Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Ol'I'U ! ; , NO. 12 1'F.AIU. ST.
IfiiMTdl t y Cutrii'i in liny | tnit of llii > Pitt
n \v. TUTUX . - - MA.NAUKU
> . r.iipTtirn . Office , No ll
MKlill'.dltuf , No. SI
.11 I\TI : < > \ .
N V. l . O.
IMuffs T umborCo. . coal.
( 'rnft'Bchiittol lonn . iOISmip block.
tlcnulnc Hock Spring conl. 'I'lintclior , 10
Muln strcnt.
Wanted , a hey \vlth pony to curry ronto on
'I in : Hi-fi. Apply lo No. I'J t'etirl street.
Mnrrlni.'ollretiso.s were Issued ycstcrdny to
I rues ! K'lopplni ; nnil Mattto Tlcdt lioth nf
tins county , nnil to Hart" ! Horlck nnd Sophie
Sliuiniichcr of Council HlnlT.s.
I.lllle , wlfeofVilllntn NIptH , died yestor-
tlav afternoon nt the residence of her father ,
? MitlmnlclVe.ston , near Manawn. Sim lenu'.s
n babe nine dn.vs old , Tno dulo ol the
fiineriil has nol yet been sol.
( ! . \ \ ' . Whitney , who has been clerk of tlio
lintel ( ioulon for snnie time pint , lias severed
hn connection with that estnlillsliineia nnd
bus ncrcpted u position as inniiiigiT of lliu
dgdiMi house. I lu will enter upon the uetivo
duties of bis new position tonmrrow.
There will be n nici'tliiK of the young
Imllos ut Hi. Hcrnanl's unspUiil nt JMH )
o'clock this aflornoDii for I he purpose of milkIng -
Ing arnniKt'iiiPiits for the fair wlilcli is to ho
( .Mvcn for the henolll of the hospital begin
ning on Unstcr Moni-y. All are Invited to bo
Tlio steamer M. P. Kohrer , which has been
one of the mala attractions all.nUo Manawn
fur several seasons past , has been sold to a
wcaltliy gentleman In Diilutti , Minn. It will
be taken in a few days to that city , where It
will tie put Into active sutvlce on Lake
In llio pollco court yesterday morning K.
A. Olnoy , who gel into trouble Thnrsiluy
afternoon in the muslo store of .1. C. I .lingo ,
was lined $ IV ' < > on tlio chnrgu of drunken
ness and tilslurblng tbo peace , Charles .Allen ,
who lore oil a lot of iilnatcring from the wall
of tlie city ] ail , was ylvcn a fourteen days'
MMileiico in iho county Jail.
'I'bo meeting which was called for yester
day afternoon was not held owliiK to tno Ina
bility of several members to bo present. The
main business of tlio mooting was the exam
ination nnd possibly the ncceptinico of llio
new school honsoon tlio t'ochran tiucl. An
rITort will bo made to got the board together
tndny , but whether tins will bo accomplished
Is considered soinuwhat doubtful.
Tlio liullcs of Council IJlalTs arc Invited to
will at Hrown's ( J. 0. l > . grocery anil bo
servcil wllli ilcllelous cup of Arinuur's bcof
tea. Stop hi while down town.
[ Icnry A. IIlKKlns , with the Now York
Symphony club , wan for a number ef jears
cornet soloist with Giliaoro's famous baiul.
.1.0. Hlxiiy , stnam ticatlnij , s.tnltiry en-
plnccr , iiaj Morrlam bloclc. Council Hlulls
'L'lio New PacilUi is tlio most centrally
located bold In Council Blufl's.
atSUX.l I. I'.l'IfN.
Dr. C. H. .Hnlil has rctiirnuil from Chi
cago. *
Sn'accr | Smith and wife and Mrs. ( ! . A.
Keolino tuft lust evening \Vasldnnton. .
II. Stacnmn , who ha been vlsitiii ) ; His
dnuplilor , . .Mrs.V. . C. h'slon , for several days
] > ast , rotunicd tu his home In ( Jini'lnnati , O. ,
last uvonlng.
Tlio Mnnhattnn , sporthiR licailiiiinrtois. N.
Attrition KnlK'it > ) .
" \Vork in llrsl and sivonil degree Friday
llv order of C. f. A. li. Coou.
Denies tlie lepi > r ( .
An ante-election slory lisw been circulated
concerning W. J. .liuiieson , the doinoeratlo
cninlliliito for niombcr of llio scliool board ,
which that Kcntloman and his friends iloslro
very nincli to have correeteil. It Is to tlio
enVet that Mr. Jameson is not n citizen of tlio
United States. In tulldiiK about Iho slory
yesterday Mr. Jameson sniil : "J think 1 am
about us thoroughly clti/cnlred as a man ean
well bo. I was born in Aroostook county , in
northern Maine , and I am us much a Yankee
as any boy Unit was ever born there. Ucfore I
was of ago my parents moved across ttie
bonier Into Is'mv llnmswk'It , and my father
subsequently beeanio u elti/ea of Unit
province. For fenr this fact might In some
ninunfi' jeopardize my rights ol citizenship
In this 1011 n try I took the trouble to go
through the usual form of becoming u nut-
urali/cd i-iti/.L'u and while I
/ / , wis u passenger
\ coniluctor on tlio Chicago , Jlnrllngton , > c
( Jniney running into Creston , I'nion county ,
1 toolc oat mv llnal iiatui-all/.a'lon ' narers
' 'Ids wns ilono In ls-0. If 1 am ns irooil u eiti-
xen in every other resjiei't as 1 inn in this 1
tliinlc the public ought to bo satlstied. "
Itecolloct that tlio only instnllmont lionso
In Council ( Huffs and tho'lur cht installment
liouso hi the west is Mandel ic Klein's. AVe
sell at eaitera prices every nrlielo of house
hold furniture yon use , nnd Instead of re
quiring you to pay cash wo let jon liuvo It on
easy payments. There is no neeessity of
denyingyonr-elf tlionso of any aiticlo when
you can get everything yon want on such
easy tei ins. The hirjiesl stock of carpets ,
stoves nnd furniture in the city to select
from , thiO llroiulwav.
Assist the liroaibvny M. K. elnirch by at
tending the entertainment at M.isoulc 'J'eni-
lili * no.\t U'ednesday evening. This club has
n line reputation ns a musical organization.
Inroi-MHitlon I'or Voters.
The registry books for tlio coining electiin
will bo opened tills morning from ! ) o'clock
until S this evening. The following is n list
of the plnecs of registration ami the registra
tion clerks in all the wards :
First Ward-Wheeler & Herald's onicc on
Knt-t ilioadway at the corner of Uenton
street. KcgUtrurs , K. J. Abbott ami T. H.
Second VVnvd K. J. \ \ nlcrman's olllco on
North Main street. Kegistrnrs , A. U.Crosby
mul NVilllain Duoll.
Third \Yunt-T. I ) . ( Ctng.t Co.'s cigar store
on South Main street. Koglttrars , JS. ) .
llroiineinaniuul ( ieorgo Illiixisin.
fourth \Yard , First I'rcctnct Heiulrlcks ,
Sears tc Co's oftlce , corner Pearl street anil
Willow avenue. Registrars , X. A. Craw
ford and G. A. Kobinson.
