Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1891, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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    t i ft
Eo Jnilgo rit'W ' Thinks of Mrs. Bhoeuy'a '
Application for Acliniwiou to Bill.
Atitltniltlrm ( Ttoit 1)j tlio At tout < . } - >
Notes iVnin tliu DM rid Point
Mr. Hull's flims ( ' .ill
Ltvcnis , Js'cli. , Peb. -Special { to Tint
] -llrfoni .ludgo 1'iuid this mornlnir
argument \vti3 honiil on thu motion illod ) cs-
tcnlny DJ Stearns A Slioilo , attorneys for
Zviri Mill ) Shiedy , asking tblt slio bo dN-
ciiaiijodor admitted lo ball. Mr Strode and
: Mr Steams spokc > In support of tlio motion ,
QsklttK that tbi ) court order tlio couilj at
torney to Itlo Information nt HUM ortlint their
client bo ud milted to ball The constitution
provide * th at ball shall bo ncu-ptod in nil
cases oxiopt treason or murder , Avliero the
pioof ispviilvnt or the presumption grout.
'J'hocciillciiiiiiicoiil'ludoil ' that tlio evidence
In tills case showed Unit tlio pioof was not
fvident nor the presumption ( treat , Thev
Mibmlttid a mimborof iiuthorilles , ono from
ttielhldltihaina \ , niso ( almost analogous to
this one- , und another from ono of the south
western ropoitersUurou \ limn indicted for
Iclllltifj liis child \viis admitted to kill , tlio
mother , the chlcif witness against linn , tof > tl-
fjlncr to Hire1 its ho hail iniiilo to end the
child's lllo. SomoiifThtcen other nuthpilllua
wciu submitted on the'same point. The do-
Scnso also ilU'J n bni'f setting foilli those-
V > olniN , wit CountyAttotnoy bnell .isltoil tiino
to piopdio one In opposition to their theories
In UiUtiu tlio motion under iidvisonicnt ,
Judge I'k'ld Intimated tint iinilcv the i-v i-
dinio unil the presentment , lie sticiulil Lem-
cllnod to admit , the dolomlaiitto ball ,
i HUM nisriiiir cotur.
Jnd o Plchl beard arguments thUmorulnp
on tbo motion for a now tilal in tbo casuuf
" liohb , convicted ot lummy fioni the
pi'non , tlio ilcfonsuboini ; rouesentui | byV. .
\i ( . 'nnililV andthohUito by Comity Attorney
tincll. ' 1 lie court oxorruled the motion and
liobb vas scnlenced to two voars unil six
'lho jury in the rise of Males vs llnr ,
iiotid jisti nlaj , leturnodaciilict in favor
of ( lol'einl int.
j\ndnnv Oblsoti was pivon ft ill voice from
Ills xvile , Soiihle , on the Kiouiuta of Oesortion.
In the Oxven dt\orc . | aso leave was fclven
tboplnintilT to lllo eounter-iillldavlts in lho
matter of { > iilnir ) alimony
J. B. Arohibild w is appointed rcforoo to
tnlio U'ttiinon ) and repott linduiRs In tins di
vorce use ol Kitnui b AVilcht vs Alia
'Hie case instltutcil bx Prnncis Huhhlo to
huvo the ueereo awarding her husband
' divorce tliatsald decree
Giot'Kou , on tlioniound
creeiis obtulnoil hy friind and her tight
iiiiuiovns i.ot fjixcn as defendant , came up
on n demurrer tiled by ( icorgothat her iieti-
tiou did not state sullleient cimse of aitlon.
yho court took thoinattci under advisement.
C. K. Hall , ono of the propiloton of the
Hall steel plato rauiji ) works wast of the city ,
ycsteiil i ) aftimoon was standing in front of
uiuac'lnnu known us a buffer , glviiiK instruc
tions to the workmen in charge Ilo cuiiKht
liold of a plcco of coppoi to t.iku it out , but
tlio end eiiiight in tbo mindly lovolxin
Avheol and jerked itfromhia hands , Ilo iti-
Btinctlvilv doiiijod and the bi plate pisied
just in front of liia fuce , Briwin bis cheek ,
uuttliiK Ills left temple ana badly iujuriug his.
M1I ! > MOIlTOAni O lOUJT.
.Toseiih and John Shaip , the .vounpr men
wanted at 13eniiettfortlispofaiiinof inortKURod
jnopeit ) , % % eris ai rested last niihtntn houil-
IIIR hou o mar Tinth and Al streets and
talton to Bemiott at 1 , 'lt ) this inoiniiiB h.v
Countable. Vuldor , Ttioj aio ehuipod with
polling TOO hnshols of 10111 onvhlih there
ixas a inoft aRO. Kneh had n ticket to Seattle -
tle , Wash. , in his { locket.
nr.EN jtoLuic cisr. xrrnMCD.
On .Maioh 8 , Ib'.W ' , after n hoth contested
case Alcssrs 0. II , Lunuy and \V. H. l-.umry
liad the supreme satisfaction of gottinn a
jiidpniint f or f I'i against the ICaiiias inai.-
tifactutliiir coiupnii ) in fie distrkt eourt of
Isaneoiounty The eon.panv , hoxvover , ap-
jicaled the cwo today to tlio suproino couit
: IIOMJS nil ) .
Tod.ij In tlio aupiunio couit.latncs Slnglc-
ton ofl'ioto , Sullno countv , filed u nUilinu
lorn iiiindaimis ngaitist l rank J Siulelik.
tiv.isuicr of Saline county to restrain him
from juviiiKOUt any jiait of tlio niiinuy ollk'i-
nllj rucivcil by him as UINCS in Ciutu fiom
thciMissouii 1'ucilkrnilroail cxti-pt for the
jiurposoof jiuiiiK Intel Oil or | intu'iial | on the
Wi.OOUorlli of boniis voted Juno IS , lib" to
iiiiliu tlif construction of thutiiulioad.
An niiplicatlon v\.is \ Jlleil tojuy totliostnto
bonril nt trnnspoitiition by tlio mayor mill
coninien council of tliocltyof T > n\viiootity !
nskiii } , ' for nn ovi'rtiead rrossiiiR over the
Chicago , liock Island \ l-'inlllc , on Butler
tlllot , In I lolliiihu.ul'h addition , \\horo tlicro
isn t\vilvo foot cut.
Sccroliiry of State Allen and A milter Hen-
ton icnvo tomorrow for Washington to attend
the national convention ot tlio railioiul uotu-
inhisioiiers of the Uiutoil Stales In i-onjunc-
tlcuitli tliulutcntuto coinnii'-t.iou ,
MIL AH VN 1,1:1 : ini .
