THE OMATTA DAILY" BEE : SATURDAY , ITEIJRITAHY 28 , TSDl.-TWETYVE VAOBS. SPEOIRL NOTICES , A 1)1 ) 1 M M MI NT4 * f.T J11 InKi n until IS . ) p in for HUM truing nib i niul until o p in . for the miiriiliiK rd i nu.I si si' . , * , II i. it , , ryi I MS i nth In iiilvnncp. Tl\1l" AilrrTtt'ettirnls on this pifp will l'r Jl ' ur.cil for nt the rule of l' rents PIT ' ' rttn flikt Insi itiiui in d I cent per weld li snl < i mi" nl liioiitliii , Mid } 1 W per > " j u until. No nihertlM'metit ItiKen for < l in . . . nuts for the llrst M n A i s ne * yinli ( lH , clo .count cncli cis m vnrd. fplH-l KliirllceiiirniOn mt run eonoceu- J I MU mid iiinli-r no elh'niiistaliri's will tip * . ' t , n or illsi'iinlltii oil 1 > \ telepbdiie. j ) \K1 II s advertising In thi p < olniniisnnd J I i > 'HIT ' their nti wci-s addressed to u "nuiii- l ' i li-ti. i In inn * nf Till- lit * . nlll reccltc p' ' ' i r , d cheek I't eiuibh III * in In itet the-lr Jii i tuswers will be ddi llvi red ouH on fiii tni'm ' of this i heeU. I'nclose answers Ji ' i pi s ptopi rly uddies vd 1 nil\rrtlKemrnls'under Ihe bend of Al ' sp , ) N'ntlcm" are iiiitillslieil In both tlir i nun nml eleiiliueditions of I'tll'llKf , tlic i I lieu of whichaifKiecntes mureIliuti J.i " ! lersdnlly , nml ulM's the ndxerllser llu i in-l'i ' not only of Ilio larKO eln iilntmn of Till , ei in limiibn , but also In Council lllnMs , ] ' IT niul olhprclt IPS mid townsln Ibowest. DRANCH OFFICES. A \ 111 ' -lnn for thesp columns * . \ 111 lelTlK-n PI i ul . ' ) it thefi'llottlnii luisl- | i- i us , . , ulni nil' iiullioHjiilto tnUc "lieclil n- ' i - it the saint' rates niciin I c hail ut tin.- li ti ti i llu e UK I I'll nMAllA IIIIANI'II n ' .N stteot. Lister Illock. \ \ enth i" llAsr A r.lUlY , StalloncM ami rrlntors , I p s , , , , ! ) , pin , Htreet , ( U r\lINs\ViltTlll'harmiielst,3115Ciim- ) \\T I II nilli : rFhiiTn7nclMrci ; North IGlii > -stud. f * 1 ' \ \ I'ATTlt , 1'iiarmiulst , 171s l.eiuen- V rib slii'i't. 'Ml iilll.s I'HAltMACV. "lib nml rainam. SITUATIONS WANTED. 1 " i If rli In * ) f i-otumtiuli tliiiHgf. \ \ . ? 1nMMI 1ICIA1 , Mtlesiuaii wauls sltuiitlon ; V. i khtiars expeih ore ; can bundle anv In i liesi , .f infi renio ultin. Addicts Kiel , hr.17 \ \ \ more. Nob. M'HT ' ! \\T \N I'l D Hy a yoiiue lady , a situation as > ( li 11 > i\perleuco : wanton nioro linn the Addli-ss 1 ! * - , llco. MM' . : I' Kill \llt > N wanted as tihoto-pilntcr ; can i s.i . \\iuk rlstolltp. Addicss Auu. ( lultpii- Atlantic , la. \ \ \NTri > Slliintlun as birti-nder. Itofi-r- cnci's AddipssT. .U ) , llee JMK ) .V ll.llMit ; and dressniaKor would Illua situation , ully orcounlry. Address 1' : K. ICP Jl5"f.-.V o Keep set of hooUs at nl htoi otborclerl . al aluht mill. . Aihliussr. : il. lice. 1-UO - * . ' 7' " \\r \N I'l D Sltinitlon bv mea and juistrv > ' i ml. luquiro 111 ! a. nth st. " \\r\VIIP liy JOIIIIB man of some evporl- II i m i iinsll Inn lii baiboi shop. Addioss 1 s i , . , , , | n7s | | nil st. s7l-7' , \\TANTI D-Situations for peed ulrls ; my 'i wiiitum looms ate al : ijs full from U a m 1c ' p.m. tanadlm rnnibniiieiit ollhe HI' ' , si Ml , Ttdeplioiii'Ss ' | . 121 WANTED MALE HELP. ( - . , jiffojnfjli-if | rein/mum f/iNmut / ) \N I , . Y\T t l fill ,11 ' -.tilKI' , ill ! 1 II ll-ll Infill i i Monn'iiinii to leain the di.imatic bust- in - Aildtcss lii-iiu Mm si It's Diainallc Co. k rlh I'latle , Neb. M tllli- . ! * IXMN I'l D A Kood piano player , 10s N. Oth A so Ml lTnN7r Xow-fl an hour casMy ihiide by agents , male or femnle ; sample an.I full pirllenlars fu-o. Cbas. U. M irsball , J/oi lipnrt. N. Y. MU > r'i * \ \ ' \N I'l.H A lesponsiblo party to take i i , iii < ucy for this cltv ( or two rapid sell In ; ; hi | selii'ld in tides. Samnlesto luenl-iat cost 1 ithi r ! . ' , both ! } .1cf In stamps. llo.\ * . " . ' 4. Mo- llm 111 MDOO- * . " . * " % " \ T AN'I I'D At onco. a city snlesiniin. an ii eari.esi Murker ; we will pay salary and expenses ; must deposit fMW , for usii of whli h MI will S ( cure same , or to the proper man all inti test In our luislness if sntlsrucloiy to fait small and tolls. AddiCas iiilck | , t'(3 ! ( , oiuo Hi i Dill. p. DJL' . ' \\\Nl'Ilt-A Hist class book keepci and ' ' i in M snoiiileut , one who has a knowledge of p ne i at luislness. nuist he well n coiiiiiienil- cd l < mi toC'oIoiado Addiess I' .11 , care of llu mown hand willing , statin ) ; walarv c\- pci inland tflvluK rcferonccs SI-vO 1 l\ \ II lll'U.intPdror \ slaiuhtpr boiiso J iml siusaco room ; must ho willing to Iiuiki lilmsclf penerillv useful and undci- f.1 mil his luislness. Address i ; . II Mini-Is \ I < . Llni w ajics uxpLcted , rroinotit. Not ) . MH..I " \ \ L"S L ITU nt Onec Harness m ikermi draft > ' harness.V. . I'almer , Hamburg In MSM.N \v N l'I D A llrst-ehiss haini'ss niakei at nice Charles Deppo , line ene , la. STO-'S /11 I'll IS ! aiidtallois Warnlm : : Toobtila V me \ I ) Undo new niitliod of euttliiK It Is npi-iss.u' * . to attend tlie Cleioland cut tun ; sc-b.'l No agents are einiiloved and no one Inn use It without certllleato from the bOhnol. M 8ft IV \N'rLl--Mcchanles , mln , > rs. luinheriurn. clerks , bookkeepers , salesmen , faiineis , laborers and nun In all capacities to loino to Ai stei n Dremni and accent posit Ions at more than IIlnp v. ace1'ihls ( s a jiait of Ihe win Id not iinlv ( iiiial to , but excellliu ; any other In natiiral adMint.njasVe Invite eoriesponil- I'liei ftiuii all who would feel any possible In- tensi anil assure you that all jou b i\e todo Is to ln\ estimate > \e can pioxc bejond jior- nd\cntureof n doiihl all that we assort. Oie- con loan \ Trust Co , I.NV , rirst st . 1'ort- lai.d . i'leuon. W" in22 * A til NTs wanted for the Manhhtlan Life Ins Co. torepirsont In all lame low us in tin states of Neliiaska and Coloiado. Llbeial CotitrieisolH-icil. Addipss No. : ) li andltt'b ' lice bullillnp lieu. 1' I'.irlsli , neii. m'K'r. for % e- briiska and t'olonido. RITIls 2S AI.I"SsNew | elgar-ll hter ; o\ery smoker 'MO ' s lights In wind or rain. Sample l.V , S foi . ' " > , - , } l 0) ( tori-it by mall. Stamps Stnm i iCo. . , I'roshfenee , IE. I. Mi/ix'-MI * " \\T ANTii : > Men with coed tefiicnco at ' Motropolltuii .M'f'g Co , 1003 Howard si. IV47 Mb * lrAVlT.n-Mon totraxel for our Canadian i nur > erlcs.Stoni\'v\Vcllliigtoii.Madlson\\ls Ml BVriiTlvTS wanted In inory locality to work under our instructions , i\peileneo : not nei ess.irj. Stamp for particulars , \\nsli- ln tin l'eteitl ' > o Agency , HOY 7S7 , Vi isbliu- ; ti > n Inwa. M-ilfj Mil WANTED FEMALE HELP JT'i.i iiilrt , lr . frf fojin/rtininifiirill on till * ; inic. "AVM'l I1'or I tlio stniie , nirTiirpUlKoid ' jiiiin.'Lilly to learn tbediaiiialie busi ness Addiess liena "Marsell's. Dramatic Co. . North I'l'itte. Xel ) . M Ul.VH * Olrl atia-'iaeorKl.i avenue. l'ir- maneiit pl.ico. M'i"-l ) * G 1UL wanted for Kcnetal housework. 21 ! . ! D.iMiiport street. Mb-d-l * \ \NTID-A nurse for a child : i years old : > histof reference required. Call at 21111 Pt Marj s a\o. 700 AY TANTKD An experienced ntirsojlrl with fferenccs. ' "Jll Woolw oitli a vo Msl AV ' , \ ' : - for Ullebeu and laundry work .it II.M s ? . .Mb siivot. M77tJ FOR RENT HOUSES. J-\ir nilesetc.tec topnf fiitleutitmii on Hilt " 1O1J 1SKNT-Tour room house tetttcenilh JL iind'Clh onl'aolllc. Inuolro atJlunorth . " . 