Fourth \Vnrd , Sceond I'rccinct ( Cjlly
lionso on South Main street. Registrars ,
David Welch and T. C. Jackson.
Fifth \Vurd-Cliarlcs ' '
- Shielils' store , 110'J
l-'lftb iivcnno. Hegibtrurs. C ! . II. Aclicr and
A.V. . Hooklioff.
Sixlh Wiinl first Precinct-.I. W. Mike-
sell's grocery store on West llroadway.
Itegistrars , lieorgo Craves anil S. S. Kllloft.
Sixth WIIIM , Second I'reclnct Clans
Klilur'a hoarding lionso , "Cnt-OlT. " Keg-
istnirs. John 1 > . Kerr and George II. ICoys.
Xo electors who were rcRlsterod lor the
election lust full , and who have not slneo
changed their residence , need register for
the election on Monday. Anv elector who
removed from the ward la wlil * h ho resided
last fall must register again and must secure
from the registrars in the ward ho formerly
llveil n transfer to tno warn ho now lives hi.
Now voters will also bo registered. All elect
ors -who hnvo been residents of the state six
months , of tlio county sUty dins anil of tno
ward ten days preceeding Monday , March'.1 ,
nro entitled to n vote , but they must tli-bt
Notice ot'HiisincNH riinnic. ;
By mutual consent Mr. W. S. Homer of
the Council IJlutTs Canwt Co. , this day ro-
tircs nnd is succeeded by Mr. linV. . Keller.
\ The new Una assumes all nubilities mul col
lect all accounts ituo old Ilrm.
Tlio Couut'll Ulutls Carjiot l o. :
D.V. . : :
In retiring from Iho Council BlutTs Carpet
Co. tlio writer wishes to extend his thanks to
all patrons of the old linn for their patron
age mat tnuts they will continue to go there
for bargains , which they will eel In the future -
turo as they have in the past. His good will
nuil best wishes are extended to the now Ilrm.
\V. S.
'I'liimii'i lit T/m
lllh Nh\\S \ \ l1I1L \
Thu Tiijiiuctiou Tight tlio AH-Absorbiug
Topic in the City.
'llio ltiMiblliiiiis | Meet mul Select
' 1 heir Standard llonrci-H lor
tlu > City lilcctlon .lame-
HOD N an American.
The knowledge that the llrst f our t ecu of
Turner's liquor Injunction suits were to como.
tip for a bcarlnc yostonluy inornliiR led a
largo crowd of spectntora lo nasoinblo lu Iho
dlilrli-t court room ut tlio hour of the open
ing nf the morning session. Among tbo nil-
dlencowero many of tlio lending business
men In the city , wltllo tlio space Insldo tlio
mill n i ! was occupied by two score ormoroof
llio members of the bar.
W In-lithe "Hoar , yo ! " of llalllff McFii'l- '
don bad lalli'd thu crowd Into silence , and
tlie court hud been duly opened , Oily Attor
ney Stewart and ( . N. Iliddwln announced
that they appeared for the city ollli'lids who
liad hecn nnulc defendants in the cases , and
then procccdeil to Hie n motion to dismiss 'ho
action against their clients. Attorney Stew
art niailo the opening argument In behalf of
the motion , making a.s thu strong point of
Ids argument the claim tlmt the court had no
Jurisdiction. He claimed that Micro was no
necil nf lite issuing of an Injunction .itfiiliist
tlio olllclnls , because If the plaintiff turned
out to be n gieat reformer It.stead of a worker
of Iniquity , as ho was commonly supposed to
be , ho wonid blot llio saloons out of existence
and there wuuld he no use of the injunctions
against the olllcials to prevent them from
lov * . Ing lines.
The closing speech was made by Mr. Hahl-
wln , wliu reiterated Mr. Stewart's claims
and made soinendilltluns to tlum . Ho argued
that the IssniiiLr of an Injunction to prevent
HID oftlchils from levying lines would
lie a ivlleetion upon the dignity of the
court Itself ; that itiiuld ho a laclt admis
sion Hint the court did not lielievo that its
own orders would bo obeyed. Ho also toolc
tin ; ground Unit u writ of injunction was not
the proper menus of compelling the ofllcers
to do their duty. The laws of the istate pro
vide Unit any onlrial who fails to do his duty
is lialilo to aii aetion to deprive him of his
position. Tlie plainlilthad condemned him
self la his own petition when ho admitted
thai ho hail known for months i-nst that the
olllcials liad allowed the laws ol the state to
bo violated and had not tried to prevent such
Wlien the argument hnil been completed
.bulge Thorncll asked Mr. Seabroolt if ho had
any objections to the motion being considered
as a motion anil a demurrer also. Seubroolt
replied tlmt ho had not , whereupon the court
slated thai while a writ of injunction might
not be the proper means of compelling nn of-
llclal to do Ins duty , ho Ihonght that in a case
like the ono under consideration , whore the
official.ero accused of conniving at the
maintaining of a nuisance , a suit for an In
junction would lio. IIo therefore overruled
tbo motion lo dismiss.
Tim actual trial of thn cases now having
been reached , \V. \ A. Mynstcr arosn and
stated that he wished to llio a motion asking
Mint tbo plaint itf be compelled to appear in
com I m order that bo might be cross exam
ined us to his ( pinllliciitions as a party to the
suit. Tlincourt said bo was not prepared to
Miy whether such a motion could bo .sus
tained , but would a k for time in which to
consult the lofjul authorities before remler-
l' decision on the point.
Tlio case of Turner vs Kink .t Selnilt ? , the
llrst on tbo tissipmnciit , was then called up
for hearing. Mynster , Mtornoy for the de
fense. stnte.1 that he had bud no opportunity
to consult with Ids clients , and that howould
therefore ask that the case go over until the
iifleruoon In order thai he might prepare for
llio trial. As it was nearly noon , the court
mljournod until 1 : ' , ' 0 in accordance with Mr.
Mynster's request.
Soon after the tlnic.sot for the hearing of
the case the court mid n , largo share of Iho
spectators were in their scuts waiting for
the trial to commence. Some little
delav was caused by the non-ar
rival of Attorney Baldwin , nnd the
linio until he slionlil arrive was taken up by
Attorney Mynster in stating the fuels that
would bo alleged in his answer. IIo ex
plained to the court and the other attorneys
that be hud bad his answer prepared reaily
for tiling , and that lie Imd loft it during the
noon hour in his oflleo on the table. After
dinner when ho went to his oftlce and looked
for the paper it. had disappeared. J5y agree
ment of all the parties concerned , therefore ,
he dictated to the couri stenographer the
claims that ho would embody lu his answer ,
on the understanding that his answer , when
filed , should conform to Ids dictation. Tlio
main allegation in bis unswoi- was that Iho
plaintIIT was not a lioim llde resident of i'ot-
tnwattamin county , but had become a resi
dent merely for the purpose of being 0111-
nloved in the present litigation by certain
third parties.