Todni Mr Chillies Allen , vvlio has mnilo
nurh n roiintiitioii for himself ns deputy
auilitorund iictiup itisunituo comtnlsiloimr ,
ccvcroil his coiiiieitioiivitli the nuditor's
ofllfu touccept the ] int.ition of state nsont for
the ( Joiitlnontil tire intiiranco compaiu of
is'cbr.islm. In this cow vvorie Mr. Allivii
romniunilh nn iirnir of WO ugents. Ilo has
been in lho Insuraiico biisinojs fur tliiitcou
\oara. Mr. Allan lt sui-couJod by
\Vheoloi , son uf 1) . II.bcolor of Oinalia
J 1M.S IN A Ol 11 > 1101 > Ii ,
It i - lopoiteil that ono of the legislators
from a west nil countj , v\ho \ his boon IUUOIIK
the moat I'l'iinorous to oust ( Jovoinor lloyO
on tlio ( 'rounds of liciuu an uiituturallzou
ulien , is hinisolf of Gaiiiiiiini nirth nml not
iju.ililli'il toiito. . A quint ilivcbtlgatiuti is
being nmUo of the cast ) .
nox i.i'T-rr KOLILF.
The con 11 tr clerk of I3oIJutto countj
malcosnii application to the stnto relief 10111
mission for fcj | . < HUv\ortliot ) nun , oats , \vhea' '
nnd other sniius for the fmnieri in that
countj to xiso as seed As there uro oul >
ri,4'i ' | { nluibitnnts in the ontlio county , in
eluding men , -\vonion anu children in the
towns us well ns In the country , the
members of the relief t-oui mission bo
llcvo that Box Hutto Is trying tenet
net the piff. A eiwtlennti fiani Box
Ilntto countj who was in thocltv todaj was
tuown the iipplicatlou anil hopi/odnt itwltli
tstoiushmcnt " ( ! icat Scott' ' " suys ho
"those fellows seem to want tbo stnto toKeoi
Ihetn Why , the avciafjo farmer in lox !
llutto couiitv has only tiS'ontj-ti\o ncros o :
luairio lirolionndjet hero they nio asking1
lor prain to seed thrco or four times tha
inui'li ground for cverj furnier. 1 declare it
InokH us though vexvero having aropetitioi
of the ttoals inacticeil by jmloub
fanuoi'M back In grassbopuor times "
01 > 1ISAN1 > TNI *
Shortly bcforo 4 o'cloclt this nftomoon
John Cat son \vns anvstud by Doteitlvo
I'ounil for bto.ilingovorfT > U worth of c.irpoii
ter tools from Mr Tiferou A street.
\Vhili \ ) Walter Iilnlson of 1-ast Llni-oln was
returning tolas homo lo&t cvonln ; Uovvas
brutull ) nssaulteil by a IIOKIO and UnocUtu
senseless. No reasons are known for Ilia
Tliionts A nliiNt hilllnoVcnliiiil.
ritv.Ncisco.Cal , ] 'ob. , TboChroiii
clo'.s Honolulu letter , dated Kobiuttry lis
BIIJS : Altuirs are in a uitical conJltion. A
tlirontetiliiK anonynlou * lottir wiw priutut
this inaniliiK , uiidressu-d to .Justlco Judd , am
VMivniiiKhiiii that the quecnN life was it
danger It Is an open sueiU that lho Jettei
VIM written by Hoticrt Wiloox , the revolt !
tlouitit , for tbo purjKJie of liiaupuratlne a
public ilemonit ration a.'alnst tlio queou.
JtOsltMl'N l l ! tr < ) tJMM ' KIllUl' .
DOSTON , Mat.3 , Fob. li\-'l'ho electro
typorj' strlljols nssiiiulng serious iiroportloiis
Tbo bUiko lias been sanctioned by the Inter
imtlonnl typographical union , which coiu-
/ i > ll U cs iniittcrs reiy inuch.
l'looiltfiullty. .
X , In. , Fob. ' . ' 3. Hlmor War
lho tMinp who munlpn d lmluotor
iO iU of Un C'liieii u , V > orih\\iU tn
tai id nt 1aiiK Point li .ttau nn iilca.tod
pulltj fit I'oleiiotoiiij Ilo will on sontcii.-ca
\\odni"iiluv. \ \ ,
. -in i Aiu/Tii ; >
Tin * Mourner town Sinking and Her
< "li'vv lli'm-iicd.
NrvY \ mk , i-'ib US Vtiu iiiptnlii ot tha
slctiincr Pitmlaml , wliiili nrrlvwl from Ant
werp , roiKim tluton reit-uuy ho lithtiM
Hit * Warren linu stiMiiin-r loivn In a Milking
condition. TliollritWiste.unor t'Uuslcr , for
New York , vras tukiiiR off Uio rrcvv
of tlio lottii ami will britnj
them to till * port It Is belli'voil tboy won )
nil saunl. It is thought the lowi was In cul-
linloii A\lth an Icojt'rjj. I'll * ' abandoned
stoaiii"rMH viilurd at f J.MVKK ) nml hid on
buiniln ontKorrttt JiiOihii 'I'ho ' nmouit
of itisumnu can led Is not lttio\ui
TIII ; COL * > iv
I'roci-cillncs nl the Cdiniti lnHloneiu nt
Thn county coiuuilsslotiin till a nioctinu
jcstciility nfteinonii with fiatuits that \\111
fiirnisli all taxjmvers with food for tliounht.
Kvcry eoinmlsilotiorwas pn-sent and tiianv
M > oc'tiiU > r < looked on wltb CVLS niul eau vciy
Ilhls wore otioiiud for vnult fmulslilncs
Ilio county olllcct of treiismer nnd n-Rlstor of
dooils Thiv v\iru \ : Olllco Spuiialt ) com
] i.injfllsTso , , and i'alton na-Ullle nunufac.
iriUR coniiiin.v | , $ IIST > .30 'I lie bldi woio
ufi'iii'd to the I'ciiimltleo on eourt home.
A Ulepramm read from 1C. K. Me-yori ,
rolillcet , iirKlnu iictlim on his bill for ex-
lenses to ( 'lilt ago to nialio ufiiilnvit iccarJ-
nt ; the ll.vaiiVulsh . suit ni nlust the
onnlv. 'Hi" bill \ \ , njoctod at the lust
iL'otinjr of the liOiird
The county plurm.uj question i-anin up br
10 leaillin ; nf a coniinunluation from A.
chrocdiT , ilrure'st ' , olTorniR to put up all
lorsrriptions at actual rest of the Ineroill-
nits. I'tmliinnnO'Kicnuiiald tint toiiuct'it |
ueha pioiKisitlon was much bettor than to
lavca clniK shop in the basement of tlio
rmrt house , \vlilili v\oulil onlvlii' nnnn fi-nm
! > or'.i ' o'clock iii tbo morning to ' > or li in the
evening Ilo vis nyaltist tlio nlea of putting
In n hie stoek of drugs to lay and tet stale ,
etc. The matter was lefurod to tbo com-
inittee on ibarilv
A miinbei < jf small bills of a routine ordir
wore rend anil icforred to the pioper com
Oiueportof the committer' ou poor farm ,
the silarj of Mrs Jlalionej , matron of tlio
count ) poor farm , was raised to ? 40 per
month , Mr Boriln volini ? 110. In voting in
the negative ) Air 13erlin said ho thought it a
\erybad , a \ crj injudicious tblnpr to raise
salaiies of county cmploves at this time
when ovei ) business man iti tbo city \\is
struggling to ntaiii his omployisat an ) pnco
during tlioproseat haul tiinus !
