Till ? OMAHA DALLY HATrKD&tf , 28 , 18Ql.-rn\rKIjVK \ 1 'ACIJEH. ' THE A drnymnn nttrmptoil tolravo n lr ml < for HOIIHI iinUniM per m nt the liVIm- MM ! liullillni' , c < ii HIT df SMi'oiith and SVoliMier Hlii'oti. It is buliouil tlio propel 1 } \\M Htttli'ii. I'll ! ' IlKlllrtOM UNplIoiKl'iifil'H Aflil 1'lnwplinli * . Or r.J. AVIIIIniinnii. St 1-ouK Mn , snvr " 1 liaxutrstnl It.s iiunlltU'i In insci of ill.i- . Men , with inaikoil bcndlilul irstilts nnd nm well iiloiistMl wltli llio ioii.eulttl qualities or tlio IIAYII. ) > IIICOS. lillHMI IICJIMltlMCMt. tlorhof llnoii sat great 10- dm t lull" . Hl.iai'heillltion ( Inniatls lliat , sold at ill- now " 5)ijiiril ) < > .V HIMMII nmv.Mc ynul. $ ! . ( t\H-ytu'h ) ( uiilo dainaslc now belli } , ' Fold l Toi1 J iv rd , ImiiH'ij'-p llnoiTi'iilii ( IntuuiU , "V , 'IV , ; ! 'l ' < ' , IV , CO.1 , COi1 , Oflc , eto , not hull Uiolf ant. ant.Tlio Mt'KlnloyliiU dot s rot silToet tlio pn'o ' df Ihoso li iii-iis. Tlioi-iJ linens \voro nil lidiiylit lust K-uMm lioforo tlio nil- Miiii'o luiil'wo pot thorn at ubrnit 40 rents mi Mm dolliii' , which mf- i-ou ntt for tlio lnw prk'o-i wo run \voll iilUndto inaUo at jiri'soiil. No mur- rliant In this country etui alloril In inal o tlio pilros wo ntu now inaliiii } , ' , us loiifj nn tlin KiHcmuii utm-lc hsts.bnt It will not last always , nnd wo would wlviio you to tiiUomlvaiititpront this s'do sit oiicu , tia wo cannot ilupliiMto these prlfos. Tottl'ls llllll tOAollllU. IllllllvllM , OtO. , lit R.-UUO pi'iiTi. \Vo \ liavo nUo u lil stock of liim-h riot In mill iiapUlns to match lit 1.S. ! ) $ 'J.iS ; * l2.liHmil M.00.1 sot. AVlilto ami colored bud spix-.uls arc b'oln f.ist nt bankrupt price * . iiAYnr.N r.uos. , Dry ( , 'ooils timl linens. ous .MIN : i.v OMA.IIA. Arc oil a Toiirnl * Iinc tlijat Ion oi' .Apirtyof buslno s men ftom Minneapolis nrriuil In tlieciu jostctilnyiuomiiiKiuulliavo been btisj Investigating the municipal ait.ilrs oF tlio city. Tlio pnity consists nt II , P. Xclson , picsl- ilont or tlio Mlnnenpolls boird ot tr.uliu ilentcr in hi'iilm unil tlio oivtiorof a p.ipor mill , . ! . M imrllitt , nili'iiler In u'll estuto ; ( ii'orgo II Wiiui'ii , n member of tlio I'ity council niul Intuostcil in mining Kinds ; Uenrgo II 1'artriiltfo , n wholesale dry coons ( leulcr ; K .1 Phi'lps , bmkar and u member or nlmui niul trust company , Tlii'so ( ciilliMiicii formaconmiiUfo from the business men's os.clMnno of Minneapolis , which loft flint city l.nt S.iturd.u ami has visited Deiner. I'utoi.uloSpiliiwI'ucliloniul , ICansib City , 'limy will umahi liero until totnoiiow morning niul will go to Sioux City , retuinliiK homo Stiiidny. Kaili inrmlitrof thiuoininittooiincstlgatcs the business of the cities \Kilecl in his par- tlrillur line , bulllie ni.iln oliji-i-t of thotiip is to examine Into llio oiienUiuiib of tlio boards of publii1orlcs. . Mr. Uaitlett actocl ni spokpsnnn of the pniU iiiulstntcil to ft ln ? rouos.oiiiallvu | tliatlenlslutioinvas pi'iiiliin ; in llio Mliiiio- BoliilUKlslnltiroto pio\iilo \ MiiiiiiMpolisith 11 bo.ifil of puLlicvoilti anil the committee hnil been soul to citli1 piovlclcil\x-itltsuch boauls toinv ostliito | thuorUlngs \ niul ro- poit whether It ttoulil be l st to suppoit or oppose thc > IcvMiition. "Wo nro also prc- pnilHK to tnaliii compaibuns between tlio xiinnufiiclHiltiK liiilustrii's of the \nri- ous c-itlis , nml \\itli tint oml in vlow cmli nii'inpor of Iho cointiiittio Imustl- Kates in Ins p.irtiuilav line of business 'You hnxe a line city lieio , " lie contlnuoil , 'but yon hlioulcl ilivmio Iho nllalrs of the cltj unil llio county nncl i tl riil ot this c-on- tlii'ual fiiction in nffniiN. j\nntlier tliini ; ulnch is rucllittlly ttroiig in Oin.ihu N your nssessinint. It looks bnuto sicjourxiilun- | iitioii ( luototl ntJOUOOl)00 , ) Our \iiluntlnii \ at homo is } l'l > ,000,000 , , and It loolss peculiar to nil I'.istein man It is something wliieti nooiU cxplalnlncniul shoulil bo dinnpHl. Our as- sosstniMitts mnear onc-thiiil of tlio netunl -vnlno of the pioporH .is an assessor canllx it "Wheno rctuin/'s.iiil Mr Uattlett in con clusion , "wo will inako oui1 report to the cv clniiRo niul jou c-an sco our opinion of Cinahn , but I c.ui .ij tli.U it will lie f.ivoi- 'llio I'oinmlttoo called on Seciotaiy N'ason of tlio lo.iril of triulo iinilon so\crnlclty \ and count volliiriuh Iu their tcarch for inform i- tlun. Ycsteiilav nflornoon tlio committed risitcil Tin. HIK buihlltii'anil wcro shown through tlio vnrlous. ilopaitmcMits They \\cio veiy fnuu'ably iinprestcJ by all they s.mnnil x\cio not backwaiil iu c\iircs > siiij their np- Iiroval. Dr. lili-noj cuies utitnrrli , 13eo bld'f. The work of planking the 1 ! it M. briilgo ncioss , the Missouri at Ncurusld City is pro- pics iiiB rajinlly anl will bo coinplctoil inn few divii , when tlio bridge will bothroun open to foot imssmcois anil teams. Tlio oiwnlat , ' of tillInlilfjo will piobably put a stop to tlio coutto\or > y over the ? I. > 0OK ) of briilco bonds Mhlchoro \oteil by Ko- brasUaCily piecini't to aid in the loastiuc- tlou of a WUKOII btidnc across thoiivor.it that point. An iiijiiUL-tloii iiniii ( t the isiit- inKoftlio bonds W.H obtiiueil in tlio Uisitcil States court at thohst term ami tliomiitlvr brought to a standstill , but thooitiensoio Octorinlncil tohavo.x bridge anil other steps Mould have been taken if the 13. A.M. hail not complioil with ita promise , undo long ngo , to build a \ \ an-oa All scalp and sKindtseisos , ilajulnin" fnll- Iiif , ' of tlio linlr , iriay or faded h.iir , may bo cured by usluir tint jialuro's true lotneily , Hall's Hair licuoucr. The burplars ha\o rc unica operations and ttioir haulh have been veiy successful. At Jensen & Gi.un'b saloon , at Twentieth nnd Cuuniifc' , they forced a siito door and helped themselves to TOO cigars , which hid Just bien received ! So far in eoulil bo ol > - tcrveil notbin , ; clso about the phuowab dis turbed. Tlio house of T .T. liobors nt lO.'i > orth Torty cinhtli streetvalstcd whllo tlio fam ily \ , valued at HOOuas takon. Tlio liu ixlars left very little of value behind th > m , taking tin ) cook sto\e , folding lied , a do/ca-4blankets , a lot of knlvoa nnd forks and spoons and a number of coolan r utensils , Dr. Biruoy euros catarrh , Bco bldg. A A Aor.vrof I.\TS. The sale of rcscrreU "e.its for the engage- meat of the Cieolo llurlcsquo company , which commences \\illi amatineo at the Urniul this ( Saturdaaftcinoon ) , opened yesterday morning \\ltli an Iininediatu , steady nnd inpuldcniaiul , asttio inana cmcnt bud coulldciitly expected that it nould , It proailses to bo tlio banner engagement of tlio season. Kivo perlorniaiices will bo Blven ( Saturday , Stinitay and Mon day evenings niul h-iturday nnd Sunday inatlneot. ) anil uowded houses nio buro to innrk tlio fiitlto enijaKcraont , Manager Miner received n letter todaj from MnniiKor Sninucl T Jack , in which tlio latter siys > I "It is the gieaU'nl hbow on the ro.nl. " That Ishat o\eo coinpbti ) ail\auco icprcsenta- ttvo or manager bays who ha seca the show bofoio comliiK to Omaha. Ills raio to hear such unanimous praUo fioui inofcsiloaal lieoplo.VUut \ they all say must bo so. M B Lenvilt's spectacular pintomltnio biulcsijuo. "SplJcr and Tlv , " will bo pro- eeiiteiUitlloyd'soa the last three night * of next week , beginning Thmsdny , Muuh f > . Mngnillecnt scenery , catch ) muMe , ( 'roteiijuo uoineilv , hlKh class \audo\llle \ , uantomlmo , inarches ami ballet , nro the aioro Imiwrtant features of the "Spider and 1'ly. ' ' The company numbers forty people , Including bovcul strong lluroptau iimeluci , MnnnRcrs I3ojd nnd Ifa > nes received telo- eraphlc Information yesterday moraine that Thomas W. Kecno , the tiiiKedian , would not boablo to till bUoncapoment at the lloul on March It' ' , 20 nnd 21 , owing to illness. HIre - A cmcut bos bccu ejected for some time. ( Iienl Hiilo Tonion-iiu of ( . ( Mils' ' Thl-Mvas tlio flm > t stock ( if nny carl - l lid lij r.iMtimnVc will pinto this cutin > Modi on > ! ili > tomorrow mornlni ? at prlii' * to mm oil and moio It ijuick. Ho mil full to btij nil lln' penis' unlatm- ' dlivil fhirlsou'ttuiit \ Imnomm * . They will bo Fold fur less than thuprkoof the muslin , In ovowlilrts l-M'ctnnn rnrrlcd Iho finest Block in Ihousl \ , eompi'islfjy flllcs , I-Vonch fliiniiels , Ml in stripe * , flint * vuilci'iis silk stilpr > s , line chi'vlnts ( 'ill i fin n in wooli , doinoHtie In till Armies. Tliirf lot will bo told fur loss Hum the priro to ninkp. Iu this stock ' \lll lie fotinil Iflfl tlocn ( 'ctits'liritlsh half liotu , Iivtivy nntl line pin/o , woi'llt iloo poi1 pull' , rc'tlueijil to $1.00 auspondcis reduced to aii'ponik'radown to "u1. lines'xusponclcii tloi1. Suspeiidc'i'S oil need to lOc per jwlr , All of KI'emin'H WV IjalbrlpRitii uii- ! er\\ou' iciluceil lo "oo cai'h ' , shirts of $2 00 fjlinos rahiopil to flic. 81.'ill lini's i ed u cud to".1. 61.1H1 Chives iciliii'cd to TiOiJ. . " > ( | L' ( iltiNos rcilni'od to Hoc. LAUILS' AM ) CIULUHKN'S iiosir.ity. In this dcpartinciHillbo inido the loopest cut ot all. Ua < jiu > tublo all Iho ulils and omK coiiiiu'isin wilk , cibh- noronntl cotton hobiory for Indies' anil .hildroti . , at oiio-fointh ri'snliirpi'ico'i. ' lOl-oiniin's hUiL'lc of bdja' hc.ivyoo \ \ Ibbcd biijolo hobo , worth 50i' , roihtood o I/it / : . Tjidloa'gra.vttool hobe , onlj 19c piit" vorth Hoe. Child ren'rt fast bliu-1 : cotton lioso , loublotl KIIUUH , only --o ; rednccil fioni lOc. lOc.All All the fast black IIITSO for ladies voitliUli' , reduced lo tile a pair. All of llisoinan's fancy INlo anil colton IOM ) for ladies lodnceil toiio per ] iiir < Jjiilloh' line balbiItfgnn Iwo , o\trn il/.o and extra loiiy , worth SI ; roituccd to Ik' . Kisoman's fast blade hose for ladies , [ loinisjdoif djc\voith , GV , reduced Io30o > or pair. All of Ittscimn's btocK of childior school ho o , vorth lee , icduccdto Sopor pair. ( . 