Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1891, Image 1

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1'FM'lNf ' FOR AIPH'IXT ! ( '
llj.illtMi IUIA. Ad Ul LjiUtlUi
Thruit nml Parry In Gontcrasi Over the
Proposed Shipping Subsidy Bill ,
hiihMlt ull * lor tlio SriliUi' HIM UP-
] Mlltl > , l tl ) lilt1 lloilsl * HllW tlllj
Appropriations I'm I'll in
the .Hi'tiMtc.
'XA'ASIIIXIITOV , Toll 27In the house tM
mninliiK the senate bill was pmed amend-
ut. ref Iho law providing for tlio selection
of M heel Imcls Tlio homo vent Into com-
nuitiK ol tbo whole , icsumliij ? consMoriUiou
of tin shipping bill.
Uio hotiso substitute for tbo scinto bill
\\jnie.idby pnuKtiph foratnouiltncnti
Mi Hcrbcitof Ahtmim ottered mi amend-
innit withdraw IIIK Uio subsidy from sailing
\ ossi Is ami eoiilluinclt to stcunshlu. | 'Iho
iiinendtiKiit xvas ilefeited
Mi dun toot C'nliforiiliolTeriJl ntiamend-
im nl piorldim ; tint pajmonts shall not bo
innlo for inoio tlnn 1IOJJ , mlles sailed on
either oiitvvnrd or In want vojujjo ( the bill
limits it to THX ( ) miles ) host
Mr Strnblnof IOHII olTi'ieilim amendment
providing foi the measuiemint of distances
tolio inilo In accordance xx'ltli the shoitcst
ptiitloablo louto. Lost
Mr Hogorsof AikinsvsofTored an ntnend-
iiiont piovidlng tint onohnlf of ttiocrewsof
\esselsinjo.xlng thobomllts of this act shall
bo citizens of tlio United States or poisons
slum fx ing tlicir Intention to become such ,
xxillioutiegmd to nco , color or preUous con-
illtion of scnltndc Agreed lo
An ninctutmont by Mi Stniblp , provlllng ;
tint thooxx'iicis niul oftleeis of an } ship to-
teli ing bounty shall hn\o no Inteiest tunny
lingo uurled , was lost
An amjiiclmont by Mr ( "Srosvonor , pioiiil-
tni ! th.itno salUim vessel of 'ess ' tlnn I.OOO
tons , giots toi.nasc , shill bo entltlocl to tbo
tiinc'llts ol the net , wns agreed to
An amendment by Mr. toveit of N'oxx
| lIk was adonted providing tbat tbo ice
cud of Aiiiciicau shipiiliig by which the
lUssillcilion and stiitnlliiir of x ossols to bo
knolitlut is to be dotetinlneil sbill bo np
juovoil by a commission of n nitration and a
nnjorlU "of the bcnrd of undciw inters of N'ovx
oilc. lloston , Plillndclpbln , Now Oilcans
nnd Sin Krwiseo
Atlocloik tbo coimnlltie rose nnil repelled
polled the bill to tlio hoiiso without iiinonil
nent , no xotohaviiie' been talien In commit
tic , ni the substitute.
Mr I'nrquli.iv fcrmnlh olTcicel tlio house
6n istitiito foi the senate bill
Mr Spi liiRcr undo n point of eider thru
this In Ing 1'ilclaj tlio linuso was In iccoss
until s o'clock , but tbe point was ox-onulod
In t lu speaker on the KRitindlhat a special
onli-r siispc ndcd gcnoi il i ulcs
I'lien tbe homo bee line i scene of con
fusion , growing out of the } tan
Mi I'lthliii of Illinois obtuiu'dpoi mission
looflci n fieo ship substitute , which xx'ns
lost. Yeas , 117 , linj s , 17 J.
I'hclioiuo subilituto asthonafTrecl to ,
111 to 17. 'Jho vote then iceui-ring on oielei
Ing thosPinte billils auienclecl b\ the snbsti
tuto toils tlilid ixailing , Iho roll was ealli-d
nmid Intense oxeiten'cnt. As the calliamu
toaclosonnd ituas Icuovxn tbemotioii bnil
been defcnlecl , tlioro were inatij inanlfeal.i
lions of ple.isuu1 on the ilomoiratlcsiilc
At the last moment Sir. Dingloy clnupeil
Ids vote to tbo ncgntlvo , nud. the sneakci
nnuounecd the xoto to bo : Yeas , 112 , nays
14s 'Iho nnnouiuimoutusfftootccl xx ith xxiM
npphiusob ) thedeinoci its , ind tbeiiMi Ding
loj moved to re'c ons i del thoiiiotion , which Ah
MoMllliti pioinptU inovoil tolay on the table
'ibis motion wasiletoited , lid to Hit , and the
icpuhlic.iiH wcio jubllmt Thin ciiuio the
vote on the motion to lei-onsidoi This xxis
agued to bIh to II.t , mil the question
iigain reclined on oieloung the bill to its
tumlrcadlnt' 'Ihetblidie.ulingw is ouleieil ,
) c > ns 117 , niys , lift
Mi Cannon of Illinois , moed that the 1 > 111
bo iccominittedto tbuioiinnlttocoii mcicliaiit
maiinn and IKIierie , xxilli in ill ut lions to
Hint committee to report bick foitlmlthi
bill sitinlu to the senate bill on tlios.unc
subject to provide foi an oienii mail serxMio
between United States and ton Un potts.
IXlr Bland of Missoun , i.ustd a pointof
oi del against tin motion.
'I liospoiker niloil Ml Cannon's motion lu
ordei and It xx'in entiled bv 1 ii : to t ( , '
Mr fiiiiiihni | of New \ork hnnicdintoh
arose nnd ropoitod back tbo bill in.iccoid-
mice u ith instinetions
The bill hax Ing been icid i fusllado of
pom's of oielei oamo fiom the ileniocr.itic1
side Mi Ci ihpi nisi d tbo point that Iho bill
must bo comtclcMcd lu lommittco o >
the xx hole , pending which the point
xxas raised thai the hill hid lost Its
pnvllogedchat ictoi and must tAo its pluo
al the foot of the calendar
'Jle spcakei oveirulod the poi tit of outer
nnd the senate hill , as amended , was passed
VIMS 1 40 , nnjs , I'M
Mi l'aiiiih | n moved llmt a eonfeicnco bo
on'cieci and , pending nclion , the house nl
midnight , adjourned
'Iho shipping bill , ns passed by the
bouseis radically illlTitent fiom the
sonnto measiiic II ineroh nutlioilzcs
Iheposlmistei gcnci il toentei into such cou-
tieetfoiuot less thin tixo mil not moio thin
ten jeais with Aineilcan c-itinns foi eau\-
li'mails ) on Ameiicin stcaii > hlps betxxciMi
VnlliHi btutos ports anil foieign pnils , C'an-
nilaexcepted , us xvill stibsc rxe and promote
tbe postal and couuneiciil Intou'sls of tlui
X'niled States tbe mailsi'rxiic ) tobo ocpitt-
ubldistilbntccl aiiuing AtlanticMoxuiiii ,
< ! ulf nnd I'ncillc coi t poits Ttio x-ossols
fonttactcd xx ith must bo of A'i'otlcin build
undoflieued bj American citizens.
In the Si'nito.
WvMiixcirox , Peb J7 la the senito this
inoininga mossigo fiom tbo pi-opulent was
incsented retuiiilng without bis approval the
bill to cstibhsna rceord and pension oftlCi ) of
the xx-m clopnlmont , xxhlch XMS referred to
the committee on imlitni.utl.iii . - . .
'Iho house bill xv 13 passed for tboiollcf of
Jlcniy I. Morey.
