Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1891, Page 12, Image 12

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MPXMIVI n i rp PI i tit i n ii * r
Mr llliMll ) CAlllh RAISING
ThoOtit'.ook forGattltman Was Never More
Kucoumging ,
of nil Kttuli
ciii ( > il 't'lio Tori Km * } Kupiilly lie-
vt-l < iiliiK | Into an Hum limits Put-
( In I
Tat VLCHM , N M , Pob to
S'ni Mr.rC'iitllo | r.ililiiK It ouoof iho ihlot
Industrie : ! ot Niw Moxk-o. lu f.tit , of nn : is-
HOtti'il valuation of $111,000,1)00 ) , nearly one-
thlnl , or f 16OtMlKK , ) , st.iiui tothocieilltof tlio
cnttlo Industry. Tills , liovvovi-r , h not n full-
oriti rlon. Now Mo\lcO has n pi'culliir liuv by
wlili-ti $ IW worth of | ii-opiMty Is cvoinpluil
liom tiiMitlon to oxery householder. I'lio
liitxi'-a II.HL of tliu arable hind anil nearly nil
ttieshcepnic In llio liiimlsot uatlvo owners.
Just bofoio tlio assossoicomei lounil tlio
liiinU anil shoopuro tllvlili'il out aiiiont. thu
feons so'ihln-lnu , tlio diiuirtilvrs nml
iltuitflitois lii-lii\viiiiil \ , even thu { fuiiiilchilili'oii ,
till each oiie's amount can , without n too no
torious contraction , boestlinitml at not More
tli.m f.'iOU. As soon M tlio assessor Is gone ,
nil tlio pionorty rovoiw to tlio oiltfimil l > os-
CUSHOI * , uiiil rcmiliiH his till thu nott jcurly
\lslt of tlio assessor II.H to bo provided tor.
In this \\.iv tlioshoop nnu finning Inteii-sts
of Now Muvlro ilo not boar their nropor pro-
jioitloii o ( tax burdoiH. L'onsoiiuoutly , the
catto of tlio tonltory do not icpicsoiit one-
tlilnl of tlio actual wealth of Now Mexico.
Nevertheless , Itis the most valu.iblo Indus-
trj of which tlio tortltorv can , oxcocd-
Inwoven mining la this t > ;
Itoliablostatistics concoiniiifj cattle nio dif
ficult to sceuio , tlio mimliois repottud vury-
liiK lai-Kolj from vc-ar to year with the liberal
f cell UK of tlio xnrlous iimn.iemiienti or with
thoi-aiulcu of the illiTcrent assofsors. 1'or
InMntifo , In S.m itunn count ) , in I'lV. ) , the us-
BO'siiionts stood : C.iltlo , . ! MU5 ; shcop ,
W , f.ri ) ; hories , 5UUI'.i. ! ' Jit Is'JJ the ilgurcs
wcio : C.lttloMlir ( ; ; shcop..1 : . , ! ) ! ! ; hor-.cs ,
| ' , riT5s. 'I'lio t.iv rate for botlt je.u-s Hits v !
jicr cunt , but no one cm bchox'o that In tlio
sp.ii'o of ono jcar theio would be so u
iII.IIIKO In \ aluos llmvtnei , the live stock
departnicnt of the Atchison i.iilroivl has pro-
pined u statement of the mimbor and londl-
lion of tlio livestock In this temtoi-y , and
their statement may bo accepted us appioxi-
mntol.x correct It sutsdonn tin-\vliolonuiii- \
bir of c.Utlo in Now Mexico at ? IMOW)0 ) ,
Hy bul'oiiient and bv tliooveiciovvil-
liij : of unit's , the dlllo inilustty In this
U'ltitoi ) has heen iniiilo to suffer In addition
tu what the inilustij has sufloroiloviivlioro \
fiom thu Iliitnrs-t ol prices , Many uvvnors ,
\\lio boiiL'ht at tlio top of the loomhavonono ,
to the uull and hax'i1 been closed out. Others
have liecome dlsconr.njod hr tlio IOIIK contin-
ucd low prices , and hux-o dosed out tit any
piho. MUIIJ iiinro luivo mluptol tlio iilei of
Hiimllor lu-rds , ind winter fie lint ; nnd luxvo
added ut h.iv i.iKlni ; to tlii'ir I'.uifro bus
iness. Hut desnlto all these things , it is es-
tlin.itod Hint the number of range steer
tic , j ( ! .nlltiKH nnd ran be shlppoJ
dnung KH , is ; ! tiOODO , , or a total of about PJ- ,
DUO car lo.ids.
Winter losses in this territory" nio but
Blight. They ilo not , : is u gi'iioi'.U tiling , tu-
ii.iiOLMI a fi.ietionof 1 per cent. Tlio prin
cipal muses ofloss .no the dopiedatlnns of
\\ild animals , thu Uilliii ) , ' of cittlo by thu
Mexic.ius fortheii-llcsli nnd hides , ami boj-
( 'iiiK < lo\\n aloni ? tlio xxnter ionises In the
siini | ) ? . Tlio Ipirlslntino now in session has
adopted.i libei.d hc.ilp law , 'J'hov h.uo also
boon asked fora law icciuldng the inspection
of hides , but as yet they h.ivo not passed it
Tlio gic.ilest losses , howc\er , ate ii-otn bog-
Klnt ; . Ilnmluds nto ycaily lost from this
cause foreveijono dcstrojed or stolen and
KlniiKhteicd by tlio natives. .Nevertheless ,
the losses from xx-lhl animals is n plowing
ovll. eiviliziition has advanced westward
nnjl settlers h.ivo locitcd In western Kansas
mid the neutral stup in Texas , the x\olxci
hnvo been dliven into New Mexico , and the
losses the pist year U.uo been unusually
huge. The stock glowers of northeastern
Now AIi'xii-o have been so botlieied that tho.v
Imvo sent to .Mlssouu fora INK It of hounds ,
and a n.nty of men will ho placed in chart'D
of the kennel , whoso soloilutj it will bo to
run down and kill woHcs
Till * torritoiv linsnn uiiusunlly
nntino law , uml It Is executed v\lth uiiiisniil
llik-lity. losulttn 111 Itio fut-t Now Mexico
ice iMttlo nro absolutely fioo f loin all eon ta-
Kious iliiortloit. H.iiipiini n nio uUo i.ipull.v
iinpi-ovliiii tlio Ri.ulo of their i-.ittlu , HC-IC--
foul : > boliiK tliu luvoritos for this imiiuso
I'liiiiclsCUitton of Clinaiton , Coif UK couutv ,
bajs : "My Horofouls aio proving the vuluo
of tlmt bivoil for r.uiiro iuu-iosys | , and the
hteors 1 am now locillntr mo as line u bunch of
cnttlo us can lie si-en anywhere In tlio south-
vest. A low ilavs ago I lofuscil an otter of
il runts lor them , thu ranch , us 1
li.ivo a toi'taiiity of soiling them soonnt'i'j '
cents. " Much stock is put on the market
in the states , as coming from Xevx" Mexico ,
xvhon leally It coinos fiom Old Mexico ,
merely piissliij , ' tlnoiiKli this tcultory This
1ms scilously injiiieil the silo .mil ruputution
of Now Mexico stock , bv cieatlne the iin-
luession upon tbo minds of fceJers that all
block In this tortitoi-y Is of poor qu.ilitv
Btlll , the full mcnsuio of iiiipvoveiiiont in the
Kr.ulo of our I.UIRO c.ittlo is prevented bv the
nlisonco of a bull law. While c.ittlo continue
to run on the open range the innii vv lie at
tempts to improve his herds by the use of
higti gi.ido bulls , dosc-ives to lie protected
from tlio ninny mlsei.iblo black .uul tan toros
Vliich lo.iin many of thu I.UIKCS ol the ten !
