Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    rilE OiMAlIA DAILY HlQ1t $ ; TIirUSDAV , JUAliOIt 5. 1801.
DAITiY 11313
I'l'llMS OlfHI'H-i
Pnlly mill ' uiidn- ) , Oho Vonr ! IO M
\lmititlK MO
Ti'ti" tiiMdli" . . s M
Kiituliiy li . Om < Voni- MOO
V.i-Uly Ilii , Om-Vonr . IW
Otiinlin. Tln lire HiilMIni * .
hiuitli ninnliit. Cnrm-fN HinlWtli 'Iroeti
i iiuiidl Illutrs 12 Peiirl Stri'i'l.
liirnito I'llloc ' , .117 I'li-iinlM'tof Commerce.
IS t VorL Koottnl.'t.Uimil n.Trllimio llulUHn ?
AN usliliiyliiii. All ! I'ourti'ciitli fctri'i'l.
c < iitur.sroMii'NT
Ml coniiiuitilcntliiii * ielillti : ; * In iiowq ntnl
rclllnHnl malirr sliniihl ln < addressed Id the
I'llllni iil ; Pi-p.-trtintMit.
All 'Mi'lnt'ssli'lter ' * nn < l K'tnitl'iiK'ci'.tinuM .
1 > r nildrriM'il tcil'ln- e I'nlillsliliit * Company ,
Oiniiliii. Ur.ifK r-liii'k * iiml piwtnlllMMirili'n
1 < i ' inaili' pnjublo to tlicoltU-r of the com-
The Bcc Pnbllsling Cotnw , Pronrietors
Till ; 11KK liril.lMNu.
HWOIIN JT.\TIMINI' : ; or ciucriarioN
tjtiiliof ! si In-iiikn , l .
Count ) of Hiinnlnii. f
Hi iirui1 II. TwhiK-h , soon-la ry nf Tur. Urr
riilillslilnit roMiiinny , < lom voloiniilv SMCIII-
ilint thtMii'tiiiilclrenliitlon cif TIIK IMli.v lltr
fintinwri'U ending l'otriiiiy ! ' . " ' , .Mil. was as
follow s'
f-nniliiy , IVUninry ' . " ' .T.iViO
Jloiidiiy , Inlini.irv VII M.S'i'i ' '
Tui'-dnv I'olinriry 81 ' . ' 4. Ill I
? VfJneMliv. ( IVIimnry US -t.l.'i '
* Tlim-s li\.ri-liiiiiirvw ! ! 24.1M
rndny. IVtii-imry i-'T -M.IOI
Hiitiircln ) , IVliruary.N ! 1..YJ-J
Average . Sl.TIO
nrouni : . 'iwcinvK.
Sworn In iM'foro mo ami suliscrllioil In my
jiii'M'iictiiiiHa'ili iinj or iVbrumv A.I ) , mai.
N , IV I'm. .
Notary Public.
Elnlo of N'plirn < l > n. (
Coiinlv of HoucliK , (
fii'oi-gi1 II. Trsr limit. 1 rliiR duty hwnrn. do-
TOMS inn ) MI ) s Hint hiis Miitiiry otTiu : I tic
rulilMiliii : I'oii'pnnr ' , tlmi UK * iicliiiilnvoraKC
ilniiy rln iiliilluii ( if Tiu : DAIIV HIF : for tlio
innnth n ( Miuoli. IWtv u „ ( ) . Mi fopli's ; for
April. l O , IM.'ifl roiles ] ; for Miy : , 1S < , 20. N
-iiili-s | : for Juiii' . IMfl , " ( Mill cn-ili's ; for .Idly ,
3N1I.'coilc ( | < ! forAiicnsl. IN'KI ' , ! * 0.fiilc ( > plc < |
for Hepti'iiilM'r , IMKI , IM.NTO mplt-si fot-OotolHT.
IMifl. SU.W c-np rs ; for NoM'iiiliir , Ih'Ht ' , K2.1ID
i-oplcs : for Ili'i'iMiilicr. iwm. ! KI. lil copies ; fir
.liiniinry. isill , ! . ' 4Gi-mites ; fir ( IVIiruary. 1891 ,
tSVH ! ! ooii' | ! . ( ir.oiinn II , TV.sniroK
t-nnrnUi lioforii inc. iinilsiilwrlbi-d lit my
c , Ihlsiitlnluyof Peliriiiiry. A U. . IS'JI.
N. lIVii. . .
Tvolnry 1'iibllp. '
TIIK rnt'.i'oiuls of N'olir.iskn liuvo iiiuilu
up u strongSwit.lof oiuso.
CONOHHSS has iidjoutMicJ , but tlio
Jogislatnro is still with IN.
A fsrnornml \ \ s.-hnul i us usoloas to
tlio state as u liftli wlipol to \vaon. ( .
HKCii'iiorirr iatlio
thoile.'iil t'oiijji-oss and the proseiit : ul-
IT is evident that tlioi-o is no max
imum ruto on the gall of tlio railroad advocates -
vocatos in llio lo islutnro.
TIIKUIJ in no valid roaon\\hy the city
treasury htionld Ira riiidi'd to pay for tlio
privatebiiMUof publicoflirors.
Mis. DKKI.I.V liua hud fjrciitnesa thrust
vipon him.Vlieiiovor 1111 olllc'o in thcso
parts { jots ripe it fulls into his Inp.
TriKory of "land for tlio landless" up
north dues not hartnoni/tj with the pob-
lilesoiifjof the railroad eorporatioiis.
Fou u mythical Iiistnimont the Pioroo
piano hus o\olcod toiiDS romarkiililo for
tronytliand vifioi'i t hroiifj-lumt the west.
Mu. l'\'AIM'S and Mr. lu alls are a
jnir of very rospnt'tiblo lawyers who
liud thoinsolvos out of a joh this inorn-
Tnr Rlocuinh law has successfully
fitooil the test of ti tno , and the legisla
ture at'toil wisely in letting well enough
Is' apito of all the talk and splurfjo it
is to bo feared moit members of. the leg
islature nro likely to ride homo on a
free pass.
passed the iiiori-
diaii of hin president ial term yesterday
noon. Hut his friends think ho is yet a
louy ways from simsot.
