Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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lllh SPliCUAllU
A Very Strong Opening in Values All
Along the Line. *
Only l' ' li' wl'li
on UKI I > n\vnlitrit-Mttlo I'
turc In | 'IMI\MUIIIM |
P.iirAno. IVli , CT.-Fcclal [ | ) Ti'lrgratn to Tilt !
IlKf 1 Tlitnn n M < ry slroiiR opiMiliiK In
iii'arly nil lln > nmfkots on'olmiiKO. Whont
M.irlvil | > irinnr4 > otcr Init nlKlitl < ' fii S < '
lilphi rnilH ; : slt > : uly at mi iidvuin'o , null I > ro-
vlHimis linn niul mti'ntly. Diirmi : cnrly trnitliiK
ntciytliliiK rult'il at licttrr IlKUiui Snli-s for
Mil ) iluilnn Ihi'His ! hour \vdiu : Wlivitt ( i71 (
tol'T'ir ' , lo'.iT'ni' ' In 117'iO ; Milll Will1 nnilft'i'tC !
irnll l * > , v ; \ ink J'.i.Mi mid } : iiO ( ; Intd J.YKJ'i mill
ISW'i : illis } 4iM n nil t UNI. ThiMilii'iit mnrkot
iiulcil HI It illil jrstiihy | , nnil tliciluy picvlous.
It iiuiilc' ' u inoilcrnti1 liiilico curly mi u llcod of
linll IICUH anil thru klcUcil lincU. lint still liclil
ii lit tli' lii'ttrr Hi in tlu < I-IIHI' thiMilKlH l.i'furu
Inth's ' \vay iiili-cs mini lillicr | , lint irinlo
hllliU - IKI vlKIIK llf Illlll UIllllllHlllSIII. Stll'll IIS till'
rlmmrlrr < if I.CVVHurrnnts. . I'rofrNslnnul
Milli-rs uu ( lozuoil.nnilcn lu'lltllo tli" 1'iiH
( lisp itrlics. Tim tninlilii HiipiNirs tnlii'tlial
Ilir IIIIUfullnns ate Inailcil with whrut niul
rniiiiiil rurry It lilwlirr. wlilli- niii.orUy | "f
lir \ y oiicriitnrs arc U' ulust tlio inarUi'l. Tin'
ni'llmi nf the tniirUi't \ > as us fiillows :
Muy ( ipcniMl at 0'ni- ' , toiirlicil tiT'iisulil ' liiu-k
tolir'.i1 ' , tip tiiHTV. lu ovi > r tliu I'loso yi'sti'i-
lay. linrU mi srlllnu fotrr abdiit nilililay In
( Co. nnil hi'Id iiiol | ! mid hlpaily aKMiiul'.17'nC'iip ' '
In llu > last half hour , .Inly hold at Ulu In itt'i '
! . ( In L'JV1 l 1 o'clock ,
'I'lir iictthof the day was i\ \ follows : 1/lvcr-
liool rallies early wrio vtrniiK ami 'id up fur
Miot anil > 4il np fur future . Suiiic London
jirlt alccalik's tiotumslpr , while others ron-
llriui'd tlio ilainajn to Iliu I't'oncli crops anil
mill licit I'anjnus wiun stroniily hold. Now
i'orli cleared H.l.iO'J linshi'h oflicnt and ICI-
POO piicKaccs of Hour ; I ranco took 100,1)01 )
linshcls \Viisliliictiin wheat , at St. l.onk
IliiKi-r iniuli' n Halt ) of 4 , OOJ buthi-Kof No.-
M > Hii- here for slilpiiipnt to Mvorpool from
New perl News , lloydon \ Co icpiirled their
Mouse loallir.'r,0.'OJlMishols ( , of No.'J red to ely
ly ) t Im lil : ; o In Hie' living. The I'rlfo t'lirrent
KiittHhont In fanners hands at IDt.OtO.dOO
IniHliols nmilnst ifi.COJHlO , u year IIKO. Me-
Ciiriolck > V Co. hud : i very bullish oahlo
Irinn AnttMTi. | clalniliiK ' 4 of tlin llclglum
nnil ' i < if iini I'reneli ernp rnliied liy
frost. Cold woalher ooiitliiiii'4 nil over tins
whi-atslatcH. 'I'he Northwestern Miller had
n bearish rovlnw on Hour. Tlio advnni'o early
was slow , as Ir.ule fell Ini'Ilnod to play for the
1'rlday break. Many whoboii hl on I ho bnlui )
nolil out when the | irlei > slurlud buck Unviinls
U7II for May. I'ardrlilso. Parker , rii'orjio
Hinltli , KKuU'slon and iniiliy others hold freely.
LoKnnX Co. . Dunham & I'o. ami other com
mission houses did KOO ! buying at limes.
Tlio wheat inoveiiient to tlio market was not
reniarkalilo In any way. Minneapolis anil
Diilntli had'.Mil ears , Kansas C'lty " . ' , Chicago
17 iMiis over tlio estimate tit71 c-nrs , with M
curs fur Sat'inlay. At ton nilniitiM of llr-
close May wheat was tinner at urve. July at
lUiv Tlio ttheut market clused llrm with a
pain from last nlsht of ' . ' for May and 'if for
July. The last prices were : I'eliruury , l IV :
May. ! ! ; ' „ < : . .Inljitle. . IVbruary was noiuhial
at : r iilnli-r May.
Tin1 co i n market starleilolT oven as slioii'j
usvheat Mini for a tlino proinlsod to act
Inili pi'iideiitly sttoii ; ; . llrfoie the session was
half or oir the market and It
settled back \\lth the ilecllno In The
market hud iiiuilo headway a alnsl nnfavor-
nbieeahles , as l.herpoul dull and 'id '
lower. This was more than offset by looiil In-
( luoiii'e-lljjlit lei'elpts. This estimate yester
day of H. > ears was so small as ( o help the
market. Itecelpts ttero even less at till ears.
There was some outside hull muvs also ,
tlinore was represented us bidding for cash
corn , anil No. 8 at Dust St , Ktmls tvus iiioted ]
at Klo. Theio was nothing taken from tlio
Eton ) hero , and sdiipiiionN tvuiv.s-U.tljO bushels.
Atluntle ports cleared 111,000 bushels. The ac
tion for May wns : Opened Wgp. 'it' over lust
nlK4it. sold at . "lO'sC ' lo rw' ) > , o to "ili'ii ' ! the soeoud
time , buck toiY > V' , and held at , " > liu at ( o'clock.
There was no recovery In corn after tlio tinvik.
The prk'o of May touched .V > Vii-V > 'j and closed
nt r > . ' ) ' c fur the seller. I'ebruary tv.n ipioted
nt fll'fce toSI'ie ' * c at the close. M-ncli
the same as IVbruury. .Inly elosud at . "il'i ®
M ' c , withIn no a little ( Inner sit dl'ic. ' May
corn piIv ilexes s > old at V'iu for puts und M'4o '
for calls ,
Thunats market llattenod out Into In Ilio
day. May Mild early at 4s'1clo 4\c. when
wheat and corn were udvaticlni ; . llefore the
close the price touched Jocund clmed at ®
S ic. Theio wns little In nny other mouth.
Inly nas , 44 * curly and 4iu : later , elo-hu at
HKiC. Tbeiottiis little feu tine to the pnnis
Ion trade. The ranzcuf prices was narrow ,
except In pork , win'h closed at 7'jC ' hl her ,
Kaily strength was duo to tins llirht oll'i'i hr.-s
und the htuher price ( if corn. Later , ulieii the
priiln maikets tteiikcneil. norli was held nphv
t'uiliiliyV hnvliii ; for his Milw ankeo iionsi > and
liuylns I y hroUeis supposed to rcnu-seiil Ilio
loc ,1 packets. May poik sold at jll.M to.l.IO ' !
to illWi. and clo ed nt $ ' .i-T't. ( l.aril , for Mav.
Bold nt if. > . .s.'t.r.x"i and f" .s : ' ' , . closing at 5"i.s : > in
IS > 7'IMIis ' weienpS'icat HM. with May and
other months below. Tim estimate on Chl-
ca o.stocks for .March was : Now York , Sil'Mlio
nsirrels : old , 4."i.0inii ribs , W.iOOUUO puumls ; laid ,
13.5.0JO tl.-rces.
1'iucKs AT riuc.tno.
KICKS AT sr. i.ouis.
XotON iiiiil ( Gossip.
Milwaukee's close : .May. OIl..c. '
Ihilntli lecelpts : Wheat. 40 ears.
Wliuipnpors lecelpts : Wheat , 170 cars.
New Yolk oicaisc ; > ,000 bushels of hoat.
Toledo's elosu : Wheat. May , il.OlU ; July ,
Kan ns City receipts : Wheat , 72 | corn , 47 ;
ontN II.
l.l\orpool wheat market olosos ( Inn and un-
clian eil.
Ksthnated hog lecolpts at Chicago on Satur-
flay , 33tw.
t. l.onls ensli : Wheat , 0"io ! ; corn , Kl'i ©
63sie : onts , Hi'iM.lfi'iO.
I'rlvatneablo : Liverpool wheat , moderate
trade , prices 'idhlKber s
Clearances yesterday at four ports : Wheat
Cl,3. > ; corn , W.lCi ! oals , llf.l.VI ; lla.tl7,0 "i ,
SI. l.onls lecelpts : AMieat , IS , * * ! corn , fAll.'i
oals. ' 'I , UK ) . s.ilinionti | ] > : Wheat. S.7&5 ; corn
IC.W.I ; oals , 10.0J7.
