Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 13EJB : "TI1'KSI > AY , FWHUAKV 20 , 1801 ,
Till ? CITY.
f.onh ami C'linilu * KiiH'hlirnuni find
KmimiU'l IovxiMii > lolii IIIIMI Itu'oi'ptitnled
thi' Nclirntkii oolil Mtoniyocoinpaii ) , the
capital ( icing $ * j > " ) , ouo.
\Vllllntn Mlllittrn , cm 11)03 ) oil at nn ice
liotHo on llio cnit 4ldo n [ the rlvoi * , fell
luvxn tin1 Iff fhuto xostciilay nftornomi
nnd rocolvi'il 8ovofaf ovoiubrugu.siilioiit |
tlio licail. Hn xvtts bruupht to St ,
Jo't'pli's hospital ,
II. C. Wtulo atc-il Tuesday at St.
.losojih'8 liospltnl nl niioumptiln , tiRed
lllly-slx j-cars. Tlio tWoupcil MJH tit
oni' tlmo iiicnrli'lov of a confcutionory
More In the Hnjd oporn hnti'-o ( ilook ,
nnd Mat ulfii eiiiplo ud sis a srouo arlist ,
jinlntln fntno of 'tlio M'oniMV now in
IIM' tliero. HcloiiM11) ) font11'hlldreii , ono
( it xv hum isln tills i-llj and the otliurs in
Council niull .
< > .ri\iit \ .v/'irs ,
The following Intuti'stlijtf tables sliovv tlio
rriitlltliitf of stock by r.Ulrouls In
unload loin iluihiLC Jiiniinry , in compared
xvltti .limunry Ib'ii !
TlioltiiMoasa In cnt-louct lots fioin lovvu nuil
iiolntsimstof tlio Missouri liver , xvni.IIO.or
irnin'Mt in.liuiiiniy , I MK ) , to 1,0 % In .l.uuiuiy ,
1bM ! , nu Inrrotifc I I.W.
Tlio totnl loicipts of rnttU' , liopi , sheep
( iiul liorsos In rar-lonil lots itiniiiK .Iniitinij ,
1M10 , wore and In .Iniiuiii-j , l * > li | , tlioio-
coljivoio ) lTii'iinrlo.itisau ' iiuiciuuuf 1,011
rnrsor'Ji , ( I per tout. A ( rreator Ini'foiHO coald
not lnivo boon L'xpoi toil , nor could it nioro
priitl [ > ' | ) ( ho nisulo to the onioers anil
Btookholilirs of tlio romp my , or a moro erul
Unblu otio to
Jl n i' JMii'cpVinitriI. .
1'lic receipts ot Miiitlomtt the stockyauli
havonot boon cinmlto the doiiniul ot lito ,
iiot\\ltlistniillnj ( ' , the noti\o \ and ndvnt'clnK
inailict. Yosttuluv a prominent hujirattlio
> nrilssntil thai hououlil b.v 1U)0 ( ) a ihiv It
Kooil muttons \\ITO \ icrulxcil. "it Is tluiuioil
that not 0110 of tlio indciii ) , ' houses his bcoii
nbloto buj iis iimnj muttons \vnntcii. .
.Neil i'i A linn t tin ( Ity.
.lolin 1 1 } mi U in C'lilcago on liusliicss.
AoniiliuigUtorof ) | Mi. ami Mis. C. II.
Dnnii'l isslc'k.
Rln. Koboi-tT Mn\ well , \vlio has bociiill
withfovci , is Ijctter.
Ilninov Mi'Donnott , formerly n losiilontof
this city , lins KOIIO to Hclun'iIont , , , toiu-
The L.aiHes' .Uil society of tlio Proshytoii.ui
cluiii'h tnct yustcrdiv nfternoon at tli'o homo
of Miss Aust.i I , 'JIJl N street.
. .AilolpliVostplial , loader of tinM.itrio City
comet Lund , has ruslpnoil mid \\itl leinoM ) to
In\cniioit , 1. 1 , to uhtilowlth Ills mici.iblo
'Iho soiondnf thosotics of panics by tlio
High tlMii'luliill lie ] in\olul the homo ot
Mi ind Mrs. Sol lIojoiSe\ciitfcnth ) itioot
IUMI V niton.
Whs Lulu Wuro , tlio elocutionist , iluuplitor
of KDV. Mrva \ of l'.iiillioti\vholiis | been
ttniRUcst of Minuil Mrs. KobettT. Max
well , has retiirnoil homo.
South Oin.ihii ramp , Xo 100Moilorn
\Voodinun ot Aiiieilniill holil an linnoiliint
rnieliiifc' 1'Viday i viulijj ( Tliovoik \\ill bo
both initiation und ilu ioovoilc. .
Dr. M M. Campbell and .luilpo 1C. Mo-
Klniii'y , of .Aib.un , Mo , hotinvo Imon the
pucsts of Mr. ami Mis .Ijiaos II lliilln ,
nought tluooiMilouls of food cuttlo to stiip
clou u tu Albany.
biiporlntciiilcMit A 0. 1'ostcr of tlio pick-
ItiKlionsos of Swifl.V ; Co iitiJ 1C. M. iiieh-
nulsoii of the livestock roinmission thin of
Itialnanl , Kliliuulson \ Carpenter huvo
bou uliiteil meinbiis of tlio boaul of cli-
rciloi-s of the
The alTairs of H rower V Sullivan , who
inailu an itsl iiinoiit ti short time au'o , art ? in
klldi a condition thut t lie stoikvill bo tilinoil
o\ir to then' ' on a cttli'inent acieptablo to
ciiilitoH 'thisill oopratifjniK nous to a
lnrjo iininlierof fiioiuUot theotiust > utiil
pojiulai but uiifoitunatoouii ( , ' men.
cuioNiji o'lti HUNK'S ii\ia. ) ;
Colonel > liiri'o 's hwcM'ssor l ) > os X it
lA\t" to lt ! > : it'li His Post.