After.Mr. Stewart had stated in a few
words tlio things that he expected to prove
durinir the eases which were about to bo
tried. Mynster teen occasion to call the at
tention of thu court to the fact that the
plamtitT In an action for an injunction must
bo a real party la interest , and not merely a
llgurehcad. IIo said he expected to prove ,
before ho was done with the case , that
Turner wns not the leal party in interest ,
thai ho liad not gone into the business for the
solo purpose to bavo the law enforced , but
because he hail been employed by sonic OHO
John Schnlt/was the witness called
for by Attorney Seabrook. When Schnltz1
name was called a stir went through the
nndienco as though that was something tlmt
hail not been looked for. From the start it was
evident that SchnlU was not tliero because
howmitcd to be. At the beginning of Ids
testimony the court Informed him that he
would not bo compelled to answer nny
question which might tend lo criminate liini-
self , and tlmt he had a ri ht to object on this
ground to any question that might bo asked
of him. Scliult/ took advantage of the in
formation the court hint given him to the
best of his ability , and from that titno on ho
refused to answer nearly every question that
Seabrook put to him. The court , however ,
had rotuitieil the right allowed it by the law ,
of ruling upon all such objections'and in by
lar the majority of cases Sehultz had to
answer. Tno witness' evident unwillingness
to testify had the elfect of making Iho pro
ceedings drag ia a very wearisome fashion.
The ndimsMuiis were elicited from Sehullz
ilnring Ids testimony that ho was a grocer at
" 01 Main street und was one of tno defoml-
aatsjn Iho pre.sont suit. When uskcd ns to
whether ho had ever paid any money known
as a "saloon lino" to City Clerk Stevenson or
his deputy , C. A. Fox , lie declined to answer
on the ground that if lie should answer ho
might criminate himself. The witness was
asked as to whether ho had received n visit
on Thursday afternoon from Wiulo Cnry ,
chief of police , to which ho replied in the
Antono Ulnk , tlio other member of the
Ilrm , was then put upon the stand , and much
the same prognunmo was uono through wllli
him. Ho refused to answer the question
whether bo the whole of his store as n
grocerv , on the ground tlmt ho might crimin
ate himself. A number of other questions
were asked with the same result , lilnk
dually admitted that ho had received a call
from Cary , but be could not remember that
Cary had said anything to him about the
suit which had been hccun against him.
Whoa further questioned ns to who was
there besides Cary , ho said J. N. Baldwin
was there. Tbo witness did not believe Unit
llnldwiu cither said anything about the
Citv Clerk Stevenson was then put upon
the stand , IIo too was very careful not
to say nnj thing more than 'ho was com
pelled by the court to sny. nnd all
that was extracted from him had lo
bo with the most herculean exertions.
The witness tostItiod Hint In Iho cii-.cs wlncli
hnd been brought iipalnst tlio saloonkeepers
In order to get their line money ho wasuii-
able to le-11 whether or not Informations had
always be/en tiled. They might have been ,
or might not hnvo been , ns thai business Imd
been loft to n givat extent with his deputy ,
and ho did not know nil the details ot Mr.
Fox's depaitmont , Ho admitted that ho had
given Ids deputy verbal instructions about
Jnimary I , to collect $ . " > ( ) nnd costs from each
keeper of disorderly houses. When nskcd
whether ho hnd any books tlmt would show
whether ho had received Itils monthly
stipend , ho replied that ho liad u book ol re
ceipt stubs Hint might show the facts In tlio
ease. Scalirooic Ihoroupim noted him to
brinjj It to the court room as soon ju lie
should be through Ids testimony.
During Mr , Stevenson's testimony , nnd
Indeed , throughout the testimony of nil tlie
witnesses , then * was considerable lU'eunMon
bi'twccn Atturncv Hnldwln nnd tincourt as
to bow far tlie rigid * < > f 11 witness extended
In the mattrrof refilling to testify on the
ground Mini he might criminate himself.
The Jmliro held that ho hail the right to rule
on Iho question whether or not nn answer to
any purtlcnlnrqno-itlon uonld result In crimi
nating the wttiic * * , while Mr. HaUluIn
thouglil the t rotccllon afforded n witness by
tlmt nrranneincnt was hardly snUlcient , The
point was not decldeil to any great degree of
certainty , but the court kept on deciding In
the same old way.
After Iheclcrlt had llmshed his tesllmony
Deputy Marshal C. II. White was put upon
the stand , lie testltied Unit iiiosl of the line-
collecting business hud been left with him ,
and Hint ho bad received Ids instructions
from the marshal. In nccordnnco with tlio-to
Instructions hu had notified Kink , t Sclmlts
Unit tlieir line was due. within the hist thirty
dnys. lie nlso testlllcd that ( { Ink & Scliult/
kept beer nt their place.
At this point In tlio proceedings Clerk
Stevenson was called back and asked if ho
had secured the book that contained the re
ceipt stubs for thn money that hail been col
lected from the proprietors of the disorderly
houses , lie replied that ho had not ,
"Is it In the tiuildingl" asked Sciibrook.
"No , " was the replv.
"Where is it ! "
" 1 don't know. "
, 'Where did you see It lust ! "
"Well'salil Stovonson. "when I snw It
last the city attorney had It. "
Sciibrook then turned to Stewart and asked
liliii whether he would hnvo any objections
to producing the much-wanted book. "I
don't know where it is. " was Stewart's an
swer. It was very evident that the book had
vanished , and that It would In all probability
not bo seen again until the present
war is over. Mr. Stevenson said llm
ho had a petty cash book that
would show the money received. The
court thereupon , at Seabrook's request , is
sued an order that the book lie introduced In
evidence lids morning when the case Is re-
Mi mod.
Marshal Tomplcton nnd Captain K. I. . . Mnr-
tln of the police force were put upon the
stand , but nothing was brouuht out in their
testimony Unit had nol already been outlined
from the other witnesses. The trial of Mm
case will bo resumed this morning at 10
o'clock ,
Call on Schnrz-Sinllh Co. for chnilcl loans
nud real estate. 20 Pearl bt.
Evans batindn1 Co. , .V.'O Pearl .street. Telephone -
phone : " .K ) . Uoods called for and delivered.
Cnllnn I ) . .T. Hiitflilnson i&.C'o. for choice
bargains In lots in Wilson Terrace. Special
Inducements for the next few days.
Ktinililiean Cltv Nominations.
The regular republican city convention
was held In the superior court room m the
county court house yesterday afternoon , nnd
was composed of the delegates selected at the
primaries held in the various wards on the
evening previous , Considerable Interest was
felt in the nominations to be made , and there
was a liberal attendance of citizens , ninong
them ninny democrats who wore attracted by
something more than inero curiosity. The
presence of these democrats was taken as an
indlcatioii that they were dlssatislloil with
some of the nominations made by tliolr own
convention and were ready to support oppo
site partv nominees If the men selected hap
pened to please them.
The convention was culled to order at ! 2tO. : :
KA Molt was chosen chairman and 15. S.
