THE OMAHA. DAILY 3U3J3 SA'LTHDAY ' ' ' : , JTBURUARY 'AS IHOl-TN'EM'E PACES. News of the Northwest. Cronmof tlio Nowsof llio Northwest la horevvllli prenp.Ttorl In tvtx iiijle foiMn , No o'.li > r papm1 ninkos this news n Ictulinu feature. It is the week's history of llio Q rent northwest. Working rnri : < HM > tlO , ( > OI > , j l".i > H are under dlsounlon In California \vii.n. if sucee fill , would make it po sli > lo ti wry out livdraullimlnlntr without injury li lie farmers In Iho valleys and open up o ii'ii ' ono of the rli-lio t gold Holds III tlio w .rut . The Ideals to construct a lingo debris a in n tbo canon to the cast of Smartsvllle , ni i in.liil from thcmii innminnlti Ilium-lo ' uivi'v thu water tolhu lule lands around Iho bav lly this means the dam would catch ni-db ild all the rougher dobiK while thu mime would bear the "sllclcens" nwny and fl iHi ! > it II on the tlJo lands , whom II xvould I , ti.-'iiiinlato ' and convert them Into rich farms | f leavingthoin to lie at waste ns at lr suit. Probably taomostmcteii'dvo ' portion of the W'trk wniild ho tin' ilniii , which would lir > ii'ii'iit ' ' 'in ' ) feel , tn height and which would K VIMI full of (100 ( feet to the tldo level. His ti'-'minti'd by competent engineers thiit this X.ul.I bo suftlciont to scour tlio Hume by U'l'u'-ul ' ' means nnd would irivi'tho h.ulniulir ; u .ni'fs in tliuinouiit.iliisb.iclc of Nevada fily nu ii | > | iiirhniity to work full foreo. The cost of Hie entire work is estimated at from $ . iMo.omMo fi.iiOi ) ( Mi , vhieh is hut a trilling B'.ro ' i-uinpiiroil wltii the f < OO.IHX > , OIXIor more. lUK liH-ki'tl up In the hills , xvllhout nliy pv.nt means of .exit-art ing It , and which .ai'i- - -t lie taken out In paying ( luuntltiesbv iij \ - itn'imeans. . An objection has lioen to the plan on nriinint of the water rlKliuinvolved.biit this , It - iid , will not mtc-rlern as the miners n' in their own xx-atcr In reservoirs and can i TO ) t it as they chose without being inter- fi-n-il with by laxv. In Ihi ! ( oustruetioii nf ' t - tluiiii' , it'is proballe that heavy red wood lumber would bo used. It could bo 1. ' uncovered so that If any oustruetioii should occur It could bo pit-ill v removed , which would not bothocaset wiih iron pipe. The stream of water would bi'sn regulated that no ovorllow could occur. \syetthoplansaronot fully formed , but II is salil that KoiiH'of llio best engineers on tintoiisl have examined Into the mutter and have reported favorably without a single ex ception. In the meantime Iheiaatteris bciin ? pushed quietly and an cgortlllbomadoto \ orgaiiixiia svmliciito to taho tlio inaMerlii baud nud ralso the money to carry it out. A 'Krlsoo MltMiiiN. Here is a condensed bntrovoltln R biography Of a San l-'r.iiieisT-o millionaire as written by Arthur.\U-Kwen for the Salt I.-aho Tribune : "I saw him In a box at the theater grinning lit llio unehaslo antics on tlio sta e. Ho was nlnne , fur Just at prcsenthe. isnot on amicable Irruisxdth bis family or families ratherfor llio iiK-i-liiltyof this Rontlemaa has been mur- riau'e , etc. Only in Franco xvould it bo per- imltt-it to print his biography. ICven xx-hat I am alinnt to tell concerning him Is sueh a riivt-hitiiiii of depravity that jiooplo of li'innul ' morals nnd dcei-nt lives will bo apt tii'iolievc ' itboyoiiil credit. Hut people of this surt know nothing of the lives nf u class ui fpidwit animals common to all cities. This ] iarlicuiar old malformation is past sixty. Jlo hn a xvifomid homo In the western ad- ilitlrv buthe seldom goes there , llisnp- p , .iicnts iu one of the hotels are line . unh lor the prince of Wales , though In a I ) ' , moss way ho Is n nklnllint. In the same lintel are a man nnd woman baser than he is , fur he pax's them an ineoino. and in return tin" . liavi > Kiven him tlieir daughter , \vhois lint IHIeoii and still K > ' 'i to school ! YVtllils fiiilu-rand this mother are a ratherniee look ing elderly pair , who inovo ni-oiiiultlieliotol without shanio , mid have the air of bein i pel-sous of eonsU'.oralion m easy cir ciimstanct"J. They xvould have felt honored umtiT the ( iriiiiiih.tmico and patronage of Tlm cltu-ay'a Lord Stcyn , devils out of the pit as they aro. Uecently the rich man went to Seattle on business , nnd xx-hilo he was off thoyouiigcirl Rave- party in his rooms to some of her schoolmatesher iucrcOlblo mother superin tend iug the rox'els , A * those xvcro nt their height three ihiuchters of the absent p.iy- inaster txx-oof them married and each born nf -sepimito mother in wedlock invaded the npar-ftncnt.s and inado such a scene that the dam of tlicdoKi-ailed litllo hostes ? soi/.odtho polcerand diwo thoin forth Into the hallway , locking tlio door for safety after them. Tlioro tlu > three datishters , with rentty nails nnd parasols , lay in xvalt for hours , until the hotel people rallied nnd ojectcd the xvholo outtit , bchoolglrl ( 'tu'stH and all. On his return the parent was Indignant nt the conduct of his offstirinjr , and pending apologies has cut oil supplies. lrix"en ) from tlio hotel , ho has iiistalled the father , mother , daughter and him Belt' in a urotty cottage on the ontMurts , tlniniieds of men and women know of this inei-lcnt , and the whole state I.s cognisant of the sort of hfo the man has led for thirty yeai-h , but be doesn't care. IIo bus the inuiicy to cloas ho pleases , and Ids veidth makes it dangerous for newspaper * to mon- liiui him disrespectfully , there beliiK such thinKSILS libel laws and courts willing to enforce them xx-ltu river in defense of the fuiiiidations of society a lar o block in winch tills excellent old centlonian.of course , K KoSilenus , nslncllnod , buys voiith anil beauty and coes his carrion way in safety , grinning in n- bluffed world's scaiidali/oil face. It xvlll ho edifying to listen to the fun eral sermon that i-ro lotin must bo preached over his evil carcass. There Is nn dou'jt ' nt all that it will bo worth tno money , and d his xirtuesfull Jtistiee. bid inns Can Work , 12vcn nuioiiK the Piutes thei-e are a fo\\ men who have Mcient industry and cnt-or. prise to farm on a largo scnlo land of then own , writes Dan Do Qnillo from Virginia City , Nox- . Chief Natchez is a < j.uict and am bitious rancher. ISIauy others would no doubt fin m after a fashion if tliey had un disputed possession of a patch of ground am : suftielcnt water to trricnto it. In IhtW , im mediately utter tlio Pluto war , nil Indinr raino lo me-In Silver City who , to my sur prise , was full of the spirit of a. grander. IIo Bald he had n ranch soiuewhero about the Eiuk of the Hiinibuldt. He wanted a cow breeding so\v , some chtokens and a lot ol garden seed. With a Httlo assistance the man would doubtless have soon become an Industrious and contented - tented ranchor. Perhaps ho may ox'cn now bo running a much , i have forgotten tin. man's name and do not mum- that I hnvo seen him since that day. ho had then just sold Hfty tons of hay and had the cash to pa ) fur tilings xvUhed to putvhnso , There are now about Virginia City xvholo herds of Plute.i ol both sexes. Many of the bucks are sirup plntf young fellows. Show thoni ivork lhut rim do , and offer them money , and they are ready to take hold at oiice , but they nropooi hamis at finding work mid never tblnlc o originating anything