Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1891, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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    Mil I1.1 /\t.I (
* t * II
OFl'K'K , NO. 12 n'.Ani , ST.
T viMfillv ( ntrltr in any part ( if thftlty
ll \i' TllTi-M -
Tl t.KI
Mplit rilllnr , No
N V. I1 Co.
IVuurtl Illuffs Lumber Co. roal.
C'rift'stl.attcl loan's ' . ' ( MKapp lihMt.
UinulnoUock Spring coal , Thati-hPt' , 1(1
Mnln street.
ComielllltuiTs lodge , N'o 10 , indiMH'mleiit
Order of Otidfolloxv' , will meet Monday
u veiling.
Mho Cotigrogiitlonnl Mtoiary oclot ) will
unit toiiiflriow evening -\\ltli Miss Klttio
lliisihol on IMi'ico streoi.
The \\omatrs < 'lirlillan imnoihtloii will
ii.itt . at the rosldeneiuif Mis It M Osbomo ,
I''ii I'irst nvomio , tomorrow ultuiiioon lit ! l
o i look.
All members of the Cnunell UtlilTs Ifldno ,
Kibclmli dcirret , who Intend to KII to Omiiliu
tciiimrrovv ni ht nro miuestcd to weot ill the
hull nt 7 'I0o' < lock.
'Ihi" uiiMilliiMsnf I'ouniMl Hluffs lodco No
r . Dumlitpis of Item-kali. iiHTKoingio Omaha
Ix-lnndtiv ivonlnir 'they xxill moot at 7.10 11
in , nt t liolr hull and no In abodj
Mr mill Mrs A Kilter entoi tallied nln o
iniinliorof their IriemU lit u high IIvo imrtj
on I'lldav ovenlntf. Mr W. AV. Williams
mid Miss I'rice carried off the Hrsl pri/o
Word has been received In this city of tbo
death of Von lti vciimtl Iimts Cooke , ( ' S
S It , at Dftiolt , Mien llo conducted the
mission nt St I'muils Xavler' njeurngo.
I liu ruiipriu of Mis I..illlo Nlpps will take
plain nt 1 . ! ( ) o'oloeh this afternoon fmm the
icsliloiuo of her pnonts , Mr anil Mrs
Nathaniel \Vestnn. Hour Mnimwn Tholnter-
nii'iitvlll bo In U'u'nut Hllle-oiiictory.
I'harlcsKUcns niiil\Villl.ini ( lllfonrvvoro
nriost > desteiday ) Dopnty Maishalhito \
on nn iiifoiumtloit charging thoinvith the
Inn ony of u lot of apples fiom a cellar ot a
liiilldiiifjat tliciornu of 1'uurtli \ oinio utiil
Jam en U'cnth stioct.
Samuel Novvtonlio chirked VOUIIB ninl
Kelson of the motor line with iissnult mill
battery , appoaied oefoto Justice I'attnn yes-
tiMiIny afternoon mill slated that hu nnd the
tlufiiuhints hml eotnoto an aKtocinonlln re-
Kind to the niattor , anil tli it ho did not wish
to | iiosoiiitis tlieni The costs In the ease
\\cio tnxtiliplo him inul Young nnd Nelson
xxeio dischargee
A llru took | ilnoo nt the residence of .T 0
Ilolleiibeck on North KlRhlh stioot 1'ildn )
nftcinoon It started from some live coals had beoimirelcsslv emptied nnt by tlio
fenio in , i lot of ash s l-'iom the fence tlio
\vtisioininiiiiicatiil to the him , mid hul
foi the pioiupt and ilccisivo aetlon of tlio llio
department u laipo ainoiintof damage would
lia\o boon ilnne .As II xvas the diuuago did
not iiinount toover jr > .
'Hip aimuiil meeting of the stockholders of
thoSnxlims. I.oin and Uulltling ussoiiiition
ofl'ouiull HlulTswill ho held intho loud ) of
ti.ule looms In the Murrl.iin block Monda )
evening , March - . t s o'cloclc
Jins , 1'iositlcnt
1)V ) Oi Ihi'ciotury. , .
1'or OIIP week loiu'ora \ \ \ \ \ offei ttioso
Xiomtiful liund pniutotl ( Jhlncso Icupots , each
coiitniiiliii ; a | ioiiiul of tlio best sumlricil
.lup.nv tea , for'io ' touts , 'llio toi is supcrioi
to any 71 rout ten sold in the cltv , nuil the
poH woulit rot ill at fiom fl 00 tof .OO. Lund
lliothL-is , , ' : ) Mniii stroot.
ftitno\.ul IMc
. I Smith is spending Sunday nt
( ! . A. Shoedsni'lc has icturned fromn tiip
I ) . .A ruricll hns ictuvncil fiom ti business
tilp to the oast.
Dr. Illokox , nfy \ successful Imlj phj si-
clan of St. .loo , is in thocitj , the gucsi of
Ir Small Sniltii.
rrnnk M. I oonnnl of Dntto , Mont , is in
tlio city , 11 Miiost of the family of Mis 1 { . Jl
Osborni' , on I'lrst .i\uiiuo \
itev CV Hre\\cr has boon called to Illi
nois hy the ilanpoi ons illness of liis > iiiothor
Ills pulpit nt the riftlinvomio iMithoilist
rlmroli will bo lilluil t his iiioudii 1 > \ S.V
Miilthlo of Dis Monies mill b l\ jShuei
Now is the tiino to fret j our upholstering
ilono cho.ipl ) nt thu Council UlntTs carpel
comp.ui } .
All Wn os anil o\eryllilinr In upbolsttn
pootls at cost for ono \\cok \ at the Council
( .ai'pctcompiuy.
lllun's ( \hctul.
Last foil the Council Illuffs pus nnil clcc-
trie light coinpiny , on nicount of Inci cased
ilcmiuu for ilectrie llirhts , woroeonipolleil to
cnl.irt'othoit plant imtl imiuasotho power by
niliHiiK another INi-hoiso power engine.
1'iopositions ' were sulnnitted b } Mirious man-
ufnctuies , but the \ linally given to
the Oinleii lion \\orks in this citv Ihe
principal compotitoivas the WcMlnKlioiibo
ronipany , and SOMMII ! of their liih ( ; speed
riiKincswoio already atork In thcbtntion
The irtiiiii onion ts put upon the Council
lllnffs buihleis oUIfjoil them to lonstimt
nn cnglno that \\oiml \ not only ioinieto
\\iththootheis mil furnish the same power
nntl effect a saving of0 per cent , 'llio cn-
\\as built unit has been furnishing the
poxvnr u'nulieil to opor.ito all the city aie
lights since November s , The final test li is
ken in ulo ami t'io ' results aio mud. hotter
thiiti was o\pected It showed a saving of I"
per cent In the amount of fuel , nntl Mr
Ogilen , by the terms of Ins contract pets n
picinlum of ? IK ( ) above the contract price of
the cnglnu. The Uoctrio lisht people me
highly pleased with the inachino and ln\o
given the hulliler a licarH wiitten cntlorie-
n.ont The iluvice for K'Hornlni ; the speed of
the engine , and electric lighting requires the
steadiest possible motion , is so perfect that
there Is a viniation of less than two thirds of
1 per cent when the entire load of the nn-
rhino N thrown on or \\hllorunniiigat
full speed. _
Vorlhe next cek those dopant tinnd-
luintod tea pot.slth a TOiintl of the linest
Biin-tli led Japan tea , will bo sold at Wo each
nt Lund Drothers. The tea coiitnlnetl In
these be.iutiful pots Is superior to to any 75c
tea in the city , anil thoieis not a ileiler on
this side of the I'ncllie ocean who can pin-
cliaso tlio pots so they can bo retailed at jl.
They make elepant presints. boo them mid
\ oulll adinito nnd purchase them. . ' . !
Main street.
Do j on want an express ungon or bov ?
] ( intiii | the A. I ) . T. Co , telephone 17y , N'O.
11 North Main sticct.
Mr anil Mrs A. liuitergnvo a veiy pleas
ant high fl\o \ party on 1'iidny evening.
Aiiiont' tlioso present \vcrc > , Air and Mrs , N.
W. Williams , Mr nnd Mrs. llloss , Mr. and
Mrs. C. M < 5tt07 , Mi. nnd Mrs I _ . Lxichow ,
Mr. and Mri. A T I aimson , Mr anil Mis.
IJ.mpson. Mr. and Mrs. Soiuits , Mr. and
Mrs. J ICrumor , Misses llultlow and Mary
Luclioiv , Miss lirswn , Mrs. Price , Miss
Price , Mr * It Cliaso , Miss Delia Klnnehim ,
Miss I.ulu Selu'rts , Mrs. L. Sinmions ,
Messrs \ . K. McFarland , A. W. Slack ,
JliolTer , .1. 11 , Hood.
