14 TUB OMAHA DAILY HI3M , SrXDAT , MACK 11 I , 180L-S1XTM1 < 3N J'AdliK i t'm < i\oi'i riai'i' i"p M'l'CMtPV SLPhRhllllOlS SlAlhSMhN , Biuator Hansbrough's Election foretold by The ( loiUUss of Liberty. LEGISLATORS WHO DREAM DREAMS , t'I In mini : Stni-j In Connection ulili OllllOlltl'rt HlMlllll" III' .MlllllU'.l- tlon KiunU Iliiiiiiii anil lliu I'OM. ? > / . J > u.mi / ' ) , n V.iliiviTov . , IVb ' . ' < ; | Siiei'lnl Corio- Fponilonro of Tnr. lli.r1'htoo ] fouiths of the Rtcnt meant out country niOHujwrstl lions Attny down In the soul * of the most prnrtU-al ntntcsinou , guncntls nml si helms lurk incinouUloiiHhlrli \ disturb tboit i > \viiors full ) us much as those of tlio w llilc-st iinnpltinthms of the i > lintnlloii ilntkc.v , Spcakoi1 I'm lisle \\lll nu\cr st.ut on n Join- noy on Kililny. Hcciclun IJlalno will not po Lnc'k to cntor his liouso nflor ho hat < | iiUUilUif ho luis fuigotlcn soini'thlntf. anil ho \ \ lliuillc n fou blocks f.Ulior than do u tut ho roiislilcn unltu'icy 1 know u I'nltcil Stales Hi-nntor fioui the south \\lio miles u nvbblt foot , and Major Mi-Klnlry i-aulos ; i buclicio In his povliot foi rliouimtlstii Thoio tire statosincii horowho bollmu Unit n b.ii s llvorls a sin o iirovcutivo of coiiUnious ills piisoif oniilufl In the lofl \ oat pocliot Jmt ox-en the heart , inul the lutost superstition In i ennui to political luck bin Just come out In connection uith Sunntor II msbioittfb'i oloo- tlon to the I'nltud States smiuto Hot h the Washington uontitncnt 'mil tlio Uoililoss of I.lboily are mixed uilu | it , nuil Ills the inn riajjoso tospoalt of these two Unit brings about iboeombitmtlim whlv.li uolnts the poll- tic-Inn on his roiut to fottiino. int. ( iouni > 9 or inirnns v loan M- ii M i it 'Ilio AVmliingtoii monument Is f > ' 5 ftot lilKli ItlcMiisiiuilnst the blue sky , .1 Bii'it wbltosbiifl , ami it lowoii no.nlj two him uVeil foot iibovo the c.ipltol iionioliich htamts nn u h1 ! ! about n tiulo awa1 ho C.ocUtessof Ulheity Is of bronco Sbo 1 1,000 pounds nml < the stands oiott on a K brnn/o ( 'lobo on thoeaiiof tluulome , in in iii nlnott'Cii anil out-half fret fiota tier tnusto tliotliiHof the fnatlivrshich i lown herl't'iuitlful ' licnil She is \\otimuof won- iloinil bi mtnml as the I'oiiimlvanla rail- louil trr.tn caitios the statt-sman out of Washington it KOCS aitniiid pait of tlio iit > in sin U iuui\ that the ti.ixolor Ionising fioin the \\lmlous sous this inuatllKUioof tllJ ( stiitno of l.ihcil ) coining 110.1101 and neater to the Washington iiHinuiiK'iit until at last the two : iio In ( llioot line with his c > o and tboKH'iit KOililess founs a black Mlliouc'tto npiunst the pure ) \\hlto of the iiionunii'iit This vlow of the inoimiiuMit has to bo c-uiglit on n tiiiin Kenniriit tliu r.ito of foily miles an hoin 'llii-io aio a number of cat ttaiVt just ut the point \\hciu it become1lsiblo iinda passing liviiiht i-.n will shut Hunt It canonU to scon foi a second , mil onlj one time iioi haps In u do/on tups Public intu leiuhiK tlio i.iiill.il on missions Keep their emlticil on tlioinilims \ , audit tli"j aio liiiU ) utiniiKh to eatih the combination tlm c \pcct tollnvl their missions successful If not , some of thorn fi'U tlio Mipoistitious (1 ( u'.id of Inilnio nssiiml , and It is blningo liow main tunes tbev are 101 reel \\hi-n llansbiouKli wont homo to seolc for a iceh'ctlon toion ic'sb hokepthis vxuKluul on tinjoildoss fioin the tlino tlio tiain left the station , but Just us ho was about to sou In i Itiss the immuiiiuit u fioiuhl i-ui itished in nml the inonient pissed lie \\ont to li- Itotu and failed tocl ( bis election I'ho list t line he loft \\as to maUo his llyhl for the won .1 1 fii * > i1il it Hut 1 \\ill let him toll the stor.\ lf Saullio. \\atelicd thoKoildiss as uo U-ft tlioilopot. 'llm tiarltseio full of fiolht ( c.us and I fcaicil I should miss It bcnitor Paiwoll wasith mo and bo also liept his Ccs tnxvnut the unpltol. As wo wont out of the cltv , fielRht cais incieased , and aso ncaicd the point wheiu the t\\o LOIIIO tOKCthor the tiailc was full of them lltoptmj cjo oi > the \\in- ilou , bov\e\ , nml 1 lust caught alf \ \ of thOKOilikss npilnst the monument botuecn tlio t.ii-s of ! i ] iiislnn tialn 1 was loaninp o\tr and \vatihlnir closclj as 1 did so , anil \\hcn the tuo oaino togetlici I excitedly clajipcil one h.inil auainst the other , saj ins , ' , 'l'\ogotlt , ' nml I maily siMied the wiUs out of nn old \ \ omiiilio sat in fioat of mo anil \\lio tnnst ha\e thought 1 was tnuy Well , I vent out to Dikota anil secured in ) election. I don't , of com so. bolio\o that tno inonu- iiiint atul the poditess hail much tone \\ithit , but L'haUlc Km\\oll , who failed to sco thorn , \\int o-jt to Illinois for the MUHO ( impose and KOtlcft ' ST\Tf > Ml N ITII 1)111 IS. Scnatoi Hnnbbtouph hail , I am told , n ilieiin hi connection with tins combination in \\hieh hoas tolil that if the monuiiient and tlioirojldtss uimo toKcthor on Ins tup ho \\oulii bo sucu'sbfvil 'Jhoi-o aio no end of curious dicanis des > Liihcd in the do lie rooms of the house mid stnatc. Sou of our pieit- est statesmen mo connected , \\ith the btoiios told I'rosiilciit Lincoln had a ilionn which ho behoved inophesiod his assassin itlon Iiois lln oan lomiKO In his chamber and \\hca lie.i\\olto ho jiuv his iiictuiom the looking Klnss opposite him. His linuions u-llccted at full liiiBth and Ins face had two sopai ito and distinct Images , the tip of tlio nosoof one hoini ; about thieo indies fiotn tlio tip nf the nosoof the other 'Iho illusion startled him Ho not up and looked in tlio class , but as ho did so the second faio vanished llo 1 ly down aKiun , wont halt a leep , mid then no titv.il itiiKaln , and this time hobiiw th.it 0110 of the faces was paler than tlio other. Ho believed that the whole was a foretelling of bis death , and ho said that itinadoa gie.it inipiesbloii upon his \\ifo. Ho tried the ex periment apaln mid UK da utter that , but ne\or succeeded in lOpioducniKtho lnmies Senator T.opm was to a ccitaiu c\tont a beliovei la dioains Ho thoncht it was bid buk to ilioamot hi. teeth , mid bo dreamt of thesojust before his adopted daughter , Katie , died , bho was abseiit at the time and just a few din s bofoio her death ho s dd oiio inoiuluK at 1 onkfast. "I am afiaid ICntio is sielc. " This expiossiou came fioin his dream , and a few diys hitor ho jjot a tclcjjrniiichronlenlllng her death. 01 Nl lit I. OliKNT 1H1) DIIKAMS Dm Ing Ills lust Illness , which wore roj/orteit n the time , and \\hleh ho thought foretold his duath .lust bofoio ho slipped and fell he had tbosamokliidof piesentlnii-nt , when ho \\a Hist inaugurated hero as president. Ho liindo personal Inquiiios nt the stiuids ut the the capitol and told the otlicials that ho feared an acvlilont I lo oven \ \ out so fai ns to ba\o an arin\ engineer to examine the biiptioitsof the luimunso stand erected on the main east portico. The test was undo In allowing ll\o or six hundred poisons to no on it that luoining It was found to bo all light mid a report to that efloct was made to liiner.ilOrniit As ho heird It ho loplied "I don't doubt but that \ou nro light , but still I fear something will occur thoio that \\lll ho unpleasant to mo" An accident did occur , but it was an accident to Giant's father and not to ( iiiint The old nun stum bled o\er a board which had been hihocuroly flxed on the capitol stops , and soilously In jured his log U wiii at flist thought the le was broken , hut it turned out to bo only u sovcio sprain Grant did not hcai of this until ho i cached tholilto houso. As ho got out of the cnri iago llo saw the caniugo containing his father diivo up , nml though no said ho know nothing of the incident , ho asUed "ratheroiojoumiit much' " Tin old gentleman lufoimed Him that ho was not serloush injured. "Well , 1 niu glad,1' said Oeneral ( 'r.uit , "that it is not worse , but I filt sure something would oc cur , " now \sniNOTON wAifsrn i uiiors , "Tho most lomaikiiblo dream I huvo ever heard of \ \ as that w hieh Is said to have been Hinted bj John C L'alhunn to Hob Toomhs and othpfsntjubt about the time \\hea howns pleaching nulllticntlon and secession la South Caiolina C'allioun told the stoi > , it was said , at a biealtfast p.utj Ho was ohseivcd to bo continually blushing his light hand in nncr\ous > when Mr Toombs asked "What Is the matter wltti jour hand , seim- torl lixs it p.iln jon ' ' 't Mr. Culhoun put his hand under the table. An annojoU IIONMI came over his face , and ho jerked It quickly out again , sajing : "There U nothing the matter w Ith my hand , onlv 1 had n peculiar dwain last nlyht which Uiukc's ino see uu ludelllblu black spot llle au Ink hloti'h on the hark of It , I know It N an ijpllc.il illusion , but I ean t ticlp M-I IIIR It Senator t alhoun did nut uintinui1 , and Hob I'oonibs asked 'Hut whit asoiir iliram Ilkiunulor 1 am not superstitious. L > ut 1 think there is sninetliiK-s a gicat deal of tllllll 111 dlX'llllH " ( llnllll ! W k IIINlTOSl llllv ( < T I'ldhoun tmtied a shade paler and then s'dd "I don't object to tolling U > u It was , ItsiiMiHto me , ahsnid In ttio extreme 1 druuncd that I was in im tooin wilting and that 1 hid glM'ii onlois that no ono sbould dlitui b mo A htlo 1 \ \ as In the bu'lest put of inv wink tlio door opened and \lsltor on- U'led Ho did not speak aolil , and to my surmise and ImlUimtimi ho ealtnh took a seat on Iho othci sldi < of the table opposite me As I looked nt himou'i the top of m\ l.nni ) I MW tint ho was wn.ppi'd In a thin cloik which elTcclualh i-omealcd his felt- liivs. I stinted to sponk when he hioko In In soli'inii tones w'tli ' 'what ate jon writing , senator fioin South Cinollna ' "htiango to say , the iiuestlon did not seem tinpertlnent to i no and 1 uplled -I am writing u plan for the dissolution of the Amoilcin union ' "As I said this the man went on : 'Senator fiom Smith t'aiolina , will . \ on lot me look at jour light lit.nd. ' Istaitcil to hold outiin hind I ln < llguio niosi- , the ilo.ilc fell , and I bihold his f.ne ( lentlemon , that fatostiui'U mo UUea thmidin-dap It was thofacoofa dcid mm and the featmos woto these of Ci'iiornlViishlngtiui Hoa < diessed In a ic'iiplntioiuuj lostumo ' andlieie Ml. t'ul- hniin ( uissi'd and Hob Teems \\lio \ was \eiy much \i-ltodnsltrd i "Well " whildldhosnjl" Mr Calhoim uphed" "I tiled to keep IncK nn hand , but I could not do It 1 lose to m\ feet and extended it to him llo giaspod it and held it neai the light , and utter looking at It for n moment said 'And senatoi fioin South Cm ollna , would j on with this light hand , sign , \our name to a paper ilissoUIng the union" No * , ' 1 leplied. 