nt ( lallup. r\c\v Alovlniiii I olid , The trouble in the Vermljo country , Nnw Mexico , o\IT the assassinitlon of Oniccr Kussoll , has taken n now tuin The Mexicans ha ; o nollllod every whlto settler In tin ) val- lovtolcuo If thoj-wfnse to ROthejmu't tnlte tlwoonwqurnws. A night 01 two ago the hnjstneks of Thounis ( .ilium , one of tbo oldest setlleis in the \allcn. weio si > t on llio , and it was with dlilloitlly tlio iiwolling nnd outUulldlngs WPIO siuod The whites ha\o mganl/od lo piotoct thoinsoluN nnd will not tea\e , and II mnv looks ns If tbo kill > ng of Itussoll is only the DcgliiuliiB ol whal pwralses to bo a blood \ race light. 'I In- } Hold for a Clerk Shoi'nfolt of tlio dioyonno njencj | Ims undo llllngs nn laud at llio fulled Statw Imd ofllco foi"J-lfi IndhiiH. The Indiuis are prlnclpilly on Had River in South Dakota Of thlsnumbor 1 III arnciyori'lghtoon years of ago and take JLH ) ncro * cieh nml thin can neither relinquish i or obtain tit lo for twoutj Ihoyeais The other lift tnko tight v acics oaeh. The land coinpuses WsOO acic's , or less tb in tlueo townships. I'iMMiioiil Located IliddiMi Hli-lii'-i. Conspicuous niuoiij the old liiiuliuarks about r.vaiistonVjo , Is a monument on the summit of Medicine Hut to , erected bv ( Jen- ciiii .lohn C rroinont Thu moiiiiment is n Hide stm ctmo lustily put tognthor with un- " drosiedstoiii's On a" blight day the hlstoiic shift cm bo seen from the town , which Is twelve miles distant. 1'rospoctois say the liill is rich in coal. In 1MJ an Invalid , giving llio mine of .T. J. Kubs , located at A/usa , I os Angeles munty , Cal , for the bonellt of bis health Ilo evi dently had some inonoj , biilni > voi mcntlom-d whore ho had como from or an\ thing legaid- Ing his mitccodints A short tlmo ago lie died nnd in his will lie loft considerable money to Mr < . Mary W niters , who , was a JUIss Mnrv KiibniiA her iluldien , JosopV , 1'ied nnd Mai.\ , but no trace cf these hobs his so far Ken found. .Mother's Ai ny. Mrs. I'nullni' , wife of a railiond man , HVOJ with her children In Mitchell , H. I ) . Uiiring arocent stoimv o\oning \ she stepped over ID a neighbor's for a few minutes , and when .sho returned both children , the jonngost of which lould just walk , bad pen < 3 out of doors After hunting for them soiiio lime In tbo link , both were found in the snow , almost fio/eti The oldest child's hands weio quite badly frozen _ Anntlirr "Min Do JHovo" Alan. As aiosultof jcnrs of study Oilaudo Fer guson , of Hot Springs , S. I ) , ilcclaies that the eaith is not n sphcio. He has made a model which shows tlio plnnct to bo tbo slinnoof hnlf un apple. Ho contends tint thoeailb is stationing and that the sun Is only lViH ( ) miles away Mr. Fciguson is n good talker and something of a genius 1110- chauiiully. l ) < M < npitiit . > il His Victim. A horrible murder was petpetiatedat the Chinese gold cunn on the Columbia river , In Stevens county , "Washington , about 80VOH miles above the mouth of Spnkmio mor. Deputy Sheritl Clarilncrof Lincoln ( flimty , has the inurderor in tbo gn.iid house nt Foil Spokane. Ills naino is ken Yuo and ho decapitntcd his \iitim with n hatchet. t Colorado. Aspen Presbyterians have dedicated a new church Loclaud has been having a remiikablo \ isitation of measles and imcumoniu. Many dses have already proved fatal. The snow at St. nimo is the deepest for jears There is nlroidy flvo foot on the level In tlio mountains The bodies of all the victims of thoHoul dor King shdo at Iruin ba\o been recovoied and brought to Ciested Hutte. Uoekv mountain lions am reported