THE OMAJIA. DAJLY UEE : SATinUAYLlbimilUAJttYr ) 28 , ISOh TAVTilLYB ra ' SOCHI DAKOTA RESCISSION L CLtifiJcnoe Expressed tint the Mwtwuro Will R J Go Tbrougli the Scdiie. * GROV/ING / ANT1-PROIIIBITION SENTIMENT. of liaoli INilltlt'nl I'nrly fur t lie Slonturo Tlio ol'llit * ( iiivernnr Not N 'irHMnry. ! rt , H. D. , Kob. ST. [ Spcflftl to Tun Hi -Tholegislature i ] bus Just disposed of i iio hlir matter , the hotly conlmtod oleellon of nl in toil States soimtor ono almost equal to r > initial * kind , hut not qulto-aud now It is gniiig ( n dispose of another ono , rosnb- inlHsimt < if prohliiltlon. If these two things nrt'Wi-,1 done this meeting of tlio leplslnluro will not have been In vain. As the eleclloii of a soiuitor was enveloped In doubt for some time , so is this question of roxutmilssloii. Unt the latter Isconilng to llitht ns tlio former dul. In In n\vn mind limn. At first. . li \\is , supposed lhat thu rosiibinisslon of the prohibition section of the roustItmlou would require- the signature of the governor , but an Investigation of Unit Instrnmont shows such not 10 bo the case , so that there is no danger frnm Governor Mcllotte's well Itnown prohi- bltltm \ oto. It U true that It Is charged that ho Is using his Inllut'iici-in sotno other mat- tiTsto prevent the passiicoot resubinlsslon In the senate , but such rep irts do not seem to IHMU-U founded. That ho has boon urged to resort , to measures of this sort mul that ho hat hud some first class opportunities , there Is no doubt. A case In point was that of the fcnio law , In which the Itlaelc Hills mem- Ixjri have been particularly Intore.sted The law has llnally got through hot h housc-i by linnl wurK. An unsuccessful alleinpt was niiulo a year ago. It then went to the gov ernor , when the report wns started , probably hy the prohibitionists , that he WAS golim to M'tolt. Ttio Illach Hills members are always - ways strong imti-prolilliitionistA , so hem seemed , to some of thc-.o great minds , n llrst class opportunity to bring them to tune. Hut tint bolloni was soon linocked out of tlii-lr hopes by the governor signing tlio iiill promptly. Ilut outsldo of the gov ernor's veto \viisHttlohopoon tbo start that rouibiiiisslon would carry Inthtslegis- laturo. In fact , the iiroldbltinnlsls played such a IdulT game that everybody was scared out Not everjhody. There sccuis to have been ono man who w.n not from the start , liornnioun smiling when the session opened nnd his sinilu has grown more reassuring cverv ilny until be has nullo a largo number \vhonre.smiliiigas scroaly as he Is now , Mis iiami > is Moses Kaufman of Sionx Falls. Ho has had entire charge of the campaign here and all the credit of its success belongs to him. On the oth or side , too , there has hi-cii out man , KlderKielder. That Kaufman has nt tended strictly to business Is apparent , vhen what ho has already lu-comnllshed is seen. It must ho taken Into consideration that opposed to him was all the prestige , but Ills upiKvtltlon wna too conlldent. It Is need less to remavk thai Kaufman has had good assistants to accom plish \\hnt ho has.Vhnl \ has been gained sn far I The bouse by a largo majority juiised tliu bill for the rosulntilssion ot tlio question. A majorllvof the republican mem- lutt'u 1'iitriit fill' it * . * ( ttut f'li r > t that prohibition had been folstou into the platform by some of tlio party's politicians nt their state conventions. Notwithstanding this , they being sensible sort of men im the vhole , H is to ( IB supposed they knew about what their constituents wanted. All the dcmoi-rals voted font , but a majority ol the Independents voted against it. And now comes the last pull , the son.ite. Will result- mission carry In the senate and goto the pee ple' That is the vcrv interesting question at the capital just IIOM- . That will probably not he decided before ne.xt Saturday. Them has been a good deal of tallc nnd more or le-s rumor that theeloctlon of Senator Kyle was ndunl hy which rcsutiniissioti was to bo as sured , but in reality Ibern seems to uouhnut as much truth in Has the reported deal by which I'alim-rwas tobeelccted in Illinois The truth of It i > vesubmhsioii stands or falls on Its own merits. The whole situation hero cannot be better illustrated tlmii by an Inter- \ie\v which Iliad with Senator Cory of Spliilc , Mr.iry said siibstnnt ially : "I hnvo alwavs ueen something of a prohi bitionist , but I must say 1 hardly know how to vote nt this time in the interests of my party. There seems lit tic doubt but prohibi tion "is inoro than wo cin expect lo carry as a parly. If wo ally ourselves to n sinking'canso we are gone. I am forced to admit that pro hibition is killing the repu ultcaii party in Iowa for some reason , and such would scorn to ho tliu logic of events here. As shown In thi house the republicans hnvo a majority whoaroln favor of rosuhir.lssion. . It is prob ably true that tlio sooner the party throws over prohibition and lots it sink or swim asit can niiddovotes itself to clear republican principles the better. Tied down hy prohi bition 1 am afraid no can do noth ing , but freed our success would eeeni to bo comparatively easy. " The prohibitionists have boon malting very foolish and silly threats that If tbo resub- nilssionlst repiiblicans do not fallin'lino and vote ns they dictated as if the prohibition ists o'vned the republican party that they would tell Allison nndVilsou of Iowa and then they would see. The only argument that -would seem to have any Inllneneo to have prohibition is this : That the future Miecest of the ropubllcnii party in tbo stnto deniaiuls it. flow slim the argument is up- pears on tbo face of It after tlio statement of these fnct.s. The question will not bo reached in the semuo bo foit ) Saturday , and munnwldlo it may bosnid that thonuostlon Is boiiij- pretty tho'roiiL'hly studied hi all its lights. Tlioiii nro tboao xvngeriiii ; now thnt as it was In the house there will be moi-o republicans Iu the sennto vote for resubmissioii than any other party. _ The South Dakota Iii'jj Ptnuui : , S. I ) . , Fob. 27. [ Special Telegram toTiin liK.I-Tlio ) house \vns just reaching the crisis of a vote oix the world's f.ilr hill about noon today wheu nen-s of the li of Representative Austin was announced from tbo desk ot" his colleague , Norin. It had been expected , as hh condition was known to bo far worao tbis morning. linrtow moved that acoiinnltteoof seven bo appointed to assist In tbo funeral arranganumis , and that the house udjouvn until tomorroiv out of respect , which was douo. About two weeks ngo Mrs. Austin and their only daughter , nn adopted child , ten years old , arrived in IMcrro on a visit. The snmo iilijlit Austin was taken sick with prippo winch developed Into hiujj lever and at Irujjth overcome his Iron and robust consti tution. Mr. Austin had resided in the state since 1M10 , boliifr ono of the oldest whlto settlors. Ho was llvo times elected to the state loijii. laturo and wiw jircsident ot the council In JMVS , mid was hold In tuo hiwliest respect by nil who know him. The entire morning session of the house was devoted to the consideration of I'ratt's ' world's fiir ; bill. It provides for tlio appoint ment hy the governor of twelve commission ers to have charROof the state's exhibit , and appropriates flO.OOO , The bill was finally adopted. Tlio bcuato today passed tbo following im portant bills : 1'restcn's hill apportion- IIIR the state into thirty -llvo seDiitoviil aud eighty-four reurestntatlvo 01311-101 ? . on a LuiU of ' .1,1)00 ) population lorfiouiitor and l.00 ! ) for representative ; Mx'lvilla's eiluc.i- tioual bill , provldhifr a mil form system of cdueatioii ; the Australian ballot bill ; lor the prosecution of civil and criminal ruses uy In formation , und doing away with Juries at the discretion of Iho judge. M inliit c-rhilislN ICl TOUOXTO , I'ob. 27. Jnrifcht cleotlons for the Dominion piirliuinout yestewuy the niin- litoriallsts ivturned a mnjoxlty of the can didates. _ _ ' ' l' irU , Tlio I'lititrrxri lii'.ivoH < P.vuis , Vcb , 'J7. limpivis Kivdorickof Cler- many left I'arls tliUiiiorniiii ; . No unpU-as- nut fucUont marUcd the depurture. To Iiiipoaoh i Kau. , I'ob. 27-TUoooiauilltoo np- jolutedto iuvestlgato tbo charges submlttcil Its report to the unisiMi riproaenlntlvei this mnrnlng noeoin- | iimieil bv a resolution that a coiunilttoo tie itpiiciuKM to inform the senatu that n trial for liiUKJachmont had been ordered , Thoro- pnrt and resolution wcro unanimously nJop- li-d. lid.'K \\utjini , Cull I'otol I lie Mill as It IMxsed the House. T IXIOI.M , Neb , Feb. ! ! T. [ Special to Tun lHi-TliofollowlnK ] Is Iho Williams hill to luKiilato stockynrJs , 111 ainemied by the com mittee nnd passed ly the hoii a : Section I. All stoeUy.ird.- * onunlcd or op erated under the general corporation laws of thH stutoer i > y s | eolal charter nre hereby declared to be public marked , See. V ! . All persons , coriionitloni or com- pnnloJ dealhur at MU'hstoi-lcyurds shall have the same rilit.- ) ! < and prlvllegrx with till other persona , companies and corporations , and no rights or prlviU'iios granted or conform ! te or upon siiiy person , rompanj or eirp < intloii , hv any stdckvards coinpiinvor curpoiMilon , cither ilirectlyor indliectly , shnll bo with hold from nuv person , conip.inv or ccrporii- tlonSec. . ! l. There shall bo u sufllcient number of persons aupointod by the governor of the stale , upon tlio application of the stofltyurd company for each stocltyardo \ \ shah bo livestock Inspectors , who shall determine what stock IH unlit forinarlict , and have the sumo removed. Iho siud inspectors also hnvo the ! power todotermiiio which are plug ) ' sown and whii-haro sta s , and aHo al low a dockage of m > t locxoeed thirty pounds foreaeh ph'B.V sow andii ilockUKe of not to exceed siMy pounds for cacti stag , and all persons except t.msoappointed . under the pro vision of this s'Ction nro lu'reby prohibited from acting as stock Inspectors , and thov sliad receive u-icotiijiwisatiuii the sum of li ! co-ids for each car inspected , anil no niOro ; to bo paid by the shipper. See. 4. It shnll lu * unlawful for the owners or proprieloi-i of any stocltyiird within this stale to churgoa K-ri.iler wieo for vardiiig and weiKhiiiK stock therein than the follow- liitf : I-'or yardlnj ? and weighing 'cattle , 15 cents per head ; for yarding and weighing hogs , G cents per head ; for yarding and cents purhead. See. 5. It shall bo unlawful Tor the owners or proprietors of any stockyiivdi within thU staloto charge a Creator price for grams mul hay than the following : For coin , oats , bay anil all other grains , double the market price in village or city where said stockyards are located. bee. 0. It shnll bo unlawful for the owners or proprietors of any Hoekyiu-ils within this state to sell and deliver at the rate of less than two thousand puiinds for aloii of hay , audit shall also bo unlawful for any such owners or proprietors to sell and deliver les < than seventy pounds of corn in the oar per " ushcl , nnd loss tnaii llfty-su pounds of jlielled corn fora bushel. See. T. It shall bo unlawful for the owners or proprietors of any stockyards within this slate lo prohibit tbo owner ol any deadstock in such yards to sell lo any person or persons to whom iald owners may desire to sell the same. See. S. It shall unlawful for any persons selling llvo stock out of aiiystoekyariU with in this state tocbar ; , ' ! ) u great/or commission for selliiigUiosaiuo than the following : l-'or selling cattle- , & per car ; for sollh.u nogs , $ ; > l > ercur , for single deck , and S3 for double deck cars ; for .sell ing sheep , 4 1 par car for single deck and $ for double dock cars , See. I ) . Any person who shall violate any of tlio provisions of this act shall l > o deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and upon convic tion tiiercof shall bo lined for the first olYoriso not more tfiau jlUO ; for the t-ecoud oltomt not less than 1100 , nor more than f'Uii : ' , aud for each subsequent offense not leas 1101' inoro than { "ii'O. Dodi i IH o ( * Ills 1'returlpt ion and Its lir.ur.i.v , Feb. . | S pedal Cahlct'rain to Tun Bcr. | At thu meeting of tbo medical society , 1'rof. Llobrich detailed the prescrip tion for the propitiation of his new tu berculosis cure as follows ; 'Two-tenths of one gramme of cantharidine ; four-tenths ol one ( jraimne of hydrate of potash , or three tenths ono gramiuo of hydrate ol natron. Those ingredients ought to bo weighed exactly in one-thousandth of one t-ublo centimeter of water , and then warmed in a warm bath until a clear solution is ob tained. While the warmth is maintained , water should oo gradually added until it roaches the ninik , when the solution becomes I'ohl. Culd water should bo udilcil until the -.vhole amounts lo exactly ono Hire. I'rof. laobrich , speaking of the treatment , dwelt on the fact that , there was iiop.iinoi Mibsiuiavy disturbing effect , and that the im- provooient' was rental kablc anil rapid. 