IFE OMAHA 1JK1C : Sl'NDAV , 1 , 1 S < 11 , SI XT ICE NT VAOiKH , : i Speaker Elder Says They Must Remain Ouf sub tlio House Hailing , SUPERFLUOUS SENATE EMPLOYES AGAIN , \ ' 'Jlio Hilt , IVovlilliiK IVir DlMi-lct Ptiiclumc iiiid Oxvii- ( , r Hehonl Hooks' , cd 1 1he , House. t.ivroiv , Neb , Keb -Special [ to Tin : Hi i . \ Hpeiiher Uhlcr rose this inonilnp to n iiiostionof ptlxlleiige. Ilo said thai soimiHi i.i'iso ' mid confusion hud piexniled In the past lew ilnjs that It was nlmost Impossible to do business Tills confusion vxns ciealod laigely bylobulstH , who xxciu lii'io xvothhitf to defeat - feat legislation di'iiuiuli'il by tlio | iooU | ) < . Hi'ii'iiltor Uioiulo iCKitrdltig the prix lleires of the lloor xvould boiltfldlj onfimed niul the lulihv iiiusi lomiitn outslilo tlioniiliiiiinul cease tampering with members on the Hoot dining the session of the house , ills re in nks xxeio loudly cheered by tl.u Independ ents. ents.Tho The lieu a cnllc l up for third and llnul mailing of the Mcjliold'b { ) bill , pioxiding for distrh't purchnso mid oxxnorjhlp of si heel book * . McKoj Hold's defended the inonsure. U'lilto said thu bill jiiovldcd that cnrh pupil should bo hold unpo'islblo ' lor the euro uf the books , \vhlrli was a very faulty provision - vision nnU ccmlu not bo eafoncd against minors. Johnson of Valley -mid that state uniform- It } was demanded by Ills constituents nnd tin could not support this measme. Tlio loll boms called thu1 bill pissed CO to III MeKesson Introduced a lesolution provid Inn for the npiHjIntment of 11 sifting commit- tic of nine momlioislui should consider bills on tl.o general lilu and ropoit the moio iinportnnt for action. On motion of StcinsdoiIT the resolution vxas laid on tin table Mr llovvuomr.'od the following resolution niul nioM'd its adoption : here is Tim good "a incnf the lojrlsl itiiro nt the Mute of Nolir iska lias hi-cn HHsallid In it iM > no [ tin- fact that the legislature of ( his hi ite In Imvlnir xntul u Id for u-llcf of wisltii Millercrs liy reisiin of iliuiilh , ccitulii tm-in- lurH of this house hi\o bien chat-Kid tt ltd sinister mothis In Mippoilhig Mid bill for Midi alii , uiiil \\lieicis \ , Tin' puhllu pii-ss of this state hun churned nienilieis of lids liudv , xvho hiix-ii BimpoiUd said bill , xIII i haxliiKhii'ii IIIIIDUHI tlio lit silio liaxo asked anil uiUi'slul | uld niullni have locchrd alii inidei thcpio- \ Minis of this bill , anil When as. Tin nubile press of this state , l > y reason of ( hi1 mint leal In not such cliiugi s iinil Insinuations , liitcndiil to hold up members uf this house to imlilli' uiu'iiiil | , .mil x\lH'riiis. It has IK IMI ehaigoil b ) thopnlillu piess nf this st iln that iiieiulH'is luil pilnt to thr pass ige of said aid lilll recoUed licucHls mill viiluntiii.x i' iitilliiitliins In thr nutuu1 of alii to tlio destitute , to tlio exclusion of the ii' illy destitute of our xxosturn loiiiinunlty , nnd XXheieis , Sinb imports nml ( 'barges nit' cal- ciil.iti.il lu niul ilnilrstio ) public cunliilciK.1) in ( lie slncvrlt } of tlio motives of this house , mill \\h 'ieas lly and foi tbo reason nf the ( nets lii'ieln-'t ' fill Ih liax Ing lieiu iiulilMii'il brnail- i i > .t tlirnuuliniit ( tin land I'fruitiilile giioiile wlinaie liielhud and x1m bax e nlli i < 'd In do- n.ile aid nnd ' ted to the iinlly .Mirlhx of aid In the diniith sti IcKi n dlstikts nulusitale tndoii ; tlit'ii ( die lii > It Hesnheil , 'lint tbospeaKu of tlie liniise lie nnd Is lieieh ) Instiiiilcd and empoxM'iid ' t appoint a i-omtnlt tienf sex in nieiiibeisnf tills hniise In Inxi lUate Niiid ibuiu'iN and Unit Mill coiiimlltti ! M > , iinl the ) an beitb ) em pnxx * > ied to si ml foi nil iiecissaix peisons and pitpcisfm a full and full Inxestlgatlon n ( said ilnuw. so tlint said I'oiiiinltti'e may u port of their salil Inxislli ; itlnn .is afoicsald ID this house with nil till' listtninny tnken thrioiu xtltlionl iiiineiessarx delii ) , sit til it tills linuso iniij t ike such act Ion as in ly tie ilei-niid just and pinper In the pumNcs upon suln icpori ( if said lest imoiiy Lihif ; llltd * \ Ith thotlei K of this hoiio. . Mr. Haitin moved that the resolution do Ho on the table. Howe hoped this would not he done , at least until ho hud time touplnin its purpose The motion to tulilo was lo-t The resolu tion was discussed at some length and with lonsideiablo feeling by both sides Motion nftci motion of ndllntoiy character xvas made , followed by a call of the house The independents xvero divided as to the proper policj to puisne , some claiming that mere newspaper insinuation's xxeio not sufll i lent ginuiidh to base an Investigation that would consume the lime and eaeigtes of the house when every moment xvasneedel for the consideration of bills of the moat vital Itnpoitance to the \\elfaioof the state The ii'-ohition xxas Hnally adopted in spile of the peisi-tcut efforts of'i nmjorit.v of the independents to foice an adjomnment blunder thin moxed as a saving clause Unit inasmuch as mcmbeisof the independ ent paiU had boon charged xxitli impioper motives in voting aid to the destitute anil in order Unit the investigation inaj bo full and fcarchlng the speaker be directed to name a majoiity from the ilomo H'publlc.ui side of the house. The icpubllcans anil democrats strotif- ! } opposed this motion and used the most in genious piirlmr.entaiy laities to dofeit the icsohitlon , but oxxintf to the absence/of snv- einl nieinheis , xxero unable to accomplish their purpose At ono time the resolution narrowly osctpeil defeat , the vote stindinir Its to' ! ' ' , the decidintr vote bemir given bv ( iillilan , ( rep ) xvlio may gonerallv bo lolled upon to como to the revue of the inde pendents in apresslnp emergency. The hhradcr resolution xxas lln illy adopted and the .speaker unpointed the following named members as the comnntlie to invest ! gate the cliniges contained in tlie resolution lloxve ( top ) , Faxo'i ( ien ) , ( iltTord ( ivp ) , Tavlor ( itiil ) of Hutler , I eiehtinger ( but i of Dodge and \Vhito ( ileni ) of Cass. Mr Whitoiofused toseive , butthosiienhet for some reason declined to accept bis resig nation jt the afteinoon session the bouse xvent Into committee of the xxhole to consider bills o'l tlio goneial tile. The following were to- ported back for passage anil ordered en grossed for a third rending : House rolliis , hy Sc-ottexempting "hoflse- holil goods , tools and iiistiuments to the value of $1M fiom ttixatioti , anil pioviilhiR that fences , fruit and forest trees shall not be taken Into account In assessing prnpeitv A bill providing Unit tbo county attorney shall act as the agent of all persons vxho have claims against the United htntos ( crovxliu ? out of tlio war. Tlio bill originally read "attor- nov general , " but "county attornej" xxas substituted. House roll 43 , the oill conferring municipal Miffrngu on xxomcn , was repotted baeic for p.issace , but no quorum voted on the ques tion of adopting : the report , so the bill is silll in the bauds of the committee. Adjomned. Tim Somite. .v , Xob. , I'ob. Si. [ Spacial to TIIR Hin : . 1 The senate mot this morning at 10 o'clock. Senators ChristolTer-iOn and Shea xx ore absent. TnofollovxhiK reports of committees xvero mndo : Kullro.uls Iteooimnendhp the passage of seaato tile No. 