Hnrnott secretary , lleforo the active work
of tlio afternoon was entered upon Major
Uichmond caught the attention of ttio chair
and asked permission of the delegates to oc
cupy live minutes of Ihuir time. There were
no objections and ho proceeded to set before
the convention a nice , warm , almost hot ,
"roast" for some of his colleagues fromlho
Second ward. Tlio point inndo was that n
disposition had been evidenced in the ward
caucus to deny foreign-born citizens proper
( tearing. Mr. Hlederinan , as a delcgale from
the same ward , supported tbo asser
tions of Major Hlchmond and assured the
convonlion that Ibis was not la accordance
with true republicanism. In the discussion
that followed Colonel Steadman , Judge Hub-
bard and others took part and the matter was
satisfactorily explained.
The committee on credentials was appointed
and while It retired to intiKo up its report
Colonel Steadman was called for and made a
characteristic speech.
After the committee on credentials had re
ported the convention proceeded to nominate
a candidate for nldenmin-at-largo. Tlio llrst
tndlot showed that Mr. Harvey 1'ueo was Iho
choice of a majority of the delegates , and his
nomination was mailo unanimous.
The only reinuintnir work for the conven
tion was the nomination of two members of
the school board and a park commissioner.
There was some difference of opinion us to
the propriety of following the democratic
precedent and make political nominations for
the school board , but after n little debate II
was decided to do so. Finally the names of
AV. C. Stacy nail L. M. Shubert were pro
posed and they were promptly nominated.
15. TJ. Shiig.irt was then nominated for park
commissioner nnd the convention adjourned.
The ticket h an exceptionally strong one.
All the candidates nro clean men and promi
nent , progressive citUens , to whom the man-
ngcmciit of public affairs imiy bo safely on-
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
M'J li road way. Telephone 13'j. '
For Iho next week those elegant hand-
painted tea pots with a pound of the llncst
sun-dried Japan tea , will bo sold at Wo each
nt Lund Hrothers. The tea contained in
those beautiful pots is superior to to any Trie-
tea in the city , and there is not a dealer on
this side of tno Pacillc ocean who can pur
chase tlio pots so thov can bo retailed at $1.
They make elegant presents. See them nnd
you will admire and purchase Ihem. ! i'l
Main slrcet.
Do you want an express wagon or bov ?
King up the A. IX T. ( Jo. , telephone IT'.t ' , No.
11 North Main street.
A visit to Drs. WooJbnry's new dental
rooms will bo pleasant as well ns profitable.
Finest and complete dental rooms in
the west.
Snugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
Held , garden nnd ( lower seous In the wost.
Catalogue nnd samples by mail.
O. P. Helm , manager opera house , Huron.
Dak. , writes : "Tho New York Symphony
club played at my house lust night ( February
17 . The linest musical organi/nlionthat hns
appeared before a Huron audience. Mr.
HlLpgins , the violinist , is without doubt ono
of the finest performers in the country. "
1,000,000 brick for sulo by M. Hughes &
Son , Council Bluffs.
Will Flood , son of William and Kllcn
Flood , died at the family residence , 1'U-l
California street , nt ! iil : : ) , February 2" . The
funeral will Uko place on Saturday at J p. m
The Coilii-lt Kxhlhitinn.
The Corbott-Donnldson exhibition last
evening was not very much of nn exhibition.
There were probably three hundred people in
Iho audience , nnd ihcy sat qulelly nnd
passively Hirongh nn hour's entoi-lainment.
Corbelt disappointed the connoisseurs in
pugilistic tlosn , and the general verdict wns
tlmt ho must taxo In both weight nnd muscle
before ho downs the colored Australian.
Do not lake any chance of being poisoncdor
burned to death with liquid stove ] > olisti ,
pii In U or enamels in bottles , The "Kislng
SunStovo l > olish"Is safe , odorless , brilliant ,
the and bo-t steve polish nmdo ami
the consumer pays for no expensive tin or
glass package with every purchase ,
Claims CunlraelH Are Valid.
CIN-CI.VN.ITI , O. , Fob. 2"-Tho American
Baseball association held a meeting hero
today. The committed on rules expressed n
unanimous opinion Hint Iho original contracts -
tracts of the American association are valid ,
mid that Injunction will stand against a
player who tries to break his contract.
For 1'asHlng Counterfeit Dollar- ; ,
George llcnsley and , llin Cnlllgau were ar
rested last night upon n charge of having
passed u counterfeit dollar at various places
of business about the city.
riii'iu itni * ' .v rttiti rn's.
CniiHilInn ( Icrgy Tdkl'-n ' Itiinit In the
l-'lcctonil Oiimpnlgn.
MIINTIII-VI , Fob.'J" . ( , * 4i7clnl | Telegram to
Tin : Unr. j Tlio Uoman Catholic clergy have
entered Into the electoral rmnpalgn with M
much political bln < nnd.Vituperation . ns iho
laity. Hierarchy Is boiug divided into two
distinct cumps ; ttio cardinal at the Quebec
Laval university nnd his followers being op
posed to Sir John , wlnla thu monsoliiacur * of
Three Itlvoro , Montreal , and other dlocmoi
are actively supporting him. Archbishop
Fnbre's recent pastoral In favor of British
connection , and dcnoimMiiR unrestricted roe-
Iproclt ) as the wad to nnnovnllon ,
Inn rnNed , the Ire of the Quebec
liberal clergy. 11 Is said on the aulhorlty of
one of the professor * of thu normal school at
Quebec that this p.istoral , ns well as Bishop
O'l'rlen's letter , in which ho espoused the
cause of Slr.lohn Thonipwn In Nova Scotia ,
Is now on the way to Home to bo submitted
to the propaganda. Tbo same authority says
Unit numerous bishops and prleUs have been
severely disciplined by the cardinal for using
undue 'intlnenco In the cnmp.ngn , The
( iiizolti' , In another appeal to the consorva-
tlvc.s , says : "It Is for the conservatives , nnd
liberals who Joined them on tills Issue , nud
for thn campaign to iimko success so em
phatic that the country will never again sco
a spectacle of her public men Mkitiir , In an
other land , co-oporntloii of a foreign state to
overthrow their national government. "'N l\77lf fl.tlTI'.ltN.
I'lniiM for the Itiilldi ng Accepted
Itnllrnad l''nellitlcs ( Jiiiii-iuiti'cil.
CIIICMIO , Feb. 'J7. The board of control of
the national world's fair commission has ac
cepted the plans of buildings submitted by
the board of anhltccts. The commlssionc-s
have discovered Mint tbo $20,000 set aside for
the lorelira affairs committee can bo used for
the pavment-of salaries. This gives them a
total of 00,000 to be nseM for the remainder
of the llscal year , and the local directory has
decided to assure the salary of Vice Chair
man Mcl\cii/lc and possibly some other ofll-
cers.A company has been orgnnl/ed by 15. T.
.lottery , formerly general nnmagor ot tbo Illi
nois Central , General Manager Thomas
of the Belt line nnd Chief Knglneer Uottllob
ot tlio world's fair for Iho constritcllon of
tracks and terminal facilities nt.lackson park ,
connecting the various roads with the world's
fair site. It will have charge of all transpor-
latioa into the park , except that of the Illi
nois Central , which has an independent line.