Mr. X. AV Williams anil Mrs. 1'rico ' car-
j led off the tlrst prize. Mr. I loot ! nntl Miss
Lulu Heivcrts tonk the boobj prl/o ,
J.O , Blxnv , stenia neitln ? , sanltiry ta
rlnccr.iOi Merilam block- . Council Dluns
The Now Pacific is the most centrally
locatiM hotel In Council Bin ( Is ,
I'lllow OINO I nrty.
Miss Jennie Gulttar entertained tlio mem
bers of the Klonas Uterniy society at her
homo , lir > North Dpi In street , last ITiiday
evenintJ. The quests \\cro attired In pillow
cases of the luU'st pattun , and whatovorwas
lost in monotony was moro than made up by
tlio amusement 'nat XMM potton out of thu
tloteimlning \\howns\\ho Mr Cteorpo
C'lnrko was iwardod the prize for the tfieat-
cst success In ttio Kucaslni ; of names , a gold
pencil There were nbout thirty present ,
a most enjoyable evening uus spent ,
'I'll ! ' VIM1 * . > f V 1 111' III UPPO
lllh M'A\b ' \ IS HIE BLIK'S ' ,
The Trial of the First liquor Injunction
Ooso Still Unfiiiishud ,
( "linnet * In the "Mannirciiient ol Hit-
.tlolor liiticH I'lnooN \VorHhip
\ai-loui Social I'.it'iitu
About llio City.
The trial of the Injunction ease of Turner
vs. Itlnkx Sohultzw \ uMitncd yestcrda )
morning In district court. At the opening of
court the audience was not soUruoiw on
Friday , but as the morning woie axva\ the
people kept iliopnlng in and by noon the
loom xviis packed. The llrst hour of the
inoinliu'session vx'iisoccupicil by the cross-
examination of ivitncssos in proceedings
for a chingo of xtnuo In tlio ciso of
C. I' Stone \s. the city. Ibis Is a
casein xxlileh the phlutllT socks damauos
from the nty for injuries to Ids piopcrt )
dining an Indian creek ovullow. The plain
till alleged thai it xxoulil ho impossible for
him to hiuou fair tililln the city on account
of the piejiidieoof the Jutles. Insupportof
tiisilulinslie Introtlucotl several \vltnesses
xx-lio wno iiiHs-exiniliiOil bAttorne )
Stewart on belnlf oflhu illy , 'iho iao was
At lust the Injunction cnso xvns called , .1 C
I'ontlns heliigScabiook'slliMt \ lie
tostllled tint ho had knoxxn 'Punier shut * the
Hist of last Mn ) , anil him alxvaxs consldoied
him a good soil of bo ) I'art of thai time
'Punier Had \\urkoti for him On cross exam
iiiatlon he stated tint bo did not know \vlint
ho had bien doing -since last Nouinueixvhen
ho left hiseiiiplo ) , but Turner had told him
ho was uu)1111 ) ; unit sellhmthioliins , and xvas
In pirtncrship with a mm named Merrill
He said he did not Itnoxv tint ho had been
HUiii ? h. Wiill 1-ako , Inor , In Colunibus ,
Neb Piter Smith xvns the next witness. Ho
tostlllodthat he had Itmnxii n man named
Tinner for about eightoin nienths , part of
whltli time he had been in Smith's cmplo )
Hut ho did not know noslllveh whether in
lint tlio Turner ho Itnoxv Mils the plaintiff. In
thoprosint i-use
\V A. Wood testified tint ho had known
Turner for li\ooais , and Unit ho hul MUCH
him t\xo weeks ago Ho tlid not know
whethorlio w.w in any business , llo xvas
pietty smo the Turner ho know xuis llio
Tuinbrwho was plaintiff In this action , but
had no posit no Imowleilgo ono' xvaj or the
P .1. Duerr tostllleil tint lie had known
' ' the last tlinoho
'I'nrner for six jciusniid that
had seen him was about thic-o or four weeks
JIRO Oiicio s cxiiiiiitiiition lie admitted that ho
did not know whether Tumor had been a
resident of 1'ottti\xattainlo county iccoiitly
or not.
'Iho foiego'iig tostlmoin was all introduced
foi the purpose of shoxving thai I'uii'er ' Ind
been a icsidontof this coiintv at the time ot
biinclngtho snlls , a tact xvhlch bid been
called in question hj the iittninejs for the
defense Theodore lleoliinaii was the Hut
\xlincss who was called upon totestifi as to
thenatmo of the store keiit hy HinU .
Ktlmlt ? llo testllkd that there xvas a lur
in the icarondof thostoieand that ho hul
duiiic beer them incompmj with the attoi
ncj for tbo plaintiff within the list M *
niontlis This statement c illcd forth a ripulo
of nioriiinoiit fiom the audleiue list hiim-
inei tie s\xoio olT and .since tint time
ho had not thank amthing theio tx-
ccptniKsoilu wntei But ho aclcnowlodged
that xx-itliln six inonlhs he had seen luitiosin
thohardiuihlnir soinothiinr that tiuv snid
x\as been and he * ticscrllied it with a n unite-
ness thai caused iijcnrnlng look to spre.u :
our the faces of half the audience Ho
toulil not siy whither Rink tSc Schult/
owned 01 luulanv controlovoi the poitlon of
the buildliiKhiuh \ was used as a bai.
Chief ( Jury was then put upon tbo stand ,
Imtif his testimony did the prosecution anj
good , it was haul to loll Just xxhero llio good
i-iiino in Mr. Caiy had evidently loft his
iniinor ) at homo. Ho could not iecollic.t
whether he bad over ghcii Captait
Mil tin am lust ructions lo pie
naro a list of the sa'oons ' , or tint hohitl e\et
icrciviliui , Instiuctionsfrotn the mayorii
lev'.ird to 'the ttcitmenl of buloons sineo
.liniinu ) 1. Soabionk had forgotten tint
x\lint aio called silooiis In some stitosarc
knoivn is dibOideih houses in others and ho
tiled inain to tk > 1st C'aiy upor mike liln
Jidmit that holintl at some time and in some
wn ) been mixed up In the saloon business ,
In tlioiifteiiioon John \\ard \ , a gioier , was
put upon the stand I lo I'jstilled th it ho hai
hmii'hiiiiiiioi at the barm the roai of01 '
Miin street within the last txvo xvoeks
Somctlues when ho entered the place lei
this pmposo he had been w ailed on b ) lilnlc
and atolhorhbx Sihnltz
J. .1 Htewart , atloinov for. ) UTomplo
ton , xvasalccd xvhethorho had in hlspossis
blon the stub book which had been lefoired
to bv CloiMStcMiheasoniu his UMlnumx on
ruda.x llo said that the book hul biou
gl\cii'toliiinhv \ Mr Steplionson , and that ho
had kept it awhile IlodiiJ noltiaxelt then ,
liowoxei , 1101 diel le know xvheio it was.
Marshal Tenipleton was calli'd to the box
again , anil another attempt x\as undo toe\-
toit fiom nlm somethingIhalmighl oo use
ful to the piosociitlon in making out a case ,
but it was n brilliant failure The nmishal
did not knov am thing for sine , and xxhen
ho loft the xxllnesb stand the attorney tor Iho
pliintill , the couit , nudthc spectators were
Just about as well informed as the > hail been
before the marshal had been heird fiom
Ir Micrce xvas the next wilncss called
foi Mote Interest xvas manifested in his
testimony thin in aav that hul jet been
ofleren 'C'oinliiK fiom the chief oxecuthe ,
the one from whom all oidoib In icganl to
Ihe saloons were supposed to emanate , con
siderable cuiiosit ) wns manifested as to
whcthei the miiyoi would bo able to testify
at till without committing himself.
"Whit hau ) x on done , If inn thing , ns lethe
the rcKulattonof Ihe disorder ! ) ho ises since
j our term of oflko commenced ! " was llio
ilist question put to him
"Well , " Axas theioplj aftcra foxx inoinents
hesitation , "tho Hist thing I sot out to do
was tonuiltotho proprietor of these plaies
feel that they xvoro more closely uiiiler police
control than'thoy hud been before * . "
"In what way did von bet about this' "
" 1 told them "that \xaiitod I certain things
done , and tlun did them"
" \Vlnt suggestions dhivoumakoto them ,
cither \ourbClf or by pioxy , us to their ton-
cluct i"
'I told them to close on Sundays and week
"Ouljoucior tell them muthlngns to the
piviiiint of lines I"
"Didouc\er instruct your subordinates
togixothemunv notice of that kind ! "
"Whit xvas the fine usually paid bv propri
etors of dlsordoilv houses at tht > tlino ) ou
ioniniencodourterni of otlieol"
"I believe It wasfJ.V
"Has It been increased since that limel"
\\liosoauthorlt.x 1' '
"Inshai % \ way did you inakothisincroaso ? "
"l"5x an onior. "
"To w hum xvas this eider Issued ! "
"To the mirshal , I piesuniu. "
"SVas thoordera xx'iittoti ornn oral ono ? "
"It was not exactly written or oral , cither.