'nd ' Htreet. MS - ' HI NT 7- room house , all cou-cnlences , IWK HK.NT-Twoo foiTm houses , with i - ihddoiu coa-.enlL'iu-1'j and ainiilo yard room at ' M)7 and --W rarnaiu st. Iniiulre of 'NNm ( Ponnc. l.'i .N. V. Life bld . & 7s-l TTOli HL.NT-Mce 4-i-oom cottaKe. at 1011 JL lath si liiniilrouf Mrs. UiiBKan , S. \\.cor. loth nnd I'liclnc > u. f > 70 K think wo liavo the ) inu < n yon wish to lent , llumly X Co. , lOtl Cuplti I u\e. aio MT KOOM i-ottaco , K H. Slst hticct. Iou , llKNT-l'oiirO ; nnd 7-room lluls with JL1 Imtl , hot water , etc. ; pau'd street ; minr uuHliies * , ! all luiDioveiiieiiU : onlyl-'S per mo. i IJcferences rcoulred , Thu Mvuil Investment ' . 'o. , tt2 llco bulldlug , Otxl * > y\v , men , 16 itr' cnvu i FORJM-NT HOUSES _ For rntrt.ttr . rr'tiinii * ( | M diltiimioii ( Al pti * , 11 \i'ii wl < n to lent a homo or toro M-C. II. I t ole , i ontlnenliil biiK-k. MO _ I tMl III NT- t ott ape * with 2. 1 mid s rooms. I a s hct 'Mb ami tWth , I'lurkc , room pi. board of Inide MlXK P.'S Lft'lt ' 111 .1 I' l.-itNim eenlrtilly loontcd re l- in net s , all iinxlcrn eon\enli act s ; llu' tlni' t In the cln Vi. U. Unman , rooms s and 10. I'n nfi r bl . OfK > MH _ 'K A M hPiitcd Hats nt 7l S. If.tlT. . Thos , I' . ,111 _ J/OU HI'.N't llousoof s tmim , tipwiy pi- peled. nu Ilio eorner of Jfith und I'laiiklla itreclK ; soft and livonint watcflu Ihubouse , In O'ood repair. ti.i per inontli. Also fl tomus In Lliiton hloi'U.lll rent to Rentlc- innn and Indj without chlhlruni steum heat ; 'opei niontli. Almi aslore rooms in Lliiton lihu-U ; Innulro at fill I.lnlon Mm U. luriii-r Mason und mil nlreels .Iniiii Iliimlln. iM' > i OH ll ! NTinnll bou e. wllh lar 'n hun : , or etii-b sip.uiite , 1111.1 Callfiirula klreet. _ FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS /'in ) < ! < < , rtr .HI fnjinf Hr l rulliiilll mi IAN | wtJf. ( r ini'inie. ' .MOIlljj * 1/OK KI'.NT Mich futiilshiMl single front I room , isliil'hb am ) stint. MfUlb * IiMtONT loom fund-died for rent , on Knuitiil lloorln prhati * house , ( 'oinenlenl to all eai lines and down tortii , 1J1U llowaid MiecK 'LU LV rmnlsboil Koonn with BII . li.illi , ' hot and i old water , llentlcmun only " ( XI oni. iiat D Mini-.1 * > ISOOM cottiiKo. nicely furiiMn-d , for Iliilit OluuiMi'keepliu * . Jl'- per inontli Cltj und cls- ti in uater. i all atliul Dceatur. M Idl-G A M ( n fronl pnilor for' . ' vnunit moil era - / iiinnaiKl wife. 1711 lodie. ) MKs-Si- | > i pi tit IM'N'T deslriitile rooms , llrst 1 iml spconil lloor. ri-ontlng Hodc | treol. At UK- Men lam. MhMM IiAOlt lil.N'l'Liuve fiiinlsbed loom for i" . to two MIIIIII.'men , twedcs prefeitud. .Johu- suii. 11 T.N"Jd. . I"SJ I/I'll ' Itl N I'-Ono elejant fiiinlsheil loom , ' 'nd ' limit stenin heat , hath , pis , ote , fi ner inontli. must have lefcrenecs. Mrs- II C Mines. Nil * jaH. I'aiiiiiu * t S.Vrf.'J J/nU ltl.NT--Kloiraullv fiiniMie l looms , for men iinU . si CM m heat , ( 'as.bntb , f 10 , $15 nnd i'M per month , fall Mil s Itith Mteut , Hat 11. TjHJ | | IH'.NTLarje. . neatly furnished room J w Itli modem con\cnlcnccs \ \ \ \ ate. family. KOI LeaU'ii'Aoith st. third llooi t .M 1 * itr.NT-l'tirnlshud room HH llodcest rooms , steuin heat , southcin Jeposure. [ . iVI SKilb st. , Hat 1) ) . sll'i - Fs'i ' KP.NT-5 looms , one lloor , 171-.liielsou slieoU "irnH IIIINT-l' eleznnt ll-ioom linnsrs. Nos. J. ' . .OH and " 110 | ) ouiIiis ; st. Inuuiroof A. A. ( ! ladstone , Mill 1'ou ' lusht. . or lilolji * Loan . * v Trust Co . : H7S pith st. LrtOll nl-Vr-S-Mii-rooiii coltnue , eor.Hi axe and < ut ) . a\c. Inninie'J'ils ' llodRO. M VTH'II rooms stciim heal , 1710 J.i\c poit st L > 4 IS Ml * ( JMALL loom. 17U1 Capitol me. IjlOK 1I ! > , T Nicely furnished loom fortwo Jeolithmen or married couple , $12.10. I hit II , 7011 S. Illlli st Call iiturii p in. MJ71M11 jjloll IK\T ! ( Jood furnished fiout loomsat J-1 h * . * ! ) S , .Mill stit-el. 7Vi-'i' ! _ * XT ! ' . \ \ LY furnished looms , all iii'jdurn ( im- i- ' % t'iileu ' < es 1U'N ! , t'lh. . ! 01 M7 * Ji OH KrNT-I'ront room wlvh nlpoie.enrtains inaiitel. heal , iasbntli. " elusets. for * J ien- tlenion or mini , nd wife , HUM ) per inontli * .V * .Mtli st , 7 l _ I/OK IIKM T int.v-H\o looms In n htlek J- block ; iri od location : with \\lthoiitfiir- - ultiiii O. 1' . D.L * , Is Co. , I50S r.iriinin fel 'JSlM''O ST. ( LAlIt rnropoan hotel , vlth dlnliiir i " ' un , steam heat In nil rooiiih , I , itli and Dodnu. iiPi | lal lates by weol < or niontli. SMIi \i \ OU Kl.N I' 1'unilfhed looms , Kas batn anil L1hteam , I'dli Howard. M.I ItllN'l' I.ust front aleoMi loom tit the Merrlain. M. iJ " 1 AHOi : south float loom , bay wiiulow , mod- l J 01 n roiocnli-iii'cs , for one er two Kinllp- IIIPII , } IO per month..MS Loiucmvoitb. AI'.TC FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. /'ui / nifri. cti , MT < iinoii ( t roluiiiu un l/ifi / puuc. TnoiinT ; > T- ' . ' nlielj fuinlOiedii . is with L small sleeping room , with bouiil.lToT DodKe. MIHI J * _ I pOH IS I'M' Two pleasant loiiius with lie ml. and jas , al viloiith . ' 'lib a\enuc JNiU * 1)1,1 \SAT\T front inoiii silltnblo fortwo , with L'noil bnaiil ; also u luoin male foi a ) 4tii : N. I'Jtlisl. ' HOI 1 * _ /"tool ) bo.-ud and room for ! . ' , } " > per wei 1 % . \-.V.I | llajni'Vj-t. _ > l J I/Olt 1S1.NT I'loiit loom with hoard , w 1th 1. all modem impioeuiunts. . bill Doiu.'lns. 7li ! 'Js * KOOMb . vboiudloasoiiiibleprlces,11-n Dodpo .Sllllli * IJIOH lin > T Lady wishes loommatc , with 7l D.iienpoit st. 70 27 17 l.rriANTI.V furnished front loom ; Ihst- liJclass table bond ; terms leasonable. "CO > IMlist. 7n-7' : T7Hlt ItKNT A hirce. finely rninWied room J \\lth boatd , to a man and wife Tlie most pleasant pait of city and private f.iinlU : no other hoarders ; icferemeH. Address I ) 47 , Ileo. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED /'oi inlii. dr. , nn tup nf ( list full/in il un f/iliprie ( 1/iOU 1E ! > T Suite of I rooms for house- 1 KeipiiiK , to family without clilldien. 170i Webster st 701 Foi ! I'KNT : i rooms , unfurnished , fi hoiisoKicpin , ' , -"Os .N , Uithst. , pilco. t-UHJ. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. Kor idles , f/o. / , r < * ( ( ip ofiitt ruli'inii on ( / ! ( piiK. lTnMMTyi' Store""ri iiii" . ' 'Ox f. TnTioAV Clow- I lybiilldliiK on C'hlcaifo street , ) usi west of HHIi bt I eel. ? . " > ( ) ( ill iieriiKiiitli. Incbidlimsteaiii heat and oily water ; also biseincnt sullablo foi shop , on eornii * Hith and Chlcauo streets , J.V.OO per inuiith. ISobcrts. 