JllJii V JlU \11-A JiJJLU ; 'iVIUiM JA'X HIE BIBLE AS A MOT , How it Changed1 thoLuclsof a Well Known Trisco Oainblor. HE NOW SITS UP NIGHTS READING IT , tiVnllntlniiH lii i ri > Kr < " fur lii ( ? /\ll Mm Salmon OnnnerlcH on t tin IfriimT Iliu'r Nol'tll Mit'.St Xe\VM. Tt Ijsnfil thntn well known Kimblerof San Vranrhco , whoso iiUntity IH p.trthilly con- CcoJcd xniilor tlio initial Wof his surname , lias found "mascot" which ho a hlRhlyprl/.e * . Jle has been loslnp money nt every thin R he Jtluynl for Uvo nrtlitvo wcem. In tlio pf his hard luck Biinioillstntii , fricnil of better flays sent him : i blblo , richly bouiiil , wltti a ll'io In familiar hnndivritliit * on n lly loaf. \Vhcn ho oponoil the paclca-'O ho silently fecnllpeted olil tunes anil crnckuil n Joke About It for the frlonil with him. Ho In'.il ' It on his tnblo In his room nud UUed Us presence for tliu very Luiiinr of It. A week IIKO ho wont homo Into nt night afk'r losing -iSHI i\t seine puinu or olln'f , niul taking a "nightcap" ami ti lit- ( tip nclKtir , picked up his bltilo Just to pass hwny u few slcoplcas minutes , llo hixlly ppuiuil II at random and beiia rondliiK1 " 1 Kaniui'l. " llo soon tossoil It iiAldo ntulvrnt losleep. . On the next ul ht heoii. \ . llo In- Mantly rccognlvhiit l lilt mascot was , niul thai i.ltflit . In ; passed u full hour conning the "iiniM'ot.1 Llo won iiu'iUii mill was nioru tlian Cvordiucil , U'ho bible hns become precious to him. llo now .sitsup in buil for : m hour every nlithlrundliiK'Unit blblo with as much devotion asovura monk counted his beiulsor nJIutluhist repealed the mime u ( a KoJ. llo innUc.s no secret about tolhnir of It and conll UeutliiUy advlslm ; his sporting friends to try Outcasts. The case of Miss Kll/abcth Ilatloy , under the charge of Insanity , upon Investigation revealed ono of the most deplorable cases evorprrwntod before the court , says the Bait l.alco Tribune. Kirst , because tlio plea , Was not sustained , and second , because the finding of the court , in adjudging the young girl an lillot , found it-self dispossessed of power and authority to direct tier being taken can ) of at public expense. The mothiT was nrosont M ono of the Witnesses , niul presented almost us { tillable u bight 0.1 licr daughter. It appears hat these persons have noliotue ; that they have been nbnndoiicd liy their relatives and friends , unit that their place of nbodols Wherever night llnds thoni. The testimony of the examining physicians \vas to the otTcet that tto ! ailment wus of such a character that It would bo useless to send the pallutitto the asylum for the reason that she could not bo iulniittcd. This state ol'alTairs loaves thcso Uvo wanderers the prey ns the evidence ux- hibltod louiisponlcaule- outrages from night to nlL'In. An uxumlnation nuulolii court , by the two physicians present , exhibited , the fact that the mother was the victim to ono of the most loathsonio diseases known. Hard Up lor N'ovn. A warrant was sworn out for the Urrost ut Charles A. Sharer , city edi tor of tlio Spokane Falls Chronicle , on a charge of sending false telegrams. The war rant was signed by Albert Hawkins , a re porter on the Uoviow. AS'hon Ohicf of I'o- llco llurboard wus on his \vay to Spokntio from Seattle in charge of LodloVlrt \ anil her ( ibductors , IJnvnoy lltooksntul wife , Hawk- tnswus sent to Cheney to moot the party and Interview the girl on the wuy up , which lie aid. aid.Khafor Khafor knew Hawkins was polne , and In Order to defeat his plans seat telegrams to Chief 1 larboard ami Airs. Taylor , I edie vVirt's mint , warning : them that llawltlns had ; i job nut up on them and instructing them not to allow him to sen Allss VN'irt. llo signi'il thonaino of a well known policeof- flcerto these telegrams. Ho also hired a barkeeper to dope Hawkins before ho took the train. Sbafer went to Sp jkaao from S.ui Jfrauciscovbero he claims to have worked On several loading papors. 1'si-d a l'ri > oin > > tick ! on u Child. Secretary Thoobnlu of the I lutnano society Oiiearthud a c.iso of atrouious cruelty to a child 111 Oakland , Cal. Mr * . HocliltlH beat a little stepdaughter unmed Dottlo , aged nine years , In the most Inhuman and brutal tnannor with a broom stick , covering the chilli's body With blnek and blue marks anil lirenkhifr two of her ribs. The child's scalp Is also badly larroratcd , From the welts and black and blue marks on the child's wrists it isevlrient Unit Uin miimtuml mother tlod the child's hands and foot before coiiuiiendtin her llenil- ishwork. The child's ' body from the waist flown is iwered with blnek and blue spots and marks. She was attended bv physicians and niailOiis comfortable us possible. Secre tary Theobald arrostoil Mrs. Hoclthlll and phuvil her in the county Jail. Ho thlulcs she is Insane and believes her to bo an opium fiend. Him has two other children , who will Do tiilten front her by the seerotr.ry. Jn tlio Idaho legislature last WOOK Jones of J3olse county two Bouncy of the ISnelo Hoek Timea a severe roasting l > LvaiisoIonnoy sent ft illiputch to the Ogdoii Stnnciant purportliiR to tiavo coino from t'rod Pubois to himself Baying : "K'or CtOil'ssnlro ' don't ' desert me , please do not bring nt ) the case ; you have al- wnys been my frienils. " lliirlng the sen- ntorial inuUdlo it was charged oil the street In Doiso City Unit Duhoisvas wiring promi nent democrats In the legislature not to bring up tlio M'mitorial light again , as If ho feared the result. This nlspateh was one Dubois vaschargetl with sending to Jouos. a demo crat , and Honnoy telornphuci It to the Stand- nnl. Jones denounced itasallbul , anil said ho had received no dispatch at all from Du- 1'orlfclieil lit tlu > Storm. Ftvo laborers loft Great Falls for the scene oftbo construction work on the Great North- era line through the Flathead region In Mon tana. They were caught In the heavy ptornis , and n contracting party fouiul two of the di\ul boitlos , and ne.u- them was ono of tboineti still alive , but dangerously f 107011. U. ho survivor stated that the mom ben of the party beeatnn separated Inthobllndlng snow , nndtwoof them bnd wundeix'd away -.vltli tbo storm and have not been found. The bodies of the dead men were burled near 0'wo Medicine , ntid a sonrchiui ; party started put far the missing t\vo. It Is almost a cer-- talnty that they have perished , Salmon Cunning- Trust , Negotiations are now in progress for the purchase of all the salmon canneries on the JTraser river by a syndicate of wealthy Amer ican capitalists , who propose to secure a fcnonopolyof the salmon-packing industry of BrltUh Columbia. So Is learucd.olovcn pf the Fraser river canneries nro as good as closed \vllh and negotiations nro still in pro- tjrcsa with the others. . Two or three of the cunnors positively refuse to sell or Join the syndicate , but It is confidently expected by the promoters of the scheme that they will DO able to buy fourteen out of the seventeen J.