'It nuds ho I will sign siiih n dccltiritlon ' ' Wi 11 , gentlemen , at that moment , \ bhe-k Itlotch uppeaicvl em the hiclc of m > hand , and it fiighteiud me and 1 said to the host , ' \\halNtbatt' 'Ihat.'icpllid ho. diopplng in\ hand , 'is tlm mark hv which Hcnedict Ainold Is kmuMi in the next uo'ld' And with that ho divw from beneath hiscloika sIHoton nml lulu ! It upon the talih1 Theio said lie'ate the bones oflsnie HiiMio , who was liung atc'liaueslon Hegi ouibbllfo | In older to establish the union \ Micnou ] iiit > om niiino to a duel nation of dlisnhitlon , Mii limy ns well IMAO the bonus of Isnie lliijno before > oil. llo \\.is a South Caiolmin , a'nd so mo jou Hut tlierowas no hlolch on his light hand ' With tliesu woids the ghost left the loom and 1 awoke 1 found m > self bitting at m\ table , hut thn dievini wassu vhld that 1 can still seethe blotch on mj hand " IIKXIIUI IIUNk IIVTTOX'S IlllllIlT 1 OOT Cioneral 1'ianit Ilatton , who was tbo head of the postolllco dep.utment In I'tesidont Aithnr's cabinet , Is said to have the most linky uibbit foot In Wasldngtoii Ho got It tuo or tlneocatsago in Chicago , and fiom it piobablv comes his sin cuss and tint of the big papei , the WathitiKton Post , -which ho Is in iking \nlu.ihlo ' 1'tio stoiv as told to mob bono ot ( icneial llntton's ftionds is that this i.ibblt foot was sent'to him ly the si'xenth son of nscvonth son of n ( Jcorgia dukcn.wbo had been bofiiendod in some waIn the Ilatton fiiiullj , and that It leiu-lieit him when ho was in Chicago Ho at tlio time though the woild hiirdh know it , metopnoiicilU speiking , tiotting atound on his uppeis lie had been connected with the C hicago Mall and the Now Yoik 1'iess , and had lost a small foitnne He hadn't a cent in his pocket , and though ho li\od well It wasonl > thiough the faith of ano of his blends who keeps a big hotel in Chiogo. ilnd who told Ilatton to keep his fainilj thoio as liimr as ho pleisod and to look mound until himii'thlng tuinedup Hie genotal did not think much of the i.ibblt foot , but ho put it in hi ; pockvt and went out , walked up and down the stuct nloiiR the banns of the line and thought Tbo i.ibhit's foot and the daikoj ti'rned his mind touards the south , mid ho llnalU got to thinking about Wash ington and Washington nouhpipcts The moles lie thought about the Held the natter ho liked It , and ho tiiuilU put his hand In Us pocket mid guihbcd the paw of the rabbit and said I'M i.inir w VSIIINOTOS rosr " Uo went back to the hotel and told his w ifo that ho had lie-aided to buy the Washington Post and move to Washington Mrs Ilatton possesses considerable common benseand she said : "But rinnlc , how are jou going to buj it. You ha\o nomonej , ami thol'ost is a costly piopcitj " "I'll bortow the monoj , " said Cicnernl H it- ton , and uith that ho went out on the street , called on n ft lend , and borrowed enough to t.iko him to Washington anil to keep him thciei for the week or two neiessai } for his negotiations The amount , howocras so small , that when ho got to Washington ho slopped with a filend lalherthan to put up at the best hotel la tbo citj , as was his cub- tom. tom.Now , the I'ost was owned by Mr Stil- son Hutchlns , mid no conniderod it worth somcwhoro about S.llX,000 ) Cicnci.il Ilat ton put on a bold air and called on Iluti'hins Ho talked as though ho ouned millions , but Hutchins hail a sneaking idea that ho did not own .mulling Novoithcloss , ho discussed the situation with him. and they die.end ! o\er teims from dnv to day , until Hutehlns got his tlgmos down somewhere near ? , ' ( MXU ) ) At this time d'onond Ilatton met o\-CongiPssman lieiiali Wilkins , who was then about to loa\o the honsoiit tlio close of his tei in and did not know w hoio to go not what to do Ilatton lound how ho was situ ated , and meeting him on the street , pro posed that ho go In with him and that thcj buv the I'ost to got hoi AVilkins appealed to like the idea , hut ho said that ho hadn't ' a gioat deal ot money and that he would have to go slow " \\oll , como on and sco Hutchins about it au\ho\v. " sud Ilatton And tlio two -wentto Stilbon Hutchins olUco There the diekeung began again and at last Ilutchiiib said . 'Xou.Mi. H.Uton , mi and I have been talking over this m ittei for se\oial dajsand it seems to mo th.it thoio'stoo blank much talk and two blank little mone\ Now 1 want jou either to put up or shut up I'll soil jou the Washington I'ost forfJlO.UOO on loitain toims , and 1want 510,000 cash by to mouow at U o'clock lo bind the hat gain " With that ho looked at Hatton The faee of the ex postmnstei genei.il was HKo that of the Sphinx Ills lion ] iw was moio likonon tlmnoxcr Ho looked Hutehlns In the eye and with nothing In his pocket ho said loolly "I'll taki > it U'llto out join terms and sign \oiir proposition " As lie did this llorinh Wilkins tinned jialo Ho did not know what to make of it , and as the two left together , ho said tlmidl.v to Hat- ton "Hut Prank , whuro nic you going to got IIIUTIS rnois\sn DOM \itsi I can i also some inonev but I can't got ? 10 , . 000 dollars hoio in Washington on tlneo houis" notice " ' Who in asked vou to cot it' " ro- joincd Hatton , and with that ho shut hisjaus together agiln and told Wilkins not to wou-j , that ho would attend to it This was in tlio evening llo \ \ cut homo th it night and slept like a top I'ho next morning ho calle-d upon a banker fiiend heio at about 10 o'clock Hemet met him in his pilvato oltlco and told him that ho wanted to bin the I'ost , and tint bo had to put im SlO.iHH ) bj noon and that he wanted him to lend him ? 