II XVIH made out on n Description blank , and
was mitlj oral and pmily x\iltten , "
"Did you ever Issue any outers as to what
should 'bo douo to these who paid this
uioutblr tlnoor tolhobo whoilid notf"
"No'1 '
" \Vhnt tloou mean by the term , saloon-
line i"
"Tho teim is used to designate a line
which U paid each month In the proprietors
of disorder ! ) houses , and In paving it the
proprietor mcroU admitted that If ho xxas ar
rested for the ofTenso ho xvould proliablj bo
lined . " > ( ) . Ho waived tne tiling of an in
formation and the making of an arrest anil
paid his line "
"Did you enforce this system an inea of
of you oxvn , or at tlio suggestion ofsoinoono
tlso ! "
"I did It at the suggestion of tlio citizens. "
Onuoss examination Iho fact xus brought
out tint the witness had ineioly Issued the
orders , and that llio enforcement of thorn had
boon left toothers
At the close of Mayor Macrae's testimony
the name of Alexander Wood was rolled , but
the owner ot thuuuino wui nox\huro \ lo Uu
otiml After sometime Imd been sH.'iitln |
uniting through the building ; for Mr Wood
t wus deckled to poitpono the further trial
ot the case' until S iturdiu The ruiwii xuiy
solong atiino was alloxxt'il to ellipse before
ho completion of the case xvas Hint the tlhl
if tie c.ucs on the doi'Uot Is to bo
akin upnoxt Monday and will probihly oc-
-inn theenoliexvcek In the meantime the
snloonUeppors and the tit ) authorities x\lio
niciniide dofeiuhints xiih them uiv loft on
he ragKul wlgo.iilnl ) speculating into
vliethcrtliey w ill lull cr keep on tianclng
llOSld.S MO HI ) ,
Thirtilvocisosof sjulng goods hive nr-
l\ul , consisting of the latest In dress goods ,
Joth In wash and wool Kiwis.
In launch wool hotirletlas wo ihollio
ntest spring sliules-almost o\cry shidoone
could think of In the dress line
I'ur ' line of blnelt hiillliiiillnis , also the latest -
est spilng sh.ulos 'Phi' ' most conspicuous
iniong tliotu are the pretl ) dellcates shades
ol gfi'.xs , tansiihdleu \ lese , open for In
spection Mondiy.
Our line i if I idles' ' s print ; xvclght Jacltets
Isarrlxlng uallv , nnd n twti in my are on
sain now
'Iho giontcst cr.uo thlssoason in the x\a h
goods line is coing to hu tlnmic'lottcs. line
tslnghnnis and nine apple tissue. 'I he latter
is a soil fiditfc which t-o'iin 111 p'ain ' and
tane.x color- , , mid useinlili's ' a line ililnnsllk ,
tint the prlno ijclnif xvlthlii the re.uli of nil.
Tostaittlu * seisoii l" > c Is lhi julco wo quote.
In line ginghams the illsplay shoxxn by us
\\ouhl almost main' ono lhlnl < that thov weu *
iiitoiuii'd for wliolisilo tiulo Instead of foi a
ictnil eimntei hut the * , tuoof nnd lonlldinco
XM'haxi In thtlr gieit popultuitisshoxxnhy
the limneiiso stock iiisul ijed on our eounUis.
AUOIT rLAN.N'ii.iiTKS : :
laist season was a higscison with that pir-
tlculni imikeof goods 'Ibis srisonlho sale's
will bo twofold , beliiif n falnle that can bo
used for so in my different piiiposos , such us
Inns' waists , hoys'and gents' shhts , sulrts ,
iliesses , etc Of course the line of patterns
shoxvn for diissosiryery much fiom the
former , although the liiiturnil Is tlio snne.
\\e \ show 11 big line of remnants n and H )
.xaid lengths , 1U1 ji * iiialltv | tlio liilco lot u
stintot will hose * . At lOeaud l'.M jcwe bhow
the nobby st\los \
IIOSION sroiji : ,
loriiriiiM.nvM.IIIIIMU .x in. .
Loaders and prnmoteisof low prlcos , 101 ,
inland 10.1 llio.ulwav , I'nuncll UlntTs , In.
New Yoilc olllco , I" Leoimrtl stieot.
Chaul.MooOra , the hiuous Kisl Indin
blood puriHcrnt Dclluvcu's.
Unix * I'll Col 'I here * .
Vosterdayaftoinooii Kl , liiovn aid J. II.
Kohlontx xx'eie arit'stod hy Deputy Marshall
White on an lufouint ion "filed by X fSehuiv.
charging him with larceny. The facts intho
case , as totaled by Mr hchur/ , show a pecu
liar slate of iillalis. Accoidlug to Mr.
Scliuistntciiiont ' , ho rente 1 a housf to
Koblen ; at l'i North Hex-onth street bonio
tlnio ngo ICobloiu kopton Ihing ; there and
the rent bill kept on clltiihlng up , as sueb
things do l-'iinlly Mr. Ivohlcn/ ' bill
ainounteel to ? l ) , and Mr Sihurin -
tliinitcd that n settlcinont xvould bo in
older. Mr Koliloiu p.ild him ? ! ( ) on
Iho strciiRth nt Ids leprescntallons.
1/ist 'Ihnivihv ono of Mi Schiuv' noiglihors
told him that Ids tenant was ahont to Icivo
the J5lulTs fet Onuli.i and hid his householi )
furnitino all p iclted , renlv to ho taken aeins-i
the rher. In ordei to secure thoslt ) xxh.eli
was still duo on the rent , Mi Schuiv hid i
wilt of a" tachiur-nt issued , andliniltrit sei/c i
nil Kohlonfurniture. . Ivonlcnx. tin iviipon
left the house and told SihUM tokooplho
At about 1J 150 o'clock yosterdax tnoining
Mr Schuiv'faiiilh xvas aroused bstiingo
noises that seemed lo proceed from the house
that hud just been xiicatcd , and which isonly
ashoitili.stiiico fioiu llic ono used hy Schiuv
as a tin oiling house Ono of Mi.'Sihuiv'
sons M'i/eil a double biirolled Miotirnn.uici
lushed wildh to the place from which tbo
noispsspiMiiel to conn * Upon an i\intr at the
bceiiohe found llroxxn , Kublen/ , four other
inon and two teams thote , nnd ones of the
wagons about half tilled xxlth goods xxliloh
had litva ivinoved from the house
Mr Schui/ ran for an officer while the
boys and the shot gun and the visitor- , held a
soatice Ileforo Mr Sehur/ returned the
croxvit hail pioved to b'moio than a nntoh
for the boys and the gun , and had gone away.
Mr. Sihuiv lotuined to his homo and iiuom-
pm.x with the bo\s \ , set olT In pursuit On
ioxvcr lirouhx'iiv ho ran icross sinoflirei anil
askodhini to anest the oullit 'Iho oflleur
declined to do so until an inform itlon anil a
variant should ho ibsued. bo the visitors
got aw H" with allthoii booty
Vcsturdiu afteinoon thoy'weroairosted as
iihovpstatul , butworosiibseqiiontl ) released
on bail Ijiter in tbo day lnnx-n ! had a war
rant Issued for the aricst of Ihiiil and Her
man Schur011 a rlnireo of thieite-ning to
shoot and Kill slid Kh Utoivii with a shot
Kim Theh trial will tilto piico before , lus-
tlc-o Ilaminci iiexl Tiiesda\ afternoon at ' , '
o'cloik llioxx-ii Is trie owner of the C. 0 n
Cimerv at the cornel ol Uroidxx-ay and
i'ouith stiect.
At the. request of his present diis Piof C
II Uoindiuilc xxill gixoanother Iho xiwlcs'
loursein ( ieuiian comersiitlon.Vo \ theor-
fulli slate to the public Hut ho hns more
than fill tilled his promise tons to teach us to
speak Gel m in in lix'o wec-ks Am who im )
intoicsted in the study of ( Jeiinan or in
tormlng anoxvcliss aio inUted to attend
the L\ciilni \ ! lessens , this \\eelc atthtj Young
MtMi'sChiistiun associitton leotmo room.
