THE OMAHA TWENTIETH YEAR OMAHA , F1UDAV MOUSING , FEBKUAKV 27 , 1891 , NUMWCK 251. in > m pflp vi'ii i * . 'PHI' vpfiin 1IL HECOGM/ED lilt MM. Prcsiilcnt llnrrlson Appoints n Colored Mnu to Bo Postmaster at Vickslmrg. SOUTHERN MEN CALL IT AN OUTRAGE. Wlii-n Uio Mi'imtoiH Will Sll-'l lut lu ll Inn Di'pi cdiilloii Illll l.cgMatlng Ibr AlnsUnCnngfoisinaii Dot * HV liiili'Mt Appointinont. WvsinsciToN Hi in-M Tinllri , nn Pot HTI i srn Srni'i r , WVHIIIMITON , I ) C , Peb jr. . The nomination by Iho inedilont this aftor- norm nf James Hill to bo postmaster at Vltks- b .tizh Mls < , comes at a sort of sequel to tl < light over the fedeial I'lectlom bill As KOOII 1-1 Iho nomination was nniiounced , the Mississippi delegation. In cotigie < i weio In gnat excitement , and therowereopen tlneats that Hill would bo prov'ented from goingluto oftlri The llrst objection tolllll was thitlu' u < i" a ncgio , mid the next that ho illd not luoal Vicksbuig. but was sent there fiom tbooutsldo In order to force negiosupiemiev on the chlof city of Mississippi Hill was tbo man who contested the congressional soit now held by Cutcldngs lit * miulo a good show lug on Intimidation and fiaud , but was n nablo to Rocuro Cu tellings' place Ills appointment b ) the picsldent Is niecognitlon of the negroes In n locality whcie thov nio moil tnimorous , but least roprosc'iitatlv e 1 Jill lives at .Ineksonvllli * , Miss. deiir * ] il ditchings echoed the sentiment of tin * Mississippi delegation and , In fict , of limit of the southern congiessnicn "It Is mi itifi'i mil outrage upon the people of Missis slppl' ' said ho. "I'lioro weio six white candidates , any ono of whom would have bom .atlsfaetory , and yet a eaipetbag iiogio is civ-en the loidlng federal position In tbo oh" f city of Mississippi The president's lu turn Is taken ns a maiKeil lecognltion of tbo negroes of the south , and as a mo ins vim h tbo president has adopted to olTsct tbi llase'o over the federal elections bill " i VTS IN nn : i NTI In thoshnlllo for e.its In the next senate , 1 * nines about that ( lovcrnor Hill vIII taUo a HIat bcslilo Senator C'nlvln S Hrieo Gov- PIIII > I Illll tnlies thoseat vacated by Wade lliniptrn , anil Mr Biico takes the pluct'of tin ictiilng Senatoi Hi own of ttcorgli Tint fail t hut the Now Vorlc novel nor \\ill bo In sjih close e-ompaii ) with the t halt mm of tlio di muriatic central committee causes inueb speculation The seat which Senator Pin MM ! Micatis is aciv desirable one and bus n ii-adv been spoken for b ) benntor Alton of the state of Washington , vv ho moves up fiom iiuiir place Tbeseat which has been made tonspitnnus by the oecupantv of Senatoi , Ingallswill liPieafUT bo Illltil bSenatot Viishbuin of Minnesota Senator Hv nits' ' rettrcmont tunes him ftoin the seat whiib IIH solong sojiaiato-l Cameron anil ( , Hiiv , who will now be.ihle to got tegotlieiolcottof ( uliir.ido. who has i-uiihly Jumped to the finiit innk of the senate or.itois , also t nicest a stiidii liom the back low ton commanding position in the i ight i-eutei of tbt ; tepublU m side , nt the scat now occupied by Mt Spooncr. AV 1 NfVSV VVUMIII. The ghost of the fidcral elections bill Is again stalking around the senate , although it Is Int ly Inluiigililo foi in. The death of Son- liter "Wilson and the anticipated death of Sen ator Hearst will probablv mnko a change of four votes in favor of the leimbllnn mnjor- itv IJotbof thcsoscnatois weio pilied with rennbllcans against the elections bills Tneir tteath icmovo-i the possilitllt * . nf tlen- two vote's going against tbo bill , unit I * would also lelonso the U\o pah-s nnd thus jicimit two mote icpublicnns tti veto for tin- bill The fact that John I I.i\enpoit ) eime over fiom IM \ \ York todav biought about theloiegoing tali illation Tlitto is MUle likelihood Mint it will take piaetic.d fium , 01 thatanv thing fuithcrill bo beard fiom the elections bill. A gi Vllltl I t ( IMI > Wllll HIM Them will bo little "scnutoinil lourtcsj" between the twosenatoia from Now * I lamp fliuc when ( ialllngpr , the new senator from \ that state , attives lien * Senatot Chandler nnd Congressman ( iiilllnger hive had u Itniir light , \\lilih is now taking on a piisonul aspect Mr ( Jnllmgoi chatged that Mr C'handler has nmdo disiepittable hargaiiis with the detnocints , anil Mr I Ininaler now comes bark with counter i hinges of dishonesty and disiepnto on the juii t of Mr , Cialllngor It is aorj ugly personal feud , and the strained lelalions whieh will exist bctv\oen the two Xevv Hmnpshire senators muse' , much comment among senators goneinlly. Doth aio icpub- he ans ixwvN m 1'iirimioN < i. MVI . The confeiciico committee , appointed to of- fe < ta compromise upon tbo Indian deprecia tion bills , has icachecl a Until agreement. The committee practically accepts the sen uo bill , but with amendments The house , or Ilctinnnii , bill ptoposcd to create an inde pendent Indian couit , while tlm oilgmnl sen ate bill pioposed to coufei Juusillction for the consideration of Indiui depredations claims upon the United States dish let comts throughout tbo countiv , and the c < tut of claims la this cit ) I'ho bill which the con- lorinoo lomnultco bus ntrrced upon , and \ \ \\illunilotiMcdlv bciomo nhw within a few di\s , centers jurisdiction upon tbo cotnt of elaiinsonU It was concluded bj the committee that the United btatcs district e-otiils tiavo as much business as the ) can utlontl to , mid the estia work winch the depict ! itionsvould iralco for thorn would possibly leatilt In too much ilcla ) in other Impoitant busi ness The eonfeienco bill maUes amrlo rro- \ ision for the paj ment of these Judgments obtained hi the couit of claims It makes it iho tlutv of the court of claims to promptly uertlf.s Judgments to the seerctaiv of the in terior , and the latter olllcci to ti.insmit them tocommss lorappiopiiatlon. The bill lim it.