Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    * . . . . * . . J \
G THK OMAITA IXAlliV HKIi : Tl'll'ltSDAV , KI'JliliUAliY ' I'd ' , KSII1
Uniformly Strong Opjiuii ? With MoJarata
Activity in All Lines.
Cautious Tintl lui : O.HIMOU a .Vai'tiiu
In Cnrn-iY Squci'/.o
l.ooltcd 1'iir in Oat * lro
, I'oti 2. * . ! pc t'lal Tflcjrram to Tin :
ilurto'jMliln.j ] ( ipptrl A iron * onil wllli
iniulrrato nrlltlty mi Vlmit . Thorn wit' no
iii ] li t Inprliisln ) one nuitkot. tint iillntl-
vaiii ( Ml Mn\\l ) IfiRi'llu'r Silcs for Miij Ilio
HIM hour nnn1 Svliprit.tWV t OT'ic to IITc ;
rillll VlSl' toVV.l' tO IttVt Oil' " , IT'iC ' ! | l"tl { ,
t'Jii , ' . tutni.tnO.Tl ) , hirdJisO ; ribs , JISO.
\Ulli \ ( miugii t tilt nmvs llils morning to put
\i\u \ it up sit ; Ii nit hour under ot dltmry olr-
oiiiiistancp' * . Ihero ttus a Iroblo nilvntico ot 'n *
f ruin 1 inicliiMi IIIHI nUlit This took pltu-c the
lli l liulf hour , imdiiftpra hosltntliiit ninrUot
fin tttonr t litoo hour * KICK * wn-i a slurp titcak
ufli or more shortly iiftrr laltldav. This did
mil snrprlso tr.nto nnii'li , us Iliu niirkutlmil
ron hod i point -Alien * It must KO lowoi of iti
own ui'ldit It u hit of bull .to.itliorand crop
innInlpod liy o\c'ultonl oalili-s. did not Rita
It a ll lmlso Tlio action of tlto
vnrl.M was us follows. May opened at
tii > V wild ntWUt- t > t > rc tolKV and lirn Un bo-
foit I oiloMo O.Vo ; July , O.'So lu Ul'.c ' to
D.'V tolHc toltto sit llto stiiiu time. Tint bull
nrtis of the mornln.iri - : I'lrin ID strong
c-iMos c'tilj , stion ; ami adi.uuMtu e ihlcs
lati'i ; omit In 'nt ill ilem ml Hood at Ut eip ml.
mill I'linec * . biiyln ; wliiil lit I'udfle mist
inirUots , inoiltir.itu looclpts .it northwestern
niirl < nl < iciiii ; | lopiuti 1 1 mil linsas
' ! ( > , asliariidtop lit temper iliiru it Oinilin.
RltliiuiiruinVi of oxtitvao uhcr nil
ot ( i Missouri nnd Kiuisis an I state * nirlh ,
lint nirlly offset by notUuulslroot ; s do-
cio iso In iill.ihlii sto Its nt in ; . vo ) bushels
< MHt Illll 1,1 HOU tlllSlloN WCMt Of MlO II1DII II"
lulus ; Inili in mil Ilussl in slilpm Mils fin tin )
niM-k lUhtcr at IWI 00) ) bushels ; New Voi Ic
rli'iu. mi os nf lll.OOIbu liels ofvhc > it. l\on !
tin1 loi'ul | it shore , whloh noiolirso tt IS I ( Mis
veto fniiinl to bo about half it'ililp-
intiits ( rout Cans is Clly. Tlio cstlm Uo
fur Thin sdiy wis hut 17 ears. Ihuio
was mil lu the ttlioln b tkh ut cmroiit
nt'ns oim sootl point fur bom , mill yit the
nm KiiMitt.iy nnd MUlpirs and Huooulat-
ors Ki'iti'r.ill ) tlnow tlii'Irln.iL for Jl ty on
the llrst slsnof K'lixl ' sillliii ; hi July Ilnj lii
unsli'dby Mltchi'll ' , 1 ! irho mid l.lnn , wit h
Ilium tine tlinu forSt I. mils llii | > ro
anil Mllinliia woio snllirs for the nortliWi-st
cirly ToiimlnuU'H bofoio thu i-lmu M.i > w is
up bill ' , o from tlio l.otloin it ' . > Vto ami the
pilljllll'l. 'Illl'IOUtS III ) lllsposltlllll tO llllV
wluMiliin abro.ili .mil Ilio olnsj w is at OG'4o
for Mny imil'J1 ' ! , , ' ' for .lui } , or 'jc bi-ttor than
IjottiinillsuH's IMiru.irj w nHqiiolcil li-uiuliT
Mu\ .tllilaj it l"e to < ii4i- | tn'il'nc ' tt ) 'U'jo ' In
the i'liM ) Mlhx aiiiu u Iliini slilptncnts n uluil
Mi ) ( ( I bin tils mill inlllits nuro lilrluliitf c
ini-r May fnronsli win it MIIII | > : IIIM | | iimtfil |
ci > - , , i iiri'iiiliiin ( IM > I Ma ; , lint litill neus
wns df ni ) mvoiint In IliN in irUiM
Tin ln\\ | III' | M ( Ilio K ! .sliiii fet loin w.isn
( ha tli lu t lit Hi in Ilio i lo ni i > i li'i 11 f jisicr-
diij This of Itself liulli'iiuil
a tiling n ar-
KCt 'Illfll W.IS llOlMM-l , II lllllllOIIH fei'lllU
ninoiitr thuli.uln li l ( h iii.nli ! iiniriow niai-
Kit. Mnv stiiiioil MII n mil 'ift'nf ' "I ) at
fcT > V sold .il .V > ' o anil iii | tn u'tdttiv ' mill back
to t lie oj i nlnn iiili i it lnilocU .luy -ulil
liotn n .Mr ,11111 'il'to ' ijilnl tlipclo lii ' y < s-
ti'itltj ut Vl'n1 lln > ioi n nun Kit L'ln-Lil ' .n
iliulir lln li -t piliT * . of tin M hut ut ,111
jll\ ( UK I ) < lf ' - OUT V . | ( ltl.IV lUMllIK till' '
lii'i\j liilliioiu t > of luat this was i Ihn nip'iiti woioli'ss tlinu the
thu. tics at i. " i us for furl \-t'lKhl liunis' . ami
fin tiinionow isllni He u , is minlii.ilr ut I'l ' ?
oaf ( JulilrXMIKOIISJ foiiiot lorn lint linn
mid lilKhi i for fut mis Ni'H Vmk iipoi-tul
ll\i lni.itIn nlt iKi-n for i'\piirt. Ilio ini'i'lpti
fill li'lirnuv iiiiiinlsolu li 'noo rais slioi t of
tinMint - month last \rn. 1'lit1 ilolii { prlco
foi Mn > WHS V > ic ami foi .lutv riliCil'i , ! 1'tb
maijv.isiiiotul | 'Jo iinilor Mny , Maiih tin )
name , is 1 1 hrn.irj. tuiil .linn * tint Mini1 as
Jitli May coin puts sold ! il.V > > vi anil caUs ut
Tlicro lsproinl p of a lit tlosqmwo In oats
'Jilt II Is vt toiii'irly to Knosv what It vlll
iinioiint tn Iliulk't t , 1'i.i/rr and llir\oy : hino
IjtMMiporslstoiit bus oisof 1 ill1 lixlitj It vns
lilnlul til it tin up partlrslitually linil con
trolof tin' ma rKi't and that a numlirr of otiri-
UtOISIir lMIIKMtlioll In AlllJ tMllltt.lOt" I III1
inarkot xliowtMl no unusual action , lint lirpt
aloiu' \ \ llli corn Tln"iilv.iiac i > irly visfiom
4711' to I7'i0 and Iliocloso .it 47'ii' ' . in "BCii'ii1 '
ov rliistnlKnt , HiSii * niiil
in71 , closing "I lii'so .luli was not inllupiuul
llkuMiiy mil. ifli > r 'I' 4.1 , p and 4J'tv ,
eli i-il at J IJ4 - . or ' i ' niidt i last nl ht
'J'lic jiinlslon in itki't ileiolopul Ilio liost
fit riiiKth on the floor bofoio the i < lo < < c , 'Ilio
niltni'o Hits led l > y purlc , wlilili sold up to
M ! > 'J for Mny nml i 10 10 foi Inlv This a
fain fur Ilio il o of 1 ' la Maanil lOe In .1 ulv
> unl follimt-il vlth nKiilnof T'li' foi Mute
f."i s-i , itiiis \ \ ITI' lui t " < up it fls'i fur Mn.
Thuo \ \ isbu > liiK t , irl > by si-alms | anil bulls
from th Kr tin plti. IM , . .huilsiro ltt- )
ItiK prinlni'ls anil ) > ieKiM for icavinis lust
kiionn totliciiiMlN i s did not so tit to ollir
ht nil , uiiil the1 , ulIIIKO wc'tit 011 to the close ,
hint pi lets bc-'iin' at the top.
run KS AT
I en I Illk-h. I I Ve-t >
I'lllCK-i 4T ST. LOUIS ,
CO tl MIIDIT1 | Oln'n I Illk'll I I.HW I ( 'lOV I
Mnv. . . Wii
Jlll > . . bo1 ( 67 'i ' ,
CouMay. . 62
OilsMay . 47K 47' i 17 17 407 A
and ( ii > ssp. |
Dnlutli receipts : Wlioit , 10 can.
Tnttlohoiir'lit ' . ' .OJObarii'ls of pork ,
JllniHMpolisreonlpts : , Ifil cir < .
IhilutlMthiMt c-liisid ni Die * for rohnriry ,
T.iUon fionistoro U'hiat , ll.O.'l . ; corn. 1,513 ;
oats , r.V.'IO. '
Fsthinted rceolptsuf lie sat Chlc.igdTlitiis-
da > , Its.tW.
Tolc'do'selo oheal : \ \ , c'asli , OJ c ; M iy ,
tlOO" , : Inly , li."to.
New York'silosoMicat , Mil ) , SIO'iS ; July.
HO. dun. Miy. b'o
The ncelptsof hiys for January and 1'eb-
ritaiy ttlll lione.irlj . ' ,000,00) .
Ilradslieots'duc-roaso ofhcat ,
oflbo llooUles , I.HSIIOJ ttost.
I.inn IscTOillted with having bought 2W.OOO
tiusbIs of tthotit ( Ids niornliiK' .
Ptock In uvulareloMtorsVlioit , CO'/JOI
1)ilshols ) , coin , IT5'iC ; otts , l.'il.noi.
lleiiriiicosrepoiled from Nett York : M'hcat ,
HI 001) ) ; ionl , , lso)0j ) o its , llK ! ( ) ) ; Hour , " . .Vjs
( learincosat fotn purls yosterdaj : ,
115KVJiiirillllOJloils ; , 1,071) ; Hour,91,007 ,
Ft Iouls reecMpts : \\ \ \ , 17114 ; corn.
