in OJHAItA KIQimVAKV 28 , 1801. TWELVE PACTICS , Till' ' : DAILY I ! KMIT.UI. 11 lIMslllil ) KN'KHY MOUN'INO" TKUMH 01' SI'IISnllll'TION. Pnlly ninl Simdiiy , OIIH Your , . MOM Hx inniil In . f > ( \ ) Tlirt'i'tiii'tilliv ' . " . 2M Fuiulnv Ilii.Diio VoHf . ! i 00 \\iH-lily \ lli'i'i > iif VKHF . 100 Ptixilin. Tin' Urn llullilliiff. f. ntliniiinliit. nmirr N inn ) ' .Villi Streets , imn , . | | niun-H. a IVnrlsiri'i't. tlnfniiii t'llVi' , ! tli Chlliilx-mf Oimiliii > rei ; . NLU \ > rk.lli . .nnli.lliiiid : IVI'i-llmno llufuUiijt \\uslilhKluii , Mil I'mitti'i'titli ATI . i-itiiniilonllons lelntlin : to news nml ( ( ! ( . irlnl tnntti-r Hllnlllil bo iiihhcsn-d to iho 1 . I Ili'piiitini-nt. A Hi'iiHiiH'i. * li'ttnrs nuil ri'tiiitliinepMhould lie iitilti SH | in Tin * Iliti I'liluUhliiK Coiiipiiiiy , in. 'iim Iirnfl , I'lu-rkx timl piisiotlli itnrdrM t 'M' iniiili' puyaldo totliv ulilt-r of the coin- TIIB'ECC rnlilisliine ; corany , ProDrlctore TIIK IIKK ItflliUIMI. r-U lN ! STAIfMKNT Clllft I.ATION. Moti'iif Ni I'rithliii ' , i CniiMlviif IiniiKtn * . ( ( i c ii'c U. T/ii Inii'K , m-pii'tary ' of TIIK Hfii 1 iit'KMtiL' roliimny | , iliivs sol.'timlv swi-tir tl ill the aitiiiil rliriiliitlnii of Till' ll.UI.V IlKt : Jt > r tin' wui'K ' cmllnt ; I'obrnary SI , lta\ \ , was PS ( viiiclny. IVI-mary 1. . M.-mlnv. IVIirimrv 10. . SI.IMI TMIn. . iv. 1'i'liriiiirv 17 . 111.1110 U < hirlnr. . IVIirtiary IS . S4.fiB Tliiiniltiv.r < ilriiiifvlO . 3I.IHI 1 rlilnv. tviir.mty SO .' ' Fatiirilny , IV In tin ry SI . ll..V k Avorngo . 'jr. . 111 ! 7 rmmrn : n. rfiincu. . Sworn tnlx-foro inn nnd snbm-rUunI III my incscwe tills -Jl l clny f l-'o'ti ' mirv A. I ) . IhOI. S. I1. FF.II. . Notary Public. Ftntdof NclirnsKn , I ClMllllvi.r | lllllKllHCM ( inir c II. T/m'liiii'li. liolnR duly hwnrn , ilo- tie .i's n nil MiyH Unit lie Is SITIHIII.V of Tin : IICK I'lililiwliiiigriitiiiuiny. Hint tinnrlual nvurniii' ilnilv rliriiliilluti nf Tin : II.MI.V IlKi : for tlio iiinnth iif IVIiruarv , I WO , It'.Ti ' I copies : tor Mmch. 1S"0. ' . 'U.M- . copies ; for April. b''Mil ' ci-pli's ; fur May. 1MHI. 2U.IM ) eoples ; for .Itinu , ISM ) , w.rn : ( ciiit's | : for .Inly. IMKI. w.iAi mpti-i ; fi-r AIIIMM. I.M I , , ' ( i.7Mi c-oiiU-H ; fur tM'plmiilii'r ' , 1MM. "c > 70riiilos | ; for Oc-t nlior. MM. St,1U ) rep ier , : for > ovt-niljer. l.i'X ' ) . 23i : copies : for l - rrnilier. M > , S.1,171 copies ; fi.r .Inniinry. I1- ! ) I , "S.4W fiiiih > . Cniiiiu : II. T/.snitTK. Svorn In I i-fnto inr , mid Hnliscrllii'il In my l > rneiico. llilsUlstilayof Jiuiuiirv. A. I' ' . . Is'JI. ' X. I' . I'lMU Notiiry Public. UlSMAllCKromnlns thoi-npital of North ] " > ! iKitii ( inul pt'olilbliion lilooiusas usual inthoory. IN the InlcHt ( llsti-lbutioii of fodcrnl jotivos mid iisiios , tlioro is si painrul ub- HOIK'O Of UlO 111111103 Of l''il'hl ' ( libll'iet \ \ - triots. TIIK faelioniil llfjlit in XnwlTninpshlra \vlll ho i hh.Hltir to ropubllnvns If it ve- BiiUs in flio rotlroiiiuiit of offensive bossos. Sri.r.iVAN lias lioon lii-kfil iiiin { : , this tlino by ti hnilcoiiiiin. The oxpliinsilion ia bimplo. There was no nionoy up on llio rosiilt. Colorado n jail ki-opor 1ms boon fnr poi'inittinf , ' a pnaonor to os- capo. In Omahii the jail Icoopor hus only been mildly TIIK sniM'tnolo of thn cniiiit'll cotnbiiio lobbying foi-nn iidvanco of salnries in- ilieato tlio qiiiility of the timber which the voters will lio\v \ next Ucreinbor. TllKcotuitry will brcatlio ensler now tlmt it is dollnitoly known that Tom IMnjors'hickory oMiapcd. The burglar \vl > ely tlrow the line : it the { jhost .shirt. IDAHO -mil Wyoming have adopted inodilictl systems of tlio Australian ballot liuv , imiklii" ; a total of 10 republi can stall's in the ballot re-form column. TITK fuel that Itiiitl owners in the Pappio valluy : ire spoutiiifr uoiirfldorablo - bo taken favorable indication gas , in-iy as a tion of the wealth beuoath the surface. IiiJj refused to honor a requisition from Comioetictit for an escaped - capod criminal , thus adding ono more vote to his political strcnjjth in Now York. TIIK wild protests of poHtlcinnuiRiiInst Ainoflciin inlluenco in C'anadian alTairs nhows to what do.sjorate . trails the M 3)oaalils ) ami Tuppors are driven for a campaign issue. TllK stale senate hits rojectcd the bill providing ; for the appointment of a coin- mission to relieve the supreme court. The f ti > s purest in ordaining that the supreme court shall not be relieved. Tuiiuppointmimt of a colored man to bo postmaster at VieUoburg , Miss. , is considered a rgross insult , whtuh calls for an iiiiniodiato revision of the state constitution. The provision forbidding sccosbion must bo wijiod out. Missot'lii lawmakers uropoao to en act moat inspection laws , with n. view to fihuttiiifr out the dressed product of uthur states It requires considerable time and drilliiur for a federal decision lo penetrate Missouri cruniunis , BOULAXOKK has gone to LJi-usscls , lient on another demonstration. It is Baiii that ho will undertake to got up an excitement over the fact that tlio Kin- press l-Yudoriok of Germany Is in Paris , and will appeal to the old luito in the hope of coming iifrnlu into favor. Hut Jioulanfrer is a harmless ( juantity. lie is a leader \vho o following is now lim ited to .1 few misguided women. IK the county pharmacy is to bo re vived a very elo o tab should bo Uopt on the pim-habonnd dispensing of three- linger spirits. Not ono drop of the "era- tur" should bo dispensed except upon a rorjulnr and honest proscription. The commissioners should also demonstrate lieyond question that a county prescrip tion case would bo n real drake of econ omy before they vote to re-establish ono. The first attempt was not a howling suc cess. TIIK nomination of S-miter Blair of Now Hampshire , whoso term will ex pire March 4 , to bo minl'-tor to China , is a proper recognition by the president of n sterling1 republican whoso ability and publlo experience will be borvice- able to the country In the celestial em pire. The relations between the United States and China tire mthor of a deli cate than a complex character , and while they are thoroughly understood by Mr. Hlair , perhaps no other man in the country is butter mmlillod to judi ciously represent the pin-vailing senti ment here and to allay any irritation in cident to our- hostile legislation with respect to the Chlneso. .1 sr tit , IT : I.