The illspaUh in another loluuin fromXcu
"i'orlc , lonvctlut ; the uitclliijiiiei ? of thodivitli
ofC'olonel Haliaul V. 0 IMornoas thotirst
Intimation the ollluulsat anny lie.ul nnitois
liaJ ii'ielvcil in the matter. Sorrow ami
iiwot ° o oxpie scil at the sudilcii tilting
oft of n good limn and abr.uo soldier.
Colonel O'llierno had icoently been
jiroinotcJ to bo loloncl of the Twcnty-Hrst
inl.intij , to suuood Colonel Morrow , de-
icasod ilo\Mis foiiiioilv in IToU
hhoridan anilvasin New York on loiuo pie-
im.itoij tojoiulni ; his ic Iinent at Kuit h > KI-
iicy , in this state IIo % vas founcrly con-
nci'toil xith the Seooiul icniment as n ciptaln
and was stationed nt Tort Omaha in INjt
TheiU-ath of Coloinl O'Hioinolll nil-
vii ro Lieutenant I'olonol .lo-toph S. Conrad
of thoTwenty-seiontl iiitnntrv to till tlioa -
rancj Mnhr.lohu I1 , 1'agoof the Eleventh
infantiylll boiulvanced to the tsitdo of
lieutenant tolonelol the Tnentj second and
MnjorlUitler of the Siroml Infantry becomes
senioi major. 'Ihis will puunoto Major Hut-
ler to bo lieutenant colonel on ' . , by
the letironieut of I'olonul Uuuilii ; of the
Ton th Infantry , hioutenant Colonel Itittlci *
ill be lot in il tin > after hU promotion.
.1A. % HI , A WJII.\'l S.
Tlio bewitching Cieolos , who have n
Biieh a sensation in this , their Itrst season ,
where\cr they hi\o appealed , and who have
not onlv pio\eit apold inineto tlieir mumper.
K.un T .laik. \\bohtivo botu u source of
ticat delight and i > Uisuio : to lUuiboiiK'iit
jutrons , \\ill hhlno in all thoglort of tlieir
niienlal biauty and ui'aco at the ( li.uul on
h.ituulay , Sunday anil Monday next , opening
with n special iMitiadaj iiiatlneo In St.
I.ouis tlmo wot.hi ajo { they pliued a \ \ eek's
intriiKeinont , iMii nine porforniaiuc , and
people wuo tinned nwaj fioin tlio theater ,
unit bio to obtain admission at cadi and ceiy
performance , 'lliey till the tlieotera wheio-
ror theypo 'llie.vf.'l\u a KOOI ! show , too ,
full of sin ln and uk.isuic ilaneinp , and , in-
fctcad of dropping ofl. their audiences In- the eiik'atreiiient pioKif eb Thoio-
ser\o3eatsUo will ojcn on ! ddaj moriilng
next ,
It in seldom any woinam\lns on her first
nppearanee on thu M.iuo , rominendations so
coriliil and so ieiioral us those irlvoii by the
Now Votkeiiths to.Mrs. I.u.slioC.uter. 'llio
star's nppe.iraiuo at lioyd'a opeia house on
Tnisdiiy neniug theiefoix ) is nrtiiited with ix
peed deal of pleasant ex pcttiition Mrs. Carter -
tor is said to ath an tapes ,
keen d rain u tic Instinct , unusuil in ignotlsin
nnd a llnocauacity for poitrajniK thetlcepor
emotions bheis fiiitherdoclaivd to possess
mail } of the qualities width hao enabled
ARIICS Ethel and Cliu.i Morris to win dis
tinction. Mv * l.'nMer js to j-pear 111 a
new play , "Tho Ub-1) DueUllui. " At-coul-
hiBto thomnnaBonient it uas siiKgesteil by
Toniison's poem , "Iho SKtcis , " ami Hans
L'hilstian Amietsen's pietlv fublo of "Tho
Ujjlj Uudslliip , " despised In Its fellows ,
it Pio\es to bo n stately b\\an \ , anil
n\v.iltcns their cnvj and ailinlratlon It l
play of social life hi Now York at thu pies-
cnttlmo , ManaRor' } . 1) l rleo hns selected
u Mien compiny to buppoit the star , li < -
chiillnj ; i : .1. llenlovV 11. Thompson , John
I'-lood , 1 { . l'\ Cotton , Un.Miiond Holmes , No -
ton Dana , Helen lliincioft , Helen Hussoll.
IilnMniDonaltl , UhVornon. Tlio ploy will
bo stuped with tlio onulnal scenery niul
dceoratloiiH emplojod at the nrondr.ay
theater , Now i'ork The entlio artistic worlt
it , supei\Ued by Mr Dmlil IKlabco ,
The I'don Museo picscnts this week a
musical extravaganza entitled , "A Wild
Oooso Chaso. " It U full of fun , comic hits ,
topieal SOUKS and pucoful dances
In the curio hall , A J. CJrush , tlio lown
poor man , nud the famous painting , ' ( Jus-
tci's Lust Day , " 'Me on exhibition ,
Out ( tiiriiinii'i Slnok.
11 will pm you lo toad mroliillj every
Item tul\oill > < r > il Inilm. You will miss It
ifoti do cot nttoiuf this i'\tiaonlli\i iy
snlo on 'I'hiunliU. C'nst ot yowl1 * cuts * uo
Hj-in'o In this Mite. This lininonso stock
must bo ole cil out to nuiKo room tor our
spring slock.
YA1VS. !