'JOI Unlit over. Privileges nud r.lectioas Making no re commendation in the contested election of Senator Collins by.I R runck. Laid oxer. Knllroiids Indolhiltely postponing senate file No PS regarding the settlement of claims against railroads by arbitration , recommend- inn tbo passage of soimto lllo No. HS , ie- quiring railroad companies to Issue through I bills of lading ; indefinitely i > ostponlngseiuito Hie No. H7 , icquirinn riillrond companies to erect and maintain scales at way stations : jccommendlns tliopasMigo of senate lllo Mil. reK'Hatini ? the manner la w hlcli railroad iom- ponies bhall IIIIIKO ix-ports to the auditor ; iccommendlng tlio passage of senate lllo No 07 , compelling ralhoad companies to maintain suitable crossings at country roads , hi- dclinltely postponing senate lllo No l.'i'i ' , ' u'Kidatli'u : the charges on sleeping cau ; iccommeudliig the passage of senate lllo No 145 , ieiuirinB | tuuihfer facilities at toxvns whcro txvo or more loads enter. Judiciary Hecoiamendlns the pnssapo of fooiuotllo No. IX' ' , rendering tbo county iuilpo , hhorllT , coroner , twasurer , clerk , Mir- xeyorund suporintendunt of public instruc tion Ineligible for moro than two term * and tLo rojibtcr of deeJa and clerk of tbe dUtnct < > xiH fur mart' thin one cm sooullx o lenii iiivo N'n tin jjMiilshing | K'ople for usiiijf In di icnt and thrnt < mug language alio No M. tvgulilinir the interest of inorlcn or nud iimilgaKoeln tral estnto deals. Indefinitely poslpntiing No I , " . ' , pii'X'Milbig thecolleitlnii of debts uiin-Hinti'il In fiauilulent tnpers ; iccoinmeiulliift the pussirfoof No M'J , latlng nptieftls fiom Justice's courts. Hecommi'iiiling the of Noilli , lUUbnilzltig lount ) boauls Jo use , surplus funds ( or tlio pmchascof boinls . | nl o No. lsi' , , itunl'blns people who tnke up vagrant d'lgs ; nlio NoW \ , conipellhi > ; rail roads to xxi'iitli grain at nil stations xvhere re ceived. i Munk-ipil Affah-s Hei-oniiifiidliiir ) thopas- sage of No , MI , tbe chartir niiicuilinents of hlncoln. I'ublic Charities -Heconiineiullng the pas sage of No itl : , dctormlnliig piiidsiiiucnt for I shelteilng bnys and drla In houses of ill- fame , also N'o. HI , ilelinltig ipinll.lcatloiis of I touchers. Education - liieotntnctidlng tlio pa * sa&3 of J N'o l' i , enaliling xvonirn toxote at i-ltj riiid vlllinrc olei'ilnns , also No. 1UI , requiring for- clun Insiiianco lomiMides to have a capital of The folloxxltig bills xxcro read for tbe llrst rl me Smator Dvsart , Senate File No ' .W - A tm-iulliii : section 11 of artido h of I'hiptor 7v ! of compiled statutesof KS'.I ' Senator Stex'ens , Senate File N'o 20- A mending sections JlKlaud 'Jill of tbo code of civil procedure , com piled statutes of issj , Senator Day , Senate Kilo No 'JTITo ri'K- uliitoexpiosa'coinpnnles in the state of No- bi-iska Adjuuined tlllMomlaj nt I p. m Tliell IM ) . T.isr'UN , N'ob , K < jb -iSpeclil to Tun Biii | Tie question of superfluous einplox-es came up agiiinln the senate this inoinlug Itiesitlted lu a defeat of the incmbeis xvho were endeavoilng to stop up some of ther.it holes of the institution The subject xxas intioduicl by the iciilliig of Senator Mattes' ii'solutlon of yesteiday , xx-hlcb xvas laid over until this moiiihiK at the iciiuestof Senator Hhiliuxvax. The ioso- lutions diiected tlio seciet.iry to teport to the senate not later that Monday as follovx-s The names of the people on the pax roll of the senate , the length of time they had been emplo.v ed , the duties thev perfoimod and the names of tbo senators or others at w hose instance - stance tbe uMcgoil eniplojis' mimes xveio pi-lied upon tlio toll oftho nody Semitot Mattes inoxeil tbe adoption of tbe resolution. A x IXM voce vote xvas taken and It appeared tlial the motion bail been agreed to 'I he .x ens and n.ix s xxero ilcmaniled. At Senator Shumxxax's leiiuest the icsolu- lions xvcio read a second time. 'I he roll was called. Senator Thomas said by xx'ay of explana tion of tils vote that as ho had 10 help and h.ul been compelled toia.v . his ilcrlt out of tils own pocket ho would vote no Tbo vote shov ed tint 1" votes had been cast against the losoltition anil lii for it Senatot Mattes said ho wanted to know how thiit.x two xotes could be cast for the resolution' and there were only thtrtj tbreo members In the senate , txxo of whom xveo absent lie requested that Ihe loll bo called iipiin and straightened out 'Ihc i-all xvas pioeeeded xxlth. Senator Pox nler explained his xoto In the nogatlvo hj sa.xlng tint the iiifoimiition de sired in the resolution bad bcoii alreadx fur nished the senile. Theic xvas nothlin ; in the losolution lie was unwilling to fuithei iinj moxo -hich contained notliing but bun- eoirbe. Senatoi Hoin had alieadx voted In the af- liimatixc Aftir Mr 1'o.xnter's lem.nUs lie said "After hiaring tbo gintloiinii's expla nation ( Mr 1'ovntei ) I ilesno to ih.iife : ; mx vote to no " Senatoi Swlt/lor explained his vote in the alllrmatlxe by stating that live orsi\\\pelts ami the senate hail adopted a iu < > olutloii spc- ciliiallv tailing for inloiinntlon on scv- eial heads legarding emploxis , namolj , tlienameof theemiiloxes , the d.ito of their emplovment and the partj bvxxlioin they had been einploved A xxeeit ago a list lontain- Ing the names of some ol the emploxis had been plated in t he sen atois' desks , but the secretary had not coin plied x , ith the dliection of the senate in three verj important pai ticulars. N'o attenlion had been paid to it. It xvus pertinent lot the senate to K'\e ' con- sideiation to this subject , and hovotild lie- eonlliiRly vote ax o. The toll call hiving been finished , the vote xvas au..ounccd as 111 against and 1U for tbo amend ment , Senator Sv.it/ler said ho would like to Icnoxv how the secretary lotihl nmlco ax-oto of 1.1 to HI xx-bentxvo members weto absent out of a total of ; il , The chuir diieeted the attention of the sec retary to the vote. It was found that the xoto should have been 12 to 1 ! ' asfollows \eas-D\sait , Uggleston , Hill , Keiper , r lattes , Moore , Sehiam , Shunuvaj , Stai- buck. Swit/lei , Van llousenVarner U. Navs IleeUHroxxii.Collins ( , Coulter , Oav , TIoui. Koont7 , Miehenor , I'oynler , Hand all , Sanders , Smith , Ktexens , Tax lor , Thomas , 'J'Mtner , Williams. Wilson , Woods- . Absent ( Mmstofloisi < ii , Shea During tbo calling of tbe loll it xx-as did ! cult for some of the senators to he heard and neir hexcral of them stool employes of the senate inging thorn to vote against the reso I. itei in tbo day Senator SxviUlcr an nounced that he proposed to insist upon the execution of the ouler of the senate to the secietarx and to support him in the pie I'cilnro , and lead an extract troin thf miiinil under tbo bend of "Onieisof tbo House , " in | \vhich ills shown tint u moinbei luv , n riiht to insist upon the execution of an ordci issued. Sonatois Mattes nud Sxxlt/lersij thex pia- jrase , if the iiifoimatlon asked is not gixeii to tbo senate , to picvont tbo pajmeiit of tbo employes 111 quoitlon by iiotifyiii ! . ' the auditot of the iiieRiilir niaimor inhic.U the business is transacted The chair said ho sxould examine into the matter and take the stops ho nii lit think neie = sary to comply with the sumtois' sxig- KCstlon. A