Very cold In extreme northwest , but zor <
line lias moved iiurtbwaiil aud It Is w armor
over the wheat belt.
There was conslilorablo solllns of May con
by local operators v. liu had calls uood for the
mouth at fit' e to.Vihe.
Mi'l'orndek say : Our I'arls correnpondon
just cables us : "I1ro < pecls of u pour crop Ii
Vraiieo. " This Is very lullable.
The following was in tlio market columns o
tlio Times this inornlau' : A mess 111:0 from Sin
Francisco stnted thai the I'reneli wore buy-
liiK heavily i.f wheat thero.
The oharnetci of the forelsn IIOWH eontluno
very bullish and nuiM etl'eet prices on thl
Hide before lone , If the K t nation uu tliu utho
vlduU asbtiiiiiK ns cables Imllcato.
New York iccelvors report reselling fouro
five loads of . ; wheat forward shlpmon
from Duliith toe\-orlln lion.sos. Millers reported
ported to have tiiKon 10 to N ) loads to arrive.
Milwaukee , which has been relatively the
lowest marUut In the country , opened thl
foiei.ooii up a full cent , bcxinnln ; : even n |
with other innrkets which are miming todu ;
uboiit with Chicago.
lleerbolim's ciiblo : I.tvorpool wheat strons
California , Ifd higher ; coin rather easlui
Murk 1 , am- wheat turn dealer ; Hour Improv
Inir , Carpoes oil' coast nnd on patsa 'o tlroni , '
French oountry markfts tlrin.
Chicago reculpls : Winter wheat. 27 ears
print' . 47) ) corn , l'J3 ; outs , 153.
roiid.r Winter whrnt. n > prlm * ' < : rorn , 7f , irO. nvi ipM In biiHhei i \\heat \ ,
i SMI.irn. . I'.v.m. ' . oat , IAS.I. Miiii . nts
MHMII. Vt,7ii ; , ntn. M.ftN , ( iat . ICI.lri I'Ml-
iilileil for .s'litnrdayheat : , SI cars ; corn ,
( . ( I ; oat , W.
I .on n n , V Co to Tnncrny AT llrynn ! The
lii'al niitrk > t opened nlniiiK at l'7't ' to
TVc for May , ild up to WV- The close
s nl iC c. July "old as hliih as Kl'n1 ' ,
ho close W'IIN at ( Me with n llnntod Irade In It.
'ori'lun nilvlciH conllauo lrnn ( ; . Our own
a'llcs siy : the diiniiiKe by frost tothn Blow-
inccrop N very sot Ions , but add Unit Iliu
vheat plnnl i a liardy one. Tbeic has been
0 , < uO lii < dii-li of No. 3 sprlmr taken for hlp-
neiit t > y rail tn New Vnrk. The price paid for
l line or wlial It Mild for ban not triinsplroil.
\Vedo notleaiaof any business behn { done
icie on fnielun account. New York hat had
tome orders fur the inimtlisnftmust and Me-
ember. Wo aie ( old ihe llniirtradeeontlmitM
lull. The future value of wheat ilepeniN on
licdeniaiid , anil at present II Is lliMil. Ci.rn
ftlllly urlUe wllh llubl llui'tunlloiiH. Hats
icllte. I'lov Uliint opened Him on stromslh In
Kraln iiiarki'l.lnil mninsidd oa packers'
illerhiKH. Viilume ot tradu lljlit.
W. C. Mi'Corinli'k ' . I'n to I' . C Snnrlr. .t Co.
A Kloater ittoup , f "lionlillni ; Thoiiili eH"
wa never seen than Ihe tilt lra lers on wheat.
fiililiH repeated tliu slorli" * of ilnintiKc t I'll-
nipcaii clops nnd fnri > liii markets showed
their belief In the truth of them' n-pnils by
idviineln shaiply , ami yet our Chleiu-o trail-
'Is , lid nut eiciill them nml actually broke
iirlccs on thoni. Wo ate roinpolh'd to lielleM !
in I'on.slilernbleilaniaiie. as our private eor-
U' pondenl ut Antwerp ropres ton oablu of
ouis thai lliree fourths of the llelnliim crop
and uiii'-quiii tei of the rreiich erop ateserl-
onsly iliiniiiKoil by fin-t. How lorn : It will
tiiKe foreU'n mal kots In ilrac ours op l iimalns
to l.o seen. Clearaneesof llnuroie moderate
from New York , 1 1 was rumored that lim.OiH )
bntholsof white wheat bad been taken for
dlieel export from M. l.iMiN und 140.0 KI liiish-
oltol No. ' . ' | IIIK from Oblcnto. Kverjthlni !
eoiislilered. our market elo-es tame , altlnnmh
theie Is an nnilertune of strength. Coin has
been Him , but lifter tliu llr-l hour was Imic-
ll\i > . The ttinier ! | of the tiado Is boeoinlliK
iidle | liulllsii and may further advance price" ,
n-ttimllesHuf any merit In the deal , liecclpls
ate lulu anil cash dcinand Kood , which ron
dels heals too ilmldto inal-e a ll ht. Ciish
tirli'es puictlealiy iinclianp-d from yesterday.
rrovl-lniH llrmer lint \ery dull. The sealpern
ImiiKliied tlinl Iboy saw In tlio pnrelinscs of
one in- two commission houses slirns of luiyltn ;
In of shorts fin two packers nerutoforeeiy
bearish , llocelptsof hocsaro veiy lurie hot
do not seem to ha\o any marked ollect In
bicaklnj ! prlee < ,
Kennett. llopklns .t Co. to ChrMlo-l.athrop
Com. I'o. Tinwhent market yosteidny closed
In a somewhat oversold condition icsiiltlm ; hi
aslloiiK oponliiK today. On ooiillniicd cold
A\eallii > ranil stion ; cabliyt loonl traders ap
parently liillni iii'i'il iiv a steady How of bull
news foi several days III succession elmli ed
totho IOUK' side to a consider. ihlc extent. In
the iigxcKiilo they liouuhl lamely and hold
pilees up falilysoll fur a time , lint were bc-
weaken when M. l.ouls came In
with hca\y buying mders on the woiKIni ; of
busliels for export. The lesiilt was. a
shaip Inline toli7'l'i ' . ! i7' e for May , on which
scalpers unloaded. No further demand up-
licaiiiiK , the market sold oil' , rei-ordltm the
lowest price of the nay. The St. l.onls export
order Is said In he for the I'acillc coast , wheat
for April shipment , al . ' > c under May. and
there Isa possibility that It may bo resold.
Some icnorls of ihuna i' to Ihe India erop IIIIMI
been elicaliited loday. In view of the fact
thai netts finni that onice has herctofoie
been almost uniformly favorable Iliu later re-
norls taken Ineonneetlon with smo , coining
1'ra nee and He. ul n in of I n Ham in at orj character
me calculated to excite suspicion. The fact Is
no i.ody can le'l ' whether any dama ; ; ha *
been done either or line , nnl II warm
weather irlvesa clinneo fordevelopmciit , and
It's KrnnliiK hi the dark to speoulale ns to the
outcome. Casb wheat seems lo be Kctllni ; Into
a Ml i miter piNltlon , and with so iniieh nn-
ccitalnly as lo ih ( 'inu'iii' , ' erop It docs not
seem possible for our nmikel lo sell down
materially until after we cot the April erop
ieort. | That we think , will show Ihc eoiirsu
of prices for the r < si of the season , sun ! mean
time \\cshad have a KOnd scalping maiket
with moileiate prollts on the s-iles on tliu
lallles , and purchases < in breaks. I'otn was
eiimparatU ely Inaelhe. There were Inillea-
tlons that loans were taltliu1 prolil to some ex
tent on any material decline. It Is probable
thai they would K\\o \ the market peed sup
port nm ! try In cause a fresh rally. Oats nni
111 , f coin. Provisions -The st reii th In Kraln
caused enough buying to slluhUy sllniolate
the market. We oan see no other rea on for
the adMince at this tlmo. While the picsoiit
cMrannliimry iiio\ement III lie 'seontluues wu
favor .selllnj ; produet on haul spots.
t'/f ir.U.'O II\'K \ NTOf'K.
OIIICMIO. IVb. 27. [ Special Telegram In Tim
llii : : . ] CATTI.I : Hnslness amiln active and the
di'inand stronuer thanon any il-iy tills week ,
hence there was a slight upturn on anything
pied oriisofut In the fat .steer line. I'alr. inu-
dlnin and eommon st.K-k. la the steer Hue , un
derwent llllleor no eliaiw. Olil cows nnd
caniiers lemalii dull at about as low prices as
such were oversold for tills market. Is
a lao eof S..OJ per IOJ between old canners
and Koud cows ; country shippers should al
ways kcop In vluw Ilio fact Unit about all that
can liu KOI fur old caunersis "hat hides and
bones will fetch. There Is no ust > In ealculat-
IiiK on llcsh , as Ihe bulk carry hut little. ? tocu
eatlle In fair demand and steady. The top
price was aiinln ! ? . " > .4ll for extra steers ; others ,
fl.'iO't.'i.iHi ; eommon , ii."iiKii.l.7.V ; canning cows ,
} I.miai.i : ) ; other * , . M.ooftiS.7"i.
lloiis 'I'rade onlv fiilrly active , with prices
Jatheron the down turn and fully ICe lower
thuii tlieopenlim yesterdav. nnd Tic lower ( ban
the elo e > -lilpiiurs wore liberal buyois , but
p'icUeis bold oil until late. The Kcneial mar
ket ulosed weak. Hmr-rh and common sold at
t.'l. > Kn'ir > : prlmo mixed and pac'iorlargely
at ft.fiO , some at iSI..Vis ni-imu heavy and
butcher wulghts , fl..V\i.J'i : ( ; llKlit , IU.
