Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Instnnwa7hcre Proper Receivers for Stocks
of Affection "Wcro Hot Made ,
I'll mi ) .Imminent In u disc \Vli M ( > n
Mini Tuium't'il 11 InVlli1 SitMpn- !
ted n 'I' iH'willi'i * Cuilnlii
l.lM'llt ' IT" , Kit' .
lltMVlt I.IHllvM Ill-Toil' Illlllll.
II ttllll ( llollt ,
0 fern mini muruuiier ,
A | ilnito [ iici'iiioon ,
A eogttoio \ breaks tuul enters
A t tnnrii or nlpht or noon ,
0 Torn rtitlili ss robber ,
\Vlio hltmilors lilcli unit low ,
Ami tlcii ami poor , ,
O Cuilil\u'll | , ikiiowl
0 foi'n bolil froolinotcr ,
\Vlio pUlnci'H mul Uiims ,
Atul tnkes him count ICM cn | > llvcs
Wliloheu'r > ho turns ,
0 foi'1 Iletvo tlt'llcr
Of I'liU" , Itiuit n foe ,
' 'J'wuto vain , to light 0 Cllili1 | ,
Vouritnd.ilull 1
1 know you for mi oulliuv ,
I know 5 mi fora thief ,
1 know you for n tyrant ,
Ann yet , n willing feoiT ,
vur i iliu
Tlio' ' bitter It in iv lie.
( ) buttur h l.ovo's bmiuago
Tbnnlovt'liss liberty1
KlioVjimi' < l 'l\vo Hl
. .Acll known St. I-outs lM\yerwn * called
on liyii liuly whoso iamo Is not unfiitnlllir to
tlio iciiilpri oC tlio wloly columns of the
tiewpuporM tunl coiisullixl on tlio sulijei-t of
divorce. Slio WIM tint quituclcnr In lu-rown
mind us \\hotlicr \ slio wantoil mllvoico or
not , anil , o\cit \ allor slio liaJ been told Just
wlintstuu\vorc ] iiocessury lit the ordmnry
case , she seomi'il to bo In n puz/lcit of
mind , \Vilh u delicacy cliamctcilsticof tlio
limbs of tlio law wlioso pfaUleo t.ikcs thorn
In to llie ilivnreiM'omts , tlio lc al light under
took to llnd out uhut It win she mis liolilliiK
back , ami Iliialh said to her :
"You vlll hn\o \ to tell all tlio facts If yon
\vniitniototttuoyourcitso. 1 cannot proceed
In the iliuk , ruid 1 j > l.ilnly see somitliinijis on
your mind that juu li.U'6 notyclti'Ul ' me. "
"Yes , lliuro IV slio said ; "and , In fact , 1
tun not MHO ih.Ulant you to take im t'usc ,
or , In fact , that I will tut von case. You see ,
my case , If 1 apply fern dhoivoill \ bo just
txvlco UH kid in tlio onlln.irv i.ise , for tlie
very sliuplo iciioit that lluinvuml I wcio
innulod U\leo-oiuo privately and xvlth only
tlio nuccssnry witnesses , uiul tlio second time
four months aflcnviud in nrluiii'ii and with
u big reception , nutl of cruu ! > o tlieio willlituc
to bo two dlvoices in order to sot mo entirely
five. "
'J'lio la\\\or \ \ hnnlu'd In fact , ho laughed
BO lonn and so lie.irtilv tbat the l.uly cot mad
ntid llotincod nut of the ofllec , vowing slio
would nut limo u illvoivo ; that she would
rather llclit it out with her twice-nurriud
Uusbuul tliun lie laughed at by iiluwjcr.
A - \ In ry h'ltl Till n LF.
They called ciu-li other "birdlo" once ,
IStitiiiiuuvlled. So today
A eliattorir.i ; ( iitnot ho mils her ,
Wliilo she says hu's a J.iy ,
'IrotiiHJCMl His s
'Squire . luinei ICellyoC IIuntiiiKton , Pa. , U
original liuUMmUuglliif ; Knotty problems. A
innrrlciloinan nml n man , not. her husband ,
bo.irdcil tlio slago ou.ich aC'as.svlllo and nntdo
IcnoduriiiB tlio whole of tlio trip to Mill
creel : . The wointn'shusbmil si\v \ their nf-
foctloiittloiiooilby anil escorted bis wife
Uome , and lit the presence of the babioi pave
lieran oldtiinfl trouncing with the family
switch. This socitragcd. the wife that she liad
lier hnsbuul arrested and brought before
'Squire Kelly for assault and -bittery. The
Justice llstunc'il to the testimony with clo-
attention. 'Tlionociwil nun put in tlio plea
of Justification , niicl called the st.igo dnvei to
testify to the Uive-nnilt'mjr pc'i-foiniiaicc.
After all Iho testimony had been oil erod , .Ins-
lie Kelly nvosoritid sulO mavelj "Tho ver
dict ot the cowl Is that the plaintiff icturnto
livr usual plaio of nboiiu anil lode the doius
no that no Mttanperscan bo admitted fora
pcilod of six days ; that the husb.ind for the
saino length of time bontil with his uost
ii l'liborand ( sloop In the birn , ami that each
l > nity pay half the- costs mid stand oominittod
until t he soiitence la complied with " The
lar o cronil of spectators nouilv raised thereof
roof f room the otllioliy applause \\hcn tt.e
BontciH'o was announced.
Ait Oltl Slaiil's Query.
ftilllOlll'C ' Jnllllllll.
