Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1891, Image 9

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Pages 9 to 12- ' Pages 9 to 12 ,
nn. .Tf iin n ut mi. s/ : i ,
> " ( * 1'IiiriA.IMii tltr irfmili I iiiiitidiHull.
] nani ini'ii are ontltli d to plot )
A inrmore \ met ions than pilil
1 the Nil tOU hclntld tliulllllll K
Hut tllO Slot ) llllHIIOM'l bllll told ,
1 r us fliu sweeps oNcttlio ptaiilo ,
1 rein \\lilili nil living things would flee.
Si "tiied to the Soiittuon this at my
1 lull Shut linn in in lied to the sea.
Die nitlstNIO ! pieluios u battle.
N 1'irllill tn the Mlnliitind linlil.
Ill's linl ) | | totlio helpless mid homeless
\lldthelrMlllJ till III for llPlll lolll ,
Hi s lilinil to mnthrislllichildren -
I'r imudetH Uiuiigii fall as coulil lie ,
\\lio \ \ tlt'il Horn Hull homci In hoiror
Aa blicrinnn man hud to ttio sea.
'Ilif ; ceUors for tiuth , for history.
\V III ulhl item-iot ( liulmr unfidd ,
lint the pitiful seines by the tuulsitlo
Will novel-lij tlit'in In ) lolil.
1 lie inrroNN lul ( rio'iii'i of the home-lets ,
A nil thi ) piiinllcss lofnpie ,
\ \ ill llC-Vei lit pUt III COIint Ctloll ,
U Itli tin1 Ri.iuil m.u-eli iloNvn to the sen.
Hut theto comes not n weld coinplalnlnB
I'lom nloiiK Nvhcio tlif toil hills loll ,
I I To tilooinsoiiro ajiain In Ilioallivs ,
Hut thu story has IIONCI been tolil ,
\ \ " Mull \\lipn NNOtee HIP H'inliiileid
Of tills fnuid iniit li down tn thu bin.
Ktit101 ( v ( ! > tl in tlio lii 'liott ,
Woaio still In , i"lumltl alls fi-cu"
NVw Yoilt LedHor ; .Htn cimo nut of
jiul utterly loehlcssltli nwllil Imtied
of everybody uml evei'i thing Ho
tlmiif'lit no more of fjottiiiK' wpi'K.tmt lot
hmmolf drift tosoltitol.N to tho'b.ul. JIo
Mum ( ( it into vicious roinp.uiy , anil , bo-
fun" inittiy weohs were mor was aj.iin In
the olutehosof the law. The downhill
HI ul is an easy ono uml the pace Is al-
\\u\ s rapid , ami to nt thirty jours of a < , reIn
In NNIIS prottv well known to the author
ities us a eonllriuod rogue uiul thluf who
would not i-tlelc at trllies when ouco ho
\ \ is mused.
Yes , thoio Nvai no doubting it , ho was
nn out-aml-oul bul lot ! Tin looKcd it ,
lee , us ho slouched nlotif , ' the country
him' , with hands deep in hispOLslvots .mil
liilioad tcnt to moot tlio i.un which the
NUN ember wind diovo in lus > fai'o Hut
In NVIIS too inui'li iibod to discomfort to
hi't'd the \uMthor and plodded stillotily
on thioiijjh the puddles In the deepening
( Tin. nn , half asleep , anil M > ultorlouto \ -
loss of ovoij thing in omul that ho noNor
lieaiil the heat of hoofs until Ilvijjh Bojn-
tiiu"vhooi ) voioo uilcd :
" % ow , lujvyrood follow , if jouilt * not
ml the whole loail to i ouiaolfuorhu | > a
Ji 11 will lot 1110 piss ? "
Jim inner looked round Inilslmilv elosor
to the ( hipping ItedgtMow , expecting
the hoisoinan to riilo \\ithont aaothur
woi d , bul something quite unexpected
haipoai'tl | for the el'oory Noieo bald :
"Thanks ! "
It AMIS along thno sliu-o niu ono h id
tlmnked the coodfoinothing , anil he
bt.irtod up in blank um.i/oment , anil svw
n man about his ONN a ago , in a led
nnil top-boots plentifully boiiiittolcil
with mud , lo'oki'ig down at him from
the luck of \\oiKhl-carijing liuiitor ,
\\ithouttlioloast tfloain of a\oision or
Ku picioivDii his ploasi.iiit , fresh uoloiuil
lui-o. *
"You look rather done up. Boon long
on the rnailV" '
"Avock an' inoio " The reply \\iis
Fiirlj enough ; not thiitJim loseiitoil the
qin stion , but biniply because lie \ \ asn
list d to insiiltb nnil 'i tiugli bpr > . iking that
tlu nloa of a "blooiniug * ! \\oll" speaking
n\ illto such aa ho took linn uttorlj l > i
BUI pri o.
"doing homoi1"
Jim gave a contemptuous grunt.
"Ne\or had an\ , Kin'nor.1
' Poor chap ! lUit jou li\o bomohoio ,
1 MlppOMO ? "
' Dhos" . with a grim ehucklo " 1
lue > > oino\\hoiu nnjw hoioI'm not
likiome folki , nnbtno \ o\oi\\ tiling
tip lop. No ; that'i not nij st lo. Yo'\o
a Ins , ' liouso , of i'onr-0 , anil kits oflaes
toait on jo. I Iho just \\huio I can ,
rind ha\o to ilml for ni\ self , and don't
oftui got my meals icy lar. ' '
"I'an't jou got into regular work and
lca\o this tramp business ; " '
"Xo ; thoro'b nono'll ha\o the llkosof
me 1 don't look losjiootablo enough. "
"Xonsoiiso , man. Oon't got do\\n enjoin
join lucK , but ) ) ick jouitolf up. Now ,
look hero ; 1lll 1 gi\o you a ch.inoomj-
Eolf , if you will take it. "
.Mm could not bolio\o his oaf. Soaio
ono actually talking to him as If
an honest man , and not some suit ofor _ -
miiiorimonioitb boast. A real "tip-top
goutleinnn , " too. Ho must bo muddled.
Hut the bro\\n eyesore looking coolly
enough at him , anil their owner was
biuing :
; ' \Voll. what do jou vij ? "
"Yor ilon't Know \\hnt I bo ; I'm a bail
lot' ' I'vo bee * in quod often enough , "
blmtccl out .llin , fueling somehow ho
could not take hlb now-found pationin.
"I daio baou lu\e , and dusor\uil it ,
too Hut I bolio\o sou inn pull round
jet , if jou liifo ; ami , a I said , I vullglvo
\ on the chain o of rojular work and pav.
\Mllyoutako it ? "
In the depth of .Urn's \\ariicd nature
thi'io gllmnioitd somotnlng hKe a spark
of giatiludo anil a tlini longing after a
IHW life , fora niomont ; but old habits
\vie too btrong for hi.n , anil the clouds
clo-eil darker again as ho shook his lioad
ami b.iitl , in tones \ \ hleh tried to bo
civil :
"No , gn'nor ; j or mean well ; but it'
no go noI'm no good for anj thing but
tramping , an' I ilon't want to work for
am mabtor an' won't nojther. "
lie expected tin angiy lecture and
round iibnt-o for refusing ; but the other
p.iid , qnlutlv , stroking his boot with the
handle of hibhuntlng-ciop.
"That io a dangoious ay of thinking ,
nij i-lciid , anil will got jou Into trouble
again You are foolish not to trj and
pull up a bit , but jou know j-our own af-
fnits boat. Well , here is a supper and
a bed for \ou , tiujuay. Look out.1 He
toeil a sll\orc' ) 'in to Jim with earolosx ,
easy good nature , and Bhaking up his
hor-o. ttotteil oil with a neil and "Good
hulc. "
* * * * # *
rive dreary years packed o\ei > , lhn's
luckless head , their monotony bioken
lj ) policocoint , pilsoncoll and \agraat
waul cxpurlonces. Ho had wandeied
tip and down some do/on counties , and
BOOH the iiibido of moil of tholr jails.
] io hail scaivuly tasted food for a week ,
and almost forgotten the feeling of a
The nftornoon was closing as ho found
Minfolf in the 'ong ' stiagglinglhago
of Mauton , footaoro anil ilono up. The
) ! j"ht nt the giocor's hhoj ) thiow a
bioad band of biightno'.s across the
road , and Jim could too a man in white
Jilirnn , busily piling up a mramld of
! ( u\n4 which a wn had jiibt nrought in
crisp and hot from the bake house. Tlio
Eight was too much for the faniMied fol
low , and ho pushed his way Into the
, whjvj is It1 cried the
shopman xhiirph , as lie Kunneil , llin\4
tattorcil appt-aiaiu-e.