Niw YOIIK , 1'eb. 27. [ Special Tolozrain lo
Tin : llix.l SIOCKS Tliuru was an appearance
of an aetlvo market In stocks curly , but an
analysis of dealings showed that tlio re wasex-
Iromo dullness hi all but SI. I'aul , I'nlnn 1'a-
cllle , lliii'lln l'in vt K'.H'l ; Inland. The-features
nf the niarliet , however , wore I'aiiille Mall and
Iho Siisuu ( | > luimi nnd wustH u siociiM.whleli
weiiU und scored material IOSM > - . 1'ai-illc
tivik the load In activity , but after opening
down n fraction , foil uwny rapidly to ' ' , . at
which point It was a per font below In linal
Humes ot yrstonlnv. Susqiioliiiiinii k West
ern , preferred , lost 1 per cent , but Hurllir'ton
nnd Uock Islnail each rose 'a. The weakness
In t ho Stocks moiillniiod clnicKed thoupwatd
movement In tlio general IM. and late In the
hour animation oven in leaders disappeared ,
Iniimnenieut In many stocks was entirely
lost , nnd stiiKnutloii in process again marked
doalliiss. During subsequent trading , up tola
o'clock , Chicago BUS rose 1 point , I'aelllc.
Mail again rose ti > 40' ' $ , and again droppi'd
back loIlO'i. Vlllards wuro well held on Unlit
business. Aetlvo western stocks early hottled
back close to the closing of Thursday and
hold very steady. Ij-icli.'iwauua : at IIM.
The closlns hours In stocks were marked by a
grunt niltlliii ; down Inprlct's , while Iinclci-
nMiinii. Union I'acllle , Missouri 1'aclllc. St
1'iiul , Hook Island and many ntlieis closed
mound yesterday's prices , simply loslna tliu
curly advance , llurlln loii broUo shar ) > ly to
SO'i ' , two points oil from top for the day. I'a-
clllo Mull luoko toiT\i.'Jli : points under the
opiMitnK. Ono wns on tlio prediction of poor
oainlnssand the other on a pointer fiom
\Va \ > hluiton thai Iho subsidy bill will not
pass. The market was of a limited character ,
with total salon of 07.00) ) shares.
Konuott Hopkins , t l'i > , to Ohr'stlc-I.athrop
Coin , I'o. The stock lia * been much
duller Ilian yeslenluy. nnd has been adversely
affeoU'd bylbe woaknessof llurllniston. Tbo
ninrkct opened stroin ; with London bnyltuSt.
Paul and I'nlon I'aeillc. The favorable slale-
luentaof the oarnln f. of these railways very
likely aecounts for the demand for Meek.
London has a stronc apiiri'ointinn of the value
of lurco r.dlway earnings. The ai v.ineo in
Ibo pilce nf Si. I'aul and I moii 1'acllio siive
lonu lo the whole inail.ot ill rlns the
liour , and nppcaraiu'es show a fairly larcu and
strung mnrU't all day , but hoa\y si-illuK of
"t } " lurnedllio whole i iarkt-1 ilownward and
made It nt the sumo time dull , Chloajro. llur-
llimton .t ijulnoy broke 3 per cent , anil at ml' ' ,
sold within 13 per eenl of the lowest prk'ii
toiielied last .November. Western mlvlcos urn
poslthe that the tunnai.'o of this road and all
other curn carrying roails u III liu li'jht ' for tlio
month lo come. 1'acltlc Mull look u tumble
today , down 4 percent from yesterday's high
est uiirlec. Hie Idea potthiK abroad that the
Hiilislily lilll. which will bu votedon lids afler-
noou , will mil lie passed. Tbu marUot ilnilnj
the afternoon wus fi''itiiri'loh . Money Is
plenty at low rates. There lias not boon any
gold enga'-'ed today fore.xport. Hnlei , -VIMI .
The Itiirl'ti.'ton ' Is buldiir4 | rapidly Into the
northwest and It Is expected that It will cioss
the ( ireat Noilheia this
Illinois Central , nut catnings for January
tioeic.ivj { lo.ioo.
Chicago. Ibirlliiston and Qulncv nnd Itock
Island. n""d saloon hard spots. learnings are
show ng up bad nml likely to continue. Ton
nage Is not In the see thin of country tributary
to i huso roads and they will have very llttlu lo
hanruntil Ihe next crop.
Tlii-io Is tin epidemic of bear messages com
Ing fiom New York on Iho ( J. , II , & ( j. Kvery
body ! s mmlnji them.
New York Ctntial wns entirely under wate
and abandoned between Albany and I'tlca
They had to take West i-boro at L'tleu fion
Albany down to Harlem.
rxnrthora I'acllio eaialngs Increased } 0fiO
for I'ebruary L'J , makln , ' iVUT.U'JU fur Ilio inuutl
so far ,
Combs sold l'a 'Ido Mall down to 3D and gen
n lot of slop orders.Vald run bold tills fore
noon 3fiOO from 40 > i lo IW'i. ' Tlds Is block
which ho bought yesterday as hltfb as 414
mid to bu for llrooklyn iiollticlaus. Comb
sulil ycsturday , uud while bu hub been u sdle
I od a v thinks ho ban bonglit more ludlrci'lly
than he has sold.
Upon lllKh l Tow |
W A I ,
llncKliitf Vnl .M M
MnnlinllnM . IIU'I ' IWI'I '
\Val'n li pdi IM <
Krlo . . . .
t'nnnit.1 Sn.
t'neltlc Mull. 41 i 4
! > nk < i shore. ni't Ill'l '
I. A X 76V. Mil ,
I.enil Trust. "i-
( ' . . T. f. . . . . . , Ililll -
um to : u y WTC7H I07K
Mo. l' o umOIM C7H
I'nlnii I'nf. . 40 4S > *
NIV. . | ifd. g ; 40rt 7'i
N. t'nc. com ,
( ' . , II. A Q . . Jin
Hock Muiul ! C.7' . (
M. I'tiiil | | w
. " . I'uiil pfil. > < a- *
Wo l , futon $ si
1) . , I. . A W. IM 1.17 Hill '
'M Trim M IMM'l '
AmSinr.Uf. * *
.liTH-y Cent. tin liu till ill ! iin
Now llnitl'il. tini" ' "l ft' *
Illi-li. IVrin'l i" '
.Molilvm. . .
Chlrn.'ii lliu 42 4 ]
Ho.iillni : | KJ (
Del. A Mail. HIM
I' Will 11MH
No. Am | M | iss.
Mich. Cent. . 1U H
silver l'7S ' Hfc
A S. II. pfil. W'l fc } ! W'J W't S. > S
Win. Coin. . . ai a ) am VO'l
Mo Cent. . VIS ! l5 | slk 211) ) . St-li ,
A. C ( III. . . . ' '
Te\n I'll * i'lHl
Tenn. C. A I MX S.'ik
The following aro. tlio ( 'losing ( { unlalloiH :
Northern I'm-IUo. . . . - .
t' . S. I * columns 131 ilu iircforrcil 7ln
T. S. \\t ronMoreil..l01 C. A N.\V lOiii
I * . S. Ii c. MI linns I0.'l iloircforrcil | M.'i
I'arllll-IN nf ' . ' 'I lit No York t'fiitrul.l03l
Central I'nclllc W [ nt L
Clilcaitn A Alliui ISS llork i'binil
Chli'iipn. llui lln tiin 1C. . M.V St. I'
AOiiliu-r. | itii | ircfor rnl . . .
. > . . . , , , , , , . ' . . . ,
I A W , , -q r11. I'n III \ II 111,111 It. ,1 A
IllliiiilslVnlrnl MV ib > | ireforreil S.I
I. .11. AW rnl.ui I'aelllc 4f.
' " ' I3K , W. . St. I. . A I'
l.nki'Slnire iloireferrcil | IHI
Mlrlilk'Mii Ceiitriil. . . Wuitcrn t'nloii bl !
Ml onrl I'icllle
MU.NKV Un call , onsyj closed olTored nt 1
ter cent.
1'iiiMi : MKIICANTII.B : I'AiMiit-l'iichiiUKrd ; . ' ©
G' pfreoul.
.IMI KXCMANOK Hlnudv nnil un-
ili slMy-iluy bllN. $ l.\i ; tiumund , { 1 8.
Tlio Wool
ns . , Teh. ' . ' * . ( Spueltil Tclrsmm
o'l'ili : ItF.i : . ] The ilemnnil for wool hns been
nodenite ami Iliu sulusof domestic hnve been
noMly In sinnll lots. Ohio llcecesbavo boon
ery qukl with X qtiniod : it ; H < aTV ; XX nt
crullli' . niul No. I at aT < ? : iSi . MIclil ui X sells
it airiaie : and No. 1 ut aie , bin there is very llt-
lo iloiiiainl. Some peed sales of Olilu ilcliilne
veio Hindu iitlttMIITe niul Mlelil an at XtfXi > Je.
No. 1 combing \\ool.saiellimiit UKitlllo und un-
wailiuil eonililiiK are liuloinaiiil at axa'.N' fur
> nu-iiiirler | : nnil ut : ( V'tle : for tbree-elsbtlis.