All of l-'lipmnn s jiirnsttilllio slnugh-
toiod. It , will pay jou lo Iny In
n btooU for nexte.i on. All o ( l i'o-
man 'a best quality of fnetorj tde-kiiiK'
j urn Rues nt r o 'pot1 sltt'in ; lio-a qunlitv
-lo per oiiin-o. All ot
( .lorinnn knittitii ; yarn , ttin-th Ufic ,
nt lee , lOifcniau's \ot-y liost iividllty of
( lonnaii lsiilHliib' ynius , void at ! 1V. ie-
lui'tnl to Ilk * poi1 skein , r.lscinnn's
bonora SnAony , iiotlilnir boltoi * tnnilo ,
only IK1. llUuinau's liost iiutillty ot cier-
inaiitoiMi jurnn , bcaiiliful ooloi1"1 Uu'go
two ouncoskoitis , only I0c rciluccil fioin
'I'hH was the llnosl stock ot any oar-
iloil by iisoiniii.Vo ; : will pluco this
vntiro stock on Milo nt , prices
to innvo It nuil inovo it quid ; , Do
not full to Ijny all the geiils' unlnuii-
ilricd shii Is ton want toinoiiow They
will Iw sold for lobs tluin the price of the
muslin :
Uulutimlrleil shlits , Hoc" , Elsoinnn's
Unlaunililod slilits , He ; 13isoinan'a
prk'o Oof.
Uiilannih'lcil shli't. , 50c ;
lirU'oTfii ? .
Uiilaunililctl blilit , Toe ; IS
In ovuishltts nisoinan carried tlio
fiiiont wtoilc In tlio west , comprising ;
Bilkn , I' ieiifli Ihuinols , sjilln stripe- . ,
tiiiH-j sateens , silk stripes , llnu clioviots ,
Ciiliforn in wools , doinostios in : illj'ruli's.
Tills lot. will ho sold for less tluin tlio
prioo to iniiko.
In this stool ; will bo found TOO < 1o/o i
Bunts' ' Biltibli luvlf hose , lu.ivy iinil line
worth ! ! oc per pair , roiluecd to
ISisumnii's SI.OO sii'.peiulon reilnced to
fiOc ; 'Kibeinun'ii olV sicpciidors down to
"io ; boja' ' siisponduiN , 12oc , suspuiulora
lodiued to lOo i > orpnii' .
All of l'.i > < oin.iii's < " ) ( kib.ilbilrgaiiuiHlor- }
wear reduced tooo each , tliirts or
Kitomnn's ? J.OO flo\es reduced tofl" .'h 91 ol ( ( 'lo\es reducctl' .
l-.ikonia'nV 1.00 ( jlo\es icduced tooOc.
Kl uinnii'.s Wt ! gloves reduced to "oe.
cpnsr/rs. coitsr/rs.
OnTliuisilny ICI-oman's oiitiro stock of
oi'hots o on sale.
M.ulum Wainor's high bust corsets ,
I1. Icornets. ) . S2.2.-J , w-oi-tli $3.fiO.
An elcf/ant 1.00 coisot leducal toTiOc.
An ok' antTot ; torset reduced to ! ! 'ic. '
An ok'fiuiit " > ( ) c corbel leiliueil to l'c. ! '
LAW US' ' AX1) ) t'lIILimiC.VS HO-
In thlsdoii.ii'liuciit \ inulolho ileop.
cst cut of all. On ono t si bio sill the odds
and ends , coinpiiMnj. ' silK , i.ibliniero
nnd cotton Imsion for Indict uncivil il-
ilron , atonp-fouitli regular prives.
r.isoin in't , of bojs' lie.ivy wool
ribliud biL'i clo ho o , worth oOv , reduced
to loc.
Lulies' < ; riy wool hose only 19c per
pair , woith ( He- .
C'liililioii'a fsist black cotton ho'-e ,
double Knees1 , onl2lJc , reduced from -JOc.
All thu fast blaek lioso fur l.uliefi ,
voith IK\ ( reduced toileier ! | p.iir.
All of Kisemsins fancy lisio and cotton
lioso for ladies , worth flUe , rucluced to li'jo
per pair.
Lndics' line balbiljjjjan ho-o , OKlrn
hiiu svnd oxtio. long , worth $1.00 , reduced
to1 Ic.
r.lsemati'sfast black lioso for ladies' ,
haimlcss cljo , worth OUc , reduced to yjc
ler pair.
All of Kii-cman's steel of childron's
f-cliool hot-e , woith Ijo , roducul to.Se per
Childion's black llceccd buodo hose ,
wortb.rH ) < Mcdiiied to loe.
Yourclioieo of ICiseman's piitiro s-tock
of ladies' domestic : liosieiy tor lOc per
Infants" line wool hose only 10c ] > er
piir , worth-Oc.
IHt-ciiinii's stock ot ladies' ' line lisle
ho.soorth \ $1.2j , ruluc-ed tod'lf.
Dry ( joods and notions.
I'.iti-iiits AMioVonlil Sni'ooeil V.uider-
\oint as S u peri nlen dent of .Mails.
The allowed iesi'iiatioii ( otl'.xul Vundervcoit
nssniieiinUitlentof inuls his ciiibod a nuit
dell of speculation as to ivho rtill bo ap
pointed to lill the vacanr } . Applicants nro
nuineious and tlio federal building is full of
pitrioh who nro anxiously waitini ; for the
lightning to strike them , Jia\o made
applications for the position nnd others In-
tciid doing so.
Theasph mts arc not confined to tl'o ranks
of those who have had experience In post-
pfllco matteis , lint several outtldo poitiosaio
anxious to di.iw the $1 , " > JO salaiy conneitecJ
\\ltli the ) fllce.