"Willci irhonit'ono ov thfiii little
UIH , gunor. . - ' I'm nigh Mavu'd ; " anil
ho mulilul towind the breail-pllo.
"Xo , certainly not , I no\er gi\o to
bcgjiurs or lrainp- > . ' '
"I vo not tiKlLul a bllo nor sup thbi
bio-cod day , ( ted knows1
"Can't lu'l , ) thall ( Jouic , got out of
thoHlmp do jou honrV 'or III set the
constable on to jou. This HltM of jou
ought not to bonlloueil logo about the
country. Come , oil with jou ! "
Soolng that this mothoil of obtnlnliiff
an Inmost bite \MIS \ a failmo , Jim iialur-
ally turni'il to anolhor onohl \ < h ho
had sui'iosMfully carried out beforo.
Sri/Ing an uniting loaf of hi end , ho
dashed through thn door and did not
stop to look behind him until ho found
hltn-clf on tlio outskiiU of thn village.
A abort distance fioin Iho roaiKulo
Btood n dt'settod limn. Hlthor llni niailo
hlawaj and was boon leplunishlng the
Inner num. In a lew minutes his alert
ear caught the sound of approaching
htoiH anil mullled MICP | . Thii'O lough
looking men now entered the building ,
nnil fioin thi-lr rotnorsition liin soon
leal nod that they woio illuming no good
for anj ono.
"Ili'ioho comes ; ilon't jou lioar him ?
Did \ou tie thi'trope tight ? ' '
" \vob , that's "all light.Vil better
got out wlieto he'll fall. "
The tineu men now ciawled on their
hands and Knees to the roidsido , and
the distinct souml of a horse's hoofs told
of the appiuneli of their Nietiiu
A solitaty horseman -NILS N\ending
MA way hoinc\vud. Suddenlj
Iho horse stumbled , fell to his
Knees , , uul his lidor wns thiown\io
lentl.N oNor his head. Tlio nder glined
Ins foot in an instant , mid , with true
hoisoiiiaiiship , Nvas about to nibh to his
hoibo'a head , when lie was attacked by
thtoo men. \\ithaiiuleU \ and powerful
bloNN boson ! ono of them to the giourd ,
but the other two closed upon him
liiii looked on with hii'juid interest.
rAidonth it was omo magistrate waj-
l.ild bj tiireo men who had a , ' .euro to
settle ) against htm. It was no business
of his , nnj waj , mid though three to ono
was hiuillv fin , ho NVMS nol going to in-
teifoio The gentlomm fought well ,
w hoover ho wns , niul again sent an as-
s.iilnnt baeltwaid NNith a wollgot-iu
blow. Hut the odds NNt'io toohc.iNV and
lilt ! cudgels ( old. His began lostigyel
and yiNo g-i omul , and a WOVN on the bond
beat him clown. " ( UNO it to him , lads ,
if wo s\uug \ for't' ' " i-rlcd the tallest of
the tlneo villains , jumping upon him ,
mad and blind with rago.
A raj of moonlight fell upon the tip-
tuineil f.ico of the fallen nun It NN.IS
that of the gentleman NN ho , UNO joms
ago , h id talked with Inn m the lane
In nu instant hu was ONCT the gate and
nt tlio men like a ti oi e it ; anil b < > sud
den was his onset that they gavogiimtid ,
then , seeing ho was iiluni' , they inched
nt him with o it hi and thieits. Woalv
fiom want of food and half dead NVith
i old , poor , lim had HUN or a elmnio For
a few seconds lie held up clotrgedh
ngtiiiisl tne shiiwci of blow" , then , fi > el-
ing ho wns done foi. stooped sudileiilj ,
Hung hit. aims around the boitsoloss
stnie ( | , mid witliiino last elloit manured
to roll into the iUop ditch , keening him-
tolf uppermost. The bvntod jumiied
down and stiovoto umKu him hti-t3 ) his
hold nf their \ietim ; but , stunned and
blinded NN ith blood , he clung lieieelj to
Hugh Ho ntou , bliultonng- bed ) Nvith
his own
Tlio woi Id begin to spin round ; another -
ether and auothei hc.iNj hhm ; .1 chim
ing of far-oil bolls ; a hollow liu /ing , and
then black night foioNor !
* * * * * *
Xe\t moining thoNVCIO \ found to-
getiiei in Iho tiampeled , blood-bineaied
ditch one UN ing , the ether dead
Hugh Hojntoti cjftcn woiulc'ts , as ho
lookb it the Nvhito cioss whicli ho put
over a nainelobbginvc , w ho hin ] ) iOSOI-Ncr
NN.IS. Hut the u cording angel will ono
day tell how , liin the tramp , the "out-
and-out bad lot , trave his life for the
man who once spoke luiullj to him.
Iti'lore the ll.ihy Came.
There was a time \\hui nn iliscouiso
U'as w touched not out ol Joiiu ,
I iliil not shout till I was hoirbe ,
Anil point out eer \ point ,
Not thiuo the sumo Joke tij to till ,
Anil in little It and m.iim
\Mfolmdtlino tolistenwell
liefoio the biby tame.
Tiieio wis a time when ticroanilthcro
1 llitttii hliea biul ,
Mj uifo wc'iit with mo ON cry \\bcio
Just when I said Ihooitl , ,
A\e saw the twit i.uo and the phy ,
\ \ e NNitchutl the Insobnll gaino
\Vo had n fiee foot M thoj say ,
lieloie tlio biby wine ,
Tlicio was a tiino when I alone
\\asb\ \ wifoiuloied ;
I sat on the domestic tlu one ,
' 1 bo solo niul loul ,
.MN ciown is ( . - \Vitlioutatlmnlf \ ,
lie takes m > Nuiy naiiin
l'\e not a % ustko of my Tank
Heforo the b ibc mm.
\\antfil 11 llalij Itad.
Hcnrj * Ilubor of IHvoUh n , a cablnet'mnker ,
professes to UaNO disttnoicil tlint his wife
hail i > timed another woman s Infant oil oa
him us INT own Tlio ical mother iluinnmlod
Us rtturn , and while a secoatl bibyvas \
beiiiB substituted foi the ono Hut ,
be arrived it 1m home and dunmiiilcd an e\-
planatiuu His NNOiushop is opimsito his
homr , and from It lie can si o inuibthitis
t'olnKoa there Uarl ) one afteinoon last
NN celt ho saw n well-dressed JOUIIR woman
cauy n bundle Inside. AfoiboUimjof ill
took possession of him , mill ho uossed the
road to see If all was well \Nith tils wife Ho
had been led to believe that she \\M ver > 111 ,
and that acbubbj baby boy hid como to call
him father , The couule IIUNO bcca mirrled
seNca jeais. The union hasn't been blessed
Nvithcldliliun. ISotti have roNvn unclnlilrcn
by former man laces. When Mr Ilutieren-
tered bis houbo ho found Ids wire , whom ho
bad thought too 111 to leivo her u&l , fomllniR
u stiaiiKO babj , while the ono ho had be-
IleNcil to behis wns bifiiit ; iiepmed for rc-
moNal His enteitui ; sent Ids wife Into a
fnlntlns fit. mid causcl the j on ii ( , ' woman to
biiattb up the bnbj and inn oat totbobtieet
Mi Huuer toliowod , nuil ut bis ictmest nn
olllctr miesteil the \Nonian and took berto the
l > olke station 'Ihciosbo desciibed bii elf
as Miss Annie Kocldcr ttio il mirhter of a inid-
NNlfo icsldlnu In XONNorlt Slio said that
Mia Uubtr had wuttea to her mother asUint ;
for a mmborn biby for adoption
The bi' ' > was ilcdciod to Mrs
Hubor. nnd Mr. Huber , on his re-
tiuii fioia woik , 'MIS liifnimed that
Ids NNlfohud beioiu > a mother iluilng his aD-
sonco Ho abided her foi conoealini ; her
conilltion , but mioutcil ttio situation ( 'iaeo-
full'Ihit \Nns on Wednc'-ihiy Tlio real
mother ot tbo chilil tenon toil of ha\lny \ pilled
\Nith it , ana i-isistcd on Its return Mrs
I tuner was notilleil. ami uifouncd that Mrs
Koihler lonld proN idoanotliot biby for her
in Its plito If she Nvould ghc no tlio ono she
had Mrs Huber NUIS NN illing , and the ex-
ilinnco Wft about to bo consumitoa when
Mr Hubci mntlo Ids nppcai unco.
Mis * ncd vvhllo tbo pro-
chat doUUU'is NNontlo Now Voilt to invos-
tipito her stui ) They found it true In ovary
detail and choNas leleaSed NIr.lluber
compelled his wife to send liacli tbo second
baby. Neither he nor Ida wife Las any ox-
to wikoto tLo publlo.
iiihOKLD \ \ oi' ' AMUSEKIS.