1'errltnry Moimls arc well sold ill ) and tr.ulo Is
inly fair at ndifwlV for line , feftiine for line me-
Iliun and nViavii ) for niiMllimi. In Texas I'al-
fornla and Otoxim wools tbcie Imvo been no
sales of Im port aiiee. I'nlledools ' \ nro nctlve ,
sniiers selling at ISOflr.e ; and eMra nt . " 'ic.'JOe.
\iistrallan sold freely at.'iniitl''c1. I'oielgn cur-
> et uuuls are In KODI ! iluniand and llrm.
iK Sharon.
Nuw YOIIK , Kub. ! ! 7. [ Spuuliil Tclonrani to
Tun llcK.1 I'lia following aru tliu tnlnliiK
stock ii
Tlip t'nlVco .Aliii'kct.
Xiw : VOIIK. Pel ) . 27. LSp'cliil Telivram to
Tin : HIK.I : romi-O : | > llms ( opened stuady.
uni'baiised to 10 points down , eloshm steady ,
10 points dim'li to 10 up , Sales , ! i,25J ba s. In-
eliidin IVhiuary. } I7.5 > ; Marcli. J17.riOf.17..ri.ii !
Anrll , i7.IOf' ! 17.20 ; Mnv , JlillHliSHl. ' . ! ' ! ; ,1 illy , * 10.10
6i.Kl.ri ; September , ifl.'i.-l ) . > \ nililo. . steady ,
iiulclj fair uarjoes ; , jiiriOitl.7. | ! ) > ; No. 7. { b.ll."J.
f'ntr no. IVb. 27 , closi-
easb , UI'/iV.'IV ' ' ; May , U7'n407'Bc ' ; .Inly ,
Corn Steady ; cash , KJ'it'i .May , , ViTaci July ;
51 ' | P.
Ci.itsi Steady ; cash , 4G1)0l7e : May , 4SS4S'ic ;
.Inly , 4' ) ' o
liyo Meadv at MJL\
llarley St ronu ; 7.s'i 1e.
1'rlnio Tlniotliv il.2iai.3
1'lux - tl.20' ' , .
I'ork rirni ; i-a li. $0.50 ; May , Jfl.S.VftWS.
I.nril-l'lrin ; , f5.i'"J ( ; Alav , J5.s.vrir.S7'i. '
Sbort Klhs I'll in ; casb , $ I.C2i ! , l.U5 ; .May ,
Jl. iiCitl.'iO. '
rioiir-yulet. steady ; winter patents , $4.70 ®
5M ; spilni ; patents , Il.tlJJj4 , ! ) .
llulu Meats -Shoulders , flt.O.Mll.0.1 ; short
clear , t l.h.ViM.Oi ; shoit rlln , $ l."n' .
_ llnttur ; Heady ; creamery , ' "JU'Jatdairy ; , 10
Cheese I'lrin ; full cream clieddar * , 10 < Tf ,
in'ic ' ; Huts , 10illci ! Voinin- Americas , 11 ®
ll'.e. '
KiL's ririnor : fresli , l.VfMGi' .
and benvy creon
salted , riii'it-roir ; Kn--n. I'll1 ' ; salted bull , 4'ffl ' ,
4'ti-i dry salteil , ( VTCu ; ciui-n Halted ualf , be ;
ihvtlliit.Bi ! : drv calf , SK- : .
Tallow Knelian eil ; No. I , sollil paulccd. 4c ;
No. 2 , 3 > , 'iV'icj ! ! cake , 4Uc.
Itucelpts. Pliliniiil | ! ! .
K'niir . MWO IH.lHhj
Wlicut , bit . IS.'WJ UIM-I :
Corn , bu . llll.1' ' ) ) SO.IUI
Outs , bn . 12J.OJO C-IIXK )
NKW YnilK , Teh. 27. Wlioal Hec-nlpt" , 15.20)
bilsluils ; exports , 34,700 , ; spot , sitionner : No. 2
led. tl. in" , In elevator , Jl.ll' , atloat , tl.ll'ff '
I. II1 : f. D. I ) . ; opt Ions opened hlu'lior niul eloscd
weak ; No. 'J reel. I'ebrnary. i-loslni lit JI.IHV
Corn Iteeelpts. 27iUi : ) biislu'ls ; exports ,
2II.IIOI ; snot neaUer ; No. 2 , li'i'nfi'.Ci'ji ' ; la
elevator , Hi'iJiJi'sialloati unu'riided ml.eil ,
nviliW.ic : optliuibulusuil easy ; lubriiaiy clos
ing at (1'i'ae. (
Oat" Ueeelil | , SS.K ( > 1 buabels ; ovpnrts. MO ;
spot steady ; No. 2 white , . 'vVij-Mie ; nilM-d west
ern , MIClillo western , r > .ViiC2i.'j options
liiesnlar ; Kelnuary , , V > e.
iiKiu1 ItaH.lliimeonlrlfiisnls.lWtost.stnnd-
n rd illl-liV ; pouih-reil , il'je ,
IVtroleilin I' lilted eluseil , March , 7Gc- ,
l Ksrii'iiirr ; western , | si- .
l'or.v Sleadj ; new muss , * in.WV3ll.fO. ;
liard Steady ; western. t5..l7'i ' asked.
Itntierlll lier : westeiiidalryllifilc ; west
ern ereamery , 2' tt'llc ; Kluln , I12v.
t'liecso Strons ; llsbt sUbiiM. , " > 8S'sC. '
_ ST. I.oris , 1'eb. 27. Wliuat IllKbor ; Jlay ,
07lji * .
I'om WeaUi easli , Kl'ioj May , ri27 e ,
_ Uats.-Steady to lower ; cusli , 40'ic ' ; May ,
Vork-Pteiidy at 80.75aO.b7J5.
I.iiril-Sleadv at 55,40.
lln tter I''l ' i in a nd iinc'hiuiKed ; creamery , 23 ®
2.Vdairy ; , 22 250.
KANSAS Crrv , Feb. 27. rt'lipat Ptronepr :
No. 2 Haul , easb und rubruary , b.Hu bid ; No. 2
red. easb. ( Do bid.
Corn I'l nil ! No. 2 , cash and 1'obrnary , 4 > ? 4
. .
Outs Stronger ; No , - , cash and I'ebruary.
45 ? c bid. _ , 1'pb. 27. Wheat Tim mnrkot
for spot wheat wns Kood , thoiiKli less ac-IUo
for oilier wheat ; reeolpts , 171) ears ; slilpnienls ,
'Hears. Closlni. : No. 1 bard. IVhrnaiy. \ 'a ;
on tracU , Uin No. 1 noitlieni.iii' : ; .May , Wfje ;
on trai'U , ' . ' ! No , 2 nortliern , I'ebruary , u.'c ' :
on Hack , I '
MIMVAUKHI : , 1'eb. 27. Wlii'jil Easy ; No , 2
bprlii ! : , eash , OlWir.c ; May , Oli'iC.
I'orii I'lrnii No , II , Me.
Oats-I'lim ; No. 2 while , 4 * ' .
rruvlslons-liulet ; pork May , S9.63.
CINCINNATI , 1'ob. 1 ! " . Wlieiit-steaily ; No. 2
red. uviriii'jc.
Corn-In llubt ( leinaii-l ; No 2 mixed , 4Sic. ?
\Vhisley-l.l4. _
Kivr.iii-ooi. , I'ob. " " . Wlin.t Strong and In
fair demand.
Corn ( fillet ; mixed wi'Stern , 5s Cjd ! per
cenlul. _
1,111 : srnvit.
OIIICAOO. I'ob. 27 Uiitllo Ilccolpt1 ! . (1,000 ( ;
market acllvo and slroiiKor ; sloeis , oxtru ,
J\lo ; eominii , Ji.5'lii5.00 ; ; euws , ? l.loiii2.7. > .
HOKS Keeelpls 115,000 ; mai'lict fulrly urtlvo
and Inui-r ; rouKli and common. HIU > ii3.45 ;
prliuo mUeil and packers , itlMXTO'lAV Ijirlim
Iieavynnd biueher weights , tJ.5.V l,0.'ii light ,
* 3.4.MiiL''J. :
r-hcep Uc'cclpt" , 0,000 ; market aetlvo and
steady at } j.2yi ii.40 : lainhs , J5.2rir > .b5 ,
.ST. I.OIMS , Fob , 27. ( ! atilo H.'colpts. Line
head : shipments , 1,400 ; ninrkul steady ; fall
to fancy nai Ivo steers , * , : i.VJ uJ. " : < ; htoi'kors and
fcedurs , t2.l'iii3.tW. ' (
MoKs-Uuei'lpts , ll.riOC ; slilpmcnts. 2.510 ; mar-
net steady ; heavy , i.iJU-iJ.W ; iui.\cd , i.i.25U >
3.M ; I IK in , * s.iyai.w. : : _
KANSAS CITV , 1'ob. 27. Cnltio-Ilccolpts
S.20U head ; hhlpments , ( DO bend ! inarkiit
htnim ; ; hleers. < l.i.Vf,5.2.'i ; ; rows , Jl..iO/ti.'l.bO
stockm nnd feeders * 2 'wViiil.SO.
llots : lEecplpts , r.,4uOhead ; sblnnicnts , 2,100
head ; miirkut lower ; all grades , JJ.55.
O.T/.IJr/.lMI7v' STOCK ,
OSIAIU. Fob. 27. 1S01.