VAI.I ! , Fifty-first conpross. You will
bo remembered with various and 0011-
llictin'oinotloiisbut { , are in no dnngorof
g entirely forgotten.
i : oleetioii in Canada today will do-
Ermine whether the doniinion prefers
reuiproL'ity and pi'osnority to mossbaek-
isui and business donros-ioa.
Aaio.vo the many conunondablo nets
of congress , Unit which outs clown four-
fifths of the prollts of the pension fee
fahurhs tlusorvos a conspicuous place.
Pusiiuissof bo us cliiims agruinst the
Btato are husbanding tlioir oiiorgios lor
the eloping rinh. It hohoovos the
watchdogs of the treasury to bo on the
IT is baSd that $32,000,000 has boon ap
propriated from local , state mid national
bources for the world's ' fair. That , will
buy n largo amount of red paint for
Christopher Columbus.
CHINA , says slio has no objection to
Mr. Ulair- She has no ground for any.
Nonoof Mr. lUair's mimiM'oits critics ovoi *
said that ho entertained any projudleo
against people of color , bl.ielt or yellow.
K copyright bill has pas&cil. Now
study the price lists of the nublishors
for the ao.xtSO days and t.oo what is the
practical operation of the measure for the
protection of the poor authors and
printers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TilKcolonl/.ing of colored people in
Oklahoma is not n blooming success.
Tlio unfortunates allured there with
promises of "forty acres aim a mule" are
in condition to appreciate the bunco
gaino worked on the whlto trash in
April , 1889.
TUB Interstate bridge company dis
plays conuuondnblo energy in pushing
arrangements for uctlro work. Advices ,
from Washington report the approval
of the plans for the structure bythowar
department. Alow trilling formalities
nro yet to bo complied with. It is evi
dent the company is determined to take
advantage of its opportunities and bj
energetic work fceuuro the patronage o
railroa < ' unjustly debarred from on- to Omaha. The vigor displayed
In the preliminary work and the means
and enterprise bacldnp the project are
strong guarantees that llio structure
will be completed "before June , 1893.
/.vfTr-nusr / / c O.WKKSS.
The rifty-fli-at congress \\na \ paswd
lute hi.slory Tlio work It ha * done ,
xvliu-h will ooritinuimslytuitl pe-rnnnrMitly
ntli'ct the interest ) of Iho people and tl , V
xvolfaroof the country , dls'liiif'uMioil It
us ono ol the most Important mid nicin-
orablotonnro.s.sosslnco Iho nr iuilztitloii
n ( the ji > vornmont With the exception
of those nftor the rebellion controlled by
the republican party , und which pro
vided for the work of reconstruction , no
C ( > i.Tes.s ) ( In the lust ! ! 0 years lias { riven
the country a larger amount of Important -
ant and far-roichlu : loislntiun | , For 1 I
years before the moollng1 of the Fifty-
llr t oontfro.'s the republican pirty did
not hnvo thouhsolute control of iiiitieiml
lojiHlnthii , and only once In tlmt period
was it In control ot the houo ot ropro-
Hcnttitives , Iron 18S1 ID 1SSX Thus it
\vas timi u jjrent deal of k'gl.-iltition in
Hue with republican policy , nml do-
iii.inded l > y Iho country , was postpone. !
and in purl nt lonst has boon provklod l y
the i-ou ross whoso xvork has just unded.
The llrst session of the Klftv-flrst con-
grcsH was otic of the luii < r Ml in our his
tory and ucroinplisltoil a great dual of
luifitslntion. It ( javo the cdiintry now
tarilT nml silver hiwrt , provided for the
C'oluinblun exposition , made provision
fortho udinlisioti of Idaho anilVyom
inj" , passed u national meat impi-eHon
law , proviilcil for an iucroa'JO in the
naval establishment , mid did much uior -
important work , The second sfssloii
was hardly lo.m prolific In vsvhublo re
sults. The huv providing for circuit
courts of appeals , in ordur lo j lve rellof
to the supreme court , is ot the KI-O Uost
linportanro In the inlorosls of justice.
Thu ixiitul subsidy Invv is expected toon-
courngo the ostublishiiieiit of steamship
linen to foreign ports that will greatly
aid in onlnrijini ; the commerce of the
nation , pjirtleularly with the countries
bout h of us. The provision tniulu for the
Hettloinont of 1 iuliin : dcpreilutioii clulins
will enable western settlers who have
lint property at the himb of th > In-
illaiih to secure tlio proiiiptcon.siilonition
( it their claims and a jiiht inilemnillca-
tlou. of the timber culture
net has long been domntuleil mil is in
the public intorost. The net retmullii fj
totliehtalei the iituoimts paid b\- \ thorn
tolhoRunoral povoriiinoiit under the di
rect lax net of IS'il ' vvivs ilominiUvl in
justice to the loyal communities which
responded to the call upon them whoa
the frovormnont was in severest nocil of
such nssihtuneo..s It w < is not praeti-
cable to collect the tax from the Miilos
that had not pihl it , it was only fair to
refund to the slates tlmt did pay. The
enactment of an intornalional copyright
law was in rcspjnsu to a pii-aistont ilo-
iniind In which Amsrican authors and
publishers wore united. It is an ex
periment , and if It Hliould bo found to
work unsatisfactorily , or to the disad
vantage of the book-buying nubile , its
ropeiil may bo easily accomplished. The
amendments to the imtiilciMtlim laws
will , it is hoped , bo productive of such
! > ( ) od results as will olVoctually hilence
the clamor for a radical policy of re
striction. In the matter of pjihiotis the
ronjjrrosS was liberal , .and in fjonoral ap
propriations it can bj snid that < r rent or
irudonue mlfjfbt wisely have baen ob-
Curved , but all the oxpaiuliuu'os pro
vided for will go into the Dockets of the
iconic and th us contribute to the gen-
jral prosperity , and if the result shall
lot boa deficit , it is certainly bolter to
mvo the money of tlio government dis-
jurr < eil among the ] > ooplt ) than lying idle
n tlio treasury. The largest ilisburac-
nont-j are on account of pensions , which
thus far inthe I'bcal .vcarhiiveamountfil
to 4117,000,01)0 , hut every dollar oftliis
, 'oes to our own people and promptly
[ luds its way into the channels of busi-
iifs * .