AinoiiK those wlio .no desirous of llllniRtlio
shocsof tlio corpulent ox supcilntcMidciitaro
inentioiied.lohn Shillantl rtMiik Moore , pos
tal cleilcs on the Union 1'atitlc and II X M ,
respoitlvelv , A V\T. tirinin , foimialv ihiol
clerlf la tin1 r.iilvvny mail ncrviio ; 11 l Sivv-
aid , nn evtwenty-e-ichtoi , l ianlcVlulo \ , a
clerk m the iostolllco , IM Cone .mil 1) ) .1
Harness , lito tinploves In thocitv fleik's
oftlce , and , Hni Alleupatiiot , ami ildou.ilk
inspei lor
\nnder\oort hii nothccn at the cftleo sineo
.Mondiv and is now in Uiiuoln
'riiobiiiiciintciuleiit of mails lias snjicivl
sion o\or outKoiiiK1 minis , looking ; aftui the
do-its in tl.o nialliiiKdcpaitincnt ami liustlin
tarrieii and mail sirUs ( jt'tit tally Thonu
live work of the p&sitlcii i done with tlio
De Witt's Uttto Kirly Itisprs , rest little
pills for cljbpcpii.i , sour stomach- bad breath.
CiiptalnYilllun \ 1 ! UllisofSati IV.inclsco
inasttr of the llelet. Mar , n wluillnir vtssol
and Caiit.iin John II Tubcy , mas > ti'r of the
Tamerlane , aio in the city mid called upoi
Tin HLI : ,
OVourstbo tandard.
are n.ii lo by unst. ruinilnui
inniiuailiai'isiin'l iliulcn
til poroui pliutrrs rtfcMr1 ,
til , ' thrlr curatlvo I n\oi8
v- , * . 1ILSSOYS l'Ah1iilh | ,
'S jV * - uit ) tlio only outs liuliir-til
H \ by ov r D.ooi ) pliulclanj
LJ' i and pliannailsls U'w rc
of luilutlow uud i. c-.itl-
II. \ VII1IIKJ3. .
l.luni limilntMit. ) |
's Mtock of llnonsat yiont ro-
IlliMcbcil lition ihma k Ihat sold at
lie now U'V ' uul.
Hoc * linens now o'lcyaid. '
i1.0.j tvvo- nrdsvldo ihmask now
tf\t\g \ sold nt Too jard.
1 iniiUMi'o line cream ilanw k , 'i * > o , We ,
t'lc ' , IkWo , GuV , ilkote , not half tlieir
cot. .
The McICinloy 1)111 ) c nl3 rot nlToot tbo
silo of tlii'so ' lliic ti' " , These linens wore
ill lieu jlit 1 nt hCitf-on before the ad-
unco and wo got thorn at ukuit
10 cents on the dollar , wlilch no-
oiiiilH for the low pilcos wo can well
ilTonl to nmlio tit pieionl , No HUM--
'hunt ' lnUilHcouiitr > can allnrd Icj iniiko
ho prifcs wo are now making , iisloii } ;
is the Kiseinan stock lastsbut , it will not
nstalwavt , and wo would ml visa you to
nko tul \ , in tiigi ot thh btilo atonic , as
vo cininnt duplifato these prii'cs.
Towels nnd toueltii } , ' , nnpkiin , c > tc. nt
nnin priics. \Vo have iiKo a hl r "took
of "luiic'h cloths and iiaiilvlm tnmatdi at
M.SIS , S'J.'iS. fcUJoaiicl vl.oo.i sot , AVhito
ind coloied bed "proads arc going fsifcl
it luiiktupt in-lee" .
Dry foods and linens.
I In , i lie's Ilhuvss.
Donno'i ' fiimlly icpoil thnt the | iido
cctiit to bo In thotolliol nn atlieltof the
del hshlonud crip. Ho U not confined to lilt
> ed , InitsiifToM iiiutli It it iinpossililo to
uy when ho will bjabloto rcsiitnu his duties
on the liisU-ieUouu bench.
I'uiiis'iiiioiit ' fur Hin ?
llio fodo\viii ( ; advoriiseincnt , irablislied bj
i prominent western piitciiimuclldnc house ,
vould Imlicatothat thcj regard disease as a
unilshimiit for sin :
"Do > ou wish to know the quickest , viny to
cuio ti severe cold * U'c ; will till you 'lo
cuion cold qulckl ) It must Ini treatoit hofoio
.ho cold is sUtlecf In tlio s\stetn This can
lUv.iys ho done if jon ihoohoto , us tiatiiro in
101 kindness to man ilvos ; timely \\irnini *
and plainly tclU jou in nature's way that in
a iniiilHliiiient for soniotntlhcrclloii jou are
o bo alllicted vv ith a cold unless von cheese
to ward it off bv monipt nillon The llrst
syniptoins of acolil , in most easis , isadiy ,
oud coUK'h nnd siKe/iiic 'llio I'OiiKh Is soon
followed by aprofuso ivato'v ' cxpeetoi.ition
mil tlio sneivliiB by n piofimuntxtcrv dls-
. Innro fioni tlio nose. In severe eases there
is a thin \v Into coitlnpon tlio toiiKiiu.Vlnt
to do S It is only necessary to take C Inmlier-
Inln's I'diicjh Ituuicdy in cloublo doses every
liour. 'Ihat will Rienlly lesson llio seventy
of the1 told and inmostcnscMx 1 oflcitunlU
ooiintouict It ami ouio vhut would have
been a sevoio coM \vithin cno or tvo dtijs'
time. Try it and bo convinced. " W cent
bottles for sale bj all ihutrgists.
The follovinc ; ] > cnnitsvere issued by the
biipcrintoncicnt of buildings yesteruaj :
It It Cirtor. oiH-story frnino cntttice ,
I'llftnn Illll . $ too
Jnli.i II U'e-u'ls. ono niul OIIL hnif-storv
frinii' (1 \\cll I n. , TwtnttlKitli ) and
III tstol struts . ' . . 2CK10
T o iiilnoi | iiiiiil ( . Til )
Total . 8 Jr > 0
Colonel nnd Mis K f. Clnwiv of Chicaco
ere in the city , ( oloncl t'lowrv is SUIHIIH-
tciuient of thu AY toin t'nlon Hopi iph coin-
] iiny nnil has laito piopeity intcicMs 111 this
lit ) .
