, F ft'AS HCNCIIY , A M'c , T. 'lownml Several Sboop His Dinner , NOTES OF A SUMMER TRIP TO EUROPE , Oniu tin * KmnjVotic nl' .Siiine ill * Ihi' V < miior | Pupils of tinl'ul > - llo Sehiii > li , ngroo Hint iho nihnticctnotitmittlo oy i upll is hi'st nmrke'd bj tbo onictcncy shown In oumposttlon.tni'oi'imlttlny to paper Insotitraresof their own mnkluR' , Iho icsults of their studios. ThocsMiv worklt n fmtiiM of Iho public BLIOO | ! lrulnlii , ntid muUi of the work ilouo is rruillt.thto hi n nnrUod tUvroa. Hctccllotis have bwn tnailo and nro puhllsbod hoiewitli from the roi-cnt ossiysof pupil * of the vnrl- o'js aohools of thoclt. Tlio > soloctlons wore not prepared for publicationand , only furnish K tin pirn of the regular work boltig d ono by the pupil * * . Till ! VOI'l \ | IMNM'H Is the subject of nstoit wbieh Icinilo Clltck , of the fifth 11 grndo , Ihrtuian school , told us follows Ono line ninrning MlHti'r Wolf oimo out of liU don. "I will KO and hive inydiuner at my sister's house , " lie nuid So ho put on Ids enp nml rant and Rtirtcdou his journey On bhivnvho ha I to piss a pisttui ) In which rows niul sheep vvcro uru/liii ? " 0 , tint Is just -what 1 want. Nmv su thoslicplicul Is leoplnir I will eita few of them and luUo slstor nno of them " Ho trout In the ymd so slowly ) ou could Inrely hear him. and Ind scarcely entered Iho jnidvli'ii he hit upon a plan "I'll eat tliu Htii'i'lienl niul then out on bis cap and coat.1' llo then took up H > o shepherd's whistle in.d blow II , All thoshocpranwrnn nltiK lip to him. 'I hen ho tonic tin * fatti stout and ale U tip When ho hid linlshcd ho thought it lime to go lioino. ho ho put olT tin ) shepherd's cap nnd eont and started homo. On Ids M.IV Home besald' "L'lliomo loiiioiunv. " llo then went to bed and thought In the morning bo would oat 'i few sheep n ahi , but tthon he wolto ho siw it v.-as r.itnliiK "U'ell , tluit won't Ueop mo fiom oitini ; , " ho said. llo llien put on his witorprjof and started out a ahi on Ids Jounioy. lit * Again toolc his meals. lie llion VIM * life sister como. llo let her know that ho win theio Tliev tlicn gathered a few sheen. Thov Ihoii nto tlitia up " \\ell \ loiue tmnonovy. ' O. alas' ' As ho vviu snjiiij , ' tills ho spied the owner of tbo sheep eondiip Ho cnmo light til ) to the wolves and shot Ihoiniloail Anil this \\tiithoend of the wolves' cllimoi. \\IISIUIIIN \ 1511.1 C * . ( inienlg of Saratoga , lOntiihutes Urn following chapte'1 \\elsOiiihn , 'tiUon fiom my Journal of sitilp tor.uiopi * : " Aiiotit a je.ir ngohlli' I was in teunaii ! > , I had the ploasuio of visiting many cltiu ; . , among ot heis Wiesbiulea As we ) enteied the citv tboio was the street cmns iminl vviittlni ; for pnssen gers. sovo honuled it nnd rode as far as the toionnades anil the cine bouses , vvhcrosuiu- mor guests spent thiir time , for , as is well known , \Vleshaden isavviitenni ; plice The colonnades are linmiiiso eoiridors , on ono Midi ) small looms , and on the other side held up by massive stone pilhrs , hit not enclosed - closed , therefore Klvinu a flee view over the J beautiful garden , llllut with tloweis and lovely fountains. Onlhosldohorotlio looms nro or small nlcoves , theio are lows of tflnss oonntors tilled with the iliffoient thinps lo ell and thouainds of souvenii'soflislnucn. \ . Ainoiifr the many betutifulvondeis and objects of intore'st none claimed nn attention FO much as tbo beautiful ptlutings. They had nil been drawn In the fieo hand , nnd in delicate colors suili nsoni * sihloinscei Theio weio nlso t\vo liiii > is in glass cases , Iho Hisivasabout is Inches long with -J < U blidt's , In the other \vasa pen 1 hniidled pen knife about im iiuh andu half long \\lth l > 0 blndos la. Theio was oven tiling Hint ono could im- ranirinosuihas knives , forks , spoons , i.izors , cork-snows , tUes.ote. Having viewed thesothins to our hearts route-tit wo toolc a stioll through tbo e-itj Whichloiit.nns seine vcrj line building , nniongotbeisthogrc.it holds built of line stoni ) b'roni NV'ieshaden wo wont to the little citv of ( Jaste'l which isliko so 111.111 j othei little ( icriiinn eitlos. \Vorotmned homo bj rail , nut sifrbt hero I must tell my icailois hotho eais mo there Tlnn aronot like tlicouos we have , limy mo iluiiled intovny bin.ill ap.utnionts or sections lOiitnhiliiL'two which fuoo Diu'H nlbei Ahout eiirht 01 ten can sit com fort silil ) in the little btdion 'J'lio conductor walks outside of the t-.il from room to room im a kind of plsilform , open ? csn-h door ami get > the ticla'ts. Thorn's do not move so fast us the.y dojhcro , InitaltliouKhtho conutrv Is ho old il is not too old to karii now stj les , ns the cm peior has lately made up his mini to send a uuitleimn toAiiuilca to see how the ) railroads are hurt * . Bessie Dumont UROI ! thiiteeii j oars , of the Walnut Hill school , contributes the follow-in ; , on thosubject of chivalry : Chivalry sprang liwu Uuilulism s ndwns Its biiglitest star. For a long tiino it exorcised power ovci the innnuurs , habits , thoughts and son tlincnts of sv linisht It llouiisht-U ill over \vesteri jjUi-oH | * , sind vvnsnouiisheil bj tUotrusulors It leicbcd Its htk'lit in the cleveutl IXMltUlV. It was customary fortho vassels of a Ion to bold a liind of school in his cotiit in vvhicl they were taught , along with bis liimdj , the ndc.s ef chlv.ilr.v nnd feudal ctiijuett-J. Tlievveio oaily taught lo scloit sorao no roniphslied lady as their mistuss , and she endeavored lo teach them nnniiois. The.v thought nt that tliuo that If n knii h loveil'dod anei Ids mistress ho was suie o salvation. A boy wsis called a page frou Iho time ho was se\eu \ until ho was fomtcon It was his ilutv lo wall upon a lady wficn she \vas hunting 01 \Vhcii ho wsis fourteen ho < ieac-beJ ) be came n squire * . As the page \vaitedupou a lady so the simiro waited upon u nun. When there was ii tournainoiit or u bittlc itvas lus duty to lead the war boiso.Vhei \ there was a battle no diessed bis lord In ful nnnor , and when ho wiis tlKhtiiifj , liaiulfi Llm n new Innco , brought htm ahnrsnlf h was unhorsed , or helped him il ho saw hit hard pressed At the age of twenty ono lie reached th goal of his ambition i.nl btv.unoa knight After fasting , the candidate spout , i night ii vvntcldnpr and prajlng : he Intlied am dressed in the undersliirtlc , a slik orlinci vest cmbroidorod In gold , a leather collar am ft full suit of armor. Then he ha.l to go through an oxamlnatloi to see If bo was worthy ol knighthood llo Iheti undo the piomisoto boaeouiioouscre , < n llo mill manly knight , to bo gentle toveiiicn end tode'fend tboriglits of orpb.ini nnd w ii PWS. PWS.Tno ceremony vvus then completed with itrolvo with the flat side of the sword upo the batk of his neck given b ) a prince , Tin : sot i u , Ilailean Curtis of the l"omth giado. Park tchool , was given n number ot words br bis teacher to bo used in an ess iv on nay subject. His efforts le-suHed in the following : Ivent I to the southern states , nnd there I Biw the nine Kldgo mountains , which con tains tha highest peak of the whole At > - pahitlnln sjstoin. Thucllmato of this section Is vvirmcrllian any other pirt of the union. 