] Ja\ton .V ( Jallairher woteuwadrud tbo con
tract for furnishing erroierii's dining tbo
ensuing jour : Quon ! ) Soipcompuin , soau ,
t'orllss > \ . Johnson tbo milk contiact , Uorlin
Voting no
Air U'liiiino made a motion thattho amount ,
$1 per capita , voted at last meeting , to Do
charged foi citv patiuits at the county bos-
pitnl , bo chanced to $ !
Air CJniiicransai < l lie objected to Lrolnpinto
n looslticr LMIIU ; Ilodidn'tbuliove tbocouiit )
eould afford to do it.
Air Heilin thought It was a ( | uo tloti of
but ashoittlmo when tbo elty got thowbolo
buildinp. Tor himself ho was in favor of
giving it tothocity foi u coiiHideiatiou of $1
Air Timino's motion was lost.
Tlio uiitlio deal of a week UKO , male with
thoilty , was then voted off Furtbeiraction
was dufcried foi oiioweok
The county survojor was Instructed to
draw plans and details shcnun the most
practical and bhortitavij to lonncct tlio
cesspool at the count ) hospital with tbu cit )
Then came a little surprise and monkey
ila ) Air IJerlin inoiod in all sine-only tint
: boiepoitof the linunco committee wising
: bosilarlcs of tbo emplojes in the lounty
treasurer's ' olllco ho rescindod.
CoiriKiin secoiidcd it.
But it was aimt upjob so faris the rnem-
Ijor from bouth Oiniibavas concerned ,
Thomnjotit vote loft tbo matter richt
where it was , nml thosalarius of the treas
urer's menincreised
liverybodv opened thercvoa ! very wldo nnil
smlleil broadly when the follouniK"resolution
l > y llniuio was lead
Hcsolved , That this hoard establish a mod *
leal stair of suu'eons for tbo hospital dopnit-
iiient of tbo poor t.inn. said boird to consist
of tenplivsiciii'is , liAoalloiiithsand lho homo-
oiiuttis. ami that unch conimissioiior suircost
two niiinos of tbo former and one of the latter
to tbo committee on poor farm anil tint said
committee ropoit them at tbo next iimctlng
for roiiflrnuition
"Its thowoist I ever did boar' ' " came in a
choitu fiom hiilf a dozLMi tin oats
'I lie resolution vent to tboiointnitteoon
pool farm , v\ hub is loin posed of Van ( Jainp ,
L/oriipan and Tun mo
" \\lll \ \ tlio board daio t o sail dlo such an out-
rafjeous Imposition in lho expense linooii tbo
county i" louurkod a inomniciil taxpajer ,
boatoil aiiionp the j.pectatois. Ttie ijuat.tioii
Tbo leculnr uppiopriatioii sheets were
d , ami thoboaul adjourned
r a\\ijic OK
Tlio Sojiiionr nilc I'lD pei'tois Are
AIM- } Close IMmit Iirtl.
"for the present \voilc has been discotinucd
nt our -well ne.ii Soyinour Park , " said CJeoi0'0
X. Hk'ks , ns ho siniloa and answered tLo
question icparding- oil Uncl.
Continuing lie said , " \Voaro putting down
a ten-inch hole with the hopes of findnifr
whatever of viluo may lie in tbo bow els of
tlieeirtli As soon r.s \veatlioi inuilei-
ates wo shall leiiuno v\oiiaud ! go down at
least ono thousand feet.
tbo Uniling of oil ! hnvn iioth-
inpr to saj , ute haven moro hnponiiit oi > -
jr > < jt hi view. The incoiporalions of tbo
Oniabu ollooinpiny means a treat deal , and
If vedo not htiilco iietroleuni \ will build
up nn UnpoitiuitiranufactuimK suburb.
"Ibis tui't oflandlies in tbo vallev of tbo
Piiilllion | , and IfOinaba ever bciomos'n ureit
cit j , the tailroadi. must pass out through
t bat wide level bottom \vlllKiveamplo
trailmcro , besides fundshlnp sites for inanu-
fac'turiiiK ostiibliMbineuts that must bo lo-
catndin tbo ntai future.
"Ilio beautiful woodlnnj will bo improved
anil beautillod this season , Wltb tbo nr-
toslan well nlicady do\\n , a lulto coveriuea
surface of thlitv acics will bo fonni'd This
is surroundud bj a beautiful natuialtrrove ,
so that you can roailih sco that it will bo ono
of t'io ' citj's ureatbiiiK spots.
"The ncv. fnlr pround Is located in tlio im-
tiiedlato vicinltj anil bcforo tbo end of tbo
season the street cur lines will bo built to
this point It h our Intention to cause un ev-
tfiisiou of the lines so tlnii our lands will bo
brought In diioct coiniiiuiiicatioti with the
' ' .Some objection raw fcornlscilapainst tbo
diMimco , hut His hardly li\o \ inilus out , and
this on ancloctiii- line nie.ins nothinjr. Our
ideals tomakotliis amaiufacluiiiiK center ,
ami as them will bo no stieets to Kiailo , wo
I > rope o to phio our lots on the inirket at
low prices and nnko it an object for
poonlo tolivo with us"
lint about oil ! " was apnin siiffjestcil.
"As I said before , I can s ly notbiiiK until
we havoKone farther into the inrtii , tlioiili ( ;
some men who bavn worked in Ponnsjlvaiiia
tnfoiui us that the indications aie oml , but
if vodo not 11 ml anything of this klnil , wo
know that wo will Hud llovvlni' wells , and
with tbo power that wo can fuiuish , wo can
run factones tied mills.
"Our entire sclioine will dovolopo In a fen-
weeks nna then -wo will Rho the public
hoiuetliiug moio rogurdini : our pluus. "
l lve Illnl
Tied 1'ullerof tl.lscltj nnd1 \ Alnjbovvof
Wnltfloo will shoof nllfty llvo hird mnteU
for ( M a side at Dkbom next Wednesday
afternoon I OD I'ickiird and.llui Mavliow
will also bboot a match , twenty-five biids ,
forWS nsldu on thesiuncoccasiou. thlrtj'-ouo
yaidi rise , eighty boundary and the use of
but 0110 baircl ,
I'ciiiiiti ,
Tbo follovvmi ! ivoriults VVCTO IssuoJ uy tbo
suiciititonieiit ] ( of buildings yosteraaj ;
S. r Tiiok rlony. 1 Btorj friinm t-ol-
ta 'i' . Twi'iitj-nfntb.ind laylorhticits , $1,000
One minor pot mil . ,110
Jilri. Clinton IlriRgs sturtod for New York
last uiyht over thu Kock inland ,
O/IA11 / > p/\OT'l\T \ IUf 1 1M > IAIIVTI ?
SOMh COSllA LX.PEllDIli.Mb ,
AStato Institution TLit is Not Proving n ,
riattcrtng Stioccs ? .
lho I'loiliictlnn of riatMlcul rarmci-M
AVim tin1'iii'poM' rnr AVIiloll
i IIP t'tiliff.rarin ! !
\Viit Cinitoil.