CI5UV. oils. 4S.IKK ) . siiipinuntblnat. . , ' 1'M.l ' ;
torn. * 3l.lit : ; oils. WAI.
l'\ ports of corn at Ni n York about W ) loads
liken I'lill nlelplila loltors of last ott'iiini.
n l ort clearances of IS.'IO tnishcls ofthoat
for U pin to.
A Coia'ordl.i , 1C in. , incssa o nays. It Is ' ,
V'clinvero ' nt this phio at 10 , i in. and It
. like uli.iril frce/o all over the winter
At Milwaukee ( hero Is some cootl Im
for oasli lu'iit limn uistotn inllluis. Tlioj
aio blilillnu 'tu ' O\IT Mn ) for oar win at. Itolif-
cis asking li1 a lune Muy. ( moil iloiu.tnil for
lain 1 > U' lots , hooal nillliTs bu > liin-
t'lilc.iKi ) ncolpti : Wlntur whoiit. 104 ; spring
77 , Coliirailo. .1 ; corn. : Wi oat > , ! i 7. Iiibprutoi
rebuilt. MlntornliiMt , f > ; sprln ; , 17 ; Cole
rado , nonoi corn 8 ; oats , 104 > Total rocoljitn
In luifilielsi Win. it , 40,100 ; cum. IO.MUO , oats
10 lllllllnts | : Wlioit , S ' MO ; corn , 1I'V0 ' I
ts , iIDC. ; . KhtltiinUMlfiir Tliursilay. AUiuat
( "ours , coin , lt > 7 ; uits ,
HIM rlioliin's cable- Liverpool spot wliont
tipwiinl tcinloiic ) ( "allfuriil i > i < l Inni'r.iitlirr
prlui'n inn IHIIKOII C'urn unlot anil ' id IUUIT
May uncut il ut UTi1. Mirk 1 , ino helil lniliur
I'luiir lintirony \ , prices ceiur ill ) unuliaiiKOil
but lilt-dint' t1. isis u liltli ) lil.'lu'r. ( ' .iriiu 'S nil
( east notlilntr uirurlni ; . On p liulil
luL-hir I'li'ia'ti rountr.v markets ii
I'nrlicabli"Uioat \ tlrin and 10
lilh'lur. I'lotir a turn dcarui
r. S Ijosnii to. to Toucr.iy A llryun Tlio
vfliuiit niarkit nits Uoui fulrly actho ilurlnc
tlio KCDhlon Tim opening prk'o fur Ma ) 111
l > l'iO. On sniuo lni\ las to food nptT.itnrs It
advanced toliT' o AVeliavolionji llooitulw Itli
lull iimniuoli asustroiiK voittlnital ( Itniunil
( lain.iiii ! toitops at lioinu anil abroad , prom-
Isoil 7cro ttciitiivr. In fact cu'rytliln In f.i\or
of iilnlicr jirlci'M \ \ Itli till thu forulKii nuwi > no
110 orders oamo for wheat , anil uulu * *
iii ri i' ' * , ,1 , \tr tthr r Mi miffs ttili i tlu'p
n. in i , , , | tt i , t i , , , , mi , , nio U , d n > i
n ! ! n . ml M 1 i l ? j , > n mi.l.i.n lirinks nn ill
truns i i irki I * i f. el It N tin * s if , , nurse to
follutt ( inn htishoon tvry m IU o It sold tip
10 'M nnd olnsi1 , ! n | V . > , i' tov , , . fur Mn ) I'ro-
ll-lninsltMilv lownrtls the eluso lln < n < AII * !
mint' fair Inn lug \ \ e do not look fur much
\V. ( I , MoCnrmicK \ t'o to 1' r.
ett.iit * A. lo Todiiy's lioit inirkc't
hns hoi n a dUip'.ioliilnieni with a
hirito aim unit of hullla'i ' tutus la jtcted Into U
front nil iimrtcrs | tt trns lnipns | t > lo t main-
lulu prlei'scton nt tin ) llttlo n < lt uu-o i hlcli
Was ostahllslit I iMfly. Cnhles worn
ipiotoil very sliiMirf The nmvs M to
e * . to dannnio lo tlio I'riMic'li crop was
tPpintPd. I leirantis from New > orl <
were fair In lioth ulirnt nnd llnur ,
and j i-l with nil tin 31' tmlllsli
Items iradcrs I'oiihl not smlalii prloiM \\o
oan milv atoount for lid" li ) the1 lick ut out-
tide1 ipocnhitInn In this market ulilch It'ndi rs
11 niMossary fur our s'dphu tradon to nil-
load ( hell IOIIK wheat oil oieh otlii'i ttliii
tnc > \ doslio to TUMI up for thu din licoolpls
tit ( hi1 prlniarv points \\ore law ) amount-
Ins to'-'H-s mil tmshels nnd uo cu * no linlli1 itlon
of thi'lt diminishing. Coin ( ulrl.t aetlto n ml
Mron ; Miorls nro Imv Inn frtely nnd the
Rlii-nglh of tin in irhil Is dotclophu u linlllsh
foellntfand Indliatliii-a tn mv traders
Loliu Inni ; e\ . n al this high pi lee Kut'lnti ,
altlionch I H'K'Ctore sonu-nliit mult r
llui cMtlinilc * . I'rotlslom Wc'io llrnior In
HpUp of tin ) limo rooeltils of
hoL'snl all point1 , . Tin1 furore foi huyliu pin-
Mslons fontliiuos In spite of a lirKontid ln
ori-nsiiiK stoou.hollnr they will healilotn
siistiiln tlin Im tensing Ion ) \tldoli Is dall )
put upon them seen is i in itlrr ofi'iHislilcmblo
donht I'.iikorsioiitlnne the pi Imlptil si llors
Knuiell , llnpklns , Vt'o toCluMlo. I.ilhrop
Coin t'o "Colder writhn stlninlatid tin )
tt heat it\nrket nnd K ite us 'ist roiiKer iilionlnx.
as I ud If al i d In onr losing , tdIt is t csti riluj ,
luillffi lonteablostirea pirtlnl olTsot and
for inoie tli.'tu t\ii > hours llnctn it Ions \teto
conllnecl to ' , ! C'loslni ; oilibseio \ eiy
it l oii | ! and on this smuts cote KM I iiilto | frecdt ,
lens supplj I ii'tin1 dt in a nil Thott In it e.iini )
out soo.tsll ) tint tin1 s ' .ilnois , who ate \ or IT
iliilik tuoili-li the drift of tlierlnvrs ( urnid
so Hi is \ \ llli cio it un in I n i Ity , and there u is u
sh irp brink of Ir In a fitt minutes
Adtk'is aio to the ttlci-t that stunt
and n xt aim tta\o ntu fnllnu liu ;
tlilssiiapiind tin ro aio seine loinpl lints of
d.innmo toironlii ttlieat In M ISMIIII I llopnrls
at e fa % or lid ' from It insas IHTI'It Isi la I mid
laid 1111:11:1' hasI'ttTH'siiltiil u In ic tliemoinnl
us full of m oistuio ciuiiu'li to huh I llui mots
to.'ilhi't nml proMiit IdnttltiK out of tlio
mound. The nun Ui Is i losoil ueili at aboiil
bntloin , ttllli Indie.itlonx of lotti r opt nln to-
nit riots Ilvht reft Ipls of torn en ililed the
clique to id \ nn. e pi lies ted ly and Ketp si tolls
on the nn\loussi at most i f tlio so-islim. At
the oh > so I he 11 tt is i io iptlon on n all/In ' 11111
In st nip ith > ttllli tliobieil. In ttlu at. I'iiirc
Is nn pioiniso , ht.tvoti l , of lott c-r prleis foi tin'
piiMiit O.ilst en1 c'onstili nonsly Hlioni ;
m ul > alltlioibiN and it'thi * i losu lost lint
little of tin1 nth met Thit.iii'lu st IIIIIK po
sition , lint u OMO llttlo 111111111 nieiiii nt IOK'O
Ion , ' of them on tills Inline 1'iot is'iins lalllid
f rotn tlioilepnssinof ! M'sleiil ly on u oiinnt
of Un- higher hoj iniiUet shuiild look \Mlli
dlsiiust on an ndMIU ) In liin siit tlicpresont
tlnio of uiiox iniph'd plL'Ht.t. I'loN ' isliins
% crj dull , \ \ llli no foituu of Interest.
t'A.l\fl II * .
Ni tv Yotiic , I'ob. C5 tSpeolal Tolc ratn to
Till HLfl SiockS-l'or seine miauconnt.iMo
reason Dtoi'lvsopcnoil slightly lil.clioi .mil in ulo
a fiulik iipunid nioM'iiKiit unilcr I lie lead of
l.nuisx Illeiiiulst 1'iul , uiih otnliluli leached
iiii\ci the ob si1 yiilpidny on o.itly luij Ins-
London did not respond v.ith any uiiliis
of Import UK e I'oi i short tlinoonly tlio tini-
| x r of tlio room \MH bullish. A little buist of
aithlt ) follintud , afcoinpinled by Muiknco.
This vjs ( \ ; ( | | | | ) > by ti.idi'is , liidiiud
bj lilihi l. prlies ami timer , il dulhiiss. Ilio
ii' it in IJDI It ) of tlio list buln as noiloileil anil tlio actlIty liolni ; onnfloed lo
iilont hilf a ilu/ ( n sli , ill's ainonptlileh ; \ ' t.
r.tnl. lliiilincliin and l.icUa\t lima tteiu the
iiiii t ptiitnliiint Iliuu'iK.ost pi > lnl In the
tniiUnt was new > ttear block , \vhlili , at Ttl'i ' ,
shiwiMl adivlliie of I'j ' pir ecnt front the opcn-
lnn' ll nre , but Ittas fullii\\eil i Insely by Ilin-
llimtoii , nil lili lost I1 ; at1i. ! ' Atclilsim. I.ack-
aw.inii i and ItocK Island each lust ln o fne-
tloiiM. hut other luiui'im nts wito Iniu'iilth lilt
tliiniKh In s\inpitliy ulth tlto ( bntn-
\\.ucl 1110 % I'lnent In loaik'rs. Diillnt'ss
ar'ilu Intoitenoil tow ird tlio euil of
tlio hour , mil uhili ! tlio docllno undone
no further projiuss , tliero.IH no reeoMiv.