1vent 1 out in the Holds , and there vas soiao noijroes pick- Inir cotton , hecati'o it was so warm J asked ono of tlio nepi-oes wheio ttiocottonent to , and ho said itMiita Maucbcsteriii ships on iho Atlantie ocean. 'Ihey uianufiiuturo it Into tlotb there I saw ttiostenmcnrs , too And the Iron ma- cbinciy 111 the mills. It waslotsnf fun to see the valor go over tuo blu iron \\heel. Thoio are ngtvat many rivers uiul coral Islands in Ibis section. Cotton , rlco nudorangos nro the most Important produiU. A ClllllbTMA * * MTOUV. Jessie H. Veek of the seventh grade , Walnut Hill school , tells tlicfollowlug stoiy ofUlancho's Clulstmis Money i" Oiiodnyiuthospringof thoyoaras Hlancho Juckuma'a father , who was si farmer , was planting potatoes , ho asked her if she dil uot \Minttoc.ini Chrislm.i ; inoi cy bj lu inline 1 I tut. 1 at 1 look lint after "icm tutu tin \\ti.italv furtu itkit Hi I'icluMIIII 1' . uf iMtit ,0 , ni.dui nl'orK ' > iin. i ttntt v Miill hiMltlu in Oil nifr't tin vii i inn ) iner ni d wbtn fall tnnes'io ' hi'i , * d ' u tin in t > iii "f tinerotini niul put tin in lu ft mill and nlxiut t 'lulstnit * tinu sbeaiut lu-r fntlicinit toniiirkotlth them \Vheu tliev i-atne to lln * llrt store her ful her wmit In nndsolii tin1 put ntoi * , for \vlitili heieeelvitl Jil , of vvlihll lu'protlliu'd lopive Illain hejto. hut ) tnt before Iho v got ontof town they pwixl asnloouvher * heir fallur ttiipi ) d IIH Im snldto gd n drink , hut be must hive had more than one * , forhovvu-4 veil drunk \\lini heat hist ciitne out of Ibo snliwti und bo lou'.d ' not walk time so two men hud to help bun Into the watron. Tuuii iilnm-lipslnrinl for homo tb tlieviiv tnev bid to drive IU-DSS therniitoul truck and Hushe wen' loenwlt the hoi is oecami ) frlKhtened antt started to run , throwing her father out of thuuuiron o tlmt bo lay dlrcetl ) acioss the tr.ii'k ljho tiled her best to irt'l him In thovvnpin ufjiiin , but he was helpless run ! iho wa * not ntioui ? eiiinigb to lift him and tin- impress hum \Minlil lindtiutii llMimlnutos so stintnokolt t he led siarf she hml about lier iieik , tied it on the liorsi\vhip and ran down the Irsiek to stop tliu train I Iniillv tlie iniiiniton siw her und ntopiicd the train nnd Hlanclui wctitup tntboion- duilor and told bun herslorvanel betoliltho passonciH sind nil vvcnt with niancho initi lirliK'd hir fstllior bn-lt Intu t ( \viiKmi 'Ihoii they inailinip ii pui-seof $ . ' ' > which thev snio to her for being a biavo ilillo woman llhuuhe iievtr reei'U od.my nirinov fiirtulc- Ingcaroof tliopotatoi- * , but atiobotiiiht many piisents for hir miit'ior ' and sumo ( nr hersol f with tbeCbrlititinsmoiu'j that iho hid glvou lioi. tt i.s it Ildlson , In speaking to the emploves of the ( > gdeu lion tnliips , nt Hovel- , New Jersej , n few diijsaiosaid "Do.vt. . wait until next winter and vvoshall have no sno\v to bother us upon Ibis lilll. During the \uirl shall invnit ilci-tilentid Hunllglit letleetDi-s that will melt tbo snev as fust as II falls" 'Ihe I'ollro of Hostim are to emlrovor to itop the siio ofcijais ) nnd tobacco cm Kunitiy Thi'iiioveinent ' is inspiivil by an as-oi-iition of tobnrco dcilfrs who iloso on thoSabbith , and is dlioetedprimlpallj iiRalnstapotheiary simps iiml statianetv stoles. I 1'ii'dulker \ \ , iim'd 1 I'ljesirs , Is undoubt- ill ) UiiTldest instil III vu'st 'l'etine see llo Ivcs In hiniiniib. . Mr. Walker stateel that lehad voted for eveij picsldent of the Tnllod Mates , from I'homas Jell01 son doivu o the list piesklcntlit election Air \Valt > cr Haiti's his liIng eonjinjf \ for tlie county oult c-lirk of McISalry taniity , whieh pioves th.it his slight Is Iii luimllliiiuiy ! vvlro livitiR OMT nn.v of the ordinary stiopt uiros , ospcvlallv sin Inn t onvcy iiifi-onts fur cli'etilo li htli'ir. USD a tltv Imndlmifor tlioputpnsi * , of unsp the who wllli iiiHiil itol plnierAn oi-dinai-v i-lotliPhllno ni.i ) bccruuu the couduaorof a tf.i'iilly uirrtMit linililion has it lint the last issemblaiga 111 the bull of T.u.v too' ' < nlmo In the jctr \ . I ) , "ill Tin1 pro it triennial lounill of the lilsli tuition w.u lirlil tiino foi si'vcrul fc'iittulos pii'viouslv. butbciauso a criminal who and lleil forsifet ) to tlio momisti'iy ofSt liuiui hud lie-on ilrnu'i-'e-d lo the hull ntul executed , tlio hoi ) , ihbnt uiul thu monks erieil aloud ucrilnsttlio siuilo ouml promm m oil u ctilso tipou its wall If i oiii tint il.i ) no Mn seier iiUilu sit.iit Tarn. A ( ionium man liu t\voof the best Dolle'o- inen 111 Ills scivli-oin the stnte' THCIO isoiiu pe'iiiliurtiuit.ibontthi'in , unit that is that the1) ) IIUUT Kolo slrop iiml novtr tjttolT tlie'ir be'iits. Uhov iue tvvo onoiiiious Koe'so 'ihoy in null up ami . ! o\vui roeulurliu.it in Trout of IdslioiiMHit nlKhtaiulvlienecr iinjUiint'IMI- tcH tlioard ) at tiiKlit tliev biylu yelling lilccj Coiauiiclioairion. . la l-V.iac'e there isn Knvernmotit lix of * ci'nt lovluil all bets - > lei on or i u-e s .lohti \VhlttiPrls ( cjtiotucl b ) thi'Dativers , rvliss , lorrcspotidi'iit of tliu Jse'vv York Sun .ibsiyiiiK "My writingiluys , ii-f over.1' ' 'Jlio faitcvht inih * iisinitlo inaiihus tr.ivellpd b ) vnrious inotliodsof loioinotion la to dati * us follows , hwiiiiiiiintr , Slim. W . vviilking1 , ( im'Us , snow blioi.'s , . "nu. .I'l'jS ' , rowiuif. "im ( Us , running , INI. I'.l'j.s. ' ' , trn-vilo , Im. Hi ! is. ; lu i * > ii | > , -'in iJ'.i 4-.rjs , skutliit * : , 'in 1U ISs. , trotliiifr hoise , Jin 0-t'jS ' , iiinnliiK hoiso , Im S5s , railiouil train , lls. ) ' _ ; lial- loon , piioiimatii ! lulu utiil olcetricit ) "roeouls niojot to ho in ido Con lit v on MoltkoL-oiiincls nil the muinlioi-s of tils hoiisfholil tobponil ut lo.ist an hour oarh tin ) hi tlio open ui r , even if the rain is poiilin1Tlotittriht'tos Ills ijoocl liualtli to i-ogulufoutiluor i\cri-lsii , md modii.ition in till things Mtliuuiili hi'isin Ms UlstycMi ho ofte'n \ \ . .ilkfoul - mileml u * . In Ijiio'iunj ; its iiudnlito fnimnortho Atiiiistem i A la lint 151 ist iniiilo the fa mill ir , though , il\v.ivs luilu ions , tvpo/iupliii-al bluiiiloi nf eldliirini. C'olonol .Miller to lie a ' bittli'-si i roil \-oti MIL" gin its next isstio it ixplniiicil .mil aioloKl/e'd foi the inifoilii- n.itc ortor , uul in tin * .i | ) loj ! ) u jocose com positor louniloil out ami an'jriiiv.ueel tlio ollinse * by uniting the e-oloni1. .1 "botllo- srurod vctci.ui. " 'ino iniuimnits 01 uifiutriinr ot tiiol'ijl islands will not paitilco of loml vvlulo n elo'id is in si < ; lit , ospi'e-iullj if tlio e'loiul lie's in the \\est , n.irniK th.it trio " ( ! r * at An Wh.ilc , " \\hoso bellowing ( tliuiulcr ) Is oftin he'ird in ( hut country , will pouiuo upon and utti'tly ( inuililliu * ibt'in for such iriov < * ieiie-c * . 