-'Vaser river canneries. The hcadquartersof thosyudicate will bo Vancouver. Sliot a Hoy. ( IcorfioAlhurn , a railroad watchman at the Southern Paclfio ynrds in West Oak land , Oal. , surrondereil himself to the polleo on a churRO of assault with a deadly weiinon. Ho bad ceoa annoyed by boys run- * faing about tlio yard , ami , whllo exasperated nt them , bo fired his pistol , supposedly in the air. Tbo bullet , however , struck little \Vllllo Day in the leg , Inllloiint ; a painful wound. An Inl'amniis Wrclcli. A man calling himself James C. I loss rcgls- tcica ntthoMaDorllouseln Vancouver , B.C. , I. . recently. Ho wo-i accor.ipnuletl liy a hand- porno youtnrvonianwhomho called his wife , nnd to the hotel cleric bo made tbo statement that ho bad driven over from New Wnutcoui , AV tiby vny of Jfi'W ' Wcitmlnitrr Tha jicxt ilny tin * cotiilo | loft the botl an 1 wi ti ) ' scon ouiilrlvlnc : tORPtlier on tlio streets , It VIH tjotlit 1 th.\t tl'U frivfti \ titnlcr Iho in- flucncoof liquor Ot.oniRhther allcitdhus - , bund took her to ndl-trcputnblp ho e lint tbo mistress rofuicd bet Hdiulnsliiii. 'J'hlHiis the InM seen of the huibninl , " who nldppoil. Tbo plrl wciit back again to the him so unit with tears iiihorfyes br pvil the koKT | to irlvo lii-r inoiipy ptinuKhto take her to some tiluco Mhereshe could rontitiun tbo life of sh\ino ; she bitil IK-J-UII , ant liccuuso shf wlsliPtllt. but that now slio wa-idlsicrnoeU forox'crandrould not return tohor Itloiuls. Tim woman lallu-d to tier most kindly uml mlvlsiil her U > pi ) biu-k to her mother and con foss all he fora nlMtuloulitp horaell. Kho liH'Uiil thu ( 'lrl In a ronitituitl ntonra notliloil the nollcovh iliil all tliuy i-onld uiulortho clicuiiislanco.s. The cliiol and a serRonnt bml the younir pirl tnlton to tlio liouso of a irleiul , where stm ronmltiod over night. wms nloiii-oroiii. limn tented ttlth , ami they \vero only too pi ml to take hi'f back IIKAIII. ThopollooiniMla every effort to obtain ovidcnii Unit would substantiate u criminal ctmr o iipunst tlio heartless \vretehwho bail abiindoned tlio irl , but hn had boon very K anted In bis word * , niul by indiirliiK the K'ii'l to drink wine hud livuii nbln to punuitdo lior lo vrnitdntiii ; . lll.H right iiamiIs .latne.t HuRboi. Ho hn been etniiloyed in a real estate olllco In Now \\estnilnsloriiinlwa.s \ \ formerly of No\v\Vhat- \ coin , uml before troinif there was u resilient of San rrandseo , The ( jlrl wua nty powrltvr operator hi a lawyer's otiled at Now West- ininstor , ami it was uiuliM'protnltu of mar- rlatro that she eanio to Vancouver \ uro tlio fiilthlcss lovernbandoned her. XlMV IVllllIC Sl'Ut. Sati I'rnnciseo has anew-fmiKledsectcnlli'd tlio Korea ban. It Is uoo-oporativo cominun- Ity something llle ( the StiaUers. A visitor to It3 hcadquattcn or "College of Ufo , " as It is called , bai Ibis to say of It : A pleasant- faced old Inily eonduftnl the trio tbrough tbo lieiiutiftil iiarlon and explained bow lini-ly the. domestic economy was worUlng undoi * a system of ro-operiitlvolnmielceeplnn ; . Thii coinniuiut.v Is nosorbiiiKcnjulilo mctnlietM ( if society.Vltliinn short tlmo a gifted toner singer has left tbo Hess nperu company to enter the college. ThU instltulloti Inn also tnkon ai'bmiiplon athlete from the Olympic club. The eolloKO novv contains ubout twenty resident tnrmtiors , but It number * among its ailhorenUs uUout ono hundredresiieutablo men and women of the neighborhood. Mem- tiers of the society are expected to bellovo Unit the world is a hollow sphere , anil that we a re living on the Inside of the Klobe , not on the on tattle : that tlio accepted theuries of astronoiny are nil wronp : that liy observing strictly certain "la\vsof life" human beities mav bo able to live forcvor in this world ; that If collbaey were ilpidly prautlrcd , In tinio nil births would be miraculous ; that the Savior was a great prophet , but that Dr. Teed Is ( renter , anil that Dr. 'IVcil is tbo chief representative of ( led upon earth today. 'I'hero are a mnnberof inurricil tvoinoti In the order , but these who have husbamh never fiee them except in public. Several of the men have left their wivca , many of them out in tlio world , Indian -tMiut'H ( rime. Sergeaii t lilchanl Foster of Troop H , Tenth cavalry , United Stitos army , diet ! from a gunshot wound in the right breast inlllctcd by John lllus ? , chief nf Iiuliaii scout A Tbo affair ot-currud at Fort Apache , A. T. , on Kobrunry JI. Sergeant Foster was lillled in thu discharge of duty. Ola s Is now in Jail. a UJF 'rirj ; Phillip Fruiilc , nn old and respected cltl- ten residing near Talma-o ( , died Thursday of HrlKbt's The latest fad at North I'latto U a cis-i' " entitled " ' ' . " It "in'oprosslvo potato plcldng' i all tboraKOiii social drcloa. K. E. Mcriltt , Into editor of the Hastings Nebraskan , has secured n position on the editorial staff of the Aspen ( Col. ) Times. Two Buffalo county men have Invented un Ingenious niiicblno for "bUfrnlnR" potato vines which is expected to fill a loiij , ' felt want , James Johnson , a wealthy fanner living near Woeplup Water , has lost 175 licml of hews with cholera the past winter , causing a Inuii nf * 1 rl l William O'Tory , station agent nt Murtlnnd , was struck by a car and knocked down with such force us todislccato his shoultlcr anil badly bruise his head. Rev. Jacob V. Kcotltlied at