Coirei-tiim. Ijtvcois , Mcb , IVb. "Js To tbo Kdltor of Tin : BI.I. : In THE Ih.i : appcnieil the follow ing liepiesentnthn Alom of Dakota snys the loiiiinlttio on lel s'i iph and teii pboni'S Is lielng in inlpnl ili'd , xxlulliLT Knoxvliuly or iilliei wise liy tlie cnrpni allims A 1)111 ) tegii- 1'iltiiK ti'li'4inph eh ir i-s that bo liitioduied early In llu < Msslon and xxhlehxvas uferiul on lanniry 1" > lothK eoi'inilltit ' , hus not MI liien n puited back , and hu bollixes tint thu lobbs me ende ix < irlii4 to prexei.l inj iction on measiiios uf th's ' oinraitei. Tlio undoi-signed , belny chahmtin of the committee rcfeired to iiUhe abox'o , dosiieii to state through the columns of vein paper that tbo statements contained in theartiilo nlhiv o quoted uro false mid untiuo in ovetx iiirtii-ulnr A ineetlntr vx is called In duo tlmu forttio consideiation of Hcpresentutixo Moan's bill , ami not siifjlcicnt members ot said coininitteo responded to constitute a quorum for the trans iction of business The xxilter has had a lingo amount of commitlio xvoiktodo ( bem p on seven lomimltoesof the house ) , which has occupied much of his time , and hoianuot alxx-a.xs accommodite 'he call of committees to suit sueii great men as Heproscntatixo Mmu Tbe- fails xx-eie known to Mr. Moan , and if ho m uio the stnto ment tint the committee is bilntr inaiiinu latoil hv the coipoiatlons he published i xxlll- fid and delibeiato filsehood A meetintrof the committee is cihed lor Triday , IVIiruaiy ' . ' 7. I tuist Mr Moan vxill take" note of Uio fiict and be on bund O. W ( 'i im , Chairman , Ltvcoiv , Neb , IVb. Ss | Special to Tin ; Ihr ] Mr. Hiennaii of Omaha lias inlro- daced an Impoitiint bill into tbo house , xvhlch was based upon his experience and ( hot of other moinbeis of coimnlttcos xxho have visited tbo state Institutions It provides that nil xx oik on state structures shall be ilone by the d ij xvlth the tiolief that ii xxill bo nioiutboioughlj and sitisfiictntlly done The bill Lut > lie-on commended by the uoveral ciMiimitleo- state Institutions The simc gentleman eliculatcd among ; Iho Independents after thov hail indellnitely postponed Ureen's bill Icgill/ing thn load tax and secured a motion to leconslder the vote bx which the measure had lieiMiKii'icked out. Ii Is a hill In xxhich Douplas county xxas gruitly intoiested and t'io ' IndependenU claimed Ibex had not read tbo bill and knciv but verj little about It. Txvo Hundred and SMcnty > ( ) no. LINIOIN , Neb , , IVb , > i.Siiecial to TUB nii.J : This U the fortieth day of tlio session for the senate \Vlien the body adjourned nt noon , it shut off tbe members' opportunity of introducing uioio bills. Up to thut time',1" ! bllMia.1 been Inlrodiiioil. and 1 < x Iho follow Ingtiieinbii-s lies K i Unmn , ' t'lifl'tif crsoii. 1iJ 1'iillins , II ( . 'oiilti'r , I' ' Di > . s Dxsart. | i Kggle.ston. 7 Hill. l . I loin , 7 Kolper , tl , IvoonK. U , Mattel , a : Mli-hener , 4 , Mome , ii. : I'lijnter , . 'H ; Iliindull , 11 , Wan- dcis , 1 ; Sihrain , 1 > . Shea , ii , Shuuixxax , 10. Smith , M.Stitrtmi'ii , I. Stevens , 't ; ; Sxvtt/- h-r , I' ' . Taj lor , I. Tlioinas , I , Tinner. I , Van Hoiuen , I , Warner , , i , Wlllliuns , I , xVllson , 1 . ' , Woods , I. Municipal \Viiiiiun Sunia e. Ltxi < ux , Neb , l-\'b ' -Speilal [ lo Tin Ui i | - The nvliibbon hall mcelliifr had Its counlcrpait on the lloor of tlie bouse this afternoon Manxtcpiihlicans ami democrats went home , lonvlnp a bare quotum present , a'nong these that icinalncd vxeio I'livon , L'ramb , ( lllTonl , lU-nth. lloxvo aid Vimdor- venter , belnjr theeiitlie republican contingent xvlth a slnirle exception that fnvois the inunleip.il sufftago lull About noon the sulliagisls lie an to pour In and soon Illicit tbelobbx Thehitii'-e xvcnt Into committed of the whole to consider bills on Iho general Illc , ami as bill ifter hill was set aside the faces of the ndxocntos of female sulTrngo lighted up xvlth intimation At length theelork iidlcd out' "Thonost hill la onler is ho ise loll II , to eon fei upon xvomeii tin ) right of surti.U'o at municipal elcitlons " A gl mco nt the north side of the hnll showed liss than u do/en mombirs in thoii seats , xx bile the liuh pendents shoxxod up in foice. lleitr.ind of Douglas got the lloor mid inoxed thixl the ennctlnt ; clause bo stilcltcii out of the bill. nn l opined up the discussion by siyingtliallliewomen of thocotintrv did uotilemaiid It , but that it would inaUu no ilif- feuiieo with theeitx nf On.dm I'liiinb nep iimidea regnlationspcub , ns- suinlnjj the stxlo of a Methodist exhorter , and tnlkeil of the vvonilerful Inlltience women would oxi'it in supiiesslnisaloons. Mitlicson ( iloin. i sud It xvas not the bet tor class of women vxlio wno dimming for the fiiituliiso , .mil if left to the women alone thoqiiostioii xvouhl be settled in Ihe negative by a tremendous majority ' ' 1'oitor. tbo piohi'iillon ' 'mcinbei from Mcr- rick , rojieited the same plen fur siilTr.w that ho deli vcieil txvo weeks ago In lied Klbbon hallShtader Shtader ( ind I thought that for thousands of jears men hid takui iiihantngoof women , nml niixv that a laijo number of tbum were now dcMimadingthi' fianchiso ho would be in fax or olranting ( it tothem Mclioynolds ( bid ) could not make n speech , but be vxantod to stand tip for the hill. bpoaUei lildei thought that his in other xx-as ns good as bis father , and \xhile ho did not think shexvould vote , believed she should have the right to do so. dale ( ind ) teiimrlted thai It required a veix braxe man to airny himself against woman lie had known a man to approach exci. ono mcinbei of the gentler suxxlth his heart in his mouth. [ Oreat laughter | Ho x\-as opposed lo the piiiiciile | of xvomm suffrage , but thought ho xvould luixe to sup ] > ort tills meistiio. Scott , ( lncl.1 loprettcd that some of his filends had degraded themselves by getting into politics , but had no fens that the Indies xvould act any worse than the men. Ncvvbeirv took the lloorimd made ulcnpthj speech against woman suffrage on principle presenting arguments that no oneemleavond to an s xx or. Church llowo then took the lloor as the e-liampion ot Ihe stronij minded Indies and olliiteil loimilafterloundof applause from tbosulTi igists licit rand closed the dcbito in an iloqucnt speech xxliich drew foith aiiplauso even fiom friends oftho bill. 'Ihe committee repoited the bill back foi passntro , but ( liidnei dpmiiuicd the toll call in the house Mid the vote showed that no quotum xxas piesent and tbo report xxas not adopted llx thcii action on this question the iiide pendents have pi aetii illy made tlie question of woman suIh ifo a jurt of thoii pmly pint- _ foun and xvill endeavor to whip Iho incmbeis inline tosnppoit thhbill A "eonfereiuo" Ins been called foi MOD dax oveiilnirheii \ this subject xull piob.iblx be brought up anil ( lie bill pushed , thiougli as a caucus nieasuio The motion to onlei the bill eni'i-ossed i-cieivcdtlilrtj ei rht votes , built \\lll be itnposslhlo to seeuio the addl tional tldi teen necessary for its passage. licpri-sciitatlxt'H and Helicf , LINCOIN , Keb , l-'eb. 128. jSpocial to Tnr BI-L. ] Vbo debate in thchouso reganlin. , ' thecharee thai certain members of that body had recelx'ed relief through tbo Nobiasku re lief commission led to an lavcHtigution of the rciords In Ihe oflleo of Mr. Ludden , the general manager of the association There was found on lilo nnapplhationsigned byL O Kngglcs , thn iianoot'the represent allx'o fiom llltehioik , Dundj and liajes foiuitics , in xvhlch the tiiiliuant | certifies that beis n teslaentof Lutpieeliut in Dnndj countv and that the drouth and hot \xmds of the past summer Imvo placed him in a destitute condition , thut ho has no moans of piocuiing the com inon necessities of lifo and snod grain for the spring , having neither grain , cattle , hogs nor inodui'oot any kind to sell or coiivut into cash , and that his family consists of six pei sons Appended is a leceipt fiom tbo s iiuo bulividiial. sottini ; foilb that on the da.x idiox-oiefoiiid to ho rouiveii thiuu.'li .l.uol ) Ailist , "i pounds of beans ll _ , pounds of riio , 2 pounds of hominy and . ' ! pounds of oat meil. 