The outlook for the pnttlcmcn of Xow MexIco
Ice xx'as nox'or moio Diicoiiiajrlnir They hnve
but recent Ix fonnodii toiritorlnl association ,
\\luoli \ will bo of great boneilt in seen ring
lieeilod letrislatloti , .tint In eiifoieinp laws al-
muly pissed , Besides this thevo is gouor-
ally pievalent u feeling tliroiiKhuut the
country thnt the year 1SH will move an ex
ceedingly piospeious ono in all bramhus of
business. ' 1 hat beet x-aluos will incicaso al
nneailyilny Is jjoneiuUy coticuleil , and cat-
tloineii botjin to feel as If there -something
to lix'o for. The dcnmiul for stier c.ittlo has
not been so noticcalilo for tlio pist six \oais
Cattleman nio making iiinuuius fromux'or.v
iliipctlon , ami tlio doin.tnd is expected to bo
far In excess ot the supply Then , too , n
moro favoif > loxx'Inlcr has never boon known
In Nov Mexico. In the ently p.iri of .Ian-
miry a snow fell , which extended to every
liartoftho territory Over n luryo part of
the counto l'lls ' siunv lay on the Krol"id for
about four weeks , slovx-lj1 molting , tilling all
the xxnter holes andiirrojos , thoroughly xvct-
tint ? the ground , and assuilns nn e.uly nnd
abundant supply of grass and water. Kiuigo
Btoou can now bo dilven bick from the bottom
tom lands , onto tlie tiljrli prairies , and thus
iniich of the usual spring losses bo avoided.
From the unices between the S.m Junn
anil Animus rivers , lu tlio northwestean iiait
of iho territory , accounts lmx-obeou recoix'ed
of much loss from cold , and from the high
table lands of Colfax county , It , lmi been
eald tlmt while the snow lny on the ground ,
from three Inches to ten feet thick , cattle
Bhiank vorv fast , having nothing to eat hut
oak leaves ami xx-ero without water ; but xx-ith
the o exceptions onlj tlio most encouratjing
repoits liuxo been received.
In the Pccos x'alloy cattle are shoxvinir very
vv el liiid [ ft om present apjiearaiiccs the coni-
pnnlus do\vn there will got to vvoik early ,
the result of xx-hlch xvlll bo to materially
Incix-aso the value of their stock ; us ox-oiy
buyer is ui.xlous to get c.ittlo curly , and for
tlmt pilviletro is xvllllnt ; to pay n bolter pmc
than for cattle for late deliverv ,
The xalloy iattlo company. So-
corro county , \ \ " . H Slaughter president and
general iiiniinger , lias Just declared a divi
dend ofJ'tj per cent. It Is , so unusual a
thing for a c.ittlo company to declare u divi
dend , that this worthv of mention. The
Unglisli comjianv , which has but recently
boiiKht out the interests of WIKon W.iding-
limn , \veatthlosttnanlti New Mexico , Is
ptvpaiiiig1 to do $ < W,000 of inipiovonients , in
the way of ditching for irrigation , They
propose to raise allulfn and winter feed all
the cnttlo they put on the nmrkot A com
pany has been formed nt Ooniing , and f > o,0oo
capftnllins been pild m lo oucloso pistures
for tlio holding of slock while waiting for
Las Vopas Is tbo largest wool market in tlio
territory , unit yet slio has tributary to her
oneof tlio largest and best c.itllo sections in
nil Ix'ow Mexico. San Miguel , the niObt pop.
ulous county In the territory ; Lincoln , the
largest couuty j ilvru , tlio baauer agflcul-
tnral count ) , C'olf ix , iho best cattle comity .
Pivos , the countuf incut vailed I-.MI\IICIM
all llie o niediriM-tly ttllmtiirv to l.ft' Veifns
llorelhos the clmlninn m tlio tctritorhd
cattliMiiiiltiirv Uiunl IliMonn ? Ilio largest
cnttto Intcrusts roptoM'-ilcd , nmt Inio is pub-
llshcd the sioolit ir \\or , the leinllng cattle if tbo south\xpst.
The prlnrlpal cnttlo shipping tolnts of this
tcrrltorv me , for Hie Atchlson. 'lopclta iVt
Hnnta IV until , Sllxor I'lly ' , Peinine , Osccola ,
Las 1'ruciM , Soeoiro. in Marolid. MnKda-
lena , IIiiKle , ( irants. Alhuqurtiiue , U'allice ,
Lain ) ,'c \ > rasVations , Sin-inner.Katon.
Ilosiiioa Ihn Atolilion , Topolci St Smtii IV ,
very lai-Ro shipments of N" < - \ \ Mexico c.ittlo
are mude wnvof \ tlitfTcxas . 'c I'.iclllcnnd
the Donx erAs l-'oit XVoith.
'rite story of thodeveldpincnt of the oattlo
business Is larirely the storv of tlio settlo-
mentof theni'xv vest. Until the tldo of liti-
inlgiatlon set strongly tow.uil the Missouri
ilx-orand Iho IJocUy imniiitaliis , there \\uro \
no conditions which could contrlbito to the
upbuilding of three great mid controlling
Mini lifts.
L'ntil thlinewdevolopnioiil thobcof iniir-
UotMisabont \ in well itillu ed at the sun
shine It could bo found ulu'icvor men
lived Tlio largest tuiikets wri-o of couisu
In the largest cities , but no ono foio-imv the
day whi'ii a vast in-uportioii ot the sunny
would bo In ono < oetiou of tlio [ c-ountrx , and
when the conditions would bo such as to
inaUo three we-ttem cities , then almost un
known , the ir.itownjs through which till
liiuiftaiist llml ilswa > to the consumer.
ll.iullx-an > liuoof Imiliti'ss has scored so
\\oiulcrfiilii growth in ( lie list thutj iuirs.
Cbli igo , Kansas City and Omaha haxo be
come the dominating indors In IKiii'thppiico |
of pioducts In the lountiy , and the
strongest oiitsUlo liilluenco In foieimi innr-
Uots The foedlng country has pushed its
lines far out into the old realm of tlio cow-
hey , anil tlio in livestock
lias boon multiplied dy many mil
lions Tlio peculiar and dishe.uton-
hiK thliiK Is tint the producer
has nppiiently netted a sin ill letuin of
profit on those riciolopmoiits.v.hilotho packer
in some nistei-lons ) milliner has \\tlttcMi his
name on Uiolistof nilllionalics. lieforocon- thecaus3of this reaiilt ills inteiost-
ins ; toglaiuo at the featuics of the
tr.msltlon In the beef business , xvhleh began
with the eljso ofttho war.
Altliougn the habitaulo atc.i of the United
Statelias been ) widening slnco
the concession of Independence , the Held for
the inoiont vast opeiations of the c.ittlo
business did not e.lst : until the nlalns
of the west and southwebteio thiown cpon
to settlement. section iilono was lilted
for tin1 iMslnrimjuf herds of thousands of
head , or for focilinu ( 'rounds lario ; enouph
to accommodate a Kieat iiifgieK.ito of i.ittlo
with a larger cnpiclt ) for consumption than
all llio ai uiles of Kumpo.
When Iho warelosci ! the rapid < ; ettlcinont
of the x\est begin. One of the llrat out-
( rrmvUis vvas thodex'Clotnncntof gieat ranges
and fcouini ; ( ? iounds , and then of a few mar
kets of enormous capicltv tot.iue the product
ot the new western industi ) . The tigiieul states of the country SOPH beeame capa
ble of u now el.i-.sille.ition m thu mn'tcr ' of
cattle The eastern states uero the home of
the dairy. The cvntiil anileiteriistites
in the coin belt hoMinu great fetdlng
gi-oilinls. Tlio southwest and far west were
utili/eil fur raising herds of i.mge cattle.