Maich ' . ) the jnofessor xx-ill coimnoneenoxx
i lasses , one for the advanced pupils and one
for bogiiincis , ii Iho diy time and ex'enlng.
i : C' ( ' . .i i ,
II .1 | 'A \ \ ,
\V. AUNi M ,
Mtvnvnir , 1'a , Dec ' , ' , lsXThe ! ) N'oxv
YorkSyniplionj cluh concert was an 1111-
mensosimcbs. A laigo and dollflited ; audi
encenreotid them niulnroeiyenthusiistic
In their prilsos. Charles P ilnrgiiis tikes
laiiltas onoof thoxvoild's gicatest violinists ,
1'ach member of the com , ) my is a star
The ) will pleuso voui pc-onlo
Mnn.igur People's Conine.
A visit to Drs , Woo jinny's noxv dentil
looms xx-ill bo pleasanl usoll as protliiblo
rinost and most complete dontil rooms in
the west.
Shugart.x Co can ) largest stock of hulk
Held , garden and llovxer seois in the west
Uataioguo and bamplosby mil.
The residence of Mr t Furry Ilaworth , 10S
Fouith ax'enue , xvas scene of juvenile
hilniitv jesterdiv afleriioon The occasion
vvasamasnuoralo which xvas c-iven b ) Misi
Nolllo and Master CJeoigo Ilixx-oitli to about
eight ) of their ) oung friends. Kach guest
came In full mask , and It xvas ii study to note
the vai let ) of xvays in which the Identity of
the .xoungslors had boon disguised , main
of the lOituniod being eieiaiil in make
up. After the crowd had assembled the
llttlofolUs woremustcied Into line mid the
grand match xxas executed In line fashion
Onu of tlio features of the afternoon's , iiitei-
tahimoiit was the lishpomt , 1) ) which the
ho.xssecuied their putnorsfor supper Tlio
llsheiinan tooktno pole and angled for tlio
ilosciiption of his pirtiui , aftei xvhlch ho
had to iliultho girl who nnsxveiod the tie-
scrlptlou , After supper the afternoon nnd
ox-enlng up to 7'U ) o'clock was given up to
tbo guests lo do as they liked , nnd to snv that
thev en jou d themselves xvould bo putting It
mildly. 'Iho following Is n list of the
guests- Misses Hdlth and Helen liimyan ,
Carrie ) Uohror , Janilo Jameson , Poll ) 10th ,
Anna and Minnie I'holm , ICthel n.ul ndith
Thomas , Maude Mueller , Sullt * rarnswortb ,
Kdlth Hhcrraden , Ila/cl and Shlrloy Moon ,
Mai ) Hndor ) , Matiilo.Iolison , Soplilo l.nng ,
Kloia Cooper , ( lenoviovo and Ague * , U'ick-
ham ICvaMontKomirv , I oulso Stophnn , Hos
sio Wright , Kloia .luusou , Mane and l-oia
Hunliorlaude J3riint , IA. . . ' * " Wise , Ilun-
nio Pllekiucci , , lcu nio Corse , ( iortlo
Hilgcr. Maude Iloigland , Jennlo Ilobtis ,
( iiunot Hevrcht , f'nirio MeMlllen , I3ellIIoon ,
I'lan Mitcalf , Flotenco Shea and lUllth
.Masters Charley Tnllles , Wlllo I'bolps ,
Harry and CJcorgo Van Iliiint , UovDovul ,
Maelt Ileneholt , Iboltohicr , itoy IJIekiunn ,
Pinest IJIokinan , Aaron Ionian , TomLaev ,
TomMuiko , Clarence KmpUio , Mauiuolw
Ivav , drover Hays , Odin Miekuy ,
Kollln . .ludsotiValter Humtlors ,
Jlauy Mitchell , O. Units , llgbul
Aylesxvoith , DivlghtO'nell , Neil Hniknost ,
Uoble. , b'rink Monnliaii , t'ailoton
AVoodxvnul , .luck Hhepaid , ( ieoigo D.nlej.
I uuto iJealbOu , Chniles Hrlntuii , riud )
. llubeit llhks. I'ouit ,
Wultoi and l.nilm II' il. Millnd llo.iglua > ,
1'raiik Ilikgir .laniii ) % VinliioI'lnmlo Hovx'-
niil , . .liiii'iueiui ' \ OJUi.iud , fell I loon
.Nlrs llaW'lth ' wiVfi jisMstod In tin' by no
means eisj task oJillHiklng afler this small
army of small pcoplo lij Mesdames Whitney ,
I'holps ' , UUe , Miuino , .ludil and Sliorraden ,
nnd tlie.MiiM's ( , ntU 1'uoox , iloiniln Kent-
Ing. Clauv Plielps.nmth . ( Jrlnne'll and Leiiii
The N'ew York Symphony tlub , which np-
pcai-s hi the Ma-onje leinplo U'edni'sdiiy
evening. Match I , b ieiniHscd | of Iho follow
ing : Miss M.inctli S4h'frlol | , Sopiauo , lito
ef Hostoii Meal fipora company , lU'nn A.
lllgk'lns , hie ci rii'il t with ( Sllmoio :
Charles Higglim , the xlnlln virtuoso : War-
ten ( I , Ulclnrds , the hutiiorlst and 11 lor-
iii'Hui , clinioiiotist , foiiruen > urs with
( Illnioiv , i\eryoiioanartlstlu : \ their part.
'nnirrcgat Ion a I lint italnnii'iit.
The 1 lilies of tlio Congregational church
Invo ainini'id unintoitiliiniciit ofiaro merit
for thonoxx llro.unvay t'u'utii ) Kildny even
ing , Mirch ll. .Itsslo I'outliinii Sluuidion ,
the popular lecitalloulst , is Iho leultng at-
tiaction 'lids is her fourth appoinince in
this iltv , and thopublli novirvvoailes of her
At Poillnnd , Mo.sho reconth atipeared lor
tin * tenth tlnio mil xx ith xvondortul sucicss
\ v in led iirngr.uiuiii' has lieca aiMnuel in
vvhidiU * . 1 ; Shiuilri'ii , who Is n line lurl-
toni * . will iipiii-ar , with Miss Anna Patteison
as lu'coiiipinlst. The following Is the pro
gramme *
I l'i inn vole
' . ' llnr rniiihlod 1'ironii ' C'nrlclon
, | M < | < ' Cimtlioul Sliinil ri'ti
I I. Illlr lion . \iiuns
' \ \ P. Miindiin.
i ( Ml Jlnli . . . .Lord Mai itllv
1 MM iNof lTmlo llin . . . . \iion \
, li'sslf ( 'niitlinul Slnndipii
G , Out In the l eop . , . l.ohi
\ \ I ! ,
? . PI nn > solo ,
"A lluppv I'tilr/'tiii ' imo aiteoniody.
Mr. lloiifxton \V. I r-linndrcn
Mi " . lloiiflon. .r-isili. I'niithiiiil siiaiuli IMI
Admission to all puts of tliohousoonlx
llftj nuts _
IDr , .loffeiies' diphtheria rotncdv nt Do-
Haven's. '
Cnllon Sihniv-SailthCo. for chattel loans
unit i oil estito. Jll I'i ill st ,
j iund' ' v ( Jo. , "Jo Peirl stioot Telephone -
phone "IK ) , tioods called for and deli x-oro.l.
llciM1) ) Vtiiinj ; Till UN.
.Inv and ( Seorgt * < ! len entertained thoh
voung friends I'Mdaj night at their home ,
Is Stutsman stieet , it being n. pillow slip
part ) , Ddbv's onhestia luiiilsbed the
music , and the vouug folks Ind a merr ) time
Tlioioinpinv consisted of blisses Dinma Will
iams , II. an , t'elia Hell. Millie Hull ,
Mabel Blown , lalllo DavU , Dottio Divis ,
aiul Mnsteis 1'iank and Itoy Hell , riunk
llnll , Hey ColTcen , Ab Klein , Hart llioxvn ,
Jasper anil Will i'ergusoti.
C.iavi ) Kii-iix , Micii. .Ian 1 , IsOl.-The
concert given In'tho i\e\v Vorlc Sytnphonx
ilulihero list ivenitigasagieit MICCOSS ,
every number being encoicd. 'Jruly jours ,
.I A. HINT , becretary.
Colorado rough nnd catarrh loot , fresh
from the Hock ) mountains at Dellavon's
C 'all on I ) .T. IIiitcliinsDii A , Co for iholcn
bargdns in lots in AVilsou Turr.ue. Special
ludutemenls foi the next few dnvs.
| { iVii'il ' < ls Ufslytio I.
C II lienoldsbohas ) heon snpeilnton-
dcntof thoC'ouiinl Dliifls and Oin.iha hiidgo
niotoi Iitic4ovei since they wore put n opera
tion over two jpirs nijo , has resigned his jio
sit ion to hko tlio MipotlnteniUney o' the
eastern division uf the Kieiiiont. IClkhorn .x ,
Mis.onri xnlloy loud , with tieadiiimitus at
iVoifolk. Nob. 'Ilin resignation xvilitukotlTocl
todav Tlo will IID succeeded b ) Mi A .1
Stone of DubuiniP , vho has been connected
with the lliiilingtoii ID id.
