o Ml * I 11 / \ - . . 10 THE OMAHA DAIM' H1CE : KTXIXAY. JI/VIIOII 1. I8D1.-SIXTKKN ] 'AKS. ( ) SPHGIRL NOTICES ) \ 1 I TM Ml NT * f' ' r thc-i .ilotinn will Al\ bo taken until I" . | i. n . . ( or tin * rilldi'ti. ' nii'l ' until s. I ) 11. in for Ilic edition iitnl "i Ni'AHtK. . MMMiMs CiiHh In advance. KATT1 * . AtHi'rtl rtnrtit on tlil pii. > wllll'o rhnrrrd for nt Ilic rule of ! ' cents per nl fur tin-lli t Illicit Inn. mil I cent per iiiiril fr-r nidi sol' ttniont hiM-rlli'ii , mil JI.M HIT it in1 pi r n until. No ndvertlM-nii'iil taken for iss Hum . , " , irnts fur Ilic llrst insottlon. ' , tlunlcs , sjinhnK i-tp. , rouiit each isniuword. . MMII M. ndvertfsomonis must run eiin eeil I lively nnil tinder no rlrriiiimliitiocs will HUM 11-tnki-n nr discontinued htelephone. . * 1 1 MiTI ) iidM-HMnu tn Hii so i Millions niul J lm inc llit-lr answers iiddie see lo n "twin- 11 r. il irt trr ' In i ale of 'I in lU.r u III tocelv o II nun I - - clu rk to enable I hem In got their lillcis Answers " 111 Inilcllvi n-il nnlv on I'tc-i'iiliitlon of this < licok. I'lii'Innc answers In i iivelupi propi rly addr < s cil 1.1 , advertisements Sunder the lionil of A "Spi't'lM , NnllcoR" iiri > published In both llninnrnliu ami I'tcnlna editions nf I'm : HKP , the > i In--lint Inn nf nil Irli nirmi'L'iitcs inn H-Ilia n SO.niii tuin | > r ilnlly , and chos tin- advertiser tin' l iH'lll nut only of tin- lame cliculatmn of I'm ilon In Oiii'ilm , lint also In I'liiincll llhllTi , l.lfculii mill other cities nnil i w n * In ihcwest. " BRANCH OFFICES. AilM-ill liii : fur tlirir i > o1ntiin- > will iio Inknti nn tintil I'M 11'inllllin . at tln-fullinvlnu' luisl- iu < ss lionsi M M ho nrc autliorl7i il to Inl.iinrclal iiotli-i's. nt tin8niiin rail's us i-an lut lni l at Ihn lniiln nllli r. ( of I'M OMAHA IIINCII ! 01TK'K-No O IT , ' . ' . ! N. Sln-i I. Llsler Illock. f 1lL\sr .r rUDY. Ptatlon7rs iiml I'llnter * . V tl.lsmith loth street. IJ ll. l'\IINsi\VoUTl7 , TTnirinnHsl.SliriCtiin- ' Inn stn el. \\r .1 III < ilir.sri'luirnuieist. f 3l North Ifitli t > ini t. ViIO \ \ I'AItlt , I'baimaclst , I71S LenM-tT nilll > ' I'llAUMACY. Sllh . .ml rainain. SITUATIONS WANTED. ! ' inlfK.itr. , xrrldji fi/flixf i-'ilifiniinii Oift 1KsTlt | > \ wanted hy young lady sttMiogni- pber mid typewriter. Addiess l"d ! , Hoe. Mini ' " \\rAN"riD : 1'iHlllon nt eairlniro tnmnier nt ' once. Address i:4li : lleo. Ill ) 1 * AITItST class baker wants a situation on 'hrcnil and cakes , can give reference. Ad dress A. 0. Lamiiort , Hustings , Neb. JllKS : i * AVANTIIH A slluatlon liv n young man ' ' who bus had Ihiee j eats' experience In a wholesale store and nsshlpplug clerk. Addiess C C. II. , 1'701 Douglas. list ) 1 * " J MTtTA'l ION wanted by vonni ! k > housi iniild iircoinpaiiloii ( or elderly lady Address L I. ' , lice. Mil l CJllTATION" wanted hy experienced young f ' liuly stenoi'iMpher , S'peaks liuinian nnd Dlinlsli. Ailtliesi K , . nil Jl'rr vriONanteil li\ a voiing man us ' liooKI.eepLM1 ! Kooil uifuiinue. Addio-s i : 0 llee. JIllo ii * " \\7 ANTKIl A situation as hool.Kei'iKT , oor- ' lespnnili-nt orolerK , In an ollli-e. 1 Imvo Al lefeience us to eluiiueter. Aililiossl' : tT. llee. [ HH ; i * Cl'MMKKl'IAIi hiilesiniin wnnts situation ; I'lisht > eirs : o\perlenee : eun linndle any lines best of rofrmnon gl\i-n. Aildri-ss ineK liox \Vyinoro , Null. M9I7 1 J AA ANTIili-lly a youns linly. n sltitiitlon as ' elerl , . I-\perleneo uiinieu innro tli-intlie VUKCS. Ailill ess i : _ " „ ' , lieu. MM ! " 1 Srri'A'I'lDNanteil us plintn-pilntcr : enn also nrk rlstoilte. Adihess AIIR. liiilten- feUler , Iliis.Vifi. Atluntle , la. Ms')7 ) 1 " \ V AN'I'I l > - Itiiatlnns for punil Klrls ; my ' unllliiL' Kiiinis are always full from n a m. tn r , p. m. fniiadlnn i"iiiilnyiiiimt | ollk-c , 'I14ii S inth , ToltilihoiinSM. I''l WANTED-MALE HELP. lltcxetf.f ( < it i > nftirtt > linnnon \VANTLII An active. cncrKotlo man to ' ' iiianiiL-e an olllco. Jlnst lime good rofer- encoand fiom ifl.tKUl Ioflr.l0casli. Salaiy * ltK per mouth nun luterosl In the bnslnoss. Ad dress llov 401 , HI. Louis , Mo. 114 1 "V\7ANTii : > - A painter jlo do painting and * ' pay allttlolcasb ns lli-st pavinont fora lot nnd a homo after Ids own plan. N. A. Iviihn , l.'ith and Douglas. 145 i AOKNTS Wanted nw dally guarmfcd. : New household and olllce mneltles. just lint ( ilobe Novelty Co. , 1KI ! s. Clinton street , t IdcagO. M1000 : i' "VVANTr.H Salesmen on S-ilnry or Coni- mission to handle the Now Patent Chem ical Ink Erasing Pencil. Thu cronies ! Rolling novclly over produced , r.iasps Ink thoiiiighly ) In two seconds' nn abtallun of paiier. an loB 0 per cent piullt. Ono agents' sales amounted tofii'M In s\ , dnjs ; another J.K.1 In two houis. We want one encrgello Clou- eral Agent for each state anil teriltory. s.ltll. ] ) le by iniill.1,1 els. ! < ' < ir terms , md full purtlc- nlars addiess The .Monroe I laser Manufac turing company , La Crosso. \ \ Is. li' > ; i \ , \ AN'Tiii : i\perlcncod : drummers to sol ' cheap clpars on commission only ; $ JO ti ? rt < i per week made easily ; only good men neeii apply , ami those that have a connect Ion , Ad dress 1'iu-cott , otllce U ) , 5J1 llruadvvay , New York. I ! 1 * " \\7ANTii : > Traveling salesmen to carry a side line for palut and plumbers' supply trade. Light sample. HlKcoinml-slon. btato tenItory covered , I'amoits Man'f'a Co. . . lliH ) thloa\e. ) , St. Louis. Mo. oi ) 1 ii : ) Two good coatmaki'is. Apply to'I'hco ( I stelnko , Atlantic , la. Ml Hi-4 AOKNTH. ftVtnllO per day collecting small plenties for us tocoppj and enlni-Ko , Sat isfaction guaranteed mid aJloultll free. A. Dunne \ Co. , Srt Itoadestieot Now York. \ \ H : oriT.lt agents big money hi e\eltislMi T toirlloiy. Our now patent safes sell at Bight In city or country. New agents llrst In field net nallv getting rich. Ono agent hi onu day denied * si | . So can yon. Catalogue fiee , Alpine safe company , " . ( VI-'I'l Clark stieet , < inclnnall , O. ON'i : of the best life insurance companies In c\lsienee , with ovorono million of busi ness In force In Nebraska , wishes a general agent at Lincoln. Neb , , Dos Molues , In. , and Sioux City , In. ; also local agents In all parts of Iowa ami Nebraska. I'lini easily worked. To a gontlottion of irood standing Mini ability , n good contract will bn ollcicd. former ex perience not necessary. Addies-i with refer ence i : ; ! > , iiio. injj \\7ANTr.D-Kor tlip stage , nn Intelligent young man to letirn the dram.itlit busi ness , Addiess Helta Mni-sell' : , Hr.imallc Co . North I'latte , Nub. Myii-i ( ; AdlCNTS- Now cigar-lighter ; every smoker bins ; lights In wind or rain. Cample L'tc , S for'.ie , Jl.Oii do/on by mail , stamps lal.en. Staynor X Co. , 1'rovldo.nce. ' It. I. Miitli-Mi * " \\f AN"IT.lAt once , a city salesinan , an < * earnest worker ; vvo will nay salary and expenses ; must deposit $ sOO , for use of v\-hlch \ we will secure same , or to the pinpcr 111,111 nn Inleie'st la our business If sail-factory to Mill-Moan. and tons. Addioss , | iili'l , , K oil , onto llcootllce. WJL " \\TANTr.H--A llrst class book keeper and * ' eorrespoudent , ono who has a knowledge of Kcneral hn-lness , mast he ivell iccoiiiinend- ed , to no to Colinido. Addic-- i : .11. care ol Jku' , In nun hauil wiltlii ; ; , statlnt ; saluiy c\- pcitedand KlvhiK refeccs. . Mcsu "l-MTCIIKH Wonted-Tor slaughter house -1 * and .sausage loom ; 11111-1 he willing to Ininko himself goncrally useful and under stand his business. Address K. 11 Morris X Co , , gt\lng wages e.xpuctod , I'leinont , Neb. M-sIl ! " \V ANTKI--Meehanles ) , miners , lumbermen. ' clerks. liiM > kkeepers , salesmen , farmets. laborer-nnd men In all eapaoith s lo luinu lo \ \ cstein Oregon and accent posllloiis iit moro than living wages. This is a pa it of the world not only niual to , but e\eolllnj tiny other la natural iidvnntiigus.i - Inv He coriespond- rnce fiom all who would ft el any possible In terest , nnd assure you that nil yon have to do li. ' to Investigate.io enn piovo be.v oad per- adventnreof a doubt all that we assort. Ore- gen Loan fc Tiost Co. , lis'i ' 1'lrst st. , i Porl- land , Uicgon. fcCT i ACKNTn wanted for the Maiilnit tan Life Ins. Co. to represent in all lau'o towns li the states of Nebraska and Colotado. Llber.i contracts ollerod. Address Xo. 