William Gillette's ' Dry Way of Snjing
Funny Thing ? .
Ilontti M'lioi'll'el I'ruNi's llcrn-
liaidt llu- Good Hint \\hlskeis
DoVliit the I'loli'Mslou
1'liiils tn Talk About ,
"William Gillette , 1ms n ijtnlni , ibv wnv of
sijlm : funnv tilings , sujs the New York
\Votld Ilo has also a keen mciaoiy , m Iho
following littlennecdoto NVlll show CliMlcs
1''toll mi reiontl ) paid Mr. ( llllotto a. Nlslt In
lAoiula toseeute the postponement of "Mr
Wllkhison'1 WIJovv V" " so Hint "Men and
\Vonien" inii-ht eoiitliiiio lti prosperous inn
at thoTivottv-thlid shoot thoator.lien \
"Menami Women" NV.U piolucol Gillette's
comedy , "All the Comforts ot Homo , " Nvm
the i igo. Cillettovaiited It Kept on and
Piolmn w is HUMOUS to piotluco " .Men ami
Women. "
"Ulio jilcco Is too tjieit a success to tilto It
"Us heciuso Its such a sucioss Iliat I NVant
it off , " imjed the Napoleonic-looking 1'toli-
"IIoNv IstlinU'Mnqnhcd the di iinatlst.
"I'uko It oir while it Is looming and that
NNill NNhct the public anpttlto for It , and
Nvhcn It KOCS on again it NNill run like i lim
ited liain on a straight h.iclc imddng up
time" iqilliui the 1111111,501 wltlintlne UONV of
Ciillotte jiele'd. "All tlio Comfoiti ot
Homo' c u \vauit 1'iootoi s uniltho coined )
vent on tlio ro ulVlicaMi I1"1 ! ohman .iskcd
Mi ( tHU.ltc.tu postpone the dito of "Ml
\ \ llhinsonsVWovvs" the drainitist quletlj
"U IIN postpone itl"
"Itec.iusu , ' ' loplied the manager , " ' .Men
and Women' la booming , and itotlld bo
lullN to close tlio inn of theiueco"
"I don t think so , " lopllcd ( jillutto , "tho
illoio booinful it Is hoomiiig tbo imuo ic.isoii
\\hj\oushoulil take it olt Uoi't NOU le
uieinbci NSO took nit 'All thoComloits of
Hume' slinplN bi.cau > o it NN.IS booming so
bjoinfulhi '
'Hie Napoleonic Chailcs' blight o ; oa
tuinkU'd for n moiiunt , hoNIS beiteu b\
hia ONN u lUK-innciit UilicUo simleil one tif
Ins smiles It N\.H then tint
I'lohinan lose to the occasion ; ho poinled out
that "All tbo toinfiuts of Home1" vvould he
imiiihit ; ut Ileiiiianii s tht ilor and it wo'dil
not bo NN iso to h IN o a sei'iniil ( ' . iliclto coined )
iiiiiiiiugat tbosnmo Inuoin this < itOut
of cinutcs'N to the furoiKii di mm lists anil
pi IN Nil IKlltS tllOV Ollpllt to llllNOhOIIUSllOW
iSow Yoili is an Hiiphsbcit md it NNOIIII !
not do fur tbo Ameiii in pliNNiiuht touowil
the fe > lel'iic-t ( , too tinuh. I Ins sHlo of L'l-oli-
inintio ai-friiiiieiit caught Ciilletto Ho
Niclilud , but .Mi Fioliinaii will not soon foi-
Ket Ullletto's 'booming" smile
The Good that \ \ hinljers Iu.
S F. Levy , the the it nil ticket agent , can
toll eiimiKh about .Ion ihs to till i diction.uj ,
snjs the Sail 1'itimUio Kkiiniiucr , nnd is ono
ot the stinduiil souues of iiifoiinatioii on the
subject llosijs tint tbo thlitcuiith ilii } of
mi ) month is a bud one for any thesjmm tq
comiucnco an ciiBagomcntor sign ono on. Ho
also suppoi ts \\liloly-cstitbllsliGU ti ulition
tint opening nn umbiell lin a IlieaUr lb like
opening the doois of all the .Ionills in oici-
lion , riiitheimoio hoknoNNs It foi a fait
tint uoilc.iciilN.iiut ) tin itcr cm expect to
obtain lllst cliss at lists if ilalloivs tlio "Uon
linnet Mirih" 01 The House Thit Ais
11 um ted' to lie plated on the pioini-cs , and
ho Is di ul sure that If a stir puts hu sliues
tin the bid orietiies without leiiiovint ; them
Iml luck is bound to follow tlio loinpan )
His own putieulai .loinh , IIOWONCI , is a
woman , a eimiley woman at that , till and
st itel ) nuil [ ileisniitto ( ri/o upon. Under
other ciuuinstniiceH Uevj iidulitNvoiilnp hei ,
but NNliciiP\oi lie nuets hu on .Mailvct stieet
01 elsewliLioon a MoiidaN , NNOck is suit-
to pan out billj is the leason wliy
some poopie tlutilt tint Levy's tasioisunie
11ible m that ho is a coiilirmeil unso x nist
Ono of them is walking NNith him whoa lie
moots Hits hd > and t > ho smiles at him , us
"PicttN ( jlil , tint , " siurpc'stcd tlio lom-
ndo. ' Vou seem to hive miclo a inisb
there " Then L.ovscowls \ anil sa s
t i * # * ] i i . j j in And
the othci fellow niirvolsRieatlj
Hail ) Mann of thoUaliformastmply scouts
the nleiol anv .lonulis ever tiiterfcilni ; with
him , thouchthoiowas a tuna ho NNJS pictty
well scuctl about them.
"TlieN can't ' toiuh mo now , tbouRh , " Mill
hoN itli one of tlioso ION ely silk bat Millies of
"How's thiti" one ventured " \\hat anti
dote , whit buhvaik IHINO you found to pto-
toct NOH from them" '
" \MilsUers , " respoiutctl Mr Mami.praNely ,
mil as ho spoke 0110 could htir tlio brce/es
soutihliitf soiiBhiiiii thiounh tbo tickets in
thu hoollico and molting away ainoiiB the
con idol s of the ( Jallfornii hotel ,
Arties lie itli Sichix-ll'I tin Ueiiihiir.ll.
ACII I'llffrniM /
I haNO been asked to he in a foNN wordsan
Idea of the effect birah IJoinhardts aLtinp
h is on mo.
I h.uo in the mst avoitlo 1 attempting nny-
thint ; of this kind Hut I Hud myself oncour-
n ed b ) a nloisantsmllo and u few Molds
fiomaldndl ) voicoto niKe tlio attempt.
How does baiah IJeuibuull's actitif af
fect mo !
\\atchliifilior performances of "Li Tosca"
aNveek ajjo I had t fooling of n\\'o I found
myself smiling with hoi , weeping with her ,
suflcnn NNitb bci , and when tbo cuitahi fell
I sat Icncnth hei womhoiis sjiell.
Some ono icmuKcil tint tlioNvaits between
the acts \NCIO too Ion u 1 did not think of
thorn I was still with Li Tosca Ilor a0'oti-
i/ed fc'itutes NNCIO lu'foio mo HorNoirowas
still linnbiK In my ears Ilor NOlce-noNV
SNNeot and puidn , now toning mv NCI-V
homtslrint's \ Us nathos and mtcnsftj , anil
then a alti sweeping mo along in a storm of
passion at all tinier bopr.ind and musical
"U'hnean recall the scene Nvith Scarpia ,
when the toituio is applied to Marie when ,
with pinned andnrldn , , ' throat , Tloilu falls
on the tablee\.cldminp'Mono puis pis. jo
no puls pas' ' " and Nvhen , with a lodiiK NOIOO ,
shoe-ills on Made to speak to her and jet
den ) toSiuib liciahault tbc reutanilglori
ous IciltiiKO of L'enius ! * * *
I admlio Snab lloinhault's devotion
* * * 1 boNV before her .
as .m aitist. Ami
I NNhoishiphcr punus
lll'SH'.l I. . .IAD7Tl. . / ITtl' .
Mi Uniigto ' 3 idajliis L-iily llartcr in
I oiuloii.
Hold's now theitor will opea Monday ON on-
mu , Au iibt .H.
"A Texas hteei"lll ho the Clulstiins at
traction at Iloyd's theater.
Jt is said that Mierlditi ANloto "i'ho School
for bcimlai" in ahln.'lu ni lit.