'I ho other monibor of Iho house whoso name appears on the list of those loieiving iclief thiougbtbo coinmission is A. C Modlo of McCoolc , Itoil Willow county It Is latnied that he H'teixeil aid In Docembi.r and also In J.muai ) , but xxliether before or after be- look his seat , is not knovxn It is further ihimed that to get this icliof ho tiossedtho line , xxentiuto Ilitmcock cotintx and theio txviio rc-celxed IW pound > of coal , uhuly'siloak , four imdotsliirts imd a pair of child's boots. It is also ilaimcd bj way of ilafenso that the goods in question \veio obtained for the aged mother of the icpiesintatixe , xx-holives near the line Iho commission , hoxvexor , slates that under- shiits and fluidron's boots xxero nol siuh nitlclosas-would likely hoof use to mi Oiil l.ulv. The subject is considered an impleas- atil one These repicsuntittivcsnro not cutl- cisul because Ihey xveio in need of assistance , but only hi so lar as tliOV have rcciived iild sifiei- they had como into the serxico ol the state , xxcie ivielvinga saliry of § 5 per ihy and bad been allowed a liberal sum for mileage. All thoovldenco In the cnso has arrived nml been deposited In a sifo in the oflleo of tl.e relief commission , xxhere it will axvalt the application of the committee , Game a ml Fish \Vnidcii , Ijivroiv , Nob. , Ten. 2sfSpeeial to Tur Hin.l lion Oeorgo.T KterndorfT ol Douglas county Introduced a bill In the house ot repie- sentatixes on Tridax last that provides for the appointment of a game and llsh warden. It shall bo the duty of sdd giino and llsh vxaiden to enforce the statutes of this state for thopresenationof deer , birds and llsh , and to enforce all other laws of this state for the protection and piopogatloti of birds , game and lish noxv in foico , or that iun > be hereinafter enacted , and to bring or c.uiso to bo biougiit , actions and proieedbiK's in tlio name of the state to punish imy parties for the violation of said statutes and lux s. Said xvurdui may imlto ( oniplaint andciiuso proicedlngs to bo com menced against an ) peisnn for the xiolalion of any of the 1 ixx-s lor the protcition or prop- ofrationof game or llsh without the sanction of the proseiiiliiigattornoj of tbo county in which such pioceedlugs mo coininenciid. Kxpeit ut Kailnmd haw , LIMOI.V , Neb. , 1'eb. 2s [ Special to Tin : Hu . " 1 xxlll " said Senator ' : ] say , 1'uynter. "that Ihis session of the legislature will pi s a ralhoad hill. It couldn't afford to do otherxxlso. Tlio bill will bo neither the Stevens seuato lllo nor Xoxxlierr.x'n house lull Tlio lhat of these , however , xvill study pass the senate.Vo \ Unoxv that u.x counting nosos. The bill will leceive , I think , ji : votes in the senate " "Will the 1'ouso prefer tbo senate bill to tint mndo upovor thuro" ' "Xo Uut xvhenour bill goes over ihoio It xxlll lead to appointing aronfoienco commit tee , 1 think , and some of Iho best feature ! , of both bills will bo selected for a measure. " Taken a riyliteiGrip. . Citn xio , 1'eb , S The local woiM's fair directoiy has framed and adopted n noxxso ' of by-laxvs , xxhich niatorhlly ulfccts contiaet Icttingimd construction. In brlof , under the iioxv laxvH tlm dlrei lory , through its standing coinmlUi'os. talcoH nllrmir hold on tbo con duct of affairs , andlii so doing clreumseilbi-s the powers of Director fliviciiil Ithvls , the represi'iitltlve uf tint tuii ( < ; nnl CDimiilsslon , \xhoso eulers aru iniuUi m\bjeit to super vision. \ Vjimiifntcs \V\Moiir , Neb. , IVb. ! ! . > . . | Sp . 'clal Tele- piiun to Tin llri : ] Ait flection xvas held today on a proposition to xoto WJMQ In tionits for the purpose > ot ercelhiK a brick ward school biiUdlng In both the Second and Thlid xxauls In ttits city. The vote was. isii for , ntul M tiKalnnt A lr\f injtoti .li'xvt'tcr \ l.i-MMirov , Neb IVb C [ Special Tele- giaia toTui : llir.l X T risk , a jeweler of this citv , today Assigned Ids stock of goods and llxtuii" * to Max \Iojer , Sc llro. of Omaha for a debt of fUH ) . 'llio lluliilllles nbovo the Mexcr dibt nmountto about $ .MHi , xxlth liltlo or no ussits. Had collections and slack liusl- ness are assigned as Iho lauseof thofiiiluie. The Case DlmuiHM'il. \Viiiuii , Iv'eb , 1'eb. -fSpcclul to Tin : li ! i | Yi'stcidny .1 .1V. . Cob Us of near Western - ern , thlsiount.v , xvas tried be foi o the county court on lomplnlut of .lames 11 I'ampboll , n live stock coiumisshn merchant of South Ointlin , for obtaining # . " > iu under false pie- tenses. Itxas chaiged tint theSouthOmiha cempaii ) had honoicil Ids diaft for tlint amount , upon the representation that ho had shipinM lo them a constgiiimiit of hoes. After hearing the testimony the case VXMS dismissed _ Ai'iestod I'mI'liiHciy. . Nrmu'kx. C\T\ \ , Neb , l-'ob -Hpeclil [ 1'elegr.iin to Tin : Uir. | Ueimty ShcilIT AValkorof Richardson count v xxas in the ilty todiy ami nricstei ! J A lloxvanl , n liax-ellng man , on tlie iliargo of ferirorv. Howard Is at luesent an Inmate of tbo city hospital , haxlng broken his loir while out xxlth Ihe boxs last Sattiiila ) nlglit. He is charged xxitli falsifying eiders for ftult tiees. Ho claims to bo the son of a piomlnent business man of liochester , N V. Itellcxed to Iliixe ! ' < ! hlx-d. Cini'xus , Neb. , 1'eb. vi ! | Special to Tun 111 i | On the night of 1'cbruary 7 aSxx-edo by the name of August Nordcen , living xvitli his brother , scxen miles south of this place , ip Hamilton count } , ropahcd lo the home of u fiienil , Xols hundberg , to suind the ex'en- ing Tnkingleiivoof his frioiuU at about a o'llocka. ' m , ho informed them thatho.xx'as going toClitipiiuiii. Thciexvns a ( lone snoxv- Hloim i.iging nt Unit hour. Nothing has been scea or heard of hiinsiiicoaiul nllsonuli has proved of no avail. 'Iho ' beliol is that ho pcilshcdln thostoim The Scnttlioia Inxestlgatlon. lliNMUxt vXcb , Fob 'Js - [ Special lo Tin BH' ) The coiiunittro of the American Sunilax school union uppolntcd to investigate the chaigos against Kendall T. ycotthom , inisslonai } of the society for Dundy county , hasniadoa report v Ind icallng Ihe geiilloinan The repoit shows that Scotlhorn lecohed fl.siM'i . fii , all of which ho disbursed ami accounted - counted for except t'fi ' 01 Tbe report states that the comnnttie tinds that "xxhlle Mr bcotthoin failed to keep ail acuirnto account of all the nionov glvc'ii out ns pcibapshe should lnvo done fiom the xortlrst , .vot the account will stind for itself uiul xvill convince alllbntIds xxorlc his been faithful , honest nud stial htfoixvard tliroughout" A lWf.f.t\ri\ \ I VAI i XTINI , Nub.rob.Jb. | hpeclal toTnr Hir. ) A sextte ili/ard ) inged at Kosobud onTuosiliy \Vednosihy. . 