vuiv plentiful and bungrv on the hell waters of the Purgatolro , In Las Thice inon died of pneumonia on the Vlr- giniusniinoncMrOiira ) dining the pist few days U. P. Ilanscn , John Kv buig and A. C Keiter QOwcn J'erry , a young Welsh miner , was instantly killed by being shuck on the head bv a fulling lock in the jMeudota mine at Silver Plume. .lames P.ixloii , the Denver mining broker who disappeared n few weuks ago , is said to bo in the Citv of Mexico. Ho ewes o\or $10.000 m Denvei. D.i\id Hunt , n T'ucDlo lad. cut a horrible gish in the check of Thomas , the llftecn- jear-old son of W W Duke. Itvv.ia the ie- suit of a quarrel about a young lady. Two prisoners confined In tbo county jail at Del N'oi lo i-fTceted their escauo by driving1 bick the bolt on the corridor door and tear ing the hinges oil the outer door The American 7inc Lead company of Can on City is said to hnvo made expoiitnental tests of their plants , which were extremely satisfactory. They willstait up permanent ly In March. Two young men wpienriostod at Pueblo on nchnigo of poddlinir without a license , and tliov are now belie\od to bo professioml nooks , although the slightest clew to thwlr identity uaiinot. bo obtained. Touitclotto Park Ins n sensation la tlm shape of a suidtle. Macglo Chovcs , a ill vorccd woman leeently fi-om Denver , took an overdose of bolladouni , fiom the effects of whichsho is not likelj to iccovoi Most of the suhicilptlons fui the Ijove- lind Hour null luvo boon nude. This is to cot j,00n ! ) , mill the stock Is biln rapidly taken Tliov have conunoncou the hauling of .stone for its construction A number of deer wore recently seen in the vicinity of tlio Cow cieokcoul mines. 'Ihoi woio all thought to have gone to a lower country on account of the snow. Ihoyerofat \ mid sleek and allold ones. D. Liiwhcad , a Ihcman cm the Denver & Uio ( jiandoronil.vvaspiobibly falalh injured three miles south of Colorado Springs Ho put his head out of the ) window just as the engine was tutoring n hridgo His head struck the timbers pulling him out of the cab. When picked up be was senseless. President William A. Undeiwood of tlio American wntinworks companj says J I"V- ) , 000 will bo ox ponded In the company on its works in Denver. Tivo laige gangs oi tnen have nlreadv bien put to work to laj mains nnd extensions In the citv Work tit Snlll- um will boiesumod as .soon as the we.ithu- will | Knnlt ! , I-ast Munilny a big flagstaff la Colorado Hjirings was blown down. It its fill it caught soeial telephone wins and got mixed up with Iho trolley wire of the electric railway , 'llio strong current was canied into the cen tral telephone otllee , burning out all of the .111) ) loeal wires nnd setting llro to the ofllco The llauifs weio put out without much trouble Telephonic communication was complotelj siiDpiossed Commissioner ( IrofT of the general land of fice has undo a decision In tbo c iso of the Duraiigo ( .old companv against 11 ( ! Locke , in \ % hleh the local nlllci is aio dilooted to order n hiMringupon the piotostund allega tions of. ) II Crist us piosldent of the Du- laugocoil rompiny , who is now injiossu , . 