He MjiKc snT 'l | to O inn lin titiVC \ N-
( Mil Xlt \ > ll Illl lll0f < ,
Colonel It C ( Stolvry , vlw proUdcnt and
general suporiiitoiutcnt of the Wcitorn t'nlon
eonipanv , is la thcfclt. % and Is stopphijt with
Cienornl l-'stiibruok , the father ot MM ,
Clew rj
Colonel Cluvvrj stated tint ho hal b a
calletl hero by btnnoss ! comioctclvltli the
telouraph cnmp'inr and hlil iMiii euirasi'd
\vitli SupiM'lnloiHliilt Diekej la looklns over
tlio business at Uils point nud coiisldorlng
piospodlvoextoilsions 'Ashoil titnonijo , "
ivinnrlied Mr floivr.v , "I latninod from n
tup iiloinr oui Hues In thi'iuMt. . I'\ eij thlnj ;
was in llrst rUssiliaiMiiml tlio u'voii'ie ftoli )
t he lines v\ ill rnmp.iro VIMV favorablvltli
tint of | iro\liiis ) jnirs The incoino ofn te'p- '
( inipn llnc itii fa'lr cnlterlonof tlio condition
of llio country , and I should siy Hint llio
\M'stoiiic > iintr > is fullv up to Itsiionnil con
dition If , indeed , it is not tilwvoil
D'Our c'ompaiiv is rontcinplitlng a jjicat
ni my i\ton lens of lines this seison. It
\vmldbo weansoino to uniniii.ito the dt1-
talh , hut c shall follow the llni's of llio iill-
vus niul put stiitions vvhcievci theri ! Is any
demand for tliem"
Colonel Clourv liw pi cut faith in llio
futnto nf Oinaln anil h.ufjUin
ovidomo of thist tiiiMstiin. . ' liouiU In
n.ilt > A hinohricli blot k mi 1-iKtouith ami
Chicago stuets licaisliis iiiiiu > , nndlio Is In-
tcicstol In other Oinilui proptrty. lloia-
tuined to C'hoi0 ! )
"Onoof my fiistoincrs lanioia today nnd
nskedino f"r the boht eonvli innlicinel hid , ' '
siys Icvvonii ( . ' , a pixindneni duiKKlst of
ovvIlmll ( liovo.ob "Of oourso l lumocl
him Cliainborhiln's Couch Henietlj atul lic >
tlid iiotnskto see an ) other 1 have never
ut sold a niediilno tint vould loosen andie-
llevo asoveit ! cold so quickly as thai remedy
docs. 1 have sold four ilcwns of It within
the last si\tj tlis ) and do iiotkno\v of a sin
gle O.ISDhero H failed to ( 'ivt'llio wosl per-
hct MtKfaction , " SO cent bottles fotsuloby
lllstrkt Court.
ArciunenU vcro commenced jcstorday
alternooii bofoi-c.luclfio llopoxvill inlUeciso
ofliyan & U'nlbli aiiliist Uouirlis cointy ,
Thoe.illbofoio Judge \Vakcly \ for tolay
Is as follows. Tlierols iioclmiiuo Inthecills
ofthoothci jiiditL-s :
lllevtu , IK ) , Comincrcinl N'ntlonnl bnnlc vs
N. Y. and Onuuu clothing
'lldrtceii , JiSO , John U'uUUlelcl vs A , lCiosa
ot nl
rouitccn , CO , Henbcn Uoss vs Jlonls .r.
Jones et il.
Pouiteen , 74 , Iliisnius 1' .fenson ct al vs
I-evvls investment compiny.
rourleen , 92 , I'.rnost Seliiiuian vs Cathciitio
Ivcin ot l.
rourteen , 00 , 1o\vis U ) Hauls et al va
.loroino H Tartottot al
rouitcen , 117 , Lewis C Han is et al vs Won-
ilollH. Stilhvoll.
rouitccn , 13a , J S MoCorinkk , devisee , vs
Naiicv C Noon.
rourtooiiliS , ? , Clans ' 1'onisen vs. 1. 1 ! . Uicko >
rourteeii2T , Jacob Moitenscn etal vsCllf
ton Ii. Jli.iictt . ol ,
Poiiitceti.210. l.i//io AYnllenski vs Abraham
I Air 'I'liront Tiispiisi" ) , foii-jlii , Cnlds
-.effi'tlual n'liof is found in the use of
"liiovvn'f HioiifliiidTiOLhes" l'iiie"j ' cts
Holdoiilv la boxes
I'nlted States Marshal KlaiiKti'ci ' has pone
to Washington to look iiftc r his fees for ) > rc-
ceding teinn uliiohh.uc not been all owed.
Do not have the beautiful budding season to themselves. Melodi
ous as they are they do not attract as much attention as the tell-tale
symptoms that make their appearance xvhen the blood is impure and
the system is in a state of disorder. The boils and eruptions that
takeadvantage of the season to tell their story are dumb , but elo
quent. Their meaning cannot be mistaken. Spring is not by any
means a beautiful season to those whose systems liax'e been neglect
ed until the vvaining comes in the shape of boils and eruptions. It
is a season , however , that can be thoroughly cnjojcd by those \\ho
arc thoughtful enough to tale ; time by the forelock. A bottle or
two of the great tonic anil blood purifier ir.-vj- -j * * * . } will ac
complish wonders. It drives out and de- stroys all
humors of the blood. James L. Doyle , of Atlanta ,
writes : " I had awful sores hayagari an ( ' P"nP cs on lnX 'ace ' ) a
after using two bottles nf piJagSHal I was cured. "
on Blood , niul Skin IHscanei IInllc- Free ,
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ca ;
The claims of cocoa as a useful article of diet art-steadily
winning recognition. Unlike tea and coffee , it 5s not only a
stimulant but a nourislicr ; and it hasthegrcat aik'antagccf \
leaving no narcotic effects. Ilenceit is adapted to general ! ;
use. The strong may take it with pleasure , and the weak
with impunity.