"A I'exm Steei"NI afuiluroflvo or sl\
jenrs iifo undu tbo title of "A Oaso of
Wine. "
Xi\er SclmiwcnUa , tbo famous nuiopeau
pianist , Is coming we&t and may possibly bo
ill-aid In Omaha
The Apollo club nro busy ( rottlnu' i oidv for
tlich next comcil , nt wlilili time ( Julo's
"I'liii.uU'l'b" bo done.
r.dwln Ilooth will play nn enmuoincnt of
tNVcnlN NM'oks next seison under the unuingo-
ineniof Lawnntu iJauett.
Mi IIoNtis liaviiiRiieiN seoneiy iidnted
for -A Midnight Hell"Nhkli Nvllliost-in the
ncluhboihuoil of $ \ , fM \
\Vllbelinlim. ilimpliter of Alko Dunning
I-liijjaril mid nluo ol Mrs Divison Uilziel ,
recently miiilc tier debut in London
Messrs , Haiti. Tlioum ! > mo to have a ucw
tbciter In N'if.N Vorknovt sovson ThevNlll
probablj put on "A Tilp toL'liliiitoun ' forii
r.dith Muilllii U ciONMlla Mule .huisea
for Hist plue asa sbiKluK'Otiliii'tte , anil bei
Koolwoilcln "hhlp Ahi > N ' Is hcartll ) com-
TlioroNlNiil of "Tho School foi Scandal" nt
Dal's Is one of the most pitxpions , in it M
one of tbo best , that has boon In thirdly for
mam Ncais ,
AMIIIatn II Rbeiwood , tbo well known
piaiiUt NNill u'i\e a at Ilio LinltiKU1
palki.N. Mai ell II midor tlio ailMdces of the
Ladles' MnsicMl society. '
( 'iiiip.inlnl and Clondulluo Do Veie ate
neinhcrsflf St ( Jeoitfo's'NoNN ' Yoik ehoh ,
mil wear surplices ivory hnud i ) What do
> on think of tli it foi a dull
The 1,11-llsh p.ipiiM state tlntMuv An-
.r m-NiiNiirio is a moJd housewife , and
th it she i in tinKo bie id to pei Kelioii This
must bc'iinoNN "roll" for Mary
Miss Ntall Slovens will now talio n icst
nftti lu i suet ess fid tour of the wo-a mil
south Nit month she will 111 ! soMi.d Im-
pint mt iiiKiip'iiieiiKln the cast
'they wuo two hid youiiK men , nnd
had cone out to ot ncloNO between the ec-
end nut third nits of "Mr I'otttrof loxas"
"Siv"iomnUeil the Jlrat bid , \oun r mm
to Ids cmipinlon , Ids I'ottois Is n looloo ,
ain't ' he"
Outi nito , " iojlled tlio second bad young
man , "but yoilorseehts wifo. Slio [ il IN ed In
in and Cleopitivr1 once up to I'.d-
inn's ' , and she wasn't in It' " And of such
am the ( 'loiiesof histrionic fame
Mt dicker's ( Jldcigo tboitor , will for tlio
tlilul time rise from Its nshes and bo 10-
optncd no\t mouth with Joseph .leffoison
"Hhio .leu s" will bo given n itm during the
summer months.
L'lCtifnnt 1'iodk'iio" will ho rcdsoil by
Nimm liichaulson wbcn it Is pioduioil
inOmaln for tbo lieaoflt of some Nvoith.\
chiutj Mrs UiclnidHoutbitilts it too risque
In its original state
Sol Smith Uusbell has n now pluv on a hlr-
tuili'.il snbjei t in which ho takes tliup.ntof
ut li > lii tied Amoiicm cliuacler His to bo
fioniMuk Twain's book , "A Connecticut
Yankee it King Auburn Comt "
I'lilliptliirnicr. the former leidlntf manof
S.u ih Dunh.irdt , Ins biiiU-tl foi ihlstonntiy.
Hi will most piobibly Join hei compmy , nnd
lji'fiic ) > she rotnins XONV Yolk next October
shu NN ill tmdoubteiil ) bo Mine Uartuor.
Mine Miunteferiiifj { w is compelled to 10-
iniln lathe house nil of list wiek onneioimt
Of ISUNIIO Slllllll sllO 1'COlNCll NVllllo KOilllT
to her ihssiMiit the Sncicd llcirt cement
She is much lKttcitiONVoveraiul , basiesumod
tei him ;
'Iho next I'ncllsh leading aetoi to Nisit
Ainerli'i NN 111 ho lcoaaril liuNiiohosusiiv -
uos IKINO hot n socinetl tosnstiiu bis original
chnnitii of IIiriN O'Matloy hr'Thel'iiglish
lime " Xoi otlatioiis aw also pending for
other inemboH of the piesent London cast
A cuitain iiisor bv ( oromo K Joiomo.
iMllcd "Uirbn.i" will hjpluod before "Ilio
Nominee' at tlio liijou next wedc It Is
dpsrrlboil as a little comtjily of errors folloNV-
nn ; the sep.u itiou ot n brother nnd sMor
afitr shipNvuck. and ondiiifj wltli two inir-
Hill NNO is writing a ronicdi in eollabor.i-
tioa Nsilli Stunt liohson. xvhleh the litter
will pitt on tie stitw "It will lie an odilttv
hi some WIINS" sail tbo linmoust , "anil will
( 'itn cooil henlnirimyw i > if not successful ,
tliLioloie , it will bj the fault of , Ub-
iOll" '
I'bo Niuintctl ploilos of a stii's position in compmy leceiNed a Hide shook
in Now York last wool ! Alter bumi por-
founanco the subordinitos of the conipmv
wuo lupp ) in Iho possession of their full
silai ies , Nvhilo the boas tNvinklor diONV fiom
tlif lioxotllccas his share of the NNCek's pro-
iltsj ust ? { .ri
Tliofiohomo of n free lboater for London ,
afior the fashion of tin * Theater LiDro in
I'uis.hih. been invUod by .fustla IIMc-
rnthvand somoof his lltciaiy associates
'Ilio pi ins. lion ON er , aio l.otNOt In am ilc
llnit , > shape Tlio Nvorst feituif of an insti
tution of this lei id is Its teiidoncj tow.irtls
what is minimi an 1 Imlixout.
riiolb cu war lontinucjf toriKoin I Qiiiloti ,
tliouliun thiiis sitlo It -cms to IK doiinmr
An oilil aiulu-rN not.ibk fpatiiiuintho mittut
is that the Ibcii admirers In London .110
aittiisilliam Auhur , the wi'll knoNvn
intle , is onoof his moa Aidcnt suppotters ,
nnil Sims , tlio autUoi of ui mr nulodi inns ,
is as stioiiL'l ) oppuseil to' hii i linen is a
loiitf while ( 'Lttinga fall aUigo trul hue , but
It NN ill tome '
Robert llilli.ud , actor \Vell iniilc clothes
aio of nnpoitiuiio to jiaoniloinen The men
of fashion ibout town crlticiso the lit of an
aetoi s trousers and coals' InoNtr NNCII' a
par of Ironxers lontrcrtliana montb on the
stafro AlwiNsli ) your iioiisers Hat before
Co its LIU ho cut to liulo itllposit j
I In ai 'J'heodoio 'I'homa.4 ahvas wens a
I'miio Albeit of a ccituhi cut to hide his
piuiuli An actor on tlio stafje oucht never
to rabo hisco it tills whOnhoscits himself
duiinga bicae. You kndw the. story told ol
Lestn \ \ allaekand OsmtJnil Teaile dmm a
icbo irnal. Tearlo ilunnir n love tceno i dseil
his coit tall prior to sitlins UONVII on the sofa
next to his Inly love. 'That won't ' do , Mr
1'eailo , " exihdmid AVnlluclc fiomnnoichcstia
elm u'whore bo NNIS relic using the plav , "that
won't ito at all Don't ' bo ifi-.iltl to sit on
\our io it tills pon'tbo.afraid of tbo coat
A cntloin in should luuo a Jo/.cn coats in his
wnrdiobo "
I'hel'aiis couospondout of llio London
\Voild less pie iscd than some other ciil-
icb b > "Theimidor " Ho NNiites " 'Coinmo
i'estivant1 How IHiiifr ills" otelalmed a
IMidUtlnonelKliDor of ml no last nig lit , whei
the stigo w is 1m mlcd by a howling ciowd o
netoia ami ll uimts iUet > sod in brand new
costumes of an cMirtitmte , of cotnso , he ) oml
iinost'on , but of a brilhintnnit worn-foi the
llrst tune aspect tbatoneo SUKKCSKHI the lion
H'alit ) of comic open MN impression NNIH the tontran How i How Coniinoe'ostvivant' N'o , no
Life is picciseU tbotur.lit | ) that I IInil want
Intf in 'Tliiirnidoi ' The piico is not the rank
lubbish of'Cleonitro'or 'LiTosn ; ' but ills
coiistmctol on the sain 3 tftnoiMl plan of ono
prodominiiit rololn , which the \.rious phases
of tin leatllng netoi s talents i m bo dis
played It is a ploro NN rlllcn foi Coiielln |
ami idapUd forusob ) trnNi'liiiK eompmios
It is not a wtulf ol art , Hian iivmious
ihoi iina. in NN hkh u NCiy fiiuall tliama ipio -
sontiil uiuler a NOI-J nompous title "
Hen U'lal , C\H ] it stugo mannedmm pla\-
Nvri 'htI see that Hciiy ( ! uy Culoton , in a
loccnt issue of a dramatic pipei , goes out of
his wny tothiowa slur on stn o inaimgeis
The laet lonmins that the suci CHS of i mod
ern phiN depends laiftel ) noon tbo stai'O
nmungor Consider tor a wou.ent his tlatios
The atajjo munauer eoes ON or tbo authoi s
inanusciipt ami gets it gem-ial uleiof the
NNholo play Next , the stage manager suggests -
gosts to the mmajromc'iit ami author "cuts"
or iiltarntlnns In the text , which , In his ptae- opinion , aio condtiisivo to thoauuos'i of
the piece When tbo play is i oh earned the
Htae.ii m linger Is , of eon i so , on Iho spot and
maintains general discipline ninong Iho
IiliiNers , inilieatliiLr to them their icl.itlio
positions on the stigo , their inoNCincnls ,
tncii intonations , tbiir gestuws , their exits
and enti nu'os. Thostfmomanau'or uupeun-
tondents the pliv indntailiad as a NNholo I
haNo sc-on Dion Hoiukanlt lebeiraoan tutor
foi lifted , minutes shoNvlng him bow to piss
Kraiofulli iiround a luhlo Mdvco U inkin
showed llib IllllUuil no loss thin SN | times
how li > eiielessly , nliioiil mindodU plelc up
a nnt'-ii ns ho walkol out of thn room So ,
in spite of Mi Cadilton , M.i.0 mmageis
have tlaii uses.