'Jbo beef issue vx.is postponed oiiu day , but the weather was very cold anil tlio xx ind xxas blowing a gde The Indians toolc advantage of over ) \\ind- bicnk to shoot and sMn their beeves T\xo \ xvcio shot u few jards from the Hiiisropal church and one vxas shot so that it fell agiinstlhe Congregational chapel. lively beef issue present's a strange state ofatTiilis Senators Manderson and I'cltl- grcw me urging th1 * passive of n bill to pre vent the sale of amis and ammunition to Indians , and at the same time the beef is. issued totho Indians in a xvay which loqunos each lamlly to.havnii gun of bema kind In order to get their beef. C"nllii\vn ) onVlieelH. . Cxi i.xu x-x , Neb , Tub , 2s. [ Special to Tin : Hri : . ] Call.n.ay is at present a town on wheels The town light , brought on by an offshoot of tin ICeainoy & Black Hills rail- load known as an "Improvement company , ' ' Ins finally resulted la a pi.ictical victorv for Uio company The meicha-its have aban- ilo'icd tlio main business street of the town and li.ue dotoriiilnod to locate on a com- piomise street about naif xx'aj between the depot ami the old business center. A number of Iho store buildings have been moved , and tbo bahnco. ton gie.it extent , will doubtless meet nsimilai fate The efTcctoftho move is Intended to "stop the Ilghl , " xxhleh has bein waged xitn much bitterness during tbo xx inter months. Kosentinentsvvill undoubt edly still hold , but the Interests of the place vlll ilemmd their lonccahnent , and appaieat hit moil ) will prevail it both sides keep to their contract In Kavuiof lOxpei imeiitnl 1 filiation. Oc. uui. x , Neb , Poo. 'Js. [ Special Telc- giam toTui Hir ] at a meeting of the citi- /cns of Ivelth county today tbe following icsolutlons vxero adoU | > d : \\hi-n \ \ is , 'Ihe liiiiioi.ilile'.onatois and rcire- | ' int.itlxis frniii xtesliin Nv'naski ' line. Ihtiiiigbiiiitlilag i Ilm ts sueeiidiil In-iiui- In , ' I be ittcntloii ntllie kisl ilm e to t ho ne- Lissltj of cxpei Iniuital Irrl0'itliii stations , and \\heieis. \ \ DinliiK the pist three or four ji irs llnpiople nf this i-inmlv hue been m lU In , ' i lloils to nlieo t lions inds ( if iciis nt land iiinler u ilri hi all pirts of the countv. lux I ne d ii-tnn-ti ilex < -i one bund rid mlliiof Iriltralhiii ruiil- : . \\llli liHlnKiiuiiiidcrconteiu- pl.ition . , axx.dlliig iniiiudliilo oonsti in Him in nil Ing pusMgc In theh lslalure of the I'm ' - mil bid , and \Vhnri \ is , ( ) iiillali ! Ii initially located xillh Hie inn Iniiiibi th nii'i iillm un the ui-t and tlio WjumliiKlhiu un tlm VMM In the gnat bill under mteiiiiliitloii | of In Ig.illon , and iilie.idydritti'l xvilh In 1'itod tiu-ts nf xvhieli tlio Ninth Plitte. Of illali. Scntt's Illiitl and ntln'1-i mills uc > piuei leilex Idini'c ; md , Win nits. Hie > iiopl Mif this state are In- exp < - ib need In tin sell nee nf Inl 'illon. though foi tiimts aic bhi | ! ( \pinde I In elfiuts tosecinc It , Ilioiefiiie liolt lti"-ol\el. That wo niiloiso the bill In- tludilcid by Su-ttor Ixnontto is- tihllsh i xpei liniiiitnl hihrntlim stn- tlniis at Cullx-rlhiin and U nlinbi. and bi'llcve that meal L'lxxl uill ncci lie and mneh inoiK-y lie saxid Ibupeople of Ihlst.ilt' ' liy Ihe cstilill-hiiKMit of sild statlimbo ; It. fin I lui , Itinhed. . That II in the unanimous wl-.li ( if tbo piopl > iif Ihls pirl oT the stati-Hut s.ilil bill be pished , and x\c respiot- fidly niiieslmii | iipn'-eiitnlhi s in Iho itjrls- 1 ilure ID iisoi x 01) possible t-ilnit to see-lire its iiiiieliniiit lulu Ian IJe It fiiillier Kt-snhi'd , Unit n ropy nf these resolutions hifiniilshcillhoUirln \ IN-rabl OMIIIX llii : : and Stint.Ilium il fm publli it Iin , ami ulm > that copies ui > fiiriilshod each of din npio- Miitnthes and tin eleiks nf luitli liousis of Ilm 1 They Deny ll , Hntl ) in Iho week Tin , lln published a dispatih from Crand ! Jt > lin < llnxvlilch It xvns stated that a minlsior named Head had eloped with aouiigladyof ) that elty Several ile- nlals ollhoslorv have boon leceix'cd , ono of them ocitiK hum Iho father of Iho lid v. Uov. II P. 1'itch of Hastings also sends tbo fol- loxvlng lottir for publication through a cloi'KXimm of thhilty. It Is given for what It Is worth , pendlnt ; an Investigation of the case b ) a ehiirehioniinlUeo in ( Jrand Island- 11 xsiiMis , Neb , Kob.J4 - Dear Hi-other Please gix'o tbo lie to the base falsi hood ton- ( crniiiK the Dlopeini'tit of ] lrothcr Kc.vl of ( ! rnnd Island lliothcr Rend Is noxv nt my house , Ho xvas on tbo train Ju t read ) to start tohis familv xvhenbo saxv thoitom Ilo Immediately telegraphed his wife , also to Tin : lln and to ( iiiuid Islftml , to which city ho xvilllotuin at once. The statement is a Inso , malicious false hood , and von xvill do Urotlier Head and tlio llaptlsts a kindness by giving it the Ilo di rect. Pliirii-ict ( K u Olxori.'e. Uoi i-x n 11 , K > , Feb -Speelnl ! [ Telegram - gram to Tin Ilir ] Mnrie I'or/clle , belter kiioxvniis .Murlo 1'rescott ' , the actress , was today ( , 'ranled a divorce by the comt of aj > - pealhnt Frnulcfnit. Jt hold tint as an actiess she vxas compelled to move from place to plaec , but umlil claim n realdeneu xvith her mother , Mu , Victor , at Uovliib'tou , ICy , I I1T1M V THIPO i VTI/'IIM TPIA LIvhLi llJlLS AMIIIPAIU ) , A Possible Ooafllft Uctwoon the Different Trnflio Ass.cintions. WHOLESALE REDUCTION OF EMPLOYES , lAiT ) Mini A\lio c Son lee Pan lie l > Up MIM'll Willl ( < l III' 'I ilk I'M oir UK'V I HJ "Itnllroml Note * . fumnn , Peb 2-s. [ Sjioi'lul ttloprnra to Tin : llir. 1 oino members of the WiMti'rn luiscngor n ooinlinn atitielp.ito ll\oi \ > limes In tlio moi'thnr iiotu'i'U Tlie.i HOOIII to tlilnl < ( hut I'lthor the Alton or KimHI City \\lll pioposo ccitniu thiiik'Hhk'h tiecessiirlly knock tlio Western tiuftlu ciutlon or pioslilciits' ujiiwinont out o ( its prosunt luisltlon. The i-onnnlssioiuMN have ailopti'il rules utiilir which the lines are sippo < eil to \\oikitif. . ' , yet ( hey iiv tlm old \\pHtein fii'ltihtesliru | ns eitor ( ; , south western lalhva ) aiul stt'imship , tiatis- MUsouil anil ti.nis-ooiitiiionlal itKrocnioiiiH nto still Justus inui'li in force anil I'tTeit as thov e\er win * If thlsi-t the situitiou then there are the o \\lio admit thilr lnvhilltto h.irnioiiii'ii natters Tliiu siy tntit the pro \isionsof the Western tinnie assoilailon e"ti- Ilict In many Inshimesvltli tlitno of the other associations th.ituhlle thovaro doiiiK business , eaih uiulor Us old itilos , thosnioniis \\bosi' pri'slik-iitsaro a p.uly 10 the now iif'r 'ciiieiit niii'- * not vote lor the adoption of .my piuposllloii 'nit under old nilcsould mootthoir approMil , anil that \\ill ho con trary to the letter and spiiit of tlio uoThorcfoie \ , should the Alton or the Kansas C'iU nio\o \ to do soinethinB that tnifTlitnot ho In full accord with the nicsi- ilents'a i cement , but at thos.iinothno Is all ujrlit , It must \utodilo\vn. . In a ease of that liiiul what would iltheror both of these lo.uts ilof Uouhl they submit to hiving the lilies ol an association , whkh they belong to , o\ertluo\vn \ for the bencllt oftho assoi'htloa which they are not inembois of and hi\c no Interest till .luststioha state of attulH is HUolj lo ariso. AVI1I Itcdin'o Us r > ree. Cmrtoo , Pob 3s. ( Hpechl Ti'leRrntn to TIIK llri : . ] The Journal ; says : llurlln ton oftlciaU say that llio repoitod icilnotioii in foreosis true , but they ilaim to ha\o no idea as to how in my cmplojcs to bo cut oIT. The order stipulates tint -wherever a man's ' scr- \lcescan boillspensodwith his u.inio must betaken taken from the pay roll It may throw 10(1 ( out of work and Itmaj icich 1,000. The ro- Juction is iluo to the lai-ltof ti.iftlc This orderVYtends o\ertho entiie llnilln > rtoii sys tem , but \\ill bo felt moio keenly through Iowa probibly , linn unv other stitu. " \Vo uro coniolled" | sakl ono of tha iiiniuipiiif ; oltlcuU , "to reilint- out expenses as muih ns possiblu. 