the homo of his son near llluo Springs recently aged eighty-live years. lie had boon a minister of the llnptist'chuich for over forty years. Hiram Swalley , found uuilty ot breaking mid st . bushels Into a granary aiiiij.jtwoiity-livo els of oats , has been sentenced by Judge Hates of York to onoyonr In the peniten tiary. Tbo little village of Unlsey In Blalno county is stricken with an eplduinlc of grippe , Fourteen out of the thirty-four residents of the town fire suffering \vitlithodlscuse , but tlio majority of the cases are slowly recover- inn. inn.Tho The Mel'lir-rson News Is informed that Pax ton > S : Ilorshey , whoso ranch is Hershey , will range 1,000 , bead of cattle In Arthur county next icason. ' 'Tho indica tions are , " says the Is'ews , ' 'that the number of cattle ranged In that county next season will bo almost double that of any previous year. " Th'o Minataro company of Scotts Itlntt countv has completed nrrangumcnts for nbih'addition tolls watorlng facilities. An Austin ditcher has been purchased , and tlio canal will bo widened fro in Its present width , which Is 13 foot , toID feet , and extended tola length of probably Ki nillos. Work will boKin within a short time. Tlio farmers of I elk county arc organlz- infr , holdlrig meetlnus , mid trying todoviso some way to fet : seed niul fectl 1 or their neeuy brother farmers who are suiTering and In want. They meet every week. A bill was drawn up by n committee of farmers to pre sent to the legislature aslclnj' that the county coniinissionors bo allowed to appropriate a sufllcient iiitn of money to purchase seed for the needy , but the attorney ( xencral Informed tbointbat such a measure would be un con stitutional. The republicans of Liitchiield , Sherman county , have organized a republican club with seventy clinrtor members , and elected F.V , Tatoehnirinan. and U' . K. Dodson secretary - rotary , U'ho object of their iirfrniiUtitlon is to uphold the principlosof the republican narty. Tlio independent party haselet-tcd ullotlicoi's la Harrison township for the past year , nnd since the tax lists have been tnado up it Ims boon discovered that tlio farmers' alliance ) assessor bad falleil to assess the farmers' nl- HiiiicoKOiicMl mcivhandiso store , located nt I.Uchlluld , but did not forgot to as.suss ttio stores owned by republicans. This mutter , with several other of llko character , are boini ; thoroughly aired In HarrUon township. Iowa. A book aont wirs robbed of ? 100 ut Carroll while ho slept. Davenport bus Jonono schoolhouse build * hip slneo ls'9. V _ . 4)1 I U * 4. > ) ( \1 * .ilNH * WHJ I. J | TI * U * 41 Ul"wl.l - tloa within a few days , I'ocnltontns is the onl\- county seat In the state without a railroad. Tbo ne\v hotel At Dayton cos ting SS.COOwill . open Its doors to the public March 15 , Mrs. 11 ( innall ( ioudard recently died at Fort Atkinson at tbo advanced ago of ninety- two years , A pliino 150 years old , the i > roiorty ] of T , U' . Pelrtch of Burlington , will be ono of the attractions at the world's fulr. Lewis liiiss. the Sao countv young ma who shot nnd hilled a train boy In North Ii- ) ; kotnseveral months ago , husbecanronounccd Insane by a commission. ITorstoalltiK two pairs of boots at Orange City James Grah'im ' was Kiveti tea days in jail. T. K. Cotton only stele onopuir anuho is serving out allvo days' sentence. A number of the people of Orange City nnd vicinity Have formed an organisation under the nanio of the Orungo C'ity gardener com pany. As Its unme indicates , its purpose Ute to raUo all kinds of vegetables for market. Matthias Willers has sued the Chicago , Fort Madison & DCSMoinesrailway company for f'JOO ' dumages. llo claims that liU dwelling - ing in FortMudUon was destroyed by lira through sparks from a locomotive , November 5 , 1SIH ) . The 1'ostvillo Itovlew says it will venture ) the assertion that not ono farmer run bo found In that vicinity who Is poorer than no was livu years aso , unless the cause can bo traced to some thin p besides the usscrtloti that farming don't pay. J. J. Itoborts , living northwest of Lolio View , has n moat remarkable well. It is a ' 'windy ' well. " There Is a cold wind eotitin- xinlly pacing tu > from the \ull llko ntoi * " undo , tnnkliiirnn onilnouinilM * . Tlwsfi \ > lu liavo visited It pronounce It n great curiosity Somutlmango lr ) Soeloy of C'entcr Cirovo securt-d n divorce fn-rn 1'iis wlfo , but ulneo iuiPlo have bivn livlnu toother , Mrs. | i'v bpliiKilotuiniHl tigaluM lior will. Bho peilto a neighbor' * liou- tlu > other d.iy and thu doctor , who is about sixty years old , followed with a revolver in wch lintitl. At present the old lady is In the earn of her f i lends , A Wisconsin mnn returning front ICmiimH nttnu-ted the attention of some > of Mason City's cltl/.eiu the other day. llo bad an old corn cultivator upon wlileh ho had rlRijed a rough box that contained Ids earthly nil. 'lo this nn lined blind inulo was caroil with ropes , tt'itlldnir lpe ldotlu' Jtinle.jilso willi a harness on , wtw the man himself beliihtg to dnw the cnrl. Dlliipidation , rags , strlnns , dcbolatloti nnd di-spalr brnodetl over the ont- tlt. ThomaiiMisdho tnid lost all ho hndtin Kansas and was trjlnnto got back to Wis consin , where ho hoped to itet money from his former nclKlibors to send for three mothor- lesi chlldroti lie had left out west iiulostltllto clreinnUiuices , A MoiiMtionnl suit has lieoti filed In thollau- ciwk county clrciilt'conrt fur the Minvh term by i > yoainr man mimed V. < J. lioutts airnlnit Joseph Welch , his daughter , Uucy Wdcii and a physician. Dr. .1. McDunlel. Yoimn Iloutts recites la hU dceliiratinn that thede- fcmlant.s canto to him on January 1 ami 110- cnvd him of being the futhi-r of l.ui'y AVi'lcli's ' unborn child , nnd on pain of prose cution and disgrace ox totted the sum of &HH ) from him , ho piylnir the ijlrl snid sum of nionov. lie further deelnros that said hucy hiid 110 legal chum upon him , and declares that he was dofraudfd to the extent of f5l)0 ) nnd asks Judgment therefor. The Two D.ikotns. The school tax of Lleadlo county Is moro tlinn half the total tax. llrown county wants leplslatlvoautliorlty