'The largo doses , said the professor , irritated vho kidneys slightly , but not alarmingly. Dr. Herruian , upon the t nine occasion , spoke in praise of the harmless nature ol the now remedy , saying that its ctfeels were eaiily berne bv tbo patients who had bcei subjected to its Influence. Dr. Fraoukclalse spoke at the meeting and i-ofcrrod to the new remedy's ' effect. IIo said that it bad been noticed that tbo ba cilli were thinner and decreasing in number after each injection. Dr. Ciiittmann described a case of tubereu- losl-s which was accompanied by Inflammation of Iho eyes , and which was notably improv ing under the now remedy , 1'inally IJrof. Uchricli , replying to the criticisms which have been made upon the now system of inoculation , made a statement in which ho said that it was not a spooille against tuberculosis , hut ho olumiod tliat it acted upon all the diseased tUsuos , having reduced tlio power of resistance by producing scvous transudiition. fM r jns ft HUTS. Depositoi'M of u KniiHas nanlc to He- ceivc Dollai- f'tuIolln : - . ATCIIISOX , Kim. , Kob. 'jr. ( Special Telo- fii-ani : ) : . - January the Peoples' SaviiiRsbank of this city tailed and it was thought that the depositors , who nro mostly pool1 people , would lose the greater portion of tlioir money , but by persistent olTorta and almost nightly meetings they have at last compelled tlio directors oftho bank to secure them dollar for Hollar. Today tliu directors entered into buna that the bank -would nay its liabilities with interest within iwo years ami a half from date. It is probably the only ruse of the kind tbathus resulted ao favorably for the depositors. In Hie Commons. LONDONFeb. . i7. ! [ .Special Cablegram to Tim HER.J Sir James Fnrgusoii , political secretary of the foreign olHco , In the house of commons yesterday said that an Kgyptlau giinison will bo maintained Mr. Half our said tbo hail of .Messrs. Dillon and O'llriou had been forfeited to the crown. Mr.Villiam Henry Smith said the inter ests of the laboring classes of Ireland would bo c considered in the formation of tlio royal commission , which la to bo niwointed tolnqulro into labor troubles , their onuses mid tuu best moans for preventing them. The secretary of state for the homo department , as to thodukoof ] } edfont's suleldo , said all the proceedings of the inquest were regular. Ho also moved t\io \ second reading of the fac tories bill. This is a measure for improving the ventilation of factories am ) prevoiitlne overcrowding , limiting1 a working day to twelve hours , of which ono hour and a half Is to bo devoted for meals , and giving the inspectors specters power to call in surgeons to decide on the lltnesa of children for the work upon which they aixs engaged. The bill pissed Us second reading and was then referred to the committee ou trades , I'ostmuKtcrs ippnlntr-tl , W'AsmxGTov , Vob. :27. ( Special Telegram to Tim BKI : . | Postmasters were appointed today M follows : Nebraska Hartley , lied Willow county , S. W. Clark , vice U. ( J. Fiddler , removed ; Hazard , Sherman county , B. Miniii , vice J. L. Crossler , resigned. lownUldwrllVnpello \ county , O. W. Illation , vice il : I'uiilk'lil , resigned ; Chu- quest , Duvis county , A. H. Vnclps , vice [ i. R Hunt , resigned ; Duliihos , Hln 'uld county , Ci. K , Wrljtht , vice F. Seatoii , ro- slK'nod ; Dorinaii , t'nyutto county , 1C. II. Woldaln , vice Marv A. Hellluuo. fulled to qunlilv ; Kureku , Aihims county , F. I'atteo , vice IU. . Stouo , resigned ; Extra , Auduhou rounty , II. VY. Copelmid , vice 1) ) , Workiuun , resigned ; Ferguson , Marshall county , .1 , U. Squires , vice 1) . J. 1'orKUsot : , resigned ; Ulch- lleld. Fayotto county , IMecgouKuhlo , vice SOI OLD TIE STEiVUSGS , ; Wunoe that Were Miuloby Grookeiluosa iu Early Iowa History. OFFICE-HOLDING PAID IN THOSE DAYS Vn Old Mini \Vhi > < < o llyes U'oro Dnt * tied liy Kleetrlu lil lits Grows Itiuiliilsuont Juke J'.OH- IIICI-'H VM\ "They ilon't hnvo the Rrcnt steals in tlili western country unit they iliil n lew yearn n o , anil { or tub reason I sometimes think -hat the rascals don't come \vost any mon1 , " said Kml It. Drown of LeMars , la. , ns ho rocked b.iolc ami forth in ouo of the Invco chairs in the roUiiul.i of the 1'axton ' hotel. "In Isiis 1 moved into Mlonx county , IOWA , und settled at Calliope , \vhlch was then the county soil ) . In these days it county could organize whenever llfty resldentR pell- tioneil tlio governor. 1 reached the county in tiio fall of the year , and 1 know thuthy ai-tunl count in the county of which 1 sneak \voronott\voiity-Ilveresidentsmt \ ) they had 11 county oriran button , court house , any number ot bridge * and school houses tu every township. Of course von do not mulcrstnnd how this \vns managed , so I Avill furnish you the in formation nntl If your paper shoulil lall iiitotho hatulsol some of those old timers , it will them sottio mighty entertain- "As is well Itnown , tlio homestead nnd pre-emption laws did not imply to wettorn Itnvn to rvuv great extent. ' 1'lio'land was on the market nt ? l.li5 per ucro , anil could bo pnlil for with Porterllolil , ngrlcul- Uinil college ami revolutionary war scrip , \\hlch could ho purchased ' " tlieeastat from 1.1 to 'Jo cents on the dollar. The Now York mul Boston money moil saw millions In western lands , nnd buvln ui > Mveat blocks of this scrip , laid it on lands In Sioux und other wostem Io\va \ Camillas. Tlieroero oilier men \vho know a good thliip when they stiuv it , mid following in the walto of the money hugs , located In Slouic county. They were not out thorufor their health , n ? they \vuiitert to turn an occasional penny. The first tiling they did \vus to the county. As soon as this was done they made tlio assessment and Ihcd their salaries. Then the shop \vus opou for Ijusiness. They called an election to vote bonds for u } i5)00 ( court house , and with this money built u two-story fniino structure that never cost n cent nioro than 3fJO. , The contractor was a chum of thuofilccrs , and 1 suppose ho whacked up. The next year fitly school houses were built at n cost of & . ' , f > 00 each , nnd It Is a known fact that there \vus n clean r.ilo-off ( of ? l,000 on each of Iho would suppose that thin u-oitlu have satlsllod these gentlemen , but It < lld not. Thcro nro several streams in tlio county , anil of course they had to ho hrulKod. Bridge- * were built over the. Hock rhcr and nil of the little creeks. The contracts wcro lot without competition , nnd in ono year tlioeounty oxixmded 6100,000 lor bndircs. At the end of two veai-s the county owed more than ? . ' ( K,000 for internal im provements. The eastern men paid their taxes , as they were given to understand that the county was settling up very rapidly and men wcro buying land right