'hildicn's Wnek llocccil llnnd nose , worth oik1 , reduced to loc. Your choieoof Kisoiiian'b * ciillrosloelt of ladies' ' domobtiu hoskry for lOo pei pair. Infants'lino ' ivool hose only lOo poi pair , \\oilh " ( V. llHoiu.ni's stoc.U of ladies1 line 15&lo be , woilh ? 1U" , icdui'i'd to ODc. HAVUI'.X 11150S. , ] ) iy oods and linens. Dr. Su = doill , 1-WI Fainiun , trenls dik eases of kiiliioj , bladder ami loolmn. \voii4.ii : ; > iu ATIO IMVS. i'wo Clli/etis U'lio ( "lahn to Have Itoei Until ) Duped. OinvoMinpi lints hive been nmlo nnJlCRit projcpcllncs aiothrc'.Uotioil nirnlnst Luvyei' Miinu anil llitt for tholr part in t\\o easci tliat Avcro recently disposed of in Justice courts. iMliiam Vanlloin wnsrecently arrcstci upon n peicourrnnt. . AVIieii brought bofoio Justice . \nilounii huwa.3 placed under bond of $100 tonw.iittho tinio of trial. Vaiilloii secured n boiiilinia.ilho was s ills.factory to tlioc'outtnilil liu walkocl out u ficc uun unti tnoilnj of trinl When tlio eiso w.n tiiod tlio Justice 10 tiuliud Vnn Iloui to sicrn.ibonilof SllK ) as i Kimtaiitie tbitlnj v.oulil Keep the peace. Vn Horn was then roioisuil. "Xow I sutiposo wo can hive the $10 liacU , " said Mm. Vnn Hoi u , aililiosslng Jus tin1 Anderson " \Vliats-10do you refer lo ? " nskod tlio jus tice. " \Vtiy. the ? l tint \volml to put up for the ooii'l ' , ' " s.iid the 1 uly. "Hut\ou illdnotimt up mi v $10 for bonds , " Sllll Vcswoilnl. I pad it to Mr. llltt , the lawyer , lie told uu-thatwc had to put up tint lunch foi the bund. " Jntitieo Anderson then informed the lidv that the ? 10 hul nou-r Ueun roninrodor juid into court and that she would huvo to jioto > lr. Hut foi the inoiioy blio paid him under a The luly wont out and sooa leturncd with .Mr. Hittiinil Ihoii tlioro was a seem1. JustkoAiiUeiioiisild tolhtt1 'If jou not ilO f ron this hdy by rcpre- scntiiif that llio inoiioy lad to bo put up for bond settirit > you aio a thief and outfit to bo In the penitential } ' You Itnow tint them was nosuchiiiiiii ol money injuired to bo ilepositeil inline case " llitttrre\vfurionsl > anpry nnd abused Jus tice -Aiitlorson in u-ry har-.li langiiuge , Illtt was onlerod oat of the olllc-e , but would not | 'o , and after stoiining uroinul for ton min utes ho linally went out aloiifr wilti Mi" * . Van Horn who was iuepiii'bittcil\- ( \ . When Tin : lii i repoitor i.dU-ilat 1'aul Lcnf'ii place of Imsincbson Vinton street ho found the ioiitlenitiii ; very wlllini ; to toll how ho hail beui worked by Attoinoy Muni ) . Mr , I.oii find some tioublo with a noisy fellow in fiont of his iihco of business niul the matter ramo up in police eomt Iloth men were aetiultted anil they oxpeeteil to bear nothing inoie about the matter , lint last Moiidnj , Mr I.enf said , havjcr Jlunii e.uno to his jilnro nnd tolil tlio bnrtciulortlnit ho ( Muanhad bun omploveil by Mr. Unt to defend him. and Mr. Uonf had not iiaid hail IIH foe. Munn proweiled to take wlilsitv looht.nls and cigars and \\liisi < vstrnlKhUi until ho had wet ( roods to thu amount of $1 50 ibaiTil ( against him. Hi- then uiloil on Mi < T enf and told her that ho paid out --SJI.Mi for Mr. Lent and wanted the money refunded Mr > L.enf In- noL-onlly believeil Mr Munn and pahl him the Jf > i > . "IwlllliHO Munn allotted for ohtalnliiR nioiu1 } under false pretenses , " said Mr. I.enf la a linn and doteiintncd tone ofoluv. . "I will go down topoheo couit tomorrow and swc'arout a warr.iut. " lor the euro of coins eout-in nnd all do- ranpeinents of the respnatoij orpans.nootlior reliihlo.n ' 1'ec- meihcliio Is so Ajer's Cherry - ( oral It relieves tlio asthmatic and con sumptive , even In adMineod stafjcs of disease , b suu-d innuinerablolUes. A Clinntro i" Clerics , Mr. D. J. Oiacoy , the popular hotel man who has presided at the debit or the Pauon for the past two jenrt , has leeched n very llatteilng offer from the Hoail house of ChnttniioonM. Tcnn. . which ho ha ? comhidoii to an opt Ho will leave for his now Held Sumhy evening. Mr ( .Jr.uey is ono of the best Itnown hotel men la thispaitof tboeounliy nml has made hosts of filoads ainong the people of Omaha duilng his stay here. The dmngo will bo an afjreeablo ono on nccoiint of llio fact that the scenoof his futura labors is near tlio homo of the parents of Mrtluteoy. . Mr Ciraoey will bo succccjetl at the Pax ton bv Xuh'Tajlor , who lias been connected with the house in night clerk for sonic time , niulC. .T. Annis , who has lu-Cbldcd over the cigar nnd news bland , will ttiUo the position of night ilcrlc. _ What U more attractive tnaii a pretty fnco with a flesh , blight coin plc.