- , the fees foi attoinejs for handling depre dation claims to 13 per c nt for all sums over f.'iW. It Is in the piovisioiib of this bill theio will be a larger contingent fund appropriation for Indian depredations nml Indiui cxpcnscsso , that Iho secietarj of the treasury in u inrot \ \ Uh prompt pa ) mcnt small Judgments for Indian depieditions , \\hencver there nio circumstances suiroumt- iug the claim calling for iinmcdlitc relief. VVII I. DOOM \I I'-KV The conference committee hiving unclei consideration what Is known as the 1'mtt Alaska bill , for whlth Captain Carroll dele- pate fiom Alaska , mil Miner \ \ Bruce , rep- ivsenting the business association of Alaska , have been labotlng during the present con gress , ngt ceil upon a favorable ruiwt this afternoon , und the bill will probablv pass both houses within n dav orluo. It u ill make laud titles good In Alnsun 'Ibis Is practically the tirst legislation Alaska bus ever icei'cct , and the piovisions of the hill will seivo to 01011 up a new era for our vast iioithwestr-rn possessions , and the next four jcnrs will see\\ot.iloifill dovelopmcu'.i of its many nnd vnrio i icsotiri'es. mm r M-.miv-Ki U'i'oiNTi rs KoprcsentiUlvo Dorse ) secured three ap point men u. from the pivsldent todav The most piomlnentas that of James W L.OVO of rromont to bo consul to Sin Salvador , South America. This position is woith probatil.v , in foes and salar.v. W f > ooa , year , nml U considered very ilt'sh.iblo on account of its pleasant suiiouiidlngs mid the business opK | > itumtics It % vlll affoid Mr. I.ovova > former ! ) a school teacher , hut for se\ oral > cars past has been a prominent real citato dealer at Fremont. Ho Is \\tll to do lie owns Love's opoia house uud a beautiful resi dence lu i'romont , nnd farms nnd other property. Ilo Is about fortv ilglit jears old anil n man of cu'turo and ability James II. Hlggsvvas apvointcd | postmaster ntO'Nulll. Hlggsvvas deputy of the oftleo , Rail is appointed to lill u vacancy created by ( lie resignation oftho present Incumbent : Tlao tblrd iinpomtuiuut tor Mr. Dott-cy w as lhat nf.Tohnll Ciorton to be tmHti'iiustorat inuvford ( lorton hits he n doput ) in the iinu-o , nml Is app Intod to UII thcvaeanc.v eivutoJ by loslgnation MISI 111. vsror . P.x-Stato Tionstiror .1 A r PtiilrUi * of 1'viitMvlllu , Iiiil , tin I veil hero this cvonlng Ills belie-vcd he was sent for bv the piosl- dent. and tint ho IH to suicocd I'nited SHtos Tioastirer J N. Houston of Indiana , who has Or Hoyor , whoivas Indian .i pnt nt I'lno Ridge until Ids removal was donnndcd by the militatv iiullioilUcs , has boon in the tltv , but has left lor ld homo In South Pattern This fvi nlng's Still sivs : "t'ho army Inn full control nt Pine HIdgo now , hut It Is genernliv beltovoit that wiildn a few months , should thiMOIiei nootitbieaic In tin * spring , the po\vir \ will bo rettinsfi-n'otl totlio Interior dcpirt itiont.Vlicu this oec'iiu Or Uoyer stands n vor ) gootl ihanco of toippohitmenl Thnro uics no charge iiiMiiislhtin In tbo ilep.irtnient and his removal was the direct effect of vUiat tlio war ilcpartincnt called 'inllltaiy ' iiee-cs- ' " sity A ! ' Touno of Hedllelil. S I ) , Is here P \V S Pratt of l-'ivmont was todav ap pointed in ill " plghor uetweni L-'icmont and Missouri Viulov Kosa Merger bus been nppolntcil post.nls- tress at ( tenet , t'nstoriountv Papers were exei-nted tml.u at the podof- Ilcodepailmi'nt Inr the ostiblishinont of a ralhoid mill set vim inini Dmlloj.S I' ' , to Icndv\ond , vlii the H A. M l illroiul , to begin Manli LM .1 Ij Howe wan todav appointed n member of the bond of examining suriroons at ( lieeii * Held , lu. 1'iimi S Ilnnt. ji i'it it r. nr : it / ' ! > .s IJA 7 IA c// > . ilnilgo Slipp Ovennli t the Motion lor a Niw Trial. Orrvw \ , 111 , 1'eb. 9 ! ( Special Telegram to'I'm-Hi i ] After ovc riulltig the motion forna auest of Juilgment In Chaillo I'ord's ease this morning.I tnlgo Stipp pissed sen tence of death upon him , ( King the time of his execution between the hours of 10 a in nnd I p. m on Sittiriliv , Maioh Jt. In keep ing with his bra/on elTrontory during his long and eventful trial for tbo plotting and ciirvingout. with Dill O'Hrien's assistance , of the muicler of David Moore of Omaha , v.'hen nskeil whit ho hid tosi ) before sentcnco shoultl be jiasscd , ho stood up In full view er tin * hundreds of people In the couit room nnd saidI ntn innocent ' ' After icceiving blsscnte'iicii ho walked out of the court room with n cigar In his mouth , chitting u ith Shu Iff T i > lor Konl c-ontempi ites suloido and made an attempt last night to gain pot- session of ii couple of boxes of Hi itches with the evident intention of eating tjiophosphouis olTof them Pnlesnlbo siipieinc conn Intel- feies nnd It is not likolv that II u ill Ponl will be hingeuln n tempoiai ) bull ling in the Jill j ml on the day set at a few inlnutos after 10 o clock Ilo % \ill bo tbo sccon I man ever hingia In I-i Hallo county , the Hist bdng a mm n lined O.ilcs , who stietchcil hompin is'il 1'enl is n dos- ixrate , his inthci having been hung , liis inn le now bc-lnglti Jail and In * himself bung a giadmic of several penitentliiiics ami man ) Jails i > .isti.\ < ; MnniT rr nt ) it in : it i. lileiiicmnit Oo\einor Majois' Ollluo at t In- Capitol lnt ! i-icd. LIXCIIIX , Neb , Tub. Jrt | Spechl Tclt1 ; , ginin to Tin Hi i.J Tbo mutter bis been kept < iuiot all day , but his nt length leaked out , that ono of the most daring attempts at robber ) of an executive's desk ; was miile last iileht in Liientonant CSovcinoi Mulois * olllco nt the capital The olllco of tbogentlemauln tpiestion Is sHitated oust of the luign recoil- lion room , \\litcn7 some tlmS ( ago was occupied hyGovcnior Thajeriis his main ofllco. Prom this reception loom on the cast sidoopens a closet Fiom this closet theio is an opening about tweUo fet above the lion whleli looks Into the privati'otllcoof Lieutenant ( Sovcinor Majois l ast night somebotlj gained ue'cess to tbo leception loom , made his wav to the iloset and thence climbed up tbo wall , leu- ing punts of his boot too ou the planter w Idle lie wasendeivoring to icach the open iug into Mi Majois' oflleo In the lalli't- place wore * two de-lcs , one nsod b ) tlio llou tenant gineinm- , the other bvValt Scelv , his ) In the key hole of the litter gentleman's desk was found a key which did not be'ong ' toil The oval handle hut been biokon oil In the attempt toun- loilc tlm lid and was fast In the lock , so fast that It loquiii-el an c\peit to toiiiovo it The umglar , fulled m his attempt , inulo his cheapo through the door leadinto the main hall of tin * building , which w is loiked only with a spting loe-k , which icmiluvl no kcv on the inside Tbed'-sk which win at tacked wits one of fun r bought four v uais ago nnd was supiioscd to contain impoitant pipers lolatlng to the gubeinitornl contest 'Ilio would be thieves must have hi en fiight- oned nvity bet on * the ) seemed their boot ) . ' 1 ho key nsid , however , is u dtiplieite ot ono now used in the eipltol , and somebody will have to account for it tomoriow. AVosi 1111 People in Chicago. Cmeviio. PebSpecid ( [ Telegram to Tin : Hi i : . ] Among the western people In Chicago tothyere the following At the Tiemont C. H. Morgan , Helena , Mont At the Aiiditoilmn Aithm S Potter , Or Geoico II Paistll , Omaha , N' . M.clls l.iiiuiln ; A M. Tlioinbnigb , Heleni , Mr am Mrs , .lobn \Vilght , Dos Moints. Cieorgo il Kcvcs , TM Kvaiis , iilcnsilulo : , X. I ) At tlio helniiil II A I'hompson , Omalia. At the Wellington \ \ U. ( lillighcr , Dillon Mont At the Palmer-W. T Swan , 1) ) A. Tar ic'l , Con IK II niulTs. At the Shoiinin Mr and Mrs J 13 Ken drlt-k , Sbeiidan , U'o . , Mis U. U Uboades Chovenno At tin * Windsor F C I-ilir , T incoln At the Connneieial 1 } llolsheimer and M .1. Shell , Lincoln , If M Richmond , Omaha Attho.taeo-J. M Illll , fc > . J , b.iguin Omilm. At the liiiggs-A. C. Hojtl , TJncoln ; 0. B Mungcr , Lonniil Hlults At the CinultV Callv , Beatrice At the McCoy-Mis Hlako , .1. h. Clalro .1 P Pl.