-VWST/M / * The \\Mlllani9 hill providing for tha rrgulntlcin of 8 ocl > iml-j Is a niKturo of thr good and the bad. 11 wi'lci to ivgu- liito every brnnrh of the busincJH ami set tip rigid rules which can Inu'dly fall to work Injury to stoi-k-t'rowt'rs and stock yards , The bill declares nil atoi'kjnrds or ganized \mdoi * Iho general corporation laws of the state to lie publlo miukcts , in which all pei onn , companies or cor- atloiH shall enjoy equal right ! * in the pmvhi : o and ale of stock. This is ono 1:0111 : ni'Midablo ' feature of the measure. Hut the vicious features overbalance the good. It should be borne In mind that the stoi-kynrds Interest Is still In its infancy. I'ntil ISs'i the btooupi'owur * of Nebraska and the \vot wore tiblljod ( to ship to Chicago or lvaii < as City , citttilliiitf Itn-tos not only inshrlnkayoof weights Imlalso in time and IravolliigoxpoiiHos. The in- atigunition of tinlinnlia ytvrd.i . i-ovolu- tloni/.i-d the Htot'k buslnc.'s of Iho stato. In loss than seven years It Inn bet'onio the third market In the country , and not only directly beiiellti-d the stock growers but \vns the mentis of building up kin dred industries thalcontributo to llapor * nuineiicy. It bus increa.sinl the taxable wo.ilth of the stale $ ' ) ,0110nOll , built up a city of 111,000 , pi-nplti , ftirnishotl direct employment to fi.Uiii ) men and last year Kwelli-d by $ .10nnOnl ( ) ) the manufactured products of Xobrn kn. An Industry of such magnificent pro portions and capable of still tjnmtlor results to the farniuM and wnrkingman of the state , should nut bematlo the loot- ball of legislative rorUlossncsi. The on- tcrpriso displayed in conception and ex ecution of the plans now splendidly developed deserve reasonable encour- agcini'tit ' There Is no object ion to mndemto restriction ai.d regulation. A radical reduction of10 per cent in charge ! * is , however , unwarranted and unjust a vicious stub at an institution which hns conferred iiu-'tleulnblo lionollt on tlio producers ; , provided a { jriuiliio homo market , and retained in the state millions of dollars which formerly swelled tlio colTors of Chicago. The Williams bill embodies the ropro- spirit of striking down growing ho'iio industries , to legislating ngniiisl Institutioii'i the existonuo of which is essential to the prosperity of the state , l-'vcry unjust restriction enacted by the legislature will impair their ability to keep pace with the constantly im-rous- ing ; demands for extensions and Improve ments , if not destroy their usefulness , and turn tr.itlic from beneficial homo channels to distant markets. What will it prollt the farmers and workiiigmon of Nebraska if by radical legislation an important homo market mid packing Industries are checked in their tjrowth and rival status regain that which Htato enterprise secured in loss than n decade ? The lower branch of the Sout n Dakota legislature has already passed by a largo majority the mtasuro providing for resubmitting - submitting to tlio popular vote the pro- dilution clause of the state constitution. Thosonato is expected to tstko action on t ho question today , iind tlio indications are that rcsubmisbioa will bo sustained in that body. In that case Iho people of South Dakota will bo given another op portunity to vote on this question , as the rosuhinitsion proposition does not go to the governor. The contest in behalf of rosubinission has boon carried on with ovidonl good judgment and ability. The prohibition element in the legislature started out by attempting to play n blulT game , as tboso people commonly do , but they have thus far been signally worsted. It has boon represented that tlio election of mi independent Unituct States senator and resubmission were parts of a deal , but the facts appear to show that this was not the case. It is apparent that resubmission passed the house on its merits , a majority of the republicans voting for it , while a majority of tlio in dependents wore avrayod against it. Tlio truth of the situation seems to bo that most of the republicans in the South Dakota legislature have reached the conuhibion that thu party cannot afford to carry prohibition , and that it must confine itself strictly tothosuppjrt of republican principles and policy. They see what prohibition has done for the party in Iowa , and they understand that , they cannot reasonably expect any thing dilTorent in South Dakota if tlio party thoro. shall eonlimm to burden it-olf with the prohibition load , They therefore desire that the question shall again go to tlio people under uiruiun- Ktiuices that will give a butter oppor tunity than before for an intelligent and unprejudiced expression of the popular will. The largo republican vote in the hou&o foe rosulunissloii wurrinils the expectation that it will bo sustained in the bonato. As to the result with the people , those who best know the trend of public senti ment are confidant thai prohibition-c.m bo defeated. It is not enforced , and evi dence is not wanting that the material interests of the state