Ijivimv , Xob , I'ob.S [ Spoclil to Tin :
Hit : . J-Tho university farm 01 , as sonic lu-o-
pie imfcr toin'.l It , the npricultiirol ospcii-
meiit Rtationl' slluatod about two nnd 0110-
hilf miles oust of Lincoln. It was purchiised
n iiutnbor of years ago nt a cost of about
Jlt.lMK ) , payment udnniimdopirt hi cash and
part in ( mils which the state wus satlsllod to
get ml of. Until about thrco yciis ajo ; , It
was couilde ed solely M a hlato Institution
and iiuiiiljiinit to lho linhistilal collopo at-
taehodli ) thoiiuiversltj , Slui'o that time , it
1m bocotni' , in to v > eak , a ptotoseof the gen
eral o\crntm.nt \ fiom which , utulcr the pro
visions of thollntib bill , it uunuall } reeelvoa
$1. , ( MX )
This farm h is had a varied cvperlonco At
times , the loKtslatuto lias apmopiiited
11101103 foi its iiianaKeuioiit and nup-
poit. At ottien , Its usof ulnuss lias
been questioned and its maintenance
has devolx-ed upon tbo university which has
been compelled to part with some of its own
nppropilatioii to keep tbo plmo alue.
As n eont.oqiiciiii\ question bus long lioen
ciitortalned as to whether or not tbo farm IB
a success. It hsxsnhvajs been consliloiod an
espouse to the stale and it has not been able ,
in the estimation of many people , to show
that there was any tiling to Justify the OK-
nensc. There is no inc.ins of iibcertalnlni ;
bow much the pUci * lias cost to uuhit.ilii it
sini'o it wa * opened because the items are
freiiuently Included in lho appropilatiou for
tlio nuivoi ltv. Novcitheless , huflleient is
known \Miirantn doubt as to thu oxpiuli-
riiry , when a'sults ' are considered , of puttint ;
more nione-v into tbo onterpii e
A lUi , representative vhited the place a
few davs am ) and was dlsanpoitilod in luul
inc Mr I'etin , tbo supernitemlont , had
gene to town and It vas not known
when be would icturii. Ilo was tilepbonod
for but co ulduotbrfound. . One of tbo sta
tion liuiilr. , hovvuur , v bo was found to bo
possessed of a fjieat deal of infoimiition 10-
( jaidiinj tbo plticp accompanied TIIL BKL man
In liis vMilksahouttno pluco
Tbo lesidenco of tbo superintendent is a
laine two-story fiaino buildiiifc afow .v.irds
ieuio\ed from tbo blKhwiiy. It looks as If its
hoards had lonp bleached tinder the t > im and
then liien iiiiutod vitli i cheap paiut , which
now .sadly needs uuothci coat
Adjoining is u sitone house plustcrod ou the
outside vhieh has an nil of antiquity and in
which lho help roit at iil | ht
Tbouthoiois a ii-d turn , 4KSOfeot ( , but a
few > oars ild There is another stmotiroof
the Maine kind which shows , tbo fi-ebloness of
jears. There is als > o a double roru crib ,
'J4xm.'xia , a hot house , actiiiken house , an ir.
rUatingtaiik and a windmill. 1 hero was
also n woodpile , eipht cattle corrals , a pij-
gcry. loutiilniiiR about a dcizou peas. There
was also thu laboratory and a largo assort
ment ofla j and loiitented torn c.its
\Viththocxcoiitioiiofthollist him men
tioned the laboratorj- und thonlKsery , ovurv-
tiling bLOinod old , It looked lather us if it
belonged to a farmer who had loot his grip
nnd vas allowing everything to caio for
The laboratory is a one-story brick build-
inp. ( W\'J ' ( > feet. It has half a do/en windows
on oltber side and IOOIES as if it hud boon
built to withstand ttio bliz7.iuis. The floor
Is paved wltb a haul substance like slng-ilito
ut least , that pait of it which runs between
the stalls on elthei side Tin pnitttions be-
ttt eon lliese stalls are built oi bilck und are
neiirl } ono foot thlclr , tbo entrance to tlio
stalls belli'bung ) with iron gates.
hi these itill.s Ur. Billings experiitientcd
with Inoculation for thepmposo of prevent-
itiK ho cholera. In one comer of the struc
ture Is a Innro toveied furnace ol brick
which terinlniitcs In a chimney , in which the
bodies of the hogs which refused to sustain
tbo doctor's theoiyvcre reduced
to nshes. The piato today contains
seine of tin ) charred bones of a 'loxiis
steer wliich the doctoi wus not ahlo tocuio
of foer. .
The stalls are now tilled with laubitsnnd
guinea I'iys , whlui the iirofossors and the
students at the uiilvcri Ity now use for ex-
peri inciiting with for laetciin. 'Hie htruct-
uro is now used for no other purpose. It
cost about $ lfiUO
Thcplpuciv is a frnmo buiUliniabout ; 100
feet lontrIt contains a dn/eii pens each
S'jxlUfiiot ' llunninnaloiiBtho houth side of
tbo building is a similar number of open
| iciis , and south of the lattci sonaiatcd by a
walk is another line of pens
The porkers howovoi , were comparatively
few and neatly all woio young. The number ,
tbo farm hand said , vas.5:1 : , .Last year , the
supoimtciident hid sold about i'Jit , and has
applied tbo moiiej to pay tlio expense.of tbo
f .u-iii.
There whete IUcow on the farm hut tboy
were not wcio thoj could bo observed
Tbojoung man was plied vvltha seucs of
questions and answotcd the'ii without ova-
sion. Among thoquc&tlons nns ns to whether
or not students ot the tollepo
availed thourolvcs of the opportunity to j ot
n practical knowledge of au-ncultunil worn
on thu farm
The answer was that them vas at that
tnno a student on the farm who vas working
to pay his buird , loccivins li'j ' rants per
hour ( iencially studcots wcio jnid l.'ucnts
per hour.
\Vhiitwiisnieaiitbytho teim ceneralij tlio
joiiin.'mail lould not till beiause lie said no
students bud been tlioiesluco t\vo veais iifjo
this v inter and they had como then to do
tlioieslo iiiv for their board while attendnif , '
tbo university rathiu- than learning iuithhiK
about farming. Hoard was J ) poi week and
tills could cislly be paid out of thovva cs at
15 cents pet hour l-odiriiiK was not cliaiged
to lho student , the beds were turnlsbcd by
the state.
"IJovou know of anj student , who when
hero followed tiio plow \\orkod in tbo Held
or oxpeiiuiei.tod in anvinanner for the nur-
pose of liiciiiasinghis knovvlodKo of agricul
ture1 ; the voutil ? man was askod.
"Vos , I l > now one. Itwasil'rof Barbor's
son. Ilo follovxod the plow mid used the hoe
nnd did seine bmliifr. Ho was slik aud It
VMI durluK i 'atlon1 was the nnswor.
ThojoutigmanwasasKed to specify the
uses towhiib the farm was put. Ho said KM ]
acies were of tame grass , six acres weio still
unbroken pi.urie , foity aeios had been
broken list lull , forty ai res moro would bo
bio'ten this spnupr , there wai > an oulinril
wltb homo apple trees anil a few cherry aiitl
ci.ibs , and forty ai-res plantoil with corn
lilcrht of tlio corn acres were used for expori- planting
Ho asked what experiments had been
undo and rcpliod tliatlhoy comprised the test
of vaiiuty , the tldcknoss of thuro\vs , tbo
ileptn , the temiK'iaturo and sovend othei
fentuics. Twenty seveu vanoties of corn
hid been i > xiorimctitod | with and the lObult
had not been at all favorable owhiK to tbo
Just why the miration tank had not beau
tapped to show also the benefits of thai
sjstem wus not slated
"AMio conducted tlio experiments , n
student oi bands on the fanui" the jounf
1mm was asked.