Tl.o lines using its tracks will bo able to
transport 110,000 passengers nu hour , while
the Illinois Central can accommodate ' 10,1)00. )
The faro from the city will uellxcuntu cents.
j'oiso.\ii > s.t i s.i < „ / ; .
Three Heaths tit Ida Grove and Sev
eral More III.
IIH Onovi : , la. , Feb. 27.-Specinl [ Telegram - -
gram to Tin : Ibi : : . ] There is some excite
ment In n locality about six miles south of
hero over several eases of trichutcnosis , three
of which have proved fatal nnd some Ion
more persons nflliclcd are not expected to re
cover. The disease tirst appeared in the
family of Cliris Wemeborg , an industri
ous Cicrmna farmc * . The family has
had considerable company and many persons
bavo been exposed. The family lately made
a large amount of bologna sausage and friends
mid neighbors were called in to pnitnko of it.
Ttio- who did so were afterwards taken
down wjtlinpeculiarsii'ki.css ; they gradually
became stiff and sore and three have died.
They nro Mr. T. FundermnnVlllio Weme-
herg , a nephew , nnd Mrs. Wemeberg. The
disease was at llrst pronounced typhoid
fever by a neighborhood physician , but other
physicians were called and pronounced it
genuine trlchnlonosis. Many who nto the
deadly sausage are ill and others are fearful
of being taken down.
A Silver ( "oinliinat Ion.
Nr.w YOIIK , Fob. 2" . [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BII : . ] Silverware Is now back nt prices
which ruled before the recent advnnco In sil
ver following upon the passage of the .silver
bill last fall. Soon after the passage of Iho
bill bullion jumped from less than $1 to SI.til
within n very few weeks. Soon after that
silversmiths advanced the price of refined
bars from § 1.40 lo ? l.f)0 , advancing also Iho
price of manufactured silver wire In proper
tion. Silversmiths , by whom is meant man
ufacturers of silverware who supply jewelers
and retailers nil over tbo country , arc com
bined in an association Jor the advancement
of common interests. They have an agree
ment by the terms of which they rnlso ar.d
lower the price of iclined silver upon fixed
side In proportion to Ituctuatiims in the price
of bullion. When they made the advnnco in
the fall they announced Hi" fact to the trade
through a circular. Hecently , when the price
of bullion dropped again they issued another
circular towering their prices to the original
rale of el. 10.
An Ownership Contest.
Niw : VOHK , Feb. * , ' " . [ Special Telegram to
Tin : llin. : | The ownership of tlio famous
fashion stud farm near Trenton , N. .1. . where
so many fast horses have been bred , is being
contested in chancery court in .Jersey City on
a Judgment for J'J.Vj.fiTO.S ' ) obtained by Ad'nm-
son II. McCanless , asslgnceof WilliainHeath
& Co. , against Henry N. Smith , nl onetime
time owner of the farm. At ono time Smith
was a partner of .lay Ciould under the Ilrm
name ofSmith , ( ! ould and Martin. Ho was
interested in an attempt to corner the gold
market in IMl'.l and
, just as suc
cess wns assured the government in
terfered and threw { (1,000,000 ( in gold
into tlio market. Since that time ho
has been connected with several Wall street
linns nnd his fortunes have failed , although
ho has been reported to bo wealthy. Ills
fashion stud farm near Trenton was equipped
with largo stables and handsome buildings.
Some of the fastest horses of this country
have made n race on Ibo fashion sluds farm
track ,
The ncll Murder hiamat i/.ed.
CniRAOo , Fob. 27. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Uii.l : : Scott Marble has written a play
called "The 1'utrol , " which is bound to create
lively times when It is produced In Chicago
in May. "Tho Patrol" deals under assumed
names with the Snoll murder mystery , nnd
so averse is iho family of Iho millionaire lo
Iho schemetlmt A. .1. Stone ha1 * written to
Mr. Mnrblo threatening legal proceedings If
nn attempt Is made to put the melodrama oa
the boar-Is. A man bus been engaged to play
Iho part of Taseolt who , Mr. Mnrblo asserts ,
will be made up exactly like tbo missing Wil
lie , nnd will be called Diishcott. Mr. Marble
told Mr. Stone of his plans some time ago mul
offered to distribute baud bills wherever the
company appeared , setting forth the crime
nnd reward , and asking that tbo Siiell estate
contribute n certain amount towar-l defray
ing expenses. The family nnd Stone spurned
the proposition and denounced the rlny ns a
heartless attempt to trofllcln Iho mlsfor-lines
of the family.
Hull Player FoKiirly Very Sick.
Pnn..viii.i'iiiA , Feb. y , ( Special Telegr.mi
to Tin : Iii : : . ] James Fogarty , the well
known baseball player , is lying at the point
of death in lids city. On Sunday ho was
stricken with hemorrhngo of the lungs , and
attacks have followed each other dally.
Fognrtv is very weak and may diu nt any
llalmnecda'H i\tromily. :
Niw : YOIIK , Fob. 2" . Advices by mull say
President Balmacedii of Ctilll is trying to
purchase n fast cruiser from llio Argentina
liepubllc. Ills forces number : ) , ooo men ,
only half nrmed , nnd consisting largely of
foreign levies.
When Hnby war. elck , wo p\vo : lier Ctatnrl.l ,
When ihowiui n , CiiiM , ihocrloil for Coalorlo ,
When tbo ber/xim * MUn , she clung to Castorla ,
VYkt'u eho had CUUlrun , tlio UUYU Ilium Custorla ,
.11 it. .w.i
I low the \Vlly Vlrglnlnn Hoped lo
( ioiine In * ( iotcrinnciit ,
° YMIIIHTIIFeb. . 'JT.-l'cople wlio hnvo
been nimble to understand the slg-
nlllcnuco which at laches to the presence In
WnshliiKton for the List two months of e\-
Scnaler Miibone received a rovchitlo.i yester
day by the discussion In I no si'imte over an
Item Hie sundry civil bill , which nppropal
iitcd SllC'.OitO for the purchase of a new site for
a govoriituent printing oftlce. It provided
that the piirclnise should be made within one
block of Hie present ulto. The fact that a
few senators were so persistent In their ail
vocacy of tlie Item , and ottered strenuous
objections to a motion tostrliu'lt out , created
considerable comment. A prominent western
seiiiilore\plained tie mattc.i lasl nigh' ' while
In tlie heat of passion.
"This thing had In It a clean prollt of
fllT.OtHi , " bo exclaimed , "and ex-Senator
Mahoni' ' was to have been the bencllclary of
It. I .IMS tlmu a year nun Million" purchased
a block within n short lilshinco of llio gov
ernment printing ( it'lco for flsooi ) and his
priMoiKV here In the city Is for the purpose
of lobbvlng this Hum tliroiiu'lion the snmlr.\
civil till ! and then disposing of lilt purchase- ,
which Is thu mint available site within the
limit reured , | ! by the Item Muhono would
like to sell this tract to tlie government for in fact. I understand that this was
Ids Intention a year IIITO when ho purchased
the hlock. Ills slgiilllcant that the men who
nre standing up for this lire the warmest
friends of ex-Senutor Mahono. "
.tMi i Mi t'-nii .1 .Ti.rini.