A I'llinorijii / .
AVw l'm/i / Cnmimiillt .lili
I fear , dour wife , N.o'ro ijiilto remiss
In Johnnie's oilucatlov
lie knows a deal of that and this
About om glorioustuition ,
And e'en of Jupiter mid ) ) is
Tlio motluily illation ,
Hut of the bible I'm ' aOuid
Ho kiiDNNs but picolinu little
Of Nnnnimi and the huiiin malil
\Vcll , not one lot or tltt'e '
"I'ho ken and all that In ilium Is"
' The of in in v eolotV-
Lol'n tiv him Nvltli a prluic-i tpd/
Wlun he's doNOiuod those lirullcis.
* * * t * *
'Ibo Ibst man , Jolui'de , NNIO ) was hoi
' Whj , inpa , ho A tin in '
And the. llri' ' woman , who was hoi
Quoth Johuuy , "bhuuAs madam , "
3auco for the Qooso nuil Mml for tlio
In tbo Kli'ltl iitxl at dm Iruti-l lin
Blurry U'licel iiicn Knights ul'
the Hlnc. anil I In ivy
.Mlsucllati ) ,
Robert Uonnei has Jiist wilttcn thostoiv
of Ids life aa the Invei of horses , and iiys
1 1 betiin the acquisition of line noises on tie-
lOimtof lllhuidth In ls'ti , ihlrt ) fern ) oais
111:0 , and II.INO eonlttmcit to purdiiolt fiom in )
line of the hoiso ItosldiM such ict'oid
hioalais as Do\ter , ll , Huns , 2 l.l'4 ,
MimdS , ''f , and siinol , J.Hl'j ' , t own m
Invoowned Alfu'd S , locoid 'J Hi'i ' , KiiNxlii
1'oriest , iccoitl ' .1 Is , trill , J1I1 , ,
1'leU ml , record " ls'4 ' , Anul , iceoid 'J.'JO ,
Music tocoiil Jl'j ' , .Molso ) , icioidj Jl ' , ,
.loo Klllott , the llrst hoiso to dot a puhllt
dial in J-llij , Miy lliul , iccord J Jl.l'eei
KMS , tilal , 'J.'JJ to a wagon drlN in b )
Hlriim Woodruff the fastest mlle the Bteit
dilvei evcrdroNoany horse , Liiafton , nvoul
. ' Ji'j ' , I'ocahontas , loetiul 'J.'it1 , tilil
. ' IT-1 , , Staille , the Hist eastern bietl time
NP ir old topot arecoul of J ! ( > and the ( list
liorsolo tiot a public ttial nn 1'leetwood In
J 15) To this list 1 icultl add Maud .Macei ,
Liuh Stout and sovc nil otlii'is with ueoitH
hettci IhanJ ! 10 , to si ) iiDthinyof Uid1'al \
mer and I'l.itbush Mini , the
Ihst tenn to tiot n public tiiul
in J Ji , ON or tNNintj elu'bt joins auo
Amiiii the blood males will ho louiul Riis
sella , dNVii slstut to Mtild b , Jessie Klilc.dnm
of Mijolica , ! i.K > , and Miss Majolica , . ' ' , ' I' ' , ,
DajbioaU , bj Haloid ( siioof Maud S ) ilain
MiilniK'ht ( the dim of . I in n\cSt'e ) . l ni ! )
Stoul , the Illst tiottei to In it i III us u thieu
NIMH okl , LailyVinliilil. \ . sMor Io Sheiiil in ,
ii'ioulJ Jll'4 ' , Lilily ( UN In , till ! to skeleton
waijon , 'J IV j , nnil ahilf mile to top W.IKOII
at rieotNNOod nt 1 " > , Manilla , tiiul , ' 1K'4) '
.Miiinl Miiu'V , lecoul of i 57 , , trul ! Io t ,
and mnn.N othou
"Duiliin'lbo ) Cir ls 0 theie wcio iiildcitto
tbo.1 ill list noailv a thoiisimtl hoibcs Io
show the wonilci fid promise tint his bcui
m.ulo in ddvclophiK speed , it is onh neces-
s.u y to stdo thit wlieii I bcvan dihiiiK tiot-
tint ; horses inW \ > tbeieweio not tNvent )
hoises m the whole countiN cliu'lhlo to thn
J .to list , anil there was not ono ON en in thoM
M list 01 nnjNvlino m if it Hid I not
made it a rule of my life not to tiot i hone
for inoneN , them me i mimber of animulson
my fni m , In addition to thobovhoseiecoids
1 hive iNcn , tint codil have been added to
both of these lists "
Since bis dofcil of J.ielt Dcmpsoy , Uolnt
rit/tliiiiuons lias been tilUed about inoio
than atij otboi pugilist in Hie cnnntiN At
llrst oveibodN ppoliohiKldv of his ahllit ) as
n Do\cr , and ail NNeie anxious for iiKhtnpse
at thn mm \ vlioNlnpped Ameiica's ehim-
plon N , ith the pieati ! conicivablo ease .sen
tiinint Ins ihinpcd suite the Austrahm
made the statement that ho sold a liKht to
Hall some time a o Kit/slmmons' stock Is
on the detlitio UCIIONN stands l > efon' the
public a sill-ncknowledKCil "fakir , " anil It is
ignite possible that ho and Hall will UN tlie
smno iiumo aRalii if some athletic club will
tfiNoonoiiK'h moiio > for the bmnoat "fiUo"on
locord. Any who ilo much bettbifr either
\ NUNvlU put the label ot tool on themsclNes.
for flic irreat liobotl- must IIONV bo placed hi
the same class ns the professioml sprint niii-
There lennins no doubt but what the
l.ia Hlancho-Miuhell liulit at Prison week
ntro was a fauo so fu asthe .Minno was 1011-
eoincil , niiN NNIU. It was oiixiualh a filce ,
niul Omaha spoils ui'in ontii tlio I u t ci ht
or ton months ago NN hen tbo im.ii weioto
IKINO fought.
.loo MiAuIiffo his issued i eh dlon e to
HilhVoods of Doiuer foi a stilto 01 a
l > uiso 'llin Aiidubun club is pmi } , ' tj much
\Vootls agiiiist Iwtl SinHh
In answer totlio question NNIIOI ! fiom XONV
Yoik to.lolm Ij Sullivin , Tliuisttiu , asking
him If ho Nvonlil meet SlxIn in ntwilvu-
iimiiil KloNe light befoiethe Oiniondo clnliof
London for a puisc of * IO,01) ) , h > ! le-
plicd "No ' islavlii ami th it mob Nviint a
little notonct ) They know that I h.uo n
twojciiii' contract NNith Mi lliinsoii 1
shall noter liubt ii'intlia bittlo with biro
tibts 1 have quit that business fo.ovoi. "
Ill -1'ield and at the I r.i | > .