4W Noith Ifilh. - * Msll-M-il D ! > ! % " room for rent. Knuulio of the Star Loan v > s Trust I o , 1st Hoot , N. V. Life , bid * , ' . MC.l 1 C HOICK drsU room for rent on croiind lloor , model ale icutal. Hi1) ? raiuaiu stieet. M KJM1 S 1I1OII linsr 1'nrt of business ImlldlnK IIIOS -L raiiiam stiocl , consisting of store and upper Hour with otlhn rooms. Iiuulru of John H. F. Lebinann , UJI S. 17th btreet. _ , , _ _ t - - _ , _ _ _ _ , | , _ _ j Ml 1,9 OTOItr.S at 700S. loth , steam heat furnished. DThos 1' . llnll.JI I'iYtonlilk. H7 TrToU KHM' The 4-slory hrlok liiilbl ni..wlth Jor without pouer.formoily oocnpled hy tbe lice rublishlnzCo , Uli > rariiaio st The hullil- Ini ; has u llroproof cement iinseinent.eomiiletc uteain hi'iitliiR tUturcs , water on all tholloon , gas , ote. Apply at the otlleu of The Hoe , till ) K UI'STOi sale , niv bnlldinz on Jones it. , bet llth .V llth. C.A.LImluuM.UIijb.l.Mh Us " 171UH IM'.NTllrlok wnrohoiiso , two stories L high , basement , hydraulic oloMitor , li.icU- ne ; host location in city. A. C * . t'onoll fM FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. Forratc , ttt.ftetap offrtt tuluinti un FOK Ui.NT-ood : Inrn. llireo stalls , 18MI I'lileago stieet. M004 C IT'I.KVKN aeres , house , lurv'o barn near Con- Ji'tral Turk , for garden , iV.'orit. Mary's ave. ( MEDICAL. , tit. , Btetnpoffntroluinnon f/iljpuj / IM lolophonolir. ' . Tubercular dl oases treated under tlio now nlloputldo hyropnthlo syKtem Hestilts eM-ellent , YW-K * M'.ST fleetrlo and electro thermal bath mom , Inoludlus 1'urklsi cabinet baths. les.K tel daily .v Tuesday , t I'rlduy ov'luio Cto 10. Dr. Itluharda.rootiKi'JlS&'L'O.Uoobld'i ' ; , COSTUMES. L A 01 K.S fnid petit lemon can rcul niiisnuer udo salts at U2 N , Hlb sU 76SJPJ3 tuu I piuuuuuu wuiuu-Jtu iu vuy"v * WANTED TO HENT. frdfopn/JIrfli-iiltiNiMiiM Ihlf jmyf \ \ * ANTI'O to Hi tit A farm , with house and i > Mix-k. by un eitierlenceil mini wllb siuntl falnllj. Address. U , Vu-derloKson. IIW * N. ' "Mb street M-IM ' , ! * _ \WANTnt To rent nu s to 17-tonm IIOIIM-I 'i ndl modi'Mi ' coin oiiionoos und < ouM'iilout to business.M | | niaUc Ionic lonso. Addiess J L llrindels , Oniiilni. * ' ' ' & \\T AMT.D-l'hree rooms unfurnished , also 'i HII * * or nriH'iu house , bolh within s or Id blocKsot Pith nnd < hlcaKO ls. Must be tlrst ola * . * Inexury rospeol , ruferenccsi. Addresn L j : . , llee. S71-.V _ _ _ _ _ \\f AMT.D One or two furnished loom sand ii tioard. Walnut Mill or some suburb , In tirlviitifamily. . Address \ \ , t. , . "JI-'J Plrl Natlonid bunk bnlldliu ; M74-I * 'S \\rASlKH t.ood piano by an 'iilMinced li Hlinleiil at moderitP tent , lieferenco Klx-n M. H lr ) Ahi n. ItamiieblUMN'.I 1 * \\fAMTH-To rent. In April 1. fiorsroom I * house , modem. Aildresi"l.5 Dodne. M7M ) M. " RENTAL AGhNCY. Ju fotv . fir . "C Iniinf tint rcliinia < in l/i / ( nrt/r. ( Ol'M'AI. Aei'iit-deo .1. Paul , lh'"i Kiiriiam Itxltii'l ' , nuikes Kin i > | ill \ of timtliii1 ; houses. Mnr < s. i te. , and eolleetlm ? rents. M' ff \ \ IIO has houses and store * lo rcntV Iluixo i' lots of i iistimiers .1.11 I'.uiotlo's llen- til Agiue.liilh and Poiliie. sji'd'.W ML ColI , lent il aKcney.Contlncn'al blk. . S40 I | si MUD iTousi sTT > riTTiFi' at with c. r. I Jllurn-iiii. lip. ' N . Llfi. S'd 11' loll unit \oiit houses ! "iitcit llstnllll I'atrotto Kent il Aceney , llilh and I iodise. - DOARDING : I'nnnliK. rti.ri lupolift loMinin on Hit * puifc. U ANTI'.D .1 SIIIIIIK ceiitlciuen boiidi'is ; lirst class boatdei ) chiap. U.o les Ilio. . 1Mb and 'lil ( iuo. M\s.V.1 UT ANTI D--A fuw lablo bo.iudois at ' „ ' ! 'i. ' ) * : sil. ' I FOR SALt FURNI rURE bTC. Vur lalm.cif , icc ( ojioii ( rolumil onf/iN / juli/r. 171)1 ! SALK rurnltuie In 7-roem bouse ; bouse for icnt : opp. llaiiscom park , ninth. All modern con\onlem es , Kmiulto Leo Mlchol'sih anjJJa'iiM nwpj tjh MHVJ Hot s | HOLD goods foi sale foi cash at'Jit S .Mill stieet. SV7 ! * 1j" > ln ANT new fuimiure of 7 room Hat ; -Jeheap for cush ; rooms till full. Address io. : Ilieotllco. ICii'-l * FOR SALE HORbES WAGONS ETC. I'm i ill ft , ill .fcctiijinf ftft column imfhf-i ] ii/ ( > in pert oil I leiich stnlUon. Oj S. IJtbsticpt _ _ SM.1-N 1/iOKSAI.I ( heap , wncmi nnd double work harmss or will cMhance for 1mk bond , alsoRiioil aide bar hnciiy , che ip ILK Cole. ( 'out i in ntiil biilliHni ; . 37' . ' FOR SALE COWS. /'ur-iilo . rlc , sci f j > nf Hit riilldilii ( ill t In * ptof IjWIt SALI.I'ust class milch cows , alMisev- - era ! 4oml hoisis. riuinliu loom lOI ( Jmal i .Vatloiuil bank liulldliu' . - > . . ) FOR SALfc rvllaCELLAMbOUS. 7'oridlfs , tie. , vfr tup nfliift fiiliimiio 171OU ' Al.r. A staiidnnl niiiKu J Iilano. hut little nsid , at a sncrlllco. Must ' PAI T I'lnno. till ; eiiitala desk , JV ) , nil books riJlsini.iimn.ivp K OU "ALL ( 'oniph-lo set uf drii. * slnic ll\- tures , i-liow eases , etc. 1' . II ION ! 37" . ' . NV > \LL-Aa A 1 liropioof s-afo. lit lli.slon More. WANTED TO BUY. I'liriatm. ilr. , / rfliii ] < ifHiit iiiliim it miifi / | niir VV"ANTIII : A.iM'dmr. iniNe. furnllnip , buc.'ii B \ \ ill buj anjtbln- you have for sale 01 sill II foi joii Uoheit I'tiltoii Auction and L'ununlsslon Co. , Ill' ' ) Diiuulas , Oniahiu .M'i.1) ' ) ' . _ cash ensiomer for a cooil faun within fnrtv mllpsof Omaha. Hilly land not wante.0.V. . ] ' . Itiulon. 7 N. V. Life V\TIIIJ piy cash forcnulty In a ili-slrublo 7 TT 01 s loom liouso with modem Improve ments ; must be wllhln the t\\o mile cln In and a sine biil/ain. lllse location and all pur- tlculiirs. Addiess , I- : s , | teo. JhUI 1 * A TANTKI ) Mnelf. Hut top hltllns desh. _ > T I'lllUsjiniiii-l. | 1)11 ) .Ioncs M111 _ ITM'HMTl'Ki : housht , hold , stored. Veils. -L1 lilt Puiiniiii t"i WAN'PKIl Will ii iy blithest e-ish price for V > hoiisi'holit poods. Ill'l ' so , 131 b st. 7Wi-r'7 < l \ArANILD At oiuo ; inotehandlsoj all i kinds ; Mint cash : must linow at once I. T. Newell .Ilo. MI'i ' Doiu'las. Uniiilui : ' : il MISCELLANhOUS. J'oi nifcsilc.M / ) ) iifflist enlitmii ( ill ttii4i > tie. ( SOM1 din baItiir a good sit diinlile e.trriiiKe h , II ness i 'in ( jet a splendid irade fii then : If tlic > null inc. I al o w Ish to t lade fnra line donhle-bairelled thot cun. Adiliess , K 27. lice. JMH 1 * A I'll y auct Ion Co. . SI I S. mli st.bnj s" sells , moves anil stoics fuinitiiie , ulc * " \1 A.-sAlli : t nirnt.eli-4 Iro-thcriualh-iths. -lilscalp and hair treatiucnt. iiiiinlenie and chiropodist. Mrsl'ostilt'2 : ! Sllthlthntll \ blk _ _ K'i7 Dl'.r.Ds , mortsiiKPs , contracts and all leiil ( : Instruments caicfullv c\epiitod , A. 1C , Kllcy , attorney and notary public , room II , Continent d block- . h9i-F.H MONEY TO LOAN. Fur i u Irs , etc. , m'/nji / of fii > , t column < m till * ) > < ntr. " \lOSrV to loan by II. r. Masteison chuttol I'l and ( ollateial securities for any t line fi ma 1 to7 iiiontbs. In any aiiiouat to Milt boi- lower. Loans made on household poods , pianos , or- naus , liur-uj. iniilos. hoiisus , lo isos. wareliouso rei | Ilio loucst possible ratea with out publicity or removal of pioporty. My loans ate so airantfed tbat you can nuiKo a ] iiyiiieut of any amount at any thuo and in duce both principal and Interest , If juiimn ! a bal nice on your property or have a Iota you want change 1.1 will p iy It elf and carry It for you. If you II ml It inoioeon- -.cnlcnt. call up telephone No. Hi l and your business wilt bo arraiued at home. Money always on hand. > odolay. J-.0 puh- llclly. Low ebt rates. H. 1' Masters. Kooia 4 , Wlthnoll blk.l-thaiid Ilnrney sts. DislltAHr : loans placed without anv Iriiuhlo. A. 1C. Kllcy , loom 11Continental bloiU. .M7.VJ ni'1 I'X'OIM ) mortgage loans ; money readv. J Ale\ Moore , UU blu-L'Iy block , 4K ! ) * . * 7 * > I A I. Kstato Loans-M. li. .Muclcod. Of > N. IV Llfobuildlau' . 