'Iho liulit of our ti.illli' h is lalluu of ! to such an extent that theioi-an bo no other louise for us topiirai < o Wo leel It iiost in the piiiin Kliipiiient-s Ilowevel , tlioiun of sloi-lc Is also verllijht just now I'liililio of the \oste incornniul wheat crops last } iar Ins si'tMil toso lompletuy cinpt\ th" cribs mill IMPS that 111 all of Southern Iowa , Xebi 'ska anil Kansas theio is se.inelv a car load of Ihc-so pioiluets loft to mirket The homo icnsuinptioii will fall shoit. N.itui.illv , when therois no ( tr.iin iroini ; east the hulU ofii.tbound \ tnillli is also nieatly lessened.Ve aiu in hones that the-o foned uduotlon& In out limits will only lie ten. nnuirv , though the probpccts olfireatlv inuuasid tonnaTe liifoio the new ciop lias bcea hat vested are not rlio passcnper Inisincss iskocpiiiK uf" ' . . . > well , cuiiseuentU ( | the forces ofth.it d'purt ment ncithir heie , at Omatn 1101 elscwliero , will bo disturbed TickotH. CiiKvno , Fob Ss. ( Special Tilasr.im to Tin : Iii-l ) : ] > asscn , eronicl.il'i of prominent western lines iiteh''uitlly in favor of doinir away with all unlimited tickets. To this end the Twin City KiUo association met toJay in St. Paul to prepaio anew tate slieet , Inviiic in \ie\v the pt.ittlcal abolishment of un limited tkkets. Substantial pnvro s was made by aRreeini ; that unlimited tatos should In the future ajiplj to thirty day tickets \ joarajto Jullv , " > 0 per cent of ] iald tli-keh o-i westein rouls were bouirht from scalpers bincoChaiiinan rinle\'s adxcnt In the \Ve-st- em I'ttssiiiper .issociution this percentaco has heun iciluecdto less thiui 111 Weio it not foi unlimited ticltets e\erv sniper would h.ivo to no out of business. Xo wtstein line has jet taken a st mil ncaitist the abolish ment ol miliiniud thkets and the belief is almost universal that western lines \\llltaKo the inltiatho in this most radical departure. .1 . ? / * oT'jKXtUtl'S. Thousands of KninllioVIII I ave I' tali I'or Homes in Mexico. S\i i I-u\i , Utah , Pel ) Js [ Special I'ole- snun to Tin : Ilir. ) A regular exodus of Mormons fiom I'tah to Mexico is quietly taking pl.uo anil within the next three niontbs a lu'f o iiinnb'r of the saints will liuvoleft. rrank Wall of Sovicr , with two wives , Call Olson of Majlleld with thrco wives. William lloticli of Manti with two wives , . ) . ( ! l'cter-,011 of Kplirlinin with two wives , C"Inis nml James Jensen of Main ! xvitli two each , Henry Hroun of Mount 1'leisant with two wives , William Roxnolds of the satnonlnco with two , It HOCK ol Sprinf'City \vit1it\vo \ , Williiin Acordof thes.inio place with three , Phillip Hunt o [ Fair\ low with two , Kelson Chiistianson of Castlcil.ilo with t\vo , Joseph V. llobcrson of rillmoio with two , left about two weeks ago and others will follow as soon as tlio semi-annual confer eneo is oxer. This occuis in Apill Of those , Hunt nun led his Mcondvife alter the proclamation abolishing polygamy xvas promulirntud 1'etortion inai- ried his second la-t November , suc'ccedim ; the action of the general confeionce The Mormons have a tract of land in the stnto of Chilnmhiia , ono hundred and twuiit-ti\o miles long anit llfteon miles w idn , xvhieli thej are buttling on A colony ot sixlx will leaxti 1'roxooatly in April Allot-ertho temforx the silnts nro IIICD.HIIII. top ) south to "lixo their i elision. " The majority of these mentioned nro oftomlen neainst the law who would not submit to the rule of eovcinmont ostnblished by the United htiitesnnd nhiiulon their plural xvivis The head of the iluirth is said to bo oncourngliii ; this oinlgration. and Is piitliiiKiip fmidb fortho.o who have none It isestimited that at least two thousand lanilllcs xxill abandon t'tah this suininer and KO tothonexv land ofCanain. 1. v ii * „ in : T i / / ; . \ v.v. Salt Ijiike MciM-liaiits Who Illd Not I'lilioni/e 11 nine Institutions. H\l r T KP , Utah. , IVb. i\ [ Special Tclo- Brain to Tin Un I A K. Cuttshiiuser , the Heck \ Pauloy lithographinp companv of Mlhxaukee , came hero lastsprinj ; anOsolicited oulor.s fiom loading bicwcn and leal estnto moil for adxprlhiiitf imitler , letter heads , etc , I3y the terms of the agree ments made , thopuiehasow had Uio light to duplicate thcso orders fiom tlmo to time at tuo samoiates for live ye.us Simples \vere bent and Iho linns asked to ajiproxo them The ) did so and noxv comes tbo uieiit with confriu-ts good for Iho years and Immense amounts of stuff 'I ho KMier brewing coin- pun } llmh it has libels enough to lust it Unity joars. besides lO.omi views ef Salt I ako at ll icnts apieio. 'Iho WIIKIHT brewori , Is In the same llx and has adver tising matter xvelghliiK fxcr thirteen thouu- niid pounds. Many real citato men xxeio caught. Tbo nmtte'i xvill go to the courts. A Mnrilomdipt tiled. DMA inrur , N J. , Pob. ' > [ Special Tele- Ki-am toTui : DM. ] Nexvshas Just been ro- eeived by the sheriff of Monroe county , Penn sylvania , that \\llllnin \ nioiiUs , xvho escaped ilhlis after btlnn cmivicted of the minder of Thi'odoio lliodhoad , at DelaxvaroVnlir ( Jap , has been uptuiod \Viulilnttou \ , t.iTinr : mi D- x an IOxpiMtVlio lln'-lly K Ill-i ( iinxiinipt inn. IVI > > , iJim'i < l > trltn flcnir/M I'llitS IVb. > -I Now York Hi'iald t'nhlo - Spei'lnl to Till. Hrt ) "If xim xxill hilnj : mi' nn.\ ono sufforlnc fiom constunpllon. I xvill enpiRo to cnti1 himor her , unless the | H'n < m holn tht'iast staKOof thedlscasi , xxlth onh n few daxs' to llx o " So spolio lr ) Aiiiiand .Icaimutot tmlax , XH 1 loft him at Iho door ij ! his apirt- incnt , W Avniio Aon Chnnips I'h sees. I had gone to sen the doctor , heiitlntr lie hul tllieovored n euro fur oonsuinnlion , "Mv s.xstoin Is not like K'noh's ' It consists of Inhalations I'omo and loolt " 1 looked and suxv a small ttilmlir ht.iss boiler. I'liis was i-oimoetcd by an India tub- bertiibo with a brass pan with a lid. I'lvm under the lid eiime vapors , xvhlch spio.ul about the room " 1 lint is my system , " snld tin ) divlnr , "o\- i-opt this" lleio hoxvent to a draxver and drew forth a bottle tlint he explained Isn uuHlli'iinient. "I'lioiv Is uriiHsle ai'lil In II , 1 ptnon Unit in a pun , and the vapniM whioh eotno from It minx lint kill tin * inh'rnhes The xnpora are uixeii out lit I.'O ileiiieos " "Havo xonelTected anj run's ! " "Yes , 1 have corMllciitiu for bavliitf rmed ( VW patients. 