'J'ho imiiortant inoasuros that were
proj)0sod ) in the Fifty-first congress and
failed were the elections bill , nhichcoii-
sumeil a great deal of time in dibcuss-
ion , tlio senate free coinage bill , the uni
form bankruptcy bill , the Nicaragua
canal bond bill , the Conger lard and
pure food bills , and the bill for reorgan
izing the army. Most of tliosy inoasuros
pushed either the senate or the house.
On tlio whole , while political oppo
nents of the parly in power will not fail
to fml matters for criticism in the work
of the Fifty-first congress , it constitutes
a record of intelligent and conservative
htatosiuatiship which will comp ire fa
vorably with that of any preceding con
gress for many years ,
The democrat- the house of 'repre
sentatives of the Fifty-li rst congress held
their malice toward Speaker Reed t <
the end , and gave decisive niamfcstn
lion of it by voting against the iisua
resolution of thanks to the hjiciiivor
which but twice before in the history o
congress has encountered oppnaltio *
from the minority. The country was
prepared for this exhibition of partisai
discourtesy , ami the democratic part.v
will not bo the -jalner from it. Thu
course of Mr. Heed 111 the speakers hi )
will not bo judged by the bontlmcn
toward him of bin political opponents
but by the practical results , and if these
do not vindicate him no amount of com
plinienlury roi-olutions. would do so , Ik
found a minority disciplined in the de
termination to obstruct the business o
the house by evvry expedient Known ti
parliamentary tactics and to defeat the
will of the majority. The loose rule
which had for jeais prevailedpormittei
this , and there had long been a domain
for a change. These the speaker , will
the concurrence of the republican leader
or * , otl'oetcd , and the roaiilt that the
majority was able to do uusinos-s and t
carry out its policy. Otherwise th
Fifty-lirbt congress would have two n a
barren in results as wore several of the
preceding congresses , mid much of th
most import ant legislation enacted wouli
have failed. Thomas H. lleoit will no
sulTor from the democratic rebuke in the
estimation of fair-minded men who are
aware of the work accomplished by the
house over which ho presided.
Of tlio 31 speakers of the hou ? < o of rep
resentatives , three , Including Mr. Haoi ) ,
failed to got a vote of thanks from the
minoiity , TheodoreSoltrwlck , elected
by the federalists speaker of tlio liouso
of the Sixth congress , 17-1801 ! ) ) , was the
first of thee , and hlstoiy has reversed
the verdict of the minority in his case ,
The other was .Tamos K. Polk , chosen
by the democrats spoakorof the Twenty-
fourth and Twenlj-fifth congremo ? , who
> ifl afterward e-leelod president Mr.
Hoed c in well afford to hvivo his cnso to
the Impirlial judgment of h'story ' , and
inouimhlli1 , ho will not suffer in the just
estimation of the American people by
reason tit the partisan discourtesy thai
1ms been shown him.
The rctmhllciin speaker of the house
of ivprcsontatlvivs 'and the republican
chairman of the cominlUoooti wnys and
leans parsed ypslonlny from t lie power-
ul positions In which , for the past two
oats , they have largely moulded the
oMItios of the country.
No speaker and committee cltairnian
n iccenl yearn have Illlcd the i > ublic
yollko Thomas 15. ISooii and William
IcKlnloy , jr. Whatever else can bo
aid of them , it cannot be claimed that
hey have not held virile views of pub-
.c questions and applied every ounce of
ovver they possessed to perform tholr
uty as they understood it. They nro
t entitled to bo credited with the
ourago of their convictions.
Speaker Kocd will lu chronicled in
listory as a man who overturned the
larliunioiitary precedents of a century
o defeat what ho believed to bo the
yrannyof the minority mid maintain
he right of a responsible majority to
luke the laws of the land. Tlio name
f McKlnley will bo forever associated
vith the most pronounced o.xomplitlen-
ion of the doctrine of protection ever
ormuhitcd into law. As both of those
ncii have boon -abused and applauded in
.heir own limo , so they will both divide
.ho praise and the bliimo of the future
lUtorian , but they will certainly not
iiiss his iilteution.
Uoth Uecd and Mcivinloy are still
ouug men , conipar.itivoly. Neither np-
icars to have llnisliod his career in pub
ic life by many years. Hoed will ho the
eudor of the minority In the next con
gress , and Ohio has further honors in
tore for McKinloy.
Inspitoof the harsh comments of their
> olltical oiipimonts , republicans have
eiisim to think well of tho-ie two very
iblo men , whoso parson til honor oven
ho meanest critic never durod to assail.
< ixi ; aiWTiti : LAID.
KOI * weeks and months timid capital
ins kept out of tlio liclds of investment
mil speculation because of the danger of
ho derangement of the currency in
volved In the free silver agitation. Tlio
stock market is not always a correct bar
ometer nf geneiMl prosperity , but it Is
icier far wrong as an indication of the
.oinper of capital and the condition of
the money innrkot.
The host financial reviews in the east
ern press concur in tlio statement that
conservative investors have for some
Limo past lot the markets severely alone.
I'lieir indilTorenco has boon shown not
only with reference to mere speculative
stocks , but also with the soundest indus
trial securities , and , to home extent ,
with legitimate mortgage mid munici
pal bonds. They have appeared to bo
simply afraid to invent on account of un
wise legislation. Various reassuring de
velopments have thus far failed , to re
store their confidence- .
Congress has now adjourned without
increasing the coinage of silver beyond
the amount provided at its first session.
There can bo no danger of disturbing
legislation for at least a yo'ir. If Presi
dent Harrison stanUs whops ho is b v
liovod to stand ; there can bo no such
legislation for at loistUvo vears. It
would therefore seem n.s if the spectre of
cheap money hud boon finally laid.