701 A1JU M OM'.V to loan on real est'itoj lowest rates. L' . J. Uawwell , Shi N. V. Idfo. VJO-Mb C I1ATTP.L bank. IIIOH. 1.1th St. , hrms miinuv ; ont'batlul&oi lollalU'iiilalreasOiuibluiates CUD FIlfTA second inortmitri's ' on Mieaut A , Im prove city plop. County uaiiants honuht Money on Imiul , 1' . .M. I'lohaldson.blb rs'.Y.Llfe El'lI.DIN'li ' loans. Cto 7 per cent : no addi tional charges forcommlsslim or nttoi nev's feca.V. . II. Molkle , 1'lrst bunk blihfeM feM Hr.\li Dstato Loans Cash on hand , ( llohci Loan and Tllist Co.'W7 H. Itillist. Niidelaj , nooxtru churgcs. Houses lo icnli good list , WH OK. AT. M.Aul bony. Ills N.Y. Life liiir , lend money on farms hi choice conn- tics In Nebraska nnd Iowa , also on good Uualiii icsldenco property ; lowest rn'es ; liost terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and \ allies passed on here. n.'i T\l UMJV to Iniiii on Improved clly properly J-'I at euirent rates ; funiUoa hind ; nodelay. Oi-d I' , lllust & Co , ; 'ai UiiniKO bid ; ? . MuuT 1 ) KIVATR moiiuy tuloaii. J. I.Kile. I . IMI N. V. Life. Mil.1 MONI'V loaned on furniture , horses , ote , Ilawkeyo luv.Cu , ) Uouulas blK,10V Doduo fdfl MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. Firrattfetc.stct } < iofflrit column on f/ii / ( paye. BKl' K buying ft piano exiimlno tliu new kCii liub.ill piano. A. Ilospe.l . . . P. Oollcnboek , teacher ot the banjn with 11 ( is po , 151 ! ) poiiKlas. : N'J IHOF Charles I'eteriioii.plnno.vlolln.rltlior , & Kullarliiitruetlou , bttiilloW tihunly blk. Tug ri-t "I 1IAV1 * a few now pliinos forsalo nwfullr Jclioup , as I luvo cone out of the pliino biisf- 8 , Joiiusou , ruriiuiu mid llth HI. b iuyiua tuo BUSINESS CHANCES. /'i / rrrtfc' . rfr Cfffnpotlttlmlunn an l/il / < Interest In complete. ,0.111111 , for wimhhn ; fenlbcrs ; hundiTil dollilr C'er week lu II for oiperleiiecilcnnvmsor. , , ltp.x ll.Aurora. ! . Neli. . ' . M'JUlM * .bioir"of fimi- tuniinderl nkcr's KOOlls and lienrse. wull p.ipi'r , picture frames nna tools for the busi ness. No other stuio Inlln ! tinvii. Unit $11 tier mouth. Address Jnniis John , Canihrldic , .Nib. MSS.--.I * _ SALL- Creamery , All coniptele I'.isv terms J o Corti'lrnti ' , Id Clumber uf Commerce- , Msii ) AN opportunity sold mil' I'lpinl ' led lo buy an lull-rest In a well ostnlilUlied einli ifrixery tiusim s lointlou , the lioul lu the clly Ad dress H W. Ileo MMill * _ IT ( i | { " \ Li-l'lne : l oulslde drnuslori - In clly. JL Splendid locution und cheap rent liuar * aiileid cush titles , fjl dally. ,1UW cash. ( ) w ner BolnB abroad , Anawer iillck. | Aildnss ii4.lue. : n.4-a Ijlcill sAi-Mcat ! : maruel. Oood cash trade. I tlr l class llxtiires. iisnap for oini-oiit < Ail- dress locUbin ! li | , Coundl Illuirs. .H.ll-1 COAL vtinl for sale ! best liK'titlou In Ilic cln ; sheds , tennis , scales , etc. Inquired ! llh and 1/ard sus. C.hUiiey. . ngeut. 0Vi "S D OOTOIITin * In Mt oiiftiliiir for a eood doc tor in .Neb. Adiess II. A. Kiifus , Kaeiiuii. . Neb. .1U-M5 * _ _ 1.1 DTI.'I , for ale-Do you want to net lulu n I 1 good business ? If youdo , buy theCoiiiiiter- rlal at llroken How. Neb. MiS QALOTho ( ) lst openlni ; in Nebraska. I 'Addiess It. A. Kufus , Itineim.i , Neb , 1 ! . I' . attiMil. 71W 1'JS * FOR EXCHANGE. I'm-1 air * , rtc. , ct r/iijio/yll / t rofniiiii oil tilt * | HiJi * . \\fANTKIl- l.Offl to .1,000 sbeiji m o\ebanio I i for Missouri laud. LJo517 , Nevada , la. MUllMi * l\rAX'IT.I ) A residence for a clean ilrits ii stuck , building and business , Sloeksof 'oods fur money and In nils. Some ( liiiaba cus for dear farms. J. (1 . Uoitelyou , 4i > 'handier ot Commeiee. MMO 'ANTI'D To trull ) for nrttooU ot drinjs. ' HDai | city. Mi ) _ _ O i\lMI : * i\ii--A : ilrst-cliss niapof Oma ha for kllcr picss. 1 , 1" > , llco olllce. Ml-l * . . n.M'IIAMliCbeautiful : moderiVl loom Iniiise , I.u ) u , * 'hits , on motor line , host in 11 city ; also KOOI ) h-ioom liouso near motor ind cahle. cleat , and "to acies land clear. What lii\e Mill' 1'refei * eleai city ptoiiuit > ind muiuliandlse. 1' . O. bo13) ) , Omalia. 1.71 . M \\rANTlM ) I'lear land In exehanue for In- ' I sldu > ucanl lots. Addt ess K .Vi , llee. MU ) 1 \\rANTii : ) . " > toKO acres in e\chan4o for In- i side \acant lots. Milued at 1.11,000. star ,01111 A > Tinst Co , 1st lloor , V. Idfo bide. _ l ( ! > . ! 1 \\ril IIIIM ) icntal property worth < IJ.oi ) Ti hrlnuMii ! ; ? IOJii month , elc'ir of In'iimb- anie. for which MO will tiUe : half cash and in lance In ttade , Stthigor \ 1'eiiny. dock .til It ! ) aeies Hue fiiini land adjoining peed N'e- lirasUa town : neai Iy clear , 101 acies llnoly Impiotuil land 2'i miles fio-u ountv seat In N'ehr.iska ; lluhlly enciinibi red I'JJneies'joud land hiNubriiska , Cimllos from . ounU seat. ' . ' . 'i'XIIiilialiltaiit- . . House and bit In town In I\ansas ; clear I'lear lot In Rood N'elira * > l i town , l-ioom liuuso and lot. h irn. well and cistern. Ifith street. Dm aha : sllnhUy eneiiiulieied ; will trade foi Omaha property inul assume encnm- lirances. Il , K. Cole , ( ' him If. ! * ) J \\ni II.IM * Improved and iinhiipioM'd Omaha. ii real i state for t i.ule , oi will sell furcisli at lust ahonl li.ilf Its \ ;'ino ) nice houses , Rood vaeent lots , and some of tliu best ( 'OHII ' town pioporty. Sliln ci'A ' I'lnny , llai kci IdK. 17KU ) r.\l IIAXCK ( iiwul Imprined'Oin.iliii Jpiopeil ) for elo'ir low i and e.iblern Ne braska t'.ums ; eti u bils biiisis and c.ittle for stocks of iiicrcluiudlsc U , 1 ! . Iloman. looiiis mid I'l. ' I ten/el bll. . tnhMIH I \\ll.l. Hide a K'l eleir lot In Armour 1'lace , South ( ini.ilia. nnd take KOUII dihln , " horse an I liu Ky as pait payment. Adiliess. 11 J7 , lice. 7IW FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FIJI rn/c.s / , dc. , Kfcfop of Just ciilninn un thli < AL11aeie lot and small liouso. 1 inilcnmtof tliu fuit , forIS.KI , f'0)cash ) , the lest on lime. Call or address M T , 1111" " 1'ailv avenue. MVSS 1 * " 101(5 ( hnicaln Kle anl house , all modern im- I ' pioM'inents. eloso to motor line pived stiei Is. etc ; llanscdin 1'liico ; splendid ncll > h- boihood ; mnsi lie M > | I | at onic. Oeo. N.llleU iiKcnt , Ills ! llooi , Now VorK Life bulldlm * UTTON IIII.L- 'l-iooiu ' house and full corner lot. $2.2iiO 00 , montbU p iiiiciil. . oi will Hade for cle.o faiin or UuiaIm lots Addiess the ow nei at 4.d and Casa vtieels. ! ; . ( i. Mi rrlll. ipOlt CAslinuiiiisell \ \ iTin foot lot In U-irK I'laci. s e eor llanseum I'laLC , il HO' Iliilcbliisonead , 1'iJI. lloiinlas. K.i'i- ' . ' " t l'I.CIAL ' lariralii-Lar ! , * lof. r.T\Tiv' . ft. , 4 OhlocKs fiom LOWLaio and CiitnliiK st. , lns sphmild ; } l."ifl.V ( ) . Dart eisli. oi \\lll trade for farm. Addiess 11 U .Merilll , 4''nd iiniU'ii stiects , 1 "I710U SALi : ( heap , a coed business lot wit li J tiackaiic. p ued stteoK less liiaii one mile from eouil IIOIIM * . Minio coed stock to Hade for Inside pnuicity. Niithan Sliclliui. . 