10DOO Ho then wont ovei the situation and showed bis fi'end ' how the I'ost could ho made to i > ly and the old i-.i ) Italist grunted and listened. Ho contmuod to listen and continued to giunt until Halton got thiough and tliunulltod with him to the door without giIng an nnsnur Ho followed Hatton out to the cab in which ho had como to bis ollleo and as Hatton got In , still not knowing how the thing was going to Una out , ho stohbed in utter him and told the cabht to drho to Klggs' bank. Here tlio UNO got out and \\eut in , and the capitalist tjiuo Trank Hatton \ i lite k ion Tl N Tlloi"H\t > noli ut . Hattou prcsonteil it nml the mono } win counted out to him. As .soon as ho had seen that It was oouect ho handed It back and asked for n cot titled check for $10,000 , It was given him and ho folded it up ami put it into his ptmis pocket besldo the latibit foot Ho then dune to the ollleo of the Washing ton I'ost and leached thcioithln Iho min utes of U o'clock. Ho stepped into Mr Hutchlas loom , and Stilson Hutchins gieotod him with the lemnrk which ho Judged to bo facetious . "Well , I'rniiif , " said ho , with a laugh , "I supnoio jou'vo como to buj the I'ost. " "Yes , I have , " loplicd ( jciicial Hatton , "and I'll take it no\\ " "Indeed " said Hutchins "hut , , you lemom- her that the conn-act calls for § 1U,000 In cash bofoio noon today. " 1 Ob , that'll ' all right , " mid Htutou , as though f 10000as IK thing to him 'Here nn certitled I'.H i k for the amount llntcInns was astoundid but ho took the check and with tint he lost the I'm * I'ho rc'nidn lerof the pinohase ntom > \ is nou almost | iiul I'hopiporli making monin hind over list , anil Dei i ill Wilkins and Prank llnttoii are growing rleh Their suc cess Is of inurso duo to tbch abilities , lilt t don t bollovo j on i on Id got Hint i.ibblt s foot for its weight in gold FIIVXK ( J OUIPI SITU. till ) Your \ \ llo or Die. A lospoctablo l lilnoso cltl/rn was attacked by thh'e pwfc'sslonul tnurdeiers because ho would not pty bhu-knnll to the Chow Vut Tong , a poweifnloignnl/itlouof hlghblndeis , $ as the Sin Pranclsco Uxamlner The nf- fiay occ'invd in front of An Pan's plaeo of bnslnes . e\'on shots woio Hied on botb sides Itwinn inlraelo that nobodj was hint. Prom tbo story told b ) Ah Tan It appears that ho was mauled about a month ago to n woinm who was llim ? at one of the Chlucso missions She was foimotlj a slave , whoso owneis Inipoitcd her fiom C'hlini and plaecd her In a low lesoit In ClunntovMi. Piom that place she H is u > seiiod bj tholadloj In chaigo of the mission , Tlio slue-owners , who aio meinbcis of thoriiew Vut Tong , attempted to gam possession of lici tbioiigh the coin Is. A \\iit of habeas ( orpus w as dliei ted to the inlssionaiUs , fommanding tlii'in to piodnco the woman m couit 'Ihoydhl so A haul- fought legal battle ensued , hut tbo ladies of the mission weioietoiious , and thoj no- iTOiled In lotaining possession of the uom inlio was the cause of List night's shooting \Vhin Ah Tan mauled bur u decree was Issued by C'heVut Pong comin Hiding him to pi > the market pi lev of the wonnn to her former owners. The priiodem.imled was S.fiOO ! All 'Pan doc-lined to pij % and bo was win nod that death uou'd ' bo his puitton If ho dlsobi'jed the iliTM'o Ah 'Inn and tils wife lott their moms , Intending to go to tnc then- tor As thej stepped upon the sidewalk three Chinese appio.Hied and ono of them sho\eda rcxohei under Ah Tan's nose A dem mil \\.is mailo upon him for the money , which was claimed as iho pinehaso piieo of his wife Mis Ah Tan sere lined and ran b lok into the house "Hang1' went a nistol , and n bal lot imbedded itself in the wall near hot All Tan Jumped baikwaidand diow his io\ol\or 'I'ho ' minement was noticed bj the tlneo highbini'icis and they all ihcd at the same time Xono of the * bullets hit him and ho letviinod the lite Hut the hlgbbindeis were lunnlng nwaj * ; Ah Tan's aim w is bad and thoj escaped \\ith whole skins As the ) tun thoj sent a fo\v moio bullets at Ah Tan , but ho escaped unhurt Membeisof the Chinatown police squad homd the thing mid at lived Just after tbo lilghbindcis osiatied Ah Tan's ' lovohor wasin his hand He had relouled his weapon and stood prepared to gio his enemies mote battle Uho polho niiested him for ciurjlng concealed weapons Ho said the three inon who attacked him \\ero Ah Took , Ah Keen mid Chum Pit. Tl'onro known as tiiiec of thu most duspei Ue highbinders in tbo city Late In the night the police atiosted Lew Huiiir and Wong ham for eaitylng conceatod weapons On ono of them aiovoner was lound , VNhilo the otbci had a muuleioiis lookIng - Ing knife on his person lloth men aio sus pected of bolng conceincd in tbo attack on Ah Tan. Ills tl'itlior'H Hoy. V/inhtc / lllitile There's tbo noisj hoj" , And the quiet bo\ , And the bin \\lio lIunKs at school ; Tlieio's the liov who's slj , And the bowho's fly , And the bojlio ape's the inulo. lint of nil the bo\ > > Who nourish the Jo\s Of the mother's hoattat homo , Is the boy who's weak. And timid and imei ; The darling who will not roiin. 'Jhat the -\\orld Is tough And lugged and tough , Full well iiismotho ) knows. How nn she bear To HCO him daio It's gilm , unfeeling blows ) For what to her Aio life's prod mid spur , That makes of tlio boj a man I Though born to tide , Some senseless fool Might iiiln her hoio's plan. So she keep3 him snug As a bug in a rug , Wheio noboiU sajs him nay ; Till ho tuin out a cad , Or goes to the bid , While the niotbci's hair tuins gray. Keeping Account \\llb the Girls. 