\lou I Korit , ute Po oni's | iovvder. Mill Al Two more complaints have hcen filed nsnlnst ht'-phon Sims , who was bound ovci to the district court for forgery. The com Vlalimnts nro Julius Firth of Tenth am' Howard sti cuts and I'at , O'Hcmn of Icatl and L-eaveinvorth. Iloth allege- that Slur. penned slguutures that dlduot belong to hlu : Shoo Oppnrlmciil Hiii'KttliiN I'roiii ( ho ii ; cinnii llnnkrtipt tilioo Meek Sntiirdityi Thlidop'ii tmetitMH otioof the largest In Kt-dnan i stoio anil ho emrieil only tiu iti.s r M A KIS : of Nhoes- . Menu snmltil nibbc ! * , 3je ; price , oOc , Moil's y. A. tubliors , oOi- ; rice , 0"e. . Men's line .1) ) calf roiitfress nnd lace lines , f 1.711 , Klioiuan's nrlco , { L'-o. lon's lliio 11 osilf 1'oncrods nndlueo liue-i , f 1. Ml ; I'lc-eiuiui'i pilco , flo * ) . Men's line sallu oil calf ( . 'ongiess lioc * ( $12.ii : ; ICIvman's prlct > , $ . \ . ! > . Men's line oalf Uood.u'.ii' veil shoos , 1 ' 7"i ; r.lbcmim's price , Sil.7d. Men's llni.'kntii'aioobutton slioosill. IS , Msinan'w pilcof > .ll < ) . M MI'S ' line "piiro gnin" rubber boots , ' . lo1 Clbctnun's pi-lcc Jt.OO. LAiiios'snois. ) : 1 .aillob1 line pat. tip O.stord lie" , 61.15 , tul fl.-.5. Ladles' dongohv button shoos , il.lW tul Jl S.- , . . .adios' doMjjnhx button bhoos J.20 , 'isoman'g iifii'o $ - . ' ' > , idicnMIno hand turned shoos $2.So $ , MI SSHS' AN D t'l I ll.m UIN"S , b'cioquot rubbers , lieuls , fei/cs 11 n I.I } , Kle. Mlssob'solar Up shoes fl.2. " ) . Mlsscb' line dun-join sinlug heel shoos , 1. li Chililren's school shoos , sl/os Sto 11' , Ho. Infants'shoe * , 2.V , . ' ? . " - , 60o anil ( PHI. IJova * shoos , $ l.U.'i , * 1. l'i and ? 1.75 , IIAVDIIM 1IKOS. , Jij ) goods and sbues. S.iturd.iv , Feb. 12S , IS'.ll , opeiiin'of V. . VutliiiiJi8 : new billiaid ami pool hall , 2Ulsuk \ stioot. l-'ino cljjara and ob.uvo , hot or cold toinporsince drinUs. Excellent ( reo lunch. Dr. Su'MlorlU-jOlPanum. Specialty , HJ.lbOS JlOClllilll" tlVOI110M. . i / / Toll-Tail' IjpttoiH l-NmiKl on iv \'I\K > "Vnp , " stniuls opposite the narno of W Popper , lORlstcicil on the police courtiocoul On Mr. IVppu's ' pcisoti uero founil some cllhlo Icttouvvlilili i-iusoJ the pollco 0 Illi ITS to suspect th.it they lnvo sccui'oil a duncorous crook If not a wlimblo prize. Wilttcnlu n plain , t'ooJ , business Imiil on uotopiiDcrls the follo\vins. "Council lllults , 'b. W , " . . C. O. Leo : Aftci lea\ni jou 1 struck n unit' that IthluU Icaiub. Ho has ? .JOO niul I utnnot plug to lca\o lilin xintil I BCtlt. Youisresp't. " Anotliu lutterviilten in n different hand , nml tin Ilka the f minor ono , evidently bj a poor scliolar , Kiittcn on n lottci-liculot the lo\eru house , Louiull 15ulls ! , u.is Jisfollows. Hi \ Kill llllfl' , Col Mil. Jilt IT"I , , 1 > 'II ' I'lionct Mill : 1 &aw Chailos N icliol- sciii ixiul lie tolil mo jou v. 11 ) i/p hero 1 eoulil lil > o to h.ivo seen ou. Ui-ll. hive jou ottliou'1 1 Ihivo lnoii .it Atlantic , l.i ( lot ujooil ; play oil tlu'io yestorilaj. Wiitoino hi'itf utouco. I Avill bo liorc until Wouncs- ilau. \ . in , thin so bade to Atlantic 1C jou line luijthiiiu'ttiou' , 1 think \\o \ uan li miillo it to the queen's tnstc at Atlantic nsit is not fin from voiir town. Now answer lit once Hiulllll willu niij luttci * fioni litio that jouviinl , tint Is , if \oii want to RIYO them a suvo tliini ! 1 Hill -vMitu the lotti-i" , lioin lieio. You ri , nil our , U. C L-/1 L. Stun enOs lejj - " U'lic-n ( itiettiunoil the prisoner stitcd that liowasnstuik snipper fioni nillott.Iu , anil luil shlppeil stock lo tlio yauls anil liucl iwi- slh'ni'il tlio slock to ttio commission tirmof I'.iruhniat , Hopper ,1 1 ' .ulcer. Marshal LJrru- iiaiihujs that I'.uliluust , Hopper M aiKor deny liming leeched stoik fioni tlio prisoner or of knuuliiK aujthiiiK about him Hois c\tilently a cioolr. Tlic I'jic'kin lfiiif ) { .q. Of the , : j ( " > , OOJ lioprs sluuglitcrcil in tlio \\estoin pacl > lnt > bouses iluting tills season , asconipireil witli ( i.U'J'i.OOO . for the corrc- siwiulinj , ' peiioil last \eiir , South Omitm sl.iUKlitiroil.'iOI.OO ) , li. s.'iiiur tent. Lsistjc.ir tothlsilito .llltUO ) IIOKS liuil been pnikud , sliou intrix KM\I \ of Hit)0 : ( ) ( ) heirs or IT.S pt-r cent. CliiiMKO slions tin iniieasoof r > . * i < iH)0 ( ) or- ( > VI per lent , anil Kansas t'ity IncwiscU ' Wi > OU or ,11 ' .U per cuit.Vhilo South Oiiiuliaonl > iMcUcUti.S'iper cent of tlio ontiie liacKingcrop , M.itiper cent of tlio increase \\as pukeiiin thoMame Citj , shouingsub- st.iutialaiiU Kiiitifjlii \\niit lo Hlvtn J. V. Wilson comes out with a challenge to meet an j man inthostuto in a sheep ski n- nlntr contest , Willnm II CianforJof the C. II. llumiiioml foreo picferrej , JlrVilson \\ill bide himself with Wi ov $ . "iO , to skin iou lior smooth , nnd promises to meet all , oiuenat l'ioy X Selt/cr's saloon , Q nnd 'iwentj-sixtlistioits , baturdiy e\cniin ; . A ( iratil ) injj Simwiiij , ' . Thoropoits Just puhlbhod by Cashier II 0 I3oshvk ] [ of lliu South Onialii Xntional and South Omaha Savings binlcs shon that with miil-iu capitals of SIU',000 , , the a i-o- ir.ito iieiosils | mo S-l llTl > s II 'Iho books of the binlc slioiv u business of a round million a day , leiiMalms. ! . . IDr \ \ . Berry of the Thiulvanl and Miss A Kl3lil | ' Claims. 