This transformation of the source oC supply
and of the extent of ranges mad a the Kio'\ih
of a feu ecntiat in.nUets Incxitihlo The
local butcher dlsanpeu-ed when tlio snuill
f aimer ceisc-d to supply the mat Uetith
beef The cattle business expanded on a with the plains which It had adopted as
home and ccnti-ah/ed nni-kots
its , / weionow
as essential us the Mtiull local initkutsoie \
Chicago bceamo a inirlcot of recoul in lM > r > ,
a ihartei for the Union sloelij.uds lining
been issued in that ) oar H is doubtful if
an ) line of business could bis iiistinred , ex-
ce-il that of the i.iilmids , ulnch liid so iroat ;
a Kioxx'th iiniiHiliiitelv after its liiceiition
Foi txxenly-llxc ye.nsthe business nt ( Jhi-
c-.igo has iiieicasfd annalh moio thAii six
fold Six ) ears later the Kinsns Cilv stoi-li
yaula xx-ei * org.ini/ed and h.ivo icpuuteil the
nistoiy of the older market with almost nn-
v.ujiiifr snicess each jear. Itv.u no earlier
than Ibsl that Oni.xha bo an to oxpnnil from
the condition inaikct to the full
prutciisiuns ol nueiiei.d stockyards
'Iho piinclpnl c.niso of the xxldo changes
in the i.ittle business was , theiefoie , thu
siuldcn settlement of tlioest. . 'llio ' stiiking
i osiilt x\as the m.igic ( ! ro\\th of ceiitrali/ed
iii.uKots , the wild boom in cittto values , the
sudden collapse , and the prolonged but do-
lusno Hopes of a rally that bai thus far
never eomo
'I'ho ovoliilionof the Big Pour followed as
a natuiMUonseiiuemoof the immense bioiul-
ening ol tlio souice ol suppl ) anil tlio cintral-
i/ed maiKots. The da ) ot largo ( Oiiibiiiiitions
XXMS at hand in all lines of busincsami the
coiiditioiis of the cattle and beef tiadoolTerod
peculiar opnonunitic-i for the coneontiatioii
of mteiests. ( Jreit p.tekiiiK houses
xx'oio the iuox-itiible outgiovx'th of i.iiiKCs nml a few colossal
niaikets If there was overasttof titctiin-
st.inccs calculated to fo-ter tlio inocessof the
big llsh svMillowing the llttlo ones , It was
that which i.ipidly dox'olopod fiom the re
sults of the changes which had taken place
In the \\oil after the war
The extensive boras could bo in.uUoted
only at places wheio tbo capacity for
consumption was enormous. 'llicy could
bo absorbed only by men who
eoiitiollcd X'nst ax-ciiucs for the disposal of
the llnished product Capital , uiorgy and
ingenuity woio requited to enable the pack
ing indnstrv and the wholesale trade to keep
pace with the other branches of the cattle
business These qualltiu.s were sup plied by
Aimour , Hammond , Swift and Morns , who
speoililj developed into the oveishudowing
uwnatos of the business
it Is not to bo denied that their enter-
piiso ami ability had much to
do with the development of the
business to its pic > ont v.lst propoitions.
They cnlnrped the facilities of Chicago ,
Kansas City and Omaha beyond aiithing
hitherto dioained of. 1'hcv jierlected the
s\stem of relriKoratoi1 cars and established
the value of westein beef in e.istein and
foielgti markets. 'Hoy weio very Impor
tant fm torin the transformation which
nindo the westein piairios the nursery and
home of heel cittle ,
Hut H plain that such a position of vantage
might bo abused. And llio fact th.U they
have prospered far beond tlio men who pro
duced the beef xsoulil indic.Uo tlmt this
inijiht bo the case. has thus far been said of the develop
ment of the cattle business is the meroit outline -
line of the piound to bo cox'cicil in subse
quent mtlcles. The tiso of the business xxll |
bo traied in Its billing upon proilucer ,
piekor and con.umer , nnd next \\culc It xx'lll
bo treated of with espcdil rchtton to the
phenoinciml proapcut ) of I'hil Armour
The Drovers' ' Jouinil speaks as follows of
ho subject which Heated In theao column
umnln tVOCK t -
It lb not surprising that prices for hogs arc
as low as they are , but tneio would not beeui
to bo so Rood a reason for cattle pi ice * being
as low as they nro unless the people nio eat
ing cheap pork rather than piy any ad-
x' for beef. The mpply ami demand , us
aialo , goveins the urico of nn article , aim
as receipts of hogs at the four
market ! , for Is'Jl ' to date exhibit nearly 10
cent incie.iso over auivals of ivu the larg
est year on record the country his no need
reason tocompliln oftliopiovaillnglovv prices
of ho b , although tholoxxeatis over tenyeais
for this season of the year. Cattle , ho\vover \ ,
for soveial ycais past , have ruled cxticmoly
low , in f ict the lowest , on recorJ , and now
with a falling oit in the supplies at the four
leading markets of nearly 'Jo per cent for 1SUI
to date there lias been loss adxani-o in values
than many expected Piodietlons on the future
ture aroo'f ten vvorso than Idle , but tlicro are
in my who behevo the prospective re
ceipts for months tocomo will continue to
materially dcueaso eompirod with 1V.K ) ,
which , however , xx'as a record broalcer hi
every sense of the word.
To ilT'-et the abimd.mco and cheapness of
potk , it mav bo stated that the export , and
shipping for cattle Is notlcoablv
heavier than at this ueilod a year ago , and It
is icasonablo to expect u strong dennnd for
icfilBcrator beef. On the other hand poultry
is In l.tigor suppl ) than a year ago and
\ higher , both cattle and hot ; ralscu have
been greatly discour.iKed for two or three
je.irs past , but moio particularly so tlilsycur
than in previous \ears 'J'lioy have been
feeding lil h-prlccii corn for months past ,
and ttioso that buvo not alrcaily sncritlced
their cattle and nogs tire "holjlntr on" ex
pecting "hotter days , "
A valuable portrait of Couunodoro Decatur -
catur , pdntcdby Sully , hus been discovered
iimoac the rubbish in tlio attic of the New
York county couit homo , and is to bo to-
stored and hunt ; 1" tlio governor's room at
the city uail.
Oabia Poss e , Rail way Fares , Hotel Expan
ses , OuiileJ , Etc. ) Prepaid nnd Ginrantooil.
Tlio lire's jMnirlilois OfTop to So-
lloltois i'oi SulMurlh.'i-i to in
Sunday nndYolvly
have been effected by the
publishers of TUB Iln : vvlilrh enable us to
makoa novel and uttr.u'tlvo oltor to pntlo- .
who ate dhposcdlo devote their time nnden-
ri-fj ) toward pi-oc'urlng ' now snbscilbeiM for
Tui.OviAiii v\i IM.Y Ki't : or TIIC SI-MIXY
Hi.ibotxvecu : tliU date and the lUth day of
Juno next.
This offei will bo open only to parties solle-
iting snbjiilboM In Xobrask.i , low.i , South
Dakota nnd Kiinsis.
A careful rocoul xvill bo kept of all sub
scriptions forwaided , and thoawauls will bo
made without pattlallty.
Till : KUUOl'liAN TO UK.
To the pcison that will sectlto the latgest
number of iash subscilbors for Tin : OMMIV
Uriiun : Iln : or Tnr Kt-sinv Hn : before
.Hino 10. ls'-will ) | bo given nil i : of tosr A
HOT M > Tim- r.tioi'i\N lout TICM.T. This
tlc-Uct xvlll iueludo first class passage
i-oin Xow"orl ( to Kurono and icturn.