Parties wanting to rent Hush's hall for
niiypurpow at loasoiniblc rates will please
call at olllio of tlio deputy illy aulltor.
Buy your coil an d wood of C. 11. ITucl Co. ,
S3'J Ihoadway. i'olephoiic UU.
Al llio (
Hcrean Haptht chureh-Dixlno services
at 10 ! i ) a in , an 1 7 0 p in Hniidnj school
ut II l."i a in. Old tini ] young aioiiixited.
Oivliio serx'lces at All bain's ' clnpol nt
iisvnl bouts 'Ihi'rovvill ben sailed concert
at All Saints chapi'l Suiiila ) uvcnlni ; , March
b , lor thobenellt of the mission
Chi ist I m C'nireli ItexC' Monroe , pistol
I'le-ai hi ngat the coiner of Hroadxx.i ) and
'Pxvcnty-lhlid street at 1 1 o'cloik a in and
7. .Hip m Sundry school at lOo'clociin. in
Plist I'lcsbjlerniii ' , come * * of Willow
avenue nnd Hevcntli street. Uev. Steibon
1'helps , pastor-Preieluiiubv the jinslor nt
"r.W.i in , mid ? : > p m. Hibljith school at
1-J 01 m Youngponpli's'iiiieUiignt li "iO p.m
Scats frco , oveivbodv xvehomo
Congn'gitioiiil heivices inoining and
cx-enlng conducted by the jmtor In the
iiioinlngllio siciament of the hold's sui > pi.r
x % ill be ud ninisliieil TlKini * lei meditation ,
"Htnieinbcr Him " livening suhjoit , "The
\V. to Hc.iven" Tiieso services aie fico
and all aievvoUonio.
Bioadwa.x Methodist I'.piscoinl church
Si iv ices nt Masonic temple , iiinior I'ouith
and Uroidvvay , at in Kin. in and T III p in
Moiiilng theme " I'ho ( iucstion of thoAgcb "
Kxoilng tlmine "Shiners In the Ll ht of
the Uivlno Countenance. ' S ibbath school
1.1 m Yoiintr p'oples ptavor mooting ( > ID
p in T McIC Stow itt , pistor
Young Men's ( . 'liiistnin association , Mcr-
riam blink "Ihe .lov of lleingSafo , " Is the
subject for the \oinig \ men's ineitlnir toduy at
1 p in lliiof lilks and pooit singing All
men of the c it v Invite d. Come mil hiing a
f i lend. Mr. CV McUluio , a raihout en-
{ . 'ineor fiom Maisinlltoxx'n , la. , will uidiOis
thor.iihoid ) Inthunhovu looms
Alliailioul nun invited.
St 1 Mill's I'lmreh-DIvmo seivicoal 10 l" >
n. m anil T .10p m llol ) communions a. m
Sunday sdiool lil. : , Rible cliss ( i 10 n in
Mi ruing anthem bj tbo choir , 'O. Savior of
the Woild , " ( ! ss. Cvi'iilng anthem , solo
bx Misb Mngtfie l-iddell , "My Ited cciiior and
M ) Lord , " Umlley Illicit Tlio rector xvlil
ollleiatoaiul punch Young men anilstratiir
ois alxxays lordially welcomed to tbe-o
services. T. J Matkay , icttor ,
The Manhattan , sportinghcailiiuartors. N.
lie-collect that the only Installment house
in Council Bluffs , and the lirgist installment
ho'iso in the west in Mainlct . * c Klein'sVo
bell at eastern prices every aitlclo of house
hold funiltuie you use , ami Instead ot 10-
iiulilnujou top.iymsh vvolotou liavo Iton
cnsj pajuieiits , I biro Is no nocessltx of
denvingjouistlt tbvnsoof nnj uttlclu when
you can crot everything ) ou wanton sueh
oas ) tetms. The largest stock of carpels ,
stoves and fiiinitino in the city to select
fiom ! i.u IJioulxxa )
t'nt \\t * I'.s it i < - . ! / //v.
W. B Parker ol Norfolk is al Iho Casey.
I' T. I.xonof St Louis Is at the Muriav.
J M. Moan of Sioux City is at the I'uxtoii.
A T. l.vans of A'ernon is at the Mei-
ch mts.
II II Kuovvlton of Dubuque , fa. , Is at the
H ( . ! . White of Chicago was at the Pax ton
last nijjht ,
H .1. 1'.ahnor of ( Iraud Island Is nt the
M 1 { lllngliain of Chicago ism tlio city , at
the 1'axtoa.
M \j \ Horn of New Yoik is In the city , nt
A Ci Dodson of Chicago wiis .it the Mur-
rav last night ,
C II Cross of Grand Island \xas at the
C'asoy last iil'ht.
1'iank HunliTof Cliiulnnatl , 0 , xvas at Iho
I'axlon list nlijht.
TniiikA. i'lt/patilck of Chicago was at Iho
Mllliinllast night.
I ) II Hlnjr nnavvifo of St. Joe xxcio at the
Millard last jdgbt.
( ic-orRoII. Terry of New "S'oik Is In tlio
ill ) ' , at the .Murray
S I ) . Youni * ol Philadelphia xvas at Iho
Muchiints l.iil .xicrht ,
A. Stink and xvlfu of Chicago aio in the
ell ) , altho Mirobiints.
I ) I. ) Clink of Divid City was u'giitcietl
at the Usoy hst nlfht.
A Kfttivoof ThitOouutry Tolls of tlio Progress -
gross of Christianity. .
The Iti'snltinlsHtiiiilsts Cutillelent ol'
Winning 'Ilii'lr Pl hlA ISom-
IlllMCIIIMMir lllO ItlllfU
In I'liinee '
"Ainorlca is a most wonderful count.y and
the moro I st'o of it Ihe moio I like ) thu largo
cities with their bus ) , buslllUL' Inliabltnnts ,
the hioatl fertile ncies and the hospllillties
of the people , though little' , In in\
opinion , can ho--iiltl In favor of llio ulntcit ,
xvbhh meorj unleisant ] ) , I'speciallj when
a nun is fiom a iniie'h milder climate , ' said
K. Mocjluliculi , a might , Intolllgont ) oiing
mini \ \ ho iCKisteroel at the lintel Cany last
'lo look nt inn you would suppose that I
am an American , but I am not M v homo Is
at He > rout , Kiila , hich I * * In Tuiko.x In
Ash 1 UH bin u and roatcel in that tonnliy
and vns tducated at Hit * Pros
hytpilmi oolli'do in HeMont and
aftenxaids oiigai-od In the misslomm caiiMi
until n ttM niontlis ago , xvhen xxllli mvifel \ \
sailed foi this eonntij to loin.iln onoyoai ,
arteivhlili 1 shall return and ungiiKo In
"As but few people heie have x-or ) little
Ideanf S.vria , 1 am anxious tospeakof nn
eoimtry anil people , The niiiutr.x Is the
lines ! in the world Atom ; the coast It Is
x-eiv wiuin , but In the inlenor the elliinito Is
slmplv superb , being an eternil spilng In
the 1101 th It Is lunch thu same ashore , !
limit , though snoxv is seldom seen extent In
the viclnltv of Mount Li'lnnon.