'M and . > llet liulMlub' . ( il' < i. P. I'arlsh , nen. m's'r. for iNc briiska and Colorado , M7.I \ \ T ANTii : > Men lotrax oor oii i ' iiiirsurlcs.stonuA.WcJlliuton.MiidUoii.WJ DKri'C'Tlvns wnnted In every locnlltj to work under our Instructions. Kxperlunci not necc-sarv. Htanip for [ lurliculam. Wash Inuioa DcK'Utlt * Ajfi-uoy , llrx 7t7 , Washing tou , low ? . MittiM ! WANTED MALE HELP. 'or riir , . rle , nettit ] ) ) / < r f ruluinti o \\TANTii > Men v llh yood tefi-renee at > M troHdliaii | M'f'ufo. , lt W llownrd st. IH7MIS * _ _ _ _ _ " \\rAXTI.ii-A nod piano player. ias N."UlTi . Mull- ; i WANTED-FEMALE HELP f-Vir tiilm.rfc , , ore Inji < if fiifl niliiinii oa till * p < lic. ; \\V AXTM : D TTiTrt olhTKcn eiaPlii mTi oTlT ' ' uooil waKtH. Apply to asm I'opph'ton ivciiuc. 112-1 \ VANTIIiad : > nKciits-r NI-W-'KOOIN 23 'T splendid sellluu articles Cataknine free. I , idles Snpplj Co.,237 W. \ \ iisliliiKtnn , ( llncn.o. M'K'.I-IU ' * \\'ANTiil-lnulrls : exporloiu-ed In bindery ' vTork. Apply Monday iiHirnln. at Omana I'cpuldlcan I'rlnthiK Co. , lOlli ami Dmnlhis st reels. 11.V1 \\rANTii : ) HIM , small family. ' "JIU Seward > st. Mirtt : i \\TANTii : > -A competent woinan ( cook ) for ' k'eneral honscvvoik. MrsCh.uuhcrs , ( nil Nnilli''lth Micol. Ml 17 f * f 1 11I ! , wanted for genet. * ! hnusmvork , M" No. VI ' . ' -.th SI. MI2-i : * UTANTi ; ! ) At once. l\pcrloiiciM : noise. Mrs. L. Hall , ; crj N. lath sirool , IS ! 1 * \V ANTKI ) - - Lady cinvas-ois In sell the > D.-esljfi , n device patented for lifting nnd boldlin : the skills Addtess Illeslyfl , 111 I'rehleSt , Portland , Me. Siiintilos' . ' . " > c. Send for eln-iilar. l H I * \\T AN"l'll-A girl to oook.wash and Iron. ' ' Apply Monday mnrulng : it.l Weitbbi'llon I'lnco. 1)71 ) I * IPolt ItKN P Nlne-ioonl cottnge.uas and city water Apply to I ) . 11. Hall , siuii Hartley st. ID7 3 * r < 1IL ! ( ioed girl VMinled for small fondly , "one living at home piefeiied. : su.M ! ) Smith - III avenue. U7.'i \\7 ANTiD : Tor the Htage , an Intnlllgunt ' joiinglndy lo learn the dramatic busi ness Address llona Mat-soil's Dramatic Co . Xnilli I'latte , Neb. Jl HI.- ; ) * \V ANTIIU-OlrTut iuTlTi : oTgali\-cnno."Pc"r ' manont jilaeo. Mil 7-1 * GIHL wantoil for nene'-al housework. 'M' i H.ivenporl street. Jbs | 1 * \V ANTHD tllrl for kitchen ami laundrv work at li : H..ith.slreol. M7fO FOR RENT HOUSES. 1'iirmlfjt.rti. , * ff t < n > < > ' < > ' ' riiliimii < m thti wit. "I71OH UKN'T Houses , Hats nnd stores. New Jl list Tuesdaj , Maich il. lieorKu J. Paul. Hint ) I'aiiiaiu. Us 1 171OH Kr.N'T r.le ant H-room hou-o.'Iliiols all modern Impiovements ; eoinci .Id ami Chicago ; apply at IJtfli rnriinin st. lus-1 ' wish to rent a IKIIISQ or store sco II. I' . Cole , Contlucntal blocU' . MO KI'.NT I'-room centially located tosi- iieaees ; all modern conveniences ; the lluest in the city. W. \ [ . lloinan , rooms S mid 10 , I'len/er blk. uVi M8 | Fi' ' ! ' Ki.NT : 7-ioom IIOIISP , all eoip'onleneos , 11.11 , , , N. 17th. Innnliu IKK. 501 STKAM heated Hats at 7t > ! i S. lllth. riios. P. Hall , : I'liMon blocU. N. ' ) FOi : lliXT-- : Two ! l-room houses w Itli all mo.loin convcnli nccs and ninnle yard room , at ' . " . ' 07 anilHHI I'arnnmst. Iminlie of Will , ( i Doane. fd'i N. Y. Life bldtf , h7s-l V\n' think vvo Innu the house you wish to T lent , lliindv ' .t Co , Hill O.ipltol ave. | sin M7 _ _ _ IjlOll KKXT rourti nail 7-rooin Hats with JL hath , hot water , etc. : paved street ; near business ; all linpioviimcnts ; only J.V ) pet mo. licfoionces icnulicd. Thu Mead Investment Co. , 412 lloiihnlldlinr. r .l 1/"OI l iN'l : House of S looms , newly pa- p < > icd , on the cornel of L''lh nnd I'lanklln stiects ; soft and hyarant water In thu house. In good ii'iulr , fii pet month , Also ; , teem In Mnton block , will rent to gentle man and lady without chlldicn ; steam heat ; JL'O per mouth. Also 't stole looms In Llntou block ; Inquire at 017 Llnton block , coiner Mason and l.lth stieets John llamllu. M.r > T.s IjlOU ULN'T Small boose , with large barn , Jl or each sepaialo. 11115 California street. FOR JRENT-FURNISHEJJ ROOMS l\inatfMtle.i > tefojio/tfnit rohaiiii 1111 thin pane. HOOMb iind board. Is 'tJlTicTigo Mr.2-7 * PM5N IsllKl ) looms for ladles or gontlcinen at 111'I Leaveuivoith stieet. MKl'.i-l ' * "I71OU 1UXT : One lingo elegant JL1 finnt loom. Steam heal. Itefcieiices. Itonnl If dcslied. 17U1 Dodge .street. I "U Ur.XT A line furnished loom in modern - * ern home reasonably , viiliiiblc for one or tW'On'entlenien. Ajiply ti.'t"i Suiitli'JUth street. n-i- ri lllil'i : fin nl-lu'cl looms for llaht house- -1-keepinK. Cnllfil" Noith 17th street. MIII7 : i * IjM'UN | SID | | : mom , steam boat , east and JL south exposure. , ili to i.U r > 'JI south lilth street , Hal I ) . Mlui ; : t 1 I AN'lM.Ml-i.Y ) ) furnished fiout rooms. I I stuaiu heat , gas. bath. 711 South llllh. - < l lloor. 120-h * LflUONT rooms fmnlsTicil , 1019 Capitol ' avenue. MUlll > ' ITIOH HP.NT Pnnilslipil loom , gas , bath , hot JL1 water heat ; good location. 21'J S. 2."ilh st. ! )70 ) 1/011 UK.NT Nicely fin nlshed sliiglii front 1room , l-lti Clile-iiKO si rent. MHOII li * IjlKONT mom furnished for mill , on gioiind lloor In private bouse. Convenient to all car lines and down town , Mill Howard slice ) . MHiit : , " \n\VljY : I'lirnlsliuil Itooms with gas , bath , ' hot and cold water , tieutluiucn only , "ill . * . Iflth , tint l > . Maili' ) KOOMcottauc. nlcclv funiKhcd , for llcht JhonseUeepliit ! , JI'J per month. City and els- leinwnter. < 'all nt 2'UI Jlec.it ir. M0it-li : IjICI ! ItKNTSinornl desirable moms , first Jland second lloor. flouting Podse street. At the Met i lam. MM..i-l IjlOIt Ur.N'T l.ane furnished room for ? " , to two yoiinz men , Swedes prefencd. .lolin- snn , 411 N ' . " 'd. tis l fjMlU KKNTl.ai - o , neatl JL with modern lonvenlencei , private fanillv. 1701 L.-avenvvoith st. tliltd lloor. s , ' | \t : IM\ : I'm n IsheilToom 1 n Tnod' ' eTr M7H4 m : Jl * FOlt KKXT 3 rooms , ono lloor , 171" Jackson stieet. JI-JIO 1j"OH lUINT 2 cli'sunt ll-ioom liousios. . WS nnil 2110 Douglas st. Kndinro of A. A tihi-lslone. , KI1U Douglas - , ( . , or Clloho Loan .V 'J'l list Co , . , ? S IClh .st , ' . ' 70 I71O1 ! Ur.NT .s'cvon-room coltace , cor. 1Mb JL ave and Cap. ave. IminiroilUS Dodsc. Ms'ii X'll'K loom' . , steam heat , 1710 Davonpoit st 1 > 4b Ma SMALL room , 17UI Caplto' avo. 101 KKXT Nicely fm untied loom fur tun - tKent lemon or married couple. , il'.un. rial ILJKIj Ihtli st. I'all after 2 p. m. M471M1I NKW1Y furnished rooms , all neitk-rn con veniences. 