This Includes nt > o all travelliiK , hotel and
sluht-scoiiiF expenses. The trip willuomado
with an excursion paity gotten up bv Mrs.
M. 1) ) . Trader of liostoii , and v\lll bo in
charge of competent guides. The ttax-
eler has no c.ues whatever. The
tour covers nil the pilneipil coun
tries of Kurope nnglmd , Cierinany ,
Sxvlterland , Tianoo , Belgium , Ituiv and
tneir principal cities , imluding London ,
1'ails , IJiiissels , Ueilln , Rome , Fioiciice ,
Venice , Milan , ( icnoa , etc.
< < i\n-Tiini i : I > MS or smu rrKivn. .
Tlio nartv stalls from Is'ew Voile .luly 1
nnd letuins to citby \ September 11.
Taken by uii ) individual nlonc , this Ku-
ropein to ir would iuvolx'o an outlay of at
least StOO
1'or tlio second largest list of subsciibers
woolloraltco ticket from Oinahi to ban
Kr.mclsco and Los Aiigiles and leturn.
Magnlllccnt tnountaiii scencrv , the beautiful
( Joldeii Gito. the land of sunshine fruits and
( loners. ' "Who has not seen California will
not dlo hnppy. " Travilis an educator , and
to pioDeily uppieciato the vastness ot our
great country one must see Its best I'e.ituios.
Tor t he third largest list of subicrilicis to
the Wii M i or Si N nu TJi i we oiler a ticket
from Omaha to Quebec and rotiiin. What
could bo L'landei tliiia a trip down the be.mtl
fulSt LijvMiMiio 111 mid-sun mcil To contemplate -
template the tjciuty o [ Thousand Isles Is do-
livrhtfnl. How iiiucli moro ilellyhtful to visit
them when vvith verdure dan.
And nil this pleasiuo for obtaining sub-
seiibcrs to the WIIM.V and SIM > \ \ Itr.i.
I'or the fourthlargest listof sntscnheis xvo
oflei a tice ticket from Otnili.i to Noxvone ,
IMilladelplilu \Vashmntoii and return
Tliero aio no points on this toiitincnt of
greater general mteiost than these three
cities. An American citl7cn has not ( oin
pletidhis education iinti ho seen the
s < > atof povcrninont. The ncrsons anil points
of Interest in Wnslilngton are iiiiniinei.iblo
and to the intelligent oliseiver a visit tlicro is
finlol inteiest New York and I'lnladclphia
at. the coininiM'chl and llnniicial-ccntersol the
country .110 always
Allttiis sight seeing anil traveling given
axxnv for obtaining subicribun to the
\ \ i ihi.i or Si MIW llhK.
Tor tbo lift n lu-ficst list , ot subscribers xx-o
offer a f ice ticket from Oiniliu to Is'tigar.i
Kails aim lotuin. U\er \ since your childish
xvomlor was aroused by tlio description in
the old school le.irterof ttlf".o xx'onilcrful falls
youhax'odebircil to see thini Here is the
bpnoitunlty. A most delight fu' ' exclusion
undone without expense , ( .Ueti for scciiinig
sulhcribcis to the Wi i KM or Sisi > vv Biu
I'or the sixth largest list of sulberiliors xvo
offci a fieo fiom Oniiha to HaltLalto
Citv and letuin Tne famoiis Mormon city
is fist becoming a ( Jentllc cltx- . and will m
tinioloso much of interest Now , this sum
mer would bo a good time to v islt the booming -
ing cltxi.nileld ( Hc.ieli U of course in-
cliulcd in the trip 'llus suininer reset t on
the lake is a delightful place to pass n few of
the hot su miner da.vs Why. not secure a
number of snhscrilius foi the \VKIKII or
Si MI\X Iti.n , nnd take the trip-
Tor tlio seventh Imgesthst of subscribois
xx-o oiler a frootlcketto Denver and .M.untou
andietuin. Vlillo ashoiter trip than any of
thoothesit combines iniiiv fea-
tuies Deavor-tho mipcn city of the plains
is .ihvavs vvoith - < XMng x\hile the health and
summer' resorts ol M.uutou , uc delightful in
deed , Health gix-inp , inspiring , lesttut -
amid siibllmo tlip could bo
inoie restful J AH this pleasure for sccur'uii :
subscribers to tlio Si M > vv orVi i KI.Uic. .
New what mo the conditions unon which
these titlcets are gi\eu axv.u i 'llio sccuri-v'
of the largest list of subscribers to Till
\Vicici.v or Si xii x llii : : . No newspaper in
the west is so well and favorably known and
sollcltois ' * found it mat-
hax'ealv\a)8 an easy -
tci to secure stibseiioors. Tin : Urn's sub
sjcilption list his alvv iys kept mce xvith its
reputation and It deshes toadd new iinmcs to
its lonp ; lUt of fuonih Being at all times a
people's piper It makes friends xvith nil
da , ses.
The subscription pi ice ofTur. Wini\n Hi i :
is si. 00 per xear postpaid to anv place in
this country or Canada , or 5--J.OJ If t > cnt to a
foieign country
'I'm : SIM > XV Hn Is $ 00 per year , but
Oimha subset iticrs for Tin : SIM > U Brn
x\ ill not to counted in this con : petition.
Get up. i list Have you1 friends subscribe
for the papei. Uiinplo copies forwarded
ficooti request
Persons deshinK to compcto fcr ono of
these pries xvill pleiso sn ) so xvhoa sending
in th'-ir Hist orders.
Itcmittauco In full must accompany cx-oty
Ol ,1'T.
J'wo six inontlis subscriptions or four
thieo months subscrlptiotis vv ill bo counted
us ono onior. Allies is au aciomplUhcd bicycle
( ieorgo Ilancrof t's cstato is now vnluoil at
Mrs. .Matilda Sovvoll , 11501 ! ninety six , Is
tlio best plutio player In August ! , Mo.
Mrs. Worth , tlio vvlfo of tlio famous Paris-
inu drossnuikei , dresses veiy nldiily.
Miss Anna W. Kclloy is roailinir cleric of
theColoi.ulo senate and knows how to read.
riaiikK. Stockton , U Kolug to clcly the
literary ciitlcs onto more Uy writing a
lengthy story ,
Mnrch 111 will bo tlio tvvcntj-clKhtli annl-
veisury of tlio wedding of the 1'riiuo anil
Pnnecas of Wales.
( icneral Sherman once dcelined nn offer of
$10,1(00 ( a year to contribute icgulaily ton
Guild Army paper.
AccoiilliifT to a dentist in Boston , the mil-
llonalro Cod tier hus four l.irK" ill.uiionds set
in tlio ciovvii uf one of his tooth.
The r.ii lihli n-i-Iter , ( iolilvvlii Stnitli , faces
tint tlio tnutilfoit tlojtlny of tj in idu U to bo
absorboil by the UnltuJ States.
Aubrey Bouck-iuilt , son of Dion nouclcauit ,
liaswrlltuu a play lu vvlilili lilt mother , Ills
sutcr Nina ami himself will appear.
OcorfoV Cable claims that the nioinciit
hohearia soiithorucr tnlk lie can tell vvheio
hols fiom and trucks at his aiicebtry.
Not the least crojitiiblti thiiif In Senator-
clctt ICjIo's iccord is tils vvorKhiK Ids way
thiougliObeilln colloiro bj hawing wood.
Soantor-eKct Vllas Is a ( 'ood Trondi and
Cci ! man .scholar , anil is foiul of Uatln. Ho
reads Virgil in tlio original for entertain
Shut-man was as light a sleeper vvlicn In the
lU'lil as Napoleon w.u. Ho r.ucly took inoie
than live liouia of lest when ttio enemy w us
near bv ,
Kcpuscntnttvii Morrow of L'nlifoiiila lias
been olTeied tlio utturnejshiput u Nov.Uii
silver inlno , and bin about concluded to ac
cept it.