'ihoio is a joung mm in this ritj" as well known In business clieles as ho is to a largo number of joung 1 idles , sas the Philadel phia Press In his business ho is ijuiet , i oc ular and iiidustiions , and paiticularly prides himself uuon the neatness and accuracj which chaiacteii/o his books of account During the sociil scison lie Hits about from entertainment to ciiteitaiiunent , frcqucntlj attending the opera and pln\ houses , nlwa s Inning with him some ono of about a seoro of gills to whom ho pajs moio 01 less attention When asked leccntlj whj ho had so m.inj gills ho slid : "O'nll ' gills talk , as they wtiteory inuih alilto , but still there is moioaiioty In twenty thin in ono Uesides I keep a ic ulii set of books nt homo in \ \ hich 1 enter e\ cry cent I spend on thorn , mid It offoids mo con siderable amusement Kor Instance , 1 chat go cost of theater tickets , ( lowers , supper , ani e.mmgo hire and then ciedlt it with tlio amount of ploisuro 1 had , ns 'passable time , ' 'ono\ed ] the o\omng hngol\ , ' etc 'Iho girls whonlfoid mo iho most enjoyment iccoivo tbo gieater niimbor of Imitations , so I think 1 mij faiilj savtbatl seik lohxatlon am plensuro In the same way that I attend to my business on "jstcm" A\ hut She uas l < ' i- . llKioMun I Iff. I kissed hor. Yes , I will admit it ; Wo two weio ulono In the hall. Ilei ioso.3 woie icd , and the pcrfumo ( ! ot into nn head , that uas nil By .Tovo , hut H wasn't ' my fault , man 'Tw.is her own she was lavishing fair ; Herlips were like lese lcaes uncurling And hoi oj'03 worollko stars , and her hair \Vas ns sweet as the breath of wild % iolets. I.orvl , love jou , bow could I loslstl A man's only human , w ti'ituvor ' , And that woman was made to bo kissed. Very Alii A pbjslclan saj's in tlio Tilouno1 "Wo often Inn o queer expeiiences. Let mo tel j ou one I once know a in m and wife Thoj were perfectU polite , and to all appoaiancos \\oiohlitlilyicappct.iblo. Uuo dij , in con venation with the lady , I happened to speal of chlldicnhtn bho spoke up and said , ' had n little bibj once , but It died. I also hr.i n little poodle , ami It died too U neaih killed me Oh , if I hud onlj known > ou doctor. ' " ninny I , I ice That. Harper's Itii/ani : "Was your hus band insurodV" "Vos ; | o,0lO ( in u inu tunl usouhbinont loinpiuy. " "Jld joi ( jet the money ; " ' "I umlorstnnd tlint did. .lohn wns tlio onlj inomhoi- ( jooi .stand it ) ) , ' at tlio time of hih death , am tlio nh--eobiiioiit fell on mo. Hut I'\o yo the . " monoy. _ _ When ttio loul chief Justice of Knglam ordois Cook's oxiraibj' champagne , it's a sui commcntai j' on our Anglomanlucs. - & A-iiltti ( | d , ul'Tomse. Omiiffo Ufo' "My ollont.jnur liotior , ' siilil the lawjor , "eaiinot bo guilty o bigamy , AVe admit thu num-iugo will tlio th-bt al K'Kod wlfo. Tlio second mar rlngo was null and void bei'auso of the jiiovioiis DUO In fact , wiib no miurlatje llonco , ns 3011 will neo at onio , thoio no two intivrlngus mid thoioforo iu Do "Witt's UttioUiuly Kiscrs. Best littl pill o\cr mado. Cuio constlpition oveij tltuj , None eij mil , U.so thorn now. nnA vi > 31 i \ . liltlll f'ltll Hi I'f.fl . , H ) \ | ( 1 i ) > II I i \ TliiMl'ndows i-otnn I nine to tin1 . pso the t iv of tlio wind Is ut lost from hot ex ryt \ \ \vldto moon diopi 'lo sloi'poa the ilvoi s breast The swallows l\\ \ tin to the ci\es , 11.e dusk to the meadow cllims , l lke the untie of fulling loaves Is the ii.uinnirof twilight's wings , A gloim thiough u curtained pane Silts out from the health's ted glow , To i lie gnthet-bu'Klooni thul fain \\ould \ i loop thiough thocisoments low Till the lonely also ncep 'Iownrd' < the neniostliidon light , And inlserv spuads her deep , Uiinp pinions over the night. Hut of all of tbo things ttiat i ravvl And shudder out in the void , 'I'ho w t-ctihudest thing of nil Is a lamb long lost fiom the fold. On the nmsorv wall , Mthlti Hangs the plctuiii of childhood's grace. Outsldo-whnt a ittln his sin Wiought out In that Innocent facol 111H XllliiilSKA FUG111VES , V btoiy of the Iiate Indian Uprls' Ing. ciiAprmt xv Titvmr < i M s IN nn : lout ST. The gi oed / , > ellow 11 unos soon began to loop up thiough the inti'isticot of the brush in rounding our two doomed fiieniU , who teed soctninglj as Immovabloas the tnw 0 which they wen' hound , not n tv\ltcblnt ! f a muscle could ho dcteued. It was a hoirible , almost uucartlilj spec- acle' . the the glowing blighter and llorcei , In owing fintiistio slndovvs through the voods , lighting up the dak tteo trunks with lie vividnojs of noondnj , the duskv half- aked llontls , leiplncr , dancing anil suoum ngiiitho wllvlost delight and exultation , ml the vast w lldornoss vibrating 'with all ho din of hell's inforiml ciew. " The little forostglado resembled sonu un- mllowed niemi 01 piudcmoniuin , vvtieic mil cions doinons bad assembled to enact their ilooih and infoinil titoj I'ooi Nan Jinriett , poor Nell Hiowning ! 