J K3-VAH Iloinn s ( < ( > . v ( once trioil , nlwnj iisoil ) loncs no injurious cT ( Montlio
nervous n > stcni It H no wonler , Iheroforo tli&t in all jimla of the \Tornl Dun i" Myj
Cociun riniiiiniFiitUil Ii ) nicillciil nu-u limtt ul < if lii unit riiHVu nrnilifr
im lHi | t , ' largest ealo , nlhovorlil ' AaU for VAN HOUTI N Bund < < IAH 60
Colds , Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
Ifit'iuiiiintl ' n dftlu lui s IvMmy- I It'U.I ' S I itlc.i Ctntlilaln trost JHto < 1-jotlmelie llemlachu
I'ntiis In tin1 Itick < lict mil HUM utilaHlho iisuul
Tlioni > iillci > f ItVKXN l\ - III'X IH HIMPI I ttiopartiniloclml lll ln lnnily roluvn unl mioncnro
tliunulltrir Inlurtiill ) mil ICM it friiiu tlilriv tnM\tvilr im In lulf u tninl.ln I al < > r II will cntv In u
lf in.jiiiuif < iran , | J-IIHIUM M ur''l iniicli lilii HatulciKO lloulburn Ulnrrli"t'a li k lloailuhi )
N union XiuiiltliiK < lit lilll Nor\on iH'M.U'epluisiics - ( . an I nil liilcninl ( iilns M ) cents iibottlo lor
nloiit drunnli'U lUDVXAVl ( > . > 'X11 roil < > l
Already conceded , shall rebt on no uncertain basis.
\Vc\villwin \ \ hy merit only , and shall Ibolc to it that
the excellence of our goodshold the favorof the friends
we have made ,
"The poet's ' fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. " lie wiitcs of "babbling brooks , " an $
dreams of "thi ) fllowcrs thai bloom in Ihc spring , " The more pricticil man , realizing thnt the
time is draw ing neat \vlicn his heavy winter ulster vill become too buVilcnsonic , begins to thinly
of the garment which is now recognized as a necessity in every nun's wardrobe ,
Wo have opened in our oveicoat clcpattinent.alino of spting g.'umcnts , which for .stylo , shape ,
tone , lit and workmanship , arc \vny ahead of any \ve have even1 shown , and that's saying a good"
deal. The garments show arc made in tricots , meltons , cheviots , cassimeies , , ker.seys ,
worsteds , etc , They come in nil the fashionable shades aiul colors. Some are silk lined , homo
ircsilk fared , and some arc both silk lined and silk faced.Vo extend you a cordial invitation ,
to pay our overcoat department a visit , and to give you something ot an inducement to ma led )
111 eaily purchase ,
At $4,75 At $4.75 At $4.75 At $4.75
T handsome melton , thioc shades to pidc fioni , with good Italian lining , with fane } ' sttipcd
sleeve lining , woith mote. Look around ; you'll see
At $7.25 At $7,25 At $7.25 At $7.25 At $7.25
a beautiful scigcvilh , line sctgc lining , with silk facing , with fancy striped sleeve lining-
spring shades. Sec if a ten dollar bill will buy a better coat anywhcte.
At $9.5O At $9.50 At$9.5O At $9.5O At $9.5O
a handsome tricot in spring shades , splendid lining , satin sleeve lining , silk facing. Its a beauty
Come and sec.
At $1O,75 At $1O,75 At $10.75 At $10.75 At $10,75
a fine black serge , fine farmer's ' satin lining , fine silk sleeve lining , cut right , made light ,
splendid value.
At $11. 50 At $11. 50 At $11.50 At$11.50
an impoitcd melton , shades of blown , Italian lining , satin sleeve lining , facing of cloth runs
way back around aim holes.
At $12 At$12 At.$12 At $12
worth eighteen , hundreds to pick from , black clays , satin sleeve lining. Fine meltons , spring
shades ; imported tricots ; made in shape ; cut in stjlc , ( sonic are box coats ) , well lined & trimmed - ,
At $16.75 At $16.75 AtI6 .75 At $16.75
Finest in the land ; imported tricots , handsome spring shades , finest lining's , best of trimmings ,
regular twenty-five dollar coats in most stores. AVe'll do belter by you , sixteen seventy-five.
Come and see them anyway. You may make something.
Oui spiinc ; catalogue will be nady foi muling Maich 1st ,
IHKI I N 11,11 , l' AMI
S\l'l 111) ) \ \ M MINI L.
ODIllIlll'llf lll | 'ibi 26
'I'llII I - . , uary
Till : Itllll.l.lAN'l * M XV" VI AH ,
Inllie lour AclComjJy-Driiun ,
I'rtilurfd nn. Ii r tlu illri'i Him
rrii < < ntiif ri t ioti ( * ) ii n , I niiolntinPnU | [ n nt tlio
llri'.i.l n'Iliciit i N > * n \ < . k
lloblutl 11 pi n \ \ iilni'sih ) inoriilnKnt rcfiilir
I rl. L-H
\Mlll.i\vVr. Miiinjrir i HI Ittn mil Tarnim
Wii : 101 IKIltltUV - ' r l
I'll-IlT I lit Mil II ) llolllllll V UMlMif | llrt
niiil r tlnl nil. lily < nil < l In l'i ' > Ii llui lri\i'
Cu lir lust IIH | llfi. VM V I t , - iUm f I'ho
( uii'ili't inrriiriuiii. i f tln-i'i-n lull mini In . :
I rl titunil i vn 1 1 < M n - tu n i v * i VIIIIM nn I trrmo ! til
cm 01 M M t * N it r , l i M > * . in I l HIM at
tlsti I'IIIM irrinl 1 dlf ( In i hill : , HHt niul .1
iniiipiny . rial , nl l c in-
DK , J , E. McGHSW ,
HJ U ii- '
C"unl * In lt < ) r > ili > Hlth' nil tlit- 1 s < of m h < uir t line
f roni hu lin'Hs I li < * unst ntiHtiltito t urt f rtil 11 1'
aiul-ill ami i\ t M ( * < 11- * Ii iru s ( \ r Kii"\\n toni lical
H < liiu-f s11111 l .n ruilei ; | mrc In .U l.0 - < 1 i\ *
Tlio in < * * t | orful rt ) > i't knm11 fur a IUTIIIII
ru'iili lire sTItll I'L 1(1 ( Tiiin [ In i. Hiln the t.lal
dor cun tut liuiKviilu nit iii-tiitinnti ] n inittm
no | iln. no ( liliittn r I i ss t MIIIII ) < MU | nr \\i ikti < 11
posltlrol ) curt I instmt r luf Uiti dNti * ( " * mil
lomiU * ilUotiiti pcrntinu nlh t tin I Or MHIC\\
Him CHS in tin Iri'innicnt nt I'llv ito lHwiM t Ini
ninor b ii ( * | imUtiI mul lili k'i < it in m ) < > t lattt-n
it'iitii't limn ( lie Atlnntit t tliul'icttl Iti ki nn I
Cliculitri IHMI.ndiit titmi J I * t onlt lull nut
rariiiuu ttrcuO ( JiLiiUa , Ntt > . I ntr.iiicj un tittiur
ClicinM ami Asi.ior.