8ioito tlm etlee.1 Hint Locke's cod entry was made for the benellt of S II llnir nnil othois Tlm land involved is located hi lu- ) raugol'inddlstuct and Is sild to boaluat > lo. A twontj foot \einof flno bituminous coal was struck by the KuioUn Gas and Oil com pany in their ' .IV ) foot well on Plum Cieek , llvo mill's below r.lttleton The now s of tno striliohah boon kojit veiv qulot It Is bo- llevod tbo vein Is a continuation of the U'elch coal vein at ( ioldon. Thu until of this belief will bo tested In a fuvv davs. Samples of thocotd me hard , leave no muc ! upon the whitest suif.ieo nnd burn steadily. Tbo Kurck.i companj will put on a Imgo plant of iimchiueiy to prospect the \eln. A I'm n Mi l itlieriiu eliuioh has boon os- tabllshiHt at Rock h > ] irinurs Kvimston Mnionw wnuta ICnlijlita Tomplnr commiiuloiy Gstnblislicd there. Duiiiif ; IS'KI ' llro liibiiranco comiiauloj pild more In U'jomlng thiin they received , I. Nelsonlof UlntJi count ) sold n steer to Salt l.uitn people thai tipped the scales at : . ' , ' . ' ( K ) pou tidx Faunorsof Sheridan county uuvo orgau- 1 Irod tlioMnnncroHill dluh company. All Iho sliiiuvs were worth IJ.siV. Colonel inrotrest Milliards , llio new r-om- innndint of Wjomlng's mllltli , Inlends ID \lsit every coiupmy In the stall' A big gang U finishing the onnMriu-tloii of sin on mlles of stdetracit fortho I'nlon Pacific nl Chejeiino The cost 1 fiiii.iKW Camps uf nllo vih conUailois of tbo Mm- lingtun in t'look eouul.i have been fcaiidal ol'I.N nHindeivd. lu ono liistaiu-o MXI sucks of grain w LMV wurled oil. The depot ill llul.on , Just west of T.iruulo WIH liunied It was sot on llro b > spaiks ftoin iiliHiuiiotlM' ' Tilt-building was nproltv fiiiiuosttiifturo nml was b.illt about u > or 'I'ho old mil mlno at lllllhrd , which Ins hemi i-losod for immv veai-M , Is being roopouod nml is H ud lo bo showing nii-olv , There Is mint hoi good cod niliio belli a opened nt Mlllls John Iluyleiof C'hevonno his issued I'lialloi'gn lilo agunst nu v mini In \ \ Veining oining Ilu\lor \ Is the mini who ate Hoven do/en nnd four law o > slurs on abet Tliaiika- fihlngday ( ti > oigo Hull , n pioneer , ilic-il suddenlv at Ills homo In I.mamio of p ir.lhsi.s of the heart. lloleivossur\l\itig \ him his wife ami several chlldtcn , .muiinitho lattci being John Hull , lunv foi email of the Union 1'nclllo holler bliops In Suit I , ako Clly. CbejeuiHi Lender It Is leiiorted that llmt'i"i\o Hiotlici's of Hiiulmlii lluttcs lost NIKH ) out of n baud of I'.OOO ' sheep iluilng the i rooeiit storms. Tlio sheep weio htougbt from Oiogon last sunimur and wue in veij poor condition wlii-n they nulvoiloxv IIIR to slioit fiod on thodiive. 1 ! S I'luinb. n section mniiomplnyndlii the I.uainlo > aid , \\hllri pulling a coupling pin , fell botwet'ii the cars and was diaggoil some distance on the bnhoboam Hotliiifhls U-RS fiom the kiu-cs down mid one arm wuo bully bruiseil. His Injuries , whllo suveie , mo nut dangerous Many fat stcois aio reported on Heir iher and buyers nro there to pmehaie Cattle lm\o been shipped torwhlili : t to ,1' ' . cents per iiound live weight wns paid , and iiioioini ) bulni' bought nt these prices 'Phis is considerable of an ndyaiuoo\er rales ot a few wcnks ago. Stock Is doing nicely There are ten disabled locomotive * In the icpair shops of the I'liioii Pacllic at 1ans ! ton. 'I ho foice of mm now U less tlnn hilf tbo usii d number. Most of tbeso engines liivo been Idle foi more than thlrtj' dajs and tlio dunces nio they will bo idlottiiitj moic' unless ( lie working fmco Is lucre-wed rsowi'.i'-tlo.louiiml OnotlioiHind iiounds of the llri.u llill loal was sent to l.nglaml nbmit sl\ weeks ago to bolhoroughh tosteil and H Is thought Mr. llohM'H'.s hip to Dead wood is to coinplcto a deal with lopie- si'iitatlves ot an I'.ngllsb suiditntu who will oporalo the mines for the Flkhoia road. ft ib. A pivingcompiny with fi.OOO.OOi ) Is talked of in Salt Lake , Democrats of Utah hive como to the con clusion that the lime has arrived to contest elections on