"Iho piodilcls ol tin1 count ] v consist ol
win1 it , oils , coin and hailo ) . A gr"it iiianv
c.Utti' , 'noises and sheep are inlsed by the
pcasiiits.vvho follow faunliiir as an ocenpi
tion In tbo matter of Intvinal improve-
iiu'tils xvoaro fur behind tbo 1'nltetl states ,
tbouL'b we have one In operation ,
riimiinn fiom .Kill u to .leiUHiilem , a illstanio
of thirl ) miles , ami thence to l.iinise'us ) , a
oistincDof 1.71 miles This tout is ovvni'd
bv American , Krilsti amt nattvo cap
italists , and is \ilpped xxltn en-
pines and carof Auorican ininufnc
tine The construction of this roadmaiks
the era of urogiess In S.xrn. as maiiv other
rnuls luocontcinplaUd , 'nnd 1 piedht that In
twenty Iho veils a tutxvmk of i.iilroids xvlll
spioad out over Sila as thev do over the
I'tilted States tod.iy 'I'ho building of this
road bus caused a marked linpiovi'nient
tliioiiKhout the country , as alon the line ,
tinvns have s | > iunu lip as by m iijie and an
air of prosperity and cntorpnsi * piox-alls
Thosclioil niecntoipiiscsof vvlilcb wo feel
pioud. 1'ifty xcars njo theio xx-as not a
I'lmstian within the borders of our fair land ,
but a fcvvycais laler misslonailos fiom Ihe
PiLsbyteiiim churches of the United States
xvi'io sent among our people and fiom the
beginning their inlliiome. was felt The )
established schools nntl churches and made
such an Inxvaul upon the religion of tint
countrv tbo government took bold
of the cause ol education and
estiblishcd schools in all of
tholarpei cities , though they were libels on
the name , as only the ihlliUen of the' inh
xxcie allowed to attend. The inlsslonain's
continued thu good work on xvhlch they bid
stilted , anil todax- tbo missionarv schools
thcio me not less th in liUI > U cldldien xvlio
aio beui ) ; taught the common hrtinches and
the ( ' roligion. Our htvle collegu
xxould bo a eiedit lo an older counlry , as
tlnio j ountr men .110 ednc itod foi th" niinU-
tiv and tin * other ( idlings of lifo In 1011-
ii'ttionxvith it xx'ohaxo intdical
' a dcpait-
nient fiom xvhiih iihvsiciiins nio gnduatdl
ovuy .xeir In Iho two schools we gnu mo
plovnient to Hurt ) four leather- , , twenty
miles and fouiteen feiniles , the most of
xxliom aie native Kvriuns A few \eir- , aim
thev vveio the chililien of the plains ,
ignorant anil vvlukul as the MI-
ing goes , out then have beta
tiauiioimed into gianel men and women
You ask bow tvo suppoit Ihete schoolb and
this uolloKOi It is not by a tax levied upon
the neonlu , as the government Is not in direct
sympathy xxlth our work The inonev. < n a
laige iiorlion of It , comet i torn the United
States , bcingcontilliutcd by the people xvho
attind church on Sundats. U paves mt
the hands of the iinssioniny board and by the
niembcH is to the iiprosentatlvcs
txho look uftei tbo vv elf aio of our institutions
Ourexpinsis no not as gieat ns these of the
people nf tlnst'iiiiutix' , nsxvodo not have to
diess in the height of fashion.
" diet is irid inex-
"AR-ihi , our xeiy plain -
pensivc , and t ikitiKI'X'oixtiiing into innsulor-
.itlon , 1 Icnovv thai a man and his \vifu \ im
hvo inxer.x good stle upon asal.nv of ifd'IJ '
per yen1 , xxhlih xvould nl-o melndo house
lent , piovidlin ; ho did notuxvnlils dvvelhng"
"In my opinion the people of South Dakota
aio pott ) near through x\ith piotubitlon , and
if I urn not itihtalton , a law to losubniit thu
ouostion to the people xxill pass the lopisli-
tuio and bo signed by the gnvornoi within
the ne\t ton da ) s , " said C TVlnsoi a promi
nent atloini'i o'l sloux 1'allus bo icstednt
tlio PiiMnn last night
"I'rohlbitio i xvonlil ha\o been well enough
in Diilcotu if it had boon eafoicetl. but as it
is today , ami aa it has liecn foi Uvo ) eais , it
ln > bom u rank failure and a blot upon ( un
fair land , Decides this it has di-ncii huii-
dieils ofourbt t xoungmen to destruction
\\M\ \ the open saloon these simo joinif ? men
would hive mown up and beioints oinamints
to the state , ind sjeiety , but the holes in the
\\.ills , the spcilocasies and boot lugging pi ins
hue been their ruin him. town , \\hienliy \
the xvais the laigost in Iho state , an effort
W is undo to onlorco the liw , iintl the
fanatics ox-en slid that the silo of liitior |
\\as ] iioh i tilled , hut 1 know lint llus
isnottiiie , as aslilo fiom the dru , ' stores
theio aiofoitx-soxcnDimes xxheio lliiuirs | ire
soldand irhatx lie slull it is ! If you huvo the
pus xxoul , xvhicti jou can easily obtain jou
will visit one of tin so places and call for
'elixir ' 'rnflln vainisb ' 'Dikotn ll/ '
, , or / , jou
will bo furnished with as much whisln as
j onvant , piovidod you have tbomoiiex to
p iv for the s line. Nox\ and tlie.ii the police
laid these plieos. and wlilli'ilm nfilclals .no
going in at the fiont tloor , the ptomiotoi is
pissing out the bark ttoorith hl stock in
tiado se'cureu packed in a basket Thus Iho
business ih carried on It is not < ml > so in
Sioux Palls , but InPioiie , Union , Abonkca ,
\Vatoitox\-n \ and all ol the Inwr towns.
"Theic is not a count ) in the slito xxliero
the , trade not been curled on In the same
nnuncranil not a cent of reicnuo has IK on
del 1 vcd freJin the sale , 'llio los to llio conn-
lies his been enormous , as with n high
licoiibo law well enforced , these
simo saloon men would ha\o \ piltl
fully $ .MMIK)0 , ) into the tiensuiios
of the eounties of thostiito , xx'hlihni.ld
hivt > gene a long xvaj toxxaids siiipoitiag |
tlio public sihools of the suite The fm iners
of the li'gislituti ) nro not slo\\- to eo llils
point , and as tboj are nil men xx'lioaro anx
ious to cut down I'xponsis , theiu is hut little
iton lit that the people xx'IIHi.ixeii chance to\nto
upon the ipiest'ion next fall Sbuuld the ) bo
acumlcd tins prlxilegoxon uliiprvo that
after next Novt'inber piohlbitlon will be1 a
\ory dead illicit in South D.iknta , and I fancy
that it will he killed In * a lirtroi inajiiit'v
than braska rolled up against it last fall.1
" 'J'lioso x\ero gav old ita ) < xvo hid In llio
lllaclt Hills during the carl.x'gold excltniiiont
in IsTIi , when noailx oxuy nun xvas a tender
foot fiom the oiToto east , " said "Vet"
llelchei , a gil//l ) ol < l minor fiom Dcadwood ,
who was at the .Millaul List innht "I wont
In xvith the llit I Sidney
- > t imp of sncltors. left
ney t uly In inaiL'ii anil landed at L'ns-
tor CltX' , which was then llio mc-
tiopohs of the llilK , a shanty town
bniit for hdf n mlle up the gulch ,
containing about l.otl ) inhibitants. There
were Ind men theio rtien and to piss the ho
meant pistols for tx\o Afiineid xxas an
o\er.\ \ liny occinience , but It ilia not tnljo
longlopiunt the xictlms. as nbout the onlx ,
roroinony perfornietl consistul in diggnu , ' a
hole and tiimbliiik' the bnih under fem foot
iifointhViUt Hill. Ued I landed .Mike and
a number nf follows of that Ilk finiilsbed the
torpses and the tenderfoot dug thu graves ,
lint all of le-llous ha\o \ liien called
home Hill xvas Inuu'iil at Vanliton m | s7s
MlUowas shot \\hilosle.iliii ) ; catllo horn a
lanch \Voining a ftw xeirs ago and the
othnis mot similar fates Hul these cli.uac-
I or- , did not scam inn as much us t ho wild
nnlm ds About the Ihsl nf Max , | sit , I was
up on the ninth blilo of Ihirau's | 'iak doing
a littlepnxpoctliiL' 1 Innl wnrlc'l harl all
the nftoinoon. cari.ilng the dirt dovxn
to the creoU ono ijiiaiter of n n.llo
distant , whom I worked It tbioiigli
n rocker. I was jiwt i leaning up and had
nhun to inj nijht I heaiu a
30 Per Cent Saved Al
Conic Karly rind sccuto nujuiis. This Cut Pn't-c sale will
Last Only Ono Month. All AVmtcr C.oods Misi ; Co. Kc-
nicnilCr , the Place. HXdl. 3X Cu CTJS ,
fllUiin1 is Uro.ul ii\ , I miiii-il Hlutl H , lin. .
noise , and looking up ( hero sit a iiiountalii
limi nothvoiit ) l Hliu\a\ I tonic n survm
of the situation undi-onrimli'd I had business
In ton n inul at once slat toil that \\u \ \ > , hut
\ \ hitiis tndl sL'iist tosc-o imotliit 'of thc-
lli'iiH ' st Hiding riKhl In im p.Uh , I tluntght I
liud lnvii soul fnr.lMit hi'lun * gl\liit ) In veen-ii
oltto the right , hoping to tltul llio enast clear ,
lint in.honit . vviMit ilimn Into nn hoots , for
thi'io I MIW iinotliii'oi tlio heists ll\ tins
tllnit 1 thoimhl t ho deal \\asalioutilosod \ \ so
ill ipping dimii mi inj iiuritm IIOIIIIH I min
inciifcdto pi.n , hut I diin't suppose I li.ul
piiuod niori'tliana dn/eu lines liefnio soiiu-
thlnnlnsjnivd , ' \Vlij \ don'loii fUnili a
ticoT 1 il Id not \Mint n socoiitl siip rstlon ,
lint at unco nioso ami slilt-d up a sipllng ii.