Mr Miiideisoii'sifsohition Instructingtlio
comuiittco on Iucllm nff drs to iiiquiio into
tlicc onditlonof tbolndhn tribes o [ Dakota ,
IXIontnni and olsewlioie , ami xvhcthor the
c.iro and contiol of the Indians llx-ing iti
tilbal iclitions should ho ti msfeiied fimn
theinteiior depnitment to auj othci Uepiit-
jiicnt. xvas aL'ieed to
Mr Shortnin stited that ho xvi ? nuthor-
i/ul by the committee on foreign relitions lo
fatb it view ofthostitoof business
f-a\ , in putillc !
ness , the Nieai.iguicanal bill woull not bo
pusscd anj fuithei at this time , and might
take its place on the calendar
IonMiii ration of tbe legist ittvu appropria
tion bill xxas resumed , ttio llrst question
tiling an ninciuliiiont ns to the cluicnl forc-o
of the civil sc \ ice committee ' 1 ho amend
neat was nmeiniod to prov idethntMlcl ile-iks
shall be up pointed h > the prudent undu the
ihil teixico rules' , nnd as amended ua
passed It hurciise ! . thepa > of the'scciel'ir.
fioin * lUi , ) ) lofi , ( , pio\ick's \ forllvo cletk %
of clbs I , llvo of II , three of clu
1 , three nt 1XX ( ) e.iih. txxo at
t'W ' , oi e iiicsseoLcr ami one liboioi , anil
ih niges the total appiopnatlou fiom .V,7iKi ,
tof'i-.JW Tin amendmentappioprutlngil.ooc
fin ttiu fouith assistant postmaster general
xvas ngivod to 'I ho committee nmondment ,
nppropnaiint'f.'i.tO ) foi Iho ivapportlonmeiit
ot Utah territory was , after nmchdebati1 , re-
iluo'd toft , in > ) a ml agued to , On niotloa of
Mi SliTinan n uexx section xvus inseiled ,
ilnnigliig the act of Mi ) s , b ? > , so as to nu-
thotI/otlio huporlntoiictcnt oftho mint and of
the assay oflloo nt New Yoik , with the up-
pioval of the > of tbo trcisuo ( but
not otherwise ) , toiecelto Unlteabtiitcigold
coin from un\ , \ bolder ihcioofln sums not loss
than f'.iHK ) and to deliver in cxclnngo
tbcrofoi B-OU ban of equal uiluo , xxltli u
chir c < o ] tnl to thoiost of inaiiiilaiturini'
tillllllH lilt' tlll XX'IH IlK'll | Uls lil
riH-pnro f > od Dill xvis talicii up and be
i line unfinished buslnc's.
1 lit ) M mile then wrnt Into PXU ut Ixn se .
iion , afli r whli li Mr Haxus askM iinnnl
moiision' < tit to tin-tuldng up of tlio liidlin
nmirriprtat'nii ' bill .Mr Vance objevtel , nnd
Mr Duvc's then moc'd to t ike up the Indian
hill. The million wnsiiirivel to thin dU
I hieing the pun.'food ' bill. Mr I'lddock ex
inosslni ? the opinion that it wns yross In-
At the suKffpslInn nt Mr ITawes , titianl
mouseou .ent xx is given to proccoct to the
consideration of house bills on the calendar
Mr. Mot rill tihd to bring til ) the ) homo
aniiniclniunt to the ) dine t tax bill , but Mr
Hern obje'iteil , aud il wont over
Aiiuuift the bills pwil xvcro the following
Amendment of v irioimii'tsie'latlve to Imnil
ettitinn , lie . to amend the net of
March 'J , | svi , for Ibo re-Hot ot certain
volunteer and ivgulur soldiers of the l.ito
war ind the \loxicMii nar , tor the nllowniuo
of critaln claims for stoics nnd supplies
takenancl usiMi hv ttieUuitid Stiles minx as
mpoiled bj tin'intlrt of clllms Ultclcr the
proxlsionsof thn Uowuian.u't
Mr L'ockifll nnxcilnii aldltionnl imcml
iniMitto tin bill , inscilmgllio liem < > fl7lII" )
for the t'huutiMii claim In connection xxllh
bntlcllng an Iron stciinor I'hls was agieccl
to after alonij disc'tisslon. In the couiso ot
w huh Mi Plumb said If Iho com t of claims
was allowed to continue Its piesent course ) of
rendi'tlng jtidnmeiits against the goxcui-
liiciits , thogoxcintiieiit xxould soon hax'o lo
go into bankruptcy.
The semite ntlio clock began the c'onsldcii-
lion of the I mil in ippropuntlcn lull 'ino
lippioprlalloii fur lh siippnil ot Ircliin
schools xvas luuoasul ftonif'.ieHi.OOO ' totl , < W- )
000 On motion of Mr Divxes tbe commlt-
teoamenilmontsiodiiiing the per capita late
for the siippo'tof pupils from SldTlo
fl.V ) was illsiigic'ccl to Mi Davves oxpl.lining
that the committee Ind clnngcdlts views
Mi Pliiiub expreised his conx Ictlons tint
nn .nerngo of Jl'O n > eai for lucll in ptijlls
was lee much and that no porininent nil-
vnntiigo was doilvod from tbo sv stein of lii-
clinntr.iinlng xhlbnoxx - costs j,0tOH ; ( ) ) n vcar
aud would oeforo lomr cost ? liOOJW ) ( ) Ho
did not hellovolt huladv uicud the Indhns
one lota In the pith of civill/atlon. ' 1 he cilit-
cntlnu of tno Indian meant nothing but ro
ll neil lonfuism
'Iho rcidlng of the coiumllteo substitute
foi i section buiiu'iofeicaco to the ngrc'o-
nieuis xxith the clitic rout tribes for the ces
sion of thi'ir ii'soiMitions vx'ns tuken up In
connection x\-itli the Clio onno md Ai.iiihoo ]
ngiietncnts , Mi Plumb offoicd au ninend-
tninl ilediringall liuds In Oklabonu to bo
agrluiltmd Inuls and that pioof of tlicir
non iiiinci il diirnctir shill not bo loqnliod
ns i condition picicdcnt to llnil onti y.
Agiei'il lo
Hie rite of IntoiiM to In1 pild on tboSls-
selou and \\abpctoii \ \ honils was Inereisod
from ' \ to.'i pel cent Ttio proposition b.v Mr.
I'cltignu toioducotbo sottlcinciit prlco of
the'slssclon ' iiid \ \ ihpeton 1 mils tel J'ipor
mu Instead offJ 111 , as proposed In the sub
stitute , \uis dlsr-iissod ut loimtb I'mulh it
xx as nmncrcd th it the substUuto should iio
ngncil to The bill xx'.is icpoi'ed to thesen-
nte mil the wliolenittci xx cut ox 01 until to
mono xv
'Iho ' kinatcthor. lookup bills on the cilen-
ilu , bulls nuquoium VMS piesont It soon ad
join nud
'J'ho Xc'H li mil bixv.
\Vvsiu\r.rox \ , lA-b 27'J'no conferee' , on
the bill for the lepcil oftho timber cultnro
law anil umc'iilntoiv ' of tbo land luxxsgeii-
cnllx hue mictli illy agieed on an onthelj
new bill , whlili xvill bo brought forxvud at
the llrst opportunity. The bill n rcod upon
xvill cbmgo the gcuoril land sjstom of tbo
gou-rnmeiit In the lliat pi ice it icneils the
tiiubei ( iilluio act , xxltb a resetvatlon in
I .nor ofboinllclo claims lieietofoio initiitcd
Iho pciiod of cultivation is to bo coniputed
fiom the elate of entry If thonccossaiy acts
of cultivation nro pcrfoimod within tue
liiopoi tlino , Iho persons xxho comply
the tn ov Is ions foi fourvcais mi ) prove tin
In the pivinrnt offl. J5 an actc 1 bo dosett
mid act is , \ requiring thellling
of i imp , showing the proposed method of
ixclnnntion uicl the expcadUuio In tbowoik
of iceluiii ilion of at least 1 nci
uio , * 1 each jcir Vltei fonneais , title
cm bo seemed , i.x the pivmont of M pel
.me. Tbo pro cmptioii law H also ICMIC dod
except is to claims bc-atofoio inltlnted , and
exioptas to proiinptlons bv countiesundet
the speilil li\v. Section J Js'i ' is aineniled so
tint persons ahead j holding KiO acies of
hud , ot xvlio abandon lesulcmo on tbeh oxxii
Imel , shall not hix'o the light to nnko a
hiinieateacl ontij 'Iho United States Is
stopped fioin Iho vac ition ot anj patent on
eliims beiilofoio initiated , unless suit is
In on glitxittiin llx-o joins , and on fittuie
chimswilhm sit venis His piov idei th it
In Colon.uto , Moiitiina , N'oilh nnd South Di
itotnVxonilng \ , Xcvula and Utah it shall
bo sufllcient ilc'fcnso In anj piosccntlon lei
hespiss to show lint a timber cultuio
cntrx wns for auric'tiltn'-al , mining , niiinii
fictuiing ; oi domestic purposes , ind tint the
tlinbu xxMistuinspottcil out of the slate ' 1 his
niox'ision , hoxx-cver. Is not to npjilj to i ail-
loa Is Toivns anil cities 11111 make town
site entiles on hind- , , but this Is not
to iutcrfoio xxitli the xxoilcuu of undii
{ 'lounil minciiil chums A pinxislou is made
for gi ints of right ot nay for irii atinn pin
poses , but le'scnoir sites must not conlain
moio.iie.i tlnin isnoccwatv lor the c'onstruc
lion mil imintenincoof tlio rosMX-olr The
maximum .mionnt of Iincl wldch mix person
may acejtiiio Is limited to .Iio icies The
piosiilciil is1 gixcn tbe light to set apirt nnd
u si no in aiij tonltorv forest linds ns a
nil bile loscuntion not siibjict to bo cnteied
Murk ut' ( oil mil tires' ' .