would prollt by its abandonment and the suh-titutltm of a high lieonse and local option law , while the eauso of tomnoranoo would bo nuiclx better The cardinal principle of our system of government , which recognizes the right of oauli state to proscribe the qual ifications of its electors , is to a limited extent contravened by the fourteenth amendment to the constitution. The second section of this amendment reads : "Uapi'osonlativej shall bo apportioned among the several stutes according to their reapoclivo numbers , counting the whole number of persons in each sVito. excluding Indians not taxed. Iut ! when the rhht ; to vote at any election for the choice of electors for president and vice president of the United Staler , repre sentatives In congress thooxoL'utivoand judicial ollk'ors of a ntato , or the muni- liors of the legislature thereof , Is denied to any of the tn.ilo inhabitants of such ' stato'boingUl years of age , and citizens of the United States , or in any way abridged , except for participation In re bellion or other erimo , the basis of rep resentation therein shall ba reduced in the proportion which the number of such in.ile citizens shall Iwnr to the whole number of male citizens 21 yearn of age In such Mat > . " Under this provllon Hovertxl states which require anedtu.v tloniil qimlllli'iitlon for voting should huvnihi'ir b.uls of roprospiitatten re duced , mill a properly ojmlllieatlon would operate similarly. The judiciary committee ef the house of reprowiitatlves lm jmt reported on a resolution direct ing the committee to in quire whether any filato has violated the fourteenth ainondniont , from which It would si'oin tlmt the mutter is one Unit calls for a thorough investigation. A member of the cominitleo who iiiiulo nil individual minority report observed that tlio list of states whoso sulTrage laws violate late the amendment Is so largo as to sug gest whether the whole country Is not rapidly growing wenr.v of the fourteenth ami'iidjiicnt altogether , bui'mning im bued with the idea that the people of tlio states should bo left to self-government without olllcloiis outsldi ) interference. The condition * that were responsible for the adoption of the amendment fully justified it , mid it Is a question whether It is not a wise provision now and in ly notiilwnys bj. llul whatever opinions may bo as totltts , while it stands Itought to bo unforced , and tbow states which restrict the sutl'mgo except as It per mits should have tliolr representation reduced accordingly. Toleration of in fractions of n constitutional provision , In a matter of such vital tniporlnnco. Involves - volvos ad anger not easily overestimated. Public respect for the constitution de pends upon the faithful enforcement of all its requirements. HK cm > i > i-\inrnn. Tlio Itoston Adri'i-tiiur , which Is the f.-ivorito newspaper of New England in vestors mid speculators in railroad Blocks , discusses "the corn crop bug bear" with a frankness that Is both clnrming and instructive. It complains that speculation in railroad stocks is dull and timid In snlto of the most en couraging conditions. "General business has been good , ' ' says tlio AilreHitter ; "money has been abundant at siilllciontly low rates to tempt the spoenlativcly inclined , rail road earnings have boon all that could bo desired , the gains in the month of .limitary being greater than the most opiimistie trades iintlcipatod. Vet , in spite of all those favoring circiunitanccs , the outside public lias taken no Interest , in the block .narket. " And its explana tion of this deplorable state of things is "the corn crop bug-bear. " It booms tlmt the conservAli vo eastern investor hnsbeetiso profoundly iinpro-setl with tlio failure of last year's corn crop as a factor in depressing railroad earn ings that he has absolutely refused to bo tempted into " \Vnll struct in Now York and State street In lioston. This revela tion of the situation gives ground for the fear that some of the railroad editorials and interviews prepared solely for west ern consumption have been road and actually believed in the oast. Thus while the railroads have boon striving unsuccessfully to convince western piso- plo that they ought not to demand lower froi < 'ht and passenger rates , they have frightened eastern investors out of their bucket shops and left the accommodat ing brokers without the visible moans of support. But perhaps timid investors will be reassured by the lucid argument which the . \ilwtiser \ puts forth , purely for eastern consumption. After proving1 Unit the decrease in railroad earnings , as a result of the corn shortage , will bo in- hignillcant , when divided ninongl0 ! roads , it says : Corn is tin.- only freight in which there is a smaller tonmitfu than bxst year. Kvory- lliitif ; else is inovinR in much larger quan tity. The receipts of all otbcr Uiiuls of grain anil also of UOR.S. cattle niul sheep are largerthnn last.veuA . much more impor tant fact , however , is pointed out , and that is tlmt tlio r.ites for both freight and fares west of ( Jhiciifro are now -5 i > cr cent higher than at this time last year. The larger part of this increase of rates involved no increase of tbo purcuntago of operating expenses , suit ! will , therefore , nearly nil appear hi tlio in- urcnso of not earnings. It would be fairly safe to predict , thun , that thu gro.U corn car rying roivls , sucbns , the Chicago , Iturllnirton .t ( Juhicy mid Kock Island , will sho\v in tbo next low months nn increase , rather than n deeroiiss.1 , in their not earnings. if this statement is interesting to the eastern investor in railroad blocks it is still more so to the western producer anil his representatives in various ntato