DniliiK tin1 lioiti tn IJ otloel , I , niistllli' sil-
tlid > i tu74 VNortliini I'icllle piufuuuil
tiiurhiil 71' , .mil i illk'it it to 7lji , lluillnlon
toitclioil sj on a Timber iluclinu and i illloil u >
sj'i ' M Paul slnittcd tiio bust reeotut v at r > " > ,
with I nlnn Pacillc htc.nly at 44'j ( 'liln o
( us anil Sur'nr licllniulis tulod lonci thin
llrst prlielael < itt.iiinidroppud to IK)1 ! nnd
rtlllfd ' < , . M'rosp'els of a subsidy lifted
I'lflllc Mall . ' points tol.iy. Tills was tlio
slionxist point In tlio innrket ainon , ' i.illrn id
itocUit. . I'uil hid tin host supiioit on ciniil
eirnliin's anil KOUI | pnispecls anil ulosul'i
lilKlivr while olliei ttistern stiaks broke
slurp ! ) Itnrlliiulun liin ( In il blAB in < l closed
at si ' , iliissot I1. ; Alt htsun lost 7 nnd sohl
tiiuliM . ' * ; Hoi It fslinil ttas oil Y .Mlssoinl
I'.icltlc ' and I'lilon ' I'.iilltu' siei < | y lail > a-
w inn \ oil ' - it tin i lose at I , < i7u. llu <
iniliit Is out for a piet t ) coed lnipioti'in.nt ori
the : iiuo.ih | | of adjoin iiiiiint uf coiir'ress >
iiles foi the d ly , 117. UOJ slums
Ivi'inn tt , Hopkins \ ( o to ( liilstlC'Lathtop
( inn. ID I he lu.irKot h is bu'a quite l iv'iil.u
in Its iiioMiiieiils otin to the % .ujllin Inllu-
i net's In arlni ! on illlloivnt stocltH. Hie soiitli-
ttisu in itioiip liu Iml in ' Clile u'o. Iliu Huston
\ ( Jnlncv. Itoei , Nlanu anil AtehUon hi\o
shimn in mil lie it liu ss on in count uf the
i in.ln s of Ihesos ) steins It Is tboiiKlit they
must lie poor fet oiuu months to eoiuo and
HUM o Is ! itiv n in iiitistiiunl deiu mil
fet tlu'sto , , lint i L-ontlnn d Itiinld it Ion 1 > . \
tlin.d hnlili is , mil this ipplies as tn II to At-
ili'son ' .nid inn i mini Ixiiuls , tthli li h i\c struck
i lowir lt nl ted iv tli in at , iuvtl'iio since
thev win1 Issiuil M I * . ml , tSoillixustci n
mil I'nloii 1'aelllc ' , although not a. lite lii\n
sliovtn niiiili stiinjrtli The 1) isH of this
sliiMi th as ro..iuls Neil Intcstorn and M
I'.iul ' Istlielnci e t > u liu in nln s w lili li tin i inn
panlisaie repinllii , anil the billif thai the
tunni'i1llleontliiiu I live mil tint rates of
ficlKht aicnincli niDio leinnnor.itlto thin ,
to. 11 i.'othlle cxpensis aie mail tl ill ) less
I bi'ii lias In en uspeel il inoteiiiont lolly in
I'aeihc Mall ottlnj lo tlio decision of the
lioiiseof repiesenlatlM's to ippiopilalo I'rl-
( lav ind atiuili ) for the i-onsiiloritlDii of t lie
snlislih 1 > III As tblIs a 1 1 public m ineisiiit'
adei itod lij tlio n irt ) and eiiilinsul by tin
ailinlnisti ition It Is ovpiotnl the n't will bu
pasMil , l.ondiia lioir.'ht 1'nlnii 1'ielhu anil
st Paul lint suM Ati lilsini I'lnanilal .ilT.iiis
tboio aio not altogether sottk'il money been -
en mln. ; , i little dean I 'I In rn tteif IHI1.UOO
wltbili.nvn lioin tbe Illinlc uf l n.'binil leila )
for shipment to tout li America. Mont't heie
.iltlidiicli i.isy rates , blKlur t b in List week
and the 1) inks are lu lnn mom1) . Tlio stock
market closed dull mil buely steaily foi
most stocks , Tot d sales. Ki.Ul.l.
M.tV Millk si-Oiks.
_ _"ks. I nptin I lnw I tliiso \estj I
\V A I , K
llocklni : Vali a f ! 27
Miiohitlnn jiriif Wis > >
\\abith | ) M Is' ' I is IH
1 rtu I9H 1DV. . 11H
( 'anil 11 s > o W > '
I'lieltlc Mall
Uikushuro in' ' ! lll'l 11IH
I. .N. N ! * 75' J
Lund Irnst , MS.
C C ( ' . . ] ftlVu
Mirlhwest n 107
Slo 1'ac w-1 (
Union I'm1 it1' 4414
S 1'no '
pM Vl'-i
.N Ino coin , ! ' 7H
e , ii v g MW ,
Hock Ulni'l I.7S
st I'Ul I tl'K. Wi
s IMiil 11. 11 '
pfd 'H 11'H
West , Union fl 81 hi
I ) , 1 , \ \ \ ir , IMS
tinnir 1'rinl fl' ' Nl
Allisili ; lit ' ! ' TU'
Jerviy I'cnt Hit IP. nr , 11.- .
New Tnuld sr.i (
HI eli Form I lav ,
Chlllli. ! ) O.I11 ll'l
ULMilIni ; 3J
Del \ llud IU1 { unj 1,1 1
I'ullmin I.U Ul ni nn 1' . ' . '
No Am I.UhK , is
Midi font 61 t't ' iii
Miter KH IM
A : It I'W h'
UMi Inin |
Mot ( ent
A C Oil . Z.'S , ' "n
Tens 11 's
Tonn C \l
The follow IIIK ai o the closing iinotatlons :
U s 4J ri'k'I'turi'J . .1SOU .Sorthorn I'nettlo . 2'1 (
U ? it couponi ' " ' "
U 4V 8ri > UlstlTCl | OI1 C t V W .V.I . .Ittll
U S 4s c'liipom ' . IUI do proforruil . .11
I'ncillo l.s nf .li .Ut , Ne Vorkluntral . .103
Outfit I'.icttlc . ' 1' I ) A. 11 UHj
\lton 121 Hurk lalnnd . . . > U
JII 'CM ' , V st | . . . ( , ,
6i | l il" preferri'tl .11.
II , I. A ' ! ! > M l'niil\U n ilii . .l'i '
ItllnuN ( intrnl . . . 10 I iliipreftrre.t . fi. '
I. , II A. \ \ I'nlon racllle . HH
Kan ii A Tctu . . . . , \ \ ht. I. \ ! . ' .Ul
I.nlnfrhort ) . . Ill'l ' tliproft-rreil h'j '
Mlthlhrant cut nil \\c \ toru Union . H
Mlitourl 1'i.c II' . . .
MnM.l-Uii call , easy ; closoil olloroi at , 'l
I'lltMK MBII4 ( > Tllt ! I'AIM It VtiTJ pCri'OIlt ,
MriiMMi I \cii\\db Moauj i blxty-ilay
bills , il.hii ( luaiuid , } ! . - ?
. 11 i i > i17 ; .s tn rn.
ClllctfiO , 1'i'b S3-spoilal [ Tilcvr-ini to Tlin
HlK ] P .TTI l. Hiiilnc'ssttas aialii ; fclow nnd
prli'es tteak lo a shulo hitter on ulli'lassos
hi'iircoly nn.\ tiling In tlio f it htor lint1 "C'llln , ;
us strong as tostoriliy , nml In iniinvc'i os snb-
rituntlaily loner. Kasturn and I'liKlMi nur-
ucts are dull tind HIMIC and our Io ilopeta-
tors report heavy blocks uu hand auJ no
room lu rutrlsoratora for more , Old cu b and
Sim li n t in u nt low wntor n > arlt
s. > mi lot itt nil an | ( . as K toll ou per linn
ilrtdp 11 lid < and ( jnotl emt si. ek Is nli'Ut n *
b.wus al mi ) t in. HnlH ami otlii > rn < IFMI
sloik in i ) bi > ipiolod eMri'inell lo\t stotlc
or-uiro in fair dcMituid nnd ah nit Ihe only
elms lu thec'allli1 Mm1 th ills selling nf Mi-iily
prices lop | irli'es toilnj wore * * . < dl40 ( > for
( Mrn and ebolt o steers , others. H T il'i' ' * ; tnc-
illiini. tlwvitl Meaiinliiu ooiis. ( lOiKitIV ) ; other
CDtts. Ji' , bu Us. JJ.a l CW , sloeki't s. ! . ' ' .f >
llodlluslhosq innie iirtlii * linn josterdiiy.
u llli IIIMC ind tln o.i load orsnof iirliuoniul
f.ini'V In it v M'lHni ; a liad ( < liltflitT 'Ilio
W ( itlu-r ttns eool and hrirltu ; the \tnrin riln
of ) est > iiliiy hat nif liocu foi lowed li ) U bird
fiei/o lust nU'lit i leh cliamesi nnafly il-
u als hate a stinml itlmr oilect on the marki'l.
Koiiitli and coinniiiii sold ut M , C"i-l. l'i , mixed
nnd pin kess | , Ji YHIV > ! pilmi1 hoitv nnd
liiU'lu > r ttoli-liK JIuOuJG. ' ; lliht , } J5.V.iJJliO ;
pigs , } . ' 7/iS.I. fo
'I'lio ddVi'c * Market.
XMV YotiK , 1'eli i'l [ spool d Tolojrram to
TUB HIP ] IIIKI'H- Options opened linn
uni'lia used to . ' " > points up , and closed sloiily ,
l.'nJ.'O points dint n toll ) op ' ales , tl'l.OOJ Ins * ,
liioliidlni ; I'lMiriinit.ilT TtflT.Nl ; Mnrcli. 11750
( i6lfV , ; April , fi : S ! > < 6l7..nt Mn ) . SinUWftlJ III ;
.Inno , 3llifiXf&lii7t : .litlv. ! H'.i" > i5liI-W | i-optoni-
i toi > er * liM ( ! llceeinhor.
M' ' ) ' ' . spin Ulo line ipilot ; fall cargoes ,
iM'l7.'ii ' > Uii , .No. T , tl" U'liUVJa ,
Shares' .
VK\v Voitu , I'eb -l-tmcl.d ToloRrnni to
Tilt III I'l Ilio fillotslii0' ) aio thu mining
stoi'K qiiotatlniis :
LIIICUIO , I'ol ) . ! . " > . l lese Il.isy ;
cash. ttWUV1 . M iIHiy.IuU ) , ! K.'y.
( 'urn s.a\ | , | \ ; cish. ' ' ; \lnWti .
Hits r.iisy.c.isli , r > < tiltiiMay. . 4T'if. '
I'm I i rifin , i-iisii , yi.Oit'i visinj , i 7o
I. ird-riim , i-iisli , i'lOUj Mi"i "j.
short lllljs-riiin , i-nsh , 4-IU'i : May , il S. . .
lit O I'll III It S'JIi Sti.