\V\MIIMITOX , l'eb J7.ftio confcicos on
the house and senate hills establishing a pii-
uitelund loui tlnvoieichednn agteemcnt.tho
housoionfc'ieesagiceing to accept the bill
passed bj Iho sennto v it1 sexcnl modlllci-
tlons The most Impoitaiit of these inociitlci-
tlonsls tint tbocoiut shill consist of ono
chief justice and foul issodalo jusliees.
Among the clnnge's and additions undo by
Hie senate cominittee in tholtidim npproiuli-
lion bill ns il cuiio from the nouse
areas follovxs l-'or a commission to no
gottie ! foi tbe icidjustmcnt of the boumlaiy
line between Kmebud and Pine Unlgc agen
cies , or for the li.imfer of Indians , S 5,00l ) ,
to the SUscton and \Vahpelon Indhns , at
Devil's ' Like , foi lands uxcluded fiom their
icsciuitions , $ elOlX , ) Tbocommittoc ) stiuck
out the pifivisions of Uio house bill iiuthor-
i/im'tbe < Indians to Icisa allotments for niiii-
ingpuipo cs ; md a pio\islon \ nuthorizlng
theiiniinUsioiier of Indian attain to ncher-
ti&o for contracts foi supplies lu Iho spilng.
CotithniiUloiis ,
V HiNnTON , Pob 'J7Tbo sonUo tohy
contlimedthe folloxvlagnppointmonts Henrv
\V of Noir Miinpslno , to bo envoy ox-
traonllnin an I mlnlstei plenlpotentlai ) to
C'hinl , Mirtiii A Kuippof Nou Voik , to ba
in tcistato coi iimoiLOconnnlss loner.
United State ( consuls -P I' Ilmni of
Hni n.i of cov , i , l/im\ia. ( ! U . .S Stauloy
\\isooiisln \ \ , I'i'-ton , ts U. Ibersof lo n ,
San diuil
Nelson IJ Nelson to bo eollc'etor of cus
toms foi North and South Dakota
I'ostnnstori-\V U Ilmuv , le ! llovne > , Ii ;
,1 I ! ( union , Ciawford , Neb , .l U Klb'S- ,
O-.S'cill , .Nc-b
shiiiuilid in \ \ j stcpy.
Wismxci lux , l"ob ,7.-It is icported hero
tochy tlmt thu president hint accepted the
ro-dfiintlim of United States States TRMS-
imr Huston aud nppolnted.1. A LonuUo ,
o.N-ilutotioasuiorof Indiana t'n to mlil-
ni 'lit n ( .ontlrm ition or denial could not bo
secure'd from eithci the piesiclc'it ? r Mr.
Huston i'ho leport , hovvovcr , is geneully
Scul in Iho Papers.
\Vv-iiixc.ncis , 1-eb ,7--Tho President to-
da ) traiuinlttc'd to the senate copies ot all
paK'is | rolatint ; to the reciprocity arrange ,
menu between thoUnlted States and Ini/il ) ,
also ihoproslJeiit'aprocliniutlon anil tibles
sliowlngttioexpoitiitlonof certain nioducts
fiom this countrx to Biiull , .illof which have
horcloforo bccu male pubdu.
Two Men Receive nornbl * Injuries Through
au Accident at 1'lattsuouth ' ,
'Iwo .Iti'n rinul lor Selling ljitiur | |
\Mlliiiit it Uc'iMi-o-Callfd
, N'ob , Pcb 27 [
'Iclegritn ' loTnc IUr ] Tlio fnuii of Itoboil
Meholls , n fcvv mile's louth of town , xxu the
sceuoof a tciriblo accident this forenoon , ro-
sulilngin Iniunoito two men , Kindt Moore
anil Al Ilhodon , that nny picvofutnl Tlio
iicoidont oeeuricil by the buistlng of n horse
power drculir wood saxv , pieces of which
( lew In oveij dlioellon with tonlllc force
One ploco struck MOOUJ , billy cutting him
on the nook niul ( host Anotlior ploco How
ever the lieut of tlio mini standing beside
Moore nun struck Uhoilon In the leg , cutting
Into the iniurm of tlio bono Tlio phjslcinns
altomllng the uiiforluniito nion state th it
Uhodcu's leg will li.i\oto bo niiipututoil niul
that the dunces of iceovcry for botb incii
iiio not nnfi\ot iblo.
It iniihnlilt .Nott't ,
ITiMiiotur , Is'cb , , Pcb -,37 [ SpecinltoTnr
Hi r ) The liii > h school building wns cioweled
on Mnitda ) with spoctatoisholud githoieil
to xxltnoss \\ashlngton \ \ .1 biithdaj exor
cises niul the iludii itlon ntul lalslngof the
school ll.ig Thor.nml Aimy Of the Hepub-
Ho bojs , liculoilby the il 0. bind , ere In
attendance The pupils nequlttoJ theinsohcs
\Voilnosdij thoCirnnJ Aimy of the He-
public ln3 HI\O n bonu dinner \vhlih was
followott In the nonius bj in ojstoi- supper
anil bill. 1 bo dinner was well nttondcil , mid tlto bojs liad not forgotten how to cook
beans u us plain to ull
Olstl ! < ' ( ( "Ollll I'lllCt
I MI i mu , Ntb.liCii.iut , > 1'cb U7 [ Spo-
i-ial JoloKiain to Tin Ui iDUtilct | c-oiut
has Just closed at this place , lion .T ( > .
Codiuui pioslilliiij. David Clarym found
ntiilt > of scllitift Intoxicating liiiuorsltboiit
a llicnsonnd iis lined tJ',0. Phillips \ \ is
nrr.iiKtiodon the sania ch iifti * , nlciilod ijnlltv
to four counts iincl was lined jiiH ! .mil costs
Hothwoio committed to the county ] id until
the lines and costs aiopiid Tbtto xuio
ninety cases en the ilockit , a large number
being fouolosuio crises.
IcNMin , K 'j.
HiNOID - , Neb , Tob -Spochl [ to Tin :
JJi i ] AVcdosdiy c\crnny Miss/.olliiMucltoy ,
dnuKhtoi of the county loiiinilssioncr , was
in.unoil to Clurlcs M Lewis , one of the
piiniip.ilincithintsof HtjnoUh , at the homo
of the bliilos pnicnts , by lior.Vlllliin
M uks Man ) oC the loading i iti/ons of loy- !
noliKveiu pie ont and proiontod the happy
couple with tokens of ihoii friendship ,
Culled Iticlc.
CITXob , Pob7. . [ Special
to Tin : Ui.r.l Sheriff Wt-llimn
rotuincdfroinStoiliiiK today , having m cus
tody Albeit M.doyvlio ostipcd fiom the
county ] all Mondny niiint Alnloy hid boon
tmofitiKiit iilght .ind bidinii in tbo dti\tiino
mid his foctvcio badly frozen AVlllls
JJiotvii , hia coin pillion , has not jot been
' * " " '
> > ( 'l'iIIS ( Illflltll'M.
I'lrnci , Is el ) , Koh 'J7 [ Special
toTur Hi i : . 1 .loscph Foisvtho , living ton
inili"oil of this place , \vliilo fccdiiift his
cittlo jostoid.iy fell ton foot from n coi n ciib
anil snst lined Intcuial injuries Ho is in n condition and mi ) notlivo till nioin-
A lloi < > Molrii.
Srriiiivri , Noli , fob J7. | SpocKl Tolo-
pi.iin to Tin III K | Tlio tiorso th it Albert
AUlcy iodo to tins plnco In bis oseapo from
the Xubi ism Uitj jnl wis stolen fioni .lohn
C.utei slivery bain Instnicht > Totlilnihiis
been bond of tbo horse up to this wilting.