\nn , H II ( , Omaha. H 11 Persons of Sioux City is a guest o his brother , P K. Persons , of Chcstnu street , Ijii I'oniiij IHIII in KiiiplojeN Still In Iiiilcri-inii. 1'lTTsntiio , Pi , 1'eb 'JO.-Tho gricvanc commltteoj of the various orpanUatlonsof the 1'ennsylvanla svstom locelved fiom the com- panv's onielnls today a tlotail answer lo theli deminds , setting foith Jiibthow the company \\ould efiualizo matters. It was iccolvcd \\ilh appirunt dlssatlsfuotiou. though there v\as no discussion. Oenoial Supeilntcnilont \Vatts still hopis theiu will bo no ttoublo , but says there U no telling what may hippo n , Slilki-i-s Sliot Down. DIUIUIOI K , Pa , Pib 'JO A. coiiiinlltco of stiikei-s going pist the Uraddoclt wiio works this moinlng nnostcd some non union men , and locelved In icpl ) a voile ) ftom rovnlvers , vvliich filall ) wounded John Hobiliy nnd .lolm Trainer Thustiiki'is assort thotoas iioprovotntion lor the shooting , \\hllo the other men sii ) the slillieis were about to as- .snult tutm. l-'mor I'IM I i'i ul I on. AitKVNnsCin , KnnFob 'M. A convention of Southwestern rallwaj rmplocs ) , with del- cgates fiom Tcvas , Indian Territory , Kansis and Missouri , reptx.entini : telegraphers , en- gltieers , tlreincn , conductors , switchmen and other associations , today voted In tno ulllriii- atlvo on tbo question of fedi'iatiou of the illnYicnt railu.ioiganiatlons , Tlio WtMithrr PuroeaHt. Tor Oiniiha and Vicinity Fair , -warmer Per Ncbrustti , Iowa and houth Dakota vfiriublo wIiids. becoming southcily. warmer , fair. JUAllttELEDViriITIIE \ QUEEN Friuco of Wales nml His Mother Have n.Littlo Falling Out. IT WAS OVER A BREACH OF ETIQUETTE , llnipiiorVIIIInin ( Jtinti * * Ijimlo llln > in nuU Pope lco Iil > plcn i-tl wltli the Nnlillnnlluits lot * Illsli- iipi-PotdKi PniT'Mii ! ( TII , Pob. 2rt.-h-oat ( thioilBs of looplo leathered hern to see the pim-'ant iccoinpunjln thu launching oftliotuo nou iiipolron-clails The iiii < en buinchod them vttb the usual letoni inlos Actordlneto 10 vort , protons to tlm coroinonvbllo the liu'L'ti , inil tlio pib.coofVales wcio stutullnn ) oneiith the bo of onu of thu sbipj they juiinelod for several inlnutos , Tlio ( i\icoii iinpeiious in horinvnnnr , and tlio prince vas Irrilibly on the ilofonsl\o llolli the liictli nnd the nrinco , as a ronilt of the Itiiiuol , haO tin apoplectic appsir.inci1 when t teiinlnitod. Thoinyalriuaiiel is lioliou'd to IhU u oilginatod in u brcicti of otiiinotto by tbopiiiue Upon the aitlval of tbo qtiocn at the riil- \\M } stiittoa heio her majesty w is met by the [ uinio ofWalos mid Ills suite. , the dnko and duthossof Kdlnbur li , tlioilulio and duchess of Continught , together with the lonKofttio atlmlraltj , a nutiibcroC iiovuinmcnt oftlclals , ineinhoHof the housu of loiils and of the house of toinmons. Tbo , iniinuliatcly upon nlU'lilliiK' from the rojal tialn , \\as coiutnctcil with much pomp and eeiemony to the state cnmimo , which \vas waiting foi hir mtijestv and \ \ is tlien drncn to the dock juids , ns the air raiiif with heivy iheeis and the nilUtny binds pii'sont | ) lajed tboalr of tbo nixtlonal iintlioin , "Goilhaxotho Queen " The state equipage buaiin tlio queen on Its uav fiom the railnn.t station to tbo dock ilii\ou between lines of soldiers , sailors and in it lueslio woHntod nnns as the can i ago passed All of the vessels In Ports mouth lmrbur unil in tlio dock jml weio ali\o with buntliiir , and io\rl salutes were thiiiuleteil rotlh lioin tbo w \osscls In ttin- nnssion as soou us the niri\alof the ipucii w is tnado known. Upon in rival , it the dock yard , liertnajcstv was escorted to u licbly decoi.itoil andbtll- liintly draped plitloun , over which the loMil stand ml of HiiKlimdvaed in tin ; bicuzo. The ( Hioen ntconikil the platform , wlicro she \ \ is nijiln 10- iclvetl by the print'e of Wiles , tlio ilultoof Kdinbui h anil the ho'-t of unifoinieit and unuiiifoiinud tlignltaiies who woio pie ont upon the occasion A short solemn tolicious sou i t.'o follow oil tlio cotonioin nnd leception of the queen , the blessing of tbo Almighty hiIIIK asked for the inlthlj engine of war \\hlcii\\iis ihout to hosont glulini ; into tlio \\atoi At thu tonolusioii of the lollgluus suvues , ibo ( pjoin toni'liod a button pro tinding lioin u small clcitllilni : - clilni * , whii h Ii ul boon placed in fiont of liu nuji'stj , and the tiadltional briKlith boribbontil bottle ol chiiniiiafjne , tlc- tacbodbj tlio ctiuo it fiom its position over tlio bows of the ; K > j ul Aithur , clashed upon tlio out water , and the iiueen oxclaunuil " 1 name tlioo Itoyal Vrthui " Hciinnjcstj , then pusliuiRasecond button , tins time raiij ; an electric boll 011 tlio snores , tlio piops holding the Uo\iil Aithur upon lind were Unoclted out ot pi ice. and the oig ironclid lliled MiioothH , iinttly tlo\\n the \M-11 fcoipod wajs Into tlio v Her The loyal family present anol other dlfrrii- tunes hurried by n'shovt cut through tlio dock \ards to tlio vvu s upon which the second end nmmnoth lion clul , the lo\al { bovot- iiBii , was ribtinp 'Ilio toremonins aho.uh described in connection with tbo InunchliiK of tlio Aitlimvete ro pe.iteil In the cisoof the Km al So\cioliii uml the latter , ininnod by litindieds of blue jickcN and mmnies , wis lloit d as success- lullis Ibo forini r vessel Upon loaMiis ; I'oi tsmoiith , tier majesty ro tiirnrd to \ \ indsur castle. The onlv fuioicii war vessel piesont was tin * ( ! ciman wai sbipObhnbuip , the llar' ship of Ail mil al Von del ( Jolt/ , who \\as spoil illy I'onuiilbsioiu'd b the cnipeior of derm my to be piosent at tlio tiieiiionC , as tlio .ropiobontatixoof Clorniiny's jeung mloi The Kinal Aithur is a ocrou tiuisor of * ti)0 ) tons , l.MUil here power and cariics tvtolte guns. Her name was nnuIn : all\ the Contain , which w.w cb ingtil h ) the nuenns eider to DuKe of Conna lylit , nnii lin.ilh , almost at tbo hist moment , uy the queen's command this name wa clianged to UoMil Aithur riio Ko\al So\oienii is a so row battle-slilji of II , l.'iUtons , 10,000 hoiso pox\cr , anil eauics fouiteen iho I'opo