'Iho seiond contest , nt lift ) llvo pltoois ,
botweenJ. A. U Hlllott , holder of tlio Amer
ican FieUl ehimpioa wiiiK-shot cup , and
.ramos Ili.jijcity , the crielc shot of St Louis ,
too'c ' pi ice hit Tuoadi ) at Klhott's pule ,
Kansas City , iind w is won b\ \ the champion
bthc score of toil ) eight to fotty-livo lli.j-
KoityNOII tLo toss .milled oil , killing cluht
strlight birds His ninth , n loft-ou irtennc ;
dtiNor , ho lost , and ho eamo near losing hi- ,
eUnenth biul Llliott lost his thirteenth
biul , a liglit-ipiiuteimK driver which tuiiiotl
quickly with the wind I'lm made the seoro
a tie , but Iliuuuty fell bull iiifiin on bis
next bild , an eiiy liieomci , ami lost bis
scNcatCeiith , a 1 lit light-quartering tiler
Hhiott ndbsoJ bis twcatj sicoml , a swift
HNII | ( bird that w is app.iicntlv nnsioiis to
tret hack to the pigeon house This NNIIS HI
liott's last miss , ho massing tNNontj cinht
shai ht biuls ftoin thut on to the Iliush
Ilut'ireit ) missed h's ' tweut ) niiitli a oilvei ,
and luslort ) fouitli , a left ( jiiiiterini ; dmer ,
fell deal out of hounds Ills IOIIN niiitli
bird , a fast driver , bnelj fell liibielo the
bounds 'J'hoicoio folloiNs.
1 lllult- . i J - I
JO i ,
l ! 1 i j j , . ' is
liberty U - ' o i j i a o j i o i 3
i . ' . ' o i j i i j i j t. i
i j.1 1-1 >
On the It ill KiiMl
I'ielictt has signed with Kansas Ulty.
Won't Minneapolis pic iso niovo that feucot
Demer hu the nucleus foi a lattlhi ) ; ball
It takes "btuIT" to ( , 'et into tlioVostcin as-
soeiatloii ,
.liminy Curtis would like to know If Den
ver \N.nils him.
IU1U Harlo SIINS ho his not signed with
SlouCiiy. .
Itallplajen lil < o Wesley IIoovci htlng tbo
itaino Inlo dlsrcputo ami Nvesturn clubs should
look out foi him
Tebeui is gottlui ; together a Nery btionu
team for Denver.
\Vbito and Uowo uiu free to sign aiijuheic
they nioNanted
MIu ( ! r would bo a yood min for the \Vui
teen association.
MeJuiiid ( , leloised by Mlunonpolls , usovl to
bo quite a hitter
Mm tin Duke is the dude ninong NVcHein
iissDciitlon pitc-heu.
Tlibd bisemen aio scaice In the Nvest
rN < MthhiKOlso Is plentiful
Vbkeiy and Shi I vei-lia\o both signed theh
Milwaukee lontiaets.
, lim Hums NM | | piobibl.N bolctoutd ) Kan
sas City. So NNill Hoimil !
Tbo I'ltlsbuivs ha\o sold to Milwaukee ,
for $100 , tlio leleise of Holder UmUe.
D.INO Uowo will IHINO to hump hinisolf at
Lincoln if ho w mts to Join the ptoce U > n
KaMiiondof LnuisNllle would bo a LTOOI !
tbitd baseman for soiiioVcstetn association
Onnba should loom up ns n dirU horse In
the penamil race unitur ShaonoaS mana.0-
The Western nssoiUon : | uKieed to a ,10
poriciil diNlhionol fito iicoipts foi Nlsltln
Now jou can hrar talk In the NN oil about
salaiios tint mo comliiK doNvn The ) mubt
Kt Paul seems to IIIIN n signed mom men
than injboitv il e. Maiiii'orViitUinsmeans
Thcic will bo man ) now facca lu IhoVest -
oiaassodatlon this season nndii iricit nnny
familiar ones
I here Is now n minor In Vlttshimr to the
effeit that .lueUn I'mlili will lie liuledfor
pltiner I'larlioof the Weitern ICIIKUI'
Dive lioNvehis irot a irmul mm In I'ralllcy ,
If ho Is nlittltuild. Aiiothur oed nnil In the
I-.lin.oln team Is Hail , tno pitcher.
Ait bur Irwln Nvanttut Diilio of Minneapolis ,
Hoorteied a fnl chee'c ' foi the ileslit-l u-loiso
oftho I'Ion i City twlilei , > Ilir-
rliiKton wo.ild not nccopt it. I'neoiniitsl
Jant/iMi. relinked IIN MlhviiNkoe , IH soiiftht
bx fsloiiNl'ltv Iloli an eAcellent bill ftlier ,
and Ids leloust I \hmaitei' C'uilim in caused
iiiiuli siuprlse It signed bv bloux ( it > JaiiL-
Zl'Il NVlll plll.N Hist IllSO.
iMimiKer siiinnnn of the Oinibas will leivo
his Uild fpnt , c'oan , home toi the ( late
CitN , Mini n If The oasi'lmll uiuilcuiut hrro
\Nlll ; ! u in in u io\al wi'ti'oine , as lie was a
Hunt faiorito beio m bss.
llobli ) , NNIO ! Is Kooplntfii simp Imdc-
oul ovei ( Ji-nino C'ommoii's tlirtr , up over W M ,
Sioux. Cil.N , Ilished out m n new i IIHN lot suit
l.itt l-'ildiiN , which iNViillnivml up Ids enllto
nilNaiuo , sonfueiul NViitcs us
Iliittson , of lust sen's \VldtoStocldnjj
teim , was signed some weeks iijrn b ) Minne-
npillsVben nlTuiod the usual nth meo
inoiieN he refused it ii'ul ileelncd ho wiiute I
no cash until lie hid tie im woilc I'lietaso
is so iinlime Unit It do.tiNes to no on umrd.
lleaiil the othoi da ) that IM Hiandtof
the Oiniba i lab , w is thinking sciioush of
tiMiif ; I ) 11 I hu keen thlid If lie tlooi , ho
b id better silcvt an o\.liiblti in tin'
I'rauk Usonirdof I..31111 , Muss , who man
aged tilt1 Oiuihns list suison , U now liijiiiiii
on < iuctinn' the leins lei ( iiliu.N .lliu
lluiiis , the llii'hlinti , Hud , as hu NViistluh-
bid in Otiiiilin , if leli nod U\ Kansas City
woiilcl liivo In eit tendeiod tills joli , but the
Low bii\s li.uo ceiiielndcd to holtl cm to him.
Will Clmym in , the I'lncinniti Nnnmster ; ,
his pioiulstil St Paul to pla ) tin 11.1 il the
Icimiu does nut want him. aid IIUNV Chris
NOII ill i A hols .illtr him "I'd i itlioi plav
undei Cumiske.N th m an ) eaptnln I know of , "
sdd ( liu iiiiii Ilo doesn t bilieve the
leiiifuuwlll keep him for the Iteds
Jneli I'tikett will not ho ntvonletl an ON alien
lion ui tlu- Western assoeiation next season
'Iho ' ptopli > out hi'io In ( In wiioli Wint , while
mule r tirdiimv iliouniit iiitos aio the in > st
( ,11101 nils uml niu'iianlnieius in tlio wmltl ,
n lie ilslt\ all ) lilio tlio tltnll hatin a tin is-
lim. I'no.N su&p ml a lioiiiithief H-om tbo
j.nd urn of i tekpnoiio j > oli' , and ctooks of
all spe-ili-s aio Humin.uil ) dc.ilt with.
Thu St 1'iul ehib , tlr.oiiKlilts
a/i'iit U'alleiVillaco , has signi'd \ \ . 1 !
( iiiotlcniUKh ) of Siiramonlo tt > pliN et'iitet
lleltl ( Ion U notion is of Ibo stalw irt In mil ,
standing si\ tool eleven liuhi1in Ids block
liis , i man of iiniNcIotis mtlvili , a stuuu. ' ,
airui He tbiONvei , sure eaten , IIOUNN NN itli tlio
stu-U , leuls the C'ltifoinia IUIIKUU in base-
stealing , and , in short , an liilellmeit , eiioful
pluei llm leniusentitlvo h is bout his oltl
liientt U'alldiis atieasuio.