II ii Ii j Nnmlti it it 7i'r
I'rllnu I'lllinlllN ( .Illlel tt 11
I'liiN IIiisv at it 'Wc&l JO'a. '
\\hlsk \ ) ft It.
riiiut I'tiiliiiniroil ; ttlntor
fllld , { ! . ' .
; sprlnir pitMits - MiJi-l.'iO.
llulK Moils-Mnnildirs , W'lVTllOO ' ; short
clear , il * O' tl > > ; slioi t ribs , $1 i iM 1.1. .
llntlii I'lim ; c'icMiiicry , J.iS Jo ; dnlrj , BO ®
! full cro'ini chi'dd ii"5 , 10'iffTl
Huts , lU'sWllc ; iotniK Atnuleas , lliC
lX'Us-\V > al < : rush , ri' '
Illiles I'nili in eil ; llcht nml lioavy croon
ilti-il f.f < c'i'e ' ; v'r . J > ic : siltcil bull 4'iffJ
' e ; dr > siilltil , iM'i" L'teui ) s.lltlil t'.ilf , t > i ; ,
Irs Illnt.Sc. drv etlf. s inc.
'I'lillim I'neh unieil ; No. J , sollil pioltcd , 4ci
No. H.J'ifai'at ' ' ; o.tkt' , I
IVhiMit bu 41,000 l"l,00il
, 'OIM , Illl 101.001) ) llKI.OOO
; ) ats , hu IIJ.OOO 17',000
NIH YOIIK , IVb.2' ) . \\hoat-Kicolnts. \ 70,800
jnsliilsj ixpoi Is , 111,000 ; spot , \\eiUer.No. 1 !
id , Jltfl a Iii ( detntor ; Jl.ll'i ' nlloit ; JIlO'i ®
IJ'n f o b ; options closed itoali. No. ' . ' toil ,
IVbrtt u v.eloslu , : at f 1 ( "IV.
rum uculpts , IIfidO ) hiishols ; ( i\nort ,
IS neil hiishc'ls ; snot si ron i'r ; No. ' - ' , dVfM1 - In
'lev-itor ; U/itMi'ic ' atloit ; uii/i tdod inlxud ,
il34lii'i14C.Options ( ' stronTobriiaty ; closed
It l.'x1
Oul Kocolpts 750flOhusliolsi experts none !
spot higher ! No. 5 tthlto , .M'4i' ; inlxod
> "f'.Vi'tiwhite ; , filtfcti.'iopllDns ;
'el > iu iry. "il'ji * .
su 'ir lint , tlrni ; iunseoulo , S9 ( ( st , MHO ! , U < > test , ,1'ie ' ; t and r icliiied ,
I'c'ttolenin ' to nly.
r.UKsI'lrt'i ; visti in 17f.
l'or I'lrin ; nint nn s tn
Lard Opt ned \tcil \ ! ind c'lost'd btlonj ; . Host-
in steam { ( .on .
Under linn : ttestoin dairy , IMl.c'i west-
rn I'leainory. : 'l i too ; I Icln lie.
Clncse--slionrI , llKht sUlins , .VBsiji ; .
" -T I.oi'is I'l-b . ' 1hoat \ \ Iriigiilar ; cash ,
II'HIMll \ , 'n ' < afil i > -i >
Ciiin-lll.-hor : cash , MV , May , W'io
O.its-lll.'hei , t ish | ijiBe , May , 47c.
l'trk-l. > niet at 8" 7 , " >
Laid ijtili t at f > . 10
\ \ hlsky Jl 11
' - " '
-L'liL- '
MINM AIOI.IS. , I'i r > STi \\liciit IllR itiinand
'or oash wheat and pilees stioiu ; luelpts ,
70 cais : slilpinints , V > ears Closing : No I
iird rohiuaiy. ' ) r c , on track , Ode , No. 1
loilht'in , rt' ind Muiih. PJu ; .Maj.
i.laic , on trick'Hi1 ' ; No i ! northciii , I'uhiuaij ,
le ; on U.ic'K , UPiitOJ'n.1 ' ,
CiTi , IVb i Wheat Quiet ;
No. J hard cash , Mo asked.
Corn Stenli ; No. i , cash , 4so ; I'obni-
rv,4S'f(4)s\v. ' , )
Oats ML nly ; No. S , casli , 44'8c bid , 1 ubril-
my 44 c bid.
Mil \UKr.K. . IVI ) . ' . ' 'i \\lieiil K.isy ! No ! . '
, pi IIIK , cash , O,1'1 ' ! ! : May , \ ) , c.
Coin I'lrin ; No II , 'i.'tf.
Oats rinnui , No. Jwhlti. 47'ii1.
l'ru\ Klouscjnlct ; poi k Miij.ti ) OT'i ' ,
, Ttb a.1 ! Win it Notiilnul ! No 8
i-d 'HK'ffl ' 01
I'ont HI/hiT , No 2 nilNPil , r > Tli'S" ' > Se ,
Diits siroii , No. ' 'nil \ i ) I , tU'siU'se. '
\\hlski'j-Sl II.
It\i itrnnij , I'ob n ' tcadj j dc-
iiand f. tilt n otT
( 'inn.Milot ( , lowtrj mixed \\isturn \ , f s 7(1
[ IL1 ! Itlltul. _
LI I 1. HlOi'li ,
. . . , Toll J--c.ittlo lioeelpts irm\ \
.niirkot sln\v and \ttiK , stteis i \ti i , WOdfij
( g * . " ) ! ) ; nipilliiin to Ktiod , 1\mit\t'n \ \ cotts and
jidls , il W \ ( H ) , stiKkcis , I.'VtrSt. \ .
IliUs Iteeoliits , 4.IXI ( ; maiUil aetlto and a
sli ule hl.'lii'i , niiiKli and loiiitiion. f I I.Vt/l l'i ,
mixed and pukeis fl."i > H.'i ; pi line bi'at v
ind butilior itilslits , , llylit , 4.1 .JW
I. V >
sheep I'l-oolpts , . ' . .OlOj maikot Irieiulir ;
wi stei us , $ j 40 < iO.OO natltih , il 00 ,1 VJ ; lambs.
ST Lori * . I'ol ) . 2" > Cattle Koci'Ipts , 5100
lenl ; hldpincnts , IOI ; ; niarkit lottc'i ; fair
to f uiv n il Itcs , il'JJji j.'j , stot.kc'1 s .nid I
ors i. . .
llo s Uuoi'lpts , 1,9)1 ) ; slilpniLiits S , ' < 0 ; in ir-
UU loxxir , hi iv v , Jl . ( 'nJlOOi , fVu ,
J.M , liyht , * J 0 .t.W
fin. Tot ) . 21 Ciltto Itoculpio.
I.OUO held ; shlpnunts. II OJO bend ! market
\cr > < lnli ; slur- , } I ! " ' ( . ' 'r ' > ; inws , Jl > o < iiJ.7. > ;
.touUcrs and feudus , iJ liO'iiU ' 7" )
IhMs-Kei'clpts , l..niO head : shipments. ; t,10C
held ; in n IvOt hl hoi ; all Kr.uhs , * JUOJ OJ ,
ClariceInKoll.Mnintaliied ! and Sliu\\
i' Coinparatlvc ( iaius.
, O , Fob S'ipi'dul [ Tolosraiii
toTiiKllu'.l-Tonionow's I'llio UuriLMit will
bay : 'Ilio markclliiK of IION Is well tnilii-
nlned , pieliln n linns Indicating J50.00J for
\\ukaKaliist auout SOOOUOlast year. The.
total slneo rsoxonibir Is abuiit 7li < 1"'OiWiiiiil the
Indications are tint marly m ( ] iiltu7.VOOOOJ
will bo lln.illy shmui for March I , a ilnst
( i.iAVOOO last , liunlyliiK a K'lhi of fully
liOJO lliitiM ] weights \ \ ) | | IM.iko the iclu-
tlMi alnof ( irob.ililj uhoiit , iir ulHitit l
] nr cent. 'Iliu leading places compaio as
folluus ;
O.W.I.I LIVE . .SrC7f. .
OMHA , Tcb 21. nil.
CVTIIE ritlmuteil roooiuts of c.ittlo i ui a
coniDircil with id'i ) i'stunlav ami 1,71
\\cdne4ilayof \ \ last ueuU. Ilio ninM'tnt :
.ihout stonily on the hi st cr ules nf lieovn am
liutehtr stiiol , , anil sloit and lOe to l'ie lime
on loss ilesiuililu Kriulis , Niiililn ; u as doiio
In tlio feodi'r line mil the market > tas san'ln
IloiH 1-stinKilcil rooulpls of lie s tn. > i
us eoniDirod ulth DAI'l ' yesterday
and Sr > \\edncsilny \ \ of list Heel , Tlio
in. u lift \sasaetltu anil a sh ulo to fie hL'lier
All soli ) Ihe r.iiun of tlio pik'is p.ilil u a
iHI'i. ' iim hulk selllu , ' nt j.iUiCtr
. Jl Wil'Vli ' lliiht-IUlits j.1 VMiMM. I.Uhl
' .i. Ci ; ln'i\y , il Wif.UO ; nilxeil t2 iH. f
Tlio ateraseof the prkes p ihl w as Jfi.'l'-i ' ' , a
innipiiod ttllli f 'I' , jostinlay and } ii : ( ) '
\ \Vednisila\ last ueuli
' HIM1 ritlniateil iit-olpts of slioen , 4 , >
iisi'otnparul tt Ith 1,011 jest onlay nmlVoil ( ! \
ilnv of Just \teik 'I ho iiiutten inarkitua
jxisIt ion of Slock.
niinilx'i' of citlle , ho's am
shut1) ) ) puiiliaseilon this market , is ri'iiorlu
liy tliu\\L < lKliiiinslir of tlio blookyauU coin
paio ' 01 1'i.briHirt u''i.
CAT ! I.K.
llil ) ( < rs , > 'o
Ptvlft.Cc . 7J.
Thud II. llaniinond loiiipauy . .V
The Ciidnhy pin kln uini | , my . I"
Jnsi nh Dainion . . . . 1
I.ei.1 Itotlisihllil . . .
Hamilton \ sti pheii . .1
It. , IhrUer .1 Dmau . . . . . Ill i
< h pprrs nut foi di'
\ an suit A. i arc )
The Cinliiliy eoninaiiy
Oinnlii I.-IU
IhcMl II liimiunml
hi piur.s anil foeih'N' .
win A t\i . . , . ,
In1 Cnilali ) I'aoklii ; ( tonip my
lilppots anil foe-tiers 10S
lie | Mi'MnMti\i
APr. . No. Ai I'r. No A v t'r.