roriaerl ) Int lu-inli'iil Iilx > riti > n nftlio I'nlon
r.iilllc- ill ly Cuiiip.iiij.
Spoclnl Attention Given to Ores ,
\Vntcrs nnd Oils.
: i i 2 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb
Tuikish Tea 250 , Turkish
Cough Cure SGC , Turkish Lin
iment 5oc , Turkish Asthma
Cure 500 , Halm's Golden Djs
pcpsia Cuiu 5 < ic , Turkish
Ttoth\vash 251. Ml cltu
"f BTTIT'T'Tn fir Mlirplllno Illll. U
JT X t-J J.VJL curtain Illtoaiiaayi
Lubtuun 0
Mlllttlil.n lit III \ Mill toill'
( r u ib. * l t fl ( " in t i I II * ' " u
tm llio > iu ( uiniiinii KIIII. > lloiui l inr.
i m K in vii u v i > ' . '
lit / t U * . I , ( I I' "
.Vlliljn i'li.u inic > lu IluxUl Albluii
IF TO L'have a moilcmto ccnijjh ,
II1' "iOUliavea Imrd cough ,
IF OUlituon tight CGiigU.
IV "iOUliavo nny cough at nil ,
and if nil other cough syrups liavo
failed , try BEGGS1 Cherry Cough
K\uip. It is positively guaranteed
{ o iclicvo any Kind of cough : u once
or no ] iuy. Piico iue. , iJQc , ami $1
per bottle.
1'or = 5-ili3 by nil ilrnecKI' . 1/jrmr
ilriUKi'-tilocBiiot Kdpiliu s-tock ,
orvull not inoeiiu it for jou. af-
Ctt | llOPIllcstltUtf. bill Kllll lllHC't
to Inliornturj n [ ho fig * Al iff. Co
C'lui'iiun , Jllii. tlio iirico iiinnt'cl
mul tlio } vv ill furMiml , I'rcpaid ' , to
iiui luiitnf tlir L' . S.
1 gaiifornia S.erve FOG ,
Alakcs > < Ir.-sli Illtiiiil I'ro-
flltct's I It sll.
CHIPS tiKiinfii. 'rroliiln , llul < Irrul.iH.i ,
anlall IniouritleB of the Blooci aim 11.11 it
fKiuin.Notvo OieonpBS , MZ rsir\niH ml
I'll ) si. Ill IMillll ) , Mini \linnl I . I'l t
initiirn Ot i 'IrcniMiiipr , lljs'iilu , . i.
\IHIS llt'iiilarlns IIISH < > ( I'oMri 1 11 . | tlit r MIA ,
ISirCIIMIIOSI In , ui > luriii. Itiltl llitmU < n
liot. 1'iin In tilt ) l < anil otliii luriiis ul
lr. lliiltli'H Xirvn Tiinl - 1'llls brins the
rosy tint of honlth to the Bluillovv choni. ,
V iif. nir > mpx'rln sluulil ti'in ' tlil > cri'it Lile
Rencwer. Ir ) tin m .mil ) uii vill join ihc tl > i > mdi
il liuiM' ' ) nun nil \ \ < uni < nl. > ihil > lili-i lr
iliftii I rniH unit n IK in ihflr hi Inir jiiy are
EiiRtr ruti.I MI o flits u vial lor bait ) 1)J liucct'll
CihS invl Allliis
I HIC-M I IV OMAII V. v ! II , l )
I\unn A i ( ! iv ii A. n .MI ; i > vi r. i is
.1 A HiHftii , , IIM iiiii A. n im ut 'trtoli
V I ) t ncr A I > I in I Ii 1 I .in
WK < .UK - .v/rvi / > * t into cuauti i.ih NI
trRKtiMi - > . .V ' . ninkt. lullf ihn.i ine fur
ftrt nl I in rali ! ) \ atn . . | iv lilt Irrrl ) , HIM , Soolh.
IDK , < iitiUuoiii I urrtaU or rirrt rleiir tli uh ill u IUK
I'AKTI nitoiiKti.cmto IIKII m iinr.iiiiiii NK'nuxtnii
Ulcrlrlf Inrrril Irll Inttnrll ) , r * r. rfrlt I > ( kil , ti emb
IILI/1 > 1 ( o > | , r. ( > rU.ll. | ( i. | . , I up. Uui. nr > lfr >
lutnpnllt < or , I in Ihrre ninolhi f nlr 1 riiui I ft t r. *
y.iroTrinco . i ut.ii. hi. . rmcAin IM
tilt hl'r- I
Hrwli r > ' l i. llit ir
I il f MI. t \ \ > \ in il nu
i i > i
u itni.l
i i i i * < " .I union
Jllc-lllll ) ' t > tblUH.