and left. The next year another setot bridges ami buildings were constructed , but tlio county officials did not drive to notify the eastern land owueis , so they simply let the debt lloat , and the next winter worked a Iim- through the legislature K the outstanding indebtedness of the county. The bonds were sold , but iioono Iinoivs nhcro the proceeds wont , though on might j.'iies > s , as allot the contractors wei-o county officials or friends of county oftleials. Shortly after this the eastern people con cluded that something was wrong' , aconnnit- 1 costarted west , but before Its arrival , in some manner the court house caught tire and huruud to the ground , burning all of the rec ords. Suits weri brought and an effort made to repudiate the iiuleblcdnoss.but it wouldnot work , and for years afterwards this county , as well as l.yon , and half n dozen others continued to pay off an inaobtodiicssthutwns fraudulent from Us first inception. Should you want to know anything more about this 1 would talco pleasure ) iiiroforrlng you tosomo of the oldest und most proinlnoni business men of Sioux City. It would bo of no use to try to Had any of the comity officials , aatlioy have goiio over tliu longillvido or emigrated to other iielda , " "As I looked out Into the Omaha streets to nlsht , once inoro 1 realized that vustimprove nieuts have couio about in tlic system ol lighting business houses , dwellings ana streets within the past 11 fty years , "said H. C Hlckinan as ho lingered about the Millard hotel. "If I llvo until March 24,1 will be seventy-two years of age , and my home is ii Cleveland , O. Hut of course you don't cart , where an old man's homo may bo. Want to ' know anything about llghts'in my youngui days ? I nni always clad to tallc a nil us this is my first trip to Omaha I will tell you a story. "I was born in Ohio near where the city o Toledo now stands , IMy people wcro farmers and while wo wcro not rich father gave us all tlio comforts that a frontier town could furnish. Lights , the suhjec upon which I propose to discourse were nowhere. Tlio boys i-cad their bibles by the Unlit that caino from the hack log In the lire- uliico and when wo went to bed wo tool : i Slut' to liRht us loom1 chamber , which \vu tlio loft where mother hung the pumpkin to dry. There now. Don't.smilo ' at an old mnn The light of which i speak was made like this : A big Hat button was placed In a raj , and tied with a string. This was placed Iu i saucer and alter lurd or tallow was Dourct Into the disk it was lighted nnd burned wltl a bright bla/e. This worked well , but it wa not as good as the candles which came after wards. They were not the kind that you see once In a while now-n-days. Mother wouh inako candles after wo killed the fat sleet Slio would buy a ball of wlckingand cut i Into slriiiR'i about two feet long. Those strings were hung over sticks nnd dipnoi Into iikcttloof hot tallow. This dlppingcou tinued until the candles had grown to tlio re quired sixo , after which they were cooled an < packed away lor future use. When wo go tbesowo thought the world was ours , but i was not lonp before wo wanted more light One of the country merchants went clown to New York nnd when ho returned ho bruugh a lishoil lamp. The whole country turiiot out toseo this wonderful lamp , aifd in IPS than n year a family did not put on styleun less it burned lishoil. This satislied us fo ntimo , hut again wo longed for.somethm better , and In a few years coal oil teen th l.lacopf llsholl , while later natural gas an electric lights supplanted this. Indeed , thi is a wonderful world , though It is yet only i Us infancy. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "I have fished for the last ton years , but have novorheon a season that was a inarke to tills one , " said Jacob llosmor , as ho pulfet a briar-root pipe while ho discoursed at th Hotel Cusoy. " ] ! y occupation I am fisherman , as was my father before mo My homo is en Lake Michigan , about seven tj miles above Milwaukee , and a lllllo fortune I have uuido pulling lish from the wet bosou of tlio wet lake. It is true that wo got hot lor pi ices lor our ilsh in summer , but w bavo twice the sport In winter. In the sum mer myself and Iho boys go out on the laic with our boats and nets and if wo make i good haul wo will gnlnar In several wajjo loads of as fine fish as you over sa\v. In th winter wo work upon a different plan , \V pitch our tent near ttio mouth of som brook that flows into the lake , cut alarg hole through tl.o ice ami after hanging lantern in the ridfo of the tent wo are read for business , Yon Itnow the fish run out o the lake into the creeks to feed. U'o wato for them and its they pass along , spear th great white beauties. This continuivi for u hour or more and then some of tlio boys go u the crook and by pound iug on the ice star the school toward the lake. Tlio fun tx'Kin again and continues this wnyfordays , It I fine sport asvell as being a monoy-makiiij business. I nave no doubt but today thor arc llsli on Iho Omaha market thai hnvo fel the cold steel of my spear. Next summer expect to ho in O mall a again am ! then 1 wll tell you some blgllsh stories , as summer , am not winter , Is the time for llsh yarns abou monsters nnd othiT varmints tUatluUnblt th waters of tto deep. " IMstriot Court. Cit'neral Cowin spent several hours toJay i an argument for plaintllls' side in the c.iso o Iyan&Valsh ! against the county , llocoi fined himself to the dry , culd facts In thocas but pwoiited them In a manner which wo him the closest attention , Tlio room wa crowded with spectators , among whoi were many nromluout business uiou. Th raio may goto thojury tifiilKht , llotli sldon nre very confident of ( mcwss. t'linlrman O'ICoclto ' oftho ooiintr IxUrd iloclnm that if the verdict it utrnlnst Iho oonuty thocuso ball lie taken to the auiiromo court If hehn.t to foot nil the expense * lilmself. The Jury In Prank DauRhcrty nculnst the American wAtcrworlca company found for [ ilidntlit hi the sum of $ 'M. ( lusllmi Illldobnuul rdiiinieneod a suit In the district court yesterday ngntiut Marlu I'loigncr for ff > . ( W OIIIIWRCS. CSustlnn says that Maria applied several very naughty epithets to her inOcrman , nnd she , ( ustlnii , proposes shoshnlltuiy dearly for the fun. Thollyutiit Walsh iso went to the jury nt1 o'clock yesterday jiftoriiooii. Thorois nochnngo Tin the calls for today. AN ori'io lull's nno.