MIOU at lli'a li Ice.
IlKVTiiur , N'ob , Pol ) -Special [ Tolo.
Krun to Tiir Bi i.j Tlio beiviost snow fall
of tbo w intci for tills locality is filling this
c\eniuir , bcKinniiiR at noon Tbo snow is
dutting bnillj. It Is not , houovor , unubu illi
_ _
\\Vstrm IVoplc in I'liio.i o.
CIIICHOO , 1'ob. . ' " . [ Spociil Telegram to
Tin : Hi r 1-Anioncr tlio western people in
C'hicaso to hwcio tlio following ,
At tbo Aiiditonuin Arthur Stijnoi , Mr
ami Mis. 15 K Loomis , Bull Lake. Mri. C
W \YiUler. Mrs 'llioimi Swobo , Uinnhi
At the \Vcllin ston .1 Piper , DC- . Monies
At thu Palmer- . .1 Paul , Onnlin , Miss
Mi\ Dickinson , Miss IMith Il.inlino P 11
Ilk Its , C'bejonne , A V Culb , itson While ,
South Dakoti
At the ( iinnd PnililcV ! Hill , f , A
( iiiiiur , ( J. W Potter , i : II Odcll , Omaha ,
i ; Sliiml\\.ilil , Ilolso Uity , Iiluho ; 13V. .
Dcnlci btcilc , Noith Dilcoti
At the Snitofti .1 CisoOniilm. , .
At tlio Cliftou-n. C' Shcinood , Oinihn.
At the McCoy-P. I Costcllo , W.CJ. Webb ,
At ttio blicrmui Ilenr } D. Try , .York ,
At the T ehnd-H T Douglas , Toi t Yatc- > ,
N. U
_ _
'MiMiini inl Ki'iici' .
YKTON , S 1) , TebJ7. . [ Speolnl Tele ]
ptain to Tin 111 i. ] Metnoihl services here
tonlfiht for Ccncial Shoriuin and Admit il
I'oitervcro l.ugolv attended , all the mill
hiryand ihic societies and liu'inon boini ;
present under Iho Kontral supor\ision of the
Phillip Keirnoj po < t , CJi.ind Arm } of the
Republic. MnwSulft pieslded and opened
the piococillii a with an appropriate eulogy
upon the honoied heroes Hcv. Dior T
tlrnolpy , Prof Swain and otbcis followed In
floinioiit , strains 'Iho ihffi of the city ate
at hilt mut , ami tlio u hole coiniininlt\ In
mpitl-j wltti the solemn occasion. Many
\otcimsnoro presoutlio followed Slier-
man from L'hattanoopa : to All in tn and the
soa. and some who \ \ iioitli Poitor In some
of his grandest aubiounnonts.
A Common
MONTOOMI ui , Ala , Pee 'J7. | Spcfiil ! Tel
egram to Tin : Hi r | John I-i Sullivan ar-
ilvcd beio this inoinlnt ; with Duncan H
Ilaulion's ' conipin > to appear at McDonnld's
OIXTI house In "Honest Units niul Willing
HauiK " SullUnn Iminediutiljont on a
spiecundwas too iliunk to appeal on the
stage tonUht The porfoiiiiancoas abin-
dotiLit at tlio i.i > > t momonl and a Inigo nudi-
oncowab turned II\MIJ duippolnlod.
I'm ocast.
Tor Omiha and VlUnitj Pali , colder.
Toi Iowa Colder , noithorl ) \ \ Inds , snow
In southei'.t. fair in northwest poitlon ; tem-
nci.ituro will fill toore at Dub KJIIO and
Oaunport and about lix'o degiccs below at
Doi Moims bSuinlir. .
Pop Ncbruski nnd South I ) ilcota r.ilr
u either , \ ari.illolnds , silglitlj u.iuaoi by
Sunday. _
SiNT\l'i , N M , l'eb , ' 7. The legislature
adjourned ut iuldiilbt { list night. Among
thoinoroiinpoitnnt bills pissed woiotho fol
lowing : Tliofrco public school law taxing
e\pre- fonipinli's on ircciiitf , taxing nu-
tlonal bmc : snails , uviii.iting o
charges aud rcpcallug exemption Inws ,
.MI ; i . \ Tin : JIAJLX
Col t lon llot\\roit 1'rolglit niul
I'liNHOiiBt'i * TrnltiH.
Hi i i MO , N , Y. , Peb. ' . ' 7. A UehlL'h Vnl-
Uassuiger | train collided with nn l.rlo
f i eight at Knst Uuftalo tonk'ht. Hot h en
gines \\PIO almost cotnplctob demolished.
Hi ikciiuii H.itlonlinMH killed , I'liglnccrs
llttilfk mid Mnloncy fiitalh > Injured , anil
Kxtui r.iiKinpor KJIIII nnd Pimmtii M ninlnjr ,
( . 'tin1 nnd Yndir bull > burned. None of the
pimngus XMIO tnjurod
r\i-i-j : llullilliu ; III t lie Town Icit ) i-dcl
or HadlDiunnniMl. .
S vv TIUNC i ( i > , Cnl. , I'ob 27 Dispatches
tecelvcd by the rallrondoillclals fioui Yumn
teihy sivoxorv bullillng In tlio town , except
the Southern Pnclllo hotel nnd ponlti'iitlaiy ,
ha ? been dostioycdor bidly damaged b\ the
Hood All the country eastward for twenty
nillos IsuiuUintir. .
l'\ oij business hoiiso In tlio town , the St
JoH'pluonvcut , public halls , school houses ,
oxpiossotllce , nostofllce , rmhond buildings
mid many reslilciuoi wcro wept Into tlio
Colorado liver 'Iho remaining pioperty In
town Is being \\ntcliodo\or hj spcilnl pohco
'Ihoater nt Yuma is falling tonight , but
uportsof further ilslnff nro roods oil from
ntiin o , w hicli , \crlllOd , will icsult In the to
tal destruction of tlio town.
A lexical ! I'oit I'looilcd.
CITI or Mi xuo , Poh S7. The port of San
Tcllpons Hooded by the storm. One
schooner , ono lighter and thirteen simchs
wetowiocHcd Klphticii houses were do-
stioycd , and mam futilities are homeless. A
number of lives \\cro lost utul many iiittlo
drowucd. _
Iliul storm at l'a\uiM ! City ,
PVWM r , Neb , Tob U7. [ Special Telegram
to Tin HIM | - Ono of the worst storms of
the season Ins been raging hero this aftoi-
noon , \\ith high winds niul considerable
snow. Kx erj thing indicates ti regular bllz-
ziid , _
Unilrond Tinlllu Dclnjod.
A i IHSV , N Y , Feb. ! J7.-Tho condition of
tlto : Xc\v \ York Central & Hudson Ulx-cr i nil-
load , noith niul south of this place , oIng
to the Hood , is not improved. Sovernl ttntns
hax e been abandoned and others mo Into.
MohaukVati'rH hiibstilliig ,
YOIIK , Pcb lit. Tbo Hoods in the Mohawk -
hawk \ulltj ba\o been checked by the cold
weather Milch sot In last night nnd tlio
watei is falling lapidlv at most points.
Stopped at tbo Diuigcr Idiip.
Mi MPIIIS Tenn , Fob.27 Tbo livoi Is sta
lloniny hcie at the daugciMiuc. No d imago
has as yet boon reported. River men think
the highest point has been reached.
Civ IXMTI , O , Kcb. 'J7. Tlio Ohio rhcr
continues to icccdo nt the rate of un inch nn
hour nnd bj Sundn\ the latest the rail-
loadb \ \ ill resume use of the central depot.
Not a Hidlding I > cll Standing.
SvDIK.O , Cnl , Peb li7 Soxernl deaths
ha\o losultod fiom the Hood alTlaJuani ,
w bcio not a building is loft standing
Cold \\Vnther In Ti XIIM.
IIoisTox , Tex , Feb i ? . Last night x\as
tlio coldest of the "ca ffti HudUlug fiuit
tioes nro icported bidjy d.iuiagid.
Still IliHln ; ; in Arl/onn.
i'txiv , Arl < s. , Pcb. WTlio river is still
rlbing. People bn\c abandoned ull houses
nnd gone to tbe hills
I'louble on tbo I'IMIIISJ IvuniR Put Oft'
lin * a Time.