political nnd not ecclesiastical Is sues. There ; Is agcneial appro\il bj estate men of the proposition to sell Old Koit biiuare , Suit Lake , in aid of the Deep Cieek lallroad. I'reliminaiy steps hive been liken fur the mganl/ation of the Pioneer hibiaiy associi- lion in Bait Kako to absorb the old Maso'iic lllnaiv and add to it. Chief Stanlou of the Salt I.ako llro depart ment has a bchenio whereby onosrt of poles can bo used bv the stieot car , clectile light , telephone and telegraph companies , the u lies beingbtrung In thu outer named 'Iheentiio cost is put at S100OJO fur the four companies buit.s hava been tllocl w ith the cloiK of the distriit couit at Provoto enjoin certain dc- fendnnts fiom appljiuglor a town site on the giouml whereon part of the mam street ol lOuieka Is located , the contention bclnu that the giound so loeited is mlncial land taken up bv the pluluttlls. The case will bo one of muchinteiost. Stock is doing finely in Cache valley ; farm- cis have loU ol bav and cialn ami wonM nil DO happy If thcio was more monoIhe \ failuto to mirkctthoii produce caused the sti Ingcncy In th it lino. The change of guago of thoi.iilmid and tholack of urs last full left the taiinors with their grain on hinds ( ! o\einoi Thoims h is been asked to ex tend o\eciitivo cli'iuency toV H Ihllidiv , alifo piisonei'iil tlio penitentiary , lor his utiivciy in downing Vounij , a convicted negro , who tried to Obcipo fiom the nen wagon , and m.itenallj aiding in jiro\inling a goneial "jull dehvorv" llnlliilav is serving a llfo sentence foi killing the man who tam- peied with bis wife A coinpmi ) is oiganWngln Salt Line to supph n.itmal gis lei domestic and indus- tnal purposes. It is pioi > o-u ( to utlli/o nn nileshii well north of the stockyards site I lorn this the owner gets not onlv w itor but gas to light his house with The well his in use the past IHo j ears , mid the How of both water and gas Is as good as over. Louis Dem nhlpped from Reno to British Columbia eighteen onloads of fat cattle. \ JiMikins of Battle Mountain sold his llock of sbocp to W. .1 Uliick and othcis for about $ IOoot ) . Augustus Malotto , while drhlng CeorROis. Klder's ten animal ere team on a down-fji.ido turn at Cmdelaria , was run ovci audm- atuntU killed. C. 1 ! Xaml < klof C'audelarin says his com pany is cultivating lOD.icics of land in Deith \allo\ , and that they cut eight ciops of alfnlta last je.ii. Ilmiy Short , well known on the Comstock ' during' the past twenty jonis , died at Vir ginia of n drojt-iical nlTectlou. Decease was formcily watclnna. . at thoChollar. James Welburn was sentenced to the count ) jail for lifl/y dajs from Tuscniora for whipping his "girl" On tbo waj to Llito he escaped nnd lias skipped for pirts un known As a res dt of the decision in the price of sllvci neatly 100 bars of bullion h.uo been. taken from the Carson mint and sent to China , whuo nhtghei puce pievalls foi it than In Aihoiica The ropoit of the board of dhcctors ofjtho state orphan's homo shows sixty -two chlldicn aio being cared for at tlio institu tion , thlitj live bo.vs and twenty -Iho ylils , , at a lost , of about 8111,000 , per annum Olher Koberts , proprietor ot tlio Aillnjton ; house , Carson , has received n &iYX ) check from bonator .1 P. . tones , in payment for the buiquct o\pensci tendered to uicinhera of the leglslaturo and Ncvadaus generally Tlio Hattlo MouiiUm inhn ; , louipanv's mill , situated at Uowis. will slnrt up In the the toursoof a tew weeks on oio now belnir produced by men nt woik in the minis ol said ioiupany- The Ncvad i Central