Lonp years ape thorn lirod a man ,
A leained man they say ,
So learned that his memory
lias lived until today.
Ho'd studied all the sciences ,
And innsteicd eveiy ait ,
Kxcet ] ) thontt of capturiiiff
A loviiiR ' .vom.m'i heart.
And EO n lonely bachelor
Ho li\cd , and BO he dial ,
AiidChaion fcniod him across
Tlio Stjx'slulty tide.
And now the question must arise ,
1'ioni countless lips let fall :
Although ho know so much , was ho
A AO ! man , after nil I
Mio Had Him ,
While n Denver \\omauwas going through
licr Husband's poeKets for change she caino
ncross a note froiiut biblnessacquaintanco
that filled her soul with horror She thought
the ir.atter all over , made up her mind what
to ilo and say. and when her husband eamo
liomo shoinet him , primed with virtuous ,
vlfoly indii-'niition She placed the tioto In
Ills hand , and there iu a Hue ho read his O\MI \
"Met your tvpowritcr at the Tabor last
nilit ( : ; spoke nniti ) flippantly of von. Seems
to be \ery chipper voting person. "
Ho attempted no defense , ho had no
chance. Ilia ifo did and said what she had
fledded to do mid say , and coni-luded
by demanding to bo tnlten atonco Into the
chipper young person's presence. The hus-
Imnd denmried slightly , but succumbed to
Joico of circumstances mid took lilawJfoto
the ofllcc , where lie pointed loan Inner door.
"Go In there , " said ho "You'll llnd the
typewriter in there. "
She stopped in aggressively cnounh. A
moment , mid she i-etutnod , a multUuiloof
emotions depleted la her pretty features.
Jlehind her came ntnll , thin , surpuscd look
ing VOUIIR man , \\wsuyini ; :
"V"es , ma'am , I nm the typewriter ; the
only ono in the oflko. "
And , by the way , added the Rentleman , I
neglected to tell ir.y wife that 1 had Just said
pood-byto my former tjpowrltcr and hired a
new one.
HllplMH | ( ,
Last An Rust Harry E U.tll , a well known
society jounginan , created n sensitlon bv
eloping with MissSuoTressell , daughter of
n prominent merchant of Canton , 0. 'Ihe
coupl' ) mnrtlcd and settled down to a sii | > -
poscd life of contentment. Now It ill has
dcsortcd his.oung wife and taken all tlio
inonoyimd left for parts unknown. Uumors
of a sensational nature are hcaut. Ilo is ell
connected aud bis friends arc at a loss tocx-
plahi his conduct.
rrovolod ; to Honesty ,
Wralia ( S < ttctt ( ,
She ( when ho veturnol from Uio ciuo ) -
Ugh ! what n bruto. Ihero never \vas n
blgfier fool than when f mairiodou. .
Ilo ( sllshtly incohcfont but still in the IIIIR )
Now , Maria , don't ' talk 'n such dlnheour-
nged way--iots bigger fools 'n you I wash
l myshelf.
' AVi s ' 1 011 Religions' .
Several mouths ago .Mary Vacar , a comely
young llohemhin woman of twenty , began
eult against her youiitf husbiml , I'mnlt M.
Vucnr , for divorce , savs the Uloveland
Leader , After several Ineffectual attempts
Vncarwns Induced to como tocourt , und ho
The joune couple bcifan. tliolr
innrrlcd life nudcr the most Imppy
hut the l enc > tnwn vai hanllv In Its
iiuiirli'r bcfoiv tlipy fniitul tliut tholr Instoi
woto far from rongcnliil. The liusbnnd
wnntcd tnuo "one of the lov , " and the
wife , who una n mini-tor's daughter , nnd of
n religious turn uf mind , often icbuVcvd Him
for Ids worMlviay \
"U'hv don't joti live vllh jour \vlfo } "
nsUod.ftidgo Stuno of the defend'int. '
"Tlu-roaro * nme thin t about Her Hint 1
don't IIUo1 replied Vacar uMislveiy.
Well , \\hiitiuu they I"
"Sho won't let n.odi Ink aud smolto.lad Is
enthely too religious. "
The ciuo was postponed until ttio next
Common Adtloo.
/'MI / ' * .
n.ilsy Clutter -Oh , Mnlsy , I don't know
what to do Old Mr , DoddcrluKton and .laclt
linvo both piopnsod , ntul
Marigold Talto Doddeilnctrm. IIo'i
rich nnd nlieiuty old. Jnoli li not
sui-oof Bcttlngrlch , bat ho U suioof gottlnu'
becomes a wife she cannot
Bometlmos how she inaj spend
horallo\\ani'o from her hmhand to the best
advantage , nltertvnul lu ) often spends n
peed deal of ttn.c planning how she may get
an nltovtnnco to sjiend ,
U'ti ) lit ; \ViiM lender.
I'Utilmra ' ItiiUctln.
Mta. I.oiitr edde-Sui-h a dunning 1ms-
band as Mrs.'on \ PleUel Has1 So tender
after toiMcars of 11111 naco Mr hongwediio
Quito natural Hunuld million rhinocfnn
tender to bo l < ept in hot vater for ton jo.irs
( ' ( III Illlllii > lllll"4.
A Savannah Chinamanvlio innuled a
white woinnii n while ago , has Just stolen
SUM , though ho wasagoodUhiniiMian hetoio
" 1 will ilo the best I .know , " was the
answer a I.aunl tirido recently gave the min
ister when asked I f she would Move , honor
and oboj" Her prospective husband.