0110 of the cftlcicnt tcatl'us ' inlhopublio schools , \\vio inniried In I lncolnVeUnosdiiy \ cvenlnir at 5 o'tlock Tlio popular yoiintr eouplovill \ tocel\o \ tlio longiatulutions of iinnv Irieuds on tlnlr re turn < n Itin lcc . l-'rcJ l"iu c , foioinanat .lettoi's biewory , while atorlc at midnight Thiusday nlfjht , fell anil fiatturedtlio small bone of the loll lei ? Just ahovo the nnltlo | oint. A surgeon as ulled nud icduced the fiaetuio. Konldctlnt James Ciovvlc ) , employed In the tank room nt tliopucklnu houses of H\\ift \ A Co. , jcstt-r- iliiv forenoon slipped into a boillnp tank of fi-i-till/er nnd haj hisle s badly scalded up lethe the knees , _ .Not OH A limn tint Cll- ) . .Tnd'o ( 1'atrick ,1. King spent lliursdiy in Lineoln. Kdward f"Jlo > on , Twenty- Tout 111 and M struts , vill ruuiovo to Oiiulin. Work H pio.jressiiitf on tlio stockyai'ds sc\\er ortunmltupain tioitli ot ( J sticet. Irs (5ilo of lllnlrls vMlliiKlior biothcr , O. L Ueni/or , ICixtitucutli stieet and Alls bouii nvcnuo. Daniel Oamcion and Kobort 13 Russell of the CiiUiliy jiaeklnj } font1 , ha\o returned John Mosaick , robldlnir onTuenticth street bctttceiiN andO , va- , badly bitten yestci- day on tl.o calf of tlio left leg by \lcious do , ? ( ieorKoS. AVItchlei of thoCtileajjo Uroveis' .Touinal , on Ills \\avto Texas vislleil the stoekyniJsaniUyub aniiizcd at the giowthof Soutli Omaha. JaincsM. Douil , owner of tlio Don 1 pack ing house tit IJoonc , ] a , i-i vlsliln his biollior , I'.ll II Doud. and circulathigainou , ; his n a-i\ friends at tlio btoekyards. \V \ II ViiuKlm of this ilty anil Miss May A'an Klccclc of Sclunoctady , X V , will bo jiiatlicd in Scliciiectaily Wednesilny zoning , Ala ) -O , nt s o'lloclf , Air. A'aujrhn's many frliuils am e.\lending conrintulitlons Mrs. Iliutlild , ascd thiity-tluco year- * , -\\ifo \ of'JIiotiws Hatlleld , Twinty-sevoiith and U btictts , died at 1 o'clock ThursU.ij. 'Iho funeral iuraniomoiilsM ; not bo imdotdi word isrccoUcil fix in ttio patents of Mis , Hatlle-lUin IJos.Molnos , la , . iioril IICOM > IIAI > S Tlio oilen Mineral I'mtlUM ( troilies itmlu Innii tlio hoilei MrliiHH , hrnnkruit , ( .uriiiiuir ) lur fcout TiinoAl l u Alums , I'm i.mniiil Coi UH. Hr KuilihiiM "AMUBlifor Mlilih 1 tried ninny ullur iniJIUnoi Iililihail not tlio kllKliti'it uliil , boon lieoiirau billcr niMhuitnim ontlri'l > illmipl'iur- ' cilllirouih imo odliobiiilunJIln oral I'linllllosi Tlio ifiiiuliio bixlon Mineral I'mlllloa , muBt liuvo tliutostluwiilnlonil mitnatureaf fair Morrill.Muikvii- 1'rlco Mo. 1O1I11-V ! ) llilMCIIL'IT HIM * . ItM I'IISSIIKO Would llo Dcliliiicnml ( o OMvtn , Folj 2 l.To the IMItor of Tin : IJn I uniloritniHltliat'oineof o'lrOiniiha ini'idiiiMt' , tnnlur the Inlliiotu'o nf nastein parties iiro litny londlnu telegrams to our senators nnd roprasontatlvos In cotiKU' , UfKliiK tlu'in tovotofor the Tonoy binknuit bill , ami I eflimot but thhilt that they arc notliiKltlioutdiio consideration , or n know 1- odwof Hhnt thu elJii't of suchii law would boon the western jobber , and upon his cus tomers lieio In Nebnialn b.inlirupt hw is suppo'i'd t | mt uteryono on an ciuul | font- 'i > t.f. niul o It appeals to our sense of Justli'o mil sounds \i ell , conseiiuiutlj niaiij m'uplo re KUiiii'il b their bolter natures without ' vir nskinjj 'thiMii'i'h-es n to its practical oikliijn U'hllo they llattir theiasclu's lint thev aio ilnlnc justice , even if the oiiM'iis fill , Iho solid earth IIUHIM from be - cnlli tlicir feet , iiiuljustlco is not ilcno. If I riMi'i-nibir ' might.o \ him1 had already nour short huuat , tlira- national liuilaiipl IIHS ; nntl ciuh time the people aftir uldtiK .lioliixvnfnii trial , thought ItHlseto repe.il. U'osuy the least iibout It , this should make us : ilU < iitiimlmt i.iutious about inssinRii fonith aw of tin1 Uliiil. I know of notliluK that btliifrs our legislation into so nmcliillsfcpiito : is this eoiistnnt tondenoj to ehuijjo It sieins ike bab } play. Uunkrnpt law ted n ; repeal omorrow. High llionaothls jonr , prohlbi- ionaiulfieo vhisli ) nevtvear , Sugnr lioiui- ieslastli-rniniKl icpenl this jeai Kit us jo careful , rant ions and conservatlye. Lot is puss wise lavs-s and then K O. tin in a fnir : ilal , coiillUenl thai ttie > will bear tlio test of time. 1. tin \\ell nw.iro that the iinttotiil Ko\ern- nent can Unit for itself ai-onstitutlonal wnr- -aiit for a bankrupt law. us It i.in usually for iiiijlliins that it Kieatly deslies ; lint i niu also nwiiu'of the Intt tli.it this central- i/ationof power , and this doln r li ) the gov ernment \\liatinn \ bo as well ilono. lithe individual nnd tlio state , is not In kccplm * \\ith the timlUioni of oui bifatoiy or the bitter sentliniMit of thopooplc , \villendeayor I to show that nil that pertains - tains to.i bankrupt law can bo ilono uottov bj wihO at aio legislation ; cu-h state and hiition inakliiK Iws which suit the condi tions of its own people. Ala t how Ainohl said tint conduct was three fouilhs otlife , and with equal tiuth wo may say tint business Is about the whole of lifo. Let us