i.nlioac has lecoived n contract to furnish the mines and mill with fuel foi several months. Idaho. A rich strike. Is reported in the Mayllowm ill liiilllon. Komoofthc oie taken out wll assaj over fl.OOi ) portou. Fi\o men weio sentenced to terms of six jcars each m tlm penltt'iitiaiy foi robbmj , tuuglit can at Moutpelier A hrgo fotcoof workmen will soon bo em ployed on the construction of the \ailous irrigation iiltchcs 110,11 Uobe. Two Italians were run down by n Union 1'aclflo triln near I'oeatollo and one Killed and the other piobublv fatally Inul. Boise ospecta to have Us now woolen mill running next month. Citl/ons gave Willinni Mclntosh of Cnrrollton , JNlo. , a bonus of $10- $ | OHO to stiu t it. I-iiouluumt Carver Howland , Fourth 1'nlted Stucs Infnntiy , has been dotnilcd as Hide de-camp on IhostatT of llio govoinor. Ho will act as inspector of the rlllo pi.iclico. lolin Hudgers , niiimiKcr for tlu > AuiiMlcaii milling companj , pmchnsod In the east a fortj-ton smelter which liujintend.s to setup in thohou'ii UoUlsas eaily us possible nokt spring 1 Tbo commlttoof the legislature to select n j seal ot the state has nettled upon the ili'-siirn submitted by Misa Edwards of Holso , I which .shows miniiu and ngricultuie in tj pit il lipuros , toKi'llior with the nocoswry appropriate einbleins AtKockv liar a disastrous sno.vslldo ro- contl > occurri'd. 'Iho oio house and bmli-r ot tbo Mountain ( ioat mine slid Into tbo crock , and font houses on Mniii slioot were smashed by the uilaiuho. . 'Iho amount of the il image is not stated * ' 1 lie right of way has been granted foi ex tending tlio Idiho canal thiough the I'ort Hall Indian icsorvntlon to the I'ocatollo Hiwnslio. This is a big thing torlhu uiiii- mil ) , and at once places It lu tbo front i.iuk of litigation si homos In tlio .state1. A dued transferi Ing the Do hntnar group of mines to a Umdon symllcnln is placed in escrow with the Itolso City National bank until the mono ) in-lived fiom lluropo. The miivlnso ptloo lonlillo bo .ClOd.lXX ) , .1.11. Ilo IjimiuMPliilim " ( KWH ) ) slmres , or half Ihn inpitnl slock. A mooting of the mlnoowiieis ntid mlno maiiiigors of UiiiCciMir d'Alotio was bold in \\nllii'o \ \ n few iliiyn slnco Hint iiMtuo Own ers' I'mloi'llvo ' iHsoclnilou organl/cd There ( teemslo Iwnsoitof inutuil umlorliuidliig to net In loucoit In nil itmllers iiip | < rtalnlug to milling1 on the South Cork nnd Its tribu lation , KiiohikH heights , transpuilallon , labor and supplies Stiver ( 'ill Aulnmho : U'hen the shoillt went lo the Jail t < > look nlloinnd feed Ids pilsoiiirs , Mlko Holun , ooiiinilt ted foi'iissuillt nnd uttmiipl t ( > 1,111 , and .link Itniily , a hoiso Ihloforo louiid missing The fiont door which lochs with a honvv pidloik on Iho out- tldn was found unlocked , w lihh must hnvu hei'ii done liv sonio aiviinpllco. 'lhol ckon Ihn buk duorMIH hniUon olT Itimly liuil hu'ti looked m a u'll , vshllo Dolim hud tlm inn of this bide loom Cilllliil-nl I , The painters of San 1'rniieisoo Intend lo en. foiou llio eight hour niloafler May I. The Sau I'r.uu'lsiM cteiaatoiy < oiilpnny Imvo In eoiiloinpliitlon the eroctlou of a fin- mice. Ono of llio me most thh'vosou uvord Is Mlc-lnel lliirns , w honi ollhors In San Kran- ilsro havo. nrii'slod ' for stealing tbo ttunipcl of a do.if man Theio am 10,000 houses In Oakland nml llio inmatei of eu-h nf them mo lobu iislted by siM'olnl consiis niirsh ils as lo tluir bollot.niid Ifthi'V boiling tunny eliureh The whcit wuohotises it 1'oil Costn nro full , and there mo MiH cailoadsof wheat un the ti ii-ksiUMillIng Milpnumi , hut there nm no ships to lake llio giaiu n\vny \ The opening of the ( It rut fair at Los An poles 1ms been postponed unlll MiuclilO. Mini bunkers' convonllon will moot oft Iho 1 Uh nnd bcilu smslun dining the full. Tbo procMtm of ntinllvi ) mill ut Palermo Isnnnssiiied fait. 