"It was .Mr .1.1) ) . Rmkb who Is now i-i
Dirope Jlewas not a student. Ilo hai :
graduated He had acted under the iHicctlon
of 1'iot Hicks \\lio at that time was dlimloi
of the station "
This ox periineiitation tool ! place In the j cat
1V.K ) and rosultodm nolhitif , ' . All Sinilb'has
vu'lttin tlio result of bis observation in to a
number of things.
" \Vbut experiments were uiado In ISbO T
lho .Mnitig- man vas asked.
'I'll010 vas n study made of grasses , tet
arrosof tbu same having bum planted. There
was also an offott made with lour varieties
of corn , some millet ami potatoes The ob
ject was to ascertain the host wav to plant ,
the tlinu required for vegetation , tbo vcukly
growth , tliu tlmo of bltiisoin , tlio amount of
the jleld , tbo number of bead plant oil , nnd
liuallv by looklngiindcitltigtbo product to
ascortiln Ut wholcsoincnoss ,
"How many tiws bavo vou ) "
There were vcrj few trees , iirinclpnll ) ina-
pies. No notice ho said was tukoii of thorn ,
luoy wuionovur thl lined out , There wuro a
fuw Itubbluu mulberry , u.iu aud o lcr
v\lllowH. Siiino of the umilo ttvos
had ROHO iiHtrnr , Unit 11 tlielr Identity
had Iwii lost , noon Jj ktunv their roconl.
Mb vounilsofruit'i' '
Yi1 * . they riiUect some grapes but nobody
kopl traolc of them , llioioworoa few cur-
ratil * rulioil mid u few i'oiiii > berrle < Zs'o
f ru II trees hiul boon plaut Hl lastjour. There
wew'JHO twos In the nurnerj anil nvery j car
tin.1'1 ! wnni tn ged.
"How many I119H JOM tlio farm support ! "
"Ihi'rcniv tlnoo men and thotupuiliitutiil
cut on It nil tbo.venr in tnmmicr tbo iiutii-
her Islncii'iiswl to tsicht or ten Tbev bad
nbont cloM'ti hories , soitH'of which thoj con-
slrlend cr.v wood. "
"lloor \ \ hen do vou Iirlgater1
"They vvotxs simply expi'iiitioiillujr with Ir-
ricatlon They wore trj'1" ' ? tno klmli of
nit * , iino a lite and the ) other n perforated
iron pipe. These pijict bad been extended
nroiind two pints of two squaw roils. 'I'ho
joungman preferred the Iron. 'I'ho water
was supplied from a tank about the sl/o nf
that of u street sprinkler , which received it
from the \\liii1inlll "
"Do > ouraUohayl"
"Yes. the ) had raised nliinit seventy tons
last vcnr and that orapattof it had lieen fed
to tbilr hoises ,
'is the farm self supportlnirf" the joting
nmn was a ked
Jin bhook his head and ansvveted "no'1 and
voiuhsafed theliifoimution that he did not
know when It would hi1.
The tenth biennial loiioit of the bo.ui ! of
rcuents olthc Uuiveisity of Kilnaska has
been made to the nournoraiiu iiiltmofound
some Iliruies relitiiii ; to tlio cost of tunning
this farm from November .10 , l&s > , to Novoiu-
her HI. 1WI :
Fin sidailos J ,7.'J
I'm p.ithobiological llbraiy , * >
CbemKtiv l.Cnl
Station fit in 1N > 3
lCutninoloiV 1,1 IT
Meteorology 1JW
Botanv 711
. fund Nil
I'rlntinnatiil sutionuy H'i ?
Iticldontnh till
Tbe o , with otliorfuatuios , have exhausted
thoappropiiation from Washington for two
years of sio.oiil ) Fifteen ttiousand dollars
will bo cxpomli'd in the same manner the
present llsial vcar. The salaries in the main
are paid to the professors of the ut > l\LTsU\ ,
wlio , in curving out fie work of liivestici
tion and cxpoiimi'iitition cilled for bv tbo
Ilntch bill , aroporloiniliig tbo same duty as
thai for which they aio paid tiv tbo state
Tln'ie aio cases , however , in which somn of
their losciichcs weio inside for lho interest
of tbo community athrfre , as for instance )
Ur Hillings' iiivostigitinn of poicino Inocu
latlon , and ttiostud ) of beet c-tilturo , works
011 wblchbuvo been published.
Jn the 8,11110 , volume theio is an Itemized ac
count of the receipts ami expenditures of tbo
foipmau of the farm fiom Nnvcinboi' SO , isss ,
to Hepto'iitHT ' " , I'lM ' ) . Tlio teeeijits u em
$1)71 ) , VJ and the expcndltiuis ) * l,0"ii .riJ
The iccolpts fiom Sii'pioniber 15 , ISS'.i ' , to Is'o
voinber W , istl ) , woie Or ' uueitho espeud-
itnres dlHI . " > .
1'iof Nicholsou Ins now his repott in
press showing the number of books that have
been issued , i-ontaiiiiiiK the result of the In
vestigation mailo into a vanety of subjects of
inteiest to the farmer , in.ulo by the pie
fessors connected with the industrial colivgo
and whoso horviccs aie called into ruiiiisition |
wlwii needed by the expenniuntal station
Ilo also shows what tlio inanngoiniut
hopes tn accomplish tlio coming your
Ncirly allot the woik tint bus boeii done
has l > 6on accomplished with but llltli-refer-
ciuoto tbu faun , itho professors hold
tliatit xvould beonlv.i loss ol tlmo to send
students out theie ; they are' Kcncrallj
the sons of fanners who Know bow to plant
as well ns urn body and who want to ax-ail
themselves of tbo opportunity to learn what
may bo taught in thoclassis.
Ihero is a scheiuo on foot now to
run a road diagonally through ono-unU
of the faun. Ulio scheme is in
the ititciest of hnd speculators who
want to enhance the value of their propeity
hejond the fnrin. 'Iho pixtenso Is the al-
le-eu desito to have a short road to the \Ves-
lejan university. In this way the state
would becxp ited to surrender hve valuable
ncios. Each of these acres todiiv is worth
fcl.OOO. Tliero is strong objection to the
scheme. If tbo farm bo abandoned , the
ground could behold as an investineiit. It
will grow more valuable jear by year and
when finally ilHpo&cdof will add a handsome
turn to the endowment of the university.
And 'Ihoy Jhultlie l.iiucJi.
It was noised about among the meinbors of
theieal estnto cxchaapo jostoiday morning
that the loiifr looked for lunch was about to be
produced by 1'residuit Hartnnii. The 10-
port was looked upon as a caiiaul. howex-er ,
and no clepoiidence was place-it in it.
'Iho usual number of mcmbcn assembled
in the cxibanLre room at tbo inorninir hour
and discussed the ptcviiiliiii ; dnllnc'ss of the
niniket. Thojvorosturtled liv an nppati
tion in tlio smpo of a pioe-ession of neit-
ly aproned waiters bearing aloft
luigo trayt. covirod with spotless
cloths. of tbo inoinbeis Rasped for
breath and others looked to see if tlio coding
showed any signs of falling.