The Ameiicau assnciation Is on the Nvar-
| iithVitli tornllniNNkin bind , bo\\iel \ < tn\e <
in its bolt , mil a \ \Vinche- sliniK u\ei Its
shouldei H has besttodoiLspoiiN and cantered
into the lints foi nsitin with the national
mil enni'iit The decisions in the C.IM s of
llieiinwoi , Stoeand Mack , while int on
tt'siauh ilK'bt nnd i nil btsnl > ill luIIIINO ;
ilispleisod the nssneiilloti mil like a stuli
lioin , 'u'lf-\illt'il ami ( ilstinatu toll , the 01
'uii/ition has ilt'citlcil to boll tin' n ititinnl
.iirecme'iit mil thcivh ) coinmit suleitlo Nvith
nt'atntss ami dispitcb at tbo earliest pi si lilo
il ito So mote it bo
' 1 be Cleveland elul ) his opened lite t\f\\t \ \ on
the Ameiit in association , bsinni'i tlio loll
hmdid pitther , I'liuik ICu uiss uf ( be I'lihiin
bus clue , who liNCstlicio M.UIIKH L'-.itl
ION and Seuetau Ilawlej bald tlifN ailed on
insti mt ions f rum then itloniLhoaid and did
not w mt Io bo left in tbo gtneial SLI nub !
Leadlt.N 's jiei i < htions NN itli Ivmiuss cut
a luih'O hfjure , and ho H'lid that uu incieaso
ON or the Columbus snhry ofJ"iOONvas given
Action is taken under bectlons 'J and 7 of the association contiaet , which binds
the assoeiition to the national niriLc'incnt
I ho iss ill.on bt'liit , ' no longer i putN to
tinaiU > i > imul , Iho n itlon U le iijiie dccl.itcs
th it ill its i out i lets with plueis , ue b'oKi ' n
The ( leNiluul league is also liing foi
( .rillln of Ililtimoie , Kim , ' nnd HmlooC St
t.oiiis , Stiiittoii of Lo'lisNillo , and Jo'msoi
and lo ) > loot Columbus
Sptiiliiiillsplce. .
The Onnba ICennel club will piobibh
hold their null il bouch shou In .lane
Chli.iuowluHlmen hive indoiicd Detiolt
for the lj AV moot of Is i | , and issued nn
invitilion for tint Kathorini ; in 1S"J.
Theio aie icpoits of geese comintr in fiom
the Mlssomi and up tlio 1'litto almost d uU ,
and the Illinois can count on nn end ) open
iiisof the season this spunr'
If A /.unmet nun amiV U' Taxis con
i luuo io i lee lotfcuioi on a uinui in wo urn
oxpoU to see all existing iccords loft behind
bj thc'n duiitiK tbo lominglacing reison.
Buffalo w ill h IN e a INN o il ivs' bievclinir a ul
nthli tic meeting in .lime One diy NNill bet en
tirel ) deNoted to hlfNclim ; ONcn'ts and the
othii to atldclli' 'Jlio alTiir will bo mulct
the ausplio of the ( itv Leatuo of A A 1T
clubs II Is said tint the pnyoi olleicd NNill
Chnles UoNNcll , the TCiiglislnrmi who won
thollistsK dms w liking in itch at .Madison
Kuriltn , his issued a elialliiinroto ! the \vnild
foi a tiveutv foul ho ' ? is Non-pleiso
match for tJ'iD Ho profits to walk nuuuist
Albeit 01 Littlewool and Dr ,1 A Dough
erty of t'liilaitilnlita , bus ic-copted the chal
lenge in the name of the foimei.
A NVI estluitf match for tlio eh uiipionship of
I he woi lil , host two out of tluco falls , toolt
place m ( ilasgmv. Scotland , Kibiumv Ui be
tNNieii Antonio 1'lciio of ( liicco and'lorn
Cannon of ivnie'iicu The contest icsult hi a
N utory fur I'leuo h ) INVO falls to out' . Can
uon mailoa piotest iigamst thodensloii , but
it w is not nlUmoit b\ the judges
I'l m K I'm melee , .luhn Field and John
( iiini , line I'tuiiied houi tiielr outturn
tilli and lepmt a lollnssnl linio 'lhe > siv
Uiosoutliei-ai rs nioidcude or two behind
thunoitliorni rs NNith the shotgun , but show
signs of i.ipiillv.awakening to tbo sikmcof
tinicb I'arineleo will nU Idnisilf in the best
of form this spiing , and ia on IN summer
NNill doubtless lake a NVbae'U ut Hlliott foi the
Ainei iein Ik Id cup
Kichaul K l'oIns icioiveil a tolesiam
fininS' ( ! ( iciirpjnrccptiin ; the ehiillenge
ol Mart ) Ounln , Iho I'tit'lish iiiiiuei in Now
Yoilc citN 1 beiovill bt ) tliieo raicsliill -
inilo , tht.o-inini tcisof a mile and ono mile
foi L. iO n sltle , swoopst ikes , open to the
NNiiibl I'be ON out will niohiblv lome off at
Midison Siii | no Kiitleu In about two mouths
( ii'oi > to will pi ) his own expanses , though lie
NN anted t"i i at llrst
Iho snpivmo coiut of PciinsNhaiiii on
TuesdAN dolhued aduislon ie\n > iug the
jiiilgmcnt of .liidto Ycike's of Uncles count v ,
ami hohllntr th it tlio UiootiiiLtof pigeons lib-
ei iteit fiom all up , pinNlded that II is done
not NV.iiilonh ami tr1 it'll ) , but ns a test m
niuUsmiiishlp , and with piuper atteiitioii
pud to the initnotlliite Uilliu of tin1 Nvomuled
buds. Is a Jiibtilliililo sjioit an I n > tinteltv to
animals This deiision uill hue i decided
effect on the lc'tfi-,1 ituro of suv ei d M lies
which aiecoiituiiiplitlnVx it > of
li\e \ pigeon ti ip slioot\U
The ilftcevtn nnnthl' Now Veils biiun
sliiivv of the U'estmiiistcr ki'ime , ! ilub Is in
pmgieasat Madison isipiaio ( .uaoii , Novx
Vorlt. Theienro 1,171 cutiiis Among the
inislilTson i\liihitinu me .Mi lrosi > . I'nnco
and Hi1 m fort , ollcied for side at 1iHio oieh
Sir HtillNoio he.uls the list nfst 1U i nurds
Aflet him comes llespci , foi sulo nl * | 1iHto ,
I'linliimiioiijr , for site at $ < UIIHI. ) l.aiis
\\rlinitoii ! , v , tilth v.iKM , Dulio of I.ivds ,
Don H , also wet th fiili ) ) uiieli , and 1'ltuiii ,
nsK-Niar olti dot' , hulil at llin cmi fmtable
pnco nf-liiun ) J'aoieaio 1T1 Si HeinanU
on exhibition
A pioot of Iho condiiciveiicss of athlctic-i
to lhnlii | > h stiiiidlin ; In scholarship is given
In tin'tcfiiil of aildetsNlioNNnn honor in
tint junior appointments nt "i tie enlle e In thn
lusl tlni'U ) nirs , the nan CH of til per ecnl of
tin- men on Iho N moil" loa-tis being found on
Die Hut The list shoNNs thn1 in the clissos
of " , M , " , U niul 'li > , theio biiNi'lieen bKtN idno
men attlNc'h eiilged ( in ntlilotiek on thudif-
foietil imUcislt ) teams Of theso. onu has
U'u'lNi'ii a philixophlial ouitlnn sK IUINC
111 l IMd ill III ill t\N O ll.lVO H' , PUi il illssi |
tat n i iplu hue iiri\ui | ( list ui putts
niiin IIIIN e iiiiivi 1 In t . 'I. ( lies t\\i i\ ,
ha i ree ( HI I set m 1 ion i im > , m 1 twn t )
llv o failtU of ircUluu tiu > upjiii iitiiKiits ,
TlIP l"l' 'l'P'iOIIIM it ( Ml'IlI
lllh SlAlhb SOCIAL S\\IM \ \ ,
TLo Bright Slilo of Lifu in Prosperous
Country Towns.
Iiiipiii'tant -f , | | , | i\cntM , Polite ivi-
MiiM'ineiitsiil' I'liiinhieiit
I'eiiple CJos-
sip ol liilciesi ,
A glimpse of the sot-lid life of the it ite H
given In the following columns. Aio NHU
In Ul
Ijlni'olii ,
H It * IIliIT loft Atondiy for Milwaukee ,
Mi lie-ergo W.Vimlnnn U In Helena ,
Mr W. A. Coehiellloft Sntuidufoi 'st. '
Hi l > 'i uilc S Hillings has ii'liii nod fiom
Chii IKO
A ( ' . /lomoi letmnoil Monday fiom his
custom hip.
Kcv. 13 11 Chnplti has Leon onoj ] Int : n
v islt In Kansas
Miss Mmuaict Halrd h visiting ielatl\es \
in I ) s Mulni" .
Mi Joseph Stiinfoid loft Sntuulny for
JuilisoiiNllle , III.