11114 rainim hlieet. MM.-M. A NON UI.-siN | | ) : 1' has authorl/od us tr sell his ptopcity lultboiit easli lo pintles who will bullill a years lime al N pel cent , priies henireis ate Ion. Ilntchinson < * . v Uiad l.'fij DoiiKlas. KW-l1 ; H ) Sl.i : lleautlfuliesldencoln Hanseom place. No. I."Jn South IlOth IIM * . east front on paved sired. F-lL-iit looms , liaid l wood Un ( - Ish , bath , hot and cold water , xas , electric bells , teiiaee. lawn and sliido treos. 1' . K Alexander , t'liambui uf Uommeitebulldlns. M 7.11-1 I * A 1C. Ill LEY , notary puhlle. room 11 , Con tlneiital block * i'ir. ' ' I710K SALH Or trailo for Omaha pioputyor - 1zoods , INI neies land In Holt Co. . Noli. ; UiO in Anrori Co. . D.iU. Addicsnor call at ( jeorjjo llunies' , \\ohbterst. . BIK ) 1" SALT Lake City Lois Nnea lots In a lead In * ; suburban addIIIon , on lallrond to I tin iii-lil leach. 1'crfeut tlllo , Addribs 1 > U , lice POlt SALK IMrn birsnlu. C'holeo CO\12) ) , with hnlldlnz ; icnls JIOO.OQ per 1110:0110 : block , from now I' . O. O. L. ( Jrecn , 1 . .W llui- l > cr block. i.i. ' IpOI ! f-oiith Om.ilia property business.trieK line or residence- to the leading leal os tale dealers lu South Oiunhn. Kd.lolinsloa X Co , M T.T , _ Cor. 21th N sis. ft-ltOOM house , lot ILIxS * . ' , fl.TiM ) ; iiltof'-rnoiii Jionse | , lot , ll'j\s' * , s , e. cor. llth and Vlntoii si . J..DIKi. jlilek boiisn lotllxd'i. ' u. e. cor. lot Ii and Douglas , ( JO.OOU. Mrs. Kuhlinuii , L'l'1 b.llth "IKU SALllood ( new ( -room house , clly JL'w.itor , Kood sodded 50-foot yanl. eloso ti inolor. ' . ' miles N. W. fionil' . O. jl.OHDeixsl : ind fl.ViO.I yoari at S per cent. House and lo cost our f.1.000. StuoBcr & 1'tiiny , Iliu km blooK , loom rJ. ' _ " ) ITIOU SALn-C'hoap , Thft rehhlonco at 2"di JL' I'lene stieet , at a li.tKiiln fora few day only. Iniiniieat the Ni > U fctu.uu laundiy JClh and Mowaid streets " GOVERNIVIENT'LA DS WANTED rplll * 1'iiKut .sound louniiy ami tlic Mule o \VashliiKtonhastliousaiidsot acres ofa cant land that has not Hied on , sum ye and niisurvejcd , ai' , timber an lands ; atiru'iiUui , ! ! lands that wil Cinw iilnicst nil ) tiling ; tl | hei * lanil that wHI cul frnin a in " > mlllliiiiH feet of lumlier lo Hi ancs ; mineral lands tliMcontaln till of th pleclons mlneials. Tlui fariiii r , liiinherman miner and oltl/en , hiive 'vqu Used all of youi Koveriiiiioni lU'htsV'o \ irp hi iiposllloii tli.n enables us lo acceiitablyj'.sCrvo jou with 10 ll.ilile Infoiinatlon whoin.all the vueant x \ - oiniiienl land Is to bo found m Washington Chances less and less OTeiy d.iy. AIISIMM iiulek for Mieant Kinerniayiit land In Wash- iiiu'ton. I'm ill liiJiiripHUdii about 1'iiyet .sound country address. . InuliiiluiKcent si iiup. We rifer. liy ricrnilsslon. to Ihe J'll- Kins liiinUlnir Co. . Seallle. C. A. llniiiiiiund \ Co.olllccs 101 and 101 lltlller block. NmtlU \\ash. 7j'JT1 STORAOb. I'm - < i/r , < ( r.fireoii'//ir ( ; > t rolnniii on till * ) > ci/r' [ / . B1) ) > T tracluieo mid btoraKo hulldliu In Uiiuiha , United St lies Koveinment honded warehouse , llouiohold KO KS | htoied and eared for. J.ottest rales KUiiianteud . M. llusli- iiiiiii , lUIMOtrj LouvcnworHi. : " .IJ CIir.AIT.ST and hist Moruno for furniture. \Vclls , 1111 I'aririiii streut. Mull "MIC13 dry'sloraco ruum ut IllnijIiiiiii'H mil iIllOSo. . Kith t. 71-t K Si * PAWNBROKERS. Furrntn dr. , < v tii ) > afflttt niliiinn on l/ili 171HK1) ) Mnlilo loans money on diamonds mid > watches , Jewcliy.oto. at cor.rurnum . v llth CLAIKVOYANT . , rffiijtorfn on tlil < pit < jr MM ) know your future. po to Mrs Stover. 40fl L N. 13thsitciM , .ul lloor M U.'l ! > _ AALLAl'I' ! ! , elnlpoyiinl , itiitm.uly ill Klded ; tells iT/.nt / inul've troilblrs , ntiiiMil frluniK iMiAtiRitriivol. . business , 1.1M rarnaiasU _ _ _ _ _ _ M.IV1 Ml _ * Ml- ! ' Pour , palmist fortune teller In the llypsy , wii ) frmii tlm llniM df the liiiiul , fee. if. liidlosonl ) MS ; N I7tlnt IW in IS * \ \ ASJAliK-Mudniii Del/lor , over i'.IO l.fth -111 M ltd- Mil * A I Us. Nannie V. Warren , cliimo\ ant , triitn-o i" spc ikltit * , wrllltu iiinl relhhlo business medium. four ) cnislu Onulia ll'i ' X litth Ml HAIHJ3OODS WIGS , kTO. ff . ( wto'inSlMf nilum * ! mi IM j Ci KAY hair restored. Iliontest dlsroU'rv of Mho ago. Me.llto boIDfiO. . I'lilrllclil , Sub 877 : V 1 t 1'.ST Inn- hair ciiiils bluest ; Inilr tlrcsstii , : , I ' " . -.Ins. switches , baius , hull' chains , cle . a specially. Pa\les , liulr Roods and milliner , oplinslli' iiosiolllee. 111 S. nib si , llnmli i , Ml PERSONALS. c , fie , fee f" | > t . rVnTf-TrvTl , A Kintlimin. itiwiicr Tii I Omaliu , dcslrpsa | iialiil .nice of a nildillu 'i'od Inlv. nut tiiciccniiiy tin lined. iVddicss. C. I' U. mi i- lire ptlloo. M'lls . ! * IJO'is niul ( ilils I'IIHCS ; end and innriyt /Moated luilleui.irs . fico Adihess lock box ( - ' . Moiinl ninull. Ill , M'His-i' DREbSMAKING. I'm nt/irte / , i tn\mt \ Hitl column on Hit * jlcl/f ( , Mils | | c MI | s , | s , t | | ( , | ariiain stieet die s- miilicr. No..Sis fiTIMl.V \1 Iss llradvTrench ilicssniiiklni ; sstom. It. I'l ail , MUM Ij bll--ollcltspntlimiie i > ( the la dles , prices reasonable.sat 1st act long u lira li toed MASbAGE , BATHS hTC. / ' /did , CC.MC ( on ( Mi ji iyc. Ass\t l Imtli .it Madame Malth's pirlors , . , (1 lloor , 4'u iIMIi st , ir.- ! ( , M AS-A.U1 - MtKl.ui'Mler ' o > ci ilOtltli , M IlllW PATENT SOLICITORS. 7 III Kiln , ill , Klf tllllllf tllel flll/lllll OU tllll ; * flr. | J > A'M"NT lawii'is niul solicitors , ( i.V Mies , \ Co. , I li-i > biillillnt'.Uiiialiii.lliaiiehotlleo .it \ \ nslili tftnii , 1 > . C , Consult ulloii fr o Mi EHESr THE OHDEll of Ilic AGE" in inn o wh i h an nip ill > 11 iinlilu * ; for II t lie warmest apuroMil of lluisc who ho bad i\pci.cnee In t vpi - \ \ rithu. The alljll incut is pcifi el. and fur spec J , ilur iblllty anil ease It eiinniit lie \eelleil i t'urn- liiii Nun and test lia\i- tlio\\n II to botho oest In the maikel Tlie Sml Premier Type-Writer Co , , K. II. MAVIIKW. MAN\ri-i- ; OHico , 1000's ' rarnaiu Street , Omaha , Neb Certificate ol Publication. Olllce of Andltorof I'uhlle Acioulst.ite of IScluiisk.i Llucoln.i . -b..d. | s'i ' | . It Is hciuhy the \\estttii Homo Insiiianee Co. , of sion\ City , In the stale of Iowa , has complied \ \ llh the. ' liisui ancj l.iw of tills slate and Is autliorl/eil lo 11 ins id tliu business of Hie Insurame in lids stain foi the en i ii nt year. \ \ 11 m ss in } hand ami the seal of tlm auditor < if public aei omits tlicliand M it abo\o urllteii 'J II III N ins | Seil 1 Aimlloi T. A I HAS Hi i AV Dcpuh RHILWHYTIMEOHRD I.onvos CIIICAi.O , 111 UUVO10N .V Arrlvej Oniilm Hep t Huh ntul MIIH in Mrci'ti Oio 'hi ' 4 'J ) ji m I III' n n Kxpre * * K IKI n ID II M * 111 . . . t Ilic IKU l.lTI- ( ; p 111 ! ) HI p m . . . UiU.ik'o I tprtu * ID M > a m I ! .VI I'ni . . UUU m nniLiMnoN t MO lllVKll I ArrlviM uf lull nnd ) ii'in Mroc'ti | _ Omihi Oi-nicr Pav ntpri-ss I O'l P in : \pri ii . . . . l IIS p m . . Denver I'xprofi . l , 1ft p m llenvcr .S'lulit 1'ipr . li.ii ii in . . l.lmi'ln l.lnilluil III .SO n in . . . l.lnciiln Li M till Si to 11 m ll. . . r i . , . iMO Depot ! 