legislatures. It is well to have high au thority for tbo claim that the railroads are now making more money than ever before , and that "rates are 2"i percent higher than last year , " while "this in- oreaso in rates involves no incronso of the Dorcentago of operating expenses. " 'Western people are under many obli gations to tlio i > oston Adrfr// / / for its frank statement of facts that are very useful to them at this stage of the battle between corporate greed and tlio rights of the business public. Tin : iMinl dolugoof claims , good , bad and Indifferent , are ponding1 in the logis- latui'u. Some are bluo-moldod with ngo and stamped with repeated rejec tions ; others are fresh from contractors' hands. It is utterly impossible for the logisluturo to detcrmino the justice ol these claims , and the only unfuty lies in reject ing each and every one. Tbo courts of the stnto are open lo all who have honest claims against the state. Ucro only can claims bo propjrly serut- ini'/cd and tluilr worth dotermlned , II state oillcors have encouraged or sane- tioncd expondlturos uoyoiid the limita tions of lavoi'oxcooded tbolrnuthority , they should bo hold personally responsi ble. Tlio state treasury must'not bo thrown open and ravaged by trumped in claims , a majority of which have been repudiated by successive legislatures ) . TIIK homo of the friendless Is sorolyii need of a thorough overhauling and re organization. Parading in the garb o charity and humanity , its managers have given repeated visible proofs of incom- potency. Designed us a worthy public charity , It has fowequaUlii the sl'ilo for greed mid offensive activity in raid In ; , the public treasury , Kvory state Insti tution honestly mniiiiL'od stands In no danger of having its usefulness impairet by reduced appropriation. Hut the homo is ono of these avaricious concerns' tlmt does not lot Its work demonstrate Us worth. On the contrary the managers are actively lobbying for increased up proprintlons sotbal thoss pampered bar uncles nmy rlol on the public < nibstuii'o. ; The fact that tFuMualingers are now ban- quo ting momttr ) of the legislature and dispensing llquidl and solids at the e\- lienso of the ( d. iayors is proof positive of Its wort blosis'iK'H as a public charily under the present regime. Thinttcaiuliil- ous lobbying laVfcn In connectltm with the pornicleus'iu'tlvity of the manage- incut In the last campaign nnd the gra tuitous public Insults offered their unfor- tuniitc charges4 warrants Iho legislature in administering a vigorous rebuke. KANSAS has .given birth to innny strange and startling human freaks. From Osnwnttiimlo Hrowti to Sodden * Jerry , the history of Iho state Is dotted with political curiosities , but none prom- sos to achieve greater notoriety for the * htato thun tlio modern revolutionary Molly. Hoforo her wild wrath and reek- ess gift of gab all other feminine shunt ers ( il.iiippcnr like clmlT in a cyclone. Molly is it Wichita product , known nt lioino as Mrs. MnryA. Lease. Having undo ( MM ) siieechcs In the last campaign , slio bus commissioned herself to lead the ippresscd from -poverty to jvllltiorce , to itrnnglo monopoly in Its lair and reor- ganlzu the world on a basis of equality , vgardlossof sex or previous condition. Nor does she propose to let others gar ter the glory of her work. With In- galls' political scalp metaphorically langllng at lior belt , she suddenly ap peared in Washington , divided the hon ors showered on Simp m and exploded i few dynamite bombs in the woman's lationnl council. A micccssion of ban quets In her honor , with tin exhibition .n the national capitol , proves that Washington has a weakness for unsexed 'reaks that vary Iho monotony of olllcinl life. No Cliiuico to Pie Voittii ; . -illZ'lllllUtlZCl't. ' Tbo only thing that don't Incubate n this valley arostntosmon , anil as yet they lave buoii a failure in tliolr youth. Jtcud-i tli < i 'lilli ; Clear. "Mister" sboulu bo the only American title. It is good enough for any good man , and no man with good sense caroi for any other. s lieliiro I'lcasitre. H'liatcom ( l'iifli. ] ) llmlltc. A nmtiber of tbo ulito are discussing whether they shall go and hear Kmma Jticli or give their mono.v to tbo ehuivhos. Wo rncoiimioiid they go around uml pay tlieir debts. liar' ! Voti Mean. Hirtliintl ( frr. ) ) Tilrontm. Ono of the incongruities of polltica would 1)0 ) the nomination oT Lclnml Stanford bv the ix-tiubllcan.s on Ids farmers' nllianco platform. Vet , It is possible. Drowning men will catch at straws. < Home Born That Way. Dttilutin t't , I' . ) ( ilnlic. The speaker of the Imuso of representatives determined to follow the biblical coimnuntl- ment which reads : "Honor tby father and thy mother , " insists upon making mi nss of liimsulf , whether tho. occasion offors'or not. Tbat'N Scusililc. Jhtrult t'rcc I'm * . Under ano\v law in Minnesota live-sixths or n jury can return a le al vordlct. Tills makes proviso for at least ono ilunder headed old mule on ttie ordinary jury , uml for two in a full panel , and tbo result cannot full to be satis factory. I'ui'niiitlio ' 1'iiivHii Way. .SI. , ln cvh A'ciw. The man who could run a newspaper to suit every body went lo lieaven long ngo. dun- nilng ( Cla. ) Clarion. I5nt hell still yawns for tlio inimovous in dividual who thinks bo cnn run a newspaper just that way. A Trump I'unl. Diuliilin i A' . V. ) ( llohc. A scnsationnl iireaehcr in Florida is tryinsr to prove that tliueiulor the world will come witlt'n the nest three weelw. The Globe is inclined to believe that tiis predictions are true , and hopes that all persons who are in debted to It will call anil settle at once , in order that Colonel Gabriel may not bo de tained if ho makes up his mind to toot. . 