\ . Ho Hut a Solieiuu foi1 Mniiiigiii ) ; tlio L'olloo 1'orci' , "I have aselienioby which eighty patrol men might bo KIVCIeiht ( hour shifts and furnish the city of Omaha wltti very peed police service , " said Sergeant Oaves to a reporter for Tin : Hun. " 1 would put on fifteen men from I o'clock In the morning until 13 noon. All cities nro quiet during the early morning and forenoon and few policemen are needed , Kideeiiinen properly stationed over the city can haillo the bu. lne s nil right from 4 o'clock until noon. From noon until So' clock in ( he even ing I would put on twenty men. From S o'clock In the evening until -1 In the morning I would put on forty- live men. hi tliut way the eighty men would bo cinpkned nnd the city would have at least ton pat rolinon more on duty tit night when they are most needed -than are on nt present , "Thero should DO another plan adopted I think for the temporary tilling of V'u-anciea on the force. ' .There should be about six alternates or extras who should Do required to attend roll call and bo prepared to go on duty In the place of any of the reg ular force who might ho absent from sickness or other causes. I believe that six men could have almost con stant einiilovmciit hy attending roll call regularly. 1 would suggest that men who are absent under such arrangements bo not paid for the time lost , hoc the men who 1111 the places of thoab.sonhips draw i ho pay. At present when the men are obliged to worlt twelve lo fourteen hours it Is only reasonable that they should be paid when they are sick and miss a few davs , but If the day's ' work was cut lo eight hours I don't Hunk the men would expect pay for days when they do not work. There would bo much loss sickness , 1 believe , for the mon would have more tlmo for rest and recrea tion. 1 should like toseo this plintried , for I think it would work well , and tliOiViiiill levy would supply t ho amount needed for the support of the force , including the eighty patrolmen , Iho sergeants , captains , jailors and the ontlro force. " MSSION WITHOUT 8UH.YVI. \ llluIVs Minister' * Aw till I'ray or A-uahiHl Omaha. Rev. .1. C. Lemon , who presides over the destinies oftho Homo for the Friendless in Council Bluffs , oftlclatnd at the funeral services over the remains of II. C.Vadc , at Maul's undertaking rooms Thursday after noon. Three of the children of the deceased live ut the Home , and Lomea brought them over to attend the funeral. During the latter years of his life the deceased - ceased was addicted to the excessive use of liquor , and In the course of his prayer , tlio clergViimti from the free whisky city across the river look it upon himself to Invoke the wratn 01 uod upon tlio wicked city el Omaha. He likened It to Sodom and C5o- morrah , and proved that the f.ito of these wicked cities might speedily ho visited upon the Nebraska metropolis. He cried out bitterly against the license law in cITcet hero anil Informed the weeping orphans that Omaha was alone responsible for their father's death. The remains wore followed to their last resting place in i'rospect Hill , nnd I.emeu then took the bereaved children back to the Bluffs , to point out the virtues of prohibi tion. > NO nioi'ir IN THIS DUA.IJ. Tlio City Will Sell ltn Compiled Orel- ! iiiinccs at a Loss. City Clerk C ! roves yesterday preparcilto ad vertise for bids for printing the city ordl nances in pamphlet form , according to in structions given him at the last meeting of the council. "Tho cost will bo nothing like near as much as it was in tbo compilation that Mr. Council got up , " remarked Mr , Groves. "The work will consist simply of having printed copies made of the ordinances , iMr. Council's compilation was up to April 1 , while this that has just been ordered is sim ply from April 1 to January 1 last. " The city paid Air. Council SU.OOO for ar ranging the compilation douo by him. Tlio printing and binding cost $ ! , : { : iS.V ! } , makin a total of t.MS.frt for 1,050 copies , thus making the cost over J ! per copy. Of tlio 1.M ( ) ) . were printed over nine hundred are still on the city's hands , By selling , * OD cnplus , as directed by the council , at SJ.fiO each , the city will lose about J1.5DO , thousn some of the taxpayers say It is bolter to lese half thnn all. M'hu number of general ordinances passed since the Connell" compilation is about two hundred and eighty , iiS [ to date. Mrs. M ooi'uiian'n Cnie. .An article was recently published la Tun BIE under the caption "Mr.Voodman's \Vlfi' , " in which it was stated that Mrs. Woodman was working a scheme to get money from Woodman whoso story to that eJfect was published. An investigation Into the case shows that an Injustice was done Mrs. Woodman who apparently im.itho test of grounds for the position she luis taken in causing her hus band's ' arrest on the charge of adultery. Airs. Woodman is highly respected in Bos ton , Mass. , and In Kansas Citv , having been a. successful teacher of the piano. She snvs ttiat onlv one year ago she had a comfortable. homo aiidkindhusbuml. Her husband's ' cruel- tyand desertion have been caused through the influence of Airs. Sura M. Truskw of L > eav- onwortb , Kan. They carne horoiti hoptcm- bur , living three months on ID&utur street , as husband and wife , she using his name , ho introducing nor as his wife. Mrs. Wood man Is in dulleato health , brought on through worry and prostrated with grief over henrt- lessnuss. Helms deprived her of support , and slio Is amongst strangers without money. The guests at tlio .Icnnlngs hotel , where Mrs , Woodman Is "topping , have presented the following card for publication : Mrs. Woodman has made many friends since coming to Omaha by her lady like ways. She is a lady of culture , and refinement , hav- itnrn diploma from S , 11 , Mills , New Vovic , for eflleiency In music. This does not look asif she "hurled chunks of melody , " while performing on her elegant piano. Stio has won the admiration of all who hnvo heard her play since coming to Omaha , as few pos sess her skill as n musician. Her heartless husband has been the subject of conversation by nil the guests nt the hotel , nnd they would liho to sco him compelled to meet the full penalty of the law. lien FIIIIS.NDS AT THI : HOTKI. Tlin Company lamit Not li ill' ' . The olllcorsof thoPaclllcoxpross company in this city state that' ' 'CJlwo , the defaulting clerk in the Denver oflK'c , only succeeded iu appropriating } TOO instead of 1,000 , as stated in the reports. The company is secured against , loss by a bond of $1,000 in a surety company , Clluo has been traced to Mexico and the surety company will make an ellortto bring him back for trial. In Condition to I'ay Claims , PniiTi.ixi ) , Oro. , I'ob. iT. ! In ttio United Stales court today Joseph Simon was dis charged from the rccelvorstitpol the Oregon improvement company. Tlu company is no\\ \ in position to pay mU-hilms against U , Murili'rtMl by Uiiknuxvn loi' uitrt , LO.NIIOV , Keb. 27. la thocnsoof thoinunlor of "Carroty IS'oli" the coroner's Jury returned a verdict of ' 'wilful murder aiwliibt some per son or persons unknown. " Da Witt's I.ittlo Karly Hlsernj rest llttlo pills fordyt i > epiia , sour stomach-bad breath. SUED "THE DM DUCKLING , " Mrs , Lcsllo Carter's Wnrtlroua Attached bj Oily Phjtloiaii Qnpcn. THE FAMOUS DIVORCE SUIT RECALLED. .Morion Ur-urdlVom Again Ottldal i'olu'r ' I'layorHiit Miu-oln Ciititi- Id ing Tor IHgStil < rn Otlirr News. City I'liyslelan ( lapcn , In Ids private ca pacity , liogan mi aotlon in the county court eiterdnyagainst Mw.t'arollnelAnilsoC.irter , -ho actress , for S1WO , ( for medico-legal sor- 100.1. 