to bond Us outstanding indobtetlnoss , The Sioux l-'alls .Inuriinl tliruro that It costs its city f''O ' ' for each arrest made. The Doll Itapuls granite company li'is ' been ivorgntil/cU , with a paid up capitafof ? TiOWW. A project Is on foot to erect a ftW.OOO build ing for the Itaptist university at Sioux Falls. The latest novelty in llryant is \vnlkltiK saloon-ii mun with high top boots tilled with pint bottles. Olivet has the largest dop in South Dakota , llo weighs 1'if pounds and is of the Kngllah mastill breed. The Judges and lawyers of South Daitota \villmeet at JMerro , March 3 , to orgatd/u n stuto bar association. A Mandnn taxidermist has shipped a largo consignment of elk and door heads to an old ijcutch family in Kurope , ThoYnnktoii city council rejected all bids for operating a ferry across the Missouri , and other bids will bo advertised for. Koietto county fanners report maliinp Rand (1 ( cents a bushel by shipping their own wheat. 1'hoy save the middlemen's profit. Ttie Frederick Frco Press says Drown county has $ .10.000 in the treasury and no bonds out , nnd yet county warrants are at a discount of D percent. MeCook and Hanson counties will hold n Joint spritif-fair ntKmeiT , March ! ! , the ob ject of which is to soil farmers' stock aitilina- I'hlnory to the highest bidder. The Insurance companies nro notifying their agents Unit while the valued policy bill is pending in the legislature not to issue any new policies or renew any old ones. A 1 > ill lavs bcon Introduced in the North Dv ; kola legislature to remove the state unlvor. sity from Orand Forks to some moro convun. cut and coi.trnl location hi the state. I'otcr Lxind of Charles Mix county lost two valuable steers and several head of tiojis by poison. It Is supposed the poison was put out on the prairie by some ono for wolves. John ICroplin , a dealer in ( jciioral merchan dise ntl'arltstoii , gave three mortgaRes on bis stock of goods and skipped for parts un known. Tbo goods will scarcely pay anyone of the mortgages. K. C. Macy recently died at Wunara of pneumonia , aired bnvonty-ono years. lie had bcon a resident of Bon Ilointno comity for several vcars , and was postmaster at Wanara at the time of hisdeatb. A bill has passed the house and will proba- sennio nuoiisning inootucooi county Judge , nnd throwing all probate busi ness to the circuit Judgo. Thobill submits the question to a vote of tbopooplo at tbo next general election. John Brookoy , who has Just riled In Vermillion million , settled on a farm in Nebraska , across the river from that town , in li-i.VJ. During the Jlrst years of his residence there Council HlutTs was Ids-market town and ho hauled lib wheat to Fort Randall. Arrangements have bean perfected by the state grand lodge of Oddfellows vhoroby all needy members of the ouler will bo furnished with feed find seed grain. A cur of corn for the needy members in Stillborn and Jerauld counties will bo \Voonsocket March 1. Aberdeen Is to have a shoo factory which will commence operation April 1. It will em ploy twelve men and turn out sixty pairs of sho'o.s per day. The machinery is to have the capacity of , ' 100 pairs per day when the de mand warrants the manufacture of so many. Tholl. &M. railroad company has a force of men surveying a route from a point near Mystic to Silver City uml Pactoln , The sil ver tires of that vicinity have lone had the ccnlidcnco of IJJack Hilts miners , ant ) the railroad ofllclals scorn to bo coveting the bo nanza. A call has boon issued for a reunion of the First Dakota cavalry to meet at Yankton , March 'M , during the statooacatnpnientof the Grand Army of the Komibltc. Tills was a well known organization m the early days , having for its object the protection of Da kota from the Indians. City Knglneor Soott of Hot Springs , under direction of l red T. Evans , jr. , of Sioux City , has prepared plans nnd tnado estimates for constructing an olectrio power house for running a sixty-live borso power dynamo for lighting purposes and nlnrco double cylinder pump for furnishing a water supply to the city. city.What What may prove n fatal nccliiont occurred at the ( J iunil Forks gas works , \Vlliiain Cauy , tbo engineer , wbllo starting the ma chinery was caught in the uuliitiKimu badly manglotl. Several ribs were broken near the spine , iho breast bono fractured nnd other In- juriessustninou , and ho has small chances of recovery. "I'nounionia has killed moro people in this section than nii.v other disease live tltnc.s over , " says the Dendwood Independent. "It senms to spare tbe sickly , puny men and takes off the strong nnd rugged old-timors who bave braved ttio storms of many s-evoro winters. Tlio prevalence of this nmludy Is duo , no doubt , to tbo open winter. " "nau" AVashburn , who was convicted nt Webster , la ) , county , six or seven years ago for robbery and sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years , wns released on a pardon signed l > y Clovornor IMellotte , llev. Currio J. llartlelto was voryinucu interested in Wash- burn's petition for a pardon , and it was muliily through her Instrumentality that ho dually secured his release. Ol'l'ROIl. Four of the damage suits against the Southern 1'aulflo company , ns a result of the Lake Labish wreck , which were pending in the circuit court nt Salem , have been settlot by comuromlse. The four suit-s airgreirntoc ? 