Mrs. Clirissa 1 Jerry ot Cldcjijw. after
t \ \ uityoiio years ol soaich , ba found her
se\itay-threo-ycar-old husband , Hermann
" '
lUuy. atCle\'elan < l , and immediately com
menced suit fordivoice.
The \\illof tlio late Mrs Xnoli. of Kaiicas
City , bciucitths | to her huab.tndfi while the
romaiiuler of her estate , aiiKiuntlnic to SKW-
( ) ( W , is dist rlbuted elsewhere. Xooti looks
upon nun riiiLjc us a failuie ,
Just twenty joarsano a wonnn living in
Alcl.ison , Kim , stood sponsor lor the infant
son of a nclnhbor and spanked her little god
son when ho howled dining the Inptlsinal
eoieinony. Last wed : the god-mother mar
ried Her god-so i.
A Texas man who was gointf to Europe on
business , which might detain him for thrco
or four ji'.trs , ni.triled a girl eleven years of
agosoasto tia\c \ a wife to welcome him on
hlsivttiinindso . lie would not fall In
lovewhllo ho was gone.
Miss I'lNvlie ( 'oatei of Plovelninlho is
accused bv the wife of William Hrownellnf
eauslngher sepiratlou ftom bur bus band , was
visited bj the Jealous wife , who threw the
contents ot a bottle of vitiol in her face.
She was frightfully burned.
A Mmiil lilnsliiin' v mine wnm in nf tivmitv-
sK , u ho has been thieo times nnrricd in two
year- . , was rivently torn by her parents liom
the arms of her late-it , a lad of .sev-
untien , InS : l.ouls And yet some good but
misguided folks in Now Kngl.uid ad\iso
YanUeo girls to ; o west , to get marrieil.
It is quite prouabli1 that you may need the
seivices of a physician some dav ; but \ou
can wistpono the tiino imlelinitily bv keeping
jour'blonJ pmo and \onr system itixlgorated
thiounb the use of Aver s sarsaparilla. 1'ro-
\entionis better than cine.
and Love Jar ,
Deacon 121iihV. ) . .lessup , a prosperous
fanner of Uathrop township , I'ennsvlvani.i ,
is a red-hot republican. O. V. H. Metcalf ,
the son of u nelKhboring farmer , is a hot
headed joung democrat of the .leffcrsonlan
tjpe > . 1'or inoio than u iear Alctralf has been
in llio habit of calling on Deacon Jessup's
daughter .lulla at least once n week. A foit-
tiiht ago bo and the deacon got inton politi
cal quiuol iu the presence of .lulla and her
mother. The women tiled to stop it , but
it did not como to an end until the
deacon had oulcrod Motcilf Irom the house ,
tcllhiK him never to call theio iiRnin. Met-
talf depirtedat once , and Julia hud a crying
f.pell. Tlio > oung man hasn't been in the
deacon's house since , but lie has met Miss
.lessup seveial times ataiiothcr faun house.
A little after dark u few nights ago young
.Metoalf drove up to the daeon's ( hiutsu
in u etitti r. and all In a moment Miss .Icbsup
tiipoed out all mullled up , not Into the cutter
and away they went Tim deacon w is doing
chores in tlio ' ain , and itMH tmnty min
utes before ho found out that Julia hail gouo
off with Motealf.
Mrs. Jessup told him that Julia had gene
to a p.uty in the viliaRoof Jlopbottoiu , and
that slio v.ottld piobably return toan
after mididght. The deacon's anger
was up In nu instant , and ho
rushed fiom the house , mounted a
hors' * , and started for Ilopbuttom anosslots ,
Hv tboroad It it. four mites andahdf fioia
the do icon's fiirm to lloplxitloni , but over
the liilU and through thn tl > lds it is only two
miles. Thuiouplohad been gene nearly a
half hour \\hen JJo icon Jessup moimted his
horse , but lie expected to roadi the villigo
ahead of them , and He intended to lie.icl them
oft ane compel the young farmer to drive the
gill bade tohor hone as fast as hisna imild
go , soho snldon Hundav Ilornii his hoiso
tothofoot of Hentley'sliill , where the animal
got stuck in a snow drift , and the deacon had
to turn hacic That put him behind it good
bll , buthe wast bound to catch the couple ,
nnd hoent laciiiR toward the vil
lage over Jtho same route the
lovers had taken. The dcuron found them at
a party a little after H ) o'clock , and his ar-
inal m.ido a sensation. He called Metcalf
"an ungodly young copperhead , " and ho or
dered MHs'jcssup to quit the place immedi
ately. Slio said she wouldn't go unless her
husoand wanted her to , ami she told her
fathcrthat she liad been manied to Metcalf
Uss than an hour hofoio. This sccmsil to
soothe Iho dciconN fceliiiKsaniayiiiL'ly. lie
cooled off , shook hands with his son-in-law ,
hupped Hisduiphter nnd told llioin that Itwns
all right. lerbody ! had fun for the next
hour and then tlio ttio deacon loft. Metcalf
and his bride staved in the village that night
and in a d.u or sothoj tuo goint ; back to the
deacon's ' to live.
'Iho Detectives Xotreilrd. .