or dolnp : anything 01 their own account that would bring tticn money , unless iierlmps to shoot afoxvducltb and foese. For those they always inuimiro to get toil prices. Ono never gets a bargain on of a Pluto , lie will hang on longer than a ChlnifFnnn for the hist cent. No Kxeuso For Hilling- . ' A fatal shootlnt'oieuncd at BurKsido three miles fromUanon City , Col. , bywhicl John l-Vlch , aged txventy years , lost his life A. brother of the boarding house keeper when ) a number of the coal minors bean brought a gun to the house for the purpose o going rabbit hunting , and stood itairnlnst tin bouse while he went lasiilo to cat his break fustFeleh Feleh anil three other men were standing outside the door when a Hohemiai limned John Seaman walked past the homo toward the back end o the lot , but turned nnd en IN back to where the men xvero standing. Hi i.ickcJ up the gun. which was an old rllle boix'd outiind loaded with shot , and cocking It turned around and pointed it at Felch , say Inyas ho did so , "L.ook out ! " The cunva discharged , the whole load strikhiK 1'clch In tno head , tearing away part of the skull and fccnttering brains and tlct h uguiibt the house. Tliemanwos locked up In j nil , IIo nil mils the shooting , but says It was not Intentional , Ho spcnlis very llttlo Kiih'lWi. Kiii\v ; That ( iliifloiiN Climate. A most oxeltliiK Incident occurri'd on Pouith street , near Toxviiseud , Iu wkleti the principal uetors xvoro n proinlnont lumber dealer , n runaway steer and a small dog , * aystuo Ban Francisco CulL The steer es- ' iMo ! | l from thn rallnud corral and had started out tn tukolti Iho town. Ho liad lint ' ivivMillv. ii.-rlvcd fmm his iuli't count ry linmo | and thn bomU of captivity had frottml his proud nnil until ho lud been wwiiBlitiip to the hlifhoMt pitch of r.igiv Thfiv win til-nxl Inin hlieyonlii > turned into fourlli it root , and the oinlnnua haUeof hhhoiiil lii-tolinncd inti trotihle. jfuw fivt itw.iv lioeapleil tln'luin- berjnaii tniietly walkingnlnng t tie street , unit M tlm steer paused for an Ins Unit to get tiearlngs nnd il ? up the 111,111 a smuli uiifT spi'nng froniadoonvay and gave vent to J a vicious tj.u k. A moment latt'rh' * made a ash at tlu'sU'cr'i lid-In. 'llio luinhi'rni.iu. \\lthhli \ b.ii'k tiirniMllo thcii'one , continued oa lihviiy. . Without wamltur tlio steer d.isbtd tort'.ird him with he.ul lowered , mid I le lumberman lainied uimn hi > Imi'lc. rolling wavlnto tin ; gutter , \\lii-n - ho ni-oio tlio idiml hnd di.tappunml iirouiuliui ii < lacmit ] nruer and was seen no more. 'I'he man ga ed Ithnii airof bewilderment in all directions , liinccd sinpkMouily atthoslty. picked up hi * at and llnuvd awav. A , xvho liad Itnessed llio inehk'nt frnm a distance , ox- lainiil the nat ure nl the necldont.and found j UliluYiilttoi'inko tlio victim of tlm mishap eliin-o thai It win nut 11 cvclnno had L'iseilsuildenly doxx-n the sheet. I'uH-d us I-'vn lliuiilll'in. A Hurry of excitement was created at lutto , ixlont. , by the advent of ii stylish 'oimn from 'eiv York , cl.iltiilng to he Kva liiinlltoii. She registered at tbo leading itcl under the name of Car r ID 1C. Austin. lor llrst CMtr.mro to the diiiiiig room reated a sensation , and a Chlcajo | fti minor at onro foil victim to her and the - - such nsclnatioiH t -o wot-o soon va nn friends that they started out together hatiilKhtto "tako ia" the town. Tins waj ionelii tlio most approved style , all thopopu- ir rcsorubt'ing visited andi'.hainpafjiie lloiv- UK freely , tliuwiunan footiiif ; the bills. It VIIH during thiticvol that she nnnouiicoil to wondering cmwil sliowan the woman vhohiul e.iusedllio . ilis i-.ii.o of Uolwit H.iy ' lainilton , and ills'd papers which she .aid . were onion from l/io / conrt for alimony , t Issaidthat aho also boasted of having on friendly terms with the prince of vTales , and she even exhibited n pair of linmond studded parlors which she elainiod viis presented lo her by Dim. The nlpht's doiisuro ended in the woman dalmiug that ho had been robbed. \Ylieii she returned to the hotel she ci- dained totho proprietor that slu- had left -Jew Vork under the lingering Itiilucncu of i xvine paily and onlyeoinoto upon arriving it ilutto , and avowed that she was not loaded vith wealth. She said she would receive a onilllaneofroma friend In KenVork in a lay or txvo , xvlneli favor she is still awaiting , 't turned out that slio wasn't ' thoorltrtnal ircn 12x'a. Tall .lumping. The Jumping of tlicBentoii group of mines ) ii Suoxv creek , in the rCcilnirt district , Mou- ana , is exciting considerable Intnrcsl. The six leads cunipTiiotl In tholleiitoii group xvcro oc.ited by Daniel llutro In 1-ivJ , live other [ iiii-tlcs securing interests in thu discovery iminedintclv nftcrxvanls. Nothing but assess ment work was done for some six or seven years , fractional interests in the same hav- liands In severnl instances. J. ( - ' . K. Iiiirkur , a mining expert at Neiliart , e- cured control of the propirty afexv iiionlhs i o by purchasing llvo one-sixth Interests - ests from dilTeront oxx'ne.r.s , the remaining one-sixth beiiiK held hy lorry Collins of ( treat Kail * . The property has sineo been merged Into si stock company , Mr. Collins re ceiving no equivalent for Iho fractional in- ierest ho still owns In tbo various leads. The lumping is said to tiodoneon beluilt of Sir. L'ollirts , and is based iinon some tectiiileal omissions In the original local ing. The C ! real Kails Tilbinio denies that Collins jumped the ( troup. This does not alter the fact that the Loup has been ] unixd | ) , hoxvover , and that in era of endless litigation is uboiitto bo in augurated. Want Itoiini I'lir rfclllc-rs. A inectiiif7 of the settlers in Hound Valley. Cnl. , xvas held In Covolo to express dissatis faction with the proposition to extend the boundaries of the Indian reservation , A. iinmbor of speakers , both whlteaml Indians , addressed the meeting , and nil xvcro agreed upon the proposed action of the government eomuiis.sionors in proposing to extend the _ seas to liicludo Irotn riO.OOO to riKX ( ) acres as being imnolltic and unjust. It xx-as slated that the wtiolo number in Kiev-al loy , men , \ \ omen and childrenIncluding sev eral Americans , Tortuiruose and Afi leans , does not ex coed TOO or sCHpet-sons. ) Theies- olutlons adopted set forth that 10,000 orli- IMJO acres are amply snfllcieiit to bo reserved. aiTd that the same should bo alloted to the Indian families in ten or twenty-acre tracts. The resolutions also express dissatisfaction with the present commission and rciuiest the senators and representatives of California to iibotheir influence to have it recalled and se cure the appointment of a new one. t hurc'li ot * OraiiR-- ( . The 1'alorinoFYult Growers' association , which recently aftlliatod with the California state board of trade , sent to San Kraneisco u largo model of the Union church , which is lo cated at Palermo colony In Butto. The model has been erected in the board of trade rooms and is now on exhibition. The inlaiaturo ehurch Is an exact model in every detail of the original niul just onc-sov- onth its size. It is 11) feet in length , C , ' . . . feet wide and 11'.j feet in lioicht. Thereof roof , Rabies and belltoxver are covered with oranges , some thousands of xvhleh are used , while in the windows and around the pedes- tuU are arranged exhibits of nuts , dried and fresli fruits and other products of tho-eobny. As the oranges used m deeorating the church wither they will bo taken away and fresh fruit substituted until the oninpro'.season is over , xvhea ether fruits , dried and fresli , will bo used for decorntinpr , milling it astandinp. unique advertisement of tlio resources of Palermo. lcv. ! ( leorgoV. . Darr has boon on trial oo- fore ttio presbytery of llouldcr , charged with conduct Inconsistent with the ministerial calllnp. Ho is well known aloujj in the toiviis of southern Wyoming , having been pastor of the Presbyterian church at Ksiwlins and county superintendent of schools In Carbon. IIo became Involved in debt and to va cate his charge at Itawllas. IIo preached at Kvanstou several tlmos as a candi date for tlio Pi'obyterlan churoh. Afterwards rvlr. liarr was called to L.iiramio City. Illswife Is n nloco of Postmaster ClenernlVanamaker. . The J.arainio Presbyterian church has many a minister's ' scalp dandling from her belt , and a good many thought that Mr. Earr's would bondded. Hut tholnvestiKiitln eomiuitteo cleared him on the ehnrges nf criminal im morality , blithe failed to free himself of the strictures passed on his operations. Tenderloin The Silent Friend iiilno atPlUIn , which shoiveda nine- foot vein of olld yaleaa at the gra s rout * * , was found by two Swede rail road liands woo didn't know what the min eral was , nud K'O away throe-fourths of their lutero.t before they discovered Its value. Experienced prospectors had boon over the Kiwmd thousands of times , but there was no external evidence of the lead , The railroad men found It by rolllnur a boul der down the mountain side. Tut. . mineral cropped out from where the noulder had been The great carbonate lleldj ot'Veiut- villo were found by a man who WM thought to Do lusiino fnr mldng shaft where there wsro nooxtenial evidences of mineral , lie found carbonate "blanket vein " ma , lylnjr ni level as u sheet of water. A regular pros pector would never have sunk theiu It was purely a ciuo of nccldcnt and tenderfoot lucli , Victim LouU Vetty , a young ranchtnnn living on \VhitoTail civok , Slontauu , about forty-llvo miles cast of Great Pulls , \vas brought to tlio latter place with both feet badly frozen uml mortillcd by Improper treatment nnd neglect , On iTcbruary 1 , Yctty oud a companion wore nuntiiig wolvoi whoii they broke thrnu irh the ieoof i Smith river , and biiforo rouebliin homo Vcttx".ife twi'ro fro/.eu solid , lie started ford KnIU , lint \vns caucht in the r"cetil snow Mtorm nnd thrco days ehiisedbefore tin re.iehod there. 4\tn | > utallonof both foetwlll prolitibly bo necesviry to save Ids life. \iMirS\vliilliin : A soiiitticnal storv WH imblisheil by the livening Star In relation to nrlni ? alleged to have . Iv-eii - formed for the purpose of defraud ing Pueblo , Col , , out of MOO.OOO. The Colorado eoil : and iron company built the South 1 'ue I ) lo waterworks tifteeii years nmi , niul until the fall ol issii owned a IIII-KO ma- , joilty ( of the stock. Is'o dividends wore ever liald ' , niul In Ks ' .l , when the tt-r of selling the -works was broached , nil small stoclt- holder * were In favor of it , 'riiepiircluiso was m.ide by loesil capitalists , and the worki li.ivo been run bylhoin'slneo. In Us expose t heS tnr alleges that n rltn ? hait been formed by a number of nhlormcn nnd the owners of the works to soil the uropertyto thu city for SHW.ooti , wlirruns It wm worth only Slixi,0 , )0. ) 'Iho airlielo states that details hnvb been all Jirrarigcil , and In a short time an effort will be iiinde to nulotly let the c-lty in for 5VOOD ) ( ) with nut bringing the question to avotc ol the [ WOplfl , Itunaxvny Krelirlit Tnln. . " runawnv freight train did ronslilerablo Jamagoiii the Santa FoyanU at 1'uoblo ' last .Monday a fternnon , destroying several tliou- sind ilollnrs worth of property. Kiiginooi1 Jifson brought in on glno il1 ! from Denver , and comltif : dowaii urado near tfio mylnm tl.o nirhosn between the engluo and tlio llrst car broke connections , praduiiliy ( Mining speed. After nottlu ir out of the engineer's rout rnl tin ; riitfl no rushoil throuqhtlie yards nboutaniilo at a frightful speed , wilh tlio train behind. Near the ( J rand iivenuo cross- iiiL' six cars werostiiiulhin on the I rack , nnd ; hesoworc * smashed to pieces. The cujrine was bully dnnageil , but tn-ld the rails and , no ono uas hurt. \Milppi-il liy n Uoiinni. William Tlrre. pn-ildontof the St. Joe mine of Gold Hill , near Uouldor , was badly used up by Coorgo Klncli nnd hiswll'o a few days ago. Tirronud Mrs. l-'hiehhad words , In which hard language was used , and the .ady . snatched n horsewhip , thrashed him soundly around his f aee and bond , Ho , losing his temper , knocked the woman down , and on ninhif' her feet she went at himiiRuIn with , a determination to do him up , which sno eertnlnly would huvo ilonolf Tlrro had not runaway. U'hen the husband returned ho was Informed of what had occurred , and sailed Into Tirro with a club , hitting him over thu head and inflicting painful , 1C not serious cuts. ( > Mtrii1i I'm-miii t ; , ' 1'vvo years ajjo.Iosiali Ilarbert purchased a few ostriches and nut them on hit furm nc-ar I'hci-iik ' , where they have remained with success ever since , and ho is delighted to ilntl ivitli his band four youngsters just hatched , says the Ari/ona Gazette. i\lr \ Ilarbert said he was agreeably surprised , be cause the birds don't hatch until they attain live years of sige , nnd his birds are only three , yet when 01115 thinks of the wonderful grouth and maturity of evervthhiK1 else In thin valley they ceasoto wonder at the JU1- vaim-inotitof Mr. Haruerl's ostriehcs. ThU brood demonstrates , hov-over , the womlfrfiil nJiint-ibility of this climate to the growth of those useful and prolltabU- birds , A His CupptiBrick. . U'lio Copper C iieon comp-iny atliisbce will exhibit at the world's fair A mammoth speci men of ore from their mines. Worlc of chisel- the piece out has boon going on for some litre , and grant care Is bom g taken in Its extraction without injuring its appearance , says the 'J'oin t-toiio , Ariz. , 1'rospector. 