17.10 M 00 I. ' UlCs f TO tl 00
7ii : i ii 1M..IHI II 70
tin ) a 2.1 4 l.'li ) jl 71 soso I iii I 4 ( X )
ovi : i 21 ' so 1121 4 10
w law ii -0 soII 4l'i
o i i.u a so IW 4 'it
l.1 11 u a s ) II IM 4 2.1
nw : i 41 20 .1I.-J a s | SI 1BUI ! 4 21
771 ; i io 11 no a N ) 1.M I I'll '
nt : i n y . i i7i ) a fi 1 ? r.'w 4dl
i.ui : i jo i > 11171 a ' 1 i.iv. 4 .11
75 ! ) : i w us 1011 a " > i Si ) 4 .0
luf ) iuj ; i . in * ! a w so 4 ID
c ISM : i * i II II'M 4 ill
IW ) iiftj w ioii7 a w 1(1r. ( 1411 4 fill
u uvi a m r. HIS
iavj iito si ioi ) aw r.SJ 1.IIJ 475
1071 a 70 1 * 1117 4 00
S" . l OJ i ;
| i0 | 1 00 Ifl ) 'J 00 fi . s < - , }
no 1 ' "i KM a ( K ) 1 1(1(1)Jtl ( ( ) )
i > 10 1 SI SI HIT 'J ( H ) II IU1 SM
SJl 1 S" ) SISI I MO U 00 h ioij au >
' Ol I ' . 'I SI 7lU ' _ ' W f. rn a M
i .n 10 i ! i'i i Miii a m
I Ifl 10fi IIM I ! S.1 is pillJ 70
1130 i w so . lewis t ; si
loin is id ' _ ' .n ll Ids ? 271
i.1 IN ) B I I'D ' a 71
IVIO ! . ' HIM 1 MO a 71
i li'i ui . 1)70'J '
i R"I 10 MJI ir,1 mi BUI
I is ? i ( " m IDUI i nuo : u < o
170 I | | ( X ) BN ) i .11'ij ' and
1 75 4 urn t ; ' > >
i so i oo y v ) 7 . MS iin
70.1 uo si wvt sw i. uu ja.i
nri.t .s ,
. 010 200 I | i,50 , ' . ' .Ci
I'll ' ) j to ire „ ' iu 1 lid ' 'l.l .
s i" > a i.T'i y 4) 1 lid S71
IIV ) ! ! li' > 1 1)70 ) .TO 1. . I7.M S0
lit ) 1. 11)10 ) BS.1
lisa S 2' .
101 SOO Hi 7H 241 II . 7 < O 270
220 L' . MO 24J 5 7 > J ar
41) ) 22T > i..rn 213 il 'III. ' Jsll
. 510 22.'i 1 8JO 2 N ) 8..1007 S83
: i oai 32.1 so. 1117 sm
7 1000 .1 00 1. 10IJO 3 13 8. . 523 32.1
i ton a is
1 RT 5 .10 1 ICO 4 00 0. . 108 425
1 1170 , IOJ a. Ill 4''J
1 1CIO J35 1 1170 ,150
S"o ASit. . I'r , No. Av. Sh. I'r.
: . ' IK ) so , .210 JIS1
I 00 01. . . . .SIV ) , IS1
I 0.1 CI . , , .a7s I2J : isi
I 10 07. . , BUS KO .12 ? ' ;
U ) , 21 > 0 18H .IJ7' ,
I 10 IB . ,1 III
! 10 71 . Sis 1J3
10 Ifi .
I 10 W ) . .1.1) )
10 M. . , . ' . ' 74 20J )
I 10 f > 'J .lilt bO , I.W
10 'JW . , I1.VJ I , W
; ! 1-i ! ' IT I . . .S.IB 203 J 10
- ' 70 . BI.I so .1.10
tl' 7J . BOO 81 Kid
; i 11 5S Bs'l N ) ,1,10
11r. B.17 120 IW
r. . 74 an * , iso J.M
in 57 'Jill SIO .1.10
: i n 5'I ' . . .07 tQ ,1,10
: i n ' " > , .B-I so \ .
't r > 14. S.I I 1C. ) t.10
; t 11 : u , If.'S 114) I K' ,
11n 11n si . . : io. 10 , CiB' ,
n r- ) ' ,1'f.
n r4 ] , 'iin 200 t.n
51 as'i ' 10
SO . .B77
: i so lil. . '
i so t't. B70
i ao t.s Jill 100 1,15
'I MJ t'j B7 ? 40 .1 .Ci
a io io . B7I ! 40 I.C.
: i so 71 . .a ID , lr >
.1 BJ til am 200 ,1.17'i
a sea b7 . an .1.17' ,
a 'M ilsl ) IK ( ) .1 10
a 'M5 . ao ? ) bo .140
a uj'i ' r. ) ' 140
a -'i ' 43 . : m so .140
a 21 .140
a si 45. ! .4.xl J U
a si
AND llOITdtl.
. . . .H2 80 B tlU .15 , . tX ) 240
. M - a ij ao . . in sr.o
. . SK ) 40 a 23 10 . . . . tu sr > o
. b-l 40 B Jj
Av. I'r.
westoi n , tnlxcil . ioj jl ir >
woitei nsml\ul . . 101 4 15
.Tf.rtfM. l i ; JI.lftKKTtl.
Coiinlry I'roiliHM1.
It At isu lltlln iptlot In the iiio.liicc1 inirkots
jistetilav. I'lio SOXLMPI old weathel kept i
good many Indoors unii tlii-n , too , is a ilealn
ii'inaikud , II seunis as If tlieio Is not aiucli ( Ic
in mil fin ponlt rj ant ! th it kind of prod me
iliu In , ' tin1 mlild'cnf thu t\u li. ' 1 ho best but
Inn fumes tuttuiil the ilo-o of the tteelv I'rleis
ji stotil ly HCIO not iniiih ihmjrul fioni tin
ilailifoio. . 1'jiKi anil ililc-ktns aio c lU anil
am in t Lteit tiling else In in
1 i.iis A ft'W sihn of sin ill lots wire ro
put tnl } c < slulu ( > it 17 ( , Iml there net ! plentt
of iv't's to be liiiil it Kic , and ili'.ileis u Ith
lie i\i stocks \M'K' not isUlnj nny mine. In
the prifsCMil londltloii of the 111,11 ki t It t oohl
hnill ) bosifo for slilipui- | unlk'lnalu inntu
tli'in l'ie. '
l > iilllitChliUns were weak anillillt1
some s ill's tvei tepoituil at si > It \ \ is linnl
ttnrlc to lid ahoto 7o I-MII for ( joodsi noli
Diic'ks I'lcquoHil at 10V4l-'ii ( foi gooil stuck ,
gieso , HKnlli ; turkeys lli.l."sc. (
Ill Iliu unit hrl ennlliiUPi teiyflnn'
ulth Ilio iieeipts ll''lil. deed ( oinitry i oils
sell nailllj to tliuolij tr.iili at lffilse ( nnd oc
ioning i lit tic laoio Is uhtaltad foi
Quotations aio
Oionli i :
Dltll N- IONS
10 fl in ft. BO ft , 22 ft. a4 ft
2\4. , ir. o ) jr. . M tin iw tli 00
2\ll 1.1 ( II 115. ) 1(100 17 110 mo
15 00 11 50 JfilK ) 17 ro IS 00
2UO 15 00 n 50 Hi 00 17 50 1800
2\IS ICO" " ) Ib 00 1700 li 50 1900
4x1 to
111 00 17 00 IS m 13 Oi ) 1000
Pi \ ( I , d In , 18 and 14(1 ( , rf. JlO Ol ) ;
No I , ( Mn , In ft. * l'.00 ' ) , 4'lOO ' , No S U In ,
1. ' and 14 ft , rf , < ll ( ) ' ) ; 4 In. ill 00 ; No. 2 , fi In , Ki
ft. JlifcOO ; 4 III. SII10) ) ; No.I , llln. U and 14 fl ,
SUtllj 4 In.fW.OO , No J , Olil , 1U ft , Ull.OJ ; I In.
H.i m.
.s-iniNJ-A , 12.11 and m ft , IJ3.00 , C , JI7.50J It ,
12 , Hand 1(1 ( ft , } .0..0j P. * IIW.
Ilo\uiis-No 1 coin , fls.0 . ; No 2 , com , ! 1100 ;
No ,1 , eoin , ! l I.M ; No 4 , coin,111 1) ) .
STIK h. ItoAiilH-A.IJln.sls. * 4S.CO ; II , 12 In
sis , ill 00 ; I' , $ iuon : I ) . * J..iiU , No 1 common , is
In. sis , 10 , IJ and IS ft , IJI.OO. No 2. Jls V ) ; No. I
common. Uin , sis. H ft. j.MUl ) : No. 2 , $1710 ;
No 1 common , la In. sK 1(5 ( ft. $10 VI ; No S ,
$17 ( W : No 1 common , IJ In , his , 20 ft , tf.'l 00 ; No ,
S , ill 50.
MIII'i.M * No 1 plain , 8 and 10 In , JIQOO ; No.
2. JIOOO : No 1.0 L ! . . bin. IN lMt ) No. . ' J1C10 ;
IU In , Kronted niofliiK , IB. II and Id ft , JI0.50.
I IMSIIIMI IstaiKl.'d [ cl I In , s"s , { 1)00 ) , PI ,
11 nnd S In , * 4'IOO , .Id c-lonr. I in's , | r , onp4
l't nnd Sin. f4700 , A.Koloit , 1 lu , s's.lli oo , ] it
1't , ind Sin , flluo , II , soloil , 1 In , h.'s , $11.00 ; P4.
> , and a In. 510(10 ( ; U.holett.l In , s-'s , } . ' 7.1H ) , p4 ,
li unii Sin , f-l.iOJ.
A , II nrt , selot't. all Irt-foot. $100lra. .
' IIUTIIIIINit.i.oit I'IM 1st nnd 'nil
lloorlll . 11-It' , slur. Jil OO ; II-KJ il'IOil ' , coiiinion
tlonilnu , 11-10 , Jir-.W ; ilftc'lcir , Kl-IH. * UCO ;
1st and 2(1 ( eh u , " , t ulllni : , tllfli ) ; 1st amiM
cli'ir. 'a oollliu' , $ l'lln ' ; lit and Si I cloai. iidl-
In. i- . " > UJ ; 1st. am ) 2d clou , linlsli , s.'s , fioni I
tin li , if . ' 7IKJ ) 1st auu''il cleir tlnlsli , sN.fioni l'i
inch , f Will ; Isi nuclAI eloii.lliilili , s.'s.frnin l'i '
and " I nih , f toilJi 1st.ind .M clear , i .p casings ,
I'm'i.Mi Lt'Mtii' 1-lnPli and up , 1st and Sd
cloir. 1 Inch , s''s , f.MTO ; ( Inuli and up , Island
ad t lour. > i hit li panel. * "I0i.