There is no further excuse for capital to
withhold its lussist'ineo from legitimitc
enterprises. The course of the market
will ba watched with g.-eat interest and
it ought to be po-siblo fortho press to
record a very decided re-awakening oil
along the line in the next few woekx
There has been no timu for years
when the stocic market ronviincMl so long
dormant airl devoid of all feature ? of
interest as since the tidobagnn to ebb
late in the fall. The incoming tlool of
confidence and activity will bo awaited
with an interest that partakes of mix-
There is Mime danger that South Da-
kola may get ahead of Nebraska in tlio
development of irrigation. The logis-
lalure at Pierre has passed a bill that
deals with the subject in a comprehen
sive way. an'I Governor M'illotto bus
signified bib intention of signing it.
The South Dakota law is necessarily
very ililterent from the bill now pending
in the N'obrii&kii legislature. It death
entirely with the subject of artesi'in '
wells , which ao the princip'il depnnd-
eiico of irrigAtion in tint stita. li
recoyni/os the n't'ovs-iily of an export
.state engineer mid nukes him responsi
ble for the eiiginoji'ing foiturosof every
work of irrigation tint shall bo under
taken. It also uvikos usj of the county
surveyors in carrying out the plans that
have boon llrst approved by the en
The central idea of the South D ikota
law is the development of th" avtosian
irrigation by tovvn.-hlp organi/.atlons.
This is not at all pir.illol to the pre
cinct plan include : ! in the prosunt Pur-
neil bill in this st'it1) ) . It-dons not at
tempt to form now districts , but to
utilize existing township divisions ,
which ar < > empowered to issiio bond * ,
construct works and soil the wator. The
control is vtMoil in the supervisors. The
b iiuls bear S pur cent interest and run
for 10 years Extraordinary care is
taken to provide for the payment of in
terest and principal , which constitute alien
lion on the entire property of the town
ship. It isclaimod that sjveral town
ships are ready to Ingin operations at
once under the provisions of this act ,
and thai a good market for their bonds
is assured.
Nebraska has the MUIIO opportunities
for artesian irrigation that South Da
kota possesses , basidos a large How ot
water in iuporliciul streams th'it our
norIhwestern neighbor does not enjoy
The proposed Nebraska law is therefore
much broader hi scope , lint South Da
kota has the aavantago which accom-
pmics promt action In meeting the do-
mind of tho'tlino.
The next great Impetus to develop
ment In the agricultural states of the
west U coming by means of Irrigation.
The agitation in Nobr.ihka has done
much to urouso a similar interest in
ICnnxas and tl TTTikoin . It remnlns for
the legislature to give this slnto equal
ad\atitiige.s vvllu hen * ningl 'mr.s by
promptly passing the bill now In charge
of KoprcM'titnllvo Purne-11.
As.slslunt Secretary Duascy of the pen
sion bureau hus > mldrossc-d a latter to
t'otiimlssionor Hinim , calllnpiiltoiillon to
the disreputably pracllcc.s of pension at
torneys. Not only nro the prlvlloifos of
thn Imromi abused by Hie horde of claim
npcnts tlio pension system has hullt up ,
hut b.aivfucoil fafs'chooil Is employed lo
ilecolvo vctorans ( if the war and rouse
hopes , the cot-tain failure of which pro
vokes dinppoiiitinoiit nml deiuuicliitiim.
Those deceptive mid dishonest prac
tices are not cnnllncd to the ponslon at
torneys located in Washington. They
have roiu'hod Iho proportions of a na
tional scandal demanding the applica
tion of olToetive rciiiiodlos. Tlioeouitnou
motliod Is to delujjeold soldiers with cir
cular letters urniiij , ' applications for now
pensions or re-rating. Some so-called
claim iijronl otters to secure now or ad
vanced pension within n spocilied time ;
others hol'l out inducement to secure
claims , deolaro the amounts allowed by
the pension bureau too small , mid close
with the HUjrcjebtion : "I'luco your claim
In mir 11 mills mill justice will be done
within 150or ! HI days , . "
The natural olTcct of these alluring
promises is to projudleo the soldiers
auainst the pension department and lo
mislead the honest but uninformed. It
is not necessary to inform old soldiers
that the pension bureau is managed by
tholr friends. The record of tlio ollico
shows that neither mo.ins nor onorj'y
are spared to oxeuuto the laws and
( -rant the rights of every honest
claimant. The intervention of an attor
ney is nnnocoss.iry , Kvery vole-run on-
tilled lo u ponton under any of the laws
of congress may file his claim , with the
nocorsary proofs , direct with Iho burouu ,
arid rest assured that it will bo consid
ered and its merits weighed ns enrofiilly
as though supported by one or a dozen
The pension bureau owes it to itself
and the old .soldiers to stimp out by
every moans in its power the disreputa
ble element which not only insults the
management , but ? on the
credulity of the veterans. Coujrross has
done the country a splendid fecrvieo in
roducinf * pension allot noy fees from 110
to * U , a Bavinof ) ? 7,00n,000 on claims
now ponding. If the bureau supple
ments this act by tlubarrhif" ' every agent
puity of unprofessional conduct , tlio
pension shark business will soon bo
numbered nmon < r the defunct conlidonco
{ rallies of the counu-y.
AN'OTiir.u invotigatlon into the man
agement of the plumbing department
has boon ordered , not because the con
dition of that shop of sinecures is not
well known , but to measure the veneer
of whitewash pill'on by a former com
mittee. Tlio incompotency of the al
leged Bup rintendoiit is a matter of gen
eral notoriety , and his total lack of busi
ness ability was , clearly exposed by the
lirst investigation.Ylmt was the ro-
hiiltV Simply to place a club in the
hands ol certain councilmun with which
they forced the employment of friendly
inspectors. The second inquiry is
de-ignod to feecuro the reinstatement
of the discharged sinecures. The whole
business is a farce. If the council is
honestly desirous of giving tlio public
competent plumbing inspection , a cle.iu
-weep must bo made of Iho department
and men employed who possess a thor
ough knowledge of Iho plumbing biisi-
Tin : hospital jobbers have secured a
verdict for 'M'2oOO in o.xccesa of the
balance duo them from the county. The
verdict is one of the impenetrable
mysteries which juries evolve. It is
based on neither law nor justice , and is
doubtless a compromise in which the
taxpayers , us usual , got the worst of it.