CJimncilnmn .1 H Aiohllald Is on u busi
ness tup tn cjhlniKb
Miss c'oia ( limit took the tiala Mondm for
( Juthi le , OUlnliiiini
lion .11 M liieiiiclnriic'tlanunilicrof diys
nto fiom Ids eislein trip
MM < ! II Spr.iguo bus loft for Hpokmo
Palls tojum her husbauil
Mi ( t r St John bai roluiiiuil from nil
extended sontlieia tiip
Mis Mi Mann ami Miss Oitratidcr left
SalnuKiN lorSdt Like City.
Mi Jtio Kiilou is In tlio eltN visiting his
mules , Di. Hiton and mother.
Di. Hcnjntnln P Dalle ) has dopaitcd fora
business tup la tbo Black Hills.
Miss M u tin A .lillison \\i\t \ a Mls ouii
I'neillc pissenger .Miiudav foi Cincliinall
Mil I' W Cupelmd of the Tie uont Is
entu tinning Mrs Joseph Ullis nf Kansaa
Cit )
Miss UN In IltiNvdlo of LONN is , la , Is N isltniH
NNith Ui mid Mrs. Mooiout llj'l Washington
.Messis T. S Allen an I Nester Hunitnous
II.INO be-on v islting with fiieiuU atabasll
tills NNcek
MrV A Cocuiell of tbo grain Jinn of
( 'in Ivieli Hi others left biturJi ) for bib homo
ln > t Louis.
Mr .loliii \ \ ' Hut nnd fiindy old res !
dents ol this citN , doiiirtotl Sitllldl ) for
\\iillu Willu Wash
Miss Anna Mabian of Salt Lake is in tha
i-ilN N isitiii ; her liicnd , Mrs .1 D Moor , ut
1111 C stieot Klojd SO.N bolt ami Hint Honnoll
hue bfeii enjoN ing a tup tlu on h Dixieland
tbo o ist ween
llin A Ilnller his left the citN on a six
niontlis Hip that will include Ucnv elf 1JU-
eblii an I points in \o\\ .Mo\ieo
linn I ) \Vluolcr of Omili.i w is In the
iitTiicsihu , a irtit'st of Ins son , Mr Mien
H \Vhccle r , of tbo state auditor's olnce
Miss Ma.Shilling of Lexington , 111. , is
\lsitmg her biothe'is , Musbu A J and Dui (
Shilling bliONvIll remain here about six
w ccks.
Mr. CV Kratdcel , formerly of Lincoln
hut l.xtci of IlnlTnln , N V , has been visiting
f i lends ami renc'NiiiK old aenuamtojiees In
this cilN thepiescnt weelc
Mi SiiinielTlion burg NNIO ! has been tbo
( 'iiest of his sisters , Misses Jcnnlo and
lliimali Thiiinhiirir , rctuinod Siturlay to
Ins home at San Antonio , Tev.
SeciotarN nf Stito Allen has brought hU
fund ) to Lincoln and IbeN NNill make tin ir
fiituii ) lioiiie lui1 leinpoiaiil ) the ) aio
stopping at the Lmdell hotel
I'ho wooden wedding of Mr and Mn If.
M Hlio was joNousiN ickbi.itiil Mmidav
uoiiinu' at Ibeu eonifoi t-tblo anil li'jsintablo
liome in Uust Liinoln IIN a 1 ugo i niiip IIIN of
fiiends , and It was at n Miy late huui th it
the quests Hindi ) dispoised In theii hmnes
Pi m IN evening Hie Nnunn gonticineii of the
Jimioi class of the lilrih si heel teiuli i 1 the
joiitiK latin's ol ib it el iss n put ) at the homo
of Mi C'tiapmm , 1 U"i I'stieet The ivudng
H.IS nlt.isiintlN siient at c.utlH. hildlptlpii lint
and d UK IIIK Hofiebhments Nverc SI-IN < 1
Mrs X C Abbott eateitlined the \Nhtst
club on Pi ill iv UNeidiiKtit hoi home , ITi's ' M
stioet Tlieio wcio between tbirtN uml forty
( nests present and a mo-.t dellirhtfnl iNonhijj
was spoat i'licsiicciss of the cNeiun NN.IS
tine in a luifO ilcK'iee to the excellent tiet of
the hostess Mi K II Uroen and Mis K
A Piny ( "lined oil llio piios.
The nmsii do ( 'iNcn by the Photciono "O-
eielN of thehi h si heel Sitiuda ) tdcht NN.H
.iKtand sutcess Thiro was n need mull-
dice and the selections wcio well rccelNcd
by nn iippiiciiitho ninlience In fact all llio
intoitumiiiiiits given UN the Plioterones is
well as the IIMIIKS IIUNO been miusuahy
t.ood tills NN Intel
A NCI-V pleas-mi pitty ( jnthered nt tno
iiomeof Miss Smuilcs , i'Jiri P stii tt Satur-
lav CM nine ami enjoyed hei hospilnhtv.
( iiunes , hl | > li the anil tidtlledewink lllled up
the hoius until miclniiilit , anil nn oiijiN.ililu
ippnslcompleted the full iiiensino of jt'Ul'N ' ,
AmoiiK those piesent NNeic Misses Allu mil
l.dith TtnNor , Misses Kmma and 1'loienco
sutoi , Miss 1) uis , Mis * , Miss l rcn-
in.r , Mr ami Ml > l ewls , MISH Mail VN Dr.
Itisoi , and Messrs. Will .lenkins , C S
lroci , C S. l'o\NNOithj and otliirs
Pi hi ly cNeuiiiK thu member- 1 In ; jc lub
of U ist'Lincoln NNCIO delight I ully entciiaiue 1
by Miss Alice Orr at her bciiitifnl Borne ,
Thill ) Until mid Pitihoi avenue J lie tmD
is a sot tal boil ) nrnani/eil i irh in llii1 NN inler
IIN a nuinbci uf Die must talented iu > 1 m -
onipllshul jounir ladies of Klst 1 In. o i , to
UN esunnin Uu1 possibilitN of entoit lining
hen fiienils l\ ) means other than c u ts nud
l.uuiiiK I'ho i.ipld growth of the nit-ain/a
uon atlests its suciess and popul.intN A
thuiotitfhlN enjojalilu oNenliiRwns spent nt
i.unlN pullintr , tvNislin nndcitiiih' , nliiiU
liroNt'd nmo-.t prolille hoiueo of enjn\ met t
I'lm lai'KD pailt > is and ample iii > 'llsli li.i 1
NNCit'i rowded NNith tioiis ] ) of inetrN uiilicis.
NN hilo the stall NN a ) NVIIS mimopob/i'il bv
otluis In tetenti'tc A special ear nt U
o'clook biniiKht the ( 'iicsls to the ell ) I'lnso
iiescat weie tbo Misses ( iicen , rhumis ,
ustoiila ) , Iloiulaml , Uleliuds , Tnjlor ,
HiumbN , niintoinbo and Oii.antl Messis
UnstudiN , I nttentoiio , Coolt , Laini I'Pil ,
Kicme , Hell , Talot nnd Oir.
Hi at Her.
Hank i\ainhiei- : M ( Jiinlth nf Wnhoo
wns In thu eit N Monday.
' 1 he in ui } fiiondsof Mis. S \ \ luces w ' 1
iejiot ! toh'.irnot her serious Illnos ,
,1 l < lliuilngtoii f SiiDoiltn. N t. v > us
N ikltlnir fiionds in Hie eit ) ONCI Suiulnv
Mi and MisV M 'llioinpson of i ) a'ia '
NNt'ii iieatrieo Nlslini-s durini ; the wot-k
.1 I ) Clans of Kit ! Cloud Nvas.i , , ng
ham's ' NN Itli old friends in the city I'ufauu
Dm Main/cr lias tctiiincil .fiom a f < .t
uieks' Nlstt tuL'hiiiiiru and Michi m p i .
land LuiB has ( one to I'hieauo m..i Oit 11
eastcin points on a combined IIUMI , > s u >
d 11 Hrewster of the llrinof Ilioustoi .
.limes took a HNIIII ; business tup to \ ' .
Kau , Monda ) .
Aithur L Jones of Holcnn , Moi w is
N iiitlmr friends hi this tit ) miring lucm \
daN of the week
Ir ) ( HWKO OV Parnhnm of I t >
NN.IH lClllNNill ldd tlClplldnUlUCOii 111 I ! > 11. 0
duiiii the wctk
Mr. and Mu Hind SliuiL-liter i r iinui.i
NNIU' Urn quests uf Mi and \li-i l i. l ) .
si \ iltiiinu 'In l' ist NN > i u
U i 11 Iv t Uis of PN tht.i ( . .INOII
' < 'N i N i 'i ' > l til ll i nudi oilull )
in I l ' it ( vi , i r
Mr * uiiu'i i I'uitouaud Mm hue Mo.