0th iin"l MuKonstreots | ( Jumbo , m I KiinsM City lli > I 'xp-ess . ' . ' .l 4r > | i m 11C I' Nlk'lil ixp Un U I * Triinjjj.4& ) u in I.eiiviH "j I'NION 1'iriHlArrlvm | Omaha j Depot 10th nii'l ' Mnrcy utrepls 5 07 n m . . Knti'is Cur nvpri'is .T "li m n m 10.2)iini . . . . Dt'iiicr llviirusi. . . .1 r.'i P MI 2..VI p in ovcrlnnd I Iyer ' .i ll'i p in 7 < W p mj . . . . 1'nclllo Ktpreas. . . . 11 45 ui l.pirciTTTlK Ai.O , It I , v IA < ll'IC ArilToi ( Jinnlin. IU I' depot. IQIIi nml MareySti. _ Otimln li.Upm , MiiTit Kiprcss 10 Ui ii i.i 90,1 n m Atlaullo I xurpii . . I..J1 p in _ 4SOpm _ . . V Mll.ulo I.lnillcl . IOUS n in I-cTnei T "HlT lff Cl'I'VA t'Ai'll lf. I AI ri\ud JJiualiii | U. I * ilfiol. | Illlli niul Mnrcy Sts I uiimhi 7.15 n ml fSloiu flti l'u eiKcr ; 4.JO p m ] . . . . bL Paid Hxprcsn IIU.IO a in "iTouri'sn SIOITY OITYA I'AnriC. I "Arrives Otnului. Jl pot 15th nnit Wi'bsli'r jjts lOnuibn Urtlji ml . _ . st I'niil l.lnituiil ro ri Arrives iihn. JU 1' . ili'tol. loili niul Mnrc > his. Oniiiliu fTl5 n m Ihlcnun llxjirp-ii . . . . It 'Al p iiii t JO p in . . . . \otlbnlii llnilti'il P.'O n ra 615p m lown AciommciUii niuuic hiin ) 7 0 * , | i in nio p m . . . . Btistcrn UTO J.t'i p in 11 O u m loir HunlKnst Knit lone ( .Mom TM t m | U I * iii-jiiit , loili an I Mnrc > Stii I Om.tliv 10 p m riilroRO Kvprcn . I .M i & m fiO a m I lilrnuu 1.\iirusi. 1 o OU p m I.OTIH I CI.MMIs' | KilJin | ArrHc Oiinlm. | U P. Oipjt. ICtli anil llnriybls _ I Oinilia _ l UO pmj _ . _ > ! IjOiiUrimimn Pnll . I1S..V ) p in "Tii v7js i F.TTA. MO VALl.fc1 ? . I Arrlin" Otuslia | _ Dop < ! _ U'ebitcr Bts I Oniiiln _ _ you 11 m Illack Illlli Kxpi > > j 7 > W p m Ulfl n m .llasthui Ii | > ( K * Hiuuluy ) 1 fi/.TJ | i in fi 10 p m Wahootl.lncoln Prwirz Siiinl'ji ' II. < tJ m S10jira Norfiilk ( .01 Siuuli/ ) _ . . | ll V n in l.oaroi" | 0 5TI'T\0 " | Arrlrer JUniahiv.JPopot litli mid Welntc-r Bts. | _ Omitiii H 10 u ml blouiTltr Arrnnimoilntlon I 0 05 p m I Id p liiiSliillCllr ' Kinross t > mi Siimliy ) 12.ill | i in OKI p nil st I'ntil Llmlliil PS'i m ft IS p mlllnnroft | 'n vngi rjot J-wii-T ] MUSfftur I'AIHr - T-ArTRT T Oumlia I llmiotlillt ni | Wi'bilcr bl I Omaliu Ht Ixuilt&K I iiru3i : | Jli p nil tit Ijuulojck i _ Kiprmi I II TO u in ii \ & I-M-IKIC Union I lllull < | Triunfor Lenves i rilll'AIJO. It I \ I'ACIKK I Arrlvm Trimali-r lnlun . , tuiini lllllun _ [ _ _ < [ Trnnifer ft.ln p in ] S'.ulit KiiiroirTT. j ' .i .11 Tii li nu ml . . . Ulnutlo ( 'IxprcHi fi. ( > l p in \emiliiilc l.lmlieil li ! li ) n m l.i'iio-4 ICIIICAIJOX MOIiril hslii | 'rrnnufprl I'nion Ptipul ronncll Illuita I'ruinfiir 411 in . thluauo lx ! | r n iluo p m 6 ( lip ra . Vixtltuilo I.linlloil U 10 11 m 10 ( > fli in . Knilcrn Kljti'r 3 00 p m IWpin 7Atlantlc Mull 7. u in i * ) p injlowit Arcomniu'liiUon ! _ l ! > .o Sunl. ) j iU p in biiTou iCIUCAI.O. ( l . X s | ' PAAlTpArrlvm I'mnfurl Unluii Ili'pot luiinrll Illiigi , | Trnn f"r 611pm . . . Chlciim r.xpron . . . . H If. m HJUpin . . . ( 'lik'tik'O Hxpri'M . , _ _ 535pn UITIM I "lfi'"Bl'3DK AlT II TArrlioi Trnaifurl Unlnn liuiuiU I'oiniell llliiUs iTrftnifi'r IU07 li inf . liauiaiiiTir Dnr Kiprpan | i 1 p nT 10 U pujL .Kunim Cltj NlKhtK _ iiro > i _ Li551 1 " " " " " " 5\tAll/T"S"fi1' "rXTrl i" Trantferl /nliin PiH'ot. roiincn Illnlti , | Tfiii fiir ' " ' P i hi Uniljjaimm lull , i . | H 1111 ro 1 r n firl Un'uii illutti ITrniiifcr " 41) inin I'liloiuo K piun ' ' ' 101X1 p in Clilom r.iprrn . . ! . liion in TUi p nl , .1'ri'kton I IOAI j _ , .lilUu in lunafer Union l ) ipqt. Counell Illuin | Trmufer " 711 n. ra . . .Bloui"Cltr Aormiuodinlon..r"9 Wn m 005 n m St. 1'iul Kirroii , , . | lV.Wp m _ f-oit. BEAUTYoc. . , . SAVING LADOR/CLEANUNESS. DimADIUTYetCHEAPNESS.UNEOUALLED. No OoonWuKH HEATED. Cot liflonto ol Puiilii'Mtton oniicof Xinllloi of I'uMio i xiinlx Milonf Nllilll-l.ll l.lliinlli. I I'l' ' . ' (1 l + 'l ' alt li lunly I'orlllliMi Unit tln < liiii\i-r lll lir luiin. . uf I'lMIM'l III till' Ntlltl nf I'oliinicU ) nuniilli'il ultb tin' IIMHI-- iiiii'i1 I i.u uf ibis vt.ilc .mil Is , inlliorl/i'il to tiaimu-t lliuliiisliu < imif Mm liimti.un.'d In this stall' for Ilii'rilt iiMit ) 'in \VlliiiMM ni > liiiiul an 1 tlii'vral of tin1 aiiilltor of tmhlli * accounts tlio day anil yt-ur aliov o Wtlllfll T. II. IUMIIN. hV.-il.l Auditor I' A. TMAS n At.t \ \ , Cortrii'nto of Publiontlon. Ollli'oof Ainlltorof I'nlilli'pi'.iiinli l. Ni'liiasUn I.lni'iiln. I 'i-li .M , KM. It l hmi'liy ri'illflinl tluil th < < tlKinil HupliN 1 iisiiraiiri' Co. . of ( liiiiul U.iplil. . In Ilio stuln of Mlcliltriin. him iMinpllcil wllh Ilio tiiiiir.inci' liu : or tills it n to anil l autlioi IIM | to t niiixii't tliiiiisttu ) | < M nf tin' liiHiiMiii'c lutliU wt Hifoi Ilio I'lirii'iit year. \\llniHstnyliaiKltinillhii MMI ! of llirt ainlllor of public nivounls tlicdiv inul > 'iir ulio\ Wllltl'tl. T. II. IlKMD.N. l-i-nl.1 AildllHi I' . A. PIMM. II AII.VN. Coi'tiricato or Publlcnlion. ( inii-o Auditor of 1'iiMlopi'oiintM "tnti' of iNpbriiskn IVb. ' 'i * . Lincoln. . | . IU. Il N lirriliy oorlUii'd. that tin1 Sl.-imlunl Plro liiMiir.inoi' Cn. , of CltIn tlui Nlato of MUxourl. has oompllod \\illi tbo liiHiiratiPp lauofllil < ) st.ili' ami h au- Hunl/i'd iDirani.u'l ' the liiisliipsMof Ilio Insur- Illll'l' III tllls tllll' fnl till ] Cllll I'tlt M'lll. llni'sv ; my liaiid mid t lii"-ral of llu1 auditor of pnblli'account ! ) tlio div niul > onralio\o \Mltlcu. T. II. Ill sni.s | M > al1 Awilltor P. A. CHAM. 11 AMv. . Doptity. Certificate of Publication. Ollli-onf Andltorof 1'alilloocoiints tnti > of cl | | ls | % | | Llni'oln. I I'M ' 'd. l"i | . It Is lifii'livcoitlllcil.Miuttho l-t. I'uul I'lro niul Mm IIIP Insiiriiiipo Co. , of St. I'uul In Ilio si.ilc of Mliini'sotii , rniiiplli'd uilli till'In- Mir.ini'C of.lhls tati1 mid Is initliorl/rd to Iran-iPl Ilioluisliii'ss cif Iliu liisuiiincu In this st id for tin1 rui rrnt \ Vlinciun li.nul .mil tin' si > al of tin1 iiiulllor iifniihllo .iL'uounls thuil iv and yoaralioso \HlttlMI. ' ) ' . II. Ill NTDS. 1-iMl.l Andlttir P. A. Cius. II. AM.KN , Deputy , Certificate of Publication. Olllcnof Auditor uf 1'iibllii Ai'unnnlM - tile of Npliinskn , \ , ncnlii , I rll. "d , NIL It Is hrrpliy ccrtlliiMl. tb it tlio hi 1'iiul ( li-r- inan Insurant'Co , of M Paul In tlio siuto of Mliini'snt'i , liaii'nniplli'd \ \ Ith Hit' Insuiaiii'ii law of this siit p. anil Is anllioil/i'il to li.'in- M.'ICl lilt- llllsllll-Sllf II HHIIIILII.'U | | | | III tlllSStlltO rm tin- 1111 ii'ia jfir. \ \ llni'ss inj , iml tin * Sfiilof Ilio iiuilltor of piildliiipu'iniitH tindav and year aim * , o Hiliti'ii. T. 11 IH.siov l- * ' .il 1 Ainlltoi P. A. PIMM. I ! \ M.v. . Deputy. Certificate Ibr Publication. Olllop Aiiillloi * of Public Apooiinls. Slatinf Niln I--.I. ! Llnuilii. I'l'li. ' -'nil. IsDI. Ills hi'ri'liy re * i tlfU-il I lull tlio ( } iiillcnlu I n- hiirani'i * Co of .MlntiO'ipnlis. In tln > Stale of MlnncMilii , luis uoiupllivl nlili llin liisiiiaiii-o li i of tlilsMato unit