( ASM. Doons 1/iv-Tiirlio.iiil , tl 'irtj sash , . ' 5
perot ; doois M ) poi it ; Idlnds , W pi'i ut ;
iiiotlldln.'s , fit per ot ; t.u rod foil , per cit t. ,
S.'lii , btriitA lioird. II.l.l.
ll\rii\h , \ \ n.i.iViiiNo KTIf ) . 0 S'i-lncii ,
0 , " > t j is\lhx.iv | * ; .Miu-hivell lillillli l > .iM.
ami Dot $ . ' 1.111 nkliLlii , l > > V II Hat , J.iO.50 ; D.
1 l.oiiilisil A. Kin , hllo pliio. < s.O ) ; n
J"i' > u ; ll.ii In. whlto pine , $ UIJi ( ; I ) , J.'ono , I. ,
l > in , tv lillo iiino , ( sol fenc-ln l , $1700 ; drop ld-
ln. ' . ftdc nor Mi xt ii ,
MIIMIIIS. hsin n\lra " \ . ' pine , ,
Htinilald "A , " < J.41i e\tii "A , " t-iipu. t-'W ,
(1-liicli ( don | iliif , il'U ; L'lcar ii'dttoo I ! ! , ' . > ,
lath , f twi
I'os-i s-\\'lilli ) cedir. fi-lnch 'js. ' | | i > ; ( Much
qri lie ; \t lilto I'l'dui , .1'i-lneh ' , ''j ' *
tjrs Ikttlilln ; oi-diil 4-hu'li loiinil IV , split
n Ui , be' ; lounissuo ted'1.
! Na\al , vlv. , . i.r
innes. fl25 ; I lorlda Idl ltt , f i li itissi Its
„ I .IN \niii ; | ( > s fi - ) ; mount nn finlt t- ' ' \
\t'i'i i- I ho siipp' ) Is ti rt lU'lit nn I prc'cN
eoiiespondlin , ' ! } hluli l.ood looU is lnld ai
I.ikjiji'ijij and MMIIO fancy iitiplcsas liiu'li as
$ < IOJ.
I'llMiriiinis ' looks at present ami rv
ll.'ht nnd ait1 limited fur the must put to hi II
nnd fluri \tliloliaroliuldatubout I" ' * < , but
am not of very need iinnllty A lonslKnniLiit
of Jcmy btoiV la i\uecUd loan It u about Uio
llrsl of the- mouth whlili * , % il ) bo olToted at
l'i \IH - \ ( ott lnrto ! l ilifornla pmr . ninlrr
-.irlctli's an titleiiul alls siwio ' per \w\ \
I.I.Miiss ( liolri' Mslim. JlOti ; tine ) , $1.5) .
Mil.till ( IIIU'I s-IVl lil'l. ) | ii.Wil'W. )
. . . . . . . . . 'S-Tlic nml lii'l continues l Of ) lilch
and slot'Us nro onlinodcM ttcly I'irjU' , I'ol-
tundn stocl , , fl lKiOI.20 pur bit ; I cm a Mcieli ,
siioUod. il.Wpef liu.
s\t \ 11 r I'orvruis Cholc'ii lo\a stock , ] ur
Mil. $ | 'l.
Ui < iMiirn < Sinllierns stud ! . INT def 1 50.
Sii\l ( n I'er hid , * . ' . ( ) ) .
Cl'l HIV t lloU'l'Moi'li , I.H. ' .
I'liiSMi's I'crlihl. . ) .
I'Mintiii : I'ei II ) a1 ' " ' "
Ill n tu KM * Mli'hlu in stook , ppf b u , COo
Urns | 'ir bu * l onutt S" > .
UN ION j itstein sini'K , JSV ) per bbl.
I'lllllors I'er Idd , $ ' 21.
I'loilsluni ,
rtltsti Mi ii--Iliitut 20 Ihs i\\f , 7 < iO ! ir.llis
inc. 7'ti1 ' ; l.'lbs ' inn , 7V : sinmliltis. im1 ; porlt
loins in1 ; perU tenilcrlolits. l.'itcleaf ' ; laid , not
londoioil , 7i'l sji HOI His , , lc.
I'OIIKMilliii : Noti mots pruk , nlili , $1000 ;
( illun nii'sspoi ! „ { ' ) r0il ! I l pi line poll , , JSV ) !
I'leni bach inn K lieio ) , $117 , ' . i-lou liai U pell. ,
medium , til SI ; shnrt out ch'ir pntl. , JIOHiplK ( ;
pot l < } ll Vi ) next o\t i inti-ss liei' ! c Mia
jdute liot'f , } s 'J , . ; plntohecf , } t.Ui ; lollnl btini'
loss hief. J'VI ; honeloss l unips , } IJ ; shoiihler
I liuls s Till
Dm S.MT Muis I'at hicl.s r.'jc ; li in
hue Us M ,0 , , eMt i sliorl e lei is. Bi , bi-lllos. Hi to
' . ' 0 HHIIMM m'e , 1 o. short ilhs r.oi slmrlclc1 irs ,
l' ' c ; Ion i lie irs i ; shoiildcis , 4' ' ' ' .
&MOKIII Mi\is : lirj salt citted-line-on
loti ilonis , .1'ii'i ' slniit ileus , .1 aii i'\lii
short clouts , l1 , i li | | li's. plo ir strips , in1 ; hol
lies , oleai wide. i ' ; slnn t i His , 51,0 ; shnuliUis
4'ii-s fat ln'Us ) , Co ; lean btii'lis. ( | i4o.
SMOKI D Mt\is : lltsl Hii ar inicd llains.
ovti.i toll ) His 11 % A i UP , buns llclil.
II to IJ lltsiu ir , s'li-j ' linns' , medium , II tn l" >
Ibs me si , , . ; liouy. 20t Bill's H\K * > < " < ( -\tin
heatt , a.t to S. > Ha n\f , 71C , sUlnned sllelnc , is
lo'JOlhs ate , SY , ( . ' .illfornla lintns , l'ic ' ; , Sot\
1 otk slii > iilili'isl'n- ' ; lloston shonlilors. II to s
Ibs , HL' , , ' , ; biineli-sshain 7'fC ' , spltid IHIIIC-
less rolls , ii'nlueal.fist ' ; liiion , drat , "i lo 0
Ibs strips,7Ihrenlvfnst ; haeon , rib 7c ; KII-
tennl ll bti'T iDiu'nt's , ll'ji , ilihdbcif li.itns ,
sets 7'tc ' ; ri til n. ( io clods , , V4i ; f nicy hail
backs , i.i.u , fspi'i lal-llains , la to i : > Ibs uth'
10c : lireaKfnst hieon inc.
I'rni 1,1 uItun best Ui-tllo rindc'rcd
Tlortos , ( ji.o ; lMriflsfic ; half battels , d'4e ;
V-Id ) 11 us (100-Hi ( i asisi , d'4o
I'liin hint ) lion m , ( ic ; harroH , li'ac ' ; h-ilf
b.iiiols , t , ! 1 : Ml Ib tlirUlixMli i-ises ) . dUc.
Illll TiiNdl'ls Sttiet ploUlid , sugu i-nred
Hincl , . ' 0l ) His , ilMU ; li lit ballcsls , 100 Ibs ,
} i > f.U
I'OIIK Tosdi'is--Hit't jiloUlrd su-'ir pined
II df Illinois , | jo Ibs , JT.'iOj ( ] iiiitui baitols.
M Ihs , $1.0) ) ,
lyAtiti-s' lovii is stic * < * InlcUhil , sii u cured
ll.ilf liurruls , IIM lln , i7.0 . ; ijnirti i baiiols
M Ihs $1.00
Snt Ki > Host ii < I'tos' llncus-fool id llnlf
bands , M ) ll ) < JI.7U ; ijn ului h.u ills , 40lbs.
$ . ' .f.J
Sen KII PHIS' TOMU'II - - Cooltod Illlf
baiicls M ) Ibs , $11.50 ; quai tei banus 401Ls.
} fi.JO (
SlMCCI ) l.AMIIS' ToNOll CdOkod Illlf
bant Is , sfllbs , ilO 50nnailei lj.uiuls , 10 Ibs ,
Sli nil
I'Rki.i nTliil'i Ihrrol" SOllli" , ? JJ1 ; half
Illinois , w Ibs , fa.oil , ijuutorb n rels , 10 Ibs ,
I'll ki.i D Pins' KIIT : Hiricl" 200 Ibs. } lf > 0 ;
half barrels , SJlbs , } . ' II ; iiuarlur buiuU , 40
Ibs , $1 ,10
M.IS-4W Holosnn , 4cj Karllc. per ID , 7o ;
rrniiKfnrts ortlon * iwnists , pel 11) ) , 7c > ;
tonguo. pur It,7'tcr ) ; blood , per Ib , 4 io : liter ,
porlb , l'o ' ; In id ilieeso per HI , 4le ; poh-.Ii ,
jx-rlh , 7o , porK suns IKC. hnlts.por Hi , t.c . ; pork
sansaKi- at , lu t In p ills pci Hi. : > > , c.
On s. TAi.i.nnMI b n MUM I'nre uoit's-
fool oil , HV pi r Kill ion ; pnii * lu-UVfout nil ,
l-Kil. cms ' " ' p r irallon ; A 1 tallmt , 5o put
Ib ; sleailne , ri\i in l 11) .
H T lu ) ! . Mill On . ldli intent , No. I nn.l
C'u nn . ' 7l ( ; Him * D full p itinl. f'll ; llntK-
( * \balf pali nt , f. ' 10 ; spool d i ojnl iiilcnt.
No II ) . . " ( > ; Mliunsoi.i pitunt iTi. . Kinisas
nml \\lii1 it piliMil , $ B'u ; Nibiaika | iiln
tIn it p iten l.f. I.I
s 1' ( illninnsCold Mcihl. * . ' 70 , ' - nowhlto \ ,
52. a , .s-non Kliki * . fJOO ; Ion ni ide , II ill.
IlioUen Itutt lollor mills ( 'n un. ! . ' 70 ; Myi-
tle t. ' Ill , ( I dm , t'-'l ' : \ \ \ . l.sii , I'ldnitv ,
- " O , Mlnnesoi i cldof. ? J4' ' ) ; 1'ttent { - ' . ( ) .
( NMuinip s M adID r , 11-0 biiuk\tln at lloni ,
fl'.ipc-ri iso of V ) Mli im IUIRIS : ImcU theal ,
lnllls. ) N Y fdiO ; iMelsoi blind. } 1 Ml ,
-1 ip.lack niL.ll. $ 'tui Dot casu uf 13.-lb lueW-
Mi'i ell.-incoii" .