Displeiisril. Rii\irl\b 2il [ Special Cablegram to Tnr Hrr. ] The pope has infounod tlio prom gaudi that ho isexcetdinglj displeased \vitli tbo hst nomiiiitions for bishopmndo in the Lulled States and bent heio for the npproul of lils > holiness Tills explains the delnj in limbing the iippoiiitincits 'Ahioh , aceoidiiiKto a previous nniiouni'cmentoro \ to bo made on 'iluiibdiiy , I'ebrniry 1J Upon lepicsin- tatlons undo by the American blihops as to tbo siid leli ious condition of the Italian im- migiaatslio Innil in the United States , the propiijiuiiU which Is in iltlnf ? an oxhmstho studv of the question unilir the popes order , has issued n letter addresstd to the Italian bishops upon the subject Tlio letter states th it the pope Is trrentlv shocked at learnlncr of tbo neglect thu innniuiants aio subjected to , nnd announces th it his holiness is icsolvpd to taUo energetlo measures to icm- edj this evil. CfMilcnaij ol Weslcj's Di'illli. LOMXIN , -i-Special ( [ Cablegtam to Tin Un ] Weslo\ins nro cagcily anticipat ing great events of the centenary of John Wesley's death , \\hieh occuriod March 2 , ITU I The pie rninmu opens next Monthy \\lth tlm uiuclling of a splendid broiv.ii statue of U'eslev in the citv ion ! The gicit dhluo is reprobentod wearing his Oxfoitl LOUII nnd with a bible in his tmnd , as be ap peared while addreidiiR some \ast audiences 111 his piopigamtist iltis Hundreds of leul- ingVoslej nn preachers have alrendj nrrhod nt Lnnilon to assist in the pielindnarles of the metiopolltln celebration. Kquallv cirn- Cbtwoik is going on all o\cr the kingdom. I'liiporor \ \ Illl.tin to IllsiniucU. I.OVHOS , reb. Jil ( Special Cablegram to Tin ttn ] It is btuicdlu n norllndlspitch lhat KmpcrorVilllim has coiniu.uidcd Illt.- nnrek , a major In iho arm ) , to preserve sili'nco in political aft alls. 'Iho cmportii has nlbo iitilnted out to the ox-chancellor nhw , sanctioned by I'iUmiiiok lilinsolf , whereby state tnlnlsteis aio prohibited from publish ing comments on state afluiis without the consent of tlio sou'iilgn. anil ho Instances from the tnnums tiuil of Von Armln in sup- poit of the Uw. The empeior also licenses lilbinaick of exeltliiK aquauclith liusslu. An Ainci'lt'iiii liira llet'olno. LOMIOV , 1'ob. Stl. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : lit i .J .JTiro Maiquls ol I-iOino1 * new novel will appear this week Tbo hcrolno of the story is siid to bo drawn fiom a fair American \vhoin the author met nnd ijicitlv ntlinlird durlnc hU stiu in Cumuli Tliero Is un e.iijof demand for ml vane. copies of the book among Iho ro.wil lamily , AMI ) Cunt < 'M tlicU'ill. LOMHIV , 1'eb. 'Jtl ISpeclal Cablegrim to 'Jin : DPI -runner I Hutchmann of Waltls. hut , In linden , Oermmi ) , loft un I'stuto nf l'H U inai'Hs all of which ho bc < | tioithei ) to the pope. Natural hells bin In Kuinlj be- sougtill'opo Lee to loleaso thorn on piling to his holiness pirl of thu amount , are con testing the will. Hun la ngi'r'H . Hui8t > i i. , Fob , Sin. | Special toTm : 131.L.I- mysterious luil } husjoluud Ctciioriillloulingorlu this city , The go\ em inent \ \ \ If no en gapes In any polltluil intrigue. lliltMi Victory In Iliiriiinli. CUCITTA , 1'ob. 20.-TUO HrltWi fnrcos under command of Major Smyth hnvo cup- turi'it the itocVntlcs of the Tsnwhwa 'uiitlio hi I'ppor Hui mih. Idlltug Uuntv- scion of the offendurs 'Iho pdaco WIIB lootctl and dcstroml. Clio llritlsh loss \\iis tldttoiMi killed unil wounded Tsmbwaes- iapci.1. _ "ISplliiod llclliist I n rd. " HiMif-T , 1'ob. a ) rHpefiid Cablegram to Tut Hir'ibo | allorni' for liohmil , Mi node-son Hamilton Mudilun , tj C.lius Instituted proceedings aealnsttwoinfi'i hunts of tills eit\ for \loluttoiis of the Marks not It Is clnrgod that these merch mts hu\ > been I'xpoitlng Amorii in luul to nnglind after tn\liiJ labeled It "Purest Uotliied Jklfust hirel " The Is still proceeding pr I'liolpsn < i il- Hriuiv , Tob. -Speelnl [ f 'ihleKiiim to Tnr IHr. ] The cernn.ony . f the biptisin of the liifuit daughter of Count and Countess I'oppenhoini , nee \V \ loeler. wlneh took plai-o toilaj' wns qalto a soeiet\ event Count SihoiunlolT , tlui Kus'lan einbassndor , and Mr. 1'holps. the United States minister , weio the god tutiier-s. The ofllclitiug tlergjmon were Obeipfaricr , Midler and Kov Or Oivon , of the Anglo- merit , an chuii-b Aftoi tno ceremony luncheon was set veil at tlio Vopponhoim reslil"iioo Among Iho guests were Count \ou Don-l enfold , the Iliivaii m minister , CScneral von Uauch ami se01 al ot hi r onielils of high stumllng ( Ion eniM on Uauch propoiol tbo lioalth i > f Mrs I'holps , Mr Julius Wolff u ul a poem and Mr. I'liclp spoltofor the ompcroi and for tbo ptcslilent of the United Staler. A JL'l'lt ft , 1C SI lit A Gcvimui ( lll/i'iis Mill Hesent T'louoli liiHjtlls to I iiipiem rrodrrick. 13 1 11 ! iv , I'cb. 20.Tho Cologne O/ettc , commenting on the coiieillaton o\citmes Kmpcior William has made to Prance , of \\hich \ the \isit of thoex-Kinpress Fivdorlck is icgartlid as pioofi sais : "I'ho Trench ha\oa light to think of ie\ongo , but tho\ \ huvo no light to injure tie fooliiKsof the of this efnplio and his mothoi by in suits that e'O'lld bo c'spcctcd only of scoundrels The Herman pootilo fet 1 doepH the outrage upon the pei m of tbtlr oni- poroi , tintl tbo1m , von right to o\.pict tint the riench people anil the go\iinincnt will give ninplo sntisfacllon and \\lpo \ out the stain upon the lioiipp of rianco by inorgct- ii'ailv calllni ; to order the mlseiablo wieti-hes \\hohavoinsulled ot-Umpresb 1'iedeiick. " I'lllIH N KitOll. < . rAin , Feb JH. 13x-Kiiipross ricderiik and daughter \isitcd th J cathedral of Notre Dame , the Oluny inusoum and the Luxuin- botng giidcns todav. Exciti'U groutis gathered In the lobbies of tbo chnmbci of iloputles tills e\ening discussing the Cologne da/ctte's article Lil ibcrtesi\s ; tlinartlelo will enlighten the Iljjnhiugists us to the Im- prinloiicoof their occcntriiitie-f Sonic of the Ticnth iioivipapcrs 1110 11111- ninr'i lot In their romauks I o .lour sa\s "Our iirmj is icady , our armamoiit lomplcte aiidour iesor\es thoroiiKhly tialnod " Do Koulono and ten othpir'niciiibois of the Patriotic league Jiavo .sout a lottci to the pioss in which thoj suy : "Out object has been nchlovoii Thoclimlc to the Pinssian is 1'i'onch isEa\ed Fur- complete anil illgulliy \ - thei doinonstintions would only iloti let fiom tbo gioat spirit of patriotio pride Hint Ins ) u t united all b'lroiiclifvjt | . Jt thoicforo be- us to abstain Irqui such demonstra- J Only Kmsiu Pro\ents. nKiii.i\'F'ob ' UiH rtiii'I'ost- eomr'.ontiiiff- on tbo I'll isian incidents , sa > a it will evi dently brinp the necessity for a struggle iip.ucr. 