1 1 is estimated that when ready for shipment it will wei h live tons and will he in the shape of a brick. The speeiim/n / is from the. big stopofroiiuvlikh sudi beautiful specimen * have Deci ! taken , and will contain ahout every known character of copper formation and colorings. It will , \vlthou tdotitt ) , bo the most attractive specimen on exhibition. Old c'ook. "Tliero N none in our city who mourn more for ( lenornl Sherm an than 'Old ' Shady , " the once fimons singing cook , who followed the fortunes of the bravo old peneral through the war , " says the ( iraiid Torks ( S. I ) . ) Her ald. " 'Old Shady , ' or Major Blakely li. Duraiit , as he i.s known in ( jriiinl Perks , Jives on > 'orth Seventh street. IIo Is a line specimen of manhood , and is almost white. Ho Isauont sixty- voyeurs of ago. Quo of bis children attends the university. ( Joniral Shormaii gave a. flattering account of the man and his famous SOUKS. In the Xortli American Review for October , ISv * . " A puit.e was made uj t by the Grand Ivories citi zens to enable ' 'Old bhacly" to attcnit General - oral .Sherman's funeral at St. Louis. XVI nil I'nl IN. There appears to have sprung up aceiiuiiio opidemicof fortunes In Mcokcr , I'olo , A fe\\ days aso the news was received that ono o ! the oldest settlers , Julius D. Kd wards , was oiioof thodircet heirs to the 8.1)1),000,000es ) ) tate which is now helns settled up In Is'ew Voik. Mr. Eihvnrds has received official in formation from the lawyers xvho arc settling up the matter , and expects to receive ns his share some S.'Mi,000. .lacol ) Youch , a ranch- niiin just outside flecker , has also received the ncxvs that ho is entitled toI0ltnj ) as his sliaro from an estate In London , luiigkuul , Ten Diiys \VUlowei' . W. Tl. Mini roe , county auditor , is the sub ject of much unfax'orablecomment in Vank- ton. Tend ays a fo Mrs. Muiiroo died , after a lingering illness. Saturday night ho mar ried his second wife , the uoxv partner of his Joys being Mrs. Celeste Bartlett , widow of tholatu Oivenlliirtlott. Thu late Aln. iVIuu- roe had a host of friends and a larfio circle of acquaintances , und of course tliey arc all pleased to Know that Mr.Munroo ; hid Milll- ciont respect for her memory to defer Ids second inarri.tiro for at least ton davs , JSIuii- roe ! sixty years of aifovhlle Ills brido's said to be forty. An .Arrival in l/onilvl / lie , Itev. Koopsed , who is coniluctlni ; a sc- rlesof inectiiiL's at Klorhsant , Colo. , told nn incident of the earlier days of I.eiulvllle. Unknown to the prospectors a church had been creeled and a bell put In its steeple. On the following Sunday morn wlillo n nuin- of ChrUllans who had "forcotten' ' were out on the lillls prospecting the church bell rani ? . V man drove hi.s pick into the trround and said : "Hoys , let's stop , " "Why , what's up ! " asked Ills companions. "Listen , " said ho , as the bound of the bell roiled over the lulls. "Listen don't youhorrl Jcsua Christ hns uonioto Leadvlllo. " Jllu ol'lilumlor * . In Slack's canyon , liftcon miles from the 1'caeh Tree ranch of Miller A Lux , in Cali fornia , glanders hnvo hoe : ; prevalent for llvo years , and ono farmer lost f..OOO . In horses UurliiK that tlmo thruuRh Iffiioranco as to the treatment of the malady. Kivehorsosaflllctud \viththoitiscaso were discovered and kl.'lcd. ' J t h stilted by tlio doctors that several deaths amoiiR the human family from glanders have occurred In .Monterey county. Three of these lire well authenticated , A com miss ion has been making un Investigation to stop the rnvagesof this and kindred diseases. 'KD Cut Itannli. Apromlneutfnrinor of Sutler county , Cali l- fornia , rcinnikcd that tlnce he had been farming ho hid tried nearly everything to inako money , says the Marysvlllo Appeal. I Jo had raised line horses , cows , hog * and sliecp. His last venture hnd been Angora goats. They wore dying off very fast and \vhcn the last ono was gouo ha was jfo'ug ' to ralso Maltese cuts , if they did not prove Vroutublo hovus \ b'Olue to renv bis ranch and dovolo the remainder of Ids llfo to studying thosubjectof wnati-J opuortunltleH , I'lond. An ntlenipt wivs made n fewiiljlits ago to wrivknDiMivcr A Itio liraiulo iiMaoiiiror train a mlle out of Trinidad , Col. The next day bloodhound * vcro taken to the set no nnd put upon ttio trail , which they took up and followed to a hut In Shllllli , wheroJose Ail. 117,11 , Jli'.vican , roildes. Ilci was arrested , nnd when linked why ho put n IIo. on tin * track sniil it wn * beeausoho hated the llio CtWiulo road and didn't cnro a dhow many people ho killed o ho trot even with the road. ll was placed iu Jail. Uucklly the eagliio did not leave inotriu-U and ho aid not accomplish his hellish , . _ Di'liulii llio MHO l-'itie. Keniiter-ekvt.l. II , K.llo had to purehiKO n rnllwny ticket lo rldo in the cars f rein Valley K prints \Vortliington , .Minn. , and return , says the Valley Springs Enterprise. The riMinii of this is InvauWV ) Ids pass reads "goou only on lines In Soulli Oukotu. " Valley Springs Is a Illtlu less than half a mile from the Minnesota state linn , lint the line ; < eems near enough to compel senators to get out of the cars niul pay "toll'1 ' bcforo cnnslnjt the state boundary , DisL'Iptineit. llio .1 nil ire. Al-oadvillo Jury rcci-ntly bocomttif ? dls- KU'luil with the "siass" ililndiiUtoredto them selves , as will as the lawyers and witnesses , by the Jud e , ordnd ) the sherllV to look the hitler up for a couple of wooki , "Jtnl to let out u hole or two In his checkrein , " ns the foreman , a livery stable keeper , aptly ox- poration ho was inenntlentlv lugged off to jnll , nnd placed in dunmeo vile , while the easj xx-enl on .smoothly with the most popu lar bar-keeper in town occupying : the judicial chair. Accepted nn A ! > nloj-y. It .I.Hcanlau , n 1'iiioa i'aellle locomotive lireinen , while at supper at thcltocUy loun- tnin hold nt Kvnnstoti.Vyo. \ . , bi'cami ) nhusivo to State Senator 0. W. Mnrx and the latter Kcntloinen ejected the llremaii from the hotel , whureii ) on the Union I'acille ' omplox-o proceeded to malio xx-ar on tlio Iron t of thu hotel , succeeding la smashing two glass tloors. Tlio deputy sheriff pulled the RCIItie- man ami .ImlKO t'astlo charged him ? 'JU for his misili-mrai.or. He went back totnohotel and Mr. Marx accepted an npolotj.v. An Ofllcer of tlio Denver Humane society was sent to Pine drove , Jefferson county , Colo. , to look after the case of Josw Spencer , a boy twelve years old , wtio Is siilTcring from improper u'liputution of a limb. About llvo years ago one of his legs was amputated mid has never healed , and now the bono pro trudes about live or six inches bovond the llesb. Thunoor hey has no mother and his fathersponiH most of his time at a saloon near hii home. Hard Oisr , Charles Shaw hns Just , been discharged from the SIOUK Palls IS. D. ) penitentiary , hevtu sent for stealing the diamonds of his cousin , Cora nolle Chasten , tbo school teacher wlio "mated with a dusky saviifr > V Charles I * nluoUi.ii years old and has been in Dakota not iinitoa year. Of that time ho spent six wceus on the reservations , two weeks la j.dl mid ton month * in the pe-iil- tentiarv , Hn ivil1 go to another state and take n fresh start. Voulli Till IlurullalM'r. . Chaneo Julm&oii of Oti , Colo. , has a liainbletonian stallion colt now eight mouths old which showed nt six months old a 'iir : > gait paciiii ; , and trotting"'j. ) ! ' The colt Is a Jet black anil very handso'ne. ' Chiinco is now twonty-threa years of n o. When no wai sixteen his father nave bun un old mare tor.iiso . him a colt. Hybreediiu up Iu peed blood he got this colt and has refused 6IUULW for him. Imlian I.jiiid I'atont. The first United States land patent over offercil for record by na Inoiaa in Wyoming , was presented to the let-order of deeds for Ulnta county , last week. Jtls for 100 acres of the line-it bottom land in that section of the stale. Undi-r thetjtlo glvon the holding is utterly exempt from'any sort of ineuin- bran to. Hiss-lied to the minor heirs of a Shosliono woman whowas married to awhile man. A Railroad Author. Joseph Kinilelan , roaJinnstor of the Iowa anil Dakota divisions of the Milwaukee roail at Mitclic'il , S. D. , Is felting out a book of several hundred pages on " ( foverninent Oiviiersbiii of Railroads , " which will bo issued in afow days