'lieii ovei taxed spirits hail succumbed. In hi'i-r honor thoj had both swooned denil vn Their bouts dangled on thoii bosonn , mil alone the cruel tliungs vhich bound them itevented then fiagilo forms fiom faUim ; irostiato to the euth. The Iho now began to wave its forked ongucs in teirlble proxlinitj to the f ices of ho toituivd pri-ioiiei-d Caineion's hunting coutwas scorched and smoking and would soon bo in flumes , nml la a few moments nero he , and Sneipio , too , would have been ) ojond all human nld Hut suddenlj , Just as the llro had ac.tuall > ) Ogun its iNCiueiiting woik upon the skin of ho hilploss captives , the foiost lesounilcd vith the thnndcrous explosion of a scoio or mete \\lnehostcis , and half at manv of the bubatons gang suiiounding : hc hopelc s piisoncis fell to the ground wiithing in the hist ngouies of death Then w ith maddened jells a lingo numboi of blue- coiled founs , togelhei with Picue Hiptlstc , .ho ( .ovoinment scout , Hob , Jr , Mi. Ilarutt , mil Hotup ) u to , tlio servant , burst fiom the encompassing unvleigiowth and came bound- ng toward tbo mfeimil nrcm , vvheio tlio lemaining Sioux stood aghast , w ith bulging ejosand laeus Illhd wltti 11 feailul expeeta- tiouho ho sudden bid been tills dostrnrtlvo on slaught-tint thosi unhurt were tilled with consternation and stood as If petillled or chained to tlie > spot by soinounseen power.fji 1 moment nllctlv incnpiblo of laisingn band in their own defuisu Dili as the soliliois began to close still elosn in tlii' % bcj.ui to icalizo then situation and witn picicingsereims ol ilTught tut mil to Iho-all but one the ticnchetous mid re- engoful I-e l-onp Seeing thcie was no es- c.ipo ho cietoimineii ucioie giving up ms mo that his uuc'l innh'jnnnc\ ' should bo glutted AVitii a wicked look in bis bviliskoves ho pealed foi th the win civ of Ins tube , and with a leap ho icacbed tbo side ol Iho two unconscious girls Prcn/iedlj tearing Ids tonnhawk fiom his bolt , bo cm-led it in whu-liiiB oddlos aiound his tufted bead a second , and then it bad actunllj1 commenced its downwaid courses toivard lUs thst Intended \ictun , when itwas icstialncd iiiiotliur.bccond , this time by anotbei actor on the scene An almost maniacil slniek bmst forth above all the homd din , and an Indian warner , lithe and gi icoful , came leaping like a whiilwmd toward the imndcious hicftnin and the girls. Lo Lonp ueoilcd a btep.buttoo hit ) ' , the wi apou had glnncod ftom the hand of the new inrlv.il and quU- eied in the dailc breast of the tuiehi-ious Sioux A deep guitet.il ojncul.itlon. which bctr.ued his unbounded sutnrisc biolso fiom Lo I.&up's lips , while his tomahawk fell fiom bis enfeeble grasp , and the ngid linteis 10- leased then- clutch on Nell 11 row n- ing's hull , when ) bo had entwined them , as ho staggered forvvaid with tlio life blood stt faming ov ei his half inked pa- son mid fell upon his face' , hissing between bis set teeth , the. single w old "Mghthiwk1' Whllo this tlnilllng scene was being en acted , tticio weio otheii ccjuillj inteicbttng going on Bnptisto and llonnpnto weio quickly ut Cameron's and heipio's side , and dashing avv.iv the blazing faggots thev sov- oied the bonds which bound our luenils , de- liveiing thorn just at the most eiiticul tune , and saing them from senons iujiiij lioni the llamcs. Hv Uiis time the two girls bad icgalncd their consciousness , pioh.iblj lovived bj the \cij hoiioi of tliebitiiatlon nt tbo moment of then t-cscuo from Lo Loop's awful ven geance. I shall not attempt to depict the scenes tint succeeded 'iho love is , and father and son and dmghtei mingled their \\ouls of gratitude and jo > logctbei. 'llicir ' olloi ings weio devout and hca tfclt , whllo their moio eu tbl\ feelings uoio ex hibited in silent and feivent caiesses. As soon as C.imeion unfolded his precious love fiom his i lese embrace , she throw hoi self into her f ithoi's aims , and with her head upon his Uie.ist , she bmst into uii almost in- cohciont ontumst of fond nffciltou and thanksgiving , while Hob , Jr , anil Nell liiovMiing strained each othci their hearts in most cstatic Imppinuss Hut a shoit time bad elapsed fiom the mo ment when the soldiers' Winchesters had icei berated thiough the woods , and that in which Lo Loup had fallen dead with his chest ciushi'd in from the blow of the joung Chcjonno'h w biilingtoinabawk. Hut w h it had become of the link of the Night' 'll.o events of the pist few mo ments had foicver tamoved all doubts of his lojaltj' and friendship for the Hanett familj- , and all turned to showoi tbuit gratitude upon him.Van .Van Hariett was the first to discover him , and it was his oiitstretchod fotm Ivlngcloso to that of the lifeless Lo Loup , thai caught liei vision \\itbacij' of icco nition , mingled with nhuni , she spuing to hlssuto Itneevhd but n glnmo to icve.d Hint ho liui ipc-civcd n death wound , but \vbonco \ it c une , none could SIM All they snvv wnstho blood pouting down his swuthy chest , and the bullet wound in his nock ' exclamation of lamentation 'llioie was a general tation and pltj , and kneeling , Nan lifiod Ills he id to hoi hip , dobgrmined tint his last mo unds might boas unuillled as it was in her power to make them. The dj lug Indian lifted bis hand and mo tloncrt them all to gathei close to him , as ho gazed with u steady eve into their gloomy fines His bloodless lips then pat tidund his \oiio was dlstliii tlj * audible. "Seo how n Christian indhu can die. The teachings of the good ndsslonai les have not nil hi en thrown awaj The Mglit Hawk has done his duty Jboth , to tlio Manitou and his moiliil tiiends " ' 1 lie little c-lrclo knelt around him in nmto icmorso mil sorrow , till Nan , leeovciing her \olio , said In choking tones : "O Havvk , mustjoudlof" 'Ves , the Cheyenne is liaipj % dee , for Sunshine knows ho was nir fiicml The Hawk tried to MIVO all In do wagon but could not He did his best and the Ciix.it .Spliit Millies on him Ciooii bvo' ' It vv as ev lileut to our fi muds Unit the grim comjneicr was present that tbo faultless fiaino , which n