Ins tiiiin than it tikes to toll it , ami Ivns I \
HOMO too soon , foi the tliuit uglv hiutt-s
tlosod In ami waited aiountl tlio roots ot that
tico nnili nioinitig , hopliiu that I wonlu mnio
ilnivn and fninish HHMII with a I staid
thcio until ili\lluht the ni-xt innrnlnj. . when
nn fonii.inlons | sneiUi'ilolT anil 1 slid down
anil undo tiatks for UHMI. "
\ \ rslerii People m Ch
Ciiniint. I'oh. > ISpctlil TeleK'tMin to
Tin Hi -Among | \\esturnpooplein
Chicago tncl u woie the follimlii ) ;
i\l thi'Coiii M A.Varncr , I lneolti
At thilmlsor ) .1 II Maitln , Oiniihi
At the llitoort \ A lllocU , hiiieoln . II ( !
( iiaco , S C Kulk , , | McCoMr ami Mrs
Adnault , Omaha
At the- Clifton i : T rishcr , l.ineoln
At the ( i.iult K C Ne\illo \
ami T IIVihstii , Oinihii.
At thn Uitheliou Mi and Mrs. .liiint" . I"
Splcei , Sioux Cm
At the WLlhnnfoii M. Cilik'shv , C. C Cur
pmtor , Sioux l'\ills
At the 1'alnior ( ! < > nnd Mrs I' A
lur , I'oit Mohiai.i ; l ( II Persons , Sioux
City. II SVolli' , Soda Springs. Idaho
At tin- ( ii.nul I'acilliV \ 1 > Ui'duiond ,
llclona , Aniltow SlottenVnhpeton. . X I ) ,
Ceoi'Ke.l Wilsh , ( Jr.iinl Koiks , N.I ) ,1 A
Hinor. ,1 M , C'htvoiino , P W. Cor-
hat , Omaha , C. i : .lohnson , ( J C Crandall ,
Sioux I'ulls
At the TiomontJustice t'.llliert , lloiso
Illinois Itepiihllraiis rismliiK ; I'ma
Winning ( atiilidnt < .
Ciinon , IVh. 's 'llio Kvpiilnjf Journal
siys"Chairman .loncb of thciepnhlican
stiu > central coininitteo ami a number ol ro-
publuin mcialiors of Icfjislatnic mo in
the cm eiulcMvoiitiK1 tpconipleto nn aiiantre
incut hv which It U intended tlio lepuhlican
put.x ill nice iiiDuector | Conoial l > a\is of
thi'VoiUl s fair as its cnmlldato for t'nitod
Statt's senator It Is stated that nothing is
lat king to i ompleto the plan unless it is the
lonsonl of ( oloiicl Dm is On this point Mr.
Dix'isniul thu otherill nuttallc
"It K asserted t lint sovcn democrats luivo
ilcilcnl Mr Ia\li thrlrvotes , tlieiubv insnr-
liif ; IIH election.
"When .Mi Hails' iiniiioas inentioneil as
npossiblo in-iyoialty cmdidito this inoiniiiK
ho said emphatically that houib out of
C < lorn lo's Appi-opriatloii.
Di MI. ie , Cole , Pob S's ' - 'llioorliVsfali
hill , lairxing nn.ippioprintlon of jriil.OOO ,
pissed the senate totiaj , with an aineiidmciit
that it shall not ho ax'ailaolc unless tlio
world's fair Is an international exposition ,
un tier entire control of the United States
and not niu'cr control of the local oillcers of
nuy state.
Gains Tor tin-
Tinios ru , Out , 1V1) ) , 'Js.As a ic ult of the
special inquiries in o\cry constituency in the
Dominion , the j\eniiiK : 'J'okgraDh Halites the
coiniiK , ' flection will result Consorialivcs ,
ll'i , liberals. 101 , thus giving the government
a maoiitof ) ll asngnlnst .11 at the time of
-r..i f > H'.snun ni.r.f.
l I'ui'fo , llolliK Ht'iluci'il
SniI > K < " < A ! ' AVoi'kcih.
Cnu if.ii , J'onJs Onici.ils of the Uur
liiiKton ro id tloin the leports that Iarp3 iinin-
hers ol ouiplovos are licln let out. They s.n
it tins been found noecss.irto ilisniiss some
piaplnit's because t lie faillni ; ofl in gram
shipments h is leduced the total tonnaire con
siiluiilily N'ot inciie tha'i tliuo hundred
men on the t-ntlio sjstom , thesaj , ha\o
been let out _
sKi-il to ICn.joiii strikor- .
Pirr < .m nil , Pn , Keb 'Js-Colio Oiicr.itoi
li.iincv lileda bill in tRe United States com t
toclaj against uf the pi ollicois
of the munis' union , setting lorth tlio facts
conncitoil with tlio stiilco. nnd asking for an
injunction losti lining the men fiom us
semhlliiK "ear Uwoikb and thieatoninjj his
Denied lij llio Itoad.
MoMiti'Ai , I'ob > The statomrnt , is
sued h\ the lihcials , that the Caiiiulian Pa
cilic niithonttos liavo ihsued anoticoto all
supeiliitonilcnts to ascertain IIOH their 0111-
| iloxeinteniliHl to vote in the iniiiini ; oloc
lion K Hath denied bj the Canadian Pacific
An Optlitiiiii < > Itcpoit.
AVt'-iiiM.ioN ' , Keb 2 * Kepie ont.itiv"
Hartlno of Novadi , in holialf ol the minoritj
of the house coli.a . o tommlttoi' , totl.ij sub-
inittPil a Hportto favrr the fn-o coinage hill
Thominoiitj has no doubt of the ability of
the I'liltcd States to establish and
maintain the double stand ird , ox-en
\\itnoul r.uropem co-opiiation , nnd It
Is pm.ictul If the I'nltetl States adopted fieo
sllxei coin ij e , it would retetvo the suppoil
ot the pilneipil nations of the old \voiM
Tlu'i do not i > ittond to entertain tliobc-lief
that thu iiiestion | of free roiniiio In\olves
ansiah altoiiiatixoas national | irosporil\
or iiiitiDinilruin 1 tie ) liollino tint , miner nin
s\ stein ofllnaniP at alllllielj to ho adopted ,
tiii'Ainoiian people will contlnuo the Imp
piostandmobt piospeiotib on the fiuuof the
e.irth. _
\Vluil lh < > Hills I'rmlilo.
\ViMiiMiioN , IVh 'J- > . 'llio Ji-eneial couit
bill , the lonfLieiico icport on xslileh x\as
ndoptett todax , i- . the bill Introiluccd hy Mr
Hxaits puiMitiiig fortho nppolntmcnt In each
circuit of an aildiliomileiicuit judj-'oamlcrcai-
hit : in each rmiilt a court of appeals , to ha\o
llnal niribdii-tlon in eeitaln elassis of cases
This Is expc-cte'd to matoil.illj leduio the
doi-Utt of the smiromi'couit
' 1 he Indian deprodiitlons bill , ajrrood npnn
tod.ij , KIMS thoeourt of ililms antlioiitv to
hi'.iranct lietoinihio these elainis The class
ot cliluis that mix tw consldeieil induilos all
that htivu bt'iMi fax'tirahly pissed upon by the
Iniirior depiirtinent , anilhoso inx'esti atlon
lias hi on anthnii/eel hj vailous acts of con-
( Tio-s i'liilmsacciuliiK piior to | sin , whlcli
ha\onotjet been pieionted , iiinlmrud
'Iht > Dealli Itoll ,
I'nii vim 11111 , l-'eli ' - ! > Verj | { ov I'atiiclt
A. Stantini died tills inoinliiK ni od SNJ- ! |
llve Hediadbeen foit.x-thion jeai-s a priest
DIIUIJII , la , IVh * . ' ' - .luil rii IMxvaul
Mi Ci'iioin died todaa ed llftsix. .
KIJMI , l'ol > 'Js Piicne .loroino Napoleon
Is ilinK' } tonlirht
I.II.MUIN , I'oh ijs - ( St'iiijio Kynodi , con-
sorintlvo iniMiiber of piullainent for At > lou
maier , isilciul
Inn's I'.iick to Diielii-r.