Tlio scandalous incompeloncy , trickery
and ft mid which marked the erection of
the county hospital building are matters
of record. No single obligation entered
into by the contractors was honestly
performed. I'Yom ' start to finish every
energy was dirocleil toward fleering the
public , and in the work Iho contractors
were assisted by tlio total lack of vigil
ance and backbone in the county board.
As it is the county bus on its hands a
monumental Kpuclmunuf jobbery which
patching and painting cannot hide. In
llio light of these facts , the verdict is an
outrage on ju tico that should bo
promptly sot asulo by the court.
Til ! : taxpayers and the business men
of St. Paul are under lasting obligations
to the ItiujMlrh. Tlio courage and energy
shown by that paper in exposing the
reckless hcniandorlng nf puolic moans ,
tliu uxtr.ivaganeo rampant in every de
partment of the city government , and
the enormous debts piled upon the tax-
pajors deserve imhlic cotumondalion , It
will not redound to the credit of the
'people ' if the iittonuil to Inyenll the
paper for telling the truth and rousing
the public t-oribuiunce is tolerated for a
IT is not difllcirih lo understand what
has boon intimated in newnpaper dis
patches , that a man who has served for
111 or IS yours in tlui United States honulu
turns from the old familiar hall with
some emotion. II 's not the mania of
the ollicer-sookorwhich moves him , It
is llio deep , humAn , pang which all men
feel at the sundering of the ties of old
associations , the lluul parting with old
comrades , the passing out forever from
scouos which have become , by long
familiarity , purl and parcel of one's life.
A iifl/MIl'IN from the census ollleo
shows that slate Is produced in 11
states and one territory. Over $10,000-
000 is represented in the industry and an
average of o:2l ! ) : ( hands employed. The
total vuluo of the product for 1SS1I was
$ ! ! ,1HSO ; > , and the cost of production
fc..saa.tii'S. For a partial exhibit the
showing is favorable , but tlio total ,
omission of the political shito industry
robs it of inucli of its value.
Will's two city oIllcialH drawing nal-
iirhw aggregating $ l)00 , confess their
Inability to iiitolllgently investigate the
condition of ttio Klovonlh and Sixteenth
wtueot viaducts , It ib apparent thu city
N paying nn oxliorhltunl prteo for in-
To bore for natural gas In this vicin
ity while tlio council is overcharged and
spouting the iluid , is a wisto of energy
and moans.
KHVISKO and amended reform In
Omnlm 111011119 the elovallon of men to
ollico whom the city is obliged to send
abroad to gather cursory knowledge of
public works.
Tun South Omaha livestock exchange
Is lt own worst onomy. Its olTorts to
lord It ever patrons of the stockyards Is
a forcible argument in fu\or of legis
lative restriction.
ANV private citi/cn can sue for an In
junction to restrain the city from paying
expenses of city ollleiuls who indulge
in junkets. It ought to bo done. Tlio
abuse is becoming unbearable.
Si'llAKiNti of ollleials junkets , who
paid the o.\pon o.s of the couiicllmanlc
expedition to the Pacific coast last your.
\Vus the city treasury or the Union Pa-
citic treasury tapped to pay tlio bills ?
The question is interesting.
Always Young.
ll'iii'ilui/lim / .s'lu.
Ills worth a man's * life to refer to llio
woman sufTraf-ists as the (1. O.V. . party.
Tlio Old Flat ; anil an Approprlndon
A\w \ ' < > il < M'diM.
"Tho evil that men do lives after them , "
wliou they put it in the foitn of permanent
Drew thel.lneiu .lay.
/Infill / llnillil.
The governor of ( .eorgia refused to moot
.lay ( loubl , out , so fur ns heard from , the
( 'overnor of Isorth Carolina was as hospitable
iw over.
.St. .To Market Iteporl.
M. .lll'fltll Aflll.
from the pea-soup-llko color of the ( treat
Mudtly'.s ' water , anil from tlio Incipient In/I-
ness that assails the spirit ami ( lush of mortal ,
it is evident that spring approaches.
t Iiromos to Xew .Settlers.
Iliillnn i't. ° clii. ) / m"iKoif. / | > .
\Vohcreby present the infant witli a year's '
siibsciiption. Its fiitho:1 : bus boon promising
to subscribe for tlio j.apjr for three years
past , but has unfortunately reliovoJ himself
of the obligation.
Ijike I'Yaiiklin-U.M'il ' a String.
> ( , /riyfjJi A'l M1 * .
The tableau of Anx ] defying the lightning
pales Into dim forgclfnliicss before tlio plo-
rious picture of Inspector Hyrncs UeeliniiiK
Iho Italian decoration , luid Church llowo
tearing up his railroad pass.
Hiispoot Mm
Adiiwts Cllu Slur.
If Mr. Church IIowo had in the first place
refused the railroad passes which ho tore un
in the presence of tlio Netmisku house nn Sat-
urdn } , thu public would hnvo luul more con
fidence in his hincorltv ns a reformer.
1'rolUaliln tnt'iiu'il's Crowd.
.I/1 ! / iitfi ,1/nii / it'll ,
Ooverninent nul lea to the construction of
Iho transcontinental rail linoa , jniiiiiif ; the
Mississippi mm thu Pacific by bonds of steel ,
years before private enterprise in itself could
have carried thrnucli such glg.mUo under
takings ; utul tliu policy bus buena | profitable
Hcliglim anil literature.
Mtinrtcr Tli'iinitmin fit AVic'nil ; lililciimilcii' .