CATTLE rstlimitPd rocuitititof unttlo i.7tio us
rnmtmied with Vil yesUTduv ami 1M
I'rlday of last wee.k. Tim inuikut wa
netlvuand stronger on the Lest Kradu "in
about bteadv on otliers ; feeders miHianxi'd.
Iloas EstlmutcU receipts ul liuga 4,1100
ns mm tin ml with Ul 1 yc5li rdcy nml T.Vn
I'rldd.iy of ln t week The market wasiiotl\o
nnd ste.idy llr.ivy nml uil\t < d lings worn
ntiont iteaily and lljjht. lioilselo a shade
higher The market. oo | oil easy. All * > niil The
iniiisoof Ihe pHcM pnldMIS W.Vnia.t ; ' , . the
hulk nelllm ? at J.t..Vid.'I.IO. 1'lgt , * I rrtiW..Vi |
Uglil'llKliK ? : MiiVU'lilltrlil.t-'l.'Oi&.t.a.V heavy ,
SI.IHiriULtT'ii ' mixed. J.1.3Aai.iThe : : avot.igc ( if
Hie prices paid wtx * .UH u eoinpare.l with
M.lil'i ' yoHH'idtiy and M.ltl'i Kilibiy ot last
SIIMP : l tliimled recelpls of shepp , r > ' > t ,
s compnred wltlii'fi ' ycstcnUy anil , ViO I'll-
av of last week. Tlio market- llrm. Nil-
lives fJ.TAii.VtO ! wostcru- *
ONjioslMon ( > ! ' Stock.
Plimvltiit the inlniln < r of oat tie , hiu < ami
sheep puiclmsedou this mtitkut us reported
by Iho wolshniaMor of the Stockyards com
pany for I'ubrunry " " >
lluycrs. No. Mi
Thotl. II. llatiiinotiil oompany IM
ThoCuilahy pm-Uns compiiny HM
Omaha p.icklnii company H
U'olintWhlhl . . . . : J.V-1
Hamilton A Stephen 3
Van Saul & L'aiey f > l
NoN Morris 31
Shippers and feeders l" >
1 ! . , Ili-ekcr & Dcgon Jl
ThoCudnhy paoUiiK company t.75'1
Omaha packing company l.lOil
SwIflKOi U7l )
ThoO. II. liaiiunontl p.icklti ) ! company. . . (177 (
Shippers uiitl feeders TiK
tWKKl * .
Hwlft ACn ntrt
Tliul'iiilaliv pai'Mim company IM
IhuU. II. Ilaiiunond pucUhigcompany. . M
nrtvnnf ,
1. . .MO 225 ! ! . . COO : i OJ
tmllUer S2000
cows and eihcsu.ich : i.5 00
' . ' . . 315 3 73 a. . IM 4 50
U..10S7 2 W 7..1HO ! l 15
1..IGGQ 3 To
wnsTEit.v OAirr.c.
No , Av. I'r.
Stnndurd Oat Ho company
Gfl cows , cum fed 1131 t'J 43
No. Av. rfh. I'r. . No. Av. Fh. I'r.
( i . u } : i 13 KI . m-j $ : ir >
7 ! > . 170 8J II 'M M . KCJ 40 Il.Ti
.w . M mi ) ; ijo i ( n . 217 ; ii' : )
sfi . IM l ! ) , 'l _ ' : > M . ' . ' (11 ( 40 3'K
cs . -'id
M . an
: tci ;
: IK :
.1 . IM u - ' . > ii" . ' . ' .vs ivo : iir : >
72 . 201 '
41 . 101
12 . . .211 : i L'- > 11:1 : . Hi ) : : to :
tai . is so : i ' is 71 . aw ino aim ;
. .
7r > . 2H w 3w : ( S . ism : ; iio : ii7 : i
HI . iv ? 3:10 : 7ii . air : ii7'i ;
42 . 2,11 80 3110 08 . ' . ' 7t ! Ift ) : ill7'i '
7i . 221 120 3 : w Wl . 277 40 1140
( X . L'lHi 4-'IH ) 3 110 41 . 2 , ' > ! ) ; I40
fS . 211JOO 3 'W IB . 300 340
( SI . Kit 120 3 It ) 7 ! ) . 27H If , , ) 340
71 . .2) 100 II : Wi . 271) 40 ; I40
I. . . .210 3 ISO M . 112:1 : 120 340
r.2 . Ill ) II IW 0' ' ! . 25.120 340
71 . 208 3 III ) 111 . 2. 200 340
7il . IKI LVO IIIID IW . 2.V ) 341) )
( W . BM 400 3110 IW . 2.VJ lli ) II II )
br ) _ no 40 330 or . rj * 310
711 . Isfl M ) 3 III ) 40 . 2l'J 340
! l" . 2D3 40 3 III ) ! u . 3C,7 34" >
41 . IM M ) 3110 KI . 31.S 200 345
73 . 201 M 33) ) M . 2M ) M ) 345
70 - 221 f-0 3 : ) 115 . 2tM 2sO II f"i
71 _ 2I'I 4' ) 3 32'i ' 4'.l ' . 32s uo II4" >
, V1 . OT 1-0 it Ili'i ' 74 . 272 100 345
lil . 200 120 3 35 W . IBS bO l)474 ) !
1 . 130 200 1 . M ! ) 80 2C.O
, 'i7 . ! ! 225 4 . 32."i 275
0 . ! D - 22r. II . 17 ! ) 2S.-I ,
: < - IW 225 1 . 4.50 3UO
B . b5 L' 25 _
No. Av. I'r.
4fi westerns' , ml.\cd . ICO 415
IM ) westerns , iiil.xeil , . 100 445
Country I'rotluco.
Tlio heavy snow norm prowillln ; ; all day
yvslorday was 110 lielp to trade , maKliis : it
M'rv disagreeable to tjn out. As usual under
such elicuinstaiiees sales worn rather IlKlit.
I'llci-s ' worn ( M'liernlly llrm asrocolpts were
only niodiTiiti' and the soveroncss of the
storm loil Mime In look for still lighter 10-
celpts for the ncMday or two which tended
tu inalif lliem hold proseat slock ut need ll -
uio .
I'.miR The market was a llllio bettor yos-
lerdayand whlic smo ( sales nero leportod a I
Hie. It would bu safe to snv thai Ihe bulk of the
opus nhlt-li L'hiuiKed bauds went at I7c ,
I'oriimv Choice dresio.l eldcUens nrouiihl
SfJ'Jt ' ? though tlio iiuiiibi'nif sales tit tlio latter
prk-o wert < mil latgo. ( ieose. ducks and tur-
Uoys hiivo been vorv soarco for munw lime and
prices mi ( jooil stock ciiisuiiently ) | very line ,
( loose. Italic ! turkeys , lldr.iaci ducks. 1UM.V. :
ItUTTi:1. ! The market has been very llrm
with supply of Koixl butler scarco. The host
cnuntry rolls sold up as In h as 2 v , but liDr
Isalioul as.lilirh ns II Is uenurully ( juuled ,
1'iur logood lolls boliiK lBHTc. .
Qiintatlons are for car lots on board cats ut
Oninhii :
13. 14 ! t
1(1 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 22 It. 34 ft.
2\ OJ fl.lW Jlii 00 SllOJ $ ln 00
3\i. ( . . . 1.1 00 15 JJ 100) ) 17 IK ) IS DO
2\S..1,100 1.111 III 00 17 M Is 00
2\0..1.r | > 00 1.1 M 1003 IT SO IS (0 (
3\r ; . . . 1000 iiioo i" iw isw in uo
U4 to
s\M..inoo iTfio 1800 1800 loon
rnsnsn No. Itin ( , ISunil II ft. rf. JIO.oo ;
No. l.ll In , PI ft , fl'i.00 ' ; I 111. * 19.1)0 ) ; No. 2. Ii In ,
13 and 14 ft. rf. f 11.0. ) ; I In , ? l l.uOi No. 2 , 0 in , Hi
ft. UiLM ) ; 4 In , HUM : , U In. 13 and II ft ,
Ilil.UO ; IIii.JU.UO ; Xo. il , Oln. 10 ft , jn.OO ; i In ,
Sinixn Al' . ' . II iuil | 1(1 ( ft , $ ! ! ,00 ; C , JI7.M ; It ,
U' , 1 1 and HI ( t , J-UW ; I ) , I\\M. \ \
IloAHliS Xo. 1 I'lim. ilS.V ) ; No. 2 , coin , JI5.00 ;
NIL y. i-iim. iii.M : ) ; Xo. I , ciini , JII.5 i.
STOIK UoMiiis-A.rjIn , sli. Jis.00 ; It , | j In.
sis , ifl'i.CO ; U , tlu.OOi l . tSS-tKi ; No. I connon. . 13
la , Hid , IU , IB and H ft. J.'I.OO ; No. L . J1S.IW ; No. I
I'Uiiinion , ISIn , sis , U ft. J.'U.OO ; Ko. : . ' , ( I7..r > 0 ;
No. I ( ' ( iiiiniiiii'i in , sN , Iti ft. } | > .r i ; No. ' , ' ,
117. ( W : No. U'oiiiinOn. ISIn , sis , SO fl.JJI.UOj No.
' . ' , tlf.M.
Snii'i.Ai1 No. I plain , Sand 10 In , flD.oot No.