212 N , 17th. .KM M7 * li Olt KKNT-rionl room with alcove. curt'inis JL mantel , heat , t-'u-.liatli. 'closets , for 2 KCII- tlomon nr man mid wife , JKXOU pur month 2U-.s'4th st. TGI 1/OH IMIN'T-Twenty-llvn rooms inabilek JL block ; peed local Ion ; with or without fur- iiltnie. O. I' . Davis l o , , 1V rarnam st. 2-,1tM-'C t"T. CLAIK iuropean : hotel , with dlnlnc 'loom , steam heat In all roon.s , inth and liiidi-'C. Spoi-lal tales bj week or month , 10 | j OU Kl.NT1'urnlshcd i'Hni& ) , ias batn and JL1 hteam , Mill llovvanl. bIJ irilH Kl.NT KUHI front alcove loom at the JU Merrl.im. M : iJ FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED t\tr rate * , tie. , Kcelnj ) olrccolumn on i "IjAUK HKXT-J rooms , iinfurnishcO , for .1. honscktentn , ' , Mb N. l.lth Hi , prloo. J .OO. 703 PATENT SOLICITORS. l'orrate , tte. , ffc tnfi nf first nmmii on tlitt jni/e. ( 1" > ATKNT lawyers and sollultor.s. ( ! . W. Hues A Co..lco bullUliiB.Diiiiilin. H ranch ollleu at , I ) , C. Consultation freu b7. > PAWNBROKERS. For i tit f * fir. , hwlnji offlitl column ou tlif * ) ) iie ( , 17 > lir.n MoliIoJoana money on diamonds ami JL ; % tehi'ilevvcny , etc. a o cor.l'aiauiu & llth bit FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. / ' i mli * , tie , ri flnji o/nitf r.ilumii mi f/i . . fuiilsl , i r > ni , wUb bnaril. an t Nlrl.I.Y * Ml.v , 7' AVr.KYple-isani rnom for two. with board , ill the Mii'ltoli. ld | Sonlh 2.11 lutlocl. ' R tHi.M nail board for I vvo. IA.M p'i ' week. In prlMile ln-iHo , atlll Ilniney St , Mioi'-l' Mll ) KI'.M' 3 nicety fiinii'lied looms with ! > nmll slceplut ! loom , w llh hoaid,17o7 Doilite. ' I iill HUNT Two rilua 'int moms with JL hoard , furnace ho.il and KIIS , at Ml south .T > th nvi'iiui' M-iil 4 * ) \SANT fiom loom nultabk > . for two , with K' ' M | bond ; also a room mate fora yonui ; man 4oi : N. lUlh st. lull * GOOli board alul room for " , ! 5 per week. ' ' . SMI' 'IWK'I llarne\ _ _ _ _ l ult Itr.VPL'idy wlsltes roomniato. wllli I1 bo.iul , IV.'l D.ivenpoilst , 701 KOO.Mt- boanl , rcasmnihlc prices , lid Dode ( _ _ _ 7' ' " ! ! ! Jjloll Kr.M' A Inrj- Iliiely furnished room with hoard , to a man aim wife The most pleas ml purl of city and private fatull.v : no other hoiirdets ; references. Address 1147 , ien.HI FOH HtNT-STORES & Ot-FICES. , rti.f > rli > ii nl Nrsf nilivnli mi f/iln / ) ) Ijioll KI'.NT stoio riHim. 20\77. In new Clow- r > bnllilltiK on Chlca o street , | u t west of ll'.lh si icet , s.ii.iiOpi run mill. Includlmgstoam boat and city water ; nl-o bisemenl suitable for shop , on corner Hith and Chicago slroetN tSi'M ' per month. Itobuits , 402 North Hith. Ms-Mai | | _ DKSK room for tenl. ICmiulie of tin-Star Loan .t Trust Co. , 1st lloor , N. Y. Life hlilR. MHI 1 CIIOICi : desk room foi rent on enninil lloor , inudeiate n-ntiil , HiJ7 I'ainani stieet. M sM-M ; _ PH ) KP.N'T I'uit nf business bnlldlni'l-'IN I'liinani stiuct. eonslsilnir of stotn and nppui lloor with ( illlco rooms. In ulro of John II. K. Lehinaan , i < 2l S , 17th Mticet. M1I8 WTOHl s"at 70nS. inth. steam heat furnished. . 1'bos. I' . Hall , ll I'avton blk. M ? l r..NT Tl 1 oi without povver.fnininily occupied hy the Hoc Publishing Co. , Dili ( 'amain st. The build ing has a llrcproof cement iiasemenl.complete steam heal I n ; ; liuutcs , wntcr on all I he Hoots , gas. olc. Apply ul thoolilcoof The Boo. tl ) > IliXTOr : wile , my building on Jones ! FLU st , , bet luth .1 llth. i.A.llmhiilstilbS.i.th ; ] : 14S jlOK ltKN'T--lliIt-It stories - - warehouse , two - high , h'isoinciit , hydraulic olcvntor , track- -o ; host location In city. A. C. I'oweli. SMO FOR lorralciitle. , urc loji otjint rii/iiinn / nn ttilt i TilOlt HiN ; 1' -tJoii JL ? riik-iiKiistiepl IT'l.rVFN aeres. lioine. lane linrn near Ci'ii- Jl tial I'm I , fortiiril 'ii ' , attil St. Mary's nvo. IMS _ " WANTED TO RENT. } ' < > riittCKrli. . nn litji nf flr-if roliiiniinit tliti ) ) ( ic. ( ; \\\N'rili"Two ! i.r throe roumi p.'irlly tut- t t iiNln-il foi llghl liniiiivlki't'tiliig. AI ( < lri- < K 4" . llet- . 151 1 * \\'AN"rr.l , ) Aiifll 1 or l.'i. all or lii-ronm rus- Idi'iiiT. All ii-oilciii eoiivi'iiiein-us. Ni'ar liusliiess. II. lleaiiNnii , (1-0 ( South 2)tli ) , MMIMi -To ii-nt a fiirin with house niul sto.-l > liv an expeilenoeil iniin with small family. Aililrujsl' . ricdurlcicsoiii lO'Jd N.IHIi htrert. 18J 1 * WAN'lTIi A bouse of about ten rooms , well linlit. modem Improvements ili'sli- alilyliH'alnd.ltli u Inuii ; mil In a row. Any one hiiIn such a liou-e to runt adilri'ss IJooni IT , ( li-iinlii-r I'oinini-ire. MTi \\'ANTI'.D Toionl an S to I'-rooiii hnilse ; ' all iiHMlerni'on\cnleiii-es and i oiiMMiliMit to liiislnessIHniakeloiMloasi \ - . Aildre-- * J Ii. llrntnlels , Oinnb.i. M > 7 . * > VTI ANTKI ) ( jnod piano by an advanced TI hliiiliint nt nioilerntu rent. Kefi'reiiee ftlM-n. M. D. lr , Allen. UaniKo lilk.KVl _ 1 * \\7ANTr.D To rout , by April 1 , (1 ( orb room liiiiisu , nioilerii. Addiuss Sia Doiliie. M7M ) JI'JS * RENTAL AGtNCY. Km rates , ttr. , fee toi } nr fttln'lumnnn tlitt | xj/ . "IJKXTAIi Apoiit Oeo. .1. I'aul , IfiOll I'nrnum -I'stieot , muKiis siieel'ilty of routing houses. stores , utc , and rolioetliiK u-nts , M.vi" ts houses and mores to unit ? I l TI lots of oiistnmors , .1. II. 1'airottu's till Ajsi'iiej. HltluyMMIoilco , _ _ jiT H. i : . UUMlontal aSL'iicy.Coiitlnoiital blk. 840 IIsT voiir houses to sell or rent with C. I' . -Jllarri-oii , ni'J N. Y. Llfo. Ml bTORAGt. I'irnitcx , cfr.Ni < ! tuj ) ntjlrst roliorjn nn l/if / < p yr. BKs'P trnekaso anil storage Imlldini ; In Omaha , ITiiileil Mates goveiunieiil bonded w'irehoiise. llmisi'liolil goods stoicd and oaied for.- Lowest lates guaruntcetl. W. M. Hush- man , luill-llll , " ) Lcavenvvorth , 'Jtl'i CiIIIIAI'K.sT and best stortigo for fnialtnre. 1 \\ells. 1111 I'nrnam slrcot. .M'tlI ' in " ? C ) RDLN GZ.I h'ornttfH.rtr. . xrifrijHif ftrxf nilinnii on tliti 7)111/1- / . A \rANTLI ) ,1 young gentlumcn boaider- ; T i ( list class board very cheap. Davlcs llio. , 1Mb and Chicago. Mnss-ri V\7 ANTI'.D A few tablu boardoi-i at LMKi IT DniiKlas. MI : ; l HhRbONALS. Kiirxifcx.ffi' . . Kreoiii//frnrnliiinii ( ] ( rm tilt * iwg \WANT lo IIIIMI ndopted-A Inlclit. laiiKiilns hoi baby. Call at IJJl'J ' Hint stii-et , imar J'th. ' ! )77-l * _ LADY wNhcs to eoirespnne with nlcu le- specliiblu Ki-'ntk'ni in orw Idowi r ; onii fond of luiisle , undei 4 > . No. 110. ' tilth and \ \ Illlnms , up stalls. ! W7 1 * I ) Kl-NAI ; , 1'iaiik. yotiis'JGiecelveil , I bL-nt " .SO" mo 4.iKo1"tatli. , "A" T"i : N" lit "It. " Will send "S 0" " ! ' I1" aiMiut.Mh. " .I. " u.S v'J\ M jawi 1)iiaON'AI.-A ! KiMitli'iiitin , strunuor In Omaha , deshos aeiiiuilnlaiien nf a ndddlu iiKi-il lady , not mercenary Inclined. Addu > ss , ( ' . 