Christianity In iiUJustnif , ' itself to the sal
vation of a new world is happily assimilating
the power of art and litcraturo. No loiifjoris
Motion forbidden no longer is poetry linn-
isliwl f'-oin ' ttie home no more h science ilo-
spiscil us iinuions nml saorile-jinos. Tlio re-
llu'ious Jounml Ims loll nlY the old-time hif-u-
lirloiisness and lias passed from tlio bjstoria
of fear into tlio calm , hcaltliv. hollil state of
faith which accepts whatever is true as cumulative -
ulativo Christian evidence. In conflrmim ;
this it has opened its columns to all worthy
currents , aim lias souKht to reflect the liber
ality of Christian civili/.utiou.
Nothing hut Socialism.
j-rir * roil , Intlt'iirnil
As botwooa Senator Stanford , who wistios
to have the govern incut , help the flintier by
loaning them freely on tholr farms at l ! per
cent , and who gives tlio Evangelist a lonu in
terview on the subject , and the editor of the
Kvnngt-lUt , who Criticises the plan , it. ii clear
to us thnttho oilitorls the better business
man tit tbetwo. The only i > o-sililo result of
Senator Staa foul's plan would i > u naro so-
ciallsniiiwltinithejovenimont tlifi proprietor
of the land , and then leasing it out to the oc
cupants. Those who believe in advance , to
cinhsni may look with tome iuvor upon Sena-
to:1 Stun lord's
Knit ; Caucus.
firm-nil II * . S , /oMrn. {
Not oven in constituencies of moderate
si/e , lunch in larger ono > , cm the aver
age voter know , nor can he command the
time and data to ascertain who are llio flttoU
for tlio ofllco which , in the excrciso of bis
triibU , , lie Is olilii-oit to lilt. Intormnttoii on
thi.s point is un iiulispoiisalilo proretiutsito
for the proper pcrftirinanco of his duties. Jt
is obviously the imperative duty of tliu
commonwealth , on account of which the * )
duties are performed , to furnish it. We
have practically a government of party , by
nartv and for party , Instoul nf a government
of the people , by tlio people and fortho poo-
' ix TIII : the poets siu-jr in jiv.iiso .
About tin ) culliircil hosi < m clrl
Ami their Citithiiiii sisters' winning ways
That put them in a wlilrl.
C'lilcngn malili'iis point with jir'clo
To their well dcvclopol teol ;
St , Louis girls tire well supplied
With chock ( tliov can't bo beat. )
But tlit'i-i ) is ono you all know wi 11 ,
I'm sure vtm'll tli'.nk I'm ' right.
Wien 1 say the Kimsas l ity iicl o
Is completely "out of slultt. "
AViiMii. Cdu .Sun.
Tis very well to chss thum thus ,
And nil i.s very pretty ,
Jut ) you fail to iiicntii.ii the Oniiiliaglrl
\\l\o is always "in Hm dtv "
S NI'ltK .I.S l > .ll * .
I title.
Von may ] ow and screw your neighbor outof
everything lui owns ;
You may fry the fat of life away , and leans
him but thu IMIIL-S ;
Vou may kick llio undei-piiining out from
tliiho who try lo climb
Up to things that promise bettor ; you limy
.spend your leisure time
Drawing interest from others till your
Is Tat ami strung.
Till your creilll is eslnolislioj , anil your bank
account is long !
Thill's nil trim ;
lint uiiiik you !
Some llmu motliur , us sure as the tiny ,
Justice will come , and you'll liavo to { my.
AVanled lo He Civil.
/'i / ni-'i.
Young Housekeeper ( to butcher ) Vou
may soml mo up that bag of ham , and -er -
how in your liver this inurnlngf
Ilutcher l''ust nitu , intim. 1 boeu tukln" "
Saratogv vvlcuv fora innniu
; JltSTN.
Of ronily caih an orator
Ought never to be out ,
Per vvlien he'n sliort of ninnojr
Mo can get right up < ll > d "spout. "
Harvard Lampoon : Ktrnngor Anil why ilo
you cull that liulliliug luemorlul halll ( U-atl-
unteVcll , U you bail ever eaten there jou
would ui'vcr forgot It.
Lowell rittwn : "Did you Unmv tlmt KUln-
nrrlias piuninionln niul Is not e\pivtcil to
llvol" "No ; how < llil ho lake cold I" "lie-
got Ills feet wet going around trying to llml
where ho could bu v a p.xlrof rubbers cheap
est. "
HUtlcr : In the restaurant --"I
inn sorry , Mr. Scnofcrl , to have to ask you
not lo come to this restaurant any more , hut
you are so continually shaking Mmr head
It might give i-Ke to misapprehensions as to
tlio quality of the dlihos I know , of course ,
that you are reading news , but
tlio other guests don't know it. "
I'rlnccton Tiger : . .InrUVlthorspoon
He-ally , Miss Itosobinlde , 1 don't know' wlum
I have hail mi hour pas MI quickly. Miss
HosobuiltloWell , J supine not , Abicoou .
have DIII } lioon bore twenty nilnutes.
Chicago Trlb mo : Anxious Caller lathis
tlic police station ) Chief Yes , ma'am. What
can I do for you I "I have lost some valuable
Jewelry. 1 suspect a former servant of luiv-
Imr taken it. 1 want to employ a iletcctlveto
llml her wherenbeuts ' "All' light , itm'nm.
Vniir nnineC1 " 1 am Mine , do \ \ 1st1 , the cr
foituno teller. "
Kilborof Kollglous Ucp.u-tnicnt fpanslnga
moment In his work ) -Hew ilom tliat quota
tion go , "A prophet Is not without honor , ex
cept - " Hullroail l-Milor ( busily scratch
ing away ) "llxcept among thieves. "
I'ucU : 1'rUcllln ( Jootlnass gracious !
What's the mutter wltli your nose , Cornelia !
Hnvo you boon piiiiitiiuj a daito on HI
Cornelia- , but .lack l-'rost has been
painting n froe/o.
M vsv siicit.
lliihtnii i'oinineictnl
Ah , nuitdon cov and ilebonulr ,
With visage like the naiutod ,
I loir you'renot one-half so fair ,
As 1 have seen you painted.
Now Vork Journal : Haeholor Did you
ever have n htiiiso-vvarmiiig ! Ilenpt'ckeil
Well , not exactly ; bul my wife bus often
made the house rather too warm for mo.
rvsr AMI I'lmsi'M- .