A 111011 } ? Uio many poopto on hoard the
special train tliat i-nnied the New York
tfiifsts to the Ahtor-\Villiir ! ( vudiliiiR in
I'hiladoliihlti ' , Tuehilnyeio two quiet-
mauncred men who were not noticeably
dlH'ercut from tliu other cuosts amoiifr
whom tlioy moved , At the Willing
mansion these pitosts woie seen to Lover
with piirticular solieitinlo near the
c'oatly woddiny ] ) fewnta nnd to watch
ittoutlvolv tlioso who inspected the
{ ifts , \\ion ) tlio bpecial train returned
to Now York that nlfrht DotectivoSor-
( jojiiits C'harles Ifeldolbot1 and CJeortfo
l.anthier reoiteil ) ) to Tiispcctni1 Hyrnes
tlnvt the great weddiii ) , ' had gone off
without liny o\cnl thut called for their
Kll > \V.\\ri-JI ) TIIIUll MO.VIJV ,
No\cl Ititii on it I'lilindcliitiln Si\rli ( ;
Tlio qiioorost run on n savings bank on
roenrd ocouiroil In tills olty , nnys thn
I'liiludelnhin Ueeonl. N'onrl'y ono thou-
snnd flillilren ttli bliuuMie'd , oxeltod
tliroMjied tin1 ( loots ot tlio southoni
olllco of the County Havings bank , i-om-
inunly called the "IVnny Imiik , "nt tlio
iHirtht ( < corner nf I'.lchth nnd Hnin-
bridge lreets. llnch elulil hold a bank
deposit book , and ( ill \MTO \ loudly elnni-
orint ; for their money. A rumor Iwd
boon started tliat the hank linil JJOMO tip ,
and st , nun'c ' hail boon L'foak'd ' tunoM'st (
llio cinliryo lliuinolur.ivhoio deposits
rniitfod from " ) I'onN to M.
Tlio boutlicrn ollloo of the County Stiv-
Ing bank \\liuro the "run" look imicels
in t ho Polo elm ) , ' ! ' Snniuol J. hyneli ,
an elderly , mild , Iwnovolotit looUin
fjentk'iimn , who Odii tltutes the whole
stalT. Sliu'e thixini'iiiii'of } , thn hraiich
Mr. Ljui'li Hns fouiul no dlllli'iilt in
traimiietiay the'liolo of llio busine-s
lilnt olf. l-'very tiling has fjotio on swim-
inliiyly , and In four months tlio roll nf
stih-iM'lliPt'H nuinboi1 OMM- nine hniulred.
The llrst niaiorof the bank's Inability
to pay its deposits \\its < . | nrted by n
seliohirof llm l\iii { , ' old selinol , I'lp'hlli
nnd I'lUwator btivet < , durinc sclionl
hours ji'stordtiy inoi'iiliiK1. The roiiort
spread throughout thowhool lilvoild -
llie , and by Iho llinc the hour of olohlnjj
arrived oery eliolnr \\\\o \ \ \ hiiil any
inonoj doixniU'd in thu in a
liljjh htatu of e.xeitenient. They hurried
for their hauK-hooKs , spica'dlng the
alarm f'ir and wide.
Kotnrniii < r ihoy hiuldted around the
outHiduof the bunk like a lloi-k of hhcep ,
oneh oiio fearful , even in the height of
thi ) panic , to beyin the rush on the banlc.
Muatiwhile Maiuifjur Luieli sat c-alnily
In the hack pa it of tlio ollli'e , cnmplii-
I'entlyioinllnj'tlio morniti ) , ' paper. At
lenjrth leader.siiosn fur tlio wild croiv.l
outside , Tiio trirls cnteied the bank
and cleiniitided their money. Malinger
Ljncli slunlv arose nnd in a fatherly
wny informed thuin tlu\\ must ( , 'lve i\vo \
weeks notice of withdrawal , awordiny
to the ruloMif the bank. Tlio ( , 'irlti re
plied Insolently that unless they could
have their money then and there tlu'y
did not want it at all , nnd with this they
Him'themselves out of thu bank , slum-
tiling the door loudly ,
Mnmifjor Lynch still suspected notii-
iiip ( , , and win startled by thu iloow of the
bank being thrown o'pen nnd a wild
crowd of his ( loimiltors ruslilnj * in.
\\ovoeluldrc-nofallnijosniid bi/e ? ,
each holding a bank deport hook , Lit-
llo toddling mites scarcely three feet
high , nnd ombrjo mntnmaM'ari iii } , ' the
babies their mothers Inra loft in their
charge weto in Iho number. Manngor
Lyiu'li was at his wit'b end alone , unas
sisted ho had to face this imgrv crowd ,
bends of iiorspirjilioit dropped
" 1 reallj tlioiifjht they wouldhnvo torn
the jilaee out , " said he. "t didn't know
what to do. Hastily 1 managed to scad
n message to President Showeiu 1 dnred
not bieak llie rules nnd pny out without
authority , although I had over SltiO in
the s.ite , niiiro than enough to satisfy
all the dennndi , in order to appeal
tlio I'hlldiea I blurted to indor u their
booKbwith their notice's to withdraw ,
but : i-.sooiuis they found they were to
leoulvo no money their clamoring in-
( Teasud ten-fold. In my diru extremity
two iKilluemen , who wore on duty at ono
of the polling htntions noir , cntno to my
assistance and eluuied the haul ; . Kvon
after this however , many depositor *
gathered outsidn the c-ln-ed door and
Miuyht to get their money out. The
manager admitted a few and indoised
their books.
Howe scales , trucks , oolTeo mills , ear-
starters , Harrison convoy or. Catalogues of
llordcn te bcllcckCo. , agents , Cbicajjo , 111.
Dr. Stiwdor 11,150 I Fiirnain. Spccinlty ,
Diseases pcuullnr to women.