50,7f > U , and were settled for10,400. Thoj were the claims of 1J. I ) . Bintoy , 0. A. Huff .1.13. Sloan and E. S. Hcndce. Thcro are several cases of diphtheria n Warrens. Umatllla county. A case of books which was ( nicked up twelve years ngolu the household , whew there were several cases o the disease nt tlio time , was opened recently and the persons who nroallllctcd now handlci thorn , anil ills supposed the disease was con true-tod in this manner. As Prof. Williams , principal , was leaving the Eugene school he was assaulted by tw < young hoodlums with rocks , receiving ncvoro bruises on the head. The boys , Otto Hoborts nnd Charles Ucod , pleaded guilty to nssuul and battery and were lined $11) ) each and costs The trouble arose from tbo punishment o the boys In school a few uays ago , The legislature In Joint session cleotod the following state ofllcersi Hnllroad Commit sloners OoorpoV. \ . Colwig , UosclmrR ; Uob- ert Clew , Junction City ; A. rv. Hamilton Union , Fish Commissioners V. C. Ucod H. C. Campbell , George T. Myers. Pile Commissioners J. P. Halloran , 11 , 1 \ Hook nrd , Astoria ; J. A. Urown , I'ortlantl. Fooi ( Joinmissioncr W.V. . Baker of Portland HtatoUbrnriaii-J. 13,1'utnaiu. Bad drnlnngo causes much sickness , am bad blood mid improper action of the live and Idduoyu is bad dralnngo to the bumni system , wnlcu Durdockblood blttci-a remedy Ttll < fM\inMMTi PM T ' 111 I IT IM 1 11 lilli LOMjlhllllivL IIUVLLEH , ; A Eiuniiiiors1 Bauk Ofgtwiijou1 by tbo Sontli- cm Assiointlou. \M EXAMPLE WORTHY OF IMITATION , Took Ills O\MI M iii iiroiiiriit I'm * a < . 'olHn-'l IM Vitliio .ol' ti ICiuwl- of llmiiiui Nature The Routliprndnunmers have Riven their northern brothers a remiirkable ovniqplc of enteriirlsoln tbeestablUhmont of a lunk at Atlanta , ( la. The Cotislltutlon has the fol lowing eoiicernlns the project : The contiiiltteo on subscriptions fo * the now Commercial Travelers' bunk , held a most interesting nnd enthusiastic ir.eetiii } ; In thn rooms of tlio Simthera'I'ruvcler.s' association yesterday afternoon , uith Chairmnn Dcorgo ' 1' . Alloii'ln the chair. ' ' members of the 'I'lilrteen of the Uvetity-flvo I'onimitteon'portud } I.MUtXi ) in suliscrlptions for the llrsl week , and the report of ttto re maining twelve win largely Incrunso this amount. Applications for shares came from nil portions of ( Icorglit , nnd front such rotnoto iilnces us I'ldludelpliU , New York and \Vnsh- . Itcprosentatlvivs wera present from the newly formed association ot clerks , ex press ing on tbo part of tlio association freat ; In terest In the enterprise anil asking for in formation , 'f bo question of tailing stock In the bunk will bo laid lieforo the clerks nt tholriifxt meeting , and in all probability they will subscribe fora block of stock. Ueprosentatlvcs were also present on the sninoorrand from the Order of Ited Men and thii Hvotherhood of Locomotive Knginocrs. The latter organisation , at Us next moot ing , formally endorse tin * project , Messrs. ( ! . P. Allen , rhatrmnii ; A. (1. ( Hook , C. K. llronnan , M. M. IViUom and C. 1) ) . Montcoinrry were appointed n commltti'C , or ratbnr a burcnu of inforiMittloii , to answer all corresunnduncoiind reiiuests for Information rugiirdine the bank nnd itsprospccuis. I\lr. \ I" . 11. 'J'ownsend , tueslilont of tlio Sa- vannnli branch of the Southern Travelers' association , hns written the rominltlco ask ing for a prospectus , and expressing the do- siroon thu p.xrtof the branch to Join in the movement. It was decided nt yesterday's ' meeting to postpone thn ( iiiobtion of limiting the number of shares to each patron. The ooinmltten on orgiitd/atlon will meet Monday ovonliiL'In 1'rcHident ' ( Ireon's ollleo in the Gate City hank building. This committee Is composed of John M. Green , chairman ; , locl Hurt , W. A. Uiinsoll , J. (1. ( Oj-lcsby , U. 1) ) . Montgomery. Dr. J. 1) . Turner and II. L. Atwatcr. The question of adillng to tbo per sonnel of tills comniltloo will boconslderednt the meeting. Among the other questions that willconioup will bo the application for a charter for the bank , and the talcing in of a few more charter members. On Saturday evening next the committees on subscriptions mid organisation will hold a oint meeting in Iho moms of tbo association. Phis meeting will bo held In conjunction with Unit of the association , and a full attendance of Atlanta commercial men and visiting trav elers is reiptcstcd , as business of importance v ill corno up. Drummers . Mrs. Atht'i'ton. Jlrs. Ortudo Atberton is displeased at the nnnnur in which drummers conduct them selves , anil the drummers are , in return , nighty displeased at Mrs. Athorton's ' com- iicnts : tVhonlways pets the very best 11 north anil south In ias < t nnd west , And for whoso banquets pays the least ! Thodriumpor. Who on the railways makes moro noise , Jisturbing maidens' ' eqnipoau \Vlth talcs ot grand lonndi with the "Uoysl" Tbo il rummer. \Vho wears the latest style of bat , The varied colored , loud cruv < it , And always inaugurates "a ball" Tbo druminor , Who ever strews hlsstunrlcs round 3n seat , on sill , nnd shell , ana ground. Whose hcail is iron , cheek brass-bound ! Tlio drummer. Who , when tbo night is blttor ccld. Will round tbo stove himself cnlold , And keep thn heat from young and oldl The drummer. Who knows all food as simply bash , Who over Journuys on tbo mash. . And glories in his greased moustache ! The drummer. Who , when tbo Pullman comes to priof. And passengers are like chipped beef , Will neither wound nor scratch receive ! Tbo drummer. Who , St. I'otcr calls the roll. And sternly scans each anxious soul , Will downward pitch toward torrid sboeU The drummer. Ills aiontnri * : Tor a ColUn. Into " .Iimmy" Owens who was well known mOmaha i James Owens , n traveling sales man sixty yours old , was founddoad In his room in the Coleman house yo&tcnlay morning1 , nnd his death was supposed to have been caused by apoplexy. Ho was a man of ilorid complex ion , weighing uhoiit two hundred and lifty pounds , nnd lor two weeks while staying In tbo hotel ho bad boi'n under the inlluencoof lUptor. Two or three days ago , when ho was really 111 from the oltccts of hard drinking , ho showed to the hotel clerks a card \vhb-li ho said ho invari ably carried nuont with aim. On tbo card wem written his naino and address anil his measurement for a cofiln. Ho said in a Joking way that it was always well to keep such information handy in cisu : anything happened. Owens lived v.ltli his fumilv at Xo. 71.1 Franklin stront , Milwaukee , and ho wns ngont in that city and in tlio Missouri valley t'orS. Ottonbcrg & 13ros. , cigar mniui- facliirors in this city. llo had witit him at the Colenian hou e a satchel lilietl with wearing apparel , and on bis person were a gold watch niul chain , a diamond pin and some gold jewelry , but no money. Ills hotly was removed to an undertaker's ' shop , wbcro a coroner will