I know that by my boot-straps now
1 cannot if fled bo ;
Hut once n liulo rod-toppoil pair ,
Whlcli llrst in boyhood aid 1 wear ,
Much elevated mo I
Philadelphia Press : Hlock Signal- Well ,
I'm not so reliable1 , am 1 i
Car Stove No ; ami I never miss acuanco ,
lllock Signal Ouoss you'll have to go ,
Car S'.ovellopo I got a cbanco to roast a
board of directors first.
Mrs. Drown Who are those forty
immortals wo hoar so much about ?
Drown These French duolisls.
New York Hun : "Tlmt was a mean thing
Dronson's wife did. "
"What was tbnti"
"Taught llicir litllo boy ono of his father's
tiooins and now Hrotibbn hears it all tlav
long. "
New York Kun : "I think Hernhardt , is
very rude to her audiences. "
"In what wayf"
"Well , for Instance , oho hardly over speaks
French the way Americans do. "
My name is Jack nml her ? is Kosy
The sweetest ulussom that can blow ;
I asked lier what's my favorite posy ,
She says : "Thekind that Juck-inay-know. "
Texas Siftlngs : "O , .lolm ! " snid Mrs.
Smith , tearfully , "ir.a 1ms cut tier thumb
dreadfully , and ttio doctor says there's ' danger
of locUjnw. "
"Ho needn't ' bo afiaiil of that , " replied
Smith , sarcastically. "She'll never glvo it n
chance to loeK. "
TMltY'Ktilt lll.S
A ItcinarUablo Operation Ha\cs a U.
I' . Conductor's Ijlfe.
DKWKII , Colo. , March 1 [ Special Tele-
praifi to Tin : nn.J : Uomluc'or Douglas ,
whobo skull was .so uiully fractured in the
Union I'acilic wreck at Hritrliton two weeks
ago , is now out of danger and will make a
perfect iCL-overy. Ilo lias been under
the cai-3 of Dr. A. ,1. I'foiflcr ,
chief suricon nl the Union Pacifle
system at the company hospital in this city.
The niorniuK of the wreck Dr. 1'fuilTcr
brought tlio injured emplovos to the LJnlon
I'iirlliu hospital and operated on tboin. The
examination ot Conductor Donnlus revealed
tlio tact thai the scalp had been torn from thn
nub ! side of the head , that the skull had
been fractured and the fragments had been
driven in upon the bruin. The fragments of
bone were removed and the profuse bloodini *
from laro arteries which follow
ed was stopped by pacliinc pauro
and spoiiKOs between tlio inside of the
skull and thu brain. A li lit dressing wns
applied. Tin'sponiios were removed on the
following dav and the urau/oon tlio tenth day.
The patient has made an uninterrupted ro-
cover.v , the only svmptoms bavint * ; been
a moiiciate deroo of fever and a sliulit head
ache durmir the Ih-st few ilavs.
riKiet i : I'j.tMt MI
Tlio Prisoners Claim That Omaha
I'iii-lu-s Ilii-cil Them.
O'lxvcn , Colo. , March I.- ( Special Tele
gram to 'tinlri ! : . | Tlio two slick fellows ,
J. J. and II II. Weeks , who worked the
I'ierco n.itent . piano swindle in this city and
who were arrested In Cheyenne , were
brought to this city lust night and
are now safe behind the bars
of the Ampatioo county jail. They are
rather .seedy looking chaps and are playing
the innocent dodge , asserting that tliev were
iHiungod to work by a letter from ono Clintles
Do Monford ol' Omaha , president of tlio al-
U'Kort I'iorro piano company , to whom they
had applied lor work on tliu advice
of ono Dupr.iy. They had no inonev
or valuables on tlioir put-sons. The
older of Iho two claims lo have
lived in Denver live years and that ho once
ran n restaurant , but fulls to state when ) it
wis : located. Specials from Pueblo show they
have ulsr > worked that town to a considerable
Snjs Opium OauHoil Her Death.
Nnvv YOUK , March -Spivlal I | Telegram
toTnr. Dr.n.lDr. . A. N. Laidlaw was Kmma
Abbott's medical advisur when she was in
this city. "I believe opium caused the
woman'b doilli , " ho said , referring to Miss
Abbott's illness , "aim was attacked with
congestion of the brain , so ttio physicians
said , and in their announcement of
the cause of her death they said'Wo ilo
not understand lunv death i-ould have re
sailed when opium was so freely used '
Now , every practitioner knows , or ought to
know , Unit opium is tlio worst urug that can
bo administered to a patient sufTerlnir with
brain tumble. If I were called on to glvo an
opinion as to tlio cause of her death I should
MIV that death ensued owing to llio quanti
ties of opium administered. "
'IllI ! ( MAMI'f.l.V KM'CTIO.V.
riic4jiiiHtlon of Aiinnxnlloti Will Out
No Klgiirc In Iti
Orr Out.March I ( KRVliiriVlognuu |
to Tun Hr.r | The oiivtoral eampilgii u
over , niul both sldei nro busily prepirbiK for
the battle at the polls tomorrow Koiit on _
servers on the outside .say llio majority either \
way \vlll not bo moro than from ton to llf j
Icon , with thoprobAbllllltu in favor of Sir
John MiicDomild siiueivlng In "by the skm
othls tool it. " Ontario undoubtedly holds
the Uoy to the situation , and everythlnif
turns on the nclleii of tlio farmers. The inn
Jorit v of Iho people are undoubtedly against
Sir John but largo masses of ynting men ui ,
deprived of the fr.incUlso by the fact Hint
the voting lists are those of IsSD. No itiiin
Who lias bncotno of age Hlni *
tlien en 11 votu. Thnusiinils of iui < n
not , entitled to vote that .vonr , whn
nave since bivome miiillllcd by sccuilng tliu
necessary income of $ UK ) n year , are In th'- '
same predicament. Thai everything will di <
pond on thn changes of opinion among oil
voters. The fooling among tlio IIIIIHH of tlio
people , as well us ninimg the politicians. Is
Intense. N'obody of any sense on either .side
believes that nniuiMilioii cuts any ttguro In
the light , but every sane man boltuvos that
the Industrial future of Canada for man.v
vears will bo determined by tomorrow's vote ,
If tlio result should bo divisive. A redueiM
tory innjoi-ii ) would lie really the death k nell
of the MucOonulu administration.