b > the Mitchell printing company. A book previously written and published by Mr. Klndclan calleil "Tho Trackman's ( i aide , " had a lai-RO and in-ollt- aide sale and is considered -'ood authority. Alliance Oath li. K , , who returned yesterday from 1'ierre , H. 1) ) . , states that when the leg islature met tlio independent members were taken to the Kitoh block , nuido to grasjia rope with ono hand , \vhilo they hihl the ether aloft , nnd solemnly swear to remain unllinclnng in their pnrty fealty , says the DoadwoodTlincj. The rope ia supposed to have boon emblematic of the noose that would be theli'M if tlio oath was violated. Pitiiieri In I'rull. Begin n Ing IMarch 3 a state citrus fair -vvlll Lo opened at I-oi Angeles , Cal. From Sierra Mndro the contribution will bo n design of Wilson's peait and tbo observatory. Kivera will erect a tower of citrus fruit nud walnuts and San Gabriel will work out a picture of the "Old Mission" building in oiuuftcs. Al- hainbru. will send a loorihh casllo fiibhioncd after plans ot the famous Alhuiubr.i of ( Iranada. Slujrser School in HHler. V patron oFtho public schools undertooUto thrash t lie principal of the Haiita liosa , Cal , , hiKh school the otliorovoiilnj , ' for chastising his son. Several blows were exchanged , which caught the patron on the nose nnd under the o.ves. Ttio principal was out on the streets tbo next day in the pink of condi tion , but tno patron has not since appealed and is notreuekliiK callen. lle-tnarlcsib o Kojipe. A milo from Montcsano , Wash. , last week u litllo child fell out of a coach window of a railroad train , and xx'as not mis.sed until the train reached thodopotat Slnntcsano. A railroad laborer picked the llttlo one up and carried her to town. Strange to say the lit tle girl was unhurt , save a foxv trifling semtdies. Queer si in lilt- . \Vhon the east-bound California train ar rived at Lamar , Col. , ttio other morning it wat > discovered that they had hooked onto the Denver sleeper Instead of the Chicago sleeper at La < luntil. This necessitated a delay of about four hours so that Iho casino could take back the Denver passengers and got the other ear , Hl reo C'niiseil l > enli. | rjobert Mnci , a miner employcii in the Hand L'ouleo coal mines x .w instantly Icilled l y Lo- iiifjstruck with a liugu chunk of slate that had boeomo detached from the root of the tunnel xvhi-ro hovvns working , l.lndh.ul ba-n on a sprue tbo pi-ox-iuus day and failed to lini- boruii that pait of the mine whore ho was working at the tunoof his ilcatn. He was thirty years old and lenx'es a wife and two small children In do3tltntocircuiii.stancos , * Sniv Tier lioy It i licit. The seven-year-old , ton of J. ( ! , 1Cntnis , station and oxprosn ngontatSau Marelal , N. M.foll undiirtho xylnu'lfcol a moxMiig freight car and wan instantly , killed a fowday.s upo. Ills moUier was iit-ar-him at the time and I witnessed the lifo 'Crushed out of her precious little son , bul xvaf xiouerlcji to prevent - vent the accident. Car HIH Throat in n ICftuniirant , ] Villinm II111 , Huppasul to bo u railroad : man from the west , cut liU throat iu a public rosliiuraiit In ItawllnsVyo \ , Hill wax so long disposing of aslinploorder that an at- tondanr , kiipiioslii hu had do/ed off in his g.uiet corner , shoouhlty up. Ttio man was I stone dead , lie had cut hit thront with a pocket knifo. The body . - bathed In blood. ( "iiliroriiln. Tin1 tyH | > wrllei-s and .stenoirrapliors nt S.iu itose , | HI\O formed n union. John llelnrlch , udl ipatcd anddespninlcnt gambler , siilcKK'il ul Santa Crut , hy huiiKliifr. Uenjauiin O. Uhudo.a well Known bust- inwi iniiii at fos AugelOM , has been adjudged Insane. Settler * In.utolcpo vnlley w.llit to bmll- voi-eed from lm AngeUM and Joined to Kern I'OlllltV. Tlio walls of the new oilv linll at l.o.- Angeles are seltllnuaud fe.irsaro . ( Mitertnlneil font * snfoty. Arwngemouls nro now bolng iiindo for the next iti-irtliiM'n citrus fair to ho held In Ne\v- \ ciistle in Pi-cemhi'r. 'Ihunoital clerks In San I'mnrlsi'o Iiavo formed an assoi-ial ion whn i * object Ii thn bet- termontof ttieir coudltion. At San Itufael , I .ee Doou win ronvli'toil of murder In the llrst ileu-ivc for killing UMIIhtn Slit-noil and seuloncod to death , U'ho pruMiortnr a Ilawailnii siibinai-lno ca ble has revived the project ol a ti'lrgrupu ca ble between San Fraiu'lscti and Iho l-'iiral- lones. The Southern IJiiclllc track h.ii been tnldto Clilno. Hejrulait'.ilns will bo iiitiuhiK In a few days , ( .trading has been bejfim toward IClsluore. Kk'ht miles of cement wator-plpo have been In id in San .Indnto valley , San I Moo ) county. It will easily furnish enough water to Irrl- Kato'J , < lHI iii-res. The revenue authoritloi have discovered an uiHlerground brewery on the Kan Bruno road , near San l-'r.tncUco , kept by a mini I'limed .1. I'll rut. ( leer oJosi-plis. a bollhoy at the I'iilaro hotel , San l-'ranciM-o. beinj ; detected in the actof stealing , nttempted snieido by sliootlng himself , lie will probably die. ( lust Ilivman , who was charged with the murder of bis brother nt Santa L'ruIn < mler to obtain the IIHU ranee on Ilia life , Una been acquit ted of the eharjjo bv a Jury. 'llio big stone dry dock at Mare Island hut been completed nt a cost of a finv dollars least than the original estlmato of J..T.Vi.OOO. . ( .5 round was bi-olcun for the dork in b 'J. A coturiift for the constructloii of forty-five miles of railroad from Sail ( jucntln , Uowor California , to Trinidad Pass , has boon let by the Mexican Land and Improvement com pany. lIiiKhos , n San Kranciseo "rounder , " was fatally shot by U"illlam llartinan , nlmr- tender wtioin ho had assaulted with n boor muu because ho would not yield up a. free drink. Moses Chase , said to bo tlio llrat vvhito settler In Oakland , died in that city , agi-d eighty-four. He came to California around the Horn in ISt'.l and soon after settled in Oakland. There arc now llftecn persons * In ( lie San 'Francisco county Jail charged with cither munlor or iiiauslan titer , and nearly every case that has been tried H "hanging lire" in the suiivino court. Alfred Due , a l-'rencliman living near Tin .luann , on the border ( if l-owor California , had a pet rattlesnake , and wlillo care.ssing it it bit him. IIo tiled from the effects of the pohon the next day. Mi'iniiers of the Hoot and Shoe Makers' "White- Labor lea iio Inivo struck in Orrin .tones' factory in San bVaiirisrooii account ot the linn not payincbuhednln waKCson turned work of the linest class of shoes. Dr. II. Hoffman of Alameda , who went to Herliit alow months nijolo stiuly the cure of consumption by tbo Koch lymph , is dead , nnd hU friends beliovottuit he must have made a fatal application of the lymph on himself. Nelson Morris and other l'.liicaio cattle dealers , In connection with Sim Francisco capitalists , have incorporated a company with 5--iHJii.HiiH , ( ) capital for the establishment of extensive yards at South San l-'ranclsco , Mrs. Williams , a resident of Santa Onz , Cal. , one hundred years old , died Monday iiiglit. She lived In' what was known us the Orclinnl tract , that the ( -'rani-iscan fnthers had planted to fruit trees nearly a century npo. llonry Ilawley , a. well-to-do fanner near East niitte , Sutter county , twelve miles from IMarysville , committed suicide. A note stated that , ho was foollns miserably and that ho would kill Ulmsclf. Ho was worth ubout Art lined man named Patterson dlod sud denly lit his brother's ranch in Ventura county. His clothes were k'iven to a servant to pu tawny. In ono of his pockets was found diamond Joxvelr.v worth fi.OOO. ITpou return ing the je.welry to Sir. Patterson horexvardeil the man by A rich weld strike has justbneii inaiio in the Illiick Hart mine , situated nine miles east of Coultcrville , Muriposa county. The x-uiu , a true ilsiuro , has tlius far produced about SI.I.IMXI to the ton. Indications are fnx-ombio fora very largo yield. Hy the death of Thomas I5ean of Ronhani , Tex' , Dr. J. I ) . Jvlenjr of I'otalumn falls huh- to JJDIM. Ol > 0 of a * HiO ) ( > , l ) , ) ( ) estate in that state. The estate consists of HMJ.OOO acres of the best cotton land In Texas , valued as stated. Peter Johanson of L-'ort Crescent xvas shot by hn bi-other-iii-hixx' , who mistook him for a deer. ' 1 bo ball passed through his lefi forearm , severing a small artery , splintering a none and cutting the lleaments of the wrist , and t lien pierced the lleshy pnrtof the left thitfh. Mrs. J. C. Ivoinpton , living four miles from Kedding , on ttio Shasta road , xx'hllo attempt ing topet a cow was attacked by tlio nniinul , which caught her in the abdomen , the horns penetratiiiK the body tome two Inches , mak ing a gash four inches long. The woman will recox'er. A timely InvestiRation of the Sacramento jail has revealed that many prisoners had pockotknix-os and razors , uholc In the xx'sill was used to smuggle ! opium , and a tunnel In the bacic brick wall had so far progressed that a Jail delivery xvould have been possible within a few days. Edward Crosthwaito , a cattle raiser below San Diego , is now in a Mexican prison. A letter from him claims that ho xvas taken by Mexican otllrors while on .American soil , and lie is cruelly treated. Some time a o a Mex ican shot at Crosthwaite. when the latter used iiRunas a club nnd travo the Mexican n tcrriblo beating , for this lie xvas arrested by Mexican ofllcials. l-'oul play is suspected four miles south of Tcmplcton , on the -country ronil. A sprinn WIIROII and hat , xvith firi'.y ' hair and blood smeared on the Inside of it , a pair of shoes and socles , a youth's * no\v vest , nnd other nr- Jlclos were discovered In the woods. A hole " "tho sUe of a prravo xvas near the wafion , the contents having been apparently removed , The oftlcors are hunting for evidence. Thodnalalu river railxvay company has boon incorporated xvlth n capital stock of flr.t)0ll ) ) ) ( ) , of which SiOO.iiiM has been subscribed - scribed by the directors. The company is to construct , maintain and operate a railroad from Boxvon's Landing , in Meiuloclnocounty , south through Ciualala and along tlio ( ! iuil-ili river through Mendociuo and Sonoma conn- tins to Cazailero , with iiitormedlato branch lines to tap the lumber regions nloiijj the llt tlo noith forlc of the uunlala river , the Car- da river. Peppermint , Kock Pile and Huclt- eye ciouksnnd otbor streams. .Montana. Stockmen of Choteax county report that wolves , coyotes and ether stock destroying animals are ipilta numerous. Dillon dtiions have subscribed nioiiej enough to purihisj : twenty aerc-i In uutleipa- tion of Belting the Normal bchool , Montana is endorsing the bill Introdtu-ei 1 ! Into the ( lolnrndo leHisluloro providing for n bureau of mines , and wants one like It. Auold man nainod Flnloylivlnt ; near Hon. nor , WRS btabbcd mid killed by a dohporaik named Tom Leonard , who then robliod the body ol W. Tlio fund forlho childreuof the sentativu \ \ liter , \x-hn were made orplnns bj a roceiit railxvay wreck , noxv amounts ti nearly Sl.iKM , The Yelloxvstonn 1'ark association will ox ! > onda large suui of thecoiningspriii ) , and suiniin'iin completing and furnishing their now hotels , A piititlon is beiiiif elrrulaUid ninonp the business men ot Helena , which xvillhu jire- bonted to thu legislature , urging thu passage of the bill giving the city the now charUir. \Vork on the .Volhart nnd Unrkor brancho * of the Ilrlt Mounttilii railroad will coiiiineneo early In the spring , thu right-of-xvay ImvliiK bean utfaln secured frum thoulnlm oxvnors for thatpuriwso. Ills statou that llio Orent .Vortliern lias a contract with thalloston At Montana com- iianv for the transportation of 8iHH ( ( ) car loali or H 0floi , ) tons of ere from Ilutto to Orcat Kails during IW1. I Vithlna year ere shlpineiits from the I'arlc jH'trlct hnvn Inrronscil fullv 1K\ ) nor cont. lowiisendlast week ralHi-d * 1.VO ' for the of a wauen road iiioti | ImUun rrock lo the district , bringing It tlirooinilo.i nearer own , \vltha contlntioiis down grade fi-om the mliio. * . MlM Kill IY Kno\vlo.s , the only ono of her o.\ In Montana who ha * been iulmllted Hy the Riipivine cnurl topracllrn law , was up- polnliHl toiliifc'iid I'harlivsTlioinas. I In was Indieled by t ior.unl , Jury nt it.i Into nn - iim for nttemptliifr lo kill Mrs. llurnle In llolona last Decoinlii-r. Thocoinus of thoMoiitanil lndlnnsHln > ws that they number lo.l.ltl , or an apparent ile- creiMool fill Him-ii lxv.1. The only triho that hns Increased urn the Asslnlbolmvs. and thov show an Incrcasoof fonrtoen alm-o issn. of tlu > ID.dDi ) or imiiii llinro uro , WI "ration" Indian's in tin.state. . l > avlil P. Murphy , one of Ilutto's host known mliiliur and smoliliig men , dropped dead. The causes t hat led to Mr. Murphy's death ni-e mil KIIIUVII , nut II Is supposed that llimor toKii'lu-r with an auurovated att.ii-u of . . . . . nre lusponsiblii for It. IIo xviis about forty-three year of ago. A Helena Herald reiwrter lately Inter- vlo\\od \ tin- republican members of tlio two houses of the Mate legislature on thoirchoioo fur president in jv.i.i. . Out nf thirty-two UH'iiibisrs , twoiity-elulit favor Illalne , ono Is lor Harrison , one furdiv.-sliaiii. ono non-coin- initial and one fov the nominee. Hoyle , who was struck \vllh a gun nnd h l skull cracked by Charles t'owle.s , a f-ambler , In the l-i.\linn ( ; o saloon at Mlssiiiila , Is a rav ing niniiiae. lie iiiWL-lnei that hmliiMid Is tilled with tlsh books , ti-arliig his brains , and also that a lar o llsh hoolc Is rustened to his hoait. The case seems bopeh-rts. ilnlni Ilciiton of I'ototinic inadoii rich Htrilio In < pnirtivssavs , show $ nTJ In silver und ? . ' < V linrold per ton. The led o can bo traced for llvo tulles , and Mr. lli-iitou hassoliliin Interest In tlieloi-ation fora siiiiff sum of money. This property Is situated about ten miles from Sunset , in'MisMiuila county. The Ontario company him u l Vponnd specimen Irom Its inino ( Inrkcron exlii- bit inn at U'hitoSulihnr | Springs thai Is said to lie the richest piece of ore -of its sl/o over mined in that district , ft Is prini-lpnlly ciun- posed nn black sulphiirots , tlirouirli wlilch Is thickly intersiieMcd streaks of leaf and wire silver. Michael Carroll , superintendent of the Anaconda iniiie.i , died of pneumonia. lie was forty-four years of nji ; < , unmarried niul n native of Dublin , Ireland. lie went lo llulto from Virginia , Nov. , eleven years ngo. boon connected with Iho Anaconda mine sinefi its opening1 , having franked a windlass In sinking the tlrst hfty feet of the old shaft