therefore kicp our individuality in so important a nutterlo ninlw this mat- Urclc-.ir lot mo explain , nnd call the atten tion of jouvieadiio to aver ) maikeil chan u \\iiich his : taki'n place In the manner ofdoing business \vitliiii the last tmiity joars Un to about 1STO Doston was thu giout head- center of tlio commission trade , ou'ry inaiiii- fnctuici in Now Kiiglanil bciny lepresuited thoro. Tlieso bouses had In those days ofllccsin Nuw Yolk , but the great business ofXev.'Voik was the Jobbing li.ule , and man < p of your readers will lei.dl the niines of the LToat Xu\x Yorli Jobber , who at that timelontrolled Iho jobbing tiaJo ol the lountij. It was then Unit A. T Steivait made his foituno , Hid the ilocaynnil extinc tion of bis busiiuss Is n K001' ' illustration of wliatlnni about to say Apical dianco has taken place ince then , for Xow Yoriclsnow thu headiiunrtcis of Iho lommlssion business , but so far as Jobbing is conicrneJ , Is'cw York , like every otlui lariio pluco in the country , depends for tlio bulk of its t ratio upon its own immediate neighborhood : anil consequently , you will Had an immense Jobbing tiado done now in Hocheater , Hullalo. ( Jlovclmd , ( . 'inclntinli ,1'id IVtrolt.eaeli . i-lty bupl ] ) > ing tlio trade which lies ne.uest it , and dulntf it better than any ono else. could possibly do it. U'hcn no como toCh.ii.iRO wo nnd that ten years ago it stood in cxnetlj the same position ns iNL'w York did ten yeais tie\loiH , biitnowa iliaiijjo hasalsocouioo\er the Chh'u o trade As the center of a i lull and populous countn , it tends em li you1 to conllno its trailo to Its own k'Kitininto Ik-Id , wbieli c.nhraces the states within a tiiclcof lesstlianlU-e hundred nulesVonov ionic to the lintnenso Jobbing trade \vlmh \ has been established inoioor loss \\itliin thohst ten 3 cits In tlio Missoml valley - loy ; einbinilntcin tills division , St Paul , M'inne.ipolis , SIOUK C'ity , Omaha , St Joscpli and Kansas City. ThK gieul ihango , nud thibdevelopnientoi' local Joboing eentors Is due , llrst , to tbo wise law passed by tlio national povernmentwhereby , the lingo lilies of tlio country becaino direct ports of eutrj. so that Jobbers in Omilia or fet .loscpii can today Import goods direct , nud liavotliemp.issed IhrouRh Ibe customs house with actually less oxpcnso and tioulilo than In rs'cw Yoilt citv. o v , ap.ut from this maikeu iiihaiitiigooumlerstand tlioxMiils and necessities of our people , anil heii , as within tlio last two or three ye.us , the ineicliantsot rs'obrask.i aio uairj ing he.uy sloik , owiiiK to tlio milil \ \ inters , or when llio xvholo people aio sulVerinp as in Iho picscnt Mir , fioni , i short crop , or fuithounore , when thej nro snowbound , as they ln\o been dur ing the nrcsunt month , tlicn is the time tli.it tlu-j cxiiloln tlcsituition to thenc.irby job- binn' trade , who me > , in n incasine , their , aiui wno iiiiucrsinnii IHOsuu.i . - tion. It is then that the jobber , for his own Inteiest and the interest of his customer , promises to ( airy the couiitiy m"roli.int until no can j-ot thobenelit of the nrosint snow storm in tlio shape of an almiiilint crop \Vlillo our ouU > rn tuide , whointiudo upon our teriitory , are uowdlnir the mer- enants of Nobiaslca , I inn eorllilcnt thit ; iiinnj of tliosooamo Omaha jobbers who are busj IcleRraiilnng to Washington for the passive of tl.o bankrupt laxvnro tell ing thcii ISTcbraska custoineis that tloy will chueifulh earn ttiem until nu\.t fill , and in some cases they am eien MigLfestiiif , ' wnjs and means bj which they inabo able to p.iy those snno e.istmi bills. Now , let ino nsk these sanio ieople liow tbexxould like six months or a year homo to ho put , either bj thcii custoinctsor by the wo i kin K of , i binkruiit law , 011 the same fooling as these sanio eastern inorch.ints who h.ivosold Koods and collided thcii bills without aino- inuit's lonsidcrution lei the.Nebiaska pub lic I maintain and 1 inn not nshnincil to sait in public that it would nor bo just to put both parlies on the same footing , nt least till the local ineicli.uit had been paid an amount oiiul | to wh.itwas in many eases loiic'd fioni tlio roniiln inci'luiiit ' thronrh fear in hard times. I'heso same eastern merchants x'cij often complain that the merchant - chant is owing'the local lunlicr , and that the bmkef cets often a pnloremo when tioublo comes. They foiiiot Hint the vny inonov.whicft the inerehant is owiiifr tho'bnnltL-r is often what they loinp Hod him toboriow bj their threits ina pri'Mous sea son : nnd then they would no doubt like a innkrupt law to put them after\\aids 01 an cnunl fuotlng with the binkeis and the lot al jobbeis , % \o never intei feio with their tei- ntory or their customer ; and if the ) per sist incoming how lo lorco goods upon our Nebraska niuchnnts , thi'ii let thin like all the cousinunices | that coino natuiallj from ilistatuo and fro.n being str.mgors I'atilon ino for wilting so muc-hon this sub ject , but