Prospect N ol'a SleelliiK : Between .Me-
AnllllV ami Cotldiifd ,
Ni : Voiiu , Fob. 27. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Ilia : . ] -loo McAulllTo and Hilly Mndden
called on Uichnrd K. Fox today In reference
to the offer of the Melbour-vo Alhlellc club to
put upu puiM ) of0i)0 ) for .loo ( todilard and
.loo McAulllTo to light. for under
tlieir auspices. McAnliITu and Mad
den agreed to accept tbo offer ,
providing the Melbourne atlilelic club will
allow McAulilTo $ .W ) for CAponscs. In re-
gnul to the proposed match the following
cable was sent to the Melbourne Sportsman :
"Joseph McAulilTo iis'reos to meet Joseph
( loddnrd for the purse offered by the Mel
bourne atlilelic club , providing the club will
allow J.'iOO expenses.
A Holdup at Missouri Valley.
MisMiriu Vu.i.r.v , la. , Feu. 'jr.-Special (
Telegram to Tin : Br.i : . ] Another man was
held up hero this morning and relieved ol
about ? . " > ( > . This Is becoming n regular diet
for strangers and under tlio present munici
pal government llublo to provo a p.iying busi
ness. Action prompt and decisive is needed.
AVIII Nut All'cet llelu co.
The attachment levied josterday by Dr.
Clarke (5apea of this city , against Mrs. Leslie
Carter for medico-legal services in the celo-
brati'd Carter divorce case , will In no wise
affect the theatrical enterprise of which
David Helaseo is the manager , icprescnted
by K. D. Trice.
Mrs. Carter , when soon last evening , stated
that she had nothing whatever to do with
tho'cinploymontof Dr. Oiipen as nn export in
thociuo. That was tin * doing of her attorneys
in Chicago -Dexter , derrick and Allen- and
that the doctor wonU have to look lot hem
for bis fees.
Since Hie Chicago engagement week before
last Mrs. Carter has been very ill , the reac
tion from the nervous strain of iilnylng to
hundreds of people who knew her in old days
finite unsettling her.
It Is Mr. Belnsco's determination , in view
of Mrs. Curler's failing health , to disband the
company at Kansas City week alter next ,
llillng tlio Denver engagement next week.
Helnsco will enjoin absolute rest on Mrs. Car
ter's part during the summer in order to bo
in good condition for her opening at Miner's
New York theater In the autumn , in a repertoire
toire"Frou Frou , " I'aulinu in the "Lady of
] . , yons" and a new play now writing lor her
by Mr. Bclnseo.
I'nllee ItCportH on Sidewalks.
Chief scavey 1ms delivered to Mayor Cnsli-
inglho tirst installment of reports upon de
fective sidewalks brought in by the police
foice. 'J'lio batch consisted of 175 sep
arate reports and Includes the most dan
gerous defects in the sidewalks thus far In
spected by the olliccrs. In a short communi
cation to the mayor Chief Seavey ex
presses the opinion that there
are but very few blocks of hoard
wall ; in Omaha that do not. need repairing.
He also slates that it is Impossible for the
police force to notify all property owners
where sidewalks are defective , for the reason
that tbo property where many of the walks
need repairing is vacant and it requires a
good deal of time to Ibid the owners'mimes ,
and then it frequently hnppnns that they are
non-residPiits. The pollco force bus not the
time to make nil this investigation and uttcml
to pntrul duty at the sumo time.
Mayor Cashing sent the batch of reports to
the board of public works , and the board in
structed tlie slilcwalk inspector to e-.iploy a
number of men and some teams and begin at
once to repair the broken places reported.
Several men will go with each load of lumber
nnd the work will bo done up in good shape
ns they go.
Do Witt's Utllo Karly Risers. Host little
pill ever made. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
I'nrk Conimi-sioncrH.
At n meeting of the park commissioners
yesterday afternoon Stephens & Sun were
allowed nn estimate of f.ViOO on tbo nans-
coin park pavllllon , and other bills for labor
amounting to over 1,000 were allowed.
Mr. ( lould , the superintendent of buddings
and bridges , tendered his resignation , but it
was not accepted on account of the fact Mint
his services arc needed very much fern
n few weeks yet until the pavillion
is more nearly completed. Mr. ( ! nuld has
been awarded some bridge contracts along
the Northern I'ucilio railroad anil tie is
obliged to leave Omaha m a couple of weeks.
Tim Woir-Koyos-Kunis Iiaruny OIHO.
\Volf-ICoyes-l-"nnis larceny as oailee
Imbroglio came up in the police court yester
day afternoon. The evidence was in keep
ing with the numerous accounts of the affair
widen have appeared in Tin : Bin. : Mrs.
Wolfe stated that her brotlier-iti-luw , Mr.
Shields , had employed Kiniis to locate her
husband and to assist her in getting some
money Irom Wolloto help support the baby.
The cashier of the Omaha Savings bank
stated that ho paid the ? IMI to Kcycs and
produced the check bearing Wolle's signa
ture nnd the endorsement by Keyes.
The case proved to bo very tedious and at
10 ; ; ! it ivus continued until luu : ; ; touuy.
Funeral of i < \ .1. .Murray.
The funeral of F. .1. Murray took place
yesterday. The services were held nt tbo
lloly Family church. Following were the
pall bearers : M. V. Oannon , Uichard Kb-
IliU , William ( 'nrlow , Stephen Carroll , Dur-
uls Carroll and .lolin C. Nonnoil ,
lloiind Over I'or Itobbcry.
A. H. Sniltli and Harry \VIIson , who held
up Churle.s .Miitterson ami rublied him last
Tuesday night , were trieil In pollco court
yesterday and bouml over in boinlb of Ji5U
IlUioil MHOS and ISroodcrf. ' Inl ui'liy.
Koputnlion attract s attonllon ; cbnrae-
tor helots eonlldonci * . Tlio brcedor
Hlionld week bolh qualities'f"i' ' porniiinont
hiir.'Cbs is only allalneil throiih | them.
Mon without chin netoi * earnestly hook
reputation that they may Ihr'lvo by
false proumsos. Moil of character- claim
only wimls \ truthfully mul of rijflilthoir
own. ( JuicU money in ut times aciuilred
tbroiifjli falbo clalinsj ; bul sure nnil unlis-
faelory prollt coim-hoiily fnnn tali * denl-
in . Tlioro lh no moro landnlilo eidlln
In life than I hat of a hreeder of Improved
live block. If ) , . ( ;
judgment direct the pursuit , vciy satlh-
factory retiiriin oiif'ht lo follow ililigeni
Tlio breoilor of fancy sloclc shoiud
adopt homo ono line as n specially. The
yoini } , ' man htartlnylnto the bihiuesn eun
intiiltlvnl ) ' L'lioo.-ii wliiitlioi' ho do.slre.s
tlio draft or earriiiKo hoi'M' , tlio leef or
diiiry cnlllo. llio mvltio , the nheop , or
ponllry mi his bpeolalty. If onu has the
At tin- Bankrupt Clothing Sale ,
To iMfh imivlusiT of a Mtil tmliy. 1 low canv \ \ do this \\hci \ \ *
\\v \ \ ( .Apu't to dispose of liuntlit'iN ni suits to lnindrols of iiistmncrs
at this d.iv's sjKvul siK ? It is simple ruoiiiili , \\V \ \ will si'll rlotlus
loihiy at half , Jiid kw than hall , what tlu-y \\viv sold for prior to
the ( Welling ol this bankrupt sale , and for the1 amount of inoiu'von \
have1 neon asked to pay for a single suit wi1 will toJaysjivc you t\\i \ >
suits , thus virtually givinn ; e\rry \ nistoinera suit fiee.