'Ilioro will be enough tiei'sln that vicinity umiolnto bi'nrlng int > leasoii to hoop n factory at woik during thu season lenn Uocnlor , n French Mieophcrdor , on ix rnnoliiioai Anaheim , was hiii-mul to diuth in his cabin , lie wns nn Invelnnitn smoker and 11 Is supposed ho fell nsleepu-iil Ins pipe Ig- nttod llio bed clothes My a decision of tlio supromu couit Sin DloKoIOSIM tbo Innd onvhlih thn i-llv prison Is lociited. The eitv had fuilol to oslnbllsli its claim totho piopoity. I'lisoners will have to bo plucoil in tie county Jill Mrs Klikpatilek , arosiileiiL of Pisiidoni , look half an ounce of oil of tansy and went Into convulsions It was with llio gioaUsV dilllculty that her llfo win saved , bho toult the ding without medical alvlco ' 1 There has boon t'llkof p4illlsliintt a fruit ( iiiuuiy at K"d lilulT , Cnl , fur some ti mo 'llio seboinc has been brought to a by the subsciiplionof ever 'i.OOi * of the eapltil titock , iindeonsiiloiMble moio has been prom- Isod. Isod.Mn Mn Jniob Turner and a Mis Fmlov , 10- sidingin the viilnlu of Ked HlulT , alletuptcd to drive ucioss uswollen stieam The wagon wns moi-Uutiod and Mis Turner-saved her llfo bj climbing lutoa tieo. bho was tea- cued by neighbors. A do/on chaiiibuimnlds omplovod nt tlio Baldwin hotel , ban lYaiulseo , liivo walked out becMiiso thoj woio ordered to get up in liourc.ullu than the usual hour and swoop llio lulluMv and do other woik befuio de volving upon Chinamen. A lugo llovs' of gas WIM s trnclcln a wol' beinibored ; In Mockton. Tbo well Is now down 1,700 foot and the How Is now : i" > , ( ii)0 ) feet a day. Uoimg will bo continui'd. ' 'llio now gianito i-oint ho'iso is bjing boated with from the county's well with per fect satis faction Thosimev foi the Jetty which thogovoin- mont Is to build ut Sm Diego for the Im- piovcmeiitof the haibor has been cwmplotjil and the i-eport forwarilod to Washington. 'Iho ' Jetty will extend out Into iho ocean sev- iial bundled yards , will ho sixty feet broad at the huso nnd tun lU'.t at thu top. Tluoo moil oinpliivod on thnbroad-tjaugo rail roid. near Santa Urn/ , worn run over u.v i band oar and fatallv injured They weio utuinltiK from woilc and the liniid cur on \\hUli they \\cio ndlng Jiuiii2d | the trade mil imsoilnvoi tlieli boJies. rhounfoitu- iat men woio .lolin Uloe , .Morris Urittlth anil abridge builder ninioil Hrown. All Konj ! and Ahl'oy , Uvo Chinese sain- jlerslio were coinletcd In the Sin b'i m- cisco police couit and soiitcni-eil to jm a line of ? -ill ! ) each , wire released upon an appeal to : he supreme couit. 'llic snpramo court's Jo- cision in the Ah Von c-aso , Unit the city oiJi naiico rolatlim to such oCfensus is invalid , lirTinlts the Moiiroliins ( to tramble with liu- imiiitv. A biff flic stalled In Junction Citj bv th explosion of a liitfe/tanKo ! coil oil. Kiiflticoii li.xo ascertained that the Piii t- lindiaco tracK Is foitv foot too lout ? , wlilcli accounts for the slow tnno tniit lias been made upon It l > \ tbo ciacK horses. The commission of lifleen me tubers cre- itocl bv the net ot thelatoloKishtiiioto maku and ni.iintiln npornianentLliiiiincl of twcntj- live feet depth ftotii I'orthmd to tlio son , held its llrst nicctincat I'oitl.nul lait week. In the suit of Mrs , Juno ( Jlailc acninst thn Southern P.icillo comp.uu for > _ ! ( ) ,0uo dun - for Injuries alleKfil to tuivubeonru * ceived in llio nccidont at Lnko La bish last Novoinhei , a Silcnijurvawiuik'd the iiluntltt J.