'I'ho ' doctor nKo eausod an nttnehinent of garnishment to be issued on allldavit that C. ) . 1'rli'C , b' . M. lliiiitnim ! and Huyd , t laynus Inul money belonglnir todofendant. ' 1'hu attachment recalls Iho famous scnsa- ioiml divorce case In which t ho handsome ac ross figured In Chicago a little loss than two ears ii > ; o. Soon alter locatlnir in O malm Dr. Onpen vjis called to Chicago hy Dexter , llerric'k fc Mien , Mrs. C.irtor'M nttorne.i , to ns lst .hem as medico-legal rounsul and ex- prt In Insanity , in the preparation > f the trial of the IIo wa1 * engaged Iu hat capacity for more than a month and the ult commenced yesterday was for the pur pose f recovering balance duo for services In lhat 'aso. MU. MOH'I'OXVCJAIN. . The Itcnl I'Mitio Slunk in Trouble In The superintendent of pollcoof the District of Columbia writes Chief He.ivoy for in formation regarding C. b. Morton , the Indi vidual who ! brilliantly , but briefly , 11 this city during the hitter days of Sopteui- > or and the llrst week ol October. Whllo icre Morton claimed to represent the Ks ex nvcstiucnt and Jioiton Invcst4iient compn- lies , and cut a wide swath la real cslale circles , lie secured an option on the property at the south east corner of Seventeenth and Fiirimin , md talked glibly oftho ten-story oillco build- ng ho projjitei-d to erect there. Ho finally lis.ippeared between two days , leaving nil inpald hotel bill nndsoyernl duped nequalnt- uiccs who had deemed it nn honor to advance ilm a few dollars. Morton next attracted public uotlco in Los Angeles , where bo posed ns Kev U. S. ( J. Glide , and put hi his ttnu > furnishing spirit- lal consolation to a condiMiincil murderer. ; Us noxl Jump took him to Washington , I ) . L' . , where he endeavored to get a i > osltion as clerk on various congressional committees , nil without success. Heat length fell into .ho bands of the authorities , who are now ooklngup his record. As a worker , Merion s iiiui uestionauly out of sight. lie is just a ittlo the smoothest Individual wlio bus struck Omaha In many a day. Well edu cated , of pleasing address and a Jino talker , loseoms to find it a comparatively trilling matter lo make a living by uis wits. OKriClAIj I'OICI ? ! ! IMiVYKISS. J'lic Cnpi nl City TuniiMl Into Vast ( In milling II ell , "Thocity of rjincoln has been turned into n gambling hell. " It was one of the best known politicians o f the state \vhospoUe. Ho returned from the capital city yesterday , after ono of probably Lwoscoroof visits ho hasmndo there during the prosciit winter. " 1 iiover saw anything to cotup.ii-o with It , " ho continued. "In propurtioii toitssi/.o It simply knocks \\aibington \ , O. U. silly. I'oker games run as a icguhir , every night nccurnnco in nearly or ipilto every hotrl in the place. JnsDino of the hotels from three to ton g.nnes are going nil night , Men in public ollico whom you wouldn't ' susnect for a moment of over turning u card for money nre playing ns though they had gene crazy over thoganio. And don't ' you forget it , the ventures made by some of these public mon are going to result , in sensational break downs and the worst kind of disgraces before the logis'ature ' closes , if some of their friends don't interest themselves and sooto it that the gambhiia- : crazecl fi-llows are pulled nwny and kept away from these hotel dens. " "Then it is to 1mInferred that big stakes are played for , " was remarked. " .I ust so exactly , " came the reply. "I saw over $1,000 In a single 'pot" tlio other night , while It was nothing , scarcely , to see $100 , SilO and00change ! hands. His the greatest wonder hi the world thai some of the neiv.s- papi-rs down tbero h.iven'l written the business np a long time ago. There iceuis to bo very llttlo 'bones'ma Jo about the mat ter , The public foreign to Uncoln may or may notbeliuvo it , Justus they .soe lit , but I know of oillclals down there who have placed themselves on the vcr oof bankruptcy sim ply by gambling during the present session of the legislature. And what Is moru I itnow of members of tholegislaturowho have mort gaged their farms and lost the entire loan so obtained , on poker , " "Is the gambling confined to hotels ? " "Very nearly so , though there are some stiff games going on outside. Of course , I understand that there's al\vavs more or loss gambling going on at a capital , but I tell you lhat it's running perfectly wild at Lincoln. I know of Omaha couneilinen and others who go to Lincoln ovcry now and then for nothing else in the world but to get into a 'game. ' Home of them have done solo tlielr sorrow , while others aro'way ' ahead on such trips. " "Is faro dealr : " "Well , 1 would hate lobe pinned down too tight on that subject , hut f will say that if the poker games around at the hotels could bo stopped , the biggest part of the evil will have been abated. " "What about thceUyauthontiosof Lincoln being familiar with such a state of iiffnlrs i" "f don't see how tlmv can possibly bo ignorant of the facts as they exist. It is simply astounding how very general and in many instances lunv very open the games are run. If thoolllclnls nranot'on1 they.must bo ttio chumpicst of the mast chuinpy. Fact is , you see , that Uigh officials are doing a great deal oftho playing , and your under , ordinary city ofllcial is very cautious bow ho fools With people of influence , " ( Jessler's Maglelloauacho Wafers. Curesa headaches iniio inmuto-i , At all druggists Hebron Happcningx. Ilnimnv , Neb. , Fob. it. ( Special to Tin ; Bui : . ] The water mains are nearly all in and the pump and uugltio house will soon bo completed. C. H , Trout , who has been superintendent o [ the poor farm for some time , will sur render possession to his successor , Mr. Drown , next Monday. ICx-Couiity Attorney Richards , who has been conllnnl to Ihu house for some tlir.c , is ableto bo about , Sheriff. Town made a business trip to Fair- bury Tliurwl.iy. II. H. Secord will basueccodedas foreman of the Ueglstcr oflleo by 1) . O. Jenkins of Cawker City , Knu. J. I , . U all will start for Waukcuan nest woeU. .lohn Uedllno ol Chester will take charge of Weouer's furniture and hardware stores Monday. The ( Irnnd Army of tbo Itepubllo i > est dis tributed about 31' ' ) among the poor , tnoixv | > cet'dMf their noan supper. 