0 l/.eare Iteeotlk'e. Jl'.llfi ' , > * I3OVS and lilrls I'orros'.oiiil and many ; J Jseali'il p.irtli'iiiurs froo. Address lock Imx K > , .Mount I'arioll , III. M'.m.s-l ' * LOST l < 'tii'ri < tcKcti'fccti > it f flrsi culninn nnilt < / jidtfo. "I ( ) sTOn train between llellcuio niul Oina- -I J ha. 01 on ear bi't ' een depnt anil llth street , a ladles iiold wak-h , with namn en- liiaM-d on Insldo of casu : llndur111 \ loeului lOHiuil by notlfylnt ; C. M. Hunt , So , Onialia. lin-i * TAKEN UP. / "ni ldrxitc.ttt ( Injtnf flinttnlman nil l/ilx / } > ( ( / ( ' . rilAKKX I'p Itoan puny dior-e' ' with halter J. on. Apply HiO'i N. ttJihsi. MIMa * FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. ! * , fir. , MYfnjiu/fliHf coin 111 ii onif ( / < . . . . SALi : I'urnltuio la 7-ioom bouse ; house for rent ; opp. Iliiiisctnii pnrk , north. All nioilern \onlonccs. . KniUliu | Lee X Nlchol , Jsh | mid lca\enwoilh. M-i. ' . ' I [ Will HAlilV Showcnsps , wall discs , table- , desk , line slieplo showcase , elg.ir llgnic , stove , etc. , cheap at cigar store , IKa ) I'arn.im street. | , Vil l t'lt ' S\Li : ruinlturo of fi looms chuap. JL Miist leave Dniaha. Address I , .V ) , llee.l.r.l l.r.l I * "IJIOU s-ALi : At private sale , fuinllurn and 1. slovi-s. JU.'OSl. .M'iry'H aven\io. 114-s * "IPOlt SAI.r-SI\-room collage for lonl , and JL' furniture for sale , on motor lino. l"ii : N. 17th St. MU'h-3 EI.rciAXT mnv furniture of 7 room lint ; cheap for cash : rooms idl full. Address K a , lleo olllce. Jt.Vi-1 * FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. i\irrdtct , f/i' / . , t ( upci/ Jiff I column nn ( M.I'lijc. / . TT lXn eafrlngo team , black , Victoria , * - harness , tui-i.vllilii , , ' uomplotei oat hor-t , naihllo or humuss. Maud tire. Uoail- WIIKOII ( Mia | > soir.s ) . 1'lano iKImbull's ) . Cash , cilicup. Major lint lor , Port Omaha or t'hailus liutler. l l I'araani. M DW a * 171INK new cutter fur salu uhej | > . I'all at J-1 Xo. liaSottllli itvu I'M ' ! "IjlOH SALE Ulnmp , WIIKOII and double work -L luiriH'SH , or will I'M-liiiiiL-d fur tin < k loan ) , nUncuod Idubir Initfiiy , cliuiii. | 11.11. C'ole. Cuiitini'nlal building w FOR SALE-rrVtT CtULANHOUS , / 'IK nifrt. rlf . ttfttfyuf nut rutumimn Hi tip tyt . . i t 1 < M' of slielIni ; . i.cia nieix , show cnvi. i'te , Jfoi sale client ) . 4,1' . Hliitfcr , l.Mu raining i'/OU s\ll-.t'aliiu\l : | Mipor bath iiiltahlo ' for IIISIHU | | | M lOtliiiru Isi' . Aiply | OMT ( IMS. I ( . ' [ [ -IMH.eoHirlckfit .iUi bT.M. lltuhit A Sun. I CouniMI Illiuls. , Mill-It s'Al.r s't , nniosttrn\ limirniiienls , in < ten \oliiincs Inlest stall- ilitnl luc-il it-ill beokM.t new tun medli'.tl bit- ti lies , Inlf jiMi-c. i ( i , If MU1 ) lit OIH'O. llo.x IHII. Hieimndonli. l.i. , , HI 1 * Hourly uo\v. \ Aodrosi A. j.i'-ivoin , man boanl ti listens , I'tlea , Neb , Correstiond- etico solicited. MllXl-i : 1/IOtl SAM : -A < > lnniUnl inaUc m > iUht -L lilniio. lull llttluiiseil. at n s.terllli'i' . Must 1)0 sold at once , t Ml at Stll ) raldwell _ _ | WI l lUiiirk-l. : . JK.tWticr rhouaiul. O. lVoml l > - JL1 wotth , I.M-J liouRliis St. _ JO "l/inl ? SAI.r. i'lnnn , JinT curtain desU , m J _ and looks l.VJl .sierinunuva | " _ _ _ 4.IS ir < ) | { SAIr-t.'oiiiplete" M-t of ilrilK < lotu Hx- Jlurcfl , dhow eases et.I' . . ( . ) . loTO. ! . K\ 17IOK ! > A I.ir-An A lliren ioof safo. Knqnlro J' at Huston Mine. M'iri ' _ " WANTED TO BUY. /'in riilfi , rfr. , Kf fopoMc.ilrodimnoM fif.sMf. / \ \ . 'AAN"l'ii : > A lot for cash : must bo near ' ' onr line and a hairain. ( Addiess P. ) . llo\ 20.\0nmlm. M12I-'J UJV'O wnith of personal property for Hist pay- 'Pmont on a lot or small house and olot , . w. llutohlnsoii .VWuail , I.V.'l Douglas l)73 ) _ \\TI LL IKIV cash fur emilty In a dcslt-iiblc 7 * ' or S room liousi ) with niodorn Impiove- tnents ; must he u Illiln the two mile circle and a-nio baigain. ( live location and all par ticulars , Addiess , K-.N. Hoe. MMtl 1 * IIIA Yi : a spot < ' , ish mstoiiipr for a good farm within foilv miles of Oniahn. Hilly laud not wanted.V. . 1' . llailou , 7''lN' . " . Life bldg. Mli'JIIf * l\rAN"nD-Slngle : , Hal lop ( dttllig desk. I'ldl stlmmel. ill ! .loiics. Mill IjiritNTiTHi : bought , sold , stored , \\clls. \ 1 llti I ainnm st. s-J a on 1/if.s / 1111(11- ( . . .12 "Oninh'i Callsthemitm" for physical J culture , high art evpresslon hi Kngllsh and Inslriicliou In Spanish will ho opened sumo time thin week In Shecly block. Duo nollco will boglvoii. li'O 1 * Ij'OIl SALT or TraduComplete Hit plumb er's tools , vices , olc. , for horse , biiKgy or tvpuwrltur. W llroadway , Council HindsMH7t MH7-t : Al AKIIIACK ! Man-Intro1 Ailthosclnelhi"d i'l to marry tuny apply coiillilentlally to "Meiciir.1 Past bill sircot. N'u\v York. Tor Iiifnrniation 'Jflc stamps required. llTi-I * ATTHXTION l.aillus mull ' < stamp for siale < l Instrnctliins forenlaieliiK > our bust 0 Inches usiiu ICiniii.i bustdovelopor , i.Miarin- teed 21-pn e Illnalrati'd citalo : > ; nu for lie. Kniina Tollut Hii/.ai , U\'l Tremoiit Ml. , llosliin. Jhlss. ! ISI 1 * JADIKS -M'nil Uci'iit stamp f r tcsllmonl.iN ' anil painphletsdeserlbiiiK Dr. Kirk Wood's Invention Ot vital linptutancc to every lady. Agents Klrkwood Hard Itnbbcr Co. , Murphy hulldln , ' . Mm 1'rancNco , Cal. ! i7s-i * IJAMlXKHS lioxltlvuly cured. No mlstaUo JJ about it , Send for ilcscrlpll\iiclictiliir. Address "Antl-ltnld , " nojl , D.iveniioi't , In. SUM Done lmInsf a Rood set double en harness CMII Kel il splendid iraile for them If they salt me. I .ilhii wish to trade for a line doahle-bariellod shot nun. Addiess. K7 , llee. MSHI l * _ _ ' ' M AHA city auction Co. . iiiS ! : l''tli St. 'hays' soils , niovus and stores fnriiltiiro , uto. - " \l As-JAOK trcutinoiit. elect in-thermal baths. Jil scalp and hair treatment , niiiiilcu re and vlilropnillst. Mrs.l'ost.IO'i : ! ' S. 15thVlthnell Idk ULAlKVOYANT , ttr.sec fujioftnl column onl/ifs / ) id/c. ( "IWISDOM Is power Arrival extraoidlnnry T of the \\nild's niott famous mo Hum , Mis. Dr. I' . I/ . Mull , of Itiitlf.li fame , Icuona as the child iiiedlumiif Uemain not In darlviiess and IKIIOUH-O : ; hut seek yo the llht of Knowledau and learn what the mystorlmis fnturo holds fortli for you , I.lku .v t'richt meteor Hiishlns across the darkunud > Uy , tills liillllaiit lit tin medium finni across tnu octiiiii ( alls In vour mlcl1to ! dispel the heavy Kliiom and bitter woo from the thnusaniUof bllKhtent-d huartH. Do not allow sKi'ptlclsni or silly religions sci uples to stand In your way. Mix Dr. I. I , . Hall Is the HlstlNRUislicil. world famed and only natural trance chili - voyaiit and spirit medium In tins country ; seventh daiiunli-r of thu sinciuh danqliter. burn with veil and uiuatest pionhetlc Kill of second nielli ; hdu entranced \\lll ii-M'al every hidden mysterv In life ; has been III-D- nounced In Kiirotu ! unfl America the greatest living wonderof the ( iicscnt ace ; iindcrstamK the .science of the "I'ei'slan and llniiloomnu'ic , " oranclent cliariii-wnrlvlni ! , and prepares i : yp- tl.'in talismans which w HI overcome jonr ene mies , remove family troubles , lestou'loil af fect inns , iriiki ! inuirliif. ! ' n lib Hie oni'ynti luve no f.illnie ; lemoM' o11 Inllnence- . . bad hab its ; cures witchery , Ills and nil IOIIK standing ; and m > stei ions diseases ; will ( jive eon eel In formation on law-alts , sickness , death , dl- vou-es , absent friends , everything ; iinverfall- Ini ; advlcu to vouni ; men on niarrlnuc and how tochooic a wife for happlncsi , and what busi ness best adapted for speedy riches ; Mock speculation a sjn-i-lalty ; recovers lint , stolen > > r bulled pioporty ; li.c.ttes treasure- , and nilncr-ils ; nlsiiKlvus Indl-pensihlo ad vice to yiiiinj ; Indies on lovn. courtslilii and marrhme. If your lever Is triieor N falso. The mysteri ous nnd succc-sfnl manner In which she treats matters of the ntmo-it nbscutlty lias KM-II ! such univcr-ul sitll-factlun that her name