Nletnani s ol' Ne\v Senators ,
\Vhoii I lejji lored at the Tromoat I
put opposite m\ , name "Ohinook State. '
One of the eloilis knew mo and said tlnvt
was a new one on him , .ajsa man in the
Chicago Tiibnne. Itoldliim it was : i
nicluiamc'of our stnte of Washington ,
just as Jllinois and oilier states liuvo
niclxii.intei. In "Washington wo have
great winds which aio caili-d tln > ehin-
nook wind" , and the state t ikes its. nn n '
from eJiinooiv. Then O'Jirten asked nu
about the nlrkitnmosof tlio other new
slntoH , North JJikota is ( "illed tlio
l-'llokor-tail sttUcj Soiitli Dakota tlio
Rulngocat state , nnd Montana tlio
Slubbed-loostata I ilo not know Iho
slgnilleancoof .any of tlu-'o nickname ! )
except the ono which i told yon.
Tor bentitv , for coin foil , for Improvement
of the complexionuvonlvl'oMonl'sl'owilcr ;
tbero Is nothing < jiUiil | to It.
She Cnllctl-'I was t' ' < mr Acen.
\Voinon huvoTnug/lit / the poker fever ,
nnd nowadiUH tholr diaries ate tilled
with rotnlnlM'cm'iH of oveniags
spent over "jack pota" Instead oflth
tender taloi of love nnd courtship. They
have all the slang of the jftiino tit com-
iniuul. as will bo shown by tKo following
from tlio lien of n noted belle , suys the
Now York Kecotdor.
.lanuary 1. Hntnod all dny. Rather
Ilian go to the theater we plnyed poKoi1.
I dropped * : > at fi-c-ont ante , nnd Tilly
won all of It. I nm uiin nlnsl her \\illi
four aeos in a jnck pot once , nnd she
niado mo cnll. She had a straight Ilimli.
I suppose .slio'll buy now gloves with it
tomorrow , the lintoful thing.
Januury U Played tit Tlll.s . tonight
nmlon \ ? " > . 1'liat means inatinoo on
Wednesday and a salnd at Del's. Ma
Kiys I've fet [ to flop placing beeans-o it
makes me nervous. I don't think o ,
but I do think Mitttio lias learned how to
f.tack the cards. I'm going to watch
hor..lanuar'V 1(1 ( ( 'auirliU'harloy lillintrhis
hand from the discard tonight , but ho
saw nai watching him and dropped the
cauls. I'lnjed Iho hour.H. Won oi cents ;
awfully tired ,
.laiiiiary I" ) Played at Mattio's homo.
The hateful thinu i' ed thocardsM ) that
1 liad a straight Hush six high , Clmrh-j
ono .o\oit high , Tilly ono eight highand
dealt hei'M'lf a loyal straight Hush. It
was n jack pot and all * teed pat.
Wo rnised the limit to CO cents , and
when the call eamo there was WH in the
pot. I'm golny to trot a puck and iivirk
the cards MI that I'll got my almro back
wlieaMiopliijs nt my liotiso next timo.
.Inmmr.y i0 ! At homo f lL-at Matlio
tonight at her own fjnmo with the
marked cards nnd won$2(1 ( from her. She
had a straight Hush , king high , and I
had ono nco high , t'hurley hays 1
"Voaked" her , \\hatu\or that menus.
.lanuary Ho 1'laycd until Jl tonight
nnd didn't win a pot. Lost well , J
won't say how much-inn. mi lil t < co it.
.Ininiary " ! ) f'.uiyht Charley filling1
his hniul again nnd wo voted liim out.
\Voii 0. Will got a now hat shortly.
Remember tbat Ayci'a ' chciry pectoral Iris
no e < iual as aspecllle for eoldi , eouclis and all
alTcc'tlons of thetlnoat and IUIIRS. Tor nearly
lialf a ccatuiy it has been in greater demand
than any other icmcdvfor imhnonary com-
idaints. Vll drti 'lsts have It for s lie.
Illnekliiii-n Pulled the String.
The way seine wicked Texans plnyocl
it on Senator Hluckburii out in Abilem >
soinoycarsagowas sinful in the extreme ,
said Senator lierry of. Arkansab to a
Washington Post man.
"It seems that Blackburn went out
thoio with Senator Harris of Tonnc.ssce ,
who has a win in the htock busi
ness in western Texas. Abilene
was a booming \oting town then ,
and , like nil fionticr cities in
embryo , decidedly tough. Still the
people were hospitable , and the n.ajor ,
who had got into olllco thiougli his roe-
o < jni/ed skill asn faro denier , in a neat
little bpeech extended to the senators
tlio freedom of the city. To beguile- their
stay a { jreut tight xvas arriuifruit between
a li'orce bulldog and a badger , to which
the visiting htntebtnon were invited. It
was on tills occasion that the mayor
made his complimentary address of
welcome , and he wound up with
the announcement that Senator Ulnek-
Imrn had consented to pull the rope that
should liberate the badger from the bar
rel in which ho was confined when the
word for the conltict should ho given.
They wanted nn impartial man to ollici-
ate , us a great dial of money was staked.
"Tho gent email from Kentnckj re
sponded in his usually happy vein and
concluded by saying : 'I w ill now pi r-
fonn the pleasant duty that has been a . -
ligiiod boon this occasion. ' Suhingtho
action to the word he gave a jerk on the
string and yanked out a polecat. "
iJr. Oirney cure.s catarrh. Bee bld'jj.
3' C. Sunmim of Central City is iu the
city , nt tlio Merchants
The continued use of mercury mixtures , poisons the system , brings
on mercurial rheumatism , and causes the bones to decay. The use
of S. S. S. forces impurities from the blood , gives a good appetite
and digestion , and builds up the whole human frame.