I'rcwn lililos. PtftlV , No I croon
sailed hides , ' . tVo , No J irm n silted hides ,
. .Vile ; No. 1 JIM ens iltul bides. 2 > to 41) ) Ibs ,
.Vid'je ' , No. Bglcin saltid lilths , LMt ) to Ibs ,
. 'iftle ; Nn. I teaU'.iIf , s toll Ibs 7c ; N'o J
\i il calf. H toll Ibs .1cVD lili v Hint Idili-s
TO"1No. ; . 2di v Hint hides , HS'ji , No 1 dij
salted hides , VJCOi-
'Ii.iott AMI I ! ill ISK fallow No l.U'jCW.ic ,
tallou No , ' , CT | i4i : reisp. tthlto \ I' ' 'l'ic' ;
Kii1 iso , nliltu II , . tt-l'iC'S ( iii'.isi1 , i llo\t , 2JaC
KIIHSI * . iliirl : , 2' it. * , olil butter , 'if J',11 , becitt a\ ,
pilnif , l'i'JOi ' , loiuli tallou. Pj'ii.Pii1.
HoNfsis CAU-I.ois OM. % Iliy liiilValn per
ton , * ln00"4is I'D ' ; diy uniiitij ble lelnd , pi i
1 . f-HMU'tl HKI ; d imp and ) , pel tun
$ stin/r moo. Tin si * i ileus .110 for buncsM luil
tinil dellterul In ( hle.iKo
SIM. 1 1' I'rifs ( lii'eii silt < d each 'rn JI.Bl ,
filicn siltplsli ( arllnis ( sliort NMioIed enlj
sklnsi i icli , lorts.l'c ' ; dry .hoailltnrs islnnt
wooli'd e.iilt sKlnsl No 1 dill. liftKc : drj
slu u linns cdioi t ttoci'ul i-.uly | , , \ ( > . .
eub. 'o , dr > Hint It insas and .N < hrat-ki
bntcbortool pelts , pel Ib. . ut lll'i- ( ( ,
diy Hint K.insi , aiid rsiliri-k.i : ninrialnMIOJ
pills , ppi II ) in t ml wel.'bt. sitlBo , dij Hint
( oloi ado bitl ( lici ttool Kelts pi > i lb lot u.d
wclflil liL41-c ( : diy Hint ( oloi.nlo inniiuln
\ > eel pills , pi i Ib , act nil > cliht , s ( iOc ; drj
pit ( i-s mil hiiL'ks ai t u d c'U'lit. 7 I'lc. '
\\ooi \ Kinis , ' Nelnuskii and I'uiiltory
l'nt,1'hed I Incneiii e , Ulo 15 ( liolu lr to
ll > ; im ilium , i\eruo | sto fl , eholei1 tl to 21
iiuutii blond nl l IIIP 17 lii.O. eholei * JJ ti > 'J
co 1 1 so iM-iatfo II to In c-lioli'i * | iito 1' , i oils
nnd nmtili atciu'o I. ' to II , i holei1 II t l >
stidv in biniy 1. ' In II lil irk 15 lo 17 , Iniiks
. .milirv Inn y line 10 In U' - ' * . * isln-d loinli-
bu and Delilnc1 I'ino dc-l linonernBf 1 1 lo
Id , cliolic Hiln 18 , i.iedluiii ihlalno aMli e.'i
10 'I. elioloo 211 to CB ; nii dliini ( onibln a \ i r-
111:0 Blto 21 , iU. | nler It'ooil ' unnhliiir ttorn.'i
17 to 1s elioko IS to BO , coaiso combing tine \ ( t
: no l.lto 17. ihoiio 17 tols : Inald itei u'c IB to
II , eboli'e Ulo Id I uh Wa'hed.-Cliolio Bs to
.tl ; awiauc'1.1 tocnitsc ) JltoBj.
Cni'r 'iits ol Coiiimeieo.
Oncni ibeis b.ivo put In an appeal inco .it
11 V ) pu do/on.
lames CnHIn of I , a I'l ' it to Noli , u as in the-
iltt. riplunlslilng bis SIOCIMJ stock.
U'lllljin ' niit linf r.drbiin , Nil ) , \tnslu the
clly and pheed an ouli i foi dri i.ooils.
S , f1. lleelic , Winner , Nobt is oilllii on the
Omahi jobhir-r Msti id ly and bujliii ? „ ( o ! s
A en of Coloiado pot.itoes urhud hst
nlw'bt nnd nlll In u tiered on the local inaiku
.it $ ' 10 porliuslii'l.
K II 1'r.ins , a pioinlnont liuslniss man nnd
iltl/en of I nlon , Neb , tMis calllnu' upon tlio
lobbusycstcid.iy and left somollbcii doidtis
for Koixls litfot o let urnliiK liomc
C. I I'lsinU. in tlio dins hiislnos" ? al fionni , is Uosod up hy tlioloc.illiank testd-
iliv. I bo cinsonf thu falliiro Is said to he
dull tiade fbo liabilities nlll not bo f.u fioin
11,000 ,
10 Smrt7 , of 'swart ' ? & ( ' < > . . In back fioni a
hnslniss trip to st Louis | lu sajs sp nlatois
tlteri'iiio ' tuy lii'ii Ish ( inuhfnl w hllo tlic )
taltojnst the sppoblto position In ii ald to
ioi n
Tin ) cboipness of California nrainjos Is in.a lil ; d , MII in. 1 for this finlt. riio
rioildiand Minlcan or.uuos aio Incoming
scario and tt 111 soon huouiof thuinaikot.
Detlersln C.illfornli frnlt ,110 iim.irklni ;
on tlin iinnlltv ( if 01 an-'es this seisinshhli ,
iiiottiv hilKbt mid ihnli'i' 'I'hi in Islttth of
tin1 snint tthk-li Is hiiolilectlonalile some yi us
Dndlov ' inithof 1) ) M SlieloA I'D. has re-
tnrnid f loin a tlirei1 tteelts ttitiMiiitli iluilni :
nlucli lie \lsttul ( liUi'stiui. Ni w Oilians.
Memphis nnd otln r Inipoitint siiiitlii'rn clth's
Naluially ( MiiniKli IIP p iltl attention io i-\ir\ -
Ihlinr peilalnli i to tin ) i-'roi'i'iy business , hut
ho did not see , uiI I lilni ; iniild loiopui1
\\ltlt tin * ijoblilnu lionsesln tint Inn
An ad winen In prices docs not ulu atssi mro
pmllts for tin * spei nlatoi I/ast full apple- .
could bo hid for iiillu | le.isoa.ihlo prlies , nm-
sldciln the liKht flop , and tint hito i-lnoc
adineoil in an unihii.iiH hU'li point. - ( \ \
tliiMH baslieen no iniiney In nppUs this tear
on an omit of tlic p'ioi ki1 , pln ipiallllos of tin *
finll NMuit w is in ulo In the ad.uico
lost In tlio slu Ink. iKi1
" \Vomon \ who suiter from iioivous ntm phy
sical ilalilllty Hml cnut hoi p in the tiso of
A > cr's Siisaiuiill.i It pioducos the upld
otU'ilofa stlmultint , without roaitloii iho
losult bcluc a poriinni'iitlncTiMso ol strength
and vitjor , both of. mind and body.
C II ChlliU of Cle\oUna as nt Ilio Mer
chants labt night.
Iositi\lv ( cured by I
tin si ; Mull ! Pills.
The" , nlso ulli'vo Dls-j
tiofca froiiiOynptpsin In-
( llh'istlonand roollcirtj )
IvER Entlijtj. \ perftit run-
c-dj lor Ulwlnc'KH Nausta , !
P1L9.S. lrcmslnc .s , IIid Tiistfl
lu the Mouth C iwtulP
Toncun Tula lnth ( < Milo , |
Tdltl'lD IJVI'U lhoy [
rc't'ttlatc Itio Jlowcls , l'un.i > Nct'ctibie ,
The Ilrtinsttlok-llilko A. II. Pi-rrigofe Co ,
Oollcudor Oo ,
lltlllnril HUT. h AIIMUo.
MI futures I'IMs.
IDT tV > * s liiili
Omnli i HIS liilo ) , | ! trret.
Oiiuthi Republican 1'riutinp OA ,
IIIIT Ulofs , tiuik ipllt'i | , nnl evofltlitnz In ( lit )
prlnlliiK line
lOtlinnd Di'iDilns'Irooti '
Ackoriuanu Dros. k Iltintzo ,
I'ltntor * , tilnJcrs , dcetrnlrppr * , blank book tiinnit *
fin Hirers ,
llln iiiioiir I ttr.- ! Otn-i'ii '
Charles A,0oo& Oo , , !
llnnufnrttirtts mil J"l ) \Vlit U'suli ) Mninifii'tiiri
Itrs AKinla for Ito.Mi Hnli-
Itrsliutilti . Hi.1. IIUI ,
nml IKK.IInrni't st
\Viliiiti3 \ ! , Van Aor- W. V.
rmm & Hark1 , ' -liio rni-lirv Curlier Mill
nnl Oninil i < h Dim
KI ! ItoriH'v Mtmit ,
lin Mon limit * Intliotl
Oinnlin Neb tut ill nn t i1 vnnilno
Jolin L , Wilkio , Louis llcllor ,
Oiunlmp x fn-tnrr Ilnlrhnrt' ntul I'lirki'M'
MIT 1 tl.l 1) null i ' ! ( 'N V HupplliH Hoof ,
ln'i ' : s. "hi'i1 ! ) ( -iMi <
Orders promptly illto 1
Illit 1111 Jni-kiin St
Ooluiiibiu Bugcy Oj.p . T. Seaman ,
Carriage * , riirts inilkloi ininbn ft Viulitr
O 1) IMwnnl * Mim-ior \\\t.O.Ns. \ AMI
oil It.l , , | , | Illll
Omaha Oarpet Oo , , Oihuoro & Rulil.
Cnrft | , ol ! rlotlK in it nniifnrtnrorVholo -
pnlo ( liitlilcrj ,
1511 llOlillnrnc ) Mt.
"West & Fritschor ,
Mnnnfioturr'rs nnoelKiri
Jolliers iiflcif tnluuvoi
1011 Fnrnam jlrcou
COAL , COKE , nro.
Dmaha Goal , Coke anl Ooutant & Squires ,
Lima Oo , Ilflnl unit xoft cunt hli- |
Ilnrd mnl 'oftcnil IM1
B. 1 ! ( or ItIh mil DJIU- 1COS tnnrirn reet ,
Ian ptrftt < Uniulm
Uulbcrt & Blum , P.IT. Mahoney & 0o.
Olilolimip llnpk Xprlnn. llnnl-C-oil-boft.
Ktri-lxlnr \ \ iilnnt llln t , - -
Hrrtent1 , ! nut intliricltij , OlHron CI1 V trih nnloor.