1'coplovv ' holuive boon In theliabit of uot- tin1' intox iti-d ' . ic liy cotiHiinuni , bi.imly choiolatos anilopinui'an i-oiifn'tioiis of that soil will bi > b toroslcd la a iietit ion that has just boon sent into the Massachusetts lo lsln- tcno by the sccrotirj ol ttio lliu .mil oiile-r Icwm * . Tins notitioii c-ills fortho enui-tinoiit of u law prulilbiiliiK the ininul.iitnri'.uul .s-aloot all kinds < it confuctionoiy containing alcohol or liitoxicalhiir llijiior ; . , Mow \\nllmi * < iii > wii. Olio of Iho features of the present ci'iisui exhibit iim ia the ri > mii-l > nblo yiovvMli dialing thopist Icri * , eurs of many of the "itios of Uio ctuinhv. siv > JiuiUfstictn- ! . This ie not to tunc-h tFio ea-c' with tin : In i KIT tovvr.siiibvitli those of ftce-DiiihirvraiiL At the-suno limo the mi'io.iso of population shown bj it number ofrilios huvliix' ovot I0ltii ( , ( ) ) inlnbilniit-ssinco Lhu eonsiis nf IhM ) is .tiilviiid in Us ii itiire , Infu-f.lho eii-- ctilistiiiiLu Unit llioiv lire ) now t-\t'ity- ! eit'lit ulties in the riiitid htiiUus tohovvii bj the L'onsu.s , which contain ever 100,000 people ; , siff.'tinst t\i'iity in KSW ) iiml foiii'ti > oii in JSTC , is of itself : ' , noliiblo cirt-uiafcttiiucu. Aiiiony tlio Unrest IO\MIS C'hicu 'o ttiKej a ilo- culcil leicl in point of irrowth , its 1,0'- ' ) ! ) 0Ninlmhitints ( ) ! icnrosoiit in ' an of II ! ) per i-i'iit , nmkiii'it } , tliu of Ilio loiniti ) , iiml ctisplai'iiif ' fi Din Unit portion I'hilaelolphia , vvliioli hail uiru- ] ) le'd tlio post iiiii ) the ecilibUi of Is l ) . UiuoUljii , tcio , with : i ( , 'tin cf > l > cim n ut , /st.nu'ts out IIIUIHIL ; tlio l.tr o eastern llios. though the plicnonieiiivl ] ) royie-- olCUiiM o oiowOslt fiom llie * tlniil r.mk which it holiKn Ishd to thufouilh posi tion. ( luvolttiitl , now the tenth i-itj in jxdiit ofnixe'gjiincil ( Ii per cent in its population in I ho ilociulo , und JUtlT.ilo , tlioolovontli , lias ini'iunsoil nt almost/ tlio sumo ialeits ] H'iie-nli o boinj ; ( iii pur emit. I'lttsbiu-t.-'s ralo of g \\i\ii \ > - poic'util , \Vui > liiiitnii's | ; o-j per e-e'iit , Dotrolt'b 7(1 ( per ociit , ami Milvv ui- l\i > o's 77 J5or cent. The rontoist pro- poitionate aiiis amoiiL' tonnsnf 11X1,000 or mete inliiihitiiiits nro , linwovc-r , tsliovvn by a number of cltlos , purtii'ii- latly lliono In tliovost , vlilch now for tlio lli-st ttniouppciir 111 a national rnii- .stisa-i livvtni ; attained the o iliinontlons. Tlwrc mo oltj'ht tovviist'otnliiH' umlurthisj , huail Miinu'iipolli , Uinalin , Itoehostor , Ht , I'.itil , Kutihtis C'ity , Indlaiiapolis , De'in oi'imil Allou'lioii ) . Tlio leader of lliobu lu point of its * into of iniToii ois Cmilia , w huh has iriilneil no hnn tliuii JJOllpi11'otit. ! lu nuinboiN dtiiiii'tlio } just U'liyoiiM. Mliinciipolis ionionoxtwlth 2 , % per cent , anil Is followed b St , I'nul vltli LVl per e-eiit , Doiner's gitin isitt thu rate ofd ) : per icnt. , mid Unit of Kansas. Cltv , ut 110 per cent. lir. lilrnoj cnics ciittirrli. lie'o bU'e1. W. II AViUou , the fiunoiis Kciitneicy brooclail * > rcportciliiH snyiiifflio isconvlnooil tb.it Oii'b'cm will furnish the bouo mid lung ponur muJoil upon which to breed lilirli-elus * ! ctutoriistiillloiis. Ho is noKOtlfitliiK for the purchase of the extensive slock brooding fiirm Iho Point Uivezo fiirin-beloiiBltii ; to \Visdoins \ near Uulicr Uity , HOCUS FOR IIA1LROAD JIM TiKnnsw ! Ojntinjrent 0am ! > 1i.iy Wist be Orently Rulucal , NE\VIMFLUENCES IN LABOR LEGiSLATlON , fin I Mliu'lr ' * DoiillllU Hotter lor 'I lii-lr \\uik III' IllllM'lNt t ( ) t III ) \Vniiici < * . tytborof Kiuurn , together with the railroul irilutno'i of the nrltuMpi roacliof the ntite , Invo swooped dnvm npm the loplslnlm-u of t hat state They Invo stie- cccili'il lincc'uilug lht im niroof iho null- Miilterlon bill , \vlilih provides that nil eor- lot-ations and romiiinteislmll bo prohibited roiiiemnloyliiuiiriuoil foii-os whllon strike imv point hi Iho sl.ito. Not-ill- illcd with this the)1 imoiwlpil hi hnvluitlw ollonhnr bill Inlroihii-cd la thctinti < ! 0 Hoitlotil Thut the lawful im-s'vvovlc of 'onilnrtoH ' , dnpiteliet" * , ciurluiet-s , flteincn , irfiki'inen nml other umploves c-oiieeinoil lu In * luniihiLT oftudiis hj sto.un ou the ull- omls in tills Bttite alnll lie llxol by the stito ) ouul of rullio.iel c'oinniUsionir-t , niul abill tot oM-coil ton horns , Sc'itieurJ 'llrit no dispiti'her , comHietor , 'iiRlneor , II rein in , limUeiiuin or other em- ilovo i-oiiii rniJ In unv vviiv , niiniiirr orr.i- nieltv in tux luiniiiiif of i.tllruid trains , ear- viinf poisons rr proirtv | ( In till * stale , slnll no ieiiiiivil | oi'pi'i-iniltiHl to roinnin nu duty itioin than slNlteii bciirs lu t lie tvvi'iilv-four. \ * snoh c'liiplo.v o iliull lu required to luy off and rest ut each I'ijrht I'onse'eutivo liours in i it'll liy of txvonly-fmir hours , tint IK * liny boa safe uiul uhlc oiistoiliuii ot life uul prnpcity Inli-usteil to his 0110. Hutionll 'lh.it nnv and ouch raihoid 011- lilnvi'viulilltiK the provitions of this act .bull , on c-onvtctli ) ! , , ho lined in u sum not .esMthnn . jiu noi mow thin SNii for c.ieh ami \'oiv olTenso , and bosnhject toie-inovul fioni ill position siscmplmo on Mild roiduttlio option of the stati ; boirdof ruihoad eoniinls- sioneis. 1. Iliutany r.illroul c-oinpiu.v.rtilroul innniKor or ollior eniplovinu poison , ap'iit or pitlv , vlolalinir tlio provisions of this nit. nhnll , ou fonviition , bo lined In u sum not Ic'ss lliun $11) notinoio than ? ! ( ) ( ) for enh and cvuij offi'iip , eounlinc r.ieli einplovo vvoildiifT inoro than si\tun linuis in the * t\\i'iity-fnnr as a scpui itu olTenso. and tno sulil ot1cndiiin' nartv slnll lie licld strirtlv nrcniintubli * * imUr tlio law of llus st ite , for all ihtuiifc ; < 4 to persons undproput v that liny oi-i-m by collisions 01 otlici-xvisu tlno'itjli tlio iucipii-itv of Iho ovprvvoiUed eiuiiloveit , the * suinoiis If suchilunn.'os In poisons and piop- orty hud hcoti rommltte-il with mullio ulore- loiiK'ht anil with evil intuit See1. 5. Unit tin * sil irii'siiml vv.iiroi of all oflhcis , ap'iitsihspite-lier cnmlnotoi ? , , porters ters , oiiKliii'i-is iliomon , brnki'inon soi-tlon- nii'ti slioimeti | itul dthoi-s en .u-cd , omplovcd or ( uiii-e-iin.il in the nianirroiiuiit and opera tion of tlio r.ilh-o.iils in this state shall ho the st.ito ijoud of raihoad loiiimis- , iml hill innll nisos In * re.isoiiaulo anil sullkieiit in iiiuoimt to cinililc * einplovos to support thenisclvus and then * fniniliei hi clei-enc-y mil cotnfoit. without bcinc oont- | iolled thiDii h necessity tovoilc tncac * tlnii ' ten honn in ono ihy'of tvventv-fom bouis , nor moro thunsix : clavs mono vvoelc of seven ilujs Sec 0. Thntlhe sahricsand VVURCS of .ill ofJlcor , ngeutsimd eniloves | rotiiiriicii in the nianvuniont andopeiationof i-jlli-ouds in this stuteshall bi * Riven tin * \vldcst publicity , by pulilii'.ition monthly in at li-ust ono ncws- pupe'i of Keiu-ralcirnilution i.i oaoh county truuiseclbv the respective r.iilioicdsvheio , thc'ie'is piblishul smli ni'rtst ) ipi'r , and tnbii- liite il anil published in the niinuil leports of the state uo.u-ilof railroad roinmlssio'icrs See 7. 