Cisi INMII.O , l-'ob vjsTlio prolnto court
thlsnfti'iiioon illi't ttpl ( tlioii-slginro to locon-
xeyiho Diu'Uer watth coinpaii ) s piopeit to
\\'VNIII > Intrnln liiipinxi il nnipi H \ In
' ( "Mini II Illulls \\llli nuill IIH iimlii HIM ,
im linrs ! * mules ami ji.nni ; dilllo Nn mu
I IMIItll Sill | t
Llljlt I.MM Ih , . Mi'M7iliiu7 iii . * ir .1 st.ry ,
* hili-l * ulili luscmeiit ami i-levator .1 W.
siiilie | , im I'cailsliici
I NAMIM llui colt'litatiil Mi-Plmll I'lnms
-t mil tin * Ni s.a , | , , cri | | Piniiim , Cmuii
iindOiii'i iiilixiins , , | | rnifiisliiit nn Instiiil
MM nls l.VI u llouil , IHM , muni liMiehei. Ill
SIIII IM inii , d , Council Illulls In
I > AIliINs ! | ni Mil-Hams In hniism. luls ,
i ' fiiriiis.iiui L'lrdens. an 1 a laitfi IM to se
II I mini i-iiil uu Inlnisloii A Van I'.itlin ,
I xnett Mm I. , ( oiiiull Klillls.
I " | ' ' > AI.I. \ liarcalii : in inniliMii Imuso
1 ullli ill tbo late InipiiixeniiMits si.\ui
i in mis , \\lll . | | iMiiy | i i ) nn nix , loi'itli-ildii
Ibi'l irthaxi'iiiie niotiii linn p J Huh liln-
snii I. IT llro ulu i ) .
TA'11' ' ritflit-iiioiii lioiiM' mil tun \ , ,
nn Iliirilsun m \ n , idi'rn liuiise anil n
Bond inline cheup I ) ,1 lluloliliitnii , lit ?
Kin id vly
. . . . . , , , .
ii vuiii. ii iriiuu iiiui , xtlth
- - houiut by J It. Illoj. IDJ Main St. . Oouiull
UlulT >
Of Council Bluifs.
IIIIIKwin - I A MIMiir. I' O OliviHiin I" U
ShiK-urt I } " . Hurl , J I ) I ilmiin Is HI Ch irlm
C. 11 ui n in Trins ict Keiu'rcl biiilui ; haii-
neis Iir'i'Mt eipltil ami mirpltH of any
tianklu Soiulnvestorn l. > wi.
"Tho Creoles.1 not ri-pioscnlitixes of the
class sograplneatlv pictured In "Old I'reolo
Uavs" and ' "I'ho Cir.mdfosliiu "
* * , bv ( iooigo
\V t'ahlo , butilo.secnd.ints of pure Afilean
niuestrv , IIOKHII a short euna einont at tlio
Ctinnd lait oxening , nnd inndoa Boniilno hit.
'I he' best of the colored p oploon the sta o
have bc'en onllsti'd uniloi the haniiei of Sain
T .luck , mid the performance thoj gixo Is
xxiiilhx of nnne than n men' mention.
Mr and Mn Sain Urn as. Miss I'lorcnro
liliie" , , x\ho next to niln U'i'steiii Is this host
in do impersonator on the stairo , 'Must So
I'it\ " lieu Iltinii , Heath and Do Uossi'tt , h\-
Mig.loaesiill totitiiliutu to a xerv dellL-htful
oxcnuiK's onteilaiiiine-iil The bin im : is
jrooil , much of it ilono bv the "Moonlight
i.'inrti'tte , ' nnd the ilandin. Ini thellaxorof
"Olo Vaiirlnx" ahout il There aie a few
dull fe'.itnii's in Iho poifounancp , hut Ihey
aieolTbtl hy milrli that Is vor.v ( ; oo 1
All niilliiisi.iNlir 31 ( ' ! ii > j lianl ICxca-
biK CdiiHiili-r , It.
Sox-cut ) incinbeis of the Omaha eluh held a
very i-iilliusi.istlc meeting last nis-'ht for the
purpose of consideihig the iiopoiltion of
ereetini-a i-luh house exclusively for tlnb
pinposes After length ) dlseiission a te o-
Intioii was adopted roquestint ; the boa id of
diiei-torsto adhurcto the plans foimeilx con-
siileicd , which vvoro for tlio erection ol a rnib
house e-ostintjnt least $1W,000 ( In some cen-
tial locition , the whole bnilillni ; to lie useel
as a e-hib house. Ills undi'rstooJ that ttio
two eluLHtlieOinahn and the Tnlon will
not ho consolidated until the new liinlding Is
coinpleted and ready for oeuipanex The
idei i.s to build upon the ino > t modi rn plan
and make this an ideal club no no. 'I he- meetIng -
Ing xxas private , bntiioixvithstindlng this a
nimit'cr of the members in speaking npnn tLo
snhjoet , said "Tho oluli house is now an as-
suieci Met ami xx ill uadoiihtoJly bo built this
season , us all of the uu'inbLis aiu in favor of
t'oini ; on xvith thoxvorkat the cail'est ' iios-
s-iblc date
ed in an Aslinn. .
II vanillin , Oonn , Tob 2s. | Special Teles
fe-iani to Tin Hi i J-1'atiii-UO Hum. an inf
in ito of the Mate asv him at Muldletovx n was
iiiiirdi'ied bj another pitiont named r.niieni
WcihiLstliiv , and the facts have just been
irnido public , r.irnem , xvho was siip-
posed to ho harmless , batteicd in
O'llrien's head with a section of as
pipello declared that ( ! od had i-oiiniiniuloil
him to anirdei O'Hrlen , who had imiidt'ied
his fiiitid. rarnem icferied to the- lulling
bv O'lluon tvvelvnycais fi o of nnothci p < i-
tlcnt xvhilo tlio hitler was asleep In the asy
lum bain.
11 OII-.FMU cd thictcx ,
Xi xv Voitu , Pob usSpecnl [ Tele riin to
Tin Iln i .John Whitmm , betler known as
"Ajax , " anil William Wack , "Milo , " the
( ! u man champion athlete , today signed arti
cle'to ' lift iiunib-hells and heavy weights
with their teeth for tJ.VI a side The contest
isto taUo pluco in thib city bctvxecu Mauh
111 and I , " . .
_ .
A .Minister ArrcMcd Ibr r.ieaiiiv.
MIMVTIM , la. , Fob Usispeeial Tolo-
Ki mi to TIM Hrr ] M .1. U Kin , a chure-h
choir leader and musical professoi of this
city , xvho xxas mauled latelv , xvas arrested
xestenlav foi bigamy. It is clnimed ho hns
another wife in Can.ula , one \Vlseoiibiu \
and a third In Kentucky ,
It It KI ITIttS.
Dr. Koofjli , c-ounty phjsiiMan , has lotnrnoj
from hisc'iistern tilp
A niaiuacto lii-ciiso xxas issued jcstonlaj to
John Uiliiiumi and Maggiu liolnin , both of
Mr K VniiTujlhivs losljjii'd nis position
ns box nu'ont nf Ihe II XM and has bun
suiveoded b ) Mi K. 1) ) 1'ollanl
Miss .loslo lion fro has leliirned to her
homo in Koinsx ille K.x , after a j liasant xisit
of si-veial xxti'Ks witti Omaha friends.
Mrs L K Hoi U , after a pleasant \islt i f
three xvoeks with relatives ami fiiends m tbo
i liv , left for her homo in MilvumUeoVednes
day ovcmng
Mis Aniiio 1'ullor has teen appointed
noetessof the aluinal lennion of the llin 3
liiMitnto fortho iliaf Mrs. Puller hns lur a
lonji tlnio bitii iissoeiateu with the Oiimhn
deaf anl dumb as.vluni
l uuciio Pillion , the eldest son of Dr S It
Patten , xvho has hren ntti'iullng llio llhi.3 ;
culloKO of phiirmaey , leliiinid to tbo city
lust xxeelc. Mo pissed second in his elass.
which compilsod about 110 membeis.
fJreiil 1'iesonee ol' IIml.
( Miiea oTrihtmo : "If jou'xo 'ot any
leinaiKs to innko lieforo we joiU\u\i \
mi , " nnnouneod the leader of tin * band
( it ri'KuliiUir * , , "vxo'M listen to Vin ' '
"Will jou < ; ive men inlnulei1" pleiuU-il
the t'oiiuoiiinod lior-o thief , "just ono
"I huvon't iniieh In say , " falloivd the
tiontlilinj , ' wt-elfh , hlh ojes iHin with
U'lU's "hut 1 should .
, IIKotn.-liitfu sun. ;
n Httlo snne that eurrles nio baeU lo my
Iniioe'ont childhood days :
" ' .Sho io's ni ) sweetheart ,
1 I I'm hei " '
This xxiih nil ho.aus : , At the ( ' < t
note his nuisi < iutors had Mirunijon tin
lini'fos in wild , inadilontHl luisio , and ih
Hiunilof tlio I'otru.illni ; hoofioits. gu > v *
Ink ftilnturnnil falntor , IMIHI to his eia
fitun far , fur down llio xall.\ llo xx m
tax i'd.