This sale commeives at s0 : 'this morning ami will cud at 10
oYltu'k loniijlit , and tinpriivs tiintol | will positivi-ly hi1 lor this day
only , our iksjre he inn' to clo-c ; out tlu1 n-inaiiiler of the hankiupt
tock. Read ilu' oiuiiarati\e | \ piiivsou a tt-\v \
, Z-.OTS3 .
M7 Moil's Cnimoro ,1111 ! Woibtocl Sn ISlotU-1 n $ ( * ti > $1O ,
Hnnkruit | pru-o $ M.HS.
17H Mon'MSt-ott Cheviot Suits , IMorlol prlci $ to $ 'Jl.nO , U ink-
ritpl prii-o $7.85.
130H Men's Kino Fancy Woratocl Rouncl and Sqtinro Cornorg ,
$18.0O to iO ) , HanUi'itpt pi-lco Cur this tltxy only $ IO.S8.
CH Mon's Pou JncUot Coats , Moclol pricu $7 to $1O. Onnkrupt nnco
$ o.yn.
Ob Men's UlstepoUo OvereontH , Moclol pi'ico $ B toS , UanUi'tipl price
I'or this clny only $ y.f3S.
AlMen's" \ Ulstorotto Overcoats , Moclol prlco $7 to $12 , Bankrupt
price $
a8 Mon'w Molten Chinchilla Overcoals , Model prlco $12 to $18 ,
Bnnk riipt ju'lco $7.08.
UU Hoys' Overcoats , Model price $ i2 to $0.130 , ( Bankrupt prlco fop
thlsduy U8o.
Boys' Flnniicl Waists , Moclol price $1 to $ l.i25 , IJankrupt price fof
thisciny 5 c.
18 dozen Pleated and Plnin Bosom Wlntu Shirts $1.20 to $1.713 , for
this dny BOc.
( JOnozon White and Colored Wool and Merino Uncloi'sliirts GOc * to
$1 , lor this clny OMc.
Linen HanriUorcliiofs I3c. Cotton Sox 'ic. Wool Sox 2Dcnntl.85e ,
for this day I8o. FLU- Caps , nuido tis Tor this season's trade uncl
worth from $11 to $9.60 , all go tolny at GUe.
land nnd mpltal lie may possibly Koup
all thu vnrii'tios LMiuinunitril to ml-
vniilayo , and oai'li lo smau extent will
lu-lp the other. Hut obyemitiim
of the HiicruvUul bfoi'dcM-H1 mot boils
show tlmt nliio-toiiths of tliL'iu linvc rop-
iitntion only on ni' or two hpoeial linen.
Ono breuil of t-ai'li of tlio live lines of
stni'k inuiitiotiiMl is onoiifrli for tlio boat
results , as n nilo. A finv very versatile
men limy soil two oi1 tiiroo iliiTi-reiit
Uiiuls of Im'udinir stoi'k , but few run j
tin ) tinio or bavo thu "head" for so j
'many irons of lilco inntoi-inl1 Tlio i
dull inni'kot for npei-iiil line1 ! ninv come , I
but then is the thno lobe viuilunt for i
inovini ; up oau'a htandaril. While the |
llcldu follo\\h ( 'liiin o thulr polii'y , the j
winniiin will Inya stronger and iksopur i
foiiiulalion in MH lifo siierinlty for a
fnlnro favorable turn to the man with a ]
> -poeinlty. I'm' tiiMlniii'c , tho- . ' > who the ;
piiht three yours coaiined ! with thulr
I'titllu hrnodiiifi' , slioop. hn " - , poultry or
boi'MOH , all of the blooded sort , bavo
u-iialU found their ainuial iacoiiio hut
sll hti.v levelled. Forinur .years mid
the years toeomo will iluiaoastrnto that
tlioM.1 who iiiiiko any ono line o > ' breed : i
"leader , " will also upprri'iato tliulr
auxilinrios whoa the epi ciulty is tneot-
iiiK inditroront di'inniu ) . In nil lines on
the farm , individual merit is needed and
is obtained , if ono has the sldll and will
to do it. Hut lo retain ( his
merit ono must. have , bsirlc
of a imputation , iliu eharnctor
Iwttor known ns "nervu. " to cull out the
weeds mid cell and IIM' ns breeders only
the The brooder of one kind only
must have abundant nm'tiil ' to tide him
over adver.-o times , and the oivahional
i1 rep of "culls" allndeil to above. From
the forofrohi } , ' siifr e lioiis one must con-
elude thiit not more than one fanner in
twenty bus the tact and capital lo war-
rnnt liis eiiraf ( iii r smro.s.sf illy and hon
estly in line stock to bn Mild to breeders.
I'Yequi'iit former edllnrials in thin de
partment and the imirkel reports MIOW
clearly tbsit every farmer nuouS tlio liest
hloodud slock to imiil'ovc his herds nnd
llockH. No other Kind nlTords iirolit.
Till' improved liorsu brings live to live
hundred times more : tlio best entile
produced one-half to double the amount
of beef , butter and clicose ; swine innw
larger and are of better iiinlity | , lieiu-o
sell much belter ; the sheep's llesh and
lleece are better and in larger iUiinlity |
coniinandin bettor market : poultry is
improved in value for tlio llosh ns well
as in ( jimntit.v of e 'ti. la a word , im-
nroved stock IH the desideratum of every
farm in I he country.
At SlilpperV : UNlc.
Tlio qucitioii as lo who has tbo burden -
don of provinir neyii once in llio ease of
a carriage of } oods injvired or destroyed
while in transit , whore llio crrrier has
accepted thorn at "owner's risk1 is a
nicoonn. as evuloneod by Iho many eon-
Iliclintf dei'isions of tlio eourts upon Iho
( pie.hlion , say thu St. I.ouis I/iw U-jjuir-
ter. The supreme court of .Missouri in
the recent case of Wittinj , ' at'iiiiiHt Ibo
St. Louis \ S-in I rancisco railroad com
pany , places the bunion upon the ship
per in such a case , and in so holding ,
overruled in elTeet previous decisions of
Iho court declared throuj.'h . .liuljjo'nf -
Though there is much to bo said on
both sides of the question , it doo.i wieiu
thai the decision jaits unon the shipper
more of a burden than should be placed
upon him , and , in point of fact , would
oblige him , in every case of jjoods
shipped under the cireumslances , to fol
low and keep the paeknjrn in nielli from
Iho boHfinninn' of the journey lo its lor-
initiation. Is'o ono knows so well as the
cnrrior the circumstances under which
a pai'knj'e is injured or doslroyed , and
Iho evidence p"rlainin { ; to such injury is
always accessible toil.