'Iho sword \\oulillimc been loucred long ago , sajs the Post , were it not for Kusslu. . \ienna \ papois attribute the agitation in I'aus to Kusshn dcslKiis , cnnled onthiough Uo Kouledo anil Ins followers. 's Last rMtcmpr. ItiuiiN , i cb. 31 Dw Prcmacnblatt ilo- clirc's thoCiOiinaiininbustilorat 1'nnco In a long conference \\lth the minister ot foielgn affairs give notice this would bo dcimanj's in tl attempt to conciliate ITi nice. 1'oui1'efson * * licet a 'JYirlble Dtalli at 1m in , Coin. CIM--TI ' n li ! 1 1 1 , Cole , , ' -Fob. 2il [ Special Telegiiim ; to Tin Ii.i.j ( : Onoof the wort snowslules e\er bcnid ofiti , this country came down fiom the Ruby peaks near Iinin about 1 o'clock yesteithu aftoiuoon , sweeping over the Hiillion ICniK mine , carrying death and ilcstructlon in its \vaKo. Mi's , liopcll , the suui'i'liilondent's wife , Mrs Clark , tbo wife of ICO A Claik , wlip kept the boarding bouse , with tier two-joir-olJ bo } , and Cap- tiln TJ P. Ltiidoj , thoongir.ecr of the mine , weio buiiocl deep tindo tlio snow , whicti is in places llfty foot deep. lYcd II Gcimaii , ono of the cinplojos of the mine was also buried , but was dug out ali\e after four hours of hard woik Ilo U badly hint nnd bruised but ho will re cover The whistle of the inino uns tieil open and ihe\v the attention of tlio people at Irw in who turned out en nnsso , and soon uorj able-bodied man in tbo town was on then > to the mine. 'Iho wind was blowing nhuuliMiioit the time and snoivas like powder , but they faced it like heroes The biby was found at 11 o'clock , bulled In tbo snow It had e\ldeiitlj boon killed when struck bv tbo slide. The body of Mrs. Kopoll was found In the cellar of what had been the house. Stio had c\ltlenth tiictl to get into the cellar , but was caught by the falldo and was instantly killed. The bodies of Mr. Clai'k and the onglneei liiivo not been rcco\eieil. Xulljiur of the bodies rc-ioi orod wem maimed in unjvm The telephone wirelvura UOHII between hero and Irw in and noMinl coulil bo bent About 1:5 o clock , mliloi&bt , Tom Ilodgebon and ( 'tiarlos bhaw bptv l tlio storm for a trip to C tested Hutto.tb bring the news They nrrived this morning1 at 4 o'clock and as fait * as people could bo lovivcd from tliatr sloop the news spread Snow shoes wortiruf tlul and o\cr thill ) men stalled , hpptug to bo of some as sistance nt rescuing thp bodies of the \ictnns , as the Irwln foito \ \ i wurked looxliaustion \Vhcii huiii.iu Ihes nroatstako then o aio al- wa\s men enough in this cotintiy to face the jieiils of dangcrto irscuctbein 1 ho slide stalled fn > m' Huby peaK a inllo awn ) and gathered SHOWIIS it traveled , nnd wht n it Mr. UopUPs lionso It struck It with stub lorto limit literal ! ) crushed it into kindling wood . uud mattered It humheds of feet jdcmti the moun tains 'Iho same biippcnod ulth the big boarding houso. Tbe shaft house was a little out of iliolr.ickn.ud wa- . only slightly tliinugetl The miners were all In the shift liyusi' , having just IliiUhed tllnner Mr. Ropell also had Just gene ftom hU house to tlie shuf ; hmibf IIuI the siiilu been Unco minutes boonei thutt wutill not him ) been onclolt to tell the s > toiy. llurii'il Itj a Sniixv Sliile , CitrsTin Uirri : , tolo. , 1'obM. \ . -A snow slides\\cpt o\er tbo Hullloii King mine at I ruin yestotda ) , catijingthoboartllng hoase andSuDciintiMidcnl lIoll's { | il\\ellinn' down. Mi * Kipill , .Mi's. IM Clark unil child mid 15. I-1. Smiley are still buied in tlio &IMo with liltlo bopoof their ret aver ) ulUo. Criislicil b } an I'-ngliii' . CIII-MNM : , U'yo , 1'ob W.jSpeihl Tele- gnuii tn Tin : Hi i IYlillo I an engine was being tipiircd in the ( lie-on Kucr round house it slipped fiom its sup pints anil ciusbetl ilostph Wutsonv ho was u uniluriicatli it. IIU injuries nto faUl. OVER A SHIPPING SUBSIDY , Oojgrcssmon Air Their Opinion ? of tlio Scheme to Encourage Mcroha'it Ihrinora. APPROPRIATION DILLS IN THE SENATE , I-'our ItcpntN cin I lit * llisiiliitlon to In vestigate Suiriaje iScilrlrlloii ltnilurlion of I'ro- clous J Wino ros , I'M ) 'Jtl In tlio house todn ) ho senate bill wns passed foi the relief of , ho tiosliico3 | of the 1 ito do'iu ' Koich 'IMio louse then preie'eeiled In eominlttei'of the \\holo to fcni't.d deb tto on tliosliippliiB bill Mi CiioMVcnorspoko In fuvoi of the bill , de voting most of bis attention to the Mi'Kln'e ' ) lilll , whiih lie e'lilo i/i'il. Ihe toison tbo deiioetats NMiiiM bo In tin * mijority In tlio next hoiiso ttas th'it thi'it ) hid been inlsrop vi'MMitutlon and n ndsiinilotst Hiding of the MeKinley nlll 'Uio tominoilltioa that en- teicil into theu\IU life of the people aio clu iper than on September I last , and c'heipet than oxer befuro In the history of thocoutitry At Ihu s.iinu time , agrlcultuial pioducts ha\o biougbt better prhos. Mr. Colom in of Uoulil ma said ho was nil- thotltatlveh inftnined thutalnce the pissiiiro ot Iho MeKlnlcy bill the prleoof Jute bigglng nnd tics to cotton planters had been gicatl ) leduccd. Mr. ( ! ios\eiior. . In closinghis u'lnniKs , said congress should lake ad vantage of the Me- Klnloy bill and send \ inorli"iuossels , lovorcd by the Anicrieui Ilig , and currying Amoricm piodutts , to seek for the inirliets ol the world M . Mills of Texas opposed the bill anil iiillculctl tbo leclproclt ) policy oftheptesent administration. If iceipiooltj is wantcil why not negotiate with I2nilauil ; , KIMIICO anil ( itrtnnnvi A few months ago the icpubll- t ins put up the b.ns u alnst all foreiiii Inde. yovr thi'juiut It , anil in onler to tiado want further to tux Iho people la older to hcntl ships lo foieiKn ports to ! > hotbo Aincricm llig and letuin In lidlast Mr Hopkins of Illinois opposed the bill. beemiiO heas opposed to subsidies. It was ipiinst tbo pulie ) of the government , anilal- \\a\s should lie , to talco inoiiex fiom the tieasun topij to anv eluss of poisons en gaged In a piivnto calling' . Tbat was all the measute Mas Ibo gie it miss of the Ameri can people would not bo benetlUcd ono lota , and jet the bill would take sOOOUOJU , of the pioplus mono * , All Monow of California , snppoitlng the nifusute , oinpliitieiilly ditiiotl the iieclani- tioii fteipienth niidc , that the bill was beliik' ptcssod bv nu nctive lobbv. If thcio was sue ti a lobby ho bid ncur heniduf it Tbo legislation was revinosted bv lepiesent ities of the leading coinmeieml organisations of thu I'aeiMr ooist Ilo did not look upon tins meisnroas apiilisiui ono , but as ono that should boeonsldoicd on its mi'ilts Mi Uuinniings of New York advocitod the bill as tending to build up an Aineilian inoielumt in irino and t'o extend Ameilcaii lonunoici * Mi lltcbofNew Voilt