Good Advice. His Son Cured. \
Tlireo jcarsago I was compelled to Jir. W. H. Illnman , of Mount "Vernon ,
tuiow up my places Iccausoof blood poi 111writes as follows : Ono bottle ol
son , iiot Springs' physicians and mer Swift's Siieeillo ( S. S S. , ) cured my son
cury did mo no good Through the advice - permanently ofaBtnhborncasoofblood
vice of another I began talclnpr S. S S , poison that defied the best nicdlcaltrcat
ntid to-day I am well and at work again inent livallablo. I have lecomxncmlcil
MVhat more can I sav for tlio medicine , S S S , toothcrfl for tlio uloud troubles
except "t'o nnd do likewise " and diseases of the hltin and have neer
JA'.rnu KOCIIT , Liberty , Tenn. known it to fall to euro in any case. "
HOOK ON iiLoon AND siti.N i > ; ! ; i'itiii. :
THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , - - Atlanta , Ca.
Colds , Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
Inlliiiiiimul nt.rthi. ' I unui Kllni'y nml H" i'N Silntiui , Clilltililns. Kroat IMua ToothnOil' , llf.iilni.lit >
I'uliHln the Hack l.luibs. unJ all llio nsunl
'Ihonnillcnllon c ( U \ \D\VA\ \ lllI.Miy HI 1 1C I" In llio imrts alTccled will Inilnn If tcliovo nn I noon mro
lusulIiTiT litternall ) In il u > 3of fruni tlilrlr ti' > l l ) tlrups Hilulf a tuml.l.'r i r nutcr H 111 run' HI n
low inoini nt < I rnmi ' im'iiisiur Stoniucli < ollc H.iluliMiri' I loarlhui n Dlarrlioi'ii. Mli k Itriuluulic
NI > II \omltlnj , Ci. Ill ( lillli NiTvoimnem f-leoiilussiic'ss , anil nil Internal inlns. 1U tunt * u bottle lu
iilcitclruftl : tt ItAUWAV A LO..JJ \ \ nr roil st
National Bank
Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1890 , - Q'J.BOO
Oltlcort nml Dlrcclori-lli-nrf W Yntni. I'rcildonti
I.nwljs. Ural VkJ I'riMilunt , JiiiuoVjmttP \ , W
V. Murm > Jnliil > tollliM U C. Cmlilnj , J N. II
1'uirlck NV 11 S llnidiv , iMshlJr.
T II M 1 1 iO X 13X K ,
lorner I'-'tli uiul 1-iirn nu Mi
A Gonrral II iiikln : llniiiios
T/ir Jltnu , < r. / Itlt tuxl
/Hf/H' / ItlUHt HllllHtuHllnUll flH
llnlcl Itiiliiliiiif In Onuiliii. tii'i-ri'iil
lu'iiril lii'lrft Iti-f mill * ninnliiiiruin
lntm'int > nt ttn-oitj , .til tinrrininf < i"'t '
/ tornliic'ff / ir/f/c .iHtii'Htttx / / < ; /
liiitiitr , iintl.lni/ liniKiHMtlitf In luti-n
iiuM ; , I ' / < WIIIIVH mill tiniilnriiiH
tJiritni/liiint tin- Inillillnibtfiini In-lit ,
hot iml ( ( / mifi-r unit mtnHliiiiflii
I'ooiM , 'lulili-'iiimnrjHiiNvil aim-
'Cures '
COLDS in the Head
by one application.
in a very short time.
in from T , to 5 clays.
rou SAM : in AM. iurri ) ( ; rs
I'liMMinil ' i tii\ \ i > y 'in1 '
HIKMM.IM : MI nu IM n > .
llui KIT Illix k , niii ib i. I - \
OMAHA IfiilliintirnlilromW .1 IIMII'H
w" " " " 's < ' - 'fH 1.1'ullinll-
( | : ( ij. , , .Sotirn kii
AI'slM.KS (
bc < t IIIK ! mil ) in | > iil < > < | irr > iillM'il hj
| l/ | phj , | iiiM | MI Hiuiiirtiu :
( ) on rlncMuuliU > iliiiria"i trom llu < iirlnnry
LUrltcU ur uc'iutrud. tl Ml HT bui.
We have just opened aline of sprinj * Overcoats , which for style , sh.ijio , tone , fit anilvork *
nianship , arc way ahead of any \vo have ever shown. ' 1'licy are made in Tricots Melt
Cheviots , Cassiineros , . Kerseys , Worsteds , clc. They conic in all the fashionable shades anx
colors. Sonic are silk lined , some are silk faceil , and sonic are both silk lined and silk faced.
We extend you a cordial invitation to pay our overcoat department a visit , and to give you
something of an inducement to make an early purchase ,
At $4,75 At $4,75 At $4.75 At $4-75
a handsome Melton , throe shades to pick from , with good Italian lining , with' fancy striped
sleeve lining ; worth more , Look around ; you'll see.
At$9.5O At $9.50 At $9.5O At $9-50 At $9,5O
a handsomcTricot in spring shades , splendid lining , satin sleeve lining , silk facing. Its a beauty
Come and sec.
At $12 At $12 At $12 At $12
worth eighteen. Hundreds to pick from. Hlaclc Clays , satin sleeve lining. Fine Meltons , spring
shades ; imported Tricots ; made in shape ; cut in style , ( some are box coats ) , well lined & trimmed
At $16.75 At $16.75 At $16.75 $16,75 At $16.75
Finest in the land ; imported Tricots , handsome spring shades , finest linings , best of trimmings ,
regular twenty-five dollar coats in most stores. XVe'll do better by you. Sixteen seventy-five.