'N I'.ttit'jft.v.
A ( JrlpiMi ( ' 'plileiiilt- is Aliroad Among
the K\posltioii oillclnlH.
fineMIO , March I. | Special Tolograni to
Tin : HII : : . | The grippe has tied up the world s
Columbian exposition as completely us if u
strike wore on hand. This morning Vicn
I'rcsidcut Jiryitn was the only ofllcial vv-K "
was able to bo at his olllce , and ho was sniffl
ing from s o severe a cold Unit tlio physician
had advised him to remain at home. Vii <
Chairman McKon/lo and Secretary Dicl.ii.
son are conllned to their beds , and Director
( icnoral Davis , altliough slightly bettor , will
not Iw out very soon. President Palmer n
conllned to his bed at bis homo In Detroit ,
and Miss Cousins is seriously Indisposed.
( iiistnvo Filchs , im architecthas suhtuHU'd
a drawing of a portico for the exposition to
the buildin ! : ami ground committee. As
l-YniicH presented the I'ldteit States with the
linrt lioldl Htntun , Mr. Kiichs suggests that it.
would bceonm this government to dupllcat
his portico and present thu copy to KrnnCe
when the exposition ojions ,
Tlio Daniiign to I'l-operly Has Teca
Very lOvlcnslM1.
Vi-vv , Ari/ . , March I. The worst of the
flood Is ever and the river is fulling , lieport *
have been received from ' 'Oil miles up the river
The report that 100 settlers were drowned
is untrue. The damngc to irrigating ditches ,
fences , orchards and fields , together with the
loss of cattle. , is Incalculable. At Phoenix
ninety ndobc houses fellbut no lives were lost
At Globe a do/on houses fell and
two lives were lost , tlio proprietor of
the stngo line mid n passenger. Twen
tv-llvo hundred Indians occupy the
river banks lor eighty miles below Vutna and
there is no news direct from them. Ono old
chief savs hundreds were lost.
Troubles Resulting From S trikeH.
nniMiNOTOv , Ala. , March SI. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Hun. ] An alarming condition
of affairs exists at Carbon Hill , Walker
county , the scene of the recent riots. Isuin
bcr.softlie pang who .started the trouble-
with the miners last month secret tbomsolves
in the bushes near town every night and lire's ,
ut nassirs-by with Winchester rifles. TinV , , ,
wuitiiiB room of the depot was fired into and
ado/on houses have been robbed. Sheriff
Shophard says ho is powerless to stop it
Throats have been made to kill leading citi
yens and Superintendent Wliitofliild is tieie
today to take soinu action in the matter.
Decided Cor Irs O'Slicn.
s' , March , t. [ Special Cablegram to
TIIK Hn.l In the action brought by Charles
and Sir Evelyn Wood to break the will of
the late Mrs. Wood , who bequeathed her
large fortune to Mrs. O'Shea , the court iv-
fused the application for an order compelling
Mrs. O'Sbc.i to produce in court dairies and
other papers of Mrs. Wood , which it w i
thought would show that lady's mental con
dition to have been such as to render aer 111-
capable of ina'ciny ' a will.
An er Illegal ( inie Killei-H.
VKHMII.UOX , S. D. , March 4. ( Special
to TUB Hn.l : City Marshal Sullivan
seized ninotcwi barrels of prairie chick
ens this morning at tlio Milwaukee depot
They wore purchased from local sportsmen
by William Slaughter of Akron , la. The
gun club of this city is hot after the sporN
inou who are disobeying the law in regard lo
killing and trapping gaino
Will Kesunic Operations.
ST. f-ions , Mo. , March 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HII : : . ] The St. I ouis sugar
rolinory , which lias boon idle since the lor
mation of the sugar trust , will resume opera
lions April 1 , giving employment to flOtl per
sons. The lesumption Is brought about by
the decision ol the New York court of ap
peals declaring the trust an illegal corpora
lion thereby releasing ttio company from its
General Sherman's Ksinto.
Xrvv YCIHK , .March 4. P. T. Sherman an l
Kev. T , 10. .Sherman made application this
afternoon for letters of administration , upon
the estate of General Sherman , lu this pe
tition they slate they have been unable to
find a will. The general's personal estate
does not exceed S C-DO.
I'rolinldy Drowned.
PIUNCIITONKy. . , March 4. News is Just
reached here from Paducah that a raft , on
which were six men , went muter on the
Cumberland river during a severe wind
storm Monday , and nolliing has since bcea
heard of the men ,
WOUhl ) MR 10 I'O SKK HIM.
Several Onmlia People Anxious About
a Certain Contractor.
There nro several Omaha men who woul I
give a good deal if they could meet S. N
Hell , who until a few days ago was a pronu-
nout i-ontrai-tor of this city. Hell ovsns a
line homo at ; i0t North Eighteenth stwt ,
but lie lias suddenly doscrleii it anil dopane l
for the Pnedic coast. This took place sera. < .
days ago , mil nothing was thought of tlio
matter until yesterday , when Interested
parties commenced looking up their accounts
withlli'U Ho had the contract for erecting
Walter N. Wills'brick building m Twenty
fourth and Sownrd streets , and now Mr
Wills llnds that tint lewof tlio workmen \\i-r
paid. Cbarlos Walt/ , the foro'iian of tlio Job.
i discovers that he has put lu aniiuibcrof da\s
I hard work for which tlu-re Is no probability
I of receiving any pay. The lumber men and
the hardware dealers are out several hundred
dollars , xvldio other material men nro in tlio
samu condition.
Mrs JJ.'ll states that her husband has gene , but Just were she will not state , though
she fninishcb the information that he wiUnot
return to Umiuin.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. IT. S. Gov't Report , Aug. 17 , 1889.