fi vv minutes bofoio lojokod in the I'xiiberanco of health anil slungtli.vvns again resolved Into Its otoinnl ob'iiunis 'I ho joung C'hejonno s faithful llfo had gene nut with the lust word bo uttmod , and the Mift light fiom tin ) camp Ilio fell full upon bis si lent foi in , lighting up that icd , somhio face upon whlih was stamped an uxpiusslon ol malestlo , vet inouinfnl tianijiiility Half an hourlatorvhen \ all the sounds ol btilfo had ceased , and the dark , niuikj of blood , nml the stiffening lotpsis of the lend , went nil Unit told wheto tin' nwful SCTIIO hud tnkin plan1 , our sorrow ttrlekoa filendshu the faithful I hi'Voiini' In Ids giave beneath tils until o foil's t shiulo. ami roivvcr covered that spli iiilid form , once so full of wild \ ilalltj unit strength , now cold , iicld and | itvvctless ) , vit mighlv In Us fall. ieuT ngalu to appear until the grcit ilav of udgmont and du Islon , w Inch must fall adko ipon be of the teil skin nml ho of the while. C'HAl'IT.K XVI. WIIU-II IXHS \ ( \ \ Mill lUXtlol S lll'TOUt t.esl tn > loadeis nun suspwt mo gulltv of of lulling with their irodnllt.v , 1 " 111 union to liy before them the onetatioiis of i'icuo llapllsto unit ns conipnnions slmo wo loft tliun it Iho edge of the wood * , bie'k wllhlnlioso Icpths ihoj liiidillsc-oveied the camn-llro of Le l.oup's vvnt-putj- . "Now Hob " sUi thcsooul In , , | a whisper , 'I vo got to taken look at things In thoie , " lointlng towmd tbu gllnnnoilng light , "and .ou . folks must lenialn r ght beio until- icllo1 w lint's tint ! Aio theio moie of them behind ml" 'Iheso wonts , as the lo.idei nmj suppose , staitlod the fugltivos like the buiating ot a thundciholt 'I hen , ou tbo hieo/o fiom tlio pianlc. cimo ho muilli'd somiil of hotscs' hoots slilklngon .ho so ft sod ! "MoioSioux' ' slloncoiiow , ' "vvhlspeioil Iho llillinohnig half hi oed With pilnful i.igeiness our little plltv limly ilutched thi'lr Wluchoatus mil watcbcd , mid the ne\t tno- iiint a body of hoisomin buiat Into view diiectlj In fiont of , tboni , but in stead nf the llaunllngi ilinonlof thoHodouins ) f the plains , thej woio tlio bright blue'of _ mle Sam's boldiers , and with 11 hilling uj' of iccogiilllon , the ; smut lushed fioin his conicalment lo\vaul tin in 'Ihe tioop c-.uno to an Iniinciliito hilt , and a all cumin iniling looking fellow , npp irole-d in the unifoiin of a eiptaln , dismounted and le'Costed tin1 si out "Wc-11 what is It inv good follow -what are jou iluing lieuI I am I'aptalu Maxwell of Jompanv 1 , Seventh ia\illij , and I have inn sent fiom tbo agoiie-j to In ing In the family of Mr Kobcit It.iuctt , but I Invo Hive * appiohenslons Hint we mo too lute Wo lound tlio lancb In asbes , and the hinkcn Inun wagon on the plains but lliatlbidl. Can j on tell us anj tiling of them I" It would bo supeu'iogatoiv to lelate the feelings the t-antaln s words piodnced milling out little bind of fi lends. It seoined like the ntei position of 1'ioviilcneo I'leiic Haptisto. Hist summoning the fugU lUes tiom theii wood.v lonicnhnint , inlio- dueeil the'in to the captain , then nineklj mid bnclly iclateil the i vents ol tin1 p 1st few dins , down to the disioveij of Le Loups inmp-lliooft in thu woods un whoso bouleis Ihe1 stood At this % cij junituio a ehoius of wild jells arose on the night ill back within the tenehuous dentils of the loiest , nnd as the ro.ulci snimisLs it was the \eiv outburst tint gieeted tlio close of the HIick Cat s speech in which liu bid il--cided tht fate of ( J.iincion and Seipio Instant action was of coinsu determined upon , and Captain Mivvvcll slgnllled to the scout that ho would mquic'sieiii nil Ids nidus. 'I In' cajitiln had giown tieiiHtomeil to such niithont.v dining his long service on the plilns 1'ierio then gave his commands quieklj. nnd with the air of a snpeiiorutwitli piopor ilcfotcnco to the ollli.ci , anil with lie ills baiting high , ho led neaih the whole nuinbei of the tioop stealtldlj tlnoiigli the woods tow aid the little glade1 , wheie the HI ick Cat and his Heiio followers weio about to coinnieino tbuir woik of tuituio 'Ilio soldleis and our file-nils at list u idled a favoiatilo position , unit eiouih- luu lehind the buish , thiv thinst their \Mnihesteisthioiigli the ; opi nings , nnd at n. signal [ i.uii Hiptisto a ill idl > volloj was ponied in upon the hideous buwleis mil diiiLors about the toituustakos. . lhe > n they spiangfiom their coiicoilincnt , with a ehoius ol mtiinidating jells , and dashed fuiwaiil liwn their eominon foe , and the bloodj scmc3 putr.ijcd in the lnslthiiitci ] , witn the suc- ceeiling happv leunion , folluwed It might seem a bit slinngo that our little pnitj w is allowed toieael. the agencj with out ruither molestation , bit such was me fact , wlnili , of eourso is accounU 1 foi by the piesenoo of C.ipt.iin Mixvell's gallmt troopcis , who acooinnlined and caiefully c itched ov or them until t h it haen of safctly was reached. Hero l'iedCrossy , Tin. Un 's coiiespondent at thoscenool thownr , met CJeorgo Cameron and Jotted down the notes which finnished the basis of my stoij- . 1'lotio Haptisto , the govcmnicnt scout. I lucd h.ndlv add , did not lingei nt 1'ino Kidgo , but the next moiningat the head of Ciptnin Maxwell's tioop , and ncrotiipinleil hj Mi Cressj , left lor Porcupine' cicek , wlieic.ifevv divs latu tbov all paiticlpitccl in tlio bittlo of Wounded luieo Wbatmoroi 1 lav down mv pen with the simple announcement that mj Morj is told. V hat the loader , be j end nil doubt , 1ms nn- tlciputcd from the bo inulnghus not vet taken jiliicc. 