1'ioinptlv at the usual hour President Hartman -
man called tbo meeting to order and Secic
turj Wilson rend the list of sales In astionier
voice than usual The piesldent then extended -
tended an invitation to all present to proceed
to tlio next room and partake of tlio luncheon
buread in honor ot the novviiuartorrf.
boeond invitation was necessary and the
elect foil to with a i-usto which was lefrosh-
ing SeeretaiyVilson was Mill into the
highvvajs and'hj v\a\s to gather in the mem
bers and the riowil was soon swelled by the
addition of bovonil Imiifrij ical estate men.
Tbo luuehVMIS delicious aud was served t > v
sahlo waiti'is , while I'rosidoiit Hiirtman pre
sided and proved a most ginial liost.
'ibo follow ing sales woio rupoitcd
Lots 1 , , ' , ! l , 4 and , 'i blocktlti ami lots 1 , 2 , 3 ,
I and fi , blocks * , South Om.iliaJOM)0 , )
Lot l.'i , llollow.iy's subdivision to Indian-
jlli , Iiid , $1)0. )
117S , fool on U'ashitiBton sticet , Indian
apolis , and , > IW (
U'est ' , of lot 1 , block : K , Bajliss & Pal-
mer's addition , tlCiO :
Lots I , 5 , b and 0 , block 1 , Clovordclo ,
$ y ooo.
Lot } , IHrkalow Place , J..r.OO . ,
Now I'lini I'roiinc < i hy tin * Central
bitlior Union.
William' Sebrlnp , secretary of tboCential
lahor union , has n schemoby the operation of
whkh ho liopes to protect the laboring
classes of tbo city finm beliitr imposed upon
by unscrupulous employment agoiioies
His plan , which has been endorsed by the
Central libor union , contemplates the estab
lishment nf u fieo employment apencv ut
which those becUmg emplo > nicnt and those
seeking tbo services of I ibnron in all lines
mnj hc > accommodated free of charge to any
of the parties concotned.
" 'ilio laboring classes of Omuliii hino been
Imposed upon leiiig enoiiKb , " snid JMi.
Semitic , In speaking of his plmiB , "by cm-
lloiiiont } acrents who exact a fuo fiom the
laboieit. and a llkoar larger fco from tboso
who uro in h enich of sorants. .
' My plan has been submitted to the Cen
tral laboi union aud has boon cnuoised by
tbiitbodv 1 pinpobeto blurt an olllee in a
contr. ; ' location and kcci > a list of
applicants for petitions and snppl.v
pnHles seeking emplojros.Vlicii tbo
new labor iialaco U eonipleteil we vvlll
have nn olllco In it lor this purpose.
"I'ho expense * of maintain ing the present
onlto will bo met by subhcilptions of S3 cents
n month notn lach of lye citizens vvbo will bo
asked to eon tribute. "
Tin * Count i 'jlihprrisary Hiould He
( in f fully Miliiaui'd.
"If the county pharmacy Is to bo reopened -
opened , " romaikod a heavy tax-payer 31x1-
toidiy , "I hoiio the comiiiisbloncrd vvlll sit
down upon county oflleinls x-isltlnp it when-
ovu tbeyplensp , f.ikiiiKdloiiK tbeii fiiond'i ,
etc , and liulplng themselves to wine , vvhlsKj ,
biamly , mcdlclnos , etc , as was the case Ix'-
fore when the pliainiacyiis riiiinluK1 I
know exactly vvbeieof 1 speak when 1 bay
that thu county va.i most .sniuiiofull.v lin-
nosed upon in this way. There should bun
riflil sjsu-ni of chucking iind involclm ;
Hold the mail who IK put In charge of lho
btoro losponsiblo for the goods rt'colvcd nml
disbursed Ilo should glvo a bond Many
facts that 1 hnvo learned U-L-IUdiner the IOIHO-
iiosHof tbu t county drug sliop business lead
mo to snv what 1 do with tbo greatest < -'iu-
phash posslulo , "
The tianip who sr.wn vooil h ) the day nnd
a second lomot In miorchrhtruiiiseiub'uo.uli '
other x-cry mucb they both du u tfoyd deal
of l
The Story of n Former Oiualm Oitiwu Now
la Stato's
I'ninHs Trunk , IheXjji'il ( Convict \Vlio
Ut'TiiM-d n I'a i dun I'loui CoM'inor
Tli.ijor- ( luliiis ti > In' I IIIKI-
ci-nt lIKtoi ) ol'llu' t'riini' .
T.ISTOIV , Neb. , I'ob m - f Spevliil to TUP
Tin.'Old ] Prank , " or "No. 71" iw hols
known la prison no nonol itni-o , Is the oldest
convict. both In > cm unil in tiolnt of service ,
in the penitentiary ut Ulmolti. ! lo is n queer
oldrtutiai'tor unil tlio story of his life nml
tlnl crime for w huh ho was convicted is full
of liitcitst , as Is , In fuel , the Ulo of ucarlv
oi'pfelon's \ careor.
1 GUI I'r.iiiU" was sptitcni'od to the penlten-
tiny fet llfone.irlv twenty y mis ago It is
needless to sii ) that the charge against him
\\M niuHlcr The torilblo senloiuo hoio-
celled is su indent to show that.
'Jho olit niuii is now t ltysi.cms of 111:0 ,
ami nit bou ph ho has boon an inmate of the hos
pital ut tin1 peniteiithry for nuaiH thejears ,
lie Is well preserved for 11 mini of his age. A
year uco lust summer bo trained 1111 unex
pected notoiluty in n peculiar waj
It is the ptlvllogo of the n *
uinor of the Btuto ovoi'j Voiuth ot
.lulv to { union two oonvirtsvlio
lu\e \ suvi'tl In the ivjiiltontlny inor tin
jcurs Un July I , l s' ' . ' , ( ' .oMtnor Thajir
oxiifiscil his prt > iot.iti\o In this line by
Ki.mlini ; pinions tnmi Jnillnnlio li.ul bein
in ttu * | ie.iiitcMitUirj or about twunH join's
fvrinutilur , mill to "Old 1'r.iiilc" This stop
Inul uvidentlj boon talci-n without
tlio old limn , in ho fiwni-J on the
nml s toad I list U rc-fusod to lu'ccpl thu purdon
"S'ut ( 'not isll tonio. " sula ln hl hnf n
Knot lioiuo hoio und 11 i co uvin 1 \ ill huf to
uu to di ) hour IIOIM ) . 1 u > od i ntdui stuin
liohtuiiloiitiniy djin bo a bnipc'i "
Ills ii-fusil to liavo tlio ju'iiltontliiry of
roui'so ( I'ontcd unili' astoiilshinunt , but
thuviihos of the old man \ \ oie irantt'l nml
\\asnllo\\id \ to iviuain. Thunoxt romkt
tolnm in letiplh of M-r\iio \\ai an Indian ,
and tb it aljjiigiucovasLrr.uiluil n p.inlim So on . .lnl1. 1. 1SM > , two ilosuond-
aiils of the i.iru of sondli'd noble led
liiun , both inuuloicia woio loliusud When
soeu tuiliy hoxn \ tofrcspoiuhiit old I'
teemed to hu\o relented fiuin his iloilslon nt
in illy two Jt IPS ayninul exprosbOil a ilecidul
loiifjmg for the swuts ol llheity in bis uld
"Iin.romay no a cliunts for mo to maku u
foitimi'M't , " said be
Ihu niiiiK' ol the old man is Piancis Prank ,
and uhl settlnslio ilvoil in Omaba fiom
IMiN to ls71 , will rumi'iiibcr him us tbo der-
iiuiivlio coiiiliiotcil thu I'liiiKrnnt's inn un
'Anth unil Jones stiiiets , kninui in those
das ) us the "I'lanslur bousi > " Mi Knmk
also hul n similar istnlillsbinent do\\n at thu
sti'iuilmit landing HotU these housiivcio
his own proputv. Itvus near tlio ihor u-
inbiixlimunt Unit the ti nrodj occuuvd foi
vlihli be is now being pm.isln J
Theiowero some ilonlits .is to whither or
not ho coininittud ttiu urnniMind boas ii\cn
a life suitonco instead of being
luinn in accordance with tbo coilu
in those dins Old I'liinU still
maintains his innoiciu'o anil it Is ilillicult for
him todibcuss thc inattoi of bi conviction
withoutjotting ( almost , 'lighting mid" and
chokuiir with indiKiuition
The stonosof thocihuelivo only in legend
The recoula at thepuntentnir ) do not f'i\o
liny information OUMI as to the immu ol thu
nmn nlkKt'd to hii\o boon uinnlirod b ) him.