I'lTTsntiin , I'.i , Peb 27 All danger of a
stuko on the 1'ciiiistlxaiil.i system has been
ax-cited , for the present at least 'Iho men
have accepted the coi cessions made by the
company xesteuiay , and haxo loccived us-
sui.uico of fuither aniehoiatioii and sallsfie-
ton artangoiiicnts. Thoioinpinj his llrmly
icfcised to grant the incieast of snl.irles
Some of the delegates are diss.itislltcl , but
ictused to tallc on the subject.
'Ijpc I'ouiulcrs Coinliliiiiig.
Ciiii'vco , Pcl > 27. A local piper snx-stho
Imgo tx pe foundois of the countiy , after long
negotiation , have about affected a consoli
dation of thill iuteiests The capital in
volved is repoi ted to bo i.OOOOOO The es
tablishment of tinlfoiin puces and the pro
tection of the pi inter aw said to bo the ciiief
reasons for thecoiifoliclntlon oftho thirtj odd
foundries Wholesale Cutting of thoptuool
tjiio h.isbec'ii the lulo of Into , mid owing to
this nl.iuts of pnnteis have hton doc-leasing
in value , embling new Hims to put in eu-
liiely new plants at half tlio cost ol these hid
in before tile demoraluatloii.
Want a > o\VM'liiMlii1i > .
K\ss\sCiTi , Mo , Pel , 27-Chief Aithnr
of the cngmceis * brothoihood pissed through
heio todiy on his way to Denver In answer
toi call fiom the giiuvauco committee of the
lie { CinudoVslein \ rdlroul Ho uiuler-
btiunls they want a now schedule of vv.igcs
Ccike stiIUoliout I loKcn.
KCOITIHI.I , Pa ,1'eb J7. 'Iho stilko oftho
tokeis \irtunllv biokon at P.inclianco ,
xv hero sex'oial bundled men mo at work The
stiikoismo becoming restless. Aconleicuco
will bo held .Monday.
I'lno Itttlge News.
IMxi Kinor , S D , Pcb > [ Special to
Tin Bn 1iinoxv fell list night , miking tbo
sixth snowstorm in the past month
The eiintmo of the Indian mutdpicrs of
Lieutenant Casey and Dilver .Miller was
ilexoielv done bj I.loutcimntC'lonnii of tbo
1'lrst infnntiy Ho has loft the agency , and
It is said bis life Is thrtitoned by the Indians
'Iho Indians mo sullen , and their hcaits aio
soio since the loturn of Indians fiom Wash
ington They claim they did pot obtain all
they expected , and monies nuo have not
been paid.
Cnmullan ltoolpicic > ltj.
Nnw Vouii , Feb. ' 7.-Kr.islus Wlinan bns
iccolvcd moro than ono hundred replies from
members of congress who weio nskcd If thej
would vote for the Illtt resolution Ml Wl-
man s.ijs nnujoilty of both the senate and
house will be secured hi fax or ol uniestric ted
icciDiocilj between the United States and
Cumuli Senator Herman thinks In the face
of Ibo Canadian campaign mix nction bj con-
giess might bo misunderstood.
Troubles ,
Fob : . ' " . ' 1 ho Duncan ,
Hughes iS : Hirrison lumber company of South
PitUsburg assigned today.
PmirVoiiin , Tex , , Tel ) J7 The Poit
Wet th senility and const i net ion companj
has llled a deed of trust on all its pioputy to
socuio tbo Merchant'a National bank lu 'the
sum of $10i,000. )
- .1 ,
lluiic'cl | lo Dentil ,
Hi DM i v , Mo , l'eb 37. | Special Telogr am
to Tin Hi i J Kisser Dullna coloroe womin
ninetj-niiiojcnrs of ago , while liglriiu- her
pipe toilav dioppcd a spirit In her lap Hci
elothlng ciugbtlho , and xvlth hoi twoye.n
old ( jiandchlld , she xvus burned to death.
Hhcit HlK Sun.
DM vu 11 , Ind , Pou 27. Kx-.luclgo Hobo ,
wbilo intoxicated , shot and fntallouiuicd
Ids twcniy-throojourold sou tonight.
At VPXV Vork Peiiulntul Antwerp.
Atstottui'Ihliib'inlln , oxxorit. .
Discussion of Chicago's Invitation to tin
Sotithora VutonxTis by Their Loaders.
Noln iHlcaiiM and a Vow Orilcr KiMia
Idl1 .MlllldtM OIl'M I'lllMglMilVlIt ) (
Cramer hiii'iM'rds Vatidi'i \ onrt
UlliirYasliliigloit .No\\H.
\Vi iitNoroN III IIKM THE Hri
fitt : I'oi nn i srn Sim i r ,
WISIIIMIION , I ) . I' , I-'ob v !
Theio was much Interest show a among the
southern congressmen toilnj In the cousldei
iitlou which the vvoild H lair commission gnvo
joderdny at Uhlcmo to the piojectforii
greilconfcclorato reunion In c-oiinectlim with
tbo ( Iraml Arm ) of the Hepilblle nt the dedl
cntorv oxeulses of the fnlr. A number of
southern congressmen who fought In the con
federacy , anil xvho are populnly stjlod
"icbel bilgndlers , " weto liitonlovvod todnv
concerning the eonfodoiato icuulon at Chi
cngo OeneralMIII nn I1 11 Leo is an au
thority on this and all other milters vvblih
concern the old armies of the sojth , ( or ho
served with his distinguished father , On
oral Uoboit 12 Lee , from the Hist to the last
of the war , and was nstikloa confedeiato
cavahy horse as nujor genoiul when the
southern sun wont down at Apponi IUK.
"I fax'or any move which will tend to xvipf
out sectionalism , " slid ( loaoral l-.eo , "and
that oxnroisos the erlst of mv views. "
Whether this pirticnlar form of icunlon
nttho U'oild's Pair wculd tend to wlpo out
scclloiiiillsni , ho wasn't prop nod to si\
Them Is an opinion in some innntcr-i that
these reunions hnxoa tendency to sepaiato
the sections , rather than milto them They
somotiinos ro\l\'o old bitternesses bv bung
ing together these \vho IInil it haul to foiget
old memories , but if the million of the
World's Pair can lo.dlv oblitciato sectional
lines , and aid in xviping out old animosities ,
it will have the bcjitv nppro\al of Ueucinl
Leo , nnd , in his opinion , of nil these who
sciveil in tlio southern tanks.
( Iciicial IIoo\or is another of the conspic
uous soldiers of congress 1 Us empty sleeve
is the icsult of a wound iccc'hcil duiinir the
hlego of VtcUslmiR L.tko ( "Scncinl Leo , ho
x\as u. conledtiateeivalrjinaii of hl'h i.iuk
"Chicago's invitation to old southern sol
diers x\ould undotibtodly bo rospindecl to
\try coiJinlh , " Hooxer. "I'ho
soldiers of the noith and south now mingle
together fiaicin.ilh in our part of the coun
try , llicio uro fJiaiid Aimy posts at Vicks
butg , Mobile and New Oilcans Minv
noi them soldiers attended vxhen i dolhcicd
the oration at tbe unveiling of tbo statuu of
Albeit Siclncn .lobnston , one of the greatest
sohliorsol the south Iain gl.ul Chicngo is
lookingfonxnid to inxiting the unitb and
boutb nlllto , i'ui I am MHO the southern bol-
cllcis will lospond most cordhlly. "
Senator Hlair of Now Hampshire has been
running lei n consolation purse for some
time Ho leaves the seuato after-i continu
ous oftkiulllfu of thu tyj oars xvithout a dollar
lar and a good deal pooici than ho ontcied
the public sei vice. Sen itor Hliuris pi-cull ir
m his \lox\s and oceontuc in his manners ,
but bo Is n man of ability nnd Is thoroughly in ntul nutnf the sinniit he nil
who knoxv him Senator Pryo of Alalno
recently circulated a petition for his appoint
ment asUistuct Judgoof Now llampshlte but
the piesuleul appeals to hive piofeiieil to
send him is minister to Ctiii a and bc > noin
inated him this altoi noon ' 1 ho C'lnneso mis
sion is now occupied by ( icneril t'tiulfs
Denln of Indiana , xvhoas appointed innli'r
the Cleveland Ion and is n iknio-
c.iat The iioinm ition of Senntoi Hlair was
well iccoixcd at tin- capitol As soon as it
bccinno known on the lloor of tbo scnaln Mr
Hlairns surioiinded bj alaigo crowd of
senators mid lapt on his fc.ot for half an
hour leeching congiitiilatlons Mr Hlnir
, uhic\pd a ii'itiomd ' iLputntion as the author
of the cclIK itional bill n lined after him , and
his aclvocMLj of intioual proliihitiou and \ in i
ous labor measmcs.
x M w DKIII it iioxii ! n > OMMIV.