The daughter of Itov Or Henry Wiif > on.
the assistant ru-tor of St ( it'oiiro'-s l iisi. ojuii
church In New York , ha * joined the Salva
tion .Army.
Joseph Hgftiuan , tUo pretty HUlo boy
plants * , vim XVIM the pot of Now York laities
thriH'Miori MMiraujfO , lias gu-xvn tall , laiilty
and ficHdoil
UNiimiekls iaid tolmvn Rout nlarnonum-
her of his papers to I'tiglixnil for snfo luvpltig
fiK'ilnst anv possible swoop upon tliom l > > the
liot'inan government.
The liostim pugilist actor says' "Iknovv
I run not a Hootli , u llnrrcttn MiCullougit era
a SaMnl , inn ! 1 unovv , too , that they me not
.lolm L. SulliviiiH. "
Tlio Kronen ne\v4iiii > ors tmvo shoiva n
intuited iwltii-ss lu tnclr tieatiiiu-nt of tlio
visitor th" Kwpross I'l-oiU'rlu-k of CiCiimuiy
uml her ilitifthlir to 1'iiris.
On tlio ihv of ( lonoral Slid man's iloilli tlio
mother of Henry C NVmk , who wrote
"Man-hill , , Thvoiifih Ueorgli , " also dk-il ut
lier hntiHi In It.utfotil
Mis Hut-ton lljinlson hii contrac-lod to
wrlto a new story fur tlio Ceiitiir > some
thing in the liin'of "I'lio Angloiii.uilaes" nml
, \etln no lospoit similar.
Master Wurltiniu J'owdetlv win compelled
to i jiu-ol his vu'stuin t-ngiioimiit | on ir-
count of his re > u in illness , and Is now In
Soianton liking u rest
( loiernor ( touion ofCleotgla nftor fooling
the hrotliu'ii tliieuiorfinir times his nt hut
named thodiij and \vill become u lilRh ptlvalc
in tlio alll inco on Mituli ( ! .
( icneral S. 11 Biuktiur of Iv'entiirky Is
vvillioitt dmibt the best livliiK ivinesentiit ivo
of the olil-tiino , oointL-oiis , flilvalroils , up-
riKlit ICi'iitucUj g utlcinuii.
Mis Ilainsonls tmiklnun collection of tlio
most tiiinniu communications \vilttoti lier bj
iinlinovvn nu-ri'spotiilciilH mill will eventiiiillj
oinbod ; , them In hook form
Mis C'.illioiin , sister of ( ii-ni'ial Custcr ,
ho.m a scinliluiuo to la-i-dent line luothei ,
nnd possesses miny ol the immtilch.iriutor-
istka thiitillstinguishcd tiliu
.lainos 1'arton sajs ttuit his bi'sit books
have eiijoveii a fai'smaller snlo than his
t > ooic t , ami lie feels oeilalti monsuro ot
linn illation over the inelaiuholy fact.
Count Kleist , who vvas to luivo bcstowcil
his wondorlnl and titles upon Miss
Thompson of Detroit , Is In piison lor ci icking
tkio skull of bis valet. Thu vvodiliujr Is otT.
MelSHOnierliiii ! an uhldingliatu'd foi Amer
icana. Though they lionK > it his piutunsu ith
a generous hand and paid excessive ptu-es
for tliomhls iteti-statlon was bitter anil out
.loci Climdler Hauls' iliughtcr Is ( jolntr to
Itnlv to study ; the tlauuhteis ot Marie Pwiiln
aroatUijii Aiiuvr cello e , ana Thoinis ld
Isoii s tt.iugliturib In I'.iris ' finishing acouiso
of iniisic
Two -soirs agoKc > cictarvWiniloin was sup
posed to bovoitli > J.'iOl , ) 0 , hut his e-nito , so
turns it tni boon ti.u-oil , is xaltiud , it not
above S i.OOJ , olwu'.ch " > , OOU is , i lifelnsui-
unco policy.
Wliou Ijlucolnvas assissinatoil in ISin ,
tho.\lariiiils ui Kundl , now premier of Utxly ,
chmi olln his honor ou > uf I'.ileimo's lianil-
sotiiLst stieets , the Via St. Antonio totliut of
Via Lincoln.
.lohit Jacob Astnr , north JTO.OCO.OUO , on Ids
briil il torn from I Mill ulelp'il.t ' to Haltlinoie ,
tr.ueletl In an oiiliii.nv c-halr car , tipped tlio
potter \vlth a ( piarter and ieiu stea Hi-cuts
back in L-huitre '
Mrs Cliauncpy Oepovv ji.tios any one vvho
will gosi-in about a siinilal , and the mmnent ,
shalieaisa fiieiul'sactions ontiiMscil
iiiomciit she tun creiiioniously takes her do-
pnitiiio for home
Try ( ioiild sajs ho has never had i f oed
pie lure taken and cannot aoco nit for It. Il
inav hi < tbit Mi ( Jnnhl dooi notlnoU
bei'iuse soiiiothiniT ia beiiiiitalten anil ho isn t
tiiKliifr it liinifolf.
Iho I'linee do Hobin , in a bet with 1'rlnce
Toiloni.i , l.uulv drove a tup and four down
thostonostciiiof thotownot Monaco The
descent was rather stoop , but itwas done
without natunililo.
Dr I * . A Whit'1 , an old colored druggist of
UrooulMi , is ilo.ul Dr AVhlto vvns so popn
lar.i in in tbat ilui-in the draft nets a guatd
ofpoir jieoplo surrounded bis place to pto-
tect him if necessary.
Mrs. Hclva A Lockwood lias just been
oleiteil bj tbo nluniln of Syiaiusc miner-
sity , Now Yoik , as their nntor for their tuxt
commencement In June , h'tl. ' Tais institu
tion is Mis I nikvvood's alma inatur.
Colonel Hnli IiiErurioll , who l < now " \lr Win-
dom for twentv six veai-h , saiil to u icportci :
'A bettei man never lived , nor almiinifr ono
Ilii iiiariied lift ) vva-slike one uiibtoUenspring
ilav , His was icallvtruo hippnicss. "
Miss .lane Ale.ulo Wek-li , Mis Cleveland's
piotcKO aiiil tlio preicherof the ne v cult
namely , Ainoiiianiii.i and the constitution-
is a sloiidir , < iaik-lialroa woman , with u high
foicheud and a strong , niasi-iilino face ,
Mr. CV McC'liesnov. a postal cleik in the
15fth division , i dUviiy mall si-rvice. , wninado
thoif-i-ipmit nta bniiijtiot in Ciiicinmti of n
f olil meiMl , avvirdcd by Poitinastor ( lenuia
\V.inaiiial < or foi the best tecord m I'loln lvJ )
chief justice of the suproiun
ouit ot I'c'iiiisjlvanll , i-iilcs thit it ii illegal
iniler the old statute of li'll ' to lie shaved by
i b u her nn Sundii ) , but it inot Illegal to
shave xomself at liomo or bo slaved b ) your
1M win Hooth rises to this personal cxplan i-
lon1'eoplo geneially liiok o'i ineasaie-
cluip , nnd seem to tlimlc mo mi unhappy and
frrunipv fellow 'i'hc facti- I have long" been
a sulleicr from dyspepsi i , hut that's a small
mUtcr , and concerns oulmy * clf. "
Cominindor Ueiter , th ) disgiaced naval
oflleur , Isu sad eyed llttlo mm whoso face is
coieredwith n thich growth of whiskers. Ho
ooks like a biokun dovx-ii hank oleik , and
seems toh.ix'olost all spmt That portion of
lisfnco which shows tluough his vvhishcis
s ghastly palo
( icnoraKii-ant died at sixty three , Slion-
Inn at lifty-sevon , Hancock at slxtv two ,
Meide at sixty. Hooker
sixty , 'lliomas tiftv-fom , I co sixty four ,
sixtv-ono I'ombirton sixtv-thieo
Uiagg - , - ,
Il.iuleolifty-lhe , t'ickott hfty , and
Sherman scx'onty-ono.