Is am noilrcil to tian- S.ll'l tllO llll llK'sS Of Pill' lllSjIlllllll'O III tills Male for tlif tii 11 put VIM i \ \ lliu".s my liiiiul niul I hei' 11 of ! lic Auditor uf I'ublli * Accounts tlio da\ and Mar alimu Hritli-ii. T. 11 , I'.isTov , | > iml ! Auilltoi , lA. . TIMS. Il AM.v , Doputv. Cot'tiricoto of Publication. Ofllco of Andltoi of 1'ublli * Ai-foiinls-St ito of iNi'lit usK.i Lincoln. IVb. Uil. l-i ( | It l lii'U'by cpitini'il , that tlu > : | : I.lfi * A SIII iiR'c Sui'l.'tN. of NI-H Yolk. In Ili stall * of NTH Vcirk. Ins cominlid \\ltlitlii-lu- sur.nifi * law of tills Rtatfiml Is nutliiiil/i'd to tians.u-t tinbuslni sof liftInsurant L'In this stiili * f < ir tlir emu nt ycm \\iliu-s inj lianilaiiil tlui | . . . | of HIP nudltor of public aceuiiiits tliu day niul \ IMI ibu\o willi'ii. T. II. llisriN ; , ( val.l Andltoi P. A. . CIIAS. II , AI.I.VN. Duputy Cot'lificnte of Publication. onicn of Auditor of 1'iibllc Accounts -State of .Ni In aski. Lincoln. I oil. M. IS'M. II Is liiTihy t-rtlllli'd that I hi * LtuplinMiiln liisiiraiic-i' no . of loi'licili-r. ! In Iliostat" of Ni \ ork , h.i- . ( onipllcilith Ilio liisiii.ini'i' i i nf tliUsiuto niul is aiitliorl/i'd to tnnisacl tin i iiMniMs or llu lii-tiii.iiiLO In tlilshtalc ! for 'h I'lirri'iil j car. \\IIIM ipy liauil mill tin'seal uf tlio auditor nfiiilili | ! accounts tlio il'iy and M-.II iiboio nt it'ii. T. II ItKVin.s. i-c il 1 Aiulltui P. A. i n vs II Ai.r.i.v Di-iinty , Crrtific-nte of Publication. Uilli p ofuilltat of 1'iiblln A"pnnnt > . S'lntoof NilTiski Lincoln I o' ' > * ! il I-'M. ' I ! is ! K K by cerlllli'il Unit the Airili iillni.-il Iti-ur.iiui' ( o. ofS atcrtou n. In t tic state of .Niv , Yoil , lias iiuiiplli'il \\ltli ilic insiiiniird ! a of II IsHfitc mil Is aiillioil/i'il to liansai t tin iiiisiiuss of Ilio. lIulitNln and toi n.iiUi In- siir 'lice in Ibi- * l iti * for tlic rorii'iit VPRI. 'AMni'ss mh mil and Ilir cal of ( he .iniiltnr nl mibllr arciiinils the day and v "iiabo\o will ten. T. II HIN r < i\ t'cal | Auilltoi P. A. ( MAX II Al.lA.s , Mopilly. Coi'tificntc of Publicntion. ( ) lln of Anditoi of IMibllp Apt-limits , , ( of NcliiusKa i.lncolii , l'i < l ) . ? d , IS'M. ' ! l Ulioii'liy ccrlllicil , tlrit I licdlcos I'.ills In- -nr in'1 ! ' ( n , of ( i leul'u IK In tin's ! aloof Now nik , lias compiled \Otli t IIP lu-ur uirc law of tills st lie iiiul K niitiirnbod In tinnsiri the iiiislni ss uf HIP iiisiiranii ! In tld- state for tlic run.'iit jciu. \\lim-ss \ in ) liuiiil niul tlio of tlio iiid I tor of public ai'coniiN tin1 dav and ycaralo\c wilt ten T. II. llf.sTO. % , ( Spill 1 AnUltoi I' . A. ( il \ . II AM.AN , Deputy. Certificate of Publicntion. Olhro of AudlUu of I'ulillc Apcdiints Mntoof Noliiasliii , I.ltii'oln I oli. 2d. IMll. Il K hereby u rtitled. that tin.maaala ( Tin I n-uriiiPO Co . ol .New Vnrk. In themalo of New Yin It luis complied with the Insm - ani'ii law ot thli Htato anil N nut hoiln-o to tl.insaet the business of lluliiMir mcr In this 'tno lot tlic Piuicnt year ' . \llucss \ inj liiiiul anil thosoalnf t IIP niulitor of public accounts Ihu day and \oirubo\u wi lieu T. II. lll-NTov t-cil I Auilltoi I1 A. CMs II AI.I.Dcputv. . Certificate of Publication. OlUrp of Amlltornf I'ulillc Acc'ountsstate of Noliiaska Lincoln. 1'cli. ' 'il. Is'H. It Is lieicl'V cert Hied , that tbe ( n'rinaii Anierlciiu liisiiriinep Co , of New Ymli , In the sl.ilu ( if N'ru You. , li is eonipllid ultlilliuln-'O lart of this st ile ami h iiithiul/pil to lnin-.uet tin- business of lireliiiiiiance In tills j-l.iln foi the cmn ntcir. : . illness in ) lianil anil tliesi-al nf the ainlllor of iniblli- accounts thod'i > and .M'.II ubo\u wiltten. T. 11. llnsTos , ( iil 1 Anillior P. A. Pi : . II ALT * .N , Pt-pnly. Certificate of PulillcnUon. Olllcoofiulitoiof 1'iibllc Aci'iiuntslafpof Neliraska. Lincoln 1'cK ' 'd. IMil It N hi'ielij certified , tbat DIP Anieilcan SIIIPI v Cn , of New York. In Ilio state of Now \iiil > h is i oinplleilllh HIP Insiii nine law of Ililnsiiite anil Is ntithorliL'd to tiansiot I lie linslnossiif siiuty liiMiranoo la tblsslate fur the ciiricnl yi'.ii. \MtnissniN liaii'l ' and the seal of the aiiilltor of iiiihlle aucounts the dav and yiaiabo\o wi Itten , T II , HINION : , | S-eal.l Auditor I1. A. CMs u , At.nv. Deputy. Corufionto of Publiontion. Olllco ol'Suillloi of I'liMlo AeioiinlH"Into uf Ncbiaska. Lincoln , 1'i'b .M. | s < ll. It N lieri'liy icrtllleil , tbit the P i Mu- Life limuraii'O ( o. of I'bll ulolplila , In tlio slate of l'ciins > lanla , bus cuioplled wllb tliohisiiiaiuu lu of thlssfito and m an- Ihorhed In transact the liiiKliuxs of llfn Insiir- UUCP In tills stale foi tlio em rent ynai \\lliicssiiij \ band and Hie ncal of the auditor of iiuldlii .lucuuuts tliu il.iv and \eai abo\o \ \ \ Itien. T. II. Ill ST.I- . . , IM'il | Aiiilltor I' . A. ( 'HAS II Ala > .v Doputy. Cortillcnte ot Publication. Ofllcp of Audltui of I'uhlle AiTountsStatoof N' luaoK'i. Lluciiln I'i'b..M. ' ( Ml It Is hi t-i'hy c-ortllleil. tliut the Union Insurant1 ! ! l"o of I'blladelphla , In thestatenf I'l'iui-n ' l\anl.i , lius ciiiaplieil \\lili the Insur ance-law of Ihls state and Is iiulluiil/eil to tiaiiMKM tin- business of tlio hiMluiiU'c In tins state for Ilio emri'iilear. . \ Mtnessiiiliuiiil uiiil tinse il of tlio iiiiilltor of piihllc accounts tliuibi ) anil > tai aliuvti wiilitm. T. II. HKMIIN. lN'il.1 Auditor I' . A. Cn * M. II , AI.MV , I'pnt.\ ( . Sloi-kbolilir ' M celi ni ; , Notice Is lierebv Klveil that the rcn-ular an tiiial luielluu- tlio stoekbolilcis of Ilio tiouth Plutto Land company will ho hold ut Out of- llco of Mild coinpaii ) . In Lincoln , .Ni'K , on the llrst Wi'dnosiLi ) In Maicb. 1-U. bolnt : tlio Ith day of tlio month , llj ordnrof tlm hoard of dlrecton * . U , 0 I'll u.i.irs , Snorntaiy. Lincoln , NubruuUu , 1'ubruiiry U , b'Jh ' ' I'-S-tl-'JO-t IM'IU.IO WOIlllfl. ( ' iulMO nr Itootc * l'nyn III * I to Cliitli'inaii Illrklmnier. The hont-il of publlo wptkM liolil n yc.UurJity uficiiiooii to JMVI on toinu Mtuill mtltnalOH. K I * . Ki-ovri of Koovos , t ( lallnphor , wwor I'ontnu'loi-s , KIUO tin * tiicctliiK " touny IMIV htilo Uj ml.lnit Clutlriiuiii MhkliiiUHcrovor tlm I'onN for not Imritii : rttlumto No. IOJ luiMst-d "If thoiiVi nuvlhltiK' WIMIII ; with nivtirt \ 1 ( lies * * I'm n' iiott inlo OIIOIIK ! > - I'vi > got $10,000 or so , nil tlht ( I'liolluh , Veil must think I'm n liouo thief liy tlio uay you limit mo nrotnul liciv " "ilt , Jprlc ilinvn ) oi 'M'st niul oool otT , " sulil Illrlilimi'ti'i' . "S'oti doii'l Idtow wlint \IHI mo tiilliln about " "Well , why illilu't j on pins niv oitliuatp , then ! " "AVIicn ! " "At jour incotltic today , " " \Vc IIIIXPII'I Inul the mi'otlm ; yet , " and spvonil spiviittor to thoirono | irosi'Ciliil to Is'ivo Mr. Uceu's tlii'liuiKh ' "I'lwfa all rinht , Hirldiiuisei * , " said the so\\oi'nian , "wbut I say ( -ecs , mid \Miutyou 1 to niiili't.stand It " And n KtLMt slliMii'i1 foil upon tlio plan1. The board inootlniriin utlcndod liy nil HH-IIIDC1- * . An rstlnmto In fa\or of I' . lluriiH , calllui ; for Sl.dl'J.fiT for MldcwiilUi was upproxpil. A hduncouf f-i"i ) II. oiia KnulliiKOstlmiitii , W.IH nllowpd In I'M I'allulmn. * 'I'ho following vciiTVi'i were oriUu'L'd puld Sti > pliua C.iiioll , on Kainain strtot oiilvoil , SI.M is ; l < II. Tomor , V'o. ( , sowof illslflot No. ID.1 , > f.M ) 01 ( ' i : I'atiiiiiiK & Co. wow alloHi'il JIlliS.01 : on t ho tension of the Norlli Onuilia no'vci * from Twonl ) llftliaiul lOrldn sticoUs north Theio ju-o no stioi t s\\oi'diii ' | * , Inspectors nl the prc.sent linn * , hut I'hiilrnnni lUililiausor tuiuloa voi-.v pci-alsleiit talk to bo ullowcit to uppolnt Just one. "No , no1 No , ilri'u1" ovcliltnoil Major Ptirnv.Vlien nil Initioitor Is needcil tlm boiin ! can bo c.ilU-d touotni'r vorj oittily and nil tnKo u hand In .solcclitiK on inspector I linve men follow inn around OM'iy iliiv \vantliij , ' an iippointiui.