'I'ho new Presbyterian elimvh was formally dedicated hist .Sunday. Hov. Klngland of Hastings delivered the serinun and asiKU'd In the services. The dm roll is the llnoit in the oily , costing about f.i.COJ , It is builtfrom plans furniihed by an Omaha architect and certainly a credit to thK city. ThoChrishnn crusmlers will return to this place next week and hold a series of meet ings. No griping , no , no pain when Do Witt's ' Ii I tlio Karly Kisers nro taken. Small pill. Siifoijlll. lifstplll. - HeniH IVnin ht riiiii > > liiri ; . SIIIOM.SIII no , Nob. , I'eb. ! i7. [ Special lo Tin : HIM : . | ( ! . \V. Woods U closing out his htookof groceries and intends torotiro from active business , for a tlmo al least , 1' . T. Hurkloy , president of lltoStraiiHhurg li.uilt , ; u'roiniunpil | | hy his wife nnd child r < n , loft for San Antonio , TON. , for a stay of a few wueks , Kuv , J.V \ , Sclby , uho haj been lev 0 , M. Morvv In ft orle of inoollii g 'or some llmo , has wturnod to Ills homo in b'ronllrr oouiitv. Mrs. U. M Hhlplov vein rnod this wonltlrpiu Mnceln , and Miss Lillian \\Mlter has returned from nn extended visit In I own. A. I1 , Ijindburgdld business at Omaha the , ni t week. C. V. . .lolmson . a Idncolu visitor Iho .ist. weoU. l c'orgo liecord has ivlnrnrd fruin Wash- listen. A. I/ . Sprague wonl to Mxoter Monday , when1 ho has purchased an interest In the elovatw and urn In business at thai phuv , U. t'ret'iii.m of Missouri Is visiting In the city.MlssMnlllo MlssMnlllo O.ill.uitsiiontaiiovlleu of last woelt nl Shelby. ( ? eorgo C , Korrlok of York , was married \ \ ilni > silav ovonlne. In this city , to Mls ClhiisM. VoROl.Hov. II. M. Morey onici.Ulng. Or. II. I'ushman ( if thU cllyvas imirlod n llinahathn llrst of tlio \\eelt , to llattlc S. iliulge of ClilppcAvu Kalis , U'ls. They ro- urnixl to Slri msburg Wodncsdav. ( Joorgo D.irroiv mul flilldivii of CcntiM1 run nly. arrlvoil S.itiirdiiy nnd will make [ his ilnco iheir future home , MM. NVlnslow's Soothing Syrup for cldl- Iren teething snflens Iho gums and allays all pain. * > cents n bottle. I lint liign SocliMy Volci. II ASTIN-CII , Xeh , I'Vb , ' 'r. ( Special to Tin : ) : : . | - ( : . Merritt , formerly of thh city ia-4 accepted the city iMltorslilpottliu Aspen , Colo. , Daily Times. Chiirlay Kay , ono of Hastings' nromlsliif ; oungmen , left Tuesday for the state of \\ashlngton , whew he has mwptod the posi- Inn of cashier mono of thob.inksof Spokane Falls. Tlio family of .1. II. Dates , agent.of the St. loseph it ( Irancl Island railroad , aio visiting u St. Joe. Mo. , this week. The Junior Social olub gave a gorinan at lie ( lernnmla hallS ednesil.iv evening. Mr , und Mrs. 1) ) . 11. Kallard hnvo been guests of their daughter al llohlrogu this week , Mr. C'hnrles lllotrit-li , prcsidontof the ( " ! er- nan National bank , has presented the Sisters of the Academy of Visitation a group of Viilu- ible biblical oil paintings , which ho purchased in his recent triptc > oldMo.\lco. 'The paintings ire .salil to be several hundred years old , and ire inn fsiir state of preservation. Tbo sub- cotsaro : " .Madomia and Iho Child , " "St. Vtor , " "Christ Nnilodto the Cross with the 'aithful Jlarv Clinging to its Foot , " "St. loseph and ttio Child,1' ' ( JbaHcs L. Hlone Is In Chloacn this week attending a re-union ot the inercantilo hat- cry , of which ho was a member during the war. war.Kd. . flolmes has be en unpointed substitute nail carrier by I'ostmaster lleai'Uvoll. The ladles of the I'yihinn Slstcthood gave a Willow social at Castle hall Wednesday. .1. 11. L'arrnthers , general socrctnryof the .iraml Island Young Men's Clu-istlaii nssocl- ilinn addressed the ineinbors Tuesday even- ng on missionary topics. Mrs. Chai'les Ilibiitns and Mrs. l ) ever of Omaha ari'iruests at Mrs. C. b. Hose. L'harles t'aincroii has been npjiolnted coun cilman from the Second ward , vice \Villiaiu Vnstluo. resigned , The 11 owe scales , ttio only scale with pro tected bearings. No check rods. Catalogues of llordeiuV , SellocUCo. , Agts. , Chicago , 111. Netllenient Slay l > " l > i'lay 'd. The state treasurer Informs County Treas urer Snyricr that he could not scttlo with Douglas county until a hill was passed np- iropriating tlus amount duo ttio county in ies , I nst year tbo settlement was made iromptlyand several other counties have * JL-VIISIILLIUU WUIIUVL'II lIllMJTai . U I1IOSS LUO legislature nets promptly Mr. Snyder says lie willdiiductthe amount , SlIWt ! , from tbosum iluoon tlio state apporl ion men t. DoU'itt's ' dttlo ICarly IJisers ; only pill to cure sick headache nnd regulate Iho bmvols. A I'onloon Itridge for Atchisim. - ATCIII , OV , Kan. , Feb. : ! ? . [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hiis.-A. : ] W. Hubbanl and ilenry B. Davis , who own tbo St. Charles ) ontooii bridge , closed a contract today for he construction of a pontoon nt this pluco. i'no bridge will post U.KH ( ) and will bo built l > y M. S. Carter & Co. of St. Louis. Citizens of Mchi son will lake half tbo stock. lAir 'J'liroiit Dinpasfn , ( "oughn , CoUSi , etc. , effectual relief is found in the use of 'Brown's lironcnial Troches. " Price 2i cts. Sold only iu boxes. fj IM Jt.tu GeorgeComvay of Saginaiv isat thoCasey. K W. Laferty of Ogden is at the Millard. Fred M. Bangs of Chicago Is at the Mur ray. 13. L. llollon ot Clinton. la , is at the Mer chants. J. A. Ware , jr. , of St. Louis is at the faxton. .1. it. Osthofftif Covington , Ky , , is at the Paxtou. G. F. Stone of Boston Is registered at tbo Murray. .1. II. Himtorof Cedar Itapids , In. , Isat the Millard. A. S. Thorpe of Denver was at the Millard last night. O. It. O.isserof Albion H in the city nt the Merchants , " \V. H. ( Sough of lialtimoro Is in the city at the Murray. l''rank ' Xorthup of Chicago Is in the city , nt the Casey. C. U. Fonlk of Pittsburg , Pa. , Is in the city at the Millard , .1. J. l ancerof Milwaukee was at the Mur ray last nig tit. U.S. Miller of Pine llidgo is registered at the Merchants Ii , H. Laird of Cleveland , O. , was at the Casey last night. \ \ . W. Uleason ot Clieycnno was at the Pax ton last night. ( ieorgo A. I''arewcll of Claremont , N. II. , is in the city at the Pax ton. Charles A. liurko of Lincoln was at the Merchants last night. W. A. Hampton of David City was in the city last night , at the Casey. Mr. A. L. Dewar , cashier of the American Kxi'hungu National bank , Chieacro , nnd Mr. IS. P. Uuwiir of Uiosamo city were visitors at Tin : llr.r. ollico yesterday. 