opposed the bill , deinlng that it would prou * ofauv bonellt to the liboiing linn. The st"ckholden of the I'acille rtlnll were ilia luborluf men whom loninoss was going to help After fnitnei debute general discussion elqscd the committo rose and the house toolj .At the evening session the house In com mittee of the uliolo lookup the general do- llclcncy bill Mr Hicrsof TOMIS ino\ed to btillro out Iho ii.ii.vraph appropnatin the neoessarj anioimt for the piunent to Pa- cilic loads foi son Ices pfifoinuvl for tlio go\eniinviit. Mr Craln ojipoieil the amend iiient Mr. DnUell supported it. spoaltbifr of tbo I'licille especial ! } as i fiaudultntl ) Insoh cut compiny All IMcKonn i of Callfornli opposed the anieinlnicnt 'Hie Union I'aeille had boon paid for in ociselj the same kind of seuicc Both roulseio banltitipt 'Incio was uothliijr to justify the icfnsal Tn the juilr'inont ot tbo supreme court aclebt due could not bo set oft against ono not tluc In tbo coiilhO of the lengthy deb ite an altcioatlon toolt plan1 between Mc-.srs Cnnnon and rithlan , the latter tonunkintr tbat \\oiildnot hive Ids face published in tbi'pipcis ns Camions bait he-en Cnnnon retailed tbat lit- hid suflleicnt elmaeterto defend him iii ; mist such ass mlUs Pinillva motion to stiiltc out uas ajn-'i'd to and the coininittce ioe. . The detlnonc } bill was passed and the house adjourned. \ V8iiistiioFob _ -'I'ho t ) house amend mcnt to the dliccl tax bill \\is piesented mid Inidoii the table for thopiesent. Among the paper * presented and lefonedcro iiuincr- ous piotebts from Nebraska against the no'leetof ( tliogo\einnient in the matter of disarming the hostile Sioux anil asking pro- tcitlon ( ion ; Indian dcpiodatiotiH Mr Slioup was appointed on the romnilt- tee ten-Holies . of Mr. 1'ione on in , e\- cusetl. The II' IH ! it'vo , executive and Juilichl ap piopri itlons bill was lepoitcd 'Ilio suniliy chil bill wa > taken up nnd tboioiuinitteb amendments disposed of. Other imieml- iniuts ue'ioiiL'rec'd to , nmong them tlm foi- liming Uy Mr Sponnoi , ineieasing the nppropiintion for the public1 building at Hni- Iln ton , la. fiom $70Hl ( ) to ? r > , oiM , b ) Mr Stowar , * JOOl > < ) lor col lection nnd publishing in foi nut t Ion as to the best niethrils ot cultivating soil b * Irngition , b.Mr . 'lellor , s-lliKh ) for the imnoi latlon , caio and pmervallon of leindeer for the use of natives of Alaska The bill W.H topoiti'dto thcsenatoandpabscil after the nincneiments u ere agreed to The legishtlvc , executive and Judicial ap- piopiiatlon bill was then taken up. Air biiwuT offeied an amendinent neatlug the oftlto of fouilh assistant postuiastor gen- , butwltbdiort It alter objections by Mr. I'luinb , who said theio wasalieidy too inuili extravagance in the postolllco department A point of Older wu nibed and Mistuinoil against the ainendinont uppropiiiitlnir $ "iliD , ( ) for rcdlsttieling Ttnli under the eleventh census Air Kdmunds will nppeil. Mr Sundeis nil Died , as anon seitlon , an amendment pimH' ' , ? fur tbo i > uuhaoof 15UKIKX ( ( ) otincos nf sllvc'i nnd tholssuo nf tieiisuiv notes thereon , but Mr IMiniimls ralsrd n point of oidei , whieh vis sustained. The legishtivo lull was lln.ilU laid aside and tlio confereiieo icpoit on the nnlitury ai'itiemy appropiiation bill was n ieed to. 'Iho chair t ml the .MC.UMKUU eanal hill be- fuic tlv. ' hc'nato , but Ml I'adduelc inslsteJoit the pure food bill As no 4110111111 vuis pies- tnt tlio Houato , at ' .i.l'i aiijonrned ItrpoitM oil Siitrragu Ki l rirlion , \V\kilisi.ros , 1 > C , 1VI > yil A nmjoilty of tlm momboriof thocoininitticou Jndleliry have prepiied two lopoits inoppmtion to the llouclt resolutloi , which was oulued favorably lepoiH'd to the house , diroctlng the Judlcluy conni'tteo to inquire whither unj btate has In constltutiiinal or statutory piovlslon , \Ioitcil ! the fouiltunth amend- inenl , so a piopu * apportionment of re- pu'smtulioii mi ) bo miilo One mlnoiity lupnlt , sl 'iic-d b\ Cite > , ( 'ulboitstii , 1 lender- son of North I'aiollniViUonof West Vir- il ni i .mil SU-w ait of V. imont , hol U in brief that until i'on nss mimts a 11provliliug for the eniimt i ilion of II i' numbei of peisous ilisfiaiH'liisutt foi L'liine i.nd fm other causes , it is InipiisslDle for the ooiniidttco to e'oniidv with the lOholiithins , " 'Ihoe aiillnalpriiiuplo in our aitem of ( 'ovciniiionl , " siys thu ro poit , "is that the H | ilos Khali larh nrcicl'lbo tboiiialiiliatiiins | of Its elec'toM " Air KoKcrb inaUos an Individual udiiorlt ) icpoit , holdiiiK lhat the heai Ing pioceoded on two false iissui ! ptioiis l-'iist. that if > bo state rcitiicts utfiagu for tausootbi rlbaii eiliuo , u \ lolatca tlio fuuiKcnth ami'iidinout , and Unit U Is mvosiiry fursomo stiilo tovlohitc this ntni'iidniont In older that n pinpii' nppiH'tioninent iniiv bi'iuade 'If tht' Ingle of tlm inajoiltN be folhn \ \ of all st do tnnsttliiliiiim Hint init IIu , intl\ , of fensive Is Idaho's oiu lltlli' s | < ' liiniiKlit into Htateluwl lithl \ < cuntfross T long labor inul n sucwssinl ui'iforinii " * bv Hut Hpi-iUci of n Cii'sulaii opoul J gen- ei illy known ns 't ' 'nunting quoiil ' . Mr. I ( one rs draws uttentloti to Iho lihhifinn foibliliilng ptl\KiuuMi or Mom ; from Miling Other sinlci uiiirht bo tllo - t tbo hsi ! nlrciulv so long Imsivs , as t ' gi'sl injiln whothrr tlin whiiltt inunt not t ipmlv groiviiuoiu ot tlin fo nth aiiHMiilini'iil iiltoL'iMhri , bcfinnlni ; led with tin * Ideu thai the pe'oplo ot the 0 + should In * left to sell KiivvrntniMil d ut o1li'iou < i 0'ilsldo Int 11 roronio 1'liL-innji nu icpnii propiictl bv Caswcilof \\lsciinsin \ MU s the < Mninntti'O did not ilcom ItnpivsHiuv In tvainlnc the various Mtntu funsilliitliris , but thei'inislltutiniis ( dMItsIs' Mppl mid Massiii'imsitts nio elcaiU within the piov islons of the scionil siu-tlnn oftho fmirtoentb nini'iidinent , beenn eof their edu- eitlnhil at il piopeily ii'iinhntin'iits I'ho niijuill * , siv It U not for them to dlsi'iiss the \\lsiloin of the foiiiteenth ununil im'iit , noi to dctoimine Inlnit \ iniiniur the nnnibi'i of Hit * plop iillnn ( if Inliibit.ints of nnv giM'ii tlato who nro disli uu hlsod t in hi' asu i tallied Ihosoln ipiestion di'le- ( 'itt'dto the cotiunittioislntboi tlu itiu- fctltution 01 1 IMS of nnv si ilo should inilmu leilililion of its uuii < sinlitioii by leisnn of siilTr.nrc ii'Htilitltms 'I UK Instances died sho\\ that the iisiiluiluii Khiiiild puss , tint a thorough investigation nd'ht | bo bad J.V. . Ijovc of I 'ii'iiionl 'Imlc Consul \V ii i \ nroPob -(5 ( I'ho president to day sent the senate tlm following nomina tions John .A Anilursou of ICatisn. to bo agent and