'Iho B nrott familj , ne in Now Yoik with the dimerous nml it is highlj probiuly tlio announcement of a couple of'weddings v ill not bo loin. i > otponod. . sootb the of 1'rov i- Strange , in , aio iiillngs - dinco Perplexing though , the web nt our cxistomo mnv bo lowethg and d.uk Iho slcj ovcriu'.id bittei the tn.ls tint besot us jot the daikcst < loud has its silver lining , the night its diw ning , and Ho who notes the fill of ahur , who docth all things w oil. will hid us , if wo will holed , within His fold , to go out no moio forovci. nn i si > Dr. Eccfcs's Decision in Regard io Complexion Preparations. Thov Arc Not All Injurious Strong Words of Proof in Lotterj frun n. Well-Known Phjslpian ind Chemist. UOUICini , l.CCl.i : , M n.tunenn'-tropt , HliiioM i N , Jan 'Jj 1551 lomliin lullot llirir Co ( , ES ii IMINIho formula of 1'lintn licitrlcolmr- lli l eon xubiiiltloil to me 1 nuifruotOHn > Hint It H nni xcilluit an I iiorlcclly linrmlc" * uniMinil MI frco from niollilnf of n jml unoiis nituro Unit juoli a oiiulilnntloii nilkht l > o minlloniil Itliuut liijur ) I cnnxiu ni ) re iscin li ) It ehoulil nit iieioni | llsli wlmt jnncliiliu fir It ltd I.CU 1 b lomlun riillot Ili/nr Co ( iVMIMlrs luivlni ; Mil inlitnl Ilio fnmiul-i of I lt jhWorm * I'IIHUI un 1 IMtnjlt Itvuiovor tonic1 , I can t oiinkntliHiHl ) un tuiucMKl II an bitnu n .uo < l cuinbln itlun anil mill lining on ! ) HUII ) rcMiicJIC us will lit m lit tltusoriM ) till Inn It Of tlionutiilii rs of lullit nrlldoi tint IIIIMU imo Itctoro my nutlti tintl that uru IntcMKliil fm tliu inio UKIM ni I lint i Ilitti liuanil I k'sliurin I'n h > Ihu miliiiillliil furimilan Nlio juurs to Im llo only ones hOHOr.jniH | > sltK.ns . nruqultu linriiilt' J n d iccti : s PL.ANTA DKATRIUK rcmovos Moth md Ltvor Spots prevents Sunburn 1111 Tail ro torus the color ami youthful i-ottuevi to ho hltni , and keopt. itporluct in any climate , Prlco $1 SO , po.t-p-dl. rLK-HAVUHM \STU reftnes and nnkoi smooth a ro ih ; , ) orous skin , ea i-oly re- movtib Flush-Worms ilil.tck Hoidsi , a pos-- tivo euro lor Pimolos md Uruptloiis. Price $1 SO , post-pill ! . Thchu aio the most romirltib'ij ' prepir.i- tions ol the ngi ) . Kv application will im prove jour cniupl xlnn For silo ly ill Drnc'i&ts inJ Deilors. Manufiotured solely by LONDON TOILET BAZAR CO. , 3d-10 West . ' 3d St , aucl UO Eist 17th St. , NUYOHK. . II P. A WOODBURY'S ' FACIAL SOAP lor tlio Skin cnl Stnlp * Prr | rmj \ y a I > ornutotoKi * * with Ju jfarn * * niprii'iic * Uiu * nifiU < 1 for tr/inin nal lhtnl oily hkin t U liM trniH rlmi | o < lh imU o\ci H- HIV | * r | irAdoii. UKly mini Iriinii , < ' * * \ ' unfiilmK rniH'.lj for fill * * CAl | tiT , rtionn nn t ncuri.imuit uo of all tumid of &kin Jnua ioH Tor Sale by Drujrffista or cnt ly mail IVico W ccntn. I'll Ithtlll IcIlJtC W 1 1B N IOV "n f'rrm ' * I Ml ' * 'ill III ) l > lHllSlirS. ( ( | „ lllfimy jrli | | tr . IMu trnlrl on nil U n > tiril [ ntT Ht n * A 10 11 t A in tut itnt ( tviUO ( r IOC C M t * Oil fr * Mull fit ) ttr OOH.N 11. UOODItrUI.DtTiuatnlncM ! - ; . - \V. 1VU t..Nc\v tui-u ( lly. Whvn I Nty iiitu I ilunut ininiiintnl ) tobt. | itlu > infer for nllioitfind thin Uuvuth m itluru ntfnin , 11110111 a rmllraliiitK. llnvo uml.i tli.i dinoann if I'lll. 1 11- I.KI'.SVur rAIII.Vd MaivMSSulir lanKrtulr. I \vair nlm > nnii'd ) to cum tl > uurntttnii , ll.cauhii illn rblinm f IK.I la no reason dr tint n iw itvultinK " cun * h * nil At otion for A In'Minn ninl A l > i o II Itlu u ( my Inftlhlilnriimily ( lira I iirrait nml 1'iX DHIrf. 11. li. HOUl'U. . < ; , , IbJ reurlht. , > , V. You THE /\SGOQD / \ So IT'S 0 V MK.PAIRBANK&CQ CHICAGO. i JcAvclcrs and Opticians , SIXTEENTH AND FARM AM STS. KUL S1LI ! f m Cl OPTIGflL : - : GOODS 100 Fine Mexican Onyx Clocks , $10 ( o $50. 25 Fine Black Marble ClocksIOfo$50 50 27inc Mai'Wcised Iron Clocks , $6 lo ° 5 ir * J 75 Fine Wood Clocks , Ebony , Oak aid Walnutyall styles , Jrom $2.50 upward. Hundreds of Nicke/ , Brass , Bronze and FancyNovelty Clocks , from $ / lo $25. Hanging Office Clocks , Setf-Winding ClocksCue boo Oiocks , Musical Clocks , Grandfather Cfocks ; Clocks of every description , from $ 12tJ fo $500 , 1,000 I'VATCIIHS , embracing every \ kindjroui $2.50 lo $7,000. NOTE Sec our display of Pine Clocks ( and the prices ) in one of our Sixteenth Strict windows. OPTICAL ? GOODS , Fine Spectacles , Eye Glasses , Opera & Field Glasses , Opera Glass Holders , Lorgnettes , Barometers , Thermometers , etc. Pine Solid Cold Spectacles Pine Steel Spectacles or Eye or KVi } > lvisscs , only S3. Glasses , 20 different Other dealers sell at $5. . styles ; from SI up. lincr and llcavici Solid Gold Spectacles and Hyc- You i eyes tested Pice by glassi's at $ .150 to $6. $ an Hxpert Optician. A Woith SOU ) $10. perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing of AYatche , Clmks Je\vcliv \ , Spcctaflcs , Ktc- , AT LO\VICST PRICES. n\r K.I . 11 AM ) 1AR\\M : \ STS , 0IA1IIB. \ . BSTA.BLISHFD 1BGO YORK DEJWRL PARLORS N. E , COP. 14 Hi and Farnarn Sts , 13 R. PL. . BKOVMEL. . \Vr "III IIIIIHI . * j . nn u I nf l t Hi iivlnu' tin li M rutiln r inul , I I' AliANTI P a III , for ( ! ( > > PAISI.I " I.MII \ I ION tttlliuii nn Ilii i < l In th in t- I \u aelul AbbuluUlUhoutUlu lni | | Mhir anil Iliiiu llllliiikrrimii | anil Ilililm \\nrk niu n4 i Uiu Muttu TJiu HUhl' iluuliil win 11 , ul IU\N \ 1 ! ' ll\lu pikes.