'Ihate'ieh ii-id overv inoiubu ol tlict stuteboanl of railroid couiuiissioni' ( , fiil- iiifor refiisintto ; porforinlho dutiosieijlined by this art in a reisou.ali * and eiiiit.ililo | niumier. slnllon conviction , be doomed sullty of n misdemeanor und of misconduct and ni'r- lifii'nio in office , and shall ho punished foi- suul oftV-ics under tlicstutulcs uf this state as liistdo unit ptu\tiled. iSeetlon lr ( 7. ) Siv a. 'lliutthis act slmll bo la fnico and otVeitalter its publicitiou In the statutes of this state' The Oiniba trainmen fed u deep liitoiest ia tlio measure uul state that lliov hive jiosi- tlvunssuiancutlint tlm 1111 will bceomeii luv. dial IMlMi r * in dm votil ion , The minu il convonlion of the coal inincis of the United Statis , which was held at Columbus , C ) , List u-eelt , his adjoiirnid Thuo liinidreililoioKiitos wore in atttnul.inco and Job n 1 ! Uio was ro-clu-ted prosiilnnt. The jiiobt inipoi taut bnsi loss ( unacted w is to adopt a scale of puces for mining in the sevei.il districts The scale is as folloivs : District A , until niellu legion , PoiinsyUi- lua.'i'l ' < cats a ton , net. District. ' , central Pennsylvania , .V ) ccots. IJIst.'ic I . " ) , Alniioiipilioli rivci , ' . Heentspor ton lor airooncd coil niul di < 'onts for run of mine , \\cstein I-'ennsjlv.ini i , s' ' ) ie/Ht / > for screened cojl.d'lcoiits ' fornin nf tuntminc 'i'ho eonituittio rccoinnu luted the distiiits iM ) power to m.iko i ites fi > r IIK il ti ido in a isidltis ot forty mile ? from IMttshur ; ; District II , Indiana -M touts for sirecned co.il.li'i oentt. for run of inino and hi ) ecu ts for csiiinel coal. District IS , Illinois llraiihvood , > lin ; Stii'itor , W ) rents ; lSdle. . $1 ; I'eniiiin i-ent" . Stonoton and Mount Olive , ( u cents ; Ilulli'ville , II' ' } ' , cents , Il.urisbuiir and licnnl- Ity , W1. ecntsYIlniiiiKton , 10 cents addi tional ibrik'ad work nistrntl'J , Iowa , and DKtriit 1 I , Misboini ami Ivans is , 10 cents ad'.anco ovci presint priees. Dhtriet 1 < > , Maiyland , 50 lents per not ton District 17 , "West Virginia -Kanawlui lti\cr , T.'icoiits , I'oinoroy , .17 eent-s ; .Mounds- \ iile , V ) icntM , Khl Top , iO icuts , run of mine. Kali mount niul Coil Valley , M cents , run of mine ; Coal V.ulfy , (5J ( eciitb , screened coalDhtrlct Dhtrlct 1(5 ( , ICuntuuky , 0. tints , run of mine District ' , ' ( ) , Al.ihaini 1'iutt and Wheeling minis , Til ) cents ; Hlno Urcek , l"i cents ; Co.ilbursh , 50 to ( iO cents ; \Vau\iclc \ \ , T5 cents Dull-lot'1 ! Indian ! , Toriitory-Lohidi.Coal- Kiite , ICiclisi , Mi'AlliitcrAlileisou andll.nts- hoint ! " > eents per bushc-l for screened e-ei.il and , 'ID-Ill coiits fonun of mine. .Ic-nnv Liiul , C'odtrato and L.ojsville , 'M cents a tonTno Tno eoimnittco lei-oininended that the proper in.ichlno milling bollxod.it 1J1. , cents below tluprieool im-lc mlniiiK This seilo is atfoneral ail\nicoof \ about lOcontahi neh ilistrii't. The cjueitloii of .1 demand that coal bo \veliheil ; before uncoiling VH clUcussod , hut positive ailion was finally po 'poned until aftei a Joint mectlnir of minors aud npoi.itors to ho held in 1'itUburt ; within a fo\\ weeks 'Ilio 9\stoni of idle real di\s Is to ho nbolUheil , uticl the executive eomnilttiM is intjtuictcd to provide moms foi theinfono- ment ot the oiuht-hour jierdaj s st in Iho leuislatuioof each slue is reipiesti'dto piss a law that all coal shall bo weighed Uefoio SLiecnlni ; Hcsolutions wen * ndopti'il thill all mlncis in l't'iinsyl\aiila bo rcipjestnl to for- \vaul potitlonato thc < ; overiior und letfUlalivo mining coiumittco for an anieiidinent totho iniiunir lm\s , tint bcrea'tor safety iiinj bo bccuieil to minus hj loKisl.itho enactment , Iialxii L\ons , I'ranco , Blass-woikoH lia\o stiuek Itendni ) . ' raihoad eniplojps In tliosliomut KeadliiK , l' l ru working ten hours a Uaj Mho brliklujirt. of Chester , 1'a. , have ri > - sol\ul todumanil d cents an bout on and uftei Alaj 1. SJiidii'ky , 0 , passonncr br.ikonmii. who l-ottr > a month , want the wanes paid on other roads. night libor oipanlmtlons of Austialia. 1011- tributed jro.lHK ) to the htrlltu fund of the. ilockera in ICiiKlanel. 'I'ho Lrudon wutcnnan's union will join tbo dockers' Doji-ott against vessels loaded by iiou-ualoiilsts. Ihe stiiko of weavers at the Cornell mill In Pall ltl\er , Mass. . has lie-on hotlled. 'Jho \voa\oi-a' \ ' deniniuls wcro planted A ropoit lias It that -NK ) nmplo.\cs of the Nastua , K ll.manufactiimi1 * lotnpany re ceived n 5 percent advance In wages on Monday. 'Iho ropic.scntativcs of the union ; Uoi9 ut Trenton , N , J. , buvosunt astateiiiL-nlof their iiiuf i. Miri i i IIH , .ni'thrill ' H , . i l ) . iibiultk 1 to urtil \ sMiti .iMinmoiii his i * siii'd an 11'ntttiliii M n > I'lnp.iiim > ni of Aiist run t in * i I'litit'rdi ngrliiltnre nr ttiiti'ifm' I in ( 1 .ntnrvMoC till * nationality nn * run- ihirMiii tl.o A tut rhmifo'.eiinni'iit every diiy ly humrtilj ! The iincinpioyiVl 'In Toronto , Out .m.ulpit iiriiloiiiict iieitiotiHtMllon Instweolt Tliev gatlniu.l In St ' Andrew's inu-Uel , und inuivheil theneo to thi'i-ltj ' lull , prci-i'ded bv ftdruiiutu'riiid Drum beating u H.IK Uh Iho motto , "Hieid oi1 Work " Atiordi't'liiis uA n Issued tit cv-Ciovornor llouvir'H nail \\drlttt lit llelloloiile , I'u. , In eiri'i'tthut on and utter Moiidty nevt boyj under I'lKliloon vent's of UKiuvllI not be em ployed ut UM work's PiiliimMui has been cl veil in onli'ito crlvo work to u cionlcr mini- bc r of nic'ivho ' tinvo Lmiilles dopeudent on them. Klisht dlfforoiit Vutlonul I then1 eoiiventloas In Kiiroueliuo , sof.u , votol for mnkitiK on lay I iloinonstt ttioiisln favor of the olulil nurihy. I'lipso convent Ions toolc phco nt , illiiiid ) : Culiils , Ki wee. Hale , Ctiiiiiun ) , lllboi , Htulii ; llrtisscls , llclirhitn , lliuoiuin Vustili ; lajbon , I'ortiiif-'l , I-lu'i'pool , linR- ind Thestutlsticsof tlidtrmlo unions In CJcr- innvshow Ih it about S.OOW.u ) worltinirineu a tint I'lMinlry li.ivt in annual Income of ess dim ilVi , niul tint in tinwouvliitr ) ills rictsof Siviui iina SIli'Hin lhcrj uiothous- nds ol men eurnlng1 but , sji'i uor .ve.ir at their rude yenrl.ni lurpo stilltos vvciv toporteil ) > the aiiiltnrlilcs in ( Jerniunv , Involvlin ; I'M ' , III worltiiiun , of these -iVl.lOi" vveie ile rlatvdirvllltv of hreaih of emitr.iit , the ) h.iv- nu loftvoik without plvtuw Icmilnotlee I'ho men were sui-i-issful hlsT stiiUes , vvhilii hey we-rodefoite'd ill 1 