tlio matter is ono of fjiiMt Impor tance , and 1 tiust that jou will glyo it your own attention fortbo benelltof ourstato 'lll'iMiS ' IClllH I Illl K. C oa luminous or nomen 10 Voara tlioBtunlard. "The poet's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. " Ho wtitosof "babbling brooks , " amp dreams of "the illowcrs that bloom in tlic spring. " The mote puictical man , realising that tlio * - time is cl taw ing near \vlicn his heavy winter ulster will become too burdensome , begins to tliiiw ' of the gaimcntvhicli is now recognized as a necessity in every man's vardiobe , , A. SPR1MQ OVERCOAT. We have opened in our overcoatdepartmenta line of spring garments , which for styleshape , , tone , lit and woikmanship , arc way ahead of any wchavc c\cr .shown , and that's saying n good' " deal. The garments show arc made in Tricots , Meltons , Cheviots , Cassimcrcs' , , Kerseys , "Worsteds , etc , They come in all the fashionable shades and colors. Some arc silk lined , some , arc silk faced , and some are both silk lined and silk faced.Vc \ extend you a cordial invitation to pay our overcoat department a visit , and to give yon something of an inducement lo make an eaily purchase , WEI WILL OFFER At$4,75 At $4.75 At$4,75 At $4-75 n. handsome Melton , tlnee shades to pick fiom , with good Italian lining , with fancy striped sleeve lining ; worth inoic. Look around ; you'll ' sec. At $7.25 At $7.25 At $7.25 At $7.25 At $7.25 a beautiful Serge , with fine serge lining , with silk facing , with fancy striped sleeve lining--hi spring shades. Sec if a ten dollar bill will buy a better coat anywhere. At $9.5O At $9.50 At $9.50 At $9.50 At $9.50 a handsomcTricot in spring shades , splendid lining , satin sleeve lining , silk facing. lisa beauty Come and sec. At $1O,75 At $10.75 At$10.75 At $10.75 At$10.75 a fine black Seigc , fine fanner satin lining , fine silk sleeve lining , cut right , made right , splendid value. At $11.50 Atll,50 At $11.50 At $11.50 an imported Melton , shades of biown , Italian lining , satin sleeve lining , facing of cloth rung way back around aimholcs. At $12 At $12 At $12 At $12 \vortlicightccn. Hundreds to pick from. Black Clays , satin sleeve lining. Fine Meltons , spring shades ; imported Tricots ; made in shape ; cut in style , ( some arc box coats ) , well lined & trimmed At$16.75 At $16.75 At $16.75 At$16.75 Finest in the land ; imported Tricots , handsome spring shades , finest linings , best of trimming1 ; , regular twenty-five dollar coats in most stoics.Vc'll ' do better by you , Sixteen seventy-five. Come and see them , anyway. You may make something. FOURTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS- Our spline : Ciitalootii' vill be ic.uly foi mailing Mauli 1st , COMMERCIAL DRUGGISTS commit fiaud in sub-tl- tilling any other pormu Iilistc-r when HKNbON'S lsnsk ilfor Tloj'do so in ordir to ri.ikc' more inoni > out of ) ou li > bill IlU' > ' ! ( ' 11 lllllllu tlllt ui t"i tlii in k li'\\aiu ! of w orthlcbs iniltatluns. Dli III miincts'M'Hirii & nro wli mini-all ) mid cnrilullv I ri'partil itriHirliitldiis ; iMil fDrinnny yenralii iprhalc'ini'lkcw i 111 bin t-o-'iinclfcri - * c ihlrlrjiMriuxdlp } tli | < > ; ili' 1-Mrj HlntlebiJO- cllleuafpivl iliuro furlluMlK-iisuiiannil. Tlifso Sici | illu euro nltliuui iliivtrlni1 , tuirg- Inffor ro < ] iicliiKtl0 | I--.M-I'in. ' niil 11 n * Iu fid tunl dtxiltlu-Kiit iMilu'ii nnifiliiH ollliuVurlili kill It * .MIS. ClltK. . Illlril. . r < 'MTI ii fsllnn , liiPiiiiinatlnn , 2 > a \ Viiriiin.irinloMT , \\nrinriillo \ . 'J.1 'ICrjInu- < ' ( ill - . rli' llilinuriiifiiLli . 'J.'i 4 IMiiirTn-i ; , ft CMIilrtnor AilnltHJ" rt l > \ fiin or ) . OrliliiK , lillliniMColic. . .v.i lit fiiilii- ; JlorliUH , > ' .nntlig , . . ; jJ 7 ( ' ( iiiulif. J"1/ ' ! II Jli'mlitflini , Miikiiciiiiai'iKMcriiyj .ai 10I svi-i | Hlii , Hill HIWi . mill h -V.J 1 I MI IijirenNril ol I'liinliil I'lllctiln , 'JH 1'J NVIilli'M. toi ) 1'nfnso lirlmls . 'JS 111 Criuil' . loiinli. MllUiilU'ri UliliiK .i. } 1 Is , , It Itli n , lr\h'ilis. ; 1 iiiltlms. . 'JJ 13 K ] iiijillHiii.UliciiniilK-lnliiB. .yji 111 | . ' 4Mi'i- mil A KBi'i f liH ! . 3Ialari.i .QH 17 IMlm. llllniltTllci'dlui } . .SO lit rulnrrliliilliiiii7a , l.acl Intlie Hnd . .T \Vliuupiiiii Coucli. Mdi-iitl'iiikli" " . .JO Ul ! i-iiiTiil llilillllt.l lijtlculViakiiiH . .J J7 Iviilury llini > HM > _ .jjjj " ' : tl ) I phi"r > U BVi IjliiK Ilul I.10 ai l > im'nHCMoriInllenil , , * .illtntluii1.00 | Rolil liyDruiithtK. cr M'tilim tnll on receipt CflTlc-O. IIt IlCMIIiniV M\M1I. ( Ill IHIKIl ) zkuly ImiiHil In i-Iiitli nml uolil , mnllul free. HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINH CO , Cor.Vllliam jnU John SlrooU , NowYoik. S P E G B F 8 C S . GOLD USUAL , PARIS , 1S78 , UAKER&CO.'S ' from Nvhlcli tlio cxcrsj of oil li.islie-on rotiiovc'd , U Absolutely lnro and It 'fs Soluble. No Chemicals nro used in its preparation. It lias more than three < < " in tie strmyth of Cocoa mixed with fcUrch , Anowioot