has hicoino a proverb In tbousaiids of hoasehnidK inado happy by herald and advice. The f.icl that hiic has a standing challpno of flO.tXii ) to any medlnnilio can eiinal her In her marvelous rnvelatlons is sntllclnnt evidence that sin ) stands today with out an ciinil | In her line or busi ness. Madnine wl-hus it tboroiiRhly understood - stood that she Is the only bona tide se\entb dan ltlr ! of M'xouth daughter of the pro-cut asiu and adveitlse- . not hint ; but v\hatsbecan do nnd would not bo classed with the many cheap prctonlcr-t found in every city All who ale In tumble , who-e fond hopes lia\o hcun blncitud , who have been deceived nnd dl-appolnted lliKHio'li false picdlcllons of otheis , liefoiuKlvlui ; up to de-nalr aiu Invited tocall and 1 o coiulnced of llio true stuto- muntsof tbo above without delay. Madame ooavlnces the most skeptical , as II Is u null l.nmvn fact thioimhoiit the world slneu Iho dnvs of ancient witchery that only n seventh daiiKhtm' bom with acll can icvual the fat u re correctly. Hum- a. in. tort p. m. , strict. IVrfect satisfaction u'liaranleed hy m.ill. > i'iiil stamp for Illustrated clicularvlthapc \ - Cl.ll KM Ills. Mis. Dr. I' . U Hull , ; KJ.N. IStlistreet. Omaha , Xcb. Xcb.N. It , A London pajier , which champions- Mis. llr. I' . Hull , has the following tosai : "It seems dilllcull to lmatln" that : i peison sovell l.i n mil as Mis. llr. Hall N , could be counti'ifeltcd , but she Is MIIIIU of the most Inn/oil pieces of Impudence ever conceived. Some pur-ons , more Knave than fool , tal > ln advantuKO of M'IIall's IOIIK stay In London , have been trying to ilecehetbe | n > iipleof Ainerlcii Ith the preten-e that they are Mrs Hi. Mai' ' . This would MOI he asdltlleiilt asllrst Imagined , as Mis. Hall N Known only In the I nlled Mates by iiMififatlon. and thus many niirht tumid con-nil.titii1 of these unpilnei- pah'il Imltatoi-- . and 41 ; away with I lie in.pri's- . hlun that she was HRi * < hc rest of t neso.fnlled tianeo Mediums , aiidblniplv unnderliiK IHIVN she cimid h.ivr ualtivd.hurn\alted icputallon. " 1 he-e people nctiililly had llio audaeltj to iiiote | la their hills , ahrt advertlsementrt sev- er.il nf the pioss putk-es which liu\t > been ( iM'ii our dlstliiKnlsheil Child-Medium , and Hie lliiKr.int unaveiv to netiially publish , us though It were sneildug of them. Ihii sierlal cntiiiiiemliitiir ) It'ltur of 1) . A. Cromwell of IMIiihmg. Not only hils her name boon iop- led , blither adMirtriomoiits and piossi notices have hoiyi lopled from all sides In America liv people who are not only too Ig norant to wrltu iltlvvitlsoiucnlri for them selves , hut who hafuniitscnsccnough to loal- I/e crime In Ilieft. 1tS lH IIUMI been tiikon to Hud out to what cut-lit the Ameilcnn laws will nllow nnirliiclpctt | ) ) icople totiado upon a lopiitatlon gained fry years of honest toll. " Ut 1' T-1 I know your fuliiru goto Mrs. stover , lOfi } , - : Illh street'Id lloor. Mils' " " ! \I US. WALLACi : , olnli voyiint ; inn ur.illy -i'l Klfled ; tells past and fuc.urelovetronblos , ahsonl [ ilunds , i-hauges , travel , bubhicss. liMs rarnam st. MUVIMI * MltS. TOUT , palmist fortnim teller In llio Uypsy. way friiin the lines of the hand ; fee , * l ; ladloHonly Klfi N. 17th st. | 5T > m I'J * - M ASsAlJi ; Mnilani DuUlur. ovurOli ) S. nth. M Kil-Mir \ ] Its. N'annlu Y. Wai ron , elnirvoyaut , trance i'l Hpeaklng , writing and udlable biislresH niedliim , four yours In ( lin.ihii. Ill' ' N. Itllh hill MAStjAGfc , BATMS'hTC. rurrntlfite , , cis tnuofflitt roliliiin cut ( /ifx / jmyc. \l ASsAlti : hntli at M lulu mo smith's parlors. 111 ; ! , ! Hour. 4'D S. 1Mb st. ir.'J ' ( i * ASSAlil.MadaiiUclrlur. . ever OlUh' nth M lUI-MU * MONEY TO LOAN. I'm ralrf , rli , rn M | > of flrif rulimi i nil f/il / pnyi- MOM to to in by II. 1 ° . Miistilrson ch.ittol and collateral scoiirltlo'i fur a in tlnu'from 1 t -7 months , In anv annum t In suit bor- lourr. I.onus nuido on household k'nixK pianos , or gans , hoi-sot , iniilos. huiisos , lii.isos.warolionso rccclitsi'c..al | | the lovvist iiu-slMn rates lib- out publicity or ietnov.ll . of mopcity. My loans are so arranged that you oaiimakii n pnymoiil of an ) amouiil at any lime and ic- dncolmth prlnclp.il and Interest. If you o ( i a balance on jour propcily or have i loan .von ant cbaiiKi'd.l will pa ) 11 nlT nnd curry ilforynn. If you llnd It. ninnu'oii' venlcnt , call tip tulepliune No. ttJJI and your business will be HI ranged at home. Money idnnysnn hand. No ilolny. No pub- llclly , Lowest rates. II. 1 Maslcrs. Hooni \Vlthncll blk.ir < thiiml Ihirnoy ! tnoti nrlale money tnto'inun i-calesliile. 1' I' . llliiKcr , I.Mn riiriiiini. MIW- $ ( l.uil ) In loan on lltsl iiiorUnKe ; apply nl iU" : ' r.nnamst. 107-1 IfASTKHX iimnev ( lilt edaed Imlde loans 1 w iinlcd. Philadelphia Murmau'e nnil rrii9tCo.l. ( W. P , Cnalcsiep. Tlliiatd of I'rade. I1.1-- ! ! ) ! ! ! MOSKY lo lo'in- Applications for loans on choice Insldo Inipiuved properly , wnntcd. ( leorce.l. Paul , inw rarnain slreet. IIS I Dr.MKAIILt' : IH.T.IIH placed without anv trouble. A. K. Kllcy , loom 11 , Continental block. M7.VI m'il KKAl. IMale Luans-M. tl. Macleod. UP. N , V Llfo building. 7ul M'.M MDMCV to loan on real est'ito ; lovvosl rates. ( . .1. Cnswell , Hill N'V. _ Life. ' . " -'O-'MU / 1IIA'ITlibank : , IIIOS. IMhsl. , loani moneys \-s unoliatli'ls 01 collatlci al al reasonablurates S.M ) Ij lllsl'econil mortgnges on vacant A , Im- L proven city ptop. County wanauls Inniuhl Mime ) on bund , P. M. IMchardson.si.s N.Y.LIfc , ( Mil 1 > 11ILIINO loans. 0 to 7 per cent : no adtll- Uthmal charges fur com mis-Ion ur attornev's fees. W. II , Melkle , 1'lrst National bank blilg. ' . Kslali' l.iKitis-Cnsli on linnil. ( ilobu Kl'.AL Loan and Tiu-t fo. , : i ; S Ifitli si , Nodelay , no extra charges. Houses tn tunt ) good list.bOI bOI Cl' .t C. M. Anthony. : iis N. Y. Life build- Ing. lend money on fauns In choice coun ties In Nebraska and lovvn , al-o on good Omaha residence propcity ; low est ru'es ; best terms ; no delay ! nmmiy ready. Titles and values passed onheie. Ho MUMCY to loan on hnpioved elly ptoperty at current lull's ; fnuiLson hand ; iiodclay. Oeo. P. illust .ICo--JAlUaniRO bldu. MMI7 13IUVATE money tolOinT ! J. 1).Ittlo. ) . flli L N. V. Llfo. Mil4 : MONI2Y loaned on fni-nlluro , hor-ci , utc , lliiwkcyo Inv.l'o.UIDotiKliis lilk.IO . .tDodgoM'J M'J ' FOR EXCHANGE. Forntfiw , fir , , xrcdiji n ] fist riiliiinii oir f/i / ( * jxii/c / , 120 acies land near DCS Mulnes. Iowa , clear ' for . -onie pii id acre proinilv.lllpay \ SDIIH- 1'nsli. I' , r. KIiici'r.J.'illM'urmiiii. 1V.I - . " DIM'U stiiie. stoi-lc mill lUturi-s to oxchaiue for cnttle or liurses. sn acies nice land near lai ( 'e NebrisKn lovn tooxclmtmo for cons or ineiiliaiidl-e. i\cellent : iiiarlor | suction to tiadu for stock. Address UoMVI , Hairier , Neb. M 14i : i. " ITtOlt KXt'llAXIiK-looili.roiinnoltiii0 ( : ! and 1- ham , for clear ully lots. 1 , . -Klnin'r. ' . Hill I'urnmn street. .M10.VJ ' \rihLlXr.UV-Stoc.K for tratiu , sonic cash , lil-biihtiicelii cnoil Oiunh'i property , timid town near Dniulia , Komi trade , clean stuck. Invoice flr > K ) to il.b'ju. ' Inquire It ll.i'untliifn- tal block. \l ! s ; > - , ' XWAXTKD Tncxi.