The ruling is inolVect. nn iiuiovatton
upon Ibo common la\v of linblllly of enr-
rier.s , and goes almost to the point of
pormiUlntr n carrier to fno liimsolf ah-
soluloly from liability for nojrlij.'onro }
which thu Inw will not actually permit
him to do. The cominon-siuiso rnlo
would sei'in to bo Unit in ensu of a ship
ment at "ownur's risk1 it is llio duty of
tbo carrier at least to show the circum
stances of the injury and duo care on his
part. Otherwise the prudoiil thing1 for
the shipper will bn lo sit on his1 paekngo
throughout Iho journey.
I'rciliotloiis lor IVnnmryVealIifr
As there are but tweiity-oinht days in
tills month there nn hl to bo lossVohl
ntmonphoro Ihnn In .lauuary , but "all
si 'iis fall in dry weather , ' ' Ihei-eforo wo
can only say tlml Iho electrie-ii liteil ,
steiiin-hi-ateii , vontlhuloil , lilllile'l Iralns
of tlio t'hlea 'o , Milwaulieo \ St. Paul
railway will coutinuo to run daily bo-
tWL'iui Omaha , Coiineil HlntVs and C'hi-
catrj. ( The eleetriii linht reading lamp
in each bcrtli is tht ) novelty of the nj'o.
Tii'ketoHico , loll | Parnnin st'rcnt.Oiiinliii.
O If If I C li [ i cS : 1J US li Y
Cnrnor Main tin I
\\r.\XTii : Tolrnilo luiiinnril m | ) i > ily In
' ' CiMiiii'll UlulI'M , with sniiill Ini'iiinliriiiicej
for how * , mules : nit ( yniin cuttlu. Nil , 100
Tllll I III Sl I'l'l'l ,
llN'l'rIMo ! M'Mulion lilnck. : i Hory
lirlclt , \\llli liiiHi'incnl anil I'li'viitur. Jv. .
Siiiln | > , 101 l'nii-1 stivi'l.
ir \ AMI Ml Iho iM'
" J nnil tlie Xexv cVaU" I'riiwn IMiuuix. l rnwit
: enl 1'iHM'ti ' Or iius Sold fin- rush or nn
incutby .Mm. llourleliis mii.sle tciiclullljl
s'liitsinuii stri'ot , ( 'iiiincll lllulK In.
UAIHIAIXS Fiii'lini-i-alim Ir lieu " > . lot ,
fninis anil iircU'iis : , aii-1 a lurjje list lo ( .n-
livllinn. / . i' . ill nn .Idiiiisliin .V Van I'.iUcn ,
i\ci-i-ll : tl < ic < li , I'diincll Illulls.
IJIUKSAI.i : A liarciilii ! new moiliMii hmiso
with nil Din lulo ImiiroU'iniMitMVPII
roonisi will -I'll onraiy piiyiiiciits ; In .ili-duit
tinI'lflh avenue motor llau. D. J. Iliit.-lilu-
siin , ( ill llni.ulwiiy. _
"lilOKcAl.i : Ktxht-rimm | IIIIIM > million Intl.
-I on IhiiiiHin si. A mn'lcni ' Inmnnd n
clirap. I ) . .1. Illltulllll-'Ollt 017
I ul ! s.\ | , | ; - Finn.ln lii nil double rna < l-
stcrs iiml hi-avy < lraii'4lit linr-.o-i. V\ ill also
III ! ( inlcT- . fur any slvlii of lior-ri uaiilod.
l.eiiM'iinli'ri ' willi'Ilr.V. \ . I/ . I'nttiiii. Ci'iitrul
livery : nul salu blablu.t. Ul anilJ N. Malii
Council HIillN.
or iluntUnlon lan-1. with
bonsus , by J. U. lUoj. IOJ Malu t. , Oouaotl
K\K. KAIl NOS | < A Nil
CnuniMI llluIIt , III.
AIIdhiMnuM.t the ivi : :
IA : n. N I > K ami TIMIOA i f.
lii'ntt'il . ' 'Mi tbo cri-'iit
bklll-iml rnn < .
( \\T.\ltUII , ASI'IIMX
an.i IIAV i-'ivi-n : iri-i
Wltll LMlllllUIlt HIIOCIM1
srilillCAI.oi'KUATlr > S.J , wborn
li'.isly | i ( > rrnriiii < I llb tin'im. ; ( > t rnrcan'I"Rill ,
nirhiii pcrftTt rtMulH riNIISl' l.l.A I-'S act ur-
iilrl > pri' c-iHi < il. < trrt'otlnu nil r-'frtu tit tr-niblo ,
IM My.iplu. llyp 'rnpla uii.l Astlfilnnttoii , HUM rtm *
ili-rln.'iuhl i'i < . rl"-ir an 1 pilnluii ( ' IIUJNlO
M-TIIAlAilAnu I "H'K IIKAIIACIIK , nll-r ) . 'ir
nl tfrrllilc iii'lurlni ! , n < > ri'linf. cnlln-ly our.-1 imioo ,
Uouiii I , s'niif.irt ' Illoclv , over Mono \Co i >
Council HI u [ 1.1. In.
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPirAL STOCK 5150,000 ,
IllilKions I. A. Mlllnr , P. O. Glttas vi. K I *
Fliiu-iirt. li K. Hart , .1. 1) ) . KdiniiniH'ii. ' I'lrirloi
C. llaiinun. Transaet Uaakin ; Oust'
iu'3s. hardest iiiiJ surjilui of uny
baiikln Sniilhwostorn Liwi. ;
FinleyBurke.Geo.W.KowiU.Thoa , E. GaiaJy
Burke , Hewitt SCasa-ly - ,
Alto Law
riiACTici : IN THISTATI : : AND KimKAii :
onii-osi J. .1. llrown r.ulldlns , I'oiinrilllluffs
D. II. McD.ineld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Factors' Su lhs ,
Market Fixtures , Casino. .
Spiffs mul Sausage Maker , ' Mni'hini'i-y S2
b JMiilii- . ) . . I'niiiieil lllulTs , III. AU-j lie orj
iijhdoM and I ills. _ t
w .a ESTEP ,
Council ( Hull's Iowa.
1 I Yirth MiiinS reI. .
I'linrral Itircclor mil Kiiilnlin.- .
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc ,
GOG BromKvrty , Council Blutfe , la
OITUT. or. ui : ii ) . s :
SilIK . 's'l11llllPr ' > " - ' " < iriloys at I" ' * l'rie :
oiuih ruiiimuh
HCU , „ , stlU , nlm <
fiMleral I'ourK Rooms 'I , I ami o aliilii.irb
U. i.'oiincll IHulN. luwL
' | U ' 0
ncll s < > i < ro. Tolrpliimo No. ' 'VI. | , , I
lumr * . h u. in , to U p. in. Cuuni'll Illut- ! , | i.
Medical and Surgical
1 > KS. UKl
Cbronle ilUoasps of all kinds ami t i
HICK i.ii'clailiiis. | ' .V > * . 'Jug l uuil aooj IliiM I
Council IIhula , lu.