or Sugar , nud h therefore far more economical , costiiiy kss thun one cent ( l cup. U is ileluluus , nomisliing , strengthening , ] : ASII-Y i > ini'ii.i ) , and inimitably adapted for Invalids as 'Hell ns for pcrhOiH in health. Sold by Grocoro everywhere , . BAKER & CD , , Dorchester , HOTEI. . jrnrruii , t ( n ; I till ntnl inlll < - IIIHHt H ( ) Jltiti'l Itiilltlinii in ffintilKi , lirtii'H In-lik Jiir itiilln rniinliiiII'HIH liitm-mi'itt to riHif. til tinft'tltiiiin IIIK ! ldnn-nltin > > ( trtll ; .Intn-Htun / / ! jn-wn/ Uniiiti , innlfiiiii it liiijiimHllilr ti > lini-n ( , / / , , I-iif i-Nimn-n t inl / < rc iilarmi /ftr Ml// iif tin" 1'itllitiitii. fitrninln'fil , hot unit t l < l ii uli'iiiinl ' MiuiHliIni- \ t'llTHI'Otllll , 'JtltllttlltNUrjHIHII'tl lilt II- C. SILLOWAY , Prop. _ "HOTEL L ru r 14 tli and Capitol An mi1. Jvist compl toil , 1m 100 rooms , threi tt iirwayt. , Iromtlio tup to the bottom , Ins tin > ci'ivator anl iliniiiu.j room sorvic-i' , h liru projf thr < jugli'mtln.lillarl , ( rooms and tlic fluct tuilot ruoni in the dty. Lar u Sample nous , SuiUj witli UUhAM Cur lltli and tuintul A.VU. Ktrot-t c-ir borvico In allcl.ro. . tiuus. lUtes , fromfia.60 to $1.00 , OMAHA."n" "ii > rnllri" s\\ \ .1 llhlll.lt rELEG-RA.PH"Y. . . THE POPULARITY DP OUR CLOTHING Already conceded , shall icst on no uncertain basis. We will win by merit only , and shall look to it that the excellence of our gooclb hold the favor of the friends \ve have made. NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS , In order to satisfy the pub ic that we mean what we ad- : crtiscyou , arc hereby notified hat ir theie is any complaint nadc , or people arc not satis , icd with the effects of the Turkish Remedies , that is Turkish Tea , Liniment Cough- ure , Asthma Cure & Halm's Golden 1 ) yspepsia Cure , lo no tify us and return empty pack age , and \vc \ will cheerfully ic- uncl the money. Respectfully yours , Tuikibh Remedy Company , Omaha , Neb. I'll , IBOHIS'S BLITHE VEGETABLE PILLS CUXB ' , \Vilfn ! > @ BILIOUSNESS - * 'eh. .jrtiin , , .f all in j ( } . 10 ill t .Abut II a II it < I ItfAn. nnd T / nth o r ilnor- il.n . Tl ) .i * Slomacli Complaints. r [ Illn 1 > lilt lit * Ml , l > < I MI ; , ' , nil unj ( I t \ii fat It * 111- r u.t'lli ill * t < I illlornia ' frv them. 10 | MU In , icli till. Sick. Headiclie : T , f 45 priili n Mnl 1' f-r - ( IT. I\lr , * y /cr ( . f < rM. 1 r uleli ) ill urti.t * . tortiy imi AIJn 'H08BS ' WIDiriNI N , f CP'S iiU ISJKCISW ( M 1 Ol'sI | I IS iiMMI \ M II 11V Klllin A , I > I ir lull il II IIKU1 Mn ill J A lUIUT.tl > U.i Illli .V. II Hi ; ik Kdi ill A.U.I hii r 1 l i UUIIMI Illullt lnin. AND CHINCIPAC nnucnisTB " " ' "FOR "MEN Olil Mon. Wi-iilt M clilln .iv'nl tiifn I'n in i- turi li nl < i iiinii ; M lulu. ) > nU sptiii _ > xlin nrifliti M > . slii'iivlli. iiiiililtlnn itinl il < slitiliy ui i > f Nirvc lli'iihs Ilii'j IIIIK t Snilt li KI l l > ls iMlli' ill HIM \i > lioiilili illxix vl\t > . . \sJV N r i > Hi III < < > IliiiriloS holy liy ( icjinliiiiin llrtiu To , | llu luiniiii M Omitliit nn nil T t " \M > AI wmm i M'-I 1 1 s nm nm II I Illl I fl t I ui l "ll ! > "l > " ' " I" " ' i" ' ' ' " uuuu I ft , , , , , , ! „ . i , , , , i , ti , , i , , r ( ) i in rliuM iinl i -ilmr i 1 1n in HID in nm r i > mi ut auiuiail llvu lit be l All vUui.i u DO S VOUU PERSON AL AP A.UANTCH INPEIl'-ST ' VOi" If so ie ul ( hi. willpnti-'ly ' ri.novi I'l in th in ivirsp ! , \\illw i lei yniir b.jin.viil prt > 'it Sunbnn < nil IT.iu will jiurin in nth i < t the \outh. ful of tms-toj ir bit.n in I , ; iitiui.sr. f.tioi.a tioii in ui > cliu.at l uu Si 1,5 pi p a J Skin liolliier iiml I'm pic To ihnsi in > n nml womoi wliolnvo aij UiiMRhtly , Heil , Coirs.Hnii -h , Wrliilcloil. Dry , D ie jlorM , I'lmpli-1 fi : ovith Els. tr-ndi il Port-s tillo 1 wi' li lil u U lIi'Rils illesl \ \ orm-,1 , i B * Flch , W'irni Paste , whuh , with o.n h anil uvory upiilic.itiou improve1 thw ap joiriuco ol join s'nii ' , aiul within a in\fr % v dts you U'lllliavea jiuri' , thar ami l > ril- hunt complu.Moii Prirl. . / > o poatpiul. OUR OOOI5S ARK AD-30LUTKL.V PUIIH. .ACCKPT NO SUBSTITUPilS. For balu by IiHlli-A l.i > s | | | . K tli niul Diul cst roots. hiihii i\ C'o , n r.ii-r . l.'Mli niul Di.uxl.is .ind .Nmlli 'ltli mil Id-it I , Ino MM i in in. I McC. HUM II IM l ihnliro Rtri'i-t nliiiii ilt > Aionti Un li.irilii u Uni. : 10. , Hi ) nml li'lt ' .linn- , sirn t. LONDON TOILET BAZAR CO. , IIH ami 10 W. ht L'lkl blreot , \Mi ili'v.ilo lllllcc NIL 'JO Hast 17 111 SI root , Men \ tin i li , in tllnl frii- , tin n iiilloatlon | | , HR IUILEY GKADJATt CtNTljf I A I nil s > t of un llulihtT , [ ur . V'm Dm i.ut-i. Aporfcpt (11 ( guir.'xntoi'l lu'lll rxtrtu \ij without puln or iliuiKor. uu 1 nltluiit uii.u' tliollos ( i M ami ntl\ur llllliiKH .a Km .i rnli'H. HrliJci ) nml 1'rnHii > \ nrl UDlli w lh- oiil nl ilit \ll \\uPU iri uiU'il 0-iCtpAATUN | ( ULOCK , 10HI ANOFARN M , Iniinim JClli hiteot vluvaloi Oiicn it utitil b '