4. Make it Quartette. S'l. iMtin ( iltilic-Deinnrml. In much that has been said nnd written since the death of ( leiicral Shoruian mention has been mailo of "tho preal trioof the war ( trout , Shu-man and Sheridan.Vo would not detract an iota from the fame which rightly belongs to any of these great soldiers , but we do not consider any KrouphiK of ttio heroes of the war complete wliicb omits ( icorge II. Thomas. Lot us call it a iniar- tetto for the purpose of including "Old 1'ap. " I' . IHHJ * , / KN 'J'.S. I'atlont , weary of waiting in fnsblotmblo pbvaician's anloroo'n ' , to servant : 'Ho ) tell l"r. X. tlmt if ho can't sco mo within tlvo minutes I shall get quite well. " Washington Post : If the PelTor and ICylo style of si-tmtonal sck-ction * Is kept up ttio colil to of the sonatorhil cloakroom will soon bo a thing of the past. Punch : "You've broken that Iontnro item off nicely , " said tbo editor to the foremun. "IlOWM ) ! " "You1 vo cut off the names of those pres ent , but two , and mailo mo say : 'ijciitterctl ttirotiKh the hall were .1. Uronson Smlthcrs anil Mrs. Stnithei-M. ' " Now York hmlncr : "You're an anjjel ! " said he , "N'o , I'm not , " she responded , with convic tion ; "I'm ' 11 woman , ami 1 want a sprlnu in four weeks.1' I'hilndelpliia Kecorfl : "I pucss Minnie Is soing to bo mtirriud soon , " said 1311.1. "Why . ' " asked Clnra. ' "llei.iuso : 1 see she has started u bcrajl)0ok ) of cooUhiK' recii > os. " St. Paul Cllouo : " 11 iw is your friend doing out in Helena. Monti" "Oh , ho s currying everything boforeliiiu. " "lioodi what husine.HS i.s bo In I" "Ilo's a wnltur in a restaurant ! " Chicago Mall : fj nt is longest for the man who bus no bills to my nt ICastcr. I'lttsbiifK Dispatch ! The opera singer who rcachoi tbo high notea must have u soar throat. -i .1 Dallas Nowa : 1'liy ' hod carrier has been to tlio top of the ladder , but ho does not want to stay there. Plttsbiirp Post : The locomotive flronmn , no matter how high ho rises , always has tender recollections , Philadelphia Hoconl : A wringing nm- chluo combine Is the latest. Tlio consumer's ' docket Is the object to bu wrung out. / .v or .Yen1 I'nr'f llniilil. "Oh , I love letters , " qiioth the maid- She was a literary bine , DJlul very sweet , desiiti ) ) her hue ; The Mvuln. who dt'cmcd a spade a snado , With lovowas Hoakod completely through- llo IhoiiKht "Aha , I'll send u fowl" To Undo Sam ho gave a Jas Alas , ho\v soon tUuy were returned , How soon | ds furvont suit spurnedl For love Hhe didn't ' c.iro n rag ; TUo | iter.s for which she had yearned Wcro ijulto niiother kind hu learned. OTIIKIt l.i\l > H Tll.i\ < * ' * . Lonl Sullsbiiry has Invltod the IcndiitK con- .scrviitives to meet him In Uondon during the llrst week In Murrh. H Is assumed by all the lory organ.i that the purpose of tlili conference - enco Is to dlsousA the expediency of an lin- tiiiHlliituniiv.Ml | to the country. There Is no doubt that the prevailing opinion ot ( ho con servatives favored an oirly : dissolution of parliament at the ttmoof their decided vic tory In the llassetlaw division of Northamp tonshire. Their conlblonco luis been checked by the subsequent trial's of Atrongth at Dccles and llurtlepoolvbore they were signally beaten. Litter they suffered another discouraging reverse ivt Northampton , whore , although the late Mr , latifjh only obtained a majority of less tlmn seven hundred , tbo Uladstonlau candi date for bis vacant seat received a majority of 'J.Olil.Vlll tbo lories dei'in It prudent to go to the country in the fiiroof such ( IliidstonUu' gams ! On the olliei * hand , If the ( ilndstonUn lido Is rlilng , Is It the p.irt of wisdom to wait Inr the Hood ( H seems i--rtain Hintcontrary to ailo.\tici'tntloni , the split In the Irish p.irl.v has not ibiinnged thcOl.idstonlansln Hngland an iota. It has damaged tiiem in Scotlaiul , bit If tinioU Ki'.uitoa them , -/111 they not hu able to remln lost Krotinil tliuro nlsul It Is a most perplexing qnostliin which the lory leaders have to solve. Fortunately the homer r ilor-i can tuvalt the aolutlon with uiniaiilm- liy , for if bv-cleotlon.s mean nnytlihiK they can siifelycmtnt on triumph at the ballot box , whether the appeal to the whole body of elec tors conu-.s this year or next. * * Thn national assembly of Hrazll having adopted tbo constitution prepared and pro posed by the leniter.s of thu republican move ment , that country is now a republic do jure , as it was do facto since tbo revolution of isv.i. No wonilcr that ttio vote of the assembly should have been received , as stated by the dispatch , with prolonged and enthusiastic cheers , for that vote represents a great suc cess achieved in the faro of many obstacles , nnd it shows that republican ideas have now a firm bold on the former Imperial Hr.i7.ll. The enemies of n republican form of govern ment spread all over the worlit the rumor that Hra/il would bo henceforth governed by dictatorial power , like most of the South American republics ; that there would bo no constituent assem bly , niul that a so-called republican constitn-/ lion woulii be forciul upon the people by the dictatorship of General Koiisoca and his llrst cabinet. In fact , nothing of the kind Iras oc curred , and Hra/.tl has acted during that im portant periou of its politic > 1 life some what us thu United States , which tbo Hrazllhms are tonii 01 tuning lor an example aim guide , did untlor similar circumstances a century aio. The government of Kin Jenoiro pro- puivd a draft of a constitution , which was dub.Ucil in mooting ! ! freely hold all through the torrilorv. The deputies nominated at the meetings , and after ward elected by universal sugrago , formed the first