2 , f UI.OO ; No , I , U. k. H In , $10.00 ; No. L' . W.Wi )
ID In. Kroovi'il roodni ; . r. ' . U anil Hi ft. 1 10..V ) .
riNisiii.NO-lst unaiM el. , lln. l s''s , flD.mi ; 1'4 ,
| 'i ' niul S In.fl'.MMj ' M floar. lln. hSil.r .OOi l4 l
'i nml U' ili.tl7.00i A , M'loct. 1 In , hN , J4I.UO ; 1 > t'
> t anil ' - ' In , ; i : > .ixi ; II , Dulcet. I In. B'.N. J.'ll.OOi | i4.
I'i anil L' In , f 10.1,0 , ; C. suloct , 1 In , s'.S , J-'T.OO ; l'i ,
' . , anir. ln.M5.OJ.
A. II or C , snlcct , nil Ill-fool. ifl.OOdxlra.
SnrTiif.iiN Viii.ii\v : I'INK ' Isl niul Unit I'lcar
lloorliiK. HIHi star , $ 'J1.00 ; ii-0 : | , Jimxij I'ohiiuuii
lloorlir. . Kl-lll. i3.(0 ! ( ; rift clear. KI-H ) , iri i ;
] t anil 2il clear , ' . t'clllni ; , Jll SO ; 1st und ' 'il
clcur , \ i'ollln , } l'.i.Mi ' ; 1st and ' 'il clear. i-i > Il-
Inir. JiVOi ; 1st and "dcloar , llnlnli , s''s. fiVm I
liH'h , f.'T.iXl ; 1st and "d clcar.llnlnh , s'Js.finin I
inch , 10.00 ; jsl and L'd I'lmir.llnUli , S''M. f nun 1' ' ,
anil 3 Inch , tliiK ( ) ; 1st utlJ Sil ult'iir , ! ] ' . ) ) . uu'iiii ' s
{ , ' ! ' ) . in ; hiisi' . f 10.00.
1'ori.AU l.t'MiiKii R-lnch nnd no ] Ntind"il !
iui'li K'-'S ' . 8-lia'li ami hi and
cluur , 1 , - , fU'i.OO ; - up ,
Sd olnar. 'i Im-li tianol , J.M.OO ,
SASH. DOOIIS. Lie. Tar hoard. fl.SO : wish. M
purvt. ; ilouis , M | ior ft. ; lilliuls f > 0 per ot ;
iniiiililliiKS ' ' - I T ot.i turruil fflt , per cwt
( S.l ( | ; Mruw liouiil. II. IV
.VITISH : , Wii.iTiriiiNl. V.TC. ( > . ( ! . S'i-lncli '
( / > < ; 'i.\a. ' his , : ir > o ; H-lnc'li well tulilnu' . II , .V M
and Luv. . f.'HX ) : iilukots , I ) . \ II. Hal , * ' .UWi D
& II. MIUUIC , t'.IUiU.
KI.OIIIII.MI-A. 0 In , whllfl idnc. tSUJO ; C
( JU.W ) II , fllu , whltu pluc , tJO.Uuj l -
nin , while ( lino. cl fcndiiK' , drop Mil-
Ing Wo nor M i xiril.
Silt MM. KS , I * TII r\lm "A. " ' | iliii . t-ISOi
slilliilliril \"l'J.Ui oMM "A. " ci'ilur. f''Vi ;
1-lin'li I'li'nr piiio , ( I1K1) ) i-'i'.ir roiinooil. fl.V.t ;
lath , JI.IHI.
POSTS - Wlilleooilnr. . (1-liu-li. ( 'i" . Hi' ! 0-ltu'li
ir . lie ; wlilto iM'ilnr. .Vi-lni'li. 'tM. ft i S-hu'li
\r \ * . IV ! \ lill I'odiip. l-liicli round , l.V ; split
i > al > , MM 'I'oiiiu' ii'd cedar , splli , I4e.
-\ii\als $ l.OiVill..Vi Mpxloun or-
ninji-M , H.sSj I'lorlda lirlitlil , J.'I..Vs ) rus ctt ,
{ .UK ) ; I.OH AiiKcliw. Ji.'iO ; nuuiiilaln fiiill , J'J.7.\
- The snjip'y NM-ry IlKhl ninl prli'i's
illiuMy lilu'h. ( InoilMiH'K It held nt
niul sunii- fancy iiniili'S as lilMi | as
. .
\MiKinuis ! : Stnrkn at pri' iMit am very
llilit and all' Hnillril fur the must part to In-ll
and clii'rry whli'liari1 liulil at iihonl J' ' . : > ( i , lint
ate nut of MTV iionil < | iiallt.v , A riin l iiiui'iit
of J MW slocK Ii i'\n'i'tcd | toarrlM' aluint tn ! >
llrit oflhu inontlihlcli will bu oll'otcil at
ill. oo.
I'r.MHA few larijo California peat1 * , w hit or
MirliMlci. nlciilVeti'd at JS.sOiW.Ol ) pi'l' lio\ .
I.KMIINrlioli'e Mi-sNliin. Jl.uo ; fatn-y , ) .
It MUHirs-IVr lidliuiifliei , 4.V.
I'o'iMTiirs-Tlio inai'Kel ( ( inllniiiH very hl li
and Mtiiclnin nnlv iniHli-ralely 1'iruo , Col-
irid : i stock , f I.KHf..VJ ' | ior 1m ; lima stool ; ,
siu'kod , tl.mipor liu.
S\V 'IT : I'oTATom-C'lioli'o Iowa block , per
Mil. i.3.-i.
UIMTMIIKIISSoiiiliiMtis stock , ncr doJl.M. .
Sl'IN.U-ll I'l'f ' Illll , * J.OI.
LKTil'i t : L'liiilccMliicI , , 40ill.V.
Cii.r.llV : Clioloi < stiirk , l , o.
I'AIISMI'SIVl'lllll. . W.VI.
C MIIUIIII'er : lli. ' "f' lc.
Ill riHAiH'i Mli'liluatiMoi'k , per hit , COi !
| ! IIT' : ; I'cr hu. } I.O. " < , l.3\
OMOX Hast 01 n t nek , J.V * per bid.
L'Aiiimrs IV f blil , fJ.3V
rni : n Mtwlliiins.Ht : llmivir , 7'io ; IB > lu
nvij . 7'ic ' ; ISIhs nvtf , 7 1'i siioiihloi" . I'iciiiork '
l oins. ri , < ; purk toinlerloliis. 1'J'io ; leaf lanl , not
enileieil. 7c ; s-patcrllis , 'u1.
, ,
liltitoliiM'f. is „ ' . > ; plato liecf , { " .Oil ; lolled bone
less beef , < S.Ji ) ; boncloss rumps , $ tj."id ; sliiMililc
Hods. J.s.fH ) .
Ituv SMT Miws : I'at hacki. fi'io ; loan
line Us , ri'jo ' ; extra short eloars. V ; bellies Pitn
30 IhsavoniKC. 5' ' i' . shoil rlbi. .V1 ; bliorii.'li'ars ,
fi'.i1 ' ! loins cleart. .V ; slioiihloiN , ! ' ( . .
-os ii a ci ,
extra lleht..l ' to Id HIM av- , , - ' . , < ; hams , llylil ,
II lo Ii ll > s avu , h'i ' ( ' ! hams , inedlilln , II to IS
' ' ' ' "
is srp" , )0 ; ieaas iaon , . e con-
ten nlal horf tointui's , ll'io ' ; ilrlodbouf linniH ,
ct-,7' c ; ieiiilar , do : clods fi'fi'i fancy loan
liaolii , ( i'.ii' ; Siiccliil limns , I'J to IS Ibs tivg
llii' : brcakfiisl tiacon , 10c.
I'l'io : Ijiitr l.liibcst kPttlo rendered
Tlorccs , O'ic ' ; luricls , li'iu ; half barrels , V ;
M-ll ) ) this (10J-H ( ) casosi , li'jo.
I'l'HH LAIIII 'I'lercos. tei barrel" ! , 6-i" , half
barrels , liie ; .r > 0-lb tins HOO-lb case * ) , tn o.
ItiiKp'roNdi'f.sSweet pickled , suijar cured
Itmrela. 300 llj.s , $ | H.OJ ; h.ilf bariols , 10J lb ,
! ! i.r > o.
I'oiiK'Poxnt'rs-Swcct pli'Ued. iisar cured
Half harrols , 100 Ib.s , f'.W ) ; iiuarlff barrels ,
50 Ihs , $1.0 1 ,
IjAMlis'ToNOt'KS ? oct iilelilod.sOKarcu red
Half hnrii'N , 100 Ihs J7. . " > 0 ; iiuarter barrels.
50 His , f I. oil ,
SiMcr.i ) HOST.I.I : " Pios' HOCKS C'onla > d--IIa1f
bands SO Ib-s } l.70 ; ipitulur liarruls , 4U Ibs
f..O'i. '
Si > iriii : Pins' THMIIIS - Cooked Half
linnets SO Ihs , 111.50 ; ( | iiaitir baiieis 40 Us.
Si'irrn I. MIIS' To.s'iris ( : CooUod Half
barrels , SJlbs. ilO.50 ; iiuaMur hands. 10 I us
I'lCKl.r.liTlllt'K-Haricls.aiillhs JI.S'ij hall
barrels. M' ' Ihs , )3.00 ) : iiuailcr b urols , 10 llu ,
} ! . ( ) ! ) .