0 , pat liy .suc'iessful vero | si | strikes Althnui ; ! ) the aveiitro qtiutitity of roil iiii'd h > iho individual minor of Mnylnnd it Ts'i tons per veilIs 1igtv 1 t'nu ' tlioqti.m- itj mined ov the mm InAliibima , WD tons , tin * Mii-yliml iiim'h piv is smaller tlnn that of his brother in Alibtini , HID vvnifos lu Iho ttter st.ito boiniMU routs per ton ugilust Vi ion tain M.iivlanil Isn't it an insane system odni'inisuch icsullsl Tlio irr.mlto uitteis' union at Milfonl , Mass , Ir.u notllied the | uoprietors of the inaiiles that on and aftui Aniill it will i'\ I'uct the ) piv of all cullers and blac'Usmlthsto lie * iiiun < iseil fioin fj"i to 5 J per d.iv , llftv ; hreohi > uisc'onstltutltiLr a wcoh's \vrnk , nine hours the * Hut Iho d.ivs und oitht } liomSit - iirdnv , and that no i-ut'i'i-orhhultsniith slnll hu illsi-liiii ed until Iho shod eoiiiiiilltoo Is ic'iisullcd On Moiuhv the contrne-t labor bin cm ofll- eer nl New\'on nub * ono of the most Im- iiorbinl iMptuios over olTcotod Catliirmi I.e liiiifor , Mnile XollniKi'r und Albei tina /olllnirer , Auii.itlr.if and llorth.t Kolian .110 funous at tlii-lr homo in Sv\it/oi luiil for tlioli-e\.peitiii.bs In linking hue. Tlio Iho ( . Jrlsturivcil on the LVeni'h steamship Li Noi-iniiidio Tlio contiMil laboi ofllcei-s dc- t lined tbo girls , ind say tint tliev weio con tracted for , mid wi'io to BII to WilUesbuiic , I'u , to toaeh their indiistrv lo otliot-s Tlio vvoihiuir popnlition of Pans liii'lnilcs S'l7.iXM ' tiienniid 'U,0ilvvomen ) Hit * distribu tion iie-oniinir to tradu is as follows : MI II IHiildinff ti idi > , sn.iiiil ; n-.otnl worlc , mu-hm ei\ iteUH'i ( ) , ttiiloiinir , IO.OOJ , lurnltnie , w.idh mikliii ! , ] c\\elrv , nit indiistiv , .Jl.KX ( ) , piper , priiitlntr , bimllnir , Is.uiiu , whcchvi ichts. wood-WDi-lteis , 11U.)0 ) , bovet- nvresnnd eatables , llllhli ) ; tovtlles , cerunics , ilii-nili.il mil othd liidusliii's. 'J1HW , ( U'ouiciiOiessimikrii , I'Ji.UiJi ' ) ; piper , print- inir , bliKtim ; , s.oii ) . jewelry , \\itehniilcini ; , art indiistn , ll.iKID : tevtilo industr ) , li.OJU , furniture , 4.0OD , vai ions , 10,1)00. ) fJ'M > .1 Jl.l\JJ. CiiiiiiimilCoiiiMirrli / ( - ( nwlle. Help one nnother , boys , And do it with a willet ? \ot allno s < i\on oiiualstrcnith ; ; So help him up the hill. Kemomber vvhnt > ou wish were douo If onlv 'twas your case. Solini'M jtisiii Iittloiillo I'o help another : ) pace. Help ono smother , boy , I Ins eirth to none w is Kivcn , nu'opi by- helping nthei ) , too , To win u plicc iu h'-avou. No trait resembles lied so much As hoipiiiLvv ! ithn will So help ono nnother. b\\s. \ And Lo inoio Cod-likostill. Ni-liiaslca ! , ! iluri.il Oinu tcs1/ . Ihimi'lit'ii ' IJrmornil Tnoinnnvvho the ' ' ' pioiitles over 'soim'wliat iiui'stionabloexisti'iii.11' of a ropMblican-deino ratie alninco-aiiytlim-r-for- news , pipi r , printed in these pans , and known ti only ifenilsrnnleil murtili--vvhn ilum to bulonir to tliu alliance pauv as the Arj-ns cunooiitma leeoiit issue of tint tnonpiol sheet iiid called tbo ojitor of this piper a "biipen illious ape , " a "beautiful dude , ' ' and all those kind of oeople * . Now wo don't in- ti'iiillo sayiiivtliiiiff bid alnut this noir fool , or call bun haul names , quite the con- tnir.v , we ii.tend to show linn up to the public as ho leally is Woahvijs hid a nn it dealot svniitby ] foi this being , sim ply bi'c.iuso ovciybndy was tijinj ; to true Idinnkiek because hovis down , hut attei this tluiiK wo nn't think of his otlurnamo - we-ntdown toiolnnunis , iml like the fjlnt ton tint no is , tiled to steal the count } plum from tbo mouths of all thonnwspipei men in the countv , vvp louhtn t stand il \Ve came to thoi'oneliision that he was nut a hoe.but a vvholodrovoof thoni Then a almvo have as sisted tills "blank" nisuvu.il.ivs top > t out liU jniie-r ; wo hive loaned him ink , stereo- tvpo plates , a ncwspiper ilireitoiy , rid the lA > rdonl > Knows vv.h it , and do vou think ho has over ictiirned them' Not In an.v im-ans Ho still rotjiiis tbuin llitelu * doisovi'ivthlng else that ho et hia viln hands on Hi Democrat uevir tefori to tills " \ \ elfIn In sheep's clotbliiiivlio chillis to ho the e.ditor of the AIRIIS , and dis so now only because ho shot tint old rustv loul at tbeurovv If the poor fool Iml even Ind hor-o seiiso ho would hive turned tint "rustv load" into his own UK ! ) lurciss , and lid the county of ono of the bicp'st lencbes lliat ever iinwled insldo of Its lioiileis With thesn fu\v roiiiuics ivu leivo this " 111101110' to hissortow , nnd il the aliove dousii'ls itisfv him , If ho will just niie-t us soinoxvhcio be tween this plne-oind I'latto ( Mentor , wo will givonim soineUhlni that will and he can ihoosolnsown weapons. 'I lin ( 'ullf-rtson Cin a I. CtinnuT-ov , Net ) , Fob -Special [ to Tin lli.r.l At a meeting of the citUonsof Culhottson and vicinity , hold In ICollci's opera hoi o today the following resolution was piss-ul- Whereas , Oui representatives in the state lojjlsl itnro have bi-en nut llinjj inttiob efloils to pioniototho br itr interests of llie peoploot western Nebr.'sku , theieforo boil lie'solved , Tint tlmciti/uis of Cnlbertson hereby extend ( litLiit tlnuiks to ilon .1. N Koont/ and Ilou 1 ! C ! . Uunt'lcs for their elToits mailo in bqlndf of iirip.itlon nnd the ust.iljlhhii.cnt of an os : i lorliiinntal station , it tins pi ice Tin" " ci tiions of this citv are nwaUe to thi * linportnnceof the iijigation question and as early a- > last Mav tltshovved ) their f nth by votliiBlSlXH ) in bonds to build tno pieit Ciil- bortson canal vvhlijh Is uovviieaih completed The scventj-lHo luili.iof the t.uuil will im- KUtenearlv onehiuielieil thousand acies oi as fortlle lands as iauio found in any loiintir nnd no soctlon of tnostiitoian pii * < ; ent better ilalnis foran expe-xlinentalstiitiou tlnn this ltoto inoduie , the best results vlth Iho ilitTeiiuit iropsontrrliratedland could bo best nscoitilncil by a sthtlon nf this kind under the iniiisiKeniont oftxpeilenced men , In iKiilinn in t IIIIM ) Ooiml.v , CitkMi'KiN , Neb , 1'cb. 2.1. [ Special to Tim Hur.J This h us been a jiund dav forChavo county and a Rrinder 0110 -Champion. . It was Iho thy sot by the county comtnissloiieis for liohUngn hpeeinl election In Champion precinct foi the purpose of voting , upon the iini'stlon of bondiiiK the jireclnct for tlio sum of v.