An evening pipct siys " .Scna'or.Mnn-
dorsoii , Colonel W F Cody , Miisl.nll lli.ul
1) himghtcr , William K Aunin and se\oiul
otbcis have been Initlateit Into the Inclcpcn
dent Order ot ( hangers , of xxliieh htnutoi
\V. J Mi-Coniiell of Iduho is > woishlpfnl
gi and master I'ho older Is based upon tbo
nntl-Kuglau iloetilne , which its ex
position iitMcCalma Hill , Cil , and is a semi
11101 il anil hciiiclUial oigauUation , mpst of
whoso inomheis mo Masons bonntois Me
Council , hhonp nnd UuHols oflclaho haxo
been Instiuniental In spic-adlng the doitiines
of the order , bonutoi MtContnll has prom
Ised to stop nt Omaha on his way uest at the
teeniest of Colonel t'oih nnd Institute n lodge
of the Independent Older of ( hangers for
Nclu isk i Colonel Codx- was npp diilo 1 bv
Senator McConuell as deputy gi iiul mister
foi l.uiopi ) mid Soniloi Miudorbon nsswoul
bonrer lot Nobi iska "
Scciotary Foster left tbo tioisuiy dep.ut-
munt this noon to nccept an invitation to at the xvliite hou e Ho and the piesl
dent spent an hour or moio in soc-ial ,
nftci vv hich the new sccittnry letmned to
tbo dei.ntment | It wis after J o'cloclt , which
is the time sot for i losing the department lo
visitois "You can't get in hoie. , " w is the
stein order as Sccictary Poster in.ido his
appe iranco at the fiout door of the tieisuM
building A stalvvait dooikeepir bnucil tlio
xx'iu , and s dd that stiaugeis wcio not ad
mitted utter J o'clock It happened thut a
nt'wsp.ipei man who know thosccrot.uv xxas
noir bj Ho stepped forward niul intio to tno astonished dooikeeper the sei
let u v of the tio.isun .Mi. Kostor took the
alTalr good nntuiedh , anil In his iiswin
complimcntud the mm lei Ids stiict ntten
lion to duty.
e i iv 11 VND'S i O-.T xis < or.
One of the most conspicuous llgiuesoa the
floor of the hoiiso toilnv was Cotiguissniati-
elect Daniel N l.ockwoodof HutTiiio , N V ,
xvlio will bo ic'iiic'inbe'iecl In I'liu igo , nuct bv
these xx no attended the national convention
theio in l sl , in the man xvho nominated
Cleveland dmmg his llrst candidacy It is ft
coincidence th it Lockvv oed llrst nominated
( Jlovi land as sheriff of Kilo county Then
bit nominated htm foi inner of Hull.ilo , then
liu nominated htm for governor , nml llnalh
bo nominated him for piestdent All ot
these nominations were follovxed b > elections
'J hen Lockvxood did not nominate Uovdnnd
foi pu-ident the1 sicond tune 'I his seemed to
In o.i It I lie spell , and ( Itnclund wns defeated
Theio has been a coldness between Llev el md
nnd Lockwood ever mnco tbo former xveut
into tbu white house Loekxxoeul iiitod an
nppulntment to a foiclgn mission , hut fulled
to get It Dining the 1 isi fuw nioutlis ot
Clove land's tcun ho mimed I.otluxood us dis-
tilct nttormn f ir western Now Yoilc
Kalurnllv Loukwood Is not now an enthusi
astic Cleveland in in.
X10M V loll III ! INUHSH.
The following nmondmoni to the liidlin
iippiopuatioii bill , Hiilimlltod by Senator
Mandt r on , li is beoii adopted bv thu senatn
coimiiitteo on hull in allalis : "I'ho sum of
f.'nO.lMH ' ) , or so much theieof as m.ij bo ncc-
essarx , Is boieby appropil ited , to ho immo-
cllitel ) , i\iiiliblo for the prompt pijm > > ntto
the frlindly Ognllui Sioux and legal le-d-
dents on tbo Sioux ic'scrvation , fur pi open ty
dcstro.vel or appiommtid bv tlio roving
limils of dKnlToili'd Indians dining thu 10-
cent Sioux tioubles , to bo expended under
the dim tlou and control of the commissioner
of Imllm alTitrs , "
I'll 0 | I N loll ) KIN M tllKI r-l
SonntorMandc'isoii has seemed thongiloiil-
tuial comnnttco's adopiloii of an amendment
to thoiigilciilturil appioprl.itlon bill , appio-
pitatlng an amount to bo tlxod liv the xen ito
toonublo the si'oularx of ngiuulluio to make
, nucl continue tUo subject of uud tu
upon the foaslldlit.v of intending the do-
niiiiuls ef loi'ign liinUots for ngilc'tiltural
piMhie-ts of tbe I'mted St lies , uud to adopt
speilal mo ins tn liu iciiso the export tluu'of
Some timiMigo tin' senotiu of inriU ulturc1 ,
in loplv to an liiiun ] > upon this su .
nddiesmM a le'ler to Si'iutorliindil > ;
xx hh h xv is given quite I nth In those spo\ \
ami stalini.'th il the agric-ultural dopinlt 7
xxm dolnir all It could with tbo menus at „
command lo Inc-i.-aio the foiolgu dcii t >
foi Aiiieiliau products , tint ihnclopmti Z _
nnd ono ngi'iit abioul , suiiplementlng
xvoik of our consuls nnd suggesting tlmt
nppiomlatlon tiii mule for the pntposo _
sc'iiilbnf n numbc'i' of agents Into forel ,
comtlles to piomoto innlcets for Amelia
piodrro This luhntnlstiatlon (1 ( ono whlc
Is imiklnu in ukets for the farmers' piocbu
in en CM * } direction b.\ all possible montn.
MI i ri > is us i nn MI'S not si : .
The shliiplng bill im fuilen lu Ibo
After one of the most Interesting , ilosolj
fought nnd spiilttvl contetts of this ocmgtoss ,
1this been kno ked out through the failure
of tlio lepnlille ins to stand tiigeltici The
word "sulislih" filghtcnc'd imn.x of the
icpiesentativis fiom tbo guuigi i states , nnd
the lesult xvas that aflei sin oral close votes a
substitute xxhlch differs fiom tin oilglnnl
tonnage was oiileted to Do substituted upon
motion of Mr C union When the ( list
vote was taUen to piss the bill to
the thltd lending llfteen lepublle-ans
X'oted against Iho pnly nnd tlneo demoerats
voted with l'aiuliur | It is a uoticoable fact
tint of the llftcon negntlvo lepublica'i ' votes
eleven came fiom fie piaiilo states Notice
wis scned on Speikor Heed jcsteulav tlinl
the oommittco bill would llkol.x bo defculod
Aihiut tldrtv lopublicaiis said to him that
while some of them would vote lei the 1)111 )
under piotost , othus would not , unless it
w is nmeiided , mid they ndvtsed him to nuvo
the committee accept nil amendment
piov ieliiit ; that Anieui.m ships , sail
Ing bUxxcen Iho Unlecl | Stntcs
nucl polls of Cential nnd South American
stiles , with which leeimoilty tioitles have
been or VMll In1 negiitl neil , should be enti
tled tn anx * of the molltsuiidci tlm bill The
spe iki'i said that this could not he done
Sen itor l'i\o , when ho polled the sonnlo
ted ij on Iho subvention bill , found uwell do-
lined sentiment In favoi ol thu amiiidment
suggested to Speakei Iked , nnd said that the
i'arciuhar amendments lo tbo oiigiiial hoimlo
bill might meet xvith unexpected opposition
If It should bo sent b.n k to the semite ,
Mr. Ptirquhar 'i is been working foi his bill
six years Ills pi ictlcal defeat tonight has
told upon him xvomioifullv It Is pcrnaps
duo to the persistence ) of tbo men on the
outside , moio than to any other one cause ,
that the bill xx is defeated Ttio cry of
"subsidy ' and "lobby iullueneo" undiiubt-
edlxchovo away hosts of the oilginal fuenils
of tbo nieasuio.
i v\n on in nrniinv.