of the great mi no. The Helena postoftlce location question Is not yet settled. Tlio Ancient Order of United Woilinion nulliiliiK association is nialcini ; strenuous efforts to secure the postolllco for their now building , which will lie erected at the corner of Hlttb and Fuller avenues. Tlie bids are still beititf considered by tlio piistollleo inspector nud a decision will probably bo reached In a few days. -A carload of ore from the Emma Nox-nda , in Soap ( tiilcli , now awaits treatment at lUitto. The Knmin NexMilu attracted con- sidcniblo iittL-nlion last summer by reason of the bonnnx.a character of Its oro. Tlio vdn is a small one , however , and but few .ilno- ments have been iniuU- , all from ere liken at the lifty-fuot level. Arrangements hnvo been iniido lor more tensive development the coming sjiriu and sninmer , fireen Ulver has ii now paper called the Advertiser. II. H. Kilt on U c'llltor. Thn ( 'licycnno Sun says n heavy dnnl to iron claims in the Ilartvillo district Is about to bo closed . Only MJMO niinordctaib remain to bo disposed of. The Hock Springs railroad men are crying for eiulit hours work. The Kvanston men will tnlsp nine hours If eight lioni-s' work only moans eight hours' ) iiy. ; Acting ( lovernor Ilar > iir has Issued a ptoclamatlon offering u reward of Kldil for the aniiiehenslon of ( Jeiirtri" P. Ifillebrown , aivn-.c ( * nf the murder of Hiram Fnullcs at ( J nmito canon reconlly. The Kock Spring coal mines have henn working n peed deal more romilarly of late. This is owing partly to the im'reru > oiif Ana conda orders to forty and Hfty car.a day und also to nn increase of eastern orders. Last year It was impossible ) to use thn Platte river water In many places on account of the number of1 doau cuttle and sheep. The siimo was true of many of the \Vyoinlnt ; streams , This year no such tilings are re ported. Two men claiming to be from Chicasro have boon in Luramio tryliiR to sell Australian bonds on payments nt > per month. The banks they nave w references were found to bo bogus , and so far they have disposed of no bonds. \\ithiiitwo\vceks \ tbo Uawllns-dolil Hill stngolmoof Concord coaches with six bor-es each will be in operation. This is an enter prise of leaning citl/ous of Kaivlins. There i.s a natural trail between the railroad town and the camp. William 1 1 ray , the most important witness intho Klnprm and Mi'Klmioy eases , is lyliitf at the point of death nt the county hospital at. " Cheyenne and Is not expected to'live. . ( ! ray Avas'conceded to bo the most expert rider and roper of any cowboy hi western Ne braska , KiKht Reverend Kthcllmrt Tulbot , Episco pal bishop of Wyoming , teleuraphs fron. New- York to Laramie , his see city , that a lady of tlio metropolis has presented him with $ li- ! , 000 to be used in foundiiiK a school for boys in that state The academy will without doubt bo located in Liiramiu. A ranchman offered u few days ago to ! > - nnstoii stocUmeu UK ) tons of llrst class buy delivered in town for S3 per ton. Last > ear that amount of hay would nave been a yowiu fortune. A prominent ranchman there thinks less than ono-half of the hay m L'inta county will bo used this winter. The Union Pacific coal mines of Carbon county nt present glvo employment to iii'.l coal minors , divided among the camps as follows : Dan ; , 150 ; Carbon , < ( ) ' , l ; Iliinmi , : ilO. The best coal is found at Hanna and the mines tlicro are operated cheapest. Tue foreo nt Ilnnnn is beinjj Increased right aluncr , .Since the. state Insane asylum was opened in Kvnnston. a Year and a half ago , there have been forty-tbreo insaiio persons ad mitted , cloven of whom has been discharged sind two have died. Dr. W. A. llockor is superintendent and A. C. Beckwilh , Charles Stone and William Crawford , commis sioners ) . A company of state militia Is bolnp organ ized in Kx'uiislon. Forty names have been secured and all the hoys seem qulto enthusi astic. As soon as fifty nauiosnro obtained a formal organisation will tnlio place. The name will bo Company P , Wyoming National Kimrd. A company of seventy was formally organl/cd utrecn ( ! Uivcr last woe' . It is thought that tlio now addition to the Union Pni-illc shops in Choycimo will bo in operation inshlo of six wholes. At least y.'iO moro men will bo ruciuirdt ] , it is elnlmed. There are now thirty-one disabled engines thero. lleneral Master Mechanic , \IcConnell tells Mr. Harnnm , local superintendent , that these shops will \oxpoeiedlo < \ turn out llf- teen engines a mouth after the llrst. Mr. liarnum says that to tin this ho must linx'e L'IHI more men , and the Increase of force has been promised. Or. Thomas 11. Owen , an old timer nnd wealthy stock grower , died In Trinidad , Sixteen Inches of heavy cube iron have been founc. m the Pearl loiUMiear Cascade. 'I'he residents of Duraiigo say that the present fall of snow is tlio heaviest in many years , TlioOold IfniKnt Tclluriiiovhleh brought out ? IOl > 00 a low yeai-s ago , is producing again. ( iraiKl .iunction'.s new high school building was dedicated in the presence of a Inr o audieneo. The Heaver Hrook wapon road to the Colorado rado Cen'nil ' depot on Clear nvok Is now open to travel. 1C. ( ! . C'orlett xvas shot In the foot nt adanco In IMiubio by thulovor ot a girl witli whom be was dancing. The Adams county scheme is the only now county project that escaped the J.'l.nou.tXlO . tax able property resolution. An eastern syndicate lias purchased Clark's mineral spring nt 1'imblo , and wl'l ' luiliil u larfjo bath house , to cost fivio ; > nJ. ( iiveloy maintains her lolibv steadily ami imlldly to light against any further division of Weld county by the legislature. Oolcrado socurei in the sundry civil appro priation bill only flii.'iX , ( ) ( ) for the ( loinmeiice. moiit of n piibllo building at 1'uoblo , Plnccra ear Aspen will be worked itilt summer , and over f IK,000 ( ) la to ho expended in limning and on hydratillo tiifli-ldncry. A burner iiaiiieil.iosinili MoHvoy , wlillo on tils way to 1,1-nilvlllo fiinn Aspen , dlod In his soul when tlio Iraln was at Temiossoo 1'rtS.H. lli'no I.ninb , a I-'ort Collins i > uglllst , w- cclved n blow from a pupil whom lu was KlvliiK lessons n few days iuo that uriito two ribs. An unknown man unippcd di-tiil on 1- ' street , near llio poilollh-ont S.dltla IIo was dressed IH a luboivr , nnd xvas an Italian. Ills ( loath Is attributed lo heart dlsivise. J. M. l-'enlim , niin of HID publishers of llio Denver Sunilav Sun , in nci-UHOdof publishing an iibsci-iie newspaper. 