innko mi nutopsy today. Jtiit it WIIH Moiin. One wns n commercial traveler , the other wnsJust a common , largo , quiet , bashful man. They were phiylng billiards iu the hotel billiard room , which was deserted all snvo them , and the quiet man hud beaten tbo drummer every game anil beaten him badly. "I know what's the mutter , " said the drum mer , as they chalked tlvelr cues for another gnino , "I want nn Incentive. Wo ought to innko nllttlu bat ; any a conplo of dollars on this game , and let ItJie- the last one. Come , you've hud it all your own way. What do you say to that ! " i t "It's ngrecablo to m V'answered ' the b.uh- ful mnn , taking the lend , und then no ran oil' six points. Tbo drummer matlo .two. The largo mnn got in n little run of fifteen , plnvlng iho balls arotmd in tbo corner softly gently without apparent ofl'ort. " 1 want to sco the rlciitt about getting my buggugo ready for tho.noxt train , " said the drummer , looking at hi * watch. ' ! won't ho gene but a minute , " niul'iiohastencd ' out to the ofllco , which was llllod with coinmcrcial mon and other guests of the house. "Well , now we'll ' try ngnln , " lie said cheerily , when ho returned a few minutes later , lint ho made only four points mid left a beautiful "setup" for tholargu man , Ouo or two other moil had strtdlud In from thoolnco and stood by whllo the bashful Dlnyor made the shot , ami by the tlmo ho had run the score up to "S thcro were half a dozen onlookers standing about the table , "Uommi , that was a good shot ! " said ono , as the big man innilo a very good draw. Th'on ho iniiili ( a dlllluult ciiroin , nnd the spectators looked nt each otltor with that side movement of the head which ludleiitos both npprovnl and surprise. "Whero are you In this cumo , Billy ! " asked one of them. "I guess I nln't in it nt all , " said the drum mer , leaning on It is cut- und watching his op ponent , who , seeming n little disconcerted by so tunch attention , missed the next shot and sat down , Whllo the drummer was running off sovcu point : * thn-o or four more men siumloreil In mid watched the gnmo , mcdltutl * . elj puflhttr at thuir clgnw , The big man cnnio xtn , missed nnd retired to a seat amid the most Intcino silence , and Ihe il rummer got In another Illtli * run. "Thai's n shot t can never make , ' reiuurkotl one of tin * spectators as the blginaniulvunccil ntid stood observ Ing the ball "It's \er.vdinicult , " .said nnnlhor. "Well , 1 .dioiiltl s\v so , " said a third. "Tho man that can make It is a dandy. " Tin * bent of tbo ro'om or something had made Ihe large limn a little red in the ( net1 , mid ho looked uniMinfortntdo. He missed the shut. Tlieiv was nn comment , but every per son had closet. * watched the attempt , and there ) wus about ndorcn of them now. Thodrninmer mailo u very good run ; the baahftil man inisstHt again , and when , finally , the drummer ran the game out , the other stood by with a ? . ' bill In his bund. "I kind o' lost inv luck towards tbo lust , " he said , w Mb a sickly smili * . ns he laid down the bill , and murmuring1 snmi'tnlng about having an cngiurt'inrnt Iu > wont out. " \Vi-ll. boys , ' said Hilly , as he pul ou hl.s coat nnd picked up tlio j bill , "I'm inui-h obllireil to > on for i-oitilng tit. 1 nln't , irueh of a lillllardist , but I'liinvcry fairjudgoof hiiituiu nutuio. " ! -im : pics. A suggestion hns been niado Hint the OliiiutaiHiunMicloty set nsido a tiny \vlduh shall be lor tbo traveling men. L. K. Hurlclgh of tills city , who Is the general western ngent for S. t'Vlls i i Co. , l.o Hey , N. Y. , mamifiu'tiirlnif druggists , leaves this evening for linlvoston. Tex. Ho intetuis nmUltig n Hlxty-ila\s tour through Texas and Mexico bofuro returning home. l < ast Mtiiiilny ! ' . A. l.uc" , who represents S. OttrnbiTg Ac llros. , ivtvlved n telcgrnm niinouncing the dentil of .lames Oivi'iis the previuus day in the foli'inan ' House In New York city. "Jimmy" Owens wns one nf tlio best known traveling men In this territory and for years represented theitbovo tlrin. llo left t bo roatl on January 1 on account of 111- heallb nnd was In N'tnv York making pru- p.tfatlons to go into tlio brokerage htisinesH wlinn bovns fouiul dead lit bfd. Ho was about llfty-llvo veurs of at'o and leaves a grown-up family in Milwaukee In woll-to-do ciffutnstaiiccs. S. Ottcnborg & llros. took charge nf tbo roinulns and forwarded them to bis famllv. SCOU'I An Omalia Vixiloi * Who Took Part til t hiIjiilc Indian War , Hugo Miller , a younggentlcmatiof brilliant parts , In wlinm ( iiitoral Miles very advantageously - tagoously reposed the grc.itestcoiitldcnceas a scout durliig the recent Indian trouble In the vicinity of Titio Uiilge agency , was among the over Sunday I'liusts in Omalia yestord.iy. Kew , if any , young mon with a similar commission have proven themselves s > o serviceable to the government during so brief u time as Mr. Miller , nnd tbo fact Ls ono in which ( lOtieral Miles seams to take the utmost satisfact ton. Ho successfully performed some of the most hazardous mis sions necessitated duilng the campaign , and for many I'rafons not necessary to mention he probably bad a deeper Insight Into the working ol'alTiiirs than any ottier limn simi larly employed. Althoui.-h"josnir ! , Mr. Miller has a lively history. lie is aYlcvrmnd , 0. , boy. 