Multiline i > ( Mini
( Illloi-ill s lithsl. tOlh nml I ) < iiiiiliis th
American Fuel Oo. Howell & Oo , ,
* nmt ilinlcri 11
unllirntlli1 nn ! bltu * S17S Utliftroot ,
nilnnns ionl
Slr > H uu .trout
aska Fuel Oj , Johnson Bros , ,
(14 liirnnm street ,
213 S ! 3tli strait ,
Onnln , N'ob.
Oinln , Nt'b
Mount & GrifHu , 0. B.n-xvens&Oo. ,
lul ItCSFnrnnmstrccl ,
Omahi , eb. Omnln.
Johnsou Bros. ,
t4 ! I nrnaintrcol ,
Omulin. Nph
Eiglo Oornico Works F. Ruempiu
Maiitifndnrcr'Of ( ilr ill- .nlVTil/t1. ! Irnii enrnlcoi
I/11 Iron ttirnUi * Dormer wlmlmvi tlt.or
\\lnrtonpnps \ inot.illciliv- cnii IbiliN oto Tin
lUhls itc 1110 ami 111. trunnn.l fhte rnofor
lllllli.'OS't HI I-nnmtii bt
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpitnok-Kooh Dry
Hry conrM. fiirnlslilii - ' Gelds 03. ,
K > uK iiotliiiH | llry * - " " ' " , ' " " " " ' . "
i liirnUhliu K""l'
Tor lltli nnd llowiirl ft * , riniurlltli in I llnrnof
Wolf Electrical Oo.
IllU3trito < l Intitluxuu
1C14 Cipltol Avonup
Parlin , Oreuilorff &j T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo.i ( ionornl ttcilorn nuent
Corner Jonoa and -U'i hkindlT I'lotv Co ,
Omibi Sib Kl 1I..1 Mi.Timn ; ivo.
Broken Bow Eollor E. T , Davis MillOj ,
Milliug Oo , ( d t n lorwoo 1 ,
Oniconnil wirohnino , Mnnaiyr it Onnlin.
lUl..N luliatri'Ct. Cor tlianl Ticlt'on nt *
S , F. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp ,
M f c of rpi'ly ' lo r ilia
10H N ICili trot- Ma | > Jnik Mcnl llni'it
I'nkcM In Iliu , icll
( . K niick. Slnnisnr l-W-l.'l.iS 'Jth ( trc-ot
Dewcy & Stouo Fur- Ohas , Sbiverick & Oo.
nitnro Oo ,
, Kurnltura naJ Carpet !
I urntluro iml o irpsti ,
1115-1111 Knrnnin ftn-ot.
Schneider & Loomis , J. T , Robinson Notion
Oo. ,
lobtiors unit Importers o (
( Jrnln1 funilililnz cooli
nutlons nniluriillilnj in f il tikliriti'l brinl
'Ilinkokln uv IT a IN ,
jtinl1 * "lilrt * nnt1 * . I'tf1
llllIIoHnnl street. Cur Ullinnt lluwiril < t * .
Kennard Gliss and J , A. Taller & Cb , ,
Paint GJ , S'.rjjt ,
1403 1IIJ 1 Im noy drool
Umitlii Nub. Om tti t.
Williaii' Ouininings , 151ako , Brnco & Oj.
Onrilii Noli Omahi , Sth
Hugh G. Olark.
dcul % \i' lern A enl
Dill' ' nt' M' > rllni ! ' ' " " '
n. lei All is lilk'i ' ' l'i" '
m.i Illnstliu cm" i"ao
I Is Iliirin-y
llanlw irj 0j ,
lutti ia I Jarkiun i
IHU llnriitiy Mriwt ,
Owubi i Uuiutia.SuUs
run , w oorJ ( inutss , TALLOW.
Qoo. Obonid & Oi ) J. 3. Smith A Oo. ,
61J1 mitilrccf , U08 III : I.nvptinotth It.
Omfitit Oiiinlii. I
1'nxtcn & V Onmlia Eafo Ic Iron
TrouVorki , Works
\\rounlit \ \ nut cit l Iron ,
liiill.lliiktniik . , , 'inllnn > Mnnnf'r *
lniH < nork no HIT n I l > rniif
foiniitrr , nni liln > tin 1 ri'ii MiutliTi nn I
1 Inrk-mlllnvi'rK t ! !
lly niilltl'l'l it urn Ulli V .I
Acino Iron ntul Wire Drnko ,
\\rork \
, M'fl tiituihr line * Bf
'ron ' nlrnnnllirnMn'k * bin liotlrr * tmH nIO
M.1" li.lli'tl-ivt
A lltiihl , I'loi'tli'tiir lM rn' nnl t'.Uh ilrouli
Rocs Printing Oj.
nnl Illniikllitiiki
II til nnil llnnriirils'ti
Ilor * Co. , Willlnm Ihrst.
Il < ] iior MiTch nit * \Vliu , lliior | ) ntitl cl *
111. ' llnrni r KI nii f
Mn nn im tin rn UIMIII ly'i
Kn < l hulln III tli'H I ill rnrinin St Ouitltt
H , R. flrottfl , Frank Dollono it Co , ,
ImimrliT nnl lotiliir
. Si '
I.ltlliornmil I ieniilno )
\ \ liu'i lint I. | < | IIIIM
lO.'o nml lu. ' . ' I iinmin SL \ lull Cltin"
I'rlt i < ll'ts < inni > | illcntli > n
L. Kirsclit&Oo. , A. Fnck & Oo. ,
\ \ liotomto MiuorPoilor ) WlioIpsnli'MqiiorPenlcri
407 nml 401 a lOlli t. wi - iwhst.
0. W , Douglass & Oo. John A. Wnkcfiold ,
Irtiiirtetl | Auterlinn I1 rt *
IIimliTonl l.unilii'r , InnlCi in nl Mllnnuki'ti
lljilrnulli ( < iiii'nt nliil
1110 Nnrth irth "trnet gnliit > \\liltiillino \ \
CharlciH. Lee , Wyatt-UullanlLuui-
llnrdnooil limit.rr , wood
uairiii'1 * mil | mriiiot | ber Oo ,
tl. nrlllK
Hit anil buiitJii 50th nnllnnlsiroeti ,
uatly & Gray. Louis Urnilfonl ,
l.tnn1 Cniii.nt I31C , H i l.umtior , llnio. fcmpnt.ctCI
r ir nili mil tiDuiUt K.I Dnuulni Hrppt
Mav Meyer & IJro. Oj , A. Hospe , Jr. , j
f tJi w rlcr ilcilors In ianos Or nn < ArlUl
iuu lotil In
InHi M ilirl l > KIP ,
Inrnnin null 1 H lil t IHiiiKlai strei'l.
Oonsolithtoil Tank A , Booth PnckingOo.f
Line Oo , Oltor , ll-li nnl canuotl
Illnp ( t nnl Inlrl
oil" nxlf r , n 1" 03 loncnworlh
\ H HIOiiip , Mi
Oarpeutcr Paper Co. , Western Phtin W'ka '
Curry n full ftuck of n Irl flhor nml nl kot
I'llnllnir ' n nipping iml llutliu > n nil menu.
Inl t , H n G i it roiilittctl.
rltltiKI il'U''i ' f"rt' ' 1 - '
I' illsliin. lirio V ill in-
I or ut1 itullir uik III I lluilcu.
Eibbcl & Snutli , Scbropder & 0 . ,
ldlcr In co'inlrf priil- Cnih hinnr * hitror m-l
Un1 , frillt1 * , MKlltlllllM , IkU" 111 I H'lllT.lh Ui-
a. int - t 111 int'n hiinti
1.1)7 ) IIoiTinl'troet I. ) touth llth Htroot.
0 , Kcsso & 0o. , E , B. Branch & Oo. ,
Forclcn , Ciillfornli nml I'rotturi1 frulM jful.
troldil | fruln KliutuRtori
121J Ilunoulstri'et. 1211 llovtnrl itr 'L
Porter Broi , Oo , "Rob rt Purvis ,
Cnllfurnln I "lurid i nml ISlTltiiwirl siR t
triplcit tnill * \\rlto \ \ fur prlc" > nn but.
MI-MI JiiiH'mtrprt. Icr , HI ; * IH ultry ami
O \ \ llulti , - Munuer
Kirschbraun & Sous , Ohrk & 0-- , ,
Duller ivv anl iioiiltijr Ilnttor olin o OZ7
P"uitrin 1 uiiio
ISOO IIitrrinMtna-t. ros mil nth i-trooL
Bates & Oo. , Williams & Orotf ,
Country nrmliiri' frnltt ,
iiu'lnlifo * i.rM r or * * I'rolJi'onnl fnilti ,
Hci lnltn li > i npl ft ,
Hi II" 4I'J ' s llttiMt 1211II may -trcot.
Omaln Rubber Oj
mnfnrttirltu in t J )
tier * all liin'tiriilitK"
ir.t <
1001 1 irn inistro ) ' .
I'cil in > iTar < iloiiirt In
X irl'ii uriH , ni till l U
trt'Mi'O 11
4JI I.'I s , | i , | , lh
M , A. Disbrow & Oo. , BohuSaVufc Door Oo ,
of Ma nil Tu I in > r f tn i
it. , o rt ti 11 n < 1 an i Illfc * . t.ll III duiM ,
Moullink's llnin 'i it
Die I.Hi mil Iirln nn I t lir * 5in ts
Tamil & Oompiuy ,
nnnfurtiirori Stove Mun'fao'g ' 0) ,
1 ni : I
Manufn * ITL' * tivi i ml
t'V ' '
| lp
SI7-SI9S uith > l'i
I2n-I2'i ! I 'norm rtliit.
Consolidated Oofioo
Company ,
KM nnl 1110 IIurni > r it.
Dnmlil Not )
U. S , Wind Engine & A.L. String & Sow ,
Pimp Oo. ,
llnlllitiy ttln.l mills PU 10U2 IJJI 1 irij.ini stroeU
nn.l VA1 Idiics st t ; f
Ho < ui tliiK ni.iniiKur Oil ) til l , VI )
IL Hardy & Co. ,
Toj f iloll iilhiini * fnncr
touli liniKL lurnltlilm USnn.lW A II IVrrja
Boutin LtilMrciii ear Alt' ii t tl ut f UJ
r Inn's III' ' . ) I arniunU
_ . „ j
A. n. lioyor & Co Martin Bra ? . ,
' 41 V Kulmiiur II n iiri
US-iJ I'n l unK" Hulldln ; , ( IllilUt.
bl'vi llui t M ,
t-outli Oinnhi
< ut i 1)11 it. t
S. J.Ooflnmi , Smiley 'r &
& Co. ,
"CI n tiiliue Hull , It lij
N.utii Data i . ill naunu
. Total lMUi > , r CITIES ,
N.W.HAnRls'&COMPANif.Bankers ' ,
161-iGS Duartiorn Slrvot , CHICAGO.
13 Wall Stroot. NEW YORK ,
7O btutii St. . DOSTONv