'I'ho Sun luiil tin ) l-rlof - atul Interesting cxperUiiico of mm pub lication. A bill in-ovldiiitf for a counnlsslon Inquiry into the irrigaliim quosliim and report loilin Keuorul assembly has boon ropoi-tod from th < .si-iiaiocomnitltor * on iigrienlliiro and Irri gation Alfred Mnlfiu-d , Iho ton-yonr-old son of Ilr. Mulfonlof ( Irneiny , while fooling with a pistol tel shot himself , tlio b-ill enterlin ; Just nb-.vo . the heart , ll I.s uiirm'Uiln what may bo tlio outcome of it. A numhor of doer wore reotintly seen In llio vlelullv of the Cow Creek coal minus. Tliey xveiHi nil thoiu'ht to have jjoiio to a Inwci- foiintrvnii iii'coii nl of the snow. Th'-y ' were fill and Meek nud all old ones. The canals of tbo l.immr liuiil nnd eanal eoinpany are nearly coinplcti-d , nnd xvuu r vtlll bo tiirnod on In a foxv wooks.V < > rlt on the ( 'iitor.ido and Knusas irri 'iitlmr can il , to run across thn eoiint.ry , south of the river , will bo resumed in n short time. A puns Uruee , n minor i > iiilflyod ] on theSil vcr ( lance mine on Deinoerat nioniitiiln. near- ( ieortcetown , fell to tin- bottom of the shad , u dUtuiicouf U' ' , ' ) feet , the ether day. Hi- * right shmililer and back were very badly inJimM and his head was severely laeoratcd. Ilii condition Is very critical. Th ( ! llull-Uoiningi ) concentrator at Silver l-'lifl' , after several \veeks' Idleness , catiseil b.v the cold weather , rttiirted up ngaln. Tlm mill is piled full of the galena ore cvet1 mined In that part of the country , and tlm present run will , It Is s.ild , bo the henvlo t nnd mini lu'olltnblo ever niado hy the cmi- ecrn. ecrn.A A new electric street rnllwuy i-ompai-v has been oi-gaiiiit-d in I'uoblo with a capital ofHilOIK : ) , ) lniUtxiliiires. : ) ) The stoeldin'd - are all Pueblo men. A third oloctrln lhlit ; eompanv also has been formeil xvlth a cap ital stock of SIIKJ.IM , ) , and at the next mooting of the city euuucil franchises will bo applied for. for.An An Aspen rorivspondont , says that mining matters la that camp tire now lit a far moro prosperous condition than for many months. During the panic hi November tlio place col lapsed. Now the shipments iiniouiit tolf ! > 'it ' ) tons per week , 'i'he amount of ere in Bight .shows that paving operations may bo con tinued for an Inilelliiito i > eriod. Kockv Ford hnd an exciting time last Tues day , l-'iro ' broke out early in Iho morning in thn barn of the Knclish lumber company's yards from simrlts from a psiHsinjj locomotive. Tlio highest wind over known in that section was blowing. Flying bundles of hay un.l sticks sot lire to a dozen different places m town. The lire department hose xviw t-m - short. Men from the mills nnd stores formed n bucket Dripido.amt xvater was tnlcen from the Horky l-oni eaual. 10. II. IlitfL'crs. postmaster nt LII'CI ' . \\as \ found # I'IK ) short in his n-.onoy order account and hud to piXM up the olllee. II" Is an old resident and was formerly In the wnro business , but was afterwards in u-a < l villo several years. Not liem successful there ho returned to I ako City. He win ap pointed postmaster two years ago. A peti tion is now boiiiu circulated for ttio-nppolnt- mentuf J. R Steinbeck us postmaster , wtio was one of his Liondsiiien. They have M-ttled up the shortage and have decided not to prosecute lliggors. \ViiHli itiiri on. W.M. OiitmiiiKham. n hard-tip Kntnblcrnnd lover , committed suicide iitTiieoma. It is e.xpeeteil that tbo railroad bt-twei n Seattli- and Vancouver , U. C ! . , wilt bo com- plott.-d within two months. Txvn yoniiff Klrls ( jiuirrelcd nt n dunce at Dixie last week ami inimincled each other m true prize riiitf style on tue ballrouiu lioor lor two rounds. Unnlel Webster , a I'nynll up InJian , was strangled to death by n fellow Indinii in t-i.-i sKiMicneoof a drunken row on the reservation near Taeoina. A now board has ' been appointed by ttio government marine hospital bureau toselort a site for a ( m.iraiitino reservation In the vieinity of PortTownseiul. C. II. Cawscy , a contra-tor of Seattle , wlillo at Ot.viuni.i the other day fell sixty feet in a falling olovnlor. He was injurd liileninlly mid notli of Ids thiuhs broken. A holler In a small feed mill at Ititzvlllo ex ploded. The building was wrecked , but i.o ono was Injured , Tliu uoiler lodged on t'io top ol a | ) IK pine tree , forty feet from il o ground. The hop crop of Whatconi county , llgur < il at : ) cents per pound , ai 'regaled $00Xi ( ) ) lust season. The hop growers of Smnas ni d XooKsak valleys during the past four ye.n-i . ax'crngod ) ecnts per pound. Amoiif ; some freight reciiiitly left nt the railroad stationon thet'olville Indian re-serx a- tion waca thirty t-arriai.v.s , hoventy-fi'iir ' spring beds and a parlor organ. Urnu says "Lo" is not getting civilizcui Washington's surveyor general "kicked" and wouldn't make contracts for surveying because this rates were not hiijh enough for a surveyor to make decent xvapes. The result Is xVa.ihiiixton pet-s an Incrcaso of ? 100,0tt ) ) ni the utipropriatioii for surx'eyors. The city couueil at Seattle charces the mayor with being in leuijuo xvlth the mini- blei-s , and the chief of | x > lice and his men sun- sorvient to the mayor. Tlio police force hns been reduced from eiyhty-thn-o to seventy , and the detective force has been abolisuod entirely. At I'ortTownseiid safe crackers blew open the safes in the olllces of the I'ort Tqwnsi-nu iiaxv mill and the 1'uget Sound engincurii.i . , ' company , getting but 10 out of both safes. There were txvo xvntchinon at the sawmill , but they slept through the wliolo bnslne - , , and did not know of the burglaries mail told thu next day. Thu long pending litigation betxveen tin nclllnKhnm liny mid NuoUsncIf boom eoiii | > .i- nic.shas tx'in settlotl. All suits pro nnd c m pondii(7 ( In the 8iiKirior | court of Wliati ni comity and the supreme court of the stntinl Washington hove been ivilhdr.uvn , nii'l ' tin entire stock and franchise of the NooUsncK hooni company HIM passed to thu oxvner.sliu of the individual stockholders of the llelluib- ham Buy boom company. Oregon. A nroiuiilnf ? vein of coal has been rthi-H'- orod near F iiKene. The first batch of news paper was turi.ul out by the mills nt Salem. Twenty-lilx tons of fro/cn sturgeon were sent east front 1'ortlantt by rail one day l.iit xveek. The Knvernur.signed thn Australian hallo ) bill , which passed both house ! of two lujji.v liMure. The senate x-otod tn indetlnitcly postpone tlio house bill appi-opriatin ( - . * > 0lH ) . ) for n xvorld's fair exhibit. Tlm KPtud Jury nt Milton nas Indielcil , v oral parties tor the work of driving out the L'ldnese in that section a few xvceks ago. Kuunelt Htibb , a switchman In thn employ of the Vidori I'acille , as killed at l'.rt . < land. Hi' was coupling eai-s and was eaiitfUl utitwcon them , 11 o leux'cs a xvidow mid uiio child. ( lotilclbJacoli.a < icrman laborer ntOsxx-cgn , fell down a well n distance of fifty feel , Thursday , m-d w.n killed , lie xvas being lowered into the xvcll , when the win Hasa lroko. Thn railroad b-idgo ncioss the McUtn./ia . river was very nearly carried oil liiit xvi-'U ' b.v the river and u heavy wind storm. All Uio moil ax'alliibh ) were put to work and b.v i.iml labor hayed thuhtrueturj. The lower bouse of the legislature . -011- curred In the .sunato anieuilnienl to the ( nil coiiMlilatin ( I'oriland , Kust I'ortland an-l Albiiin. The ipiostlon of coiiaolldiitiiiii xviij now IHJ stibndtto.l to a x-oto of the niuuicip.ii- Hies. Hies.Within Within the past ninety days sUty heid of raltlonnd horseshavodlod near the'Oaius fiMin some unknown disease , tliovmpt -s , of which HIM similar to tluwo in bl'uul SMI- eer.-i. The stnto veteriiury HIIIXOOII luis \ nmiiiud Into thu inaltur , hut ha * not yet ni.iiio public Ids opinion. The Methodists hnvo perfected nrrnu ' 0 nients fur Imikling a largo unlvorslty ium- I'ortlanil. About six hundred ncres haul been Helcctcit bo low tlieclty 1'hv burdinii is exiHi'tttl to cost ititVt.iKi ) . Dr I' t' Strntton I * tuv-sldont of the university IVorlc I will begin injiiuy ,