There Is biniily { l\\op.ii.ri'sof fooKoai ) { lapn ,
\cllo\v\\ith ace , hich diclaio that in tbo
KoMsinbur t ° iin of tbo distuct iou'a of Doug
las county , 1S71 , r'rancis Prank , \vns found
Kullty of jnuidor , nnd was suntcneud to lifo
It is icpoited that tbo nun \ \
murdcied was a cotninoiuil tuiveler
and was in love with Ptunlvifo That
rr.inlt ilisco\'ijodsoinu tiling' that looked
suspicious , und a fehort time aftorv\aiils tbo
linf ht of tlso LTIIIias inunlciod near
1'ianli's cstabliblnount eloao to the Union
i'aclliu trades. The tiM uly occnried
on n ciaik nisht in May , ls l , anil it seems
that no one sa\\ the iniiidor. Tlio noise of
the shot uttrai ted tbo oiottd , and KianUas
dlsCo\i.ioil ) ashojtdisL.mio liom tli
mm Suspkion was fastened on him , and
bo was iirrt-stod and convicted on urcuiu
slantiuluv iileiice.
Old rrunKiudigniiitl\ that there Is
an lutaof trutti in the itatoinent that thu
nmn imiiiU'ied vas in any wav coiinecled
his wifoso far .is be I ? tuuiie lie duelaics
that he nevoi biiw the nun , uitliur IIMIIK or
dead , as fur as ho knows , und dooo not e\en
Know the nainu of the indiviihnil who \\as
muiduieil. lie sa > s that after tbo nssas&ina-
tiou he learned that tin * fellow was known as
I'linco Uharlub of Paris , but whether the
man leilly hud loyal blood in Ma u-ins , or
was a | bi > ndo scion of a klnul ) * , or was
simpl\ nicknamed pimto ho does not know.
Old I-'ranl : hab tint on the night of thu inui-
dti Ins lunnu , Andy Buyer , had u ijuancl
with siomeboil ) whom lie luained afterwaid
wasl-'iinieC'h.irles 'J'liJithe Finnic
( Finnicuisouly ) \
sc\eu or ci'ht ! rods Iivin I'linco t'hurles
when \\asshot Ilo si\v the Hash of u
ienlubavthu mutdeied man fall , and
lould dlinlj dlsieuithe assiissln rim towind
all am 01 C-IIH near by. Ju the dinkni ss ho
could lecosni/o onln moving Jnui but
lould not distuiKulsli nn > thiiij ; about bun
that would lead to the illscoicix of IIN KI n-
tity. deilued bcforo I'rnico
Cliurks breathed Ins last honssoiled tint
lWM-'r ) the mini wlu > shot him Old
PranU declines that at the time of tbo tiial
Uwcr' do\oted inaiiil ) to ti\-
liut to prove his own ninoi-unco Fiank sas
" 1 IEIIUV 1as innocent and vood not em-
plov an adduiliny. I vas diirnfoio conviclod
unil send to duos blncu for lite J n oed not
u ilk Lnglisb veil uncl aey took udinntaco
of it. "
No iimonutof crossiuestioniiiR can nnko
him dcMiitofiom these stitoinont-i. Anil no-
biiuy but old Prank himself knows positively
whether or not ho U the muriUior uf ljnnco
Chnrlos ,
" 1 lief n tough tlmo slnro J lawm to
dees cawntn , " sa\s Prank "I bin hero
foity jahr. I vns dca dwentysioxahvolt
unit 1 lief iiodinp but tiuppio ever liice 1
\Kh Jas i ) nk in Doiitxcliliind "
A > a rule OKI i''iank is very tiiciturn , but
> our foirespDiidont lound him in imoof bis
raio iniul moods , mill the old ronvirt g.i'vu a
lull liistory ot ins c.neeisoiuul hini ; that Icon I
c\on the Wiinlun had inner hofoio htaiil.