Senator Knstis of Lo ihlana , is the ( reat-
cstnatmal outer in thu so'iato I to is a big
man phslcalh and has a full voice and a do-
ibcrative , impjsiug style of speech tliat is
x'eiy ollectix'O At times his voice lills tlio
senate clumber with vibritions and again it
fulls to a loud 'i blsper.
The death of Adniiral I'oitcr makes Ad-
inii.d Kimbeilv thesenioi ofliier of tlionavy.
He Is xcitr popular among the otllceis , mill
tils promotion has been well earni'd leit {
Adniiral Ixitnberlv wa < - -command of the
American squadron of vo-.seh uuinif tlio
tiou'ilo at Samoa two ycais a o
Colonel 'i'lioiims WenHvortli Hiirginson a'
sl\tx-so\on \ is doingticrlvips asniucliliti-iary
w01 Ic as a young mini of tlmt ) , and o\-crv-
tldiiB xvldch comes fiom his pen is done xwll
Ilo is ptolmblv one of tlio oldest autliois
steailily at the desk xvitti editi rial cnunci-
tinns and acceptingoutsido commissions.
Ono of the aspirants foi Swntor Ile.nst's
soil In lonjiiess is Major llonobiako of l.os
Angeles , Hols known us the licau Hruin-
mell of southein C.illfoiuli , and Is a man ol
cuiious and picturesque ways Ho has beer
known to we.iva fiiro\ In summer , ami
never goes out without n pair of rubber over
Dr. James H Kelly , a Now YOI-K phvsician
xvlio has boon In lieiliii stiidving Or ICo-h's
ticatnicnt , has rutuinod liotno a conxeitto
tlio sx'stcm , but stionjr in the belief that the
Ivmph is dangerous In inexpoiluiic-cd hands
He says1 " 1 consider that the lymph is to
the medical world , what dynamite Is to the
engineer. "
It xvns 0110 of ( icncral Sheiman's daugh
ters , the eldest , xvlio refused to dance with
the Itnsslan crown prlnco when ho made his
tour of the United btutes. Her
raised acrowd of seeinl dust at the time , but
she explained it on the ground tint out of
deference to her mother's wishes she had dc-
cldcd not lo waltz at all.
Mrs. Toniiaut. mother of Mrs. Stanlov ,
saj' . tonn liitorviowor : "In Ameiie.t , as in
Kngland , theio are thousands and thousands
of sxx-eet , lovely , worthy girls wlinnru hul-
Ing axva\ because there aio iiohusbmds for
t'jcm. This Is dcplorabli' nnd
really , a < iucs-
tl'in ' of far moro Importance , hi nn iiiind ,
tlinn tholaboi pioblom. "
Tom Shcriniii rather Tom , ilici.fcsuit
Is tall , lank , thin , anil almost tiirunvod In
face. To sco him standing near Sc-natur
John , or Ids futhtT when ali\e \ , the stiong
likeness between Iho threj would stuki ono
at a ghnco U-'hn other son P r. , or
"Cmnp , " as ho tsetillod the dude of the
family Tom , In hhcollciro , XXMS a bor
ami rough-and-tumble lighter.
Of vailouseHoiH to Indiii o Mrs ( iaillild
to wulut.ilto literary xvoik , noun lm\o \ been
siiccfsalul Shu fix-only ivrotc "I am very
busy In my fnmUyt and I'jut ' isthuemi of my
amlJUlon In no way inn 1 personnliy
'famous' The nanm 1 bear is lionoiabloimd
honored , but my nun life has been nnly th it
of an oidlnuiy xx'nman dovotcd to Im'sbmd
and cliildroii 1 Imvo no desire to vvilto , nnd
always prefer that nothing bo xviltten ion
icrniiigmo , "
Pi hao Albert "Ictor.son of the mine * of
Wales , once , while at school , iii.iOuducUs > mit
drakes of bis pocket money , and xwotu
jmidcnt granihiuithi'ibeifglng a loan of " still
lings. Instead of iMicniniifrlnit his extrnva-
criiiH'O with aciimilliin | v\lth Ids iciiu | < sl the
tliiicn wrote him a b'tti'i ' on thelextVnsto
not , \Viinl nut. " ' lla' ' h.i1 ' eli'iikled the
quick wilted .vnuiigllnaiuler.iind he str.ilght-
xv ay sold for .W . shiilhi ( > s the liolo r.iiili id the
empress imecn.
( Sherman died possessed of a con
siderable fortune , estimated at between
$ U < 0 , ( > iHI and f.'OD.iKW. l.lko iminv iilin.x olll-
icis , he lonjj ago bouiilit ioal estate In "glow
ing ciths In llio xxest , nnd held the in-opeity
nsa M > CI illation , hi this way ( lencial Sher-
in.ui cleated a good deal of tnonex * . Although
i good liver , ( lenoi d Slicrmmi did not speml
ill of tlellMM : siiwry iceelved by him from
hogou'inmitit for man ) years , and his sux'l
ii , s ho invested.
Colonel \V i tli-rson appears to ho asleep nl
the time Ills o.vebriHVi nto shnggy at d
onif , and as he lulks Inhas the habit of
urahbiiig his head just ln-\ end xh it Is oidi-
imlly Known us the " .scalp loili , " unit slowly
nilllnt ; Ids hand down mot Ids forehead ,
iiuvvs , nnse and mustache , ending up xvith a
: honuhlfiil twirl at the end id his j ; < ' .ille.
lids leaves the hlrsutiadoinment of the
fatuous Ki'ntui'klnn in the lough seinhlniico
if a sko ) tciner which has been out In the
i am.
am.Mnu' . llarrlos. the widow of the celebrated
iKWldcnt of Vomvuel.i , is noxv sta.v ing in
\Vashinuton She Inn had an Intenstliiff
caieer. At the ago of iiinetc n she mot Har-
ilos and iox'ed him llerfathi'i- objected to
the imitih and xvns clapped Into pi Ison by
thu suitor. U hen lie xvas releisoil the
.ligo took place. To Tiesldciit and Mem.
! l.u rios twins vveie born within a v ear and
it tlio ago of twentv tnrco slio was left a
widow with seven ihlldien and n fortune of
\VlinlShoSaxvnt the IMay.
( lood Nuws : Visitttitf Aunty So vou
went to llio theater lust ovenlng ?
Svvei'l Cilrl Yc- " , 1 xvent with Mr.
ititt folio , the yotmtr L'onileiiuin jou sivx
iiero tlio last' time vim Unovv ; the one
xvlth tlio lovely imi tnclu1. nml Immlsomo
eves , ami bwi'ot inoutli , vou Know : tlio
oiio xvlio -
Visiting Aiinlj AVas tlio piny a tr.ig-
oilj or a coined. \ i
bvveol Clil ! I'm I don't iviiiemli r.
Both the method and icstill'vltcn ?