-,0'H ) ' ) to aid HID t'luinplon Valley U'atn- power and Irrigation ronipiny lu the con- strnetion ol Irrigition ditehoa In Mid pio- iltiit A gro.il twin } people woio heio fiom this and adjoinlnir counties The weather \vas flno and a full vole was pulled The vote htood'.Ct ' for the hondi anil fi .ig.iinst thuin. The town l-ivoiv lively tonight , Tlio band is plavinu , bDiidllrott tuo limning and ovci > - body is happy. la\Vitl'ir iUlo Kurly UNoiM.cnly . pill to euro sick hcndudio nnd rv ululu ibohgwvls , THEAlUrATIOXOF Mmiicr in Whtcluho Operation is I'orfonnotl i in a Hospital , THE SISTERS AS ASSISTANT SURGEONS , ! -tii | > tii.u'il to Alh'V Inti' tlit'Siit1' III' I'lltllMll-l \ \ | | O4 ' III , ) lllll'M Dl-lllllllll till * I'll' III'till'.Sill'- ItiillK "There * can be no question about this cute , the lei ; must he * aiuputatod " The speaker VMH the t'nhm 1'aollli * stir- KPOII , and the piiient was John X-'lsou , n hborci'vvhohiid mi't with a serious ui'eiilout nn t he iiiiluiul ni'.ir South Omulm Tbo poor fellow wus one * of tlio suid train IMIIK anil a hhjh built where the men wore ? loitliiij ; the 11,1 In Ind 1'iveil ilovvn , buiylUf'N'eltou al most out of slijht and liieuliliii ; his riciit lot , ' mldv\ay bi'tvveen the an Uio and the kueo 'Ilio Injured inuii had iweii louioveil to rit Joseph's hospital , vvhoio a lopotter for Tin- 111 n c'.ilh'd Just its the slrotihor upon vvhieli Ito Isv.v was lioini ? entiled Into lliu opuillui ; loom At the invllation. of the physiolm the ro- portei loin lined lo see llie nhustlj but Intel- estmi : woiliof niniml.ition iierfoiincil. Muih bus boi'ii wi-itlin alioiit the "sweet fiii't-il nuns , " and luiinv an oiiitorhus erovsti I'lmiuent In spi'iUlnu of tlio self stieiltloliiK hhoiof the Sisters In \\.ir times \vlth tin ) wotindi'it In tlio Ill-Id , bill lii-tt'wus an op put t unit v for obsii-vliu ; the actual ollieloni j ofthoSistcis in a dllnctilt sniL'ii-.il opi-ia lion and their tenelenie-ss in cMiing foi n MilloiiiiLT inortul \ \ hen the nionvlio curled the nnfoi luiiuto luhoior Into the stuiroou's room had plicodhinum t bo IOIIR opeiat intr tuble thev went out and bister Monow nnd Sister Astokium 0,11110 in toliikei'hiirioof the pi tlout mil assist the phvsienii in the vvoilr of .unptil.ition 'I luy were phiinl ) diessi-d , tin ir sleevi's ' hoimr shott , le'iviiiK their linns biro luilf way to the elbow 'I'heii uiit , black hoods wore * pushed baclt , prrinittiiiKoiie to sco then lelliicil , thought ful , pitie-iit faces as thov inovoil i.ipidl ) und MjUolc-ssU iiboiit ttio iittlo room iinKiiu ; piopai ition for the iinpoilaiit and iklli-ati' \oi-U \ bi-toie them , hi the comer of the loom stood u lu-fje iviso full of siiiLtical Instriimeiils , und while the doctor was ciipCu Til in pntlinc ' , on his opeiiilnif , ' apron and In tuKmi ; i"ioui tin1 c-uso tlio iiistrn- miintsho neeili'd and waslimir Ilioin in cm- lull/id v\utcr thosisti'ispi-cpired the ) pitient fur tlioopeiatloi ) Thov Ihu tilaced asinall pillow nutlet the man's ' In id ami then tool : oft Iiisirro.it , ho iv v shui1- , that were cot u ted with vdlow eluj and -.in 1. Sistei Astokium llii'ii wished the m.in'sfeotliltiuctlio ; bioken limb which iu.v hinp and ilu.ulvilli the c'aio anil toiuloiuuss 'I siipixM ! you want his pit.ts tikcnoir" ' Mill Sutor Mori'nw. pUnriii at Ihu iloctor. " ( JuUiinU , iLinovo all tliu olutliiii trnm tln w.iist down , " ronlioil t'io surgeon , nnl Sistm Muiioxv llltud .1 smiill hl.nikot fiuin a tiihlo in tliuioriiir and s | > roul itllyhtl ) over lie ! iiuie ] ] l ni.ui , covniihi ; him liom tlio chin to tlioluiucs 'J'lio sisti'r thuii toolf a small pdr of scNsors niul pultiiiir bar h mils uiitlur tin' blinkut it Ntlbon's \vulit , slio he .in to tut his n.uitnloons anil uiulvrclothtiii ; ilo\\n the outiuloof thoii litlcjf. In Inlf a mlnuto thu i ; ir incuts wt-ro spilt Ironi top to bottom uiul tliuu slio piisiutl to tliu other side ofthot.ibio.mil iliil the .sainoith the loll Ich' 'I lion inssiiiif hcrriKtit arm uiulcr tno piiiont innneiliati'lv above the \\.iist and her lift uiulcr liU tliiKli ! > Mo llfti'tl ( 'Ciitl } until \vciKhtw.i1 ? ulinost su-.pt nded in horanrs , .mil histor Astoltluni pulled the lower portion of tlioir.ifimnts IIOIM beneath thop.itii'nt. It.naiio.isv in.it tur to lo'iiovo the upper hair of tlio iaiinonts Sislor Morrow hold tlio bli'iUutin position anil ( jently raised it \\hiloSistei Astokium slipiiDil the clothini , ' out , ami the vvoik of tuulivisiiii ; tliu Unvor limbs of thop.xtn'iit comploti'd , It \\.is then that the wound anpo irod at its worst T'ICIO ' In tlio U-ft Ictf in the pcilec- tlon ol inubciilai stitiiKth , while bcsiilo it w.is the nimulcl .mil Dtolion il ht The next stop was to thoroughly ilo nso the liinb.s , the tiblcainl all tlio hmnmnilliiKi Ilio fut anil Icj"1 * wore washed in bi-chloriilo of inoiiuf > solution , which the siit < < is hml piupaiod. "Xoletnu' \ li.ivu the lublior biinlizcs. " siul the doctor , anct thcviio iininoiii.tteiv pioduuil b ; 1111 * of thoslstCH. Thi'io rubl > or bind ici- . \\eio \\inpixMl .ilioiii the lej ? ibi > \ o the unco to .iireit hi'inuiiliii 'oVhin ibis had hi Lt ! ilono the wiiunil uiis w.islu-d with an antisentli inopai itionto pievetitit liom boni ) ; infootid poisonous matter in the nn , on the 01 Irom am ot the 'Jho } imont was anacstlicti/cd .mil a towel wiuni' out of hot , ( n boin ! * < .l .liitcr vv.is sptend over hii llinbt and bodj , so th.it in nsi of contact \\ith tlio insttunionts used or with hinds of tlio opjratois , tlio limbs and body " .wild bo piotuUul fioin tl.o infection fiomseepticinatti'i. Tlmvuiunow i idj to cut Sister Astokium took a podlion to the light of the suruioii. while blstoi Monow stooil on tlio oppusitosliloof the table roailv toloiij istinceni , anjtlnufitliat mi rl'l ' be nee'iiod diaspiii the distil part of the bio.vi n limb ( , ' , ntl\ , but Hrinly , SKteu Astokiuui held It in the cxaet p-itiou dojiied by the stii'tfoun. As the work of amputation proaviled the SHIOI eliaiiKeil the portion of the limb and hoi hold upon it , at'oplmt ; bur position and as sistann ; totlie uiovcnioiits of the sui con , ilispl.umir the Icnowti'ilKO and judgment ol mi uxpi'it , withouta word of dietition upon the nut of the sunvon. She kiiuw | iist wlu-ii tu olinate or low or tlio limb au.l n wbat | n > iitioi thop irtsshou'd ' bo held while thebnnes at the kiK'o were huiui ; sepiiaiod \Vlii a the bones luiil been - > ovuiul tlio ilm lor and lib assistant1iiirilu \ \ ash oil tht n h.ut'li in a solution of ciiljjlio m-ul , an ttii-ri Sstei Astokium took lur iobilion to tin lull of the sniijtoii. As ho piTpire-il to eutand tu * the iuti > rio3 tlio sister u itchoil ovoiy ino\o \ hoiiiaile , and hiiu'eii him the forceps niul otbor insti u nu'iits not-tied in the woiltliout \ his ha\- Inn to ask for them Wlion the homouh.iiM had boon gotten fully under contr > . In tin ) aid of the insttiiii'ints. sister As toKium had in her hands li atuies , undo i ifct-KUltiiidplopiiucl In an anti--ecplii ; solu tlon and constantly kept anhaiul by the Sis tils Noting caivfullj tlnisl/o nffhu aiter\ Ilio Sister had selected the cvart si/o ofli a turei bi-t suite 1 lor tliocaso AVIicn the attires bad been up'ilkil and the blcodin i > > r mancntly stopped , the bandages , ibo\e "t'i ' knee wore iomo\eil and the siiifuco of th wound wasirrmitod with a solution of i-ar linlic- add ami then wiped du with bj-iil.i ! ido ( in/I * The wound was then p.u-ko with iiulofotin JMU/O whleh thoSisteis hn pu'p.iii-il nnd .it hand This was ilono to amst the ooiiiof | fioin HID muscles Alter all bivtliii | > h.u ct'.isod and tlio suifiit'ont Iliooiind liivamo M'Ut-il , the handsof the suiuion anil thu .is sht. nits \voio ! i.dn washed In a solution nf i u bnllc .iclil , unit the iodofo.ua juikiui\vas ii'inined Thu skin Haps woio then bioiiKlit inio opposition uiul wore noitly and c..ro- fully buuiui ncross the end of thu amputated lotf liy uio.ins of several stilibes Sister Morrow had the needles thri'.idoditb oit'iit | suture , und hut them iii thoneidlolnliltrsheu the sin pun loac'hed tint point in the worlc wlu-ro lio.v wnre rniuiii'd 'Ilio ilnps \\r\u \ held to i Ili-st by several stitihos tnkun with a sl/ed sutuiiMind tln'ii smaller ones bi- twt'en , iouiilutclcloiintj | \ tli wound , u itb tin ) I'Xdiption of ur.