consul gencnd tit falio , ICpjpt ; Tiuxlnn llealoof Cililoinia , ndiilstor lesl- dent nnil consul general tn Peisiu Consuls Snmuol II. M Uvers of Town , at St. ( lull , I'hiliip ( ' llaiinaof lovvn , ntl i ( tiiavra ; James \S' hovoof Nebraskii , at Sail Salvador.Vdlltim S Stanlov of Wisconsin , at I 'icton , N. S lJ < Mlni.ntirs-Iowi , Willinn Al TIivov , llclliMii * NVbnski , lunies 11 Itiggi , O'Xoill , John U ( iorton , Ciavv lonl I'rodiiclliin nl' PicrloiK IclaN. \V\siiiM.niN , I'Vb 'iJ 'I'ho report ot the till < * e tor ot the mint for the c.ilcntlai } oar Is'.td , shows tlugoll pioduotof the tlnltod Stutis was l , > sssi , line oiim 01 , valued nt ! > . ( ) ( X ) , an intioaseof Jl > ,000 over th o proieiliiiL' veal1 The silver pioduet for the same ( Into fiom tlio mines nppioim itcs "il.oOiMlOOoiincc * , cones pond ing to S'l'.JJ'i.OOO and nt tbo folin igaluoof sil ver to * 7ii , ltld' ! ( > , mi increase of lriiiiiiiK ) ) line ounci's over the p'vuomv im The sil verpiotluet of out smelters anil ( > l..l.ll'U7ounics I'ho total amount ofsilvei o fined for snle to the gtnei union * tinting the ve.n was Os.l.H ) , 117 line ounces , and the amount pureiiised was .J7VMiri , costlnu' 1 'lll ' < sll | 'Ibo iiliocior estimates that the prolni'tof thovxoild for th calendii yen vvus ? 11 > . , ) , ( ! 10 , i falling olT of S.'lilll7IIH ( fiom thnveai bofoie , and tint tno silver pie ductof the vvoild was 1 ! 0t , "iDH)0 , ( ) line ounce's , an him eise ol 7 , > Vi.lTu , 'I II-IIHIII < * r Iliision ICsigtiH. Ni vYoiti > , Peb . ' ( I - \Vasliiiigtoii spec ! il sas : United Stales 'lieasiner Huston tns airiin tindcicd hii lesignatlon 01 account of ill healch \Vvsrii\f. KIN , 1'eb 2i ! Neither the presi dent noi United States Tieasuier Huston will cnntlrin or donj the ic pit ) tint All. Huston 1ms tendetvd his resignation. ] MirvN .i'inis , liul . Teb 'JO.-A Sentinel spcciil fiom Uvausvlllo , liul , siis : A , pi U ate dispatch fiotn Washington announces 'that.TrA. Lemko , ex-stato treasurer of In diana , ulias been appointed Unito-l States ttcastuor , vice Huston l Nmloiial Cnpltnl WSIIM.TOI'cb. . 2ii The eotifoiees ou tholndim ileprod itio is bill have pncticallv roic'hetl an .uroement on tlio metsuia , no- coptlnghrgelv the piovisions ot the scmto bill , whicli iirovide- . for tno adjustment of cldins by the com I of dulms 'Iho pu'sldont has appointed Jamas M. Kmor.v of LoAlaH , la , special ascntto nidco allot inents of land in seveulty for the bac and lpoInilians The president Ins approved the net for tbo relief of settlers on certain lands in low a. \\oiiian Sidl'tM islM in Session. \S'\Mlisorov Peb ' , ' . The \ , ( > twenty-thliil nntiunl convention of the Natio'ial Aineilian Woman Snflrago ns'ocintioit began this morn Ing wltn a largo numbei of delegates piPicnt Miss Silvan U. Anthony lead the ndiircs ) of I'rciiilent 1011/ibeth C.uly htati- tou , who U now in Knghnd The subject was "i hi * Degr nlation of Disfi inchisonieiit " 1'iipois neio also rend b ) Uueie htone an d Isabella Ijirchci Tucker. Keep on iiustiip , WV-IIINOTON , 1'Vb ' SOIn view of the statements that a huge imiubei of persons havoenti'ied , 01 contomphto cntormg , the ChoioKoo outlet conti iry to law , tlio seeie- of tholutenor toilii ) issuol a public no- lU n that aujv ho attempt to do so Oofoio the 1 mils \veio opened to settlement will bo per- omptoiili , removed and will foifeittno lights they may nctiuiio b ) disobedience to law Wilson's Pim < * ial. \VvsiiiNfiioN , Peb 'Jii Tlio funeral ser vices ovoi the rotmlns of the late Senator Wilson \\II1 behold at the Hamilton house this inaimug Inteunent will bo at Snow Hill , Mo , tonioirow I'l.T/.l IHHt.lII'.l * . [ 'lie WatiTH Higher Hum n\er Itol'oi'i * . Uno\Mi Daiiiagi * Untold. SvPIUN < i i o. Cal , Fob. 2rt-Spoclil [ Telegram to Tin li ! i 1 News was received this aftoi the Southoin 1'adtic no/in by man- nger that Yiinn , Aii ? , is ccrtaml ) doomed At 2o'clock tbo ojierator wainod the oftleo hero that he could stay at his hey only half an hour longer , aUho water was rising so inpidlv that it v\ouldiBOon swoop iuvu\ the oftlcc At that time the water In the Colorado was up to III teot nnd ! i inches , Iho feet higher than the Hood mail ; of Mil , and the highest ovei known there The Colorado und Cilia me both i.iglng tonents , niinglngtlovvn poi- lions of houses , tiees and dead anhmls Tlm water his leacheil tin * sills of the .WO foot rallioiiil bi la go aei oss thoColoi.idoiiver , audit Isexpicte'd the builgovvill go down. Yiuna lias about twehn liimdied people , mostlv Mt'Mians anhaltbieeds Ms cliief ilopindiMico isiiou thoiailioid , nnii Ills the seatof the tenitoiial | ienitentiarv and alurgo Indian school There uo no buildings in IOVMI of much value , uut the llrod will damage - ago tbo tine oicbaids along the Ui ! i and Silt i her valley Damages are verj great , as the extensive irrigating dlti hos and d misv ill bo ruined bv tbo high water , and huuilieils of iiLioi of fruit tiees have been washed u\va\ , "Intlio'.alle } . " UTK \ , N. Y , IVb , 't ' ) The Alohuwk river tlib moining was at the hln'hnst state it has bteu sineo Alarch , IMII No trains me run- nlnif on cither the \Vesl Shore tu New York Cwitrnl , as all tiacks ai-o covered b ) walcr , und unless the ii'o breaks soon gioat dam.igo \\lllrosult. SoMial bildgeshavo been swept away , ami all along the .Mohawk valley I mm heio lo bchencetad } como repurts of Hoods ui.d damage A Xirnm i ft'iipi * . CIIIMENM , NVvo , Veil , 'il ISpeclil Tele- Mian to Tin Hit -Sptrks j fiom a passing onglno sot llro to thu I'nlon I'ncllli * depot buildl'ig tit Hut ton station todnv and it was buincd w 1th all its contents Iho agent and his lamily v\orc loscucd vvnli dilll'ills , ue lug almost uuuUierod vv httn fuuuJ. THE NEWS OVEH THE STATE , A OitiEon of York Objcrlu to Mob Violcnoi nail Wants Damages , INNOCEN1 , BUT IT DID NOT SAVE HIM , \ 'ihi-i'iii HUH \d MOH * iiiiiiimuitf \V II lie Hull ! If tin * Mm i liiiiini Kii'iulil Illll llr- YmiK , Neb , IVIi .Yi | Spci-id In 'run Un | Impositions won ) tnki'n hero today be foi o 'I' i' lli'iinett , notur ) public , in Uio 1'itMi of U'lllis vi Briiluoit ill from Unit county. The iiiso In one * vv Herein \Vllliiini \Vlllls , who lives In thU mint ) , tui'i for damages for mallioatmonl loci'Ivod ill the hands ofVllllain n im lao and a mob neni O'fxolll , Vob , last Huiniiiei It sooins thai \Vlllis hid imsiniMs ul a i.inch ni'ir thai pfni' , anil iifli'i1 ho had trans ictoil It unil luul gotten | nrl of tlioiivhiiik tnO'Ni'lll lid \v H oMttaki'ii bv 11 mob cf rninhniin and net used ot having Htok'ii npocln llui.ilt con taliiingainiantit.