Tbo secrctii v of the Interior today nfllrmed
the decision of Commissioner ( iiolT. clismiss-
lug the c-asoof .lames S King agiiust the
timber cultuio chlm of Philo H. Alljn , for
hud in section III , township Pi noith , range
Jl xvc at , Noitli 1'liitto ( Neb ) land cllstikt
Iio also nllhmed a sitnilir decision In tbociso
of.IobnU Shedd against idwIn V Illscock ,
Involving a tract of laud in seitionU , town
ship lot noith , r.intfoiriwc'st , Mitchell ( S I ) )
linil district tieiietar\ Noble cliiccted the
commissioner ol the land to have piib-
hsbcclanow notice of the intent ion of Sniah
A tonkins to submit llml ptoofs onhcrhomi1-
stend entrv ( soldier's widow pioompthm )
for thesouthwestquniterof section 17 , town
ship 101 , range loi. Mitchell fS I ) ) hind
dlsti ct ' 1 tin proof xvus rejei ted bv the eoni-
sionei , but will now bo allowed Ifsitisfnc-
f act oi } .
win rui n IOIIT CIIOOK ,
Tlio sonnto has adopted au amendment to
the sutidrv civil apnioprlitlon bill xxhic-h
chances the nnnio ol Poit Ouiiihi to I'oit
Liookand appiopiiitos $ " > 00OIX1 foi the con
struction of uexvoiuldlngj a'ld iinpiovin-tho
nevx foil.
PaiilVandorvooit's resign ition has been
Jnnil .loo ( h'nmoi * . ( hlcsr clcik of the
postofllco at , Omitm , his been appointed to
the vacancy.
XIISMMI i roti .
The lesignation of II L .laivis , postmaster
nt Spiingvlcvx. Kova I'alin count } , Neb , xvas
transmitted to Iho lir t assistant postnnstor
goni'i-il bv Mr Du-w toilav and Clnenco A.
Uipkn VXMS lecoininended foi the appoint
Mis ICmllv II Dimnmond of lovvi his
been piomoto 1 in the pension olllco fiom r > 00
to | , iKn ueat
'Iho president 1ms apio\-cil | ) the bill Ineieis-
ing the pension of Colonel Loib ot li ! md
Island , > el )
United btates Maislnl Hi id It Slaughter
is heie. I'l inn S licvni.
Nt'liia ki , Iowa mill Dakota I'disloim.
\V\siii\fiTON , l'eb J7 [ Special Telegram
to Tin. Hi i ] 'Jim following pensions hive
been granted
Nebraska Otigiml ( " "lurles Hell , Paimiol
n Itioxxn , Samuel A. Winslow , Alexander .1
Phillips , I ) ix id AiUen , Silas Alexander ,
Jacob \Vint , C'lnistophcr Young , Henjiimn
I'.Stieknov , ( icortro Pinnister , John Shop ,
aid , Mm tin CI.nK , .lacobS ( Irav , Hoblnson ,
Pen In , Sidnov \\'oodaid ) , Hlbeit Wliltten-
noig , ( SuoigoV \ .lohnson , KIIROIIO Patteison ,
Jacob O 'Ihoip Xoitou M Stund , Joseph
M Pcathoi , Allc n C Tlnglcv Aildltion.d-
Mntln V Clnlt. Incie-isc Jouatlnii P
Hawlox Oiigiual xviclow Caroline T ,
xxidim of Willmi ! .1 Over
Iowa OngindWilliam II H Smith ,
John Lewis , .Inlin W. di lines , Aaiou L
Clivohind , Artlnu Il.iswell , Pi ink Shei
xxood , John Aiu'iiot , IMwnid U I'owlci John
Ihoudstone , Heibm ( Jullln , Natlianiel Li\x-
sou ( navv ) . Daniel J O'Conncll ' , Joseph
llaitsook , Ilniinon Uec-k , Ileun Belnens ,
A nih e xv Hennett , ( lirkO Lnwi'-ncc- , mi
ne 1 Sundus. UjbottSlioi m \Villi.'m 11 u k ,
Moniselch , Jolleison btanlev ( dece isodl ,
I'olunihus DVliKttis Additional -llemv
( ! Uust , .Ici e Hckhor ln < iciscj J.i-no- ,
vVrujht , I'lcedom 1) ) Cionuvoll , Ji.tuesV
Allen Uc'lsbiieJolmVoodm insco Ongi
n il widows , etc - Lucv C , widow of William
hi ick.
South DtUoti Oilginil SeneciS Dan
iels IncieascVilllnn M novior. Oiigi
nal widows - ( korgio 1 , widow of Albluu
DNcMissin \ \ milm's Illglits ,
U'VSIIIM.TON , i oh iTlio session of the
twenty third annual convention of the Is'a
tlonnl Women's Sufftago nssociitlon was ie-
sinned todax , Susan H Autbony picddnnr
The piiucipil addiois XXMS on ' I'lio Congrcs-
slonnl Debiito on the Admission ofVo -
inliig1 by Lllen I ) Deitrick of Mnssuohu
hells. Aec oidlng to inodorn srlonio , the
slid , women had been upon eiitb fiOO.iHHJ
ve'iiis If this Is line1 , thoieconteiifraucbise
ment of women bv Wvommg is notbnig to ho
espe'ciallv proud of , nnd jut Wvomlng xvas
the onh ic.illj logicil dUtilct or tboAmori-
cui xv oman
At the ex cuing session Senator Cuey of
\Vvoinliig spoki' in favoi of xvoman sullr.igo
Kli/nhoth I'.ulx tantou wns iigain elected
piesiilcnt , hiisiiu 11 Anthoiiv o-piesideut ,
aud Hin. Anna II Shaw nation d lectuier ,
Hlair lo iHie < Mini Xllsslun.
\ VSIIIM , riis , Pel ) 7 'Ibo piosldcut lo
ci iv sc'nt to Iho senate tbo noinin ition of
Ileni'vV. . Hlnir of Now Hampshire as
miuibtci to China
A Ncw.I'nvvi'i' In I'olltli" ) ,
Si Lul is , Mo , l'ebJ. . The I'ltl/c'no In-
itustiial nlli.mce , which xxas orgini/od in
Kansas just bofoio the list ' ampalgn to xvoik
ns nn nuxiliny to the fniucrs' nlltiui'o , has
au agent In this c'tv ' oigini/ing locil lodges
Ho s ild ted i ) ' rinnlllnnc Inn nrgnni/ors
out foi the pui poio of spie uling the miMiiber-
.ship nucl inilueiuM ut the en gauuiitton among
the vMiiluiigiui'u lu lurgiiiltuM Tlioiilllancu
purposes in tulio au m ti\o baud tn tlio cim
pdgn of Ivi. Jt wilt act with the funnels
alliance , but thci.i must bo no fnxiun with
eltbet 01 the older panics Since Its oigm-
1/atiou hist Noxenibc-r the eider hai spioul
to ninttcon states
The Dc-alli Coll.
fiucuio , 1'ob .7. - ( Jeortro I' Iiigham , ono
of the host known crlmluil Ivvyou In Clil-
cngo , died suddcnh fiom I UUcasc list
night How is aiming tli luiiiisi fu the
btato m Iho aumcbuts ami the booJlo
A December Statement Shows n Dcorosso iQ
Gross niul Not HocoipU
'I \Vlscoiihlii < ' ( nil-ill
nlCMllic lli'pDilcil 1'iclylil llato
cut I'niiii I'lu-lllc Count
I'ollltS Itlllll Dllll X > W4 >
lloirox , Mn s , lb U7 [ Spociil IMeginM
to I'lir UN ] I'ho DeriMiiber stitonioiit 01
the Union Piulllc lalUvm'H cntlu < ijstcni
slmws the gross earnings to bo $ .iMH.17i , , do
011.110 $ KHlUS not earnin's Jrii7,7ti7 , dc.
cieiso tJiHsjt > Portho juir IMIIII | | < ; Dcc"in
bei III , ioss , $ ll.VJs.MI ; 'innease , $ . .Mil ? ! S ,
ml , c-1 I.IHt./jri , ilcui-iiso , $ lll.'Ji.l Tlvo
.statenicul foi thu month of Ueiomber qon
tnlns thi'ii'Miltsof the opd.itlons foi Hint
month subjot t to n dcdiuMlon of ? . ' "it.'U , iop
lesentlng the ainotiut clnlmed li > the com *
pinfoi fust mull Hcnlee uiidincd foi ;
the go\einnicnt bituuoti Iso\ember ISbO
and Juno IVK ) . The amount duo for
this sonko constitutes , in the opinion of tlio
compnnj's ollliem , a Milid and pioper claim
against the United Slates , but in the
tiou of the abo\o si itoniont It Ins beui ] > ro
\lslonally xxlthdrawn fi-oiu the yonli in ; .