-liaii4 iiili'o ensv plniton i T and muid. stionu baby carriage foiilonlde seated buntry or good piano Addles- , Ills live Ills I ! \VANTii : > 1,000 to5OlK ) sln-ep in o\cliaii'e ) IT for Mlisourl land. Box .117 , Ncvndn , In. M'MO ' V V\7 AXTTD (5ood stock othanlvvaieor nea- i T eiul nierchandlsi ] for good land anil cnsl , or hoii-o and lot In Lincoln , Not ) . Aildifss I ) 4 , I tec. 0-0 1' $ I.UW nieri-liandlso for Omalri iiruncrlv llutchln-on & U'ead. IM4 lnti ) l.is. ! l7i'S \\rAXTii : ) -A residence for a cloau driis IT stock , building and binliie . Mucks nf goods for money and lands , borne Oinah.i acres for clear faiius. J. li L'nrtoljuu. 40 Chamber ot Commerce. MNKI Y\7ANTii : ) Tn trinlu for u stock of limes , VV Ilo\-51i city. fco riTolXrilAXGi--A : flrst-cl-iss map of Oina. Jha for k-ttor press , i : is , lte ( otlk-o. MEW \A7AXTr.D c'Te.ir land la cxclmnuo for hT- i T sklo vuciint lots. AddH'-s 1CII ) . Hoc. k'M 1 WANTIUl r > tu'-0 acres In e\cli.in o for In- side Miuant lots , valued at fjo.owi. Stai I.iiiuux Tuist fo. , 1st lloor , S. V. Life bldir. WT. have rental nropeity worth 11 ,0) ) uilncliii ; JlOJa inontli , i-lenr of Incinob- raiicc , for which we will take half cash ami balance la trade , Mriusor & IViiny. Darker block j | 120 acres line farm lamS adjolnhi4001 ! I\u- lirnsKii town ; nearly eloai. injneiisllnoly Improved hind 2'J ' milefron county seat In Nebraska ; lightly cnoiimlioroij , ] 2Uierc : > sBnii < l land hiNobr.iska . , imllo-ifrom county soul : 'J"iMlnh.ililtixnt- . House nnil lot In town In lumsas ; clear. Clear lot in Rood Nebraska town , 1-nnmi hiniso and lot. bam , uclland clstorn. Iflth street. Omali.i ; slUhtly cneuinhuied ; will trade forOmahn propcily and asMiineeiicnin- brances. II. K. l'ok > , Cnntlnoutal block. ' . ) V\/r. nave lininnved and iinlmpruveil Oinaha IT real estate for ti.ide , or will sidl for cash at just about half Its value. Seine ulcehouses , Hood v.ici-nt lots , and snmo of thu best down town property. Stringer .V , I'eiiuy , Itarkci lilk , sn KXC1IXiKlM ( ( > < 1 Improved Dniaha pioperty for ck-ir Iowa and eastern Ne braska farms ; clear lots , hor-ps nnd c-ittle foi stocks of meruhanillbc.V. . li. lloiuan. IDOIII- Sjaud 10 , rie.ii/.erblk. ( M Mia I WILT. Irado n KOOI ! ck-ir lot In Armour riiu'c , Huiith Umaha , and taUegooddrlvhi' horse and buKKy as pait pijment. Addros-i. It 27 , llee. cfHANCES. . ttr. , ectui > nf fiixl onliiinii on thti jxiyc , DOll hotel bi.slnos for s.do or o.-u'liantre 410 New VorK Llfo. N. U. llnmn. I''M * i SAM : A partiiersliliiln anestahllsheil i-oil biilmisSmallcanllnl loiiulieil. Ad - s K J7 , Hue nlllce. ' Ml 111.I1 SAM ? A weekly purvr In . NoU tinvn. ( iood clieiihitlon nnd ailveillslug patronage If de-Iced will sell In lii-tallmi-nl- . sinnll nnyinent do.v ii.or IHscll an lull-rest AijdicsH i41. ; care Hee. MlXi-i ( : Dtt'TOII-A ) irrtod opcninir for a physli-lun hi -oiitlit'.ist Ncliniskii , Aildress [ ' . : i'.i , lleo. Mlia-2' 1J1OU SAM : Tim luadlnu'liotolln Tnlina e , -L Neb. A Kltuit haiualn If taken at once. I're-i-at owuei ictlrlngon ai'i-oiinl of health. Kor particulais address 1'ianlc Mothorsead , Xehiivvka , Neb. MIKH II' V\rANTr.D--AdriiKstooKof .KMKt ) > to fi.KK ( ) . i i \V. A. Spene.i'1 , mom 7 , ehiimber com- meice. Mlll-il AN excellent pitcnt on harriuv for : iln 01 liade ; blKi'haiae for ilKht parly Ad- dirsslNSIIuu. Mills 'J S \ ) , WA hotel , liaidvvani stock , io- - cciy stoi-K. } ' . 'M.lleo olliee. " IWl I' VVANTIID-A man wlll tvr7TaTTkt'n half IT | ntt > iitt In an ostaldUlii'd niaiiufacliirlng lilislness ; Hie clo-i" . | t'sllKutliiii sullclted. Addresr.ll Her. i-j-- | IjiOli SAM : - \ well e-tabll-hed and L-IOU ing -L letall hiisliii-hs. now eteailm ; overi'.MW an- nunlly. Centrally locutod , loiu lenm. low lent. Will beat tilrlct ln > esllvalliiii. Addiiis- 1 'JI , lice. j | it ; | - . ' Ur ANTIIDAcllvo pai tm-r with small capi tal In nice and KOOII p-iylnu manufaelnr- IliKiMiihlisliiuciit Addiess Uls Hi-e. 1 S 'J rpllUICi : hunilrid tlfty dollar- , will buy half 1 tnteie-t In ciniipli'to oiitllt for washing fenthors ; hundicd dollars per vvieU In II fur o\ielleiiei'il | canvassoi llov 'Jl. ' " , Aiironi Neb , .M'kiu-i' ' Ij Ol ! SAM' or i\ehanco : \ hlnck nf fill-Ill- J IIIM- . niideilaker'sKooil- hcar-c , wall paper , plctnie fiiiines anil luols for thcbnsl' ness. Noothei-hloie la tin ) town. Kent fti pi-r - nioiilh. And i ess James John , Cambridge , IS H ) . - .MSKMI1 AN upportnnIO seldom eiiualh'd lobuvaii Intere-t In a well ostalillshed cash groooty business location , the bent In thu city. Ad dress I ) ( > i , llee. MHII l > li OHSAlJ : I'lncMt oiitHldn drug Mm iiln city ! - Splendid loeallon mid cheap rent. ( Inai- antccd eanh halc.s. tX ilnlly. M.iW ) cash , Ownrr KobiK abioad. Aimivcr quick. Address Kjj. lleo. _ h.4-ii l Dlt sAT.K Meat iiiaruiil , flood cash I railed JL IhM class ( iMui us. u sunn fiii'hiimeone. Ail- drcsslockbox JKI. Council lllntrs. Kll-l SAM : 1. Ivory stablii nnd ht iek doing JL' ( ; IMH | huslncsH forsiiluoresuh m e for clear nnd t'si ate in or nuar Umulm. Dun U .V Sauk- etl.LW s. IMu st. Ui I' BULINESS CHANCES. l-ir tMltJi , r'f.trr titi ) > f iltil rein mil nil r'il ' < | | | ; - Dt'CTCH The hot iip'iiltii for n uoo.I doc- tm ni Neb. Adicss II. A. Iviifns , Knvcniiu , .Neb , .ir'.M.v FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. l'nrriitrr.itr.trt fnjinf niiif coliinin nn f/i piif/.1. OtiKM'U lot. Saiimlrs \ lllniolTa'uKh's inlil * MO 7 r.'oni . luiise. full lot , Nlnulrenth and l.cavenvvnilhj f .M > Neil enttaijeon S , IHIi , with 21 ft. ffunt- nge , shade Irei's. LfOJ 1 ii t front lot on iii'ml ' stieot. Just mirth llan-i'oin pnik II.-HX ) Lot on pl'd , street IXlt l.nt liilli.-hunl Mill I1M < iirner lot mi IIIIMM ! otni'l \ > WQ Cniiiei lot Oo\r.7 lalUvhard Hill , with a collani's . . . 1,001 Lot In lied foul I'lnce IVO t/iMiuuc aim lot mi-it sjth and Vlnlon . r > i 1'ist ftonl lol , ll.tnsciim Plaen ' .VOO Hcantlfnl lol on California sited . . . ' . ' .IHW : > loom col tagu 1.700 llcmt : Iful " , loom house , mil. full lol ! VM1 > Dlegant losltleiii-o she on West rainain 00i Aon * I'loiierly. ni tides Ins ! west of new fnlr Ktounds-vv III tmiko ; < ) lots thai will retail nt MI ) pi r tot wlthlti'\eaisnr ' ! lolal of il.'iO.UM ) . This can he bought fur V.'i.O 0. ' 'I ' notes In western part oil ) , I'll main street tuns ibionisli the center of Iriot , will make lliTilots whlehoan bo telallod at ? 7iHl lo JI.UJil dining llio ncvt vein , or a tolul of ( " ' ' .010. Can lie bought for * , ft oM. , fi aeics nn Wosl Leiivcdworlh stiool thill will make -.Mots , can bn let ailed nt i.VM each dcrlng this season or tolid of } 1',5)0. ) Can ho hough l for M.IIIHI. \\e \ \ have Micant hnslnim nnd ri-sliloneclots , housosof' ' toll i minis In all pal Is of the city oneasvlerms We v > 'lli soil a lot for fVKI lo j..Vio . , Imlkl a house to suit foi miinllcasli pay- mint , balancu lo suit. Star LonaX M'nisl Co , Plist lloor X. V. l.ifo. lit' I 100 printed onvolopc.s. Do ; W. JI.W ; cauls , i hfllhc'idsand letter beads sainu rntc A W. Larlmorc , ' . ' 4 llniker Mock. iriT-l * I/loll .sA lV. 'J law lots ilMli stiecl , at J.I.2.M ) . J vvorlh J. ' > , OW. 410 acre laneh. Is miles fnim Omaha ; t2iini nut iien- . Iowa anilNebianka farms fur sale nnil exchange , li , I' . Itlntioi. rainain , ' * ( . n iiK Initso in hookl nt i : I ! . D.iv's' ' ham , Tvvent.vsixth . stieot , Soulli Oninhn' Thursday , Muichf > , botviceii 10 aim II o'clock , "IJ1UU S V -iovernment : ( bonnly iMiilini : J nan iinarler soctlnn tlrtl aeics ) ( Illeis wanted , Anplv hy loiter.Y. \ . I1. AKUCW. HI Xnss. m Bt reel Xew Vorlc. H7K-1 * "IT1OH KAI.I'-lSood rroom cottage on full J. lot In uonil locality. Cash valito J'J.iW.tnl ; ) irl-'e f l.iiOiil ) ( ) , Terms easy. I'oinu ijiilck. L. S M > Inner. 