\ inone'.v \ \ illU denlod , thechaigo , vvhi'ivnpon ho was id/oil , n ropd pi lied around liln nt'ik inul lie \vns sm- pointed lii't\MCII licnvon unil eailh in ortki to extent a confession fiom him. Thli lulling to priiiluco tlio lost pocket booh , tin mob him Into liiMnalblUIanil ttu'ii sent a deli-gallon lurk lo thoiaui'li toiimlcon more thorough scan It After searching for uwhllo this owni'i of tlm niniicy roini'tnboied Inning put II in his linnt for sifo keeping \ \ hcioitvvasfonndVlllh \ was Uicienpoii release , bill uatutallv objected to cilUInt nnltois even , homo tills udlon. Tin1 COM I i'i ( I Avvat-dcil. I'lTTMiin ll , Nub , Poll 211 [ Special t ( Tin Hir ] Thotountv eoninil sioni'rs todn ] tin ifilcil thoiontiaet lor tlio i onstruttlon ol CIHS count \ s new couit hnusu loContiaotoi O .1 King of Oiiiahi Thorn wore eleven bids opi nod , tliohighest being tint ofilohn 1L lluitoof Oniihn for § " ,7sl King I'ontracti tooic'ct the stimtnii' tin fr.T.'UO ' , unil hli bond of $ . . > llHH , ( ) fin tlio faithful perfounnnc ( if tlinnrlt , lias boon imepti-d anil llted The building \\ill be mi imposing stiuciuu ) NMOJ feet , and lo li-et frun the sidewalk to tlio roof , \\ltli a dock town rising from th centi'i 'Hi ' foil higher. 'I'liooiitsiilo walls will be' ! I Im lies nud mo tn bo composed of Iluv Hold brown stone anil piessod oiitlc The lute-riot will bo Ilio pioof thioughoul and will 1m linished in tlio most ltnpiov * d modern stvlo All the inilu lulls anilestloules \\lll h ivi * tib lloors 'I'ho rnurt looms nn tha tliluloir \ \ \\ill \ bo models of convenience * and boititv Tin * \\lioln miUdlngill bo boated li\ \ st ( un , furnished \vltli tlivatois and vv iti-i , llirhted with gis and olei'trlilty , and Is to be ooinplotL'l l > > Juiiiiiry 1 , Is'.i.1 ' Ilic < ) t < > ( > .Inll-'Mi-ultt'i- Ili-i-aplutoiJ Ri nil IMI , Noli , Tib 2 ( ' < ( Sp ilal Tile liinm to TinHi i I Albert Mult ono ol the piisoncrs that Dioko Jail at ubra lR1 C'lty , iodo up to ono of our llvorr st.iblua } esti.i lav inorninsf ami put up 1m lioi'so and wmitto tboStcilliiK hotel , ciiwpod a room mil Hi-nt to bed nuil si ) pt until I p in , vhon Ilio landlnid a\\olto liliu and bo not up. Sus picion soonicd to lest in the inliuls of soinfl that no was n irook , anil .it oncu got [ 'on st.ibli A W Diillarhido , who nrivstod bhn nnd fnuiul li'tt cis in his pocket uliouln ; * thai ho \ % is one of the piHoncrs tbatiis wanted nt Nebrasku City. Ho went fiom tlio Ve brnslia City jail to Auburn , \\bore ba obtiiliKHl a horse Jroin .lobn LUisi and roJo to this , place , and nttor hoa ? oapturoi ) hoiuquoilcd that Hllas bn ti'loi-'ripbeil to eomo anil get Ills Uorso. Oine to tlio extreme cold tiiclit bo fro/e hia fept baillj on the waTho sheriff from Otoo countv nrrived today mid returned with bia prisoner to Nebrisku Cit.aftoi . li.ij Ing tliecoiist.iolc tbo)0 ie\\aiJ * -nitli f > iiii\ ( rilyP \ \ . Sni TII SioiriTi , N'ob Fob 2i > , Spcrlal to Tin : Di i ) A train consisting of ton cars of emigrant untlltn out WtMt loll } vli tha Sboit L.IIIO Thov settle at and 11011 Osmond , Pieioo oounty , Neb This is tin lirst of n nunihor of siulicai loadsof cittern M mmnrv to t iKo nilvantiKC ( | f l'i ' ° 1 < > prints of ( jooi ) farm I. mils in lountiespst of Sioi\ itj A pi'titiou will soon hrpievme 1 to thfl autliorilios at I.incnln asking to IIUP Silver Ignite stocked wit ll INh spawn Sil\oi [ , nUo is a line body of uator. tuoUo milt 4 1. nig uud from one nuailor to theo-iiiurtoisof n intlit wide 'Ilioiter in tbo lake iu r\ dot p. and fresh and i leir On the completion cil thoSioiiv Citv nnd C'ovlnstnn l \ % britiee oloitiionih iinn \ Iroiu Sioux ( itj to tlm lake , \ \ IIOIP a summer icsoit will bo estaln lishcil Afinoliotcl isalronu piojoctod and thiMio.Uini , ' , irUliinc ami listiin is not to bo oqualled in tlio state .I H IlLMinls and KV I'enwardcn , two Omilm boys , Imvc opened a law ulloo here. 1 < * list lnlVintf > ( iniiiK Homo. Hi.IIMI i r , Neb , Fco 20 [ Spec-tal Telo pi am toTm Ili.c | - Si'icn tompinies of the lir t rct'linout , Colonel . K Shifter In com innnil * auiv l hero fiom I'ino Uidce Uili aftci noon and will lo.i\ti for San I rini'iscc some time toinorinw. Ttds is tlio icmnnni of tlio I'iist lonimeat , the otbot < nnipaiilci ba\iiiK been wolouslroinoed and disposed clsiu tRii ? . Of the lame nuinboi of iiyulau at I'ino Kidpo siveoks n/o thoie ii'ni.iln now Just four ttoops of the Ninth i'tvalr\ which mo in winter ijuirteis ton inllM out and thico companies < iT I mil in biotiis at tlx niruicv Captain I'inico. aitinij airont , Icfi lor his homo at Minnctipolis , and I'uptaln Penny , who uUoa his. place , .im\o- > hero to- tnouow _ Ail In. ) unct Inn DKsnhotl , ( ! it\\n ISHSD , Nub , Fob 2 < i - | Special tl TinUrr 1 The tcmporari injunction cast instituted tho(5rand ( Islind bankint ; com punj to proicnt thoothorcieilitois of I'hailci A \Vielm from intorfcrlnq with theh inott rights In tboViebo stock , was dl * solved lust U"cdno-.d ly liIud'p \ | Hurrlson Tills has iniiTu It noiosiurv forlbo bmlcine coinpnnv to Ilio n bond to en.iblo thorn to sell the slot k In for.'ilosiiro of inoitjaRo. Tlie halo Is advertised for MnnMi li : and the stock will iiiob 1'ily ho sold in bnlk It Is very much lot'rottod bv MrVieb > i fii' > iids tint ncoinuiotnUo his nol been cHuoteil \ \ hlch \\ouiit \ enable him to rcsuino business Coining in Noliniska. Pi itr > Moi in , N'ob , Fob 2tl [ Special to Tin IHr 1 Noilly a ear loitl of pissonRora niri\cd on No "i this inoinlau from Pckla , 111 , to boeoino Dortiunoat settlers of this lounU AinoiiK thorn \\eio two fainilios ol nlno niH'ins. . one nt ten anil mi of i iihtir \ - sons , to-\\it John M 'isin r nnd fimilj ,1 ( I MelihiKor nnd family , IVter Mclsinuor anil fiinlh and A dun Mu MM .ml family. .lobn and .1 (5. MJiiin cr will settle m Ivk'Ut \lllo ( ! ru\o and 1'oter Melsln ; or anil AiUiri Mooio hno bou nt f.irauii PI lUsnuutb proi met . _ Maiitsn Hound iKV Cm , Neb , Kob 2(5. ( - [ lVlon'iiiin to Tnr lluii.l-nhialon Supcuu tendunt Kithbum of tbo Missouii I'.uiflo iah\ay ! was in tlio city toJiu and \\.is met by a committee fioin tlio bond of trido , who ur.'cd tbo iiuilJInn of a wuiiilhniisi' in this illy AlthoiiKli * he coniuiittio ivtci\od no dollnito iuisr , they feel inuili em-o najrod SpeukliiKof extensions Huthimrn > ind that If the uustinnm liei ht ram bill uecimo n law his tonipinyould \ not null I ui.utUor link1 of roul. An r.-cupotl I'rlsiinoi Ciiu lit iiii\siv\ l'ir , Neb , Pol ) J < i Special ' am to I'IIK Iliv.l SheiltfVillnnn ro il \\.irit tins inniiiltii ; thitt \ \ ilhs llroun , iu id j ul M nidu > nl lit liao been ca\ \ > - i n U ii a b J'lio dopulj left u ( , If I ll. \ , .DUair ,