A I nil " -i l 'if ' I'm 1
in , foi
h i\ t I'm vns
A ncrfoct fit cuixrinto11 ! , 1X
wltlmiit Jill" " dnn nr. tut "l " "t
tliollcsi O.U1 an.I nll IT liUliirfs nt
rut < n HrllRf mul < ru n X\tnli . 1 tut w.tli-
ut l it Ml wori v tii in t I
fhtt HWrON UUX * . loTri ANDrARNAM
u Uni ii ibtli ktruulr uluvAtor Uiui.uvui | | .
1 1. until u'clu L
OMAHA. ' " ' 11 rnliln \ \ II Hilt
vv" " " * Nl "
r p
Ifc , , „ „ „ , Nl
'tin'Wiirjvij / . < < lltli uitil
In tininoit s\ihitnntlnlli/ < ni-itrintcit
lltiti-t Iliiilillnii in Oiiiiiha. fn'ri'rill
/iciii'/ } / ; ) / ( / . - ili-f itnllH t'ttniiiiiti from
IxiHi'iin'ilt tu 1'iinJ , .1II tin' u'ilini/H < m < (
/ / rs liinilrttlt \ , lnl > cntt > nlii" itvaof
linlniiiniliiif / It inii > i > Htllili' tu tttirli
t/nt'l ! ; . / ' / mealier , unit / / < iilni'ina
tlituitf/lKHtt tin' tiltllillllihtntiii In-lit ,
lint mill nlil miti'f mill NII II ; I//K'/ <
' ' ' ' , 'Jdllll'
t'l i'l'll i'Hlllll llllHltflHfiHCll tlllU *
Il'/K't'l * .
B. SIL.I.OWAY , Prop.
Com r 11th and Cipitol Av nil" .
Just coiuiileted , has. 10O rcioms , throa
stiii w ij , irom thf top to tin bottom , h Ji
tin olc'\itor mil ihuuin ; ; room sorvicp , 13
firuproot throuaht ut , tiiu'lmlti I iodins > and
tin linest toi"t ! looms in tin nt/ . Largo
Sample rooim Suit ( . < j with bith k C Dr
1'ltli aiul Caiutol Are. Strfot oar serxifo in
.ilUUro tiom Hates , froiusiSOO to S 1 UOj
National Bank
Capital , - - - S40OOOQ
Surplus Jan. 1st , I89O ,
dilid-n niitl llnirtnri--IIfiiry ) to < I'rosidont. *
I ircii * lliM < l V lui-l'roiulent , .I.UI \ \ * > iva oV
\ Mt.r i < 1'ilin > ulln ) K < hliu , J N U
1'ulikk VV M - 1 luflii"UKlilor
"il l\\ \ 1 RON U
t tinier t.'tti niul 1 amiiiii st-
A Gent r il It iiiKln : Hitin > rruis.i tel
N ( 1\P Hi III ) 11 M ill TV lift I W
n \ 1 tu i- < i tu r\ * - t rdl t\ i
M 1 1 n HI it 1 n , tot > n tti
n > n r\ t nl In intiMit n l i\ l t x
| Min [ ! I M * t i xi M UI I 111 \N i > It tr 0
N 1 s i | | > \ i. . .In in Itr $ ( . 1 1 M nr i - 9t ,
A POS ITI VH nnd permanent CURE lei ai
disoastsotthe URINARY ORGANS. Cures
nhoroolhortfcatmcnt tails HI 1 1 directions with each
L'ollle ' Prlie , ono dollar Sec ol E. U
MAUL. For Bnlo By All Druggists.
\ h f > Seven * f L k t "
. . , Altrct I ( , lS Dkl
gMSJmSm t JC
I r iii ir. " i' n. i r n 11 111(1 MI \\n-i a V.V.
1M I \l - I , \iilm a ( inrl
I' ' ' " ' ' II't I n I . X | i i it . a i lu . L ligj
i " , H * ! l ii an , hi t > i \ i tcaia
ii . .in m XI. i , , | - iik ,1 h , i MSKt V
( > lVl ) I nil I- VI II M > II u I i I Xil mo
Hi-I V.i 'inn ' I ill in VV.-I Win. iinim
Hi I. 111111 U' mul II Iriinxii < 1 Hi I i l i , MI
luii'i ii | | > lii > ' 1,1 , , IUIIIUM i , , , r , „ , , | .
Hi HiiliitU . III' , til , in | 'iriil\ . I .
r > \ Kilni ) tllii.iir l.n I i - \ < \ti \ m i u i
mul ill uuiiM iiirniinii | ni-i v > isiu vv NUN
nniiilull i I ! ' " I , en DUiiiM-i f XV inn I ri > VVn
Inn i'liii. . | n.lilt'iln I ) inn Ii II. p in i iMii t r VV mini
liiirlnu ii.iillui'iiiini INUI llv I'rituti i in \ u. t < V1 , . , | | , ill In.tiliiiu Xlnklni ! ii 'sp , mltyit I ul
All III. IDI.iMwi niM , ' . ful ! > | r , ilo , | M , . n
ni hi-iriiinriiM mnt ID mini , u t'\r | , ' > o " it
luirkiM ni iiiiuki In InI i nl i ,1,1,1,1. , , , r , ,
< ini > I , r i > il tnlirtU'tt | , , i i , n , l dxu . *
ii IM M I Ii -I , ry I > , i , l , v , , , , , ( | 1J
I i m i | . i i i IMi ik | .i VII \ I ill „ , „ | , t | ,
V'nV'A ' ' i"i " V\ [ " " * " n" ' c" ' "ii t
Lmiflhlm , Pi , n
vtli ami . * * -
-ttui * , Uiiiithj ,