\ small .ipoi tines at tlio ciirncrs vvlicie dialninir tubes were inseit * , l Tlie wound wa * then lirii utwl tlirutiKli thcso ill , lining tuhos with a solution nf cnrboln uold and the ICKWUS an'iun i.irofullyisliod and Uiiod with anti-.soentie t wt U ' ( l\ertlio Hurfiuo of the ) wound tlio suik'i'mi tliru sprinkled iodofunn and then a laver of iu.lo form Kiiu/o \ \ as Hpiuul over it. Anothi'r Injor , of blehliniilo L.MU/.O , was put on uiul nnothu of iodoform und ( .u on until thirty thltlcnujsL's had hoen niiplk-il ' 1 hen all \\ero covered with 11 sheet lo nt ) sorbent in tlio fonu of mill .sceptic cotton 'Ilio biiiKicil toilutv * . usiomplotodliv the usual application of u inbbei shoot and the rollt'i buidanes Unless unfavorable inpto.ns in.mifi'st tlieiuM'lu-s sueh wounds nro usual Iv loltlu this iiicascmont for ton days 01 t\vo weeks , but It aometiniin bicoiuiia iieiessur ) totukoit ' 1Iunit icdross thovvoumi. i'ho doctor had i-oinploti'il hi luhin-.s Tlio sb.tcis luoiilit | ; liiaclemnii.'lit drossremoved the clothing fi-tjui thouppci poithui of the pit tent's holy , am ! wilh what Iittlo lusi.st- uuco the i.itlent was nblo to 'lvu 11 i\ * tlliiii | il on llio iloati lobo llo \ \ , s tin u tliiMi t to ai.i'.it AMitd nnd 1'iMitU lull in a t IIMII atiil ooiufuit ubli bi'd , w bore < | iiir nnd ti'inUu * i ift might imlst bnii in in I'H.niiiuif tin' tritilili * sliocu und thi'pam ibat ( nut liofiilli'ii him 1'iiriii ' tliiM'utiio ( ipiiiiiioii , wliii'h liistod nbiut foitv mliiutos. jln < most caivftil cli'autl- IIIH * anil the iniMt dolli'iiti ) Ki iitliiK ami Mipri-biliill marlii'd oxciv ntephi tbooik. . " o lltl fi'i'l roinfornbii1 now ! " SHIcrMor row atiu'il unillv , as shi'turkud t bo lnM cloth * iiitf about tbo form or tbo pallenU "Vo , ma'aiii , " said NcNun , looklui , ' tbiuik- fully Into tin'fuco that bent o\ur lilm , und tlu'il , closing his i > \ IM , In * inutti'ioil "Uod hies- * the slsit'ts , ( ! uil bless thorn " li'ioin llnnd lo Mouth , .turn for. "Prom b.ind to month , " In * iwllv sinl ! : 'Jhi'ti Idsscd her b mil wlili'li ipiii-kly led lYom tlioso whltp ilttb * llniji'i * tips 'I'o oiio upon hrl'liisy lips. Sin' blushed mid tut nod ovtioinolv wet Slip dioppod bi'i * hloudoand Hbapnly ho.ul. Tin ) tint ono was a kiss \\oll \ bri-tl , The second put it In irhpsi' 1'iiiin baud to motitli. I liov in irru'd ore Hint M'.irbnl Hod , 1'or thin tin- flit inn had nn ill end , I'OIVllllt ll ( \p < I It \\l II llllll'll slnps I'o inikiM ilih iii-incinc hniiM'wartl tilpa. Hut divnns an * non , . ilif. Ihi Instead 1'roni hand to ui'iutli , "CATARRH. ' Microbe Illller Cur s ( Jitirrh--Do Not I'.ilco OuWorJ tor It , b t H-iul the Kvicloner > . Vl > \\iroliu-t lo'ii nllllotul ltli i it.irrli for mi-r tuinM yiMtf' . slit * lint it'u'UiMt in ir * Imullt fiom tin 1110 nl Itv , > nail , nit ut Vlh ruin' Mller tliiin I mm nil Uio Kini'il lt'i mo 1 iliirlnu H ill yi > 11 s .1 VI STU IIIIU Drnujltt SI , lniiili | Itiovcrnilil iiriii > ili t'i il cavi-lii'tli'r nutljifii tlon t Inn Mli rnlio Mlli-r i kimw that 11 Is in e-\iell'nl re'liicM ) fur u iliirrh I , U KN'lilllT DniL'nttt st .I.isriih In ni ) iicrtiinil kii'itrluili. ! ' Mli'iulx * kllle'r cutoj ' nlirrh .ln s nu iw M AMtlLtiint I'litinnitur lit Jiwiili | I iutr < rcil f nun c itnrrli ltrrlurliti , n yi n-t iiniluiii tri neil Iw Ihi ) in.iMl tklllt'il | ih > liluiH I jHiilMI t-i iln , Klilt-r. unit It him luni'llttf I 1110 muru III in lliunt i nils of tl ill eTpi-nileil t n < ! it-lort VVM VVAMON ll.'i l.oui't siiMt-t | .liisi'i'li ' Vtli rubn Killer cnre'il nu * nf u In t ra o nf ciitirrh II J IIOUi.V : , si , li'0ih | I stitrcro 1 for > enrfronian n rmitcil t iiml oil' tirrti I cinilil nut eel more Hum tciniontry ic'lli'f Irom any HuuriDiintlt I iinpil MU r lit- Killer s. H 111 Vl.ri' , st Jopepli Onti cnlliin nf Vllcrobo ICIItir umo inu qule-k rullt-f forinturrli I nm n. > is itulm : In wi'lflit ui.l tn nwlli Hillilll'MhU.U-i ) : llulVViinu-rSlruol Ht Ixnils I h ivotiul i nturrh fur iliiliteun yi'irs anil fur tliu pint lloTKiri I wilt imt nlthuiit lU-rrlWe-lioniliiclii ! I iln non nlIn Mild ni ) > \tik , n I illtl wlie'ii yiuiiiu anil ill fiom thau'cnf VI I , ruln > Kllli r VI U C .1 Hist lilt 2421 North llroalnii ) St l.inilH Mli rolio Killer liui lie-in ntliul mo \ < ry inucli for ratnrrti I'll Vlll I s I linrilN 271. V Tni'lftlistiuut st ] oilll VVHIII : ton i.Aiti.i : ( nu i i.vtt i uni : THE RA1)\M ) \ 3IICHOB1KILLLR : CO. , ST. JOSKPH. MO. fur Bnlo In Oinilii ly licrninn \ MtConncll 1MI DnIirnM Iviihn V. I i anil VI iM.clit "NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS ; In order to satisfy the pub lic tb.it we mean \vhat we ad vertise , 3'ou arc hereby notified that ir there is any complaint made , or people are not s.itis- fic'd with the effects of the Turkish Remedies , that is Turkish Tea , Liniment Cough Cure , Asthma Cure & Halm's Golden Dyspepsia Cure , to no tify us and return empty pack age , and we will cheerfully ic- fund the money. Respectfully yours , Tuikish Remedy Company , Omaha , Neb. RECEIVED NEW \ h t of \i ij IIin * lap nn su ( .lilli-h , „ fin f : . , ' . . InI i.rli il II nt/ Mountain i nn 11 ii- . iri.uituil I'irst 11- ili i'rs JI. 0 o.ii'b. fo al - f I , t lib. : r.inotsfiom'n.OO 31.00 \li 'nl.i ' ( ' .irdlniK , { 3 on h SIIIKCM. 