republican assembly of IJnuil. A commission was formed , composed of ono deputy from each state in the republic , in order to establish llrinly tbo principle of ttio fundamental individuality of every state as being the bails of the union. That com mission presented a favorable report to the National assembly , which discussed it at full liberty and without the least attempt nt pressure on tbo part of the government. The best evidence of that fact Is that numerous amendments were proposed nnd adopted or rejected , ana that the discussion has lasted fora long time. It took no loss tlmn twelve sittings of t no assembly to reach a final vote on the llrst title or section of the constitution , and the opposition was so free and untram melled that it polled ninety votes against tlio nlncty-tivo by which this lirst section was adopted. This was in the middle of January. The debates have continued a month longer , and the republican constitution has been voted ilnally amid great enthusiasm. * Bismarck has not Iwconio "a private citi zen" gracefully. The habit of absolute power , contracted long ago and conllrmed throiuh many years , lias rendered it dlfllcutl or impossible for him to aojopt bis now , changed and powerless position. Ho can no longer rule ( ierinuny , neither can ho retrain himself from adversely criticising or otherwise - wise endeavoring to Interfere with or thwart the plans and policy of his successor in ollico. Now men and now policies ni-e tbo order of the day in Germany , nnd lilstnar'k , still vig orous in mind , body nnd will , deprived of every ofllcial role , assumes ami plays that of the ox-ofllclal Marplot. Naturally the emperor is disturbed , annoyed by and anx ious to destroy an h.fluoiico which sots Itself up in antagonism to him , and , as ho believes , to the dignity and authority of the throne and to the welfare of the empire. For doing and saying much less than ho himself has done Prince Hismarck mndo a .stato prisoner of tbo brilliant Count Von Arnim , nnd for ever effaced him politically and socially. If now tlio emperor should nicto out to him the Judgment ana the punishment Itismarclc meted out to Von A mini It would bo cruelly barsh , but it would bo effective , and not wholly unsugRCstivo of poetic justice. Asia , : n well as Africa , is beginning to fool the Inlluenco of woitora clvili/ntkm , though in Asia it is a revival rather than a new de parture. An industrial exhibition re cently given in TaUikend , the capital of Knssinn Turkestan , which showed thai Central Asia is now giving much attention to the cultivation of cotton from Amurirnn scud. A good display of both rnwiind manufactured cotton was given , and it is said that fn > ,0 , ) ( ) tons are annually exported to Itimln. There was a largo exhibit of agricultural products , similar to Iho show mada nt uomity fairs , and agricultural machinery , as yet unused In Cen tral Asia , was displayed to toinptonterprislng farmers to a now departure. Turkestan ap pears from the tnineraloxlciil exhibit to bo well supplied with fact that may beef of importance to Itussiaand nlso has dopo- > - its of iron , salt , lend and sulphur. Tliu inhabitants - habitants are beginning to import blooded stock fur braMIng purpose * , and suom fully disposed to adopt western customs and de vices , though thov havu as yet mndo little progress beyond the primitive st.ige. The Industrial exhibition held at TasbUeiul is , however , expected to give them some now ideas anil promote the development of their resources. 4 * M The struggle forunlvcisal suffrage-In Bel- glum goes on , with what prospector eventual success Is not easy to s > co at this distance1. The population of Holglum exceeds six mil lions. The fact is scarcely creditable that so monstrous K the Helgian electoral system , so wildly exorbitant is tin- property icinirc- | mimt , that the \vhnlu number of persons in trusted with tbo suffrage Is but 11 , > , ( JOU. Kven this is not tbii most preposterous fcnluro of the Belgian burlusquu of frco In stitutions The conditions of the par liamentary frannhiso in Great Uril- aln lioforo IbiJJ worn nltnosi as ridlua- ( Ions , but tliero u-ns this grout ilifforunco , that they were susceptible of change ) by a bare majority of uurliamunt. It is far otherwise In llidglnm. Tha dUfranchisomcnt of Us per cent of the nation Is otnbeddej In n written constitution , and cannot bo rotm-dlcd by ordi uui'.y icgUlatlnn. A reform Mil rim only bo P'tsseil by a senate ami a chamber of deputies elected for the express purpose of revising tbu organic law , and even tlii'ti a two-third * majority in each house is requisite. No wonder that otten during the last tifty yea is HulKlan patrloUi have nmounucd the hope of ticcitriiiB an oxtenslon of tbo fr.mchUu by roiiBtltutlonal moans , and in desperation have timed tboir thoughts to revolution. SHE MAY BE ALLOWED BAIL , Mrs. Sliccily's ' Attorneys File a Motion , Well Uasctl ) for Her Rclcaso , VEXATIOUS DELAY OF HIE CHEMIST , Coroner llolynkc Impatient for ttio AnnlysN Court Notes Know lllockado-Stato I'nlr Dale -Oiltls ami i.v , Neb. , I'Vb. 