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant
anil lefresliing to tlic tnstc , and acts
Rcnlly yet promptly on tlio Kidneys ,
Liver and Bcnvels , cleanses the sjs-
tcin cdbcttmlly , di-pcls colds , head
aches and feveis and CMIIOS liabitnal
constipation. S ) rnp of Figs is tlio
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleading to tlio tnete and ac
ceptable to tlic stomach , pionipt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
ellectg , prepared only from the most
healthy and agtcenhlc substance ? , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syiup o * " Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. .Any reliable druggist \vho
may not hax'c it on hand will pio-
cttro it promptly for any one \vlio
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
( .ouisviLic , K\ \ new yon" . N f
1 cniale c nu 11 xvctfil fennlere Ulat r 1 r
( cttly knf ( . . r cur irt I ( ; , t m - > 1 ScnJ s ( stanii > t r
l > irtiLulars AiJrrssllON DKL G CO , Uuifal N
As a Flesh Producethsro can bo
no question but thnt
Of Pyre Co J Liver Oil and iiypophosphiles I
I Of Limo nnd Soda
j is without a > ival. Ufanv have (
pruned a pctnd a day by "the use i
' . i > f it , Zt c lives |
CON8USV1PT80ES ! , <
EASES. AS J' U , U ill/.i ; .t s Mll.h , \
7J < - / > iiii ) i/iiii / { /ft thu yuiiu'iii' us time tin i
jiiiorliiitt'ttluns. ' )
UMii.mii HEM- rTtr .
inv An tin f nil-
Ingruiuf r "tin
Innl VVcukni'S ,
Blirn iiltrrli.iea ,
lniif'ii-ncy | itud
all dlbi'tiiioa lint
follow in. u > o-
qlll'HCO Of Pllf-
liblliu , us I.i. of '
Mi'inury. Lnlvt'f-
BIFORITAtlXQ. > ° t i..i Mtuio AFTER 7ARIRO.
rnlii In tlio llnck Dlinnoisof Vhlnn. 1'remntur * OM
AKO , niiJ ipuny . .tlitirillHt'ii'L's Una lund to Isianlty
or ocinminptlon oniln Iiromntuni trave
t * Full iiarHculam In our pniu | lilutvhlcli wo do <
tlrn to tend fteo L > ; umll to aT > uno IW'l ho Spa.
clllo Medicine Is s < lint fl per iinckiiuo , or ill pack
use * for 15 , or will ho Kunltroobj until ou roculpt uf
tlio monej , by imclridnu
1110 Px UNA M Sriir.iiT , OMAHA , Nun.
On neoount of coiinli-rfilN no huvo adopted tin
fellow wruti | r , tlio < ml > k "nine
el lEAN S
] ItlC lil'Kt in i loalul la 8titil
c\cr\ulit tv I ils I * Iho or > ,
lull J.siiofII win o ! Imi.
tutmm I nulliv l > HOIIU
Konulno unlin KiuuiiitU
l i Iho . ' . ' lames
lie < > l'r 5 HI " Hnimlu
ic/ilc/i / Jiiftiij.i SH/I/W In
Jluliv < nnjlin nn nt uf Iln
J'liln , Hut mi" 11 nil ttiiili ,
Aftiril-liiK"iH'li'i"li "f " Mulher'i I'lii-uil" I
eiiHn H ullii i 111 ml l linii \iiih Kiiimt
\ > t itil i nfl r > - . nl I.MI.I In iiali uiv Mrs.
AKMt l.AMt , I.UIIUU M Jill IMll , 1 Jl
s nl In o < | ire . I'liiirM" l" 'i nl. M "II t if
iirlti Jl li OKI > > 1'IliiraiiulUilhm. '
leic.viH'iiM.o itici : i , vi'du . ,
ATIf. . \ , ( .A.
How About Your ( VIother ? ,
Scrofula or King's Evil is the mcxsi stubborn of nil Skin
affections. Whether inhciiicdorothci\viseitisiblood ; dis
ease and cannot be permanently cuied by anything but
S. S. S.
My ivmtliovvni f-oioly nllliclpilvilli Serof ulii for three yonn nml a Imlf :
( Inrinjf that tlino Hu | ; liitidsoii lu-r : n ok liurst upon in thcphuvs. Tlireuof
tlio opeiilngHvvi-iv small ami hc.iled nifht ti | > , bill the other two would tllhip
ami btvak opi-ti \vtiboitt ovoiv tvvvcolcs , iihvn.VH ( > nitsiii ! ; severe palu
ami tiftou inosti'.illon. Shi'VIHSO icilucoil in stn'iifjtli , tlmt tonii-s niul
cocoa vvini-s had lo ho ( jvtu'rously tiM'il tokccpliiM-iilivi- i-omnii'iicud.
talilii S. H. K. , ami improved fimu tin1 stntt : till' Hist lioltli1 ( favi < lior mi
appetite and l > v tintmio she lliiKUil llio font Hi bntllf lioriu-olc lu-iili-tl up.
She la mnvi'iitlri'ly . MIIX IJ. ,1 Utmri i , Mcdfonl , Mass.
THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , - - Atlanta , Ca.
i : \VD\uurmo A UK mi1VOHMI
Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. Nuuiishing.
Ilavinirn pecitliatly delicious llavor a food and think
combined al a half cent a cup and fit for u fn'tue.
fflrVAN HOUITN'S I'OC'OA ( " nc tiled , uUinj. n.eil " ) nns Invontc.t Anil
li.'iduilrJ nii.l 1 iiiaitf ( a ililliiii < l. It i ) trkuanlc'ilRiM by Iho incut einiuoul ilncturs
nnil AMAl > sts thnt lij thu * pipul t rcitliiuMttll < urFS Hloiov Inn iinttcr onv , Iho
i llll > llll > uf ( liti llt'tli.r.iriilttiu CI > II < | | | IIM | > ! Iliurcateil nflj'l" ' " ' ot. . ,
\ilnlo Ilia nliol of Urn Illirni ate soflonna nn 1 ronluro.t luoru | iulnt > tile nuj iIlKOitlblo ,
" ' . rtctt , sale In tlio vorlil ' AtW for X'AN HuuriN H nml tnko no oilier. 67
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
spMjntei-n voiri pxporli n " Are nlir Kttiluifp In nu il i Inoi rlipiutnii ihi nr 1 ill trolling w H
tlic ( .10 iti'it BUI , iff nllNiii\.H8 . < hr in. . mi I 1'ihnii. Ill 01 i V | > rniiti nl inn utmrti nt. e 1 t r l ntnrU
Spur iiiiln ih'i'i I tMin'i- scuiinnVciikni Miihl I o > " > . Imp. Urn i --tiilit li tin u uml nil illtt *
on i filiol" " 1 skin ( in I 1 mi irs IT.ins N 11 j Kiuin > ntr > Hii ) f. ruvorj nisi. I un.l Ml ikonml full to
ciiio I i.n-ulKiiion fno Ilouk i Xlisti rlos c > f I Ife mil tie OillccImurs U n in to a i in Kuiular 10
n in t . il in
With Double Wire Suspensory.
Ho. 4 Gents'Belt '
matlcCoiuplnlnts _ . ; ;
n < " .R. KM no ) .
Scxunl I'.x
. fbtMly 1)1--
\ \ \ i t.on VVait-
PT-OS CIlllUJll liy linnr-oretluin In
.nitli.AKC Mar- _ tied or aluglo
j.l lo Buajiaisory.
Also nn Klc'c-trlc Trusn uml licit Coniblncil.
Send 80 po tnRO for riirE Illustrated book KM
IinKO , wlilcli mil bo cnt jou In plum touled envol-
oiio. Alciitlon this pnpcr AilJrt'oj
Owen Electric Bait & Appliance Co. ,
3O6N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo.
II'1 ' } OU have a moderate co\igh ,
IL1' "iOU have u hard cough ,
IF YOU have a tight eonghv
IF iCJUliuvo miy cough at all ,
niul if nil other cough synips have
failed , try BEGGS' Cherry Cough
Syrup. His positively guaranteed
to relieve any kind of coughat once
or no pay. 1'nco 25o. , 50c. anil $1
per bottlo.