Store open till S p. in. Saturday's 10 o'clock.
Our sprinq ; catalogue' is ready for nulling.Vrile \ for it ,
Have you a PitlsburgTi ,
Rochester , Duplex , or a'Stu
dent Lamp ?
Do they work satisfactorily ?
Do your Lamp Chimneys
break ? You get the -wrong sortl
The KIGIIT ones are the
" Pr.ARL GLASS , " made by
Macbeth & Co. Pittsburgh
Gco. A. . ,
burgh , makers of the cele
brated "Pearl-top" lamp chim
ney , which have given univer
sal satisfaction. °
To euro nillon nes fllrk Hcnilnctie Cuin
llalftlln ] .tor CumplBlntb. tnko thn
nnd certain luiuvdy. SMITH'S
tleotbo BVM.T.EIZR ( ! 0 little ! x > ani to flic hot-
tie ) Thpy Hre tlie luost ron\oiiiont ball ( UL u is ,
io , vr > > .uU | > trLniUlu.
'f 17. 70 : Photo irmvura ,
.eUuoo ! tlib plcturo lor 4
i > s ) .
llllo Hinns , rt Ixiuh Titp
DR. J. E.lftcCKRSW ,
K ! Yenr * ' Ilvporlpiipi * .
( "tireil In 3 Io5 ilnjsnlthniit the lost nf aulinurVlluio
Iroin hu huHs Tlio inu tiib'iiiluto euro fur dl.l'i : I'
nn < l all aDiinjIiimll.cliiirk'i's I'vor knomi to nu1
bclcnci' bU'UII.IS \\nrrintuil euro liiiMt.iMilij <
Tlio mu t poncrful tt'inul ) jut knou n fet a IKTIIII-
lipntcnro hl'lticn UlSuriialiilnrillotliiKtlioliliil-
( lor.cuiuilat licniif n Itliuut Itivlninit'iil no cutuiu
no pain no illlutln , ' l.iisiof .Miinhuiid orVc > ikne < H
| iniltl\ply ciirt'il , Invtiinl r 'lluf bkln ilhuiivinn'l
roiiulu illsi'i pcmin'iiMitly cMirnl l > r Mi dim -i
MICICMH In ( hi * trintiuonl ot l'rl\atn II | > CI IM lri-i
iii'iirlii'iMi I'qnalli'il unillilH jrn > it nrins uf inith'iiti
rcaihi' < Irnni tlio Atlitiitlrtu llii' I'aellli' Ilimk nn t
( MirulaiM fii'L * l.iilti" lioai - to 4 < ml ) 14th no t
riniiaiu "Iri'oU Uiuiiha , .Neb. L'ntr.inuJ uu iltlnt
rorllut tri-itmiMil'if ultl'IIUONIP AMI * ! lldliI. .
Df-l'-V Ki llr.ipn < ApulliuuMf r I ) . lorinllu'iuii I
Tnnsi'os | li > l l-ait ith < H Aipiiintiinml | Hi ini'illi-
fi > r iu'i-i" iiil ( T * itini'iit nf i > j loriuor ill i'mo
iccjiilrlni : Mmlioalc.r iirmcnl Iri'ilin nt NIM l'\
IKIUMH Kill I'Mll M- Hum ! n u I \ . , , l in <
Itoit Ai i.itninoit idi.iMtMt V.ilio f r rlrfttlnra t > u
Dornnnillfi nnd llru : u TIIIHHIM i lu ! > I i > ct , ( nra -
tiiriM nt.pliii' , rili-i , l'iini < ir , Cam IT alnri li
111. in lillh liih Ktl < .n rinl ) l < , llpll-
! ) ) . Klitiu > ) . IIU < liti > r IIjo. In- , kln Illiiiiil
nml -uiKU'1'U'l'i'mUnin ' | ) | s.ASI.MM'OMi.N | :
ri PiiM'ltiltn ltoiki > IH OTIOS of \ \ onii'ii I'l uiVo
IIIIMI luti'l ' ) iiililiila lylnii In 11'iMrliiii'iit tin U union
llurlni ; itinllniMiii'iit iMritl ! > I'rhuti'i Oil ) Ili'llu-
lilc Mi' . . In-llluto Miikliu n po. lilly uf I'HI-
\AII : IMMA-I ; -
All ItliKnl | ! | "tM i'n Niitwmfnllir tri-ntol Muilli Ino
or hntriimrnli mil liy mull nr n AHi' | < ocurll/
lurki'il. in ui.irki in Iml'i ' uti' ( nnti'iiii nr 111 icr
One ptirvm il lntir\liu iiri'fv'rruJ t'lilhin I rmiHtiU
IIH or cttn I lilNtui ) nf jniir i MI tuul wo 111 M'ml In
liln wiui'piT ' inir IIIXIU'KI ' MIA ! 111)1. ) . > i | iii l'i i
inli > < : > i > ilnl nr NirMiua lilauan't , 1 % Uliiiuoalluti lut
Ailln-i iill lutlori In
Dr. A. T. Mi > L.tuighlin , Prosiclont ,
Itli uiul Hut in' ' ) MM IH | , ( JIM ill t.
\ I nil si of 1'ojt , i
un Itulilur. fur
, . KlVf. llnl.l. MIS.
" - ovtrii'tod
pori'c Bunrnntoci Toi-lji .
wllhnit iin.ios.