'J7. - [ SpiYlul to Tut ; HIK. : | Mrs. Mary Sheedy , by her attorney ,1. H. Strode , Jllcd last evening a motion that she bo discharged from custody or be nd- milled lo nail. This Is supported t y an nlll- davilof Mrs , Sheedy by the police Judge before - fore whom thu preliminary examination was licld charging her with murder , on which charge she was nrro.Hted on January IS lust. That notwithstanding several weeks have passed , no grand Jury 1ms been suninionou or held Its sessions as provided by law , and tlmt the county attorney has not tiled nny information n.s required , nor has ho given any reasons therefor. She says she Is not guilty of the crime charged , and having lii-eii I'ontitmd us a prisoner for fortv-omidnys without anything being done , .she asks lli'ut Iho i-nunty attorney bo ordered to lllo his lu- formation , nnd that "ho bo cither discharged or admitted to hail so Unit she can pro- pnro for Dr. llolyoko bin tired of waiting for the re sult of the analysis of the contents of the stomach of John Shi-edy nnd has written to ' Prof. V. C. Vaiichn , ll'io chemist nt the uni versity of Michigan , to whom was dcpnUod tbo work of analysis. Today the coroner re- col veil a reply slating mi-rely that the work Is not yet completed. A request was made Hint Prof. Nicholson of thu stnto university hero send to 1'rof. Vaughn his analysis of tlio em balming lluid taken from tbo body of Mrs. Or. llobbius , as It I.s tliesame liquid tlmt was tisod In preserving Iho body of Mr. Sheedy. This analysis , it is claimed , will greatly ox- peijite the work of analysis undi'rtnken by Prof. Vaughaii. It is not therefore known how soon the chemist will complete the an alysis which will In a urent measure deter mine the fate of Mrs. Slicedy. W\XTS M.IMONV. Mrs. Jennie Owen llli-d a motion this morn ing in the case brought by her husband Sam uel for divorce , asking that she bo allowed f.'il ) a month alimony iliirlnir the pendency of the case. She hi-ts forth that her husband left her occupying a Mil to of rooms on tbo second floor of l.'liut ( ) slrci-i , iind to pay the bills she will have to have t he amount slati-d. She also siiys that she is in delicate health , , and for the last six mouths has been titianlo in latior inr nor own inainiuiiiinee , ami it urn also bu necessary for her to keep in her cm- ploy a maid servant to ito Iho household work. .She says Samuel hus realty worth $ T."iit)0 ( ) and personal property worth $1(1,0(10 ( ( , and can easily afford to pay her the pitlunco she asks. A Tiinr : SEXT rr. Mlko Morrissey was cold and thirsty last night and when bo came nlong nnd saw T. A. Parish's buck standing by thu Capital helm bo looked inside and fuund an overcoat and n bundle , containing a pair of pants which Par ish is wont to wear when hu goes visiting. Mlko quietly appropriated tlio same and Ibid- Ing tlmt there was a little money in ono of the pockets proceeded to purchase a bottle of whisky. He was having a very good t line when , soon after midnight , hu was caught by O 111 cor MeHricu , .Indue Houston gave him thirty days in the county jail. A SNOW IIUH'KADR. The H. .t M. otllcial reports from the north west indicate that a territie bllrznrd nnd snowstorm is prevailing along the lilies , and trains are blockaded on the Hlack Hills line from Broken How to the Hills. Along thn main line west trains are still moving , but not attempting schedule time. All available snow plows have been ordered out , and thti ollicials anticipate a big light with Iho elements. ruxn vinoiuofs. In the case of White .t Co. vs n. L. Paine , an action to recover $101) ) on a bond that de fendant bad signed for A. S. Kenyon as agent for plaintiff for the sale of charts , thu Jury this morning gave judgment for defend ant. The dofi-nse was that misrepresentations bail been made lo Kenyon to induce him to take the agency , and when bo went into the business was unable to soil thecharts. . srvTi : run. The board of managers of the state agri cultural society held t > muL-titig last night nnd tixod upon the dates of holding tuo state fair as Soptcmbor Ito 11. Th' > ro is to bo given SO.ridO in speed premiums. For sugar beet displays SM ; ! arn to bu given and Mr. Oxuard will add -i-iD ) ) to this. hT\1i : Hlir B KOTKS. Tim Culbertson irrigation and wafer power company of Hitchcock county has Hied arti cles of incorproatlon with n capital stock of J 'Od.OI.H ) . The Mnrtin produce company lias Hied ar ticles of incorporation with the secretary of state. The capital stock is # WUOO. The Tecumsch Republican publishing com pany has Hlod articles of incorpor.tion and shows a capital stock of ? . ! , . " 00. The quarrel between Samuel H. Loiter and his brothers and sister.s over the possession of a quarter section or land in Cass county deeded by the fattier to Samuel has been car ried Into tbu supreme court. ( lovornor Moyd issued the rollowlng nota rial commissions today : Milo M. Van Horn , Frank Holler , Omaha : Lewis K. Walker , lionkloniaii ; deorgo ( ' . Max Held. Fnirniount ; ( iuy Mutcalfc , Tecunisch : Jalto Kocnigstcin , Hnzilo Mills ; Al. U. Welch , Lincoln. ( Mill * AND KNIK The case of ( luorgoSmlth , charged with as saulting Mx-year-old Minnie Hayes , was con- tinned for one week owing to tbo continued lllntss of the child , who is seriously ill. Tbu rear door of tliu store room at list O street , occupied as a shoo nnd drug store , was lirulten in last nlu-lit. ny some unknown parlies , but all tbu stulT that was taken was KM cigars belonging to. I. A. Alloy. The rob bery was reported to the police today. Air. Tom I-owry loft today for Chicago , whcio hu will bo joined by his brother Cicnrgc , anil i ho two will then Kavu for a business trip in the south. ( Jn next Wednesday the relief commission will award bills to tbo lowest bidder on corn , oats , wheat and barley for the bout-Ill of the suiTunng farmers. ( li'iiurnl Cnrnahan and rioneral Hrand , bis chii't of atalT , will bo In Lincoln March It on an oflleial visit to thu Nebraska brigade of the uniform rank , Knights of Pythias. HiWnsn'i. . Fly. Kdgnr Kawcclt , thulitterntuur.was slopped by a yiootie young woman on U road way the other day , sny the Now York Continent. " 1 Itnuw you , " she said. "IJn " youl" "Yes , and I want to know you bolter. " "Yus. " "And O , there's my husbanit. " And she skipped. Thu