For nlobynll tlniKKhl' . If join
drujwist dot snot lut-p itui stock ,
01 xv ill not imirtirt it fur jou , incept -
cept ni > Kulhtitiitt , but MIX ! ilui i i
to the l.ilmrntorj nf lU'ct1'ft ; ' ! . . .
t'liic-ilt-o , Ills , tl.i prui iiuiiioil
uml tluvill fu'vuiril , jirt-1'iuJ ' , U
! ll | > ) ' ; | ltlif t II L , b.
Wonderful Remedy
I'rlco 81.OO. - I'lnt Itnttlo * .
For Sale by leading Druggists.
riiErii.Ki > OMV iiv
Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co ,
Blnko. Bruoa & Co.
ClicinUt and VSMIJIT.
roniii'ily In ( l.iitii.ntiirv ulllio t ntoii
I'.KilU' ( iillu.iy l tiiup.iii )
Spocml Atlontlon Given to Ot'cs ,
Watot's nnd
1 1 1 j Docile St. , Om.iha , Neb
< 'hlilu t..r' 1' lll.rr.oii.1 IlliinJ.
sln < " > H"r IKutrluit ' ' . ' V
Avi ( nu iiritrili u > i " ! IP
'v t ui. u
in ieni i (
1 ? ' Hrllif f.if linlli. , " n rilur
fr Mull III.IIIMI i > ii u \ . / j
/ " 'hlilii > lirt Illicit nl to , Mu.ll > .iiS.iiiirr |
1II > lli ( Jill ) rhlluiU , k'u
i .Vli II ttll' > UIM.i l.lii lll \ \llltlllilttMilxl < tl *
' inM ik i in \ \ ti 111 au > < in i. uul .U i" >
' for t' ' i' > i- l iHiiiiiini Hi-n i < lli.inii < in > - .
Ml iKilri' Ninlc tin inn nit I *
uflil Id i * , Wiili llutunu.ilioii feu
ill' ' tin ( d (
INi-.TlTUTK. .
1 rlhp trcitmrnt f nil rillUINIC VM > " ! t llOICAfj
IM I V1 1 i Hrari-H vppllnnro f rli form ttoinna
Tin-MM" * lli i HK i IHIi" * AppuniluH nn.l ItoineUlcj
f r iit. o ful tioitmiMit , f oif j loriuuf ilHeasG
10 ulririir Vli'iili il'.r ' nruioal I riMiimi nl NINBTit
UHOM-- Hilt 1'VllIMlliinrluml Atti-inlnnco ,
Hi * t \t oiunnii nl til , IIH Vi \ st \V i tu-f > r < IrcuIiirB oa
l-f unities nn.t . Unit t > < Ti n o tlnl > hi'ut. rurvn *
Inrc i.t * -ilno | Pllo1 * , I'mnor * . ( uiirer ( 'ntorrh ,
HrnnrliilK liilnil illon nit-ctili lt > 1'arily N ipll ; >
L-y ) KI < lntH llliiUUr H > o I5nr skin and Illi.od ,
nml ill Hiirrflcnlliiprntloni | > Illsi : VHi- \\OMKN
n npirliiltu Iliu k u llUca-'i'i nf xXnniiMi I'ruo WO
liiiM-tulpIr ii.liliil n Ijrlnrf In Hop irtnip it f .rWoinon .
Diirlin : rontliicni'iit istrlitly 1'rtMiU- i Only Kelliu
lite M. illi il Iti illnto VlnKIni ! a M > ci Lillr of I'lll-
VA'II Ul-lIAsis
Alll.ill \ \ l i'iivci > upcc fiill > treat oil Modlclna
or InvtMiiiipiiti tent b > mall urc in rocnroiy
liichiil. HI in uks t < > Inithntp < inti-uts or'inilcf. .
Oin11 L-r ciml lntirlew prt-ft rn-il < all nnit consult
im 01 M'lul Inquiry nt jour in- * . ' ninl t ) will ouil In
lain n nil | > er < iur HOOK To MliV HtHI , upnn PrU
vnlo spLMliI ur Vorxous Ulnoi c-3 , wltliquostlou list.
Aililrt * nil IctliTi to
Dr. A. T. McLnughlm , Pi csident ,
Uth .mil lltuni-J Mli'i Is , Oiu.ili.i.
BIS , . J. E.
1V 1 ( ! us' Kxpprh'iit'f.
C uroil in Iln 5 ili > \\ltliunt tin-1 " ' uf n lie.lira tlino
friiiu huiliiM * tin-mint b i lull- inn * ft r ( iI.KUt
anil nil niuiiiyln } : ill.t li irtfi-s t v .T ln < M n to nn-illcal
M Icm-c SM'HIIIS nnnrrintoil ( iircln Wt > < J ilay v
' 1 lie nio l pu\M..rfal n-nit1 Iv yi > t l.uon n tor a lurinn *
noiiKui. ' M'ltlri'l Itllur imlii In n llovlni. tin * bind *
dor ciin-ilnt Immiultlumt Initriiuii-ntH n. . riutlng ,
in piln no illhillii. lnst ' XlaiiliiMi.l ur Vi iknesi
| n ! lni'l ) curtil In tnnt r. Ili'f kln iNt ! > > o nnu
ftmiliillsi IHIM ponnnn nil. rnri'il Dr Xl..row'i
fl\ncpss In tlir Ireatuiriit of l-rUuto lpMsi ) ! ( > lias
IHi r Lot n piiulk | > .1 nn I Ills .ro'il iirni ) f imtii-nv
rcii h. H from tlio Atliiuiu t iho I'm ill. II kn ami
< MI .lai < lie. ' l.a.lli" ' t 1 nn v mi ami
I n nu Mri-iMs ( JiLiilu , Ni.'X Kmrincu .1 , ulhor
tulnt s , Mental | * prinion hoftentntf < f tlio UrAtn . _
FuUtttt ? In insanity njvl Iwadlnir to nmorj tlt > iav unj
Uoitb Prrnikturo Ol i Af ( . Hairenn s * 1 outif 1'nwar
tnoitlior eox. Involantarx Uoi enut Hpmunionh
cftuswl liy ov r-vxuttlo of thu tiratn , * * o or
brer luduvenee Kachbox conlalni on a niuntt'i Ireat.
ment cl * tint , nr fix for $ i , tent l.y nipt | inpiUil4
Miih onili unlt-r for ilx lioiv * , vul rent | > urcha or
crunrautto to nfuml nonuy it thu troitmvnt fAlU CO
rut * * Uu&rnlui < ttuuvd tuiJuwuua.0 kuUuuly br
11(1 ( raiiiiitn Mrect , - Oin4ii. ; .Nub.
\ V1'I l < T'i Aconls tosplt tinI'tnluM
\ > * vi > L Jwi - - - , , , | % ! , ! , „ , . thu .nij
lint t'vrr In \ IMI I hull Is tin- clot In , vvithi
out Jiili * uiiiifi-tt hiuiiKs ; | i it t'lil roiClittj
KSIII il ; hiilci i iily liy u/i nls. In vIIIIIM tlio 11 <
I-IIIXIM ilht Is nlvi n Dnti-i-i int uf M i nils wi
v\lll si nil a s inipli' line hy niiill ; nK , . I'lrciu
lui' . , prim list unit ti rms tu a t'nt --ri ur (
VIMII at niiii- / \ < | ilri-ss Till TIN
1.s | iloTllI" I.IM. i\ ) . 17 Ik-ri on w |
\ \ uri t sii'r M iia
, , POSITIVE \ : andpeimanoM CUREIor all
'll " "t"IJ' URINAHY ORGAriS. Cur.i
where othBMreitmcntl lu.Ftiirdir ctioin > llh aeh
? . 'LCi' ' P'jM.onB dolltr. See ol E.