1014 I'lirnain stieot. MIDI-- . ' HOW Is this ? A neat l-room eotlllKC , Illtli and 1'alrluU avunue , full lot , unly ( I 70U ; ? . ' "ioiisli and tin ; balance on nionlhl.pay - nients , tieorso J. I'.iul ' , KWJ I'aniam sticct. ILs I \ ' ( > l' want one of thiso4-inoni cotliiei's on I ; lli | and Clinics streets at ( I.2.V ) ; only $ i" > , bnhiuee cnsv niiinllily pa ) iiii'iils. ( Jcnrue J. I'anl. HiW rarnam sticut. llh 1 / ' f'AXT lots t VM and upwards. Ceoigi ! .1. \/'A \ Paul , lii.'l . ' rariinni slieet. 11s I DO you want a piece of Impiovcd iii-opi-rlj paying 10 per cent V J.'l.O.m i asli ruiulieci. | b'liaiioo long time at ( i ) er cent. Ueoige .1. I'aul. Itrw Karnaiii street. ll > -l IilOllA I.I ; -1-ncii' lot and uni-ill hou-o , I JL mile west of Hut foil , fort.'iin , f2Mi-asi. ( | the lesion llmo. Call or addiosH M T , 1 1 11' ' Talk avenue. M'-sS ' I' ltCIIAUD Mill corner , JTn ) ; Holland I'ln. ' e O full lot. J.VHI. llntcldnson _ Woad. I.V.'l I' ' " ' ' - - IjpDIl > A LV.-T-riimn house and lot ; "il-o o. JU loom linn-c nail tot , at a bargain. Imiulrc owner , 2.11 1 Matey nt. ! I71 M2 ! * Hit ! hariraln l".lr.rint ; liou-c.all nioilern 11.1- proveiiicnteld - , - to inotoiline. . pivi- > l sticets. etc ; llan-ioin I'lnoo ; splenijld ncl h borhood ; mast beM > hl at once , ( > eo N. Hicks , igcnt. ( list lloor. New Vork Life liulldliur. M-s7- | UJIVi C'isli and WVJ In montldy payments of nM. > . ( M will jiitrclinso a l-io.im hou-c and oa-t float lot 'J. " > si.l. ' , : t ms. from I' , l ) . Iliitclilnvm .V Wciul , IV.M lMu las. U7'J J /"ILIITON HIM- V."J-ronm honso and full ooriict- lot , J2.Wi.00 , moil t hi v pay men l , or wilt t radc for clear farm orUnialia lots. Addi < ; s thu o\v tit-rat 4 'da ml ( Jass Micuts. ! : . U , Mnrrill. Is7 UrRcTA iTTlarsaln l.nr o lot , f.KHVi 7t 4 Ohloc-ks from Lowe ave. and Cumlni ; si. , lays hplendld ; il.'Afl.lW. uart cash , or will t radii for far'n. Addru-s K U. Merrill , 42nd and Cuss sticots. is" FOK \ , : - ( ' ! . , agood buslnc-s lot with t lackage. pavcil stieets , less than one mlln flom court hou--e. Somu uood stink to tr.ido for In-ldc propcity. N'-ith.ili sln-ltiin Hill ram.uii-tri-et. M r.-M- ' " ( ) : - - - ( . llnn-cdii' place , No. IU"'ii -oiitli iwth ave , c.it t fiont on paM'd Mi-ict. Light looms , bald wood lin- Isli , bath , hot and colil water , g. is. elci-trlc bi'lls. terrace , lawn and simile tree- . I' . } . ' AlL\miler , ( liamlii of Coinmeroo building. M 711-1- _ J71OH SAI.r.Otti.ide for Omaha pnieitv | or JL' unoilHiiliK'ies land In Holt C'o. . Neb ; HVJ In Anroia < o , D.iK. Aililressut call at tieorsc Iliinie- ' . IGlhubstui \ st. MW l Iiai'aln ( . .lrncrj ) with bnildliiu : iciits * tno. 'I per mo i one block fnim new 1' . O. 0. / . . Urueu , 1C. M Har- ki-r block. _ OVl I7O1J SDII t h Dniaha p roper t y business , true k- JLaKiMii rosldem-u - > -'O to tint leading loalc-- tatc dcdcra In'until Omaha. ld ) Johnston & Co. , M 7.H for , 24th.S : Nts. . rr-IU > O.M IIOIIIP. lot ICIxs1. . JI.Wl ; nl-u R-rouni ' 'house , lot ! II'H' ' , s. e. cor. Illh and Vlnton sl.f'.iM' ' . Hrick house lot 44\iii. n. e eoi. luth and Douglas , { iOJJ Mis ICiilihnaii , Sl'il > lit h THOU 'iAI.ll-Cool new s-mom house , i-lty JL water , ooil hoddod Ml-font yaid , cliw to niolnr , 2 tulleX. . W. fioin I1 O. fl.D niensh and < MiilU.I years ut S per cunt lloisounl let cost over * .luoo. t-tiiinrcr A , I'uiiny. HirKer block , loom 4. ' . _ ' n EOK.sAl.r.-Choap 'llio rosldom-n nl -.t ) I'len-e street at n h.uialn f u u few duy- only. lniiilieat | the Nel ) . Moaiu lnilrv \ , IClh and llovvanl stieuts M.'ib MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. J'lirj .ilc'rtc.tcr tn ) > ni jii > l cnlumn imllit * p < i/r. Iha\ e a oed lot to oxi-hli inc for cued Stcln- way nr any tirst-cla-i miiKe piano , r. . I' Hlngcr , l.MO I iirnai'i. iviJ * BKl'llltK buying ilano osamlnc thiinon scalu Kind ) ill piano. A. iluspe.l.-iH Douglas. / 1KI ) . P. ( iellenbeck. teacher of the u ur"m ' I with lln-pc. l.'il.l DiHKhls. -4l ; 11IAVI n few new pianos fet sale awfully cheap , .is I Inive goneinit of the plain ) liusl- ness. s. , lon ison. I'ai'iiain an I lltb si. x.'j ORKhSMAKING. r < irrntrtrlf.fr tnjinf ilrtl niliimn mi tlilt ji jy- . \l Us , II. U. MOss | ; , ti , , , | . -iii'im , stu-ut dress- iHninker. N'nJM - . A'lMl.V "Al It-s lliady.rrcnch dicssninK ng system. It. lMil : | , sheelyh'.K.sollclts pation.igcof tint In die- . , prices icastin.ildissatlsfacUongiiaraiilcod MEDICAL. /'ni / iM/rj / , ff'1. , sn InpK.f Hut roliinui nn th ( > ( m , ; ' 1711 M.sT elect rle anil iloi-tio Ihriniai hath -L room. Including TuiUNi cabinet billis. l.adles.sio Idallv.V Tucsda Kmi'iv ev'lnijs Ulo HI. Dr. 1'lchaids.rooiiiM Ills , V .r. ltoe hld'u.Ml Ml HAIH GOUDS I/M / , etc , , it i MII of flint nil tin * ji.i/i ( * . HI"T line hair gi oils In west ; hull ilri-ssliiK. A lg- . sv > itches , b. in. is , hair chains , etc , a t-po 'tally. 'Daxies , hair minis anil milliner , opposite poslolllce , III > . . l.'itbst , Omilia. Ml Ci-rlllli-nli- I'liblli-.ilion. Ollli-euf Audltoi of I'uldlc Acciiiint- , . Male of 'Ni-htasKu LlM'iil.s. | Vli. . ' . Ml ltlHhciebycertlllcil.lh.it tinMill mil K"- M'tve I'mid Life ns-oclallun of New YnrK. In the stale nf New \ orU. h is cnmpliKl u ith the Insurance law nf this stale and 1- inn hori/i'd totraus , u-t the business of life IIIMI ranee In this stale foi tin curioul j rai. Wltnc'-s my hand and the seal nf the nudtu > ref of public accounts the daj andjcai ibove vv rill en. luKAi.l T II. Ur.Mo.s. ( 'has. It. Allan. Deputy. Andllor l > A. II. II , Kobl-dn , licnoial MonaKei. Dniaha Ni lunsk.i. . : Thu en partnorxldp hrrotofuro C\ISUK | | be tween II. Messlneand L. K. llcnard , under t ho line name D ( Merino , \ Kcnaiil. h i- this day been ilissolM'il by mutual crn-oiit. Thebnsf- ness will In the fulnic lit ) rondudnd y II. Mi'sslnc , who will | iii > ui ; Indv-i tcd.u'Si and - ' l oiilstuuil lu- Om IMI I eh VU.i l-'JI , NITllI'Mr.NTH plaot'd on rivnrtl vs. isiil IHKIM. .1 (1 ( Corti'lvouanil wife to Mcllwy n Par- ( Mi rt nl. tuistees , lil | S , | > ll.Hi < , < l II Anna K Case lo I. I , Smith , lols iTanil 18 , blk \ Ibnaliii \ lew ! , K Lliaillchslo M M ISitillohs , lots I a lid ID. blk''I : lols II lo HI , blK Wi lut II , blk I' . ' , i'oppliMon I'ark ; lols Klti ) II , lilk s. llrlKss I'lnri'i n tll'i fcoL lot i nnd niil1. feet of o > , lots , blk ' . ' , I'nl- tick's iiibl tinte t'lly laud company lo I' It Mem ! , luls i tu7. hlk s. Howling union I , .MI .lolla c llnrtlcr nnd husband to t < 2 d I'lor , lot s , blk V. . Harrier s M add to Viilloy . I S IL-isonlMo.losoph liyicniliiot nl , nw I'liiuk Iv'ia.llook toJnsopli and V U'ralU ecu , s 't ' u ' .t lut II , ILirker'Niillt'it- menl . IIKI \V S Met'iacl.en ' ami wlfi-tn Lulu M Mo- Nniiiiua. lot l.lilk (1. ( lliniili i Vli w , . . . ' . 0) ) Malt Munseilanit vvlfo In Dolluyn I'ar. rlsh . | nl. trustees , n io 4 lot I.V S 1J lingers' > iilil 1 Same tosamc , lol I' * , blk t , Portland 1I Phico . . . . . . . . . I Same to niiicH ' lol HI blk ' . ' , Mlllard I Nel-on .Nrls In William Iv'l agnkovv , liltii , 'tof ' nil Irios'ulai Intel In sc ' , llo-tlMJ hill ) 1-2 P Ulnitei-mid wife In | ) i-llvvn palish el nl us. lot" , lilkll , Diiitnaii lilaco . . . 