1 can euro persons in the Hist. second and thlulst iires , hut if people come to me la the oxtreni' ' , ith their lun s entlii'lv BOIIC , all I ran siy is that 1 do not piofess to make nexv lungs " "And hoxv lonjr does thnctire lakn1 ! "IIMIKUO to euro what is known as llrst porloil consumption in from one to t\vo \ months , lly that I mem n perfect i"tn > Si'cond and thlid stages 1 can cnio In liom three to six months " "And the tieittnenli" "The tie.itincnt is as tolloxvsKoois must bo heated to f oily degrees i-entltrradc. This is MI as to open the pores The patient mu-.f he nude In Iho pan I plaeo a laigo soup spoonful of the antiseptic. 'Iho patient In hales the xapois , and not only leeoixes them thtoiiKh his luiiL's , but through the pores of tlio skin. In thieejuir - ton of an liom the body Is cn- tlielv saturated. I'hat is the duration of a tieatinent. Our troatinent Is glxen evcrvdax uiitila eme is inane , The apira- tns is also so atr.itigcii thai xvocan spray an nntlseiitie over the chest and back , and oxer the lungs and totiRiie , and in cases of lupus , wheiovcr it exists. Thcio are no reai tionary effects My system Is as though ) -nn put a lung In sublinntc. I will take the e.xpeetoialion of the patient and plate It oxor the vapors of that pun In txvo hours all the microbes aio dead , although at ihst tlio matter was alive xvitli tlicin. "I liave not name 1 the medicament or and septli- . I think tint disco voiles made by mcdlc'il nipn should l t-ixen for the bi'iiellt 01 lium.inlty. I'lioiecclpt forlho ii'inedv is as follows Cieosiitiiini oleumolitilocn - caljpti globule oleum , volatile ninygd.ile . niiuro , C'OHIICV ' ' , Til ; IKJY/.T ; ( iAlU ) . ' , Iti. I bine been pet footing t lie i lire for Iho years. 1 cxpeilmentod liist onanimils. ' I'XHIX. ' 1'Vb _ ' > -Kpi'uil | Ciblo.'rani to Tin IJn | Thu Temps itepruilitos the dis cussion of the dceiee in ri'gatd to the pasi- lioit rcpiilatinns in Alsace I-on line It avs- It is preferablt to diawalehbon for the fu- ttue because our attitude though hiepro.rh able in point of 1att , has not been exactly whit impart ! d ohserx-tts might have ox- puled. l.i rjhcrte thinks that the dei-rco wns uii- justltlod , but siys llxxillnot chiiifi'o\islla relations between the txvo inuntiies The other pipers aie more bitter in their tone Li Fi.meo s-aying that the inhabit lilts of A Is ici > Tonaiiieilo not dcslie an alleviation of then- lot nt the priio of icnouiiilui ; all hope of ever jolnliifj I'miico VAt'Hieir\.tir : n.i ri'tj..Vf..s. . ItaciIi < it In M. him h-Kniir Veil K lied. Sr L.OUS . , Mo. , Feb. 'JA ll bt starte.l tills afternoon la thclovxerpoitlon of the city between a white man of unsavory U'piitatlon and n couple of ncgiocs. It was sorm parlici- jiateii in by umuniier of othois of hnlli r.uos. About twontviiien fouuht foi neailv an hour vxlth clubs , stones , knives , etcVlien the police lln.illv stopped it two of the white men and eight ol the neproei were found to hive been b.idlj useii up 1'ivo of the ncgioes had to go to the hospitul On n ( Jcid'nla Ho.ul. Mxcos , (7a , Fob iisA pissemrer train on the ( leoi'Kl i Southern loadiollidcd with a fuUht this inoriilng Tlio lireman xvas killed. the conductor and encincer oidix injured , and tbo pisbcn ers shaken up , but not seri ously hurt. A Hro'u-ii ' C"ii lile. Wuni'Vin , 'i'enn. , 1'eb. .N A cahlo of an liiollnc at a co.il mine heie bioko this inotninlettlnsj near drop. 'Ixvo men were killed , bcveu fatall ) injured and four bullj hurt. ' 'Ihri' > Mi n Ivi lied. Cii Miiisros , Mo , Pel ) 'Js A sawmill boiler .it Ilainloy's Switih exploded , klllliiR lellorson Collins , Chiiles Cohb , anil John Joxvdy , and painfully in ] < irinn' lourotheis. 's Di'ow ii I'd. Sxv xMI , tin , I'ob Js A small schooner \veiitiishoroliitlio stoini Tlnir- > div night -1'he ciew of the ne rro-'s xvas drovvnuil. To lie the I'luVst hi ( lie World. Cine xno. Fob. 2S. ISiiorhl Teljirr.ini to J'nr Un | On thocoinerof LaSallo sheet mil A ic uio court n Younjr Men's Christian issociation bulkling fourteen stories bigh.vvill boicaii } for occupancy inlMH | It will icpre- bcnt an a ure ate investment of Jl , 10iOD ) , ( ) , nml will be the llnost Yuiing Men's Chris tian association building in the United States. I'urexeral ' inonihs the oignni/alioii has had un option on the corner in ijuesllon It ex plied today , npd although the projinsed * "iiHiOH ) fund has t.ot bien all secured. enough has been uriuuiitcoil to wnriant the Young Men's Christian asioeiition people in closing the deal The fund lor the piojeitlon of thu enterpiiso xxas stirtuil xvith J-OOIK ) he- ( | iieathed lV the late ,1 ilm Ciuvai Sexeral vxealthx citizens have subicrlbjd $ i'i,000 uah. Mn'i'essi'nl Hone < ! r 1'iTisiu un , I'.i , Keb 2SpoeialTelo [ - giain toTui ftr.r , ] Simuol Kodinls improv ing Sex oral weeks afo this nlne-\ . car old Hebrew hroko a lon' by interim. the stecrauo ofa vessel hiillinKto th- ! > country fiom aCier- mm lioi t. After sulleilntr ngonles lie was plicoil under the ciro of suigions In thiseitj xxhi ) grafted i ho hone of n dog's leg vv ith that of the child. The llrst attempt failed and the "seuuid gi.iftvxus made. This time thodog's ' bone hcini ; eiushed to bits before beniK Inserted. Tlio second attempt shoxxs cxery Indiiation ot smvess Mho boy is hc.uthx.and . stinii r. Theio is but a small Bore on his leg and Uio plislciuns promlso to Hinoxe tlio cast inn few dau. Cilihiin hill U-li'd. C'uiMno , I'ob 'Js. The grand Jnrv this attei noon letiirnel tvxo ii.illctnient.s ng.unsl ( lenrgo 11 ( liUson , ex-sierotaiy of the whisk ) trust and two awaliist lilm ] olntlj xxlth othei persons , whose names aio sup- pie.ssed In nil the rases the clinrges aio for attempting to commit criininul arson am ! feloniously prneiitiui ; gun nuxx del and dynii- mite for unlawful put-puses A llnre XA'nr I iiiiniiieiil. TniMiiil'olo , I'Vh - > 's Tiouble In Viir- r.ilo ] countij , Nexv Mexico , over Iho assasii. nation of Oillocr Uiihsill has taken a new turn. The Mexicans have notlllcd even whlto setthr in the valluj to leave The wlilttHhaveorpinlzed lo pioteet themselves , nnd UimwlonkH as if the killing of Husst'll Is only the beginiiliii , ' of u Woody inn nif./sv .1 i'in t n \ 'M.vtMeal Omaha I'liinn < 'iitii ; > iiny Does Itiislnets la Deiivi-r. HtNvi-11 , t'llo , IVn ' . ' < ( Sp'ehl Toliv grauitoTiir llriWhat | H ovldontly ti swindle of no ini'ui propititlons I'liinn to the surface line this furonoMi Ahuiit tluen weeks apt u K > 'ntleiuin with an air of iiraeieiisi llheinllt.v left nt the resldi'iico of Mr \ \ Uohtnor , biuikUeepor for ( lirsmi , ICerngood.x ; , Co. , u ticket for a iiillln for n.VXtiM-iglit ) | I'teico patent piano , xvhlchxit * to Iw lx , u axvax as an ndxcrlls'iucnt lix the I'len'o Patent I'lano compnnv of Ouiuitn , Nidi I ho ticket was numbered Jt , | siThis \ imirnlnn Mrs Holutier tecelved a letter In typi'xvilli r saying that thn ticket of this numhor bad dni'Mi a iiliino , but Unit tlio siiiue hud it'en ' eonslgneil to her b.x tlio I'nloii I'licilli-inll- nntd and that h.x prevlnns ni'rangi'ineiitviih tbe nillio.iil i I'lnp.iny ' , the piiino vxntil.l hi < held nt tin1 Urn ilm depot until fin , In euM'i' expense of piu'lilny , en tti'i | > , etc , hud In u forxxtll-dod ( by le lstiU'eil letter or InVells - Pargo expiess onlv ) l'2nclo ' ed