1 \IMV lliu * fii white llullliin' RJi 117 South loth St. , Mix t. BLEB . , OM\II \ , NI-.II BIRDS EYE DICE I 11 luthpn mlltius BLACK DIAMOND DICE nirloaiUsI V In f 2 00 , MM , ( IW in , tt mini ixrimlr liuttliul Mln'J-IB.tl 'aln ,1:01) , lin fiiH ) l till-II tills mil ln trin I. ntwliiituir < lii > -ttiloir f.rl.iHi A , ) Inas'J Ili-Ml ) illl II I ! * aliftthiennp I hltago.llllaol * ill und hi id uill , uiilrr N. M. RUDDY OPTICIAN Jll soutli t'.tti st Ornilii Dealer in Artificial Eyes Siltu-t 10119 lent to l > ) \pruss to .ill ) liirt.'f I inI I - - 1 hii napniitthort nuil ) fttr tliu nlmrt < li - . lyitu UMI Ib- JUBimln ff CUM * tif tint wnr t kimi uml nf Ion , ; elninlii i R Imvi * IMI n cunul Iiul * t I utrntiu u ni ) Uliti lnitKi' Ihrary that \ullw n.il\N * ' itol rt i B Vhinith nN VI drtr n ittj nl ft uU nut tin tr I.iirtws | anil 1 * O atlilnHH ' ! ' . A MOUIIIII , * > l.t ) t tbl Ptiirl MM > . \ . i1iilrf ir itf nou looeefl it ui inu n nu i\ r r till thn iinn ittiiHl ( ii * I'urKi Hint prnnttMlisi UH Htif inu ) A certain t an * for tin ilitnl ) . t.it UKuukiuki I'Ltiilur tuM tin ti. ni j ! "T J | Ti'si nlialt nn-1 f- ? < 'Ufrfl THtEVrtSCHiwriiTo tn IOIMUUIIU nilttu. U in MJ Mill'l pr.KNOLlXK Cures COLDS in the lload by ono application , CATARRH in n vrry short tiino. HAY KKYEK in from } to 5 days , KARACHI * instantly , rou SAM : in AI.I , nuni < M' TN I'lep-iit'il < nlbv tin * I'lirM'I.IM Ml IHi'lM CD lliil. < rllliii-k Onnil i , I * * A DrsBett3& , Belts I'lijslcians ' , Silicons anil Specialists , UMA1IA. M U. Tin * lunst utility nii'l f i ) i.il'U Known * , InllstH In lh < > M ids 'I lull lout ! jut It'll. . It tniilliuMi skill nii'l niiix i l-nl * i"s In tin tn iilnii nl niul i llli'iif NI'M. t lir tu. itnl ' iiii'niil IH-IM-IS i nt III , th l-lllllU'llt | lllV Ml Illll- In till fllll I'lllltlllt II i ' tin illlli Ii it i-\i rv wlii'ii' I'lii-v Kiiar uiti t \ ( 'IHI'MN AMI I'd-ITlVi : C'l Itr f * Ilio a. H fill Pitt , Is of i' n I v \ letuiul tinn u 11 n ous iIN tlialfiillon In Its tr iln I'HINAII III.IIOH AM ) sKnihP.Al | MH'itlllv. I'oiiinli'tt'lv ami pptiniiiii'iitlv < m M-iivni - In uii.irv AND M\U\I. : in OltliiClilil : lu.idlly to Ibi'li slitllfiiltn t " ' ' ' 'r'l'i.r. ' * . i tMi'hA AND ur.iTAb ri. < i uu'ii-nitii'il i-iiioil without ] i iln or < liti nil AND VAItlrornu : pi n iit'iitly nnil sum s fnllv I'liii'il In i\ir i * i- svrini.iiDMHtitiii ( A. ( .i.r.K.r. sp , nialmi br i , Si'iniiiiilcnknpss \ , lost Mnnli , NUhl rtnlssliin" , Du-.iyi'il rnvultluo , Ii in i n \ \ iakinsuul all itilh itu ilKmili ri | nt nil r toiltbi-i \ | inslthil > e'liii-il , nt VM-11 s : , I film ilon il ilvii | < li > rtliiit rrsiiit fiom youi hful follli's 01 tbn i-M-i'smif iniitiinjiars. . C'l'l ) \-T \ ] T 111 ; ( til u uili'wl iii'riiuiiiP nti , O I 1\K 1 U IV L fun il , roinoMil CDiiip'-i ' w Itliout I'Uttlns eiiii'-tic-or illlut itlon. t in s olli'i'ti-il ill liniiio by p.itioiit without n n nil ill's p.iln oruiinuvaii' ' ! ' TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN niuiiiili * v\cikno : , ill-tmjIni : bnth nilinl on I boilj. vvltli nil Its ilriijili'il Ills IILTIII ini-iitly i-uieil. Ill' * HI'I IS Aibln-ss tliosp wbo lm\c Ii IJIXO. 1H > 1 IO jiiilipil thiin.i'Uos liy li > propi-r liiiliilKi'iu-ii anil Military h ihlts. win i iiiln both iiiniil anil lioil ) . untlttln them f r lii-lnr " stiKh ni niiiiiliuii MMMIU'.M Ali\ : ni tlin-,1 * pntcrliiR nu tin h.ilipv life , awareof physk il ilolllltyiileki/ ) | OUB SUCCESS s Is liasi'il np'iii f u-ts Tint I'l.ietli'.ll pxpii' ' i nep Se'u.nil I.MTJ e'nso Is spei'lnllj hluill , I tlni- , stalling rUlit Tlilnl ini'illfliii's in ' - In nut l.ibor.itiirv rxu-ily to HH t raeii i-ifo , t bus pll i-ctbiK CHIPS it bout Injiii ) Drs. Betts & Bctts , HC9DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , H E " 11 (11 ( ( IN TITUTlu. IVirllntrcntmont if nil rilUOMi- | ) v | 111,11 \ DIM VSIIS llrici" < Aipl. | in , -I rli toriulti. < in t Trusii-t - < lot ! I fti Ililii't Aipitritus fin I Itt-tn. I furitm te'stful trt-itiinnt nf t' > } f. nn tif ttu. n t ) loqulrlni ; Vte-ilit nl i r snrtflr il I n ainii-nt MS * V IIOOV1" 1-011 I'VI'lKMs limril ami Atti-nltii llt-.t Aei-iiuiiiu > ilnlliii9 , Wt st W rllti fur clrt ulirs ' Di'lunnltle'i Hint llnic-ci I rustiM I lull lictlurt tu i PI of spine , I'lle" , riitnnri , C micur Cntin llrtinililtli Inlnhtl > n Illt-etrli Itv l'iral ) < tl < I t * f y , KlttnuItlnltler i : > u I ir , s ln .mil III niul nil ftirt.li ul ipi < riillt > n < ll- ) < l A--1.-IH- > > \ | , N i suilitltii | I ! , k tit IHit- iso \\nniin re' vv liim'liti-l ) .nl.I . ; > ! iiLr In IK > | , irlinunt furVV > tnn i DurlMi : i-iinltiii-iui'nt iMrlttl > I'rH nti 1 only U I hli. Vltilltnl ln-.tllutu Mnkliit ! -peJnlty uf 1111 \ A1K HI-IIA rs vVll III" "t Dl i1i-.p * uiriw fiilljr trpiloil Mt-rtt. I n or In-truineiitt i-fiit liy mull , ir \ir08s | fotur v pnikpil no mnrln Ui Intllt Hi-ctintt'iiti or nl lint por-tnml Intirtlun pn-fi'miil L ill nml om-i i I us nr-ii'nil hlstor ) nf j.iir "i"1' mil no wlltsi'ii I 11 Iiiln nriiiii-riiiirlli | | ) < i\ l < > MISS I Klin : upnn 1' , \ HIP Sp-t I tl. r Ni > roils IH-iu iiCM. | lh < iuudtl ui IMU Atlilreo- I tti rs to Dr. A. T. McL.nughhn , President , Oth and llaiiu ) 'trei't-- , Oiu.ih i " J K , , McGREW , THE SPECIALIST. 1(5 ( Year- . ' r\iifl'iici | * . PRIVATE DISEASES turn ! In I in > il i ) n ith in tin I si i.lii-i hmir- i from iHislnoi" lint nmii nb-i Into ruro fi rtl I i I mil ill nun iMm-tllit ti tig a un-r kii.i n to un i ' fdoiiit' sVI'IIM.IS iinnrriiilctli-iiri'ln Jtni.I.M ) ( ) 1'ln * iiH.tt ii.mt-rlul ii-ino I ) jit knoun lor i | , i-i n. in-lit ii ro si UK 1 1 ItKiirpnliiln rtll , ilmtlic I In t ttnr ruri-il nt lionuUtlumt lii'lriiini'nis in ) tint in , m > piln noilllntliii ; I/ , i of M n.h.l . . , , , r VVi-ikit < ! > < < stlil ! ) rurt > . | iii.suinl r. lltif Skin illM'isi-s nn f pin ili > ilUt'iinos pi rninni'iul > t-tirt- . | lir Mit.n-n i nine's In I In- tri iliin'i.i or l'rl\nl Dlvt3aM > Ii ti luM > rltipn , piiiallml | unit lliu ( .ri'nt linn ) of imiu * It'n , lit-s friuii HIP Alliinlli to iho I'm III- ll.n.ks . nn ' I liculars lietIjullnit Irtun . ' In 4 only lull n I I Minim tirnils Oiu nil. . Sub. l.ntruiiCD un ultlii i ulrtot Jl'l on write for tllii'tiatcl jfmiiiiy pipi riiiiii | < uiiill < im ' ,0nn iiiniiirN llstuli pllti'u ' I CM i lu. liilrtit 1 1 l > ruetitn ) | 1 . . . . e-ifl fir tit liiriuttli A , itUtt i Ml ilinlln liK'k f rinon , r\ilnlnliit | ; whj tA i-nnn.it gt I i uri tltif BlHrlal pr Miltilntmlt illHitnti. m mliml rti ukini-v los.t niuili.Hul tU ; i l ( tiihiiii iiiiiiitnriil luhntit mil n inillH tif utMno r i-x , Mtt M tthli h uniti all f..t nut , rln . . , linimliu-ks nr Inn iuih ! lir. l.lflilu'o \Viiiiilt-ilnl < li-iiiiiin lit\ litItim nliir ! , H 1 | , r.i. . Immtriu , < 1 Irlal liuiilt mil frt . lir. l.ltiilif .t < < > , ini vv Mnlli mnii , KUIS.I.I oily , " in aim v mm IM ti. Ctl "FRENCH SPECIFIC ; APOSITIVC n illseasefollho URINARY ORGANS. Cures whr ro othortrcalmuntlallB FulTtiircdinns i.llh nach 1)1)110. Prlci * . one dollar See slgiMuroo ! F. . U For iinio Dy All I till I. Mills DM t lir l.tnlu. i , i i > r , , , | - lliu I 'tin. I r. uuil ) n I unlh , mi n-.li mil li > , llirn xuppli * M n lu. Ill wtliilt\ir . auu | 'i in niollKlriiulli.ii Hi , . , , , | | | . „ ! , , , ) , ) n | | , o tnktili .1 X IIIH . ,1'Kiiiin. ) Am nil i o. It.ijiiliy | , p s it'rtti ) In In i.iiiiiiliiii I , ) Miiirtuin \ Viit n Illinium nil ir I'O. nniiilia. I..V Vli'k-lior M Omulm , .M I1 Kllli , Uuuuill IlliitU. ti , orilurlo