'J'lireu years ago he started for the country , armed with plenty of cash and a letter of iiinplo credit , and ir.nny of the chntMcterijtif.s ascribed to Mr. Ilaniesof New York by the novelist. Ho stopped at the town of Lan ders , in Wyoming tortitory , where bo soon became wo'l ' acquainted with the inhabitants and the wild men of that vicinity. Ho was robbed one dny and became coiivineod that his money was in possession of a cow puncher who was the chief terror of the neighborhood. Tbo individual swiigt-erud into town ono day. his long spurs jingling behind hlsbig heeled hoots , u nroadsombrero stuck hi-hind Ills e.irs und a small sized nal bristling nt his belt. Miller stopped him unceremoniously on the street and accused him of lliu thof t. The terror jerked two re volvers from his bolt , nnd , covering Miller with ono of then , pounded him over the head with tlio other. Miller promptly pulled n gun of serious inclinations und -tri-cnlibor which spoke twice. The di-sporndo received a bullet through the body uml another in his loft arm. Miller surrendered to the local authorities , who promptly turned him loose upon n plea of justification. The terror had been mortally wounded , Miller returned to Cleveland after having seen whut fun the west could show him , nnd for tlu last few months prior to the Indian outbreak occupied himself with dn/- iling thu tuh.ibit ants o f C'lovclnnd by the splen dor nf his raiment.Vhon the Indians be came ugly hu tii'ud of iho humdrum experi ence of city llfo and caught the western lever In a virulent form. Obtaining n coinmissiun us scout under ( lOin'rnl Miles1 ho headed for the sent of tronbUt , with the result noted. Ho is tlio possessor of consiilerablo property , the income of which only is at his command. With as ti e nn education as any young man in the land , bo has nn exceedingly bright fu ture before hiin , particularly in view of his haying maJosuohoxccllentuso of the oppor tunities atlorded ntulcr General MHos. Very naturally , indeed , Mr. Mil lor Is greatly avcrsed to siiymg much regarding the situa tion at Pine Uldgo. Ho did say , however , that the recent delegation of Indians to Washington returned to the ajjonc.v dissutis- lioil nnd disgruntled , nnd tnat m bis opinion ( hero will probably be more war in the spring WI1KN TIIIOVVO. \ K1 AMIS. Ago nt Which Men of ( Jonini Have lrodii < Til liirttcrplcoi'i. If nil g-cncrnlshtifl died at Aloxniiilur'.s Ujo { , nil poets at Xnrluwo's , all stuto.- > - inon at Pitt's , till pliilosotihor-i tit Stiino- na's , how immy mun would huvo missed ropntatlon , hiiys the Atlantic Monthly for I'Vbnmry. ] ] : inniliil , indeed , wiis only twiMity-nino , wlien liuinvaded Italy , 1'ondo but twonty-two when liu won Ho- uroiiind Ntipnleon , ni'eonling1 to tlio nl- loKod dtito of Ills birth , twcnty--.even ( mun ) probably twenty-nine ) when ho blnrtcil on his Itnlitui campaign ; but C'li'sitf was forty-llvo when ho coin- meticed the connucstof Ouul , ( liistiivus AdolpHus wns tlil'ty-i-ovon ' when ho ilo- foatoil Tilly at T.oipsie , and Cromwell fot'ty-ilvo wlton lie yninod Mnr.-ton Moot * , [ 'rc'doriol ; II. , though only twonty-olj'h t on overrunning Silcsi , was forty-lhroo whonho omburkod in the Seven' Year's war. Washington was forty-threo on his appointment to tlio coinmniui of tlio tinny. AVolUtif.'t < ) n , had lie died nt thirtv-nino , would have been Known inoroly iis a iirouiUliiK1 { nil inn otlk-or. Keats , dyhiR * nt twonty-llye , Sliolluy at thirty , l yron nt thirty-nix , had achieved fivilio ; ltit tliosoaro brilliant oxeupliims of precoc-lty. Hud Ciootho lioon a < tjlioft- llvudns Marlowe. , hn simply would have hoon tlio milluir of "Clotx von on" und of "Werthor , " works wlik-hcnti- neb cnmpnra with tlioso of the mon just nitniod. KvcmSlmkiMpc'iira , curly us lie hopnn toTito , would not , luid ho" dlod younu , linvo hoq icathod us "Othollo , " "Ilumlot , " "Mn'cboth , " or "Luiii1 , ' * but inoroly his minor plays , Boino of tlioin roiiiodolod rather than orif innl works. Hponstuwns thirty- boven wlion lie began publishiti ; , ' tlio "Kiilrlo Queen , " Milton was llfty-two wliun ho sot himself lo wrltiiiir 'I'lint- dlso Lout , " Diuito was thlHy-MU'on wlion liiinlshod from l-'loronoo , and ho luid scarcely coinmoiicodliiH rent poem , Virgil was'thirty-four wlion ho bo an tlio "Cieorgius , " and forty-four wlion ho bctrnn the 'vlinoid. " Toiiuyson , tluniK-h only twoiity-ono on Ills llrnt nppotirntiuo in print , wns forty-ono on the publica tion of "In Momorlmu ; " but llrowniiiff ut thirty hail issuoil oxaniplosof nearly nil bin varied work , nin iitg from "I'liut- tno''to ' Homu of his fnmuiisilruuiatio lyric.s , and incUidini , ' " 1'ippa 1'aHsos. " behillcr , it is trtio , prodncod IIIH "UrlgundB , " the worlc of forvld youth , ut twonty-two , liut ho wns forty -A-hcn ho I'ommeiu'oilvith "WallunHtoln , " liia Buriu.s of miiBtorpliroH. Uunis , iiraln ( , was famous nt twonty-hovun , but Seott WIIH tliirty-Hovon wlion "Miirniion" up * noticed , and AVordmvorth WIIH furty-four wlien "Tho Kxour.sion" snw Iho lltfht , thouph it may luivo boon yearn in pro- pivrullon. Statodiiiunshl | ) unit youtli cuniiot bo expected to go Pitt , Ituleeil , was nrlino ntlnlHtor at t wanly-four. Imlolili ) wns Klltubutli'tt inlnlsitor nt thlrty-ulpht , and \ \ nluolo WHS * nriMiiiiii' nt the mimi * miiv , but \Vnl- jioUi lonjjloiiHO of jiowoi1 itlil not iom- moiuv till ho witi forty-four. Fox wan llfty-six when ho hci'tuuo foreign sce- fi'tary. I'lthnorston did not fi'tii'h Iho highest jio t till ho WIIH seventy , his lon * ItriMiilorshlp not hi 'ltinltiK' till hout fovontv-tlvo. Gladstone wius not jiro- miortill llfty-nlm * . HonroiiHllold , nllioll protulor for a fmv inonttis at sixty-two , was clxty-olpht wlion ho outured on a BX ! yi'iirs' ti-rtn of olllco. I'nvmniis \ llft.v wlion ho titulorlook the lllnirntlon of Itnlv. 15i miii'ck wus forty-oiuht when ho gained powor. I'liilnsophy also Implies intitun * yoacii. I'ltsi-al , In- ilooil , illod nt twoiity-iiino , but 15'it'ini was llfty-nlno when ho ptibllshod thr "N'ovnin Orjjniivini : " OeM'tirtos forty- ol bt when ho fully expnimili'd his dor- tfluiM in Ills "I'l'lni'lplt's of IMiiltisn- pliy'r ; I lolihoM llfl.v-foiu * wlion ho ni- | H'tiivd in print ; Kant tlfty-sovonwhonln' lo iii'd the "I'rlllipio of I'nro Ketison. " Ikini-ijeau , onlv thtrty-sovim wlicn lie write his pariuloxK'itl'ilufoiiNO of biirbar- isni , was llfty wlion ho nubllsliod Ills "Social ( . 