In thin leu , r xviisn hill of I iiliinr signed "Union Padtki niihxav ioniiany ) , bv ,1 \\lnle , nui-ui ' Phi1 paper xx us uvular in tnrniiunl centaitu d the folloxxin "This piitno Is to Do held In 10 slv div siilijcet to jiiur ordot' up > : i ici-eml of i h.ii ires b.v sldppeis.1' Mr llobnier nt unco placed thlv dnciimcnt In the hands of Till Hi n eorii'siuindent The bill of lulling Is written In indelible pcmil nnd is diUcil , like the letter , at Oiniihi , 1-Vb Utl , nn xxhhh ilati1 It was mailed , Iniinnj at the I'nloii Piicillc fri'lght oflleo ilex elnpeil thu facltliat tvvelxe Hlmili'.l hills of liulliiir hail liei-n invscnloU at that ulllci' nnd thntatilo gram had been Kent to Din thu to knox. if Unit number of pianos \xer i tlu'iinxvailing sliipinenl l''ixeorsix peisons also called nt Iho Wells h'tirgn I'xiness olllce and wanted to send $10 , but the up'iit at OULO ilminii'd un to ( lit ! scheme mid adxlsed tlio people to vxail , and also xxhod the Oinuli i ollli o to hnnxv if it xxeie not a fiaud I'lio lettcisaail pa pi rn have also liocn plmed in the hands of the postal autlioiilies and Inspeitor I'atteison xvill doiinllcss talti'ii hand in tin ; matter. Whether any inonej has been furxvatilod by inuil ciiiinnt .vet be nsceilamed II iinili-cils ' ( alx'n In. ) sv i n , Cnln , Kel > 1S ! | SpecialTelpfjrain to 'I'm lln 1 It iioxv appears that sexual bnndieil of the I'ieico p'ltcnt pianos Innsl bo awaiting stilpment to Denver In tlio I * n inn 1'acille depot at Omaha. The town nppiars to have been Hooded xvltli lotteis and bills of lading similar In form nnd contents to the one I'xainini'il today by TinHri I'onespnnd- cnt Seine estimates place the numtiirat TOO I'lieto aio ititnlnly a veij largo number , nnd tliev may heeven morn tbanthe Monies eiven almxc Manx ainusintr in cidents have been lepoitod In coiineclion xvith the sxv indie Some h'lles xvho tei-eueil the lotteis anil hills nl Itulltii ; lushed aiitiiml to impaittlie deliirhtfill informition to their iielglibms thut "thcx had drawn n piano , " ami then hush nod down to tlio post ofllt o to get a iKistiil oilier. The legistrv and outer ilepaitment luixo hi en hesle > jeil nil the utter- noon vith people anxious ti ) send ? ll ( fur I heir piano As sunn as the postal auttimitiet cut on to the fin IIho ISSMO of Iho orders xxiro stopjii'il When it dixviied up in the Ininm nt lipople tint the I'lei i D patent piano lompany xx us an exidei t fiaud lliex lushed fi.intii ally to the newspaper ofllces to nave the allalr exposed An iniuli-v ] at tlie coiinm-rcul ngMicir in this ilt.v Indii-nto tint thine Is little doibt li\it thai tbe piano inmpanv is a mxt'i and the l.illle i fi.ui I in the i inkesl kind I'lio I'nion l'u Hie t iilnud lias no fieiL'lil ! U'i nt named ,1 White i.i il > employ , nor me tin ra am pianos at the ilep it uxxaitnii ; slup iieut tiom thu I * i tec pi inn ciimpi'ix to parties in Dei xor 01 an.x oilier pi ice t ) .n t ii i .s . % i : N it it u > a i : . I'u be iomlj lor TiillliVitilu ICiylitcen 'Xliuitlm. C .K xco , Fell -Spu-i.il ( toTiirlSni ' Arthur H 1'oltor , general nmiti'tir of Hie noxx Missomi rixor uridt o conipinj at Oniiha , left this evcnint ; for Nexv York. "I ospect to bu t ono two o. ' thron xvecks , " said Mr I'otter "My purpose Is to comp'eto ' arraiifrements for thu conatructio'i of ttie nexv bridge. 1 xvill xisit I'liiladalphia Now Voik and Hoston , and liavo no doubt what ever that xve shall b vin work on tlu hruUo nt .in eaih date , and that it will bo opei : f jr trifllc wilhm eighteen montln fro.n todiy. the plans have not , xet boon pissoJ upon by out coinpiny , but the bridge xxill be the very bent of its kind and xvill prohibly co-,1 be tween . | ,2UIIXK ( ) and f l.MJ.OO' ' ) " "Do you iinticipito tiuv dillUulty In plic- iiif , ' xonr bonds on neeotint of tbo stiingemy ol the money market in the east I" "No , I do not It Is impossible to tell , hoxv- evei , until t teach the east and can mike some investigation as to tbe condition of tbo maiket myself I expect to bo able to til-range the sale of bonds neies- saiy to constiiict the bridge within the next two or tluce xxeeUs Iflllnd it impossible to i lace the bjiuls I shall nro"'a 1 at once to the sale ot a Millieient iimo nit of stni k to complete the inuljo wHhoat placing * l nf Doiuls If tlio pee ) lo of Douglas and I'otla- \\Mttnmiocouiitiesino oven leasomblv anx ious to have the biiUKO coa-.tructed it will without doubt bo conpletcd v.itli very hlilo- dei.iv " "Do x on believe that the bilh noxv In fora congress for ihnrtors for otner bn Ij es at Omitiii vxill piss tins session i" ' I ilo not se.i lie v it is poiiible for them to be gotten thiouuli nt this biMsiu There ate onh live dixs lumamini ; and I ut- dcistatiil tl o bills aio not yet ojt of the > u- mltU'o's handso \ t nought our bill w is unveil xxilh gieat disp iteh , although it nci u pied ttiiilv daxs fiom the date nf Us iii-esi n- tatlon until it beiame a laxv It is of no im- portamc t i 0111 company whether they pa-s or nut , out I dn not belioxo that the putiilo asultiK fur ihii-t"is have any intention of huiidini , ' any budges , " i.v.i'A f/M/ ; : . Tlic < ! icat I j pe Pounders'Ti list is * it Yet IN'i rented. Nrw Yoith , Pob Js. ( Sp thl Toli irani to TinHi 1.1The statement' , from Chua.ro that a consolidation of the typo fonnderi of this eountiy bus boon porfectol are pro nounced prem.iUue by moininont representa tives nf the Indnstiy in Ibis ctty > Theys ui-o ahout thirty tjpo foun- dues In the Pnitod States , seven of which arc in Noxv .York. So.no of tin tufi linns are desbo'is of formlnt'one great nun- pany to conduct the whole business atul others me opposed to the scheme Charles Connor , of I'onnoi's ' typo foundry , snld todnj Unit no consolidation had been efloetod as jet His linn was in f notof the si-homo. Uiun-s t.vpo foiindij of this city is ono nf tlio stioiiuust , if iint thi'stioiiKiist , eomera in the United States mat is holding out against the nexv combination lli.t'lt'iHH It V H'l'lll fM.V.tfM. 'Hie Jlnltcrill not be Itcnelicd liy the I'rcsoiil Ciinjvri'ss , Ni xx YIIIIK , Fob 'Js. | Speeuil 1'elenrim to TinHn.l - IhtistusViiiiaii bnsuceixed a lettir finm John Sliermni in \ \ inch tbe lat ter BUJ s that on account of tlio eroxx deil state of public business it will not be possible to scout o any action upon the pending uuolii- tion in favor of rccipiociti betxxien tholTnitoil States and I'annda There is alio a feeling , he. . stijs , In both house * that in y action nil Ilm pait ol congress , in view of Hid impending election in famuli , might bo mis iliiderMoml as an iftoit to interfcie with ur inllucmo the iiitinn about to bo liken m Ihit cuinti ( ) His opinion is now , us it has been foi ninnx xe.iis , thit it U the in nil fest iiitmo-it of Iho people of both i-o mtruH to enter into coidiui loininereial r litn > , xxith a xiexv to bii-iiru e.M-hanno rctipi < > ity of productions nf each , including ill title. > [ iinnufnctuio as well as of ngrlculturo niul tbo mines. A Daring Uoldior , HiiixiiNi.iuM , Ala , Pob. ' . ' . A it.ii it ? robbur ihioxv a loclt throia-h the xx n \ of Itosi'iittiiil'h Jlwi'lry hluro toniKht < > l lliado his Obcapo xxlth a tray full of U am. i us , sained nt bcxuiMl thoui.uut dollar * , a.t i < v > c& lioily pursued.