-.MKHI Victor Ij McIClbben , depot afront fortlio Norlhern 1'acillc express coiiipan ) In I'ort laud , has been nrustud at the instnticoof the Ameiicain surety company of XBW York " and limited with embolmjj "a p.ickaye con- At a sKiMnl | mcclltiB of tbo Kuveno cltv oouiicil. 11V llolnen , a raihoid tontrnitor of Fort \Vorth , PCX , made applleallon for 11 fr.iiichisoto build A street r-.ulwaj A Mit- Isfactui'v fi.uichisi' was ottered , nnd an option of Hi\ty dus tM\eii for ncic'ptnnce * Ailisputi1 of IOIIL ; standing between thoOr- ocoiilnipiovcnient coinp.inx nml Its mincn at Newcastle 1ms ii'sulted in ttioH'instnteinent of about foity-llvo of tlio minors ho wert * ilrivi'ii out.iftei ttic i lots two jc-arsiiRo , nnd poctiiiout tproipeiliiiRs aijaitist MV of the loadcis of the disclnrgeil iiicn , A | ire ] > osltoii ! is before the I ucene boiril of tiade to build n couiitv i-oad fioin ( hut plnte to the IJlue ruor mines The Tncoma mining compam propoiObtooroet and opeiatu a ton-stamp mill at its work-- , and if Lane county will furnish a p.issabloioad Irouitho mouth of IJiuo vhor , a distancoof scxeu milt's , they will proeeod to open fiom the othei end _ \Viishiiiulnii. The liiMhernien of Tutomuaro ortjatiizing a lumborcoinblno. Mattie Scott , the tipijress who shot aiul killeil her lo\or , Hill Scott , Inst Mm at TiiLomn , has hceu adjudged guilty ol slauglitor DJII Tolto ! : , a prominent eitlron of Kosnlin , fell bone ith the cars at Medical l.iku Wed nosilay and lost nn mm HH had just taki n out an nctidon' ' policy aim willieceivo if."iKn. ( The Piinot Sound steiinboit assoelalion ha-silecideil > mo toonmuvhtcainii s in operation for tlieprtsintolumoof liusi- ness , paitlfiilnily on the 'r.icoina-Iiellinfjhani ' b.iy lou'e , on wliidi Uioio aio elexcii. O 10 or two bfaiurrs will bo taken off until busi ness plclii up in thnsprlnir. A niiloiouthot L'lty , on the line t.f the S I. SU lallrond , an extensive di > - posltof snpcilor iliv foi tile , terra lotta , briiks and possibU pottci ) unking , hiu , betn disi'ovoivil AH expert from Joliet , 111 , bo Ileus It Is not onlj of sapeiior quality fur the ainking of tile , but also for terra'iutl.i nndothoi potterv wuru. j\n oloetionto Note on the proposition to bond thu cit } for $5,51X1,000 for public un- piwonientsMS held at hpokano 1'alN Onlj about one-third of llio uglstuodoters wont to the polls , and tbo proposition failed to carry The vote lesultfil Wil for nml 5VJ against , tin oo llftlis of thtoto cast bt'iiii ? noivssaiy to iiutlioilzo the is.siio of ilia bonds. I'ublie suitiineiit is In fivorof Iwndlnc tb. < cltj , but not until 11 new clurtoi has boon ndoiitedhon \ the proposition to iv > uo bonds to tin- amount of $ IIHMX)0 ) ( ) will 110 doubt Do ami cnnled tthllol'iof Halliv , lalu of tbo School i > l at UapM ( ih , was in Washington in chmgo of thu liulmiiNitois , n paper I that city loportod him as boln a siniaw man of iieat ; Intluonuo , bcloiiclni ; to the UIK I'ish tribe Ono oftho ilrst hoiihosovor tmllt In His mniclc win di'Uroji-d the other night bj tlr - In thi ) earh ilnji ityas ( icoiiplcul as a goM'rninent oluiv , the prepileton doing u buiiliiom of $ ; ikl,0KI to IID.IHXI u air Vt'lu n the Norlhern I'acllUt nilluiud InAlt we tttnr.l It rut off UiolrHlnck HIIU business , anil the rj\ir buslniYs tluiroasiHl nnd Uu > tuiu vanlshod Of lati ) yeai-s thu bulldiufiu * ociuplod us ucljjai umi.ufaotury *