0. W. Cook , the veteran shoo dealer , ac companied by his wife , leaves today on his regular somi-anuual business trip through Cahfornl.i , Oregon and Washington. A. .1. KnrightanuT. V. Hanley are In tlio city , representing the M. K. Herbert munu- fariurlng company of St. Joseph , Mo. , mak ers of tbo Herbert patent boilers und smoke less Mrs. McM isters of Pawnee C'ity , wife of Mr. K. S. McMasters , vice president and superintendent of tlio White Lake lumber c'ompuuy , is visiting in tbo city , at the home of Dr. J. , M. Keys , aid ninnt-y 6lreet. INFLAMMATIONS AND ALL HURTS AMD J1.L.S OF MAM RND BEPST , Many Clergymen , actoM , and puhllB spc.ikoM imi t'hcrry IVctotal. U ! the faverllo y lor bUr.ti ( > iieii and all Alloctloiu of the vocal orjj.ini , throat , and hm . Ai an iiiimlyiu' and nxpecloiaiil , the eircclii of ( hi * preparation arcpiiitiipll ) realized , "A yer's fficiiy IVrim al lias done me. meat good. It U a sploiidld ii'inedy for all ills- ea < c.-t ot the lluont nnd IIIIIKM. and I have much pliMKineln tt' < lltvliigtn Iti uii'illv" - ( licv. ) C. N. Mrliuli , No. Tlsluny , Masi. "In my profession of nn niictluuvor , niiy ndiTtlnn of the voice or thfuiit H a si'iliWH inalti'r , lull , ateaohnltnck , I ha\i' \ lu-en re- Ili'U'tl by a , tew ( lotos nl Aycl's cherry IVclmal. Th'lt romeily , vlili nidluarj cai < % , woikcd siii'linmacU'-iUnVrllhat I lia\o siillcrcd M ry Illfliliiciuiviiilfiiiv I have nlMi u.ted It In my family , ullliery \ cu'd- knt UMiilts , Inriniclit , I'olilt , Sc.Vm. . II. ( Jiuitlj , Mlnliiton. So. Ainlialla. Ayer's ' Cherry Pectoral , Dll. J. C. A.YEU & CO. , I.ovnll. MaBB. tiM by nil Druftil'tiv. 1'ikufl ; ULoUlri > , JV [ riiysicLins , Sur.ncons anil Specialists , ' OMAHA , MII. : The most widely nm1 favoru' > lv l < nownspnc lallsl't Iu tinInltol StiiliM. Thi'lr long c\ porluin-o. toiniirkiililc UIII and iiiiivoisul sue. i'i'ss 111 Iho tri'iilui"Mt uiul i-mi'iif ' N'e t'linmlo mid urci ' ! il UiseaM-s , cut itlr ( Miilnoiit iiliy.vlcliins lo the full Cdiilldeni-eot tlie nlllli leil i' ci'V lieiiTin - V UMiiitiiiilfi * A I'KUTAIN AMI POMTlVP. CTKK for the awful otVceN of Ciirlylco : uul the iiiiiucr- oimi-vlNlliiil fnllow In Its li-alti. I'lilVATK. 111,0011 AMI KIN DI.-KASH Sliced I lv. eoiiiiili'lftv nnd imrinniiontly i-ined. NKUVOI'H ilKltll.lTV AN1 > SKXIIAU Db- OlillKHSyloldroadlly to skillful treat- " " "piLK1 ' ' fl.CHlW ! , KISTI'KA ANMI UKC'TAf * gnaraiiU'ed > < ) v.'llhoiit pain or detention f mm Unsltioss. lIVIllllXJKlii : AMI VAUIC'OCKM' pr-rimi iii'iitly and Niiivos fiilly rnn-tl In oM'ry ' i-aw , SYPIIIMS. ( lONOUIUlKA. ( ll.KKT. Spcr- tniilorrlie.i , SondiialViiikiios \ , liwt. Miinliood , NlRlit Kmls lone , llecayrd I'ucultleH , 1'cnialo NVealiiicM anil nil ( Iclloiito dNonli-i- ! , ( toelllicr KI > X luisltlvely enrol , nn well IIH nil functional dl virile rs that icmi it from youthful folIU" * orllioc ( snf nuiliirc jcurs. ' ' " Ml tJiianiiitei'd n tly O'l'p I ( "Tl f ? jieniiano O I 11 v 1 U 1\U oiirecl , removal complete. \llhout cut t Int. iMinstu. " or illliiliituin , i ures I'llccti-d at Jn > mi > liy liliunt : without mu- tiient's pain oninnnynin-e. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A QITPK rill lJTIin awful iffep .s nf /V OU I\L LU l\.l , ( . .iriy VLM | , which brliiirn iirKimli1 Koalcne x , ilcsti-nylug linth mind uiul liiidy. v\\h , \ \ all Its Ore nloil Ills , iierniiinently rilled. IJT'I'1 ? Addre-sslhoj-ewliohavo liu- 1 I IO | ) :1M : | ! < 1 ihoniMilvrs by Im- liidnlpenoc nnd Hollt.ii-y hahlts , wtileh i-iiln Ixith mind mul Ixxty. uiillllhi Iliein for | > ss.studvoiinnriiaito. . MAKItir.l * MKN or llmsp onlei-liiR < m tlnit ' .iii.V ; | life , uwuti * of physical debilityiiulckly iiHsl-itcd. OUR SUCCESS Inhascd upon fuots. I'listI'nii'tlnal o\icrl- | fiice. Secuinl-Kvery eaMi Is siicchilly siudk'd. thus Htartlii ; ; rhrht Third - moillc-inos are Dri'paruil In diir laUiratury i-xni'tly lo suit each case , thuselVictlng cures without liijiny Drs. Bctts & Bctts , 1409DOUGLAS STREET- - OMAHA , N E3 0 EXTRACT OF BEEF. .i : IN I'l.AVOK. l\e it fur Ilirf Ten , Xnins , Sa HITS , < Uiiu ivl'l-li c.i A pplo or Meat Jelly. Ono poiiml ( if KM ran ( if Hoof iMiial | to fi'lly ' poumKof loan bct'f. liemiliio only with > \t \ : ii.turenf .1 .MIII Ulvblg. iishliown aluiMMn l.lua ' TII1IKK Nltill'IN AM ) BOYD'S.TII1IKK MATIM.K. oc.miiinnr-iiuj F riiiif , , " Tin ; intn.i.iANT siw STAII , Mrs. LESLIE CARTER In tli < > ruurAvt I'om 'Jy 1'raui.i ' , The Duckling- . I'roilin-od tinili'r tliiidlrrrllnn of .Mil DAVID IIKLASro. Tlir ftnino i-i < > t M < CMIOIaiul apiMilntiiii h ns nl tlio HrnmlKny 'I1lu-it > r. New York. llov ilu'Ot u | > ru Wednesday monilnjint regular - s.iiunltyMatini' i ? aturdiiy. Sunday uinl Mimd-iy , IVb. L"S und March 1 andKlri Matlnoion Sunday , fc = .AM T. JACK'S ORE.OLEX Oomptmij. Crooloan Oharmora. Cr\ EgviitiunBuchaiitrcs-os lniMod 1 lie " , iy mui UiirU-vue. Ecvpli < nlii'\\itii'h. . 2O 30 - - Louisiana Cr > ilo lju > ; i-ni , . - . lo ! > onoil M'atitV. . r iii' uixl 7.V1 llu.\ > fl.'U. ' lli > \ olllnopt'li - - l'niliy.ll u. In. "GERMMN THEHTBR At Germatiia Hall , 19th and Hnrnsy Sttoots Ban day , March 1st- "ALTELIEHU POSTED NIGHT , " Uvlor dan UL-unlo iir > n > t Silinnnk inlt dOMinf In 3 uWU'ti \ on .1 Uoten. DIME Will I.awlor , Miinajor. Cor. lltii ami Kar VI'.KK OK KKIIIIDAUV 2nl rusler'r l.'Kt Our Hy lliillniKl. A tcaiutl , port ri : > ulil tltnl inlulitf roiHIU'l , In wlitcli ttio bravii C LI-llT I l t llU life Allll \ IJOIIAO I'lllllM I , , , ) fttniileHi | i4-rrtirniiiui' ' < < tif the MMHOII. Inlr.'iliu'uitt I rluhl nn I ioiiiii.inini , fiinnj 4fln H uiul k-rirornl u-ii 01 .M mi sMtt | > r . . | ii > | | | ! ; aii'l ilaiirini | I | H I'lii'mni i.iiiil i : < lillo--ilio i-hiiii iirtint nnil uiinpiny i , flali mini foiiiMlhTis = rTr" : r = = ' NEBRASKA National Bank T. 8. lU.POdlTOUY. OJlAIlA , NKJ btirlus | ) Jan. Int. I8V)0 , - (5U.3OO i-'lui'i mil I > lriu ( r4--lloiiry \ Viilcn lri < iilani , ! < > > It , . nl Vliv-l'n.-ii U'nt . Jimi.ii U > u\ ii > V \ M..IM . < Juliii H I'olllin , | U C Cuillliu. J N J ( I'llLllikV II n IlllllhllJ. Ollllli'r Tl ll > \ IKON MA-Nlv , i uriiMr mil uiul Karimui rtu , A Ueuund flanking