next day Mr. Pawrott received a pack age in which was a silk hnndkorchii-f ami a gold locket Iho petituyoungwuinanhad stolen dinlntj the conversation , and a note saying : "You're not a bit lly. " No signature. ( 'djr ( ixt Ittm. The man who says bo's not afraid to die , That llfo's not woilh the living , for life's snliu , All kltuUof iiatnnt inedieincs will buy Tin ) inoincnl thai he hus a pnlii or ache. T.IJ.K OK TII'O CIIA lltH. Yiinhrt III lilt , Killnh on his , ) , , culls \Vhi'it chores nrodoiioiind ovcnh KhJnli'H bashful , l.i//h ' .s shy , Mnt then lior pnrent Hit nciir In- , "liood-iilithl Klljith , ll/ , ninnl uUjhl , " And paw ntul maw. by canillo light. (5 ( on IT to bed nnd leave to bliss Their diuiu'liti-r nnd her bonn , \vlib cl-nlrs - ar ranged lilco this ; Kltjnli Mows "thisvcntliiirMldo l-'ur Iniylif. " M lu lllnks so , loa. " \\Vnt \ cooiilti' 'long1 wllh ilnliti Ins' i " ( let any coons ! " "Nos moon wii'n' ' And so tbey court ; nmiRlit HUOH mi And Ulgo mid ! liuvu nlmcd io pcctlvo c1uxlr.s Ilito this : \ With Rpartnu will to do or tlio lOIIJah scouts to prow lass sliy. Acbnlrs \ \ ( \ hccdino bowltclicd , 1 \vls-- They hitch nnd bitch , anil hitch , until tlioy stand Ilko this : \ / "D'you 111(0 ( mo Liz ? " "O , Lliul" they ul v Then round gets caught In round , and olialra roaumblu thUi Tlio fii'oal Arc I'litllngAway. . In I.NVJT. llurhaiinn Kosidvns speinllug his vacation on the Dclnwaro river , wln-n , coming down tol'hllaclelplila on astiMimbnat. ho saw in the morning papcra notice of th-i death ot Daniel Webster , writes a corn- .spondcnlof the Philadelphia Ludcor. Tak ing Ids pencil hovroloa very touching trib ute , from which I o.Mrnct two verses , chang ing only tlio name ofVet \ > stcr lo Sherman , "Tho great are falling from us : to dust Onr llagdrocips midway , full of many sighs ; A nallim's glory and a people's trust ; Liu in HID nniplo pall where Klieriiiau lies. "Tho are falling from us one by one , As fall Iho patriarchs of thn forest troi-s ; Tbo winds .shall sn-k tlii'in vainly and tbo sun ( Ja/.o on cnch vacant space for centiirli's. " Mr. malmTrentv 1CcalU .Mr.\Vullor Unit ill llntlhl. Mr. Scorotnry Hlalno's treaty Isagooddcal llkii Sam \Vcller's \ ' reclpo for writing a love letter. "Thai's rather u sudib-u pull tip , ain't it , Sammy ( " h.quired the elder Air.Vrlbr , afti'r Saitnny liad abruptly conclmled his Val entino. "Xota lilt or It , " said Sammy , "She'll vUh there was moiv , and that's the great art o' letter wrilln' . " IPii IT in : . Nome if tin Spoclal Kcuturex of Tlio Sunday lice. TUB ItnuM ) WIS.MIIIS The in-ws of tie loeal labor organl/a lions tcrsiily tolil. IiITIiltAIIV WoilK OK Vnl'SfllTKIIH ' Onlll'C- lion of i-ss\yH on various ul.j < 'Pts by punlls nf tin1 public schools of Omaha. louiliilsi'ciit , tolls of soin > tiiiiorlnnt | cases In wlileh Just lee wns chi-ated by lioliolos ( | ) of Iho law , I'rnr.N-NiAti ATTKACTIO.VS Itlnl WaKnley's picture of the Innd where bil'i'/i-s soft anil sonsmins Kimthu hliiiulu'i-s cnacheil by olil oci-ati's lullaby. Is TUT. I.KNTKN I/AssiTunn oclnt.y niulor this lii'iidhij ; will be fully it-ported In Tin : SITNIIVY Ilia : ingulher with tbo iiiovi-ini-nts f Ibu niL'ii and woini-n who comprlsu Uni'ilia's ' IJO. v'H ANMViniiv : A sketch of the lifo and work of tlin gri < at Mcllioillst will hu u fcutni'onf tlin rollgliius iliipurdnoct. 1'athcr McCarthy also rnntrllintes auutlier Interesting arllclu on "Thu Muss. " MAPI : A MKSS or .MATIIIMOSV Kereiit casrs whi-ru wi'illncu lias prmud a fallurn. I'linny stories cnm'uriilfig life part ners \\hii ha\e mailo < ino an- otlii'r miserable and other puopli' as well. Ot'ii SroilTiNn Uni-.VKT.MKNT. Tiiohenrtof the base ball crank ami tbu lovorof gentle- inniily iitldotlcs will tie glnihlenud hi tbu eoiiteiiipliitlon of the fi'ait foiinilon the spurt ing paueof thi'Eroal SUNIIAV HKI : . INTIIF. ASTK-KOOM. The hews of the s-cret and fratortml organizations will bo found In comp'.eto ' nnd ni'i-nratu form In Tun i-fNiiAV llr.K. Tboso Inti-rosteil have luirni'il to ditpenci upon Tin ; IttOE for this cli : s of now- , and they \\n\o \ IIIIVIT been dlsappolnti'il. Tur. Loti.vrsKii IN THU Umnv-l'linrles II. lloyt and Ihu woik be has done fnr the btaKO will ho tbo thi'ine of Tliu Lounger's eolninit on Sunday , In nildltlun to thu 1111- iinnncoiiienls of thu coin lux atl rui'llons. STATKSMK.V Frank O. ian ! > cm tor , tin ! \Vuslil iut on jou i nallat , hi his copy - righted letter In TimSrsiMV llii : . tcll.s un Intorestlng hlory of the snporsll- lions of * .oine of the nation's lil4 ; Kilns. Tbo ( ioddiss of Ulior- ty fnretotil Soiiator Ilnns- urongh's eli'Ctlou anil M r. 0 n r p < n t e r k n n w s all about It. Tin : lli'sisK s Mr.s's PAOH Thoinun who deal in stooliulin buy or sell merchandise , who bandle grain or llvo stock , all look tuTiiKllm : fnr the latest nnd most rtdlablii quotations fmm tlio mar ket centers uf tnowor'd ' , The forcl'-'ii inarUi'tsaro wlnnl illrui't to Tnr. IIKK , uhiio lucal l > iisl- iioss Is elosoly Hatebed. Oini NKWS Sun VICE No newspaper In the wust I'liinpoios llli Tun 1 ! 1:1 : hi tliooxcd- of Its .crvlco. - ' Uiiico IIIMVS ( iioclal euri-i'- uponiloiit.s lu all nf lliu large news run- tors of thii nation wlrj thi'lr report ! directly to TIIK HIK : , A\bllo i-v ry tonn and hiiinh't In Ihu wu > l ban an uctlviMiiaii paid iMpui'ially to fur nish Tut : llii : : pruniptly and In dutall th < > nowof hu nolili- borliuo : ! . Tliu scrvleo Ut'uin- pluto niul ri'llablo. Von can't Uci'p up witli the procession If j-ou don't , lead Tut : HKI : . Thu news prices of Tin : r-UMnv UKK will bo rspnoljlly In- t orustlng. Highest of all in Lsavcninrj Poflrcr. IT. S. Gov't Report , Aug. 17 , 1889. 4 er