1 Claia A lilticiT and husband to same , lol il. llosnllnd pi ice I.'J l > Kicdei'lck Minder and wife to Charles Moon , W * sw 5-11-1' ' i.ri i Soiiln Omaha Land company to < ' P Davis , lot 10. blk VS. Milli Omaha. . . . V\\ \ Snine to .Itiscph Sclillt/ brewing coin- inny.s'i ' lol 10 , llk ) s | , saniii a.oii'i ' A. M \ Tin mime Williams to Prank Li odor , vv'i lot : i , hhiek.w. Ili-iisoii 100 ot'i r I't.Aivi niin.s. : : C'II llyino to.lohn Wllllains. lot 10 , hilt 4 , Milan's ) nil , hit I. blk I , AlinstrullB'H ' .M ail.e.VP , feel of s Us fool , lol II bill I I'atk place , nnd. > , i'Mi feet. M' , lot II hlUril'aikplacc.'Ja In no cur. : iVI5-l'J 5 ' 1 honias Muiriiy lo .luscpli Holonda et al nv\-o i.1-IO-iy 1'iTii Total iiinoiint ol 11 niisfeis MO.Ill RRILWRY TIME CARD l.i'iives iCIIICAliO , III ItllNi.lo.S A y. | Airlxnii JJunliu | D.'p't ' inth niul M.ii-.in lr't < ' 4 V ) p tn Clili-ii ! , . Mnprois . gill u in ' . ' 5i | u ni cnioiuu ix-russ : ( tt ) t u P III p tn lOU'i iv in 0 ' ) p in IIIWM | .i nl 1caves IHtMIUNC'ION \ .MO KIVIlll. . \rrl \ - Utniihn. I Depot IPIh iiuil Mnsim Mrnutv Onrih t 105'in ni V. . Pcnvcr Dnjr i\prrss. , . . " 4 IB i > m lov.'iu in lii-iKlnuoit Mxpioss III. . 11 III lO'J'ia in , li ) > iiver Impress . . . . I l.'l 11 III 7 III p tn . . . Hi'iivir Nl lil I'lvprus. ii-o n in fill ) p in l.liii'iiln l.lmltivl . . . ll.il ri ni s. ! , * > ii nn l.liicolii lienl . . . II HI n n . , , . . ,1 i.eivDi I t\ \ r- „ .n Oninli.'i. I Depot lOllum 1 Mnion slrui-K. VM n in . . Kiui"in'lly ( Pur Ku > ro . . | (5IO ( p 11 0 p tn K. Hi f. r Trnni IH _ n l.i-avin I t'NIO.V 1'ACIKIC I Arrlti > < Onifilm. I Dopol Mih nn I M < > > > lrocl _ ] _ Om li " f'07 il in . . . . . ICnn niClr | Kvpron. . . . . . . . 12IB n i Ii'"Ju ( in . Di-nM-r ixpr : - < .i . gi.Vi p m 2..V ) | i in . ( licrl.'iiiil I Iyer . i tilVi p in 7..W | i in _ . IMclllo lltiiroii . II 4i n m li ) . U l v t'AtlflC rArrlvi-- "inilin. 11) ) . 1' . ili'p - ; , I'Kh ' nn I JliroysKl Oninhn tl.W p m Tuii'i u m II OS in . .AtlnuHu 1' ' ( U ) | i ill t tt p m . . V" l.inilii-l . . . _ Kit' : u m AtrU us ' Unnlnt. , U. I' , ilopol. lui li nii-l Mnr-- > 'sis. ouiahn. 7 Id a nil Sluiitilly IMssi-nitorrT. . . . tu\i : \ m | St I'aul iiirus : | < . . . . . . . . lalO a tn lcnvi > fT | ? HH'nrrv A t'Ai'll'IC. \trlvcs" Omilui. I Hi-put ISth nnil Wrbilrr Hn I Omniin ' ' ) .cnvoi It'lllCMK ) A X > irIIV\isTKtN , : , Arrlvei Om.ilm. | U t' . ilupol iMh niul Minor ht' I Oni-iha I.I5 * a rnl . ( hinted H.JI p n 4 ; m | i in . \ i"-tlliilt > l.itnlK-il . " . /I u ni 0 IS p ni town Arc oniini < Iil on - meSun. . ) 7 US p m U.10 p in . . . . . liu-lurn H/o . . . y 15 | > n II | j il uiJIoxcSiiulKwt hn tKx ( ou-.jVInn ) 7 w u m Lonv.-s" Cltli0. ( ! . Mil. A. ir I'AL'l..I Arrives Oinihn. IL' . 1 * il p > l I' ' : ' , > 'i t 1 Try Mi ! Omih - 10 p in riti-iirn , I'vpren i ; Mi a m * 5 : i in ( 'hl < .tkru lixoruji I titM | i m l.pvui OM\lii\.M i < ) li.- > . . \rnv- \ IUO PniKj. _ . . H I.KUli i Minim l'nll. . . . .112.ai \ i liMi\ s j V.l' , VM < ) VAM.Kt : T.VrrU OiujlKi | Ilcpm I. til and Wubiti-r OH. I o.iiuh.i ' . 'Un ' > in | Iliac * Illlli Ktpiuu . . . . . J.JI p in ' .1(11 ( n m Hastings K < p [ i : . sumliiy ) S.a ) 510 p m WHtiuotLlmoln I'asinx. Ktiml'i ' U.li u in " IU p nfc _ . _ _ NurfnU lux MmUiv 1 „ 1113 n 111 l.env es ] C.s | ' | , M. AiO Omnlin-l lep t lilli uuil V'ot > ilrr < 1lty Ar' 1 U ) p 111 slouxi'lty Ktpron ( ox CJO p ill I'.iul ft. 13 p ni I H tjntn Ml.sSoi'ttl TAClPli1' I'j il IMImn.l VVi iMtcr ! UJiJii : ml . .SI Lnuli\ r r\ir'M-T : .Mi p ID ! . . --t Luu \ l < c. Kipross ( 'HlClti'Ut I * . I'VflKIC I Arnr i Tnmsfurl IJjilo.i n yn. Cii\m\lJlJnllJ. \ \ i'l'ramf "I.PIIVI-S ClIICACO.ll 1. \ 1ilKir I , \nivi Tiiinsff-r _ t innn 1)0,101. Cuiiin II HhnN _ Tr.iiM'ir it , 1(1 ( | nil . . .N.iilit llvpress . . . . ! ir.1i : in UAin tn . Atlantic Impress . . ' S V , n m f'.l ) | i in . . Vi-siliinie l.lmlti-l . injij-I ; in CIlll'Ai > uv.simiit rst hllN.i .vrruo Transttfr L'lilun Dci'iit , 1'i'iiiiL" ! i liiUi. ja-run-r r Stn'a. rn ( 'hlnico l'.xno,3 | 1"tt ) p in 6.UI p ill Vosllbule l.'inllcit 1000 p TO . . . . . . . . Kit-item l-l > or. 1 Hip in : .MbnilrMrtll ' ' JOlL111 lojVA Aci-iillrui , lv | , > t > msfcrl Union lie ot. * .i-inrtl I 3.41 | i in . . . .Chlnco lvpriMi -.IW p m ( 'liliu o IXJiruJJ l.en\ns | K C.Sl' JoRXi' II TrHiistorl tjn JnIWPJIM _ " mmcll I'lulti ' 100T 11 nil Kna nM Ity" . j ) KXITI-SS . . .l 51 * p 10 y p | , . . { r. I'ltj Nlirlit Kioiusi..1 iiyi .1 iTviA"Itr\ Arrivi'a Union I'o nt. ( nmch HI ills. _ Tranfi- , hi. Mill 113 15 t > in .o.ivi-K .CHIfAji ) , illfiir/X "X iIrTN ( ' Trjiiiferl Un on IVp it. CniinnM lUalls U IU n ra 10CU p m ! MO n m ' 05 p ill f.civos Slot \ ' 'll'V , ' . P V'Tl-TP , TArrUr-i Tnmsfer _ Urlon I'lV I. ( nine I Illulli. _ JTriuisfor S a in . . .Slitix Ciu rnuiL.tun . .f 40 n m i-us p 111 . ' I'T i : IHM i i JIEXT rill- ORDER oitlic.Uii:1 : / 'lii > 5s-air ' re = --r/j : 17\t ( llasf.ntur s l CM. . llt : rnpilly .n-ijnlrlin ; for 11 Hit * waiinist .ipm i\ il nf tlni-t * who n i\u bad i \pi-i ii-ini in ! , | i vvi lliu. Tilt- : ll-i- IIM nl isperfci'i , i - PCII I ilnrihiiltv.ini ' eimnf "pcr.itl'Mi ' It i inn > t tn i \ -i lied ( ' -in- | > iilsiin mil test have slmunlt to l.o the Ov-1 In tin market. The Sinitli Prciuicr Typs- Writer Co , , K. II. MA Mi KW , MANAtiKK. Oilloo , HIOil , Parna u Street , Ojiiaht , N. h / niirr grKTiiM.Ti.irs : orru i Vy Dmaha. Net ; . , I ebruarj ! ' , IvM.e.iltsl proposals vIII lui ID elved at thlsollk-i- until two O'I-IIICK p in. Maich'A ! | M | . and Hi. u opened for t hccnnMi iii-t.on ai I'oit N lulu. in. Nidnnska. of one ( K > iiblc sel uf utllccrViiuiii- li'i- ' . and for necessary plmoblu' ; Ins iiin < . I'ln. rlBhl l reserved tin eject ati.v or a I bidsu inforni'illon furnished on .ipplieatlon here > T to Test ljiinrlcriiiisti : i. I'.ni N mlirura KM \e'opes ' i inloiimr pioposals slinulil bo iniilkeil rmpiisalsfoiciiii-inu-iioaatlnilNUilii.il ( ' ami addios. ed tn U.M It. Ill ( i 111- : . Di inn v i.uui Kiimastcr ( un-ral. L" . "v A . I h i-fi'u ' n- tci-masli'i ljiiiur.il | , I' . ! \ A , v'hlcf t > uni < i _ rjAdn.Mi7.i /tnii'.r 'AUTiKAf\sTrii'f : onui V/Omnliu. Ncbrnskn. rebioiny 'I l 'i ' | . > i il"l nroposals will bo lecelveil at this olll.mm : . o'clock p m. . Mnicli''itl. , Is'.ii.iind then npeiu d for lliucniihtriict tun at Tntt lioliliinoii. Ni " of inn- single M-I of He Id ollliers'ijli liter.11 il live ik mlile M i nf ntiiei n , > | iiiiii > rn , I in hid Inn pluinlihu in each bulldln . The rUlit \ > < n - huivi-d lo leiect any ( , i all bids. All Inforn alien fnrnlslicii nn iipnln iitioa heni.ortu 1'i ' , > natlermastcr. I'DII Kolilu.on. Neb. | n\l- ones eui-losliiK pruposii hhonld hi > nurkcd "I'lOlio-jds fur const rnetli n iitPurl Unblnson , and uddies-ed In W M. II. Ill'lilllS , llt-puiy < . 'aiirlermaster licneral , U. S , A I'hlef ( Juur- StiH'kliohloiV > Notlciil- hereby glveilthat the injiitlir - inial niceiln.Mif the stockholder-lot t lie South 1'latto l.aiul . company will behold at the i I cnnf > uld eoiiipnny. In Lincoln. Nob. , un tin llulS eilnosdiiy hi Mmch. | s. | , liolnu nm 4th l'iV of the inuntli. Hv urdor uf I bo homl < > f ! dbei'loH | [ c ) I'uir.ili's ' , s , < , .ruiury