count onh , though In fact the uductlouvni
nriossnilK inuio In the nccouuts for the
month of botomtior
i\ ; -i'\lliliig 11 aim on In u M
Cun MIO , iVb -Special ( 1'olotfi.nn to
Tin : Un | ( luiutnl Trnfllo Manager .I. M ,
Hniin.ifoid of the Nortboin Pucllle loid x\'a
luthoiltloliv Ho nnd Tiuflli' MnniiKCf
II I' . Hulow of tbo U'lhconsln Centi il both
denied tb it theio is any foundation \\lntoveif
for tbo lopoits In circulation conterntiiff
trouble Oetxxecu theli roidi on the ono Iinnd
nnd thosoof the Union Pnclllo on the otliot
In rognid to gi.iln rates fiom Piu-lllc const
points to CbU igo. 1'lieso lopoits , xvhkh now
appear to bo falbO , s'litcd ' Unit iarlIn till )
piesent moiilli the Union Piulllc nnd
the Km them Pnclllclth \Viscotisla
Centiitl as Us Chicago outlet , entered into ni }
agieemeut to cfiuiill/o the nites on gralii
fiom I'ncillr points to Chlc.ito on the
Insis of liJli , icnts to Chicago tiiinlnals , tbo
r.ito to MimiMpolis and St Piiul ticinp 60
( ents I'ho lepottsonton to sax- tint the
U'lsconsln Central has dlscovucil that the
Union Pacllh was Ignoimg this ngiecmeiit
and mikint ; ad ) cent rnto to Cbie.iKro Trnfllo
Manage i H irlow said thciownsnn old agree
ment of such : i nituio inailo oxor three
months ago , but ho had not honil that the
Union P.iclllchud leicnth bpciulniiifcilxltli
cutting i.itcs-mcl fnew of no ttoiiblo of any
kind between tl.o s\stomi nanicd
I heir ln ) < " 4.
Cun \ i > , 1'ob , ' 7 [ Special 'IMogtnnito
Tin : Ii ) i | I ho pissongLr rcpiesc'iinttx csof
C'hlcii'o Onnlin lines met ted n to < onsiiiern >
lather soiious matter A few months ago
thox notillul nil ( onncctions tint on tlnougll
business tkketod ox'oi theii linei they
\\onUl accept no less tlian 75 per
tent of the local rate between Chicago
and the Mlssomi ii\er. This did not
pioxcnt them H shoit time ngo from mnkingf
u i omul trip into of ? .M)0 ) fiom Omaha to
JacUsoiu illo , Plala Chlcauo , lotmii being
good until Juno ! < ) On this tbi-v iceoucil
but ll'tlo ' < ner 50 per cent of their local rates.
Pnthcimoio , tbo tickets are getting Intt >
scalpel's hands and a llenlot alltioil of intos
Is olUctod Ttioy did not give out .1 icsnlt of
the cou foi eti"o
Agal.- * tin1 ICii ilinnd.
Suxii sio , Cil , L'VU -Spa [ lal Telq
giaiti to Tin DM ] On the ( piostlon raised
by the disti let nttornoof Sl'kij on county ,
as to whether rallio id lauds and lincls ' old
by lain oids aio nsiessiblo , tbo rul *
lonil coiupinics and pnuhasen fioiu.
them , holding that Units conlil not bo
assessed becnisono piteuts liul been issucil
for them bj theiroxrt turnout Attoinox Gon-
c'ral Hurl Ins ( Uciuc'il ne dii"t tlio nibroads.
I'ntiss o\ennled , this decision will i impel
the pi > ment of t i\os on liJO.limni ( ( ) us o
lanil In this states , muili ofhlrli is noitli$5
per IK i e , and the taxes thus gat lion I b\ the
state and u spectl\e conn LIL.S \ \ ill acgicgato
* r lXVRU ) pel annum
\\ill Ftnluri uTp < ic c.
Cine voo , Poll i . [ Specld Telegram to
Tnr Hi. i | A dispatch to the .lournnl fioin
fialisbnigiiiys tint news has boon iocel\oij.
Iheiuto tlio offcct tbat the Hnrlinglon com *
pain ptopo os to gieatly lediico it force.
Thcoidt'i sent out gees into effect m xtSuii
day , and itciits olT iiion in no.nh evoi ) de
paitment The object is to lessen expenses
at Lciy iiMiilnlilo point It K s u i the IOT
dllLtlon Islu'.ixiPi ut loxxa dlM nin piuiitS
tliun at ( l.ilesburg IhoonUids sithU ie
stilts from the itionpliuutl of Imsme owinff
to the scncltv of gi ilu in the wc-t Dull
times aiotxpocted fin Ihooi simouths. .
Voi Ihu < > si'i'ii | Kates ,
Sr Pui , Minn , l\b -Kopie > o'ititivo3
of alnrgoniiinbir of westein roaiU ni there
toiinv to idjnst i ites , on gi iln , li\c stock and
liimlwi bilw con Kansas Ciu and othoi < south-
xxestci n points and points In Iowa Minnc *
sot.i niil ( I'.ikotas The icsulis of the
confei oino XXMS nn ncUanco in BI-IIII and hvo
stoik r.iUb A change in lumbei i.iu s fiom
Kmisas ( itx to points on the lowu ( . cutral
Mas agued upon
I'arille slioil Iiu |
Sioi \ CIM , la. , IV. ) . , ' 7 [ Spc-i i u 1 ole
gi mi to Tnr ItnA ] S CancNoulio
hai boon In New York ati iiiging HIP iffairj
of the Ncbiaskiiiestorn , which is pirt of
the Pucillc Khoit Ulio , i etui n oil this iiiurn.
Ing Jlosa.x s Hi it Iho toadxvillbi < i | i.iUxi
b\ the Sioux titv .x , Northcin and tbedicat
i.v M.I i JK i.
One x'api'H and TcllM a Tide of
C'i ni'll j niul Misi'i
Nl xx Yciniv , 1'ob. J7 ISpcciul Telegram to
TIM tin 1nexvbranihot 1 pulmm bxisU
ness in this eitx * his Just conn
tlnongh the c-siape of ( i.iltano Ma1
a boss to whom ho wis bound atlii. i sta >
sion Mai olio tame fioin r no la
ll.ilv on the ship Ahsii
leubccl lioio Poieinber 17 'I \x n'v ' t 5
otiior lubuix'rs c.inio with him I tn \ xx em
Induced by glow ing pi oinlsos logo t s > ith
( 'uroliin Onionc hmgi"liatlo.Uiii M \ xx rq
forced lo inaich for tluco houi ' u | i au )
cillc-d Hiojtoa Station , wh i they
were put to work digging pu i i < t < iitf ,
I hex were compelled to bin linn
tools aiid to pav thelt own tui\ u
iKiiisas Their xvcult rocpihvd Ihi m t
in wntcr up to theit xx.lists , and t U.i
esl of thuni could niilUe only ( in i N i
1'ioni this thin xxeio l < I to
buy thi'ir emu provision > Jroui
Iho bosses , xxho cnirKCd \ i i > tmt
ink-OS , a hiiiull loaf of bc : c 1 c ' ug
in ei'titii P scnie was almost Imp - i. \ $
thej wen'irinidud constin'lj liv h . mil
guards nriiiod Ith illh-s nnd , <
vx levi \ is i.s-
capo , when possible , XXMS pr.utii it . \ , e < ,
owing to thc'li igiiornueof their vv h i c'i , uta
and snrioundings and tlu-lr lack < i in ney ,
Mm olio tlnullv m inngtMl to ciTcct in t , c.ipe ]
nnd ti ii'hod New York Ho savs lie 10 are
l')0 Itulliiuh in puclical hlnvnv t' io.vtou
Don ni'd in a S | iiill
T AC cisivVush , IVb ' . ' 7. .1 , t
gum I at thiipiilu > i | States pilson i
it ii I nn 1 iw piisonoitxoio dt MlCll
ib cluimt , ' n s > iunll.