'imtrtu'l. " Historians lll o lsi > rcijulro oxporii'iii'o of llfo ntul yours of I'OHOtircli. lUii'klc , it is trno , iliodnt Ililrty-nhie , nnd Frouilo bejuii ( his history tit thli'ly-olj-ht , but lliimonml I'roscott ' - * and were fot'ty-lltrci , Mncntilny forly-oifjht wlion thuir vof- ' unu's appourotl. Kvon novollnts nr < > simu'tlmos of tardy dovi'lopuient. Si'ntl was forty-threo wlien , reiiouneiiitf poi-try , howroto "Wivorly. ' ' Man/om. Inspired by his example , was oxuctly of Iho wuno line wlion tin issued "I I'fDinessi HpoHl. " I'ui'vnntes was lllty-tlireo when "Don QulMito" unw Iho li'uht. Thni'k- oray was thlrty-llvo bofure lie iniido his llrst hit with "Viinity Kalr , " atiiUJooi'jjo Hliotwas thirty-six when ulio u-8iiyoil llcllon. Washington Irviii } ; was only twonty-six when ho prodin'oil "Knlukoi- IxH-K'iM1. " anil I'lt'bt.iM1 nnlv Ihii'tv-nno fin tbo uppoiirnin'o of "J ii'sporti- ; ; " lint KiibolniH was jirobubly forty when "Giir- Kiintitii" innilo him fiimous , Swift wrote " ( tiilllvor" at forty-olio , and "Storno Shtiinly'at forty-six. Kor founders of sects no rule win bo laid down. Gourgu l-'ox , In tlio fermoilt of tlio civil wilt's , bofjim lii.s cnrui'i1 nt twonty-thive , und \Vo loy coininoiti'iid Itinerant i > roa * hlii ! - ut thirty-live ; but Mahomet was forty when he found bis vocation , and Swollen- ) ) * , ' , had ho died at sixty , woiiht have ' boon known only ns' a hciontist. ( iroat as litivo boon some mon who died youu r , who knows how much KTCiiteV they would have been had their lives bcon jroUi'ed ) ) ( ! Michael An elo showuil iiijtonisliiiif- ] ) rot'K'itylttL ( ) bo owes to his oiglity-uino years his ( feat renown tia n pi'iintur , sutilptor and sonnotuer. Volt nice'a fatuo , iifjjiin , rests on the entirety of his writ ings , not on any yinj lo worlc , niul on tbo literary dictatorship with which ajo invested - vested him Cut oil twenty years of his lifo nnd his fanio would procepliblv shrink. Goethe , l-'niorMiti , Carlyle , Longfellow , Tennyson , litiiro , Dunms , all had Iho nil vantage of fulliierirf of years , so as to bo judged by bulk as well as ( niality. 1 luiniioldt , ton , owed to his ninety yeiifs a portion of bis reputation. Tlio true coinimrihoii would obviously be between worus ] > rodu < ! ed at the Hiunu no , or botwocit mon dyinjr at about tlio same ajje ; but it is imich onHiur to test uohiuvonient than capacity. HiHhlNter SttiniHMl la Vain. Miss Myrtle Davis , aged nineteen years , the eldest daughter of Farmer .lames A. Davis of liraintrim township , I'll. , did imubu- worlc until rooontly for Mrs. Amo ? Caldxvrll of tbo same township. Voting Joseph J. llol- Urookof this city Is a brother of Mrs. U.tld- well , nnd last month no made her a visit. Ho full in love with Miss D.ivis , greatly to the displeasure of his sister , and before ho bud bcon there a week Mrs , Culdwoll discharged the handsome servant pii'l , declaring that no brother of hers should ever tuirry the daughter of n poor farmer. Miss Davis bears nn excellent leputation , und on the same day that Mrs. Old- well discharged bur slip gutworl : attho farin- house of .lured H. liliven. Mr. Hnlbrnolc culled on lior there several Mrs. Ciddwcll told him it was time fur him to bring his visit to un end , and to go back to Scruntim iminediatclv. Ho returned thcro the next day , and within u fortnight made his sister another visit. Meantime Mrs. Cuitlwell bad coaxed Miss Davis to work for her azuln. When Mr. llol- brook arrived Mrs , Caldwell wanted to know whiitlitislness ho hail there , and ho told her that ho hud coir.o hack after his wife. Then he Introduced the rosy cheeked domestic ns Mrs. Hollirook , nnd Mrs. CaliUvell stormed til who was out of breath. The ynuncr eounle had been married the night before Mr. Hoi- brook had Ilnishod his first visit to bis sister , and no ono in 'the neighborhood had heard a word about it. "I > cr since thetimoof Adam"said "woman bus been said to ho the cause of all the trouble ; and , as a matter of fact , " he added , thoughtfully , "sho is generally to blame. " - * CO YRlOtfrl8 o PADDLK YOUR OV/N' / CANOE. * " Voyujjrrg on llfo's sen , To joursHt' l j trut\ j\tul wliato'er your lot limy bo , i'uclille . " your own canoe. "To yourself bo true , " "and thou cnns't not then bi1 fils : to utiy man. " "Si'lt'-lovo is not so vile a fin as Felf- lu'jjlectiiif , ' . " Then " be wlso to-day , 'tis niudncss to defer. " Cirt Dr. I'lrrcc's Golden Medical Discovery , for all af fection ! ) of tlio luiiKS and throat. U is likuwiso u wonderful liver tonic , iiucl iuvljiorator. All the year round , you may rely upon Dr. I'lurai'R ( iiiUloii SltHlicurDUcovvry. It's ' not like tlio Rir ! : iuillj. ] ; < i , that are said to be i ouil for thu blood 111 March , April ami May. Tim "Discovery" works equally well at all times , and in nil cases of blood-tain U , or humors , no matter what their iwmo or tint lire. It cures nil Skin , Scalp and Scrofulous nflecUons , as Kczuma. TcKcr , Salt- rltouin , Fever-sores , M'hlte Swcllintr * ; , Hip-joint disease uml kindred ull- nicnts. It's the chtapcst blood-ptirillcr , fold tbrouxli dniKpists , because you only pay for the good you get. Your money is returned if It doesn't beiiiillt or euro you. fim vnu " ' . ' iiirro ? DIME 3SDBM MUSBB. Will bawlcr. Maitauor. Tor. llth anil I WKUK OF MAIIl'll 'Jit Tlio O * inp.Woninii \ lliu-tliiv Si'lillU-r. niro * " ' houlit 5 tcetfi Itlrlicn. tvi'lulit 41 IIOIIIHU. t to Bollil IMIIIU. The uronliKl HdiiiU'ruf Ihont. ! * . I'linrlo , Cunilu I'nntiimlnoM. Muut'umtor l' l lilrulim : Hiinit niul IIIMIM | > Juvonlli1' l' < t niul Clinton In I ml rrnu hlrim. llntrUun uml Ili'tkvli-y ' iin | < rii luliiim. U'W UitiKlull tliiiKriiiiiuclalty ( | iirllM , .A noukul uiorrliiiont. Oao itlme intuits to all. Wo arc goinn toadvei1- lisc u SALE. ( To commence at once. ) Ofall the latest styles and shapes for Spring. They come in Dunlap Blocks , Knox Blocks , Miller Blocks , And they are -worth , in any store in the city $3 and -we've got enough of them for allcomers. OUiR are on Ihe count ers. They start in at $5 a suit for all wool suits , and they are worth lots more money but we've got blood , in our eye , and we want you to understand tliat we can do as much for you as any other house in. the city cityAND AND a little more , if v/e try hard. We have enlarged a rid improved our Children's Department and will she w the handsomest Child's Waist , just for a flyer , at 35c , that you ever saw. Our SOc and 78c Waists are -worth $1 and $1.50. These are brand new goods and of the most attractive designs that the market affords. The Old Reliable tl & oo. Comer 1311 ami I'linm ' Sis