-nt a.s Insiieclor. In csery suc-li cni ) I liiMirlably toll them tln-v must iniiUo \\illton npplloatloii lo the board Don't lots Imvinn > of lids olio man business ubuiit aucniliiiclo hoanl uiatlcrs. " Thou'tipon Mr. IHrlthausor lapsed into Bllomc. Mr. I Kbcrt , the new nionilicr. IH Ki-eplnit very low. Ho hain't , us yet coiiiinoiiL'oil to I'tiHli , whnto\or opinions lie may hull ) , uiioii tliu bo.nil. Women \\lin sutTcr from nervous mid pliy- slealdobllitj llnd Kiout help In the use of Ayor'sSarwipirilla It produces the rapid crtectofa Mimtila.ul , without icaolloti the ic.sull bt'insj a purnmncnt iiirtvmoof strength and vigor , both of mind niul UoJy. I'oii't. fool Nnt\villisliiniHnr all i-tiinoiM In tlio contrary , the CJlilcauo , Milwaulcoo .t St , Paul Ki'tf now Htuun ; he.itocl tnlaeo sloopiii" ; can , \ \ h"oloctric \ \ liuhts in every hoi'tli , " atill loavoi tlio Union ilo- pot , Oinalni at 0:10 : p , in. daily , ari-iv HiH ut ( Jliicajjo at ' . ) : , ' ! ( ) u. in. , in atiiplo tinio to iniiko all oasturn connculiuna. Ticket olllcp , 1,101 Kani.m : HI. J. E. PiiKsroN , F. A. NASII , C. Pasa. Agt. Uun. Ant. A \Vasto ol'Tlnic. Mayor dishing , Cliairnmti lllrklinnior of the board of puDllo works , and Councilman Morc.irty , Cits per , Olson , Burgess and Me Leiuio weal lo Lincoln last niRlit to do 111010 powwowiiiKioj uriliiit ; tlio now charter. In the foicnoon , whilu talldiiK about the mutter. iMujor Cushmr saitl that ho diilu t belioio those trips lo Lincoln did a particle of coed , and tliut they \\uiu simply a wuslo of time. Ci The pay youiif * : birjelist lie's In his bed , Mot for him is Ilio spimi ; HUH shlnlii ) ; . He has been jluii | { and is soio hi body and bend , Hul Salvation Oil will mnK'o him amlliiif' . "I cot it lust " .said vo at , tlio follow who found his cotiKh sulnluod by a botlloof lr. Hull's Cough Kynip. I'Ofl THIO hlMll.VCS OCAi-kansaH mill All Points South. Take Uio Waba h , tlio best and quick- i-sl louto. Only Its Imurs to tlio Hot Springs , 10 to New Urloatis , o'J to .lack- o. d.l to Tiiinin , witli corrospond- t timu to all pointh bouth. Ho- eliiiir and J'lillinnti bullet sloop- in ; * ears ( in all traitm , Ktmml triji lieKets now on silo nt tjroatly roiliit-oil nit s. l'oi * tiekots and full infoimation enII at tlio Wab'ish ticket ollico , l.jD:2 : Kanintn btreet or wrilo 0. N. CLAYTON , Agout. Certifioateror Publicntion. Odhe Auditor of Public Ai.'Oimt. ' Into of Nilinisltii , Llneoln. I'eli.'nil. l.vil Ills hcieliv cerllllcd. that tlie IJutrolt. I'10 mil Marine Insur.inee Co , of Del toll , In tlio stale of Mil hlsaii. has eoiuplled with the In- siit.inee Lioj this Stale , uiul Is aiitliorl/iil t.i tiaiisaet tlie busliK-ssiif Mre liisuiiincu la this Ma to fur tbl current year. Witness inj hand mid tlio tonlnf the Amlltnr of I'ulille Acooniits , the ilav and Je.u ubino written. T. II. IlF.srov , l-i'.ill Auditor I' . A. Cll\s. n. Al.i.\v , Hepnty. Certificate of Publicntion. Olllco of Auilltoi of I'nbllc Accounts. Stiiteof .VbiiinKii. Lincoln , rol > . ! 'iid , | iy | . It is heiehy eorlllled , that thou \ \ Insin- anie Cn. . of s.n p , .mi-lsi'ii. in ihustutoof ( ' .illfornln. has ciiuiplhdllli tlm IIISIIIMIIPII la < \ of tblshl.itp anil Is ant horl/ed tolraiisii't/ tbehiislnessor lire Insiirinco In this state fur tlie cut rent vear. Wltni'ss in ) In ml and tlio sml of I ho Auditor ot I'libllc ' Accounts till'il.iv and jell tibinu wrllU'ii. T. II. HKNTOV. hcil ] Auditor I * . A. ( Jii-4-4 , II Ai.r.AN. Deputy. Cortiricnto of Publicntion. Olllic of Andltoi of 1'ulillu Aivoiinis-Mnteof Ni hr.isKa. Llnculn , l\b Sil. | s" | It Is In reliy certifiedthat ( iranlte Mate 1'irn riiiiiniiieeto. . of I'orliiiioiitli , In tlie si ale uf Ncn llaniishlie. | h is loinplled wit b Ilio insiir- anie Inn of this state and Is aiithorl/ed to transact the liiislni"-so [ lite hiMiiaiidt- IhU stale fnrllioiiucnt \ear. \\llnesniny haiiil and the seal of Ihu andllur of public accounts the ( Inv , tnd veai nlmu 7lltl < n T. 11. HK.VTOS. hoall Ainlllor I * . A. ( 'HAS. II AI.HN Deputy. Cerlificnto oi'PublicntlonT Olllpp of Auilltoi of I'lihllo AnoiiiitH Slntoof Nebraska. I Ineoln. IVb. til. HU It Is heichv eerillled , Unit the i : < | iiltal > lo I'uo and Marine liiBiir.inco L'u. . ot I'lovldence In the state ut IChoilc tsl'uiil. hits cimipllcd liu the IMSIII inoe Ian of this state , and N an Him - l/i il lo ti insact the business of Ilio Insuraiu u In this stale ft r tlio cm rent Witness my lianil and tlio sc d of tlie audllur of nil Idle acoounts tliu duv anil ye-u-nbnvu WllttPU T. II. ItBMOS. l eal.1 Aiiilltor I1. A. Cms II At.t.\N , lleputy. Cei'tificnto of Publication. ORlioofndltorof I'lihlle Accounts-Stilc of Nebni'.ka. Ltneoln , l-'ekSd. isji It Is bcio'iy ' ( oitlfled , that the ( iiriuan In- sin.inco and hailn s Instlinibui , of i. > uhicv , Intlip statoof Illln ds. has coni | lied with tlio liiMiraneo laof ( bin slate. , .nd Is aiitliorl/i it tnir.iiis.u-t the Inisinoss nf tlio Insurance In this state for the cut rent % par. \Vllnessiiiyhiiuilaiid Ilio MM ! of tlio auditor of pnblli * aeconnts llu , dav anil Ji'ar ulinvo writ li'n. T. II. IJi.Nros. ( seal 1 Auditor 1' . A. Cli\s , | | Al.t.Hopnty. . Cortificnto of Publicntion. OIHcp of Audllur I'uhlleci'ouiiiN State of NebiMslvi. hlnoiiln I nil.Sad. HII II Is heieby ccrllllcil that Ihe ItiiL-kforil In- stirauco Co of liopUfiml , In lh stiiti-of Illi- nol' . . luis complied \\illi the Ilisiir inuo lau of this st.ite , and IsaiithorUod to tr.insn t the business of lire lasiiraiicu la lids state , for tlu'ciiiienl vi'ir U'll ill's * my Iiiml unit the seal of Ihn Andl- tur of Public Acc-ounts , the dnj mid joir al iorliicn. . ISK-.I ] T. H. ItKNTON , AudllorP. A. I'llAS ' li. AI.I.IN , Depntv , Coi tificiUo of Publication. Olllce of Auditor of I'libllo Aeo iiiuU Htalo of Nelir.iikn. Lincoln. I'eti'd. . lJI. Il Is hi leby icrtllled , that Ihe Herman I'lrti Insurance Co. . of I'mil.i , In the -stale < , f Illinois , lias Kiinplled with the Insurnu-o Ititt of this stale ami h anthoil/ed lo trniruu t the business of tire liiMiruiiiu In tliUst.ttu fr tlic cnricnt yi in \VlttiKisiny b iml Hud tbe SIM ! of the niinltur ot nubile iu-coiint.s the dny and jour nhov u Wlllten. T.ll , Hr-TON , nSnal.l | Aiiilltor 1' . A . OIIAS , U , Ai.t.Av , Deputy ,