He is a tjrim appcirnih' "Id man Ilo Is
blunt in statute , but thkkact. His hair is a
( ! ii//ly ginyhtlo Ins lnwexohiows are
us hluik at > niBlA ikiiunth tlieho crnKKt
uiouunio > i pair ol detiimt blown ejcs His
nose is iiiiiiline | , and his mouth is a porfeit
tmintotp.irt of that aduui'iifr ' the lotmten-
aneo ol Uoni.'iessni'iii elect Ilnan , only uio
lines mo inaikud dcepiihy ngo Ills fine ,
li'no o\cry other convirt'H , is sii'ooth shaven
and dcterinniition lb enslaved in even Inn a
incut. As ininht beu\potted his talk , winch
Ism.iikodMthadecided CJenuan accent , is
most cmph.Uiu. Quo looks in vain fur a
kindly seam or t'laaee in Unit stoaj faio If
cvur thi'io was un ) milkof human kmdniss
in the old man's mukouii it turd KM > oan
ago And jet after nil ho is not by any
mums aiopulsHo looUluu mini There is a
power about Ids facu whlih oublile of prison
walls might ho teimuil inanlinoss
Ills ' lei-oid has boon
poniU'iitlurj a splen
did one , as ho habuovoi toceui'd a dement of any kind blneu ho p.isseil
tluoiiKli the iron portaibof tbo penltuntiary
neatly twontj ) ago bo
lias soon oMr JMJ , ) conviits go
In tbiou h the snn.o dread cntraneo
Of these about llfteea hiinaivd havoKonpd
their tcim and plmlly ilonned iij-'aiu tbo K'Uli '
orcltUenshlp Vet .somu oi these bad been
Kiilltyof tliusiuno ulnd of ni'ilnioeliarj'ed
UKamstold Prank , and none of them eur-
passed him In lib loooril : H a com lit
AlthonKh claiming to bo Innocent ho lias
jrrimlj ucceptcd the Hitiiation l i-ss causes
thin these tiaxe made nun niUanthiopOb and
pcilsoiud ovcij kindly instinct
Tholhht twuiitj-hix juurtiof Plank's lifo
vvciro passud In ( lUimaii ) in b.'il lie came
toAineiUtu to muko n foituni ) Hi'llibt set
tled at Stoilln , 111 , but later moved In
I'llnculon , 111 , ono of thu most beautiful
cities In Unit .state , lie stinted 11 boot mui
shoo stoio tuiTti und did u ilouilsliliiK busi
ness. In is.M ho married thodunghicr of u
wull-todo ( Jrnnnii lurmer four inilrs vest
of I'llniutoii nd 11 vo ihildan iilo sed the
uulou. U\cr > thin ; :
tmtil 1W when the not them pot lion of that
clly , Uiumii u the dojx > t end , was \i < ltod
with adloistitnisilioniul in thociuillucruiloii
PuniU s store nnd stivk of poods were wiped
out Hothi'ii'i1' ' his fact1 westward mid lo
cated In Omaha , In ISM and tlnjMtpli hlit
.sbruxvdiiess mid bUHlniMs sniracil ) rctili'v d
Ills looses in about three > rnis lluthlsNem-
( vss | still pursued him 1'lrst , bltoulv inn , n
lailof nine , \xas run ever anil Mlliuihtlio \
can Next , u daughter , n pr.iniNliiK ulil of
tlilitiu'ti , was burnud to death 'Plien fol
lowed the murder of Priniv ( Mimics mid the
coliv li'tloii ol old over1"i
that tlio old iiiiin sl ln fin1 the hilcvon diiN.s
ixhon bo lived in Deute-hlnnd. "
Sal u nil
The liiiiiUnirinxtiniie for wonioii lit ( Jivnt
Ihitnin is of such n ilrik'.il stniup Unit when
a luilv vva.s thrown l.ilil.v In tfehind , u
count mum uishod up with the iciiiurk
"Ifour . livciluci' will just Icnpo nloiiK' the
bank a bit , time Is u bund ) rail jour ihei-
ince niiKbt ellmh over1"
l' lUMtdliMtV.
i ) t .
Miulonalnst County
il.ill Innuilc ,
.Inint'i Hlley , nllnn O'Nolll , will not bo on
handto Kivot ttiospihn ; tlniolitch , li duo
to iiulvo tliU inoiiiiiig
.liunes is Iho ( vitipnul of n pilsou roll nt tlio
the present time , nnd III * Icuso on tliopii -
inhis \ \ ill not c\plro iinlll hocivn Hiuve-ssfully
ivfule a touploof ( . 'hulgea of tnimlury Unil
nu' ' laid nt bin door
llcls nivnsi-il of sti-alhiK u tevolu'i' ntlUO
N'oilb sixliHMith street , nnd uf onli'rliiK tins
nwiilenco of Ml 312. 1. Lachey at ill1 Tsmth
'Pwelflh street last 'I'liui-sdiiv nlnht Hint Ink-
liipllicivfioia n nmtblotliH-k viducdiit 'Onnd
n coiiplo of sill , di esses Tim clink unil ro *
volxereie fcmnl nt a pawn sluiii , hut thu
drosii's nixi still misslnt ; . IIIU'.v nils been
Idontlllod li ) theiiiNMibiokct us thuinunwho
{ inwiicd the nrtides.
'Untoonehis ' ( , \xben n younpnmn tells
voutlint theu-'snothhiK ho won't do for > ou
\io \ inciins to do it.
MARCH ist.
To-Nitjhtat S.15. Clusiny ; IVrfoiniancc Monday livening
HohOivcd Sent * , 8V. We , 7"iP. lox ! scuts , $1 ,
Hnlf A Unique
nlluudrod anil
Or o-tivl
in lho
Sunny South.
wltli Esyptlau
Life , SplGiuloi- .
Mirth ,
Galoty Tlio Orotitoas
niul Uurlosciuu oi'
Jollity. Moclctn Tinios-
Orgniiization OostuniOB.
on Splouihcl
onEarth. . Scoucry.
Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Alar. * / 5--6.
MTLITAR V DRlLLby , 20 Young Ladies of Plalhnwnth.
Hundreds of
Exhibition of
Splendid Music.
IJigincs of
War , Diincing dllcr lOp.ra
Thrilling Exhibition of that Torn bio Engine of Dostiuctiou , the
THE GATTLING GUN , by l/ie Guards.
Tickets admitting1 to the entire three days and
nights of the Fair , for sale by the
G. K. . R. A.ND M. R. O.
Pigs in Clover Puzzle , with live pigs. $5 to any
one driving the pigs in the center in
10 Minutes.
\vni. i\\\ \ \
Cor. lltli ami Tar am Ft& , Oiuaba
\YccKol \
A ercitor iinln-it v
tllllll I 111 fllllKMISIISKl-
lii'il 111:111 \\Iiu UHH
\ isiUd lij tliuiiincis
uii ] > ii | > k in Oimdiiu
Tlip Osslfli-d Olrl. ui
iilinxu all a living
blii kl on
Hio ml. hs lint11
pound s 1 f > [ let. 5
iiulii - - hli-'h. .inil " 2
jt uof iitfr.
Mil' lia * > n liniliUrul
fnu , 1 ill In r liinlx is
In on inin K o-s Ili-il ,
unilIn K ct.iUiinlly
In-lnu nil hi i | UIVM
Mil \\iis limn in
1/IHliht Illll II 11(1 ( llllhl'd
in MIH OI 1 1 I p to
lit ! t UI III II 111 V I' II
hill V US nil ll-l h ill'
niul lii'iilx lull In
till J ) 1stM | M i I *
hill IlilS [ _ I II Inn ) \
lust llt'sli mui lii it i
Plir will 1 olnOiti i-
llll Illlt IlllllM I | ,
" 1 lit ui ututi freak
nf iiulnii i M r pru-
ilnii it * Is tlircr Hot
of tinmi it mil pro-
An iiKtroviit on of rinnli 'rJil iirtUU I\M > thtniKh '
lli'nl iruiliKunnvniiil fun in till ) 'Ilie nikni > nlt < iliii > < 1 qiioi in In nnui1.01
" ana ilnnitii in mil i - I In h kkin
luiil 1/mMi it n < u null
FLIP - FLAP"-FLOP , out n 11. id
In Ililnl.i-v , U'imlnll I rink tlu > llinnf I'j In- A POSTAN D CL1XTON ' .
liinliulii > ! til * MHII : mill cluiuo ,
fclis inItli \ In xaiiitov lllo uloni ut u liiilUru
U ° *
Vim , InsureMcrrinienleuulllccieiuion ,
Ki'liUii'ioiii ioutriuiiit iiiut A iniiil t'lili-itnliiiiiint f < r Un alualloxt uui
liiiikliiililt niiitliin iliiiruiil In tin iii >
Now Mt-uii iiliit-s NiwIiruU , Ni-vt Cm Ui > .lll 'I lit I'uiuiliir 1 mull ) lti > oit.