Uhoutiiln | nr Unnsor. nil
ILetlO ! . llol'l ' anil ullvor III ! im .it lotti'st
rntes. HrUlpnund t'rnwn \ \ " ' k. luulli wllli-
I n tun ( i > , Joih htruot olovitor Opucotuu *
Lb until b oMu.'k
Already conceded , shall rest on no uncertain basis.
We will win by merit only , and shall look to it that
the excellence of our goods hold the favor of the friends
we have made.
Specific Directions.
IF A COIjll IN JL'IIS ; UK \ Inpl > lr
J'onil'n Kvtract iillliitcil onfliulO
1 > ) a miHiil ilouclir , or Mitill It , or
\nporl70 It o\cr a l.intp mxl lulinle
tlio fiiiiicH through tlin iu * e.
II' ' HOVIt i : , Kiiro ; ultli 1'nnd'f
i\trnct : time t dnil ) .
nml "MiCSC. Rl'E ! ' ! ' , ruli tiiu nccU
8 tlniroiiKhlIlli I'oiiil'f. ! : xli-utr
anil , uu retiring , \vr.ip tlio neck <
in uiooleii l > nuiliuo Kiilurntcil jf
ft ! t\llli I'oiiil'n inr : : rt , nml - S
trclcil liy nu outer \v rnppIiiK
ii < " 'ini : n ; > ( ; s AUI ; sour ,
tnlw : i leuspoonrul of I'oniT * I'l-
trnct lour r Hvo Iliiirn ilullj' .
II' TIIH l.niHIS .V < UK nnd Hro
Hire , ruli tlirinltrorou > ltllU l )
1 > OII < 1'N KvllllCt.
I'liiiil's ixlract : nnd linndnyo
clntla 'it il ruled ultli Ponil'M I'.i-
truct. Itrhlii qnlolilj wlnjiped.
DDT do not i > iinliiM > koini' clirnp-
Hltlintlllito anil vxpuct ll to ( \iliat. .
I'oiKl'x I Alrnctlll. . Ito siiru joii
Iiliv < > ciMiiiliiu iilllclc. IMutlo only
liy I'oiul'H itlrait : Co , , Now Vorlc
aiul i
131S Douglas Street , Omalia , Neb ,
roil i lire Ws
of Iron amiVlro
. Co'il and
Ml nil hi' 1 M Iron Dooi
icons , inn airways , - > anil
Sliiitti'is.lrn \ IKII , nUollrassVorU n ( c\ciy
( loi'rlilliii | , A II Mailuf !
217 South 12th Street ,
Oppjsito Nubraska Kational BaaV , Oiu.ilia.
1 1 PJII t.o ct ci > in n i'iii or v * . llie u r li u , ui In Mr *
Irli.vul finnl , Wl h * m iMdKao . u nu cil UU IIHUI
if OMiiimry ll 1 1 abi t iti ly It 0111. n and will lleol
n uortuu 'P ml poei1 > o iro. wheltur llu patiin ; 11 *
iriVeratodriaKerorau alwhu'mnnoK IISI hit
I Vl ! Jt opui tie * r uuktly uud i-Ftib auuli nr-
taltn > that ilia piitnnt iihilcr eco no liioouveii nee ,
un < l urii ! IQ ii t\varo , > i t ui nleio rtturi * n in
I3i > ii ( { ? In k ol in. it Ui ( n r ' 1 it into !
KUII ! < . < < 0 Ifnli U iijtlAfi , ( I IMIl Iu > IL lilH
C i 'luil uuppliel by 1) . AK > UKUi't. A t * ' > ud
< > I'll > ln AK I lUfi , < . Hi , i ,
( k OGiPniTir4 A nnpiUHc
iTKl.i roll. [ Ilko" Ur. 1'li'm-V M.u-iM'lli' 1 li nn
1 rnir ItliiHCMin ItliuUMU In I If > MI n intiliu
lll > rHi iul lu In l iiui > < nr I n i I' uiiplil. t Vi I.
I.U.lic lru I'u , ! Run 1'iaiiiliOUi laL
\ \ oiuli rftil bpacitU
lllUi.ll > . Is nIJ MM )
\ \ ritlinfiimrimtin
t' ' i uri all Smut ] * I i
u ti , suili an \ \ it
Mi r > . Ixits il liraia
I uw i r , II cail i li. ,
Vnk riinr.i.U | t Man
liJ NrnouiniMi. Ui
'I' ' " ' , all ilrtliiB und
| i s n [ jHiwir ut th
' ni mlho Orpdui * . in
' '
o\pr-\irtl > n , \ iiiliful | Dipn , or thMxri-t. ( > o
ii-o uf I , l. . , , . .i , .iiuui | i.rminulmit , lilrli u"l j'.lr
u.l . t < iln1rnilt\ , iiiiMiu.ti , | .u . nml Iruiilt ) I'm , p
liu .i.Mill , TI Jrni , t.irarrv in th < - MMnockrt. 1 rut
ll . IMikiK . nri-f.-r | 1 With IMTI llnrtlrrfti ( . M >
aurilliM Kii.ii.inti'o to euro nr refund tlo |
> l""tVi'ihu' ' . ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' " "u > Ullari' * ' < - nuUr ti.e.
M A OHIOCHEMICAL CoVl'mni-li ' Ofllrr forU. S.i ,
' ' . " ' ' * ' I'll ' AOO. II I.
J i'fSrR.Mn.Orw ' n.ln ,
Htllil \ , \ llrllKK
I'lllt t ) .