1'irKi.r.ol'KJs' riiT-llarrel" . 3)0 ) Ibs. $ 'i.r ' > 0 ;
half b.irreb , SJ lls ) , KM'i ; ( | iiartcr bands. 41
ihs. } :
S M'S\ii-llolMiia. : ( Ic : Rarllc. per 11) , 7e ;
I'ranUtiits or wlcnerwiir'-ts. per lli , 7e ;
tnnsne. peril ) , 7'ie ' : hlihid. per Hi , r je : liver ,
per Hi , 4' ' ji1 ; heail oliersu. per Hi , 4' ' c ; poltsii ,
jier Ib , 7e ; pork sausage , linlis , pel II ) , ( io ; poili
sansaiio incut. In tin jnlls. | icr ll.Vjo. )
O II. " , 'P.M. LOW AND SlT.MIINK I'lll'l' lioilt's-
foot oil , f > 0o per ( .Ml Ion ; pure ncat's-foot oil.
5-Kal. onus , 5" " ' per nallou ; A 1 tallow , : > u per
Ib ; slearlni' , .rje uer Ib.
I'loiii' .
K.T.Davis Mill Co. . hltili patent , Xo. 1 and
Orenm. W70 ! Itlnu I ) , full pati'tit. ( ; llnwk-
vo , luilr putonl , $ J.iOi : special royal imtunt.
No. 10 , ) ; Mlnnesol : ! p'llunt , tS.75 ; Kmi'vis
hard wheat patent , j.Vi ; ; Ncbraika spring
wheat psitent , t. ' li'l.
S. I1. Cllnian'stiold Meilal.W.TO ; Pnow White ,
te.n : > ; Snow I'laKe. W.OO ; low Kriidr , ifl.ivi.
Ilioken How Killer mills Creatn. J'.TO : Myr
tle. tt.ln ; Claim , S.3i ; XXX. } ! . > : I'lilellly ,
$ ' . ' > 0 ; Mlnno-ioia Chief. . ' Id ; Patent. J3.BI.
Osklia nip's really torai-u hiieUivheat Hour ,
Jl.'J.'iper en > o of.Vlb ) packages ; liucKu liral.
In Dhls. N. V. . I'l..O ' . ; \cels or brand. T. " > . "il ( ;
Slapjack meal , $1.00 ucr case of 4alb pack-
ant's _
llllits : - rro/.en hides. I'i ' Pn" No. I
sallfd hides , .rir''i' o ; No. Ssreen salted hides ,
; i' > ( 'ili. ' ; No. 1 cii'Uii salted lililos , 3"i t'o 40 lln. .
, Vf"i'iC ' ; No. 'Jyti'iMi ' salted bides 3. " > to40 Ibs. .
i.'s'U'te ' ' ; No. 1 M'al ealf. Mo 15 Ibs. , Te ; No. 1 !
vealcalf. MCI 1.1 II- ) . , , V ; No , I dry Him hides.
'it-TV' ; No. diy Hint hlde.s , .Vitj'je ' ; No. 1 dry
hailed hides. .VMc.
'l' l.i. iw AMI HIIIIAH : Tnllnw No. li'T'i'4'c : ; : ;
talbnv No. 3. : Wi'.ie : ' ; ' 'lease , white A. : , i4i , : iic ;
Krei > iO. wlilli1 II. if'H i1 : ( 'lease , yellow , 'J'1 ' ;
rciise. darl ; , 3'ii' ; iililliiiiter. ' " , -5e ' ; beeswax ,
prime. HViiSOr ; immh tali , w , l'j"lj e.
HOMS : is c Ati-l.i ITS ON i. 'i Dry hullalo. per
ton , fH'i.Oixdls. . iid ; dry i-omitry. bleaehed , per
Inn , fl'i. ' IM.iiiH : ( ) ; iliin ; | ) nnil meaty. | er tun ,
ifs.MKi10.0,1. . These prices me for bouoswolKlied
and delivered In Chicago.
Slin'.l1 I'r.l/rs-Ureeii ' sailed , each. : Hef/fl.Ei ( :
( iieen salted shearllins ( iliort wooled oaily
skineai'b. ) . | iKi''c ( ; div hoarlliiis ; ( short
woolL'd early skins ) No. 1 earh , 'iffr.liic ; dry
slieurlliiKS ( short \\ooled early sUltiNo. ) . ' . ' ,
eaeli , He ; dry Hint Kansas anil Nebraska
buli'ber wool pells , per lb..act nal w t. IWiH4'c ' :
dry Hint Kansas und NelirasUa murrain uont
polls peril' ' , iii'liiul wnl lit , siil''i1 ; dry Hint
Colorailo bill chcroiil iiclls. pur Hi , ue'liial
welt'bl. H'ill' ' . " i' : dry Hint ( 'olonidn mnindn
wool pells per 11) , annul \\elubl. \ ( , ( | . ; , ] ry
pieces and bucks , nelual welulil , 7 "lie.
Wool.Kansas , Nebraslri and Teirltory
I'liw'aihedl'lne nveriiye , 13 to ! . ' > , ehoiee 15 to
10 ; medium , luernun lh to " 0. eho ice 33 to 34 ;
( jinuler blood avoinco 17 to 'JO. I'holee'Jl to33 ;
eoarsn n venire l. % lo lli. eholco Hitols ; colts
and Kinuli uM'i'ayo 1- to 14. ehoiee II tn l"i ;
secilv orbnriyl'4 lo 14 ; black 15 to I ? ; Inicks
and very heavy line ID to 1. ' I'll washed oiniih-
liiLjaml llclalmi. I'lnu delaine averauo II lo
III , milieu lli to IK ; i.ieilliiiu delaine a\cri e3D
tti'JI , oholco 30 to 33 ; nieillnni coiiibliii ; aver-
auo30 to 31 ; iimrtcr | blood oomhlii' . ' average
17 In I" , ehnlou IS tnSO ; eo.irso eomblu ) ; IIMT-
IIKC 1" > to I * , obiileo I * to Is ; bralil a veiace 13 to
1 1. choice 15 to 111.Tub Washed. Cliuleu 31) to
UO ; nvorauu5 to L'H ; coarse 30 toil.
Currents of I'oiiiiticruo.
Tlio I'earl hominy mill was btartuil up yes-
t onlay.
Kred Hoist of f'edar IllulK was In tlio city
nnd laid Inn new sto'k of lianlharu ,
.1. A. Connors , riiitlMiioulh , a wull known
Ki'aln dealer , was Inllio city j'ester.lay.
Mr. Kwliiu of ( 'iiixin , Iu. , wns cillliu on the
loblicfs and left a Kood older wltli lleetoi , V
\Vllhelniy eoiiiiiiny | beforu leaxlnj ; Iliu city ,
Acconlln to llradstrcel's report there wcro
I weiity-t\M ) failures In tlnitorritnry Nunouin'-
IIIK Omaha dining I hi , ' week oiidln oi * 'riiurs-
dny. l-'or Iho pievloiisM'ck the number was
four. This icirllory Includes Nebraska and
palls of the. adjoining slates.
Oninty I'harinaeist .
Mr. John II. IIuellT , a phannacist of
rosidoiiL'o in Omaha rmd a lax-payer , Is a
candidate for Ilio | iosltinn nf county pharma
cist , in case tlinl ollli'o ac'du ho vovlved. Mr.
lIiitllT U a Ki"iduntu pharmacist nnd speaks
several lanifiiaRos. Ho Is hacked in his can
didacy by ti number of Icaillng cilUuns anil
leioileil. !
Misstotmr.v ItOody roiwrls u case of dostltu-
tion uudsuITcrliiK nt 11 11 Cuss stroot. Itoli-
crt Bates , whom the missionary states Is a
sober hircl-workin ' man when In linalth is
now priwtnUcil by an attuok of pnoutiinnlii
nnd is Inabsoluto want of fuel , provisions
ami rtothuif , ' .
' Posltlvrly ciiri-d lij-
tliUNU Little I'ills.
They also rcllcto Dis
tress from Iy8 ) | ' ] isln , Indigestion -
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
E.lliif. ( A perfect rein-
cdj'for DIulnetA Nausea ,
Urowslncsn , Jlad Taste
la the Mouth , d nt
Tonctio , I'alu In the SWo ,
TOltl'iI ) l.liit. : . They
regulate tUo IlowcU. 1'urtl ) VegcUiblc ,
The Briinswick-13.ilko A. H ,
Illlllnrtl incr.-lnii. All Mnkm. All I'rli'O , All
y.-tlivinlltliir. I 'nit * .
407. 40 < .iS loth ulreiit ,
Oinnlia. llj | Doiljc Sited.
Oniiilm Rojiublicaii Printing Oy , ,
I .nit tirloft , li.iiik f-uM | > llP , nn.l cverjlliln. la Iho
I'tlntliu' ' Hue.
10th niul HounlH hlri'ct t.
Ackcrmnnn Bro ? . & llointzo ,
l'rlnlrr , MiiiKTi , I'lf'trotrpcr i H'liiH book m.'iiiU'
Im tu ri'r < ,
Illllllonnr I slr. > . < t , Dili ih-i.
West & Fritsolisr ,
Slnnnfndurers H
JoWiermif Irnftiitincous.
1011 I'nniam KlrecU
OinaLaOoalOoko | and Ooutant& Squires ,
Lime Oo. llnrilnnil rnft co.ll ship.
Ilnrilariil oft pnnl. [ HT1 * ,
S. H. Cor. Hull niul leOS Kiirnain I cot ,
las Btreut * . Omali.t
Hulbort & Bhun , ' P. H , Mnhonoy & Oo.
KvrelS.-\v'ilmuPMr ; : I " "rdConlSoft. .
Hrcpnp.1 . nut , nntlirat'lto , onvrsPl.T S Mlb nn.l . ror.
( inltlihiir , i > liMin.
tOllinnil Doui ! 'ti.
' . . ; " '
OIllco'JM s. l-ittni.
American Fuel Oo. Howell & Oo. ,
Bhlp | > ers nml ilerili'ri la
JITS , litb t-tri-ot ,
uullir.ii'tto nml blL'.i'
inlnons fiiil : ,
Omnli.'i. Neb.
JI5S. 15tlMlrit.
Nebraska Fuel Oj. , Johnson Eros. ,
IK Knrnnin ftroot ,
2139. lathitrojt ,
Omnlin , Nob.
Omnh.i , N'ob. Oununmgs , Blake , Bruce . & Oj.
HM-VQ3 lAaTea ; ortl
. .
! 17 iimlClO South Kill St.
Oinalin. Noli. Onmlin. N'ctt.
Paxtou & Gallagher , Meyer & Raapko ,
7U-711 S. 10th ( trojt , I III J-1(05 llunicr sl ) t ,
Oiniiln , Ncf. Oinubn , Ncli.
D , M. Steele & Oo , , Sloan , Johnfon & Oa.
Hh nnd I-eaTcnwortU
itreoti ,
OnKilin , Nub. < ) iiiiia : , Nub *
Allen Broi. , McOorcl , Braily & 0o. ,
Hit lliirnoy Uroc't , Dili nml l.eatcnwortti ,
Onmln. Ni'li. Oinnli.i. NcliniHka.
Hugh G. Olark ,
IcnlVi'l rn Atfi'ii
IUliiMlt' | HBHUII.I ( ill
. lil.biuii
l .n < lur. Atliix
.l\-IIIIl Ull l'lll | > f'I'O
VlIliitiuy \ truut
Riiclor&Wilbol'.uyOo LoaOhrkAuilroosou
IIardw.\M Oo ,
Cor. lOtu talJ ck uii > li
1118-1110 Uuni.ty sirojt.
runwoorJ ( HIDES , TALLOW ,
Geo. Obonu & Oj J. S , Smith & 0) , ,
61.1 M l.ltti Mroot , IIOS-lllJ I.enicnwotllof-
Omnlit Oninliv
I'dxton & Viorllng Otunlia Snfii & Irou
Iron Work * , Works ,
Winintlil ninl em Iron
linllilliu work , englniH , M nnf'r tlri'iiml Mrftnf
trim work , ili'ttontl lirniif * I fix MlllIK JUll
fi'iinilrr. ' ni.irlihin nil I woik Iron MinttrM unit
I'lnrkoiiilMi ' , itk. ( I IV II I H I'MN1 | > I > I ( I All *
II ) ami 171'nt.
Anne Iron nnil WireWork Wilson ( Sr Drake ,
, M'f R liilnihr nucv flr
'ron win'niul ! > rm w'lu. box t'iilli ' < r < . , nlo.
M.'S liitlimrntit
iV llnehl , - I'ruprlt'tor. ' I'lerconml Will Irouti
Rcosl'riutiiig ' Oo.
. .
Mini llliink lliinVi.
Illli ninl Ituw.irdIf. .
Her vV Oo. , William D.trst ,
l.liiunr MiTi'h'iuti U'liH' . , lliuoM | niij Ct
III'.1 limner ili-eiit
' . .in.
Mfliiiilin nil riKi'iiii'ilr'.i (
Knnt liull.'i IIIIIDM. 131.1 fnrnitm St. , Omnti-v
B , R , Clrotto7 Fnink Dcllono k Oo , ,
Iniporli-r nml .lotibif of
I.biuiirsnnil ( lennlliu Nil *
10.11 nml Ur.-J Inrtimn St.
I'dce Hull oniipplleilliin. IWi Hi nil.ii ! Sttont.
L. Klrsolit& Oo.i A , Trick & Oo < (
Wliolo iilo t.lqilorDc'ilnri \Vbolc < nle Miinorlicule
107 nnil 400 8. 10th HI.
0. W. Douglass & Oo. John A , Wnkcfloldp
nii , I'urt-
llanlivooil Lumber ,
lljilllinlli' I'eini'llt nut
1.110 North IMh PtroM. i.'ullii'Vlillii l.lnio.
Oharlc R , Lee , Wyatt-Billiard Lumber
llnnlnnoil himlxir , wooil
rarK'li | niul iiurquol ber Oo.
Plli mill Ktli nail Irnnl Street * ,
Ondy & Gray. Louis Bradford ,
l.lnio , ( Viti iu , HIP. , ntT mtior , llinicouicnt.cW
Cur. Wan \ I U utjlni KJ Dcniiilni street.
0. A. Stonohill- , I. Oborfelilor & Oo , ,
Mllllnorr , Notlnni hiiliiirli'rx nnil .lnMipri la
Cln.ikvtla \ MIIMniTy.
ro3/'lijuiiiru suiith lltti
IK.-ltSH. IRlliHt. , Onmlin Mrict.
Mav Meyer & Bro. Oo. A. Hospe , Jr. ,
H'f'B Ji' olnr , Oonlcri In Mnnoi. Or nni. ArtliU *
miinlral lii-lnunjnti ,
Ir. .MnterlMn. Kc. ( ,
Fnrnnm and tilth. 1511 l > uiBlin Mrnnt.
Oonsolidnted Tank A. Booth Tacking Oof
Line Oo. Oy > ter.i , ll-li nnil cnnnel
KOUit" .
ItenniM niul lnhrli < iitlnt
oils , mle trinsi ! > , uto. 13W l.caTCnworth.
A. 11. lllaluii | , .Munixur.
Otirpcutor Paper Oo. , Western Plating Wk3
Curry n full vtork of ( ill , Mlvnr nnil nli'Uet
tirlntliik' , wrnliplni ; niul lilntlnu nil all inetiiU , s
tallies ate.itr.rcplnteil. .
nrlllnK paper , cnrJ pa-
tier , pic. ( teller u ink Itll D
Ribbol & Smith , Schroeder & Oo. ,
Cn * li Iniveri bnttor ni
iii-e , fruits , ViMi-labli i-iibirt , an I ironi-nil i'.ju :
I'.W Howard Ktrcot.
0. Rosso & Cb. , E. D. Branch & Co. ,
t'orolcn , C.illfornb nn.l lroiiif ( , fruits of : vll
iroplcnl fruits ,
12Ullowanl nlroet. lll II o ward btruot.
Porter Bros. 0 : . , Hob rt Purvis ,
rnllfornlii. I'lnrliU nnil 121" I Inward street.
Iroplcnl frultv \Vrltti for jirlcpi nn but
MI-MI .lllllL'S Klrill't. ter , LVKS. imultry nuJ
0. W. Iliitt' " , - .Munaitrr.
Kirschbraun & Sons , Olark & Oi. ,
Butter I'uiti anil pu-.iltry. Hull or. clieo'o , oji
poultry unit iiituo ,
1 ax > 11-i ward itrcct. n > < Smith I HhstrooL
Bites & Oo , , William : & Ore ,
Country prinlucp , frulti , ' .
I'ruiluco.inil fruity
Plu'i'lllltlcti'll - . , -pr-i3l | ,
I'le. UT-41'Jft. Iltlisit. l.'ll Ilnrnoy itrcot
Omaha Eubber Oo. ,
Mtinnfai'tnrlnz nnl JD'J *
bt'r nll kintli rubber
k-.iml. .
' .iriiiiii strjit.
iel ; Oa ,
l iro-.tor < , ilailori In r
r.l 'n UTISJ , tfr.iln I'll
v i-o 1 1.
4il-l-JI-iiitli I5lh.
M. A , Dislirow k Oo. , Bobn S-Vi &
Mnnnfili'tiirer < nf IIHI. M .inn rii"iiiri > r < of m mil-
it our * * , bl I n ill n till IUK < , him 1 1 , iljjrj ,
.Mo.ilillr-U' llrani-'iof- llll'
tlci' , l.'th nn.l lcr ; Iti. I .
Farrell & Ojmpiny ,
Oj. ,
Mmufn 'tiir'u tovojial
< ' .l , ' . * * lll > l
' . ' ' '
SIT-'I'JSnut'istli iitroot ' . ' ,
13H-l'l.'i ! 1-iviMiiTiirtlnt.
Consolidated Ooffba
Oompany ,
1411 nml IIIQ IIarmy a
( inialm. Neb
U. S , Wind Engine & A , L. Etran &
Pump Go. ,
Ilnlllil.iy Hliulmllli CM 10UM03I street ,
niul ' .iJ-i J.IMIM C F.
n , Nob.
H , Hardy & Oo. ,
Toji , tlollinlh 111. fancy
iut'iiN ' , liutiHi * fitrulthltu nmim A II Tor
KtMilH , chll'lrt r ( ' car-
rla 'ua. Ml'J rarniunn. Mrect.
. . . , .
* - * - < * * ' " * * % - - - i
A. D. Boyer & Co Miirtin liroi , ,
H-M ICni'liungo ll.iiiam.1
I Ill.'lU.i
b i\.luiue iiiili Unj ,
> utii oinati.i.
S , J , Colfim" , Smiley Hunter i Green ,
& Oo , ,
- . 1U l.tcliimiio llullaiuj
lU-i. llulktllli
fcuuili Unmliu ,